HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966/10/17-Agenda-Pre-Council s^ MINUTES Mw
Pre-Council Conference
October 17, 1966
Present Late Absent
1. Barr 7. Shannon (Item 2) 9. Stovall
2. Jones 8. Hoover (Item 11)
3. Kemble
4. Deen
5. Hamm
b. Eagle
I t e m Follow-Up
1. State Highway Department Public Hearing DICK - get copy of proposal for I-35W,
on I35W from Johnson County Line to McAllister
Road, for Mr. Jones this week, as re-
The City Manager reminded the Council that the quested by Mr. Jones after the Council
StaLe Highway Department would hold a public hear- meeting.
ink; on the improvement of Interstate 35W from I-820
south to the Johnson County line at 10:00 a.m. on
Tuesday, October 18 in the Hallmark Baptist Church,
73UO South Freeway.
2. Land Acquisition - Fire & Police Training NAN
Center (IR #1072 and M&C L-1404)
Mayor Pro-Tem Jones expressed concern about the
current total estimated cost of this project, includ-
ing architectural fee.-. The City Manager discussed
rile costs with him, including the commitment to date
for architectural fees as outlined in IR #1072. Mayor
Pro-Tem Jones said that he figures the commitment to
the project is $742,000 to date in bond funds, and he
a:,ked what costs would be handled in the budget. The
City Manager said that the pistol range equipment amount-
ing to ahouc $20,000 is the major budgeted item. He
:;aid it was not in the current construction contract.
The City Manager said that the bottle filling system
is an item for the Fire Department, estimated to cost
$5,000, and to be paid from budget funds.
Mayor Pro-Tem Jones asked what amount of money
i�- involved in site improvements. The City Manager
replied that this is approximately the total of items
2 and 7 on the architect 's estimate of cost.
Councilman Hamm asked if $60,000 is enough for
the facilities outlined in item 4 of the architect's
estimate of cost. The City Manager replied that he
hoped it was, but none of the facilities have yet been
designed. He said the staff is going to try to have a
first class facility, but keeping in mind the amount of
available funds for the project.
At the regular meeting, Mayor Pro-Tem Jones said
lie was concerned that the proposed land acquisition
(M&C L-1404) is not consistent with the project as
de:�cribed in the bond election. He said he felt that
not having parcel 7 would not restrict the project.
Councilman Hoover said he concurred in this opinion.
A motion Lo approve M&C L-1404 failed (Councilmen
Iliannon, Hoover, Haum and Jones voting NO).
i. Supplemental Grant Request - Neighborhood DICK & NOBLE - prepare a comprehensive
Improvement Program (IR #1070 and M&C G-1005) progress report on the NIP program, to
include before and after photos, for
There were no questions on this item at the submission to Council in early November
Pre-Council Conference, when first brought up. 1966.
At a later point in the Pre-Council Conference,
Councilman Kemble asked the Neighborhood Improvement
Coordinator about the status of the program. The
Coordinator said that all survey work is completed
and that grants and loans were started through pro-
cessing two weeks ago. He said about 50 grant ap-
plttcation:; are now in, and that loan applications will
pick up from now on. Councilman Kemble asked if there
had been any actual work done in the areas. The Co-
ordinator said the work is just now starting since
some grants had been approved and some contractors
hired. Councilman Kemble asked if the "fly-by-night"
contractors are being kept out. The Coordinator said
there has so far been only one reported case, and that
his counselors are warning all property owners to safe-
guard against this. Councilman Kemble asked about the
street work. The Coordinator said that the engineering
of street improvements has been underway, and that bids
should be out soon for this work to be done as one pro-
ject in each code area.
Councilman Eagle asked if any local groups have
offered assistance. The Coordinator said the Worth
Heights church groups have been particularly active
as have the PTA and a civic group in the North Side
Area. He said no assistance outside the neighborhoods
has been offered yet, but would be welcome.
At the regular meeting Councilman Hoover said he
wondered why 22 NIP people can't process one loan per
day each. He said the way he figures is that with
two additional loan processors and 223 loans per year
to make, divided by four total loan processors, that
this meant about 1 loan per week per processor. He
said he has not yet been furnished information de-
sired about the status of the program, what has been
spent, number of automobiles being used, and other
details. Mayor commented that this information has
been available right along, and that he felt the
staff would be unduly burdened by preparing it again
in writing.
A motion to approve M&C G-1005 was approved 5
Lo 3 (Hoover, Shannon, Jones voting NO). _
4. Award of Contract for Blue Line Reproduction NAN
Services (M&C P-547)
Mayor Pro-Tem Jones said he had asked for a
delay on this so that Councilman Stovall could look
aL it. The City Manager said that the M&C had been
reviewed by Councilman Stovall before it was sent to
Council, and that he (Stovall) had said the recom-
mendations are appropriate. Councilman Hamm said
that Mr. Stovall had told him the same thing.
At the regular meeting, M&C P-547 was approved
,. Use of Water from Benbrook Reservoir HARDY - Please handle.
(M&C G-1009)
Councilman Hamm said he was happy he insisted
on proceeding in this manner. The City Manager
:;aid that the staff has found the Corps of Engineers
willing to talk on the matter.
