HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 421 ORDINANCE. "•.-.fkl`td,,.-1'�Ctf�u.�_ L7 y A N 0 R D I N A N C E. ,psx gag a,- to F t* of #rho Publio streets and vehicles of all kinds and pedestrians, establishing regulations as tc the transportation of merohaaadise and other property over and upon Buck streets and highways,, and for the movement,stkdpping and standing j of street cars, pedestrians and vehicles of all kinds in the streets, highways and other public places, and repealing all ordinEn ces and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith and fixing penalties for the violation hereof. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Fort Vorth . _ - --_ 46 t ha ress wA vvft �,, #fie rasz tl of sc#r4aft 4140P ► b eet property upon streets, and the movement, stopping and standing of horses and vehicles in streets shall be subject to the regulations bn the succeeding sections of this ordinance set forth. Sec. 2. A vehicle, except when passing a vehicle, shall keep as near the right hand curb as possible, and all streets laid with double tracks for street cars, such street cars shall be run on the right hand track. Sec. 3. A vehicle overtaking another shall, in passing, keep to the left, and shall not pull over to the right until e - etear- of it,_ nor shall it leave the line on the right unless t a clear way of at least one hundred feet in advance on the, left, in passing a street car, shall pass to the right of it. Sec. 4. On an avenue or street divided longitudinally,1 a parkway,walk,sunkenway or viaduct, vehicles shall keep to the rig of such subdivision* Sec. 5. A vehicle in turning to the right into another 2 met shall turn the corner as near to the right hand corner as possible Vse c. 6* A vehicle in turning to the left into another street shall pass to the right of and beyond the center of the intersecting I street before turning. Seole7. A vehicle in crossing from one side of the street to another shall do do by passing the center of the intersecting street gyp* tvamix,g to the left and then head in the direction of the traffic M Uat side of the MUMK. Sec.8 No vihicle shall back to make a turn on Main, Houston Commerce streets, or Throckmorton Street, but shall go around the block 6r to an intersecting street. Sec. 9. No person having charge of a vehicle shall allow the same to come within ten feet of any vehicle in front of him while approaching and passing over a crossing of an intersecting street. Sec.10. Every driver of a vehicle shall, in slowing up or stopping dive a signal to those behind, by raising a whip or hand vertically. Sec.11, In turning while in motion or starting to turn from a standstill, a signal shall be `given, by the driver of the vehicle about to be turned, by a whip or hand indicating the direction in which the turn isto be made. Sec. 12. Before backing, jmple warning shall be given by voice or uplifted hand, and while backing Unceasing vigilance must be exercised by the driver not to ijzjure those behind. Sec.13. Drivers of motor`, driven vehicles and street cars i shall, when approaching a crossing or rounding a curve .or corner on a public street, signal in such t way as to give warning to other vehicles and to pedestriano of their approach. Sec.14. Police, f ' 4: mant,underwritere salvage n-T I L-, emergency repair vehicl" of st)r"t railways and the public se^�ims' companies, United States mail - ehieles, and ambulances shall have the right of way on any street' Lnd through any procession, when in the regular course of their prk,per duty. Sec. 15. Any person who 6hall interfere with any of the vehicles named in the foregoing section, when the same are in the regular course of their projer duties shall be deemed guilty of 3 a z.sdemeanor Sec,16 The streets of Second, gighth,Ninth,Thirteenth, Fifteenth) and intersectings of penneylvania at Hemphill and Magnolia at Lipscomb shall be known as "Fire Crossings" and street cars shall slow down before reaching the near side of the street and give signals with bell before proceeding across streets designated as "Fire Crossiggs• and keep close look out for Fire Wagons. Sec.11 o At all street.