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Ordinance 1151
The City Council.. of the City of Fort Worth met in regular session In the Council Chamber of the City Hall at 9:30 A, M. Tuesday the 15th day of JAme., A, D. 1926, and upon roll call the following were present: H, C, Meacham.. Mayor, Willard Burton., A. E. Thomas, V7111i= Bryce., E, T. Renfro, William Monnie and L, P. Card, Councior.en., constitu- ting a quorum and majority of said board, and I. L. Van Znn- dt, Jr. , City. Socretary-Treasurer, teas in attendance at said meeting, and the following proceedings, among other things, were had and done* Councilman Bryce,, seconded by Councilmn Thomas, moved the adoption of the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO, 1151 XT ORDIN&NOE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF NEGOTILBLE COUPON BONDS OF 11WS, GOV,KRNffE`NT OF T CITY OF FORT 1aIORTH AMOUNTING TO THE PRINCIPAL SU1J 07? ONE HTJNJ)?,L,*D THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000 00) IN ADDITION TO I= SUM OF ONE, HU11DIMD THOUSAND DOLLARS (41000000*00) WORTH OF SAID BONDS 11ERETOFORE ISSUED BY THE CITY COUNCIL BY AN ORDINANCE LA' FULLY "PASSED AND ADOPTED ON TBE 29th DAY OF DECE107ERS' A* D. 19253 AND WHICH ORDINANCE AMERDED BY AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SAID CITY LA'�&ULIX PASSED AIM ADOPTED ON THE 5TH DAY OF JANUARY., A. Dv 1926p PURSUANT TO VALID AUTHORITY FROM 1111E PROPERTY TAX PAYING QUALIFIED VOU�-18 CP SAID CITY AT A PROPER AND LEGAL EMOTION IEELD ON THE 24TH DAY OF NOTEMBI-JR, A. D. 1925, OUT OF Ali AUT1101117ED ISS-m, (IF FIVE HUNDRED' THOUSAND DOLLARS 0:500,9000,00) AND BEING KNOWN AO SER.JCES FORTY-EIGHT(48)AND DE:-)'IGNATED AS "PAWL BONDS" TO BE USED FOR MAKING PERMAIFENT IMPR'OVEM±1'NTS IN THE CITY OF FORT ',:0RT1H BY- FURCHASING.9 ACQUIRING., AND VATROVING LAND AND PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC FAR= IN SAID CITY; ALL Ole SAID BONDS TO BE IN TBE DENOMINATION OF ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS (� 1,1000,00) BAC'Hs TO BE, DATED JULY ISTp 1926, MATURING PROM FIVE (5) TO FORTY (40) YEARS FROM THE DATE TI`MiREOF .. AND BEARING INTEREST AT THE PATE OF FOUR AND OVE-111,12 (4e' ,) PER CENT PBR ANNUM, PAY;',BLE SEUI-ANNUALLY, INTERS-11T IA� PRESSLD IN COUPON NOTES ATTACHED TO TJUF� BONDS DIRECTIkG nni EXECUTION OF SAID '60NRS BY Ted MAYOR AND CITY SECRYsTARYTRBA.,SjURBRt AND PROVIDING FOR AN -AD13QUATE TAX LEVY POR THE ?AL,!1:,NT OF THE I11TERE8T OF SAID BONDS., AND TO CREATE A SINKI14G' FTRID FOR TIM PAY;NT OF THE- PRI1701PAL T-IC14PLEOF AS SAT TIIATURLES PROL TIME TO TIRO AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TA11.W4 1,7FIECT 1,TLOU AND AFTER ZiE DATE OF ITS PASSAGE. V,,vHEF2.AS.on the 3rd day of Naves-berIA.D..1905,pursuant to the author- 44--m -Traci-AA 4-A 'rise irl ('11-7 ?IV APIfbi-Anm IQ Of MIAT)i-.Ar TXV Of i-,I-)A flInmr-tiGir, Af e_ C = l I , thb. said City of Fort VJ rth.� adopted by the, qua.11fled voters -within the 11 .ts of said City oA the 11th clay of Deoamber, 1024., and the law-S and constitution of the state of Te bas'a the City Qo i�iZ of the Urty of .port Worth,; Texas * by res."63:at can and order of that &14te$ airected he submisclon to the. prop-, erty tax Paying qu.gMfied votorn of said City alj-. �An atiectron to be held :Ui the C-:ty on the 24th day of Novc�ibe ?,,. .tea D,.' 1 925- e .the right;- power and a.uthQvity of tlae Gity' Council. of aaid city to 3�ouo nogotia.blo coupon bond€ oaf the corporate gQ rernt . 