HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/05/07-Agenda-Pre-Council CITY COUNCIL CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1991 2:00 P.M. PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1991 3:30 p.m. PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER 1) Schedule of Repairs to Forest Park Pool - Elaine Petrus, Chair, and Jon Nelson, Park and Recreation Advisory Board (FOR DISCUSSION ONLY) (30 MIN.) 2) Briefing on PD Zoning Text Amendment - Brad Pickett, Chairman, Zoning Commission,Dan Tartaglia,Assistant City Attorney and Joe Bilardi,Development Director (FOR DISCUSSION ONLY) (15 MIN.) 3) Status Report on Library Expansion - Linda Allmand, Library Director (FOR DISCUSSION ONLY) (30 MIN.) 4) Briefing on Employment and Training(Working Connection) Activities-Richard Sapp, Employment and Training Director (FOR DISCUSSION ONLY) (30 MIN.) 5) Discussion of Proposed Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Facility Improvement Corporation, Delta Airlines, Inc., Revenue Bonds, Series 1991 - Judson Bailiff, Finance Director (FOR DISCUSSION ONLY) (30 MIN.) 6) Legislative Update - Charles Boswell, Assistant City Manager (FOR DISCUSSION ONLY) (10 MIN.) MAY 7 , 1991 CITY COUNCIL NOTES FOR THE MAY 8, 1991 CITY MANAGER' S STAFF MEETING PRE-COUNCIL 1 . Schedule of Repairs to Forest Park Pool SUMMARY a. 1986 CIP Project - $575,000 designated for pool renova- tion. $64 ,000 spent on research to assess needed improve- ments. b. Park and Recreation recommends plans be submitted for bids . Citizens voted to have this project done. C. Staff concerned about City' s debt and that this project should be considered in overall budget scenario in August . COUNCIL RESPONSE a. Webber : There are other more important issues such as infant mortality, libraries not being able to stay open, etc. b. Granger : $ was allocated for this project by the voters. Responsibility to citizens who voted for project . C. Gilley: Concerned that voters do speak for projects , but City has debt . Would there be a second phase. d. Zapata: Issue of responsibility. Which would be a more responsible action by the Council? e. Mayor : What happens if project is completed and then the budget does not allow for adequate staffing and pool has to be closed? 2 . Briefing on PDSU Zoning Text Amendment SUMMARY a. Zoning categories are too large. PDSU allows specific uses within zoning and limits other uses. COUNCIL RESPONSE a. Gilley does not understand how you can have a PD zoning when you don ' t have a site plan. 3 . Status Report on Library SUMMARY a. 1986- CIP project to expand the library b. Staff provided various options to solve current problems at library, solid foundation and leaks . Recommended a $3 . 5 million plan which would use funds on hand to correct current problems . 4. Employment and Training SUMMARY a. Providing programs for employees laid off by major local companies . Fort Worth incurred 42% of the total layoff in the state. 5. Discussion of Proposed Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Facility Improvement Corporation, Delta Airlines , Inc. , Revenue Bonds , Series 1991 SUMMARY a. Requested Council to consider approving bonds and lease contract . 6 . Legislative Update SUMMARY a. Legislative Leave Bill close to passing in House. Requires one more hearing before moving to Senate. Likely that bill will become law. Will affect proposed local bill . b. Bill 1650 Alcoholic Beverage Control weakens the efforts Council has made. Concerns of Council have been conveyed to TML lobbyist . COUNCIL 1 . Items to Be Continued or Withdrawn a. M&C 9137 - Amendment to Ordinance No. 9899 "Purchasing Policy" Requiring Disclosure of Business Relationships with Governments of the Republic of South Africa and the Nation of Namibia delayed one week by CM. 2. Citizen Presentations a. Gary Lipe - Contract No. 14164 "Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center . b. Paula Reed - opposed H&C Designation in Mistletoe Heights area. Planning Dept . trying to influence residents . Mayor asked Staff to look into it . c. Jim Richards - Increasing Taxicab Fares - in favor . d. Ed Moore - '" it of - opposed. e. Ed Moore - Charter Amendments - submitted proposed amend- ments to City Charter Review Committee - questions on process .