& wbioh are desi Zuated as "Fire Crossings' upon the approach of PUV Ube dries se • isnot car shall immediately stop said street car and keep it stationary until the Fire apparatus has passed. See.184 No person who is intoxicated, shall drive any animal or vehicle of any kind upon any of the public streets. Seoelg / all vehicles and street cars going in a northerly or southerly direction shall have the right of way over all vehicles and street cars going in an easterly or westerly direction`` See.20. The driver of a vehicle, upon the approach of a fire engine or any other fire apparatus shall immediately draw up said vehicle as near as practicable to the right hand curb and parallel thereto and bring it. to a standstill, and keep it at a stand still until such fire apparatus or7fire engine has pa sedgy -Sec.21. A vehicle waiting at the curb shall promptly give place to a vehicle about to take on or let off passengers. See 22. No person while driving a vehicle with horse or horses attached thereto shall cease from holding the reins in his hands to guide and restrain the same, nor when not riding,cease from whe horse holding on to the ft or � walking by the head of the shaft �1. t bridle or halter thereof Sec.23. It shall be unlawful for any person to carry or bLU board* GbW Bard, plaaard.0 W "MOW whose or �idewalk in tate ftt7 e! I'M4 Worth 9Or display. This ordinance shal; not prevent reasonable signs and ad- vertisements upon the wagons ,'and conveyances of merchats and business houses while the same are engaged in the service of delivering their goods. Sec.24. No p.ers�n shall drive or convey through any public street any vehicle, the width of which with its load, exceeds ten feet, except in accordant,' with. a permit from the Street CommiseL oner Sec.25. Every owner of a motor driven vehicle shall r register such vehicle with the Assessor and Collector of City Taxes onoe. a year and receive from said Assessor and Collector of taxes a license number tag as prescribed by the Board of City Commissioners for that year° The registration fee, including the tag shall be one dollar per year. This tag shall bear the same number under Which said vehicle is registered in the, office of the County Clerk QX TuawmS Ge=t'j,?e=ejP and be placed on the rear of such vehicle in • �M PIS" such that the view of the license will not be obstructed, and the tail light will illuminate it at nigh A duplicate of this number shall be placed on the front of such vehicle in a, conspicuous place such that the view of the duplicate number will not be obstructed. Sec. 26. Every owner of a horse drawn vehicle shall register such vehicle with the Assessor and Collector of City Taxies once a year and receive from said Assessor and Collector of taxes a license plate as prescribed by- the Board of City Commissioners for that year. The registration fee, including the tag shall be fifty- cents per year, and this plate shall be placed either to the front of, or on the side of the seat frame in a conspicuous place, such that any officer can find the license plate. This plate shall be considered a part of such vehicle. Sec.27. The purchaser of a second hand motor driven vehicle, and vehicle, shall register said vehicle under a new number upon the city records within threedays after purchasing same, and procure a new license number and a fee of one dollar shall be paid to the Assessor and Collector of city taxes of the City of Fort Worth, for motor driven vehicle license and fifty cents for horse drawn vehicle for such new license numbors* I t* spe",kq tmftr th* Uaense =M* �h&a #V -jW4Olw be operated under a license number which has been used on another vehicle, except when owned by dealers in motor driven vehicles, who may have issued as many duplicates of a given number as desired, by paying an additional fee of fif*y cents for each duplicate number isal ed, which fee shall be paid to the Assessor and Collector of Taxes of the City of Fort Worth, in advance, and every such original and duplicate license numbere issued shall be designated by the letter "D" to the 5 right of the license number. Sec.29. No person under the age of sixteen years shall drive any motor vehicle upon any public street, and no person shall cause any motor vehicle to be driven upon any public street by any person under the age of sixteen years. Sec.30. Every person operating a motor driven vehicle shall have a regulation driverislicense as prescribed by the Board of. Commissioners of the City of Fort Worth and a fee of one dollar shall be paid the Assessor and Co leer f Ta$es ;of t Ci444 ty �� Fort Worth ford s�%h�icense, w hi shall be issued on a yea , and while operating a motor driven vehicle the driver thereof shall carry his driver' s license, and shall exhibit same to any police or traffic It officer of the City of Fort Worth, upon request 61fterefor by any such officer. Sec.31. All street cars shall stop on the near side of the intersecting streets within the Corporate limits of the City of Fort Worth except South Bound street cars at Third and Main Streets, which shall slow up and signal on the near side of the street and then are permitted to stop on the far side of the street directly in front of the Traction Companies office for the purpose of letting off or taking on passengers, and, further, no street car shall stand o 'er fifteen minutes in any one block within the Corporate Limits of the City of Fort Wort Sec. 32. Every corporation, individual or firm operating two or more horse drawn vesicles for commercial use, shall number such vehicles giving to each vehicle a separate number. 