HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4415 ORDINANCE NO. 4415 AN. ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMISSION TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS WHO OWN TAXABLE 'ROPERTY IN THL CITY OF FORT IA)RTA, T:MS, AND 1JHO HAVE DULY RENDERED THE SAME FOR TAXATION PROPOSITIONS FOR THE ISSUANCE OF NEGOTIABLE COUPON BUNDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AGaREGATL SUM OF THIRTY-THREE MILLION, NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($33,900,000•00) FOR THE PURPOSE OF Ii MNG PEWANENT CITY TIYROVUqFNTS BY CONSTRUCTING, BUILDING, I11PROVING AND EQUIPPING BUILDII4GS FOR THE :'UBLIC LIBRARY SYS- TEM, AND ACQUIRING THE NECESSARY LANDS THMhF'OR; FOR THE ?URPOSE OF hAKING P1;,-fANENT CITY Tj PriOV]1,i TS BY CONSTRUCT- ING, IMPROVING AND LaTUMING THE STREETS, THUROUGHFARES AND STORE. SEIJMiS OF SAID CITY, INCLUDING IN SUCH 'ERMANENT :'UBLIC INPROVFI-BENTS THE STRAIGHTENING, WIDENING, PAVING, GRADE SEPA-- RATION, LIGHTING AND DdAINAG,s OF SAID STREETS AND THOROUGH- FARES, AND ACO,:IRING THL IT,,CESSARY LANDS TdEREFOR; AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING PERMANENT CITY I1dMOVF.,ENTS BY IkMOV- I11G, EXTENDI--G AND ENLARGING THE SANITARY SEW:,R SYSTEM AND SMIAGE DIS20SAL PLANT OF SAID CITY, AND ACQUIRING THE IIECES- SARY LANDS TH REFORi SAID BUNDS TO Bi; IN SUCH DENUkINATIONS AS ?,AY BE D2,TERMINID BY THE CITY COUNCIL, MATURIING VMTHIN FORTY ('40)' YEARS FR41 THME DATE,THEREOF, BEARING INTER,i,ST FRONT THE DATE THEREOF AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED FIVE Prat CENT (5%) PER ANNUM, 2AYA13LE SEMI-ANNUALLY, EXPRESSED IN 1NTrR.-,ST COU.10NS ATTACHED TO THE BONDS; LEVY1W. A SUFFICIMIT TA:; TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AT THE iiATURITY THERE- OF; AND CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE,T0 BE FIELD IN THE CITY OF FORT MRTH, TEXAS, ON TUESDAY, THE 24TH DAY OF . JANUARY, A. D. 1961, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT IARTH, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That a special election be held in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, on Tuesday, the 24th day of January, A. D. 1961, at the polling pbaces hereinafter described, between the hours of seven o'clock A. M. and seven o+clock P. 11., at which election the following propositions for the issuance of bonds of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, each and all of which proposi- tions contain a purpose clause that gas been found and determined by the City Council to be permanent public improvements and for a legitimate munici- pal,purpose, shall be submitted to the qualified electors who own taxable property in said City ap& who have duly rendered the same for taxation: I. Shall the City of Fort Worth, Texas, through its City Council, issue its negotiable coupon bonds in the principal sum of One Million, Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars (4,250,000.00) for thepzrpose of making permanent city improvements by constructing,-building, improving and equip,)ing build- ings for the public library system, and acquiring the necessary lands there- for, said bonds being payable serially as may be determined by the City Coun- cit, so that the last maturing bonds shall become payable within forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5%) per annum from the date thereof, payable semi-annually, and levy a suffieient tax to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sink- ing fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the maturity thereof? II. Shall the City of Fort 7.1orth, Texas, through its City Council, issue its negotiable coupon bonds in the principal sum of Thirteen 1,9311ion, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ( $13,650,000.00) for the purpose of mak- Ing permanent city improvements by construction, improving and extending the streets, thoroughfares and storm sewers of said City, including in such permanent public improvements the straightening, widening,paving, grade separation, lighting and drainage of said streets and thoroughfares, and ac- quiring the necessary lands therefor, said bonds being payable serially as may be determined by the City eouncil, so that the last maturing bonds shall 'become payable within forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing