HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966/10/31-Agenda-Pre-Council MINUTES
Pre-Council Conference
October 31 , 1.966
Present Late Absent
1 . Barr None 6. Deen
2. Kemble 7. Shannon (present at regular nit'.
3� Stovall 8. Jones
4. Eagle 9. Hoover
�. Hamm _
I t e m _ Follow-Up-
1. Final Report of City Zoning Study Committee DICK - Inform Mahoney of action taken
and request Johndroe to prepare or-
Councilman Hamm explained that the Special dinances . Draft letters of appreciatio
Council Committee would be happy to meet and dis- to all Committee Members from Mayor.
cuss the report with members of the Council at the
Council 's convenience.
Councilman Hamm then went on to explain three
of the major changes proposed in the study, including
1) medical. centers 2) churches and 3) hotels and mo-
tles .
Following further questions and discussion by
the Council , the Mayor suggested that the Council
take the action recommended in the report providing
for a public hearing by the Zoning Commission and
that any other further questions be taken care of on
an individual basis , This action was taken at the
regular meeting.
2. Community Council Request for the City Council DICK - notify Community Council a,: !.
to Designate Two persons to Serve on Selection others of the City Council 's a .tj(ta.
Committee for Mental Health Center Board of
C-mincilman Hamm suggested the names of Doctor
George Kemble and Mrs. Robb Rutledge for the Selec-
tion Committee, Councilman Kemble suggested the name
of Dr. W. V. Bradshaw. Mayor Barr suggested that one
of the two persons named by Mr. Hamm and Dr. Bradshaw
make up the two persons for the selection committee,
named from the City Council . Councilman Stovall
agreed with the suggestion and recommended Dr. Kemble.
At the regular meeting, Mayor Barr requested
that the staff write a letter to the Community Council
and hospital District notifying them of the suggested
persons named by the City Council, and further sug-
gesting that Dr. George Kemble and Mrs , Robb Rutledge
be considered for the Center Board of Trustees . He
asked any Council Member who had other names to sug-
gvst these by contact with the staff by Wednesday.
3. Sale of City-owned Surplus Property on HOWARD - prepare IR supplying, informa-
Arizona Avenue (M&C L-1441 & IR #1082) tion requested by City Council .
GENE - list M&C L-11+41 on 11/7/66
Councilman Hamm stated that this property is Agenda.
in a residential area, and that the church i.l buying
a house, and the property which the City is offering
for sale will be used as a parking lot He then sug-
gested that the City, by selling this lot, is parti-
cipating in the "running down" of the neighborhood.
The Mayor asked if the lot is being purchased
in the name of the church or the minister, to which
the Finance Director rep—ted the lot is being
purchased in the name of the minister. Mayor
Marr then suggested that since that was the case,
th, property would be put back on the tax rolls .
OPOI Councilman Eagle requested further informa-
tion regarding the church, and he stated that it
appeared to him the minister was simply trying to
comply with City regulations for off-street park-
ing, in which case the City should not hinder his
efforts . Mayor Barr requested information as to
the organization of the church. This item was then
held over for one week. _
4. Revision of Lease for Insurance Coverage of HOWARD - notify Mrs . Ken Moore and .tel
the Northside Coliseum (M&C C-825 and IR 1081) new agreement executed.
There were no questions nor discussion at the
Pic-Council Conference regarding this matter and
approval of M&C C-825, with the amendments as sug-
gested in IR #1081 , was given at the regular meeting.
5. Fire and Police Training Center HAN
Assistant to the City Manager Dick Wilson ex-
plained that the first item on the agenda for con-
sideration was a change order for foundation work,
and there was no question nor discussion by the City
C)iincil on this matter, and M&C C-827 was approved at
the regular meeting.
Councilman Stovall then explained that he had
asked that the 4cquisition of additional land for the
'�` training center be placed on the agenda again, and
stated that he would explain the need for this addi-
tional land at the formal Council meeting rather than
doing it in Pre-Council , due to the absence of several
Council Mer;hers .
Councilman Kemble asked the Police and Fire Chiefs
if time additional land was needed, to which both Chiefs
stated in the affirmative. Approval was given at the
regular meeting of M&C L-1404 for acquisition of this
6. Assessment Paving of Old Granbury Road (M&C G-1012) GENE - Agenda 11-7-66 and check
signalization schedule.
Councilman Hamm stated that he questioned the de-
sign of the intersection of Old Granbury Road and Hulen
Street which will be a crossing of two major thorough-
fares . He asked if this intersection would be signalized,
to wimich the Public Works Director indicated in his
opinion it would be upon construction.
Councilman Hamm then explained that if the intersec-
tion were not signalized immediately, it would be advisable
to construct acceleration lanes when turning off Hulen
Street onto Old Granbury Road. He added, however, if the
intersection would be signalized immediately, there would
be no problem.
At the regular meeting the as'scssment paving hearing
was continued for one week due to the absence of several
Councilmen. A discussion session was then held with the
staff and interested parties , separately from the Council
1 . Merchandising Activity of Lone Star Gas GENE - place on 11/7/66 informal
�. (IR #1079) agenda near the top.
Due to the lateness of the hour, Councilman
Kemble requested that this item be placed again
on the informal Council agenda next week, prefer-
ably for consideration earlier in the meeting. _
F,. Proposed Resolution Opposing and Urging the ROY - send a copy of the Resolutiro
Defeat of Amendment No. 1 on November 8, 1966 to the T.M.L.
(Letter dated October 21 , 1966, from Walter
H. McAllister, President of Texas Municipal
Mayor Barr and Councilman Stovall both expressed
opposition to the amendment. Councilman Hamm requested
further clarification before he voted.
At the regular meeting City Attorney Johndroe
discussed the Constitutional Amendment No. 1 with the
City Council, and the Council officially went on re-
cord opposing the amendment by adopting the proposed