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Contract 21476-CO1
DISTRMUT` N: WFETE-.FILE CITY OF FORT WORTH CANARY,%.(oN§rR cnoN FILE PINK.-+ROJECT MANAGER CHANGE ORDER REQUEST CITY SeCRETAW GOLDENROD-CONTRACTOR CCT NO. CHANGE ORDER NO. DATE D.O.E.NO. PROJECT NO. 1 I I PW77-060770500020&PW77-060770500030 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: North and South Holly Water Treatment Plants CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT Backwash Facilities Modifications and Chlorine and Ammonia Facilities Rehabilitation NO. 21476 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT..........................................$ 7.747,000.00 EXTRAS TO DATE...............................................$ 0.00 CREDITS TO DATE..............................................$ 0.00 CONTRACTCOST TO DATE..............................................................................................................................................................$ 7 747 000.00 AMOUNT OF PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER....................................................................................................................................$ 64.348.57 REVISEDCONTRACT AMOUNT.......................................................................................................................................................$ 7.811.348.57 TOTAL FUNDS APPROVED BY COUNCiL.......................................................................................................................................$ 7.979.410.00 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS CHANGE ORDER,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL:Modify and change the contract as shown below to provide a complete, functional and operational laboratory.These changes are listed below:Further desrciptions and information is attached: PCM001:Replacement of 48-Inch Butterfly Valve at North Holly Raw Water Line No.I ....................................................................$64,348.57 In September 1995,the main 48-inch gate valve on Raw Water Line No.I was discovered to be broken..The Contract required the North Holly Water Treatment Plant had to be placed in service on January 1, 1996.This would allow the South Holly Water Treatment Plant to be taken out of service from January 1996 to May 1996 for construction work. Initially, this valve was to be replaced by the Production Division of the Water Department. However, the valve replacement could not be completed by in-house forces in time to allow the contractor to complete modifications on the South Holly Plant before May 1996. The Contractor was assigned the bid for the City Bid for a replacement 48-inch butterfly valve and was directed to install the 48-inch butterfly valve and motorized operator to minimize the time delay in placing North Holly Water Treatment Plant into service. CMR008:Time Extension for South Holly Water Treatment Plant Start-Up.......................................................................................... No Cost The Contract requires that the North Holly Water Treatment Plant be in service to allow the South Holly Water Treatment Plant to taken out of service on January 1, 1996 and be placed back into service on May 1, 1996.PCM001 required the Contractor to install a replacement 48-inch butterfly valve at Raw Water Line No.I to allow North Holly Water Treatment Plant to be put into service. The Contractor was able to place the valve in service on January 25, 1996. The contractor has requested a 25 day delay until May 25, 1996 in placing the South Holly Water Treatment Plant into service. THE TOTAL COST FOR CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 1 IS $64,348.57 It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of this Change Order by the contractor constitutes an accord and satisfaction and represents payment in full(both in time and money)for all costs arising out of,or incidental to,the Change Order. ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME ADDITIONAL APPROVED TIME TO DATE APPROVED CONTRACT TIME TO DATE ADDITIONAL TIME FOR THIS CHANGE ORDER 450 Calendar Days None 450 Calendar Days None CONTRACTOR DATEFIELD ENGINEER /� DATE Cajun Contractors,Inc. � �� �o 3 �� G.E.Gay,P.E Freese& Ichols,•CInc MAMACO ST.SE DATE DIRECTORIMANAGING DEPT. DATE Davi .Townsend,PE,Facilities Eng' eer DIRECT NTReTINcl DATE// /^ ` CITY ATTORNEY DATE Lee ,Jr., ,Water Irect) CITY MANA DATE COUNCIL AC IF REQUIRED):^40C�7g--�/ 0z DATE APPROVED LFREyORD -i/4/PC C��� SECRETARY RECEIVED JUN 16 2M FT.WORTHo TA DATEREFERENCE NUMBER LOG NAME PAGE 06/04/96 C-15502 60CHLOR 1 of 2 SUBJECT CHANGE ORDER NO.1, FOR THE NORTH AND SOUTH HOLLY WATER TREATMENT PLANTS BACKWASH FACILITIES MODIFICATIONS AND CHLORINE AND AMMONIA REHABILITATION, CAJUN CONTRACTORS, INC. