HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988/11/01-Agenda-Pre-Council PRE-COUNCIL MEETING
NOVEMBER 1. 1988
1:30 P.M.
1. Legislative Briefing - Tom huffy, Washington Assistant to the City Manager
Did Not Attend.
2. Cultural District Parking - Ruth Ann McKinney, Assistant City Manager
Robert Herchert, Chairman. Cultural District Committee, brought to Council that
it is the Committee's recommendation that a special committee be formed in order
to study the parking issue and to work out an equitable solution. This
committee would serve in an advisory capacity to the Council.
Mr. Harman stated that a decision needs to be made quickly regarding this issue
because it will take at least a year to raise raise the funds necessary to make
the first payment which is due January 1, 1990. He also stated that the parking
issue is one with long range implications. The master plan for the Cultural
District calls for two additional parking facilities, and the City must decide
now in what way they will be financed.
Ruth Ann McKinney, Assistant City Manager, outlined a tentative plan in which
the east lot would charge a flat rate which would be collected at the time the
vehicle was parked. The west side lot would be based on the amount of time used
with a $2 maximum charge. She also stated that parking in the small west lot
would be at a reduced rate in order to discourage neighborhood parking.
Mr. Herchert asked that Council establish a policy for parking in the Cultural
District and then give the Committee some time to come back with a
3. Presentation on Comprehensive Public Safety Facilities Needs - Bob Terrell,
Assistant City Manager and David A. Ivory, Senior Assistant City Manager
Due to police decentralization, Public Safety is in need of new facilities.
Most facilities have become too small for proper operation, have limited parking
and many structural problems. Deputy Chief Kirkpatrick revealed the departments
Master Plan for future development, the first four items being critical:
1. need a west division facility
2. need new east division facility
3. north roll call facility needed at I-30 and 820
4. need to remodel North Headquarters to obtain more office space
5. create new central headquarters in Central Business District or at 350 W.
6. relocate traffic division or remodel existing facility
7. complete shell of police fourth floor area
8. air service concerns
9. need to centrally locate municipal community department
Councilmember Zapata stated that the City is committed to the Alliance Airport
and voiced concern that there might not be enough protection in that area.
Chief Kirkpatrick stated that the west facility is most important because there
is no facility there at all. The Staff will investigate ways in which to
finance the construction of the facilities.
4. In House Engineering and Architectural Design Policies - Charles Boswell,
Director, Office of Management Services and Costa Triantiphilides, Director,
Internal Audit
After the completion of a survey of various cities, it has been determined that
no city has a firm policy as to a criteria for deciding whether a job will be
completed in-house or contracted out. The judgment is usually made on the basis
of staff available, the size of the project and the time required to complete.
Councilmember Lancaster requested a list of all in-house designs. Councilmember
Gilley asked if any conclusion could be made as to the necessity for a formal
policy in this area and how flexible it would need to be. Mr. Boswell stated
that these questions will be answered by the completion of the survey.
5. "Shop Fort Worth" - Ann Diveley, Assistant Director, Economic Development
Ms. Diveley reviewed with Council the "Shop Fort Worth" campaign and presented
the posters which PR Texas has designed for the campaign.
Mayor Bolen stated that the City does not do enough to promote retail sales in
Fort Worth and that there is much that needs to be done. Councilmember Gilley
stated that the City needs to look into its own habits to see if any changes
need to be made concerning the use of outside consultants who are often from
outside of Fort Worth.
6. Proposed Amendment to CentrePort Joint Venrure Contract - David A. Ivory,
Senior Assistnat City Manager
Three factors have been identified as the prime causes of the deterioration of
Trinity Blvd.: 1.) design 2.) water/sprinklers 3.) lime stabilization. The
situation is made worse by the fact that the street detracts from Fort Worth in
an economic development sense.
7. Request for Release from City of Fort worth ETJ (Siecor Corp. and Affiliated
Foods) - Wade Adkins, City Attorney
Did Not Attend
8. Mandatory Redemption, Trinity Housing Finance Corporation Multi-Famity
Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 1985 (Briscoe Enterprises Ltd, III Project -
Judson bailiff. Finance Director
Did Not Attend
9. Contract with the Fort Worth Zoological Association to Establish an Endowment
Fund for the Maintenance and Operation of Future Exhibits Constructed at the
Fort Worth Zoological Park (M&C C-11258) - Ramon Guajardo. Assistant City
Did Not Attend
10. Reappointment to Firemen's and Policemen's Civil Service Commission (I. R.
No. 7330 and M&C G-7787) - Charlie Shapard. Personnel Director
Mr. Shapard distributed a letter from Ms. Betty Kitch outlining her
11. Planning for a Proposed 1990-93 Bond Program (I.R. No. 7329) - Charles
Boswell, Director, Office of Management Services
Did Not Attend
12. Housing Issues - Ramon Guajardo. Assistant City Manager
Mr. Guajardo reviewed the various programs which the City operates to help low-
income people afford housing. Amoung those programs mentioned, Urban
Homesteading is a very popular one. For this program the person must be a first
time buyer with an income at or below 80% of the national median and have good
Sandra Gonzales. Director of Housing and Human Service, stated that the City
needs to be more active in assisting people obtain housing. She stated that
less than 50% of CDBG funds are spent on housing. This, coupled with the fact
that there were very few housing starts in the target areas and an increase in
housing demolitions has led to a shortage of low-income housing.
Mr. Guajardo stated that the City is at the point that it needs to redirect
funds to inner city redevelopment and encourage developers to make improvments
in that area.