HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966/09/19-Agenda-Pre-Council MINUTES Pre-Council Conference September 19, 1966 Present Late Absent 1. Barr 9. Hoover (Item 3) None Kemble i. Eagle 4. Shannon Deen 6. Hamm Stovall i . Junes i t e m Follow-Up I Luncheon with Texas Highway Department Officials MAE - make reservations Councilman Kemble read a letter inviting Council members to a luncheon at the Texas Hotel Thursday, .;eptember 22, at which there ..ill be an address by Mi . Hal Woodward of the Texas Highway Commission. He encouraged all members of the Council to attend. Keminders - Meeting with consultants on CBD NAN traffic signal control system after Council meeting and luncheon with Housing Authority 3. Open Space Grant for Acquisition of Convention 11DM - Complete forms for early • �iL - Center Park (M&C G-J94) mission to HUD fhe Mayor advised that Council would have to p:ir,.s two resolutions during its regular meeting to apply for the funds for the Convention Center Park. (Mr. Hoover arrived) Mrs. Deen inquired about how long the application process would take, and Mr. Brownlee replied that the City's forms would be sub- mitted in two or three day:,, but that Federal review time was uncertain and could be three months or longer, Ile noted that Federal funds were short for such projects and no property would be acquired until the grant is approved . Mr. Hoover thanked the Carter Foundation, icpresented by Mrs. J. Lee Johnson, III, for the gift, .ind Mrs. Johnson thanked the Council for proceeding with development of the park. The resolutions were pa,::ed at the regular meeting, 4. Interim Ambulance Service EHD - Coordinate implementation wish Police Chief and get Finance Dep:irt- Councilman Eagle discussed the alternate methods ment to work out plan of billing and of furni- hing interim ambulance service by the City. collection. FIr. Hat= stated that salary savings in the 1966-67 bud- get would probably be decreased, and Mr. Hoover asked about the meaning of the bid form requiring a commit- ment of funds for the service. Mr. Hamm also inquired about liability of the City if civilian riders are used to assist policemen and firemen. Recommendations of the Ambulance Study Committee _Lre adopted during the regular meeting. OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY H. WORTH, T EX. , 5. Storm Drainage Needs in the Bluebonnet Circle EHD - Ask Public Works to see if Addition (M&C G-995) Federal funds are available for developing master drainage plan. Councilman Hamm suggested a comprehensive drain- .k.;e plan for the City be developed including use of iederal funds. It was the consensus of the Council that the staff proceed with development of a compre- hensive drainage plan, using consultants if necessary, and consideration be given to a Federal grant for the :study, if available, (During the regular meeting, the Council authorized engineering on the Bluebonnet Circle problem as specified in M&C G-995.) 6. Purchase of Equipment for Sanitary Landfill Op- HDM - Prepare IR discussing present erations (MSC P-540 and IR 41057) condition and commitments of Workin,; Capital Fund depreciation reserve. Councilman Shannon, for whom action on purchase of the equipment had been delayed, indicated that he was ready to vote. He also asked the City Manager about the condition of the Working Capital Fund de- preciation reserves and whether we could use them in i:n emergency. The City Manager replied that deprecia- tion reserves should not be used for emergencies and should be committed to the equipment management pro- grim. Mr. Shannon asked for the current condition of the fund. Council passed M&C P-540 in regular session, OFFICIAL RECORD CITY ��;�;ETARY FI. l. TEX.