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Ordinance 18454-02-2009
OKDINANC'E NO. I8454-42-2049 AN ORDNANCE VACATING AND EXTINGLiTSHI\G TWO ALLEYS AND A PORTION OF A THIRD ALLEY SITUATED IN 'PIIE .TULIA MARTIN SUBDVISION, AN ADDTION TO TIIE C'I"I'Y OF FORT WORTH; TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, AS RECORDED IN VOLURIE 146, PAGE 3i OF THE DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY TE_hAS, CABINET B, SLIDE 2896 ANll CABINET B, SLIDE 2A37 OF THE PLAT' RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR REVERSION OF FEE IN SA[D LAND; THE RETAIN4TENT OF EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENTS; REPEAL[NG ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWI'T'H; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 1' C?RT !~'ORT'II, TEXAS: SECTION i. That two alleys 20 Peet wide by 194 feet long and a portion of a third alley 14 feet wide by 124 feet long, sihlatc,d in the Julia 1Ltartin Subdivision, an addition to the f"itc of Fort Worth, Ta[7aalt County, `T`exas, as' recorded in Volume 106, Page 35 of the Deed Records of Tan~ant County, Texas, Cabinet B, Slide 2&96 rand Cabinet 13, Stride 237 of the Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas, wntaining approximately 5,900 square feet of land, and as more specifically described in F,xhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference he and the some is ~`acated and extinguished. SF,C"LION 2. That the fwc to the land in tlsc aban•c-describcrl waeated street pr~rtirna and akieys is ltercby 1~.I C'^~.4ei3 .Intl 4r~zl.i d';'"Y r':1°t it7 f1},~,. ar ~..ai•:.:T}t rlry ~kr:<<` At"m j'1.rQ; iur°rl i:°V kill' sEC•rlr~N ~. That all existing utility easements shall be retained by the City until such time att utilities tacated in that easement are relocated at the owner's expense.. SECTION 4. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herew=ith are hereby repealecL SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. APPROY'ED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: { .-.~y-~ .t.:._. Assistant C"itV %atturn~y Adopted and Effective: Fcbzuary_3, 2()Q9 Slretah Showing ~xhxbif "A") 13escription for two 20' Alleys and 10` of a 40` Ailey to be vacated, said alleys being situated in tka Jul#a Martin Subd#visian, an addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, fiexas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 106, Page 36, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, Cabinet B, Slide 2838 and Cabinet B, Slide 2437, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a point in the north line of Wast Broadway Avenue far a southwest corner of said Alleys, same being the southwest garner of Let 8 of Julia Martin Addition (Yal. 106, Pg. 95}; Thence North 190.00 feet along a west 1#ne of the Alleys same being tke east line of Lots 8 thru 5, Julia Martin Addition (Vol. ZOS, Pg. 35} to a paint; Thence East 160.00 fast through said alley to a paint in the west line of Lat 14 of said Julia Martin Addition (Vol. 10&, Pg. S5); Thence South .!30.00 feat along an east line of the Alleys same being the west Iine of Lots 14 thru IT, Julia Martin Addition (Vol. 108, Pg. 35) to a point in the north Iine of West Broadway Avenue for the southwest corner of said Lot 11; Thence West 20.00 feet along tke north Iine of West Broadway Avenue to a gear spike found (Control Monument); Thence the following