At the regular meeting, M&C G-1009 was approved
6. Lancaster Parking Lot Improvement & Lease NAN
(M&C's C-820 and C-821)
Mayor Barr asked how much more land was acquired
for parking by demolishing the Red Front store build-
ing. The City Manager replied about }calf-again increase.
rlayor Barr commented that the increase in the monthly
lease amount on the parking lot is increased more than
one half. The City Manager confirmed that it was. He
said also that there will be considerable beautifica-
tion and improvement of this parking lot by the City.
At the regular meeting M&C's C-820 and C-821 were
approved unanimously.
7. Land Acquisition and Architectural Services- NAN
Fire Station Number 24 (M&C's L-1430 & C-819)
There were no questions on these items, and
they were approved at the regular meeting.
8. Traffic Safety Statistics Analysis - NAN
September 1966 (IR #1071)
The Police Chief gave the Council the highlights
of the report presented in IR #1071. Councilman
Kemble asked if the Police are writing more tickets
now. The City Manager replied that the Chief is em-
phasizing safety and enforcement much more and that
more policemen were writing tickets regularly.
Councilman Hamm asked how much help the ambu-
lance service has been to the patrol service. The
Police Chief said this has meant an excellent im-
provement in patroling, but that he doesn't par-
tirularly like being in the ambulance business.
Councilman Eagle commented that he heard a
policeman say that since he was having to write
ticket:; while operating an ambulance, that the
Accompanying firemen should carry along a 'twet tow
.Ick" to put out fires.
Mayor Pro-Tem Jones commented that the dedica-
tion of the Fort Worth Safety Center was held last
Friday and that the new Executive Director of the
Fort Worth Safety Council, Mr. Terrell, is putting
new activity into the local program. The Police
Chicf confirmed that there should and will be a
revitalized safety program, particularly toward
better public education.
Councilwoman Deen asked if there is a report on
the income to the City from ambulance operation. The
City Manager said that no significant amount has yet
been collected since it had only been just billed.
4-The City Manager commented that the Safety
Coordinating Committee has met regularly and is
doing a fine job, with much better participation
by outside agencies. Mayor Pro-Tem Jones said he
would like to commend the committee for its good
9. Comparative Prices for Concrete Paving NAN
(IR #1069)
There were no questions on this item.
10. Traffic Handling at Football Games NAN
Councilman Kemble said that he had received
some complaints on traffic handling at the Arkansas-
TCU game on October 1, but he noted that the Mayor
had sent the Council a letter from a satisfied citi-
zen on this matter.
The Police Chief said the department studies the
traffic flow and sets up a system of one-way streets
around the stadium before and after games. He said
his reserve department of 50 men, 45 off-duty over-
time officers, and the regular on-duty officers,
handled the crowds. He said solo motorcycles and
radio communications helped very much. Councilman
Hamm commented that a helicopter may be needed.
Chief Hightower commented that one problem is that
there are fewer off-street spaces at and near the
stadium than formerly (15,000 a few years ago, now
down to 6,000 spaces).
Councilwoman Deen asked if the Chief had seen
the editorial in the morning paper on the St. Louis
Department. The Chief said he had.
Mayor Pro-Tem Jones commented that the Police
Department should get together with the Kiwanis Clubs
on the matter of gum machines in business places. The
Police Chief said he was in conversation with the clubs
on this matter at this time.
i1. Council Invitations DICK - gave Lions Club regrets that no
Councilmen could attend.
Mayor Pro-Tem Jones reminded the Council
Members that they had been invited this evening to
Shady Oaks Country Club for a 7:30 dinner, with the
Baptist Radio and TV Center people.
At the regular meeting, Mayor Barr reminded the
Council. that the Lions Club had invited the Council
Lo dinner this evening at the Roundup Inn. No one
indicated he would attend.
12. City Manager Absence DICK - good luck:
The City Manager asked the Council if anyone
objected to his attending an ICMA meeting in Phoenix
next week and taking some vacation following. There
was no objection.
13. Mayor's Report on New York and Washington D.C. NAN
Mayor Barr said that during his visit with
President Johnson on Saturday, October 15, that
the President suggested that cities should cut back
on all possible expenditures and help ease the money
situation. He said the economy is so vigorous that
the money demand is too great. He said the Federal
Government is cutting back $3 billion of expenditures
until January 1 , 1968.
The Mayor said that he did not feel that there
werc any Fort Worth projects that could be delayed,
especially since the City Hall project is already
behind the original schedule and won't be under con-
struction until January 1, 1968 anyway, since the
architect has not yet been selected. The Mayor said
he doesn't think Fort Worth is contributing to the
overall problem.
Mayor Barr said he doesn't think the President
means to cut out all capital improvement projects.
He said the President did not discuss the stock market or
taxes, but confined his remarks to urban problems.
Councilman Shannon said that perhaps some of the
paving projects might be slowed down. Mayor Barr com-
mented that most of the City street projects are in the
nature of maintenance and replacement of worn out fa-
cilities and needed to be continued.
Councilman Hamm commented that one way to cut costs
might be to take alternates on pavements for certain axle
At the regular meeting, Mayor Barr reported on
the trip he had to New York and New Jersey preceding
the President 's meeting. He said that he and others
of the Regional Airport Board observed an FAA experi-
mental project on a simulated operation of the proposed
Regional Airport and that it seemed a very useful project
to him.