2ec.33. Every hackney, carriage, cab, cabriolet when driven on the streets between tris hours of sunset and sunrise, l lighted lamps with pla,izt 91WO front WA Olds" lrevy UeLoz #Z'Ven vehicle, when operated upon any public street, shall carry, between the hours of sunset and sunrise, at least two lighted lamps Showing white lights visible at least three hundred feet in the direction towards which such vehicle is proceeding, and shall also exhibit one red light in the reverse direction. All other. vehicles while in use upon the streets between the hours of sunset and sunrise, sha11 'dis- play one or more lights or lanterns on the outside of such vehicles u :q�.nos eu�. uo �.aa.zq.S �.uo.z3 pug �q�.aou Aub. uo �.eaa�.S p.�o,�,zau�.va�, ee qeq s,.eaagS u048nog ao UIVVI uo segnuTui AAT, -Agaoj JO ssaoxa uT potaad v a0j pus,4s oq pemoTT's a.0. TTeus 9TsTgaA ou 'skepunS uo �deoxe •K•d A4aT-qq-xTs pine 011ev quSTa ,To sanou auq ueem4eg •oeS exoq TTsm ao SnTd aaTj v jo geej ueq tzTggTm pue;s oq pamoTTv aq TT'sgs aToTg9A 09 •Tfi •oeS •gano puss quSTa elgq JO seuouT uaoggl iga trMlit a" aTeew •wR low oft jo owq an aft!a jo ***a" mod A" us &@%a TTMP "94 e-4T S"XC o14 tMTaq.seped ao aToTued aeuZoue ALOIjv oq. ao 'douagagma ug uT sseTun 'ATOTueA Ok •p-J•aOGS •auTT gano ar[a. jo sauouT u9egLIBTe uTTTgTm eToTr;eA pTBs jo apTs �uSTj auq uo steaum au,. ao sgnu auq eAVu seTuTq Us qs TT'sris `ugaoj qao3 jo AgT6 aql� utggTm 4ea9jgSnoaOTZq ao anuaAV 'paSAeTnoq ',}eaa,.s v uo SuTpus .s aTTgm saToTuaA ITV 06E009S •Aouasaame jo esso uT '.deoxe 'a.aaags oTTglgd dine uT 499agq V jo asTrjuqSUGj aToTueA aau'�ou8 JO leveagv emus eqq. do,4s TTSgs aTsTuaA V Jo e2?aVuo ?uTAsu uosaed oli •gg •oeS •eovld dua uT spoor BuTpsoTun. ao '�- 2aTpeoT ao 'saaSuessvd umop 2uTgges ao dn. SuTgvq jo aeuuvm euq !aovTd _ Aug moij SuT,.avdap ao ?uTuovoadde 'SuTgavgs 'BuTddoqs oq s%) 'aoao3 aoTTod auq jo aagmaui Rine jo 'p-UVq ao aoTon Aq suoTgoeaTp Rus rt4TA ATdmoo q.snm sGmT'' Us ' 's saToTuaA TT's jq saaATaa •G2'oaS •aTOTuAA uene JO puA aeea Auq oq peuoVggS q.Lf3TT s aASu TT eus rr.aoa gao3 Jo AgTO GT4!- 30 sqaaaa.s auq uodn Xavp aeq je eTpT SuTpus,.s setsTuaa TTV 022,09S •aexod e u�eo uSTe peooxe ou TTm tea B ons s alGLlq' uETp TT'sus rf-Tp '� � T LIQ � LIQ u �u TZ o s ut r vm u saado OTT-q-1'T4gaoM wo3 ,To A,4TS auq. q� TZ agvaodaop auT uTuq . T� saea uvgarnaa,.uT TTv Ptm 69OToT-q9A `SuTgosoadds dq pse-gs a.eej peapunu -- aaalgq ATgTsTA aq TTTm AG'gq qgu,� Aq jsua juT mons jo aq TT'sus T4 Tum squ!3TT APTP ugTm ueATap aq AVM 'umop pa�Vtt a.z eq .ouuso squ�?TT esounm saTsTuaA uanTap aolout papTAoad :aamod eTpueo �u?Te usu� aa,.g3Taq euTus q,ou ITT.& AOT44 gvgq aeuuem g uons uT s,�uSTI eons gsnCp'e ao s'4gSTIp'sau aTe.qq uo Sao=-e," esn TT'sus u,4aoAl gao3 jo AgTo euq jo sa.TmTq egsaodaoS euq uTq,}Tx pegsaado seTOTrgaA ueATap ao!.ouu TTS' •vS•aeS o•a�eq. q .z uoaj ucoaj atgTsTA 0 o _ visible from front to rear. Sec.34. All motor driven vehicles operated within the Corporate Limits of the CitY .of Fort Worth shall use 4mmers on their headlights or adjust such lights in such a manner that they will not shine brighter than eight candle power; provided motor driven vehicles whose lights cannot be regulated down, may be driven with dide lights which shall be of such intensity that they will be visible three hundred feet ahead by approaching vehiclesp and all interurban gars while operating within the Corporate Limits of the City of Fort Worth, shall dim .theilights such that they will not exceed eight candle power. Sec.35. All vehicles standing idle after dark upon the th shall have a light attached to the Sea. 36, No motor standirg in any street with all vehicles at all times must comply person ,be left in charge the hand, of any member of the Police fg, approaching or departing from any i place; the manner of taking up or setting down passengers, or loading or unloading goods in any place. Sec. 38. No person having charge of a vehicle shall stop the same abreast of another vehicle lengthwise of a street in any ptLblic street, except in case of emergency. Sec.39. All vehicles while standing on a street, boulevard, avenue or thoroughfare, within the City of Fort Worth, shall at all times have the hubs of the wheels on the right side of said vehicle within eighteen inches of the curb line. Sec.40. No vehicle, unless