HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 17542-05-2007Ordinance No 17542-05-2007 AN ORDINANCE INCREASING ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE GRANTS FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $53 840 14 SUBJECT TO RECEIPT OF ADDITIONAL STATE HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT ADJUSTMENT FUNDS FROM THE STATE OF TEXAS GOVERNOR'S DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING THE ENHANCEMENT OF THE JURISDICTION'S CAPABILITY TO PREVENT RESPOND TO AND RECOVER FROM ACTS OF TERRORISM AND NATURAL DISASTERS MAKING THIS ORDINANCE CUMULATIVE OF PRIOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH TEXAS SECTION 1 That in addition to those amounts allocated to the various City departments for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 and in the Budget of the City Manager there shall also be increased estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Fund in the amount of $53 840 14 subject to receipt of additional State Homeland Security grant adjustment funds from the State of Texas, Governor's Division of Emergency Management, for the purpose of funding the enhancement of the jurisdiction's capability to prevent, respond to and recover from acts of terrorism and natural disasters. SECTION 2. That should any portion, section or part of a section of this ordinance be declared invalid inoperative or void for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction such decision, opinion or judgment shall in no way impair the remaining portions, sections, or parts of sections of this ordinance which said remaining provisions shall be and remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3 That this ordinance shall be cumulative of Ordinance No 17142 and all other ordinances and appropriations amending the same except in those instances where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with such other ordinances and appropriations, in which instance said conflicting provisions of said prior ordinances and appropriations are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION 4 This ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Assistant City Attorney ADOPTED AND EFFECTIVE. _ May 15, 2007 .~~~ "' ~ 4 Governor's Division of Emergency Management :~,..~ " 2005 Grant Adjustment Notice ~~ - ¢~ ~~~~ f0 City of fort Worth Date of Award April 30, 2007 1. Sub-Re ~pient Name nd Addr 2. Prepa ed by Latham, John 3. Award Numbe 05-GA 27000-01 4. Fede al Gr nt Informat~ Mayo Mike Moncrief Fede al Gr nt T"tle Homeland Se ity Gr nt Program City of Fort Worth Fede al Gr nt Award Numbe 2005-GE-T5-4025 1000 Thr ckmorto Fort Worth, TX 76102-6311 Date Fede al Gr nt Awarded to GDEM: Septembe 27 2005 Fede al Gr nting Age cy. Offi of Gr nts nd T ng U.S. Department of Homeland Se ity 5• Award Amo nt nd Gr nt Br akdown Note: Additional Budget Sheets (Attachment A) No Tota I Award Am t oun CCP LETPP MMRS SHSP UASI Othe 97.053 97 074 97 071 97.073 97 008 $4 203 703 14 , so ~3 ~z ~o ~s ~o Thi award upe sede all prev~ awards Performs Pe od: Sep 27 2005 to Oct 31, 2007 6. Statutory Autho ity for Gr nt: Thi project upported nde Publi Law 108-334 the Department of Homeland Se ity Appropr ati Act of 2005 7 Method of Payment: Primary method imbu ement. Se the clo d structi fo the pr to follow the ubmi of 8. Debarment/Suspe Certifi ati The Sub-Re pi nt ertifi that the ubgr me nd its contr ctors/v ndo of pr ntly deba ed, spended, propo ed fo debarment, decla ed eligible olunta ily cluded by ny fede al department age cy nd do of appe the Excluded Parti List System at http //www epls g 9. Agency Approval Appr ng GDEM Offs al: Signat of GDEM Offs al: Jack Colley Chief Division of Emergency Management Office of the Governor 10. Sub-Rec~p~ent Acceptance I have ad nd nderstand the attached T rms nd Conditi Type ame nd title of Autho ed Sub-Re ipi nt offi al: Signat of Sub-Re ip~ nt Offi al: 11. Ente Employe Identifi ati Numbe (EIN) /Fede al T Identifi ati Numbe 12. Date Signed 13. DUE DATE: + ~ Signed award nd D~ ect Depo it Form (if appli able) must be etu ed to GDEM befo the abo du date GOVERNOR'S DIVISION OF EMERGENCY 2005 Grant Adjustment Notice MANAGEMENT (GDEM) For HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM (HSGP) City of Fort Worth AWARD NUMBER 2005 HSGP 27000 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1) Purpose Sub-g nt funds will be ed to provide law nforcement nd emergency sponse ommunities with hanced apabilities for preparing nd sponding to the potential th ats of manmade nd atural disasters. 2) Overview Funds provided shall be ed to provide law nforcement nd emergency sponse ommunities with nhanced capabilities for detecting, deterring, disrupting, nd preventing acts of terrorism described the Federal Program Guidelines, specifically planning, equipment, training nd se eds All sts nder these ategories must be eligible nder OMB Circular No. A-87 Attachment A, located at http //www whitehouse.gov/omb/ci la s/index.html 3) The Notice of Sub-recipientAward my offer ntil the ub-recipient eturns the igned opy of the Notification of Sub-recipient Award ccordance with the date provided the transmittal letter 4) Sub-recipient agrees to omply with the applicable financial nd administrative equirements et forth the current edition of the Office of J stice Programs (OJP) Fi ncial Guide located at http //www ojp sdoj.gov/oc/ 5) Sub-recipient agrees to comply with the rgan ational udit equ ements of OMB Circular A 133, Audits of States, Local Governments, nd Non-Profit Organizations, further described the rent edition of the OJP Financial Guide. 