HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 14338ORDINANCE NO ~ yg AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE, ORDINANCE NO 13896, AS AMENDED, SAME BEING AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND RESTRICTING THE LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, AND LAND FOR TRADE, INDUSTRY, RESIDENCE OR OTHER PURPOSES, THE HEIGHT, NUMBER OF STORIES AND SIZE OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES, THE SIZE OF YARDS AND OTHER OPEN SPACES, OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING, AND THE DENSITY OF POPULATION, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES DIVIDING THE MUNICIPALITY INTO DISTRICTS OF SUCH NUMBER, SHAPE AND AREA AS MAY BE DEEMED BEST SUITED TO CARRY OUT THESE REGULATIONS AND SHOWING SUCH DISTRICTS AND THE BOUNDARIES THEREOF UPON "DISTRICT MAPS", PROVIDING FOR INTERPRETATION, PURPOSE AND CONFLICT, PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES, PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE, PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE, PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND NAMING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. SECTION 1. That Ordinance No 13896, as amended, be and is hereby amended so that the permitted uses m the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed, and amended as follows Z-00-085 Being a tract of land situated in the Wm. Evans Survey, Abstract no 467, Crty of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a portion of that tract of land described m a Deed to Hillwood/Park Glen, Ltd. As recorded in Volume 9357, Page 344, County Records, Tarrant County Texas, said tract being more particularly described by metes & bounds as follows. BEGINNIG at the intersection of the south right-of--way line of Basswood Boulevard (being 70' from the centerline of said Basswood Boulevard) with the westerly right-of--way line of the Texas and Pacific Railroad, THENCE S07°41'32"W, 748 00 feet along the westerly right-of--way line of said railroad, THENCE leaving said right-of--way line S89°57'09"W, 215 163', :~>T Z-00-085 (Continued) THENCE N07°41'32"E, 748 00 feet to a point m the south right-of--way line of said Basswood Boulevard, THENCE N89°57'09"E, 215 13 feet along said south right-of-way line to the POINT OF BEGINNING,. and contaimng3 66 acres of land, more or less. From "C"Multi-Family to "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for miniwarehouse with dwelling unit. Site plan required (SEE SP-00-016) (5600 Block of Basswood Boulevard) Z-00-063 Block 8, Lots 9, and 16, Walker Addition From "A "One-Family to "E" Commercial (4232 S. Henderson & 4233 Baldwin Avenue) Z-00-078 Block T, Lots D & 3, Block 3, Lots 1-5, Stanford Subdivision and Goldsmith From "F" Commercial, "B" Two-Family & "C"Multi-Family to "CF" Community Facilities (500 Block of W Allen, 1600 Block of S. Jennings & 1617 Hemphill) Z-00-080 BEING a 1 000 .acre tract of land situated in the Kitty House Survey, Abstract No 678, m Tarrant County, Texas, and being part of a 1 O1 acre Tract conveyed to Mary Larson Archer and husband Charles T Archer as recorded in Volume 2828, Page 57, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and part of a 3 558 Acre Tract Conveyed to O S Smith as Recorded m Volume 813, Page 482, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows• BEING at a'/2 inch iron rod found m the east line of House Anderson road, and said iron being the southwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to Lorenzo Boldware and wife, as recorded in Volume 8995, Page 1877,, of the Deed Records, of Tarrant County, Texas. THENCE N88°56'00"E along the south line of said Lorenzo Boldware tract, for a distance of 313 99 feet to a 1 / 2 inch iron rod set for corner; Z-00-080 (Continued) THENCE 500°03'00"W for a distance of 138 73 feet to a 1 /2 inch iron rod set for corner; THENCE 588°56'00"W for a distance of 313 99 feet to a 1 / 2 inch iron rod set for corner, said iron being on the east line of Bard House Anderson road, THENCE N00°03'00"E along the east line of said House Anderson road for a distance of 138 73 feet to the point of begmmng contamrng 1000 acres of land more or less, SAVE and EXCEPT the west 137 feet along House Arderson Road. Bearings based on deed Volume 8995, Page 1877, D.R,T C T From "AG "Agricultural to "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for office (not to exceed 1800 square feet)/warehouse (not to exceed 4500 square feet) with outside storage of trailer and transportation equipment and provision of an 8 foot