HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015/06/02-Minutes-City Council CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2015 Present: Mayor Betsy Price Mayor Pro tem Salvador Espino, District 2 Council Member W.B. "Zim" Zimmerman, District 3 Council Member Daniel Scarth, District 4 Council Member Gyna Bivens, District 5 Council Member Jungus Jordan, District 6 Council Member Dennis Shingleton, District 7 Council Member Kelly Allen Gray, District 8 Council Member Ann Zadeh, District 9 Staff Present: David Cooke, City Manager Sarah Fullenwider, City Attorney Mary J. Kayser, City Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER With a quorum of the City Council Members present, Mayor Price called the regular session of the Fort Worth City Council to order at 7:03 p.m. on Tuesday, June 2, 2015, in the City Council Chamber of the Fort Worth City Hall, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas. II. INVOCATION - Bishop Kenneth Spears, First Saint John Baptist Church The invocation was provided by Bishop Kenneth Spears, First Saint John Baptist Church. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. IV. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 19, 2015 Motion: Council Member Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton, that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 19, 2015, be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. V. OUTGOING REMARKS OF COUNCIL MEMBER DANNY SCARTH Council Member Scarth stated that it was an honor to have served as the District 4 Council representative for nine years and to serve the City and his district. He expressed appreciation to his family, Council Aide Jeanine Ricks, City Council colleagues, City staff and the citizens who had supported him. CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2015 Page 2 of 20 VI. PRESENTATION FROM THE CITY COUNCIL AND OTHERS TO COUNCIL MEMBER DANNY SCARTH Mr. Mike Wyss, 1315 East Tucker, appeared before Council and expressed appreciation to Council Member Scarth for his service to the citizens of District 4. The City Council expressed their appreciation to Council Member Scarth for his service to the citizens of District 4 and to the entire City. Mayor Price presented Council Member Scarth a bronze statue and expressed appreciation to Council Member Scarth for his service to the the entire City. (Council Member Scarth left his place at the dais and exited the meeting.) VII. PRESENTATION AND CERTIFICATES OF ELECTION TO COUNCIL MEMBER ELECT CARY G. MOON AND GYNA M. BIVENS Mayor Price presented Certificates of Election to Council Member-Elect Cary G. Moon, District 4 and Council Member Gyna M. Bivens, District 5. (Council Member Moon took his place at the dais.) VIII. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE TO COUNCIL MEMBERS ELECT BETSY PRICE, SALVADOR "SAL" ESPINO, W. B. "ZIM" ZIMMERMAN, CARY G. MOON, GYNA M. BIVENS, JUNGUS JORDAN, DENNIS SHINGLETON,KELLY ALLEN GRAY AND ANN ZADEH City Secretary Kayser administered the Oath of Office to Council Members Elect Betsy Price, Salvador "Sal" Espino, W.B. "Zim" Zimmerman, Cary G. Moon, Gyna M. Bivens, Jungus Jordan, Dennis Shingleton, Kelly Allen Gray and Ann Zadeh. IX. REMARKS AND INTRODUCTIONS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS BETSY PRICE, SALVADOR "SAL" ESPINO, W.B. "ZIM" ZIMMERMAN, CARY G. MOON, GYNA M. BIVENS, JUNGUS JORDAN, DENNIS SHINGLETON, KELLY ALLEN GRAY AND ANN ZADEH Mayor Price, Mayor Pro tem Espino and Council Members Zimmerman, Moon, Bivens, Jordan, Shingleton, Allen Gray and Zadeh expressed appreciation to their families, friends, citizens of Fort Worth and staff for their support and provided comments relative to their vision for the future of Fort Worth and their respective duties. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2,2015 Page 3 of 20 X. ITEMS TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Cooke requested that Mayor and Council Communication G-18489 be removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration. XI. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN BY STAFF There were no items to be continued or withdrawn by staff. XII. CONSENT AGENDA Motion: Council Member Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member Bivens, that the Consent Agenda be approved as amended. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. A. General - Consent Items 2. M&C G-18490 - Adopt Reserve Policy for Insurance Type Internal Service Funds as an Attachment to the Previously Adopted Financial Management Policy Statements (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Adopt the Reserve Policy for the City's Insurance Type Internal Service Funds as an attachment to the Financial Management Policy Statements adopted on May 5, 2015. 3. M&C G-18491 - Authorize Transfer of Assets, Liabilities, Net Position and Fund Balance from the Risk Management Fund, Workers' Compensation Fund and Unemployment Compensation Fund to the Risk Financing Fund at the Conclusion of Fiscal Year 2015 (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the transfer of assets, liabilities, net position and fund balance from the Risk Management, Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Funds to a newly created Risk Financing Fund at the conclusion of Fiscal Year 2015. 