in an emergency, or to allow another vehicle or pedestrim to o1 ra" its pSt4 Nbb" 86" f @ pbl o 0%4" or MOWN =10 UM U*o o! iso "*4 b" Selo are within etthtaen inches of the right hand curb. Sec. 41. No vehicle shall be allowed to stand within ten feet of a fire plug or mail box. Sec. 42. Between the hours of eight A,M. and six-thirty P.M, except on Sundays, no vehicle shall be allowed to stand for a period in excess of forty-five minutes on Main or Houston Streets between Weatherford Street on the north and Front Street on the south; 7 provided however, vehicles which stand on a block forty-five minutes or less and is 'thereafter moved and returned to the same block within twenty minutes, the time which it stands after re- turning shall be added to the time which it previously stood in deb6rmining the violation of this ordinance., and provided further II' that, on Main or Houston Street between the north line of Weather- ford street and the north line of Front Street, no vehicle shall be stood thereon for the purpose of sale. ' . Sec.43. All motor driven vehicles, operated within the Corporate Limits of the City of Fort forth, shall have at all times,, in good operating condition, as mechanically operated or electrically driven horn or bell. Sec.44. All motor driven vehicles operating within the Corporate Limits of the City of Fort North, shall be equipped with mufflers, and no motor driven vehicle shall be driven with its cut- out open. Bec.45. Any driver of any out of town motor driven vehicle may operate such vehicle upon the streets of Fort 'North for a period of seven days under the number of another City, County or State, and upon the termination of said seven days, said motor driven vehicle shall be registered with. the Assessor and Collector of Taxes of the City of Fort Worth, and the owner thereof receive a visitor's license at a minimum charge of 25� a month, which license will ve . designated by .e "V" to the right of the number, and said driver shall also take out a driver's license as herein before provided for. See.46. No person shall walk out upon the street to catch a streetcar until such street car has approached within one hundred Feet of the corner, and,-further, all vehicles, street cars, doll wt all tb" be" WTIM !s ereffldT4end u ectinIg Di7 ets and blocading of such streets or intersecting streets gb&U constitute a misdemeanor. x,47. Pedestrians crossing from one side of the street to the other shoal cross same at right angle with the curb line of that street. Sec.48. No person or vehicle shall cross any street, boulevard or highway other than at the intersection of two streets. 8 Sec.49. The driver of every vehicle shall keep his vehicle not less than .six feet from the running board or lower step of an street car which is stopping for the y .. _ PP � purpose of taking on or discharging any passenger, and if it is not possible to pass at a distance of not less than six feet from said running board or step, then the driver ofsuch vehicle shall stop until such street car has taken on or discharged its passengers and again started; provided however that no vehicle of any kind or character shall pass a street car which has stopped or is about to stop to take on or discharge passengers, at a greater rate of speed than four miles an hour, and in passing, shall pass to the right of street car. Sec.50. No person riding a bicycle, motorcycle, tricycle, or on roller skates shall take hold of any vehicle or street car for the purpose of holding onto and being carried along by said other vehicle or street car, and all drivers of vehicles shall use un- ceasing vigilance to keep persons from. holding onto or being carried along by weld vehicle which they are driving. Sec.51, It shall be unlawful for the driver or operator of any motor driven vehicle or street car to sound the horn, gong or other devices for giving warning upon same, in a loud, unusual or unnecessary manner or to use same at any time or place except as a warning of danger. Sec,52. In case any vehicle or street car, strikes or injures any person or vehicle, it shall be the duty of the person in charge thereof to immediately stop and render all reasonable assist- anee, and, if necessary, to obtain medical or mechanical assistance or aid for such injured person or vehicle, Sec.53. No one passenger motorcydle shall be ridden by ares UM ON& Otis! IrLdi�ng -shall PSM MUM tie seat "awed b7 the Operator. Sec.54. Street cars shall, upon signal, stop at stree- or intersecting sections of streets, for the purWee CC on or discharging a paes"er., but "0 pa=t et oW street car shall bt stopped me Y to obetrnet traffic, cn any intersecting street, ex when such stop