HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966/11/21-Agenda-Pre-Council .s MINUTES PRE-COUNCIL CONFERENCE November 21, 1966 Present Late Absent 1. Barr 6. Hamm (Item 1) 9. Shannon 1). Deen 7. Jones (Item 1) 3. Eagle 8. Hoover (Item 1) 4. Kemble 5. Stovall I t e m Follow-Up 1 . Downtown Traffic Patterns (IR #1084 & 1090) ROY - have motion in minutes exactly, particularly noting auto- The Traffic Engineer explained the present and pro- matic reversion, and notify Trafti, posed future downtown traffic pattern from maps showing Engineer officially of Council Ac- the ultimate inner-loop design. tion. Councilman Hoover asked if the Convention Center construction will require one-way circulation around it. DICK - see that all property own- The Traffic Engineer said that it is planned for one-way ers are notified of full Council counter-clockwise movement around the convention center. action. Mayor Barr asked with whom the Traffic Engineer had di,,cu: sed Ninth Street traffic flow. The Traffic Engineer replied that he had discussed it with Mr. Moncrief and Mr. Hoban, of those named on the petition. Councilman Stovall suggested that the Traffic En- ginver be permitted to work it out the best way, and this :.cemed to be the consensus feeling. At the regular meeting, Councilman Hoover made a motion that Ninth Street between Throckmorton and Commerce be made two-way temporarily until the Texas-13th connection i:: constructed and opened, at which time there would be an ,nttomatic reversion of Ninth Street to one-way westbound. The motion passed unanimously. 1966 Capital Improvement Program Revisions NAN (M&C G-1015) Mayor Pro-Tem Jones asked if this M&C changes any project scheduling or prior Council decisions. The City ti-tuager said it doc+, not. At the regular meeting, M&C G-1015 was approved mianimous ly. Award of Contract - Demolition and Removal of Non- NOBLE - have representatives of Repairable Substandard Residential Buildings Hearne and Miller Wrecking Com- (M&C C-841) panies draw lots on tie bid for contract: on Unit 9-B. Councilman Hoover asked where these buildings are located. The City Manager replied that they are generally ROY - report vernally to Council in the 'Operation Clean-Sweep" areas. on November 28 of staff action on Councilwoman Deen asked if removal is cheaper under Unit 9-13. a volume contract such as this. The City Manager replied that it probably is. The City Manager explained that certain procedures must be followed at the regular Council meeting to arrive at the necessary finding by the City Council that the properties are a hazard and a nuisance and should be re- moved by City contract. Such procedures were followed at the regular meeting, and M&C C-841 was approved unanimously. !, . Request for Temporary Two-Way Service DICK - draft letter from Mayor to Road (M&C G-1021) District Engineer Bob Crook to forward copy of resolution (cc to look Councilman Hamm asked if the GSC request for im- Dean Dauley) . Meet with Graham provement of Odom and Old Denton Roads had been discussed and Bruner as soon as it can be wish the owners involved. Ilie City Manager replied that arranged. it h:a�; been discussed with GSC and by GSC with Julius Bruner, the latter apparently being opposed to the project. Councilman Hoover asked about the Odom Road underpass under 1-35W being 60 feet and the other right-of-way on Odom Road being planned for 120 feet. The Traffic Engineer replied that the same number of traffic lanes can be built but that there would be a narrow median under the interstate. Councilman Hoover asked if there are any plans to have Odom Road go on to the west. The City Manager said this wags in the master thoroughtare plan, but there is no financing available at present for it. The City Manager stated that soma owners of property on the east: side of I-35W want to . ce ; ylvania improved north of Long Street to Odom Road, He said if this is done, Odom Road east. of 1-35W should also be improved to connect with Sylvania. Counci man Hoover asked if the GSC Mark III area will be developed as required by r;tandard development policies. The City Manager said it would be. Councilman Hoover asked what is planned for the water main on Odom Road. The City Manager replied that it can be placed in the median of the divided roadway, with a stub out the only necessary construction before paving. He said the 001► matter of taps directly to the main i, yet unresolved. Councilman Hoover asked about water service to the Melody Hill.; Addition. The City Manager replied that the st_.aff is not yet: taking steps to acquire this private water sy,tem, pursuant to directions of the Council a few months ago to wait on this matter. The Council did not indicate any desire to proceed with netotiations at this time. The City Manager inquired if the staff should proceed on planning the improvement of Odom and Old Denton Roads as part of the GSC developer contract. Councilman Hamm said he thought this was desirable, but that the staff should work directly with GSC and Juliu_ Bruner. Councilman Hoover asked if it might be better to do all the work in the whole area under one contract. The City Mana- ger stated that assessment procedures on Odom and Old Denton Roads might slow down the GSC on-site part of the work. Councilman Hamm emphasized that the staff should be talking to Julius Bruner, rather than through Carter and Burgess, and that Bruner should be given all possible consideration because ol the large assessment to him for street improvements. Council- m-in Kemble said that talk with him should be general so that esti- mates of cost would not be taken as firm figures later on. At the regular meeting, M&C G-1021 was approved unanimously. `). Paving Improvements NAN a) Reconstruction at Four Locations All (M&C C-839) b) Assessment Paving on the South Side (MSC C-840) 0 Widening and Channelization of James Street at Seminary Drive (M&C C-837) s "Itiere were no questions on these paving projects, .uul the t-taC 's were approved unanimously at the regular b. Change Order - Fire and Police Training NAN i Center Contract (M&C C-838) There were no questions on this item, and M&C C-838 a ; _ ipproved unanimously at the regular meeting. r Draft Contract Governing; Use of the Fort Worth JLB - met with As<:ociation Art Center (IR #1089) officials on November 23 and requested their review and Councilman Stovall said he would like to have the comments. crxium,nts of tile• Fort Worth Art Center Association on the proposed contract. Councilman Hamm asked what brings this matter up at thi:, time. The City Manaj:er replied that questions on the ddmi+ istration of the Center have occurred from time to Lime, .:lad that it appears that a written agreement would make it easier to operate the center. He said the staff desires Council direction on whether the contract is needed. Councilman Kemble asked if the matter has already been taken up with the Fort Worth Art Association. The City Mans- ger replied that the President of the Association is aware of a contract being drafted, and he thinks there should be an agree- ment . Mayor Barr said he thinly: the City should be very flexible on negotiation of terms at this point, since the proposed con- tract has not yet. been reviewed by the Art Association, The consensus of the Council was for the staff to explore the proposed currtracL further with Association officials. _ 8. Janitorial trvice Contract Cancellation HOWARD - draft reports requeEted (1.1-C' P-55J, page 5) on janitorial service contract and discounts as soon as possible. Councilman Hamm said he would like to hold the pro- GENE - list M&C P-)'a�, page 5 on puked cancellation of the one year janitorial service agenda after report is furnished. contract until more specific information is furnished, At the regular meeting the request was repeated, and M&C P-555, page 5, was held, and a report was requested. Councilman Hamm also requested a report on how many iLeui: are purchased on cash discount, how many times dis- counts have been lost because of late payment, or how many limo-, the d i:•count has been taken and payment made after the discount period. 9. Driveway problem at Galveston and Magnolia NAN Councilman Stovall asked whether the problem with the property owner at Galveston and Magnolia, concerning a driveway access on new paving project,has been worked out. Thr City Manager replied that the Traffic Engineer has worked with the owner, and it appears to be worked out at the present.