HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1403 1403,
Of OxqO �Thndrad Thau s d- $1 000*00) Dollors worth of
Aterworkv Boads out al series go.
YOB hL W R AS of City c
40 War bonds havo bean, to be,
ad Olt bf SAW X, 544
Tho City Council of the City of Port Wbvth not in
regilar swiln in the Coiuwil Oh;,nCber vtt tlkie Oity 'Hall at
1111410 Thiesdayt the 21th day of Bareb, D, 1928, aad
upan rail oall the following.vere present : WmAryea, Wyoq
W, 3. ftstin, fillard furton, Van Zn,.xAt Jgrvis, I, WWPF..
Bm T, Roafrop Jb& N- Sparks anA-A* B. Now, Counoilmen,
constituting quorum and, majority of said 'Boardl W 1. L.
Van 'Ztaladt, Jr, , City SeeretarynTreasurer, was in attendann"00
at said meeting and the fealoving, aunoneg otkpwr��
Wngv, were bad and. dono!,:
CounailmanTbomas, seconded by Councilzan Moasig',
MOVA the ndoption of the ti.oilaving Ordinazve.*
Mo 1403
11,111171 NSA-
'BOJUDS, !�)F T!'M,] TMi1� (,TTy
k"M V ,
9A10 G 12 0 Tll['13, !PAL STE OF 0s1"JC4
THOUN 1100 0 0 oo.) VOT71 OP-A"INT
TW 0-1- 00 000
00) M01JA XJSUMMIRS 10, "R
IT1,13 -11111,111
Tirlt FRUV! TO 51,01?ff YEARS At B TO JEW'R
Wor J�'sunk 'PWi
MABLE -S Sm-I-A Ally
T o
MA ID Lk Tx Q M y
By ME MOOR, A111), (11-,�4Y Aern
TIDING P013 ADH";VfA�B TAX L"21VY, TIM,, 7-P-lAr-4371T OP
!�,ITD `21' 0 A7' fitTRa
:R an t h 6th. day, of ember, , D., 19 Y)
y rsaant to thea.-thority vested in said. City by S.e ,tion 19
Of Chapter XXL` off. the Charter of the City of Fort 'Worth"
adopted by the gwalifl.ed Voters within the la-m. is of mid
City on the 11th day of December,, A,. D 1934, and. the z
and o oa it Vt ion no f the State, of Texa.s, the City Connor: of
the City of "'ort. Worth, texas, by resolution and order of
that date dill-eoted the stibnascion to Uhe rem dent property
taXPMyIn.9 qualified voters of said C?- , at an. ei eet ion to
be held in aid Oi t" on the 10th day of J=nar y . Be x.928
Of the right, power and a, thor its' of the QitY Go,anoU of said
-ity to Sue nagotiable coupon bands of t! e corporate ��►er
t-eftt of said Cityl, a, the pr wip l sijm.. of "NO Un '
dro d Thou-
sand, ($2-00:,'000000) Doli.s- s, rhidh amQ=t was t o b e used for
the ptirp o se of making permanent, impr OVemen is i n the said ,Citi'
by im caro viag� exteiAing and enlarging the Wat ervorka System
of said. City y
WRRBASI in conformity with said resolution ana.
order, the layer of said pity did make pxro01amat on of said
election ana the date for sane gas set On the 10til day of
J ua'r y, A, D 128; ajjd
IMUSS, pifol cation was mad.a. of Said electionJn
thea and s . th e t tae: -,prescribe"i in sa .d re sol'at i on and
election orders and
Shall the City of 'Port Worth, through its 0 t ounc it " ss e
its negrotiable coupon `fonds., r �""� fpm '�:�� �1=n.
to fdrt� ���
Ilars In the rincipal. sup. of One Villion Five dred. � ousand
ls5 00043) ollhrs for the puzjmese o constructing im-prov-.
zn and e ven sty. ee s, thoroua hfares and storm. sewers of" said
i y including an sudj, ?ri�� res,
era�nent improvements the widemi V�e ., gradeng bsepa.ration, and drainage, the fir-at ��s d bonds
leat the expir on of five years from. the (late thereof...
and serially thereafter as may be determined by said Cit Oouwi 1 �
that the Last ma.t izi b ands .a3.�. became payable within, forty
) ears from the d t� thereof, bearing interest at a, rate not to
enc: five per cent per . .aura. from the date thereof, �)ayable
semi--annus lly, and lev a. stiff isient tax to pK y the interesn said
bonds at the maturity y thereof'
FOR the Issuance of Street Improvement Bonds
AGAIRM the Issuance of Street Improvement Bonds.
