HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966/03/28-Agenda-Pre-Council A G E N D A
Pre-Council Conference
13:31) A.M. , Monday, h,arch Zb, 19bo
1) Sale of City Owned Property - E;c;t North `side Drive at
Samuel Avenue
(IR 4917 and M&C L-1060, held over from previoue; week)
2) Purchase of ,Sluice Gite lur Village Creek Sewage 'Treat-
ment Plant
(M&C P-509, Item 1), held over from previous, week)
3) Ten Paint 'Traffic S ifety Program
(M&C C-924 and IR #916)
4) Developer Deposits in Fin,incial Institutions in Lieu
of Performance Bond:,
(IR #914 and M&C C-1)z5)
5) Engineering; Services for 1966 Capital Improvement Program
a) Maddox Avenue (M&C C-673)
b) Decatur Avenue (M&C C-674)
c) West Berry 'street (M&C C-676)
6) South Side Water Sy:.tem Reinforcement Improvements
(M&C C-675)
7) 'Tabulation of Bids for Ptercha!;e of M aerial, G juilxneitt and
(M&C P-51u)
8) Other M&C's of March 28, 1966
9) 011ier Items
J t' NiNUTES ''k
Pre-Council Conference
March 2b, 1966
rPre:.ent Late AbLient
1. Jones 6. Deen (Item 1) 9. Shannon (Present at
2. 11-imm 7. Barr (Item H) regular meeting)
3. Stovall 8. Hoover (Item 10)
4. Kemb le
5. Eagle
T L e m Follow-Up
1. r.i.le of City-Owned Property - Ea:.t Northside Drive at HOWARD - 1) draft wen►o from JLB
Smnuel Avenue (IR #917 & M&C L-106U) to yourself with copy
to LarW Division, PW
Councilman Kemble asked how this price coiapare:: with the and Traflic Engineer-
values in the area. The City Manager :.aid that it is not a ing suumarizing; COU11C
particularly good price, but that the adjacent owner is the discussion and action
only oumer for which the property has any value. He said there 2) draft letter to B&C
is little access, possible from Northside Drive because of the re Council action.
fill for the roadway.
At the regular meeting a motion was passed to refer M&C
L-1060 back to the staff to negotiate a better price on the
Lind, or to hold it for future rale at a hither price. Mayor
Barr requested that access across this, property to Northside
Drive be restricted so long as it is ovi►ed by the City.
-. Purchase of Sluice Gate for Village Creek :sewage Treatment WILSON - advise Hardy of llamm',
Plant (M&C P-509, Item 9) suggestions
The City Manager said that Councilman Hoover recluee.ted
00F'% hi: item be held from last week, and he is satisfied now on
his question of po:sssible repair of the sluice gate. The City
Manager said that if this is the case, the manufacturer will
be contacted. Councilman Hamm suggested the staff cheese the
original installation for any unusual binding, which could
have caused the gate to fail.
At the regular meeting, Councilman Hoover ::aid lie was
satisfied, and this Item was passed by the Council.
3. Ten Point Traffic Safety Program (M&C G-924 & GENE - draft letters from the May
IR #916) or to Vandergriff as Chair
man of both local organf
Mayor Pro-Tem Jones :;aid it was impressive for him to see tions, to 11cAlister with cc
representatives from all concerned local agencies get together to Matthews, and other:
to work out a good program for traffic safety improvements, lie telling; them Council is on
offered his congratulations to the City Manager and the commit- record in favor of ten poi
tee for their good work. program, and reque::tin-;
He said that the Legislative Committee of the Greater Fort their organizations help L.
Worth Council of Governments met, following; the Manager's Traf- enact the ten point prograt
fic Safety Coordinating Cummittee, to discuss the drivers ' Offer assistance of John-
licensing laws. Councilman Eagle ::aid that the ten point pro- droe in drafting legisla-
gram included no mention of stiffened fines for repeat offenders. tion.
Kiyor Pro-Tem Jones said that the Council's Corporation Court
Committee is studying this matter. GENE - draft memo to departments
Councilman Kemble inquired why there were twice as many to implement Council ac-
speeding; tickets so far this year as last year. 11ie Police tion on Corporation Courts
,thief said that more attention was being given to all moving Committee recommendations
violation arrests. He said that there would be more arrests
yet if the radar units were functioning properly. lie said
that even after the units are returned to the manufacturer
that they had not been able to put them in good working; order.
