HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 21476-CO6 DILc't RIBUTION: 6Vt I E-FILE CITY OF FORT WORTH �P CANARY-CONSTRUCTION FILE CITY SEC TSAR• PINK-PROJECT MANAGER CHANGE ORDER REQUEST CWTRACT N0. 4 GOLDENROD-CONTRACTOR CHANGE ORDER NO. DATE D.O.E.NO. PROJECT NO. 6 PW77-060770500020&PW77-060770500030 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: North and South Holly Water Treatment Plants CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT Backwash Facilities Modifications and Chlorine and Ammonia Facilities Rehabilitation NO. 21476 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT..........................................$ 7,747,000.00 EXTRAS TO DATE...............................................$ 188,349.39 ��r�n'1�' Q y �� CREDITS TO DATE..............................................$ 0.00 CONTRACTCOST TO DATE..............................................................................................................................................................$ 7.935,349.39 AMOUNT OF PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER..............................................................................................................I.....................$ 14,096.86 REVISEDCONTRACT AMOUNT.......................................................................................................................................................$ 7,949,446.25 TOTAL FUNDS APPROVED BY COUNCIL.......................................................................................................................................$ 7,979,410.00 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS CHANGE ORDER,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL:Modify and change the contract as shown below to provide a complete, functional and operational laboratory.These changes are listed below:Further descriptions and information is shown on attached material: PCM-018 EYEWASH FLOW SWITCHES FOR SCADA SIGNALS $ 3,921.20 The contractor shall install flow switches for the 23 eyewash stations to provide signals to SCADA if an eyewash is activated. The Plant staff has requested that a remote signal to SCADA be installed to identify which eyewash was activated for emergency response purposes. The contractor has provided a price proposal of$3,921.20 for this work. CMR-015A: SOUTH HOLLY WTP BASIN FLOODING EVENTS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ 6,082.60 The contractor has requested compensation for the flooding events at the South Holly WTP basins on July 9, 1996 and August 26, 1996. On these occasions, the filter backwash equipment failed to operate properly causing the backwash gallery to overflow into the contractor's construction area washing out the backfill around the 48-inch pipeline(to the new clarifier) and flooding the partially constructed backwash clarifier. The contractor incurred extra expense to dewater and cleanup the backwash clarifier along with replacing backfill on the 48-inch pipeline. CMR-017:SOUTH HOLLY WTP TRANSFORMERS TEMPERATURE RATING CREDIT -------------------------------------------------------------$(1,683.00) The Contractor will provide a credit of $1,683.00 for the South Holly WTP Transformers T5 & T6 not having the specified temperature rating. The specifications require this size (500 KVA) transformer operate at their design load without increasing temperature above 55 degrees C. The subject transformers had a temperature rise of 56.9 and 59.0 degrees at their design loads.The transformers as installed should perform adequately despite their failure to comply with the temperature rating portion of the specifications. CMR-018:CHLORINE AND AMMONIA LEAK ZONES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ 5,776.06 The contractor shall install additional chlorine and ammonia leak detection zones at the North and South Holly Chlorine Buildings. The contract documents call for three chlorine leak detection zones or areas(rooms)and three ammonia leak detection zones per plant. For safety reasons,the plant requested that leak detection zones in the chlorine building be broken into room zones to determine which room the"leak"is in without entering the building. This increased the leak detection zones to six chlorine and four ammonia leak detection zones. The detection equipment is already part of the contract, the additional work is instrumentation/control modification.The Contractor has provided a price proposal of$5,776.06 for this work. THE TOTAL COST FOR CHANGE ORDER NUMBER#5 IS $ 14,096.86 It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of this Change Order by the contractor constitutes an accord and satisfaction and represents payment in full(both in time and money)for all costs arising out of,or incidental to,the Change Order. ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME ADDITIONAL APPROVED TIME TO DATE APPROVED CONTRACT TIME TO DATE ADDITIONAL TIME FOR THIS CHANGE ORDER 450 Calendar Days None 450 Calendar Days None CONTRACTOR DATEFIELD ENGINEER / �t.� DATE Cajun Contractors,I II�' Z I I I `91 G.E. Gay, P.E./Freese&Nichols, Inc MANA ER/ NS DATE DIRECTOR MANAGING DEPT. DATE � ' gi ?/�/T avid R. Townsen , PE, Facilities Engineer OFFICIAL HF-CORD DIS/ C�.,Q DATE CITY ATTORNEY DATE I e 4 Brirector z CI T CITY SECRETARY I CITY MAN ER IrX D TE COUNCIL ACTION(IF'REQUI ): 1 DATE ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPR CHANGE OR EXTRA WORK ORDER PROJECT: N&S Holly Chlorine/Anmixia/Backwash Facilities OWNER: City of Fort Worth PROJECT NO. PW770607705-00020 & 30 CONTRACTOR: Cajun Contractors, Inc. PROJECT NO. 95028 ENGINEER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. PROJECT NO. FTW95312 CHANGE ORDER NO. : Six (6) DATE: February 7, 1997 CHANGE OR EXTRA WORK TO BE PERFORMED in accordance with previous discussions and negotiations, summarized below are the changes or extra work to be performed in the above referenced protect. REFERENCE PCM-018 a 6a) Eyewash Flow Switches for SCADA Signals; Install eyewash flow switches for SCADA DI Signal For safety purposes as follows: nine for Project A, seven for Project B, and seven for Project C for a total of 23 eyewash flow switches. No additional Contract Time has been requested. rr ADS $ 3, 921 .210 P REFERENCE CMR-015A 6b) This C"!R requests compensation for additional work due to two separate flooding events on July 9, 1996 and August 26, 1996. These flooding events occured when the South Holly filter backwash euuipment failed and the h washwater gallery overflowed and flooded Cajun' s South Holly backwash p clarifier work area ;Project Ai . No additional Contract T -le has been r requested. ADD S 6, 082. 60 t k REFERENCE Cl�t�017 6c) Transformer T-5 and =-6 Temperatture Rating Credit; Specification 16462 .2 . 03.A for the Chlorine and Ammonia Facilities Rehabilitation (Project B) requires the 500 KVA transformers be able to operate at their design load conditions without exceeding a 55 degree C temperature rise at the specified insulation level. The subject transformers had heat rises of approximately 56. 9 and 59. 0 degrees at design load conditions. A review of the expected eleCtriczil 106ds drid the resulting heat rise Of the trdt!5f0 ers 6s constructed was performed and it was recorramended that the City accept the transformers if an appropriate credit was provided for the variance from the r specified heat rise. The transformers as constructed should perform adequately despite their failure to strickly comply with this portion of the specifications. f r DEDUCT $ 1, 683.00 Change Order 06 February 7, 1997 REFERENCED CNt-018 6d)Chlorine and Ammonia Leak Zoning; To provide better protection in case of a chlorine or ammonia leak, the plant requested that the three chlorine andh three ammonia leak detection zones required b_v the Contract Documents bc, modified to be six chlorine and four ammonia zones . Due to the duplicity between the South and North Cniorine Projects, it was negotiated with Cajun that only the cost of the South Holly (Project B) work would be considered as � additional work. � ADD $ 5-1776. 