Shall the City of port Worth through its 0't Co�xnci . issue
it s °argot .able coupon bonds, rmni fi f�e�m five �5 tc forty (
ea in the r�a^ic ipa l sr of .e111i,on One H� m.dred T he and
x,16 t 00*00 Dollars for the
p! o se o ' i,mp�o�'�g9 extending
Ead _enlar ang the sanitar surer s em and sura e disposal plant
of said City t e first of said bands being poya le at the ekpira;
tiot of five 5) years, from the date, thereof ,. and seriall there-
after as may determined by the said Oit. o c • ,
a.l � t at the
last ma.tur� bands �a become 'payable ori tb in ford gears
from, the date hreof, bea:rin interest at a, rate nca to eeed
five er'cent 5k per annum fbom the date thereof able s
ua ly: and lei a,su.fficient tax to pay the interest of said
ons auk create a. sinking Band sufficient to redeem said bonds
at the maturity thereof?
FOR the Issuance of 05atitary Sewer and Sewage Disposal Bands.
AGAINST the Issuance of Sanitary Sewer aa;'a.d Sewage Disposal Bonds.
Mail the City of Fort Worth,, through its C' t'y 00u U issue
.ts newt fable e Npon bonds, r x f's oar f ve 5) to fort �4�O
arse n theprincipal s o f Two �un.dre d Thousand
llai�s for te purpose of im.provi � extending and enl i , � there
o f wat ea wo Bks of said �i t t � gad�, a;�a.e
payable at the expiration
Te first. of said bonds being
of five years from. the date thereof, and
ser- ally thereafter as may be det ermined by the said it �d 0uAci,19
so that'the last ,maturing bonds s1lall become, payable, wigin forty
(40) years from th.ey,Ve n thereof bear's interest at a rate hot to
e €�i ed f .fie_G3 er cent ) -n er , W"417i7 +"h a A a+n
Shall the City of Port Worth, ,thraugh i a O ° t Council
its 9,9tiable oo� po bonds, r� " from f
er .. in the priabape.l gum of + e .l io�a * x'000000 Dollars
or the �urpozq of q tr d Oqui?91"g
ua.c; pBui l di r. for the o f V
, r or h r urch sin
and a '� r u the me . lids and site therefor' the f first of
said bonds Ve �e �� the � �. ��;�.az� �f' five years f1rom the
date thereo,f.- and" erllally thereafter as may be determined by the
Cit C u wily o that the matur*.g bonds shall beaaMe payable within
fort? r4O years fr m the date thereof,j hearing intere A at a rate
not 0 exceed five 5 ) per oent per annum. from the date thereof:
payable seM* ��l � d �:evq � �f:t��.��'; a t tax t o :ay the i�tern
on said bonds a .d create ma Sire' fuu� ���'i ieut c� redeem said
at -the matur city 'hereof"
OR the Issuance of mun c ipa i Building Bonas.
AGIUNMr the Is , nc e ofa..�caa:l BU-
1 , lc d
1 the Ci ter b 'Fort 'Worth throe its C'
iia �699ti4ble coup .bonds', r ing from f�:ve to f rt
6.ear a� the priUc Ip8°l s of Three Hundred. �� ��° Th.oub �.
