HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967/03/20-Agenda-Pre-Council M
March 20, 1967
Present Late Absent
1 . Barr 8. Shannon (Item 1) None
! . Jones 9. Hoover (Item 1)
t, Kemble
! C m Follow-Up
1 . Contract with Ice }iocke)• Team (M&C C-917) JACK FLOYD - prepare M&C rcr IW.sl`
fyinx.; director 's position it, Gtade
Councilman Kemble asked if this contract will make it and for additional posil 1011 of
possible for Will Rogers Center to pay its own way. The Assistant Managing Director, for
City Manager rt-plied that this contract will produce a big action at 4/3/67 Council Meseii<<;.
operating prutit , and will probably put the Center build-
itigh in the black for the first time nclxt year.
Councilman Hamm said that a good job hii been done
by Mr. Magness in negotiating this contract. He said that
Irom a distinct liability a few years ago, the Will Rogers
:iLc:iurial Center has become a real asseL. Mr. Haran suggt ! ted
cuclassification of the Center Manal;er's position, and
' 11A he be furnished an assistant to cut down on the evening
kours required.
Mayor Pro-Tem Jones said hie agreed with these thoughts,
tut that he believes reclassification .ind new positions are
ire City Manager's business at this poi-it.
The City Manager said he agreed with Mr. Hamm's and
others thoughts regarding Mr. Magness, and that the Council
bi already informally approved hiring an u, sistant for the
Rogers Center as soon as the hockey season starts this
, . II , lie said that an effort could be made to fill the posi-
i(,u :sooner if a qualified pet:,on i:, found.
Benefit Hearing - Gram; Strct!! (?', :C G-1068) NAN
The City Manager said Lhat this, coiiirunication pro-
vides for a::;essments for the iniprovcments west of Haynie
int Craig because no evidence can be :-ound Lhat thc:ce
I)tOperty owners participated in the cost of the present
The Public Works Director reported that Mr. and Mrs.
i.. P. Smith are not in agreement with the City � taff on
tht. right-of-way taking of 14 feet from their property for
tilt street widening. He said that thr Smiths would prefer
t.lint. Lhc- City take land from the school property across
, Int s tree t. He reported that it would coag t the City $7 ,1)U0 to
.;11 ,000 additional to shift the right-of-way to the south
juc of Craig and to build the required retaining wall for
tlit• roadway on that side.
Councilman Kemble asked what the neighbors of the
Sulith�; say about the right-of-way that is required. The
PuhliL- Wurks Director said that adequate right-of-way has
il ( k,ady been acquired from others, although this doe:, not
,.• sarily mean they are happy about it.
Councilman Shannon asked what kind of houses are in
110 ncighborbood. The Public Works Director replied that
iea consists generally of frame houses.
Ilio City Manager said that the owners in the Smith
,rt .t :tre not being assessed, because of previous partici-
p.ii ion in the street paving.
Councilman Shannon asked what the school thinks
about right-of-way location. The Chief Engineer of the
Public works Department said the school is opposed to
ta4ciiIg more right-of-way on its side.
Mayor Barr asked if condemnation proceedings have
begun. The City Manager said no -- that the right-of-way
Calmer is still being negotiated with the Smiths.
At: the regular meeting, during the benefit hearing,
mr. Leslie P. Smith, 6455 Craig, requested the Council to
take the required right-of-way from the school side of the
street. He said that lie had been offered only 20 cents per
foot for his right-of-way while someone down the street had
received $1.25 per foot. He said th,�t he had been offered
only $40 for a shade tree when it costs at least $200 to
put them in. Mrs. L. P. Smith also told the Council that
they were opposed to the right-of-way acquisition because
it would place the curb within 13 feet of their house. She
:.aid there is a hill that needs to be taken off of the street
anyway and that moving the street to the school side would be
Councilman Hamm suggested that the City should possibly
get the regular right-of-way width now, rather than only
enough for a 36 foot street. The Public Works Director said
that the staff tries to arrive at a reasonable middle ground
between the ultimate desired width and the cost of acquiring
right-of-way along built-up streets when designing street im-
Mr. Roy L. McDaniel said that the hearing is coming a
little late because the construction contract is already let
.aid work is underway. He said that he had been offered only
,,100 for damage to his property by the right-of-way taking of
? ', feet on his 75 x 150 foot lot. He questioned whether the
t.icy was following a commitment to the City National Bank to
.•iden Craig because the bank had provided some land for a
branch library site.
Ors . M. S. Crosby asked about sanitary sewer service
to ;ter property since she is not presently hooked up. Mayor
Barr said that a sanitary sewer is available to her on a
:.tandard cost-sharing basis. Councilman Hoover asked if
water aiLd sewer isn't being put in the street ahead of the
Diving as standard procedure. The Chief Engineer of the
PublLc Works Department said a sewer will be made available
to Mrs . Crosby if she desires to pay the extension cost over
100 feet.