06 It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of this Change Order by tre � contractor constitutes an accord and satisfaction and represents pa�'7rent 'r. full f (both time and money) for all costs arising out of or incidental to, the move described change order. Original Contract Amount $ 7, 747, 000 . 00 Previous Contract Modifications (C.C. #1) $ 64, 348.57 Previous Contract Modifications (C.O. 42) $ 9,508. 04 Previous Contract Modifications (C.O. #3) $ 47, 913.35 Previous Contract Modifications (C.O. #4) $ 14, 594 .32 Previous Contract Modifications (C.C. #5) $ 511985.11 Present Contract Amount $ 7, 935, 349. 39 Net Increase in Contract Amount $ 14, 096. 86 Revised Contract Amount $ 7, 949, 446.25 hk' t Original Contract Time FEBRUARY 18, 1997 Previous Change in Contract Time of Final Completion j (C.O. 41) 0 DAYS (C.O. #2) 0 DAYS (C.O. #3) 0 DAYS (C.O. 44) 0 DAYS I' (C.O. 45) 0 DAYS t Present Change in Contract Time For Final Completion (C.O. #6) 0 DAYS Net Increase in Contract Time of Final Completion 0 DAYS f Revised Contract Time for Final Completion FEBRUARY 18, 1997 I Change order 46 February 7, 1997 Recommended by Approved by FREES,E�AND NICHOLS, INC. CAJUN CONTRACTORS, INC. By ��'��o�� l. /�L' L���r By Date Date Approved by CITY FORT WORTH, TEXAS BY P �2 Date Attachments: Proposed Contract Modification-018 Contractor's Modification Request-015A Contractor's Modification Request-017 Contractor's Modification Request-018 R:\forms\admin\co.cs cc INTER-OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE TO: Ted Gay, Freese &Nichols, Inc. . FROM: David Townsend, Facilities Engineer Water Department DATE: September 13, 1996 SUBJECT: PCM-018: Eyewash Flow Switches for SCADA Signals North and South Holly Water Treatment Plant Backwash Facilities Modification and Chlorine and Ammonia Rehabilitation Project Nos. PW77-060770500020 & PW77-060770500030 This office has reviewed your correspondence dated September 11 1996 on the proposed contract modification (PCM-018 ) concerning the installation flow switches for the 23 eyewash stations, to provide signals to SCADA if an eyewash is activated. The Plant staff requested that remote signal identify which eyewash was activated for emergency response purposes. The Water Department agrees with your recommendation that the contractor price proposal of$3,921.20 should be accepted as the cost provided is fair and reasonable. Therefore, this office will recommend to the City Council (and/or the City Manager's Office), the approval and acceptance of this additional cost in the form of a change order to be prepared and submitted by you to this office. For accounting purposes, this PCM will be paid 39.1% from PW77-060770500020 60.9% from PW77-060770500030. David R. Townsend, P.E. cc: Frank Crumb j Files Freese Simon W.Freese,P.E. 19041990 Marvin C.Nichols,P.E. 18961%9 AND Nichols INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS September 11,1996 Mr. David Townsend, P.E. Facilities Design and Construction City of Fort Worth Water Department P.O. Box 870 Fort Worth,Texas 76102 Re: North and South I lolly Nater Treatment Plant Backwash Facilities Modificaticuls and C .lorine and Ammonia Facilities Rehabilitation PW77-050770500020 and 11177-060770301030 I'CM-018;I:}'ewash I low Switctics for 9,:,U)A S:Fnals Dear .R4r. Tovvnwnd: Transmitted herewith please find a copy, of Cajun's Scptemler 6, 1996 price proposal for the referenced PCNI. This PCM provides flow switches for the 18 eyewash stations to signal SCADA if an e},ewash has leen activated. 11c plant 1wad requested the stations have the capability to notify the SCADA system to allow personnel safely checks to In ordered if an eyewash station is activated. lVe have reviewed the price proposal and reco=wrld the City authorize this additional worl, and issue a Change Order in the amount of S 3,921.20. No additional Contract Time has been requested. Please advise if the Water Department desires this PCM to be incorporated into a Change Order. Sincerely, F1\EESE AND NICI101S, INC. r//,,-, G. I:. Gay, P.E. xc: Charly Angetdicheril Coy Vcach file FTW93312.4.41.018A/4.43.03 tF rW95312)C:woLLY\CHANGE.s'\PCNT\PCM I SARM.GEO T-I.E2110NI817-73573:u 47y I'�T[7 n,i,,ti:'',r:.F.:rJ,,s 2n;: f. ;iLCs ,1:,t'. 7.. CAJUN CONTRACT05 BATON ROUGE•DALLAS•HOUSTON September 6, 1996 Freese & Nichols, Inc . 4055 International Plaza, Suite 200 Fort Worth, Texas 76109-4895 Attention: Ted Gay RE : North and South Holly Water Treatment Plants City of Fort Worth, Texas PCM-018A Dear Mr. Gay: Please reference our correspondence dated August 29, 1996 which included our proposal for PCM-018A. It has been discovered addition errors were made in the tabulation sheets . We have attached corrected tabulation sheets to replace the incorrect ones . I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Sincerely, CAJUN CONTRACTORS, INC ., Chris Thompson Project Manager CCT File 1 . 21 (c) (95028) Field HOME OFFICE: DALLAS OFFICE: HOUSTON OFFICE: FREEPORT OFFICE: LAKE CHARLES OFFICE: Post Office Box 104 Post Office Box 59367 Post Office Box 890809 Post Office Box 1058 Post Office Box 1487 Baton Rouge,Louisiana 70821-0104 Dallas,Texas 75229 Houston,Texas 77289-0809 Clute,Texas 77531-1058 Lake Charles,Louisiana 70602.14 (504)753-5857 (214)323-9333 (713)479.5554 (409)265-0032 (318)625.3773 FAX(504)751-9777 FAX,(214)323.9555 FAX(713)479-0309 FAX(409)265-6751 FAX(318)625-3817 e ' N J N N �vC14jj ~ O N to O C'7 O Cl) Z CR Q O CD O m I J CO IL m v o UO0 03 LL 44 co z v Upw o 0 LU LO JULL O H dQ 0 L � r m O O O (= w o 0 LL LU 64 O r Z co co O co C M ! ci m c Cl) gm � CCC) 0 Uo 0 LU ml a J g NC\ ¢ N z a d O p D O Cl aa to U ¢ o Cl 0 0 H � H v z ¢ gLU ` n. U o0 00 HH N LU to � N co Q3 w0 U. wN ¢ -a a� 3W zo 0 O J tr a Fa- = J CO U c CO cd O 0 NO p aNi O ? U _ N I u' C Oi Z < >- o a -nTTF, w r O UD F- z a cn — DIRECT FIELD COST ESTIMATE UNIT TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT --WATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR 1' PVC UNION 46 EA 5.00 5.00 230.00 230.00 1' PVC NIPPLE 92 EA 0.35 5.00 32.20 460.00 1' PVC MALE ADAPTER 46 EA 2.50 4.00 115.00 184.00 FLOW SWITCH 23 EA 43.00 5.00 989.00 115.00 1 1/4'X 1' BUSHING 46 EA 2.70 5.00 124.20 230.00 TOTALS 1,490.40 i 1,219.00 i ITEM: PCM-018A FLOW SWITCHES JOB: N. & S. HOLLY WTP PAGE: 1/1 j. • / 11 r r.nnr.n �Ntv��o t l &b4i Freese Simon W.Freese,P.E.• 19041990 Freese AND Marvin C.Nichols,P.E. 1896-1969 Nichols,INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS September 6,1996 I&Tommy Bower Cajun Contractors,Inc. 1500 E.Beltline Carrollton,Texas 75006 Re: City of Fort Worth Water Department North and South Iiolly SV'FP Backwash Facilities Modifications and Chlorine and Ammonia Facilities Rehabilitation PW77-060770500020 and PI V77-050770300030 PCM-018;E},ewasll Flow Si%itches for SCALA Signals Dear h1r. Bower: We have reviewed Cajun's price proposal dated August 1, 1996 for the referenced work. In accordance -*vith my, discussions ,vith Mr. Chris Thompson of Cajun, please revise the proposed piping details and resubmit your revised price proposal as PCM-018A. Sincerely, 11MIESE ANM NICHOLS,INC. G.E.Ga),,P.I:. xc: Dave Townsend Charly Angadicheril Coy Veach File FI'W953 214.41.0 8 . [MY9531210HOLLY\C HANGFS%KM\FCMISCM1.GEG �" TELEPHONE 817-73S-7300 0 4055 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA,SUITE 200 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 761094395 • METRO 817-429-1900 • F AX E 17.73;7491 CONTRACTORS BATON ROUGE•DAUAS•HO MON August 1, 1996 Freese & Nichols, Inc . 