0!62, �.l�rs
for the J ...
urpo e o can truoti buildil a
bridge across � r h d C .: " i n'the v ag i of `bat is
00= the Iter de the fist said baud.e
be i g , iL e at the t io o f f ive ��� years from the date
d eria lIgeireafter as may be determined b • the Arid
a -o it� o tla� t die .rte�t m�t�r bonds -shall b eco:me iib le
"�.t "1. for ere frog the d!� w�he'reof bearing interest at
r e g of o exaaed° five 1,ff,) -Per cent per s' "from the date
thereof parable semi—ai)u��a . and leer a� sufficient tax to the
i�.teras cam said bonds* and uree,te si�:lx:�� :�"��d .��ff�::��:eut a re-�
deep. said bonds at the maturity there osi
the Issm e of Lake Werth Bridge Bonds,
.-AGAINST the Issuance of Lak;d forth Bra:c1ge Bonds
Sha U the City of Fart Worth through i o-City Cain 'l issue its
egotie, 1
cou-pon bonds x i g,�
from five fart 4� e�.��.,� ;
in the princi p sum, o f Three �Iuudre d °thous . 0Q ..a6
for the ?%!rP0 se of creatll x
.i.3a a permanent revolviu stke t improvement "
fund to :e upod, in pa- x�� or � � o11 of er o f �reet �; ro veme�t o
pert they �f0 . the Cosi o ?�Tdc.h may be assessed a nst ers ns and
rip artypoi 1.1°y benefit ed u�der t he terms of tie Charer and the
aws goverhswh matters; It beteg cont plaited t t 8=11. r
Shall. the Citi' of Fort Worth thr ou�� it Gita 0unci issue its
negotiable coupon bonds ru ri.a-r M. i tea arty ,�
in the principal i.pal. s m of One Mil, ion Five ht tared Thoiur- A `��?�
000160'0 Dol.l.ars for the ose 0f*Go�strtz ting, bui1N' g a dr eq ipp�-.
i iuniciPallAuditoriumFfbpr said fit
qulri the necessary lands and site 'the� e O , t p�� ��o sa.� ��-
a � .�u t�r t first � sa�.d �bCS�1.(�:s
being a ,-ble at the expiration of fyive years from, 4 as e there-
seriali thereafter as a be deter �,ned -k� the ii CO1a�0 '
s that the las maturijbonds s ,ll become ryable within ft�rtears , f om the date thereof. bearing interes �t a rate not to e � )
eve per cent per num from the date thereof a �bl � . e geed
amua y nand levy a su ft'is 1 '
�" �e�t ts,� to Dai" the i�.ter°esto�. said' bands
and areae a sinking fund sufficient -to redeem said 'bonds at the ma-
turity thereof?
FOR the ISSU9ACe of Municipal .Auditorium Bonds.
AGAINl the Issuance Of Municipal Auditorium Bonds.
'hall the Cid of Fort Worth, thr h 15,� )
it 00 issue i.ts
nogofiable c oupo-mobanal, �r�i frc f ve to forty � ears
in the princi ,l stun of Three 1mdred d Pift Thousai
Dollars for he a 0se of ur � 4 � �,�1Q��flC1�
and p pert for P ac parrs in the 61 y �o�� 1 and
pthe�f r mos
said bads e pa. bl t the e irat0n `iver)hl
d�;te therwec f aid seri4 1 thereat" er as s. from the
ou o ' t the last T�2 r� be determi�,ed. b the ��t�r
e r g bonds sha l.i. become payable ��ithi�
fort 0) Yea s from the date thereof
bearing interest �t „� r-te
not, c enc eed" 41 e est -,Der nu.z from the date t .
sera--a=u.all tiered payable
` suf-ticient tax to pay the interest on said
booms and create a s.nkif ry. s��f Kaci
the mater�t t o rete said bands at
uri ter thereof?f
R the Issuance of Park fib.,.
AGAIINT the IsMance of Park rands..
Shall the Citi".. of Port ��orth., through it � City coune`1 issue its
got i.abl e coupon bonds rr���� from, five )oto i'art�r � ea,�s
�. the princi.pal s 0f' i hued and Fifty .�hcusa d .
Dollars for the npu.ru0se City
caastract ug buy.�ding and epi �� a )
i' b l.j c Library for the City o f Fort �,.,�or°�h s :for �� g new
o ri the necessary 1.4 � s and site there sir the" ��ts� '� i.d i ds
beingLr_ 4er,i4" l1
rab the eX irati,on. o; five ��� ars from the dat tta�.
