HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966/01/24-Agenda-Pre-Council A%
January 24, 1966
Present Tate Absent
1. Barr 6. Stovall (Item 1) None
2. Junes 7. Shannon (Item 1)
3. Deen 8. Eagle (Item 1)
4. Kumble 9. Hoover (Item 4)
5 v II��Rn
I t e m Follow-UN
1. Understreet Addition to City Hall DICK - draft memo to Water and
(M&C FP-298 & IR #885) Public Works Department requesting
that construction days p2L be set
Councilman Kemble asked what the money difference was on building construction in the
in the second low bid on this job. The Public Works Dept. future, unless special circumstance.
Chief Engineer said that the second low bidder was $18,000 are involved.
higher than the Duncan Company, of which $9,000 was a
penalty figured in advance for time that probably would
be taken on the job. Councilman Haran asked how many total
days Duncan used. The Chief Engineer replied 292 days.
Councilman llamm thought the City would receive better bids if a
contractor set the number of days he would require when bidding
the amount of money on a job. The City would then set a fairly
high penalty which would be strictly applied. This would work
well on building jobs where the time of construction is not
critical, he said. Mayor Barr commented that the City had to
hurry Lite understreet job at the time it was let because it
u was believed the court facilities might be lost about that
time. Councilman Shannon asked Councilman Hamm how an award
would be recommended, Councilman llamm said the award would
be made on the bid price, with some attention paid to the time
bid for completion of the job.
Cuuncilman Kemble said he thoul,ht the Public Works recom-
mendation to increase the penalty from 19 to 22 days was okay.
Councilman Hamm asked if the Public Works Department would
recommend a thirty day extension on all jobs. The Chief
Engineer said no, that delays on each job needed to be con-
sidered separately. Mayor Barr commented that on the same
day this final payment was presented (three weeks ago) , another
final payment with more delay than this was approved by the
Council. Mayor Pro-Tem Jones said he thought the Duncan
Company bid this job expecting to receive a delay with no
penalty. Councilman Stovall said he heard there were three
other contractors who didn't bid on this job because of the
short time limitation. Councilman Eagle asked if 150 days to
do this job was reasonable. The City Manager responded that
the architect told him that he checked with contractors the
days that the job should take before the days limit was set
in the contract. The City Manager said that on street jobs
the time limits are set, in accordance with Council policy.
On FAA & Sewer jobs, the Federal Government requires that a
certain number of calendar days be set for each job.
The consensus of the Council was to approve the re-
commendation of the Public Works Department that the time
penalty for Duncan be increased from 19 to 22 days penalty,
and this motion was made at the regular meeting and M&C FP-298
was approved with this amendment.
: Iib t. Pi L•I I Iul Prttvri MIL t'r,, r.un iNit ( t;-b'It, I i!OD6LR - if raI t 111; -Ili iI II : I,
tor iddit iolltA itut-rin it 1-1..1 t , :t
T!te I': Ly ;t.:n,: ,ell CI,I,u.,enLvcl I h.it 11111, ,1,11 c ,It .lie cerning lclbt, C111 project t,Ult l
lit i e Auld need tit he n,ulret: from I eltru.il y '.0 CI1A11 Lraet pi:u ject
rt 11 it the Cuunc I ;:(IPr0VV-0 Circ 1'11411, t. lP Ltalay.
1 yui PL-0-Tem .It,ne• meat illned ;.li.tL there were -,olne hio
LII ,10',C: in Citi.: C,I P in 11011tilt' r1,nrty ..Mild be is ed trum
Ili IL ,ire.•ented in the 1.10 1.1 i' ill- ld the thntige!;
.nwu,nLed Ln more t.it,tn It I l I Lhe t ,,l I.tr iiiuunt for 11.165.
Ile -lid 1111 J Lltc :c,iith 111'1u,.t r►•+1 Ilulr0ny;1I1Are :uul the
11, Clhe-t t I,tdu:;tri.tl lhul:Lill. IIIJic li�tutd Il..ive been iner-
t. 1IMCd .i;, very MA '101' ch at„„+� lit -110 th.,l the Nouth
Ili- ti• t r'i:I l Iltorotiiji f.Ire i,-u., ell,,vud tilt i i^:c year het.jut;e
oit the Junior Ct llel;r lot.,; i0ll, ;riid lie cotTImented that
i rt ,:, rth t,i%payc•r: are he it itis; tit 1,.I it] ,m curl-4 ruct. ion
,,t this, thurou!hare tut [lie tit+,!v vomlty. M lyor Itirr
conrrletlLed Lh.it he bete:: not beiieve :.here i v major rhatnge
Ln Llic Stiuth Indti::trial Flwiim,jil ire checluiint;, Ittl Lhat
f He Lhoruu,-•htare pt iius Pre-d.,Le,' till Junilir C,,I lct;c election.
