HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967/12/11-Agenda-Pre-Council •' /�+ jdffib�
Pre-Council Conference
December 11 , 1967
Pry sent
1 McKinley Late Absent
' Dunham 8. Hoover None
.i Kemble 9 , Sarsgard
� Guinn
i Stovall
I t e m Follow-up _
I Draft Bid Proposal , Specifications, and Contract HDM - Continue Negotiations
Towing and Storage of Wrecked and Abandoned with Wallace Craig.
Vehicles (IR #1310)
The Mayor opened discussion asking what was wrong with
the present wrecker service. The Manager replied that this
ioport was the result of a request for an increase of fees
.ur wrecker service which the City Council had referred to
! lie staff for study. After the representatives of the
wrecker companies had presented their requests , but before
the staff had completed their study, Wallace Craig said
that the wrecker companies would withdraw their request
for increased charges on police pulls . IR #1310 transmits
a hid proposal for one wrecker firm to handle all service
assigned by the Police Department . The Manager said that
Mr. Craig had reviewed the draft and presented his com-
moilLs in a letter which accompanied the draft proposal .
The staff included those suggestions that were appropriate
In the proposal. The Manager stated that the question to
hr resolved is that : 1) the staff has not advertised for
bids and needs to know if the Council wants to take bids
on the proposal with any modifications or changes , or
2) if the Council wants the staff to draft a change in the
rate ordinance.
Councilman Wilson asked how effective would it be to
have all our eggs in one basket, administratively. The
Manager replied that this would not be a problem. Council-
man Stovall asked about ABC Wrecker Company's offer to take
care of abandoned vehicles free. The Manager replied that
all the companies are willing to provide this service free
at this time. The main problem the wrecker companies have
with abandoned vehicles is the 60 day statutory limit
before they can dispose of them. The Manager proceeded to
e, piain the routine procedure for processing abandoned
vehicles. Mr. Kemble asked if we could split the difference
in the proposed rate and the existing rate and leave the
procedure as it is . Mr.. Sarsgard asked what the big advan-
tage would be in having one contractor. The Manager replied
that one contact point for the Police and one place for
the citi::ens to pick up their cars would be an advantage.
Mr. Sars,%ard asked if this is a particular problem and the
Manager replied it is primarily a public relations problem,
,hat there have been hard feelings when the citizen must
Pay tuwing Charge when he picks up his stolen vehicle . Mr
` Dunham asked what the extra service charge consisted of . The
f Manager said this is when dollies must be used or vehicles
pulled out a ravine. There is no explicit definition for
this particular service but it is based on judgment when there
is a tremendous amount of additional work provided . Councilman
Dunham said lie would like to eliminate this extra service
charge. Councilman Kemble asked if there had been any com-
plaints on this extra charge . The Manager answered that he
knew of none. The Manager explained that there are two or
three types of police pulls : 1) when a person has no preference
on which company they use; 2) the driver is incapacitated ; or 3)
when stolen or abandoned vehicles are picked up. Police than
use the rotation list . The Manager explained that at the present
time, them is no charge to the City for abandoned vehicles , in
the ori�,Jnal request of the wrecker companies they did request
the City pay for this service, but since then, they have amended
Lhv propos;it ion.
Council Members asked whether the wrecker companies have to
have licenses and bonds . The question was answered in the alfirma-
tiv.• . Councilman Wilson suggested that the staff be authorized to
continue nt:• ,otiations with the wrecker companies on a rate and
i thi•y were not succi ssLttl , than we could take bids . CAc)unciIman
Dunham asked stow long, we have had the $10 fee and the Manan,er
replied since 1962. The Mayor said , 'Itow about $12.50 fel with
no dolly or extra service charge."
2. Sanitary Sewer Service for the Greenfield Acres NAN
(IR #1311)
The City Manager stated that he wanted to pre:;ent this
report now because the 1968 CIP for Sanitary Sewerb is being
presented . These two items have it direct relationship t.o
each oth�•r and this report might be helpful to the Countil in
studying; the 1968 Sanitary Sewer CTP. Mr. Kersnick asked if
it. would be wi:;e to hold Lhi:; for further .turfy and the Mana-
•,cr concurred. Mr. Stovall. commented that they want water in
Creenfield Acres and don't understand why they don't have
cater when we just built an elevated tower in that area. Tltc
,,Mattat;er explained that the acquisition of the water system is
progressing with an analysis of the inventory to be completed
within two weeks. _
3. Amendment to Cedar Creek Project (M&C C- 1104 and EIID December 18, 1967
IR #13118 - Held over from previous week) Agenda.
