HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015/03/17-Minutes-City Council CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS
MARCH 17,2015
Mayor Betsy Price
Mayor Pro tem Salvador Espino, District 2
Council Member W.B. "Zim" Zimmerman, District 3
Council Member Daniel Scarth, District 4
Council Member Gyna Bivens, District 5
Council Member Jungus Jordan, District 6
Council Member Dennis Shingleton, District 7
Council Member Kelly Allen Gray, District 8
Council Member Ann Zadeh, District 9
Staff Present:
David Cooke, City Manager
Sarah Fullenwider, City Attorney
Mary J. Kayser, City Secretary
With a quorum of the City Council Members present, Mayor Price called the regular session of
the Fort Worth City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 17, 2015, in the City
Council Chamber of the Fort Worth City Hall, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas.
II. INVOCATION - Imam Mouiahed Bakhach, Islamic Association of Tarrant
The invocation was provided by Imam Moujahed Bakhach, Islamic Association of Tarrant
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that the minutes of the Special Called meeting of February 25, 2015, and the
Regular meeting of March 3, 2015, be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9
ayes to 0 nays.
There were no items to be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda.
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There were no items to be continued or withdrawn by staff.
Motion: Council Member Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Bivens, that the Consent Agenda be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9
ayes to 0 nays.
A. General - Consent Items
1. M&C G-18434 - Adopt Resolution Increasing the Amount to be Paid to Jackson
Walker, L.L.P, to Assist the City Regarding Tax Laws Involving Labor,
Employment and Pension Issues in an Amount Not to Exceed $35,000.00 (ALL
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 4423-03-2015
increasing the amount to be paid to Jackson Walker, L.L.P., to assist the City in certain
employment tax, labor and employment law, and pension issues related to the Employees'
Retirement Fund in an amount not to exceed $35,000.00.
2. M&C G-18435 - Approve Findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator
Regarding Application of Fluchero Enterprises LLC d/b/a Style and Comfort
Transportation to Operate Three Limousines Within the City of Fort Worth and
Authorize the Issuance of a Vehicle for Hire Operating License (ALL COUNCIL
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Consider and adopt the findings of
the Ground Transportation Coordinator: Fluchero Enterprises, LLC, d/b/a Style and Comfort
Transportation has provided all information required by Section 34-241(a) of the Code of the
City of Fort Worth (1986), as amended; Fluchero Enterprises, LLC, d/b/a Style and Comfort
Transportation is qualified and financially able to conduct a limousine service within the City;
Fluchero Enterprises, LLC, d/b/a Style and Comfort Transportation has complied with the
requirements of Chapter 34 of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986), as amended; and
authorize the issuance of a Vehicle for Hire Operating License to Fluchero Enterprises, LLC,
d/b/a Style and Comfort Transportation to operate three limousines on City streets for a one-year
period subject to and conditioned on Fluchero Enterprises, LLC, d/b/a Style and Comfort
Transportation complying with all requirements of Chapter 34, Article VI of the Code of the City
of Fort Worth(1986), as amended.
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3. M&C G-18436 - Adopt Resolution in Support of and Authorize Execution of
Agreements with the Texas Department of Transportation to Furnish Traffic
Signal Equipment for Three Intersections Located on State Rights-of-Way Within
the Fort Worth City Limits and Accept Reimbursement for the Traffic Signal
Equipment from the Texas Department of Transportation in the Amount of
$37,483.20 (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 3, 6 and 7)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 4424-03-2015
authorizing an agreement with and reimbursement by the Texas Department of Transportation
(TxDOT) for the City of Fort Worth furnishing traffic signal equipment for three intersections
located on State rights-of-way within the Fort Worth City Limits; authorize execution of
agreements between TxDOT and the City of Fort Worth to receive reimbursement for the same
purpose as reflected above at a cost to the State of $37,483.20; and adopt Appropriation
Ordinance No. 21684-03-2015 increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the General
Capital Fund in the amount of$37,483.20, from State reimbursement funds, for the furnishing of
traffic signal intersections: SH 170 (Alliance Gateway) at Old Denton Road, SH 114 at FM 156,
and IH 20 at Bryant Irvin Road.
4. M&C G-18437 - Adopt Resolution Appointing Matt Bonner as Hearing Officer
for the Automated Red-light Enforcement Program Pursuant to Chapter 22,
Article XII, Section 22-366(c) of the Code of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, with
the Authority to Administer Oaths, Issue Orders Compelling the Attendance of
Witnesses and the Production of Documents and to Conduct Administrative
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 4425-03-2015
appointing Matt Bonner as Hearing Officer for the Automated Red-Light Enforcement Program
pursuant to Chapter 22, Article XII, Section 22-366(c) of the Code of the City of Fort Worth,
Texas, with the authority to administer oaths, issue orders compelling the attendance of
witnesses and the production of documents and to conduct administrative hearings for a two-year
term beginning March 18, 2015, with a term expiring March 17, 2017.