6) Sub-recipient agrees to make equest for reimbursement prior to eturn of this agreement nd igned by the uthorized sub-recipient epresentative. 7) Sub-recipient agrees to make request for imbursement for goods services procured by sub-recipient prior to the performance period start date of th ag ement. 8) Sub-recipient agrees to omply with the U S Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2005 Homeland Security Grant Program Guidelines nd Application Kit nd the Notice of Award from ODP to GDEM 9) Sub-recipient agrees to monitor the activities of program participants necessary to that federal awards ed for uthorized purposes ompliance with laws, egulations, nd the provisions of contracts grant agreements nd that the performs goals chieved 10) Notwithstanding ny other agreement provisions, the parties hereto nderstand nd agree that GDEM obligations nder this agreement ntingent upon the pt of adequate funds to meet GDEM's liabilities hereunder GDEM shall of be liable to the Sub-recipient for sts nder this Agreement which exceed the amount specified the Notice of Sub-recipient Award 11) Projects identified the Domestic Preparedness Assessment website (https //www texasdpa om) must identify nd relate to the goals nd objectives ndicated by the applicable T Homeland Security Strategic Plan for the grant period of performs 12) Sub-recipient agrees to omply with all eporting equirements nd shall provide ch nformation eq ed to GDEM for eporting oted the 2005 Federal Grant Guidelines. 13) Sub-recipient must prepare and ubmit quarterly performance eports to GDEM for the du ation of the grant performance period ntil all grant activities ompleted nd the grant formally closed Sub-recipient may Iso be equi ed to ubmit additional nformation nd data equested by GDEM 14) GDEM may perform periodic ews of ub-recipient performance of eligible ctivities nd approved projects. These iews may clude, without limitation performance of ite udit nd ompliance monitoring cluding spection of all grant elated records and items, omparing ctual ub-recipient ctivities to those approved the sub-award application nd ubsequent modifications if any nsuring that advances have been disbursed rdance with applicable guide) nfirming omplia with grant nformation provided performance eports nd payment equests, eds nd threat sments nd strategies. 15) GDEM may suspend terminate sub-award funding, whole part, other measu may be mposed for ny of the following failing to omply with the equirements statutory objectives of federal law failing to make satisfactory progress toward the goals objectives et forth the ub-award application, fail ng to follow grant agreement equirements special nditions, failing to ubmit equired eports, filing false ertification the application other eport document. 16) GDEM will close ub-award after ng ub-recipient's fi al performs ce eport ndicating that all pproved work has been ompleted nd II funds have been disbursed, ompleting ew to nfirm the accu cy of the eported nformation, and reconciling actual sts to awards modifications nd payments. If the close ut iew nd nciliation ndicates that the ub-recipient owed additional funds, GDEM will nd the final payment utomatically to the ub-recipient. If the ub-recipient did of se all the funds ed, GDEM will issue ce to the ed funds. 17) Sub-recipient nderstands nd agrees that it cannot ny federal funds, ither directly ndirectly pport of the actment, epeal, modification adoption of ny law egulation policy at ny level of government, without the xpress prior written approval of ODP 18) The ub-recipient agrees that all (locations nd of funds nder th grant will be ccordance with the Fiscal Yea 2005 Homeland Security Grant Program Guideli nd Application Kit nd must upport the goals nd objectives cluded the State Homeland Security Strategy nd the Urban Area Homeland Security Strategies. 19) When implementing the Office of State nd Local Government Coordination nd Preparedness (SLGCP) funded activities, the ub-recipient must omply with II federal I fights laws, to clude Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, amended The ub-recipient equired to take ble steps to persons of limited English proficiency have mea ngful to language ssistance ervices egarding the development of proposals nd budgets nd conducting SLGCP funded ctivities. 20) The ub-recipient agrees that all publications ated with funding nder this grant shall promi ntly ntai the following statement: 'This Document was prepared nder grant from the SLGCP United States Department of Homeland Security Point of ew opinions xpressed the document re those of the uthors nd do of ily epresent the official position or policies of SLGCP the U.S. Department of Homeland Security 21) The sub-recipient agrees that ny equipment purchased with grant funding shall be promi ntly marked follows 'Purchased with funds provided by the U.S Department of Homeland Security Exceptions to this equirement limited to items where placing of the marking of possible due to the ature of the equ pment. 22) The ub-recipient agrees to operate with ny ssments, ational luation efforts, nformation data collection equests, cluding, but of limited to, the provision of ny nformation equired for the sment aluation of ny ctivities withi this project. 23) Approval of this award does of ndicate approval of ny ultant ate ess of $450 per day A detailed justification must be bmitted to nd approved by GDEM prior to obligation expenditure of ch funds. 