shall be necessary for the purpose of protecting . or property,, 9 Sec.55. Tt. shall be unlawful foryany person to permit any vehicle of any kind or character to stop, stand or remain on Seventh St. or Plinth St., between Main and Throckmorton Streets for a longer period than five minutes at any time between seven A.M. : and eight P.M* provided however that vehicles loading and unloading I� merchandise or other property may stand therein a reasonable length_ of time to enable them to load or unload such merchandise or other property, and further provided that it shall be unlawful for any person to permit any vehicle of any kind or character to stop, stand or remain on the north half of Weatherford street between Commerce and Houston streets for a longer period. 1 a than five minutes at any time between the hours of seven A. L4 and eight P.M; provided however that vehicles loading and unloading merchandise or other property may stand therein a reasonable length of time to enable them to load or unload such merchandise or other pro Seo.56. 2t shall be unlawful to throw upon any street any nails, tacks= crocker-WO &or&# irrUs, tap,. Wlre'ti0tUWP 93aM W a . � Sec.57. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to run drive or direct, or permit the running or driving of any motor driven vehicle or street car, in upon, along, or across any public square, street alley, or any other place within the Corporate Limits of the City of Fort Worth at a greater rate of speed than eighteen (18) miles per hourp provided that upon the following streets and portions of streets within said City, no such vehicle or street car shall run or be driven at a greater rate of speed than twelve miles per hour to-wit: Commerce, Main, Houston and Throckmorton Streets, !rs Daum* •ts"t as tib North to WW n04r* Um_at awesome# as No OWU4 =A all strw !• T=UU16 east MA Ott asrasr OA �Ereete mentioned from COONWce to Throckmorton Streets between Belknap on the north and BrOsAwy on the south, also Jennings Avenue from the intersection wiib loth Street to Broadway street, and Front Street from Houston Str*'t on the West to Virginia Ave.., on the east, and on Lamar Street frau the north line of Seventh Street to the South line 10 of North Street and on Seventh Street from the east line of 4 Throckmorton Street to the Arlin H fights bri -e.bf 64vE Ses.58. The money derived from the sale of automobile and vehicle license plates, over and above the cost of issuing plates, shall be turned over to the Police Department and one half of the money derived from the sale of Driver License, over and above the cost of issa. ing licenses, shall be turned over to the Police Depart- ment, all of it shall be used to help defray the expense of placing more Traffic and Moborcycle Officers on duty for better enforcement of the Traffic Laws. One half of the money derived from the sale of Driver License over and above the cost of issuing licenses shall be turned over to the Street Department, and the money shall be used for marking dangerous turns, keeping the streets clear of glass, iron scraps, wire crockery etc. Sec059. The following teras wherever used herein, except as otherwise specifically indicated. shall be the meaning herein be- lowset forth, and any such terms used in the singular number shall be held to include the plural. The word"vehicle* includes every wagon, carriage, omnibus, sleigh, ptLsh cart, automobile, motorcycle, bicycle, side car, cycleea:r tricycle and other conveyances in whatever manner driven or propelled (but street cars shall be included only when specifically mentioned) and every draft or riding animal, when drawn, ridden or led. An animal or animals attached to any vehicle shall with such vehicle constitute one vehicle. The words "motor driven" vehicle, includes every gasolene, steam and electric propelled automobile, truck, cycle car, motorcycle, and aide car machine. The word "horse" includes everydomestic animal used for i I 11 or not. The word"person" shall include all individuals, associations, partnerships and corporations. Sec.60. Any person violating any of the foregoing provisions, rules and regulations, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction- thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars. Sec.61. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. This ordinance shall take efffect from and after its passage and publication, as prescribed by law. e'�--�-� r 2 r I hereby certify that the above and fore going ordinn,ee was duly presented and unanimously passed and adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Cit, of Fort Worth at a session of said Board held Saturday July 11th, 1914. City Secretary.