HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5301 ou ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING ESTIMATES OF THE COST OF IMPROVE- MENTS AND OF AMOUNTS TO BEASSESSED FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON A PORTION OF _...M_.................................. ................ AND PORTIONS OF SUNDRY OTHER STREETS, AVENTIES AND PUBLIC PLACES IN Tin CITY OF FORT '°()Rm, TEXAS; FIXING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING TO THE OWNERS OF ABUTTING PR CAP. RTYAND TO ALL OTHERS INTERESTED; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO GIVE NOTICE OF SUCH HEARING; AND DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO ENGROSS AND ENROLL THIS ORDINANCE BY COPYING THE CAPTION OF SAME IN THE MINUTE 1300K OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND BY FILLING THE COMPLET I. . CE IN THE APPROPRIATE ORDINANCE RECORDS OF THE CITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City, Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, 'has heretofore ordered that each, of the hereinafter described portions of streets, avenues and public places in the City of Fort Worth, rexas, be im- proved by raising, grading and filling same and by constructing, thereon the fall owing,'tau-wit: 1, MARGARET STRENTs From 31 Campo Avenue to Coninwool Avenuej known and designated as Ualt No. 1. a 6-Inch hot-mix ea tic concrete pavement on a 30-foot roadway'. 2@. LOCK2 AVAM: From 31dridge Street to Sanguinat Street, known and designated as Unit No. 2, a &Inch hot-mix asphaltic concrete pavement on a 36-foot roadway. 3. L AVZMAt From Bo urine Street to Berrie Street, known and designated as Unit No, 3j, a 6-inch hot- mix asphaltic concrete pavement on a 36-foot roadway. 4* BOURIKE STREET: Prom 31ackmore Avenue to Libby Avezues known and designated as Wt No. 4. a 6-Inch hot-six asphaltic concrete pavement on a 30-foot roadway. 5. GAIMM AV3=: From Lackland Road to Sappington Place, known and designated L as Unit No* 5, a 6-Inch hot-mix asphaltic concrete pavement on a 30-foot roadway. 6. GARLAMD AVINUS: From Sappington Place to 011ve Place, kn.own and designated as Unit No. 6, a 6-inchbot-mix aspWtic concrete pavement on a 30-foot roadway. T. GARLM AVEM: From Tex Boulevard to Mary's Lane. known and designated as Unit No. 7, a 6-inch hot-mix. asphaltic concrete pavement on a 30-foot roadway. MARY I S LAnt From Greenway Road to Garland Avenue., known and designated as Unit No. S. a li Inch hot-mix asphaltic concrete surface on a T-inch cement stabilized gravel bass on a 30-foot roadwar. 9. 71LIZUBTE LANE: Prom Lackland Read to 410 feet watt, kntnm and designated as Unit No. 9,, a 6-inch hot-mix asphaltic concrete pavement on a 30-foot roadway. 10. ILIVIDGE STMMT-, From Lovell Avenue to Locks Avenue, known and designated as Unit No. 10, a 6-Inch, hot-mix asphaltic concrete pavement on a 30-foot roadway. together with conibined con(,nrete curbs and gutters on proper rade and line where same are not alr,eady, so constructed, together with storm sewers and drains and other necessarY incidentals and. appurtenances; all of said improvements to be constructed as and where shown ori. the Plans and in strict accordance with the Plans and Specifications therefor; and contract therefor Visas been. rna,de and entered into with .. ..... -.111-11-­­ - . I -, .- .- ___; and. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City ofFort Worth, 7'exas, has caused the Public Works Director, to prepare and file estimates of the cost of such hriproveynents and estirnates of the arriounts per front foot proposed to be assessed agaffist abutting pn)pert)� and the owners t hereof, and such. estimates have been ex- aTnined. NOW, THE'RKFORE, BE IT ORDAINED 13"Y' C".1 1'"Y' COUNCIL 01"If' '1111E� ('117"Y OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS, THAT. 1. Such estimatles be, and they are herel)y ai,nJoptei an(] approved, It is 1!�iereby found and determined Umt the cost of improvernents on each portion of street, avenue and public p ace hereinafter deseribed, with tho aniourit or aniounts per front foot proposed to be assessed for such inrjn°overnellrts against abutting prope�rty and the owners thereof, are as follows, ta-wil- is MARGARET STRUT: From Al Campo Avenue to 0ollinwood Avenue, known and designated as Unit No. 1. The estimated cost of irrij)vwements js $ 44-7047 - -...; tiie estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for coil-r&ined concrete curb and gutter is the esUrnated anv�Mnt 1[,)er frOlIrt' f00t td assessed ap,,-ttinst al.)LAting property and the owners thereof fonr in nprove!ine tits excfljjSjsre of c'tjnrb and gutter is the 'total esdinated arnount j[,wr front foot to be assessed agairist abutting property and the owners thereof is s.. 2* LOCIA AV MM: Prom 11dridge Street to S Street, known and designated as Unit No. 2. The estinriatedr cost of iniq[jroveinents is $ 11,5 . " t the estim.hted amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thOvof for cornbined concrete curb and gutter �is $ 9*000 , -, the estimated aniount per front fool, to be assessed agaifist, abutting property andr the owners there(�)f for, improvernents exchis ive of curb and gutter is $, , 5,156 .