HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966/03/14-Agenda-Pre-Council r° MINUTES
MARCH 14, 1966
6'«,rnt' Late: Absent:
�► 1. & rr 7. Eagle (Item 3) 9. Shannon
June': 8. Hoover (Item 5)
.1. Deen
2. Stovall
1�t e ri Follow-Uri
1. Negotiator Service;: for Regional Airport Land HOWARD - prepare monthly prngru::.
Acquisition (MFC C-670) reports for Council on
this matter.
Councilman Kamm .t:;ked kltether a tole figure is ;Specified,
i iters hourly gates are paid, 1'he City Ilinager replied that
Lite contract:,. often are that v:iy, but tit it in this, care %.here
?he time required to complete Lite oork i:. unknown, the protec-
tion or tiie City it; that the contract can be cancelled With
otic t eel: notice, and a taro-i eek billing period i.; required.
Ii iyor l iir a.,.ked if monthly progre:;:; reports could be furnished
Lite Council. Councilman l[ :naa said he wanted to insure that the
ni_ , ,'_ ators t;ere producing for the City. The City Manager said
Ld ! )-day progre:;:; report could be furnished, and it would
L down payments to each of the per.;ons in Lite contract by
ur orked. Counciltnan :'tovall said lie could prefer that the
ud Divi:tion do this work. Councilman 11 taii asked it an
+.1ilice W.Ij furni:hed and a telephone. 'lite finance Director
. C :pondeu that an office at GSIA i:; to be furnished, and a tele-
. 1ne is to be available there. It -yor I', o-fen Jone:; a:;ked if
tt_ inl,:; would be made by City ..L.iti. Cite City titnager :;.lid
they would, end the City would secure title policies. Councilman
:Luvall t:.ked hot. trach noney is involved in the contract. 'llie
t,i ty H ni-iger said it wans difficult to es.tittiate, but that there
are SU to 275 parcels in the entire new regional airport site,
:Ltd that 189 parcel:; :tee in Tarrant County.
&C C-670 was approved at the re_,ul it meeting.
Iniormation oil J nitorial Service:; contract NAN
(M&C P-507 and IR 909)
Councili.uin Kemble in-juired if Lhia mean_; that prevailing
Scale will be paid by Lite contractor. The City Manager said
I4&G P-50 was approved at Lite rei;ular meetiti-,.
3.r Regional Planning Commi::: ion ltember0iip RODGER - make provision in 1466-
67 budget for Fort Wortlt
it iyor fto-Test Junes :;.tid th tL none of tite Councilmen membership in tlii:; Coca
lipeared to oppose the purpo::e ut Lhi:: Couwis:.ion, but that mission.
.ome were concerned about the financial control:;. lie :;aid
th.tt he Would like to have a :,eparnte meeting of the Council GENE - gather nriterial requeaLed
ti, discuss this. matter. Counciltain Kemble :said he thought by Jones and draft IR.
Lite Council hould approve the er.tahli:•hnent of the Coaunis:;tun
uu.,;. Mayor Barr invited all tietaber:; of Lite Council to go to
Lite next meetin,,,, t.hich :should be about :+pril 13th.
tt .yur Pio-'iota Jones requer.ted thrtt the following infortia-
OO'k tion be furni:.hed the Council :
1) Copy of the Staj�,Latutc permitting; such CoranissdEkns;
2) Copy of the Bi 1. cabling the formation, +-hash wc,
sponsored by Te::as Municipal League and introduced by
Tommy Shannon;
3) The report of Alden 0co, City Planner of Della:, who
is on 30-day leave to the Council of Governments, on
his investigation of the Regional Pian Commission.
(Mayor Barr said lie had made a report to the Regional
Plan Commission).
4) One of the atudies, of another Planning Council or
Council of Government:: :such ass titre Washington, D. C.
Metropolitan Council. Ilt- referred to a report tine
City received 4 topic:: oi., written by a government
major oil the Vishing;ton Council.
5) Copy of the Feder tl Act allowing; for planning; grants
to Regional Pl;,n Cotm,ti:s:sLonr; (7U1 program).
tl.+yor Pro-Teta Jones. :inked that the resolution be approved
only %,ith in amendment allowing; withdrawal from the Cummission
by majority vote of the Council rather than a two-thirds vote.
This amendment wis made at the regular meeting, and the resolu-
Lion pa:;sed with thi:; amendment. Mayor Barr was; named as the
representative of the City of Fort Ivortii to the Regional Planning
Counc i 1.
lkitinary Drive Paving Improvements (P1&C G-919) NAN
Mayor B irr asked if there was more than one property
ut.ner involved. Tlie city li tnager said that only one is in-
volved in a recommender] a:;.;es:sment adjustment. He said that
this is; .t special care, an vhich the lidtlic Works Department
i•, recommending; waivin,; part of tite a:;:;e:.:ment because of
p evious; paving; work done. Councilman It mri osked if the
property owner in sati.-;tied with the recommended adjustment.
Lhe City Manager said he thought he was.