4. M&C G-18492 - Approve Findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator Reizarding Application of Ash Limo Transportation, Inc., to Operate One Limousine Within the City of Fort Worth and Authorize Issuance of a Vehicle for Hire Operating License (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2015 Page 4 of 20 The City Council approved the following recommendation: Consider and adopt the following findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator: Ash Limo Transportation, Inc., has provided all information required by Section 34-241(a) of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986), as amended; Ash Limo Transportation, Inc., is qualified and financially able to conduct a limousine service within the City; Ash Limo Transportation, Inc., has complied with the requirements of Chapter 34 of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986), as amended; and authorize the issuance of a Vehicle for Hire Operating License to Ash Limo Transportation, Inc., to operate one limousine on City streets for a one-year period subject to and conditioned on Ash Limo Transportation, Inc., complying with all requirements of Chapter 34, Article VI of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986), as amended. B. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services - Consent Items 1. M&C P-11756 - Authorize Purchase of One Asphalt Distributor Truck from Southwest International Truck, Inc., in an Amount of $194,626.00, Using a Buyboard Cooperative Contract for the Fleet Division of the Property Management Department (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the purchase of one asphalt distributor truck from Southwest International Truck, Inc., in an amount of$194,626.00, using Buyboard Cooperative Contract No. 430-13 for the Fleet Division of the Property Management Department. E. Award of Contract - Consent Items 1. M&C C-27311 - Authorize Execution of an Agreement for Software Licensing and Maintenance with Allen Systems Group, Inc., in an Amount of $132,116.00 for the First Year and Seven Months, Using a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for the Information Technology Solutions Department (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of an agreement for software licensing and maintenance with Allen Systems Group, Inc., in an amount of $132,116.00 for the first year and seven months, using General Services Administration Schedule Contract No. GS-35F-0456M for the Information Technology Solutions Department. 2. M&C C-27312 - Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Gray CPA Consulting, PC, in the Amount of $65,790.00 to Provide CaseWare Financial Reporting Services and Training for the Financial Management Services Department to Integrate with the PeopleSoft Enterprise Resource Planning Solution for ERP Phase II (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2015 Page 5 of 20 The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Gray CPA Consulting, PC, in the amount of$65,790.00 to provide CaseWare financial reporting services and training for the Financial Management Services Department to integrate with the PeopleSoft Enterprise Resource Planning Solution for ERP Phase II. 3. M&C C-27313 - Authorize Execution of an Engineering Agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc., in the Amount of $271,622.00 for Construction Management Services for the Trinity River Vision Central City Project Bridges on North Main Street, Henderson Street and White Settlement Road and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances Consistent with the City's Commitment Not to Exceed $26.6 Million in Expenditures for the Trinity River Vision Project (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2 and 9 The City Council approved the following recommendation: Adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 21759-06-2015 increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Special Trust Fund in the amount of $271,622.00, from available funds, for the purpose of construction management services for the Trinity River Vision Central City Project Bridges on North Main Street, Henderson Street and White Settlement Road; authorize the transfer of $271,622.00 from the Special Trust Fund Trinity River Vision Project to the Street Improvements 2008 Fund; adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 21760-06-2015 increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Streets Improvements 2008 Fund in the amount of$271,622.00, from available funds, for the same purpose as reflected above; and authorize the execution of an Engineering Agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc., in the amount of$271,622.00 for the same purpose as reflected above. 4. M&C C-27314 - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 to the Lease and Operating Agreement with the BAC Education Foundation, Inc., to Manage and Operate the Former Guinn Elementary School Building Located at 600 East Rosedale as a Business Incubator (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of Amendment No. 1 to City Secretary Contract No. 44763, a Lease Operating Agreement with the BAC Education Foundation, Inc., to manage and operate the former Guinn Elementary School Building located at 600 East Rosedale as a business incubator to amend the payment schedule. 