inter- est at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5%) per annum from the date there- of, payable semi-annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the maturity thereof? III. Shall the City of Fort Worth, Texas, through its City Council, issue its negotiable coupon bonds in the principal sum of Nineteen Ullion Dollars (319,000,000.00) for the purpose of making permanent city improvements by im- +3roving, extending and enlarging the sanitary sewer system and sewage dis- posal plant of said City, and acquiring the necessary lands therefor, said bonds being peyable serially as may be determined by the City Council, so that the last maturing bonds shall become payable within forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5%) per annum from the date thereof, payable semi-annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bands and create a sinking fund sufficient to re- deem said bonds at the maturity thereof? SECTICN 2. Sai3i election shall be held at the following places with5the folihAiri'91named persons appointed presiding judge of said election, to wit: PRMUCT LOCATIC K JOGS 1. Mt. Gilead Baptist Church - 600 Grove St. Frank Leab 2. Civil Courts Building - let Floor Mrs. US Rankin 3. Texas Hotel Exhibit Building - 8th & Commerce Shag Floors 4. Fire Hall - Texas & Cherry Mrs. R. H. McLemore 5. E. Van Zandt School - 615 Missouri Mrs. Ora Mae Munchus 6. Church - May and Canr_on Sam J. Knight 7. Ernest Parker Jr. High School 1015 South Jennings Mrs. D. S. Grigsby 8. Magnolia Avenue Christian Church 950 W. Ma&nolia J. J. Wright 9. Courthouse Basement - East End Jack B. Rogers 10. Fire Hall - 1525 E. Hattie Mrs. Sophia Townsend 1. Fire Hall - 3401 Avenue I. Robert A. Caraway 12. Bast Handley Elementary School 3127 Chilton E. L. Mims 14. St. Paul's Methodist Church (Fellowship Hall) 920 W. Hammond William Gray, 15. Brooklyn Heights elementary School 3800 Valentine Weldon G. Carden 16. Thomas Place Elementary School 4150 LaFayette Mrs. J. A. Hughes, Jr. 17. W. J. Turner Elementary School 3001 Azle Avenue Mrs. W. J. Measures 19. Perfecto Cleaners - Rear 108 North Riverside Drive J. D. Roberts 48. Greines Furniture Comparq 1332 North Main T. A. Randle 49. 0. E. Ki.mmons Furniture Company 124 W. Exchange Mrs. Russell Babcock ¢0. Washington Heights Elementary School 3300 North Houston Ken Bailey 51. Diaromd Hill Elementary School 2901 Hutchinson Louis I. Pratt 13. Light House for the Blind 912 W. Broadway Mrs. Susie Byars 54. Professional Building 1216 Pennsylvania Herbert L. Hall 55. Peter Smith School 715 W. Second J. B. De hien 56. St. John Baptist Church 1108 r.. 19th Street Sidney 11hitaker 57. Paul Rathgeber & Co. 1415 Summitt Robert L. Hoyt 58. Few Bethel Church 1035 E. Annie Lela Cox 59. Carter Metropolitan Church 'IW Illinois Mrs. W. B.-Lacy PMMT LOCATICK JUDGE "60. Park Place Fire Hall - 1616 Park Place Mable k'lelton 61. Perkins Grocery Store - 1259 R. Peach A. J. Pruett 62. E. M. Daggett School - 658 Page Street E. G. Aycock 64. W. Van Zandt School - 1200 University Helen Horne 66. Unitarian Church - Fast Sunday School Room 2800 Purington Mrs. T. J. Stowers 07. Denver Avenue Elementary School 1412 Denver Avenue Mrs. Ellis Roark 0. Rosen Heights Baptist Church (Scott Hall) 2506 Roosevelt R. H. Bogard 70. Carter Blood Bank Building 1263 W. Rosedale Tom Wilkinson 71. Fire Hall - 1601 Lipscomb Mrs. Joe D. Calloway 73. Rising Star Baptist Church 7 1333 Evans Avenue H. H. Monroe 74. D. McRae Elementary School 3316 Avenue N. Mrs. Viva Neel 5. Wm. James Jr. High School 1101 Nashville George Meissner 76. Lily B. Clayton School 2000 Park Place Frank Crumley T7. Fire Hall - 2804 Lipscomb John S. McClane 78. O.L.V. - 3300 Hemphill Mrs. Wallace McKersie 79. Waters Auto Supply - 2258 Evans Ave. Mrs. J. H. Waters $0. R. Vickery Elementary School 1905 E. Vickery Mrs. Lena B. Reynolds $1. Alice E. Carlson Elementary School 3320 W. Cantey Mrs. Hyman Deckler $2. Riverside Elementary School 420 North Riverside Drive Mrs. Valeria L. Childress 13. Oaklawn Elementary School 3220 Hardeman Mrs. W. T. Parnell $4. Hemphill Presbyterian Church 1701 Hemphill Mrs. Clarence Farmer 85. Rosemont Jr. High School - 1501 W. Seminary Mrs. D. A. Thornton 86_, Fire Hall - 1908 Carleton Charles Morgan, Sr. 87. I.O.O.F. Hall - 1900 Gould Mrs. Felix Harrison 