Mayor McKinley stated that he talked to Ben Hickey
of the Water Board and Mr. Hickey is considering revisinc=,
the rates and wants the City to hold off approvinf the
contract at this time. Ile does not have the exact figures
ready right now. Mr. Kemble asked didn't Mr. Hickev
originally suggest the ligures we have before us. The
Mana);t•r answered in the affirmative. Mr. Stovall asked if
any members of the staff knew about a proposed change in
the renes by the Water Board . Ralph Ha:-'v stated that lie
knew of no channe and had no knowledge that Mr. Hickey
was considering making; a change. Mr. Stovall commented
that lie talked to members of the Water Board as recently
as last week and he heard nothing about any change.
MSC C-1104 was held for another week .
3 A%
Additional Information on Odont Road and 1-35W NAN
Interchange (IR #1312)
Tito Mana-,+,r stated that the staff needs guidance un
f what will be required on Odom Road. Alter the last meeting,
h t•f.trbers of the staff talked Lo Lite Texas Highway Department
the cloverleaf der ign on 1-35W and Odom Road . The
Lniormal report. explains what Bob Crook, District Engineer,
said about the interchange, he is against spending any Looney
()it the pro joct at this time. There are three alternatives
aL Lhis time -- that thu City buy Lhe property, that Lite
Ci�y make a presentation for the highway CektnmisSfon Lo
buy Lite property, and to proceed with Plat approval so that
'ti*!+ilc can build their service station. Tht2 Managor stated
that: cite question is when would a larger intersection he
built . The 1955 traffic count shows that a cluverleal would
.int he necessary. Pic. Kemble asked uihether tho counts in-
luded Chu AMCOT development and the Manager said it did
t:, Well as the Soars incl Mark IV projects. Mayor McKinley
.,,Lid h+., thought that we were };uin+,, to go to the highway
CA,1 WL::siun. The Manager said 010L this is one Of the
:, ! L4rnative choices we have. Mr . Nilson said that there
a problem in gottinp, the approval of the McLropolifan
Ili,,hway Commission of the Chamber of Commerce, lisLing this
o one of the priority projects . Mr. Sar:.gartl said that he
understands the District Engineer is opposed Lo the project
becaur;u it has very low priority compared with other needed
Proj«LS in Lite area . Mr. SarS�;ard said he did uuL like
rite idea of approving a filling station that would have to
lie 1mychased at a later date. He said that we should decide
..hat i:t going to be built at the present time, but he did
not feel like the Highway Ce)mmission would approve: a project
that Lite District Engineer recorumends against . Mr. Dunham
commented that Udom Road in strategically located between
the Regional Airport and Meacham Field . Councilman Guinn
•:Lated that we Have been too conservative on all traffic
project-ions made in pest year`' The Manager was asked
wl►rther Odom Road Interchange would be a major access to the
North Sidi: ,area. lie replied yes because the next one imuld
be at Riverside Drive which would be quite a bit further.
Mr. Kumble asked c-ilat are we looking at in the way of develop-
ment at Lite present time. I'11e Manager said at rite present
tins- we have a request for one filling; station at the
nurtitl:est corner but 11c could foresee requests for filling;
r:ta: setts at all three corners which are presently vaunt , Mr.
f,+ rd,le asked how much land would be needed and the: Manager
,:. ptaine:d till acre,, tra:q e::timated for Lite ultimate design. Mr.
Kumble asked where we- stand at the present time with this pro-
ject. The Manager said rhe• plat is not approved and if we du
not approve it we may have it tested in Court , but we could not
i.in in Cuurt if we only have a vague need for the land at F:ome
suture time. Jack Graham commented that Mobile Cil Company is
paying a ;,round lease of $300 a month and have been paying this
lease for several month, , Mr. Kemble asked if we could buy the
land and Liken lease to Mobile oil Company for them to build a
sLation, then we could cancel they lease when Lite property was
needed . The cost of the improvements would not be retch compared
to Lltv Co.1;t of the land . Mr . Graham commented that a law suit
i ay he filed by Mobile Oil Company this week if we do not
resolve the issue today.