11110-at of, nald Olty in the prl.ndipial muz,. of Five Hundred Thouzand Dollars V1114-01i anount rvao to be used -Per the, pw- posb of nn3d.ng pgrmanent imprgavo�ients is said Cst y by ptrc� sing, acquiring and -improving land and property kor u blic 'parko In said City; a nd WHEREAS in oorffo ,, Sty with said resolution and order. he yar of :daid O ty did make Proclamation of Bald' eleation. and the Cdlatf) 'f'or s'aE�e t`,ras sot Can' the'.24th. d6-y, of Novei'i1borc, A. D i9250, and S2-ti�AE r$;T, public ion, w madei of° hard eloction. in th �n nnor .9ud fOr t1:Te. .t1me presc ..lbed In oA d res6lutio and ell ectr-o ordered,, and PIU41REIAS nor' t 2d h day of ovenber,, D',, 1925.1 scald. eloo,tion =ras h;:Id In tho =7 of Fore Worth., at the, reqpectlive' polling' places designp-t d In the election order, at which- 3- aid election ea'oh jas-df� of bands da oubuitted do .a separate and' distinct to the voters of� o;ald Gity, the official ball– 3t nil �,acd'4 elect ony ':fin oo-a 'or.:Aty,,"Oith t1ae resolution off'.. the City Council. and the order of the 61e6tioxio and YT-hick re so7'aa.tio =nta lased o the r pr6ppsitions in ad:d:iti6n to the one de c bed in this Crdinanpe,, In .tom and- in oubstanoe was €s f011.0,03 o i M IN-1 ERE S, at- t1lie election held in sai d City. on. the 24th clay of • eve-mb x A a 19259 tlaOro wex9e p416 es cap lin favox of the issuance of said Park Bonds and -21203 Yates cast aga*ins t, the Ispi ancei of Par1c BondA. leaving a majority in falror of Lhe i allance off' said Bonds' of 213 votes{; and ,!VTJErMASj, by virtuo of ; a .d .elpetion the said 'C-ity COu toil is.- vested zTith power and authority' by and from tho people-tto issue said bonds for the purpose aforei eentioned.., €Ad make same valid..end b Bd: rsg: obligati6n pf the e orporate govern'a'Ont of the G 1 t��r. o " c?t Worth* c3 :. 4VIERM AS a pu�°a�5�..��..ls' t6 the po�l��Y� �aia U�ed ..Ln •l�h�v City �fo�:�,°' A 613 , �biie dul. :constituted.. goV63�ning body -of the City of Fort iiuoll thy, .by aai d election and 'thy; laws and e n t.ltu ion ' of the Stag ,at' Texas s they ga1d City Corano,h aid' by an ord'inance . lawfully passed a4d adopt ea of L e' 29-th .d y .off' 1�cember A'V' �4k. 1925, and which' car din'a.nee was amended by m of dinanoe 1,01f ully passe;ed and adopted by the City Council on . •ti1.o 5th day .of -January., AP D. 1 2M.. aat-horize the issuance of negotiable you-pon. bonds of 'the goverpnent of the City of Fart, Worth dmounting to' the pr inoipal sir-a of Ore 11=4rea T]?ousftInd. ;Do:Lla rs 01-00 600000) ., (�` t of bo . 2�T V.E�.E1Z'�.i;Qt� 1saue 62 .��i ��7�3C�rkl °!'�:idusanc! Df�Ilars "SOOiOOOoO ) viorth f sr�zd bonds authorized';by. they , pro orty ,, tam. plying, qualified vo- ers o± 9.id ,aity. '4t th said 01eotiq� -k1 L�' d- �$.. th� jv 'U tL e� df No�remberA- 1.?.. .S . .1925.�,.� and ,laid FJo-nds' ° TA belnng . knotm, a's Series, 46 and deaigna;ed as "Park Bonds111;', ,qAd frrHER-E AS, it is deemed wine and ea11pc.:dient -by the acid city COO-ne`g 1 of the said Oilt y o ��'c rt, Wor'th$in the exel"cise of the dis:ro t3oaz reta�s.ec� n it by lar-,, that a-n additional one 1-hurt.red Thousanid Doll dra 000 00) worth of the said, aatuh6 rued issue o Five Iunrlre;d 'f'hous^mod T3ca1?ars.. (4,540,9000. b ss�:e;d In bonds ' at, this- time.. and v�;hich bond-8..,u l3 b e part d of Sonnies 48.? And .shall be dens: rated as "a:aark Bonds"_* BE TT ORDAIIED BY THE 0 T+-V COMIG IL OF TEE CITE F .FORTS 1 7'0RTH z SECTION TThat .�yarsi- nt to Section 19 of .Chapter' XTV of the 011-arter , of tl v city of Fort Vrlorth.9 adopted�by the qu�.1ified. veers �:tith�. in the corporate liri i� b of '-Che as d City of'-Tort 1VTori;h "on the" lth day of Decembero Ai _. 1924 and the law. and Coxi6.tltution of the State of T�3 -as `and purauant to a vote -of ice resident. property tax pa7ln.8 votep.-� of the City of' Fo,r� vlu'or th at an e:l.eation held- In quid olt�, -tor SUch Purposes ova. -tfho -.24-th day of Novombe.r, A4 D. 1925i, that the mi-Omi a pal government of the City, pf Tort, loorth istme its corpo.ra:te. no,gotlable cuqpoxi bonds, , the �ti_ -- oIP4 -evz, of One Hundred Thousa.