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Texas Association of Local Health Officials
Collaborative Agreement Revised 7-6-00
The purpose of this document is to establish a collaborative among local health
departments in Texas for the purpose of applying for computer network funding
from the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board (TIFB), in order to
improve local public health. Participants shall be the local health departments
listed in attached Exhibit A.
This agreement is by and between the participating local health departments,
hereinafter collectively operating as the Texas Association of Local Health
Officials Collaborative (TALHO Collaborative).
This agreement, at a minimum, shall be in force through the period of the
TIFB grant and six months thereafter, so that required post-grant reporting
can be completed.
WHEREAS, the participating local health departments wish to file a grant
application with the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board, State of
Texas, for funding up to $4.5 million, or approximately $60,000 per site in
equipment and services, for the Telecommunications Infrastructure Board (TIFB)
Public Health Internet Connectivity Grant; and
WHEREAS the participating local health departments believe it to be in their best
interests to join in the application to develop a project; and
WHEREAS, the participating local health departments agree to each accept the
responsibility to adhere to all pertinent federal, state, and local laws and TIFB
regulations; and
WHEREAS, this agreement certifies that the objectives of the grant
application submitted to the TIFB have been reviewed and that it is mutually
agreed to cooperate to whatever extent is necessary in carrying out the work
plan described in the application; and
WHEREAS, the participating local health departments agree that a TALHO
Collaborative Management Committee is established consisting of the named
project officials on the TIFB application, and the Texas Association of Local
Health Officials (TALHO) representatives as designated by TALHO, and
WHEREAS, this agreement certifies that it is understood by all of the
participating entities that it is the responsibility of the members of the
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TALHO Collaborative Management Committee to determine how to disburse
funds among the members, resolve grievances, subcontract with other
organizations and individuals as needed; and
WHEREAS, TALHO is an established organization that will remain viable after
the TIFB grant period, TALHO governance procedures and bylaws will guide the
continuation and maintenance of the project after the TIFB grant period; and
WHEREAS, the TALHO Collaborative Management Committee will establish
policies and rules for: making grant management decisions; accepting new
members; the disposition of grant equipment for members that might quit the
collaborative during the grant period.
WHEREAS, the participating local health departments acknowledge their intent
to continue to be responsible for recurring telecommunications and Intemet
Service Provider fees after the end of the TIFB grant period.
WHEREAS, the participating local health departments agree to the terms listed
one through ten of the addendum to this Intra Local Agreement, and in
consideration for agreeing to those terms, TALHO will use funds provided by the
Texas Department of Health to meet the local match requirements of the TIFB
In case of any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement
shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any
respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect
any other provision thereof and this Agreement shall be construed as if such
invalid or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein.
SIGN THIS 14th DAY OF July , 2000
/ Assistant City Manager
nature of Othorized Individual
Libby Watson City of Fort Worth Public Health Department
Name of Authorized Individual Local Health Department
& • 1.19 6q
ATTESTED BY Contract Authorization
Addendum to Collaborative Agreement:
List of Health Alert Network Requirements
The local match requirement of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board
(TIFB) will be paid for by the collaborative with funds that the Texas Association of
Local Health Officials (TALHO) receives by contract from Texas Department of Health
(TDH). The original source of these funds is a grant from Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) for the Health Alert Network (HAN). Terms of the CDC grant call
for certain capabilities to be funded at the local level. The contract between TDH and
TALHO address the technical requirements of the CDC grant. Below are listed the
requirements that will pass to the local health departments (LHDs)to assure that terms of
the CDC grant are met. This will allow the use of$612,000 of federal funds to be used in
the HAN project. This will meet the TIFB local match requirement.
The requirements listed below fall under four broad categories:
• Use of equipment
• Participation in health alerts
• Participation in distance learning
• Project evaluation
Use of Equipment:
1. The Health Alert Network(HAN) needs to function as a system to function
properly. In order to assure that the system works — local health officials should
not be reluctant to use the equipment because of a lack of technical support.
Therefore the local health department (LHD) agrees to make arrangements for
adequate network and desktop user support so that bio-terrorism and public health
alert functions may occur in a timely manner. Support arrangements will include
repair of equipment, administration of servers where appropriate, the ability of
users to obtain answers to hardware and software operational questions, and other
general technical support. Participation in the Texas Rural Hospital
Telecommunications Alliance (TRHTA) centralized helpdesk will meet this
2. The HAN must be able to function 24 hours a day, seven days a week if it is to
be used as a tool to protect citizens from bioterrorist events and other public
health threats. Therefore, LHDs that have a single Internet connection agree to
have a backup capability such as at least one desktop workstation that has dial-up
56kbps Internet connectivity to an alternate Internet Service Provider. Those
LHDs that have multiple connection options to the Internet meet this requirement.
