HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 14306_ - ~, _ ~~ ORDINANCE NO. ~ y~~~_ _ ;~. a- AN ORDINANCE VACATING, ABANDONING, CLOSING AND EXTINGUISHING VARIOUS 5 AND 10 FOOT WIDE UTILITY EASEMENTS, FRANK M. ANDERSON SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR REVERSION OF FEE IN SAID LAND; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS• SECTION 1 THAT various 5 and 10 foot utility easements, containing approximately 8,762 square feet, and situated in Lots A through H and J, Block 1, Frank M Anderson Subdivision, as recorded in Volume 388-48, Page 157, Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and as more specifically described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference be and the same is vacated, abandoned and permanently closed and extinguished SECTION 2. That the fee to the land in the above described vacated utility easements is hereby released and shalt revert to the adjacent owner as provided by law SECTION 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage, and it is so ordained APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Assistant City Attorney Date ADOPTED O ;7Z -OD EFFECTIVE ~ %ZZ ~~~ 'v' , PROJECT: UTILITY EASEMENT VACATION AREA OF LEGEND SH DE n .~ A PROPOSED CHANGE CASE LOCATION. FRANK M ANDERSON SUBDIVISION -LOTS A-J, BLK 1 ZONING DISTRICT ~~ APPLICANT: MARC B. SMITH /JACKSON WILSON souNDARY _ __ DEVELOPMENT MAPi 36-7 MAPSCO.66U COUNCIL DISTRICT: 4 -- -~ VA--- 99 " ~77 ~+rrv~nT.~nmrri~nTrr rnn~nmair.~rrm~r. Tl~+vr7/'fn)l./L`A7T '~- ., ~..,..~.1.. .... .. J, _ -~~ --.....'-- --~^--" -'_ _ 1711• RiOR Gr In• rwm RreAR coo SR REMANDER OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, 'FRANK M.- ANOERSON SUBOMSION IN WL 1255, 'PC: J06, D.R.T.C.T. ~ ~ ~ IOUn00, R• ~ ~ ' le, a .cot RW.OfK M 1. fAM Y tar 4 7aoa ! w~~ nary as I a us. rusr. .n +•. •~ % IN 89.47'5. -•-•T•-•-•--- a.M,a, 7b,,,.n",d rRw u MOCK Or I RLY4NOCR K L Ro« ~ LOf A. Rau I , GKIr K t, /RINK K fOfl sa4 AAGQt70N 71.N. ~ N Tae-/4 /RLGt I PG 177, PRLCi. I S 89'47'51 " W 295.26' lo• tnRrrr GtSCYCM for c Racx__ _-_ N WL 7ee-14 PG -1,'rRwK K- .. 177, PRr.Gf. ~~ Sil4 N 1d.. 70e-14 PG 177, PRLGL ~ ~I ~ o. I_ I l0i r, ROCK f, rRAIIK K ~ AKOrRSON 5174 N fOl. ,fee-~4 PG 177, PRi.GL O O u Q-.-.-.-.-.>._..._._.-.-.~I-._.-.-.-.-._.-.-._. r ~ l rn 1 R~ aoa t ~ t7 I.o p~0. ~ w.oc~or1 ~ Y1 7 j _- ___. -_--.- -------~--1S1-704 v.7r.rcr, -- ~ O tai 4 Raor ( .,._._._._._._._._._. tr] 1, /RANK Y. AMDCNSOK SLe. N YOL lee-10. PG U7, PF.r.Gi. a' YJILIIY fASMM N lOL ~ 7ee-~4 PG 177, PRi,CI, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~E1"a GQ' I fo GJ 0. for K Raaf -----~----------~- -4.rRArot K ' A7ex7uaK sue. - -- N i0. lee-W oG u~ PRCCr. N 89'47'5] " E 295.26' ~ oI ~ o; S 89'47'51" W 295.26' ~ viI 7' YrN7 GlT[Y[M N lat. tar ,t ROOF x- lea-14 PG 137, v.4ccr, t, rwror K L^ ~ AMDCR7ON St:e. ..,Ip~1 ~ O .~ 37. PRI.Cf --. I0.--+ (~/) ~ 7' IfrR/rY C,lY1RIVf N VOI. t 7ee-~4 PG t!), P'R'iGL POInI of ',Z",~ 1 N 89'49''51 ` E 295.26' EealsalnR F p I 0 S 89.47'51' W 300.26' ytri' Rao rave LOT 8 tt:".t,aflnR~'1 LOT 7 1 ~ ~~ ~ BLOCK 1, R°° ~° ~ - - -FRANK M. ANDERSON SUBDMSlON fN VOL 1255, PC. J07 D.R.i.C.T. SkatcA Showing Description for on easement to De weoted being o portion o/ Lofs A, B, C, D, E, F C, N and J, Block 1, Frank -- - - M. Mdmon Subdivision, on addition to the City oI Forf Worth, Torront Covnty, iexos, according to the plot «corded in Volvme J88-4B, Page 157, Plot Records, Torront County, Texas, being more portieu/orly