5. M&C G-18438 - Approve Findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator
Regarding Application of Mulugeta Tamene Alemayo d/b/a Northtexas Limo
Service to Operate Three Limousines Within the City of Fort Worth and
Authorize Issuance of a Vehicle for Hire Operating License (ALL COUNCIL
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The City Council approved the following recommendation: Consider and adopt the findings of
the Ground Transportation Coordinator: Mulugeta Tamene Alemayo d/b/a Northtexas Limo
Service has provided all information required by Section 34-241(a) of the Code of the City of
Fort Worth (1986), as amended; Mulugeta Tamene Alemayo d/b/a Northtexas Limo Service is
qualified and financially able to conduct a limousine service within the City; Mulugeta Tamene
Alemayo d/b/a Northtexas Limo Service has complied with the requirements of Chapter 34 of
the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986), as amended; and authorize the issuance of a Vehicle
for Hire Operating License to Mulugeta Tamene Alemayo d/b/a Northtexas Limo Service to
operate three limousines on City streets for a one-year period subject to and conditioned on
Mulugeta Tamene Alemayo d/b/a Northtexas Limo Service complying with all requirements of
Chapter 34, Article VI of the Code of the City of Fort Worth(1986), as amended.
6. M&C G-18439 - Authorize Temporary Closure of a Segment of Overton Park
Drive East from Bellaire Drive South to Blackhaw Avenue and a Segment of
Overton Park Drive East from Fox Hollow to Tanglewood Trail Beginning March
4, 2015 Through June 17, 2015 for Installation of Sewer Lines (COUNCIL
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the temporary closure of a
segment of Overton Park Drive East from Bellaire Drive South to Blackhaw Avenue and a
segment of Overton Park Drive East from Fox Hollow to Tanglewood Trail beginning March 4,
2015,through June 17, 2015, for installation of sewer lines.
7. M&C G-18440 - Approve Findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator
_Regarding Application of Korzina A. Nida d/b/a Sara Transportation to Operate
Three Limousines Within the City of Fort Worth and Authorize Issuance of a
Vehicle for Hire Operating License (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Consider and adopt the findings of
the Ground Transportation Coordinator: Korzina A. Nida d/b/a Sara Transportation has provided
all information required by Section 34-241(a) of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986), as
amended; Korzina A. Nida d/b/a Sara Transportation is qualified and financially able to conduct
a limousine service within the City; Korzina A. Nida d/b/a Sara Transportation has complied
with the requirements of Chapter 34 of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986), as amended;
and authorize the issuance of a Vehicle for Hire Operating License to Korzina A. Nida d/b/a Sara
Transportation to operate three limousines on City streets for a one-year period subject to and
conditioned on Korzina A. Nida d/b/a Sara Transportation complying with all requirements of
Chapter 34, Article VI of the Code of the City of Fort Worth(1986), as amended.
8. M&C G-18441 - Approve Request of Downtown Fort Worth Initiatives, Inc., for
Temporary Street Closures from April 6, 2015 Through April 13, 2015 to
Accommodate the 2015 Main Street Fort Worth Arts Festival (COUNCIL
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The City Council approved the following recommendation: Approve request of Downtown Fort
Worth Initiatives, Inc., for temporary street closures from April 6, 2015, through April 13, 2015,
to accommodate the 2015 Main Street Fort Worth Arts Festival.
B. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services - Consent Items
1. M&C P-11742 - Authorize Purchase Agreement for Lease and Rental of Vehicles
with EAN Holdings LLC, in the Amount of$150,000.00, Using a Tarrant County
Cooperative Contract(ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize a Purchase Agreement for
the lease and rental of vehicles with EAN Holdings LLC, in the amount of$150,000.00, using
Tarrant County Cooperative Contract No. 2014-132.
2. M&C P-11743 - Authorize Purchase with InSite Amenities, L.P., to Update the
Enviromental Control Systems of the Fort Worth Botanic Garden for the Parks
and Community Services Department, Using a Cooperative Contract for the
Amount of$99,450.00, Transfer of Funds from Special Trust Fund to the General
Capital Fund and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No.
21685-03-2015 increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Special Trust Fund in the
amount of$246,973.25, from available funds, for the purpose of funding a purchase with InSite
Amenities, L.P. to replace and install the Environmental Control System of the Botanic Garden;
authorize a transfer in the amount of $124,312.50 from the Special Trust Fund to the General
Capital Fund; adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 21686-03-2015 increasing estimated receipts
and appropriations in the General Capital Fund in the amount of $124,312.50 for the same
purpose as reflected above; and authorize a purchase with InSite Amenities, L.P. to update the
Environmental Control System of the Fort Worth Botanic Garden, using BuyBoard Contract
423-13 for the Parks and Community Services Department for an amount of$99,450.00.