4055 International Plaza, Suite 200 Fort Worth, Texas 76109-4895 Attention : Ted Gay RE : North and South Water Treatl;ie nL Plants City of Fort Wor-th, Te}:as PCM- 018 Dear Mr . Gay : Please find attached our cost for PCi - U18 . Work u-lder this order includes installing 23 flow eyewash flow switches for SCADA signal . Please referenced the at-Cached sketch for required Piping . This differs from the sketch in your correspondence because 1 1/4 " socket by 1 " male thread fittings are not ave ilable . Additionally, your cut sheet on the flow swatch indicates a cost_ of $42. . 00 per each . We have added $1 . 00 Per each for shipping Co-::', - This work does not involve a change in contract time . Sincerely, CAJUN CONTRACTORS, INN . Chris Thompson Project Manager CCT File 1 . 21 (d) (95028) Field HOME OFFICE: DALLAS OFFICE: HOUSTON OFFICE: FREEPORT OFFICE: LAKE CHARLES OF'F'ICE: Post Office Box 104 Post Office Box 59367 Post Office Box 890809 Post Office Box 1058 Post Offs«Box 1487 Baton Rouge,Louisiana 70821-0104 Dallas,Texas 75129 Houston.Texas 77289-0809 Clute,Texas 77531.1058 Lake Charles,Louisiana 7W2-143 (504)753.5857 (214)313-9333 (713)479-5554 (409)165.00.32 (318)615-3773 FAX(504)751-9777 FAZ((214)323-9155 1AX(713)479.0309 FAX(409)265-675: FAX(318)615-3817 CAJUN CVNTRACTM 11ATON KOUM-DALLAS.HOUSTON From the desk of CHRIS THOMPSON Uri►v,-j tj j :i: File FW95312/1.11/016 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROJECT:HOLLY WTP Chlorine & Ammonia/Backwash Facilities PROJECT NUMBER OWNER:City of Fort Worth PW77-060770500020 & 30 CONTRACTOR: Cajun Contractors 95028 ENGINEER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. FTW95312 PGM DESCRIPTION: Install 23 eyewash flow switches for SCADA Signal. PCM NO.018 NOTIFICATION TO CONTRACTOR: The Owner propgses to make the additions, modifications or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents as shown in Attachment "A". We request that you take the following action within 10 calendar days: Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contract time or amount. A Field Order will be issued. x Submit a Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment, all other cost related to this change and a revised schedule for performing the described change. Proceed with the change. Payment will be made at the unit price bid. Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. Authorization to proceed with changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. By: Date: CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSE: We respond to your request as follows: ❑ We concur that this is a no cost or time change. Issue Field Order. C' We submit the attached Price Proposal with detailed cost breakdown and revised schedule for performing the described change. ❑ We are proceeding with the change at the unit price bid. ❑ We are proceeding with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. By: G4.1-1Z 'o Date: !��f S! ACTION TAKEN: Proposed Contract Modification rejected. Contractor is hereby notified NOT to proceed: By:. Date: ❑ Field Order issued: No. Date: By: Ll Change Order issued: No. Date: By: Tile FM5312.4.41.03 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATION PCM-018 ATTACHMENT A PROJECT:HOLLY WTP Chlorine Ammonia/Backwash Facilities PROJECT NUMBER OWNER:City of Fort Worth PW77-060770500020 & 30 CONTRACTOR: Cajun Contractors 95028 ENGINEER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. FTW95312 PCM DESCRIPTION: Install 23 eyewash flow switches for SCADA Signal. PCM NO.018 The Owner proposes to make the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in the Contract Documents. Authorization to proceed with these changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1. Install eyewash flow switches for SCADA DI Signal as Follows: Project A - 9 Project B - 7 Project C - 7 23 Total By: Date: Title : &PIA tvflo Date s,( �c✓h- vis By : �J �✓ q - t �J w - 21 s ' f JUN-25-199E 0^0:5© FREESE 2, HICHOLS 617 735 7492 P.01/01 C0RR0S10NwRE%"q0'1Xh1SMA_.NT FLOATING SENSORS FOR TANK LEVEL CONTROL MULTI-LEVEL CONTROL SENSORS 441, pl"_� it Sri--735"Mi 3AE - ,RJ, •nam � � l��r,Frn / �' 311E Y Pufflooll Control of Allemrting Filiing pump o4Miol Empty pump control Genual of arnptyfnp cutup write empWria pumps. with a 1'wWdevel Alarm with h1oh Wyel aherm h1flh.and told-lov21 eo.ml ORDER.6902.301 MULTI-LEVEL ORDER:6902.355 MULTI-LEVEL ORDER:6902,310 MULTI-LEVEL ORDER:6002.370 MJ-TI-LEVEL SENSOR(3H),,,..,... S17e.67 SENSOR 6AE)........ 5191,57 SENSOR(3ME)....... . $197,97 SENSOR(dl-II..,.. .,. >j2U4 31 FLOWI These Switches provide instant Intormatior, on iloh or ro-f cv. o' RtArsd Iirluidq in a plpellne.So you can shut doom power cr soy,-,d an alarm before eo9tly damage can occur.The edtustablo baffle ` has two actuation levals, It Is also hermetically sealed and rrnc g- neticAily activatod (rVmp ly open or normaliy clnsorl. The low-flow switch has only one rr.oving par!—r-o scra,vs, ga3kets or springs. It switches re'lably:tt 1 gpm, 1 psi pres.3ura drop a120 gpm.Both use a 1.5"spigot and,l•SOCket ends,erd are six Irchos long ORDER INFORMATION: High-flow awttch lowJlow ewhch PVC body,Hastelloy+C springs,EPDM gaskets FLOW PATES TO ACTUATE SWITCH 6940-(Size No.)HI-FLOW SWITCH,socket pipe — — 1,41410gpm lcrF7ow ---—� 6941-(Size No.)HI-FLOW SWITCH threeded Stye 6altto w Defile witch�. 6044-(Slze No.)LOW-FLOW SWITCH, splect i (In.) Open Cloud (gpm) GPVC body,HaStalloyC sprintrs,Viton gaskets 16-8 3•5 NaA 6942-(Size No.)HI-FLOW SWffCH,Socket 1.1x2 10.14 615 1 6943-(Slze No.)HI-FLOW SWITCH,threader+ 2 12. 10 e_10 •10 tVA 6946-(Size No.)1..0•FLOW SWITCH, spigot maximum nCuidpreeeureInpipe 100pri.6 79'F SWITCH CUlRHENT RATING Max.I uld 14mps. 125'F FVC,200'F GPVC, volts Current Size pipe Size Pricc each 250 ac 200 milliamps No. Stn.) PVC CPVC Frl-Flow(~Normally Oper1 110 ac 455 mitliAmps L} ,�oi0 j l 542.00 $4s as 50 do 1 amp r' 016 1.112, 44.00 E1.00 ;2 52.00 89.00 TIMES-CONTACTOR Protects pumps In liquid systems prone to running dry.A t:me Hi-Flow Normally Clo14d -110 1 42,Oo 49.1:0rielay Allows the(tow to stablGza before RCtuat>4^.When the pow •115 1.112 44,00 81.00 rate dsveases,a built-in relay do-er*rglzes,ter'reoving;0worItorn -120 2 62.00 59.00 devices such as pumps that could be damaged,The panel light �- irldlcates when polder Is eppiie�, to ViC- 1`14101'• Tno unit IS also i est=lo.k Norlra'Py Open 001016tely vie atherprool and has s%time delay edjustsCte trorn 10 !.112 37.90 41,00 to 130 Seconds,The output to motor Is 25 Amps at 120 Vac, l.aFlow Not-malty Clotyd. 