5. M&C C-27315 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with Tarrant County Homeless Coalition in the Amount of $50,000.00 to Provide Oversight and Management of the City's Homelessness Program from June I to September 30, 2015 (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of a contract with the Tarrant County Homeless Coalition to provide oversight and management of the City's homelessness programming from June 1 to September 30, 2015. CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2015 Page 6 of 20 6. M&C C-27316 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with North Rock Construction LLC, in the Amount of $631,630.51 for Bridge Repair and Rehabilitation at Seven Locations and Provide for Proiect Costs and Contingencies for a Total Proiect Amount of $690,980.51 (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2, 5, 6, 8 and 9) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of a contract with North Rock Construction LLC, in the amount of $631,630.51 for bridge repair and rehabilitation at the following locations, City Project No. 02575, and provide for project costs and contingencies for a total project amount of$690,980.51: BRIDGE OVER DISTRICT East Allen Avenue Railroad 8 Hemphill Street Federal Property/Railroad 9 Alta Mesa Boulevard (East and West Sycamore Creek/Railroad 6 bound) Trinity Boulevard (East and West bound) Railroad 5 Samuels Avenue Trinity River 2 West Felix Railroad 9 East Rosedale Street Sycamore Creek 8 7. M&C C-27317 - Authorize Amendment of Fire Services Mutual and Automatic Aid Agreement with the City of Benbrook to Accurately Represent Updated Geographic Boundaries (COUNCIL DISTRICT 3) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the amendment of fire services Mutual and Automatic Aid Agreement with the City of Benbrook to accurately represent updated geographic boundaries. XIII. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY SECRETARY - CONSENT ITEMS 1- OCS - 1958 - Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Injuries End of Consent Agenda. A. General - Removed from Consent Agenda 1_. M&C G-18489 - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance for Twenty-Two Positions Being Transferred from the Capital Proiects Services Fund to the General Fund and Discontinue Transfer of Funding from the Capital Proiects Services Fund to the General Fund for a Twenty-Third Position (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2015 Page 7 of 20 It was recommended that the City Council adopt an appropriation ordinance increasing the estimated receipts in the General Fund in the amount of $697,896.00 from available sales tax revenue for the purpose of funding 22 positions being transferred from the Capital Projects Services Fund to the General Fund effective May 30, 2015; and discontinue transfer of funds in the amount of$33,681.00 from the Capital Projects Services Fund to the General Fund for a 23rd position. Dr. Anil Bangale, 5201 River Oaks Boulevard, appeared before Council in opposition to Mayor and Council Communication G-18489. Motion: Mayor Pro tem Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton, that Mayor and Council Communication G-18489 be approved and Appropriation Ordinance No. 21761-06-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. XIV. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS, INTRODUCTIONS, ETC. 1. Recognition of Fort Worth Teen Court Winning 2015 Texas Teen Court Association Competition Chief Judge Ninfa Mares presented the coaching staff and teens that participated in the 2015 Texas Teen Court Association competition. Mayor Pro tem Espino presented the winners with Molly pins. 2. Presentation of Proclamation of Fort Worth History Month Council Member Zadeh presented a proclamation of Fort Worth History Month to Mr. Chris Dennis, Assistant Director, Fort Worth Public Library. 3. Presentation of Proclamation of the Kiwanis Club of Fort Worth Day Council Member Jordan presented a proclamation of the Kiwanis Club of Fort Worth Day to Mr. Terry Slotsve, President, Fort Worth Kiwanis Club. City Secretary Kayser advised that the Mayor and Council Communications G-18495 and G- 18496 were donations and would be moved up on the Council agenda. B. General 3. M&C G-18495 - Authorize Acceptance of a Monetary Gift from the Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge, Inc., in the Amount of$32,000.00 to Fund Part-Time Staff Positions at the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge for Fiscal Year 2015, Authorize Transfer of Said Funds from the Special Trust Fund to the General Fund and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2015 Page 8 of 20 It was recommended that the City Council authorize the acceptance of a monetary gift in the amount of$32,000.00 from the Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge, Inc., for the purpose of funding salaries and benefits for Fiscal Year 2015 for part-time staff positions at the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge; adopt an appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Special Trust Fund in the amount of $32,000.00, subject to receipt of a gift from the Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge, Inc., for the same purpose as reflected above; and adopt an appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the General Fund in the amount of$32,000.00, from available funds, for the same purpose as reflected above. Council Member Shingleton presented a Certificate of Recognition to Ms. Marty Leonard, President, Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge. Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Council Member Jordan, that Mayor and Council Communication G-18495 be approved and Appropriation Ordinance Nos. 21762-06-2015 and 21763-06-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. 