3. M&C P-11744 - Authorize Purchase Agreements with Lawn Patrol Service Inc.,
and Whitmore & Sons, Inc., to Provide Grounds Maintenance and Mowing
Services for City Departments in a Combined Amount Up to $751,089.00 for the
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize Purchase Agreements with
Lawn Patrol Service Inc., and Whitmore & Sons, Inc., to provide grounds maintenance and
mowing services for City Departments in a combined amount up to $751,089.00 for the first
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E. Award of Contract- Consent Items
1. M&C C-27221 - Authorize a Fourth Two-Year Extension to the Interlocal
Agreement Between the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Board and the
City of Fort Worth to Provide Gas Well Inspector Service at Dallas/Fort Worth
International Airport (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize Purchase Agreements with
Lawn Patrol Service Inc., and Whitmore & Sons, Inc., to provide grounds maintenance and
mowing services for City Departments in a combined amount up to $751,089.00 for the first
2. M&C C-27222 - Adopt Resolution Authorizing Employment of John Allen Chalk,
Sr., and the Law Firm of Whitaker, Chalk, Swindle & Schwartz, PLLC, as
Outside Counsel for Legal Services Related to the Multipurpose Arena and
Support Facilities Proiect and Authorizing Payment of Counsel Fees in an
Amount Not to Exceed $50,000.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 4426-03-2015
authorizing the employment of John Allen Chalk, Sr., and the law firm of Whitaker, Chalk,
Swindle & Schwartz, PLLC, as outside counsel under Chapter VI, Section 3, of the City Charter
for legal services related to the Multipurpose Arena and Support Facilities Project, and
authorizing payment of counsel fees in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00.
3. M&C C-27223 -Adopt Ordinance Amending Subsection (a), Section 10-3,Judges,
Chief Judge; Chief Prosecutor, of Chapter 10, Courts, of the City of Fort Worth
Code of Ordinances to Increase the Term of Substitute Judges From One Year to
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Adopt Ordinance No. 21687-03-
2015 amending Chapter 10, "Courts", Article I, "General", of the Code of the City of Fort Worth
(1986), as amended, by amending Section 10-3, "Judges, Chief Judge and Prosecutor", to
increase the term of substitute judges from one year to two years.
4. M&C C-27224 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with Lemcon USA
Corporation in the Amount of$126,191.00 to Install a Weather Radar Tower for
the Fire Department, Office of Emergency Management (COUNCIL DISTRICT
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of a contract
with Lemcon USA Corporation in the amount of$126,191.00 to install a weather radar tower for
the Fire Department, Office of Emergency Management.
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5. M&C C-27225 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with VIVERAE, INC., for
Health and Wellness Services for the Human Resources Department in the
Amount Up to $292,250.00 for the First Year (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize execution of a contract
with VIVERAE, INC., for health and wellness services for the Human Resources Department in
the amount up to $292,250.00 for the first year.
6. M&C C-27226 - Amend Mayor and Council Communications C-26697 and C-
27137 Authorizing Execution of an Economic Development Program Agreement
with Wal-Mart Stores, Texas, LLC to Extend the Completion Deadlines Required
for the Proposed Wal-Mart Store and Other Improvements to be Located at the
Future Southeast Corner of Golden Triangle Boulevard and Park Vista
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Amend Mayor and Council
Communication C-26697 and C-27137 authorizing the execution of an Economic Development
Program Agreement with Wal-Mart Stores Texas, LLC, in order to extend the Phase I
completion deadline for construction of a Wal-Mart SuperCenter of at least 182,000 square feet
on property located in the vicinity of the future southeast intersection of Golden Triangle
Boulevard and Park Vista Boulevard, and the Phase II completion deadline of construction for at
least 20,000 square feet of retail and/or commercial shell space on that property by 30 days each
for each month after March 31, 2015, that all right-of-way necessary for the Park Vista
Boulevard Project has not yet fully acquired.
7. _M&C C-27227 - Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 1 to City Secretary
Contract No. 45378, with Austin Bridge & Road, LP, in the Amount of
$404,044.61 for the Altamesa Boulevard Phase 2 Proiect, Thereby Increasing the
Total Contract Amount to $11,146,289.12 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 6)
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of Change
Order No. 1 to City Secretary Contract No. 45378, with Austin Bridge & Road, LP, in the
amount of$404,044.61 for the Altamesa Boulevard Phase 2 Project, thereby increasing the total
contract amount to $11,146,289.12.
8. M&C C-27228 - Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with
Halff Associates, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $470,000.00 to Perform
Engineering Services Associated with the FEMA Fiscal Year 2014 Cooperating
Technical Partners Program Mapping Services Grant Funds Awarded in 2014
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The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of a
Professional Services Agreement with Halff Associates, Inc., in an amount not to exceed
$470,000.00 for the FEMA Fiscal Year 2014 Cooperating Technical Partners Program Mapping
Services grant funds awarded in 2014.
9. M&C C-27229 - Authorize Execution of an Engineering Services Agreement with
Freese and Nichols, Inc., in the Amount of$234,893.00 for Assistance in Creating
a Floodplain Management Plan and Repetitive Loss Mitigation Plan Required for
Continuing Participation in the National Flood Insurance Program's Community
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of an
Engineering Services Agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc., in the amount of$234,893.00, to
perform engineering services necessary to prepare a Floodplain Management Plan and Repetitive
Loss Area Analysis and Mitigation Plan, as required for continuing participation and additional
credit in the National Flood Insurance Program's Community Rating System.
10. M&C C-27230 - Authorize Execution of a Radar Host Site Agreement Between
the City of Fort Worth and the North Central Texas Council of Governments for
Installation of a Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere Weather
Radar System and Authorize Execution of a Letter Agreement Between the City
of Fort Worth and the University of Oklahoma for the Loan of Equipment for the
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of a Radar
Host Site Agreement with the North Central Texas Council of Governments to install a
Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere Weather Radar System; and authorize the
execution of a Letter Agreement with the University of Oklahoma to accept the no-cost loan of a
tower and an equipment shelter building.