41,00 ORDER:6949-025 TIMER-CONTACTOR,25A.... $1149.150 1} 226 Art rrrA> VLUI11 Rtaw SOLUTIONS CA111-> OQ 8413�11E1 w INTER-OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE TO: Ted Gay, Freese&Nichols, Inc. . FROM: David Townsend, Facilities Engineer Water Department DATE: October 15, 1996 SUBJECT: CMR-015A: South Holly Basin Flooding Events North and South Holly Water Treatment Plant Backwash Facilities Modification and Chlorine and Ammonia Rehabilitation Project Nos. PW77-060770500020 & PW77-060770500030 This office has reviewed your correspondence dated October 10, 1996 on the contractor's modification request (CMR-015A) concerning the flooding events at the South Holly Water Treatment basins on July 9, 1996 and August 26, 1996. On these occasions, the filter backwash equipment failed to operate properly causing the back,vash gallery to overflow. The water then overflowed into the contractor's construction area washing out the backfill around the 48-inch pipeline (to the new clarifier) and flooding the partially, constructed backwash clarifier. The contractor incurred extra expense to dewater and cleanup the backwash clarifier along with rebackfill the 48-inch pipeline. The Water Department agrees with your recommendation that the Contractor's costs of$6,082.60 is fair and reasonable. This office will recommend to the City Council (and/or the City Manager's Office), the approval and acceptance of this cost in the form of a change order to be prepared and sub it .d by to this office. David R. Townsen , P.E. cc: Frank Crumb Files f Freese Simon W.Freese,P.E. . 1900.1990 Marvin C.Nichols,P.E. 1896-1%9 AND N• IC ols INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS October 10,1996 Mr.David Townsend,P.E. City of Fort Worth Water Department P.O.Box 870 Port North,Texas 76102 RC: North and South I lolly lVater Treatment Plant Bacl.- wash Facilities Modifi-ations anal Chlorine and Ammonia Facilities Rehalrilitation PIV77-060770500020 and PIN 77-060T7O5M30 South Holly Backwash Facilities Modifications Project CMR-015A South Holly Basin Plodding Events Dear Mr. Townsend: 1'ransmitted herewith Please find a copy, of Cajun's October 9, 1996 price proposal for two flooding events at the South Holly basins that occurred on July 9, 1996 and August 26, 1996. These flooding events occurred when the filter backwash equipment failed and the waslnvater gallery overflowed. The water from the overflow ran down the 48" pipeline ditcl-► which was partially backfilled into the clarifier work area. As a result of the flooding events, Cajun incurred extra work to dewater, muckout, and cleanup. Cajuns claim for this additional work totals $ 6,082.60. We recommend the Nater IXp&dment concur that these flooding events caused the extra wort: and approve this claim. No additional Contract Time has been requested. Please advise if the Water Department desires this CMR to be incorporated into a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESSh AND NICHOLS, INC. �l G.E.Gay,P.E. XC: Charly Angadicheril Mike Morrison Coy Veach Me FTW95312.4.42.015A/4.43.W4 tFf W93312]CIHOLLY"IANOUCANMICMRI5ARCM.oEG TELEPHONE 817-735-7300 9 4055 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA,SUITE 200 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76109-4895 • METRO 817-429-1900 • FAX 817-735-7491 ❑ Post Office Box 104 Baton Rouge,LA 70821-0104 Phone 4)75 -9777 57 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Fax(504)751.9777 ❑ Post Office Box 59367 ❑ Post Office Box 1058 Dallas,TX 75229 Clute,TX 77531.1058 Date 10-9-96 Job No. 95028 CAAJUlk4 Phone(214)323.9333 Phone(409)265-0032 Fax(214)323.9555 Fax(409)2656751 Attention: Mr. Ted Ga ❑ Post Office Box 890809 ❑ Post Office Box 1487 CVNTRAICUM Houston,TX 77289-0809 Lake Charles,LA 70602.1487 BATON ROUGE•DALLAS•HOUSTON Phone(713)479-5554 Phone(318)625.3773 RE' N & S Holly WTP Fax(713)479-0309 Fax(318)625-3817 City of Fort Worth, TX To: Freese and Nichols, Inc . Submittal No: CMR-015A 4055 International Plaza, Suite 200 Fort Worth, Texas 76109-4895 GENTLEMEN: ''// We are sending you�Attached ❑ Under separate cover via The Following ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Copies Date or No. Description 1 Flooding Events ------------- I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: ❑ For Approval ❑ Approved as Sul.mitted ❑ Resubmit Copies for Approval KFor Your Use ❑ Approved as Noted ❑ Submit Copies for Distribution As Requested ❑ Returned for Corrections ❑ Return Corrected Prints ❑ For Review and Comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: COPIES: File 1 . 21 (c) (95028) w/ one Field w/ one If Enclosures Are Not As Noted, Kindly Notify Us At Once. SIGNED: Chris Thompson/Project Manager CONTRACTOR'S MODIFICATION REQUEST PROJECT: N & S Holly Chlorine/Ammonia/Backwash Fac. PROJECT NUMBER OWNLR: Cit-y of Ft _ Worth , Texas PW77-0607705000 20 & 30 CONTRACTOR: Cajiin Contractors , Tnc. 95028 ENGINEER: PraaSa and Nirhn1S., Tnc_ FTW95312 CMR DESCRIPTION: t-L,::)6Dxr•L-t tvE3.t-r'S CMR NO. o 6 NOTIFICATION BY CONTRACTOR The Contractor proposes to make the additions, modifications, or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents, as shown in Attachment "A" and requests that you take the following action: ❑ Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contract time or amount and issue a Field Order. R" Issue a Change Order for performing the described change. Change in Contract amount are indicated in attached detailed cost breakdown of labor, material , equipment and all other costs associated with this change. Impacts on Contract Time are shown in the attached revised schedule. ❑ Authorize the Contractor to proceed with the described change. Payment will be requested at the unit price bid. ❑ Authorize the Contractor to proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract . By: CH-2-1 S Date: lb ENGINEER'S RESPONSE We respond to your request as follows: ❑ We concur that this is a no cost or time change. See attached Field Order No. ❑ Your proposal is recommended to the Owner. See attached Proposed Change Order No. ❑ Proceed with the change at the unit price bid. ❑ Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. ❑ Additional information is required to evaluate this request. Provide information as described in the attached comments and resubmit. ❑ Contractor's. Modification Request is rejected. Proceed per Contract Documents. By: Date: 9/23/91 ATTACHMENT "A" We request the contract amount be modified to compensate Cajun for our cost associated with clean up activities resulting from two flooding events that occurred at the South Holly basins adjacent to our work. Attached please find tabulation sheets that summarize these costs . This change does not require a change in the contract time . CC)O ~ o o0 0 CC) ~ Z N N 0 0 (3) O � NQ r 69 r m v = F ce) vi ANO rn rn O `n LL tolk N CR OR H VOW V LL 90 0 L � r m O W O O o LL O r � z o Op N mw o C) JJQ � m 00 N N W m 't I � 6 r LO LO ZI N N Cl) Cl) LO a N N D Efl d W J � z g 9 9 z a C) g ' I W IL wo N o 0 � O M Q J N W LL H o W O Wa Q 6 � > OLL J V F- a ,o H Q IZ N H ZQ Co CO) > =OW V � Q V LL nw o o c a ; � aw' r 1- 9 02 j W rI H z co NORTH AND SOUTH HOLLY WATER TREATMENT PLANTS CMR-016A - CLEANUP ACTIVITIES FOR FLOODING EVENTS TOTAL EQUIPMENT: $2,534.25 TOTAL EQUIPMENT NAME DURATION UNIT RATE/UNIT $ AMOUNT 4" Gas Pump 1 dy 60.00 60.00 4" Gas Pump 1 d 60.00 60.00 4" Discharge Hose 1 dy 14.00 14.00 4" Discharge hose _ 1 d 14.00 14.00 4" Discharge Hose 1 dy 14.00 14.00 Delivery for pumps/hoses 1 Is 35.00 35.00 Deere 690 Trackhoe 25 hrs 63.13 1,578.25 D-5 Dozer 4 hrs 70.00 280.00 Wheel Loader 2 hrs 69.50 139.00 2" Submersible Pump/Hoses 2 d s 45.00 90.00 2" Submersible Pump/Hoses 2 d s 45.00 90.00 Delivery for pumps/hoses _ 1 Is 35.00 35.00 Drill Motor 1 ea 125.00 125.00 TOTAL $2.,534.25 NORTH AND SOUTH HOLLY WATER TREATMENT PLANTS CMR-015A -CLEANUP ACTIVITIES FOR FLOODING EVENTS TOTAL DIRECT LABOR: $1,744.25 STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME [--- STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME TOTAL EMPLOYEE NAME HOURS HOURS RATE $AMOUNT $AMOUNT $AMOUNT Greg Jones 6.0 0.0 8.50 51.00 0.00 . 