HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966/01/17-Agenda-Pre-Council +� ANN
January 1 7 , 1966
Present Late Absent
1 . Jones B., Hoover (Item 2) 9 Barr
2. Kemble
3. Eagle
4. Hamm
5. Deen
6. Stovall
7. Shannon
I t e n, Follow-up
1 � Announcements NAN
Council Member.,, were reminded of the Monday luncheon
engagement with the Firefighters Association, the flight
to Little Rock on Wednesday, the North Central Texas Council
of Governments meeting Thursday at the Inn of the Six Flags .
2 , 1966 Capital Improvement Program AGENDA - 1/24/66
(M&C G-896 & IR # 881)
Mayor Pro-Tem Jones commented that the sum of 2.8
million dollars was shifted in the proposed 1966 Capital
Improvement Program from the 1965-70 projected program
which was announced prior to the bond election, and included
changes in 8 of 20 collector streets, and 12 of 19 major
thoroughfare projects . He added that 8 street projects were
reduced, 14 increased, and 11 new projects received allocations
that were not scheduled in the initial report for 1966. Ile
commented that flexibility was desirable, but indicated that
the 1966 changes from the previous report were extreme . Because
of the many changes, he stated that he desired another weed to
Study the proposed program, and requested that the subject be
placed on the agenda for the rieeting of January 24.
3, Information on Safety Organizations (IR #882) GENE - Get information on
repeater violators to Eagle
Councilman Jones indicated that the staff had reported
on information requested at the previous meeting and indicated AGENDA - 1/24/66
that recommendations for improvements in traffic enforcement
would be transmitted by the City Manager to the City Council
for consideration in coming, weeks Ile suggested that other
councilmen forward their ideas or recommendations to the City
Manager in order that the program would have the thinking of
as many Council Members as possible.
Councilman Stovall and Shannon remarked upon the relative
activity of the Administrative Coordinating Committee, and both
enyphasi:.ed the need for the City to assume responsibility in
this area and to assure that the coordination was properly
reinforced by committee activities,
Councilman Jones remarked that there were a number of
areas in which the City Council might act by restoring or
adding to reguests of the Police Dep artment which were cut at
the time the budget was considered. These include additional
personnel for various traffic enforcement functions . Councilman CITY
Shannon mentioned that motorcycles were a relatively low cost
capital item, and suggested that the activities of the motorcycle F!. i�'�.►1i , Ta
officer would financially support the additional costo IGA.
/�► AN%
The improvement of Traffic Eng;incering, was mentioned by
Councilman Hamm, who indicated that a resident along; Burton
Hill Read again recently experienced automobiles traveling
through the front yard of their property. Councilman Jones
replied that tie had worked on a similar problem in his neigh••
borhood with the profuse addition kit signs and warning, devices,
including; intensive Police enforcement, which failed to reduce
speeding, by persons who resided in that area. lie suggested that
the problem may be as basic as education. He reported that
Lone Star Gas Co. had contacted him offering; to make their five
man Traffic Safety Department available to the City in the de-
velopment of a training course.
It was reported that the Traffic Coordinating; Committee
meeting; in January discussed the possibility of an adult driver
training; course and the possibility of Corporation Court coopera-
tion in sending violators to the training course instead of
levying; fines was discussed.
Councilman Kemble said he thought the greates deterrent to
traffic violators is strict enforcement and advised the Council
that any major increase in law eniorcemenL personnel would be
a costly matter recurring from year to year. Mr. Hoover in
dicated lie thought it was important to invest in the protection
of loss of life in our won city as to deplore the loss of life
in foreign wars.
At the conclusion of discussion of safety organizations,
Councilman Eagle inquired what percentage of those violators
going before the Corporation Court are repeater violators in
a given year, and it was the consensus of the Council that the
subject be replaced on the Pre-Council Agenda for January 24,
and that Police Chief Hightower be pre:,ent during disucssion
of safety natters,
11 , Requested Meeting with Lake Worth City Council DICK - assemble background
information from Water Dept.
Information was brought to the Council that it had been and Lcgal Dept. for oricntatior
requested by the City Council of Lake Worth that the bodies with Mr. Kemble and Mr. Eagle
meet together to discuss the matter of an outstanding; debt and make arrangements with Bob
between the two cities . Water Director Hardy explained Blevins , City Secretary of Lake
that the original loan agreement had been made on a flat Worth, for convenient meeting
payment basis without interest, with provision that part of date with Lake Worth Council
the payment would be made in 1905 and the remaining part in Members..
1968, Following Lake Worth 's failure to make fire first pay-
ment, a pay-out by installments was negotiated including; the
payment of interest . It was the consensus of Council Members
that some interest on the loan should be recovered by the
City of Fart Worth because of Fart Worth 's financing; require-
ments . It was a consensus of the Council that a coiimittee of
the Council be appointed to negotiate with the Lake Worth
Council to wfiich committee Watt Kemble and Jim Eagle (Chairman)
were appointed.
5. Agreement with Saginaw (M&C PZ-170) GENE - finali:-c agreements and
submit for Saginaw City Council
Councilman Hoover asked Water Director Hardy if the approval prior to resubmission
proposed Little Fossil collector sewer could be built in to Fort Worth City Council ,
two years in connection with the Saginaw agreement, to w1iich
it was reported that funds had been provided in the proposed
Capital Improvement Program. Mr. hardy reported that an 11�-
engineering contract wou
ld be ready for submission to the O �lt�i►L Council in the next few weeks pending; the approval of the agreements with Saginaw, and that the sewer could be built ��I1 �Lwits►in two years if extraordinary difficulties were not g',�yy++encountered in the acquisition of right-of-way. Tire agreementFT. ,+u41
a--.r Pk
with Saginaw was discussed during; the regular meeting;,
at which time the City Council authorized the staff to
finalize agreements including modification of the agree-
ment with the City Council of Saginaw prior to considera-
tion c,f the matter again by the fort Worth City Council .
U. Items 5 through 8 were not discussed at the Pre- GENE - IR 080 on Pre-Council
Council meeting, but at the regular meeting; Councilman Conference A ,enda for Jan, 24 ,
Hoover asked that the possible fire insurance rate increase
SIR # 880) be put on the January 24th A„ends for discussion.
FT. T9.