HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967/12/27-Agenda-Pre-Council r� MINUTES PRE COUNCIL CONFERENCE December' 27 r 1967 Present Late Absent 1 ; McKinley 6 Guinn (Item 1 ) No Council Members 2 . Kemble 7 . Hoover (Item 1) Farrington for 3. Sarsga rd 8. Sarsgard (Item 1) McMahan. 4, Wilson 9 . nunham (Item 1) 5. Kersnick I [ m I low-ti _ I . Orientation on Master Drainage Plan E11D - Notify Public Warks. to instruct Consultants to Members of the consulting engineering firm of Knowlton, proceed with finalization Ratliff and English were introduced to Council Members by of the Manual and Master Acting City Manager David Farrington and Public Works Plan on the Southwest Side Director Jack M Graham. Mr, Knowlton made 3n illustrated under contract presentation on thi progress and development of the Mister Drainage Plan for the City of Fort Worth. It was explained that the Finn is under contract to the City and is in the process of developing criteria for storm drainage facilities and for the development ul a master plan in a seventeen square mile area of the City A preliminary draft of a storm drainage criteria and design manual , in looseleaf form, was furnished to each Council Member . The presentation emphasized the various methods in de- trrmtning the amounts of water and intensities of Mows for wliitle dratnage facilitivs must be designed and constructed . Tlie rational and synrhetic hydrograph methods were explained , indicating that the hydrograph method be applied in areas ut over 1000 acres , and that the rational method be applied in areas of less than 1000 acres , Minimum design frequencies of floods were discussed , with illustrations of Live , ten and twenty-iivc yt•ar design frequency intervals , bused upon the size of the facility being constructed and the area of property being served by the various facilities , The Engineers noted that techn cal papers published by the l!ni ted States Weather Bureau had been ,i pdated in 1961 to include all atoms, not merely the stormR of greatest rainfall , resulting in more accurate determinations of the facilities needed to accommodate ".lash floods", LhaMe periods of :-ain- ial i of great intensity over a shirr duration It' was repcirted that a five-year minimum frequency is residential areas was the criteria adopted by the Cone,iltant and which is recommended to the City for a basis in design of facilities Two exhibits were presented for Council Mvitibers in addition Lt.. the manual , including a large-scale design of the Bluebonnet Hills area , and a sketch of the draitktge needs and conditions in the Hedge Station area The Consultants emphasized that the criteria were developed for maximum flexi- bility and adjustment to individual cases by gnalitied engineers either associated with the City or consultancs doini; work for construction of facilities that will lie ultimately owned and maintained by the City 2 Councilmen Sar::t•,ard and Ker bib expressed concern alautt ttw flooding cunelit ions in the litut iwiinc:t Hi is area antl Inquired wltetlrcr the AL•atster flraia.t,�.e Plan wnulti take -ipeLlal Ict•ttnnt of the• oat sal l waters to as:cltre that the remedy ui r iuod i.nt• condi t ion-• in ulte lleighhoncOcrd witid nrlt contribute Problems in another nui):llhnrhood downstream. PLO)IIL td-rl-:: Director Graham 1-c-ported that the Mtt:.t t•r Plan envi- tur d flit, carr':itic v1 atl drainj,,;e . + tc111:: Lu the .1doquate di. lxt..al it water ilt the Tiittit v [fiver systew Il Was r(•porLcd that flit• ^!7st,vr Drainage Plan would -.how the cri- Lc•ria for l,uildicl;• d rainage 1 rlci 1 it ies , I he area•, of nuvd throllyltout the City, and a pusr,ihlu means u aII viating the I loodin),, conditiun making tttaxillim, itso of existing facilities . Pttli.ry mailers Io be decided by the CiLv r:ounc:il include priorities for prat*,re_ss in correcting draina:;e deficiencies , and Lite t inane itsr for needed draitia,•o prat 'It•CL% . Tho Prlhlic Wltrks M lector r1• nt iuned Li!at the existence ut a Mx;tut Drainat•c Plan would hc• tl assfstntict• to devolopers IJ* nt w suhdi.vir.iun: by turni:clting p+•rt itterlt drainage ittforlT13- 11.111 llpull which LIQ+'r f• at'ctlt-11e coil pro 1(•Cl. i.ow; .'Ind ct}t:t .li::trihutiun cstimaLos could ha. Matic•. Ills.