51.00 Victor Hernandez 8.0 0.0 9.50 76.00 0.00 76.00 Miguel Escalera 35.0 0.0 7.00 245.00 0.00 245.00 Winford Andrews 25.0 0.0 13.00 325.00 0.00 325.00 Martin Romero 25.0 0.0 9.00 225.00 0.00 225.00 Areli Gonales 25.0 0.0 10.25 256.25 0.00 256.25 Carl Robertson 25.0 0.0 14.00 350.00 0.00 350.00 Felip Perez 27.0 0.0 8.00 216.00 0.00 216.00 Justin Weaver 4.0 0.0 14.00 56.00 0.00 Rafael Casi ue 2.0 0.0 12.00 24.00 0.00 T TOTAL $1,744.25 ® ❑ Post Officc Box 100 Baton Rouge.LA 70921-0104 Phone(504)753.5857 Fax(504)751.9777 CAJUR ❑ Post Office ❑ ul.TX Box 1059 BACKCHARGE Dallas. C las,TX 75229 luteTX 77531.1058 Phone(214)323-3333 Phone(409)265-0032 Fax(214)323-5555 Fax(409)265-6751 CVNTRAiCTVRS MTU R0UCX,yu,,a• MN ❑ Pon Office Box 890809 ❑ Post Office Boa 1487 Z `v Houston,TX 77299009 Lake Charles,LA 70602.1497 Date: Phone(713)479-5554 Phone(318)625.3113 .5aFax(713)479-0309 Fax(319)625.3817 Backcharge to: __ f2 6 6 SC fl N.D N I C )� y L S Job No: Nature or reason for backcharge: C_LEO N UP is F f 61Z— —FRE C--1 1 jI b FT. Worz-rNA , OvC-iz PLOWI C.0 -A t ► NS. Date(s)on which work was performed and/or when and where the material was purchased(include p.o. no.): Voluntary or involuntary acceptance by Subcontractor's or Vendor's personnel in the field: [ ] Voluntary [ ] Involuntary If voluntary, Subcontractor's or Vendor's signature: 2 s I , Has the Subcontractor's or Vendor's office been notified? [ ] Yes [ ] No If so,who was notified? ��� 7I i1II �I�` i COST - - J CAJUN COM�F.�.OTiII,S,I�C. I Material pALLAS ;Y Sales tax % Labor. <�LA 1 1 Y-1 WE PVE 12 0EC RAIFIZ fj (�S. ti Zi E I H R� r ! l Labor Burden Equipment: QLGA• SUM �ur1Ps -9' ' �(,�C. c.J �Tr� l��Sc++ I}RG� 1�o5CS - Tax % Subcontractor: Subtotal Overhead-15% TOTAL BACKCHARGE OF- g' Freese Marva W.Freese,P.E. 1900.1990 Marvin G Nichols,P.E. 1896.1%9 AND Nichols,INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS September 7,1996 Mr.Tommy Bower Cajun Contractors,Inc. 1500 E.Belthne Carrollton,Texas 75006 Re: City of Fort Worth Water Department North and South Holly WIP Backwash Facilities Modifications and Chlorine and Ammonia Facilities Rehabilitation PI'V77-060770500020 and PlIV77-0607%0500030 South Holly Filter 4 Flooding Event July 9, 1996 Dear Mr. Bower: We have reviewed your claim for compensation, copy attached, due to the referenced flooding event. We concur with your costs and %rill recommend them to the Fort Worth Water Department for payment. We understand a second flooding event occurred August 26, 1996 at the South Holly plant after which Cajun has advised us that a claim for compensation Neill be made. We recommend you include your claimed costs for this second event as well as the first event in a single CMR which identifies your claimed cost of each flooding event and a total cost clainied. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. G. L.Gay, P.E. xc: David Townsend Charly Angadicheril Robert Pence Coy Veach _ - File FTW95312.4.45.FL4FLOODA tFIW95312]C:\HOLLY\C HANGES\C AIMS\FL FWDA.GEG TELEPHONE 817.735-7300 • 4055 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA,SUITE 200 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76109-4895 • METRO 817-429-1900 • FAX 817-735.7491 ❑ Pat Ofrit _ 104 Baton Roua.,...A 70621-0104' Phone(574)793-5657 A777 777 Fax 4504)751LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ® ❑ Post Office Boa$9367 ❑ Pat Office Boz 1056 Dant,TX 75229 Clute,TX 77531.1058 Date Job No. CAJUN Phone 414) 3 Phone(409)265t032 A'Jgust 30, 996 _95022 Fax(214)323.9555-9555 Fax(409)265-6751751 751 ❑ Pat off•¢.Box e9o809 ❑ Pat ofrtce Box 1467 Attention: M r "red Gay CONTRMTM Haaton,TX 772894809 Lake Charles,U 70602.1487 eaTM10M-MUAS,HOUFM Phone(713)479.5554 Phone(318)625-3773 RE Fax Q 13)479-0309 Fax p 18)625-3817 To: Freese and Ni h 1 4055 International PlazaSuite Fort Worth Texas 76109-4895 GENTLEMEN: We are sending you Attached ❑ Under separate cover via The Followinc ❑ Shop Drawings //' ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Copies Date or No. Description 1 Clean up after basin overflow THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: For Approval ❑ Approved as Sul mitted ❑ Resubmit Copies for Approval For Your Use ❑ Approved as Noted ❑ Submit Copies for Distribution ❑ As Requested ❑ Returned for Corrections ❑ Return Corrected Prints ❑ For Review and Comment ❑ _ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 (:3 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO W REMARKS: COPIES: File 1 . 21 (95028) Field If Enclosures Are Not As Noted, Kindly Notify Us At Once. 't SIGNED: r� }�7:fi;=f' t�A}'*,- )rrlx'3';�;te:tE—rf3i3Yt�:f _ ATTACHMENT "A" In accordance with Freese and Nichols letter dated August 16, 1996, please find attached our costs for cleanup activities that were necessary after plant operations overflowed the basins. directly adjacent to our work area. Extra work orders, purchase orders, and tabulation sheets are attached. This work does not involve a change in contract time. o J o C CR M FQ- - M °° - - - - - - EH ~ lye} Z �° l O O O O OI O Cal LO LOf I k MO ca od co 0 0 0 O LL � VIZ W Ln LO 0 WLL to cD OT m o 0 3e UJ o 0 T ZI I� Wi iO OI CIO Rco co U OI N N T � I 61 u') zl N N W' L6 LO 1 (C C) aI T i O'I I. W Z > ¢ o C0 W LU o a Z QI z0 LU� p m � o oci "' LU LU = U F. O �" Q w c' �> z o Q ` O n- _� ui ~ O� U C too LL. CLiz�z 01 0 c a� Q �LO. c (DW = O Q �x � W 0 U c= NORTH AND SOUTH HOLLY WATER TREATMENT PLANTS CMR-015 - CLEANUP ACTIVITIES FOR FLOODING EVENT 7/9/96 TOTAL DIRECT LABOR: $1,714.25 STRAIGHT TIMEJ OVERTIME TSTRAIGHT TIM El OVERTIME I TOTAL EMPLOYEE NAMEJ HOURS HOURS I RATE 1 $ AMOUNT $ AMOUNTI AMOUNT Greg Jones 6.0 0.0 8.50 51.00 - 0.00 51.00 Victor Hernandez 8.0 0.0 9.50 76.00 0.00 76.00 Miguel Escalera 33.0 0.0 7.00 231.00 0.00 231.00 Winford Andrews 25.0 0.0 13.00 325.00 0.00 325.00 Martin Romero 25.0 0.0 9.001 225.00 0.00 225.00 Areli Gonales 25.0 0.0 10.25 256.25 0.00 256.25 Carl Robertson 25.0 0.0 14.00 350.00 0.00 350.00 Felip Perez 25.0 0.0 8.00 200.00 0.00 200.00 i - i T-F I TOTAL _$1,714.25 1 M I � 1 NORTH AND SOUTH HOLLY WATER TREATMENT PLANTS CMR-015 — CLEANUP ACTIVITIES FOR FLOODING EVENT 7/9/96 TOTAL EQUIPMENT: $1,775.25 TOTAL EQUIPMENT NAME I DURATION UNIT RATE UNIT AMOUNT iv'Gas Pump as pumn W. isc are ose 4. 4. ` isc are Hose 1 v 14.004. Discharge Hose14. Delivery or pumps/hoses 1 FFS35.00 35.0 Deere 690 Trackhoe 25 Frs 63.13 11578.25 TOTAL $1,775,25 FROM CAJUN CONTRACTORS JOP' 15029 PHONE NO. : (317 429 325r Aug. 30 1996 10:45AM PURCHASE ORDER l Purchase Order [iw ❑ poi(OIfOL B.104 ,, , •• •t .. , ® Z7) te1AMI-0104.753.5,57No. C11.9771 , ,+•y•,.•�,� ❑ Pw Wrtce Box 39367 ❑ PM Mice Aw 1058 Data: CAJUN F!"M 11 7323. Ft m e(4011531-10)2 PMne(214)X23.3333 FTlaoe(409)165-00)2 ': •' Fax(234)373.5555 Fix(409)263.6731 Ship To: COMMON ❑•P ani Bo„a4oeo9 O Poa l�9toe�ul1 .�au+.iwc.:3>�,.µ.�oN• lio�mion.7X mag-0589• * .. ••<. . • . .. - . •; .t.`41:t,?*v v-6, PlwwQ13)479-3554,,, ,,1•+•3'.hwe019)625-3T13 - , y� F>aOtl)CM309 razvl:)61S3at7 r ::" `' •_,::.iu-t:. :';•• t'1t.i1I:)i'r:JS KR: Ve f-Vf ,::i!,:,. !'•`! >.!: 1';f :t'. r. !; .. •,•ti , ! 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A FIEIDJR C N$WLEt�CEME CO. t S t�vent mus Pfeil• e 1 :�! •+:tv ►y1• s 7+�1+Ys It t•;Y�?�i.•fst { q "(',V .s3C r::!hSi 515 ►1r+r;�'vr�.f 1..ti .. r. �.._...v I.y fq: r;�i'�w•� r•�?!t ,`iKv• �•i� • �: .,,VA#dHp^ •►� �8� .InldC� •'f: � fSgf'i.�,h+f,��7•f•�•T�l.��j .1y k`;ft�' JC'n r�l��t�x,,�tL�i:,'l .�Q..=:r,.`.'��.� �f�.t �t.l ,.nIT ,r.� .+��:�?�;; 7,'.�DATE lY rr r^ _• t•il t.� is y`'•7• f:<:,1"(�✓t`"�`r �^ ,{". r .t't:: l.'4%•;t'i%�a'i .:,`(.....•.{..,�•X. 1 .flam - ryt m 'PI 4. soMERW, +�; 'IMTLId'CONTRACTORS JO 95028 PHCNE NO. 817 429 '32c- Aug. 1 1o.45AM1 �' aP ! 'fir' ,�{. ,�a.�',L'':Ci'�• '!�`.j:'J?•.,C`,;"'✓_1 Ly, �� {�, ,' tID' •k � �!'Ssr, �1T {�,113'1�$11�Rt'K�'�•t.�'i:��.•7Vtri/:l:�i' �'iC"[�a/�IF `7�IF . .�. 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'Purchase Order it .