HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967/06/19-Agenda-Pre-Council z
June 19, 1967
Late Absent
1 . McKinley 8. Guinn (Item 2) 9. Sarsgard
m Follow-Up
' . 'four of President 's Water Pollution Advisory Board MAE - call Council Wednesday
in Fort Worth and Dallas and get reservations for Sun-
day night.
The City Manager reminded the Council of the tour
gad luncheon at the Inn of the Six Flags by the President 's
,.,,ter Pollution Advisory Board on Monday, June 26, and of
tie Sunday, ,lune 25, 5:00 p.m. briefing at the Statler-
l:ilion Hotel in Dallas and 7 :30 dinner with City Councils
oI Fort Worth and Dallas at the Brook Hollow Country Club.
The City Manager said that the Council would be callLd
011 Wednesday to get their reservations for the Sunday dinner. _
Sanitary Landfill Site for City of white Settlement GENE - list White Settlemuir
Landfill on June 26 Agenda
Mayor McKinley said that he had a call from sarneone (speaker 's name to be fur-
0 is concerned about the City of White Settle:-tent .3cquir- nished by Friday Noon).
i+q, a certain parcel of land for a sanitary landfill.
The City Manager said he had first heard of the situa-
6in on Saturday when a Mr. Pinksa called him, and that he
+.id not yet had time to investigate it. He said that a Mrs.
:•l.ircha Hagoud Rall brought further information on it to his
olftce this morning, and she desires to be on the June 26
al,enda to discuss the problem with the Council.
There was no objection raised to a presentation at
the June 26 meeting.
{. Benefit Hearing - Long Avenue Improvement, ROY - write letter to SoUth-
Units 9 and 10 (14&C G-1101) west Petroleum in reply to
their letter, stating that
'There were no questions on this matter at the Pre- the Council considered the
+ ncil Conference Company's reque! t but on
At the regular meeting, the staff presentation was basis of an independent ap-
malde by the Chief Engineer of the Public Works Department. praisal of benefit following
lie also furnished an independent appraisal report on bene- a public hearing, the ao-:sess-
iiL to the Southwest Petroleum Company, made by Jack Haight. ment was levied as recommended.
Mayor McKinley asked Lite Council what should be done
ttiitla the letter from Southwest Petroleum Company requesting �-
an .i.isessment reduction. The City Manager replied that the
i of has not contacted officials of the Southwest Petroleum
+ inrapany, believing it would be better to get an independent
.appraisal and furnish it to the Council for a decision. The -
( ity Attorney said that the Council is in a good position on
ui• mat Ler, since no representative from Southwest Petroleum �. �,�t
ci-m pony is present at the hearing where any opposition to
u, -o sessment should be expressed rather than by letter.
Mr. W. J. Thomas, representing American Cooperage
Company, owners of lots 1 through 9, Block 4 at 36th and
Sylvania, expressed opposition to the project.
A motion by Councilmen Stovall and Kemble to close
the hearing and levy the assessments as recommended was
adopted unanimously.
Vjard of Contract - Long Avenue Overpass, DICK - draft memo t i'tihl is
Unit 7 (M&C C-984) Works to rev'eti, OJU t .t i I, WAS
underpass situ, ieui inun<li.t• e +
Councilman Hoover asked if the overpass would be and Submit report i .tp.
i inio-=bed .dread of the paving. The Public Works Director
. aid that it is hoped to finish tete overpass at the same
time a! Lite paving. Ile pointed out that the section of
Long Avcuuc from Decatur Lo Deen has not yet been con-
Lrac Led.
The Public Works Director pointed out a problem of
tate railroad underpass just east of N. Main Street, a.td
said that the current contract calls for leaving the
present railroad underpass as it is with an impaired clear-
ance. Mayor McKinley said that the Council should get a re-
port on the amount of truck traffic on the street. Council-
man Hoover said the matter should be reopened, so that a bad
rratfic situation is not built in. The City Manager said
Lite staff can restudy Lite matter and get estimates of cost
to rebuild the existing underpass at this time. Mayor McKinley
asked if Lhe work can be held up for this. The City Manager
replied that it would cost money to hold up the contractor now
underway, but that there is still time to consider the matter.