chain link fence (no barb-wire or razor-wire permitted) with red tip (3 gal.) photinias placed two feet on center along the East and South property lines, and provision of 6 feet high screen fence with a ground clearance of not more than 6" to 12 ", and planted with 3 gal. red tip photinias placed 2 feet on center along the outside of the screen fence along the North property line. Waiver of site plan. (3512 House Anderson Road) Z-00-082 Block 2, Lot 7, Bailey, William J Addition - 3128 W 7t" From "J" Medium Industrial to "J/DD"Medium Industrial/Demolition Delay Block 23, Lots 21 thru 26, Chamberlain Arlington Heights 1St Addition - 4736 Bryce Avenue From "C"Multi-Family to "C/DD"Multi-Family/Demolition Delay Block 1, Lots 1 thru 3 and W58' B, Van Zandt Hillside Addition - 3204 Camp Bowie From "J" Medium industrial to "J/DD"Medium Industrial/Demolition Delay .~~,t... Z-00-082 (Continued) Block 23, Lot 1 B, Hillcrest Addition-Fort Worth - 4101 Camp Bowie From "PD/F" Planned Development/Commercial to "PD/F/DD"Planned-Development/Commercial/Demolition Delay Block 22, Lot 15R, Chamberlain Arlington Heights 1St Addition - 4624 Camp Bowie From "F" Commercial to "F/DD"Commercial/Demolition Delay Block 22, Lot 15R, Chamberlam Arlington Heights 1St Addition - 4630-38 Camp Bowie r From "F" Commercial to "F/DD"Commercial/Demolition Delay Block 36, Lots 12 Thru 15 & N PTS 16 Thru 18 - 4700-04 Camp Bowie From "F" Commercial to "F/DD"Commercial/Demolition Delay Block 37, Lot 1R1, Chamberlam Arlington Heights 1St Addition - 4705 Camp Bowie From "CF" Community Facilities r to "CF/DD"Community Facilities/Demolition Delay Block 37, Lot 5 Lots 5 N PT 33, 34, 35, & 36, Chamberlam Arlington - 4709 Camp Bowie From "F" Commercial to "F/DD "Commercial/Demolition Delay Block 25, Lots 1 Thru 38, Hillcrest Addition-Fort Worth - 2100 Clover Lane From "B" Two-Family to "B/DD"Two-Family/Demolition Delay Block 18, Lots 37 Thru 40, Chamberlam Arlington Heights 1St Addition - 4600 Dexter Avenue From "PD/E"Planned Development/Commercial to "PD/EIDD"Planned Development/Commercial/Demolition Delay Block 20, Lots 1-6 and Block 24 Lots 19-24, Hillcrest Addition-Fort Worth - 4201-37 Lafayette Avenue From "B" Two-Family to "B/DD" Two-Family/Demolition Delay Z-00-082 (Continued) Block 10, Lot 1, N49 ''/z' 1-2 Block 10, Van Zandt Park Addition - 901 N Umversrty Drive From "G"Commercial to "G/DD"Commercial/Demolition Delay Block 10, Lots 16 Thru 18, Van Zandt Park Addition - 929 (913) N Umversrty Drive From "G"Commercial & "J" Medium Industrial to "G/DD"Commercial & "J/DD"Medium Industrial/Demolition Delay Block 5, Lot A, Hi Mount Addition - 3800 Tulsa Way From "C"Multi-Family to "C/DD"Multi-Family/Demolition Delay Block 9, Lots A & B, Hi Mount Addition - 3801 Tulsa Way From "C "Multi-Family to "C/DD"Multi-Family/Demolition Delay Block.. 5, Lot C, Hi Mount Addition - 3812 Tulsa Way From "C"Multi-Family to "C/DD"Multi-Family/Demolition Delay Block 5, Lot 17, Hi Mount Addition - 3816 Tulsa Way From "C"Multi-Family to "C/DD"Multi-Family/Demolition Delay Block 5, Lot 16, Hi Mount Addition - 3824 Tulsa Way From "C"Multi-Family to "C/DD "Multi-Family/Demolition Delay Block 5, Lot 15, Hi Mount Addition - 3830 Tulsa Way From "C"Multi-Family to "C/DD "Multi-Family/Demolition Delay Block 5, Lot 13, Hi Mount Addition - 3840 Tulsa Way From "C"Multi-Family to "C/DD"Multi-Family/Demolition Delay Z-00-082 (Continued) Block 5, Lot 11 E 99' 11 Block 5, Hi Mount Addition - 3854 Tulsa Way From "C"Multi-Family to "C/DD"Multi-Family/Demolition Delay Z-00-088 BEING a tract of land situated m the Josiah Walker Survey, Abstract Number 1602, Tarrant County, Texas and be a portion of that tract of land described as Tract 2 in the deed to Charles R. Lasater, as Recorded in Volume 11807, Page 1.396, Deed Records Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows COMMENCING at the northeast corner of said Josiah Walker Survey said point also being the northeast corner of said tract 2, THENCE N$9°4T 15"W, 2872.23 feet along the north survey line of said Josiah Walker Survey to and the north line of said tract 2 to a 1 inch iron rod found in the east right-of--way line of F.M. Highway 156 (a 120' right- of-way), THENCE S00°38'25"E, 1215 79 feet along the east right-of--way line of said F.M. Highway 156 and the west property line of said tract 2 to a 5/8 inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Carter & Burgess" set for the point of beginning. THENCE S89°44'56"E, 900 00 feet departing the east right-of--way line of F.M. Highway 156 and the West property line of said tract 2 to