HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 47163 ACTNNO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF FORT WORTH (the "City"), a home rule municipal corporation of the State of Texas, acting by and through Jay Chapa, its duly authorized Assistant City Manager, and PARKMOBILE, LLC ("Consultant" or "Contractor" or "Parkmobile") a limited liability company, acting by and through Alison Ehrlich,its duly authorized SVP Administration. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contract documents shall include the following: 1. This Agreement for Professional Services 2. Exhibit A—Scope of Services 3. Exhibit B—Payments 4. Exhibit C—City's REP 5. Exhibit D—Parkmobile's RFP Response All Exhibits attached hereto are incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement for all purposes. In the event of any conflict between the documents, the terms and conditions of shall control in the following order: 1) this Professional Services Agreement; 2) Exhibit C "City's RFP;" 3) Exhibit D "Parkmobile's RFP Response.. The term "Consultant" or "Contractor" shall include the Consultant or Contractor, and its officers, agents, employees, representatives, servants, contractors or subcontractors. The term"City"shall include its officers, employees,agents,and representatives. 1. GENERAL 1.1 Contractor hereby agrees to provide the City, in accordance with appropriate professional standards, an electronic gateway payment system and services for parking customers, as outlined in Exhibit"A,"including any attachments thereto, all of which are hereby made part of this Agreement for all purposes. Exhibit A constitutes, at least in part, a proposal presented by Contractor to the City prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement, as hereafter defined. 1.2 City and Contractor both recognize and acknowledge the professional nature of this Agreement. Being cognizant that issues of interpretation and performance will inevitably arise, both parties agree to consult with each other and covenant to negotiate in the utmost good faith in order to ensure performance of this Agreement without hindrance. 2. AGREEMENT TERM 2.1 The initial term of the Agreement will be one (1) year ("Initial Term") and shall commence on October 14, 2015 ("Effective Date") and shall expire on October 13, 2016, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 2.2 City shall have the sole right to renew this Agreement for two (2) additional one-year terms ("Renewal Term"). If City desires to exercise an option to renew, City shall notify Contractor in writing of its intention to renew at least 60 days prior to the end of the then- current term. Compensation to be paid during any option term shall be the same as that provided for in the Initial Term. ("IFFMGf����,G� err CWr���t C T r A 4/i"I Yf�( f1 C h40 � A 3. COMPENSATION There is no cost to the City for the services and system being provided to City as outlined in Exhibit A. All costs for the installation of signs,posting of information on every parking meter in the City, marketing,processing, customer service, and merchant fees related to the operation of the program as outlined in Exhibit A shall be paid for by the Contractor. Contractor may charge a convenience fee of thirty-five cents ($0.35) to the City's parking customers pursuant to Exhibit B to cover the Contractor's cost associated with this Agreement. If the costs incurred by the Contractor exceed the revenue generated by the convenience fee, the City shall not be responsible to reimburse, compensate, or in any way pay Contractor for the additional expenses. City and Contractor may execute a written amendment to this Agreement if Contractor needs to increase the convenience fee due to the Contractor's subcontractors raising their rates. 4. MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE(MBE)PARTICIPATION 4.1 A waiver of the goal for MBE/SBE subcontracting requirements was requested by the Purchasing Division and approved by the Minority/Women Owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) Office, in accordance with the Business Diversity Enterprise (BDE) Ordinance, because the purchase of goods or services is from sources where subcontracting or supplier opportunities are negligible. 5. TERMINATION 5.1 Written Notice During any Renewal Term, the City or Contractor may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, by providing the other party with 60 days' written notice of termination. Upon the receipt of any such notice, Contractor shall immediately discontinue all services and work and the placing of all orders or the entering into contracts for all supplies, assistance, facilities and materials in connection with the performance of this Agreement and shall proceed to cancel promptly all existing contracts insofar as they are chargeable to this Agreement. Neither party may terminate this Agreement under this section 5.1 during the Initial Term. 5.2 Non-appropriation of Funds In the event no funds or insufficient funds are appropriated by the City in any fiscal period for any payments due hereunder, City will notify Contractor of such occurrence and this Agreement shall terminate on the last day of the fiscal period for which appropriations were received without penalty or expense to the City of any kind whatsoever, except as to the portions of the payments herein agreed upon for which funds shall have been appropriated. 5.3 Duties and Obligations of the Parties following Termination In the event that this Agreement is terminated prior to the expiration of the then current term, Contractor shall, to the extent permissible by applicable law, provide the City with copies of all completed or partially completed documents prepared under this Agreement at no additional cost to the City. City shall pay Contractor for services actually rendered up to the effective date of termination and Contractor shall continue to provide the City with services requested by the City and in accordance with this Agreement up to the effective date of Professional Services Agreement,Parkmobile,LLC,Page 2 of 17 termination. The City also shall pay Contractor for services actually performed in accordance herewith prior to such termination, less such payments as have been previously made, in accordance with a final statement submitted by Contractor documenting the performance of such work. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY LOST OR ANTICIPATED PROFITS SHOULD THE CITY ELECT TO TERMINATE THIS AGREEMENT. 6. DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICTS AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 6.1 Disclosure of Conflicts Contractor hereby warrants to the City that Contractor has made full disclosure in writing of any existing or potential conflicts of interest related to services to be performed under this Agreement. In the event that any conflicts of interest arise after the Effective Date of this Agreement, Contractor hereby agrees immediately to make full disclosure to the City in writing. Contractor, for itself and its officers, agents and employees, further agrees that it shall treat all information provided to it by the City as confidential and shall not disclose any such information to a third party without the prior written approval of the City. Contractor shall store and maintain City information in a secure manner and shall not allow unauthorized users to access,modify, delete, or otherwise corrupt City information in any way. Contractor shall notify the City immediately if the security or integrity of any City information has been compromised or is believed to have been compromised. 6.2 Confidential Information. The City acknowledges that Contractor may use products, materials, or methodologies proprietary to Contractor. The City agrees that Contractor's provision of services under this Agreement shall not be grounds for the City to have or obtain any rights in such proprietary products, materials, or methodologies unless the parties have executed a separate written agreement with respect thereto. Contractor,for itself and its officers,agents and employees, agrees that it shall treat all information provided to it by the City ("City Information") as confidential and shall not disclose any such information to a third party without the prior written approval of the City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Contractor understands and agrees that the City is a public entity under the laws of the State of Texas, and as such, is subject to various public information laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, the Texas Public Information Act, Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code (the "Act"). Contractor acknowledges that,under the Act, the following information is subject to disclosure: 1) all documents and data held by the City, including information obtained from the Contractor, and 2) information held by the Contractor for or on behalf of City that relates to the transaction of City's business and to which City has a right of access. If the City receives a request for any documents that may reveal any of City's proprietary information under the Act, or by any other legal process, law, rule, or judicial order by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City will utilize its best efforts to notify Contractor prior to disclosure of such documents. The City shall not be liable or responsible in any way for the disclosure of information not clearly marked as "Proprietary /Confidential Information" or if disclosure is required by the Act or any other applicable law or court order. In the event there is a request for such information, it will be the responsibility of Contractor to submit reasons objecting to disclosure. A determination on whether such reasons are sufficient will not be decided by the City,but by the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas or by a Professional Services Agreement,Parkmobile,LLC,Page 3 of 17 court of competent jurisdiction. 6.3 Unauthorized Access. Contractor shall store and maintain City Information in a secure manner and shall not allow unauthorized users to access, modify, delete or otherwise corrupt City Information in any way. Contractor shall notify the City immediately if the security or integrity of any City information has been compromised or is believed to have been compromised, in which event, Contractor shall, in good faith, use all commercially reasonable efforts to cooperate with the City in identifying what information has been accessed by unauthorized means and shall fully cooperate with the City to protect such information from further unauthorized disclosure. 7. RIGHT TO AUDIT 7.1 Contractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of five (5) years after final payment under this Agreement, have access to and the right to examine, to the extent permissible by applicable law, at reasonable times any directly pertinent books, documents, papers and records of Contractor involving transactions relating to this Agreement at no additional cost to the City. Contractor agrees that the City shall have access during normal working hours to all necessary Contractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this section. The City shall give Contractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. Contractor agrees to photocopy such documents as may be requested by the City. City agrees to reimburse Contractor for the cost of copies at the rate published in the Texas Administrative Code in effect as of the time copying is performed. 7.2 Contractor further agrees to include in all its subcontractor agreements hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the City shall,until expiration of five(5) years after final payment of the subcontract, have access to and the right to examine at reasonable times any directly pertinent books, documents, papers and records of such subcontractor involving transactions related to the subcontract, and further that City shall have access during normal working hours to all subcontractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this paragraph. City shall give subcontractor reasonable notice of intended audits. Subcontractor shall be required to photocopy such documents as may be requested by.the City. City agrees to reimburse subcontractor for the cost of copies at the rate published in the Texas Administrative Code in effect as of the time copying is performed. This section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 8. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR It is expressly understood and agreed that Contractor shall operate hereunder as an independent contractor as to all rights and privileges granted herein, and not as agent, representative or employee of the City. Subject to and in accordance with the conditions and provisions of this Agreement, Contractor shall have the exclusive right to control the details of its operations and activities and be solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors and subcontractors. Contractor acknowledges that the doctrine of respondeat superior shall not apply as between the City, its officers, agents, servants and employees, and Contractor its officers, agents, employees, servants, contractors and Professional Services Agreement,Parkmobile,LLC,Page 4 of 17 subcontractors. Nothing herein shall be construed as the creation of a partnership or joint enterprise between City and Contractor. 9. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION 9.1 LIABILITY - CONTRACTOR SHALL BE LIABLE AND RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL PROPERTY LOSS, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS, OF ANY KIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, TO THE EXTENT CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENT ACT(S) OR OMISSION(S), MALFEASANCE OR INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT OF CONTRACTOR, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS OR EMPLOYEES. 9.2. INDEMNIFICATION- CONTRACTOR AGREES TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD THE CITY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, AND EMPLOYEES HARMLESS AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LAWSUITS, ACTIONS, COSTS, AND EXPENSES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THOSE FOR PROPERTYDAMAGE OR LOSS(INCLUDING ALLEGED DAMAGE OR LOSS TO OWNER'S BUSINESS AND ANY RESULTING LOST PROFITS) AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY (INCLUDING DEATH) AND DAMAGES FOR CLAIMS OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFRINGEMENT, THAT MAY RELATE TO, ARISE OUT OF, OR BE OCCASIONED BY (I) BREACH OF ANY OF THE TERMS OR PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT BY CONSULTANT, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, ASSOCIATES, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS (OTHER THAN THE CITY) OR SUBCONTRACTORS, OR (II) ANY NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION OR INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT OF CONSULTANT,ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, ASSOCIATES, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS (OTHER THAN THE CITY), OR SUBCONTRACTORS RELATED TO THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT, THE INDEMNITY PROVIDED FOR IN THIS SECTION SHALL NOT APPLY TO ANY LIABILITY RESULTING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF CITY OR ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, OR SEPARATE CONTRACTORS. IN THE EVENT OF JOINT AND CONCURRENT NEGLIGENCE OF BOTH CONSULTANT AND CITY, RESPONSIBILITY, IF ANY, SHALL BE APPORTIONED COMPARATIVELY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. NOTHING HEREIN SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS A WAIVER OF THE CITY'S GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY AS FURTHER PROVIDED BY THE LAWS OF TEXAS. 9.3 SUBCONTRACTORS - CONTRACTOR SHALL REQUIRE ALL OF ITS SUBCONTRACTORS AND ASSIGNEES TO INCL UDE IN THEIR SUBCONTRACTS OR ASSIGNMENTS A RELEASE AND INDEMNITY IN FAVOR OF THE CITY IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE SAME FORM AS ABOVE. THIS SECTION SHALL SURVIVE THE EXPIRATION OR TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. 9.4. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFRINGEMENT — CONTRACTOR AGREES TO DEFEND, SETTLE, OR PAY, AT ITS OWN COST AND EXPENSE, ANY CLAIM OR ACTION AGAINST THE CITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT, TRADE MARK, TRADE SECRET, OR SIMILAR PROPERTY RIGHT ARISING FROM CITY'S USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND/OR DOCUMENTATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS AGREEMENT, IT BEING UNDERSTOOD THAT THIS AGREEMENT TO DEFEND, SETTLE OR PAY SHALL NOT APPLY IF THE CITY MODIFIES OR MISUSES THE SOFTWARE AND/OR DOCUMENTATION. SO LONG Professional Services Agreement,Parkmobile,LLC,Page 5 of 17 AS CONTRACTOR BEARS THE COST AND EXPENSE OF PAYMENT FOR CLAIMS OR ACTIONS AGAINST THE CITY PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION 8, CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO CONDUCT THE DEFENSE OF ANY SUCH CLAIM OR ACTION AND ALL NEGOTIATIONS FOR ITS SETTLEMENT OR COMPROMISE AND TO SETTLE OR COMPROMISE ANY SUCH CLAIM, HOWEVER, CITY SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO FULLY PARTICIPATE IN ANY AND ALL SUCH SETTLEMENT, NEGOTIATIONS, OR LAWSUIT AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S INTEREST,AND CITYAGREES TO COOPERATE WITH CONTRACTOR IN DOING SO. IN THE EVENT CITY, FOR WHATEVER REASON, ASSUMES THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR PAYMENT OF COSTS AND EXPENSES FOR ANY CLAIM OR ACTION BROUGHT AGAINST THE CITY FOR INFRINGEMENT ARISING UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, THE CITY SHALL HAVE THE SOLE RIGHT TO CONDUCT THE DEFENSE OF ANY SUCH CLAIM OR ACTION AND ALL NEGOTIATIONS FOR ITS SETTLEMENT OR COMPROMISE AND TO SETTLE OR COMPROMISE ANY SUCH CLAIM, HOWEVER, CONSULTANT SHALL FULLY PARTICIPATE AND COOPERATE WITH THE CITY IN DEFENSE OF SUCH CLAIM OR ACTION. CITY AGREES TO GIVE CONTRACTOR TIMELY WRITTEN NOTICE OF ANY SUCH CLAIM OR ACTION, WITH COPIES OF ALL PAPERS CITY MAY RECEIVE RELATING THERETO. NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, THE CITY'S ASSUMPTION OF PAYMENT OF COSTS OR EXPENSES SHALL NOT ELIMINATE CONTRACTOR'S DUTY TO INDEMNIFY THE CITY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. IF THE SOFTWARE AND/OR DOCUMENTATION OR ANY PART THEREOF IS HELD TO INFRINGE AND THE USE THEREOF IS ENJOINED OR RESTRAINED OR,IF AS A RESULT OF A SETTLEMENT OR COMPROMISE, SUCH USE IS MATERIALLY ADVERSELY RESTRICTED, CONSULTANT SHALL, AT ITS OWN EXPENSE AND AS CITY'S SOLE REMEDY, EITHER: (A) PROCURE FOR CITY THE RIGHT TO CONTINUE TO USE THE SOFTWARE AND/OR DOCUMENTATION, OR (B) MODIFY THE SOFTWARE AND/OR DOCUMENTATION TO MAKE IT NON- INFRINGING, PROVIDED THAT SUCH MODIFICATION DOES NOT MATERIALLY ADVERSELY AFFECT CITY'S AUTHORIZED USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND/OR DOCUMENTATION, OR (C) REPLACE THE SOFTWARE AND/OR DOCUMENTATION WITH EQUALLY SUITABLE, COMPATIBLE, AND FUNCTIONALLY EQUIVALENT NON-INFRINGING SOFTWARE AND/OR DOCUMENTATION AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE TO CITY, OR (D)IF NONE OF THE FOREGOING ALTERNATIVES IS REASONABLY AVAILABLE TO CONTRACTOR, TERMINATE THIS AGREEMENT, AND REFUND ALL AMOUNTS PAID TO CONTRACTOR BY THE CITY, SUBSEQUENT TO WHICH TERMINATION CITY MAY SEEK ANY AND ALL REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO CITY UNDER LAW. CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER SHALL BE SECURED BY THE REQUISITE INSURANCE COVERAGE AND AMOUNTS SET FORTH IN SECTION 13 OF THIS AGREEMENT. 9.5 PAYMENT CARD INDUSTRY COMPLIANCE — CONSULTANT SHALL, AT ITS OWN EXPENSE, ENSURE THAT THE SERVICES PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT COMPLY WITH PAYMENT CARD INDUSTRY PAYMENT SECURITY STANDARDS (PCI DSS) FOR PROCESSING, STORING, OR TRANSMITING CREDIT CARD INFORMATION. CONSULTANT SHALL MAINTAIN A SECURE ENVIRONMENT FOR ALL INFORMATION AND TRANSACTIONS PROCESSED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. FURTHER CONSULTANT SHALL FULLY COOPERATE WITH THE CITY IN PROVIDING Professional Services Agreement,Parkmobile,LLC,Page 6 of 17 ANY INFORMATION NECESSARY FOR AN AUDIT FOR COMPLIANCE WITH PCI DSS. CONSULTANT HEREBY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD CITY HARMLESS FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OF LOSS OR DAMAGES FOR NON- COMPLIANCE WITH PCI DSS RELATED TO OR ARISING OUT OF ANY TRANSACTION PROCESSED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. 10. ASSIGNMENT Contractor shall not assign or subcontract any of its duties, obligations or rights under this Agreement without the express prior written consent of the City. If the City grants consent to an assignment, the assignee shall execute a written agreement with the City and Contractor under which the assignee agrees to be bound by the duties and obligations of Contractor under this Agreement. Contractor and Assignee shall be jointly liable for all obligations under this Agreement prior to the date of assignment. If the City grants consent to a subcontract, the subcontractor shall execute a written agreement with Contractor referencing this Agreement under which the subcontractor shall agree to be bound by the duties and obligations of Contractor under this Agreement as such duties and obligations may apply. Contractor shall provide the City with a fully executed copy of any such subcontract. 11. INSURANCE 11.1 Prior to commencement of any work pursuant to this Agreement, Contractor shall provide the City's Wellness Division and Risk Management Division with certificate(s) of insurance documenting policies of the following minimum coverage limits that are to be in effect. 11.2 The City reserves the right to review the insurance requirements of this section during the effective period of the Agreement and any extension or renewal hereof, and to modify insurance coverage and limits when deemed necessary and prudent by the City's Risk Manager based upon changes in statutory law, court decisions, or circumstances surrounding this Agreement, but in no instance will the City allow modification whereupon the City may incur increased risk. 11.3 Contractor's financial integrity is of interest to the City; therefore, subject to Contractor's right to maintain reasonable deductibles, Contractor shall obtain and maintain in full force and effect for the duration of the Agreement, and any extension hereof, at Contractor's sole expense,insurance coverage written on an occurrence basis, except Technology and Professional Liability, which may be written on a claims-made basis. All insurance required under this Agreement must be written by a company that is authorized and admitted to do business in the State of Texas and that is rated A-VII or better by A.M. Best Company or similar rating acceptable to the City. Coverage shall be written in the following types and amounts: 11.3.1 Workers' Compensation—Statutory Employers' Liability-$500,000/$500,000/$500,000 11.3.2 Commercial General (Public) Liability Insurance to include the following types of coverage: Premises/Operations, Independent contractors, Products/Completed Operations,Personal Injury,and Contractual Liability. (Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage $1,000,000 per Occurrence and$2,000,000 Aggregate) Professional Services Agreement,Parkmobile,LLC,Page 7 of 17 11.3.3 Automobile Liability for Owned/Leased vehicles, Non-Owned vehicles, and Hired Vehicles (Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage $1,000,000 per accident) 11.3.4 Commercial Umbrella- $1,000,000 per occurrence$1,000,000 Aggregate 11.3.5 Cyber Liability-$1,000,000 per Claim,$1,000,000 Aggregate 11.4 For coverage underwritten on a claims-made basis, the retroactive date shall be coincident with or prior to the Effective Date of the Agreement and the certificate of insurance shall state the coverage is claims-made and indicate the retroactive date. 11.5 All required insurance shall be maintained for the duration of the Agreement and for six (6) months following completion of the service provided under the Agreement. An annual certificate of insurance submitted to the City shall evidence such insurance coverage. 