HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966/02/21-Agenda-Pre-Council Am.
February 21 , 1466
P c t tit Late Absent
1 Barr G Deen (Item 1) gone
2 . ,>lunt s aM 7 . Shannon (Item 1)
3. Fetill Iu 8 Kil I e (Item 1)
4. SLova I 1 Hoover (Item 2)
5 Ilatat.l
I t e tst Follow-Up
1 E- ten,Aon ('i,'I&C C-651 ) HOWARD - expedite right-of-way
' was con( creed about the
1i is not ironed i;atu l y adjacent
t—WIlwil roverment The City Mana •er said that the
t" wi.-re ba:.cd on benelits received and the right
L No
1"Fltir�a 1t,
t4c13�f Wr;,v
'Ccxx. tyrt+ane};c t'ie 1 and 1u;v i plan<<ted by the
ISLO strVCE lriprovk ;kilt and it f s not being.
it -t0. ta.Sua.11y I rut. Ca ti Del.al0iout , and also
t Uten pttvate ptoperty and the roadway can
yli:i�'►4 u
c'd arses& l-uu} The City Mena},.er said
poycodora is t;it. Itat iull,.kod Sita Iota};-33rd
d. t pro j"'t , and tcy t.t) tiae a6tiessataut Is the
tt tai' b"MIit acljm ent private land. Councilman
II �vs by tl,tnl'• C is a hrstt ! It to the Water Board
tla"ut Prc, Triu June:. a-.A-.vd 1. 1 the {Dater Hoard
w the private ut-Mr the .land in betWevil The
Pt C'lataJ Enrinecr :-Ad that the Waiter hoard re-
LC 11 ita.i been reIv i--.Iti- I)v e•.-ivii tetit I oid tit lower levels
bcc ruvratenta to thi-, 'it tnity lijanel dvwnstreat,,
w I loudi ail:; lens 1 ike i y Cauttc t groan Stovall asked
a irtatut; Ill the i'ttlit IV�ptitit C11ur.h property. The
C1t ±1t;;i�tHerr said that part of that land was not assessed
bt:?1"%—u of a ;,scat di f l ereuce itt c l evat ion and no access
tet ,l•. IW 1110%Wd to the ratip t.:.it of I ,,rent Park Blvd ex-
Leaston. Cqunct inan Y.emble al-.ed tl thc• `tate Highway De-
partt enL will tie tato t.hitt road any place ['he City
llanagcr replied chat the State .,nd the City have studied
the ::.ad hatter jointly, nd Littre are no present plana
�t u:a c,! any Dart u: it for `tate Ilil;hway tie-in. Coun-
c.tJt.t,tr, I'milile auked if lli}-,hway 121 will tic-in. The City
Mana ter nail probably not . Jlayor Barr asked it this project �..
wi11 liaave room tur a southwest Ireeway in this lucation
7h,. City ttana.,er said it would not, but this matter had
also been c:-lal.nred gully with the :Mate Hil;hway Department.
Councilwatt Ilatim-askt:d about having; crater on the parkway for
bcattti.ficatiun purposes. T']tc Clticl En;;incer said this matter
is heiag discussed now with the Par{. Department and will he
coordinated. The City Manager asked if the whole Council
AV, wished to have water tar sprinklers included on this project„
There was no consensus of the Council on this matter.
At the rel;ular Council taeetinl. M&C C-651 and M&C
FP-314 (Final Pa}T7cnt for ]:ngincering Services) were both
app roved.
2 . Negotiations with the Benbrool: Water Authority DICK - notify hardy to proceed
(I.R. 894) negotiating a standard contract
with Benbrook Water Artthurity,
Present at the Pre-Council Conference to discuss with special provision for trans-
a contract with the Benhrouk Water Authority were portation of water by Benbrook to
Messrs. Logan, Wayne Wilson, llarold Foreman, Cue Fort Worth.
Lipscomb and Paul Gregory. Mr. Logan said that the
Benbrook Water Authority was now operating under an
ural contract for purchase o1water from the City of
fort ldorth, which hat, an indefinite term, and that the
GcnbrooL Water Authority not, need:; a :;tandard Written
contract in order to sell bonds ill the near future.