-nd Dollars,- this sum being in _ addition to One, Dancved Thous'a nd' Dol r a . (IM000004,00) " zrorth. WE' said binds heretofore ?squed by -4n ord-inance l,aw I .y f I passed and adopted on. the 29th day of ��o�moQr�."A,, Dw 192 � and which ordinance was, ariend- cad by an ordinance iavf t'lly..passed and.• adopted can the 5th,day 6x .fTanUary.,, ,A, D'f# 1926 . by .said,Caity Omni- pvxs-uant to valid ma•tharity frok� the propGrt, tax paying voter8 of said City at a proper and, legal al election hod .6n the ON-th dlxy of November,* At_, Do 1925„. out of an a.athprized issue, at said election of, Five. Htm .red Thousand DollePa -(4$5 0,00 0,o00) r =d vilhich authorized issue is 11,movin as S'(1v'ieo `6 (R1..d designated as flPark Bondb.” and the 'bexids fjo to be issued �h�ill 17,0 in tiie denam-, ination of One T'houdand Dollars, (1 1;,000j, 0) each; dated July! tint o 1926., bearing interost at.' _the rate of g au`r' and one-half .D Gent per LiS►num, payable somi i-emually- on the wIrst day. a _ 1 of January and July of each year respectively, both principal and.. interest. on said, bonds payable at the Hanover National Banl.� in the City of New York, ' State of Nevi York, the semi- annual interest evidenced by interest coupons attached, there" to, ,all of said bonds to be executed for and on, b6half� of the City o:C Fort WO,rth. by the 1 yor thereof attested by' its Secretary-Treasurer, with the seal thereon duly impressed, but the interest coupons to 1e executed' with the lithographed facsimile signature of. the Mayor and Secretary-Treasurer of .the City of Fort Worth,,' each, of said bonds and coupons shall be; negotiable :a.nd payable to bearer and said bonds numbered. . in the: way. and manner hereinafter set out, rat-x!in ]Five (5) years. from the date' thereof and annually thereafter until the last maturing bonds. 's1 all become .payable witi in forty ,(40) years from t-h6 date thereof,' Tha v -the general form of said bonds and,:the coupons thereto annexed .and ;the interest to be . a.dded .to said bonds , shall, be executed in substantially the following 'form, to—Tits - - SECTION lI. That the said bonds -so to be issued by the Qity of Fort Worth amounting to One Huhdred Thousand Dollars ( 100,00,0.00) out of the laid auth6riz ed issue, of 33ive Hung died- Thousand Dollars ($500)0:00,00) shall be issued for the purpose of purchasing, acquiring and improvang� lends and property for public parks in slid City,, and shall consist of one hundred bonds, numbered from one hundred and one (101) to two hundred (200) s inclusive$ and shall bear inter- eat at the, rate of four and one-half (42%) per cent per an- num., payable semi-annually as aforesaid., all of which said. one hundred: bonds' shall be a part of Series 48, and shall be styled and designate. as "Park. Bonds!'. SEO ION ,111,E That all of said .bonds comprosing the . sum total of Ur?e Hctndred ThUUSand Dollar-s ($1009000..00) sha?1 mature z the rianner and arrow-its a s .sot out 'in the tabulated statement herewith attached, t6-wit s i That the Said bonds a:�e he?'�by aut��or'��c�d t® be sold to the best adva„ntage.p' but in no event shall sa m b sold' ror lens than par w d the accr ed interests to the tie of d4l �rer; s and Ache proceeds theroof placed -in thp . Treasury° of the amity of +°cart TWOxtil and W iliued for the spoo.ial puip©sea foi- :�whlch such bonds. are oreatedo SEOTION V? Ma:.t for the purpose of .eweating a sinking fund f'or the payme ax�cl ' aMPZe.te e tin .i3.vl ae t a ' 'rhe o��e c� n bonded debts ., pr ncipal and in.6erest and. all and evbry part of same� there is hcireby levied and there shall be assessed ana collected,. as ,provided by 3, w, set apart aaacl 6}?propriated. for ''s purposes an- nimua l,, direct;, special a(l .valoroan tax Tor , the . year 026 and for each successive year thereafter during the life of