C-tIUt1Cilman Il.Inro aid lic ttul i h .vt,- liked a ditteretlt
.itid .,t lire sent.it itut but LI, e( !Its 1I-_lk. Ifi.•I-it • CLI till %, iCIt the
t , t v 1.1 Itt.I,,er ;I Iyor i'! u- 1vt.: hint ; ild Lli.et on Lhc lild t i in-
u: v It, •id ;trig ject , invulvint; 't, ), „1111, Lh••I there . as a big
Ili iu,.e illl t hrdu l in.; .-Incl he Llviii:;h t t Ile. COMIC i I t•huu 1 d h.Ive
Lntt,il:iLivn •n %:liy the prioriLv i. illeie•,sed Ind uh:,t w:Is
i itv;I I'dvU
HIL' LAMIWIl Lt.. +II tire taunt i I I-. to IlCuceecl t. Ith LIIe
L 11' .t prvi;erttcd, :rtitl such .,( t ion ti:.t • taken ,ct. the re_;u I.Lt
uuc it Meeting.
lltc laity N nal;cr reminded rlte (,uttntil tlt+rt the hoed
L' %,t)ulJ be aL 10;0.1 a.m. oil N trip 1, !dealt, and the
titini j , would treed ti, ut4et- it, autflori .e the ,-.ile -it a r:Iieciat
Iltlntil meeting at. 4 -OU lI.wo un flet:ne•tti:►y, 11 :rch 2, 196b.
:1L the regular invetin,;, I•' yut• I'ro-•lent Icne:: asked Lor
.In cs!)!.oration ui Lite cilanl;e> for .ill other itemt tither Lhatl
i n L I-ec t bund Wild.;, s cii lar It t_h.iL_ .t 1 i e idy provided.
- Intctrmoition on ; l(-'ts-n -.tni is !tin lJR P882) GENE - Lransmit article .uttl
IiLghLuter 'r. report when ay., it ,i,lv
t-t,t:,,r Pro-Teti Jone• Lutanented that he had calked to
he tety Council People an Lhil. maLter, ►ntl lie t,ould
t i,relcr Lu pass over any lurcher con:;iderntion of the
w ILter cur the time heitr,ti Councilimi t iiamin cociiiaended the
iluO c ::,,rk:, Intl Police !lep L i mcntfr for Lheir prompt cover iol;
W Lilt• ice over the 1-,eehviid. t t,uttc i tni•tt► Eagle ,1id Lh it in-
Itici: ILion he t.ar. turn!.-ficd I.I, t week : Ilomiaed th.It ll► per tent of
Lilt' vittl +LLrr; in Corporatictn UOUrt ire repetter:i, but hilt of
:Ic ds:11n,luent cUlLiun lo..d cr,tnc ttIain thetie repeater. , lie
"'! i.d LhaL there ,.at; rat problem in having uuly six State Highway
I,clt;rrtmetiL I-euple checkink; un it: pettt,etl Iicenscil driver:, .
;I ,;:ttr h1.0- I.4ia ,+tills: red:it; ,rn .n'Lic Iv from U ,I I I intlic.ICitip,
akatt the I .1111 rectird til d1 1Vet t I Vu II ICIu. in I.IL.I1. tict_ !.dolt. • .
liv L Iue ,Led Chit Lhe :,t.Iif. turnI..h Lt.c Couneil Mctxrher_, wiLto
c'Inie ,,t chi.. article. Ile .Ilr,c) retluc:.Led LhAL Chief Hightower furnish
the Council Mernbcr. a similar r,rturd til Fort Worth driver.. in IdL.11
*- .,Lt!
Vie Police thief cotl:Iented .hit Lhe Curporatiort �.ourt Judge.,.ied tit a,i cs:. ;Ciller tine: ttir relteilL otiender:.. lie said also
Ole licensing and Le,.Lilly, of (!liver.-, t;Iiotil(l be tightened up. _
191cre «.I;= int;ufticiellL tittle It Cite Pre-Council N:VJ
i. onlcre1ICL t,, discus~ the i, lluwiu?; iter►:, :
( tirll, GtiL ter and S dc. ,: !l: Neh,, i r Pi ugratn (M&C 13-61'bO h lit ti72 (d i sCu:;::ed at ret,u 1 ntvt•t it
I {e ur1. is itig Variuu.,; ::LreuL:. t.iLII Iltit ftqpy�} ,1 ,y ,�Jt is Concrete (M&C FP-
�1 ('(I ih'Ic i'lre Tnsurances R.tte lncrea,e I lRt ?, I