0 f, theree,Rer° as r�,ay be
ho that the lait ��t �.� bins �� ll � � fi14 jftmned ���the����'t��Ca ac� �A
. . _
MIMS$ at the elect:ici hel d. in said Gi ' on the
10th day Of - anuary, A D, 1928 there ,sere 4,4r1'1 �o tes east
in falio r u 1 t he i ss- Banc-e of said. Wa.t ex`worka Bohd:a- an. 20278
O tQa Cast against the is,*umee of said -100 .m l ,�c2g
MiDrity in favor' 0f she. is,suawe of , a,i.a bode of 11-797 votes;
,MHz by v t-a,e of said 61e-o ti,on the said Gi.ty
00t�-il is vested 'wsvh a utliority- by ana friar t�'-I e people to
iasme said b :ids for the Purpose aforementioned, and to make
same valid and bindilag obliga-tions of t h�4 co.rorate
the `zty az�th, an .ofh. jai dQity 00
U-no il d.ea it
advi.sa:h e and expedient at t..his t Im e, tv issue only One g d-
rid 'Thousand ( 103 ,D,011:ax.s �a�t.�� �� said ��r es 'O,*
4P and h,;ein.g de.signated, �ater�r�� i�
Tt pumsuant to SGOtion 19 of Chapter `UV. of the
G:hart er of f th e City of Fort Worth a d opted the qua li it ed.
voters within the corponte, Ji.m,its of said My, an ,thy l):tb.
day,of Deceml2ej.. k 'Io i9,4, wmd the fags and st .t ti n cai"
this State, a,.Ud p-ar .ant -�o -th.p, vote off' the res d.en.t propgrty
- a - ' voters of the Gitv of "'cartgF 7_L n -Ip �. ,_
of an authorized i s ue a.t said e lea t i on Of Twodre d `Thou-
sand ( X000,00) Debars auk, whi6h
authorized Issue shall
be designated asla.terwcrks Bm- ds" Series said bon.dz to
to in the denomination of .e Tholtoand ($1,000�'0.QQ) Dallars
Paei�, 'dated May l.p 1928 b-oaring interest at the rate of four
and one-fbu.rth_. ( %) per Gent per anauxpayable, eemj-�a na11_;�
on the first daa-v of No vemlber =d Yay of each year reapeet,ivei
beth prinCipal azid interest of said bonds �Pa a*bie atthe H -
ove,r Nat io-nal .Banff in the t y o f New Y04 kr State of SOW' Yore
UP, interest e.videaced by initerast COUPG4,p attach-.
ed thereto, all of Said fonds to be execn:ted for And an behalf
of the Oity of Porgy -Uorth by the '%,7or thereof attested bil
its -aretar ,y-Treat :rer, with the weal ther°eau duly i1apres,sacl�
bat the interest 0,011, pong to be, exec: d, with the Ii- bog-,aphed
Af esimile; siguriature of the 'P yor and City Sec.reta:r�rTreaparer.
V f the City cif' IFO.rt WO_A hr ea0h of said b aadz .d- coupons
shall be negotiable and -payable to bearer, d pa id b mm �
bere&ns-n: ,.e wad' and mamer bereina,ftor yet out, mattwinF
( ) gears fraa tli,e date thereof and, manually, thereafter til,
the last Taut ig bode shall become ble within forty .(4-t ).
Years fi"°ob, the date. 'thereo ,,
he genera o to-im of sai-& bonds, and.. -Gbe oou�o
thereto gmuleXeCL, abd the interest to -be added: to said bond
sha U bo exec-at ed in s kb stat i zliy the f ollou. forms t-0'�4w. .jt
C I T Y O F F. 0 R T W 0, R T H`
74at the .gov ernment of the City, .o f '.Fort `forth, �
rntltcipal co'rpo .atier'iz, duly Qreated under thy; 1&�,wg Cif the State
Of, texas, hereby ackno*11-edges itself to, owe, and for value re-
ceived promis.e: to ply,, to bearer,
.0-NE uioUS MN DOLLARS (01000.00)
in Ja rful money' of tl e Un'itea States of Azx�,erica, on tkie clay
of A. D''. together :with i.at exgs, t t'heree+n
at- the rate of f our .and. 'one-fourth (4-,%). per ,centum per annum,,
'Payable. serai-;anni3,;all.y On, th:e ls,t day of Xovexaber and: Uay in eac�Z
year on pxesentt o.n and surendex of the annexe-d, iazte. est, cc�u,.
pons , as they severally fall du.e. Bbt�h t4-e pr ,nc p.al and inter':
est of this bond are payable at, the Qpffioe of the Is,ngfer National
This bond is one of a series of
numbered consecutively from
to inclusive,
each of the denomination of One Thousand (7,`l,ti0��0U; Dollars ,
amounting in the aggregate to the sum of
issued for the purpose of
udder and by virtue of the
Constitution and laws .of the State of , Texas, the Charter of the.