3. The HAN will not function correctly if local health officials do not have access
to the equipment and network, therefore the LHD agrees to have policies and
procedures in place that allow/enable the use of the equipment and network by
appropriate staff in support of the HAN including access to the Internet.
4. The LHD agrees to provide physical security to network equipment so that it
will be available in the event of emergencies. The LHD agrees:
• Routers, gateways, utility hosts should be located in areas where physical
access is restricted; e.g., locked room or closet.
• There should be policies in place addressing: physical access to
equipment, site emergency and disaster recovery, and acceptable use.
Participation in Health Alerts
5. The HAN will include a broadcast messaging capability so that health alerts
can be sent to appropriate local officials in the event of a bioterrorist attack or
other health alert. In order for this system to function correctly, accurate rosters of
those officials with current contact information need to be maintained. The LHD
agrees to maintain their roster of officials and to provide Texas Department of
Health (TDH)with updated records.
6. Detection of bioterrorist events will be based largely on analysis of reportable
disease data. In order to improve the collection and analysis of data that might
indicate a bioterrorist or other public health threat,the LHD agrees to use the
HAN for surveillance and reporting of notifiable disease conditions.
7. Testing of the HAN system will be an important element of successful
implementation; therefore the LHD agrees to participate in the development and
testing of health alert notifications.
8. Local health officials' familiarity with the HAN equipment is essential for the
system to function properly. Therefore, HAN equipment may also be used for
other regular health department functions. This is often referred to as dual use.
The LHD may use HAN equipment for dual uses.
Participation in Distance Learning
9. A key component of the Texas bioterrorism preparedness and response effort is
the training of local officials in bioterrorism and other public health threats.
Distance learning programming is available from sources including the Centers
for Disease Control (CDC), other federal and state agencies, universities, and
health science centers. The LHD agrees to participate in bio-terrorism distance
learning activities as they become available; and to designate a staff member to
serve as the distance learning contact. The local distance learning contact will:
• Market distance learning programs through the dissemination of bulletins
or fliers to local target audience(s).
• Serve as local site facilitator for distance learning programs.
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Project Evaluation
10. TUB requires that the TIFB grant project be evaluated, and that the evaluation
plan be included in the TIFB grant application. The US Department of Justice in
conjunction with the CDC will conduct a nationwide survey of the organizational
capacity of local jurisdictions to meet bioterrorist threats. Future federal funding
for bioterrorism preparedness may be based on survey results. The LHD agrees to
assess and evaluate organizational capacity according to the Department of Justice
Bio-Terrorism/ Weapons of Mass Destruction Preparedness Public Health Survey
by March 1, 2001. This survey instrument will be used as the basis for the
required TIFB evaluation plan.
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Exhibit A
Local Health Departments Participating in the TALHO Collaborative
Region 1
Lubbock City Health Department
Plainview-Hale County Health District
South Plains Public Health District
City of Amarillo Department of Public Health
Regions 2 & 3
City of Irving Environmental Health
Collin County Health Care Services
City of Fort Worth Public Health Department
City of Garland Environmental Health
Grayson County Health Department
Greenville Hunt County Health Department
Abilene Public Health District
Brownwood Brown County Health Department
Denton County Health Department
Corsicana Navarro Public Health District
Dallas City Department of Environmental Health Services
Dallas County Health & Human Services
Scurry County Health Department
Wichita Falls Wichita County Public Health District
Tarrant County Public Health Department
Sweetwater Nolan County Health Department
Regions 4 & 5
Marshall Harrison County Health District
Paris Lamar County Health Department
Gregg County Health Department
Texarkana Bowie County Family Health Center
Angelina County & Cities Health District
Jasper Newton County Public Health District
Smith County Public Health District
Cherokee County Health Department
Wood County Health Department
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Regions 5 & 6
Harris County Health Department
Hardin County Health Department
Beaumont City Health Department