11. M&C C-27231 - Authorize Execution of an Engineering Agreement with
Gresham, Smith & Partners in the Amount of $206,325.00 for Sanitary Sewer
Rehabilitation, Contract 89, on Camp Bowie Boulevard, IH-30 Westbound
Frontage Road and Five Alleyways, Provide for Additional Project Costs for a
Project Total in the Amount of$219,325.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the transfer in the amount
of$219,325.00 from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Sewer Capital Projects Fund;
adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 21688-03-2015 increasing estimated receipts and
appropriations in the Sewer Capital Projects Fund in the amount of$219,325.00, from available
funds, for the purpose of funding Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation, Contract 89; and authorize the
execution of a contract with Gresham, Smith & Partners in the amount of $206,325.00 for the
same purpose as reflected above.
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12. M&C C-27232 - Ratify Acceptance of a Grant from the Texas Department of
Housing and Community Affairs for Unexpended Funds from the 2014 U.S.
Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program in the Amount Up to
$183,060.00, Ratify Execution of the Related Contract and Adopt Appropriation
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Ratify acceptance of a grant from the
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for unexpended funds from the
2014 U.S. Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program in the amount up to
$183,060.00; ratify the execution of the related grant contract with the TDHCA; and adopt
Appropriation Ordinance No. 21689-03-2015 increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in
the Grants Fund in the amount of$183,060.00, subject to receipt of a grant from TDHCA for the
purpose of providing program services for low-income residents in Tarrant County by
weatherizing their homes.
13. M&C C-27233 - Ratify Application for and Authorize Acceptance of, if Awarded,
a Grant from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission for an Amount
Up to $75,000.00 for Program Year September 1, 2015 Through August 31, 2016,
for the Library Department's Worth Reading Program, Authorize Execution of
Grant Agreement with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, Adopt
Interim Appropriation Ordinance and Adopt Final Appropriation Ordinance
The City Council approved the following recommendation: Ratify the application for an
authorize acceptance of a grant, if awarded, from the Texas State Library and Archives
Commission (TSLAC) for the Library Department's Worth Reading Program for an amount up
to $75,000.00 for the period September 1, 2015, through August 31, 2016; authorize the
execution of a Grant Agreement with TSLAC relating to the grant; adopt Interim Appropriation
Ordinance No. 21690-03-2015 increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants
Fund in the amount of $27,500.00, for interim financing of a grant from TSLAC for the same
purpose as reflected above and providing for a reduction in the same amount if grant funds are
not received; and adopt Final Appropriation Ordinance No. 21691-03-2015 increasing estimated
receipts and appropriations in the Grants Funds in the amount of $47,500.00, subject to
execution of a Grant Agreement with TSLAC and subject to receipt of funds for a total amount
not to exceed $75,000.00, for the same purpose as reflected above.
1. OCS - 1950 - Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Iniuries
End of Consent Agenda.
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1. Presentation of 2015 FitWorth Challenge Award
Ms. Kate Blackburn, Director, FitWorth Foundation for Wellness, Texas, presented the 2015
FitWorth Challenge Championship Award to Whitley Penn.
2. Presentation of Proclamation for Fix a Leak Week
Mayor Price presented a proclamation for Fix a Leak Week to Mr. Sam Balandran, Fort Worth
Runners Club. Mr. Balandran presented the Water Department with a check in the amount of
L Upcoming and Recent Events
Mayor Price, Mayor Pro tem Espino and Council Members Zimmerman, Scarth, Bivens, Allen
Gray and Zadeh announced upcoming and recent events within the City and various Council
2. Recognition of Citizens
There was no recognition of citizens.
3. Approval of Ceremonial Travel
Motion: Mayor Pro tem Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zadeh, that
ceremonial travel be approved for Mayor Price on March 8-9, 2015, for the
American Public Transportation Association Conference and the National League
of Cities Education Task Force Meeting, and March 23-24, 2015, to Los Angeles,
California, for the Out-of-School Care Program provided by Afterschool Alliance.
The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
1. Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions
Motion: On behalf of the Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee, Council
Member Scarth made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Espino, that the
following appointments to the boards/commissions/committees be approved,
effective March 17, 2015, and with terms expiring as follows:
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Fort Worth Commission for Women:
Ms. Toni Early to Place 2, with a term expiring October 1, 2016
Fort Worth Human Relations Commission:
Mr. Mike Steele to Place 1, and Ms. Cheryl Osborn to Place 5, with terms expiring
October 1, 2015, and Mr. Justin Early to Place 10, with a term expiring October 1,
The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
There were no presentations and/or communications from boards, commissions, and/or City
Council committees.
1. A Resolution to Name the Bob Bolen Public Safety Complex
It was recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution to name the Bob Bolen Public
Safety Complex.
Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Bivens, that
Resolution No. 4427-03-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes
to 0 nays.