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the City Council authorize Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $64,348.57 to City Secretary Contract No. 21476 with Cajun Contractors, Inc., for the construction of the North and South Holly Water Treatment Plants Backwash Facilities Modifications and Chlorine and Ammonia Rehabilitation, revising the total contract cost to $7,811 ,348.57. DISCUSSION: On October 10, 1995, (M&C C-15100), the City Council authorized the award of a contract to Cajun Contractors, Inc., for the construction of the North and South Holly Water Treatment Plants Backwash Facilities Modifications and Chlorine and Ammonia Rehabilitation. The project consists of the installation of a backwash clarifier and pump station at the South Holly Water Treatment Plant, the renovation of the Chlorine Buildings along with the installation of a new chemical storage area at both Holly Water Treatment Plants, and the installation of a new caustic and fluoride facilities at both Holly Water Treatment Plants. After the contract was awarded, it became apparent that an in-house replacement project for the broken 48-inch gate valve on the North Holly Raw Water Line No. 1 could not be finished in time to allow the North Holly Water Treatment Plant to be placed in service and, therefore, allow the South Holly Water Treatment Plant to be taken out of service for construction work. Bids for the purchase of the 48-inch replacement valve had already been received. The Contractor was directed to install the 48-inch replacement valve to minimize the time delay in placing North Holly Water Treatment Plant into service. The 48-inch valve purchase bid was then assigned to the Contractor. The Contractor was able to place the valve in service on January 25, 1996 allowing the South Holly Water Treatment Plant to be placed in service by May 25, 1996. l+.. DATEREFERENCE NUMBER LOG NAME PAGE 06/04/96 C-15502 60CHLOR 2 of 2 SUBJECT CHANGE ORDER NO.1, FOR THE NORTH AND SOUTH HOLLY WATER TREATMENT PLANTS BACKWASH FACILITIES MODIFICATIONS AND CHLORINE AND AMMONIA REHABILITATION, CAJUN CONTRACTORS, INC. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Director of the Fiscal Services certifies that funds are available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, of the Commercial Paper Fund-Water. MG:a Submitted for City Manager's FUND ACCOUNT CENTER AMOUNT CITY SECRETARY Office by: (to) Mike Groomer 6140 Originating Department Head: Lee Bradley, Jr. 8207 (from) APPROVED 6-4-96 06077050002 PW77 541300 0 $64,348.57 For Additional Information Contact: Freese Simon W.Freese,P.E. 1900-1 Marvin C.Nichols,P.E. 1896-1%9%9 AND Nichols,NC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS April S, 1996 Mr. David Townsend,P.E. Facilities Design and Construction Cit- of Fort Worth Water Department P.C . Fox 870 Eort``Forth,Texas 76102 R(1: North emcl _`oc tIth } olk, �YiLer Tic,ii meiit Plein l�ackFvaSit Iacilities 1,lodificaboll~ ')11.1 Chlotine and Ammoiii,. 1 arilitic , Rehabilitation 1'N'v?77-Oh07703000?0 and. 1'1%?-/7-0;7:170 51,19"J30 PCM-001 No,-Lll Holly f:a\v Nc,. ! Rcphrlcen em48" Htitterih Val\ ,, tear t0 r. Towti 'n& 1-iansmitted herewith please finci a cop\ of Cajun s Mot(ii 2-, ly 'bj7rlc E 111,0i7o<„rl for 7'i j 001 (Rev). Tllis PCNI ciiwd,, Cahill to proceed tlndel _1„w time, ,111cl Material” llwtho(l , 1 pa\'lllent tO remove the existin`; 48-111i h trate -v-a1tE, at ttiorth Holy Pow 1,4:o. 1 vah e vault, i recPil-e aclsignmellt of the City's quotation for a 48-inch hutteifl_ \ :1\ e. aril to rll;tall the buLietfl%- valve. The cost of the \\Elite cOillph ted 1,U LidtE' 10talti A Conn' inion C1%'1;•'. has boert recommended b1 the Cite providing, Cajun an additional ?? (Mys to hay .� the `�out1, loll; plant operational. Additional \,orl: will be loquili'd next fall to paint the- ne”„ valve at1', pipini, and we estintat, the cost of this additional wort. 1v-LLl b,, IS 2,000. During; the annual shutdown by ffie giant of North Holly for 17reventive maintenance it September 1993, the existing 48-inch ;;ate valve at the North Holk- Raw No. 1 \'al\-e v,1td! broke. After investigation by the plant, it was determined that replacement parts for the year old gate valve were not available and a replacement valve \vas required. The plant anal the engineering group of the Water Department prepared specifications for a replacement valve and quotations \vere received for a Class 75 48-inch butterfly- valve and operator by the City's purchasing department. The quotation for this valve w s 5 20 �;7S.nn F(-)R vd, ni nsit_nty late October 1995 we met with the plant staff and field operations regarding scheduling of the valve order and installation. At that time it was determined that a contract time delay of several months would occur if the valve was not released immediately, for fabrication. Also, the field operations staff does not have the necessary equipment to install the valve in an extremely tight location. The potential time delay would have affected Cajun's ability to take the South Holly plant out of service for reconstruction contractually scheduled for January 1, 1996 and to return it to service prior to the high summer time demands contractually scheduled for April 30,1996. TELEPHONE 817-735-7300 • 4055 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA,SUITE 200 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76109-4895 • METRO 817-429-1900 • FAX 817-735-7491 Mr. David Townsend April 9, 1996 Page 2 Due to insufficient plant capacity at the North Holl' plant xvith the RaNv No. I water supph- system out of service, the South Holly plant could not be taken out of service until the 48-incl; valve was repaired. If the valve order and installation were not expedited, projected delays to the South Holl- construction project -would have pre\ ented Lase of the South Holly plant unt:: JuIV or August 1996. This delay was unacceptable as the North Holly Plant alone would n(,t have been able to meet the SN'stem demands probably- stat ting in laid June 1990. To resol', these delays to the extant possible, we recommended