HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967/04/17-Agenda-Pre-Council MINUTES Ad% PRE-COUNCIL CONFERENCE April 17, 1967 Ell u.,el+t Late Absent 1 . Jones 8. McKinley (Item 1) Nune Kemble 9. Shannon (Item 1) {. Stovall Fag le Hamm Hoover 1)een -1-2—n l;o1low-Up d . Recommended Ambulance Ordinance. -- Ambulance NAN :3t=udy Committee Councilman Stovall said the new recommended or- d n-ave establishes maximum rates that. can be charged .Ili., .judards of service for all companies holding per- I_i Ile said that the Council Should expect complaints : l•lm representatives of current. permit holders. He said 0111+ companies don' t want the Chief of Police to have Int„ ity to suspend operators for 15 days for non-com- l+I lance. Councilman Hoover asked when the new ordinance +uLd be effective. Councilman Stovall said that it koul•l take effect about 96 days from the date of passage .1i iu new ordinance. Councilman Hamm commented that all companies must pply annually for new permits, and that all companies, -. pt Gold Cross which is under separate contract, must I,, ly +low for a new permit it this ordinance is passed. Councilman Eagle said that each vehicle must be Lircn ed under this ordinance. Mayor Pro-Tem Jones asked whether the Council would 01,14 :+ hearing on the convenience and necessity for new 1!ti itr: and decide how many vehicles would be licensed. 1'ht, (. , Ly Attorney advised the Council it could close the h. at i.ngs already recently held on convenience and necessity, G>.+s the recommended new ordinance, and direct the Chief of Polite to issue permits to companies complying. The City Attorney said that with the wrecker com- p.i4y business the Council usually appoints an administrative . ++,iun i t i_ee to hold hearings on whether or not. to add more ve- I+ + i Lo the original permit. He said the Council should . ,uVrLiy how many vehicles would be allowed each company in LIJL' original permit. Mayor Pro-Tem Jone-, asked whether a company can get :, 1),_!xmit. to operate more vehicles than it actually does uptrat.e. Councilman Hamm said this matter is covered on page ld>, item 3 of the recommended ordinance. Councilman Eagle said that this is a good ordinance .nid Tat the Ambulance Study Committee recommends its passage. At the regular meeting, following a lengthy hearing and cots, Lderable discussion on the matter , the Council: 1) Closed hearing on certificates of convenience and necessity for emergency ambulance and invalid service. 2) Adopted revised ambulance ordinance with 6 amendments. 1) Revoked all outstanding certificates of convenience and necessity. rte• +) Instructed license officer to kraut certificates of convenience and necessity to all the following firms: a) Biggers - 2 vehicles b) Angelic Webber - 2 vehicles c) Robertson-Mueller-Harper - 3 vehicles d) Crowder - 4 vehicles e) Russell - 2 vehicles f) Gold Cross - 10 vehicles g) Moore - (number of vehicles t ,. be determined) All others must make new applicaa_ions if they desire _ to operaLt Award of Contract - Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter GENE - work with PW to get report 11 � Improvements on Texas, Tenth and Taylor Streets Council this week and list M&C C- ) S ' (M&C C-93:3) on 4/24/67 agendas. The City Manager de6cribed the progr m, pointing ++tt the area to be covered on a map. lle . -ii d assessments lire proposed for new curb and gutter only and not replace-orb and gutter, and for replacement of bad sidu%4alks. .►itl the program provides for beautification within the -of-way. He said that. the sidewalk repairs should im- �, the liability position of the Ciry also. Councilman Hamm said that this initial program will +-vur the heavy foot traffic arca at parking lots in the dot litown area. Mayor Pro-Tem Jones said that the Council authorized ala ; program more than a year ago. Ile said that he had a nunl:jer of reasons then that he voted against the program and coil.,idered the expenditure not wise. He said only a small pvr,-L,ntage of downtown sidewalks are covered and that no plans :are made for the remainder of the downtown area. lie questioned .liai a "pilot" project is. lie asked what is planned for the i(k ..alks around schools and hospitals, where needed most. He khoilgh+ that the project should be included in a bond propot:al w which voters could authorize it or not. He asked what the lroi,t toot cost of curb and gutter ,:ill be on the project. He otai,onted that this program will merely be the beginning of a c+ ni inuing program which is not finan(_od. The Public Works Director said he didn't have the i •.ire on front foot curb and gutter coy available, but ci ltl get it quickly. Mayor Pro-Tem Jones asked how - when exi tin., side- i l l., were to be replaced - it was det.(.rmined which �,ould tic• i sessed. The Public Works Director replied than those repair were selected on as objective a basis as pos- te . He said that following the neighborhood hearing on project, several areas were re-checked at the request of 1' ­11crty owners, in light of their continents. Ile said that . t, sments will not bL' levied where good sidewalk exists brat must be replaced to meet new line and grade. Mayor McKinley asked what a pilot project is. Mayor Pro-Tem Jones said he couldn't understand what this is a pilot project to. He questioned if it is like the pilot project on water main cleaning. the City Manager replied it the term "pilot project" means little. He sai+. that t+L• council had a ..pecific project hciore it f,,r action 3 l i.rl� covered a specific area. He said that it is up to . i« council to decide whether to enter into any other pro- ,cc! - liter evaluat ing whether the initial project i work- . t,I c .and worthwhile. Councilman Hamm said that he had initially voted not ,'o this program, but now he belicve,l the program is good .11141 !kinks the City has a responsibility to ' :.,L p curb and � . c-r and sidewalk in good condition. Mayor McKinley asked what percentage of the cost the pi. perty owner pays. The City