Mr. John F. McKenna, 2900 Malcolm Street, said that
lie hati heard that the school paid for the present road, and
that therefore some other public agency should pay for it
thi: time. The. Chief Engineer said there is no record of
who paid for the present road. Mayor Bar r said that the
test of whether assessments are levied is whether or not
property owners have participated earlier in street paving
Councilman Shannon said that the Council should do
away with assessments for street paving, and that he hoped
tl = new Council would do this.
r •
Mr, Joe B. Owen said that he has been negotiating
. ith Lhe City for property for street right-of-way, and
' IIaL he hay been crying to get a copy of the City policy
yin .L cssments. lie said that after "10 days he had gotten
.i [10' U tram Public Works Department with a copy of State
r.t .iiW es . (A copy of the community facilities policies
li,,oklet wa; furnished Mr. Owen at this point) . The Public
.0, ks Director (after looking at the paper held by Mr. Owen)
said that he had been furnished a copy of the community fa-
cilitirs policies, as he had requested. Councilman Hoover
a- ked how he had requested the information. Mr. Owen said
lie had requested it by letters, with copies to the City
Manager. Councilman Hoover asked Mr. Owen if he has the
information he needs. Mr. Owen said no.
There was no further discussion, and a motion to
clone (fie hearing and levy the assessments as proposed
Ip >ruved unanimously.
. iange Order - 33rd Street (M&C C-918) NAN
T11ere were no questions on this matter, and it was
approved unanimously at the regular meeting.
� . Brennan Street Widening and Improvement (M&C G-1070 GENE - notify PW that Council
favors City initiation of tht
There were no questions on this matter, and improve- paving and to begin the proje, '
mens o, Brennan was approved unanimously at the regular in usual manner.
uue L inl;.
*%mendments to the Zoning Ordinance (M&C P7_-234) DICK - work with Mahoney to t;uL
final special coni Study Com-
Councilman Hamm said he didn' t have the background mittee action and reptrt thi.t,
,,itterieal available when reviewing this matter, and that week.
he thought it would be best to have the hearing today and
act on it next week. He said that there n. uds to be fur-
her discus:-lion about the CF zone, which is a good transi-
tional zone and he hopes to clear it up this week.
The Planning Director said that a hotel is a per-
mitted use in the FR district and it was left out in
c.,rliur drafts by mistake.
At the regular meeting. Mr. Del Barron, Chairman of
a special committee of real estate interests on this mat-
ter, made a lengthy presentation Lo the Council, request-
in , that the Zoning Commissions recommendation on the 12
uurrtLlts rule be worded as the original recommendation was
(which the Council accepted) , that the hearing be continued
on the CF di,:Lrict matter (Council decided to try to clear
i' Lhis week at a meeting of the special Zoning Study
t,,. u,iittee), and that a majority of a quorum of six be the
only required vote for Zoning Commission to approve changes.
Mr, John Maddux complained about the Zoning Commission
rt commendation on accessory buildings (utility houses and
1.;;+rdL-n apartments) noted on page 18-2 of the February 14
ruc(mui nidation. Councilman Hamm said this was a difficult
ma� Ler to control and that the Committee did the best it
Luuld on it. Mr. Maddux suggested also that zoning hear-
iiig,; before the Commission be ! peeded up and that a pos-
r:ihlc solution might be to set regional coi;iwittees as there
.are in Dallas.
Mr. Maddux suggested that the appeal reasoning is
unruali:- tic in the recommendation of the Zoning Cuinmif-cion
.and LhaL it be put back as the original Zoning 1 tudy C;om-
mitteu recommendation. The Council agreed with this sug-
Aiincxation of Three Areas in the Trinity River GENE - please draft new M&C for
Valley (M&C PZ-233) submittal in April after new
Council is in office.
The City Manager said that the Planning Commission
--commended the annexation of these three small areas
er study as requested by the Council last summer.
Councilman Hamm suggested waiting on the new Council
rime the matter could not be completed by this Council.
Ific City Manager said it males no difference to the staff
un when to proceed on this matter.
The Planning Director reported that the Plan Commis-
io,i is till studying the larger unincorporated areas
cL)mpletely surrounded by the City of Fort Worth and will
m.1ke recommendations on them later after more information
i:, gathered.
Mayor Pro-Tem .Jones said there is a good question
,shout what the laity can do in navigation district annexa-
Councilman Shannon asked how far downstream on the
C inity the City has annexed. The Planning Director re-
ied to Arlington-Bedford Road..
At the regular meeting, upon motion by Councilman
it-wm, the annexation of three area:, in the Trinity River
V•tlley (M&C P7-233) was referred to the new City Council.