oaid one hundred bonded de bt o or, any paz t theroof.. of SU031; on a ozmt :as may bs necessary. and adegiu�te..,be' it -pore or less) on 'eTro-liy One R-andred Dollars (" 100000) ,of' prbpertyy valua— tio'n, read ,,. personal and wed, subject to' taxation and net exempt tharegPon, under the ddnst itiitlon and laws of the State, of Texas., situated and owngd In the City of Fort, Worth, on Jhe first'day of January,, A. .'Ds 1926$ and ,alt thv first day of. An-. uar:� of ea dh yea v thereafter:,e until saki debt represented b*,�/- aaid bond's -and coupon interost notes shall li a.ve .been, fully paid.; an€:a if at. any tine o such tax should bo ins.uf:'Ieient, then It .hull- be the duty of the Oi ty Councli; or other governing body., of said CUt;y of Fort ifforth to s et. apari t and appropriate. such additionai 'amousit> of 'moncy out of thy, general, ,revenves of said City as may be requisite to supp;y the defi:cie�c� , untu. €ll' intarest s1 11 have, been paid and the -oWting -fund establls hod e C . ARS recmired by tha—. con tittition og the State of Texas �11jc, by th Ohartet. of 'the �+1t��. O f FGrt WCA7'th4 SECTION V1. That it shall be tbp duty of -the'. City-.Gouno l of the City olf;.: 'olrt . Jlorth. _Ond their quote szoro In off o y and of the gpyermment of said—City of Fort Worth In lev ying taz es for. goneral purpo yes f Mfr, the year 1926,;, and f0' _0-Very 8 U e o 8 si v year d itlg, the' 133 e of' sala bon od. debt, or axzy part there: 0 ,'..to include In such levy a special tax of one hundred Fifty/cents ( eJU }. on. 'the. Ono, .1.bqns r(ed .Dollars .(��1.4��d,�CQ} property valuation -(or so i,ich thoPeof a6 may be r6giaialte .and necessary j provided f6r Zn the next ,prec.psla��g sec�ion of this orciiraame' a sucia Special taz shall on no docot=6- whatsoevOr be displaced therefrom. That the special' tax hex'elnbefbre provided pots whoa tulle tech, s3ball: -be placed and Dept In a separate fu d"rand-, obal.l be devoted to the payment of they Interest and "the eztin- aishmen.t of tie principal of ;a.I a x i 1 SinC,;a1"..r the bords here- nabc�ve mentioned., a:s. 6am6 na`�ur fro time- to, t rda,, .and, ali-all not be used, applied to diverted to any other p pose' oi- objeot wha t s o eVor,% SECT-10V V111. Tbma t as aobn a conv©nient t fter waid bands, ahal l g,,,n,ve beQn prepared and q �)d in prey eri bad by tb.ia: or.d n nee, hl e;y shall be submittad tD the A.ttortey GeAera°l of he f m b 1 state of Tex.as$ at Austin, t6gether with a certified copy..of tMa ordinance and as ata.tewbnt of the total bonded lndebtOdnese of the City of Fort Worth, including the. bonds herein ,dad hereby a tthorized wnd the asaessod value of the taxabl . jil'operty In said City. for his approval, .and nolle of said bands shall be negotlated, sold or transferred taiti • the same shall have 1'€9— ce v.ed the official so.nat.'ion o'f! said Attorney G-onera .a as pre4-' cribed by IaiiV thereafter &a'id bones skm.11 be' placed with the 001.I.ptr6lIer of Paoli c .Aceount.a for registration. tion. SECTION TX hp City of the. G-1 t y of e�1'Vi t WNrt,7�0: or. othbr lawl ous i,than of such fu d a., dur nr5 th6 ro—onths 62 June, And Doce.mber of each and ' every j ear., dtwing the life. of said bonds or an"' part theroiof p anc not later than the `0th dray, Of roach_ of said months, shall tra3.1aF. it stif 'icit'nt, m70 ne Y of, the sGl itwa nnual iY'nter'"a8 V �'a{. eruing" on k aia bonds �'o thQ JS�tn- over National Bank of the City of New York o State of Now Yorkj, snc� ,li 3se r1araittance shall be made in due course to provide. for the pa�r.mext of the -pr noipal of any of said hands in, aaVa—.qce of the- ma tu�?ity of Sarlae SECT-ION A:11 ordinances and parts of cirdinanobs in couflic.t herewith be and they are hereby expressly rope;aloci�.. The holding or act-_jud1'a tion o± zany ,060tiO)2 A. y ' 