11.6 City shall be entitled,upon request and without expense, to receive copies of the policies and all endorsements thereto as they apply to the limits required by the City, and may make a reasonable request for deletion, revision, or modification of particular policy terms, conditions, limitations or exclusions (except where policy provisions are established by law or regulation binding upon either of the parties hereto or the underwriter of any such policies). Upon such request by the City, Contractor shall exercise reasonable efforts to accomplish such changes in policy coverage and shall pay the cost thereof. 11.7 Contractor agrees that with respect to the above-required insurance, all insurance contracts and Certificate(s)of Insurance will contain the following required provisions: 11.7.1 With the exception of Workers' Compensation and Professional Liability policies, name the City and its officers, employees, officials, agents, and volunteers as additional insureds in respect to operations and activities of, or on behalf of, the named insured performed under the Agreement with the City. 11.7.2 An endorsement stating that Contractor's insurance shall be deemed primary and non-contributory with respect to any insurance or self-insured retention carried by the City for liability arising out of operations under the Agreement with the City. 11.7.3 Contractor's Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability policy will provide a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City. 11.8 Contractor shall notify the City in the event of any notice of cancellation, non-renewal or material change in coverage and shall give such notices not less than thirty(30) days prior to the change, or ten (10) days' notice for cancellation due to nonpayment of premiums, which notice must be accompanied by a replacement Certificate of Insurance. All notices shall be given to the City at the following address: City of Fort Worth Attn: Jay Chapa,Assistant City Manager 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth,Texas 76102 Professional Services Agreement,Parkmobile,LLC, Page 8 of 17 A copy must also be sent to the City's Risk Manager at the same address. 11.9 If Contractor fails to maintain the aforementioned insurance, or fails to secure and maintain the aforementioned endorsements, the City may obtain such insurance,and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such insurance from any sums due under the Agreement; however,procuring of said insurance by the City is an alternative to other remedies the City may have, and is not the exclusive remedy for failure of Contractor to maintain said insurance or secure such endorsement. In addition to any other remedies the City may have upon Contractor's failure to provide and maintain any insurance or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required, the City shall have the right to order Contractor to stop work hereunder, and/or the right to withhold any payment(s) that become due to Contractor hereunder until Contractor demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof. 11.10 Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which Contractor may be held responsible for payments of damages to persons or property resulting from Contractor's or its subcontractors' performance of the work covered under this Agreement. 11.11 Any failure on the part of the City to request required insurance documentation shall not constitute a waiver of the insurance requirement. 12. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS,ORDINANCES,RULES AND REGULATIONS In fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement, Contractor, its officers, agents, servants, employees, and subcontractors, agree to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. If the City notifies Contractor of any violation of such laws, ordinances,rules or regulations,Contractor shall immediately desist from and correct the violation. 13. NON-DISCRIMINATION COVENANT Contractor, for itself, its personal representatives, assigns, subcontractors and successors in interest, as part of the consideration herein, agrees that in the performance Contractor's duties and obligations hereunder, it shall not discriminate in the treatment or employment of any individual or group of individuals on any basis prohibited by law. If any claim arises from an alleged violation of this non-discrimination covenant by Contractor its personal representatives, assignees, subcontractors or successors in interest, Contractor agrees to assume such liability and to indemnify and defend the City and hold the City harmless from such claim. This Agreement is made and entered into with reference specifically to the provisions in the City Code of the City of Fort Worth prohibiting discrimination in employment practices, and Contractor hereby covenants and agrees that Contractor, its officers, agents, servants, employees, and subcontractors have fully complied with all provisions of same and that no employee or employee-applicant has been discriminated against by either Contractor, its officers, agents, servants,employees,or subcontractors. 14. NOTICES Notices required pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement shall be conclusively determined to have been delivered when (i) hand-delivered to the other party, its agents, employees, servants or Professional Services Agreement,Parkmobile,LLC, Page 9 of 17 representatives; (ii) delivered by facsimile with electronic confirmation of the transmission; or(iii) received by the other party by United States Mail,registered,return receipt requested, addressed as follows: To CITY: To CONTRACTOR: City of Fort Worth Parkmobile,LLC Attn: Jay Chapa Attn: Alison Ehrlich 1000 Throckmorton Address: 1100 Spring Street NW Fort Worth TX 76102-6311 Suite 200 Facsimile: (817)392-7766 Atlanta, GA 30309 E-mail: jesus.chapa @fortworthtexas.gov Facsimile: Email: alison.ehrlich @parkmobileglobal.com With Copy to City Attorney's Office at same address 16. SOLICITATION OF EMPLOYEES Neither the City nor Contractor shall, during the term of this Agreement and additionally for a period of one year after its termination, solicit for employment or employ, whether as employee or independent contractor, any person who is or has been employed by the other during the term of this Agreement,without the prior written consent of the person's employer. 17. GOVERNMENTAL POWERS It is understood and agreed that by execution of this Agreement, the City does not waive or surrender any of its governmental powers. 18. NO WAIVER The failure of the City or Contractor to insist upon the performance of any term or provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right granted herein shall not constitute a waiver of the City's or Contractor's respective right to insist upon appropriate performance or to assert any such right on any future occasion. 19. GOVERNING LAW/VENUE This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Texas. If any action, whether real or asserted, at law or in equity, is brought on the basis of this Agreement, venue for such action shall lie in state courts located in Tarrant County, Texas or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas,Fort Worth Division. 20. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired. Professional Services Agreement,Parkmobile,LLC,Page 10 of 17 21. FORCE MAJEURE The City and Contractor Agreement. If either party is unable, either in whole or part, to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement due to acts of God; strikes, lockouts, or other industrial disturbances; acts of public enemies; wars; blockades; insurrections; riots; epidemics; public health crises; earthquakes; fires; floods; restraints or prohibitions by any court, board, department, commission, or agency of the United States or of any state; declaration of a state of disaster or of emergency by the federal,state, county,or City government in accordance with applicable law; issuance of a Level Orange or Level Red Alert by the United States Department of Homeland Security; any arrests or restraints; civil disturbances; explosions; or some other reason beyond the party's reasonable control (collectively, "Force Majeure Event"), the obligations so affected by such Force Majeure Event will be suspended only during the continuance of such event. 22. HEADINGS NOT CONTROLLING Headings and titles used in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not be deemed a part of this Agreement. 23. REVIEW OF COUNSEL The parties acknowledge that each party and its counsel have reviewed and revised this Agreement and that the normal rules of construction to the effect that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be employed in the interpretation of this Agreement or exhibits hereto. 24. AMENDMENTS/MODIFICATIONS/EXTENSIONS No extension, modification, or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding upon a party hereto unless such extension, modification, or amendment is set forth in a written instrument that is executed by both parties. 25. ASSIGNMENT-DELEGATION No extension, modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding upon a party hereto unless such extension, modification, or amendment is set forth in a written instrument, which is executed by an authorized representative and delivered on behalf of such party. 26. ENTIRETY OF AGREEMENT This Agreement, including the schedule of exhibits attached hereto and any documents incorporated herein by reference, contains the entire understanding and agreement between the City and Contractor, their assigns and successors in interest, as to the matters contained herein. Any prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreement is hereby declared null and void to the extent in conflict with any provision of this Agreement. 27. SIGNATURE AUTHORITY Each person signing this Agreement hereby warrants that he/she has the legal authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of his/her respective party, and further warrants that such binding authority has been granted by proper order, resolution, ordinance, or other authorization of the entity. The other party is fully entitled to rely on this warranty and representation in entering into this Agreement. Professional Services Agreement,Parkmobile,LLC,Page 11 of 17 IN 71T?�E'S VMEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement in multiples on this tht4day of 2015. CITY OF FORT WORTH PARKMOB11LELLC Jay Chapa Alison E 1ch Assistant City Manager SVP:A r ,)AXnistration' Date: Date:- lob APPROVY'R AS TO FORM AND LE ,ALIT Jessica S n svang Assistant Pilty Attorney A TT MaryKaye 3,' City Secreta'r 'AS CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION: M&C: C- TT" Date Approved: .................. ti G Al, Professional Services Agreement, Parkmobile,LLC, Page 12 of 17 EXHIBIT A Scope of Services Parkmobile will provide the City a Pay-by-Phone System that offers a mobile parking payment program to the City's parking customers. Customers are able to use a variety of payment options to pay for parking with the mobile solution through a smartphone application that can be used on a wide variety of smartphone platforms. The customer registers for service via the Parkmobile website and downloads an application on their smartphone which can be used to pay for parking. Customers will also be able to access the system from desktop computers from the web. 1. Parkmobile shall provide customers the ability to register for the Pay-by-Phone system 24 hours a day/7 days per week via the following options: live-body phone call during paid parking,smartphone application, and mobile and desktop web. 2. Parkmobile shall provide the following payment options for registered customers: IVR, Single Mobility System (SMS), smartphone application and mobile web. Parkmobile shall comply with all Federal, state and local laws in regards to processing and storing of customer information. 3. Parkmobile shall provide toll-free, live customer service telephone support 24/7for registration and other issues. 4. Parkmobile shall clearly communicate the $0.35 convenience fee of a maximum of$0.35per transaction to consumers at registration and at time of transaction. Any changes to the convenience fee must have prior approval from the City. See exhibit B for further details on the convenience fee. 5. Parkmobile shall establish a system that is capable of recognizing different rates, hours of operation, and maximum time-limits for every paid parking block face based on day of week, time of day, and by district and sub-areas within districts. The system shall not allow parking transactions on paid parking holidays in accordance with the City's ordinance nor during peak period parking restrictions (e.g.,no parking allowed between 3 pm and 7 pm). 6. Parkmobile shall have a system that can make changes to parking rates, hours of operation and maximum time-limits within twenty four (24) hours of notification from the City. The City makes system-wide changes periodically, with changes often made on an annual basis over a multiple month period. Parkmobile has no authority to modify the parking regulations or change any parking rates. When the City makes these system-wide changes, Parkmobile shall be required to make these changes to its system within twenty four hours (24) of notification for each area. Parkmobile's charges must be consistent with the City's parking rates and hours of operation. 7. Parkmobile shall provide real-time enforcement integration so that the City's Parking Compliance Officers are able to easily ascertain if a vehicle that is not displaying time on the meter or a receipt has paid via the Pay-by-Phone System without additional hardware beyond currently available iPhone and Android smartphones which Transportation and Public Works Parking(TPWP)currently possesses 8. Parkmobile shall provide the City with designs for all informational materials including public right-of-way signs, pay station decals, and all marketing activities and collateral materials (posters, brochures, web page, etc.) for TPWP review and final approval before Professional Services Agreement,Parkmobile,LLC, Page 13 of 17 posting or distributing the materials. Use of City of Fort Worth logos must be in accordance with City's policies and approved by the City. 9. Parkmobile shall be responsible for installation of all Pay-by-Phone related signs, decals,and other information in the public right-of-way. This includes: 1) a pay station sticker with at minimum a block number, phone, and Pay-by-Phone system logo; 2) posted information on the pay- to-park signs at the start of each block face; and 3) a sticker above the parking symbol on each side of the pay station with the block face number and system logo. All materials shall be consistent with TPWP's paid parking sign templates,as provided in Exhibit C, Paid Parking Sign Templates. Information about the number of pay stations and block faces will be provided by the City. 10. Parkmobile shall be responsible for developing and providing to the City an implementation schedule within ten (10) days of contract award. The implementation plan shall include a schedule for the sign and pay station markings installation for city-wide deployment along with all other tasks necessary for implementation. Within thirty (30) calendar days of the contract award date with the expectation that the first business district will be complete and ready for customers by that date; and within another thirty (30) days of that date that all metered spaces as defined in Exhibit C will be complete with professional work on the detail of all signage and sticker installation, training, etc., and being customer ready to "pay by phone"for all parking spaces as defined in Exhibit C. 11. Parkmobile shall build and maintain for the City a white label app that mirrors the features and functionality of the Parkmobile app but conveys and reflects the City's look and feel. The City will work with Parkmobile to incorporate logos and color scheme to create a unique mobile and medium engagement experience for the City's customers. The City expects that all new users to this service will be introduced strictly through the Fort Worth white label app via the dominant smartphone mobile platforms available such as iPhone, Android, windows mobile, FirePhone, etc. as well as all other ways and methods of bringing the customer onboard to use the service whether mobile web, desktop or any other form of communication to engage the customer and that those users are held as Fort Worth customers throughout the term of this contract. Parkmobile shall not be allowed to use the customer information obtained under this agreement for any other reason than performing services under this Agreement. 12. Parkmobile shall prepare a marketing proposal to cover the entire term of the contract and all extensions,if so exercised,with periodic plans and scheduling of events to continually market the service and increase the user base throughout the City on a quarterly or semi-annual basis as requested by TPWP. 13. Parkmobile shall be responsible for managing accounts, transactions, and customer service issues related to the Pay-by-Phone payment process. Parkmobile shall provide an easy to use customer account management website where the customer can track usage, time, date and other account information. Customers shall not be subject to Spam or other emails unless authorized by the City and as accepted by the customer. No customer data shall be used, sourced or solicited by/from Parkmobile for any reason unless with the City's authorization. At contract termination, any customer data gained via the white label app shall be returned to the City so that it cannot be sold or used by Parkmobile after the contract expires. Parkmobile shall also seek to ensure there is a seamless integration with the next vendor of similar services to ensure continuity of service to the City of Fort Worth customer. Parkmobile shall be responsible to ensure system uptime in excess of 99.9996% and in the case of the need for Professional Services Agreement,Parkmobile,LLC,Page 14 of 17 maintenance service that Parkmobile not perform this work during the time of paid parking and also gives at least twenty four (24) hours of notice to the City before the start of such work. 14. Parkmobile shall integrate the Pay-by-Phone transaction data and back-office system into the City's metered pay station transaction account system. All data generated in the transactions via this system shall belong to the City and all use of this data must be authorized by the City. The City requires access to all data at all times, and requires a response to all data requests that cannot be obtained within the system immediately within twenty four (24) hours of a request for more detailed data reports. 15. Parkmobile shall provide secure administrative password access to the back-office system to authorized City's personnel for financial accountability, reporting, ad hoc querying, revenue reconciliation and summons adjudication. The City requires a functional, easily accessible reporting portal which makes accessing, collating and extracting data a straightforward and relatively simple task. Accessed data shall not include customer's personal payment information(i.e.,full credit card number). 16. Parkmobile shall supply reports for account sign up and use,customer service issues,revenue and any additional reports necessary to properly evaluate program progress weekly for the first six weeks and monthly for the remaining portion of the contract with an option to request such reports in an ad-hoc manner as necessary and to obtain a response on ad hoc requests within twenty four(24)hours. 17. Parkmobile shall provide onsite or web-based training and manuals for authorized City personnel to navigate and utilize the back office system. Parkmobile shall provide a three- year support and maintenance plan including: methods of contact; support team availability; service levels and escalations; timeframes for supporting or delivering critical security patch updates,updated database or web browser versions after release; software/browsers/hardware supported; updated user guides on all major updates or system changes, and warranty information 18, Parkmobile shall create,develop and consistently market a merchant validation program with an expectation of driving merchant use towards ten percent(10%)of total transactions within a year of implementation. The City prefers a validation program which eliminates the possibility of time gaps between customer parking and validation,thus,programs that focus on passing on validations prior to the parking event or validates by deducting a merchant prepaid sum from already existing charges would be ideal. 19. Parkmobile shall create, develop and implement incentive plans to drive merchant use and local resident use in the first six(6)months of the program. 20. Parkmobile's Pay-by-Phone System shall be Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) certified. Parkmobile shall provide the City PCI DSS and Payment Card Industry- Payment Application Data Security Standard (PCI-PA DSS) Level 1 compliant certificates within 4 weeks of obtaining such certificate. 21. Parkmobile shall provide to the City an attestation by an objective third party, stating that the application has been tested for common security vulnerabilities as articulated by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top-10. These include Structured Query Language (SQL) injection, cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgery and Professional Services Agreement, Parkmobile,LLC,Page 15 of 17 others. The OWASP testing shall be performed at the expense of Parkmobile and by an objective third party. The attestation may be an Executive Summary of the technical report which states that the application has been tested against the aforementioned standards and found to be free of security defects. 22. Parkmobile shall engage and conduct an annual independent 3rd-party audit of its financial records to ensure that the funds collected on behalf of the City have been settled appropriately with the City. Parkmobile shall also engage an independent party to perform a semi-annual audit of its internal control procedures as reflected in its SSAE 16 Report. Both audits shall include scope requirements that ensure the City's financial and operational practices with Parkmobile have been reviewed and incorporated into the results of the reports. Parkmobile shall pay for the costs of both reports and shall forward final documents to the City within fifteen(15)calendar days of audit completion. 23. Parkmobile will act as the merchant of record in the processing of all payments via this service with the detail of the transaction breakdown and subsequent distribution of money as shown in Exhibit B utilizing a modified version of the Parkmobile split funding concept. As funds are collected, they are split into two accounts, a deposit account and a fee account with the City's direct parking revenue from each day's operation coming to the deposit account at the end of each day on a nightly basis (as if the City was the merchant of record) and the fee account contains the convenience fee from which Parkmobile will pay processing fees etc. and with a small portion of that convenience fee allocated to the City as defined in Exhibit B. The City requires its portion of the convenience fee be paid on a weekly or bi-weekly basis as directed by the City. 24. Parkmobile shall integrate their Pay-by-Phone System with the City's existing metered pay station technology. 