2. A Resolution Designating Saturday, March 28, 2015, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
as Earth Hour 2015 in the City of Fort Worth, Texas
It was recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution designating Saturday, March 28,
2015, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. as Earth Hour 2015 in the City of Fort Worth, Texas.
Motion: Council Member Zadeh made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that Resolution No. 4428-03-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9
ayes to 0 nays.
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1. An Ordinance Declaring Elected to Office the Unopposed Candidates for the
Office of Mayor and for the Office of City Council Member for City Council
District Nos. 3, 6, and 9; Providing that the Elections Ordered for May 9, 2015,
for Said Offices Shall Not Be Held; Providing for the Posting of Copies of this
Ordinance; Providing for the Issuance of Certificates of Election; Providing for a
Severability Clause; and Providing for an Effective Date
It was recommended that the City Council adopt an ordinance declaring elected to office the
unopposed candidates for the office of Mayor and for the office of City Council Member District
Nos. 3, 6, and 9; providing that the elections ordered for May 9, 2015, for said offices shall not
be held; providing for the posting of copies of this ordinance; providing for the issuance of
Certificates of Election.
Motion: Council Member Allen Gray made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Espino,
that Ordinance No. 21692-03-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9
ayes to 0 nays.
B. General
1. M&C G-18432 - Conduct a Public Hearing on the Proposed City of Fort Worth
2015 Comprehensive Plan as Recommended by the City Plan Commission and
Adopt Ordinance Approving the City of Fort Worth 2015 Comprehensive Plan
(ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) (PUBLIC
It was recommended that the City Council conduct a public hearing on the proposed 2015
Comprehensive Plan to allow the public the opportunity to give testimony and present written
evidence; adjourn the public hearing; and adopt an ordinance adopting the City of Fort Worth
2015 Comprehensive Plan; analyzing population, economic and financial trends; describing
implementation tools; dividing the City into 16 planning sectors; providing maps describing
proposed future land uses and recommended land use policies for each sector.
Mayor Price opened the public hearing.
a. Report of City Staff
Mr. Eric Fladager, Planning Manager, Planning and Development Department, appeared before
Council and provided a staff report.
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b. Citizen Presentations
Ms. Wendy Roach, 1240 Kelpie Court, completed a speaker card in opposition to Mayor and
Council Communication G-18432 and was recognized by Mayor Price but was not present in the
Council Chamber.
C. Council Action
Motion: Council Member Zadeh made a motion, seconded by Council Member Jordan, that
the public hearing be closed, Mayor and Council Communication G-18432 be
approved with the update of the Annexation Program Year for Area 71, and the
limited Future Land Use Map amendments for the Scenic Bluff area, to be
consistent with zoning changes approved by the City Council in September 2014
and to adopt Ordinance No. 21693-03-2015 adopting the 2015 Comprehensive
Plan. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
2. M&C G-18442 - Authorize Transfer from Various Funds in the Amount of
$2,628,368.00 to the Specially Funded Capital Proiects Fund to Fund a Portion of
the Enterprise Resource Planning Phase II Proiect and Adopt Appropriation
It was recommended that the City Council adopt a supplemental appropriation ordinance
increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Stormwater Utility Fund in the amount of
$97,798.00, decreasing the assigned fund balance by the same amount, for the purpose of
funding a portion of the Enterprise Resource Planning Phase 11 Project; adopt an appropriation
ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Water and Sewer Fund in the
amount of $2,414,666.00, from available funds, and authorize transfers from the Water and
Sewer Fund in the amount of$2,414,666.00, from the Municipal Parking Fund in the amount of
$29,814.00, from the Storm Water Utility Fund in the amount of $130,633.00 and from the
Culture and Tourism Fund in the amount of$53,255.00 to the Specially Funded Capital Projects
Fund, for the same purpose as reflected above; and adopt an appropriation ordinance increasing
estimated receipts and appropriations in the Specially Funded Capital Projects Fund in the
amount of$2,628,368.00, from available funds, for the same purpose as reflected above.
Motion: Council Member Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Shingleton, that Mayor and Council Communication G-18442 be approved and
Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance No. 21694-03-2015 and Appropriation
Ordinance Nos. 21695-03-2015 and 21696-03-2015 be adopted. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
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3. M&C G-18443 - Adopt Supplemental Appropriation Ordinances in the Amount
of$4,089,285.00 in the General Fund, the Amount of$200,494.00 in the Red Light
Enforcement Program Fund, the Amount of $20,604.00 in the Information
Technology Systems Fund and the Amount of$4,529.00 in the Lake Worth Trust
Fund for Fiscal Year 2014 Year End Budget Adiustments and Decrease the
Unaudited, Assigned Fund Balances by the Same Amount (ALL COUNCIL
It was recommended that the City Council adopt a supplemental appropriation ordinance
increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the General Fund in the amount of
$4,089,285.00 and decreasing the unaudited, assigned General Fund balance by the same
amount, for the purpose of finalizing the Fiscal Year 2014 budget; adopt a supplemental
appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Red Light
Enforcement Program Fund in the amount of $200,494.00 and decreasing the unaudited,
assigned fund balance by the same amount, for the same purpose as reflected above; adopt a
supplemental appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the
Information Technology Systems Fund in the amount of $20,604.00 and decreasing the
unaudited, assigned fund balance by the same amount, for the same purpose as reflected above;
and adopt a supplemental appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and
appropriations in the Lake Worth Trust Fund in the amount of $4,529.00 and decreasing the
unaudited, assigned fund balance by the same amount, for the same purpose as reflected above.
Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that Mayor and Council Communication G-18443 be approved and Supplemental
Appropriation Ordinance Nos. 21697-03-2015, 21698-03-2015, 21699-03-2015 and
21700-032015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
4. M&C G-18444 - Ratify Purchase from Hub International Rigg, Broker of Record,
of the City's Multiple-Layered Property Insurance and Boiler and Machinery
Insurance Policies in the Total Amount of $1,335,913.77 (ALL COUNCIL
It was recommended that the City Council ratify the purchase from Hub International Rigg,
Broker of Record, of the City's multiple-layered property insurance policy for$1,243,728.77 and
boiler and machinery insurance policy for $92,185.00, for a total cost of$1,335,913.77, which is
an increase in the annual amount of$256,201.77.
Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Council Member Bivens,
that Mayor and Council Communication G-18444 be approved. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
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5. M&C G-18445 - Authorize Transfer of Funds in the Amount of $14,912,261.00
from the General Fund to the Contract Street Maintenance Fund for Fiscal Year
2015 Contract Street Maintenance Program and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
It was recommended that the City Council authorize the transfer in the amount of
$14,912,261.00 from the General Fund to the Contract Street Maintenance Fund; and adopt an
appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Contract Street
Maintenance Fund in the amount of $14,912,261.00 from available funds, for the purpose of
funding a portion of the Fiscal Year 2015 Contract Street Maintenance Program.
Motion: Mayor Pro tem Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that Mayor and Council Communication G-18445 be approved and Appropriation
Ordinance No. 21701-03-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes
to 0 nays.
6. M&C G-18446 - Adopt Ordinance Amending Section 13-27 of the City Code for
_Assignment Pay for Members of the Fire Department and Adding and Deleting
Certain Assignment Pay Authorizations (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS)
It was recommended that the City Council adopt an ordinance amending Section 13-27 of
Chapter 13, "Fire Prevention and Protection", of the Code of the City of Fort Worth, as amended,
clarifying the terminology for providing for supplemental compensation in the form of
assignment pay to firefighters who are assigned to perform certain specialized duties within the
Fire Department; providing that this ordinance does not create a new civil service classification
or vacancy; providing for adoption by reference of a statement of intent and purpose in adopting
this ordinance. The recommended changes include technical and substantive changes to update
certain category names and eligibility requirements to better reflect current assignments; the
addition of categories for Hazard Materials Responder - Deputy Chief, Professional Standards
Investigator, and Bilingual Personnel; and the elimination of the category for Assistant Fire
Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Zimmerman, that Mayor and Council Communication G-18446 be approved and
Ordinance No. 21702-03-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes
to 0 nays.
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D. Land
1. M&C L-15763 - Conduct a Public Hearing and Authorize Subsurface Drilling and
Extraction of Natural Gas Under Foster Park from an Off-Site Location
It was recommended that the City Council conduct a public hearing, pursuant to Chapter 26 of
the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, Protection of Public Parks and Recreational Lands to allow
for the subsurface drilling and extraction of natural gas under Foster Park from an off-site
location; find that no feasible or prudent alternative exists for the extraction of natural gas under
Foster Park; find that the proposed use includes all reasonable planning to minimize harm to
Foster Park and that the proposed use will not impact the use of the land as a park, as specified
on the map; and close the public hearing and authorize the subsurface use of parkland for the
drilling and the extraction of natural gas at Foster Park located at 3725 South Drive, west of
Overton Park Drive East, Rainier Court and Selkirk Drive, east of Encanto Drive and Trail Lake
Drive, east of the Terminus of Sierra Court, Wyndale Court, and bisected by South Drive, in
Council District 3.Mayor Price opened the public hearing.
a. Report of City Staff
Mr. David Creek, Assistant Director, Parks and Community Services Department, appeared
before Council and provided a staff report.
b. Citizen Presentations
There were no citizen presentations.
C. Council Action
Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Espino,
that the public hearing be closed and Mayor and Council Communication L-15763
be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
2. M&C L-15764 - Ratify Correction Deed with the Heirs of the Original Grantors
of Deeds Conveying Foster Park Properties to the City and of the Mineral Lease
Agreement with Vantage Fort Worth Energy LLC, for Natural Gas Drilling
Under City-Owned Property Known as Foster Park(COUNCIL DISTRICT 3)
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It was recommended that the City Council ratify the correction deed providing for the heirs of
the original grantors of deeds conveying Foster Park properties to the City (Forest Park Heirs) to
retain a 35 percent non-executive mineral interest in the Foster Park 28.281 mineral acres; and
ratify the negotiated Lease Agreement with Vantage Fort Worth Energy, LLC for natural gas
drilling under City-owned property known as Foster Park, 28.281 total mineral acres more or
less, 18.382 mineral acres to the City; 9.898 mineral acres to Foster Park heirs in the total bonus
amount of $98,983.50 ($64,339.27 to the City; $34,644.23 to the Foster Park heirs) for a two-
year primary term and suspension of the bidding requirement.
