HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967/07/10-Agenda-Pre-Council MINUTES
July 10, 1967
Present Late Absent
1. McKinley 8. Guinn (Item 1) 9. Stovall
2. Sarsgard
3. Dunham
4. Wilson
5. Kersnick
6. Kemble
7. Hoover
I t e m Follow-Up
1. Report of Growth! Fort Worth Committee HDM - implementation of committee
Discussion of the Committee report was initiated
by the City Manager who stated he was in agreement with RNL - draft summary report on
the findings of the committee, but mentioned that the ex- status of City Hall design project
isting space limitations at City Hall precluded major including some detail on basic
groupings of all offices handling development matters. features of the building, tenta-
He reported that it was planned to have all such offices tive space allocations and arrange
centralized in the new City Hall. He noted that he had ment and overall square footage an
no proposal for policy changes or staff adjustments at ticipated in the new building.
this time.
Councilman Hoover interjected that he had received RAB - draft letter of thanks from
very little information about the details of construction City Council to Growth: Fort Worth
of the City Hall such as size, configuration of the jail, Committee for signature by all
various departmental arrangements, etc. The City Manager members of the City Council.
replied that tentative information had been collected for
work by the architect on preliminary design of the build-
ing and that the staff would develop a summary report of
this information for the information of the City Council.
Councilman Hoover remarked that there was an old study
prior to the 1963 City Hall election which showed the
various allocations of space and general configuration of
the office building. The City Manager stated that a re-
port would be prepared which would update the previous
Councilman Wilson inquired whether the elimination
of engineering work by the City would permit any cuts in
the personnel staffing of the engineering divisions. Coun-
cilman Hoover also asked if staffing requirements would be
reduced for the City Planning Department if all street lay-
outs were done by private engineers. It was reported by
the City Manager that the engineering staff would devote
greater effort to City projects which are now being sub-
contracted to private engineering firms, and that the
change in engineering requirements would not reduce the
workload of the City Planning Department. V
Information regarding a step by step explanation 1
of the handling of developer policies was requested by the
Mayor and it was reported that the scheduled orientation
f the Public Works Department would explain this procedure.
In response to comments about how the staff would
be reorganized, whether additional staffing would be required,
and methods of proceeding with the proposed policy changes,
Councilmen Sarsgard and Dunham suggested that a feasibility
study be completed by the staff on the implementation of
the reconunendations of the Growth.' Fort Worth CommitLee.
The City Manager reported that such a study could be com-
pleted for City Council consideration within two weeks.
Councilman Hoover remarked that elimination of engineering
work for developers could permit the City to prepare its
own project plans at a lower cost without hiring as many
outside firms.
It was the consensus of the City Council to pro-
ceed with the feasibility report by the staff for further
consideration by the Council and for the City Secretary to
prepare a letter of thanks from the City Council to the
Growth.' Fort Worth Committee extending appreciation of
the City Council for the work performed.
2 Ayers Street Improvements (M&C C-1003 & L-1897 EHD - advise Public Works to pro-
& L-1898) ceed on revised limits with chan-
nelization to end at Mt. Vernon
It was reported by the City Manager that he had to the west.
personally inspected the roadway on Ayers Avenue which he
found to be in need of improvement between Rosedale and EHD - draft memo to Public Works
Lancaster, that channelization appeared to be necessary to prepare an informal report ex-
at: the intersection of Lancaster and Ayers, that the plaining city policy and justifi-
paving was in relatively good condition between Mt. Vernon cation for basis of reconstruction
and Purington, and that the roadway was rough and needing and assessment paving programs.
improvement north of Purington to Meadowbrook Drive. A
display map showing the channelization of the intersection
north of Lancaster on Ayers was also available for City
,Council consideration.
There was considerable discussion about the rela-
tive merits of traffic loads, need for the paving north
of Lancaster, need for free right turns in connection
with the new signals being installed at this location and
other locations in the City, the requirements for elimina-
tion of head-in parking when new street paving is installed
and explanation of the City 's reconstruction policy by com-
parison to assessment paving programs.
Public Works Director Jack Graham explained that
the reconstruction program evolved from recognition that
previous paving policies by the City of Fort Worth had
permitted construction of substandard roadways for which
bond funds were voted to reconstruct those streets in
which there had been property owner participation and
there had been general paving failure in a relatively
short period of time. Assessment paving is for the pur-
pose of supplying paving where the property owners had
not previously participated in the cost of the paving.
Councilmen Sarsgard and Kersnick agreed that the
project was necessary, but there seemed to be considerable
difference of opinion on how the project should be funded.
Councilman Kemble suggested that the portion of Ayers north
of the channelization of Mt. Vernon be eliminated from the
contract. After lengthy discussion at the regular Council
meeting, it was the decision of the City Council to pro-
rCeed with Ayers Street paving, but delete the portion of
he project lying north of Mt. Vernon to Meadowbrook Drive.
A contract in the amount of $91,070.97 was approved by the
Council. (M&C C-1003 and M&C 's L-1897 and L-1898 were approved.)
3. Settlement of Condemnation Proceedings, City RNL - draft IR explaining ad-
of Fort Worth vs. W. S. DuBose, Inc. (M&C L-1915) vantages of settlement proposed
in M&C L-1915.
Several Councilmen expressed a desire to receive
additional information and clarification of the City Mana- LRD - Agenda - 10/17/67
ger's recommendations contained in L-1915, and suggested
that the communication be delayed for one week until such
time as information can be prepared and transmitted for
City Council consideration.