HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3703 4� a ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE REPORT OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT; AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEVIENT OF PORTIONS OF FLINT STREET, BRYAN AVENUE, STUART DRIVE, AND ORANGE STREET IN THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS, AHD AUTHORIZED ITS EXECUTION; MAKING APPROPRIATION FOR THE INDEBTEDNESS THEREBY INCURRED; AND DIRECTING THE CITY F,NGINEER TO PREPARE ESTIMATES. WHEREAS, by Ordinances passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, being Ordinances Nos. 3687, 3680, 3688 and 3690 the City Council determined the necessity for and ordered the improvement of portions of streets at four (4) locations, to-wit: FLINT STREET: from the westerly line of the M-K-T Railroad Right-of-Way to the easterly line of Hemphill Street, known and designated as Unit No. 1. BRYAN AVENUE: from the southerly line of Berry Street to the northerly line of Shaw Street, known and desig- nated as Unit No. 2. STUART DRIVE: from the southerly line of Dickson Street to the northerly line of Pafford Street, known and designated as Unit No. 3. ORANGE STREET: from the westerly line of Townsend Drive to the easterly line of Forest Park Boulevard, known and designated as Unit No. 4. WHEREAS., subsequent to the passage and approval of said Ordinances, Plans and Specifications for said improvements were submitted by the Public Works Director and said Plans and Specifications were approved and adopted by the City Council; and, WHEREAS, Notice to Bidders was given as required by the City Charter; and, WHO SAS, the bid of Texas Bitulithic Company was found to be the lowest and best bid for the making and construction of said improvements, to- wit; Excavation of present streets and 7j" flexible base course with combined curb and gutter and necessary appurtenances, and placing 1j" Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Surface, all as provided by said plans and specifications; ,a mar +♦ NOW, THEREFOREq BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FCRT WORTH, TEXAS: SECTION L That the work of making and constructing such improvements and con- tracts therefor is hereby awarded to Texas Bitulithic Company, at and for the prices stated in the proposal of the said company and as reported and recom- mended by the Public Works Department. The Mayer and City Secretary are hereby directed to execute the said contract in the name of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and to impress the corporate seal of the City thereon, the said Contract embracing therein, among other things, the prices for the work. SECTION 2. That to provide for the payment of the indebtedness incurred by the City of Fort Worth by said Contract, there is hereby appropriated out of available funds which have been set aside for said purpose, an amount sufficient to pay said indebtedness so incurred. SECTION 3. That the Public Works Director of the City of Fort Worth be and he is hereby ordered and directed to file with the City Council estimates of the cost of such improvements in accordance with the terms of the powers and pro- visions of Chapter 106 of the acts of the First called session of the Fortieth Legislature of the State of Texas, now shown as Article 1105b of Vernon's Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, Annotated, which law has been adopted as an amendment to and made a part of the Charter of the City of Fort Worth. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ASST. CITY ATTORNEY TO THE CITY COUNCIL'OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS: Referring to the report of the Public Works Department in connection with bids for the improvement of streets at four (4) locations, being por- tions of Fling Street, Bryan Avenue, Stuart Drive, and Orange Street, in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and to the proposed contract therefor, it appears that the amount which the City will pay in connection with such Contract and improvements in the sum of Twenty-four Thousand, Eight Hundred Dollars (U4,800.00). I do hereby certify to the City Council of the City of Fort Worth that the money required for such contract and expenditures which will be incurred thereby is in the Treasury to the Credit of the Street Improve- ment Fund and not appropriated for any other purpose. CTOR OF FINANCE G e 4 THOMAS A. MCCANN. MAYOR COUNCILMEN COUNCILMEN J. J. LYLES JESSE E. ROACH A. A. (GUS) JACKSON �p JESS P. TARLTON MRS. M. M. MCKNIGHT Iir INA lb, OUT O T. D. WILLIAMSI THOMPSON JOE S. OWEN UTH C. B. WILLIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT IT,fiaaKA'N C. M.THELIN, DIRECTOR September 4, 1957 Mr. J. F. Davis Re: Paving Various Streets at City Manager Four Locations, Project Building No. 84-B2-165. Dear Sir; In connection with the proposed paving of portions of various streets at four (4) locations, we are attaching the following documents: 5. Tabulation of Bids 6. Ordinance referring Bids to the Public Works Department 7. Report of the Public Works Director 8. Ordinance approving the Public Works Directors Report and awarding the Contract to Texas Bitulithic Company on their low bid of $50,915.00. 