Manager replied that the ap- p, . ,ch to the assessment is not on the basis of a fixed per- cernt .ige of total cost, but rather is on the basis that the property owners pay for certain phases of the work and the � it� pays for certain phases, as determined , arlier by the �.ity Council and based on actual bid prices received . He . :lid that standard policies for assessments have been applied is his case. Councilman Hamm said that for soma time he has been .,t.c•rested in getting a proper sidewalk at 7th and Throckrn�lrton Octs downtown, and that it is now finally bcin_, done. Councilman Stovall said this program is somewhat like the curb and gutter job on Grand Avenue by Oakwood Cemetery. This concluded discussion at the Pre-Council Conference, uid .it the regular meeting Councilwoman Deen made a motion, -conded by Councilman Hamm, to approve M&C C-433. CounLilman Hoover complained that the Council did not receive the recommended assessment rolls with the Mcg,:., He ,.id le was interested in knowing what this prujcct is a pilot to. He questioned whether strict enforcement rt the codes couldn't handle the matter. He said he thinks this is the wronr; approach to the improvement, and thiiil<r; the public is I ' icing too large a share of the cost. Councilwoman Deen said that a pilot pro_l ,•t i- merely .l beginning, and that this project will mean muck to the beauti- tic•ation of the downtown area. Mayor McKinley said that the Council ntods m,,, c guideline for the overall program before it begins this kind of experimental project. The City Manager replied to Councilman Hoover that the Council some months ago requested elimination of tht: duplication of sending assessment rolls to the Council twice, and thit pro- cedure was used in this case, as it had been in all u her rece•u;: cont_r<act awards. Mayor Pro-Tem Jones said he would like ro have the runniiit, o,it costs before voting on the matter. Councilman Hoover questioned what the City i:, doing out it_ the residential neighborhoods on sidewalk replacement. The Public Works Director replied that the City has no extensive program on this and that the City does not participate: in the cost of repair> ,,i defective sidewalks in any area (including this project) . Councilman hoover atiked if a voluntary effort had been m.ide to accomplish this project . The Public Works Director . ,,lied that it had not been done to his knowledge. Councilman Hoover asked how the new ,.idewalks would be protected from the adjacent parking lots. Lhe Public Works l!irector said that the parking luc operator,. have been told they must have bumpers to keep cars off the new - idewal!. . lic said that the unit costs of the project are bllc a square ,•,,t for driveways, 58c per square foot for sidewalk and $2. 12 r lineal foot for curb and gutter. 4 Councilmen Kemble and Nagle said that they think the project is good, and it should proceed immediately. Mayor McKinley said he thinks the Council needs a better outline of the broad program before proceeding. Councilman Hoover requested 'ICouncil courtesy" in delaying action on the motion until further information is lwirnished as requested. Councilman Shannon qu4L,:ationed why the Public Works Dep.:rtment has had the matter for 15 months without recom- mending action ou it. Mayor Pro-Tem Jones moved to table action on M&C C-933 i�,r one week, and this motion was seconded and passed (Council- man Eagle voting NO) . _ 3. Mable Street Paving and Improvements ROY - report official ac � 14is (M&C C-1066 and IR -41175) Dept. There war, no discussion on this item at the Pre- Council Conference. At the regular meetiihv the City Mana- ger reminded the Council that it had three courses of action as follows : 1) To delete the project from the other units already awarded, 2) To improve the street at the 30 foot width for which the hearing had already been held, 3) To revise the project for a 36 foot width and advertise a new hearing. Councilman Hamm moved to delete Mable Street from '.1u present contract. Mayor Pro-Tem Jones seconded the ti; : ion. Councilman Eagle asked if the Public Works Director talked to Mrs. Gregory. The Public Works Director re- plicd he had not, but that his staff had, and that he be- Ileves that the assessments proposed are fair. He said Llicrc is some State Highway Department work scheduled for Jacksboro Highway in the next year. He said the primary purpose of the project is to eliminate dust. Councilman Hoover asked if the width of the roadway has been checked with the State. The Public Works Director said that it had not but that the 50 foot right-of-way is fairly restrictive and that a 36 foot roadway is the maximum that can be constructeu with no additional right-of-way, which might be expensive. The Council then voted on the motion and passed it unanimously, so that the project will be deleted from the conLract. 4 . Scaling for Will Rogers Auditorium (M&C G-1080) NAN Councilman Hamm said that he doesn't see the ne- cessity of retaining Tracor, Inc. for acoustical advisory .,er% ices on this matter. He said that there are too many .,ariables involved and that the advice of this company will not be helpful. The City Manager Said that this matter is not an important part of the recommendation, and that he thinks ii could be deleted if de.;ired by the Council. At the regular meeting, Mayor Pro-Tem Jones moved L0 approve M&C G-1080 as recumi nded. Councilman Stovall .cco nded the motion. Councilman Hamm requested the motion makers to delete the recommendation for hiring Tracor, Inc. Councilman Stovall ,rveLgi but Mayor Pro-Tem it-nes did not agree. 3 ♦ Oft n " The Motion then was approved (Councilmen Hamm and Komhlo voting NO) , so that M&C G-1080 was approved as re- c"nmended in the M&C. _ Appraisal of Property Proposed for Exchange NAN Between the City and the T&P Railroad (M&C L-1731 and IR #1174) The consensus of the Council at the Pre-Council Conference was to approve M&C L-1731 at, recommended. Such action was taken unanimously at the regular meeting.