b� oui ivovember 3, 1995 letter to thi Water Department, that the purchase order quotetion for ffi- new valve be assigned to Cajttr and Cajun be directed to proceed with its installation. T]w C its approved this Nvork direr IB with compensation for the work to be based upon tht` tinit. and materials method of paynwi per General Colltiitiolls C4-4.5.c. (_fur estimate of probable (((Asti action costs was S46,600. The valve was received January 2, 1990 and install,`d. Tho North Holl- plant was openiti0l,, Januar\' 23rd anti the South Holy- plant was taken slut of service and provided to January 26th, 25 days later that contractually scheduled. The youth Holly plant is currcntk scheduled to he in service May 26th, 23 days later than contractually scheduled. This will allo- the City to meet normal summertime peak derll,tn.is which typically start increasing in r June and peal: in August or`,eptemher. The Yale installation was difficult, dealing with an c\trerllel tight location, cold cast pig i(( pipe which could not be welded, varying pipe dianiett`rs, providing valve thrust restraint du,` to the band coupler connections required, and vale operator installation problems. Also, th;, new pipe fittings were not stock sizes and ret'uired expedited machining and shippin"', between Christmas and New Years. We encountered problenns with the chemical feed diffusers which required replacement. These difficulties were not identified in our original cost estinlat(. We have thoroughly reviewed the cost backup information and concur that the price propo!..:i fairly reflects the cost to obtain and install this value in the time frame available. We have reviewed the price proposal and recommend the Citi' authorize this additional work and issue a Change Order in the amount of$ 64,318.57. Please advise if the Water Department desires this PCM to be incorporated into a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS,INC. 4 4�-',4 4 *AV. G.E. Gay,P.E. xc: Charly Angadicheril Coy Veach file FT"19312.4.41.006/4.43.001 [FM'93312]C.,HOLLI TR&-1GE5',PCA4aPCbi1RChiD.GEG CAJUN CONTRACTUN BATON ROUGE•DALLAS•HOUSTON March 25 , 1996 Freese & Nichols , Inc . 4055 International Plaza , Suite 200 Fort Worth, Texas 76109-4895 Attention: Ted Gay RE : North and South Holly Water Treatment Plants City of Fort Worth, Texas PC14-001 (Rev) Dear Mr . Gay : In accordance with your response to our pricing summary for PCM- (`C, the following adjustments are made : 1 . We have included work performed on March 12 , 1996 as time nci materials . 2 . a . Brico Industries invoice # 453_9-1 ; item 3 deleted . b. Texas Independent Pipe Supply Co . invoice # 2188 ; 8" PVC: wye deleted . C . B & R Fabrication invoice # 1791 . Please reference the attached letter from B & R . The price invoiced is not excessive . Not only was this an expedited order , the material was a special thickness . All parties involved with this order were required to work overtime and incur: air freight expenses in order to meet delivery requirements . d . Metro/Quip invoice # 3159 ; additional pages are attached . 3 . Installation of one rubber lined steel ferric solution feed diffuser is deleted from the scope of work . 4 . Work order dated February 9 , 1996 has been added . This work order was not included in our original price summary . HOME OFFICE: DALLAS OFFICE: HOUSTON OFFICE: FREEPORT OFFICE: LAKE CHARLES OFFICE: Post Office Box 104 Post Office Box 59367 Post Office Box 890809 Post Office Box 1058 Post Office Box 1487 Baton Rouge,Louisiana 70821-0104 Dallas,Texas 75229 Houston,Texas 77289.0809 Clore,Texas 77531-1058 Lake Charles,Louisiana 70602-1487 (504)753.5857 (214)323.9333 (713)479-5554 (409)265.0032 (318)625-3773 FAX(504)751-9777 FAX(214)323.9555 FAX(713)479-0309 FAX(409)265-6751 FAX(318)625-3817 Freese and Nichols , Inc . March 25 , 1996 RE: PCM-001 (Rev) Page Two If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call . Sincerely, CAJUN CONTRACTORS , INC . Chris Thompson Project Manager CCT File 1 . 21(d) ( 95028 ) Field Mar-26-96 04 :03P B w R Fabrication 1 800 792 9239 P .01 R & R PIPE FABRICATION, INC. P.U. BOX 1603 • ROANOKE, TEXAS 76262 • (817) 430-3281 March 26 , 199E Cajun Contractors , Inc . P . O . Box 104 Baton Rouge , LA . -70821 ATTN : -Mr . Carl Thompson Dcar Carl , To explain our costing on the two pieces of fabricat i �,ri . your PO# 95028-060 , B Ar R invoice r1791 . It takes .1 1 /2 to 4 1/2 hours to install each 48 " flange . Then B &. R purchased and seat a truck and driver , o pick up steel plates that had to be rolled to the Same 0 .11 . of 48" lluct : lc Icor. pipe , Steel was welded on both sides to attach to the Duct iie Iron Pipe . Stec1 wa-s then machined to an U.D . of 52 5/8" , Welding and machining for the two pieces took 20 hours . B R Hien welded a 1" flange outlet and pressure tested , total hours 2 1 /2 . Two 1 1 /2" taps were Blade 20 degrees apart , total hour:, =.rich piece was then prime coated and delivered to the jobsite . if T can be of further he 11) c any additional inlorirtation needed please call . sincerely . W. R .al )lz/Yj� No) en General 'Manager CC* Bill Page Debbic File NORTH AND SOUTH HOLLY WATER TREATMENT PLANTS PCM-001 —REPLACE 48'VALVE @ NORTH HOLLY SUMMARY OF COSTS TOTAL COST FOR PCM-001: $64,348.57 DIRECT LABOR 10%SUB 15%CON SUB 2.0% ITEM DESCRIPTION SUBS MATERI EQUIPMEN LABOR BURDEN FEE FEE TOTAL BONDAN TOTAL 1 Replace 4 Butteft Valve at NH Raw Water Meter Vault#1 0.00 42471.22 1,555.00 7,126.25 