HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966/11/07-Agenda-Pre-Council MINUTES
November 7, 1966
Present Late Absent
1. Barr 8. Eagle (Item 4) 9. Jones (also absent
2. Kemble from regular meeting)
3. Stovall
4. Hamm
7 . Deen
t e m Follow-Up
1. NCT-COG Meeting on November 11 GENE - made Council and staff re. � -
vations on Monday, November 7.
The City Manager reminded the Council of the
North Central Texas Council of Governments meeting on
Law Enforcement Techniques at 9:30 a.m. Friday, Novem-
ber 11 in the Golden Palace Ballroom of the Inn of The
Six Flags in Arlington.
Mayor Barr was the only Council Member indicat-
ing he would attend.
2. TML Meeting on November 12 DICK - notify Steve Matthews of no.
attending from Fort Worth. (Invita-
The City Manager reminded the Council Members tions were sent to Council Members
chat they and their wives were invited to a dinner by THL) .
with the TML Board of Directors at ib:30 p.m. Saturday,
November 12, 1966 in the Petroleum Club.
All Members of the Council indicated they would
3. Council Meeting Material Distribution EVERYBODY - please note the disLi-ibu-
tion dates.
The City Manager suggested that Council Meeting
material be sent only one time, on Thursday evening,
November 10 for the 8 :30 a.m. Thursday, November 17
meeting, and on Friday evening, November 18 for the
November 11st meeting.
There was no objection by Council Members to
this procedure.
4. Merchandising Activity of Lone Star Gas Co. HOWARD - work with Aughinbaugh Lu
(IR f1079) report ready.
Councilman Kemble said he doesn't think the Lone
Star Gas Company should compete with local merchants
on appliance sales. He :;aid he would like further in-
formation on the activities of Lone Star Gas Company
in appliance sales, including a profit and loss state-
ment on the merchandising business only, to include
all management and overhead costs and including salary
distributions to this activity.
Councilwoman Deen thought it would be well to know
what other cities do in this matter.
Councilman Hamm asked if the franchise allows
this activity. The Utilities Supervisor said the
franchise is silent on the matter and that it is neither
prohibited nor allowed.
Councilman Hoover asked if the rate adjustments
on gas are inclusive of the merchandising activity.
17he utilities Supervisor said that the merchandising
activity is included.
Councilman Stovall said if the City gets into
the merchandising matter with the Lone Star Gas Com-
pany, ; L should also get into it with the electric
; ud telephone utilities.
Councilman Kemble said the matter of advertis-
ing cost di:.: ribution to merchandising is also im-
portant.. The Utilities Supervisor said that adver-
tising; costs are broken down into sales promotion and
direct advertising, and very little direct advertising
is done on appliance sales.
Councilman Kemble said he thinks the gas rates
could be reduced if appliance merchandising is elimi-
n.ited. He asked for a more detailed report on the
matter from the Utilities Supervisor. The City Manager
said the report would be forthcoming. _
;. Air Pollue.ion Conference in Washington JLB - gave Councilman Eagle the
December 12-14 meeting materials for his considera-
Mayor Barr asked �, iich Council Member would like
to attend a national conference on air pollution in
Washington, D. C.. on December 1214.
There being no volunteers, Councilman Eagle was
selected to con,,ider making the trip.
6. Ambulance Service HOWARD - consider late payment penalty
system and draft M&C it appropriate.
The City Manager reported that the cost of opera-
tion of ambulance: by the Police Department for the HOWARD - follow up on bill collection>
tir.:t six weeks was $77,000, which is below the origi- through hospitals and Medicare, as sug
nal estimate. He reported that only $2,000 had been gested by Councilman Shannon.
received in bill coilecti r.; and $15,000 is outstand-
ing. He reported that fine:; and forfeitures income is
up, because of the increased police coverage in the
ambulances. He said that users are being billed
promptly but that there is some lag before collections
are made. He said the staff intends to get judgments on
uncollectable .
Councilman Hamm asked if fines for unpaid bills
would be better. The City Manager said this probably
wouldn't be appropriate, but perhaps a penalty for
late payment might be established.
Councilman Shannon said that the hospitalization
insurance policies and Medicare provided sources for
collecting ambulance bills.
Councilman Hamm said that regardless of the fi-
nancial picture a lot of extra police protection has
been provitlt:d. Councilman Shannon said the Police De-
partment has done a fine job on this ambulance service.
