HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988/10/25-Agenda-Pre-Council PRE-COUNCIL MEETING �� LJ �J
OCTOBER 25, 1988
9:00 A.M.
Sunbelt Industrial Development Authoritv Meeting
Chairman Zapata called the meeting to order.
Judson Bailitt stated that the first order of business should be the appointment
of a Secretary/Treasurer. Councilmember Gillev was nominated and appointed by
Mr. Bailitt then gave a brief history of the Sunbelt Industrial Development
Authority and the purpose for its establishment which is to structure bonds and
development so that the city is completely protected. The Corporation seeks to
promote and develop new and expanded industrial and manufacturing enterprises in
the City of Fort Worth.
The Corporation was asked to consider the issuance of Sunbelt Industrial
Development Corporation revenue bonds for Gohmann Asphalt and Construction of
Texas, Inc. , and Novikoft, Inc. .
Gohmann Asphalt is requesting financing of its new plant to be located within
the city limits of Fort Worth. The relocation will result in 21 new jobs with
an estimated annual payroll of $638,400. The estimated cost of the plant is
Councilmember Gilley, in whose district the plant would be located, stated that
the only problem with the relocation is that of the width of Risinger Road. The
road is an 18' asphalt road which does not lend itself to heavy truck usage.
Mr. Gilley stated, however, that there is no problem with the plant itself and
that he telt sure that the problems with the road could be satisfactorily
Novikott , Inc. requested financing for the expansion of its wood case-good
ottice furniture production plant. The plant expansion would include $2,000,000
for real estate and $1,000,000 for equipment. It is anticipated that 100 new
jobs will be created by the expansion. The estimated cost of the expansion is
Councilmember Williams voiced his concern over the absence of MBE/WBE
representation. He stated that there are many companies which would quality
under the requirements for MBE/WBE but that the City is doing nothing to
encourage their application for these bonds. Statt was instructed to meet with
the Corporation to determine ways in which minority companies can be encouraged
to participate.
The issuance of bonds to both companies was approved by the Corporation.
. Proposed CBD Trattic Studv ( I. R. No. 7328) - Gary Santerre, Director,
Transportation and Public Works
Mr. Santerre advised Council that a stiidv would be conducted to determine the
wav in which trattic should be rerouted in the downtown area. Mr. Santerre
stated that the studv would not be done to determine whether Lamar Street should
be closed, only how trattic would best be rerouted. He asked that Council give
permission to assemble a committee which would bring back a recommendation by
Councilmember Murrin questioned the wisdom in closing Lamar Street. He stated
that, although he did not wish to delav anv construction in the downtown area,
he had received several calls from area business people who are upset that they
were not notified of the closure. He stated that in the future statt must make
sure that all attected parties are notified of anv changes in the downtown area.
4. Questions/Answers Concerning Current Agenda Items - Ruth Ann McKinney,
Assistant Citv Manager
Ms. McKinnev advised Council that Mr. Harman requested that M&C G-7787 -
Reappointment to Firemen's and Policemen' s Civil Service Commission be continued
for one week until Charlie Shapard, Director of Personnel, Ms. Betty Kitch, and
himself are back in town.