HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988/07/19-Agenda-Pre-Council PRE-COUNCIL MEETING 5
JULY 19, 1988 ,��
1. 1989 Proposed Water and Sewer Rate Increases and Rates (M&C G-7647) - Richard
Sawey, Water Director
Ruth Ann McKinnev reviewed the chronology of the rate increase request in answer
to the editorial in the Star-Telegram which complained that the request for an
increase was "sprung on the citizens."
Richard Sawev then explained the need for the increase: to balance the budget
which for the last two years has run at a deficit.
Council Member Murrin asked if water could be sold on the retail market, thereby
lessening the need to increase rates. Mr. Sawey responded that state laws limit
the sale of water outside city limits to 115% above the rate charged for
residents. Mr. Murrin indicated that this is a matter that should be researched
given the situation which now exists in Smallwood.
Mr. Sawev asked that the Council make a decision before August 1 in order to
have time to notifv residential customers of the increase.
Council Member Williams then reminded the Council that several members would be
out of town on August 2, 1988, date of the evening Council meeting. The meeting
was then cancelled due to lack of a forum. Mr. Harman suggested that the August
meeting be rescheduled to 7:OOpm. It was agreed that the meeting would be
2. Questions/Answers Concerning Current Agenda Items - Douglas Harman, City
1. Purchase of Goods, Materials and Services
3. Qualiform Prescription Drug Program - Bill Herrington, Director, Risk
Mr. Herrington explained to the Council the new prescription drug plan adopted
by the city. The agreement is between the city and the pharmacy. Any licensed
pharmacy can participate in the program which constitutes a savings both to the
city and to the employee.
Mr. Herrington also told the Council that after a w to 6 month trial period, the
city may want to drop the snail-order plan which it now has for long-term need
prescription drugs.
4. Request for City of Fort Worth to Consent to Issuance of Revenue Bonds by
Kirbyville Health Facilitiees Development Corp. - Wade Adkins, Citv Attorney
Mr. Adkins informed the Council that a representative of Johnson and Swanson law
firm which represents Kirbyville Health Facilities which is seeking the city' s
permission to issue bonds for the renovation of a nursing facility was present
to answer any qustions the Council might have.
Ms. Weber asked what level of nursing woule be provided at the facility. The
representative informed the Council that the facility would provide a mixture of
skilled, intermediate, and personal care.
S. 1988-89 Budget Study Session (I.R. No. 7303) - Charles Boswell, Director,
Office of Management Services
Mr. Boswell distributed the schedule of the budget workshops to be held in
b. Preservation of Stockvards Proposal bv_ Halcvon, Ltd. - John Sower, Halcvon,
Mr. Sower reviewed with the Council the backgrounc of Halcvon, Inc.
He then outlined the proposal for the Stockvards. He recommended that four
avenues be pursued: the Coliseum, the racetrack, the commercial area, and other
projects. These areas, according to Mr. Sower should be pursued all at the same
time in order to weave togther a long term plan.
Council Member Lancaster asked about the possibility of establishing a special
district in the Stockvards area as was done in the downtown district. Mr.
Harman said that the same could be done but that it had been a diffult issue
downtown and would likelv be in the Stockvards as well.
Mr. Sower offered his opinion that a special district might be easier to sell to
the commercial interests in the Stockyards if there was a plan in place so that
they could actuallly see what they would be purchasing.
Discussion followed concerning the amount of money that has been spent in the
Stockyards to date. Some members expressed the opinion that the Stockyards has
been studied several times and vet no firm plan have ever come from these