25. The City will work with Parkmobile to address the potential of the use of the Parkmobile app for other parking uses at no cost to the City; however, any additional scope of services must be done through an amendment to this Agreement. Professional Services Agreement, Parkmobile,LLC,Page 16 of 17 EXHIBIT B This Exhibit B addresses the composition and distribution of the convenience fee charged to each customer with a pay-by-phone transaction. It uses an example of a parking transaction of $2.00 and tracks the trail of money in each transaction from receipt of money on the revenue side for each transaction which includes the parking fee and the convenience fee. Exhibit B shows the cost breakout of each transaction as composed of;bank transaction(merchant)fees and interchange fees. The remaining revenue after the merchant and interchange fees is remitted to the Contractor as the merchant of record; the Contractor retains a portion of the convenience fee as shown in Exhibit B and remits the remaining revenue to the City. In each case, Exhibit B clearly shows that the City retains the base parking transaction revenue as well as a small portion of the convenience fee. Exhibit B also shows a change in the distribution of the convenience fee based on the number of monthly transactions with an increase in the amount of the convenience fee split to the City as the monthly volume increases to each new level as shown in the monthly tiered pricing section. 5 �i0tt Section Detailed Breakout Per RFP Requirements First 25,000 Next 25,000 Transactions Transactions ,Trasa �0s.,r Wallet Individua Wallet Individua Wallet 1cJlwiva 32.1 Revenue from Parking Transaction $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 32.2 Revenue from Convenience Fee(consumer-paid) $0.25 $0.35 $025 $0.35 32.3 Bank Transaction Cost(merchant fees) $0.02 $0.03 $0.02 $0.03 $03x „ w" 32.4 Other Processing Costs(interchange fees) $0.07 $0.19 $0.07 $0.19 32.5 Remittance to vendor(32.1+32.2-32.3-32.4) $2.17 $2.13 $2.17 $2.13 32.6 Net Revenue to City Per Transaction $2.05 $2.02 $2.07 $2.022 09, 2 05 y NB:Regardless of the size of the transaction the$0.35 convenience fee will be divided and distributed as shown in this table. Professional Services Agreement,Parkmobile,LLC,Page 17 of 17 Exhibit C TH R PURCHASING DIVISION REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) for PARKING PAY-BY-PHONE SYSTEM RFP No. 15-0208 Issued: May 27,2015 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE: *******June 25,2015 ******* NO LATE PROPOSALS WILL BE ACCEPTED RESPONSES SHALL BE DELIVERED TO: RESPONSES SHALL BE MAILED TO: CITY OF FORT WORTH PURCHASING DIVISION CITY OF FORT WORTH PURCHASING DIVISION LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL 1000 THROCKMORTON STREET 1000 THROCKMORTON STREET FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 *********************************************** NAME AND ADDRESS OF COMPANY Pre-Proposal Conference will be held on Wednesday, SUBMITTING PROPOSAL: June 3,2015,10:00 a.m.to 11:00 a.m.,Purchasing Large Conference Room,located at 1000 Throckmorton Street,Lower Level,Fort Worth,Texas 76102. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING THIS RFP PLEASE CONTACT: Doris Brent,Contract Compliance Specialist Contact Person: Doris.Brent @FortWorthTexas.gov Title: * ***** *** *********.**** * * * ********* ** Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) RETURN THIS COVER SHEET WITH Email: RESPONSE TO: Doris Brent Signature: Contract Compliance Specialist Printed Name: Purchasing Division_ 1000 Throckmorton Street,Lower Level Fort Worth,Texas 76102 Will contract be available for Cooperative Agreement use? (See Section 27,page 8)Yes No Acknowledgment of Addenda:#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Request for Proposals The City of Fort Worth's("City")Transportation and Public Works Department(TPW),Traffic Engineering Division,is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to provide a complete Parking Pay-by- Phone System for all current and planned on-street paid parking areas as well as three(3)off-street parking areas. 1.0 SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS 1.1 One(1)original,.five(5)copies,and one(1)electronic copy on a compact disc(CD)or flash drive.All Proposal documents shall be submitted in sealed packages. Proposer's name and address should be marked on the outside of the envelope. Facsimile transmittals or offers communicated by telephone will not be accepted or considered. Proposal information that is not submitted in sealed packages will not be considered. 1.2 Mail or Deliver Responses to the Following Address: City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division 1000 Throckmorton Street,Lower Level Fort Worth,Texas 76102 2.0 DELIVERY OF PROPOSALS Proposals must be received in the City of Fort Worth's Purchasing Division no later than 1:30 p.m.,June 25,2015. The submitting Proposer is responsible for the means of delivering the. proposals to the location listed in paragraph 1.2 on time. Delays due to any instrumentality used to transmit the Proposals including delay occasioned by the Proposer or the City of Fort Worth's internal mailing system will be the responsibility of the Proposer. Proposals must be completed and delivered in sufficient time to avoid disqualification for lateness due to difficulties in delivery. The time and date stamp clock in City of Fort Worth(City)Purchasing Division is the official clock for determining whether submittals are submitted timely. Late Proposal documents will not be accepted under any circumstances: 3.0 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 3.1 If a Proposer does not desire proprietary information in'the Proposal to be disclosed, it is required to identify all proprietary information in the Proposal.This identification will be done by individually marking each page with the words"Proprietary Information"on which such proprietary information is found. If the Proposer fails to identify proprietary information,it agrees that by submission of its Proposal that those sections shall be deemed non-proprietary and made available upon public request: 3.2 Proposers are advised that the City,to the extent permitted by law,will protect the confidentiality of their Proposals. Proposer shall consider the implications of the Texas Public Information Act,particularly after the REP process has ceased and the Contract has been awarded. While there are provisions in the Texas Public Information Act to protect proprietary information,where the Proposer can meet certain evidentiary RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 2 of 31 standards,please be advised that a determination on whether those standards have been met will not be decided by the City of Fort Worth,but by the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas. In the event a request for public information is made;the City will notify the Proposer,who may then request an opinion from-the Attorney - General pursuant to 552.305,Texas Government Code. The City will not make a request of the Attorney General. 4.0 COMPLETION OF RESPONSES 4.1 Information presented in the Proposals will be used to evaluate the professional qualifications of the Contractor(s)and to determine the Contractor(s)which will be selected to provide professional services to the City. 4.2 Responses shall be completed in accordance with the requirements of this RFP. Statements made by a Proposer shall be without ambiguity, and with adequate elaboration,where necessary,for clear understanding. 4.3 Proposals shall be limited to a maximum of twenty (20) 8-1/2"by 11"pages(one side only and including cover-letter)using a font size no smaller than 11 point and one inch margins. 4.4 Detailed resumes shall be limited to no more than five(5)one-sided letter-sized pages in length.Transmittal letters,not to exceed one page,may be attached if desired, and will not count as one of the Proposal pages. 4.5 Describe only relevant corporate experience and individual experience-for personnel who will be actively engaged in the project.Do not include experience prior to 2005. Supply the project title,year,project description including details and size to qualify as applicable to this project,detail if project was completed on time and budget as applicable,and include_a contact name,title,e-mail address,present address,and phone number of principal person for whom prior projects were accomplished.Provide evidence of experience with these projects in terms ofscope, and complexity relative to the requirements of this project. Provide a minimum of three(3)customer references,which are operating a fully" functional system of scope and magnitude as described in this RFP(Section 33.0).All client reference information must be supported and verified.Reference contacts must be aware that they are being used and agreeable to a follow-up interview with the City. The City may solicit from previous clients,or any available sources,relevant information concerning Proposer's record of past performance. References must include the following information:name of company;number of personnel;contact name—sponsor or IT lead; contact address; contact telephone number; contact e-mail; system description(hardware and software configuration,version number of soflware*and network configuration)and date of system installations. RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 3 of 31 5.0 CLARIFICATIONS AND ISSUANCE OF ADDENDA 5.1 Any explanation,clarification,or interpretation desired by a Proposer regarding any part of this RFP must be requested from Doris Brent,Contract Compliance.Specialist,at least fifteen(15)days prior to the published submission deadline, as referenced in Section 2.0 of this RFP. 5.2 If the City,in its sole discretion,determines that a clarification is required,such- clarification shall be issued in writing. Interpretations,corrections or changes to the RFP made in any other manner other than writing are not binding upon the City,and Proposers shall not rely upon such interpretations,corrections or changes. Oral explanations or instructions given before the award of the Contract are not binding. 5.3 Requests for explanations or clarifications may be faxed to the City of Fort Worth at (817)392-8440 or emailed to d0ris.bren1@fortworthg6v.org. Emails and Faxes must clearly identify the RFP Number and Title. 5.4 Any interpretations,corrections or changes to this RFP will be made by addendum. Sole issuing authority of addenda shall be vested in the City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division. Proposers shall acknowledge receipt of all addenda within the responses. 6.0 WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS A representative of the company may withdraw a Proposal at any time rip or to the RFP submission deadline,upon presentation of acceptable identification as a representative of such company. 7.0 AWARD OF CONTRACT 7.1- It is understood that the City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Proposals and to re-solicit for Proposals, as it shall deem to be in the best interests of the City of Fort Worth. Receipt and consideration of any Proposals shall under no circumstances obligate the City of Fort Worth to accept any Proposals.If an award of contract is made, it shall be made to the responsible Proposer.whose Proposal is determined to be the best evaluated offer.taking into consideration the relative importance of the evaluation factors set forth in the RFP. 7.2 The City reserves the right to award a single contract or multiple contracts by section listed in the Scope of Work. 7.3 Tentative Schedule of Events RFP Release Date May 27,2015 Pre-Proposal Conference June 3,2015, 10:00 AM(Local Time) Deadline for Questions June 10,2015, 5:00 PM(Local Time) Proposals Due Date June 25,2015,by 1:30 PM(Local Time) Review of Proposals June 26,2015 through July 17,2015 Contract Negotiations July 20,2015 through August 14,2015 City Council Approval August 18,2015 Notice to Proceed(anticipated) August 19,2015 RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 4 of 31 8.0 PERIOD OF ACCEPTANCE Proposer acknowledges that by submitting the Proposal,Proposer makes an offer that,if accepted in whole or part by the City,constitutes a valid and binding contract as to any and all items accepted in writing by the City. The period of acceptance of proposals is one hundred and eighty (180)calendar days from the date of opening,unless the Proposer notes a different period. 9.0 TAX EXEMPTION The City of Fort Worth is exempt from Federal.Excise and State Sale Tax;therefore,tax must not be included in any contract that may be awarded from this RFP. 10.0 COST INCURRED IN RESPONDING All costs directly or indirectly related to preparation of a response to the RFP or any oral presentation required to supplement and/or clarify a Proposals which may be required by the City shall be the sole responsibility of and shall be borne by the participating Proposers. 11.0 NEGOTIATIONS The City reserves the-right to negotiate all elements that comprise the successful Proposer's response to ensure that the best possible consideration be afforded to all concerned. 12.0 CONTRACT INCORPORATION The contract documents shall include the RFP, the Response to the RFP and such other terms and conditions as the parties may-agree. 13.0 NON-ENDORSEMENT If a Proposal is accepted, the successful Proposer, hereinafter "Contractor," shall not issue any news releases or other statements pertaining to the award or servicing of the agreement that state or imply the City's endorsement of the successful Proposer's services. 14.0 UNAUTHORIZED COMMUNICATIONS After release of this solicitation,Proposers' contact regarding this RFP with members of the RFP evaluation,interview or selection panels,employees of the City or officials of the City other than the Purchasing Manager,the Minority and Women Business Enterprise(M/WBE)Office, or as otherwise indicated is prohibited and may result in disqualification from this procurement process. No officer,employee,agent or representative of the Proposer shall have any contact or discussion,verbal or written,with any members of the City Council,members of the RFP evaluation,interview,or selection panels,City staff or City's Contractors,or directly or indirectly through others,seek to influence any City Council member,City staff, or City's Contractors regarding any matters pertaining to this solicitation,except as herein provided.If a representative of any Proposer violates the foregoing prohibition by contacting any of the above listed parties RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 5 of 31 with whom contact is not authorized, such contact may result in the Proposer being disqualified from the procurement process.Any oral communications are considered unofficial and non- binding with regard to this RFP. 15.0 PROPOSAL EVALUATION PROCESS 15.1 An evaluation committee will evaluate the responses to this Request for Proposals,may interview one or more firms,and will recommend one to the City Manager. Selection of a firm may be made without discussion with Contractors after proposals are received. Proposals should,therefore,be submitted on the most favorable terms. 15.2 The City's evaluation panel will review all responsive submittals and select the best evaluated proposals for further interview. 15.3 'The City staff will recommend to the City Council the Proposer(s)it deems should be awarded the Contract to provide the requested services to the City of Fort Worth. 15.4 The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. 16.0 PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA 16.1 Ability to comply with RFP requirements-30 Points 16.2 Relevant company experience and qualifications—35 Points 16.3 Relevant experience and qualifications of proposed service personnel—10 Points 16.4 Record of Satisfactory Performance(references)—10 Points 16.5 Proposed Contract Price—25 Points 17.0 GENERAL PROVISIONS The Contractor may not assign its rights or duties under an award without the prior written consent of the City of Fort Worth, Such consent shall not relieve the assignor of liability in the event of default by its assignee. 18.0 ERRORS OR OAUSSIONS The Contractor will not be allowed to take advantage of any errors or omissions in this RFP. Where errors or omissions appear in this RFP,the Contractor shall promptly notify the City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division in writing of such error or omission it discovers.Any significant errors,omissions or inconsistencies in this RFP are to be reported no later than ten(10)days before time for the RFP response is to be submitted. RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 6 of 31 19.0 TERMINATION 19.1 If this award results in a contract, it.shall remain in effect until contract expires,delivery and acceptance of products and/or performance of services ordered or terminated by the City with a thirty(3 0)day written notice prior to cancellation.In the event of termination, the City of Fort Worth reserves the right to award a contract to next lowest and best Provider as it deems to be in the best interest of the City of Fort Worth. 19.2 Further,the City of Fort Worth may cancel this contract without expense to the City in the event that funds have not been appropriated for expenditures under this contract.The City of Fort Worth will return any delivered but unpaid goods in normal condition to the Contractor. 20.0 TERMINATION,REMEDIES.AND CANCELLATION Right to Assurance. Whenever the City has reason to question the Contractor's intent to perform, the City may demand that the Contractor(s)give written assurance of Contractor's intent to perform. In the event a demand is made,and no assurance is given within ten(10)calendar days, the City may treat this failure as an anticipatory repudiation of the contract. 21.0 CHANGE ORDERS No oral statement of any person shall modify or otherwise change or affect the terms, conditions. or specifications stated in the resulting contract.All change orders to the contract will be made in writing by the City of Fort Worth's Financial Management Services Department and approved by City Council if the dollar amount is over$50,000.00. 22.0 VENUE The agreement(s)will be governed and construed according to the laws of the State of Texas. The agreement(s)is(are)performable in Tarrant County,Texas. Venue shall lie exclusively in Tarrant County,Texas. 23.0 CONFLICT OF INTEREST No public official shall have interest in this contract,in accordance with Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated,Local Government Code Title 5, Subtitled C., Chapter 171. 24.0 INSURANCE The Contractor shall carry insurance in the types and amounts for the duration of this agreement as listed in the Services Agreement,Attachment B to this RFP,and furnish certificates of insurance along with copies of policy declaration pages and policy endorsements as evidence thereof., 25.0 CONTRACT CONSTRAINTS AND CONDITIONS 25.1 All services shall be provided in accordance with applicable requirements and ordinances of the City of Fort Worth,laws of the State of Texas, and applicable federal laws. RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 7 of 31 25.2 The Contract(s)awarded from this RFP shall be executed for one(1)year,with two(2) one-year options to renew. 26.0 MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (MBE)/SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (SBE) REQUIREMENTS A waiver of the goal for MBE/SBE subcontracting requirements was requested by the Purchasing Division and approved by the Minority/Women Owned Business Enterprise(M/WBE)Office, in accordance with the Business Diversity Enterprise(BDE)Ordinance,because the purchase of goods or services is from sources where subcontracting or supplier opportunities are negligible. 27.0 COOPERATIVE PURCHASING 27.1 Should other governmental entities decide to participate in this contract,Contractors, shall indicate in their proposals whether they agree that all terms,conditions,specification, and pricing would apply. 27.2 If the successful Contractor agrees to extend the resulting contract to other governmental entities,the following will apply: Governmental entities within utilizing Contractors with the City of Fort Worth will be eligible,but not obligated,to purchase material/services under this contract(s)awarded as a result of this solicitation.All purchases by governmental entities other than the City of Fort Worth will be billed directly to that governmental entity and paid by that governmental entity.The City of Fort Worth will not be responsible for another governmental entity's debts.Each governmental entity will order its own material/services as needed. 28.0 PAYMENT 28.1 The disbursement of parking meter fees and any additional revenue to be disbursed to the City must be delivered to the City Treasurer within three(3)business days of the transaction with clear delineation and detail of transactions and category of transaction provided with each disbursement. 29.0 BACKGROUND The City is interested in a Parking Pay-by-Phone System that offers the following services: 29.1 Allows customers to pay for a specific period of parking time with a single call or action. 29.2 Allows payment through multiple options,including web,text,Interactive Voice Response(IVR)application and/or Near Field Communication(NFC)-enabled(or similar technology). 29.3 Allows customers an option to be informed at a predetermined time period of the expiration of their paid parking session. 29.4 Allows purchase of additional parking time(not past the maximum time allowed for that specific time zone). RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 8 of 31 29.5 A Pay-by-Phone system which has a feature to guide the customer to the best potential block with space availability based on final destination: 29.6 Does not allow purchase when desired time includes restricted'parking periods on that block face(e.g.morning and afternoon commute peak period parking restrictions or during City-established paid parking holidays—See Appendix A,City of Fort Worth Meter Locations and Hours/Holiday Schedule). 29.7 Allows for prepayment of parking up to two hours prior to daily listed start time per block face. (This is not intended to be a reservation system,but a payment held in escrow for the vehicle in the space until the meter operational hours goes into effect.) 29.8 Allows merchants to validate on-street parking and/or other creative ways to enhance the overall customer and neighborhood business experience. 29.9 Merchant of Record to accept all payments for parking via Pay-by-Phone will be the Contractor.The disbursement of parking meter fees and any additional revenue to be disbursed must be delivered to the City Treasurer within three(3)business days of receipt with clear delineation and detail of transactions and category of transaction provided with each disbursement. 29.10 Currently,the City of Fort Worth's on-street paid parking is offered via Parkeon Pay Stations with pay and display stations and POM,Inc.multiple-and single-space parking meters.The off-street lots are Parkeon Pay-by-Space Stations.Pay Stations currently accept three payment options: coins,credit card and debit card.The City currently operates 2,732 on-street paid spaces in the central business district as well as in three(3) outlying business clusters with multiple hourly rates and different time-limits.There are 100'Parking Pay Stations and 505 multiple space and 451 single-space electronic parking meters. See meter operational hours in Appendix A. 29.11 Exhibit A,Number of Paid Parking Spaces by District,Routes and Routes,shows the number of paid spaces by district,route and rates,using the latest configuration and parking hours of operation.This information is provided for a baseline projection of future transactions. 29.12 Parking enforcement is conducted by the Transportation and Public Works Parking Department(TPWP)and citations are hand written.Each Parking Compliance Officer (PCO)is equipped with a smart phone,which is currently an Apple iPhone,but could also be an Android phone.The Pay-by-Phone system shall be required to interface with either iPhone or Android platforms(as required by the City)with an application and system that can deliver confirmation of payment information in a quick and efficient manner so the average time of transaction from completion of customer payment to confirmation via the application on the PCO device is less than one minute in real time. Contractor shall also explain the end-to-end process detailing time for each step in the process from registration of a first-time user to confirmation of payment by the PCO device.Documentation from existing Municipal-operations detailing average process time for each constituent step in this process. RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 9 of 31 29.13 Allows for integration of back office operation with existing metered parking back office systems and discussion of the contractor's ability to integrate with future parking systems with examples from other such adaptation after Pay-by-Phone system startup,the key here is the communication on the quality and depth of contractor personnel resources to adapt to such change. 