HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967/02/13-Agenda-Pre-Council w , • MINUTES PRE-COUNCII. CONFERENCE February 13, 1967 Present Late Absent 1. Barr 7. Shannon (Item i) 9. Hamm (also absent at rc�,U- 2. Deen 8. Hoover (Item 5) Jar -meeting) 3. Ke nit,le 4. Stovall �. Eagle 6. Jones I t e m Follow-Up 1. Ice Skating Rink for Will Rogers Memorial Coliseum DICK - review contract and M&C of (IR #1138 and M&C G-1051) transmittal (to be prepared by Magness) as soon as available, for The City Manager reminded the Council that a deci- early Council action. sion on this matter is needed today in order to complete arrangements with the ice hockey team. Councilwoman Deen asked if the staff is satisfied with the County attitude. The City Manager replied yes, that responsible County officials have° indicated there would be little conflict in having two ice rinks. Councilman Kemble asked how the $195,000 would be financed. The City Manager replied that there is suffi- cient cash in working capital, and thrit the appropriation would be from the unappropriated balance, ;:t the beginning of the fiscal year. He said that no increase in taxes - now or future - would be required to finance the rink. Councilman Stovall asked how long it would take to amortize thc• initial cost. Ilse City Manager replied that he thought it could be amortized in six or seven years if hockey is a success, and otherwise in ten to 15 years if hockey does not succeed. Mayor Barr commented that he thought five years would do it. Councilman Stovall said he thought four years would be sufficient. Councilman Stovall asked if the program of public skating would be worked in with Park & Recreation programs. The City Manager replied it could. Councilman Kemble asked if the new pipe would be placed over the old floor in the Coliseum. The City Manager replied ghat it would, and an entire new fluor laid on the present floor. He eLd it would be necessary to raL;e the seats in the boxes and to install a glass wall along the sides, and that cost estimates included this work. Councilman Eagle commented that the members of the Tarrant County All Sports Association have worked hard on getting the team to come to Fort Worth. Upon Councilman Shannon's arrival, he was asked if he had any questions on the maeter. He said he did not, but that he couldn't make up his mind on it. At the regular meeting, the recommendations in M&C G-1051 were approved unanimously without further comment. 2. Reminder - Recessed City Council Meeting at NAN 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 14, 1967 The City Manager reminded Council Members of the recessed meeting in order to take action on the sale of r $16 400,000 general obligation bonds (M&C G-1055) and $1 mi.H ion of water revenue bond:; (M&C G-1056) . All Members e indicated they could be present. In response to a question, the City Manager said that he thought if the City received anything under 3.75 per cent on the bonds that it would be a favorable bid. The recessed meeting was held as scheduled at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 14, and M&C's G-1055, G-1056, and P-569 were approved as recommended. _ 3. Sanitary Sewer Service Contract Negotiations with HARDY - coordinate boundary re- the Benbrook Water and Sewer Authority (IR #1137) alignment with Planning Dept. , Benbrook officials, & this oft�ce. Mayor Barr commented that he thinks the staff is taking exactly the right position in the matter. Coun- oilman Kemble said he thinks the Council should take a firm stand, as recommended in the IR, Mayor Pro-Tem Jones asked if the Council doesn't need Lo authorize the staff to file suit or take other legal action. The City Manager replied that the City Attorney can do this, and must do it, on his own by Charter authorization, and that he often doesn't notify the City Manager when suits are filed, Mayor Pro-Tem Jones said he thought the Council should specifically authorize a :;uit in this case at the appropriate time, but ha later retreated from this position and supported the II? reconwiendations. There was no further discussion of the matter at the Pre-Council Conference, and at the regular meeting under "Special Items", the Council took the action recom- mended in IR #1137, as follows : 1) That reasonable boundary alignments - fair to both cities - must he a part of a new sewer service contract with the Benbrook Water & Sewer Authority, Cif. rhes set forth in Contract. No. 3315 for sani- tary sewer service must be paid and maintained on a current basis until a new contract is executed, and 3 ) The staff should continue to negotiate in accordance with the above described po:iition and attempt to work out mutually satisfactory contract terms through these negotiations. The staff should also be author- ized, however, to take appropriate legal action to protect the interests of Fort Worth and its citizens if this action becomes necessary. 