HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966/08/29-Agenda-Pre-Council ,. Ask MINUTES
Pre-Council Conferenc,
August 29, 1966
Present Late Absent
1. Barr 8. Hoover 3) 9. Stovall
2. Jones
3. Kemble
4. Hamm
S, Shannon
6. Deen
7 Eagle
I t e m Follow-up
1. Luncheon on August 31 with the Citizens GENE - make reservations with the Com-
Committee on Mental Health and Retardation munity Council office, to include staff
members (Bradshaw & Wilson).
Council Members were asked who would attend
the luncheon meeting at the Worth Hotel on Wednes-
day, August 31, with the Citi.cens Committee on
Mental Health and Retardation, in response to a
letter from Chairman Earl Waldrop dated August 25,
1966. Mayor Barr and Councilwoman Deen said they
would attend. Councilman Hoover said he would send
a representative.
2. Appointment of Council Member for Liaison NAN
With Texas Legislature
Mayor Pro-Tem Jones nominated Councilman Shannon
as the Council 's representative for liaison with Texas
Legislature in the coming session, Councilman Shannon
said he would accept the assignment it no one else
wanted it. Mayor Barr said the Council should estab-
lish a means of taking an official position of the
Council on legislative matters, so that the representa-
tive would be able to speak for the Council.
At the regular meeting Councilman Shannon was ap-
3 , Report of Ambulance Study Committee GENE - draft requested report this week
Councilman Eagle said that a report and recommanda-
tion had been furnished the Council, recommending a contract
with Gold Cross Ambulance Service, Mayor Pro-Tem Jones
asxed if the matter could wait a week. Councilman Eagle
said that the Comrpittee would rather not wait, and that
the people need to know that ambulance service would be
continuous. Councilman Kemble said that this is the
best possible arrangement for the City.
Mayor Pro-Tem Jones wanted to know if this is an
exclusive franchise, and whether it includes invalid
coach service. Councilman Eagle said that this is in
effect an exclusive contract, and that it does include
invalid coach serv+.ce. He said that local funeral opera-
tors want out of both emergency ambulance service and
invalid coach business. He said the recommended com-
pany, Gold Cross, has made no exception to the specifi-
cations, whereas Doctors Ambulance Service has.
Councilman Shannon asked if the proposed rates are
comparable to rates of other ambulance services around
the country. Councilman Eagle said that they were, as
far as the committee knows,
This ended the Pre-Council Conference discu,:
1n,1 at the regular meeting a lengthy discussion was
!ru l,] on the ambulance contract,
Mr. Warren Morgan, representative of Doctors '
Ambulance Service, protested the Committee recommenda-
tion on the basis that no interview was provided for
hi.5 company with the Ambulance Study Committee, and
h.it his costs were much less than Gold Cross. Mr.
Robert Randolph, attorney representing Mr. Thompson
and the Gold Cross tvibulance Service, also spoke to
the Council,.
Councilwoman Deen requested a tabulation of
each bidder 's cost to the public for comparative
mileages for the ambulance service. Mayor Barr
requested a definite statement of the maximum
charge .
A motion to table action for one week lost by
a 4-4 vote. However, "Council courtesy" was granted
at the request of Councilwoman Deen and a week's de-
lay was approved.
Councilman Hamm requested financial statements
as per the specifications for each bidding; company,
a breakdown of services by mile with comparable
costs, and a letter from each company agreeing to
comply with specifications as stated.
4. There was in!,ufficient time at the Pre-
Council Conference (which began at. 9:00 a.m.)
t( discuss the following Agenda items :
a) Vent Cycle for Heating and Cooling of NAN
Fire and Police Training Center (IR
#1042 and M&C C-781, Vent Cycle Alter-
nate) M&C C-781 was approved at the
regular meeting.
b) Number of Signal Heads at Signalized NAN
Intersections (IR #1040) a;id Controller
for Azle and Long Avenues (M&C P-534,
Page 1) M&C P-534, Page 1 was approved
at the regular meeting,.
c) Sanitary Sewer Service Agreement with NAN
City of Everman (M&C C-785) approved
at regular meeting.
d) Engineering Report for Regional Airport HOWARD - distribute copies of this
(IR #1041) report to the appropriate depart-
ment heads, City of Fort Worth Air-
port Board, and other appropriate