29.14 The City is interested in the use of Pay-by-Phone services for other solutions.Please provide a summary of the top three other alternative solutions currently provided by the Contractor and identify where these services are provided and the verifiable impact of these services. 30.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES This section provides the Scope of Services that shall be performed by the selected Contractor to provide a Parking Pay-by-Phone System for the City: 30.1 The Contractor shall provide the following types of registration hours(8 am to 10 pm Central Time options: live-body phone call during paid parking(CT),Monday through Saturday),smartphone application,and mobile and desktop web.The Contractor is encouraged to provide registration options in other technologies. 30.2 The Contractor shall provide the following payment options for registered customers: IVR, Single Mobility System(SMS), smartphone application,and mobile web.The Contractor is encouraged to provide payment options in NFC-enabled and other innovative payment formats.The contractor is required to comply with all Federal,state and local laws in regards to processing and storing of customer information. 30.3 The Contractor shall provide toll-free,live customer service telephone support(for registration and other issues)from 8 am to 10 pm CT,Monday through Saturday,24/7 customer support is desired. 30.4 The Contractor shall charge customers a convenience fee to recoup the cost of production and installation of signs/graphic decals,enforcement integration,ongoing programs,and other costs.The fee must be clearly communicated at registration and at time of transaction. The contract with the City will set the terms for any changes to the convenience fee. 30.5 The Contractor shall establish a system that is capable of recognizing different rates, hours of operation,and maximum time-limits for every paid parking block face based on day of week,time of day,and by district and sub:-areas within districts.The system shall not allow parking transactions on paid parking holidays nor during peak period parking restrictions(e.g.,no parking allowed between 3 pm and 7 pm). 30.6 The Contractor shall have a system that.can make changes to parking rates,hours of operation and maximum time-limits within five(5)business days of notification from the City. The City makes system-wide changes periodically,with changes often made on an annual basis over a multiple month period. Contractor has no authority to.modify the RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 10 of 31 parking regulations.When the City makes these system-wide changes,the Contractor shall be required to make these changes to its system within five(5)business days of notification for each area.The Contractor's charges must be consistent with the City's parking rates and hours of operation. 30.7 The City intends this program to only be for making payments at available(unoccupied) parking spaces within paid parking areas following all posted sign regulations.The intent is for customers to specify up front the amount of time to purchase.There is no requirement to allow the customer to request a refund for paid time unused.This program is not intended to be used as an online reservation system of specific spaces. 30.8 The Contractor shall provide real-time electronic enforcement integration so that TPWP Compliance is able to easily ascertain if a vehicle that is not displaying time on the meter or a receipt has paid via the Pay-by-Phone System without additional hardware beyond currently available TPWP equipment. 30.9 The Contractor shall provide the City with designs for all informational materials including public right-of-way signs,pay station decals, and all marketing activities and collateral materials(posters,brochures,web page,etc.)for TPWP review and final approval before posting or distributing the materials.Use of City of Fort Worth logos must be in accordance with City's policies and approved by the City. 30.10 The Contractor shall be responsible for installation of all Pay-by-Phone related signs, decals,and other information in the public right-of-way.This includes: 1)a pay station sticker with at minimum a block number,phone,and Pay-by-Phone system logo;2) posted information on the pay to park signs at both ends of each block face; and 3)a sticker above the parking symbol on each side of the pay station with the block face number and system logo. All materials shall be consistent with TPWP's paid parking sign templates,as provided in Exhibit C,Paid Parking Sign Templates.Information about the number of pay stations and block faces is provided in Exhibit B,Current Parking Rates. 30.11 The Contractor shall be responsible for developing and providing to the City an implementation schedule within 10 days of contract award.The implementation plan shall include a schedule for the sign and pay station markings installation for city-wide deployment along with all other tasks necessary for implementation. 30.12 The Contractor shall be responsible for managing accounts.The marketing proposal shall cover the entire term of the contract and all extensions,if so exercised,with periodic plans and scheduling of events to continually market the service and increase the user base throughout the City on a quarterly or semi-annual basis at minimum. 30.13 The Contractor shall be responsible for managing accounts,transactions;and customer service issues related to the Pay-by-Phone payment process.The Contractor shall provide an easy to use customer account management website where the customer can track usage,time,date and other account information.Customers shall not be subject to Spam or other emails unless authorized by the City and as accepted by the customer.No data can be used,sourced or solicited by/from the Vendor for any reason unless with the RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 11 of 31 City's authorization.At contract termination,any customer data shall be deleted and/or returned to the City so that it cannot be sold or used after the contract expires. 30.14 The Contractor shall integrate the Pay-by-Phone transaction data and back-office system into the City's metered pay station transaction account system.All data generated in the transactions via this system shall belong to the City and all use of this data must be authorized by the City. The City requires,access to all data at all times,and requires a response to all data requests that cannot be obtained within the system immediately within 48 hours of a request for more detailed data reports. 30.15 The Contractor shall provide secure administrative password access to the back office system to authorized City's personnel for financial accountability,reporting,ad hoc querying,revenue reconciliation and summons adjudication. The City requires a functional,easily accessible reporting portal which makes accessing,collating and extracting data a straightforward and relatively simple task.Accessed data shall not include customer's personal payment information(i.e.,full credit card number). 30.16 The Contractor shall supply reports for account sign up and use,customer service issues, revenue and any additional reports necessary to properly evaluate program progress weekly for the first six weeks and monthly for the remaining portion of the contract with an option to request such reports in an ad-hoc manner as necessary and to obtain a response on ad hoc requests within 48 hours.The Contractor shall describe reporting options in their response to this RFP. 30.17 The Contractor shall provide onsite or web-based training and manuals for the authorized City personnel to navigate and utilize the back office system.Describe in detail the training program and time requirement for a fully trained user.Describe the support model used to support the system. Specify proposed demarcation of responsibilities between the City and the Contractor.Provide a detailed list of the necessary resources and expertise,complete with personnel job descriptions,which shall be required for the City to maintain the system once implemented.Provide a five-year support and maintenance plan including:methods of contact, support team availability;service levels and escalations;timeframes for supporting or delivering critical security patch updates, updated database or web browser versions after release; software/browsers/hardware supported;updated user guides on all major updates or system changes, and warranty information 30.18 The Contractor shall create,develop and consistently market a merchant validation program with an expectation of driving merchant use towards ten percent(10%)of total transactions within a year of implementation. 30.19 The Contractor shall create,develop and implement incentive plans to drive merchant use and local resident use in the first six months of the program. 31.0 PROJECT GOALS The City's project goals for the Pay-by-Phone System are to: RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 12 of 31 31.1 Select a Contractor with expertise in providing Pay-by-Phone Parking System, particularly in municipal on-street parking environments as well as being capable to operate in an off-street environment.The parking meter fees paid by the user and any additional net return will be disbursed to the City Treasury within three(3)business days of receipt. 31.2 Obtain the best quality program to maximize customer convenience and add considerable parking payment options,as well as location and direction information for drivers. 31.3 Choose a Contractor who strives to meet the following points:charge a reasonable convenience fee for services offered,cover processing and bank transaction costs on Pay- by-Phone transactions which enables the City to retrieve full regular parking fees with minimal new cost. 31.4 Employ a system where rates and operational schedules can be programmed and re- programmed in a flexible and ad-hoc manner that does not require any system down- time. 31.5 Provide regular reporting on trends,productivity and performance. 31.6 Utilize Contractor installed Pay-by-Phone related signs, decals,and other information in the public right-of-way. 31.7 Integrate Pay-by-Phone back-office system with existing metered parking back-office systems. 31.8 The parking meter fees paid by the user and any additional net return will be disbursed to the City Treasurer within three(3)business days of receipt. 32.0 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE BREAKOUT The Proposer's response shall include a revenue and expenditure breakout using the structure shown below in items 32.1 through 32.6. Key assumptions are 5,000 transactions at an average of$2.00 per transaction.Please detail and explain any significant break points relative to number of transactions or any other possible arrangement which changes or may change the basic revenue or cost construct.Proposer's response shall outline the detail of bank and any other transaction costs,net remittance to Contractor and net revenue to the City. In no way shall this estimate be construed as a guarantee by the City of a certain level of service or revenue for the Contractor. 32.1 Revenue from parking transaction 32.2 Revenue from convenience fee 32.3 Bank Transaction cost 32.4 Other Processing costs 32.5 Remittance to Vendor RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 13'of 31 32.6 Net Revenue to City 32.7 The Proposal with the lowest processing and bank fees in combination with the best net revenue return in the short and long term to the City will be awarded maximum points on proposed contract price. See Section 16, Subsection 16.5. 33.0 NIUMIUM QUALIFICATIONS The following are minimum qualifications and licensing requirements the Contractor must meet. Proposals that do not meet the minimum qualifications shall be rejected by the City without further consideration: 33.1 The Contractor shall have a minimum of one(1)year of experience operating a Pay-by- Phone Parking System which includes at least three(3)municipal on-street parking systems in cities with a population of greater than 100,000 and more than 1,000 metered. on-street parking spaces. 33.2 The Contractor shall be capable of launching the Pay-by-Phone Parking System by September 1,2015,or thereafter as the City directs.Launching the system means that at least one business cluster(as agreed to by the City and the Contractor)shall have a fully functional Pay-by-Phone Parking System in operation, and remaining neighborhoods will roll out on a consistent basis thereafter to.with a the launch date of four weeks from the start of the first Pay-by-Phone Parking System. 34.0 MANDATORY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS The following are the mandatory technical requirements that the Contractors must meet for the proposal to remain eligible for consideration.The Contractor must clearly show that the service meets this mandatory technical requirement,or the proposal will be rejected as non-responsive. The City requests a definitive response to each of the mandatory technical requirements as part of the response to this RFP,to clearly show compliance-to the mandatory technical requirements. The RFP Coordinator may choose to determine mandatory technical requirements by reading the response for mandatory technical requirements alone,so the submittal should be sufficiently detailed to clearly show how the Contractor meets the mandatory technical requirements without looking at any other material. Contractors who do not clearly respond to the mandatory technical requirements shall be rejected by the City without further consideration: 34.1 The Contractor's Pay-by-Phone System shall be Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard(PCI DSS)certified.Proposers shall submit PCI DSS and Payment Card Industry-Payment Application Data Security Standard(PCI-PA DSS)Level 1 compliant certificates with their proposal documents.Failure to do so will result in a non-responsive Proposal rating. 34.2 The Contractor shall provide to the City an attestation by an objective third party,stating that the application has been tested for common security vulnerabilities as articulated by the Open Web Application Security Project(OWASP)Top-10. These include Structured RFP No. 15=0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 14 of 31 Query Language(SQL)injection,cross-site scripting,cross-site request forgery and others. See www.owasp.org for details. The OWASP testing shall be performed at the expense of the Contractor and by an objective third party.The attestation may be an Executive Summary of the technical report which states that the application has been tested against the aforementioned standards and found to be free of security defects. 35.0 SUMMARY OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Provide a summary of your company's competitive advantage in the implementation,delivery and execution of service of the Pay-by-Phone product.Describe how this advantage is sustained and how this will benefit the City.Please provide details which are meaningful and verifiable. RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 15 of 31 APPENDIX A City of Fort Worth Meter Locations and Hours/Holiday Schedule Meters are located in the central business district,the medical district and in the University District surrounding TCU.Meters in these areas are operational from 8 a.m,to 6 p.m.Monday through Friday and are free after 6 p.m.and all day Saturdays and Sundays. Meters located in the Cultural District are on Will Rogers West and are operational 6 a.m.to 10 p.m. seven days a week.All meters are free on City of Fort Worth observed holidays: • New Year's Day • Martin Luther King 7r.`s Birthday • Memorial Day • Independence Day • Labor Day • Veterans'Day • Thanksgiving Day • Thanksgiving Friday • Christmas Day RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 16 of 31 EXIDBIT A Number of Paid Parking Spaces by District,Routes and Rates ROUTE# District DESCRIPTION operational Aualt venaeuzea 1X 2X 3X 4X rute� Name Route Name Spaces Posts Poete spaces spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces 1 CBD 81 0 22 6 9 5 81 2 CBD 179 1 39 4 16 21 179 4 CBD 102 0 33 14 7 5 102 5 CBD 138 1 24 19 4 16 138 6 CBD 197 0 18 14 25 19 197 8 CBD 163 1 70 22 7 7 163 9 CBD 126 0 68 6 6 7 126 12 CBD 20 0 6 7 0 0 20 15 CD 34 0 0 0 2 7 34 -16 CBD 114 0 17 4 23 5 114 20 CBD 184 1 19 - 118 27 12 184 46 CBD 120 0 82 15 0 2 120 48 CBD 144 0 0 2 20 20 144 58 CBD 120 0 7 10 15 12 120 j 68 MD 93 s 0 1 5 14 10 93 70 UD 99 0 39 10 4 112 99 84 CBD 71 0 5 19 4 19 71 CL1 CBD 58 0 0 0 0 0 58 , 101 CBD 169 0 169 202 CBD 178 0 x:78 303 CBD 197 0 197 404 CBD & UD 145 - 0 145 OTALS X2732 : 4051 a4"' X50, 10 ; 549 District Detail i CBD-Central Business District UD-University District i HD-Hospital District Co-Cultural District See Excel Spreadsheet,PBP-Fort Worth.xls for additional parking space breakdown. RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay=by-Phone System,Page 17 of 31 EXIMIT B .Current City of Fort Worth Parldng Rates MHourly Rate'$1.25 1 & 2 Hours $1.25 4 Hours $0.75 10 Hours $0.30 Lot - CL1 -Rate Hourly Rate $1.25 . All Day $6.00 i RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 18 of 31 EXIDBIT C Parking Sign Templates 18" 12"- a rtc .� �v # s ,3 .�i 3 '. wi z Y M - s Zak 77= 3 rn ' - 00u h .8"q`r q ?y 3T i i .ik? IN Mau AN uw t, 2" TEXT AND 14 tj I z r t 4 s �r ARROW. UT- 1Y 3 F S r Y �f� ..t4t r- , a � ' a3 '3� fi ak�� z MAINTAINED IN � s A .t, 3€z;Y� tk� , fT .3 REDUCED C E D L Y 0 U T � saw i 3 £ a� ' ..yr. ,r €• r S-�ryr r TV � s - z `✓<.. _,r r } ' Mr sRU�.t� �r� .a^- �. .r + �, 7` F 3r0.i 3°2 : y .i ✓ r .e- - <r �32. ..:a^ �Fr _ x.. .. ri 't' .t� r€ r ?r T 5-4; r', xr i €s ` F t �{ 4r€ 5 S � fi Est T qf'�,3�� Old Version New Version RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 19 of 31 ATTACHMENT A CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENT Pursuant to Chapter 176 of the Local Government Code,any person or agent of a person who contracts or seeks to contract for the sale or purchase of property,goods,or services with a local governmental entity (i.e.The City of Fort Worth)must disclose in the Questionnaire Form CIQ("Questionnaire")the person's affiliation or business relationship that might cause a conflict of interest with the local governmental entity. By law,the Questionnaire must be filed with the Fort Worth City Secretary no later than seven days after the date the person begins contract discussions or negotiations with the City,or submits an application or response to a request for proposals or bids, correspondence,or another writing related to a potential agreement with the City. Updated Questionnaires must be filed in conformance with Chapter 176. A copy of the Questionnaire Form CIQ is enclosed with the submittal documents.The form is also available at http://www.ethics.state.tx.us/forms/CIO.pdf. If you have any questions about compliance, please consult your own legal counsel. Compliance is the individual responsibility of each person or agent of a person who is subject to the filing requirement. An offense under Chapter 176 is a Class C misdemeanor. RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 20 of 31 CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE FORM CIQ For vendor or other person doing business with local governmental entity OFFICE USE ONLY This questionnaire is being filed in accordance with chapter 176 of the Local Date Received Government Code by a person doing business with the governmental entity. By law this questionnaire must be filed with the records administrator of the local government not later than the 7th business day after the date the person becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be filed. See Section 176.006,Local Government Code. A person commits an offense if the person violates Section 176.006, Local Government Code. An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor. 1. Name of person doing business with local governmental entity. 2. ❑ Check this box if you are filing an update to a previously filed questionnaire. (The law requires that you file an updated completed questionnaire with the appropriate filing authority not later than September 1 of the year for which an activity described in Section 176.006(a), Local Government Code, is pending and not later than the 7th business day after the date the originally filed questionnaire becomes incomplete or inaccurate.) 3. Describe each affiliation or business relationship with an employee or contractor of the local governmental entity who makes recommendations to a local government officer of the local governmental entity with respect to expenditure of money. 4. Describe each affiliation or business relationship with a person who is a local government officer and who appoints or employs a local government officer of the local governmental entity that is the subject of this questionnaire. RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 21 of 31 CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE FORM CIQ For vendor or other p erson doing business with local governmental entity Page 2 5. Name of local government officer with whom tiler has affiliation or business relationship. (Complete this section only if the answer to A,B,or C is YES.) This section, item 5 including subparts A, B, C &D, must be completed for each officer with whom the filer has affiliation or business relationship. Attach additional pages to this Form CIQ as necessary. A. Is the local government officer named in this section receiving or likely to receive taxable income from the filer of the questionnaire? ❑ Yes ❑ No B. Is the filer of the questionnaire receiving or likely to receive taxable income from or at the dnectioin of the local government officer named in this section AND the taxable income is not from the local governmental entity? ❑ Yes ❑ No C. Is the filer of this questionnaire affiliated with a corporation or other business entity that the local government officer serves as an officer or director,or holds an ownership of 10 percent or more? ❑ Yes ❑ No D. Describe each affiliation or business relationship. 6. Describe any other affiliation or business relationship that might cause a conflict of interest. 7. Signature of person doing business with the governmental entity Date RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 22 of 31 ATTACHNI ENT B PAY-BY-PHONE SERVICES AGREEMENT This PAY-BY-PHONE SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF FORT WORTH(the "City"), a home rule municipal corporation of the State of Texas, acting by and through Susan Alanis, its duly authorized .Assistant City Manager, and _[ Full Legal Name of Contraetorl ("Contractor'), acting by and through [Authorized Sim atory� its duly authorized[Official Title]. All Exhibits attached hereto are incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement for all purposes. In the event of any conflict between the documents,the terms and conditions of this Professional Services Agreement shall control. The Contract documents shall include the following: 1. This Agreement for Electronic Payment Services 2. Exhibit A—Statement of Work plus any amendments to the Statement of Work 3. Exhibit B—Payment Schedule(s) 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES. Firm hereby agrees to provide the City with professional services for the purpose of Pay-by- Phone Services.Attached hereto and incorporated for all purposes incident to this Agreement is Exhibit "A,"Statement of Work,more specifically describing the services to be provided hereunder. 2. TERM. This Agreement shall commence upon ("Effective Date") and shall expire on ,unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. [Insert any available options] 3. TERMINATION. 3.1. Written Notice, The City or Contractor may terminate this Agreement at any time and for any reason by providing the other party with 30 days written notice of termination. 