At the regular meeting;, Mr. J. C. Berry, 5150 holly
creeL, appeared to a:;k uliether Seminary might not be inproved
on to Puller .;omeday. The :ity Manager :.aid there are no present
I,'stn.: to do :;o. !'lie hearing; waq then closed and the assessments
lev-ied r ; rec tmmended in W.cC G-919. _
Acceptance of State Highway Department Minute Order NAN
(M&L G-')23)
Havor Pro-Tem Jones, asked for a break-down of the total
co:;t by project. I1te City It tn:tger replied that the South
Lndu:ttrial Thoroughfare Interchange is es;tivated at °464,UOO
.rttd the Northeast Industrial 'i'horoughfare Interchange at $325,000.
M.iyor Pro-Tem Jones said this figure for the South Industrial
11sorou;hfare is a long way from the $2(X),000 estimate previously
Made. Councilman Kemble speculated that perhap:; the Highway
Department in putting er;calators on this interchange.
At the re},ular meetini; MGC G-923 was; approved unanimously.
6. Change Orders in Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer NAN
tt.ii.n M-64 (M&C C-671)
Councilman Il:.mat at .ked .hat tate $7,512 was. I1te City
M.mat,er .aid that th i:, in the increa:;e in Cite cost to the
City to rebuild these :.treets rather than repair theca. At
Like regular meeting M6C C-671 wasi approved..
` 7. Tran:4er of Fund.. i.co:rb iu i:eneval Flection NAN
QVW G-921)
Councilman SLovall inquired ultether the cu:;L of the
election would be eligible for a two-third:. Federal grant.
ilie City Manager said he thiel.:. not. Councilman [louver
,::1ced it the voting; machines would be u:;ed. The City Secre-
Lary responded that they would, and in about 14 precincts
there would be two voting machines.
At the regular meeting, M&C G-921 was approved. _
4 . Employment of {.dater 'freatanentiC n::ultant NAN
(11,&C C-60)
There were no quet:tions on tlti:: item, and it was
I rt-med at the re ;ular rieeting.
9. Aviation H&C's DICK - draft memo to Sekadlo
reporting ll.lann's re(Iuer-
I.1.yor Pro-Tem Jones. asked if all. the.-,e item:; were passed that leases be obtained
I)- the Aviation Board. 'fhe ,'aviation Director said they were, before next action of
tilt :nimously. Councilman K--mble asked for a :status on the new Council is reclue:.ted,
iciiaw Field office building. The aviation Director :said and that matter be con-
that the plan would be cotniileted by the architect in a few :;idered by the Aviation
leeks. Councilman ll.nnn a::ked how many :signed lease:. had the Board.
..viation Department gotten on the new building;. The Aviation
D- rector raid that they had none yet, but they have made a new
urvey of the :.pace requirement-.;. Councilman ll!mm said he
anted to know how many lea.;es there would be oil thit. building
before a construction contract i:. let, and he would a.-,k for it
later. _
10. Oakwood Cemetery GENE - invet.tig;ate legal que:ition
on ownership, and City
Mayor Pro-Tem .Jones said he, sirs. Deen, and Mr. Shannon participation in the pa::L,
have a date this noon with the Oakwood Cemetery people to dis- and report.
cu.::: this: matter. fir:;. Deen ::aid that the cotr;tittee members had
;t beady rove:.tigated ..ome of the facts of the case, including
that Colonel John Peter Smith might have given the cemetery to
Lite Laity in 187'_t, that the endowment fund ha:; :x490,000 in it, but
did not seeut to be able to upport the cemetery, and whether or
not the reltabilitation farm %corkers or the Boy Scouts might be
able to help maintain the cemeteries. Mayor Pro-Tem Janes said
that he found the City did care for the cemetery and appropriate
money in past years, apparently up to 1938. Councilman Hoover
_ ked haw many organization:. are involved. Urn. Deen responded
that there ib a veteran's cemetery, it Negro area, the Calvary
cei.ietery, and tht W-kwuod Cemetery, and-perhaps: others.
11. Building Permits on Public Schools GENE - get information for
Council committee.
touncilman Hamm said that he objectedto the Council's
action of last meeting when the deci:;ion was made to require
building permits of schools in the future. He said that the
.architect or engineer in:;pectas primarily for public school.,
anti that City inspectors seldome were used, lie said nothing
was said before the lar;t bond issues of the schools, and that
the pernits might co:;t :320,000 to $30,000 on the bond issue
construction. He said no real purpose t-:;ts served by requiring
building permit fees of the -,chools. Councilman Kemble said
th::L the Council di:cussed this fully at the previous meeting,
rand determined that achool:s should be treated the same a::
other tax-supported bodies, in getting, permit:; and paying; fee:;.
Mayor Barr said that the Council %.ould have to amend the
ordinance to do otherwise than have everyone pay a fee on
building permits. He said the problem is where to draw the
line if exceptions are made. Ile :,aid all other public agencies
pay for pawmits. Councilman Eagle said that this was not a
trivial matter, that the coordinating committee was asked to
discuss this item specifically, and the meeting would be held
tomorrow to discus:; it. He said there is no problem with the
:.chool, and that this needed to be worked out only a�i a matter
of 1ustifjn�; it to their ot.n taxpayerb.