-; the total esthnmated aiDOLITIt per f•)YArt foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof is ® LIBBr AVEM: From Bourine Street to Harris Street, known and designated as Unit No- 3- The estimated cost of improvements is $13-k576-75 — --; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for combined concrete curb and gutter is $ 2-00 --.; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is $ "5*i ; the total estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof is $-7--r),6-. ® BOURINE STRM: From Blackmors Avenue to Libby Avenue, known and designated as Unit The estimated cost of improvements is $ 5,1-05-95 -; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for combined concrete curb and gutter is $-2o-O-0 — - -; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is $ 4.52- ---; the total estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof is 5. GAMAND AVIS=% rrom Lackland Road to Sappington Place, known and designated as Unit No. 5* The estimated cost of improvements is $ _ 6,261,20 — ---; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for combined concrete curb and gutter is $ 2.00- ---; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is $- )4,52— ----; the total estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof is ® GmAn Amm., Ifrom Sappington Place to Olive Place. known and designated as Unit No. 6. The estimated cost of improvements is $- 6,42oa5 - -- - -; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for combined concrete curb and gutter is $... -2*00--- ; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is $--4.52, - -- ; the total estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof is $-6-52---- ® GARLAND AVAM: From Tex Boulevard to Maryls Lane, known and designated as Unit No- 7, The estimated cost of improvements is $-3-1-,--30.2.5 - - -; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for combined concrete curb and gutter is $- 2&00 the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property, and the owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curl) and gutter is 4*-52--; the total estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof is $-6-5P----. S. MARY'S LANZO- From Greenway Road to Garland Avenuep known and designated as Unit No. go The estimated cost of improvements is $- 2D,-813-10 -; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for combined concrete curb and gutter is $- 2.OD-- ; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is $-0-00 — --; the total estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof is $2,00 9. ELIZABWM LAU.. From Lackland Road to 410 feet west, known and designated as Unit No. 9. The estimated cost of improvements is $ -- -13-655--355 - - - ; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for combined concrete curb and gutter is $- 2aO()— -- ; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof f or improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is $----4-,5P--- -.; the total estim ted amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof is 10. ]ILDRIDG2 STRUT: From Lovell Avenue to Locke Avenue, known and designated as Unit No. 10* The estimated cost of improvements is $ --4,-9-35J2 - - -; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for combined concrete curb and gutter is $---24-00—-- ', the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is s-4.52 --; the total estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abuttin.c, property and the owners thereof is $-1,--52--. HL A hearing be given and held by and before the City Comicit of the City of Fort Worth., Temas, to all own- ing or clahning any property abutting upon said 1�*PlJons of streets, avenues and public places, as well as to all owning or clahning any interest ffi ,,�,fiy' such propel-ty Su ch. hearing sh.all be given and held on the U,.- day of 19 65-, at- 9,130 16Z. , in the Council Chamber in the City Hall in the City of Fort W�r_ih, Texas, aDd. the City Secretary is hereby directed to give notice of the time and place of such hearing and of other matters and facts in accordwice with. thie terms and provisimus o�f an Act passed at the First Called Session of the Fortieth Legislature of the State arrexas, and known as (3bapter 106 of the Acts o�f said Ses- sio�n, now henig shown as Article 11,01,15b of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes. Such notice shall be by advertisement at least three times in a newspaper published fin the City of "Fort Worth, Texas, the first pubfie'ation to be made at least 'ten days before the date of said hearing. Said notice shall comply with and be in accordance with the terms and provisions of Said Act. "I"he City, Secretary is further directed to give personal notice of the time and place of such hearing to all owning or claftning any property abutting, on said portions 6f streets, avenues and public places, as well as to all owning or claiming any, interest in any such. property. Such pemonal notice shall be given by the (""it y Secretary inaffing saki notice postage prepaid, to the respective owners of record of the properties to be assessed, and to any person owning or claiming any interest in said properties, to the last known address of said owner or persons. It, shall not be necessary for the City Sec retaw to mail said notices to any owner or Daher person claiming an interest in the property to be assessed when the addess of such. owner or ean,person claiming, an interest i n the property to be assessed is unknow to the City Sretary and cannot be detemined by the City, Secretary after reasonable investig6!m, in this C' 011ne:eflon the City, Secretar