HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966/04/11-Agenda-Pre-Council AM§k
April 11 , 1966
Present Late Absent
1 . Barr 7 . Hanan (Item 4) 8. Hoover (present at reg. mectin,,,
2. ,clones 9. Shannon (present at reg.meetin-
3. Kemble
4. Stovall
5. Eagle
b. Deen
I t e m Follow-up
1 . Bid: on Color Pres. (M&C P-512, Item 10, and NAN
IR #426)
Councilman Stovall asked if this was a multilith
attachment . The Finance Director replied that this was
an attachment made for multilkth equipment , but not made
by Multilith Corp . This change in award discussed in
the IR was approved at the regular mucting.
2. Bids for Purchase of Material , Equipment and HOWARD - 1 ) see that payments are made
Services (M&C P-513) prcxnpt1y
2) review ether cities '
There were no questions on these purchase items practices and see .TLB
at the Pre-Council Conference .
At the regular meeting the purchase on page 5
of 6 of M&C P-513 was discussed. Councilman llamm said
that prcmrpt payment after receipt of all purchases was
necessary in order to take advantage of 10-day cash dis-
counts .
is-counts .
Councilman Shannon said that the second low bidder,
being; a local company, should be awarded the bid because
of only $78 difference out of a nearly $20,000 purchase
' By vete of 5 to 4, the Onincil awarded the purchase to
Graybar Electric Company, of Fort Worth, the second low
During the discussion, Councilman Hamm asked about
tlee practices of other cities in awarding to local firms .
The City Manager Said that a recent survey of this matter
showed that most cities do not discriminate between local
and out-of-town bids . Councilman Hamm commented that
Waco requires a ten per dent cash titd deposit by out-of-
town bidders, and Dallas does not widely advertise its
purchases .
3. Land Transactions (M&C L-1092 th ru L-1108) HOWARD get report on the Ed Irwin
matter and draft letter to
There were no questions on these items at the Councilman Hoover.
Pre-Council Conference.
At the regular meeting, there was some discus-
sion of tire: acquisition of right-of-way at Oakland
Blvd at the Dallas-Fort Worth Turnpike (M&C L-1106).
After explanation of the area involved by the City
Manager, this MSC was approved by the Council .
Councilman Hoover requested a report of a land
acquisition from Mr. Ed Irwin, where Mr. Irwin had
reported to Mr. Hoover that the had been offered no
consideration for his valuable frontage being taken.
4. Construction of Bath Houses at 5y,amore and NAN
Marine Pools, and Rockwood Park
Councilwoman Deen asked how long it would take
A=k AMk
to build these bath houses and of what material. The
Park and Recreation Director replied that about 30
working days would be required, and they would be
built of concrete block. There were no further ques-
tions, and this item was approved at the regular
5. Development of Newell Industrial Addition DICK - work with Jack Graham and
Ralph Hardy to try to reach
The Public Works Director explained at length agreement with Jack Newell
the problems with a development called Newell 's In- and develop a report for the
dustrial Addition, which is just west of Beach Council .
Street and south of the T6P Railroad, upon which no
developer contract has been approved.
The Public Works Director said there was a
considerable problem to be worked out on a sanitary
sewer line through the subdivision, and with the
streets. He said Mr. Newell wants to dedicate only
a utility and access easement, rather than a public
street system.
The Public Works Director said Mr. Newell had
taken a preliminary plat to the Plan Commission, and
had been given nine conditions upon which a final plat
of part of the area might be approved. He said Mr.
Newell had not yet returned to the Plan Commission.
The City Manager said the City has known the
work has been going on for several weeks, but has not
been able to reach agreement with Mr. Newell on a de-
veloper's contract. Councilman Hamm said that there
010b, is a considerable "gray area" on industrial area re-
quirements of platting. The Mayor wished to refer
the matter to the staff, to work it out, to develop
facts, and report next week.
At the regular meeting Mr. Jack Newell appeared
to discuss the development of this 33.5 acres of in-
dustrial land. He discussed the same problems presented
at the Pre-Council Conference, and said he wished to pro-
ceed as fast as possible to make available industrial
sites for 600,000 square feet of buildings.
The Council requested the staff to investigate
the matter further and report.
6. Contracts for Engineering Services; NAN
a) Oak Grove Road (M&C C-681)
b) Guilford Road (M&C C-682)
c) Sylvania Ave (M&C C-683)
There were no questions on these engineering
contracts, and they were all approved at the regular
7. Space Planning for New Police and City HOWARD - proceed with space planning
Office Building (IR x¢927) as planned.
The City Manager told the Council that there
was no basis in fact for the story on selection of
e.. an architect in the Sunday Press . He said the same
was true on the Fire Chief story. He then commented
that a fire truck had recently been received in
badly damaged condition (by the railroad) , and it
was being returned, as the first truck was s i7^ctinu
ago when received in similar had condition.
There were no comments on the Police and City
Ofiice Building; Space Planning.
8. Assessment Paving at 11 Locations on the NAN
North Side (M&C C-685)
There were no questions on the assessment
paving; matter, and MFC C-685 was approved at the
regular mucting.
9. Meeting of Committee on Zoning Practices GWEN - make reservations at Worth Hotel
Councilman Hamm, chairman of a special commit- GENE - list on Pre-Council Conference
tee on zoning practices , requested that the City Agenda as a reminder for Council
Council meet with the committee at an early date Members.
to receive its report . The Council decided to meet DICK - ask Mahoney to invite all com-
at 7 A.M. , Monday, April 18 at the Worth Hotel for mittee members .
10. Regional Airport Meeting GENE - list on April 25th Pre-Council
Conference Agenda as reminder
Mayor Barr announced that the City Councils for Council Members .
of Fort Worth and Dallas would meet with the Regional
Airport Board and the Consulting Engineers at 7;30
p .m. , Wednesday, April 27 , at the Engineers ' Office
in the GSC at Six Flags.