Councilman Kemble asked about Lite new freeway patrol ex-
perience. Tlie Police Chief said th-it it was working very well.
ra• Ash,
At the regular Council Meeting, Councilman Shannon
made a strong plea to reinstate at least part of the
motorcycle squad to immediately improve the traffic safety
At the regular meeting, Councilman Stovall gave the
(.ouaacil Corporation Court Committee report, which included
a recommendation for more courts:, a :,pecial temporary judge
for juveniles under 17 years of age with more than three
convictions in a 12 month period, a violators ' school,
review of fines upon conviction, notification of parents
of persons under 17 receiving citations, and citations to
those who drive while license is suspended.
the City Manager said that lie underr.tood the staff
.action requested is to develop a program around the recom-
mendations of the Corporation Court committee and come back
Lo the Council for any budgetary adjustments that would need
to be made to ell.act a new program. The Council accepted the
report of the Corporation Court Committee.
+. Developer Deposits in Financial Institutions. in Lieu NAN
of Performance Bond; (IR #914 and M&C G-935)
The City Manager explained that th:6- 11EX only calls for
making a policy adopted by the Ct,uncil December 6, 1965,
retroactive, so that the developer would earn interest on
his money deposited as; security for performance on developer
conLraCts. Councilman Hamm at.ked that it over 11U,000 is
required as security, would the limit be $10,000 in each
financial institution. The City Manager said that is an
alternative, but is not recommended because it is not felt
011licessary, and admini:;Lrative difficulties might be en-
countered if the developer depos3itti are spread out to several
At the regular meeting, M&C G-925 was approved.
5. Engineering Servicer for 1966 Capital improvement NAN
Program: a) Maddox Ave (M&C C-673) ; b) Decatur Ave.
(M&C C-674); c) West Berry Street (M&C C-676)
There were no questions: on this, item and all three
M&C'.. were approved :at Lhe regular meeting.
6 South Side Water System Reinforcement Improvements NAN
(M&C C-675)
There were no questions; on this, item and it was
approved :at the regular Council meeting.
7. Purchase of Replacement Hydraulic Cylinder for a NAN
95 Cu.Yd. Refuse Truck (M&C P-511)
T1ie City Manager explained that this is an emergency
item, occurring last Friday, and approval is; requested this
morning. Ile said the truck is. 4 or 5 years old, and the
new cylinder c;hould last for the rem-Uning Life of the truck.
'this item was approved as recornnended at the regular meeting,
8. N tional League of Cities Legislative Meeting in NAN
Washington this week.
Councilman 11amm said that he had some literature on this
meeting, and that the Council :Should send someone to it.
Mayor Pro-'tem Jones said that Mayor Barr is planning to attend ,_
9. Easter Prugram by Washington lits Elementary School ROY - li:.t on April 4 ,%g;enda
Mayor Pro-Tem Jones said that Mr., Wide Watson is listed GENE - have piano in Council
�n this morning's regular meeting agenda to di�cu:;-s the Easter Chamber
rog;ram by Washington lits. Elementary `school, but he should
have been listed for next Monday, April 4th,.
10. llo:,pital and Doctor Bills Incurred by W. 11. Blevins, DICK - draft memo to Jack Wood
disabled City Employee transmitting bills and
request a further report
The City Manager said that T. J. Smith is to appear at for Council.
the regular meeting to ask the Council to pay for hospital
and doctor bills incurred by W. H. Blevins, former City Waste
Disposal Employee, who is now on full disability retirement.
lie said Lhat T. J. Smith was furnished a copy of IR ,1913 last
week explaining; Blevins ' case. 1'lie City Manager read the
paragraph of the Personnel Rules which explain that City Em-
ployees injured on the job must use City physicians, and if
private physicians are used, the City is under no obligation
to pay the bills. Councilman ilamm asked if these policies
are well known. The City Manager said a great attempt is made
for wide dissemination of these policies. Councilman Kemble
asked what the policy is on referral of cases to other doctors
by City doctors. The City Manager said it is up to the City
physician, and each case is considered individually.
Au the regular meeting, "r. J. Smith appeared and asked
Council for payment of $136 in hospital and doctor bills in-
curred by W. H. Blevins, from his own doctor. lie said there
was also a trip to Terrell to see a -.pecialist, but he had no
supporting; bills at this time. The Council passed a motion
0"'o refer the bills to the City Manauer fur a report„