calls along the common Iine between the Alleys and said Lets 9-R and 10-R: Thence North at 10.00 feet gassing a sautkeast corner of Lot 10-R, said Julia Msrt#n Addition {G'ab. B, Slide 2896), in all 170.00 feet to a If2" capped "4277" rebar rod found; Thence N.45°00'00"W., 14.14 feet to a 1/2° napped °4277" rebar rod found; Thence West 100.00 feet to a 1/2" capped "4277" rebar rod found; Thence 5.45°00'00"~'., 14.14 feet to a 1/2" capped "4277" rebar rod found; Thence South at 53.00 feet passing £he northwest corner of Lot 9-R, at 180.00 feet passing a 1J2" capped "4277" rebar rod found for the southwest corner of Lot 9-R, in all 170.00 feet to a I f2" capped '1983" rebar rod found (Control Aonument) in the north line of West Broadway Avenue; Tkenae West (base bearing) 20.00 feet along the north 2#ne of West Broadway Avenue to the point at beginning and containing 8,900 square feet of Land. t t ~- (~'h~'r'EY11`~G i ? g X,r,{ t y7" Z2F'F r v'. ~.. e.~t:'..v'{., J}a,a f ~•+i d " ~.~ A{4T '~l~F V3i,. ' ~ ~ ~t~ 8U'f L C~ ^~ t t ~ 3:ltvE7EPtGp~!iNC TEL iWS~ ~m ~. °,.`t..'~.°`-, ~ i `+.,y+~ 3 _ ~.r{? 245- 4+45 fi ;Y ~, r` f- r, '~ } w c~ui. 4s xis asoa w~ t*c. c+n:. ore a.c:. ~pv gi 5 T &,q ~++f ~ 1 ! ! annre Reid. texas td.F.LS. lva. {2??, da ':~ :• ~. ~ t tf~ ~~' horeny certry that mesa n=_td notes m ~ s., ~~ ar.,„~,~atey ,mFresents an pn tie pra:ind L".i?v v ~.~; ?~Iw`E'',i3,`}l serray r one+r -nx a~t~en s~.r..;rir •-~. ~, i t+n ~v r'v. t :ray ~:a+..^35 ~'co:'d cd C9e•.M / ;~#p~x,fie1 4' i t3# ~F'ty S, .dtmu'dc. .. `S h ~r~~ ~ Lot 19-R ~ ~-hl+~1t~ .~' L O t ~~ A 7? k'y Juror A{ARJTN aptx!rDN r.N j f G'A6. 8, SLIDE 2437, r^.R.T. C.7. .GCJ i L~'f- f Fj ~ruisn ww?rN r '`> 12Daa' AF~,EY LL.. 1 tJ SUBpf4i57GN tN ~ ,--..._~_ __._.._._.......__.. ..~ JUL4 MARl7N ! S'„'BDMSION 7N +rCJL ip6, PG. I vOt. ia6, PG. 35, D.R.T G7. ~ 3$ D. R. T.C.7 ~~ ~ a, 30' Alley Lot 5 ~ ~AS~'wES~ 10' AIIe zeo.oo ,~~ J#IE~ MAR;7N ©° y~ Y z oo.oo' , ,~~, o Lot .t 4 suapmsroN tN WL taS, PG. ~J~ ~' ~2` CAPPEp tf2" GIPPED ~OC7 JULIA 4#ARTiN 38. D.R.r.C.'. Cyr 4277" RE&v2 '4277" REBAR C'"' S(18DMSIQN 7N ROp FOCFND ROD EOUND ~ YDL 108, PG. 35. p.R.T.C.T. i 2` GMPED ~ '+277" RfBAR 277 RE84~R .__...._~ ~ ROD FOUND Lot ~ QiR R40 EOUNp .-.4._.~_._._. Cgt.Y o J{IL1R AlAR77N '~ O 'v'y SU8D7NSRJN JN O tN CAB. 8, SURE S'~ Lo j, j? p 2886, D.R7.C.T. ~> JLr~A ~ART7NC1 ~ ~ Lot .~ 3 SU801YtSIDN fN "+ J4RL4 tlAR77N '/QL 1D6, PG. ._ Q SUBDll45K3N !N 35, D.ft.?.C,T. ~7 WL 106, FG. 42T7`~.R£8-0R /*/~/y ./y y// ~ !~ 35, II.R.TC.7. ^M1"~4 ft0>) EOUNp Bi ll4 L.~f .l ,,,,y '"""'4'~'} """1 Lot 7 ~ ~ Lot 12 JUt1A MARTIN SUBDtVtStON fN JULIA MARTlN YOL • OB. PG !-r SUBDM51aN 1N 35, O.R.T,C.T. ~ ~+ ~ jj.. ((~~ ~y [~'., ~ 4~D, 0&, PC. r~+ ~ ~ Lo i. e"7 ~`.LL (y,~ ~ 35, O.R.T.C.T. try ~ JULIA M4RitN O fJ SU&7M5f{7N 1N ~ ~+ '~ fN CAB. 8, SLIDE 2896, B.R, T. a.7. ~ ..._. l.io t JULIA MAHRN r r' SJBDP,R3tON IN LL./ 69JC.. 7CkS, °G. 35, D.R. £.C. T. JUG MRRi7N }f2' GPF60 1f2` GIPPED sU8DN510N IN '4277' REd4f? `4277' REBUT ~. p,R iC.r ~ r?DD Ff}JND RDD FCJifN'p ~~S7Ii O.P .,,, ~`~ ' p 0 n ~ ,rt t U~ S+e ,f 'ay f.: nirrxf u e =,'.s. ";.11''^'G i;743 '(~ ^~yQ ^~y~y+ 4R Jf'vkE h 4a• 1'k.EsUw PCs rC'?;ND ~T7.ia [,~x+" ..~ .v~_ h' f(~ .~. TEXAS '1': a~ ~~ rM?i~ +~ °~ ''.'`t'{}~ t°_.''`.,. F~ `.:.->~ i-60'3 <4W-45s5 p~ f l ~ E ~ ~r~~,~ E~~~-~ r, -~l fa~~ ~ ~ r£~1=+C.,t~ i ~, cw .e r~nas ~cu ac axw ~ alsr ( j j S j~,'~ ~gE k{.t 'Q' ~'# t :.tr.2nre x^C,i. TexgY a r $. V~ 4 l ,. da s ~}t,! 