a 5/8 'inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Carter 7 Burgess" set; THENCE S00°38'25"E, 700 00 feet to a 5!8 inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Carter & Burgess" set in the proposed north right-of--way line of Basswood Boulevard, THENCE N89°44'56"W, 900 00 feet along said proposed north right-of- way line of Basswood Boulevard to a 5/8 inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Carter & Burgess" set in the east right-of--way line of aforementioned F.M. Highway 156 and the west property line of said tract 2, THENCE N00°38'25"W, 700 00 feet along the east right-of--way line of F.M. Highway 156 and the west property line of said tract 2 to the point of beginning and containing 629,924 square feet or 14 461 acres of land more or less. Z-00-088 (Continued) From "OM" Office-Midrise to "E"Neighborhood Commercial (7200 Block of Blue Mound Road/Future Basswood Blvd) Z-00-089 Block 19, Lots 13 and 14, Altamere Addition From "A"One-Family to "I"Light Industrial (3140 & 3144 Ramona Drive) Z-00-090 BEING a 2 56 acre tract of land m the S.A. & M.G Railroad Survey, Abstract No 1463, situated m the Crty of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land conveyed to Hawkins Custom Homes, LP, by deed recorded m Volume 12368, Page 1281 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at the intersection of the northern right-of--way line of Sycamore School Road (120' ROW) and the western right-of--way line (100' ROW) of that tract of land conveyed to A.T & S.F Railroad by deed recorded m Volume 34, Page 474 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, THENCE S89°32'19"W along the northern right-of--way line of said Sycamore School Road, 385 68 feet; THENCE N00°12'00"E, 288 06 feet; THENCE N89°32'19"E, 393.28 feet to a point on the western line of said A.T & S.F Railroad right-of--way; THENCE SO1 °42'44"W along the western line of said A.T & S.F Railroad right-of--way, 288.25 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 112,183 square feet or 2 56 acres of land, more or less. From "AG "Agricultural to "A "One-Family (2300 Block of Sycamore School Road) Z-00-091A Block 12, Lots 18 and 19, A.S Hall Addition From "B" Two-Family to "A"One-Family (3524-26 Avenue E) r _., t .~s.., Z-00-091C Block 38, Lots 23 and 24, M.G Ellis Addition From "I"Light Industrial to "A "One-Family (2600-04 Clinton Avenue) Z-00-095 BEING a tract of land situated in the THOMAS PECK SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO 1209 and being a portion of a 122.346 acre tract of land conveyed to 35W INVESTMENTS L.P as recorded in Volume 10136, Page 0126 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas (DRTCT) and being more particularly described as follows, COMMENCING at a Brass Cap Monument found at the southwesterly corner of a tract of land conveyed to the State of Texas as recorded~in Volume 13612, Page 36 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas (DRTCT), said point being found m the southerly line of said 122.346 acre tract; THENCE departing westerly along southerly line of said 122.346 acre tract S'89°53'02"W a distance of 460 13 feet to said POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing westerly along southerly line of said 122 346 acre tract S89°53'02"W a distance of 850.00 feet to a point for corner at the southwesterly corner of said 122.346 acre tract which a 5/8" iron rod found bears N39°46'22"E a distance of 0.90 feet; THENCE departing the southerly line of said 122.346 acre tract and along the westerly line of said 122.346 acre tract N00°04' 17"E a distance of 2648 96 feet to a point for corner at the northwesterly corner of said 122 346 acre tract which a Metal Fence Post bears N73°49'05"E a distance of 0 69 feet; THENCE departing the westerly line of said 122.346 acre tract and along the northerly line of said 122.346 acre tract N89°37'47"E a distance of 1439 19 feet; THENCE departing the northerly line of said 122.346 acre tract and along the easterly line of 66 61 acre tract S00°04' 1?"W a distance of 622 08 feet for a corner; THENCE continuing along the easterly line of said 122.346 acre tract Sal °42'36"W a distance of 1123 13 feet for a corner; THENCE continuing along the easterly line of said 66 61 acre tract S00°04' 17"W a distance of 1081 77 feet to said POINT OF BEGINNING Z-00-095 (Continued) Containing within these metes and bounds 66 61 acres or 2,901,531 60 square feet of land more or less. From "I"Light Industr. ial to "A "One-Family (7500 Block of North Freeway) Z-00-097 BEING all that certain .tract, parcel, or lot