described Dy metes and bounds os fo6ows: Beginning at 1/2~ «bor rod found in the west line of Willioms'Rood for the southeast corner o/ Lot J, some Doing fAe northeast corner a/ Lot 8, Block 1, Fronk M. Mderson Subdivision, an oddifion to fha Cfly of Fort Worth, Torront County, iexos, according to the plot recorded in Volume 1255, Poge 306, Deed Records, Torront County, iexos; fience 5.89'4751'W., J00.26 Ieef along the common line between Lots J and B, fo 0 1/2' rebar rod found for fAe southwest corner o/ lot J, fAe northwest comer of Lot 8 and fAe northeast corner of Lot 7; fience North 57I,~J Ieef along the west fine of Lots J, H, C, f E and D, to o point in the south line o/ John T. White Rood; fiance 5.89'S0'~8 E, 5.0 feet along the south lino of John T. White Rood to o point; - ------ Thence South 7~.~0 tact ~to o poink Thence N.8Y~751 E, 295.26 feet to o point in the west lane o/ Wiz/ioms Road some being fha east fine o/ Lot A; Thence South 10.0 feet along the weal 6ne of Wif6oma Rood some being the east fine o/ Lofs A. and E, to a poirih Thence S.B9'47311Y., 295.26 feet to o point; fiance SovtA J90.0 Ieef to o point; chance N.89'4751 E., 295.?6 Ieef to o point in the west line o/ Wr76ams Rood some being fAe east line o/ Lot '" H; fiance South 5.0 feet along said lane to o point for fAe southeast corner o/ Lot H same being fAe nortAwost corner of Lot J; Thence 5.89'<7511Y., 295.26 tact olong fAe common 6ne Detweert Lots H and J, fo o point; u fiance SoutA B7.0 Ieef to o polo!; "`~-fieriee 7V.89'<751 E.;-T95.26 Ieef to o point in-fAe Tres! line o/~W76oms Road some befog fAe east line o/ Lot $ `~-~-_ "~ Thence South 5.0 Jeet olong sold 6ne to the point o/ beginning; D . TA _---- - --SURVEYING 607 N. LAS VECAS TRAIL ~--FORT iYORTN, TEXAS 76108 -` 246-7768 -' FAX: 246-7767 J08,~ 99-OJ-0247 C Cen,wr Sfmnr, Rp;st•.d PrefcrJenW lad Sar~7or, MrRy t.7y IMI Ws Y~tc71 nPlnscn4 O fly e,00~ m IM e/ound vndcr mr Rvpenb:x 10-12-99 EXHIBIT ~ ~~ a~r.am- ~~~~ 1 ,_ t i _._ i i ~ee~~ 3~h ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~h ~~ y~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ g ~ ( - - ' - a ~ ~ a '; i 1d~~ ~~ 0 11 t; U h Z h.s o ~y o~ ~~ ~ R c a,~ ' i, ° h~o O ~ tS g ~` y 4 y~9 ~' .~~44~a ~ C~ y ~ 4 V _________ __--~VQ""7~ItR7'T~~7IZr- h~y~~~ iii i i ~ i .~ t i i t i t i i ~ i i i .: ~~ ; i In i i §- : ; i h~y~~ til ~ i i p I ~ ~Ij ~ 4 ( 1 I J x,t p H , I!1 , ~~ ' ~ ~ ~4 I ~_ Itp ~ ~-,~a lit ~~~ ! i ~'sy :` ;p til I i ~ i R p ._jjK n~l~~ja- 1 i i e'cc ~y~q~ I! 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No utilities or public facilities are located in the vacated easements. The easements were previously dedicated by plat and the Real Property Management Division states that the sum of $1 00 is required in fee payment. Reviewing City Departments and public utility companies have raised no objections to this request. An acceptable replat has been received This request is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 4 FINANCIAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION The Finance Director certifies that this request will have no material effect on City funds MGI Submitted for City Manager's FUND ACCOUNT CENTER AMOUNT CITY SECRETARY Office by: (to) APt RO~IED Mike Groomer 6140 /~'~~/ ~®VNI,~~~ Originating Department Head: V I AUG 22 2000 Bob Riley 8901 (from) ~1 ~~ , Additional Information Contact: ~~~ /"`'""~` ~~ f tha City gecretarq o ` ' ~R$9 ~ Of ~ Art ~4%419 Cit Craig Eaton 6226 y Adopted Ord~r~ance No, /~3D6