9 .part Via€roof to be Ingo id al cat affect the ,,ralid-4,ty Of any atTler Section br. p ,rt of this ordinax ce,s blest all zueh of er- sects onn.a. portions and partu hereof shall be and remain a*.Idd SE911ION X114 i That this ord name shall take effect and be Ln gull 'a.rce from wid a 'ter the date its pLas afG and It. .is so ordained, APPROVED VED ,AS T Q.,.. k OOH t CITY OF FORT lv ORTII� TEXAS _ y M�Lyor H.. C. Meacham, presiding at said meeting, - subniitted., the motion to .adopt said 'Ordinance and all of the. Councilmen includ..ing. the Mayor, voted "Ayyetp thereon and none voted "NoP�, .and the motion to adopt the Ordnance was declared to,'-be A animousl,y passed and adopted., THE STATE OF TEXAS, � COUNTY OF. 'TARRANT.. � L. Van, Zandt, , Jr. ;' City Secretary-Treasurx er Of- the: City of Port Worth, do horeby certify ,that the above -. and. foregoing Ordinance is a true , and correct copy of Ordinance No. 1153, 'and.- that same was u.nanimoubly Massed and adopted 'by the Cl ty Cqun.ci,l. of the City of Fort Worth, Texas., at a rega- lar meoting held in the Council. Chambers at the City �Nall on Tuesday the .5th day, of. June,_A, D. 1926. WITNESS my hand. at. 'Fort Worth., . Texas;. this the day 61c' June, A. D. 1926, Cx y e cre . ark-- reasurer-. OFFICIAL BALLOT • f Shall the City of Fort Worth, Texas , through its City Council, issue its negotiable coupon bonds , running from five (5) to forty (40) 'years in the principal sum of Three Million Three Hundred Thousand (;;3,300,000.00) Dollars , for the purpose of improving and extending the water and sanitary sewer system of s aid City, the first of said !-)ends being payable at the expiration of five (5) years from the date thereof, and s e.rially thereafter as may be determined by the . said City Council, so that the last maturin, bonds .shall become payable .rithin forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (51;'3) per annum from the date thereof, payable semi-annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds and. create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds a t the maturity - thereof? FOR the Issuance of Rater and Sanitary Sewer Bonds . AGAINST the Issuance of Water and Sanitary Sevier Bonds ,- . II. Shall the City of Fort forth, through its City Gouncil: issue its negotiable coupon bonds , running from five .(5) to .forty (40) , ,years , in the principal sum of Two Million Two Hundred Thousand ($x:'200 ,000.00) Dollars , for the' purpose of constructing, improving and extending the streets, thoroughfares and storm :sevvers of said city, including in such permanent improvements the widenin- . paving., grade separation, bridges and drainage, the first of said`bonds be- ing payable at the expiration of five (5) years from, the date thereof, and serially thereafter, as may be determined by the said City Council, so that the _last maturing bonds 'shall become payable within forty (40 ) years from the , dat.e thareof, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5%) per, 'A nnum- from the date thereof, pa yable : semi- annually,. 'and levy -a. sufficient tax to pay the interest -on said- bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the ma- turity .thereof?. FOR the Issuance of Street Improvement Bonds . AGAINST the Issuance of Street Improvement Bonds . III-. Shall the City of Fort Worth, through its City° Council, issue its negotiable coupon bonds , running from five (5) to- forty (40) years , in the principal sum of Seventy-One Thous and _($ 71,000.00) Dollars , for the purpose of constructing, building' and equipping .an additional incinerator plant; for the City of Fort '.North,. .Texas , and purchasing the necessary lands and 'site therefor, the first of -said bonds being payable. at the expiration of five (5) years from the date thereof, . and serially thereafter - as