[lie Public Works Director said the first railroad is on detour
now, and the shoo-fly track will be there for some time yet.
lie offered to report back on the matter.
At the regular meeting the subject was brought up again
by Councilman Hoover, asking if tormal action would be neces-
sary to reconsider the matter. fhe City Manager replied that
the staff will submit a report on it as soon as the informa-
i ion is available.
As,.essment Paving on the East Side VAN
(M&C C-986)
The City Manager said that on unit 2, Velma Street from
Dillard to 615 feet east, the petitions contain names of resi-
dents who are buying the properties on contracts for sale.
Councilman Hoover asked who under these circumstances is
responsible for the assessment paving lien. The City Attorney n r1r"I
replied that the owner of Lite property would have to consent C ' °"` t� •. �,.
tO iL , and that the purchaser cannot effect title to the land. + I t "'.
At Lite regular meeting, M&C C-986 was approved unani-
nani-mousl . al v,,"
h. Regional Airport NAN ,
The City Manager pointed out that the Agenda for today
contains five land acquisitions at the Regional Airport.
Councilman Hoover asked if any of them are in Dallas County.
'11ie City Manager replied that one of them is, and he pointed
Lo it on a map.
Councilman Kemble asked what is done with the improve-
ments on the airport properties acquired by the City. The
ity Manager replied Uiat it varies,, depending on Lite owners '
desires , and it is negotiated with each parcel.
The City Manager aslc,. ' it there are any questions
concerning the VOLS engineering information sent to the
Council (IR #1211) . Councilman Hoover asked when the
end of the current contract is. The City Manager replied
June 30, 1967.
Councilman Hoover said he thinks the Council should
meet with TAMS before June 30 to find out where the project
is going and at what cost and other engineering informn,_ion.
Councilman Dunham asked if the Council met with TAMS before
the other contracts were approved. Councilman Kemble lid
they dict not. He said the Regional Airport Board did meet
with them, and the Board had made recommendations to the
Council. He suggested doing it the same way this tarty.
Councilman Hoover said the Council should get the informa-
tion direct from TAMS.
Councilman Stovall said he thinks the Board should
continue its work as it has in the past, and the Council
shouldn't meddle with TAMS. He said the Council should
get all information possible, but through the Board.
Mayor McKinley said that it is a new ball game, and
the Council should meet with the Hoard. He :;aid the situa-
tion has changed now since the election failed in Dalla
Councilman Stovall said that in the event a meeting
was Held, it should be with everybody including the Board,
TAMS and the Dallas City Council. He said the project
should be worked jointly as it has before. Councilman
Dunham also suggested meeting with everyone, and he asked
if anyone feels they have not been getting enough informa-
tion. Mayor McKinley said that the Council hasn't gotten
any information until lately. Councilman Stovall said it
could be gotten any time it was asked for.
Councilman Hoover said he is personally asking for
a meeting with TAMS and the Regional Airport Board includ-
ing at least the Fort Worth members but possibly also the
Dallas members.
Councilman Stovall asked when the next Regional Board
meeting is. The City Manager replied the first Wednesday
in July, or July 5. Councilman Stovall said the Council
shouldn't have independent meetings with the engineers, or
only part of the Regional Board. Mayor McKinley said that
technical information doesn't need to come through the Board,
and that it can be direct.
Councilman Wilson said that the discussion relates to
what will be done next and he suggested that the Regional
Board be allowed to recommend on this matter.