Councilman Hoover asked how many ambulances are
being used. The City Manager reported that 7 to 10
police ambulances are now being used, but the Chief
recently reduced the number to 5 to 7 because the
number of call; answered is well below that originaly
Councilman Hoover asked if Gold Cross Ambulance
Service would be required to put on the 10 ambulances
committed. The City Manager said the company may need
fewer for service in Fort Worth, but perhaps new ser-
vice in outlying communities would require all 10 for
the nutropolitan area. He said the Gold Cross Service
should be evaluated when established for proper number
of Vehicles .
7. 1966 Capitit 'Improvement Program (M&C G-1015) GENE - list M&C G-1015 on ll
The City Manager said that this M&C was primarily
an internal accounting matter -- to adjust the partial
hand sale In 1966 with the current requirements . He
said it does not affect the time schedule on projects .
G,uncilman Hoover asked how the railroad crossing
on Lon},, Avenue was proceeding. The Public Works Direc-
tor explained the problc,;:, in keeping traffic open, by
.lido-fly track between the two railroad underpasses,
Councilman Hoover asked that M&C G-1015 be held
ovc ouc week for further study, and such action was
tjLcit at the regular meeting. _
S. Application for Federal Funds for Advance GENE - list M&C G-1016 on 11117/66
Land Acquisition (M&C G-1016) Agenda.
Mayor Barr asked if the program such as recom- HOWARD.- Investigate Federal funds
mended for the City Hall site in M&C G-1016 would be availability for Regional Airport
available ?`--r the Regional Airport land acquisition. advance land acquisition and draft
The City Manager said that the staff is investigating IR.
this matter now.
At the regular meeting, at the request of Coun-
cilman_lloover, M&C G-1016 was held over for one week.
~G r.-anbury Road Widening and Paving PIAN
(M&C G-1012)
Thu City Manager briefly explained the improve-
ment project and the props.,,ed asse:s�;ments on Granbury
Road, lie said assessment= are proposed only at each
end of the project, and none in the middle where Wedg-
wood Drive would not be disturbed,
lie said that at the north end of the Granbury
sad project two kinds of assessments are proposed,
including 1) an original assessment where no existing
improvements have already been constructed and 2) the
additional cost of widening where the width is being
increased from 32 feet.
Ile said that standard policies provide for this
widening,, assessment for projects ad3acent to commercial
or industrial properties if there is benefit .,
Councilman Shannon asked when Wed;;wood Drive was
built. The City Manager said the north end was built
under a contract with the Riverside Company in 1965,
the :;,suth end in 19o-', under contra(,t with Wedgwood,
and Lhat the rL.•l.lainder was built sometime in the 1950's.
The City Manager explained that in 1965 a com-
munity facilities, contract with the Foster interests
(Riverside Development Uirporation) was authorized by
IL,, Council with a variance from standard policy, pro-
vidill.; that a paving; tie-in would be made by the City,
with a future assessment on the Granbury Road imp rove-
metlt at this location against the adjacent properties.
Be said this exception to the policy was not meant
Lo eliminate other assessments under standard policy.
At the regular meeting, Mr. Gordon Swift gave
Lhe staff report on the matter, which included state
mc•ntt by Mr, Jack Haite, independent appraiser for
ncc City, who stated that the benefit to the adjacent
property was equal to or exceeded that recommended for
The amount of the assessment was then disputed
by Dr. A. Co Sears, owner of a veterinarian hospital ,
Mr . Tom Law, attorney representing Riverside Develop-
ment Corporation, Mr . Jack Howell of Riverside De-
velopment Corporation, and Mr. Marshall Amis , Jr. for
S.. C: Payte and Wedgwood Corporation.
After consideration and lengthy discussion, the
Council approved a motion to levy the assessments as
rcct)t-!i ,ended by the staff, with no dis:,enting votes .
10. There was insufficient time at the Pre-Council
Conference to discuss the following items :
a) Contract Changes -
1) Long-33rd Street Underpass Contract N&14
(M&C C-829) - approved at regular
2) Meadowbrook Terrace Addition Storm HAN
Drain (M&C C-835) - approved at
regular meeting,
b) Two Way Traffic on Ninth Street (IR #1084) GENE - list IR #1084 on 11/21/66
At the regular meeting, Councilman Informal Agenda.
Hoover asked that this matter be settled
promptly. Mayor Barr suggested that two- DICK - draft memo to Buckman to give
way traffic on Eighth Street be considered this matter further study and draft
for an alternate improvement of traffic IR by 11/17/66.
circulation in the area,, The City Manager
said that he would try to have a report to
the Council within two weeks and to have the
matter on the agenda for 11/21 /66 when the
Traffic Engineer would be available,
c) Additional Information on Possible Sale of NAN
City-Owned Property on Arizona Avenue (M&C
L-1441 and IR #1083) - approved at regular