3.2 Non-appropriation of Funds. In the event no funds or insufficient funds are appropriated by the City in any fiscal period for any payments due hereunder, City will notify Contractor of such occurrence and this Agreement shall terminate on the last day of the fiscal period for which appropriations were received without penalty or expense to the City of any kind whatsoever,except as to the portions of the payments herein agreed upon for which funds shall have been appropriated. 3.3 Duties and Obligations of the Parties. RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 23 of 31 In the event that this Agreement is terminated prior to the Expiration Date, the City shall pay Firm for services actually rendered up to the effective date of termination and Firm shall continue to provide the City with services requested by the City and in accordance with this Agreement up to the effective date of termination. 4. DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICTS AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. 4.1 Disclosure of Conflicts. Contractor hereby warrants to the City that Contractor has made full disclosure in writing of any existing or potential conflicts of interest related to Contractor's services under this Agreement.In the event that any conflicts of interest arise after the Effective Date of this Agreement, Contractor hereby agrees immediately to make full disclosure to the City in writing. 4.2 Confidential Information. Contractor,for itself and its officers, agents and employees, agrees that it shall treat all information provided to it by the City as confidential and shall not disclose any such information to a third party without the prior written approval of the City. 4.3 Unauthorized Access. Contractor shall store and maintain City Information in a secure manner and shall not allow unauthorized users to access,modify, delete or otherwise corrupt City Information in any way.Contractor shall notify the City immediately if the security or integrity of any City information has been compromised or is believed to have been compromised, in which event, 5.0 RIGHT TO AUDIT. Firm agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under this contract, have access to and the right to examine at reasonable times any directly pertinent books, documents, papers and records of the Firm involving transactions relating to this Contract at no additional cost to the City. Firm agrees that the City shall have access during normal working hours to all necessary Firm facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this section. The City shall give Firm reasonable advance notice of intended audits. Firm further agrees to include in all its subcontractor agreements hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the City shall, until expiration of three (3) years after final payment of the subcontract, have access to and the right to examine at reasonable times any directly pertinent books, documents,papers and records of such subcontractor involving transactions related to the subcontract, and further that City shall have access during normal working hours.to all subcontractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this paragraph. City shall give subcontractor reasonable notice of intended audits. 6. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. It is expressly understood and agreed that Firm shall operate as an independent contractor as to all rights and privileges granted herein, and not as agent, representative or employee of the City. Subject to and in accordance with the conditions and provisions of this Agreement,Firm shall have the exclusive right to control the details of its operations and'activities and be solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors and subcontractors. Firm acknowledges that the doctrine of respondeat superior shall not apply as between the City, its officers, agents, servants and employees, and Firm, its officers, agents, employees, servants, contractors and RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 24 of 31 subcontractors.Firm further agrees that nothing herein shall be construed as the creation of a partnership or joint enterprise between City and Firm. 7. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION. A. LIABILITY-CONTRACTOR SHALL BE LIABLE AND RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL PROPERTY LOSS,PROPERTY DAMAGE AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH,TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS,OF ANY HIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED,TO THE EXTENT CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENT ACT(S) OR OMISSION(S),MALFEASANCE OR INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT OF CONTRACTOR, ITS OFFICERS,AGENTS,SERVANTS OR EMPLOYEES. B. INDEMNIFICATION-CONTRACTOR HEREBY COVENANTS AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY,HOLD HARMLESS AND DEFEND THE CITY,ITS OFFICERS,AGENTS, SERVANTS AND EMPLOYEES,FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR LAWSUITS OF ANY HIND OR CHARACTER,WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED,FOR EITHER PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS(INCLUDING ALLEGED DAMAGE OR LOSS TO CONTRACTOR'S BUSINESS,AND ANY RESULTING LOST PROFITS)PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH,TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS,AND DAMAGES FOR CLAIMS OF - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFRINGEMENT,ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT,TO THE EXTENT CAUSED BY THE ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF CONTRACTOR,ITS OFFICERS,AGENTS,SUBCONTRACTORS,SERVANTS OR EMPLOYEES. C. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFRINGEMENT-Contractor agrees to defend,settle,or pay,at its own cost and expense,any claim or action against the City for infringement of any patent,copyright,trade mark,trade secret,or similar property right arising from City's use of the software and/or documentation in accordance with this Agreement,it being understood that this agreement to defend,settle or pay shall not apply if the City modifies or misuses the software and/or documentation.So long as Contractor bears the cost and expense of payment for claims or actions against the City pursuant to this section 8,Contractor shall have the right to conduct the defense of any such claim or action and all negotiations.for its settlement or compromise and to settle or compromise any such claim;however;City shall have the right to fully participate in any and all such settlement,negotiations,or lawsuit as necessary to protect the City's interest,and City agrees to cooperate with Contractor in doing so.In the event City,for whatever reason, assumes the responsibility for payment of costs and expenses for any claim or action brought against the City for infringement arising under this Agreement,the City shall have the sole right to conduct the defense of any such claim or action and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise and to settle or compromise any such claim; however,Contractor shall fully participate and cooperate with the City in defense of such claim or action.City agrees to give Contractor timely written-notice of any such claim or action,with copies of all papers City may receive relating thereto:Notwithstanding the foregoing,-the City's assumption of payment of costs or expenses shall not eliminate Contractor's duty to indemnify the City under this Agreement.If the software and/or documentation or any part thereof is held to infringe and the use thereof is enjoined or restrained or,if as a result of a settlement or compromise,such use is materially adversely restricted,Contractor shall,at its own expense and as City's sole remedy,either: (a) procure for City the right to continue to use the software and/or documentation; or(b)modify the RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System;Page 25 of 31 software and/or documentation to make it non-infringing,provided that such modification does not materially adversely affect City's authorized use of the software and/or documentation; or(c) replace the software and/or documentation with equally suitable,compatible,and functionally equivalent non-infringing software and/or documentation at no additional charge to City; or(d)if none of the foregoing alternatives is reasonably available to Contractor,terminate this agreement, and refund all amounts paid to Contractor by the City,subsequent to which termination City may seek any and all remedies available to City under law.CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER SHALL BE SECURED BY THE REQUISITE INSURANCE COVERAGE AND AMOUNTS SET FORTH IN SECTION 10 OF THIS AGREEMENT. 8. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTING. Firm shall not assign or subcontract any of its duties,obligations or rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent,of the City. If the City grants consent to an assignment, the assignee shall execute a written agreement with the City and the Firm under which the assignee agrees to be bound by the duties and obligations of Firm under this Agreement. The Firm and Assignee shall be jointly liable for all obligations under this Agreement prior to the assignment. If the City grants consent to a subcontract,the subcontractor shall execute a written agreement with the Firm referencing this Agreement under which the subcontractor shall agree to be bound by the duties and obligations of the Firm under this Agreement as such duties and obligations may apply. The Firm shall provide the City with a fully executed copy of any such subcontract. 9. INSURANCE. Firm shall provide the City with certificate(s)of insurance documenting policies of the following minimum coverage limits that are to be in effect prior to commencement of any work pursuant to this Agreement: 9.1 Coverage and Limits (a) Commercial General Liability $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $2,000,000 Aggregate (b) Automobile Liability $1,000,000 Each accident on a combined single limit basis or $250,000 Bodily injury per person - $500,000 Bodily injury per occurrence $100,000 Property damage Coverage shall be on any vehicle used by the Contractor, its employees, agents, representatives in the course of the providing services under this Agreement. "Any vehicle"shall be any vehicle owned,hired and non-owned (c) Worker's Compensation Statutory limits Employer's liability $100,000 Each accidentloccurrence RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 26 of 31 $100,000 Disease-per each employee $500,000 Disease-policy limit This coverage may be written as follows: Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability coverage with limits consistent with statutory benefits outlined in the Texas workers' Compensation Act(Art. 8308— 1.01 et seq. Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat.) and minimum policy limits for Employers' Liability of $100,000 each accident/occurrence, $500,000 bodily injury disease policy limit and $100,000 per disease per employee (d) Professional Liability(Errors&Omissions) $1,000,000 Each Claim Limit $1,000,000 Aggregate Limit Professional Liability coverage may be provided through an endorsement to the Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy, or a separate policy specific to Professional E&O. Either is acceptable if coverage meets all other requirements. Coverage shall be claims-made, and maintained for the duration of the contractual agreement and for two (2) years following completion of services provided. An annual certificate of insurance shall be submitted to the City to evidence coverage. 9.2 Certificates. Certificates of Insurance evidencing that the Contractor has obtained all required insurance shall be delivered to the City prior to Contractor proceeding with any work pursuant to this Agreement. All policies except Workers' Compensation shall be endorsed to name the City as an additional insured thereon, as its interests may appear. All policies shall contain a Waiver of Subrogation for the benefit of the City of Fort Worth.The term City shall include its employees, officers, officials,agent,and volunteers in respect to the contracted services. Any failure on the part of the City to request required insurance documentation .shall not constitute a waiver of the insurance requirement.A minimum of thirty(30)days' notice of cancellation or reduction in limits of coverage shall be provided to the City. Ten (10) days' notice shall be acceptable in the event of non-payment of premium. Such terms shall be endorsed onto Contractor's insurance policies. Notice shall be sent to the Risk Manager, City of Fort Worth, 1000 Throckmorton, Fort Worth, Texas 76102, with copies to the City Attorney at the same . address. 10. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS ORDINANCES RULES AND REGULATIONS. Firm agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. If the City notifies Firm of any violation of such laws, ordinances,rules or regulations,Firm shall immediately desist from and correct the violation. RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 27 of 31 11. NON-DISCRDENATION COVENANT. Firm, for itself, its personal representatives, assigns, subcontractors and successors in interest, as part of the consideration herein, agrees that in the performance of Firm's duties and obligations hereunder, it shall not discriminate in the treatment or employment of any individual or group of individuals on any basis prohibited by law. If any claim arises from an alleged violation of this non- discrimination covenant by Firm, its personal representatives, assigns, subcontractors or successors in interest, Firm agrees to assume such-liability. and to indemnify and defend the City and hold the City harmless from such claim. 12. NOTICES. Notices required pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement shall be conclusively determined to have been delivered when (1) hand-delivered to the other party, its agents, employees, servants or representatives, (2) delivered by facsimile with electronic confirmation of the transmission, or (3) received by the other party by United States Mail, registered, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: To The CITY: To FIRM: City of Fort Worth Attn:Administration Manager 4201 N Main St Suite 200 Fort Worth TX 76106 Facsimile:(817)392-5400 13. SOLICITATION OF EMPLOYEES. Neither the City nor Firm shall,during the term of this agreement and additionally for a period of one year after its termination, solicit for employment or employ, whether as employee or independent contractor, any person who is or has been employed by the other during the term of this agreement, without the prior written consent of the person's employer. 14. GOVERNN IENTAL POWERS. It is understood and agreed that by execution of this Agreement, the City does not waive or surrender any of its governmental powers. 15. NO WAIVER. The failure of the City or Firm to insist upon the performance of any term or provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right granted herein shall not constitute a waiver of the City's or Firm's respective right to insist upon appropriate performance or to assert any such right on any future occasion: RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 28 of 31 16. GOVERNING LAW/VENUE. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Texas. If any action,whether real or asserted, at law or in equity, is brought on the basis of this Agreement, venue for such action shall lie in state courts located in Tarrant County,Texas or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas,Fort Worth Division. 17. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired. 18. FORCE MAJEURE. The City and Firm shall exercise their best efforts to meet their respective duties and obligations as set forth in this Agreement, but shall not be held liable for any delay or omission in performance due to force majeure or other causes beyond their reasonable control (force majeure), including, but not limited to,compliance with any government law, ordinance or regulation, acts of God,acts of the public enemy, fires, strikes, lockouts, natural disasters, wars, riots, material or labor restrictions by any governmental authority,transportation problems and/or any other similar causes. 19. HEADINGS NOT CONTROLLING. Headings and titles used in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not be deemed a part of this Agreement. 20. REVIEW OF COUNSEL. The parties acknowledge that each party and its counsel have reviewed and revised this Agreement and that the normal rules of construction to the effect that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be employed in the interpretation of this Agreement or exhibits hereto. 21. AMENDMENTS/MODIFICATIONS/EXTENSIONS. No extension,modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding upon a party hereto unless such extension,modification, or amendment is set forth in a written instrument,which is executed by an authorized representative and delivered on behalf of such party. 22. ENTIRETY OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement, including the schedule of exhibits attached hereto and any documents incorporated herein by reference,contains the entire understanding and agreement between the City and Firm, their assigns and successors in interest, as to the matters contained herein. Any prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreement is hereby declared null and void to the extent in conflict with any provision of this Agreement. RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 29 of 31 23. SIGNATURE AUTHORITY. The person signing this agreement hereby warrants that he/she has the legal authority to execute this agreement on behalf of the respective party, and that such binding authority has been granted by proper order,resolution,ordinance or other authorization of the entity. The other party is fully entitled to rely on this warranty and representation in entering into this Agreement. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 30 of 31 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement in multiples on this the day of ,2015. CITY OF FORT WORTH NAME OF CONTRACTOR Assistant City Manager Date: Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Assistant City Attorney ATTEST: Mary Kayser City Secretary CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION: M&C: Date Approved: RFP No. 15-0208,Parking Pay-by-Phone System,Page 31 of 31 F R-T. . ADDENDUM TO THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP 15-0208,PARKING PAY-BY-PHONE SYSTEMS CITY OF FORT WORTH PURCHASING DIVISION ADDENDUM NO. 1 DATE ISSUED: June 5,2015 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NUMBER: 15-028 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DATE: June 25,2015 at 1:30 P.M.(LOCAL TIME) 1. Questions and Answers received through emails are hereby incorporated,in full text,pages 2-4. All other terms and conditions remain the same. JACK DALE PURCHASING MANAGER ■rrrr a rrr■a■rrrrrrrrrrrrrrru rr■a■rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr a rrrrrrrr�rrrrrrrrt COMPANY NAME: SIGNATURE: NOTE: Company name and signature must be the same as on the proposal documents. Questions and Answers (Q&A)for City of Fort Worth RFP 15-0208 PARKING PAY-BY-PHONE SYSTEMS Q1. Page 13,Section 32 Revenue and Expenditure Breakout,Subsection 32.7 states that the proposal with the lowest processing and bank fees in combination with the best net revenue return in the short and long term to the City will be awarded maximum points on proposed contract price.Can you explain how the second and third lowest net cost proposal will be rated? Al. Page 6, Section 16,Proposal Evaluation Criteria, Subsection 16.5 Proposed Contract Price evaluation factor is 25 points.The lowest net cost will receive 25 points,and a formula is used to determine the points for all other responses based on their cost in comparison to the lowest bidder.The other four(4)criteria will be rated by the evaluation committee and those scores along with the proposed contract price will determine the best value for recommendation to the City Council. Q2. Does the twenty(20)page limit for responses include appendix such as brochures, references,etc.? A2. The twenty(20)page limit is for the technical proposal in response to this RFP.Additional documents may be included with the response to the RFP. Q3. Page 9,Section 29 Background,Subsection 29.9 states the merchant of record to accept all payments for parking via Pay-by-Phone will be the Contractor.Is this a hard requirement or are there other options available? A3: Proposers shall present merchant of record services offered,as requested in the RFP.However, Proposers are encouraged to provide other options they offer regarding payment. Q4. Will vendors use the City's merchant account? A4. Page 9, Section 29 Background, Subsection 29.9 states the merchant of record to accept all payments for parking via Pay-by-Phone will be the Contractor. Q5. What credit cards must be accepted by vendors for payments? A5. Vendors shall be capable of accepting standard credit cards which are Visa,MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Q6. What is annual revenue from on-street parking? A6. The annual revenue is$2.2 million. Q7. What is annual revenue from off-street parking? A7. The off-street parking is very limited and is a part of the overall on-street parking revenue number.The City currently has one off-street parking lot with revenue of approximately$60,000- $70,000 per year. RFP 15-0208,Addendum No. 1,Parking Pay-by-Phone Systems,Page 2 of 4 Q8. How many cash transactions for parking did the City have in previous fiscal year?Off- street? On street? A8. There is no way to obtain a hard number as 80%of spaces are basic coin meters.However,the City estimates that the number is greater than 1.7 million transactions. Q9. How many credit card transactions were processed for parking in previous fiscal year?Off- street? On-street? A9. The total transaction count is approximately 300,000 transactions. Q10. What is the average credit card transaction for on-street?For off street? A10. The average credit card transaction cost is$1.90. Q11. What is the average cash transaction for on-street?Off-street? Al 1. The average cash transaction is$1.03. Q12. How many parking meters accept credit cards? Al 2. The City has 100 pay stations covering roughly 6 spaces per station--600 metered spaces. Q13. Do any of the single space parking meters accept credit cards?If yes,how many? A13. No,the single space parking meters do not accept credit cards.There is an opportunity for implementing credit card acceptance at the single space parking meters. The City will have 2,100 spaces with no credit card option.The pay-by-space system will provide this additional option. Q14. What is the average rate for parking? A14. See the detail on rates in the RFP attachment(PBP-Fort Worth.xlsx).. Q15. Who are the manufacturers of the multi-space meters and what are the models? Al 5. See detail in the RFP attachment(PBP-Fort Worth.xlsx). Q16. Who are the manufacturers of the single-space meters and what are the models? A16. See detail in the RFP attachment(PBP-Fort Worth.xlsx). Q17. What is the hourly rate for parking on-street? Off-street? A17. Detail in RFP attachment(PBP-Fort Worth.xlsx). Q18. Will the City pay the credit card fees? Al 8. See the Section 30, Scope of Services in the RFP. RFP 15-0208,Addendum No. 1,Parking Pay-by-Phone Systems,Page 3 of 4 Q19. Will the City be doing the signage,and decal installation? A19. See the Section 30, Scope of Services in the RFP.. Q20. . What software is used for enforcement? Does it receive real time updates? A20. The officers currently use iPhones.However,tickets are still handwritten.Detail from the Proposer's system via the iPhone/iOS platform will be required. CLARIFICATIONS: Page 6,Section 16,Proposal Evaluation Criteria,Subsection 16.2,Relevant company experience and qualifications.Please include information about the financial stability and long-term capabilities of your organization. Page 8,Section 28,Payment.Please provide detailed information about your organization's proposed option(s)for how this can be done. Page 8,Section 29,Background.This section outlines the pay-by-phone services the City is interested in procuring.Proposers shall address the items listed in Section 29 in their response to the RFP,and explain in detail how their organization will provide the requested services. Page 12,Section 30 Scope of Services,Subsection 30.2 correction Single Mobility System(SMS) should read Short Message Service(SMS). Page 12,Section 30 Scope of Services,Subsection 30.18,states The Contractor shall create,develop and consistently market a merchant validation.program with an expectation of driving merchant use towards ten percent(10%)of total transactions within a year of completion,Proposers shall share any experience and the outcome of providing this service to other municipalities. Page 13,Section 32.0,Revenue and Expenditure Breakout—Please provide a clear explanation of. what transaction costs/bank fees are the deal for the City with the lowest fees and best returns for the City and you organization. RFP 15-0208,Addendum No. 1,Parking Pay-by-Phone Systems,Page 4 of 4 Exhibit C i"6RIT : -F- 1 21; ADDENDUM TO THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP 15-0208,PARKING PAY-BY-PHONE SYSTEMS CITY OF FORT WORTH PURCHASING DIVISION ADDENDUM NO.2 DATE ISSUED: June 11,2015 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NUMBER: 15-0208 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DATE:June 25,2015 at 1:30 P.M.