HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1823 *Guam /RS(A '911.: prow ev"A , ��l1 1 '!{ �a:.� +t4ctsa • y • Esso � ,[4 I"" �rw�����►i Mfi Aq POT;fid SOMM10JO d14 iw o gftd 041 !_ +14tIL 9WAIiNS 84 400 M3 VOTOW 04.=4 ^ 9►O rvel wry NOTSOM 041 •'pe-amw 04 4Y 40vt ilms"m s 11pm 1m *a max* psfs.:0&0 s pasffp s IXT sH •Y I lila-04 •ps4ods11*.��; drt s>r�sl�aE t�q a "ow, dLoi[oi sot. aztj IP P.ym 1a SUVA.,T,b s 2Ii4M4Y3sac,v •wwof ltgww,� sa,k jae'l Isla*" 0418"0 s squia ;UT491,16A 041 In'p 4Anka;4v ^To ejm,,u •i 'Lt 4ASM44m"- J4i ' '&on*% Am&m 4ao8effvw **"w4A"u '!f •� ! � �RssY •#I 1 •CJI •D 'tab l4�Fa-"D3 •411�Iw�ar>li 't►,x7$ �3�Ttoi �q4 �f/► �� isjaux d jo eajso" =I"S r r4 va"Amm •nss,L N$Aok Oto¢ is 441: M4 js r�tc,g 941v" a44 ,mat "fit ise tap 4s'[ "s N144 no 1 =01. Ulu d .'Lf'ID 1 at!WVJ. A) AM40D 1 �iit �'«iA SIY�r t � ^a AN ZIVINuWN /8z ;W LVAMTKO ORDDUN W 1810 HmlF%!roRZ f-ADr RI} N TM rlTr =WIL, I0F2MffrlV6 $86,000.00 OF grip 0XGrXAL �c.MC nl0lMB TO 88 R M WO D1 nwklG19 'AGR $360000.00 CITi Of BURP QHS CATIKINO f6 RITN-I#iA Iii VII, �ju IS 60, Klee IN 110 TH I EM ES C.F 111R S Cl TY CM at ALB AM CERTUIR StA`Y ORIWALO TV R17 RFNOR F3>`"1'.T0. mwrA.1STiE: ALL C ill+ilRixw- m ,gym-�LLTn R a im afJEi1T.IOT flWffl8I, AND WLARING AN OI'LMOdY. WIMIMS, on the 81th day C-i' rohrwwy, It=, the City Owunall passed Ordfnmenes 1010, the caption of which is as follows& *ORi)DiAl (m ` I. 1816 AN L�VTWAX CV I Lr: i°?i V W i KE Lg£W AR M -.I &Xr.O, SFRI , 60, 19 'M-F Aa9IAr'T OX -13F VIL[ION rUVR RITa WFD V.LX !! 71TR THOUSAND ($1,4",000.00) WLLv8# IN 111W OP A LIKE e3 r' Caf MIGNATffii 0WVrA4RDING )014 tR OF AID ClTrq WA RM THIt SAM I1 OR A HIMER BATT W' rNT!W—,T, rRC?YIXW 101E ffi A'XMAWX UIQ 'i'W C�AIdIXAL BOXW VOR TOE 1Pr7Wr1PG E' XWO L1CY1 V3 A Tkl TO 1ROVIItt F011 TIM PATMIT4f 0f F'RIIICI:AL AND 714"- a€.'3T TR MWT# 'M80IIItNG TR h IJM FS w? T11S 4ALRIO i'S CITY -TYW AL3 AND TRI STATE UTrICI ALS IN 1III TRI4CS 'fids VFW, REPTAY.M ALL .RT4X4K= OD RTat1LfMi 9!!<1 jjW ftM T"GjZW IN ".L'"I' Y Cr ^CK?, AND 202ARM AN lWlMl6l3'C.w I end OHIREA3,1 said ordinance provided ter the issuance of 11,495,000.00 of rcfanding bonds to be issued in lion of $10408i00 &OO of origimal boadsl and V VrA_i, Said ordiaaaoc deesribed ihrec original issues of bones, but did not deal Mato the apodfie bonds of said respective issues to be refwadedo PM141MC 1n acid ordinenec tbat a awpplcNsmtal ordlROIN• would be passed spooifyieg the mabors of t: a bonds of cook of said issues to be rcfna"d j and ;MLtq!7A:*9 it to acagidered nota soaveniont for tkc ;urposo of guidl-- the Attoraa„= neral of the .Mete of Texam, cad the Omptrellar of Fublie Accounts of VII State of Ts:**, that thio agppleamntal ordiaancs Ideality the bonds ::f one of the issues affee"41 and ' mrp ”;, all kilt sold boa" are i;m table frau ad valoraa taxes icticd m, .41aat the tcxeLic '?arty is avid City; N as IT OMPRO Vr V.T CITY malt. 7 TSF CITE :-F POW 1. T-)at original b,ads aggregating Thiry Six Thousand { 6,000.00) DPUora be sad thgr are hereby declared to be eligible to be wstunded is onobesse for Thirty `319 (4360000.00) DJollsss of re-up4ip9 bonds Inthorlaed Is Ordinsass hies JU4, passed by the City Comeil of this City )r