88. Sagamore Hill School - 701 Hughes S. J-Vickers 89. Morningside Elementary School 2601 avans Avenue Mrs. F. L. Bass 90. Progressive Church of God in Christ 2010 Yuma Clyde Davenport 91. Emergency Corp. Building - Lake Worth Mrs. 0. D. Carroll 92. Boy Scout House - North Fort Worth Christian Church - 2422 Chestnut lira. E. L. Boswell 94. Arlington Heights Elementary School 5100 E1 Campo Mrs. Helen Billingsley 95. Tillery Grocery and Market PRMCIN LOCATION JVDM �96. B. M. Daggett Jr. High School 1108 Carlock Elmo Irby 97. George C. Clarke School 3300 South Henderson Thomas R. High 98. S. S. Dillow School 4000 Avenue N W. R. Ford 99. Handley High School 2925 Haynie Mrs. J. P. Parker, Sr. 101. &93. Amon G. Carter High School 3301 Yucca C. R. Albrecht 103. Porth Hi Mount School 3801 W. Seventh Street Tom D. Taylor ,104. Forest Oaks Jr. High School 3221 Pecos Wayne Newton 105. Meadowbrook Jr. High School 2001 Ederville Road Garrett Morris 106.& 152. Village Creek School - 4406 Carey Mrs. Joe Hatcher 107. Memorial Christian Church 805 W. Dickson Mrs. P. E. Porterfield 108. Paschal High School -3001 Forest Park Blvd. J. Bob Roberts 109. Oakhurst School - 2700 Yucca Mrs. R. E. Duke }10. Fire Hall - 1905 Belmont firs. J. H. Hallmark 113. Providence Baptist Church - Labe Worth Mrs. C. C. Witt x.16. Central Christian Church 4th &Bailey Ralph M. Hester 117. Bluebonnett Elementary School 3201 South Hills Drive Gordon Wiley 118. Mary Louise Phillips Elementary School 3020 Bigham Street Mrs. Kenneth Wickett 119. Paradise Baptist Church 121 Paradise Andrew L. Session 120. Como Elementary School 4000 Horne Matthew McCoy 122. Grace Baptist Church - 2560 Dodge Mrs. J. F. Nelson 123. H. V. Helbing Elementary School 3524 North Crump Mrs. Charles Blackwood 124. Mrs. George Kuykendallts Residence-Garage 2315 Goldenrod H. T. Bibb, Sr. 125. Trinity Baptist Church 620 Churchill Road Wallace Boling 126. John. T. White Community Center John T. White Road James A. Grogan 127. Dunbar Jr.-Sr. High School - 5100 Willie J. G. McDonald 129. Ridglea Hills Elementary School 6817 Cumberland Road Joe Minton 130. Charlie Hillard Residence - 3801 %canto William D. Morris 232. Eastland Elementary School 4108 Eastland Mrs. Donald L. Allis 133. South Hills Elementary School 3009 Bilglade H. K. Hall. l34. Westcliff Elementary School 4300 Clay Mrs. Sandy wall 45. Alta Dere Baptist Church 3200 Ramona H. A. Worlow X36. Wycliff Elementary School 4920 Dilworth Sam H. Latimer W. Crestwood Elementary School 3600 White Settlement Hoad E. L. Thompson �1r2. Bruce C. SWkey School 5500 Whitman Roscoe Pool 146. Meadowbrook Country Club 1815 Jensen Road Mrs. Edmund J. Koch 149. Glen Park Elementary School 3601 Pecos Mrs. Doris Cates 15L St. James Presbyterian Church 2200 Oakhill Road D. D. Autry SECTION 3. Said election shall be held under the provisions of the Charter of the City of Fort lvorth, Texas, and the Constuticn and laws of said State insofar as same may be applicable, and qualified voters who own taxable property in said City and who have duly rendered the same for taxation shall be allowed to vote and upon said propositions, and all electors shall vote in the election precinct of their residence. SECTION 4. Each proposition for the issuance of said bonds shall be separate and distinct so that the voters shall pass upon each one separately and apart from the others. All voters who favor the proposition to issue the library bonds shall have written or printed upon thair ballots the words, I'FOR the issuance of Library Bonds," and those opoosed shall have written or printed upon their ballots the words, "AGAINST the issuance of Library Bonds.,' All voters who favor the proposition to issue the street improvement bonds shall have written or printed upon their ballots the words, "FOR the issuance of Street Improvenent Bonds" and those opposed shall have written or printed upon their ballots the words, "AGANIST the issuance of Street Improvement Bonds." All voters who favor the proposition to issue the sanitary sewer sys- tem and sewage disposal plant bonds shalt have written of printed upon their ballots the words, "FOR the issuance of Sanitary Sewer System and Sewage Disposal Plant Bonds," and those opposed shall have written or printed upon their ballots the words, "AGAINST the issuance of Sanitary Sewer System and Sewage