(LOCAL TIME) 1. Questions and Answers received through email are hereby incorporated,in full text,page 2. All other terms and conditions remain the same. AaA JACK DALE PURCHASING MANAGER ■■rrr a rrrrrrr a rrrrr a rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrritu rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr a rrrrrr� COMPANY NAME: SIGNATURE: NOTE: Company name and signature must be the same as on the proposal documents. Questions and Answers (Q&A)for City of Fort Worth RFP 15-0208 PARIUNG PAY-BY-PHONE SYSTEMS ,QI. Would the City consider increasing the 20 page maximum?We want to ensure we are able to provide complete,detailed information to aid in the City's decision making process. Al. The maximum for the technical proposal is twenty(20)pages.Additional sample reports,price analysis and other documents may be included to support your response. Q2. Does the PricinglR.evenue and Expenditure Breakout count as part of the"proposal content"or should it be submitted separately/as an attachment? A2. The Pricing/Revenue and Expenditure Breakout can be an exhibit or appendix to the twenty(20) page proposal. RFP 15-0208,Addendum No.2,Parking Pay-by-Phone Systems,Page 2 of 2 FBI Parke io iii` PAYING MADE SIMPLE' Exhibit D PARKING MADE SIMPLE June 25, 2015 Mrs. Doris Brent Contract Compliance Specialist Purchasing Division 1000 Throckmorton Street, Lower Level Fort Worth, Texas 76102 RE: City of Fort Worth, Texas Request for Proposals (RFP) for PARKING PAY-BY-PHONE SYSTEM RFP No. 15-0208 Parkmobile is pleased to submit the following information to the City of Fort Worth in response to the above-referenced Request for Proposals. To summarize the contents of our attached response, the Parkmobile service offerings not only meet but also exceed all of the scope of service requirements for vendors that were defined in the RFP. With successful municipal operations in 33 of the 52 Top 100 US Cities offering a mobile payment program, Parkmobile has been recognized as the proven solution for major municipalities like Fort Worth. In addition, Parkmobile services over 100 other municipal clients in the United States, including the pending launch of New York City later this year. Parkmobile is the undisputed mobile payment leader in the world today, and our growing presence within the Texas market and Southwestern corridor underscores that success. Presently, we have over a half million enrolled members in these adjoining markets parking daily with the use of our mobile payment system, from off-street locations there in Fort Worth with our commercial operator partners to municipal settings such as the City of Houston. No one else in the industry can even boast a fraction of that type of a presence. Nationally, over 3 million enrolled members look to pay for parking through one of Parkmobile's payment applications. By combining both Parkmobile's white-label and branded versions in the marketplace, the Parkmobile platform initiates, authorizes, and settles over $5M in parking revenues on nearly 2M transactions every month. The City of Fort Worth can take great confidence in knowing that their mobile payment program is in good hands with Parkmobile. The Parkmobile solutions are backed by a group of long-term shareholders committed to improving next-generation mobility within the intelligent transportation industry. This strategic commitment has only been strengthened and further enhanced with the addition of the BMW Group to the Parkmobile shareholder base in September 2014. By choosing to partner with Parkmobile, the City of Fort Worth has the distinct advantage of participating in technological 3200 Cobb Galleria Parkway,Suite 100 Atlanta,GA 30339 Office 770.818.9036 Fax 770.818.9039 r mb war PAVING MADE SIMPt€' PARKING MADE SIMPLE initiatives that are working towards connectivity for our streets and cities — making communities "smart" and sustainable — while still receiving a proven, hyper-local, & customizable parking experience for the citizens and visitors of Fort Worth. Parkmobile is humbled by our success here in the US, and we have earned this market leadership by providing our municipal partners and their public parking patrons with the very best services, responsiveness, and the most functionality in the industry. Moreover, we are consistently chosen by municipalities, commercial operators, and strategic parking partners across the US to offer our suite of products because we have a reputation for excellence and professionalism that is unmatched. These working relationships with industry players is quite critical to the success of your program, and we welcome you to ask your own parking partners about our level of service and dedication that we bring to the table. Dedication to our clients is truly the hallmark of our success, and we will never let it wane. We would be much honored with the opportunity of earning your business, calling the City of Fort Worth a client, and demonstrating to you our commitment to the success of your mobile payment program. We hope that dream becomes reality. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need clarification regarding anything in this submission. Sincerely, Cherie M. Fuzzell CEO PARKMOBILE, LLC cfuzzell @parkmobileglobal.com 3200 Cobb Galleria Parkway,Suite 100 Atlanta,GA 30339 Office 770.818.9036 Fax 770.818.9039 Park it Smart rin Solution City of Fort Worth, Texas Request for Proposals (RFP) for PARKING PAY-BY-PHONE SYSTEM RFP No. 15-0208 FO-RTWORTHO INTRODUCTION Parkmobile fully meets or exceeds all of the evaluation criteria as well as the minimum qualifications and mandatory technical requirements detailed in the RFP. We provide state of the art mobile payment technology that leads the industry in innovation from being the first mobile payment provider to offer apps in North America to providing partners like Houston, San Diego, Oakland, Washington, DC and Los Angeles with environmentally sustainable mobile payment services that have increased their parking revenues. 28.0 PAYMENT 28.1 The disbursement of parking meter fees and any additional revenue to be disbursed to the City must be delivered to the City Treasurer within three (3) business days of the transaction with clear delineation and detail of transactions and category of transaction provided with each disbursement. As the leader in mobile parking payments, Parkmobile offers a wide variety of disbursement options. To meet the requirements of the City of Fort Worth, Parkmobile recommends that we utilize split funding for credit card transactions with Parkmobile serving as merchant of record. As funds are collected they are split into two accounts, a deposit account and a fee account (see example below). The deposit account represents the parking funds and allows the City to receive its funds directly on a nightly basis (as if the City was the merchant of record). The fee account contains the Parkmobile convenience fee and Parkmobile will be responsible for paying the processing fees associated with the transactions. By operating in this fashion there is no requirement for either party to submit invoices or remit funds for credit card transactions. Parkmobile utilizes this solution for a number of existing clients with great success. An example is provided below, but please see our pricing proposal for additional information. Customer Starts a Parking session for $2.00 Parking fee with a $35 Convenience fee i Payment Processor Deposit Account Fee Account City of Fart Worth Parkmobile $2.00 $.35 NOW 1 WNW 29.0 CK E Parkmobile's suite of mobile payment products meets the following expectations of the City of Fort Worth: Allows customers to pay for a specific period of parking time with a single call or action. Allows payment through multiple options, including web, text, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) application and/or Near Field Communication (NFC)-enabled (or similar technology). Allows customers an option to be informed at a predetermined time period of the expiration of their paid parking session. r ,:�- r_` ;�,- - rrr�r�� .. ✓ -^ 'rrr ,' "--.�''-�---Z��,r%' r, Allows purchase of additional parking time (not past the maximum time allowed for that specific time zone). A Pay-by-Phone system which has a feature to guide the customer to the best potential block with space availability based on final destination. Does not allow purchase when desired time includes restricted parking periods on that block face Allows for prepayment of parking up to two hours prior to daily listed start time per block face. Allows merchants to validate on-street parking and/or other creative ways to enhance the overall customer and neighborhood business experience. 30.O SCOPE OF SERVICES 30.1 The Contractor shall provide the following types of registration hours (8 am to 10 pm Central Time options: live-body phone call during paid parking (CT),Monday through Saturday), smartphone application, and mobile and desktop web. The Contractor is encouraged to provide registration options in other technologies. Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile offers free registration via live body call during parking hours, the Internet as well as quick and easy on street registration options by downloading the mobile app or with the published toll free number which provides direct access to first time users. Users can enroll 2417 and initiate parking at any metered space. Parkmobile is the only company in the marketplace with a mobile app for all five native systems;Blackberry, iPhone,Android,Amazon Fire Phone, and Windows Mobile 718 app. fj d . n. r r r £ r r y 30.2 The Contractor shall provide the following payment options for registered customers: IVR, Single Mobility System (SMS), smartphone application, and mobile web. The Contractor is encouraged to provide payment options in NFC-enabled and other innovative payment formats.The contractor is required to comply with all Federal, state and local laws in regards to processing and storing of customer information. Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile parking solutions provide a superior customer experience, are intuitive, easy to use and patrons can access our services by app, online, IVR as well as toll free landline. Parkmobile has multiple locations where NFC is used to start a parking transaction. Parkmobile also has a built in QR Code scanner into the app which allows the parker to scan the QR at the meter to initiate a parking session. 30.3 The Contractor shall provide toll-free, live customer service telephone support (for registration and other issues) from 8 am to 10 pm CT, Monday through Saturday, 24/7 customer support is desired. Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile provides each municipal partner with a toll free number that will be on branded signage. The Parkmobile Helpdesk is available 24171365 via our toll free number and is multi- lingual.Additionally, we provide email support from 5 a.m. until 7 p.m. CT Monday through Saturday, and as needed on Sunday and holidays. Our phone and email channels are monitored by well trained and motivated agents located in our Atlanta, GA offices. Customer issues are typically resolved with one email or phone call, and escalated tickets are handled by management. All reports of erroneous citations are reviewed and customers are provided with proof of payment. 30.4 The Contractor shall charge customers a convenience fee to recoup the AINEENINEM cost of production and installation of signs/graphic decals, enforcement Please Confirm integration, ongoing programs, and other costs. The fee must be clearly Zone 9911 communicated at registration and at time of transaction. The contract with 9 the City will set the terms for any changes to the convenience fee. Parking Vehicle Mr,532Q Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile will pass along the entire convenience fee to Space 25 customers for each parking session based on municipal requirements. The Starts or I.'9 E"1 `EA" ' Ends on ,ton 19 2015 1 7 59;39. convenience fee is clearly communicated to the customer starting a parking Pricing transaction as shown to the right: Parking east 5a r, "Transaction fee Total cast S1,-s 30.5 The Contractor shall establish a system that is capable of Payment method C,,dtCa,d recognizing different rates, hours of operation, and maximum time-limits c for every paid parking block face based on day of week,time of day, and by district and subareas within districts. The system shall not allow parking transactions on paid parking holidays nor during peak period parking restrictions (e.g., no parking allowed between 3 pm and 7 pm). Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile's comprehensive rate engine maintains multiple rate structures and hours of operation. Parkmobile allows the City of Fort Worth the ability to override the current rates for special events and temporary restrictions. 30.6 The Contractor shall have a system that-can make changes to parking rates, hours of operation and maximum time-limits within five (5) business days of notification from the City. The City makes system-wide changes periodically, with changes often made on an annual basis over a multiple month period. Contractor has no authority to modify the parking regulations. When the City makes these system-wide changes, the Contractor shall be required to make these changes to its system within five (5) business days of notification for each area. The Contractor's charges must be consistent with the City's parking rates and hours of operation'. Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile's mobile payment platform provides all of the functions required by the City of Fort Worth. Max time restrictions, restricting re-parking and multiple meter rates are standard set up features with existing municipal partners. All of these features are scalable in the Parkmobile system; therefore the City of Fort Worth would have the option to consider different configurations and make changes based on operational needs as well as stakeholder feedback; all within a 5 (five) day turnaround cycle. 30.7 The City intends this program to only be for making payments at available (unoccupied) parking spaces within paid parking areas following all posted sign regulations. The intent is for customers to specify up front the amount of time to purchase. There is no requirement to allow the customer to request a refund for paid time unused. This program is not intended to be used as an online reservation system of specific spaces. Parkmobile complies. The functionality the City requires is our standard on street pay-on-demand service Parkmobile offers to our municipal partners on a daily basis. r 30.8 The Contractor shall provide real-time electronic enforcement integration so that TPWP Compliance is able to easily ascertain if a vehicle that is not displaying time on the meter or a receipt has paid via the Pay-by-Phone System without additional hardware beyond currently available TPWP equipment. Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile provides all of our municipal partners with free access to our nForce cloud based enforcement software. nForce can be used by the City as a stand-alone enforcement tool that provides real time meter usage data to TPWP staff or it can be integrated with an existing enforcement vendor's back end system. There would be no cost to the City to implement our nForce system. 30.9 The Contractor shall provide the City with designs for all informational materials including public right-of-way signs, pay station decals, and all marketing activities and collateral materials (posters, brochures, web page, etc.) for TPWP review and final approval before posting or distributing the materials. Use of City of Fort Worth logos must be in accordance with City's policies and approved by the City. Parkmobile complies. Porkmobile's submission includes signage and decals for City parking operations. Parkmobile will work with the City of Fort Worth to ensure all Parkmobile materials are in accordance with the City's policies. 30.10 The Contractor shall be responsible for installation of all Pay-by-Phone related signs, decals, and other information in the public right-of-way. This includes: 1) a pay station sticker with at minimum a block number, phone, and Pay-by-Phone system logo; 2) posted information on the pay to park signs at both ends of each block face; and 3) a sticker above the parking symbol on each side of the pay station with the block face number and system logo. All materials shall be consistent with TPWP's paid parking sign templates, as provided in Exhibit C, Paid Parking Sign Templates. Information about the number of pay stations and block faces is provided in Exhibit B, Current Parking Rates. Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile regularly performs these services for our municipal partners. We can have all signs and decals installed and the mobile system up and running at no cost to the city of Fort Worth. This also includes a comprehensive marketing and social media campaign at no cost to the City. Below are sample signs created for other Parkmobile clients: r ' ark oui . moving you forrvsrd s r ear DOWNLOAD PARKING ZONE#: + ; •. • • Or can 1877.727.5973 Parkmobile PorkmcAbiie also accepted Parkmobile offers the City of Fort Worth _-_ _ _._.__..____ _ In March 2015 Parkmobile rolled out a customized apps,signs and decals to In April 2015 Parkmobile rolled out a Customized MKE Customized ParkMedford app as well as suns assist in branding parking services Park App signs and decals for all metered spaces in the and decals for all metered spaces in the City City of Milwaukee "�,-.-"` - J; "�.'.r .=r '.°�` .�` -`-;�-.:�,-rte.,'"� � � -�'�. '�-_'�"`v-x, r �,-,-y �✓ x:-� u � .: 30.11 The Contractor shall be responsible for developing and providing to the City an implementation schedule within 10 days of contract award. The implementation plan shall include a schedule for the sign and pay station markings installation for city-wide deployment along with all other tasks necessary for implementation. Parkmobile complies. The Parkmobile Implementation Plan for Fort Worth is provided below and in our supplemental materials. Task Hama D_!iat Rionth 1 th nlh 2 eskt k2 W 4 Weak? k 9 Fort Worth,TX-Panlunobile lmpfsmamation 45 day.V...._�_, ...- ..._..._....,..... .._.. _„ _ _.-_._ ____.__......_ __,.__....„... ..F C-tr.t ._._.-._ _tier � _..5days .._..__.. ... C.tad —oday tier M!arnal saa5 Arai"ins Harda4 Mzetng -f na -tier_. Rs1¢r/LWrLCabans Ovarv�.v lJaP _.. � 5tlay Zone and Ra&irVarmaG n _ � 5 da✓ tier M.cachant Procesu.+INtrnna4;,n - PwjaclPlanning 1 70 days f'a&&tng Plan � sdai' -- MerchantAccctai11n1ag=aGOn Planning EnlorcamaM MHga@an Planning _. ...__ 5days ktow Intoorabon PtanNng S days RM-end Rnaq.e Zane and Rate Stnetura --.... ,tier_ 5day - - Zam and Ram Ctxd Formal 6'sgn biter .serer I 0 Clays-._..._. Phased Ocpmym 14 Pu.­g - ! 5 da/- Raiax Fxtsang ba!a Trcke1 Handheld 6pocs ---- __-- -- 1 day LLpJas StderSgn Design - - I -- fOdaya Skplaga%SL<kar RaVaasad/or Fahncatcn -- Otlay CommdNeasotle --.... 45 d...__ -.. — - WaekyStaha:RSatngs --45 days System-- tCo -- !system Environment Conflguradon and oevelopmam i 32 day. Rata and Zorn Set tip 1 10 day --- PayttonlPrw.�ssarSetUp 10 dai .. GPS Crs✓[Bnass vrth ZOna Hutroars ---- 10 day Ift2m Ion WM Molars Set lk 10 day M - �gmhan wallENOrw_men{Sol UP � --. 10 Business pavlm and Appilcatlon ConfigurationNagdation i day 14 Rsvncv Ras and Zero Sal Up bared on C9aM's arpedatv+ns 1 day - RMlov Enfa mrit lnrOrf ce ballad on 05arts expedallons r 1 ds Stabllaation and Testing --- - 1 6 d '--- Zone and Ras C.Mgwation TesLrvg - - 1 2 day Intagreoons Ventcation -. -. _ .. 2 days._ CStnl Acooplar�T.aN - -- - 3day _._...... ,_...._. i &lpp3er Repcdng V.dk£aatrn -. -.. -. 1 day Deployment _ _. 20 days . _..,- �. ,_........P..._.,_. TraiNng end Docwnentatron - --- --- tier- 6 days No Desk Troned_ -__ r___. Sa$_ - Paficaxo Atlrrnstra{+an Trained serer_ --..... � ttls Configure Handholds 4 asys --tier— __---__-- WabAccessacheonHatdlnNlS 2day �Update Handmtds twth Parkmobile-Integration -.._ -__ 2dWs Enfocemont Offer TrWr*vj 5 d _ .. Impl—oration tier -. __ -- 12 days)I Mzer sbo rinstfflhlbt _ -. *1110 5dnr" `•=.._ -- Stgnegelnstaaation s, SEEN For{WoM1h,TX-PaAFm& Imp1 m n{afian 30.12 The Contractor shall be responsible for managing accounts.The marketing proposal shall cover the entire term of the contract and all extensions, if so exercised,with periodic plans and scheduling of events to continually market the service and increase the user base throughout the City on a quarterly or semi-annual basis at minimum. Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile understands the importance of a strong marketing and public awareness campaign on the overall adoption of our service. As a continuous learning and improvement organization, we leverage the experiences gained in each deployment to help drive success in future efforts. Our dedicated marketing team will work closely with you in scheduling and conducting public meeting/workshops as well as developing a comprehensive Marketing and Communications Plan. Parkmobile also uses industry best practices and current technology trends through our multi faceted marketing strategies. Parkmobile has coordinated detailed and comprehensive social media marketing campaigns designed to inform the public about our innovative payment methods in some of the most tech savvy cities in the world. Our team will aid your municipality in creating a powerful media presence that will enhance the client's ability to effectively manage public parking operations and generate increased revenue. Below are some examples of the different marketing efforts Parkmobile provided to other clients and will implement in the city of Fort Worth. �- ''� `� � ,,�'"'� -�'=1�,�..�..��.�usr` asr ,ter--- ' :'""•� �-� � � �""��a' ✓„.,. "�' ,,,, _,�r,� "�,,,v-� ;�._w,;.,-<w� �_ ,�'', ,i.�rw.,; �. r-r;;�->� -�.,,,�' .:�,�G'�..��' -� r _�r�•r r,...�.,,� �.- ��:���,-r� '`r„�`' �,„ ,,,,- .. r attncfisworwcwrg,.TSCOntereraewoeuoh. ` morn than 10.000.1 the-M,landing han p.lal,en poles at from me U.S.E.”, aMAebfl d—di tosharethe>atenwWiliem Inttl ve H r uehmortattwi systems apelaaikns fmm—A the gtobe Ped—b46.0,d Its style In BMW,—M 041514 anisI eAbyitto BMW benuq We had a slnfing,hot summer by addhsg Iie.�ssmerd 6J clam 8lR7 WoupaM She x9vifiti.n ftsad 0ddiflonol o,Ik s_' over 20 new fo mms and ended the of 674w Went ptP "kmysoluiA PAN— Twkh-I'do.Ygns oeollo guy__ Parkm.td S et—Jrrwstdle payment srdut'rn -The Woykre Pprk ryd Lyfve- summer with cress team building am ParkMcw'pepatd parting soruoon r.geshar ww 'PerMrw6+h;lne,teoan9!7oYkS✓..° attivrtY,We increased our footprint by pot9ds corm—s around the swrld vmh the launching In New Orleans,LA,the 01— cost—P.&I"axpari.— Chicago Park District,Arlington,V0. Lewes,DE,and Utah Valley University, ���� ,w our 26th Universityintha US. � ,.