• -reatet:t impact of Llle updated criteria and design manual , relxtrted by the Ptthlic Wt+rks Dircctoi , is the lar;-cr ,ive and extension of pipe tltt Lhe uppt•r ,nd til drainage laci I it il••, wlllch wrutld lart••c•ly hu finarttud by devuluper'i of new subdivisions Ik. I)Oiut erl nut that tits City':: cu.yt would als(i be increased as _I rt :tnl t of larper :;ilex et1 piTx- bcc:m ;r• the City p;lrt ic4 pate:, ill 25 pet cent or the cep .t of drainage iaci l itios measuriny, 1..11: 't•1 than Jo ittclles in tli.unoter N-th Flavor McKiltl ev jud Curint_ i lt:ian Wi 1• rlt agreed that I If Citv may need Lu Id just i t•: pt:liries wi I i re, :trd tt, new 1. V• It.prrlenl Lit as:�Ilt c that. a propt•i- di:trihill ion tot cU:;t l,e- I ..0 :r : I i v Ci 1 v anti dt•vr•lopt'r i; tn.iintainrd . pt t i ! ` c. rerI-rC•tI e �.c.t ati Lt.) 1.1lt tack that l::r}ger '4;-t's +t.ly lllcl'tt.?t•e tflt+ nnm1wr tiraitlage lacilitit in Which I.IIt Vity participate . ll:, :e was ::arse indication alneanl, G.11HIL i l Mt tnbrr% that an ad }utit- ;1cnt ctl the• gilt inch ir.e at %AAch 1ht• City begins to part icipotc mii•hl ht• increased to a lar;'er diameter Lu ccmilionsate Ior the incivase in dcsi� it criteria rucnnunended by the• Ct.;nsultants . Councilman llovver voiced the concern t.11;It increased (Ir- i••Ir rind criteria -oandard s would tend to vncourapt• elv%,eluptnent M rid' t :, ;and the l uwt•r l yi lt,; d ra i n.tt;t: :Ire;t•: t:t+itlleilticlt Ullttitaltl alld Sir-waild al::rt expressed interest in devl letpiny� S;OWC ftleasts 1,41 ;ta�:nrt- that no gaps di-vt:loh in tht• l t tit, and that orderly duvelopruent of th.• d'-ail1:I, a plats can procecd withunt platn plating an tarl:;tial hurden inion e•iIher the City or nuarby devt•lopers . 'file Public- tWlll:ti Uirector culnmented that. Iht• C'iI . 's y alternative• is to condemn and build at full lrt I CIII-Ullt•11 ;a rt ;1:: Wlt 'r� Ialttlitl:nt I"• a' t rtni yet rt'.It{y AP lot dt_�, 1 eat Uouncilin.-in Oliuilam e.,l:. • ive-n inlorriiaLi.olt that. oe.i not, pl'rlYli t e_i t i t•:c L#1 ;t:• :t 'l:i 1+.r •:i tin,i drainFage 1. 11 LN kli ,t rt t•I. 1'iy11tH-of-VAV A lt• collclurit n oI lhtr prt'SelataLiull. Ill- Public l: rk:, t)i rc, + cal lent ed Lbe pi t•1 imi.tlury dral t • of I lit, Ahtnttal t!••I reporiod fliat wllrl. wrrtlld procc•^d witit tIw I {tial Ili v1,.1,:11 ioll t l Lht 16L11tua1wanl the coctplvllon •tt lilt• KISLtrl Ili ain.igi. )'!.Ili 11 Lht' Area 11t Ibe• Cit y lltltlt•r 1 Ultt rrtt_I Its I her t .tn:.tl l t alit 3 2 . Review of Amendment to Cedar Creek Contract QEF - Seek early meeting date for Council with member Councilman Dunham expressed concern whether the of the Water District. decision made by the City Council on December 18 regarding amendment of the Cedar Creek contract with the Water Board should he reviewed . He stated that he had discussed the matter with representatives of the news media and other persons who expressed concern that the economic goals of the amendment may not be readily achievable. He stated that a number of questions had been raised by Councilman Hoover, Mayor McKinley and Councilman Ira Kersnick which had not been fully answered at the previous Council meeting . Because of the questions of other Co)until Members and because of his own desire to obtain more information from representatives of the Water District , Mr. Dunham suggested that the City Manager withhold execution of the amendment pending appearance before a future Pre-Council meeting by a representative of the District to explain the economics of the prupused Water Contract Amendment . 3. Rental Agreement for Will Rogers Center with Texas MAN Western Fair of Fort Worth, Inc . (M&C C-1124) Councilmen Kemble and Hoover inquired about the benefits to the City of the 20-year option provision contained in the proposed agreement . Don Magness , Will Rogers Memorial Build- ings Director, replied that the 20-year option was included for the protection of the investor from a second year invasion of the contract. He mentioned that failure of the firm to make specified deposits by the beginning of the following calendar year would result in cancellation of the contract . Mayor McKinley questioned whether a sufficient rate of return was being obtained on carnival rides , and suggested that 25 per cent would be nearer the going rate. Mr. Magness replied that the operators of the fair intended to furnish forms of entertainment on the fair ground and that the manage- ment was also sharing in the proceeds from the carnival rides. He indicated that the 12 per cent figure was a compromise between the City and the operators of the fair. Councilman Kemble inquired whether the City would main- tain full control over activities within the fair grounds , to which the Buildings Manager replied that the rental agreement gives the City full authority to remove any objectionable forms of exhibit or merchandise. He cited the recent Teen Fair at which certain items of merchandise were removed by the City when found to be objectionable. At the regular Council meeting, the agreement with the Texas Western Fair was approved unanimously. There was insufficient time during the Pre-Council MAN session to discuss the following items . a) Contract for the Installation of Community Facilities , Wedgwood Development "L" (M&C C-1121 , M&C C-1122, and M&C C-1123) b) Transmittal of 1968 Capital Improvement Program - Fire, Airports , and Library Section (IR #1324) _