Disposal Plant Bonds," SECTION f. The way and manner of holding this election, the notice to be given therefor, the polling places,the+personnel of the officers who are to hold the same, and all details connected with the holding of the election shall be determined and arranged by the City Council, and proper notice of such matters shall be given in a proclamation by the Mayor, provided that such notice and proclamation shall only be cumulative of and in addition to the statutory notice of such election as herin provided, and an omis- sion or irregularity in the publication of such proclamation, or in the signing of the same, shall not in any way affect or invalidate such elec- tion. SECTION 6. The City Secretary is hereby ordered and directed to prepare ballots and stamp same°Oficial Ballot," on which ballots shall be printed the propositions as set forth above. SECTION 7. That all of said bonds shall be in such denominations as may be de- termined by the City Council and shall mature serially in the regular order in which they are numbered, making the last bonds mature within forty (40) years from the date thereof, unless the City Council, in the exercise of its discretion, shall otherwise provide for such maturity, and said bonds shall be sold at not less than par and shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5%) per annum, payable semi-annually. SECTION 8. That in the event said bonds are authorized at the special election hereby ordered, the City Council of the City of Fort 1+orth, Texas, may is- sue for sale any part or portion of seid amount at such time and times as in the judgment of the City Council it determines that a lawful interest and sinking fund may be provided for to take care of and discharge any pant or portion of the bonds so issued for sale, it being the.purpose of this section to make clear that the City Council of the City of Fort 1-brth, Texas, may not be required to issue the full amount of any series of bonds as herein submitted, but may issue for sale any portion of the same at such time and times as it deems advisable, under the authority hereby conferred, after said election. SECTION 9. That the City Secretary shall furnish election officials said ballots, together with any other forms or blanks, in accordance with the Charter of a the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and the laws of the State of Texas insofar as same are applicable. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall constitute the election order for such special election, a substantial copy of which shall serve as the notice of elec- tion under Article 704 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. SECTION 11. The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of said election to be given by posting a substantial copy of the election order in each of the election precincts of said City, and also at the City Hall. The notice of said election shall, also be published on the same day in each of two successive weeks in a newapa;jer of general circulation aub- lished within said City, the date of the first publication to be not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date set for said election, and the City Secretary shall see that proper publication is made and proper notice of this election is given, in full conformity with the Charter of the City of Fort North, Texas, and the general laws of the State of Texas applicable thereto. SECTION 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage and it is so ordained. /s/ T. A. McCann oro he City of Fort Tdorthi Texas ATT,,ST: /s/ Roy A. Bateman City Secretary of the City of Fort Worth, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORii AND LEGALITYt /s/ S. G. Johndroe, Jr. City Attorney of the City of Fort Tiorth, Texas THE STATE OF TEXASI COUNTY OF TARRANT I I, ROY A. BATEMAN, City Secretary of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 4415, duly presented and unanimously adopted by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, at a regular session held on the 30th day of December, A. D., 1960, as same appears of record in the Office of the City Secretary. WITNESS MY HAND and the Official Seal of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, this the 30th day of December, A. D., 1960. CitSecretary of the City of FORT WORTH, TEXAS