HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967/07/24-Agenda-Pre-Council VIAN
Pre-Council Conference
July 24, 1967
Present Late i'disent
1. McKinley 7. Guinn (Item 7) 9. G-:ilsun
2. Dunham 8. IIoover (ILem 10)
3. Kemb le
4. Stovall
5. Sarsgard
6. Kersnick
I t e m Follow-Up
1. Housing Authority Luncheon NAN
The City Manager reminded the Council of the scheduled
luncheon at noon today with the Fort Worth Housing Authcr ity
Board. The Council agreed to recess the regular meeting from
12 :00 to 1:30 for this luncheon, if necessary.
2. Council Meeting on August 3 EVERYBODY - same deadline
dates for August 3 meeting.
The Council agreed to meet on Thursday, August 3, in lieu Council packets to be de-
of Monday, July 31, because most Members would be attending the livered Wednesday evening,
National League of Cities meeting in Boston. August 2, for August 7
meeting. Packets will be
marked August 7.
3. Council Meeting on September 6 EVERYBODY - Set hearing dale
accordingly. No change in
At the request of Councilman Guinn, the Council Meeting in deadlines or packet deliver-
lieu of Monday, September 4 (Labor Day) , was set for Wednesday, ies.
September 6.
4. Systems Study of Solid Waste Collection (M&C C-1010) NAN
Councilman Dunham said that the report (IR #1238) seemed
complete, and it indicated that the previous waste collection
studies were good and that there were benefits derived from
them. Councilman Stovall suggested that the City might benefit
from another study.
There was no further discussion at the Pre- Council Con-
ference, but at the regular meeting the discussion was continued.
Councilman Hoover suggested that the City do such a study
itself without outside consultants ' assistance. Councilman Dun-
ham commented that the staff was not experienced or trained in
this sort of study and that outside help would be necessary.
Councilman Kemble also suggested proceeding. Mayor McKinley
said that the staff is headed the wrong direction on this study.
Councilman Hoover asked if the same company would do the
larger model study if the feasibility was indicated in the study
now under consideration. Councilman Dunham suggested that a mo-
tion to approve by Councilman Kemble be changed to include that
the firm currently under consideration would not be allowed to
do the later bigger job. Councilman Kemble agreed to this change
in his motion. A vote on the motion was 2 to 5 (Kemble and Dun-
ham voting YES).
A new motion by Councilman Dunham to approve M&C C-1010
as recommended failed by a vote of 4 to 3 (McKinley, Hoover
and Kersnick voting NO, Sarsgard and Wilson absent) .
5. Benefit 1lcaring - Skyline Drive (NI&C G- L115) L'J/d'I
The City Manager reported Lh�LL Urcre war; LikcLy 10 be
some opposition to this project at the benefit Bearing.
At the regular meeting the benefit hearing was cuuducLed,
at which sonic opposition to the project and assessments was u/-
The Council unanimously approved a motion to close the
hearing and levy the assessments as recommended.
6. Benefit Hearing - Nine Locations on the Northwest NAN
Side (M&C G-1116)
The City Manager reported that there was likely to be
some opposition from owners along Bonita Drive and Christine
Drive at the benefit hearing.
AL the regular meeting the benefit hearing was conducted,
at which no one appeared on Bonita Drive but several owners on
Christine Drive protested the project and/or assessments .
The Council unanimously approved a motion to close the
hearing and levy the assessments as recommended.
7. Award of Contract - Astro Area (M&C C-1017) NAN
Councilman Stovall asked if there are any encroachments
in the right-of-way on this project. The Public Works Director
said that there are, but later in the meeting he reported that
the encroachments he knew about are along Decatur Avenue and not
in this area.
At the regular meeting M&C C-1017 was approved unanimously.
8. Rental Schedule of NIP GENE - have Noble get ans-
wers to questions and sub-
Mayor McKinley asked for more explanation of the trans- mit report.
mittal of the rental schedule on the Neighborhood Improvement
Program (NI&C G-1114) . The City Manager replied that the Federal
Government thought the rates originally transmitted were too low
and requested a restudy and possible higher rates.
Mayor McKinley asked how long the Federal Government would
pay on the relocations, and to whom the payments are made. The
City Manager said he would get the answers to these questions.
At the regular meeting the discussion on M&C G-1114 con-
tinued, with Councilman Hoover commenting that the averages as
revised are too high and rents are not actually that high. He
said he thought this determination might affect rentals. He
suggested further checking with HUD before transmittal. M&C
G-1114 was held for further report.
9. Purchase Items (M&C P-595) NAN
Mayor Pro-Tem Sarsgard asked what is the Formwriter men-
tioned in M&C P-595, page 1. The City Manager replied that it
is for sending handwritten messages between remote locations
in the Water Department.
Mayor McKinley asked how much money is in the budget for
the ice hockey goals and nets (M&C P-595, page 7) . The Will
Rogers Center Director reported that $1,000 is in the original
budget, and that this purchase is well under that amount.