3,705.65 0.00 8,228.72 63,086.83 1261.74 64,348.57 TOTAL $0.00$42,471.22 $1 X55.00 7,126.25 $3,705,65 $0.00 $8228.72 $63,086.83 $1,261.74 $54,348.57 NORTH AND SOUTH HOLLY WATER TREATMENT PLANTS PCM-001 —REPLACE 484 VALVE @ NORTH HOLLY TOTAL MATERIALS: $42,471.22 INVOZE INVOICE VENDORISLJPPLIER NUMBER AMOUNT NOTES Ft Worth Bolt&Tool 391337-00 67.39 Item 2 only,Taxable tk-, Ft Worth Bolt&Tool 391311-00 22.38 Tax Exempt f. Ft Worth Bolt&Tool 396401-00 31.56 Tax Exempt Ft Worth Bolt&Tool 398278-00 23.85 Tax Exempt Stuart Hose&Pipe FW 349079 20.49 Tax Exempt Ft Worth Welders 4ply S53601 1 47.51 Taxable Ft Worth Welders Supply S 52812 1 41.89 Item 4 only,Taxable Ft Worth Welders Supply S53260---' 80.82 Taxable Ft Worth Welders Supply S53011 1 123.06 1 Item 1 only, Taxable �1 Whi co 53577 71.00 Tax Exempt Industrial International 10271236-00 172.87 Tax Exempt Industrial International 10271242-00 39.65 Tax Exempt j c3q,�b Brico Industries 4519-1 867.00 Tax Exempt, Items 1 &2 only Brico Industries 4499-1 1,772.00 Item 2 returned for credit,Tax Exempt Texas Ind. Pipe Supply 2188 212.06 Tax Exempt,exclude 8'wye } ' LaFer&Associates 96-001 2,800.00 Tax Exempt B&R Pipe Fabrication 000001791 12,700.00 Tax Exempt _ Double D Fasteners 85025 510.22 Tax Exempt Double D Fasteners 85024 49.96 Tax Exempt _ A-1 Rental 43800401 216.50 Taxable Keystone 91174 20,330.00 Tax Exempt Keystone 91375 _ 248.00 Tax Exempt FtWorth Welders Supply S 53639 93.69 Taxable _ Ft Worth Bolt&Tool 391359-00 82.82 Taxable Metro/Quip, Inc. 0003159—IN 1,746.70 Tax Exempt Halov 00032292 99.80 Tax Exempt I TOTAL $42,471.22___,_ NORTH AND SOUTH HOLLY WATER TREATMENT PLANTS PCM-001 — REPLACE 48'VALVA @ NORTH HOLLY TOTAL EQUIPMENT: $1,555.00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT NAME DURATION UNIT RATE/UNIT $AMOUNT 22 Ton Hydrolic Crane 1 wk 1,100.00 1,100.00 Wheel Loader 6.5 hrs 70.00 455.00 -- -I i I TOTAL $1,555.00 NORTH AND SOUTH HOLLY WATER TREATMENT PLANTS PCM-002 - NATURAL GAS LINE RELOCATION AT SOUTH HOLLY TOTAL DIRECT LABOR: $7,126.25 STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME STRAIGHT TIM�IVERTIM E TOTAL EMPLOYEE NAME HOURS HOURS RATE $ AMOUNT AMOUNT $ AMOUNT Jesse Nava 81.5 0.5 14.501 1,181.75 10.88 1,192.63 Felip Perez 49.0 8.0 8.00 392.00 96.00 488.00 Javier Sanchez 14.5 7.50 108.75 0.00 108.75 Gary Blair 105.0 9.00 945.00 0.00 945.00 Rafeal Ramirez 115.0 9.00 1,035.00 0.00 1,035.00 Juan Velez 8.0 10.50 84.00 0.00 84.00 Victor Hernandez 22.0 9.00 198.00 0.00 198.00 Sam Garcia 91.0 8.5 14.00 1,274.00 178.50 1,452.50 Jorge Lopez 79.5 0.5 8.00 636.00 _6.00 642.00 Lorenzo Quinonez 89.0 0.5 7.50 667.50 5.63 673.13 Mark Ebeltoft 14.5 0.5 10.50 152.25 7.88 160.13 Guadalupe Buendia 13.5 7.00 _ 94.50 0.00 94.50 Greg Jones 2.0 7.50 15.00 0.00 15.00 Noe Molina 3.5 10.75 37.63 0.00 37.63 _ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 0.00 ' _ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 0.00 ! 0.00 TOTAL $7,126.25 ova EXTRA WORK ORDER Date: � ❑ R,a ORiac Is—IM Balm R53 7(17 121'1 IN rxx753-5m7' ^ D I'h157%41)75}yi7 Fax 504)751-7777 Job No: CAJUN ❑ P,w..TX -52Ik, 51367 ❑PO Box 1-1 Uallu.TX '5229 CIu1c.TX —531 111K (214)3.}9333 Phonx(-L9,264f,32 Issued To: ` V Fax 1214)323-9555 Fax(y09,2050"51 CVNTRACTON ❑ KN Office Boa 790809 ❑ Pua offiar Bux 1•97 i�n MTCti ROIXi•DALLAS•110U4TON Ho.mm.TX 7'279-(Y/09 LA' Ch rl-.L1 '0602.1,K7 r� Phony 4713)479-5554 Ph(.x(318)625-373 Fax(713)479-0309 Fu(318,625-381-, ❑ LUMP SUM ❑ COST PLUS Scope of Work: R F P Lft C SD lJ(�L.V PCM f 1 w 9 53 i Z Lump Sum Amount$ For Cost Plus,list hours and materials* I 6PC RPrr 3iZ (� 1A MAU E BELTo FT I L-)qg0P.F121AR3 FELIPE ?eRtz ( 0 PC E6 To 2 3 1�� �1(ZS m o i o I-( N l'-*, PS . Contract Time Extension days �•� Authorized by: cc: Office Owner/Subcontractor Field i�U, v. EXTRA WORK ORDER ❑ Piet Office e L 104 Date: Bron Ruu �� lQ pr, 0 LA 70821-0I04 :'1 Phone(504)753-%57 K ^J Fax(504)751-9777 Job No: J x% C ����� ❑ Pint O(21 )32-93 3 ❑P.O.Box 9)2 f),,14,.T% 75229 Cluw,TX 7S31 /5 I n Phony 1214)323-9333 PMne(409)MS0032 tSSUed To: C `J . Fax(214)323-9555 Fat(409)X5-6751 COMIRAIC (M ❑ Pam Office Bot 890809 ❑P—Ofrae Bot 14R7 11 M7pa ROl)CC•DALLAS•HOMON Houston.TX 77219-0809 Lake Chides.(.S W2-1487 Phone(713)479.5554 Pfvx (318)625-3773 Fax(713)479-0309 Fax(318)625.3817 ❑ LUMP SUM ❑ COST PLUS h Scope of Work : P !rl(�t' pi 1 y � �1 Lump Sum Amount$ For Cost Plus,list hours and materials, 1 --, I nt- —� (. 2 � !—� R � � c� u � L C �� R R � Contract Time Extension days Authorized by: cc: Office Owner/Subcontractor Field - 'mow A'. b , f, L • a r,. .. ; - . INVOICE STAINLESS STEEL DISTRIBUTORS HALOY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY,INC. INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE DATE MR,P.O.BOX 87889 HOUSTON,TEXAS 77287-7889 RELEASE 001 HOUSTON:(713)941-4931•DALLAS:(214)340-3199 S CAJUN CONTRACTORS H CAJUN :CONTRACTORS L P.O. PDX 104 1 1511Ei1TH AVENUE. D 'BATON ROUGE LA 70821 P FT. WORTH TX 76102 T T O O - TERMS i:STOMER 11). 'ORDEREDBY SALESPERSON ORDER NO. ORDER DATE 3' C i s,ity t 1N>t' E 4°o-_.+�♦. t =.r F., i ,. • ?�' ►s z 4 a �y { r i 4 ! G W—T 4 .(/N'�i fr„ .P :r, 7 .*• c F'Sr'ti`.,f' ',:•� :7CT. l�w r ,t 'ice _ L. r QUANTrTY UNIT .+.f ITEM NUMBER I DESCRIPTION BACKOqPERED, PRICE Yt Y. ♦ i ''_ - .'.'♦ a 0b -: .1 ks �.`o rri `{ :� �� a� t.A7:j'-�1 `j � �aL 5� £c=Fp s r x,�i;.. . 1 r NW03003 0046 •6” S/40 .N1PPLE A312_TV316" j �tx7 t WELDED z - 'S'V f i - _� .. •♦ '•� Mt Y : 4 [:/� ,,a as � t 1.5�� � '. 