4. M&C G-18496 - Authorize Acceptance of Playground Unlimited Maintenance Endowment Funds from the Community Foundation of North Texas in the Amount of $68,027.35 for the Renovation of the Playground at Patricia LeBlanc Park and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (2014 BOND PROGRAM) (COUNCIL DISTRICT 6) It was recommended that the City Council accept the Playground Unlimited Maintenance Endowment funds in the amount of$68,027.35 for the renovation of the playground at Patricia LeBlanc Park; and adopt an appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Special Donations Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $68,027.35, subject to receipt of funds from the Playground Unlimited Maintenance Endowment funds, for the same purpose as reflected above. Council Member Jordan presented a Certificate of Recognition to Ms. Jennifer Harnish and Ms. Marsha Stripe, Directors, Playground Unlimited. Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton, that Mayor and Council Communication G-18496 be approved with appreciation and Appropriation Ordinance No. 21764-06-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2,2015 Page 9 of 20 XV. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF L UpcominLy and Recent Events Mayor Price, Mayor Pro tem Espino, and Council Members Zimmerman, Moon, Bivens, Jordan, Shingleton, Allen Gray and Zadeh announced upcoming and recent events within the City and various Council districts. 2. Recognition of Citizens There was no recognition of citi7.ens. 3. Approval of Ceremonial Travel There was no approval for ceremonial travel. XVI. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions Mayor Price announced appointments to the following standing City Council Committees: • Council Member Shingleton to Chair of the Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee • Council Member Allen Gray to the Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee and removed from the Audit Committee • Council Member Moon to the Audit Committee 2. Council Proposal No. 302 - Approve the Use of On-Duty Police Officers for the 150th Juneteenth Celebration Parade (Introduced at May 19, 2015, Council Meetin It was recommended that the City Council approve the Police Department's participation in the 150th Juneteenth celebration to be held on Saturday, June 20, 2015, by providing on-duty police officers to manage the parade route at an estimated cost of$9,216.40. Motion: Council Member Allen Gray made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zimmerman that Council Proposal No. 302 be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2015 Page 10 of 20 XVII. PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS COMMISSIONS AND/OR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES There were no presentations and/or communications from boards, commissions and/or City Council committees. XVIII. RESOLUTIONS 1. A Resolution Acce tine the Final Report of the Task Force on Permanent Supportive Housing and Adopting Permanent Supportive Housing Guidelines and Recommendations It was recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution accepting the final report of the Task Force on Permanent Supportive Housing and adopting permanent supportive housing guidelines and recommendations. Motion: Council Member Allen Gray made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton, that Resolution No. 4459-06-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. 2. A Resolution Reaffirming Support for the Creation of a Funders Council to Promote Collaboration Among Foundations, Local Governments, and Other Philanthropic Supporters of Local Initiatives to End Homelessness It was recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution reaffirming support of the creation of a Funders Council to promote collaboration among foundations, local governments, and other philanthropic supporters of local initiatives to end homelessness. Motion: Council Member Allen Gray made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zadeh, that Resolution No. 4460-06-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. 3. A Resolution Approving the Resolutions Adopted by the Fort Worth Transportation Authority's Executive Committee, and Each Proposed Acquisition Described Therein, to Acquire By Eminent Domain, If Necessary, Certain Parcels of Land Located Within the Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of Fort Worth, Consisting of a Total of Approximately 28.18 Acres, for the Construction, Extension, Improvement, or Development of Tex Rail It was recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution approving the resolutions adopted by the Fort Worth Transportation Authority's Executive Committee, and each proposed acquisition described therein, to acquire by eminent domain, if necessary, certain parcels of land located within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Fort Worth, consisting of a total of approximately 28.18 acres, for the construction, extension, improvement, or development of TEX Rail. CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2,2015 Page 11 of 20 Motion: Council Member Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member Allen Gray, that Resolution No. 4461-06-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. 4. A Resolution Requesting Financial Assistance from the Texas Water Development Board in the Amount of $76,000,000.00 from the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (Swift) for the Water Department It was recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution requesting financial assistance from the Texas Water Development Board in the amount of $76,000,000.00 from the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) for the Water Department. Motion: Council Member Bivens made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton, that Resolution No. 4462-06-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. 