Motion: Council Member Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member
Shingleton, that Mayor and Council Communication L-15764 be approved. The
motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
F. Award of Contract
1. M&C C-27234 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with JLB Contracting, LLC,
in the Amount of $1,667,091.68 for Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Street
Rehabilitation 2015-1, at Multiple Locations Throughout the City of Fort Worth
and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 4, 5, 8 and 9)
It was recommended that the City Council authorize a transfer in the amount of $833,545.84
from the Water and Sewer Fund in the amount of $416,772.92 to the Water Capital Projects
Fund and $416,772.92 to the Sewer Capital Projects Fund; adopt an appropriation ordinance
increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Water Capital Projects Fund in the
amount of $416,772.92, from available funds, for the purpose of funding Hot Mix Asphaltic
Concrete Street Rehabilitation (2015-1); adopt an appropriation ordinance increasing estimated
receipts and appropriations in the Sewer Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $416,772.92,
from available funds, for the same purpose reflected above; and authorize the execution of a
contract with JLB Contracting, LLC, in the amount of $1,667,091.68 for the same purpose as
reflected above, on approximately 10.13 lane miles at multiple locations.
Motion: Council Member Allen Gray made a motion, seconded by Council Member Bivens.
that Mayor and Council Communication C-27234 be approved and Appropriation
Ordinance Nos. 21703-03-2015 and 21704-03-2015 be adopted. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
2. M&C C-2.1235 - Adopt Ordinance to Appoint Substitute Municipal Judges for a
Two-Year Term Commencing April 1, 2015 and Ending March 31, 2017 (ALL
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It was recommended that the City Council adopt an ordinance appointing Kim Marie Catalano,
LaTorya A. Fowler, Laura E. Ganoza, Faye R. Harden, Carla G. Kelman, Nancy A. Magee,
Edward B. Valverde, and Nicole B. Webster as Substitute Municipal Judges for a two-year term
commencing April 1, 2015, and ending March 31, 2017, or until a successor is qualified and
appointed in accordance with state law.
Motion: Council Member Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member Allen
Gray, that Mayor and Council Communication C-27235 be approved and
Ordinance No. 21705-03-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes
to 0 nays.
1. First Public Hearing for a Proposed Owner-Initiated Annexation for Limited-
Purposes of Approximately 21.5 Acres of Land in Tarrant County, Located Along
Longhorn Road, West of Main Street and North of Northwest Loop 820 (AX-14-
It was recommended that the City Council hold a public hearing for a proposed owner-initiated
annexation for limited-purposes of approximately 21.5 acres of land in Tarrant County, located
along Longhorn Road, west of Main Street and north of Northwest Loop 820 (AX-14-007).
Mayor Price opened the public hearing.
a. Report of City Staff
Mr. Leo Valencia, Senior Planner, Planning and Development Department, appeared before
Council and provided a staff report.
b. Citizen Comments
Mr. Bob Riley, 4117 Walnut Creek Court, appeared before Council in support of the annexation
and provided a handout.
Motion: Mayor Pro tem Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton,
that the public hearing be closed. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
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It appeared that the City Council, at its meeting of February 3, 2015, continued Zoning Docket
1. ZC-14-151 - (CD 8) - James Austin, Jr., 3220 Mitchell Boulevard; from: "B" Two-
Family and "E" Neighborhood Commercial to: "FR" General Commercial
Restricted (Recommended for Denial by the Zoning Commission) (Continued
from a Previous Meeting)
Mr. James Austin, 2401 Scott Avenue, appeared before Council in support of Zoning Docket
ZC-14-151 and provided handouts.
Mr. Kiz Stevenson, 5000 Ridge View Court, completed a speaker card in support of Zoning
Docket ZC-14-151 and was recognized by Mayor Price but did not wish to address Council.
The following individuals appeared before Council in opposition to Zoning Docket ZC-14-151:
Mr. Monnie Gilliam, 1100 Vicki Lane
Ms. Mary Bailey-Williams, 2533 Malvern Trail
Motion: Council Member Allen Gray made a motion, seconded by Council Member Bivens
that Zoning Docket ZC-14-151 be denied without prejudice. The motion carried
unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
It appeared that they City Council, at its meeting of March 3, 2015, continued Zoning Docket
2. ZC-15-005 - (CD 9) - Islamic Association of Tarrant County, 4801-4809 Fletcher
Avenue; from: "B" Two-Family to: "ER" Neighborhood Commercial Restricted
(Recommended for Approval as Amended by the Zoning Commission to ER)
(Continued from a Previous Meeting)
Ms. Zarmina Giotis, 124 Alta Mesa Drive, appeared before Council in support of Zoning Docket
Mr. Carl Bailey, 5501 West Rosedale, completed a speaker card in support of Zoning Docket
ZC-15-005 and was recognized by Mayor Price but did not wish to address Council.