may be; determined by the said City Council ,, so that the last maturing bonds . shall become payable within forty (40,) years from the date thereof, :bearing in- terest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5�G) per annum from the date thereof., payable .semi-annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on s aid bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to. redeem said bonds at the maturity thereof? FOR the Issuance of Incinerator Bonds . AGAINST the Issuance of Incinerator Bonds . IV. Shall the City of Fort titiTorth, through its City Council, issue its negotiable .coupon bonds, running from five (5) to forty (40) years, in the principal sum of Five hundred Thousand (050b,000'4,00)' .Dollars , for the purpose of, purchasing, acquiring and improving lands and property for public park: in the City of Fort 1,11orth, the First of said bonds being payable c.t the expiration of five (5) years ::'rorr. the date thereof, and. serially there;c fter as may be determined ty the said City Council, so that the la >1, maturing bonds shall be- �,ome payable within forty (40) years fro:.a the date thereof, bearing nter. est at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5%) per annum from ,he dato thereof, payable semi-t_nnuz-.ly ,, r.n.d_ 1.'��vy sufficient tax to pay the inter. est on said bonds and create a• sinking fund suffi- cient to redeem said bonds at the iilaturity.. thereof? FOR the Issuance of .Park Bonds . AGAINST the Issuance of Park Bonds ., Shall the City of Fort Worth, through its City Council, issue its negotiable coupon bonds , runnin from five (5) to forty (40) years, in the principal sum of Ong undyed and Seventy Thousand ($171.0,000.00) Dollars , fol, the purpose of 'purchasing, acquiring and improving playgrounds, athletic fields andnother recreation facil- it_es of a permanent mature in said; city, the first of ` said bonds being payable at the exi.Diration of five (5) years from the date thereof, and serially thereafter as may be determined by the said City Council, so that the last maturing bonds 'shall become payable within forty '(40) years from the date thereof, bearing intere's' t 'at a rate not- to exceed five per cent (5%) per annum from the 'date ' thereof, payable semi-annually; and levy a s ufficicnt tux to pay the" interest on said . bonds: and create .a " sinking .fund sufficient to redeem said :bonds at the maturity thereof ? FOR the Issuance of Rocreatiori Bonds . AGAINST. the Issuance of Recreation Bonds , VI . Shall the City of Fort Vlorth, through its City Council_,, issue""-'. its negotiable coupon "bonds, running from five (5) -t-o forty (40) Ypars ; in the principal sum of 'Eighteen Thousand. ($18., 300500). -Doi:-. ; lags ; . for the pu.rpose- of constructing, building and ,equipping an addition to the . City-County Hospital in the City of Fort Worth,, Tex- as, the first of said bonds being p ayable at .the expiration. of five (5) years from the date thereof, and serially. thcreaf ter as may be determined by the said City Council, so that the. last maturing bonds shall become payable within forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5% per annum from the state thereof, payable semi-annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on saf.d bonds and create a sink- ing fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the maturity thereof? FCR the , Issuance of City-County Hospital Bonds .. ° AGAINST the - Issuaance of City-Council Hospital Bonds. VII. Shall the .City of Fort Worth, through its City Council, issue its negotiable coupon bonds, running from five (5) to forty (40) years, in the, principal sum of One Million Four Hundred Thousand ($1,400,boo.00) •Dollars, for the purpose of constru..cti.ng, improving a�?d, extending its system of streets and thoroughfafes by construct- ing, improving