1 F030015RTH6D: 3" '150#SRF TH�iEADE: 'A1B 'F31131L t r ` � +� _ ..' yi , .. .+ i ' � ly --; - � i" 0- � .�� � � Ae'� w.1'��, • rt t ,.:;� � - -' :.. GASKET03©O1SFFT a 'EA 1�4,58kA 3". 150# FULL fACE TEFLON "G SKUT t �'r 1/8" THICY ft ► �, 3 t re x� a YA 1 } a 4c41' r •L r 7, t ,gM] rs r li'A t/ :t f c'� f }z•4 ; L ' .7 r £"" ♦ : L X rYs" *,�.l:,''�•`z♦ .�,r+• h h a-x sF :r.r ••�< +•z}t Drill 1 ) f ) 7 Y•. lY!'I? x c1 1 .k 'Y'� . i i hr.. i,� y. $•.hwsxr !rh y�� � .r' t,t j •ice}.Y�_tr�N k ''jL a ..f F`z ,�i1' F •3 • n�`Yf, �3,� ,�V;4 ya4 ur• _y.ry.- ;' � .'t+ S tY ^-" L f ye��t'w r -r,p��F ..�`__ ✓' �3��� `�, r i .$'�;.1. Syi '} r3 Cee ky rCC 4� � 3. ..y II '* >d` 5�>• #x , ` i >a Y� `y�',.,.a }•a. k4t'�i �k•,,�4 „•f. • ,. ` A arA DISCO IN #��' r 0'.MAYA BE >7�• �� �P�A�� 3 � � " TATA ' AUAl. t ...Co MIT .�' �': frt`.y� '� fi-.1 '� y: .,�exA �Sx '.• .°•, -Y.:y.x$�� � 'i +Sive+ - �F INVOICE ** ' *** PAGE : 1 METRO/QUIP, zINC. INVOICE NUMBER: 00C"! 99-IN 2312 MICHIGAN COURT INVOICE DATE : U2/t, . /9b AKLINQTUN, TX /bUIb-5b /U * **REMIT TO: BOX 961013 ORDER NUMBER : 000000000003159 * * *FT. WORTH, TX 76161-0013 ORDER DATE : 01/23!96 ( 817 ) 165-5151 SALESPERSON : HODS CUSTOMER NO : 00-CAJUN SOLD TO: SHIP T0: CAJUN CONTRACTORS C_AJ'Uy CONTRACTORS F.O. BOX 104 Nr.)1•th 11o11y 's'TS. T R M T PLT BATON ROUGE LA 70821 -0104 1511 ELE�IEr,TH AVI' :UE FOiti WORTH "'X 76102 COtiFIRM TO: TOM-"lY BOWERS COMMENT : -------------------------------------------- -------- ------- ---- -- -------------- - CUSTOMER P.0. n : SHIP DATE : F .O. B : TERMS : 95028-132 01/24/96 NET 30 -• NO LISCOUNTS ITEC! NU`1BEFt G/'M ORDERED Si:IPPE'D G lCi, OPD 1PRICE :'-R DISC £kT TC --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- B:X-113-1-4 EACH 1 1 G 3?3 . 00 . G 333 . : CORP COCF I-1/lIPS41-1.'.' HOSE WHSE : OC1 BM-3302-1 EACH 1. 1 0 1 . 084 . 00 . 0 0,84 . DIFFUSER 1-1 /2 TPS NE3 yrHSE : 001 SHIPPED 1-5-96 U-1410 EAC8 1 1 0 130 . 00 . 00 130 . : tiH3 DIFFUSER EXTENSION 4YHSE : 001 A-395 EACH 2 ? {' 59 . 10 , ccl l� 1 " FLANGED UNION ASSEMBLY GiEZSL• : 001. SHIPPED 1-24--96 A A * s * * * * TErUMC/CONDITIONS * t t t t r t t t `:a �1 i�1riL. 1:y5lt�l;L''l1U.ti:i t +L1. ti. ut�J. 1:`i litiI -6 1. * OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. CHARGES PREPAID & BILLED * TO BUYER, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPFC:IFIED. ti * CAL1 CELLA'TION' , (DACE PLACED, IF CANCELLED, A * $50 FEE WILL BE ASSESSED. SOME ORDERS MAY FF * NON-CANCELLABLE . * RETURNS: UNLESS DEFECTIVE , OR SENT IN ERROR * ON OUR PART , RETURtiS ARE SUBJECT TO A MINIMUM * 254,; RESTOCKINC FEE. NO RETURNS WILL BE t * ACCEPTED WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING A RETURNED j * GOODS AUTHORIZATION (RGA) N0MDER . 1 i I E fy I File_FfW95312 / FA GQ6 t"KCMOLO LETTER OF TRANSMITITAL TO: q hi rar�/I,4CDP s DATE PROJECT NO: ATTENTION: Ivrrrm✓ ow�� OWNER:PW77-0607705000 2000 OWNER:City of Fort )Worth FIN: FTW95312 Proj ect:North & South Holly Water Treatment Plant Backwash & Chlorine & Ammonia Facilities We are sending youl�'Attached ❑ Under Separate Cover VIA the following items: ❑ Daily Construction Reports No. ❑ Plans ❑ Specifications ❑ RFI No. ❑ CMR No. ❑ Addendum No. ❑ Memo.No. ❑ PCM No. ❑ Change Order No. ❑ Field Order No. ❑ Pay Req. ❑ Submittal No. _ 2---6ther Copies Ref.No. Description -Obl ^A These are transmitted for your: ❑ Use 0 Review & Comment ❑ Information ❑ Approval ❑ Distribution to Parties 2---Response ❑ Record ❑ Other Remarks: copies to: Route To: By: Telephone 817/735-7300 Fax 817/735-7491 Metro 817/429-1900 4055 International Plaza, Suite 200, Fort Worth, TX 76109-4895 Freese Simon W.Freese,P.E. 18%-1990 Marvin C.Nichols,P.E. 18%1%9 AND Nichols,INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS March 8, 1996 Mr. Tommy Bower Cajun Contractors, Inc. 1500 E. Beltline Carrollton, Texas 75006 Re: City of Fort Worth Water Department North and South Holly, 1VTP l>ack wash Facilities Modifications and Chlorine and Anwlonia Facilities Rehabilitation PW77-060770500020 and PIV77-060770500030 PCM-001; NH Raw No. 1 Valve T&M Price Summai-N� Dear Mr. Bower: We have reviewed the price summar}, submitted for PCM-001. DL1e to the extensix'e backup documentation attached to your price summary we have attached only the su=iai3, sheets. Please revise and resubmit your price proposal as noted below. 1. Include the work performed as time and materials work March 12, 1996. 2. Correct vendor invoices as follows: a. Brico Industries invoice # 4519-1; delete item 3. b. Texas Independent Pipe Supply Co. invoice # 2188; delete 8" PVC xv),e. c. B&R Pipe Fabrication invoice # 1791; per our discussions the feel the pricing for the pipe flange by plain end nipples is excessive. We appreciate that expedited orders have a cost adder but feel this price should be adjusted down. d. Metro/Quip invoice #3159;provide additional pages as only page one was attached. TELEPHONE 817-735-7300 • 4055 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA,SUITE 200 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76109-4895 • METRO 817-429-1900 • FAX 817-735-7491 Mr. Tommy Bower PCM-001 Comments 3/8/96 Page 2 3. Revise the scope of PCM-001 to delete installation of one rubber lined steel ferric solution feed diffuser as a stainless steel diffuser was provided by the plant staff for installation. SincerelY, FREESE ANll NICHOLS, INC. G. E. Gay, P.E. xc: Dave Townsend Charly Angadicheril M;.!