5. A Resolution Amending Section 7.1 of the City Council Rules of Procedure to Eliminate the Housing and Economic Development Committee and Add the Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee as a New Standing City Council Committee It was recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution amending Section 7.1 of the City Council Rules of Procedure to eliminate the Housing and Economic Development Committee and add the Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee as a new standing City Council Committee. Motion: Council Member Allen Gray made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton, that the rules be suspended so action can be taken on the resolution. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. Motion: Council Member Allen Gray made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton, that Resolution No. 4463-06-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. XIX. ZONING HEARING The Notice of Special Hearing set today as the date for the hearing in connection with recommended changes and amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 13896 and that notice of the hearing had been given by publication in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth, on May 17, 2015. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2015 Page 12 of 20 1. ZC-14-179 - CD 2 - S rinarocket LLC 6001 N. Main Street; from: "I" Li ht Industrial to: "PD/I" Planned Development for all uses in "I" Light Industrial plus game room; site plan included. Recommended for Approval by the Zonin Commission) Motion: Mayor Pro tem Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton, that Zoning Docket ZC-14-079 be continued to the June 9, 2015, Council meeting. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. The City Council, at its meeting of May 5, 2015, continued Zoning Docket ZC-15-022: 2. ZC-15-022 - (CD 4) - Nicki Nguyen, 3121 NE 28th Street; from: "B" Two-Family and "E" Neighborhood Commercial to: "FR" General Commercial Restricted (Recommended for Denial without Prejudice by the Zoning Commission) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) The following individuals completed comment cards in opposition to Zoning Docket ZC-15-022: Mr. Rick Herring, 1128 Bonnie Brae Avenue Mr. George Felan, 3313 Hedrick Street Motion: Council Member Moon made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zadeh, that Zoning Docket ZC-15-022 be denied without prejudice. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. The City Council, at its meeting of May 5, 2015, continued Zoning Docket ZC-15-029: 3. ZC-15-029 - (CD 4) - Lawrence Duckett, Sr., 5904-5916 Etsie Street; from: "AG" Agricultural to: "I" Light Industrial (Recommended for Denial by the Zoning Commission) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) Mr. Lawrence Duckett, 1940 Delga Street, appeared before Council in support of Zoning Docket ZC-15-029. Motion: Council Member Moon made a motion, seconded by Council Member Bivens, that Zoning Docket ZC-15-029 be continued to the June 9, 2015, Council meeting. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2015 Page 13 of 20 4. ZC-15-033 - (CD 6) - FM 1187 Partners, L. P., 401 W. Rendon Crowley Road; from: "PD-548" Planned Development for "FR" General Commercial Restricted uses excludinjZ tattoo parlors and pawn shops; site plan waived to: Amend "PD- 548" Planned Development to include mini-warehouse; site plan included for mini-warehouse only. (Recommended for Approval as Amended by the Zoning Commission to include 8 ft. brick wall, relocate mechanical equipment and dumpster to east property line, faux windows south wall, access door entry and exit points and lighting locations) Mr. Brad Tidwell, 201 Hawks Ridge Trail, Colleyville, Texas, appeared before Council in support of Zoning Docket ZC-15-033. Ms. Kenda Morales, 328 Chase Hill Lane, Burleson, Texas, appeared before Council in opposition to Zoning Docket ZC-15-033. Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton. that Zoning Docket ZC-15-033 be continued to the June 9, 2015, Council meeting. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. 5. ZC-15-034 - (CD 6) - SLF IV/Leaacy Capital LP, 9600 Block Summer Creek Drive; from: "E" Neighborhood Commercial to: PD-971 "PD/D" Planned Development for all uses in "D" High Density Multifamily with a maximum of 24 units per acre; site plan required. (Recommended for Approval by the ZoninL' Commission) Mr. Barry Hudson, representing Dunaway Associates, 3012 Gunnison Trail, completed a speaker card in support of Zoning Docket ZC-15-034 and was recognized by Mayor Price but did not wish to address Council. Mr. Peter Aberg, 3131 Maple, Dallas, Texas, completed a comment card in support of Zoning Docket ZC-15-034. Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Bivens, that Zoning Docket ZC-15-034 be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. The City Council, at its meeting of May 5, 2015, continued Zoning Docket ZC-15-036: 6. ZC-15-036 - (CD 2) - Blue Center, LTD., 6800 Blue Mound Road; from: "E" Nei,2hborhood Commercial to: "PD/E" Planned Development for all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial plus car wash; site plan included (Recommended for Denial by the Zoninsi Commission) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2015 Page 14 of 20 Mr. Justin Light, 500 West 7th Street, completed a speaker card in support of Zoning Docket ZC-15-036 and was recognized by Mayor Price but did not wish to address Council. Motion: Mayor Pro tem Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton, that Zoning Docket ZC-15-042 be continued to the June 9, 2015, Council meeting. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. 7. ZC-15-042 - CD 9 - Linda McLarty, 1701 May Street; from: "B" Two-Family to: "ER" Neighborhood Commercial Restricted (Recommended for Approval as Amended by the Zoning Commission to ER Neighborhood Commercial Restricted) Ms. Linda McLarty, 733 Evergreen Drive, Hurst, Texas, appeared before Council in support of Zoning Docket ZC-15-042. Motion: Council Member Zadeh made a motion, seconded by Council Member Jordan, that Zoning Docket ZC-15-042 be continued to the June 9, 2015, Council meeting. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. 8. ZC-15-043 - (CD 3) - HOPE Farm, Inc., 5816-5828 Helmick Avenue & 5821 Farnsworth Avenue; from: "A-5" One-Family to: "CF" Community Facilities (Recommended for Denial by the Zoning Commission) Motion: Council Member Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member Allen Gray. that Zoning Docket ZC-15-043 be continued to the September 15, 2015, Council meeting. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. 9. ZC-15-044 - (CD 5) - A-1 Alarm and Service Corporation, 4901 Mansfield Highway; from: "E" Neighborhood Commercial to: "PDIE" Planned Development for all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial plus oil change, tire repair, and auto inspection; site plan included. (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Motion: Council Member Bivens made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zimmerman, that Zoning Docket ZC-15-044 be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. 10. ZC-15-045 - (CD 5) - Newport Holdings Inc., 10731 Mosier Valley Road & 10650 Tube Drive; from "AG" Agricultural and "C" Medium Density Multifamily to: "C" Medium Density Multifamily (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2,2015 Page 15 of 20 Mr. Bryan Klein, 7075 Twin Hills Avenue #350, Dallas, Texas, appeared before Council in support of Zoning Docket ZC-15-045. Motion: Council Member Bivens made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton, that Zoning Docket ZC-15-045 be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. 11. ZC-15-046 - (CD 3) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development/Petition for Tanglewood Neighborhood, Generally bounded by Overton Park Drive East, Autumn, Colonial Hills NA, and Villages of Stonegate HOA; from: "A-5" One- Family to: "A-7.5 One-Family and "A-10" One-Family (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Ms. Cara Kennemer, 3208 Chapparal Lane, appeared before Council in support. of Zoning Docket ZC-15-046. Motion: Council Member Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zadeh, that Zoning Docket ZC-15-046 be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. 12. SP-15-005 - (CD 9) - Autobahn Realty Partners, 116, 200 & 204 Adrian Drive; Site plan for PD-234 for expansion of auto service repair garage. (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Motion: Council Member Zadeh made a motion, seconded by Council Member Bivens, that Site Plan SP-15-005 be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. City Secretary Kayser advised that Zoning Dockets ZC-15-048 through ZC-15-062 were surplus properties and if there were no objection they could be considered all under one vote. 13. ZC-15-048 - (CD 2) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development, 3103 & 3105 N. Hays Street; from: "I" Light Industrial to: "ER" Neighborhood Commercial Restricted (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 14. ZC-15-049 - (CD 8) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development, 2801 Chenault; from: "B" Two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 15. ZC-15-050 - (CD 9) - City of Fort Wortb Planning & Development, 2517 S. Jennings; from: "B" Two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2015 Page 16 of 20 16. ZC-15-051 - (CD 8) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development, 3602 Conway Street; from: "K" Heavy Industrial to: "I" Light Industrial (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 17. ZC-15-052 - (CD 3) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development, 5700 Diaz Avenue, from: "E" Neighborhood Commercial to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 18. ZC-15-053 - (CD 4) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development, 3015 Elinor Street; from: "B" Two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 19. ZC-15-054 - (CD 8) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development, 1524 E. Robert Street, 1521 & 1525 Colvin Avenue; from: "FR" General Commercial Restricted to: "ER" Neighborhood Commercial Restricted (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 20. ZC-15-055 - (CD 8) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development, 2807 Vanhorn Avenue; from: "B" Two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 21. ZC-15-056 - (CD 8) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development, 3005 E. 12th Street; from: "B" Two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 22. ZC-15-058 - (CD 8) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development, 2712 Ennis Avenue; from: "B" Two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 23. ZC-15-059 - (CD 2) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development, 4824 Melody Lane; from: "B" two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 24. ZC-15-060 - (CD 9) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development, 2801 Creston Avenue; from: "B" Two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 25. ZC-15-062 - (CD 8) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development, 3021 Galvez Avenue; from: "C" Medium Density Multifamily to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Motion: Council Member Allen Gray made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zadeh, that Zoning Dockets ZC-15-048 through ZC-15-062 be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2015 Page 17 of 20 There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the recommended changes and amendments pertaining to Zoning Ordinance No. 13896 for the above-listed cases, Council Member Allen Gray made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zadeh, that the hearing be closed and Ordinance No. 21765-06-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. XX. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER B. General 1. M&C G-18493 - Allocate $2,500,000.00 in 2014 Bond Program Urban Village Funds to the Six Points Urban Village for Complete Streets Improvements in Accordance with the 2007 Six Points Urban Village Master Plan and the 2015 Comprehensive Plan and Authorize Expansion of the Urban Village Boundary to Oakhurst Scenic Drive (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) It was recommended that the City Council allocate the amount of$2,500,000.00 in 2014 Bond Program Urban Village funds to the Six Point Urban Village to complete street improvements in accordance with the 2007 Six Points Urban Village Master Plan and the 2015 Comprehensive Plan; and authorize the expansion of the Six Points Urban Village boundary to Oakhurst Scenic Drive; and amend the adopted 2007 Six Points Urban Village Master Village boundary change, incorporate the current street design and charrette recommendations as plan changes and make the necessary changes to amend and update 2015 Comprehensive Plan Appendix which references the 2007 Urban Village Master Plan. Ms. Debby Stein, 2907 Race Street, appeared before Council in support of Mayor and Council Communication G-18493. The following individuals completed comment cards in support of Mayor and Council Communication G-18493: Ms. Flora Brewer, 6708 Ashbrook Drive Ms. Jan Buck, 1513 North Sylvania Avenue Mr. Pretlow Riddick, 3007 Race Street Mr. Aaron Latchaw, 2105 Morning Glory Mr. Rick Herring, 1128 Bonnie Brae Avenue Mr. Benjamin Schalk, 2508 Westbrook Avenue Mr. Michael Spencer, 3024 Goldenrod Ms. Janice Michel, 2115 Primrose Avenue Ms. Ashleigh Martin, 2100 Daisy Mr. Peter Aberg, 3131 Maple Avenue, Dallas, Texas Motion: Council Member Zadeh made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Espino, that Mayor and Council Communication G-18493 be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2015 Page 18 of 20 2. M&C G-18494 - Adopt Resolution Establisbing Revised Funding Plan for Retiree Healthcare Authorize Transfer of Excess Reserves from the Group Health and Life Insurance Fund to the Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) It was recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution establishing a revised funding plan for retiree healthcare, which includes suspending the previously adopted contribution schedule to the Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Trust from operating budgets, designating excess reserves in the Group Health and Life Insurance Fund for periodic transfer to the OPEB Trust with City Council approval, directing funding recommendations for annual pay-as-you-go requirements for retiree healthcare be included as part of the annual budget and continuing to monitor and report on the City's OPEB liability; adopt a supplemental appropriation ordinance increasing receipts and appropriations in the Group Health and Life Insurance Fund in the amount of$10,632,231.00, and decreasing the available fund balance by the same amount, for the purpose of transferring excess reserves to the OPEB Trust that exceed the fund's newly adopted reserve requirement; and authorize the transfer of $10,632,231.00 in excess reserves from the Group Health and Life Insurance Fund to the OPEB Trust. Motion: Council Member Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member Bivens, that Mayor and Council Communication G-18494 be approved and Resolution No. 4464-06-2015 and Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance No. 21766-06-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. C. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services 1. M&C P-11757 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with DataProse, LLC, for an Estimated Amount of $1,567,000.00 for the Initial Term, Using a Cooperative Contract to Provide Utility Bill Printing and Mailing for the Water Department (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) It was recommended that the City Council authorize the execution of a contract with DataProse, LLC, for an estimated amount of $1,567,000.00 for the initial term, using the City of Plano's Contract No. 2012-264-C to provide utility bill printing and mailing for the Water Department. Motion: Council Member Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton, that Mayor and Council Communication P-11757 be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. D. Land 1. M&C L-15778 - Adopt Resolution Authorizing