Galveston County Health District
Orange County Health Department
Port Arthur City Health Department
Montgomery County Health Department
Chambers County Health Department
Liberty County Local Health Unit
Houston Health& Human Services Department
Regions 7
Bell County Public Health District
Austin Travis County Health& Human Services
Milam County Health Department
Hays County Health Department
Williamson County& Cities Public Health District
Waco McLennan County Public Health District
Regions 8
Atascosa County Health Department
Bandera County Local Health Unit
Comal County Health Department
Victoria City County Health Department
San Antonio Metropolitan Health District
Jackson County Health Department
Cuero-Dewitt County Health Department
Calhoun County Health Department
Uvalde City County Health Department
Regions 9 & 10
Ector County Health Department
El Paso City County Health and Environmental District
Andrews City County Health Department
Midland Health Department
San AngeloTom Green County Health Department
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Regions 11
Corpus Christi Nueces County Public Health District
Cameron County Health Department
Hidalgo County Health Department
San Patricio County Health Department
City of Laredo Health Department
Willacy County Local Health Unit
Live Oak County Health Department
Name of Contact Person: Libby Watson
Title of Contact Person: Assistant City Manager
Mailing Address: 1800 University Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76107
Telephone Number: 8178716209 Fax Number: 8178716240
E-Mail Address: WatsonL@ci.fort-worth.tx.us
Federal Tax ID#: 1-75-6000528-6 County Name: Tarrant
State Senator: See Attachment 1 State Rep.: See Attachment 1
♦ TOTAL LOCAL FUNDS FOR PROJECT $ 5,845.00 (supplied by TDH)
Texas Hospital Telecommunications Alliance (TORCH collaborative)
Date: July 14, 2000
Signature o uthorized Official
Libby Watson, Assistant City Manager
Printed Name and Title
G1 W6°D
Applicant Name: City of Fort Worth
BUDGET SCHEDULE TIFB Funds Funded by TDH In-Kind* Total
A. Personnel
B. Contractual Services $ 22,430 $ 5,845 $ 28,275
C. Travel
D. Supplies & Materials $ 1,150 $ -
E. Equipment&Assets $ 34,870 $ -
TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES $ 58,450 $ 5,845 $ - $ 64,295
Program Income (if known)
* Please Identify Source:
Source Amount
CDC Grant via TDH $ 5,845
TOTAL $ 5,845
1 approve the budget for this project and agree to abi by aTl-ffnanc' I idelines.
Signature of Financial Officer S ture of Aut ized Official
Robert H. Striker, Administrative Services Libby Watson, Assistant City Manager
Typed or Printed Name and Title manager Typed or Printed Name and Title
July 14, 2000 July 14, 2000
Date Date
TIFB Form/Budget Summary(1/98) err}��u��U�pyNl)I��( ItM�ISUr�I�iW���)W;/(JII
G :� U'J��J VI L U U p U R.
Applicant Name: City of Fort Worth
Type of Expense Quantity/ TIFB Fund Local Fund In-Kind Total
Section 1: Telecommunications
a. ISP and Internet Installations 1 $ 1,100 $ 1,100
b. ISP Fees and Line Charges 12 $ 3,600 $ 3,600
c. Remote Network Monitoring 12 $ 3,160 $ 3,160
d. Cisco Customer Service Center 12 $ 350 $ 350
e. Help Desk 12 $ 350 $ 350
f. Email/WebNideo Server Hosting 10 $ 2,000 $ 2,000
Total Section 1 $ 10,560 $ - $ - $ 10,560
Section 2: Project Management
a. Project Design/Management 10 $ 5,845 $ 5,845
b. Staging and Implementation 1 $ 3,500 $ 3,500
c. Technical Site Survey 1 $ 370 $ 370
d. Web site/Data Integration 1 $ 3,000 $ 3,000
$ -
Total Section 2 $ 6,870 $ 5,845 $ - $ 12,715
Section 3: Training
a. Training 2 $ 5,000 $ 5,000
$ -
Total Section 3 $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ 5,000
SECTION 1 + 2 + 3 = $ 22,430 $ 5,845 $ - $ 28,275
NOTE: Using the Justification Attachment form, justify and briefly describe the basis for arriving at
the cost of each line item, including the type of service, number of hours, rate per hour, and travel
costs for consultants, if any.
I approve the budget for this roject and agree a ' e b all financial uidelines.
Signature of Financial Officer ignature of thorized Official
Robert H. Striker Libby tson
Administrative Services Manager Assistant City Manager
Typed or Printed Name and Title Typed or Printed Name and Title
July 14, 2000 July 14, 2000
Date Date
TIFB Form/Budget Sched B(1/98) go�,�,.
Applicant Name: City of Fort Worth
Type of Expense Quantity TIFB Funds Local Funds In-Kind Total
Section 1: Software
Groupware Software 1 $ 500 $ 500
Utility Software 1 $ 150 $ 150
$ -
Total Section 1 $ 650 $ - $ - $ 650
Section 2: Other
Racks 1 $ 350 $ 350
Surge Suppressors 7 $ 150 $ 150
Total Section 2 $ 500 $ - $ - $ 500
SECTION 1 + 2= $ 1,150 $ - $ - $ 1,150
NOTE: Using the Justification Attachment form,justify and briefly describe the basis for arriving
at the cost of each line item. See Section 4, Page 3 of the Application Guide for additional
I approve the budget for this project and agree to abide all financial gui eines.