•-.e Morrison Randy Romack Coy Veach File FTW95312.4.41.001 DFTW 95312]C:HOLLY\CHANGES\PCM\PCM1CMr1.GEG February 15, 1996 CAJUN CVNTRACTON aATI N ROWE•DAl lac•H7UMN Freese & Nichols, Inc . 4055 International Plaza, Suite 200 Fort Worth, Texas 76109-4895 Attention: Ted Gay RE: North and South Holly Water Treatment Plants City of Fort Worth, Texas PCM-001 Dear Mr. Gay: Please find attached Cajun' s cost for PCM-001 as of February 9, 1996 . Included is copies of work orders and invoices . You will also find tabulation work sheets for direct labor, materials, and equipment . Please note equipment used for this work is company owned. Therefore, no invoices for this equipment are attached. Sincerely, CAJUN CONTRACTORS, INC. Chris Thompson Project Manager CCT File 1 . 11 (a) (95028) Field HOME OFFICE: DALLAS OFFICE: HOUSTON OFFICE: FREEPORT OFFICE: LAKE CHARLES OFFICE: Post Office Box 104 Post Office Box 59367 Post Office Box 890809 Poet Office Box 1058 Post Office Box 1487 Baton Rouge,Louisiana 70821-0104 Dallas,Texas 75229 Houston,Texas 77289-0809 Clute,Texas 77531-1058 Lake Charles,Louisiana 70602.1487 (504)753-5857 (214)323.9333 (713)479-5554 (409)265.0032 (318)625.3773 FAX(504)751.9777 FAX(214)323.9555 FAX(713)479-0309 FAX(409)265.6751 FAX(318)625.3817 NORTH AND SOUTH HOLLY WATER TREATMENT PLANTS PCM-001 — REPLACE 48'VALVE @ NORTH HOLLY SUMMARY OF COSTS TOTAL COST FOR PCM-001: $63,818.25 DIRECT LABOR 10%SUB 15%CONTH SUB 2.0% ITEM DESCRIPTION SUBS MATERIA EQUIPMEN LABOR BURDEN FEE FEE TOTAL BONDIIN TOTAL 1 Replace 48 ulterfly Valve at NH Raw Water Meter Vault#1 0.00 42,643.42 1,415.00 6,807.63 3,539.97 0.00 8,160.90 62,566.91 1,251.34 63,818.25 TOTAL $0.00,$42,643.42 $1,415.00$6,807.63 $3,539.97 $0.00 $8,160.90$62,566.91 $1.251.341$63,818.25 NORTH AND SOUTH HOLLY WATER TREATMENT PLANTS PCM-001 — REPLACE 48° VALVE @ NORTH HOLLY TOTAL MATERIALS: $42,643.42 INVOICE INVOICE VENDOR/SUPPLIER NUMBER AMOUNT NOTES Ft. Worth Bolt &Tool 391337-00 67.39 Item 2 only, Taxable Ft. Worth Bolt &Tool 391311 -00 22.38 Tax Exempt Ft. Worth Bolt &Tool 396401 -00 31.56 Tax Exempt Ft. Worth Bolt &Tool 398278-00 23.85 Tax Exempt Stuart Hose & Pipe FW 349079 20.49 Tax Exempt Ft. Worth Welders Supply S53601 47.51 Taxable Ft. Worth Welders Suppl S52812 41.89 Item 4 only, Taxable Ft. Worth Welders Supply S53260 80.82 Taxable Ft. Worth Welders Supply S53011 123.06 Item 1 only, Taxable Whi co 53577 71.00 Tax Exempt Industrial International 10271236-00 172.87 Tax Exempt Industrial International 10271242-00 39.65 Tax Exem t Brico Industries 4519-1 1,067.00 Tax Exempt Brico Industries 4499-1 1 ,772.00 Item 2 returned for credit, Tax Exempt Texas Ind. Pipe Supply 2188 284.06 Tax Exempt LaFer &Associates 96-001 2,800.00 Tax Exempt B & R Pipe Fabrication 000001791 12,700.00 Tax Exempt Double D Fasteners 85025 510.22 Tax Exempt Double D Fasteners 85024 49.96 Tax Exempt A-1 Rental 43800401 216.50 Taxable Keystone 91174 20,330.00 Tax Exempt Keystone 91375 248.00 Tax Exempt Ft.Worth Welders Supply S53639 93.69 Taxable Ft. Worth Bolt &Tool 391359-00 82.82 Taxable Metro/Quip, Inc. I 0003159—IN 1 ,746.70 1 Tax Exempt TOTAL $42,643.42 NORTH AND SOUTH HOLLY WATER TREATMENT PLANTS PCM-001 — REPLACE 48" VALVE @ NORTH HOLLY TOTAL EQUIPMENT: $1,415.00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT NAME DURATION UNIT RATE/UNIT $ AMOUNT 22 Ton Hydrolic Crane 1 wk 1,100.00 1,100.00 Wheel Loader 4.5 hrs 70.00 315.00 TOTAL $1,415.00 NORTH AND SOUTH HOLLY WATER TREATMENT PLANTS PCM-001 - REPLACE 48' VALVE @ NORTH HOLLY TOTAL DIRECT LABOR: $6,807.63 STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME STRAIGHT TIMEJ OVERTIME1 TOTAL EMPLOYEE NAME HOURS HOURS I RATE $ AMOUNT $ AMOUNTI AMOUNT Jesse Nava 81.5 0.5 14.50 1181.75 10.88 1,192.63 Felip Perez 47.0 8.0 8.00 376 96.00 472.00 Javier Sanchez 14.5 7.50 108.75 0.00 108.75 Gary Blair 105.0 9.00 945 0.00 945.00 Rafeal Ramirez 107.0 9.00 963 0.00 963.00 Juan Velez 8.0 10.50 84 0.00 84.00 Victor Hernandez 22.0 9.00 198 0.00 198.00 Sam Garcia 83.0 8.5 14.00 1162 178.50 1,340.50 Jorge Lopez 79.5 0.5 8.00 636 6.00 642.00 Lorenzo Quinonez 81.0 0.5 7.50 607.5 5.63 613.13 Mark Ebeltoft 12.5 0.5 10.50 131.25 7.88 139.13 Guadalupe Buendia 13.5 7.00 94.5 0.00 94.50 Greg Jones 2.0 7.50 15 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL $6,807.63 A C N T U R Y O F S E R V I C E 1 8 9 4 - 1 9 9 4 VIA FAX November 3, 1995 170, FREESE•NICHOLS Mr. Chris Thompson Cajun Contractors, Inc. 1500 E. Beltline Carrollton, Texas 75006 Re: City of Fort Worth Water Department North and South Holly WTP Backwash Facilities Modifications and Chlorine and Ammonia Facilities Rehabilitation PW77-060770500020 and PW77-060770500030 PCM-001 North Holly Raw Water #1 Valve Replacement Dear Mr. Thompson: In accordance with General Conditions Article C4-4.5.c and our discussion at the preconstruction conference November 2nd, Cajun is directed to order a 48-inch butterfly valve and operator and install it in the North Holly Raw #1 control valve vault. The City of Fort Worth Water Department has received a quotation from Mr. Randy Greene with Municipal Valve and Equipment Company, Dallas, Texas for a 48-inch rubber seated class 150 butterfly valve with electric operator and stem extension in the amount of$20,578. This quotation will be transferred to Cajun. Mr. Greene advised an immediate release is required to allow the valve to be delivered by January 1, 1996 and we are copying him for his authorization to proceed. Freese and Nichols will meet with Mr. Bowers the week of November 13th to review your work for removing the existing 48-inch gate valve, modifying the existing cast iron pipe, installation of the new butterfly valve and closure pieces, installation of chemical feed taps, and installation of the new operator and stem extension. After this review meeting, we will prepare construction drawings and formally issue the PCM paperwork. We appreciate Cajun's assistance in repairing this damaged valve. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. G. E. Gay, P.E. Attachment xc: David Townsend Charley Angadicheril Randy Greene Mike Morrison Coy Veach File FTW95312.4.41.001 [FrW95312]TALET\NTPPCMI.LTR Freese and Nichols, Inc. Engineers Environmental Scientists Architects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fort Worth, Texas 76109-4895 817-735-7300 Metro 817-429-1900 Fax 817-735-7491 _ November 3, 1995 Fort Worth P.O. Box 870 Freese &Nichols, Inc. 1000 Throckmorton Water 4055 International Plaza, Suite 200 Fort Worth, Texas 76101-0870 Department Fort Worth, Texas 76109-7491 Engineering Services 817/871-8240 Attention: Ted Gay FAX 817/871-8195 RE PCM-001; NORTH HOLLY RAW WATER#1 REPLACEMENT VALVE NORTH AND SOUTH HOLLY WATER TREATMENT PLANTS BACKWASH FACILITIES MODIFICATIONS & CHLORINE AND AMMONIA REHABILITATION PROJECT NOS. PW77-060770500020 PW77-060770500030 Dear Mr. Gay, This office has reviewed your correspondence dated November 3, 1995 on the proposed contract modification (PCM-001 ) concerning the replacement of the exisitna 48-inch gate valve in Raw Water Line #1 Vault at the North Holly Water Treatment Plant with a butterfly valve. The exisitng valve is required to allow the North Holly Water Treatment Plant to become operational allowing the South Holly Water Treatment Plant to be taken out of service for construction of this project. The 50 year old exisitna valve is damaged and must be replaced as it cannot be repaired. Initially, the plant operations was to do replace this valve, however, the extend of work required is beyond the capability of the plant operations. The City has already received a "quote" for the 48-inch butterfly valve and operator. This "quote" should be used by the Contractor for the cost of the valve and operator. The Water Department agrees with your recommendation that the contractor should be directed to proceed with this work on "time & materials" portion of Section C 4-4.5 of the General Conditions. The estimated cost at this time is $46,600 When a final cost is determined, this office will recommend to the City Council (and/or the City Manager's Office), the approval and acceptance of this additional cost in the form of a change order to be prepared and submitted by you to this office. Sincerely, c David R. Townsend, P.E. Facilities Engineer cc: Lee Bradley, Director Ronny Hyde, Assistant Director/Production Frank Crumb, Engineering Coordinator Fort Worth All-America City y Recycled paper N O «! CV � w ~ r-I m w (1 J N E > UY3F- (1) LL p a Li CC Q Q W F<- p wrn o o u U a CD o Q o[cc cn 0 LU 0- CC ti cn U a o c`f I LUm0 N N J 151S F- a w (D � a w C S \ O a O `n h 3 OLU N n co U UJ 7 F- vi a ' d oC -, a x ¢ z Ll. = J = Q U a LU CO 0 JO > 5 \ Q t °CCo � T N Z S 1 U Q I_ O + tiC r ° o zFar- x iu Q LU F- Q O az = m ` p -� m F- o 0 M BOOLn > U H -� LL OHLU Z A C 2rnLL D a a O O = ti d W ¢ o U a aL. ,v O' � cr- W, o O a ° c U J ► LL Z m cc ti w .40cc v � ] w w \, 1 Biu 1� Z ZLi Li Li i w D Z W Z } Lt as 0 � O j O Q � ¢ a to a t N T U R Y O F S E R V I C E 1 8 9 4 - 1 9 9 4 FREESE-NICHOLS November 3, 1995 Mr. David Townsend, P.E. Facilities Design and Construction City of Fort Worth Water Department P.O. Box 870 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Re: North and South Holly Water Treatment Plant Backwash Facilities Modifications and Chlorine and Ammonia Facilities Rehabilitation PW77-060770500020 and PW77-060770500030 PCM-001 North Holly Raw Water #1 Replacement Valve Dear Mr. Townsend: We recommend the City direct Cajun Contractors to take over the City's purchasing department's quotation from Municipal Valve and Supply Company for a 48-inch butterfly valve and to install this valve and provide the required transition pipe and fittings. The estimated cost of this proposed contract modification is $46,600. We recommend the City direct Cajun to proceed immediately in authorizing Municipal Valve and Equipment Company to release the butterfly valve for fabrication, allowing a January 1, 1996 delivery date to be maintained. A formal PCM with design drawings for installation of the valve is being prepared by Freese and Nichols and will be provided to Cajun shortly. The existing 48-inch gate valve on the raw water pipeline feeding North Holly Rapid Mix #1 broke in late September 1995 when the North Holly plant was being taken out of service for its annual downtime. Repair of this 50 year plus old valve is not viable. The Fort Worth Water Department, working with the City's purchasing department, has received quotations for a new butterfly valve and operator. This pre-existing condition will prevent the City from placing North Holly in service which prevents the City from being able to take South Holly plant out of service for construction activities as required by the Contract Documents for the referenced project. Discussions with Cajun Contractors has indicated they can accept the South Holly plant being delayed in coming out of service about two weeks, after which it could affect their construction activities. Freese and Nichols, Inc. Engineers Environmental Scientists Architects 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fort Worth, Texas 76109-4895 817-735-7300 Metro 817-429-1900 Fax 817-735-7491 Mr. David Townsend November 3, 1995 Page 2 We have reviewed this situation with the Fort Worth Water Department and it is our recommendation that Cajun be directed to proceed immediately with releasing the order for the valve. This immediate release is necessary to avoid a Christmas factory shutdown which could delay the valve delivery by one month. Please advise your concurrence with our recommendation and we will take immediate action to start resolving this problem. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. G. E. Gay, P.E. xc: Charley Angadicheril Ronnie Hyde Bob Pence File FTW95312.4.41.001 [FTW95312[T:\LET\PCM 1FWRM.GEG SOLD BY: REMIT-TO: INVOICE FT.', WORTH'BOLT & TOOL CO. INC. W—W- 2R22 EDSOE---, P.O. BOX 9700 DATE INVOICE NO. P.O. B01 9700 FT. WORTH TX 76147- 700 FT. WORTH, TX. 01 04/9!�l ., _ 817-335-3361 76147.2700 The House of Tools and Threaded Fasteners.. INVOICE TO: 40i4 SHIP TO: r CAJUN CONTRACTORS CAJUN CONTRACTORS F 0 BOX 104 WWTF• — JOEL #95C)*-:_' FOURNIER & 11TH EATON ROUGE LA 70':::21 FORT WORTH T A' 7, 1 G7 Items shown as Backordered represent firm Backorders.All Invoices payable at our address shown above. Past Due Accounts subject to 1.5% monthly service charge 18% per annum. PURCHASE ORDER NO. DATE OF ORDER SLS F.O.B. SHIP VIA FREIGHT TERMS OPR. 1 ;i_;46 6 OUR WAREHOUSE WILL CALL Cp:z ITEM NUMBER/DESCRIPTION ORDER QTY. BACKORDER CITY.SHPO. UNIT PRICE UM AMOUNT 'R - - - - —P. - n't f--'VAC CELL t _.>::AL I I'dE BATTE4'1 ES 'J0IMSDS—4'3 c is I r 1 �I 1 •:. . = r. . _ JOF:HN 7/18 X 12 X 1(--', S:US B 11 S \ ` Ft—ff; 77.7_: dL12 t�'�/0:=:/'?6 INVOICE TERMS CONTACT TOTAL AMOUNT DEPOSIT MISC.CHG. FREIGHT TAXES AMOUNT DUE IE'i *:t:l DAYS 71 .85 5.9 77.7:= SOLD BY: REMIT TO: INVOICE FT. ,WO, kT BOLT & TOOL CO. INC. DATE INVOICE NO. BL 1822 EDSOE P.O.-9'0X 0700 P.O. Box 9700 PT. WORT, TX. FT. WORTH TX 76147-2700 01104196 391311-001 317-335-3361 76147.2700 The House of Tools and Threaded Fasteners INVOICE TO: 4('�14 SHIP TO: U CAJUN CONTRACTORS CAJUN CONTRAC-MRS F' 0 LSO:; OULU MY: I1L.f1I11 1 1W. INVOICE FT�ZTH HOLT & TOOL CO. INC. INVOICE C '-'=22�ELEDSOE DATE INVOICE N0. P.O.- BOX 9700 P.O. BOX 9 700 FT. WORTH TX 76147-2700 FT. WORTH, TX. 01/23/961396401-00 817-335-3361 76147.2700 The House of Tools and Threaded Fastener: 4024 INVOICE T0. SHIP T0: lda�.3 > A'UN CONTR1_aCTC1RS CAiUN CONTRACTORS P O BOX 104}4 6 )5 S. Ot1K ST "ON R�)U)_E= L(-1 r _' 1 'RLIIJCaTOI�! f=: 7!,r)1rj Items shown as Backordered represent firm Backorders.All Invoices payable at our address shown above. Past Due Accou subject to 1.5% monthly service charge 18% per annum. PURCHASE ORDER NO. DATE OF ORDER SLS F.O.B. SHIP VIA FREIGHT TERMS OF - =C. -1::7 i)1 / 3/:=�!. I-„; iUf WA;;,E'H0 -E JILL C:r=jl_i_ KN ITEM NUMBERIDESCRIPTION ORDER OTY. BACKORDER OTY.SHPD. UNIT PRICE UM AMOUNT 4 ii 4 i 0C)c ./4 X 1/4 STA I t,ELESS AM:J�:-'T I'l'E WEDGE Tcf•T:S= 'E.,�_);, dUe 02/2 2/96 ` JAN 3 0199S " INC INVOICE TERMS CONTACT TOTAL AMOUNT DEPOSIT MISC.CHG. �TdkT .. -; TAX AMOUNT DUE IET 30 MAYS BILLY 3-1 .56 2.44 _'_-:4.r=) ORIGINAL vvv`,=' .a ' ' v' INVUIC;t FT. WORTH BOLT & TOOL CO. INC. 2822 BLEDSOE [�P.O. BOX Vj� ^700 DATE INVOICE NO. F.O. BOX 9700 `� FT. WORTH TX 76147-2700 FT. WORTH, TX. 01/29/96 :398278-00 817-335-3361 .'...'-.16.1-47,2700 The House of Tools and Threaded Fasteners nP, n p 01 INVOICE T0: F E Q V r� f = S11 SHIP TO: CAJUN CONTRACTORS COUNTER SALES ENTRY P O BOX 104 BATON ROUGE LA 70821 TX Items shown as Backordered represent firm Backorders.All Invoices payable at our address shown above. Past Due Accour subject to 1.5% monthly service charge 18% per annum. PURCHASE ORDER NO. DATE OF ORDER SLS F.O.B. SHIP VIA FREIGHT TERMS OPF 9 028 01/29/96 68 CAI ITEM NUMBER/DESCRIPTION ORDER OTY. BACKORDER OTY.SHPD. UNIT PRICE I UM AMOUNT /WJAT3461 001* 6 0 G 379,86C 22.7': :3/4 X 6 1/4 ANk:R-TITS WEDGE ANCHOR /CHI 1/4 X 12SF: 002* 1 0 1 1 .06EA 1 .0% HIC HDWE 1/4" X 12" ZINC FLTD SQUARE F*EYSTOCK Terms: 25.82 due 02/28/96 INVOICE TERMS CONTACT TOTAL AMOUNT f DEPOSIT MISC.CHG. FREIGHT TAXES AM^vU11, DUB 4ET 30 DAYS 23.85 1 .97 25." ORIGINAL ••�., .�—o "''1 2621 Irving Blvd. 817/332-5297 Dallas,Texas 75207 Metro 654-2053 STUART Phone 214/631-6682 No. C\�► 349079 FAX(817)334-0668 Hose and Pipe Company Fax(214)631-7855 r �(�/ • FOR EVERY PURPOSE s FCAJ100 S p CAJUN CONTRACTORS H P. 0 BOX 104 I f �Ii D **DO NOT SEND STATEMENT** P #'�•���` T BATON ROUGE, LA 70621 0 ' JAN 2 5 1910i5 w..._....,,.. -136 FILLED BY / / T CK. / / POS TED INVOICE DATE 01/18/96,• YOUR ORDER NO. SALESMAN TERMS: NE ALL INVOICES 10TH OF MONTH SHIPPED VIA RPo.oRcoLL 95028-12$ JL FOLLOWING PURCHASE. Past due account subject to WILL CALL ** 1'/e% per month charge. PDESCRIPTION • DEL BO j i ? �3 X12 - �ye �sxs /.,�,�� / ,17 i I va i I ( 1 I • 1 1 co I i • i i 1 i i I � I - •z: yP.r'"' 'p,is - MTA I X X X X X 1 ` A SELLER REPRESENTS THAT WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTION OF THE ARTICLES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE IT HAS STATE TAX ( X X X X X I FULLY COMPLIED WITH THE SECTION 12(A)OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARD ACT OF 1938,AS AMENDED. i ALL BILLS ARE DUE AND PAYABLE AT OUR OFFICE IN FT.WORTH,TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS. ORIGINAL