Condemnation by Eminent Domain for a Right-of-Way Easement on 0.0199 Acres of Land Owned by Repesa- Confide International, Inc., Located at 4708 East Rosedale Street for the East Rosedale Street Improvement Proiect from Miller Avenue to Stalcup Road (COUNCIL DISTRICT 5) CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2,2015 Page 19 of 20 It was recommended that the City Council declare that negotiations between the City and the landowner to acquire a right-of-way easement on 0.0199 acres of land for road improvements on property owned by Repesa-Confide International, Inc., located at 4708 East Rosedale Street, Fort Worth, Texas, were unsuccessful due to owners inability to convey the needed property interests; declare the necessity to acquire the right-of-way easement for the East Rosedale Street Improvement Project from Miller Avenue to Stalcup Road; adopt a resolution determining the necessity for acquiring real property and authorizing the City to use its power of eminent domain to acquire the property for the public use for the East Rosedale Street Improvement Project from Miller Avenue to Stalcup Road; authorize the City Attorney to institute condemnation by eminent domain proceedings to acquire the described right-of-way easement for the property; authorize a payment pursuant to an award of commissioners or a negotiated settlement; and authorize the City Manager or his designee to accept and record appropriate instruments. Motion: Council Member Bivens made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton, that the Fort Worth City Council approve Mayor and Council Communication L- 15778 and Resolution No. 4465-06-2015 be adopted authorizing use of the power of eminent domain to acquire 0.0199 acres of land for a right-of-way easement from Repesa-Confide International, Inc., a Texas Corporation, also known as Represa-Confide International, Inc., Jerry Berkowitz, President, needed for the improvements to East Rosedale Street. The right-of-way easement to be acquired is described by metes and bounds depicted by survey exhibit attached to this M&C. The tract of land is located in Lot 5, Block 5, East Rosedale Heights Addition, Tarrant County, Texas, also known as 4708 East Rosedale Street. The land rights will be used for the East Rosedale Street Improvement Project. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. F. Award of Contract 1. M&C C-27318 - Authorize Execution of Amendment 1 to the Design Procurement Agreement with D.R. Horton - Texas, Ltd., in the Amount of $254,931.00 for Additional Engineering Design for the Basswood Boulevard Bridge for a Revised Amount of $713,570.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) It was recommended that the City Council authorize the execution of Amendment No. 1 to the Design Procurement Agreement with D.R. Horton - Texas, Ltd., City Secretary Contract No. 45531, in the amount of$254,931.00 for additional engineering services related to the design of the Basswood Boulevard bridge for a revised amount of$713,570.00; and adopt an appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Transportation Impact Fund in the amount of$209,067.10, from available funds, for the same purpose as reflected above. Motion: Mayor Pro tem Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton, that Mayor and Council Communication C-27318 be approved and Appropriation Ordinance No. 21767-06-2015 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2, 2015 Page 20 of 20 2. M&C C-27319 - Authorize Execution of the Amendment No. 2 to City Secretary Contract No. 28358-E1 Extension and Restatement of the Contract for Collection of Residential Garbage, Refuse and Bulky Waste, Recyclables, Certain Commercial Solid Waste, Yard Waste, Construction and Demolition, and Large Brush with Waste Management,Inc. (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) It was recommended that the City Council authorize the execution of Amendment No. 2 to City Secretary Contract No. 28358-E1, extension and restatement of the contract with Waste Management of Texas, Inc., for the collection of residential garbage, refuse and bulky waste, recyclables, certain commercial solid waste, yard waste, construction and demolition, and large brush to extend the deadline for Waste Management, Inc.'s requirement to convert its residential fleet to compressed natural gas powered engines and to construct a new truck fleet support and maintenance facility as required by Sections 10.A.3 and l O.A.4 of the contract. Motion: Council Member Zimmerman made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton, that Mayor and Council Communication C-27319 be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. XXI. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Mr. Charles Walch, 4825 Highway Drive, completed a Citizen Presentation card relative to Tarrant Appraisal District abuse and being adversarial to taxpayers and was recognized by Mayor Price but was not present in the Council Chamber. Reverend Kyev Tatum, Sr., representing the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 946 East Ramsey Avenue, appeared before Council relative to police use of excessive force in the black community. XXII. EXECUTIVE SESSION (PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER) - SEE ATTACHMENT B XXIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Price adjourned the Regular meeting at 9:27 p.m. These minutes approved by the Port Worth City Council on the 9`h day of June, 2015. Attest: Ap ov i J", 11A,L-0 Mary J. Wr a vador Espino City Secretary Mayor Pro tem