24) Sub-recipient cknowledges that SLGCP erves oyalty-free, clusive, nd able I to eproduce, publ sh, otherwise nd uthorize others to for Federal government purposes (1) the opyright ny work developed nder award ub-award nd (2) ny fights of opyright to which pient ub- pient pu chases ownership with Federal upport. The Recipient agrees to ult with SLGCP egarding the allocation of ny patent fights that from, purchased with, this funding 25) Sub-recipient shall provide the equired by ODP Failure to omply may ult the withholding of funds, termination of the award other ctions. 26) Sub-recipient must egister of the T Regional Response Network (TRRN) nd identify all major ch eh cles nd trailers, equipment sting $5,000 more nd specialized teams/ spouse its equipped nd/or trained ng grant funds (i hazardous material decontamination, rch nd scue, etc.) This egistration to jurisdictions rgan ations prepared to make grant funded rces vailable to other j sdictions th ugh mutual id 27) Sub-recipients must implement the National Incident Management System (NIMS) at the local level The requirement to trai personnel the IS-700 National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction, has been xtended nto FY 06 Grant ipients should still omplete the following other four spects of this task later than October 1, 2005 (1) Formally ognize the NIMS and adopt the NIMS principles nd policies, (2) Establish NIMS baseline by determining which NIMS equirements met, (3) Establish timeframe nd (4) Develop strategy for fu/I NIMS implementation nd stitutiona/ize the of the Incident Command System (ICS) 28) Sub-recipients must maintain updated ntory of equipment purchased through this grant program. 29) Sub-recipient may request an advance for xpenditures ed nder this program. Requests must be made writing from the chief elected official nd ubmitted to GDEM Letters for adva payments must be ertified by the financial officer of the ub-recipient rganization GDEM will make the determination whether an advance will be made. Conditions for nd eporting of the advance payments will be available with the forms. If ub-recipient pproved for advance, the funds must be deposited eparate nterest bearing nt nd ubject to the ules outli ed the Uniform Rule 28 CFR Part 66, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants nd Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments, at http //www ss.gpo gov/ a/cfr/waisidx_04/28cfrv2_04 html nd the Uniform Rule 28 CFR Part 70, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements Including ub-awards) with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, nd other Nonprofit Organizations, at http //www access.gpo.gov/ a/cfr/waisidx_03/28cfr70_03 html Any nterest ned of $100 must, quarterly basis, be emitted to United States Department of Health nd Human Services Division of Payment Management Services P O Box 6021 Rockville, MD 20852 Sub-recipients must eport ny nterest emitted to GDEM 30) Notice. All otices ommunication equired permitted to be given by ither party hereunder shall be deemed ufficiently given if mailed by egistered mail certified mail, etu ipt equested, nt by overnight such Federal Express, to the other party at its spective address set forth below to such other address party shall give notice of to the other from time to time hereunder Mailed notices shall be deemed to be eceived on the third business day following the date of mailing Notices nt by vernight shall be deemed ed the following busi ess day Jack Colley Chief Division of Emergency Management Office of the Governor PO Box 4087 Austin, TX 78773-0220 City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION Approved on 5/15/2007 Ordinance No 17542-05-2007 DATE Tuesday May 15 2007 LOG NAME 022005HSGPGAN4 REFERENCE NO *G 15719 SUBJECT Authorize Acceptance of Additional FY 2005 State of Texas Homeland Security Grant Funds and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to 1 Accept additional grant adjustment funds of $53 840 14 from the State of Texas Governor's Division of Emergency Management to the City of Fort Worth's FY 2005 Homeland Security Grant; and 2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Fund by $53 840 14 subject to receipt of the additional grant adjustment funds DISCUSSION The Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) grant is awarded to cities across the country based on risk and other factors determined by the U S Department of Homeland Security The grants are provided to enhance the jurisdiction's capability to prevent, respond to and recover from acts of terrorism and natural disasters. The City has been awarded $4 149 863 00 to date under the 2005 Homeland Security Grant Program (see M&C G-15495) The additional award of $53 840 14 is being re-allocated to the City from funds remaining following the completion of several regional projects funded through the 2005 UASI grant. The Office of Emergency Management will coordinate with other City departments to apply the funds to one or more projects targeted to improve the City's overall readiness. With this grant adjustment award the total of funds allocated to the City for the FY 2005 Homeland Security Grant is $4,203 703 14 FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION The Finance Director certifies that upon acceptance and execution of the Grant Adjustment Notice and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current operating budget, as appropriated of the Grants Fund Logname: 022005HSGPGAN4 Page 1 of 2 TO Fund/Account/Centers FROM Fund/AccountlCenters GR76 539120 002442071030 $53.840.14 GR76 451217 002442071000 $53,840.14 Submitted for City Manager's Office by. Joe Paniagua (6140) Originating Department Head. Juan Ortiz (6173) Additional Information Contact: Eric Carter (2877) Logname. 022005HSGPGAN4 Page 2 of 2