HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967/10/09-Agenda-Pre-Council A'► A1% � "~ MINUTES Pre-Council Conference• October 9, 1967 Present Late Absent 1 . McKinley 8. hoover (Item 3) None 2. Dunham 9. Guinn (Item 3) 3. Kersnick 4. bcoval1 Kemble I- Wilson 7 . Sarsgard I t e m Follow-Up 1, Reminder - Joint Meeting with Dallas City Council at NAN General Dynamics and Carswell Air Force Base, Thursday, October 12, 1967 Council was rcr=tinded of the joint meeting with the Dalla.: Cite Conncil .,r General Dynamics and Carswell Air Force Base 0,11 Ti"ursday, October 12, 1967. All Council Members said they rlannod to attend. 2. Chancre Order - Contract for Seal Coating Existing NAN Paved Stre(As (M&C C-1081) It was explained that more streets wcrO added to the project to co"ue up to the budget amount, due to a very low bid. Mayor McKinley said that he had asked for a report 4in c.hk• total vardag;e of the first contract and had not yet teccivud it . The Assistant City Manager replied that he did not understand that a report was asked for. Mayor McKinley then asked for the units of measure on the previous contract before acting; on the new proposal. The information was furnished and M&C C-1081 was approved at the regular meeting. 3. Change i)rder - Realignment of Long.; Avenue from MAN Deen Read to Sylvania Avenue (M&C C-1083) The nature of the change order was explained including credit from 36th Street to be applied against the Long; Avenue paving. K vor McKinley wanted to know the meaning of the word "crod i t". It was explained that "credit" referred to money .Avcd in reducing 36th Street from 60 feet to 40 feet. Co; ncilman Hoover asked for the price reduction on this :.treet . The Public Works Director replied $14,160. Giuncilman Hoover also inquired about the connection between Sylvania and Beach and whether the new alignment 4xiuld affect this connection. The Pti1i ie Works Director said its alignment will be improved. Councilman Sarsrard asked if the new plan would improve 36th Street. Th, Public Works Director pointed out that it would hac vise 36th Si reet pre:.ently is ravel and mud. M&C 1083 Was approved 7 to 1 (Ma)!)r voting no) at the regular Council meeting. 4. Automatic Controls and Monitoring System NAM for Municipal Buildings (M&C G-1151) It was explained that the initial $5,000 will be used to automate the Police and Fire Training Center heating; and coulipg syst(T-is. In response to a question abort the fresh Ont system, the Building Official in Public Works explained he controls will eliminate two iull-time men; $2,000 will .•k ' be spent on units at the Training Center; $3,000 will be for the purchase of a control board to monitor temperature, pressures, etc. The Building Official also said that the monitoring device, would not interfere with the fresh air devices, which were initially built in to control the heating and cooling devices. M&C G-1151 was approved at the regular _Council meeting . 5. Review of Final Payment - Randol Mill Pumping Station NAN (MSC FP-487) M&C FP-487 was considered first. Mayor McKinley said that a section of pipe 36 inches in diameter is the question in point. The contractor felt that he shouldn't be required to pay for it because it was not resp ired in the general specifications; however, it was found that the blueprints did contain this pipe. The general specifications say that blueprints take precedence. There was also mention made of a valve, which due to difficulty in obtaining it , has caused a penalty to be laid against the contractor. The Water Director pointed out that the penalty was re- duced from 26 days to 16 days and that he would recommend this reduction but not City payment for the pipe. Councilmen Dunham and Hoover were in favor of splitting the difference in cost with the contractor. Councilman Kemble was wary of this because it might set a dangerous precedent for future cases of this sort. Mayor McKinley, and Councilman Kersnick felt that the 10 day penalty reduction was being liberal enough. M&C FP-487 was approved unanimously at the regular Council meeting. 6. Downtown Sidewalk Improvement Program (M&C FP-486) NAN After brief discussion about the size of the tree and hazards to removal, it was the consensus that the payment be made. M&C FP-486 was approved at the regular meeting. 7. Police Department NAN Mayor McKinley made mention of the gambling raid carried out over the weekend and he pointed out that events appeared to embarrass the Police Department. He defended the police by stating that no admission of possible gambling could be made because a warning might be given of the raid in advance. _ 8. Craig Street Change Order (M&C C-1079) Councilman Wilson wanted to know if the City or the contractor underestimated on the overrun item on Craig Street (M&C C-1079) . The Assistant City Manager said that the City did. The City pays on actual material used. The change order was approved during the regular Council meeting. _ 9. Emergency Repairs at City Hall Fill) - Make sure final bill goes to Council if over $500. The Council wAs advised about the water main break in City Hall which occurred on Saturday October 7, 1967. The report was made in accordance with Charter provisions re- i4arding emergency expenditures over $500. A statement will be presented later for Council ratification. 10. Ceremonies for Fire-Police Training Center HDM Council authorized staff to complete plans for opening of Fire-Police Training Center.