City of Font Worth, and an ordinance of the City Council of
said City lawfully passed and adopted .on the �day of
A. D. 19; pursuant to valid au-
thority from the property taxpaying qualified voteYs of said
City, at a proper and legal election held on t1ae 10th day of
January, A. D. 1925,
It is hereby j.xthe expo.°,�ssly r p ^esent d, recited,
and covenanted by thr3 govr,-,, t .0:0 t,' Lit, C .taiof, For t Wn'rt;h, t
and with each and, every holder of said bongs or any one of them,
that all acts , conditions and things requi °ed by the laws of the
State of Texas , and of the Charter and: Crr"::� r..a;.'I of the City
of Fort Worth, precedent .to and in the issuance of this bond,
have been dome, have happened, and have been ?performed, in pro-
per and lawful time, form and, miner as ,prescribed by law, so
as to make this bond a legal , binding and valid obligation of
the City of Fort Worth, and that ?provi..sion his been made for the
levy and collection of a direct annual tax -on ell taxable property
in. the City of Fort Worth, and., that such tax has been levied in
ed b.)r its ,Uayor and attested by the Oity Secretary—Treasurer,
With the seal of the - City thereunto duly im-Pressed, and has caused
the annexed interest coupons to be executed with the .facsimile
signature of the Mayor and City Seoretary' �Trea.su,rcr, and dated
as the first day of May, A: D. 1025'
City Secretary—Treasurer
NO , 2125
The City of Fort• V oath, jn the State of Texas, pro-
mises to pay too- bearer Twent:3r--orae Dallars and Twenty-five Cents-
( $21.25) , on the: day :of �, A. D. 19 at
the Hanover National, Bank :in, the City of New York, N. Y. , for
interest due that day 9a its municipal. 'bond, dated May 1, A. 1):
1928,. and numbered a
City Secretary--Treasurer
That the total amount of beds' .so to be iSaued by
the Colty, pf rror+, T h. undre.d hou' n
.lars er s ball -be i d .for the purpose ofmr ving
d e a g 1 � ,%tnL � . .qha
l . congistand
idr (x 00) bonds, nmbered frdm
Q1x:e CO to one, h :.dremd (100) 7 nc lus i ro ,and slug ll boar l rlter-
eat at the rate Of four arid' ane-fourth (4404) per cent D
arvil v n payable sel�-azomall-v as a or, asa d, all o ' whish; s .
one hundred (100) bonds sball be a part of Series No. 54, and
$hal: be styled mid des g atsdas "Watervorks Bondgla.
That all dr said bands Comprising the sum. total of
One Hundred Thousand
1001'00 . ) DGil rs, sl!ft.0 mature in
the MaMer a.).,-O. Mounts with the, r pct ve Evi s ions of time
as set f%-t.4 in the following -4abujate(j :0�Re:
That the said bwds are hereby authorized, -to b:e sold
to the best, aftantage but in no event shall mae be. sold for
less than par and. the accrued interest to the time, of deUTery,
and the Prooeeda -Uiareof, sbalj. be -placed, in the Treasury of
th-8. Oity of. Fort Tiorth ail-A utilize4 for the necial purposes.
for whIch each issue of bonds is created.