prepare nd file with. these proceedings a list of t'he properties to be assessed, the nafnea of those Densons own- ing or claiming any interest in said properties to whonn the notice %vas inailed, together with the last known address of the respective owners arid tbose persons owning or claiming any interest in said 1�'woperty. The City Seelletary shall certify that each of Jlie parties named in said list whose address was known to him, was mailed a copy of the notice of hearing and shall further certify th.e date or dates on which said notice was mailed. A copy of the notice shall be attached to such cet1ificate, "Phe certificatle of the (Nty' Secretary will be conclusive evidence o�f the facts therein recited, Failure of the City Secretary to give notice o�f hearing by mail as herein provided for, or failure of the owners or other (:m� rsons interested to receivre said notice, shall in nowise irivalidate said heaving or any assessni(q1ts levied pursuant to said hearing, b ut notice of hez%ring shall be sufficient, va,lid and g � g idin upon all owning (w (ilain'iiing stu Ii abRitting ywopeiltyora,ny interest therein when san-te shall have been iVen by newspaper advertiserrient as first herein.,above provided. IV. The City, Secretary is her eby directed to engross and eriroll this u�wdinwnce by COpNrjjjg the caption of same in the Minute Book o�f the City Council and by filing the'con'iq�Oete ordinance in,the,appropriate Ordinance theca rds of this City. V. This or shall take effect and be in full foro��e and effect from and after the date of its passage. Passed and approved this.. day of- M APPROVED AS 770 FORM AND LEGALrni' : My Attorney aim C oty _ �„.. t of Fort W, orth, e�I a .. Ma�or and Council Communication DAIt :bF91pc su sCr: Assesss nt wing 10 Locations PAGE MOER on the West Side / / 0424 Project 097-24000-129 1of Council action on the project described below is requested: Project Description Nature of work: Assessment Paving at 10 Locations West Side, as follows : Roadway Unit Street Limits Width 1 Margaret Street P1 Campo to Collinvood 30' 6 '. 2) Locke Avenue Eldridge to Sangunet 6' S ' 3 Libby Avenue Bourine to Uervie 36' 8W 4) Bourine Street Llackkmore to Libby 30' 6V 5) Garland Avenue Lackland to Sappington Place 30' 5003 ) Garland .Avenue Sappington to Olive Place 30' 50' 7 Garland Avenue Tex to Mary's Lane 30' 50' 5) Maryffs Lane Greenway 'to Garland 30' 50' 9) Elizabeth Lane Lackland to 410! West 30' 50' 10)a Eldridge Street Lovell to Locke 30' 60' Petitions have been received for the paving of the above streets with the excep- tion of Units 5, 6, 7, Garland Avenue, Unit 8, Mary's Lane and Unit 10, ,Eldridge Street. GarlandAvenue from Mary's Lane to Teat Boulevard, Unit 7, was initiated as a result of a request from the Mbnnig Junior High Sc ool Parent-°Teacher Association. Two additional blocks of rland Avenue from Lackland Road to ve Place, Units 5 and 6, were added to the project to close a gap in the paving and provide better traffic circulation in the area. As a result of the installation of storm drain facilities on Garland Avenue, paving cuts will be necessary on 's Lane between Garland Avenue and Green way Road, which will also require reconstruction of Mary's Lane (Unit S),. with property owner participation in the cost of curb and gutter only where none now exists. The proposed paving of Units 5, 6, 7, and S was discussed in detail and a map provided in a report provided Council Members on August 28 1964. Th paving of Eldridge Street was initiated to close a paving gap in the vi inity of Locke Avenue (Unit ). Sub ission of- Bids Date bids received: October 6, 1964 W v, DATE RVERRce suwEcT- Assessment Paving 10 Locations PA49 NUMO 12/21/64 0-424 On The West Side, Project 097-24,000-129 2 � 2 Sim &ro t Sid orkk 21 R. W. Gibbins, c. 84,9 01.45 Glade Inc. 86003.95 90 Texas Situlith c Company 86,508.25 .90 f W. E. Brittain, Inc. . 86,716.65 General Construction Company 9,638.25 90 1 Project Cott 'and 'i.rna� Based on the low bid, approximately $32,973 will,be assessed against abutting property o crs. The cost to the City t r e will be approximately r , cludin. engineering and miscellaneous expen- sese RECONUgDATIONS: } That the following bond fund transfers be approved: k2901 From To Pear e e Revolving d foroP ,sect C42C924 : 9 Property coon rts. portion of $32.,972.18 y Unspecified 10 Locations 'West Side, Citye s portion of� cons=t -r.' 097-24000-901 Project 097-24000-129 tiorn and engin pari 2} That an ordinance be adopted: a. Declaring the necessity for and ordering the rov ts; b. Making provisions for levying of assessments; c. Ordering the Public Works Department to prepare estimates of cost and amounts proposed to be assessed; d. Awardine the contract to R. W. Gibbins, Inc., on .its'to bid of 14,91.45; and, e. Making appropriations to cover the indebtedness thereby l incurred for improvements to the project named above. 3} That an ordinance be adopted: a. Approving the estimates of cost and amounts proposed to be assessed- and b. Setting January 11, 1965, as the date of the Benefit Hearing. The following summaries are attached: "Att - Resume of the paving project D - Distribution of cost and assessments, and results of post card survey Assessment rolls in alphabetical order SUBMITTED BY: DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL: ICY V PP ED (DESCRIBE) < u ( C✓e .12L, s, CITY ,ARY DATZ I±MANAWR J 1.6 Lzi e err"