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The following individuals appeared in opposition to Zoning Docket ZC-15-005:
Ms. Stella Jimenez, 4636 Bonnell Avenue
Mr. Ruben Jimenez, Jr., 4636 Bonnell Avenue
Motion: Council Member Zadeh made a motion, seconded by Council Member Bivens, that
Zoning Docket ZC-15-005 be approved for "PD/ER" Planned
Development/Neighborhood Commercial Restricted with the following uses not
allowed: ambulance dispatch station; electric power or substation; gas lift
compressor stations; stealth communication towers; telecommunication antenna or
tower; utility transmission or distribution line; water supply, treatment or storage
facility; bed and breakfast inn; tattoo parlor; airport, aviation field, helistop or
landing area; gas drilling and production; and satellite antenna dish; allow the
existing parking in the front, 10-foot setbacks instead of the required 20-foot
setbacks, detached monument signage not to exceed 5 feet by 8 feet, and the square
footage exceeding 5,000 square feet. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0
The Notice of Special Hearing set today as the date for the hearing in connection with
recommended changes and amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 13896 and that notice of the
hearing had been given by publication in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the official newspaper
of the City of Fort Worth, on February 27, 2015.
3. ZC-15-030 - (CD 2) - Kensington Realty, Inc., 2305 Franklin Drive; from: "K"
Heavy Industrial to: "PD/K" Planned Development for all uses in "K" Heavy
Industrial plus glass and electronic recycling; site plan included. (Recommended
for Approval by the Zoning Commission)
The following individuals appeared before Council in support of Zoning Docket ZC-15-030:
Ms. Marlene Beckman, 230 Medford Court East(provided handout)
Mr. Jim Cornwell, 2535 Beloit Avenue, Janesville, Wisconsin
Mr. Keith Simpson, 731 Eight Twenty Boulevard, Suite 200
Ms. Geneva Contreras, 3008 Purington Avenue, completed a comment card in support of Zoning
Docket ZC-15-030.
Motion: Mayor Pro tem Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Scarth, that
Zoning Docket ZC-15-030 be continued to the March 24, 2015, Council meeting.
The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the recommended
changes and amendments pertaining to Zoning Ordinance No. 13896 for the above-listed cases,
Mayor Pro tem Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Scarth, that the hearing be
closed and Ordinance No. 21706-03-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to
0 nays.
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The following individuals appeared in opposition to Zoning Docket ZC-15-005:
Ms. Stella Jimenez, 4636 Bonnell Avenue
Mr. Ruben Jimenez, Jr., 4636 Bonnell Avenue
Motion: Council Member Zadeh made a motion, seconded by Council Member Bivens, that
Zoning Docket ZC-15-005 be approved for "PD/ER" Planned
Development/Neighborhood Commercial Restricted with the following uses not
allowed: ambulance dispatch station; electric power or substation; gas lift
compressor stations; stealth communication towers; telecommunication antenna or
tower; utility transmission or distribution line; water supply, treatment or storage
facility; bed and breakfast inn; tattoo parlor; airport, aviation field, helistop or
landing area; gas drilling and production; and satellite antenna dish; allow the
existing parking in the front, 10-foot setbacks instead of the required 20-foot
setbacks, detached monument signage not to exceed 5 feet by 8 feet, and the square
footage exceeding 5,000 square feet. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0
The Notice of Special Hearing set today as the date for the hearing in connection with
recommended changes and amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 13 896 and that notice of the
hearing had been given by publication in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the official newspaper
of the City of Fort Worth, on February 27, 2015.
3. ZC-15-030 - (CD 2) - Kensington Realty, Inc., 2305 Franklin Drive; from: "K"
Heavy Industrial to: "PD/K" Planned Develonment for all uses in "K" Heavy
Industrial plus glass and electronic recycling; site plan included. (Recommended
for Approval by the Zoning Commission)
The following individuals appeared before Council in support of Zoning Docket ZC-15-030:
Ms. Marlene Beckman, 230 Medford Court East (provided handout)
Mr. Jim Cornwell, 2535 Beloit Avenue, Janesville, Wisconsin
Mr. Keith Simpson, 731 Eight Twenty Boulevard, Suite 200
Ms. Geneva Contreras, 3008 Purington Avenue, completed a comment card in support of Zoning
Docket ZC-15-030.
Motion: Mayor Pro tem Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Scarth, that
Zoning Docket ZC-15-030 be continued to the March 24, 2015, Council meeting.
The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays.
There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the recommended
changes and amendments pertaining to Zoning Ordinance No. 13896 for the above-listed cases,
Mayor Pro tem Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Scarth, that the hearing be
closed and Ordinance No. 21706-03-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to
0 nays.
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Ms. LaSondra Huggins, 2400 Cypress, appeared before Council relative to District Court Case
No. 348272614-14, U.S. District Court Case No. 4:14-CV-00785-0, tax records from 2005-2015,
and Code Compliance violations/fraud complaints for 2000-2015 for defendants/litigants in Fort
Worth District Court 348 and Fort Worth U.S. District Court.
There being no further business, Mayor Price adjourned the Regular meeting at 8:06 p.m., in
memory of former Community Development Council Chair Harry William Butcher, who passed
away on Monday, March 2, 2015.
These minutes approved by the Fort Worth City Council on the 24th day of March, 2015.
Attest: A ro ed:
Mary J. y Salvador Espino
City Secret Mayor Pro tem