$161011111% V.0
Tmt f or tjje partet w of e�,eatjijg a fetid for
the payraent and complete ext1tSPishmewat of t.he foregoing bond-
ad debt, principal ard interest, and all P:,nd every pq,,rt of
Game: there is hereby levied and there shall be assessed and
00-11eeted as provided by I" get apart axid ayfiropriated
the said purpose, an amnal, (Ureet special advF.L.Iorex tax, Jar
the year 1928, aiA every sacobssive dear ear thereafter duri-ag the
ill of said bonded &abt, of any pRrt thereof of '36a; tient s
(or such amount as may be necassex,7 ami. adequa te be it more
or 1 ezg) on. - every Clae 11-unt,,ec! ($IGO, Q j) DOI ;14 s of prop er'by
gra luat im, rem. and mixed, subjesot to +.1-amation
not exxanpt therefrom under the Q-Onstitztion a7id lags
of the
St at e of exas Situated and OWIled in the City of Fort Wo it h on
the let day of Jam- ary19aS and on the 1st day Jaz January of
each year thereafter mtil said debt represented by said bonds
Oitpou, interest notoz shall have been fblly r
,aJI. and if-,
interest sha7l hay b g paid aiA the si ng famd established
as reqared by the Uanstitutim of the State of {texas and the.
Charter of the 0ity of Part Worth,
That it shall be the duty of the O-i t-7 Csou l of
the it of Fart Werth at, its suacessors, aud of the govern
meat r, :f the �t;,r +�.f �"��°�; �'ToT°thby levyn,�& taxes _Lor gene a.4,
pg;ipases for the said City of Fort WoAh for the year
and for oevery sa 'e ss v e year during t it life of said b onded
debt or ally .;p lrt thePeaf-, tO iAclude ill 'ru oh levy the sp a
tax-of 036
Pents On the One Hundried
pert y valuation (or so mucli thereof go, racy be repziiisite qPA nwes-
r ) PrQvi,c - i; aha next.° p o-,,"rg sect ion. Qf this ordin:
arCe, and such spacip',.1 tax shs:,J:l an, D.o acoom.t �T ,tscae�rer be
d1splued the.ref rom.
That the special t,,� herekiibef re provided for:- when
0,911 ,ted, shall be pJ: ),nd kept. jn%se vrat e 'fund aad shall
b4 devoted. to the Payment of the 1ritarest and. the e3&'ingti,sh-
ment of the principal of x11 WICA. �-,.i tv- Lar t he .bonds hereii:mbove
xOttioll,eel as same rdatures from time to time, and shy?l wt be
used., applied or C" 'verte�� to an owher ptrp sP or object hit
so evel. and the Rands derived f" m: said tax shall be %.eld. and
1 a
�.•1: l�1?L11� F+er �rn m,k+ rvva n *wr. es..n.v w.«,...,a. ...... .]_1-� _ a_ _ _z a . ., r-. _ _ '
That as SOQXL 's e MI-VI-04i aat aftor rsaid bored' have
ord iname they sha.1161 be sijhx j t t ed to the At t orxwy mea eras.
Of the State of Texas, at Austin, Itogethe:r with a cer"flied
py of this orditance azaa a statement of the total bended
indobtedress of the City, of Pert Worth, inoWling the bands
herein and he-'ebb authorized and the a.seessad value O the
tla=ble prop 'ty jP- .saU, dty, for his al-pro.-van' none
of the said bor:& sIv,111 be negotiated, sold or transferred
until the .rtelva,U Faire rec W trod tlaa o f is is l sa:ot io.l Of L
the At t orrnr ,' as pre se r o ed. by l u and t:fie r ea d t er
,the bonds ha. ; be presented to the at.e ���pt.ra�.�r of
; hIt Aemunta for regiz_tratiom,
VE01T.10N 11..
That the Gi t` BeareItary-Treama er iii' the 0' f
Pill Worth, or Othar l l c ; Odi 'of Swh Et i.s, rinrix g
the months of April and oto leer of each .dever; et;i.xd, d r
ing the 14 fe of said bonor any' part therle of,, and not pater
tha-n th e 20th dad. ,Of eeh of oald months, s ha 11 t ria;%vitt st&—
fic, i-nt 'coney r-rat of the Wcreat funds hereinbefore erea.t.ed
for the -p of
�r?tar0st arri- ad 41d
to t he ITAtov r Nalr innal Bealak of the City of We* 'Tork' , sate of
New Tark, aid li i se remi ttgr e shall be rade i t: due oaii om
Tho holding or adjudication of �y sectin porn.