�!.ra:;� i>k•. . ;-:%:r.ti Par 0suBoa 104 _ yr..2 BAtoo>tau Ia 70821-0104 .K ti• r '�,Codd:�:. r , •• Rlorctsa�itss.sss7 . , ;Job No_ t 0 P+a+r otr-box 59367 Q Par Office aoR lass Date: CAJUN ct+n�• 14)323- a1,:47x77s31-lose . . . Plane f2lq 323.3333 Phone(409 Fa:a1�32�ssss Fu(409)2=2 Ship To: e9osm CONTRACIM Cl Pau mc«e►oa � 'POLK Housoorl•lX 7T289116t9 Q Fog Offia 8�1487 V., lakeQ U1706M-1487 ;l t' S i' r t:t f:.• •'c;r ;. r Phonpe 1p13)479-SSS4.' ..c.;'>lU�wa103a�166)ss.s5e17:3 r. 3)4794)309 r ��.•• �7•'V ji���:W y,F�.>.. •ivti:(rL li�.+.•.ti.•.ry,�CJ .:.i% :5i• �: •�: ... ....r• •• .Y .. .. t T0: ^ ^F1 1(l\�N A LATTN: {•;':i. — P.Q .. a K C -7 (' Ship Ira F.O.B. _7161 I Atter��ion:;;.;. .. . • Item Quantity Description Price Amount 5N5 %ya ff ..'rr .i�1��1 r� . . 7' .':1` . •r.'# t.j •i•��r:x�71'. Iti�l '•i: L•.•.ir. Vii`. .i 1�.1:�1 x:;y'.;;!' ,.r;:n j r,;.�� �t 1ti,t�r Fr •a; �;,.,... fpr L,11�Y:=•IPti:':iC'%°t�.7 rti ijt Yr .. • Va�i`'t'�. i•�i'•r'•��r�M2 iii 'h rrr�'1r. 1i�/ r u.,. .� �,I e re rs slde of purchase�idere p;�thes.te(r/�//s grid pndions sre s,part olthis order„ . CCC,�, �.'i".r•l a.'rri�r•�..k .rrJ•: •) 'r T: r •:r• �,1.�.•iti t'+a' t:�: �`. � •• !r .'::•t.: �•'� 4 GNS�'��G +ANO Ft UIlN ACKN• WLEDG ME o..S r.+.i `�r�a a+t•n..�. '� 1 :. J 1. _ .�v. Y �;+ �r'' .,,Y r. «s u Q N'(•.COPY:s. Stvptne is ust stats b - r; c r, t aw XXiL r� 1s:�c. �r+ac.• .d;a,::v.,s m. r x„ 2 •1'+t r v `,. ..ry .. !. aA_'!�•i> ►ya.!a.w..r a.ac•'rC .t� vv •a ✓ `•a.-•r •. 7 n 1 r ^'{ •rry*.,S L. •r�^ r Fr j. :k:'r t C: r v•••'' y' jb^,rJ,%?4 d+l•r X•�i• •..f.+ r,7;�l �nr.�k�trri�r! CiyC' 1 •� fArid66 TB�ed�b . k:r� '+��.A ✓•f7+it w 'v :wwtl e..e^+'.wi.ia� 'i7�•A. ra� .r `.✓ x '�'r Cd'•*•r y .• a-:� .. •�' t •.Ali r•♦ •I..'1•:"�i1�k �,tJ1L',r:It�AYl��� {,•y�>;..A�.► �t F �,'• � J`t.�• '�� , r�••fl�r �. �,.,�'+M^j..• 'ti��.�� 'Yth���Y�rel`�+yZ'�fi�j��'iii}�• 4 r..:�,,;_,,t�•., y, •'.�:�,,f..•. •%. :.`' � _� "A 7} � >� ��'-...:._.��•._... .r,,, •.1!'.. }'`': .Y • yYrr;. - �a'.c:�l yc+'x• ..i9 arei:...o G.�:.�. _..Z sl ��`. _.• ... i_tS'f':v'w.�>9'... tY".x.rL•v-;r•,il..c_.-i_+•"'•e. „1-... .ri....rt.^...r;,..�,r Y. _ _ .. a,e __. .» C FROM : CAJUN CONTRACTORS JC 95028 PHONE NO. '- 817 429 32' Aug. 1`- u. t. at-ur v wl - ,;t A-1 Rena .JAI � 'PIAL 711 N. Beach •:- P.O.eox MM Fort �lorth, Texas 7.614—'5983 FORT WORTK rEXASTel: DFW MEYROPCEX (817) 831-3121 Metro (817) 429-2225 r Page I Date, R E N T A L A G R E E M E N T DOCUMENT N 6-27--96 �491�& CUSTOMER COPY Bill Tot 149443 CAJUN CONTRACTORS 14 ENGINEERS PO BOX 104 BATON ROUGE LA 74821-0104 GhonQ 5014-753_rp, DLO: LA D. O. S. SSAN Terms: Slsen : 576 P. 0'. NO. 85028-698 Rental Begins : 14:00am 6--27-96/: TOMMY �' OLLY WATER TREATMEN I \DEL`�i� BALDO VSEitIALIZED UNIT or 171'r—_ilI METcR OUANTI TY TAX CF Rental 97120968 Model 6913E LC 1 0101 S. Q0 Serial No. DW690EL55528Q -!r 195165. 00 'clef 22 FT TRACK EXCAVATOR 261. 0 4, 10-45. 00 4-4 **DANGER** KNOW YOUR WORK AREA. STRIKING GAS OR ELECTRIC LINES MAY CAUSE DEATH OR SERIOISS INJURY. 40*** Rental 88E00478 Model 690DE 1 0101 No Char: Serial No. 53417 4811 690 DIRT BUCKET Misr. TRANSPORTATION 1250 i 0101 EL--0. 00 Eac ♦• t -- CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE .EASE RE61(T Y0: „ t,t uo.lE,'c►t ttT, - rl soot tswr.:n 8. ,� ti.a K tRE>a�oMs�AEErW r 7:00 A.U..-Sy0 P.M.Vn I RENTAL O FORT WORM VE76ti 7� 11 E9lt O"NSAOOK WON. O DAL"TVAS h2214 r 740 A.M.—12: 0 PAL 5+ O,BOX 7878 FORT wo1+M Tis 71+tNatsQ+q4 44 p Ct<OSED SUNDAY )RTVORTH,TEXAS78111-087! _. ,4tTAOpt7� s,. :`:. t�aastl+, ► 0Bra+ '- EXTRA WORK ORDER Date: '7--LQ-9 f, Q Paa office&,x 1M .... Baton Rouge,LA 70821-0104 SEEMS vhane(504)753-5x57 Fax(504)751. Job N0: M. CAJUN Pua x,OfrKvTX Boa 59367 P.O.Box 1058 o-allaa,Tx 75229 Clre.Tx 5753! ��yPhone(214)323-9333 Phone(409)265-0032 IssuedTo:`CJ —ti� ��� \�� Fax(214)323-9555 Fax(409)2655751 CONT�[/a�1��/M ❑ Poet ORice Bax 890809 ❑Pna Once Box 1487 BA71ON ROL ,DALLAS.1101/ ON Housux,,T% 77289.0809 Lake Clurkc,LA 70602.1487 Phone(713)4''9-5554 Phone(318)6253771 Fax(713)479-0309 Fax(318)625-3817 ❑ LUMP SUM ❑ COST PLUS Scope of Work:_ -I • C \i Lump Sum Amount S For Cost Plus,list hours and materials: f Contract Time Extension 01 / . days l f�l� uthor'�zed _- ---- - - _- - - - -- -- - = - - --- - ----- -------- cc: -Office - - Owner/Subcontractor Field EXTRA WORK ORDER Date: 2- Ol ❑ Pw OIPce Bnx 104 Baton Roulte,L( 70821-0104 Phone(SIN)753-5857 Fax(5(N)751-9777 Job No: ,L• �r� CAJUN ❑ PostOlBox 59367 ❑P.O.Box 1058 ., . Dallas.TX 7X 75229 (]tne,7X 77531 Phone(214)3239333 Phone(409)265-0032 ' Issued To:C_-='�'^•• "•`•"! "' '�f Fax(IN)32}9555 Fax(409)2656751 CONTRM NtS ❑ Post office Box e90BD9 ❑Post Ofrlce Box 1487 BA MN ROUCF.DALLAS•HOMOrt Houston.7X 77289-0809 lake Charles,L( 70602-1487 r/ Phone(713)479.5554 Phone(318)625-3773 Fax(713)479-0-" Fax(318)6253817 ❑ LUMP SUM ❑ COST PLUS Scope of Work: , / i •<� ,' f.- , •y .t /'r .r-y ,.. r a f Lump Sum Amount$ For Cost Plus,list hours and materials • •li f rJ Contract Time Extension � days - i Authorize by: cc: Office -- - - G/ ellflZ _ Owner/Subcontractor JG Field 's e C � EXTRA WORK ORDER ❑ Pw ORGY&tx 101 Date: Z7-14 w l Baton Roulte,LA 70921-0104 Phone(504)753-5957 ��^ Fax(504)751.9777 Job No: �,y c -�- CAJUN �' rx-e Pox 99367 P.O.Box 1059 ❑ Post o( 1 trallax,7x 79229 °clute.7x 77931 '•'L. Phone(214)32}9333 Phone(409)265.0032 Y Issued TO: evf lS" Lll�'rr- Fax(214)323-9555 Fax(409)265-6751 CONTRACTON ❑ Post o(rwe Box 890809 ❑Paei Ofrwe Box 1487 BATON ROUGE.DALLAS.HOUrM..4 Houston,TX 77289.0809 Lake Charles,LA 70602.14x7 _ Phone(713)479-5554 Phone(318)625-3773 Fax(713)479-0309 Fax(318)625-3817 ❑ LUMP SUM ❑ COST PLUS Scope of Worl(: Lump Sum Amount$ For Cost Plus,list hours and materials: //� •i-s .� i' ��'�� �`,. /i / is ,' ��,/� S — �/� �'i ice- '� r .� tr,� .:• ...i" !70 Contract Time Extension days Authorized by: cc:_Office- Owner/Subcontractor Field F" EXTRA WORK ORDER ❑ Pu t ofrin&Ix 104 Date: Bal On ROu11e.LA 70821-01« Phone(504)753-5857 p (` Fax(504)7519777 Job No: ❑ Poa O(rre Box 59367 ❑Y.O.box 1058 DallasCAJUN Phone,21 7523- Clule,77( )265 .-T Phonr(214)32}9333 Phone(409)265-0032 Issued TO '0 )"" j� �/� Fax(214)323-9555 Fax(409)2616751 J t CON T RACTON ❑ Poet Ogre am 890809 ❑ Ofrwe Box 1487 BATON ROUGE•DALLAS-rAXM ON Houston,77( 771ft 109 Lake Curies,LA 70602-1487 Plane(713)479-5554 Phone(318)625-3773 Fax(713)479-0309 Fax(318)6213817 ❑ LUMP SUM ❑ COST PLUS Scope of Work: r' i.r�. — �- T /�-!� is c/ .•�- �`�1•� -.•L Vii. X Lump Sum Amount S For Cost Plus,list hours and materials: r. ' Contract Time Extension days Authorized by:. cc• Office Owner/Subcontractor Field . C14 C14 OD ~ o 00 (0 H co 0 y r z N N Q N � T � U) m O Nr Cl? Cl? (n Q N 0co � O ~ L LL (/� N co M F-- 00 U zw r r 'AUL ~ CO. F- o O in F- r- 0 N Wo LL� 0 T z o I� o o 00 rn UJ co v v J 7i, WI Cl) U7 Cl) dL17 N Di w � � fA Fes- Q o 0 zw o a. Z � zO -- o Lu m o 0 0-i Cni w U. 0LL �W w c v 3 > 0LL J Q a. `- J a. 0Q — O Q x ao_ �' ~ � N Z w o 0 � a U) � LLCA.