HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/07/16-Agenda-Pre-Council PRE-COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1991 8:30 A.M. PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER 1) Curfew Ordinance - Wade Adkins, City Attorney (FOR DISCUSSION ONLY) (15 MIN.) 2) Arts Council Grant Applications - Ann Diveley, Assistant Director, Economic Development and Mr. Kenneth R. Kahn, President, Arts Council of Fort Worth and Tarrant County (FOR DISCUSSION ONLY) (30 MIN.) 3) Review of 1991 Regular Session of Texas Legislation (I.R. No. 7535) - Charles Boswell, Assistant City Manager (FOR DISCUSSION ONLY) (15 MIN.) 4) Health Insurance Issues - Charles Boswell, Assistant City Manager (FOR FUTURE ACTION) (30 MIN.) 5) Questions/Answers Concerning Current Agenda Items - David Ivory, City Manager (FOR ACTION TODAY ( 5 MIN) a) Financial Disclosure Information b) Items to be Continued or Withdrawn by Council The Pre-Council Meeting will end at 9:50 a.m. THE PURPOSE OF A PRE-COUNCIL MEETING HELD PRIOR TO A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING IS TO ALLOW THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS TO INFORMALLY DISCUSS ITEMS ON THE AGENDA AND TO SECURE INFORMATION FROM THE CITY MANAGER AND THE STAFF.ALTHOUGH THE MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC,CITIZENS ARE REQUESTED TO RESERVE COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS FOR THE SUBSEQUENT COUNCIL MEETING SO THEY WILL BE A PART OF THE PUBLIC RECORD. a � ;,Ph' R t,;" CITY F• WORTH, TEX. e 1. Ask JULY 16 . 19-91 CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOItS FOR THE JULY 17 . 1991 CITY MANAGER S STAFF MEETING PRE-COUNCIL 1 . Curfew Ordinance SUMMARY : (responses to questions asked by Council last week ) -Currently Municipal Court does not have any jurisaiction on juvenile cases . After September 1991 , it will . Teen Court could be made an option for punishment for teens , but could not be the only option . e -Parental classes could also be an option . However would 0 need to be designed . -Chief Windham would like for Municipal Judge to have discretion on fine based on ability to pay , rather than a fine being set by Council . 6 COUNCIL RESPONSE Chappell : Agrees with Ms . Woods in that teens should be the ones punished , not the parents . Also , emphasized the need for a sunset clause. Believed they had agreed on 2 years . Webber : Commented that if Municipal Court will have juris- diction on juvenile cases beginning in September , there might not be any need for a curfew . Also , wants to insure that if curfew is passed , there is proper enforcement of ordinance , that there be a way of monitoring enforcement . - CM responded that CMO would provide information on a monthly and/or quarterly basis indicating if there was need for any modifi - cations . Matson : Asked that item be considered under action next weeK . City Attorney responded that he would have it ready for review next week and for action on the following week . 2 . Arts Council Grant Application SUMMARY- Arts Council asked Council for $300 . 000 to match $150 , 000 grant proposal for 3 yr . period . The project would provide affordable space for arts performances and exhibition geared toward involving children in the performance arts in low income areas in the East and Northside areas of FW . COUNCIL RESPONSE McCray Good Idea. Woods : Good in connection w/ curfew. Would $ come out of bed tax? Chappell : Wants more information . Meadows : Does not feel it ' s a good idea to use funds for renovation of facilities . $ should be spent on programming. City nas facilities available. -Arts Council will have a rough draft of application in next 15 days for review and comments by City Council . 3 . Health Insurance Issues SUMMARY - Staff will have item for action next week . Recommending Harris Plan . Harris was voted 1st choice by 18 out of 25 committee members ; LWORTH, ORD . ARY TEX. COUNCIL RESPONSE Matson : Trend in industry has been to reduce health costs to employers and have employees assume larger responsiblility of cost . This plans are too rich . Not fair to tax payers . Silcox : Agreed with Matson . Are employees getting better benefits than the taxpayers? CM: Reviewed a comparative list of major employers in Fort Worth and their health plans for employees . They have richer pians . CITY COUNCIL 1 . Items Continued or Withdrawn a. G-9212 D/FW RAILTRAN System FY 1991 -92 Budget cont . for 1 wk_ h)4 Mr . Matson . �f b . P-5073 Purchase of Bicycles and Accessories from Bicycles , V� Inc . for the Police Dept . delayed for 1 week by Mr . Chappell . - Why so expensive? why only one bid? - Mr . Silcox wants more details on specifications . C . C- 12957 Award of Contract for Concrete Restoration ( 91 - 1 ) at various locations to Centerline Constructors , Inc . withdrawn by CM . d . Zoning Docket No . Z91 -59 Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Qanf. . far % wkS 2 . Citizen Presentations a . Bobby Reed - Hospitalization for retired employees . b . Bryan Epstein - New ways in City Mgmt . C. Pedro Herrera - Police Brutality in Northside . Cases of Aquillon and de la Fuente. - Chappell asked CM to give report on what is being done in terms of training of police, spec . in relationship to recent video case . - Puente asked that these cases be investigated and facts brought to Council . d . Russell Lancaster , representing several citizen organiza- tions , spoke in support of resolution passed by City Council in opposition to proposed City Charter Amendment on election on August 10 , 1991 , which would allow other City Councils in the Metroplex to determine now Fort Worth tax $ should oe used . e. Lynne Manny , representing the League of Neighborhoods read a resolution adopted by the League in opposition to the referendum. f . Gary Cumby - representing the Chamber of Commerce expressed opposition to proposed Charter amendment . g . Betty Brink - representing Ft . Worth Librarians Assoc . spoke in opposition to referendum. h . Eva Herrera spoke in opposition to proposed prison on t� �1 Blue Mound Rd . Invited counci1 to mtg. on Aug . 1 at,, 9 : 00 p .m. at NW Campus TCJC. OFFICIAL ii I . Deacon Timms - Would like to see a task group made u S � T�RY citizens who would monitor the Police and other city th 1 services . FT. W0 , TEX. J