-:3 BMW I, f` :.. DC customers couldn't wait to start using I Park—M.In neighboring Arlington We're Excited to Unveil Our New Websitel '. Caunty.VA.With PeAmoblle being so r ±,_., to ee utilized w DC,we weren't surprised if lehnempnodeo..ife'verrsrst.merx phenomena[volume In Ariinglon. and caenls a oawa d1,ferc rdereGSno -_ ;,, t Since the go live date In mld-Iely,aBng` dthaI,.,".mmwe omomeast)y Yon parkem have started over WOOD mfor—two the'.look UM 5pectfic - lfanxaCClfdiTl IniMmallbn tht^Jta looking Osa satlrable hoeepw 91ta3 d t I x ArlsRtwr Press EVe.M mserz thetaNmlentanf fvMing. ""' evvyllengtheyneedon—"go 99 Wthe.1 ha�Ang to Ukk te,another tat. iv4atcS tt ul'ire Wnha.-Pdamd Parkwg P'-Jderx i r l; vil4;tk;t(!`i d'll� seilmn,current and Potential cVentxmaf :. We Anlshed out the season in 9uskN schc-duke ademo,hndanweniew ofo«smr�pamj as well as 4ataaedlnfm mimshing way by participating malton pertatong t.each type of dn"d we in the popular AiS lee bucket offer our services to. c hall enge.With the g ro eneus ' donations from Parkmobge and w:With the release of our new site, Its employees,vm vrerevery happy exztted m after V..chsdowt slim ,,.,� ® _ to contribute to the$14D mIlllon that a : uenem�gik+g payment rh 5O6"s the ALS research fund affected. ` tot.e-ada0.'e kr Parkmotsrx uxcrx§s a& lek y 7resv sttonowt 7,I i-=�j 30.13 The Contractor shall be responsible for Customer Service Inquiries byType managing accounts, transactions, and customer service issues related to the Pay-by-Phone payment process. The Contractor shall provide an easy to use PERU customer account management website where the F ' FM customer can track usage, time, date and other R account information. Customers shall not be subject M � . a, ME .E_ to Spam or other emails unless authorized by the City and as accepted by the customer. No data can �,��� �� fP4y `� P`y aa6�e6 4sti�� YS a` f Oakland Parkmobile Dashboard 499,24a 52,416,748 55 4464% $2.42 .,b be used, sourced or solicited by/from the Vendor for any reason unless with the City's authorization. At contract termination, any customer data shall be deleted and/or returned to the City so that it p �..I ra .11 �;: cannot be sold or used after the contract expires. r}X r Parkmobile complies. Users can update or change r their profiles, add or delete vehicles and change payment options all within a secure PCI Level 1 v3 environment by signing into their account at www.parkmobile.com ���,- �,---� .-%_;'; ,pad ! -�,-.��JS--�°�-.. - '•`r �`" _r �„ r�;� .,.�,�...< �r,�tir =--ca:�-.�-.v�`�..��r...„_,a. 30.14 The Contractor shall integrate the Pay-by-Phone transaction data and back-office system into the City's metered pay station transaction account system. All data generated in the transactions via this system shall belong to the City and all use of this data must be authorized by the City. The City requires access to all data at all times, and requires a response to all data requests that cannot be obtained within the system immediately within 48 hours of a request for more detailed data reports. Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile has active integrations with Parkeon and IPS all over the United States of America. The City has access to all transaction data obtained by Parkmobile. 30.15 The Contractor shall provide secure administrative password access to the back office system to authorized City's personnel for financial accountability, reporting, ad hoc querying, revenue reconciliation and summons adjudication. The City requires a functional, easily accessible reporting portal which makes accessing, collating and extracting data a straightforward and relatively °,zr ;°° simple task. Accessed data shall not include customer's personal payment information (i.e., full credit card number). Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile e _ - provides all of our partners with a customizable Reporting Portal scalable to the needs including specific ranges ; from by the minute to daily reports _ . . and all data is downloadable to Excel, CSV as well as other formats. Parkmobile can also create a customized dashboard for highlighting the operational details important to your managers. 30.16 The Contractor shall supply reports for account sign up and use, customer service issues, revenue and any additional reports necessary to properly evaluate program progress weekly for the first six weeks and monthly for the remaining portion of the contract with an option to request such reports in an ad-hoc manner as necessary and to obtain a response on ad hoc requests within 48 hours. The Contractor shall describe reporting options in their response to this RFP. Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile will assign an account manager to the city of Fort Worth for the entire length of the contract. The account manager will supply reports to the city on the progress of the program. 30.17 The Contractor shall provide onsite or web-based training and manuals for the authorized City personnel to navigate and utilize the back office system. Describe in detail the training program and time requirement for a fully trained user. Describe the support model used to support the system. Specify proposed demarcation of responsibilities between the City and the Contractor. Provide a detailed list of the necessary resources and expertise, complete with personnel job descriptions, which shall be required for the City to maintain the system once implemented. Provide a five-year support and maintenance plan including: methods of contact; support team availability; service levels and escalations; timeframes for supporting or delivering critical security patch updates, updated database or web browser versions after release; software/browsers/hardware supported; updated user guides on all major updates or system changes, and warranty information. Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile will provide onsite training, webinars as well as other sessions if needed to City of Fort Worth staff as well as update materials we develop during the length of the contract. Parkmobile is committed to training City staff in all areas necessary to successfully deploy, maintain, operate, and enforce mobile payments, time limits, rates and operational hours for metered parking spaces in Fort Worth. ;� .� a% yr” r" l -;-� >.✓ � .�, z .r r, .. �?T fi� r',;� r� ..u� ,` `rr" .-� z"� ;' -yam` � '�,.,- �-"� -,:,� r "�✓ ,�,' 30.18 The Contractor shall create, develop and consistently market a merchant validation program with an expectation of driving merchant use towards ten percent (V4 of total transactions within a year of implementation. Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile provides merchants and other 3rd parties with unique , $1.00 � PARKING moving you forward when us i n Par rn.o i i validation and/or promotional codes designed in such a manner that they can be used in the place Scan QR code in your of other physical validation programs. ti Parkmobile app settings tab � to receive the discount Parkmobile offers two validation options. The first Or ent,e pro code: I ffSTL option allows the merchant to purchase validations Park.Scan.Go. from the merchant portal on the Parkmobile 61 f' v website. Once the validations have been created, the merchant can pass the validation on to the Mublle Apps Find My Car Parking Alerts Remote lonsng customer to be used the next time the patron uses fIt, q Parkmobile to pay for parking in the specified area. Option two is if the customer used Parkmobile to start a parking transaction then receives a validation code from the merchant, the code is then entered into the app and the validation amount is deducted from the customer's parking transaction. For example, the customer parks and pays for two hours of parking at$1.50 an hour for a total of $3.00. The customer then receives a validation code from a merchant for$1.00 off parking. The customer adds the validation to the existing parking session and the customer's account is only charged $2.00. The city will receive the entire $3.00 charge but { $1.00 will come from the merchant and $2.00 will come from the l€cil s la, parker. Examples of cities where we have up and running merchant Carolina Brewery in Chapel Hill,NC discounting programs include St. Louis, Miami Beach and Chapel use sthe Parlonobile Merchant Validation Program to provide Discounting Parking to patrons Hill, NC. 30.19 The Contractor shall create, develop and implement incentive plans to drive merchant use and local resident use in the first six months of the program. Parkmobile works with our partners on establishing merchant 'promo code.'and provide discounting or free parking to patrons. We can accommodate any discounting strategy from flat rates to onetime users as well as multiple discounts. City personnel would have access to the redemption history through the Account Manager and we aggressively market our programming to residents and merchants during the initial rollout and first six months of the program through many forms of marketing outreach avenues. 33.0 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 33.1 The Contractor will have a minimum of one year experience in operating a mobile payment option that includes at least three municipal on-street systems with populations greater than 100,000 and more than 1,000 spaces. Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile has earned over 180 municipal mobile payment contracts since 2009. As we have earned successful municipal operations in 65%of the Top 100 US Cities offering a mobile payment solution (33 Cities in total), Parkmobile ranks as the most consistent performer in the industry. Parkmobile services over 100 other municipal clients in total across the United States. Thirty Three of the Top 100 US Cities Using Parkmobile Municipality Population On Street Meter vendor On Street Metered Spaces New York,New York(Pending) 8,213,839 Parkeon 90,000 Los Angeles,California 3,794,640 IPS 33,000 Houston,Texas 2,076,189 DPT 8,000 San Diego,California 1,284,347 IPS 5,000' Indianapolis,Indiana 789,250 Cale/IPS 4,000 Charlotte,North Carolina. 634,059 DPT/IPS 1,500! Milwaukee,Wisconslr , 602,057 DPT ' 7,000' Washington,DC 582,049 Parkeon/IPS/SSM 18,800 Las Vegas,Nevada 544,806 Parkeon 1,800 Atlanta,Georgia 483,108: Parkeon/Liberty 2,500 Long Beach,California 467,851 SSM 4,000 Kansas City,Missouri 463,985 SSM 15,000' New Orleans,Louisiana 455,188 DPT/Liberty 4,500 Sacramento,California 448,842 IPS 5,000 Virginia'Beach,Virginia 437,464 Parkeon/POM 1,500 I Oakland,California 392,112 Cale/IPS 6,500' Tulsa,Oklahoma 381,017 SSM 1,500 Minneapolis,Minnesota + 375,641 Cale 7,500 St.Louis,Missouri 352,572 Parkeon/IPS/SSM 10,000 Santa Ana,California 337,121 ! SSM 500 Tampa,Florida 325,569 DPT 3,000 Toledo,Ohio 316,970 IPS/SSMs 1,500 Riverside,California 285,615 DPT 1,500 Stockton,California 282,015 SSM 2,000 Newark,New Jersey 276,200 ! SSM 2,000 St.Petersburg,Florida 247,936 SSM ! 1,500 Greensboro,North Carolina 236,449 SSM 2,000 Orlando,Florida(pop 216,501 IPS 2,000 Chula vista,California 209,483 SSM 500 Durham,North Carolina 205,615 DPT 500 Huntington,New York 202,606 ! Parkeon/SSM 1,500 Boise,Idaho 200,163 SSM 1,000 Arlington,Virginia 199,761 Cale 5,500 TOTAL SPACES 252,100 33.2 The Contractor will be capable of launching the service in selected areas of the Fort Worth by no later than September 1,2015. Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile is willing to begin mobile payment operations within 50 days of a signed contract. The Parkmobile Implementation Plan for Fort Worth is provided below and in our supplemental materials. 34.0 MANDATORY TECHNICAL RE UIREIVIENTS 34.1 The Contractor's Pay-by-Phone System shall be Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) certified. Proposers shall submit PCI DSS and Payment Card Industry-Payment Application Data Security Standard (PCI-PA DSS) Level 1 compliant certificates with their proposal documents. Failure to do so will result in a non-responsive Proposal rating. Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile has continuously maintained PCI DSS Level 1 Service Provider coverage since our US operations began in 2009. Parkmobile is a PCI DSS v3.0 Level 1 certified Service Provider that processes over 1.25 million credit card transactions in the United States per month. We offer all of our municipal partners a $2 million Cyber DSS Security insurance policy protection. Parkmobile has provided the City with our PCI Attestation of Compliance (AOC) as well as our VerSprite OWASP credentials. 34.2 The Contractor shall provide to the City an attestation by an objective third party, stating that the application has been tested for common security vulnerabilities as articulated by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top-10. These include Structured Query Language (SQL) injection, cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgery and others. See www.owasp.org for details. The OWASP testing shall be performed at the expense of the Contractor and by an objective third party. The attestation may be an Executive Summary of the technical report which states that the application has been tested against the aforementioned standards and found to be free of security defects Parkmobile complies. Parkmobile has continuously maintained our OWASP Top 10 attestations since 2009 and all of our mobile payment platform operations adhere to these security practices. 35.0 SUMMARY OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Parkmobile leads the industry in providing clients with a "turn-key"frictionless parking payment solution for customers by combining the parking experience for both on-demand and prepay needs. By creating a single tool for the customer's parking options within a single mobile app, Parkmobile accelerates its lead in the market. No other mobile payment provider in the industry offers a more robust suit of services than Parkmobile. Fleet Management With the use of Parkmobile's robust Fleet Management program, an unlimited " 5 number of users can share one account, streamlining the tracking & administration r of large parking needs: r There is no cost to register your fleet and there are no long-term contracts Signing up is quick and easy and can be done using Parkmobile's customer support division All data is protected using the highest payment processing industry standards The program administrator of the account has the ability to create tracking reports, showing date, employee, and vehicle used for each parking session Fleet members can have the option of paying regular parking rates OR discounted rates Parkmobile manages the headaches surrounding fleets, keeping track of all parking receipts, payments (if applicable), and any internal department reimbursement needs Parkmobile Gated Access Integrations Through direct integration with PARCS manufacturers, Parkmobile's state-of-the-art ` 'i � - mobile app offers a seamless gated parking experience. There are two workflows available for the customer experience. ' je Mr Option A: In-app QR code generation The driver pulls up to the gate, opens the Parkmobile app and selects "generate QR code for gate entry/exit" or enters the posted Zone Number from signage installed at the entrance of the facility.The app will generate a unique QR code that needs to be placed under a bar code or QR code scanner/reader at the entrance gate (similar to on boarding experiences with an airline). The driver is identified in the database through an internet connection (either wireless or hard wired) and the payment method on file verified. At exit the driver pulls up to the gate, opens the app and re-scans the QR code. The price is calculated and charged to the customer and the revenue is captured in the PARCS system and the gate is released. scan Parkmable Stg?�s x,d Stkkers .X3 Ge—are QR-Cede re! C4 14 tnDWF.it ' Now To use' a NdA Fla»wNaf:.m P+a»9taaap ScanGeParxing zsaren�rePSZx umx irsen. �?._tkket aaxxisrweimaeexs.swar+rsxew paax 4sn uses¢. _ a saaaraeii:rarwx Selection screen for gated parking or In-app QR code generation on-street QR code parking Option B: In-app scanning of the access ticket A second solution involves an integration using the actual physical ticket that is dispensed by the ticket spitter at the entrance of the facility. The driver will pull a ticket at the gate and the gate opens. Any time prior to leaving the facility the driver can open the Parkmobile app and select"scan garage parking ticket". Scan Parkmobile Signs walo.mel and Stickers r�Aartsnq N01 GeneraleQR4ode for ME'Gate entry/Exit �u II1��I'scan Garage.Parking 11 Ticket t The unique ticket number is recognized in the integrated system. At exit, the customer does not need to stop by a Pay on Foot Machine or scramble to swipe their credit card in the lane. Rather, the customer simply feeds their ticket into the exit machine, the parking cost is calculated and charged to the customer's payment method on file with Parkmobile, and the gate is released. Parkmobile Reservation System 4➢C _t t ° cf 'ia°`° r«. r � - Through Parkmobile's P. reservation platform and mobile app functionality, we offer our Clients the e d Q most comprehensive 4 reservation program _ T lie ..v... E options in the market place v Via today. By way of example, the Parking Authority of Baltimore City (PABC) engaged Parkmobile to create a website to sell prepaid parking for the PABC owned facilities and °� 1, � "~ �-a a�^ ',, ,r f�✓�.r� ✓r' ���1� �,--��a3�- '} � ,r^f� Mm�� .r�f offered privately owned facilities the option to join as well.This provides all visitors to Baltimore one central website to research and purchase parking. As depicted in the website screenshots below, visitors can look for available parking by destination, neighborhood or price in a few clicks. So whether you want to find the closest parking to the ballpark, nearest parking to a concert, or cheapest parking (only pay$5), the website would navigate you to the best parking options available. These options are based on the customer's preference. The Future of Parking:Connected Vehicle Programs Parkmobile is the unrivaled leader in the connected car payment space. We offer r mobile payment integrations, parking data, parking availability and parking c guidance within the vehicle's head unit (built-in GPS screen). Direct integrations _ with Ford, Volvo, BMW, and Audi head units optimize the navigation and parking payment experience. As a result of guiding drivers to available parking,we are I� able to eliminate the average time to find a parking space by 90%. This mitigates „ , urban congestions and Cot emissions significantly. As commonly quoted, 30% of urban congestion is caused by cruising 9 470 ll�arnan St s `91 i+ I OZ it traffic looking for a parking space. Parkmobile's partnership with the car U manufacturers aims to reduce this problem while providing customers with a frictionless parking and payment experience. Parkmobile's efforts in this connected vehicle space are unmatched by any of our peers. CONCLUSION Based on our cutting edge technology we offer the best approach to the City of Fort Worth's mobile payment project. If selected as the mobile payment provider Parkmobile will be able to provide the City with an integrated on and off street mobile payment solution that seamlessly and efficiently services all of your public parking patron's needs. �at,6t lk Pay 4, JI VISA PayPal kh .. na 2019: 2013 Parkmobile 2015 Parkmobile first to market 2012 with fully first market integrated Parkmobile with IM first to market vehicle smart parking 2009 with emerging mobile solution 'Parkmobile payments payment apps first to 01999 marketwith moblleapps Pa,k—bil, RIM,fos, ttrstto Droldand nnarket with wM7 NY by Ptwite wa IVRand interret r- r rr r � � CUSTOMER REFERENCES City of Houston,TX Maria Irshad Deputy Director 2020 McKinney Street Houston,TX 77003 Phone: 832-393-8643 Email: maria.irshad @houstontx.gov Length of Relationship:August 2011—present Explanation of services: provide mobile payment services throughout the City of Houston. District of Columbia Evian Patterson, City-Wide Program Support Manager 55 M Street SE,Washington, DC 20003 Phone: 202-671-2800 Email: Evian.Patterson @dc.gov Length of Relationship:June 2011 until present Explanation of services: provide mobile payment services throughout the District of Columbia City of Indianapolis, IN (Parklndy) Adam Isen, Project Manager Parking Solutions 101 W Ohio Street, Suite 1700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317-423-9718 Email: Adam.lsen @Xerox.com Length of Relationship:September 2011 until present Explanation of services: provide mobile payment services throughout the City of Indianapolis r PRICING s The Pricing Proposal RE Parkn-tobile PAYING MADE SIMPLE"' PARKING MADE SIMPLE- Key assumptions for pricing as provided in RFP Document:5,000 daily transactions with an average parking collection of$2.00 per transaction Section Detailed Breakout Per RFP Requirements First 25,000 Next 25,000 }atl �sic tsirs Transactions Transactions Wallet Individual Wallet Individual INN" 32.1 Revenue from Parking Transaction $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 32.2 Revenue from Convenience Fee(consumer-paid) $0.25 $0.35 $0.25 $0.35 7 32.3 Bank Transaction Cost(merchant fees) $0.015 $0.030 $0.015 $0.030 0 32.4 Other Processing Costs(interchange fees) $0.069 $0.191 $0.069 $0.191 0 ,. 03 32.5 Remittance to Vendor(32.1+32.2-32.3-32.4) $2.17 $2.13 $2.17 $2.1 3 $ 17 0— : 32.6 Net Revenue to City Per Transaction $2.05 1 $2.00 $2.07 1 $2.03 2 QO F f The Pricing Proposal jW-_ WE IRS. (Continued) "" 2 WWI �.. Parkmobile PAYING MADE SIMPLE- PARKING MADE SIMPLE' Parkmobile offers the City the(former)Click n Park reservation platform to allow visitors/tourists to purchase parking in advance where the service can be applicable. The Reservation System will be completely branded as the City. It shall be built,hosted, &maintained by Parkmobile at no cost to the City. Pay kni#e agrees To �� L ra1era >#r c� efrs d Goo�)e#'1a�i�ppflresX��d�rie� �����rko�il�use�-s ��r c�ovar�oaec(Pcr3�r# ' 7�u f ''��� ��i�tzfl se�h���� o males y�ne�n�s�xy��G#t �sse�t 11 ire � ose�ie�esp�b�t orld�fo t��Cttq�rf �s Parkmobile agrees to pay for all signage and stickers presented in this proposal. Other designs shall be discussed with the City and negotiated if applicable. rntp#raps tt► ��ers��P>�rrke�cr�rj�en;�JCe�e���rt�a�rc��rs has r�ccfuu��ec�in tlac�f��or��watt r�o�c) ftrsr�aa Parkrns?bl#e, Parkmobile agrees to provide a web-based reporting portal with secure credentials to evaluate usage by unique identification numbers established directly for the City's parking footprint. F��'1� S�b!#�agreesfti���d�a bleb�� �eof�CCeme�t otta#nth�� �`'�c�fei�t�a#s �" to va# te ask��r�par�r�es�� s��+��1��9�`�h��ts�o�at�or�� �ere tt�e� �e ha's +�eo made. avatT�ble_,This senutce skill key 6ocsk caked by P"a�'k; 4,li�le nn,.t�ie zyu�t�t? rPhnaie��It�ed 69r TP �.Gv�arx�p�'�c�ce . To demonstrate its commitment to the success of this program, Parkmobile agrees to cover all marketing and advertising campaign costs as outlined in this proposal. PaT(Ctx�o�►Jeagrees�o l�n t and'r�a��am�t�e mob,#�fsayrrrnen� §#�t�sr��t?n4 add��on�#��#s to �r Parkmobile agrees to train all stakeholders in the administration of the mobile payment solution at no additional costs to the City. Parkmob##e agrees to prop#de both a Cod►�er►�er&Cvstq+r�ex-5uppott'Center�o r All Parkmobile's standard terms&conditions shall apply to this pricing proposal. r Y N a i 3 Y � s f l[ 00 Y N LO N t 9 q H c N a NI T T >, T a >. >.:T'>. >, >.'i>. >.'>, >, N >, >, >+ >, T':>. i, >. >, >. l6 co N T:I>. m m:m m m m m m m m m:m m m m;a m m m m m:m m m m m �,a a m;m m m a m mim aim m m m m:m m m Co a a a a a!a a'.a a s aia a a a a,a a s al,.a a a a a •p'a 23: a a a -0 -0'.a • a 'ro l(f O O N i0 p try f0 LO to O l0 r O O � M O O O O O r r ID N N M r N w I to r .y N N U) Cy LO N N 1 I C •m U U I a x Q E' >'N CL C y y ! 