9• Report of the Director of Finance. Previous steps taken in connection with the project are as follows: 1. The following Ordinances adopted by the City Council ordering the paving: UNIT DATE NO, STREET FROM TO ORD.NO. ADOPTED 1. Flint Street M-K-T Railroad Hemphill Street 3687 8-9-57 2. Bryan Avenue Berry Street Shaw Street 3680 8-2-57 3, Stuart Drive Dickson Street Pafford Street 3688 8-9-57 4• Orange Street Townsend Drive Forest Park Blvd. 3690 8-9-57 2. Report of Public Works Director approved August 16, 1957. .3. Ordinance No. 3695, approving the specifications adopted by the City Council on August 16, 1957. 4. Advertised for bids August 20, 1957; received bids September 3, 1957. We recommend that the attached ordinances and reports be adopted by the City Council on Friday, September 6, 1957, so that further steps may be initiated immediately. Yours very truly IL C. M. THELIN PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR KDS:se Attach. c r in gip- p !•+ F-' C7 C .� = n O O G 1 O N 0 O O I O O m �'''� �1 cn cn +i yy to r �n y cn r ca O � p O `a • • • . Y . • • • • • -�x 1 .TMJ r {►� ►e r ►� '+b do tie ►! { Cc, veo� r" m c) C J N ` Si ;oZ D C? m C* ems+• N C+ �► 3G xaq 114 ff x pto leta C7 O N O O O Q W + x " :E m to r.,►, ry o au r � � � cos D 8 8 8 d - - c a v ; to fJ7 v 8� I 'a � H f17 C7 • C� 8 pp op t� pp op O O C� © L? C7 © rn (n .r c Am 4-9 -1 U c o & • : w �n r yip � a � � O n D Z a cao) O it �3 [m7 C Z Dm rn v m N v c m x cn 1 � k I r C C rT OF ,FORT WORTH, TEXAS TABULATION C F BIDS FOR Sheet 2 of 3 ENGINEERS EST. 06914.09 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION OF PAVING ON VARIOUS STREETS AT 4 LOCATIONS TABULATED ___ C M. THELIN DIRECTOR PROJECT No 8h-B2-165 i RECEiVEp Sept. 3, 1957 CHECKED. Him 1 T E ISA C 0 N T R A C T 0 R =AN ITuras Bitulithic General ND E S CR 1 P T 1 0 N _ -_-_-_. Const. mpany Y U N.1T AM-10GNT� UN X AMOUNT w NIT AMOUNT UNIT 1 AMOUNT , UNITAMOUNT UNIT NO. 3, STUART DRIVE FROM DICKSON STREET TO PAFFORD STRUT 3.1 950 C.Y. Unclass. Street Excavation 1.30 1j235.00, 1.50 19425.00, -- Combined 8" Curb 3.2 1,300 L.F. and 21 Gutter 2.00 2P600.00 2.28 29964.00 SUB-TOTAL,q 'UNIT NO. 3 $3.835-00 $41359.00 UNIT NO. L2 ORAN(E STREET FROM TO NNSEND DRIVE TO FOREST PARK BOULEVARD 4.1 1.4o0 C.Y. Unclass. Street Excavation 1.10 1,540-00w 12750.00_ Cambined 8" Curb .2 1,900 L.F. and 20 Outter 2.00 3 SDO.00' 2.09 3,971-00 SUB-TOTAL, UNIT NO. 4 $5,340«00 $5#721-00 TOTAL OF SUB-TOTALS (UNITS 1-4 INCL.) $21,015,00 $222929.50 � ALTERNATE TYPES OF PAVEMENT " Reinforced 9. 11j500 S.Y Concrete Pavement No Bial No Bid --� l n Hot-ftx Asphaltic �. ; 10. 119500 S.Y Conorete Surface 0.90 10050-001 0.90 10 350.00 " Reinforced - I;11. 11,500 S.Y Concrete Base NO Bid 1 No Bid 7 " Flexible Base h 2. 11,p500 S.Y. (Crusher-run Crushed Limwbr,e) 1.70 19,550.00 1.91 21,965.00 q'� Cement St bilized l3-_14500 S.Y Base (Gravel) NO Bid No bid . 11 2" Flexible Base Crusher-run r5O0 S.Y 2"Hat-Mian Asph.Cone.BinderAke Bid No Bid CITE OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS TABULATION OF BIDS FOR Sheet 3 of 3 ENGINEERS EST. 9 .00 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION OF PAVING ON VARIOUS STREETS AT 4 LOCATIONS TABULATED* KDS c M, THELIN DIRECTOR PROJECt No W442-165 BIDS RECEj iED Sept. 3, 1957 CHECKED __HM - � _ T E M C O N T R A C T O Texas itulithia' General APPROX, Ca>n N� QUANTITY O E S C R I POT ( O N pany nst. any NIT AMpuwT VNIT AM FOr NIT AMOUNT UNIT A!MdUNr 11N0 AINpuNr TOTAL COST OF PROJECT: With Reinf.Concr.Pavverment: Sub-Totals (Units 1-4) plus Item 9 No Bid N No Bid iiii IVY N.I�A :: ur .k 5 SaWse a Sub-Totals (Units 1-4) plu8 Items 10 & 11 No Bid No Ud With 1 " H.H.A.C.Surf.& 71" F.B. Cr.-Run : �f Sub-Totals (hits 1-4 1ua Items 10 & 12 1 $50.915-00 $55A44-50i With If" H.M.A.C.Surf.& 7"Cela.Stab.Base tlr. , Sub--Totals (Units 1-4) plus Items 10 & 13 No Bid No Bid f.& "F.B. (Cr.-runT_&__ 2"H.M.A.C.Bind.Sub-Totals(Units 1-4)plus No Bid No Bid Items 1,0 I LOWEST BID X91 .00 5244- TIME OF COMPLETION, WORKING DAYS 60 90 BID SECURITY J_ ORDER OF BIDDING l 2 l �