Bort 'or" on irebroary 27, 434, recorded in r I, pages st seq. genre partiealexiy desoribed as follomi City of Fort eek Waterworks Asfradim vn s, assts 60, bearing 4% and 40 istorest, .)tad Marsh 10 19330 and easuriad aerially as set out is said ordiaonse. The avocifie beside eligible to be c:chatsiad par for par far Ta arty Six Thousand (06,000.00) Dollars of sold aotmading bonds are identified as follows t Series ab, Water torke Isteasiom and Loprsvemost gunge, dated April, 19 1911, benrLng fire (0%) per asst inlwr"t, womitors piny Iite (5-*), Fifty Six (661, Thaw nundred Sixty Two (3"), Tbree m n dred Ninety Two (302), Throo Hundred *Mn** 7%roe (393), Pow hundred Twelve (412), Your Rundred Thirteen (US) Your hundred Winety Tan (493) to your hundred Ninety Six {496), both iselusite, Firs Hundred Fifty a-no (551), Fite Hundred Fifty 'our (04)„ Five Huadred Ridety Three (M), Six HwAred Forty Uma (641) to Six Hundred Yost" five (Mb), both I wlnsirs, Seven Hundred Sixty Thruo {'rig), Mine S adrod "rt:try saves (ON), Winc Hundred 7?itrW hhiae (M), Wine Hundred Tito Two (M), One Thousand (It) to One Thousand Four (1411?4), both iaslusiw, one Thousand Seventy Fite (1075), One Thousand lightyOne (1011), One Thousand Eine Ban deed Fifty (1150), '-as Thovowd One Hundred Fifty One (1151), One T'bouaaad One Hundred Fifty Three (1103), One Thousand One hundrod FFii fftty� how (1134), One Tbonsasd Three Rundrod Fifty(18504 04,000 00 TOTAL- • • • • • • t • • • • • • • • - • • • • • • • • • OS660000. s. That a certified eopy of this ordissnee be filed with iho A4t991M QeMorel of the - rata of 'foxes with the 11 quest that he forward ams to the Ooetrellor of ublie Aseounts of the State of Tess for his MuiQanse la the asseellatlen of original bonds and the registration of the sofuading bonds• 3. That all ordiaansos and resolutions ase& parts thaseof, if any, in enafllet »lsrewith are harems repeated to the extent of snab oonfilot. 4. it is hweW declared to be of great Wortasse to the Oily of Tort Porth and to the teneyers that this ordiauee be sffsative is+esdletsly frau sad atter its passage, and it is ordafaed that this ardimes be affective immuateir free sad *nor its sasme. P.W,4.. AIM r=, , ;fav?i this the aw of ye#, Ion. ep,r, Aty ;)f Fort -ox414 rem M I a1't'�1'3 mwrvlwoor tons. A"l ROTY' as to foe an T,,,t Ci tu mw. ".1 ty "f ?art 'I,rth, N I 1 I I I 7W STAIV OY MAS Cu!?Mff [}f TARIANT s mTf IF BEY ' go'm T, now Fall ar, '-i ty aoere�u r; 0; the A IW of i'o:► tostis, Tassas, do hdsre* oertify that the Oeve and foregoing is a tate, full and oorrost copy r r an ordiaanoe paeged by the 'tty -o+.veil of said ttir as the y of 14W, 1491; that Immediately preceding and etteebed to the copy of said ordiummos is a true, lull mad sorreat eopy of as estraot of tho sunt** of a meeting of tha Oity Couneil in reftrsasa to the intreftstlos a" passage of said ordina'oel that said ;rdinamos is rooarded in Ordinmea Boole Mo..-- pages at sogi that tM extract of Us ssimmUw of the meatims of said city r.Uocil aro raoardad in the Pinute Each, of the City Conseil, Volme ;*gM civ at seq. RX'YO".T€Ri 'O%Mdor my bond tad t`re feel of said City this the dq Got ]-OF, 10346 �'Ii aesretaAr�� �� of frrag , Texas,