4. Award of Contract - Fournier Street DICK - memo to Buckman to study (tV.0 C-884) signal need and report. Councilman f,emble asked if there ;,as any signal Light planned for Forest Park Boulevard and Seventh and Tenth Streets. The City Manager replied that the traffic flow will determine whether signals will be installed, but provisions have been made in the paving at these locations for :>ignals. The City Manager reported that Fournier Street is be- i►ug improved at the request of a majority of the adjacent property owners. There were no further questions, and at the regular meeting M&C C-884 was approved unanimously: , r� +! Benefit Hearing - 'Three Locations on the South NAN Side (M&C G-1024 and M&C (;-1054) The City Manager reported that a cul-de-sac is now recommended for the end of Shaw Street next to the rail- road tracks, and that it is recommended to leave Fifth Avenue open as originally proposed. Councilman Stovall asked if Shaw Street dead-ends. The City Manager replied that it does, but there is a pedestrian underpass under the railroad at this location. Councilman Stovall asked if there are any plans to improve Henderson Street from Berry to Shaw. The City Manager replied that there are no present plans to do so, because there would be too much right-of-way cost involved, but that this would be a desirable future project. At the regular meeting, M&C G-1054 was approved, the hearing was closed, and assessments were levied as proposed In M&C G-1024, as amended. 6. Benefit Hearing - Neighborhood Improvement Area ROY - Draft resolution supporting on the East Side (M&C G-1053) facsimile signature and send to Tarrant County legislative delega- Councilman Eagle asked if the staff has received tion. cooperation from the residents and property owners in the area. The City Manager replied that the staff has received excellent cooperation, but that not as many homes are being repaired to date in the Beacon NIP area as in the other two areas. lie said that this program provides a good hope for a whole neighborhood to be improved for the first time. He said there are fewer hardship cases here Lhan in many assess- ment paving project areas. At the hearing held at the regular meeting, the fol- lowing ol-lowing citizens appeared regarding the following aspects of Lhe paving : a) Mr. W. B. Robbins stated that the paving on Irma EHD - see that PW provides ade- Street .is not needed and that he desires no curb- quate driveway entrances. ing or interference with his driveway entrances on Rosedale. b) Mr. E. B. Pruitt, 1901 Avenue E. complained EHD - make sure that appraisal of about excessively high assessments on side Mr. Pruitt's property is included lots and requested review to determine if re- in current studies of side lot ductions on side lots could be granted. benefits. c) Mr. E. L. Maxwell, 3709 Bright Street, reported EHD - Have PW review participation that he owned seven pieces of property in the required by owners of vacant pro- Neighborhood Improvement area, and suggested that perty, including that owned by Mi the City undertake drainage improvements in ad- Maxwell in connection with the vance or in connection with the paving improve- drainage improvement studies in ments in order that the enhancements might be the NIP area. equal to the amount of the assessments. d) Mr Roger Hughes, 2805 Sandage, complained that the City deepened tine drainage ditch across her property, but that she had been prevented from filling in the ditch to mak:, better use of the property. She requested that drainage improve- ments be completed in coordination with the street paving. e) Mr. Byron Chedester, 4840 Dunlap Drive, stated his opinion that in:.ufficient credit was given for ex- istin�; paving on Ash Crescent Street. f) Representative for Mrs. Helen Barkley, owner of property on Ash Crescent Street, Route 1 , Box 275, Smithfield, Texas, stated they approved the paving. Amok ;) Mr. Jesse Maldonado, Jr. , 2710 Goldenrod, stated his opinion that the cost of the side lot paving as assessed was excessive. Mr. Maldonado also requested that the drainage facilities be improved in connection with the paving improvements. !i) Mrs. L. B. Morris, 1909 Avenue E, inquired why the paving was not being extended northward on Ash Crescent beyond the limits of the Neighborhood Im- provement Program. Following the hearing, M&C G-1053 was approved. Mayor Pro-Tem Jones said that there is a bill currently in the legislature to author ize using a facsimile signature on certain documents, which will relieve the Mayor of signing each paving assessment bill. He said he thought it would be desir- able to pass a resolution supporting the bill and to send it to the Tarrant County delegation. The City Council, at its regular meeting, adopted a resolution urging support by the County legislative delega- tion of a bill permitting facsimile signature by the Mayor on assessment paving documents now requiring the Mayor 's original sirtnature. 1. Letter from Frank H. Sherwood re City Flag DICK - draft letter for Mayor as suggested. Mayor Barr passed around to Council Members a letter dated February 7, 1967 from Frank H. Sherwood, suggesting that a local competition be conducted to select an offi- cial flag for the City. 17here was no consensus of Council Members on how to proceed with the suggestion. The City Manager was requested to draft a reply to the letter and to pass copies to the Fort Worth Art Asso- ciation, the local chapter of the AIA, and the Advertising Art Directors Association, as well as the official City Art Commission, for study and comments.