� 0 c m aui � w T O :3 w � J I z V N H INTER-OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE TO: Ted Gay, Freese& Nichols, Inc. . FROM: David Townsend, Facilities Engineer Water Department DATE: October 15, 1996 SUBJECT: CMR-017: South Holly WTP Transformers Temperature Rating Credit North and South Holly Water Treatment Plant Backwash Facilities Modification and Chlorine and Ammonia Rehabilitation Project Nos. PW77-060770500020 & PW77-060770500030 This office has reviewed your correspondence dated October 9, 1996 on the contractor's modification request (CMR-017) concerning the credit for the South Holly Nater Treatment Plant Transformers T5 & T6 not having the specified temperature rating. The specifications require this size (500 KVA) transformer operate at their design load without increasing temperature above 55 degrees C. The subject transformers had a temperature rise of 56.9 and 59.0 degrees at their design loads. A determination has been made that the transformers as constructed should perform adequately despite their failure to comply with the temperature rating portion of the specifications. The plant having no objection, the Water Department agrees with your recommendation that the City should accept a credit of $1,683.00 for transformers not meeting the temperature rating portion of the specifications. This office will recommend to the City Council (and/or the Cit)' Manager's Office), the approval and acceptance of this credit in the form of a change order to be prepared and s omitted by you to this office. 1 DavLR. wnsend, '.E. cc: Frank Crumb Fibs Freese Simon W.Freese,P.E. 1900.1990 Marvin C.Nichols,P.E. 1896-1%9 AND C Nie ols,INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS October 9, 1996 Mr.David Townsend,P.E. Facilities Design and Construction City of Fort Worth Water Department P.O. Box 870 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Re: North and South 1lolly Water Treatment Phult Backwash Facilities Modifications and Chlorine and Ammonia Facilities Rehaldlitatlon PAV77-060770500020 and PIM-060770300030 South]lolly Chlorine Project CMR-017 Transformers 1-5 &T6 Temperature Rating;Cleciit Dear Mr. Townsend: Transmitted heretivith please find a copy of Cajun's SeFtemlvr 25, 1996 price proposal for the referenced CMR-017. Specification 16162.2.03.A for the Chlorine and Ammonia Facilities Rehabilitation requires the 500 KVA transformers l)e able to operate at their design load conditions without exceeding a 55 degree C temperature rise at the specified insulation level. The subject transformers had heat rises of approximately 56.9 and 59.0 degrees at design load Conditions. A review of the expected electrical loads and the resulting heat rise of the transformers as constructed was performed and it was recommended that the City accept the transformers if an appropriate credit was provided for the variance from the specified heat rise. The transformers as constructed should perform adequately despite their failure to comply with this portion of the specifications. We had reviewed Cajui s price proposal and recommend the City accept the proposed deductive credit of$1,683.00. No change in Contract Time has been requested.Please advise if the Water Department desires this CMR to be incorporated into a Change Order. Sincerely, FUESE AND N1Cli01S, 1NC. G.E.Gay;P.E. xc: Charly Angadicheril Peie Patel Coy Veach file F17W95312AA2.017/4.43A04 tFM5312r-MlLYVCIMGESVCMR1CMR17RCM.GEG TELEPHONE 817-735-7300 • 4055 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA,SUITE 200 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76109-4895 • METRO 817-429-1900 • FAX 817-733-7491 CCh� ❑ Post Office Box 104 Baton Rouge,LA 70821-0104 Phone 4)75 -9777 57 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Fax(504)751.9777 ❑ Post Office Box 59367 ❑ Post Office Box 1058 Dallas,Tx 75229 Clute,Tx 77531.1058 Date Sept . 2 5 19 jigb No. 95028 Phone(214)323.9333 Phone(409)265-0031 CAA JU1k4Fax(214)323.9555 Fax(409)265-6751 Attention: Mr.. Ted Ga ❑ Post Office Box 890809 El Post Office Box 1487 CONTRACTON Houston,Tx 77289.0809 Lake Charles,LA 70602-1487 RA7tNJ ROME•DALLAS•F10US'IS)N Phone(713)479-5554 Phone(318)615-3773 RE: N & S Holly WTP Fax C713)479-0309 Fax(318)625-3817 City of Fort Worth TX To: Freese and Nichols, Inc . Submittal No: CMR-017 4055 International Plaza, Ste . 200 Spec Section: 16462 Fort Worth, T xas 76109-4895 GENTLEMEN: We are sending you Attached ❑ Under separate cover via The Following [I Shop Drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Copies Date or No. Description 1 Transformer T5 & T6 i THESE A TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: NFor Approval ❑ Approved as Sur miffed ElResubmit Copies for Approval or Your Use ❑ Approved as Noted ❑ Submit Copies for Distribution ❑ As Requested E] Returned for Corrections El Return Corrected Prints ❑ For Review and Comment ❑ _ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: COPIES: File 1 . 21 (c) (95028) Field If Enclosures Are Not As Noted, Kindly Notify Us At Once. SIGNED: Chris Thompson/Project Manager ATTACHMENT "A" Transformers T5 and T6 did not meet the specified temperature rise. We propose to modify the requirements of the contract documents to allow the transformers as tested. Attached please find 'the proposed credit for this change . C) J O p O C6H (O O CO T � T Z o 0 O cc `2 f� CV Z o O I m 0 0 J O O O OCA 00 CO CO L� T f� O p OZ o 0 LLIU O LLI to QUA H � O 'n m O p O CO W o p LLI LO a' � T u� o � T OC Zpo 0 mo co» g " m � CD U 0 W ml o o g, a Co p CD Cy W� Q O CD Cl) w Z Q CL C) Z m a o LLI LO CO T LU ►�0- � Z LU `t HLO �w O a Q = 00 U U `O O _ C CO H F- CO C/) w OQ U 0 coLL E D I O o ar cu cc 2- W T OM U H Z U CO — : #qCME ELECTRIC Compnnv ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS D September 12, 1996 SEP 16 1996 Cajun Contractors P.O. Box 59367 CAJUN CONTRACTORS, INC. Dallas, Texas 75229 DALLAS TX Attention: Chris Thompson Ref: City of Fort Worth, Texas South Holly WWTP Transformers T-5 & T-6 Gentlemen: This is a cost reduction proposal as per attached letter from Cutler-Hammer- Westinghouse for the above reference. If you have any questions please call me (817) 654-1618 extension 227. Respectfully, r Hec to Zamora cc: Ronny Brown ACME Marvin Mally ACME Sally Walker ACME Job File 2280-31.Doc 4703 MARTIN STREET FORT WORTH,T EXAS 76119 DA,cTRO(S17)65 -1618 F F.X(31 T�X31 �S 1U • SEP JE '95 12=231''PI LU I LLX•MHI'MLX ML e-14 VVU MOM Cutler-Hammer Westinghouse &Ctslder-H miner Products 2080 NiQtwwy 360,Suite 180 IF :��� Grand Pralele.Tx 75050 214 1988-0461 Far214/US-6208 r September 12, 1996 VAW Larry Heneke CED 11009 Shady Trail Dallas,Texas 75229 Subject: Holly WWTP Trans.T-5&T-6 The above two$00 KVA transformers we furnished on the Holly WWTP did not comply with the specifW heat rise.We will be reducing your cost on tmnsformef"T-3"by S 1,500.00 to cover the cost difference between what was specified and what we furnished.Please send us a corrected PO adjustment Please see attached copies of the Cooper Power Sy4tem3 heat=leb test fvr SIN969002120 and SIN 969002121. Transformer "T-3"was picked up frorn the plant on 9-11.96 by Transco on their Pro.No.306298, eteg no.314.The Transco tracking number is 1-800-223-5227. Si.'tceroly, , �?7L ,fit Don Penick Sales Rep. INTER-OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE TO: Ted Gay, Freese &Nichols, Inc. . FROM: David Townsend, Facilities Engineer Water Department DATE: December 6, 1996 SUBJECT: CMR-018: Chlorine and Ammonia Leak Zones North and South Holly Water Treatment Plant Backwash Facilities Modification and Chlorine and Ammonia Rehabilitation Project Nos. PW77-060770500020 & PW77-060770500030 This office has reviewed your correspondence dated December 3, 1996 on the contractor's modification request (CMR-018) concerning the additional chlorine and ammonia leak detection zones at the North and South Holly Chlorine Buildings. The contract documents call for three chlorine leak detection zones or areas (rooms) and three ammonia leak detection zones per plant. For safety reasons, the plant requested that leak detection zones in the chlorine building be broken into room zones to determine which room the "leak" is in without entering the building. This increased the leak detection zones to six chlorine