Councilman Harms asked if the Benbrook Water Authority
residents pay a tax to the Tarrant County Water Control
& Improvement District Ito, 1 . Mr. Logan said they did
not , Council.nan Shannon ast:ed ii they propose the same
rates as charl;ed in Fort Worth for water. Mr. Logan
said they want all Benbrool_ people to pay the same water
rate, and, that they Lhoul•,ht it would be well if all Fort
44trth residents, paid the carte water rate, even if the water
was, distributed to them frott the Benbrook systen.
Councilttan Hoover asked what it: the basis of the
rates? The city Manager said that Benbrook Water Authority
would be charged double the raw water rate, to compensate
for rite fact that residents; of that Authority pay no
Tarrant County Water Control & Lnprovet.tent Dintrict No. 1
Councilman Iluover asked if any City of Benbrook
reprc::cntatives were pretcnt . fir. Logan said no, but
that the Benbrook Rater Authority cannot speak for the
City of Bcnbrool., and all they dish to consider at this
time was a water contract. Councilman Hatnn said he thought
the su1;l;estion appears to be a logical solution, but both
Councilt,ten damn and Hoover expressed preference for working
out the e::change of land with th-� City of Benbrook at the
s m.ee tine ac the water contract .
Councilttan Shannon asked if the City of Fort Worth
serves outside the city, does the City pay more on these
services to the Water District. The City Manal;er replied
that we nou pay 44�, which will be Bs,, when the Cedar Crock
Pipeline is built in the future.
Councilman Hoover askee who would pay for a master
weter to serve Benbrook. lie was concerned that if Fort
Worth is a customer of Benbrook, Miro would set up that
tneterinf;, and who would t.teter and pay for fire-fighting
water. The City Manager said these are details that can
be negotiated for a contract if the Council wishes.
Mayor Pro-Tem Jones atl:ed if tate Benbrook Water
Authority charter will allow a rate differential to be
charged. The Benbrook Water Authority attorney said that
ttte Authority intended to do this indirectly, perhaps by
havitt,, Tort Worth bill its oats pei ple, at a lower rate
than paid in Benbrook, and adjustttents would be trade in
payment.n by the Authority to Fort Worth. He said a problem
might occur in the bond requit:craents but he thought this
would work all right.
iir. I,ol;an comtaet4O*' Lhat Oil annual CoIA to the
BcnLr(poL• Water Authority would be ;seater under a new
contract, but its per 1 ,001) ,alluns cost would be lower.
The City Manager said the :staff's question was
wheLher the Council wished to proceed :separately on the
eater contract, or to tie it in with boundary re-alignments .
1-favor Barr said that we should deal with the constituted
autluirities on each natter and since they were different
authorities that they should not be confused here, Councilman
KCLli)l.e asked witat the advanta,^,e to Fort Wl)rLh is in snapping;
boundaries with Benbrool:. The City Manager replied that it
will be a long;-tern benelit when development occurs there .
The consensus of the Council was to proceed with nego-
tiations vitt► Benbrool: Water Authority separately, and that the
s al :.hould brim,, in a recowmendation on a negotiated contract
1,din to standard policy.
After the Benbrool: Water Authority representatives left
TFO Pre-ODuncil Conference, Councilman Stovall commented that
lie didn't know the Benbrool: lien would be here and he said the
iiatter should have been oil the agrude; so that Council Members
could be prepared . Mayor Barr said that the Bien were told they
were welcome after they inquired cAiether they could come, and
that the Mayor did not know if they i.ould show up or not. The
Council appeared to be divided on the naLter of whether or not
mich ;,u(::;ts nor listed on the a;;enda should be taken lip after
;111 Hatters listed on the Pre-Council Conference agenda or
%,i:_ether_they should be tal.en tip early and out of order.
3. There was insufficient title in the Pre-Council Conference
to discuss the following; iteus :
a) West Vickery Boulevard paving; and improvements (MSC G-909) - approved at regular
tae e t i ng;.
b) Urban Renewal Flection (IR #897) - Gene - Pre- Council agenda for 2128
c) Report on activity of Board of Tax Equalization (IR 489 )) - see Council minutes
d) Report on Services Lo Business and Industry (IR 4898) - See Council minutes