Mayor McKinley said the Council is obviously not in
agreement on the matter and should pass on to the next item,
which was done. �
At the regular meeting, after a motion to approve, ������"'
M&C's L-1871 through 1874 and 1879, Mayor McKinlay brought
up the matter of purchase of land at the regional airport
again. He said he wondered if the Council is makic, a
mistake to proceed with any more land acquisition until
the Council knows what 's going on and what will be done with
the land. He said a particular problem exists with the
eminent domain acquisitions. He then reviewed the history of
airports in Fort Worth, including development of Meacham Field
r ' 4
and the matter of a smokestack obstruction resulting in
air traffic going to Dallas. He said then Fort Worth
looked midway for a new airport and finally bought an
area south of town. He said this was eventually sold and
GSIA was developed. He said then people went to Washin ;ton
t-wo or three years ago and that a case before the CAB wasx
bungled. He said that Mr. Newman of the CAB ordered the
cities of Fort Worth and Dallas to get together. He said
Fort Worth has proven its ability to build an airport, but
he doe:.n 't know why Fort Worth is buying land ahead of Dallas.
lie said Dallas voters turned down the bi-county agency, and
he doesn't know the answer on how to pro,..( cd from this. He
said Ile had attended a short three or four minute Regional
Board meeting a few weeks ago and that no questions were asks-6
or answers provided at that time. He said he believes Dallas
leaders will work with Fort [forth, but he doesn't believe Foit
Worth should buy new land until everyone knows where tl;c Re-
gional Airport is going_ .
Councilman Guinn said he supports the continued pur-
chase of land for the Regional Airport. He aid the vote
in Tarrant County two weeks ago proves that lite citizens
here are ready to proceed. He said the cooperative arrangement
prevailing in the past should be preserved. He said the next
alternative should now be developed.
Councilman Hoover said he thinks every Council 'IL,7.)ber
is enthusiastic for the airport project. He said he would
still like to have a meeting with TAMS with the full Council
and Regional Board. He said it is necessary to see where we
stand and where we are going. He said he wants to know shat
is in the new contract with TAMS. He requested holding pur-
chases now under consideration until after the meeting, which
lie said should be before June 30.
Councilman Dunham asked the City Attorney if there is
any problem with eminent domain now.
'file City Attorney gave a long explanation in reply.
He ;aid that three issues were before the CAB on an appeal
from Examiner Newman's decision, including 1) whether i'()rt
Worth and Dallas area would be served through a single air-
port, 2) whether Fort Worth or Dallas should be designated
as the site of the Regional Airport, and } the amendment
of the certificates of necessity for the airlines to serve a
certain airport.
He said that Examiner Newman waj instructed to work
with the two cities and to get together and select a site
for a regional airport.
He reviewed the history of the legislative enactments
leading to the recent bi-county vote, including the constL- /� tw'') P-r
tutional amendment in 1965, and enabling; legf. lation in 1967, OF�SCl '; ' "�'ry�
lie said that Article 46d, covered the authority for Fort 01911 c'•' !� y
Worth and Dallas to contract for providing a regional airport, t ''i'
including the power of eminent domain. He said the City cannot FI. 'n"'� Ta
be held up in court on the eminent domain matter under the ex-
isting contract between Fort Worth and Dallas.
He reminded the Council that the City has nt:.irly 4,000
acres now to build an airport, which would lye 15 mile _ closer
than Love Field. lie said Love Field has only 1,100 acre, ctnd
GSIA has 1,600 acres.
Mayor McKinley asked why all the rush to buy land.
there was no immediate reply. A vote on the motion to
,approve the five land M&C's was passed by a vote of 6 to
2 (McKinley and Hoover voting NO).
Councilman Hoover said tie voted no only because of
his pending request for a meeting before Junc 30 with the
Regional Board and TAMS. His motion for the City Manager
to make arrangements for such a meeting died for lack of a
After further discussion, Councilman Hoover " s new
motion for a meeting with TAX3, the Regional Board and
rite two City Councils died for lack of a second.
The result of this discussion G.;. ;; that there was
no request by the Council to set up a meeting at this
time, and the land acquisitions were approved, _
7 . Settlement of Assessment Case - Frank Mt Kee NAN
(1&C G-1102)
Councilman Dunham asked about: the prc;^edent in settling
:.uch a case this way. The City Attorney replied that the only
precedents were those established by the SuprL°mc Court recently,
in which great emphasis is placed on procedure rather than sub-
stance. He said the staff recommends settling very few cases
of this nature.