and four ammonia leak detection zones. The detection equipment is already part of the contract, the additional work is instrumentation/control modification. The Water Department agrees with your recommendation that the City should accept the contractor price proposal of$5,776.06 should be accepted as the cost provided is fair and reasonable. This office will recommend to the City Council (and/or the City Manager's Office), the approval and acceptance of this credit in the form of a change order to be prepared and submitted by you to this office. For accounting purposes, this PCM will be paid from P%k'77-060770500030. QR. Townsend, P.E. cc: Frank Crumb Files December 3,1996 Mr. David Townsend,P.E. Facilities Design and Construction City of Fort North Water Department P.O. Box 870 Fort Worth,Texas 76102 Re: North and South Holly Water Treatment Plant Backwash Facilities Modifications and Chlorine and Ammonia Facilities Rehabilitation P1177-060770500020 and PIN'77-060770500030 South Holly Chlorine Project l3; C?NSR-018 Chlorine and Ammonia Leak Zoning Dear Mr. Townsend: Transmitted herewith please find a copy of Cajuns November 27, 1996 price Proposal for the referenced CMR-018. This CMR" requests additional compensation for additional chlorine and ammonia leak detection zoning. To provide better protection in case of a chlorine or ammonia leak, the plant requested that the three chlorine and three ammonia leak detection zones required by the Contract Documents be modified to I,e six chlorine and four ammonia zones. Due to the duplicity between the South and North Chlorine Projects, it was negotiated with Cajun that only the cost of the South Holly wort:would be considered as additional work. We had reviewed Cajun's price proposal and recommend the City accept Cajuns price proposal in the amount of$ 5,776.06 for this additional work. No change in Contract Time has been requested.Please advise if the Water Department desires this CMR to be incorporated into a Change Order. Sincerely, FREESE AND NICHOLS,INC. G.E.Gay,P.E. ac: Charly Angadicheril Pete Patel Coy Veach file FM95312.4.42.018 tFM5312J0.MLLYVXkN0E9CM Y-W18RCM.GEG 1 • ❑ Post Office Box 104 • Baton Rouge,LA 70821-0104 Phone(504) 57 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Fax(504)751-9777-9777 ElPost Office Box 59367 ❑ Post Office Box 1058 Dallas,TX 75229 clute,TX 77531.1058 Date 11-27-96 Job No. 95028 CJA� 032 Ur Phone 4)32 -9555 33 Phone(409)26751 Fax Phone (2 323-95.9 Fax Phone (4 9)265.0 Attention: Mr.. Ted Ga ❑ Post Office Box 890809 ❑ Post Office Box 1487 CVNTRACT05 Houston,TX 77289-M lake Charles,LA 70602-1487 HA7VN ROME•DALLAS•HOUSTON Phone(713)479.5554 Phone(318)625.3773 RE: N & S Holly WTP Fax(713)479-0309 Fax(3 l8)625.3817 City of Fort Worth, TX To: Freese and Nichols, Inc . 4055 International Plaza, Suite 200 Fort Worth, Texas 76109-4895 GENTLEMEN: We are sending you 9Attached ❑ Under separate cover via The Following ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ _ Copies Date or No. Description 1 Contractor' s Modification Request for the Chlorine/Ammonia Leak Zoning - CMR-018 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: ❑ For Approval ❑ Approved as Sul miffed ❑ Resubmit Copies for Approval ❑ For Your Use ❑ Approved as Noted ❑ Submit Copies for Distribution ❑ As Requested ❑ Returned for Corrections ❑ Return Corrected Prints ❑ For Review and Comment ❑ _ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE --19- ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: COPIES: File 1 . 21 (c) (95028) w/ one Field w/ one If Enclosures Are Not As Noted, Kindly Notify Us At Once. SIGNED: Chris Thompson/Pro•j ect Manager CONTRACTOR'S MODIFICATION REQUEST PROJECT: 0 J5 t4cw� FA11M PROJECT NUMBER OWNER: Gam► Or Four Uoprm,i Ewrs W-)-7 zo S30 CONTRACTOR: CA1UN cooriucT S 950--8 ENGINEER: tiatmE A N►Ct{Ot.S F1.l9532 CMR DESCRIPTION: OAL,;:3tzkNE J NSA LEA% - `?-c�NL-i CMR NO. Cv,&F--c�OB NOTIFICATION BY CONTRACTOR The Contractor proposes to make the additions, modifications, or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents, as shown in Attachment "A" and requests that you take the following action: ❑ Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in / Contract time or amount and issue a Field Order. [� Issue a Change Order for performing the described change. Change in Contract amount are indicated in attached detailed cost breakdown of labor, material , equipment and all other costs associated with this change. Impacts on Contract Time are shown in the attached revised schedule. ❑ Authorize the Contractor to proceed with the described change. Payment will be requested at the unit price bid. ❑ Authorize the Contractor to proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. By. 2 Date: t z h(o ENGINEER'S RESPONSE We respond to your request as follows: ❑ We concur that this is a no cost or time change. See attached Field Order No. ❑ Your proposal is recommended to the Owner. See attached Proposed Change Order No. ❑ Proceed with the change at the unit price bid. ❑ Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. i ❑ Additional information is required to evaluate this request. Provide information as described in the attached comments and resubmit. ❑ Contractor's Modification Request is rejected. Proceed per Contract Documents. ' By: Date: 9/23/91 ATTACHMENT "A" We request the contract amount be modified to compensate Cajun for costs associated to provide additional chlorine and ammonia leak detection zoning. The attached pricing is for additional PLC programming and documentation. This does not require a change in the contract time. oJ o 0 f Ea. `f�D cti0 ti O L6 N co z N co M Cf) Z .-- N O E!1 r m O O O In Q N OR N to O CO co Lfi O toq LL ~ O f/J � O O H UVB o O � m o 0 O� C� Co WLU �_ v LL `n U) 0 zoLU O 0 D 0 0 J Co F- LY o O JLJ o 0 p J. a o 0 0 MI o o� a `fl Uji J O Q O o � 0 0 LL I-- ¢ z J O O aCl) 06 z LU Ln tq wZ wz � O LN <-J � 0 0 Op a ~ zQ N O O N yO LL ca LY O o z a Z, z �- Q oo LE Fc Q zu NLU r . CME LECI RI C company ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS November 2.6, 1996 Cajun Contractors P.O.Box 59367 Dallas, Texas 75229 Attention: Chris Thompson Ref', City of Fort Worth, Texas South Holly WWTP CMR Chlorine/Ammonia Leak Detection Zoning Gentlemen: As per previous conversations with yourself and Ted Gay, this is to advise you that there is an additional cost to the owner for providing more chlorine and ammonia zoning than what was shown of the contract drawings for above mentioned reference. South Holly U148.00 Total $ 5)148.00 The above pricing is for additional PLC programming and documentation. This price does not include the PLC hardware, field labor nor shop labor as this has already been included in the scope of work, This change will not have an impact on contract schedule. The pricing for this CMR is valid for thirty(30)days from above date. In the even, that this proposal is not resolved in that time, ACME Electric reserves the right to adjust pricing and time extension, as necessary. Tax in not included in this CI%UL Should any alterations, substitutions, additions, or subtractions of the this CMR be made, without written approval from ACME Electric,the altered CMR will be deemed null and void. 4703 MARTIN STREET • FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76119 METRO(817)654-1618 • FAX(817)&U4940 This letter is to replace our letter of October 21, 1996. The cost adder has been changed from$10,296.00 to$5, 148.00. If you have.any questions please call me at(817)654-1618 ext. 227. Respectfully, Hector Zamora cc: Ronny Brown ACME Marvin Maly ACME Sally Walker ACME Job File 2280-37A-Doo TOTAL P.02