off/ 4—
Signature of Financial Officer n ture of Aut orized Official
Robert H. Striker Libby Wats n
Administrative Services Manager Assistant City Manager
Typed or Printed Name and Title Typed or Printed Name and Title
July 14, 2000 July 14, 2000
Date Date
�fv�?,q��p�r,�/ C)�IrII1aIL�Us�IW�W/G
TIFB Form/Budget Sched D(1/98)
Applicant Name: City of Fort Worth
Type of Expense I Quantityl TIFB Funds Local Fund In-Kind I Total
Section 1: Network Hardware
a. Router 1 $ 17,000 $ 17,000
b. Switch 1 $ 1,700 $ 1,700
c. UPS 1 $ 660 $ 660
$ -
$ -
Total Section 1 $ 19,360 $ - $ - $ 19,360
Section 2: Computer/Video Hardware
a. Servers 1 $ 1,750 $ 1,750
b. Workstations 3 $ 6,600 $ 6,600
c. Video streaming equipment 1 $ 1,500 $ 1,500
d. Satellite reception equipment 1 $ - $ -
e. Broadcast fax server 1 $ 3,000 $ 3,000
Total Section 2 $ 12,850 $ - $ - $ 12,850
Section 3: Wiring
a. Cable Installation 5 $ 1,200 $ 1,200
$ -
Total Section 3 $ 1,200 $ - $ - $ 1,200
Section 4: Other Equipment
a. Printer 2 $ 1,110 $ 1,110
b. Scanner 1 $ 350 $ 350
$ -
Total Section 4 $ 1,460 $ - $ - $ 1,460
SECTION 1 + 2+ 3 + 4= $ 34,FO $ - $ - $ 34,870
approve the budget for this project and agree to ide by all finan *aI guidelines.
Signature of Financia Off cer SVatbre of Aut rized Official
Robert H. Striker Libby Wats n
Administrative Services Manager Assistant City Manager
Typed or Printed Name and Title Typed or Printed Name and Title
Date July 14, 2000 Date July 14, 2000
IV�U ll c�°�e1L5 UGJUS U
TIFB Form/Budget Sched E(1/98) ��' nnU�VlLr�nnB � o
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City of Fort Worth, Texas
A ar And coun"K communicalflon
7/11100 G-12957 50NETWORK 1 of 2
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Authorize the City Manager to enter into an Interlocal Collaborative Agreement with the Texas
Association of Local Health Officials (TALHO) to establish a collaboration among local health
departments for the purpose of applying for funds from the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund
Board in order to establish a statewide Health Alert Network; and
2. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the TALHO
and the Texas Department of Health (TDH) for the purpose of establishing a Health Alert Network;
3. Accept computer equipment and services valued at approximately $60,000 for participation in the
Health Alert Network.
Sixty local health departments (see attached exhibit A) throughout the state have agreed to form a
collaborative effort with TALHO who will, on behalf of the group, apply for funding to implement the
Texas Health Alert Network (HAN.) The purpose of the Texas HAN is to provide computing and
communications capability for all public health staff in local health departments, as well as high
performance, continuous, reliable, nationwide, secure connectivity in order to:
a) Assure the development of local and state systems for receipt and broadcast of urgent health
alerts; and
b) Establish a comprehensive distance learning infrastructure; and
c) Assure that public health agencies have the organizational capacity to preserve, protect, and
promote the health of their communities; and
d) Conduct on-line disease reporting and surveillance.
The interlocal agreement with TALHO consists of two major requirements: 1) agreeing to be part of the
collaboration, and 2) acknowledging the intent to maintain telecommunications connectivity in order to
continue to use the equipment after the end of the grant period.
City of Fort Worth, Texas
IMAllar and Council Communication
7/11/00 G-12957 50NETWORK 2 of 2
This network will be part of an integrated nationwide Health Alert Network that is partially funded by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through funding provided in the "Defense Against Weapons
of Mass Destruction Act of 1996." The MOU outlines the role and expectations of the receiving agency,
TALHO and the TDH, and describes the roles of the performing agency, the City of Fort Worth Public
Health Department. The City will also commit to maintaining connectivity and providing equipment
maintenance after the initial warranty period expires, which will be at a nominal cost and absorbed in
the normal departmental budget. This grant will result in approximately $60,000 in equipment and
services for each health department that participates in the collaborative.
The Finance Director certifies that this action will have no material effect on City funds.
Office by: (to)
Libby Watson 6183 CITY COUNCIL
Originating Department Head:
Letha Aycock 7201 (from) ,iUL. 11 2000
Additional Information Contact: A..,l�:w•a/
City Secretaryof tha
Letha Aycock 7201 City of Fort Worth,Texas