1 .*n C .`N,Y: ~ .°.;~t~• e,~ -'} aF :f vF ..~~ :ee=Ay e iiy fha# farx eka.~:'1 nc i f~}: ~i ~fS Y L ! },+y{? r t 3 x. tusvrts .tr .ax 2!'r y :, uep ris f h!"} F~# ~,t4~' "'~,i' ~ F ~ G} ~'V rL }i ?_} y } n+.f nY r rcrrrs- n T ~ vn :, ^r3' p y ~~, yy1y yx _.. .... ~C%{t9 S]+', u? f u i ~ _ t ..YSt!ti ...' ? x, [r. •~• 1 .ts S?eF.'}~ ~axh}s4 ~y# 4 Nl . t~ YJ J 1 d,~ {w`3" ~ ~ .. ?.a~ 2?-a5--f7tS1 P-GAS Ar£ Orr O?S.CA ..,,,..,,,^-.tiy„ ~ ~^°f f ~ ~~../ ~ L,J UMLE SS SExC PS E.M$vS"..F.`! City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication x~a«~tik.~~.r~~ ~,.~~.~~ ra~~~a~~ ~~.~a~~~u„~ ~~. ~~ ~f_ ~..r ~~.~ xxt~n v~._x_.~, ._~~~~,.~ couNC~~. AcTaoN: Anprovedl en a~s~2{309 - o~~. No: 'ts-a2-2~o~ imfFU'lrvs6` x 'ne /m. v:._tr .rtsb.ut-. mv.~Y4`-+e~n 44 ~.e.e+N. cei Yx'H .mCS.?'z mot. YMm w~^a..a v- rua, tMhv< V.+w'la+nt..40~ a+:..i FV<xTkPnL 1sLt4.. 1!!.e"x+w. .r WFA`Y3&Y'X»3avX DATE: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 LOG NAME: 06VA-08-024 REFERENCE NO.: ""PZ-2810 SUBJECT: Rdopt Ordinance Vacating Three Portions of an AIIey Northeast of the Intersection of Broadway Avenue and College Avenue Containing 0.197 Acre of Land, Adjacent to Lots 9R and 10R, Block 21, Julia Martin Subdivision; Waive the Purchase Fees RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to: 1. Adopt an ordinance vacating three portions of an alley; two alleys being 20 feet wide by 190 feet tang and the third alley being 10 feet wide by 120 feet long; all containing approximately 8,900 square feet, ar 0.197 acre of land, adjacent to Lots 9R and 10R, Block 21, Julia Martin Subdivision, the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, and waive the purchase fees; and 2. Waive any and all purchase fee value of the vacated land in accordance with City policy {M&C G- 15624). DISCUSSION: Delta Surveying, on behalf of F and C Williams, Sr., Property and Southside Lofts, Ltd., has requested to vacate the above referenced right-of-way and to replat and incorporate it into the adjoining property. The applicant plans to expand his current facility sometime in the future. The City Plan Commission recommended approval of this request at its meeting on August 27, 2008. An acceptable replat (FS-08- 161)has been received. Any existing utilities will be relocated at the applicant's expense or retained within a designated easement along with an appropriate plat note that no permanent structures may be constructed or placed thereon. The Gity of Fort Worth originally obtained the above mentioned right-of-way through the platting process. The CEty does not own land under or adjacent to the above referenced right-of-way. Since nc City funds have been expended to purchase property or easement rights, collection of the fee value or any portion thereof is recommended by staff to be waived. Ttts €ansl =s ,o=;~ated in CC"tU"JC:It DI:~TRiCT 8 FtSCACr tNFOFtMATtO~1 ! CERTEFICATI~~I: The Financlai Management Services Director cedifies that this action wi#I have no material effect on City funds. FUND CENTERS: TO Fund,'Accaun`Centers FROM Fund~Accatant?Centrs t.o~namc: Ohb'.A-tl~-(}~4 Pt3gc 1 of 2 GERTIEICATIONS: ___ Submitted. far City Manager's Office by: Fernando Costa {6122} Originating Department Head: Susan Alanis {8180} Additional Infarmatian Cantact: Alex Parks {2638} Lu~;n<~me: 0{iC`r'1-t1~-(1?~ Page ? of 2