Mayor McKinley asked how much more had to be purchased
for the hockey set-up. The Director replied that skates needed
to be purchased and would probably be ready for the Council next
M ko
wee lc. 1[e said also LhaL plywood Lo cover Lhc ice floor for
other uses .ilso remains to be purcha;;ed.
Mayor MCJi iuley asked who Would perform skaLc nt:iinLc•ii:.Iucu.
The Director said Llie aLLendanL in Lf c skaLc shop Would do t hi:; .
_ AL the regular meeting, M&C Y-595 was approved unauiimou:;ly.
10. �RenLal Rates for Will Rogers Coliseum (M&C G-1113) NAN
Councilman. Kemble asked if business will be IiurL by such
a rate increase. The Center Director replied that lie believe.;
anyone who wants to rent a building Lhat size should be able
to pay the additional rentals. He reported that the new rates
will still be competitive with other buildings in other cities.
Mayor McKinley asked if the track meet will be here in
February. The Director said that it would be on February 9.
He said that the sponsor is having his own track made at a cost
of about $15,000. He said the track will be left at the Center
buildings for storage and that the owner would provide dollies to
move it around for Stock Show and other events. He said the owner
will pay the labor cost of moving but that the City would provide
free storage for the Lrack.
At the regular meeting M&C G-1113 was approved unanimously.
11. Neighborhood Youth Corps ROY - draft letter for ilayor
signature to NYC approving
Councilman Stovall asked if the City Manager has given the City participation in pro-
Council a recommendation on City participation in NYC. The City gram for 60-day period.
Manager said he believes it will require more supervisory time,
but would provide more labor to do City work. Councilman Kers-
nick asked how much time. The City Manager said he didn't know.
Councilman Kersnick asked if the City would have complete control
of the workers. The City Manager said the City would.
Councilman Stovall asked what the workers would do. The
City Manager said that they would work in the Garage and Shop,
but they would not replace the "winos " from the City jail. He
said they would also work in the refuse collection division, prob-
ably cleaning debris from lots . The Will Rogers Center Director
said he also would like to have some of this labor available.
Mayor Pro-Tem Sarsgard asked if they would be performing
"make work. " The City Manager said they would be doing work
that needs doing, but which is not getting done because of lack
of regular City labor. Mayor McKinley said the program doesn't
make sense to him. The City Manager gave an example of the wash-
ing that might be done on City vehicles at the Garage.
Councilman Dunham asked what is the position of the City
Manager on the program. The City Manager rep Ll.ed that he thinks
the program is worthwhile at least for a trial period, to see if
it will help the individuals and also to see if the City will
benefit. Mayor McKinley asked how long the trial period should
be. The City Manager said that the City can get out of it at
any time. Councilman Kersnick mentioned that the budget goes
through December on the suggested program.
Mayor McKinley asked what rate of pay the regular City em-
ployees who would be doing similar work are getting. The City
Manager replied that they are generally paid about $1.40 an hour.
He said the NSC youth would be eligible for regular employment
if they met the regular qualifications.
Councilman Stovall commented that most of the NYC youth
are seventeen years old and perhaps they can't work for the
CiLy at that agc- The City Managur said LIiaL Lhu infuruui I
City policy is not to hire auyonc under sevanLecn ye,1r-s; a l.[l ,
and not under eighteen for lla%ardour; Lype work.
Councilman Stovall asked how many job placcmunLs Lh�ru
had been. 'file City Manager said LhaL lie thought Lherc, were
100 positions available in the NYC program in Fort Worth.
Councilman Stovall asked how many wanted jobs . The City Xan.a-
ger said he didn' t know.
Mayor McKinley asked if the City would work NYC youth
on garbage collection. The City Manager said the NYC youth
will not replace regular employees in this division or any
Councilman Hoover asked what the turnover rate in the
program is. The City Manager said he didn' t know. Councilman
Kemble said he felt the program was a continuing one and that
it was designed to rehabilitate school dropouts. He said he
thinks it is worthwhile for the City to participate.
Mayor McKinley said he thought only four in the program
went to private industry.
Councilman Guinn said the City must look at the program
from the standpoint of alternates to maintaining such youth
in later years on the welfare rolls.
Councilman Hoover asked what job in industry the youth
are training for. Councilman Kemble answered that he thought
the program was designed to improve basic working skills rather
than any specialty.
At the regular meeting, Mr. Philip Waibel spoke to the
Council on behalf of the NYC local advisory committee. He
requested Council permission to place NYC trainees in City of-
Councilman Stovall asked Mr. Waibel how many places are
in the program, and when the City could drop the program. Mr.
Waibel responded that the NYC currently had 110 positions
available and the City could drop its participation at any
Mayor McKinley asked if the County uses the program. Mr.
Waibel responded that the County has fifteen places provided,
but that transportation to County work stations is a problem
or there might be more locations.
Councilman Hoover asked if reports on the progress of the
program would be available. The City Manager replied that he
would make regular reports on the program.
Councilman Stovall moved approval of the NYC program for
a trial period of 60 days. The motion was seconded and passed
unanimously by voice vote.
12. Charter Amendment Election NAN
Councilman Dunham asked Council Members to give thought
to any possible Charter amendments so that they could discuss
later whether or not to have an election.