tion or part hareof .to be inialid WAII not affect the validity
of Pny othor section or Hr t of this ordinance, but al! of
Wh Othor sootionsi portions Gr parts- herW shall be is,,jui
That "0 Ordi"Ce SIAII WO Offec- t and be in
foroe from ana after the date of ito pnaaagp and it is
so ordained,
A 11,RF-0 V21)
Nor 1,11m, Bryce, p:mIgids,ne
gt Said. MUIF submitted
SO MotiOn to adopt said ordinanoo, aDril, "a'11 of the 00wr
illclad-ing the Wyor, voted NO" thereon IS note Voted "no%
and the Motion tjo adopt the ordinance was dealmrad to be Wn-
RAMOUSly passed'*
1. Lo Van. Njju ,jjd , arm., Glty Secx°etry-.trA.
Of t.1le Gi ty of Fort 'North; dod-We Ger t i l y thm•l. the above
azod foregohwZ ordLm ace is a tj�c m, �j cr�d°rect, ce3lpy
a Q No. 3 _w....,.,. yin� 3YE3,S i.+.4::,-Mim&1.4.lU If d by City
Gouncll of the Oity of p(,,,I-t Woxrtl, Texa.:s, Z-�.t a. Cet,' ° r w +—
lag held i -the Council Chaziber, at the City 'Mill t on Tuesday
the 2'l th c marchD. lK28.0
WITUBS my had at Port Worth, Temms., this
day 0 f_.�.. �.Y.�.�� A. . 19273_
e ram easmrer.
TIM STA7.9 op T,7g
CITY OF P "wQW, ,14
Mis."Mm"Sp tht residetit, qmlif,
0"' VIA, City oft' For t 1"Fa Ala Texa
p 0100tiran duly ntad re-
gpiLarly held sg.,d cit, on
11 4, the, 10"Pluth dny of January, A, D.,
althorized -the jo A
"sUMM00, raxwmg otb�?,r bonds of Two Htmdred
Thousand ($2,W
*000-00) 'Dollars worth 0"" bends of
the' MY Of '90rt, 117orth, TMo, for ttte purpose of improving
UtsydiTle, t'crtd m1nrgiving tile $70tft. Of watemork's of: 0'aid, City
and 'be.in ; ki-Lonjj a
9 6 156ries No. 54 ,,mxd d0t',,Upated ts '17rtterworks
Bondgjw:; and
qF INMEASP Oit )rC01-Mci of the Cliitj
11 of port 77ort,b..,,
9tt a raigular Oetb'4�7 hold it. the Coufteil Chamber alt the
GitY,flail in, said City an Ti xanday, the 27th day Of M�ch$ A1161
19-228, by Ordixiaxiou., NO. 1403, autliorized the issmne
11-un reThoumaxd 0100�000*00) Dollars worth of bands is of
Series No. 54;
NOWO TTIRIIIIAPOLVgo 14, lw* Vm Ziandt, Jro , ,,340ret*,ry_
Treasurer of itil, City of Fort 146 rth? TS,=S, do hereby eartiry
thAt the One Elundree; I`
1. 1410,ummnd 0100b'100040)' Dollars werth of
INIRtervOrks ftnds -above, deserib , Ing
ed, a,.n,d b,a nunfbared from one to
One htmdred inclu6jve, 011t of
Em� ries I No, 54.,, aU,70 t1v. anly bmid-a
t1lat tho L it 7 of 1'Iort llort.h, eithar by ora inw. ,ce or othi�rwige
'has issued or autlmr�zaq, to be. issmad out or ggiiq gtow4c"g. pk*
'W-ills o ffic is ll and .wed to, be l essed ljor�301 t l,- � I
of the .lty o `. ort Worth.at ill office i'a thesaid r3ityp
it y o f P-0 rt orth".,
$100.,-000.00 WRT 19yRr70TUS' BONDS
34 .f00
5 2 000
37 2�000
8 2'000
4� 000 M
42 *woo
. .000
244 *00ow
49 3;600,.
50 7 000
5 «
53 'M
. ).
tt-�� � .
57 3 VW
58 5 31+1900#
6 .E
63 41,;01 .
4 4'000,
65 4�000
6 4q G0+.