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Has 10 years'experience in the parking industry before joining Parkmobile in 2011. He spent Program manager,, over 8 years as the Systems Designer and Account Manager with Kinetic Control Corporation. He also spent almost two years with Digital Payment Technologies as the Business Development Manager working with municipalities,universities,and private operators to enhance their parking programs.Nathan will be Fort Worth's point;of contact for maintaining a customer service relationship with Parkmobile,both pre-and post-deployment. Sara`Stanley,Client Sara joined the Parkmobile team in 2011 as'a customer support representative.While providing' 'Manager excellent service to Parkmobile customers,Sara became very;knowledgeable about the inner workings of the Parkmobile app,automated phone system,website,and the Zendesk customer support system.Transitioning to our client support team in 2013,Sara now provides the same level of support to Parkmobile clients.Sara will assist in ensuring asmooth deployment and successful program. Corporate Transition/Support Team Members Name and Title City of Fort Worth Operations Responsibilities: Brent Paxton, ! Brent,a member of the Parkmobile team since 2009,has over 23 years of experience in the real i.e ad Executive estate and parking service industries.He has held the position of CFO for both a regional construction management firm and national parking company overthe course of the past 10 years.During his tenure with a commercial parking operatorhe focused intently on technology innovations for the parking industry.Brent will be ftexecutive team lead in delivering a successful program for the City of Fort Worth. Cliff Wickstrunt, Cliff has been with Parkmobile since 2009 and works in the corporate office in Atlanta.He will Project Manager oversee any technical transition both on-site and remotely to ensure that from a corporate stand point the City of Fort Worth implementation is proceeding according to plan.During the launch,Cliff will be responsible for coordinating-all aspects of the deployment and directing the on-site deployment team while working cioselywith other key staff.Cliff will have all authority to act on behalf of the Company asit relates to ensuring a timely and successful operational launch. Garett Snook, Garett,a Parkmobile team member since 2010,will be responsible for'!ensuringa smooth Director of implementation,overseeing the configuration of the system to mirrorthe City of fort Worth's Implementations rates/polices as well as managing the design,production,and installation of decals in collaboration with the City of Fort Worth.He will also be responsible for communicating and providing;progress reports to City of Fort Worth's designated representative(s),training key stakeholders,and resolving any issues/questions during the program deployment Adam Trunk, Adam has been with Parkmobile since 2009 and has implemented the Parkmobile service in Implementations nearly 75 ilocations.Under the direction of Garett Snook,Adam will serve as a secondary contact Support for the City of fort Worth and assist with any technical issues orrate/policy changes.Adam has extensive experience with reporting,billing,integrations,andthe customer experience, Tina Dyer,Marketing Tina has been with Parkmobile for four years.She lives and breathes allthings marketing. She Manager will be the lead for the City's market plan development,research,brand identity,messaging, interactive and web media,public relations,direct marketing campaigns,social media,and database and loyalty marketing.Tina will also be responsible for the marketing plan implementation and coordination of all launch andonsite marketing activities. Allison Gilli, Allison,a Parkmobile team member since 2013,specializes in digital marketing.Under the Marketing&Social direction of Tina Dyer,Allison will build social media calendars,posts,advertising and Media promotions across social media platforms and blogs.Allisonwill utilize her extensive knowledge of social media advertising to create ad budgets and placements.Social media will be used to educate the public and promote Fort Worth's program. r SP Plus Corporation INNOVATION l I' OPERATION"' 1700 Pacific Avenue Suite 1840 Dallas,TX 75201 p.214-748-1293 www,spplus.com City of Fort Worth Dur Parking Brands Purchasing Division ' Pe�KIngtl Lower Level Central' 1000 Throckmorton Street ' 'Parking Fort Worth,TX 76102 usa * PARNfi1G RE:SP+Municipal Services Partnership Letter of Support for Parkmobile RFP No. 15—0208 Submission i SP+Municipal Services is a division of industry-leader SP Plus Corporation (formerly Standard Parking 4 Corporation), offering a wide-array of municipal parking services, backed by the collective capabilities we employ while operating more than 4,200parking facilities in over 400 cities throughout the United States and Canada, and collecting over $3.0 billion in annual parking revenues. Founded in 1929, we have extensive knowledge of on and off-street parking management, parking enforcement,arena and t large venue parking management, parking meter collections and maintenance, parking ticket processing and collections, single space meters, multi-space technologies, mobile payment systems, demand and turnover studies, and every other facet associated with municipal parking. l SP Plus Corporation (Nasdaq: SP) provides professional parking, ground transportation, facility maintenance, security and event logistics services to property owners and managers in all markets of the real estate industry. SP+ has nine operating divisions, each of which focuses exclusively on the idiosyncrasies and specific needs of a single vertical market. The company has more than 23,000 employees. SP Plus has a strong relationship with Parkmobile LLC., and we are pleased to support their efforts to provide mobile payment services to the City of Fort Worth. As a result of our existing partnership with Parkmobile, both the citizens of and visitors to the City would enjoy a seamless mobile payment service between the on and off-street parking inventory. We believe this ubiquitous payment offering provides many benefits to all parties involved. i Last year the City of Houston and Parkmobile, as its mobile payment provider, was honored to win the Texas Parking and Transportation Association's (TPTA) Award of Excellence for their operations in Houston, Texas, the fourth largest city in the United States with over 2 million residents and 9,000 metered spaces. Moreover, Parkmobile has earned the patronage of over 3 million members nationwide. E Parkmobile is the mobile payment provider 33 of the 52 Top 100 municipalities in the United States. , Industry wide they are recognized as the proven solution for cities like Fort Worth. Furthermore, F: Parkmobile services over 100 other municipal clients in the United States, including the pending launch of New York City later this year. t r Parkmobile is PCI DSS Level 1 compliant as well as the industry's leader in mobile payment solutions, allowing you the confidence of selecting a proven service while protecting you from many of the risks l E t E i l June 11,2015 Page 2 associated with credit card acceptance. The SP Plus and Parkmobile management teams work closely together on parking operations throughout the United States, and we are eager to expand our on and off street operations in Ft Worth to include a highly integrated reservation, permit and special event parking platform that incorporates Parkmobile's award winning mobile apps in the full solution. Parkmobile has a proven track record of success developing & deploying cutting edge technology and will complement Ft Worth's efforts to enhance its consumer's experience now and in to the future Feel free to contact me if you have any questions related to our partnership with Parkmobile. Both of our organizations will continue to provide the best public parking solutions available to the residents as well as visitors to the City of Fort Worth. i incerely, I i J r Jone I P SP+ i i i i v i l tk �i 3 it 1' i t F. fi j 4 V p r r LOCALLY BRANDED SKINNED APPS Parkmobile will offer the City of Forth Worth the option of a locally branded skinned smartphone application, on all native operating systems, with mobile payment service information specifically designed for your municipality. No other mobile payment provider can offer this option on Windows 7/8 smartphones. - The City will have the ability to incorporate their own logo and color scheme to our default app settings in order to create a unique mobile experience for their patrons. e Locally branded skinned apps offer the City the ability to differentiate their program while enjoying all the functional benefits of working with Parkmobile such as 24/7/365 Customer Support. 0 i •••:` P e •uco Verizon c 4:28 PM L �t 0�;� � •oo Verizon$ 4:38 PM' u,'�-/a'�: S print'� 16A6 4�1� T} � FAKE xr PA t - RK Pove,pci by r y • - e ° Swipe through to learn more. �• r • • • w t Si €t t1 ] 1t ttl" g p 9 Sign tJ 'sgn Icy Sign Up Sign#n Y p . n e Parkmobile provides all of these functional advantages in a PCI Level 1 certified and compliant Service Provider environment. Along with a skinned app, Parkmobile can offer the City locally oriented banner mes- sages that run on parking confirmation emails when patrons are using the system. For example, in the District of Columbia, Parkmobile provides an annual banner ad every October for a university hospital partner that provides free mammogram screenings for Breast Cancer Awareness Month activities. s. _r (,I. *A Park Pink! IL --- 8 f as 4 _ MFA ff Help support the Breast Care Program Porkmobile at The GW Medical Faculty Associates PANG M"I SUA �, Parkmobile is designing skinned apps for municipalities and universities, as well as for our new connected vehicle program. u Parking Zone Number harking done Number " Tap to Enter Scan t- Tap to Enter Scan favorite Zones Re ntIY ussd r' Favofft Zorn Reds€#pUred Zone 9912 Zone 9911 Zone 991 Edt Favorite Zones c 4 Default Parkmobile icon is a Default app page displays Skinned Parkmobile app pages white'P'on a green background; 'Parkmobile'at the top of display Customized text at the Skinned app has its own icon. each page with a green top of each page with a color (see MKE Park icon bottom row) background scheme chosen by partner r � r � � ry r. SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGNS ie Parkmobile will provide the City of Fort Worth with best in the industry social media marketing, including Facebook Campaigns. We have more social media followers than all of our competitors combined. As part of our comprehensive marketing strategies, Parkmobile will begin publicizing our partnership with the City from the outset of our Implementation Plan. Parkmobile also receives invaluable feedback about our products through social media. "" folandamanin -:: �Itze� 1 Love the ParklAolmle app I don't even tRnk to carry Change ���-�'�"z- 01WIV0 IM Ddrtan9 ril@1EI5 7 _ One p }ylg Space f5 used on a,g tllx pH day-ThC;Parkmobile „" �:• y '" apppoleredbvpPay'Paltakett haSE%Mla'panmiq t mxr.—'IM 4 _ k}, In Pa ondes R Pa 'i—ttc app you my best V-d Ryan Christopher, r. i PellyS eG�od h .1 sn'edw Pari R s rt Chris spans user 0 sC 131e the app na es fe txCerhy sa.^�g tmeB morRy lro pa>f.M tic)Ite+em�rzaWU � � n Cuonne Spencer lcr:y �,:Geim pzY r�Weappt vcaaamr.a3am iisa ' g3TRihan3cr -. a v r.., '✓ rr r n or�t '� U- wa �...... r ru L t nn �r i A � S 'j�' M i�PhI11pL M : b 2 h p3;Gl PnM2 4ark:fg W V _n 02,n X rWvNr2 u5n i V � 3 r I _ f trFt c6c'r+� 1 Ir �B A" IN, SOCIAL MEDIA f'AB€CMOBiLF A L I-MOBILE PAYMENT CHANNEL c�7rvii,Eiirorzs' Tarl(mohiie Social Iipdia'Push =OLLC?1(JEIiS cc MBINEr roi LOWERS Carnpaigns'average a reach of over 500,000 - individuals due to national footprint in he Twitter I 0/'000 r 4,900�° United States Facebook ,00ot 8,000 _ I F I E mm� ° ILA" ..INSURANCE � �n l���01t r� �� tl dt-us R'D'ilV'�'YtCBt�ATE IS Vdreti'��np�.PE D S �AClER OF B @tid@'�c"6 d'�avN'8d'�k'TIO G:yC^t Y AND (.',0dtCtid�S NO dt`,iaCdISI 4.PN'�P "I'@�E CCibm IFICCy4 RE HOI DER. 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Ru'M) ,fli'6'75 wmmA l nr "W'h n Ar.'A°Apri are"%un im ami Ra^aamua swrn ni., Raatorarf mar4c M Ar`&"'SP"n __...... .. a ........ f)9l�ta�m vmd��asrr�,¢k Bra^,�riir�ckra P b i iwl ,,1i1 .otr '..rr(ao, frr r1,0 r l i .a r.'¢:.t, Ira' k l , ",L,:'i:. I'-rr6�irs6ule, frrY�=rii ,ii OFAF11W (02120W) COPYRIGHT 2007,AMS SERVU',ES INC � :�6r r,fn sae ir�t •rn ra r`� al �� t9ir, r R1f d arl lua. L�k.i' F DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) �coRO CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 10/02/2015 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A,MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: Risk Management Department Aon Risk Services Northeast, Inc. PHONE FAX New York NY Office (A/C,No,Ext): (866)443-8489 (A/C,No):(800)889-0021 E-MAIL 199 Water Street ADDRESS: work.comp@trinet.com New York,NY 10038-3551 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURER A:Commerce&Industry Ins Co 19410 TriNet HR Corporation and all its affiliates and subsidiaries' Parkmobile,LLC(Endorsed as alternate employer) INSURER B:Illinois National Ins Cc 23817 9000 Town Center Parkway INSURER C:Ins Co State of Penn 19429 Bradenton,FL 34202 INSURER D:Nat'l Union Fire Ins Co of Pittsburgh,PA 19445 INSURER E:New Hampshire Ins Co 23841 INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: HIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. Limits shown are as requested INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUER POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS LTR INSR WVD (MM/DDIYYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE__ $ DAMAGE TO RENT ED COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PREMISES(Ea occurrence) $ CLAIMS-MADE F_]OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person)' $ PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ POLICY PROJECT LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Each accident $ ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per AUTOS AUTOS accident) $ HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE AUTOS Per accident $ UMBRELLA LIAB JOCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ DED I I RETENTION$ A WORKERS COMPENSATION 019521059(FL) 07/01/2015 07/01/2016 WC STATU- oTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y/N X TORY LIMITS ER E 019521060(GA) 07/01/2015 07/01/2016 ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE $2,000,000 E OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N/A 019521069(MI) 07/01/2015 07/01/2016 E.L.EACH ACCIDENT E (Mandatory In NH) 019521079(TX) 07/01/2015 07/01/2016 E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $2,000,000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $2,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES(Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,if more space is required):97QJ / DGT TriNet HR II,Inc.and TriNet HR V,Inc. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED Parkmobile, LLC BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE 3200 Cobb Galleria Parkway DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Suite 100 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Atlanta, GA 30339 Aon Risk Services Northeast, Inc. ACORD 25(2010/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD ©1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/10/02/2015 2015 Y) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: Risk Management Department Aon Risk Services Northeast,Inc. PHONE FAX New York NY Office A/C,No,Ext: 866 443-8489 A/C,No): 800 889-0021 E-MAIL 199 Water Street ADDRESS: work.comp @tdnet.com New York,NY 10038-3551 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURER A:Commerce&Industry Ins Cc 19410 TriNet HR Corporation and all its affiliates and Subsidiaries' Labor Contractor for Parkmobile,LLC INSURER B:Illinois National Ins Co 23817 9000 Town Center Parkway INSURER C:Ins Cc Stale of Penn 19429 Bradenton,FL 34202 INSURER D:Nat'l Union Fire Ins Co of Pittsburgh,PA 19445 INSURER E:New Hampshire Ins Co 23841 INSURER F. COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: HIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. Limits shown are as requested INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS LTR INSR WVD (MM/DDIYYYY) (MM/DDIYYYY) GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES(Ea occurrence) $ CLAIMS-MADE F—]OCCUR MED EXP(Anyone person) $ PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMPIOP AGG $ POLICY PROJECT LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT Each accident $ ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per AUTOS AUTOS accident) $ HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE AUTOS (Per accident) $ UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ DED RETENTION$ B WORKERS COMPENSATION 019521330(AZ) 07/01/2015 07/01/2016 WCSTATU- OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN X TORY LIMITS ER D 019524079(CA) 07/01/2015 07!01/2016 ANY PROPRIE70R/PARTNERlEXECUTIVE $2,000,000 E OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N/A 019530469(PA) 07/01/2015 07/01/2016 E.L.EACH ACCIDENT (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $2,000,000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $2.000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES(Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,if more space is required):97QJ If DGT TriNet HR II,Inc.and TriNet HR V,Inc. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED Parkmobile, LLC BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE 3200 Cobb Galleria Parkway DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Suite 100 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Atlanta, GA 30339 Aon Risk Services Northeast, Inc. ACORD 25(2010105) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD ©1988.2010 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved. ,aco CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) 4/14/2015 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER E: NAM Lauren Merkel Pritchard&Jerden, Inc. PHONE No.E»1:404-238-9090 ac No:404-261-5440 950 East Paces Ferry Road, NE E-MAIL Suite 2000 ss:lmerkel in .c m ATLANTA GA 30326 INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# _. INSURERA:LLOYDS OF LONDON INSURED PARMO-1 INSURER B: Parkmobile, LLC; Parmobile USA, Inc; Parkmobile INSURERC: International, BV; Parkmobile International Holdin INSURER D: Holdings, BV 3200 Cobb Galleria Parkway Suite 100 INSURERE: Atlanta GA 30339 1 INSURER F COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:1098263167 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ILTR TYPE OF INSURANCE AI SRSWVD POLICYNUMBER MM/DDY/YEYYY MMDD/YYYY LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES Ea occurrence $ CLAIMS-MADE E]OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $ PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ POLICY PRO-JECT 1-1 LOC $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Ea accident ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ L — --- $ AUTOS Per accident UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ DED RETENTION$ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION WC STATU- OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN 'ORY LIMIT ER ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE❑ N/A E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE $ If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT 1$ A Cyber/Professional N N ASC14CO01460 1/20/2015 /20/2016 Each Claim $5,000,000 Aggregate $5,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES(Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,if more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN For Informational Purposes Only ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE r ©1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2010/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD CITY COUNCILAGENDA - FoRT��'o>zrli COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 10/13/2015 DATE: 10/13/2015 REFERENCE C-27507 LOG NAME: 13PPARKING PAY-BY- NO.: PHONE DB CODE: C TYPE: CONSENT HEARING: NO SUBJECT: Authorize Contract with Parkmobile, LLC, for Parking Pay-By-Phone Services at No Cost to the City of Fort Worth (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize a contract with Parkmobile, LLC, for parking pay- by-phone services at no cost to the City of Fort Worth. DISCUSSION: The City of Fort Worth (City) will use this Contract to offer an additional payment option for citizens to pay for parking at all 2,730 metered spaces in the City. The parking meters currently operate via coin currency on all metered spaces and accept credit/debit cards at some meters in the Central Business District. Pay-by-phone technologies are being used in most of the country's top 20 cities due to the proliferation of smart phones. The ability to pay for parking via a smart phone will improve current payment options and upgrade the parking meters without the City making a substantial new investment in parking equipment. Paying by mobile phone will allow customers to pay on the go, receive alerts before time expires, and to remotely extend the parking session up to the maximum time allotted for the spot. Parking payments will be transmitted in real time to mobile phones used by the City's Parking Compliance Officers to validate payment and thus, avoid issuing unnecessary citations. All costs for the installation of signs, posting of information on every parking meter in the City, marketing, processing, customer service, and merchant fees related to the operation of the program are underwritten by the convenience fee of$0.35 for each individual use. Potential revenue to the City would come from the convenience fee minus fees paid to Parkmobile, LLC, for processing the transactions. The City's revenue will be contingent upon the public's use of the pay-by-phone service. RFP ADVERTISEMENT -A Request for Proposals (RFP) was advertised in the Fort Worth Star- Telegram on Wednesdays between May 27, 2015 and June 25, 2015, with detailed specifications for parking pay-by phone services. The evaluation factors included ability to comply with RFP requirements, relevant company experience and qualification, relevant experience and qualifications of proposed service personnel, record of satisfactory performance, and net revenue potential to the City. Twenty-five vendors were solicited from the purchasing vendor database system; six responses were received. The proposals received were reviewed by an evaluation committee consisting of city Staff from the Transportation and Public Works, Law, Neighborhood Services and Public Events Departments as well as community stakeholders from Sundance Square and Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. Logname: 17ED COMFORWOMEN Page 1 of 2 PRICE ANALYSIS —The pay-by-phone offering will be provided at no cost to the City of Fort Worth. This is a fee based service applicable to the customer who will pay a $0.35 convenience fee for each individual use in addition to the City's parking fees. The convenience fee proposed by Parkmobile, LLC, is comparable to the rates charged in other cities, was determined to be the best value for the City and is fair and reasonable to the customers. CONTRACT TERMS - Upon City Council's approval, the Contract will begin on October 14, 2015 and expire October 13, 2016. RENEWAL OPTIONS - This Contract may be renewed for up to two successive one-year terms in accordance with the terms of the Contract. The renewal action would not require specific City Council approval provided that the City Council has appropriated sufficient funds to satisfy the City's obligations during the renewal term. M/WBE OFFICE -A waiver of the goal for MBE/SBE subcontracting requirements was requested by the Purchasing Division and approved by the M/WBE office in accordance with the BDE Ordinance, because the purchase of goods or services is from sources where subcontracting or supplier opportunities are negligible. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Financial Management Services Director certifies that upon approval of the above recommendation that the Transportation and Public Works Department, Parking Services Division, is responsible for the collection and deposit of funds due to the City. TO Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference# Amount ID ID Year (Chartfield 2 FROM Fund I Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference# Amount ID ID Year I (Chartfield 2) Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Jay Chapa (5804) Originating Department Head: Aaron Bovos (8517) Additional Information Contact: Jack Dale (8357) Doris Brent (2058) ATTACHMENTS Logname: 17ED COMFORWOMEN Page 2 of 2