Councilman Guinn asked about a trade being involved. The
City Attorney replied that it is not well to make trades on as-
At the regular meeting. M&C G-1102 was approved unanimously.
8. Emergency Repair of Air Conditioning at Fort NAN
Worth Art Center (M&C P-589)
°l'{xe City Manager said this is a necessary emergence,,
repair item. He also mentioned a new emergency purchase
just handed the Council (M&C P-590) concernin6 an air con-
ditioner at the Water Service Center.
Councilman Dunham said it appears to be a good deal
at the Fort Worth Art Center. At the regular meeting M&C's
P-589 and 590 were approved unanimously. _
9. Plexiglass above Dasher Board for Hockey Team HOWARD - draft letter of rep];:
and send both to Cit_v Council..
After an indication that Council Members had not re-
ceived a Metter from the Hockey Club concerning plexiglass
over the dasher board for the new hockey rink at the Coli-
seum, the City Manager said that he would send the Hockey
Club letter and a draft of a reply to the Council for con-
on-siderat on at its next meeting,
10. TCMA Meeting in Galveston NAN
'Me City Manager said that if there were no objections FT. VIVA I, TEX,
he intended to attend the TCMA meeting in Galveston this
afternoon and tomorrow, There was no ob Lection. .
11. Mayor Pro-Tem Sarsgard's trip to Conference of NAN
Mayor Meeting in Honolulu
Councilman Stovall asked who approved Mayor Pro-Tem
Sarsgard's trip to Honolulu for the Conference of Mayers
meeting, rather than Mayor McKinley going as was approved
last week. There was ru reply.
At the regular meeting Mayor Pro-Tem Sarsgard 's trip
was confirmed by the Council unanimously,
12. Human Relations Commission DICK - '.ias furnished .11'
materials and asked JohiidroL
Councilman Dunham said he would like to request the to prepare dratt ord'naitce
c.lty Manager to prepare a draft ordinance for a permanent June 21.
Human Relations Commission, and he suggested that Councilmen
Kersnick and Guinn be designated to work with the Manager on
the draft. He said he would like to have a report for Coun-
cil's consideration at its next meeting.
Councilman Stovall said he thinks it would be well to
Have a smaller group than is on the present Mayor 's Community
Relations Committee. He suggested a nine or eleven man com-
Councilman Hoover said he was the only Council member
to attend a youth rally at Bunche Park last Saturday. He
suggested the other Councilmen should have attended. Coun-
cilman Stovall said he had received notice only the night
heforc the meeting.
Councilman Wilson asked how the present Community Re-
lations Committee is set up. The City Manager replied that
it is a large group of about sixty, appointed by the Mayor,
acting under no formal charge or ordinance, and with no
specific duties.
Councilman Dunham asked to proceed on the matter. The
City Manager replied if this meant to work with Councilmen
Kersnick and Guinn. There was no objection to this.
At this point Mayor McKinley returned to the room and
commented that he has been working on the matter in the past.
Councilman Dunham suggested he might also like to review the
draft ordinance with Councilmen Kerenick and Guinn this week. _
13. Park Maintenance Building ROY - notify Park Dep.irLment of
The City Manager mentioned that inadvertently the matter / /
F of the Park Maintenance Building had been left off the regular V
agenda. U
At the regular meeting, Councilman Dunham said that the lJ
new '_ester from the Park and Recreation Board with information
Oil surplus funds still doesn't give reasons for the transfer
from temporary funds instead of taking money from surplus as
the other recent Park Capital Impty vement recommended.
The City Manager said he understands this involves only
a temporary loan from the Community Parks Program Bond Funds,
and there will be no long term effect.
A motion to approve the Park Department recommendation
as approved (Councilman Dunham voting no).
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