and extending a "now main a terial ' street and thor- oughfare running north ,ar_d south and a new main arterial street and thoroughfare extending east and west through said city, including iri 'such permanent improverrents grade separation, bridges , drainage and the purchase of .right of way, the first of said bonds being pay- aple at the expiration of five (5) years from the date thereof, and serially" thereafter as may be determined by the said City Council, so that the last. maturing bonds shall become. payable within forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearin interest at a rate not to emceed five per: cent (5 o) ppr ••annum; from the - date thereof ., payable semi-annually, and levy a �su' ff'icient tax to pay. the interest on said bonds and create '.a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the maturity thereof? FOR. the Issuance of Main Arterial Thoroughfare Bonds . AGAINST the Issuance of Main Arterial Thoroughfare Bonds '* and property for public parrs in the City of Fort Worth, under and by virtue of the Constitution and jaws of the State of Texas, the Charter of the City of Fort Worth, and an ordinance of the City Council of said City lawfully passed and adopted on the 15th day of Junep A, D. 1926, pursuant to valid authority from the property tax paying qualified voters of said City, at a proper and legal election held on the 24th day of Novembers A. D. 1925. It is hereby further expressly represented, recited and covenanted by the government of the City of Fort Worth, to and with each and every holder of said bonds or any one of them, that all acts, conditions and things required by the laws of the State of Texas, and of the Charter and Ordiru m.ees of the City of Fort North, precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have been done,, have happened., and have been performed in proper and lawful time, form and manner as prescribed by law, so as to make this bond a legal, binding and valid obligation of .the City of Fort Worth, and that provision has been made for the levy and- collec- tion of a direct annual tax on all taxable property in the City of Fort Worth, and that such tax has been levied in a sufficient amount for the payment of the principal and interest of this bond at the respective maturity dates thereof, and that the total in- debtedness of said City, including this bond, and the issue of which it is a component part, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation, IN 'TESTIMOBY IAMEREUF, the City of Fort Worth, in_ the State of Texas, has executed this bond by causing it to be signed by its Mayor and attested by the City Secretary-'Treasurer, with the seal, of the City thereunto duly impressed, and has caused the annexed interest coupons to be executed with the facsimile sig- nature of the Mayor and City Secretary-Iereasurer, and dated the first day of July, A. D. 1926. ATTEST: THE CITY OF FUR'T tiJOR`TH, 'T'EXAS CITY SECRETARY-T EASuRER MIAYOR SERIES 48 NOTE) N.O.. $22 0150 The Oilty of, o?9t Worth,, in thQ :State of Texas, " promises.. .tcz pay to bearer Twenty-'zivo Dollars .and Fifty aents. t-,$�2? 50)., . on the, Is day of January, A. . 'D.. 19271, at the Hanover. National Bank in the ._Qity of New York, N. Y. ; far ;interest due that, clay on its municipal bond dated July lst,: A. D.,...1926, and. numbered 101. ATTEST: THE CITY .0F FOR`f-WQRTH., TEXAS, ,y DUR JULY IST PRINCIPAL MATURING 1932 2,:00.0. 32 20000. 33 2,000.. 34 2-Q0000- 35 2-000, 36 2,0000* 37 2,00'0. 38j 2,000e 39 - °3;0000, 40 3,000. 41 3'000. 42 3';.000. - 44 3-,000. 45 3,1900 46 39000. 4'7. 3l00( a 48 3,000, 49 3,Q04, 50 3.,000. 5:� 3a000� 52 38000: 53 3,9,000: 54 3'000 55 3 .000 56- 3 j.400 0 57 38000, 58 3 x,400 5,9 3X000. 60 3ad0dm 62 - 3,000, 62 3a400b 6.3 3,000. 64 3,0700. 65 -3,-0000 66 30000;0---- ---._.l_.__ o i a