of land located m the Charles Tydings Survey, Abstract No 1276 and the J Ivy Survey, Abstract No 649, and being more particularly described as follows, COMMENCING at a 5/8" iron rod found in the northeasterly right-of--way line of S.H. 114 (a 100 foot right-of--way), said iron rod being the southeast corner of a tract of land described by deed to Briscoe Clark Company, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership, as recorded in Volume 4421, Page 435, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, said iron rod also being the most westerly southwest corner of a tract of land owned by Martin Justin Properties, L.L.C , as recorded m Vol. 4261, Pg. 1309, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, said. iron rod also being situated m the City Limit line of the Crty of Fort Worth, Texas, THENCE N00°09'59"E along the east line of said Briscoe Clark tract, the west line of said Martin Justin tract and along said City Limit line, a distance of 1106 OS feet to a 5/8" iron rod found, THENCE S88°14'35"E continuing along the common property line of said Briscoe Clark tract and said Martin Justin tract and along said Crty Limit line, a distance of 378 98 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found, THENCE N00° 19' 12"E continuing along the common property line of said Briscoe Clark tract and said Martin Justin tract and along said Crty Limit line, a distance of 391.37 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE N00° 19' 12"E continuing along the common property line of said Briscoe Clark tract and said Martin Justin tract and along said Crty Limit line, a distance of 1083.26 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 40, Hanby View Estates as recorded in Cab C, Pg. 301, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE S88°18' 13"E, departing said east property line of said Briscoe Clark tract and said City Limit line, along the south line of the aforementioned Hanby View Estates, a distance of 1632.29 feet to a point, said point also being in the south line of Lot 45, Hanby View Estates, and =mot=r•-~.~..~m~ -r--: Z-00-097 (Continued) also being the northwest corner of a tract of land owned by The Texas 1031 Exchange Company as recorded by County Clerk File No 96- R0068151,Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE S16°41'21"W, departing said south line of Hanby View Estates and along the west property line of said Texas 1031 Exchange tract, a distance of 433 62 feet to a point, said point being the southwest corner of the aforementioned Texas 1031 Exchange Company tract (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE S21 ° 19'52"W, a distance of 984 58 feet to a point (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE N75°33'07"W, a distance of 1192 67 feet to the POINT OF .BEGINNING, and contaimng 40 000 acres of land (1,742,408 square feet), more or less (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed) From Unzoned to "A"One Family BEING a portion of a certain tract, parcel, or .lot of land located m the Charles Tydings Survey, Abstract No 1276 and the Guadalupe Cardenas Survey, Abstract No 214, and being more particularly described as follows COMMENCING at a 5/8" iron rod found m the northeasterly right-of--way line of S.H. 114 (a 100 foot right-of--way); said iron rod being the southeast corner of a tract of land described by deed to Brisco Clark Company, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership, as recorded in Volume 4421, Page 435, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, said iron rod also being the most westerly southwest corner of a tract of land owned by Martin Justin Properties L.L C , as recorded m Volume 4261, Page 1309, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, THENCE N66°25'27"W along the northeasterly right-of--way line of S.H. 114 (a 100 foot right-of--way) for a distance of 2,093 49 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE N66°25'27"W continuing along said right-of-way line for a distance of 220.24 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), Z-00-097 (Continued) THENCE N22° 56' 17" E departing said nght-of--way line for a distance of 274.33 feet to a point for corner, said corner being the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 29° 53' 12", a radius of 475 00 feet, a tangent of 126 77 feet and a chord that bears N37° 52' S3" E for a chord distance of 244 97 feet (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE along said curve for an arc distance of 247 77 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE 52° 49' 30"E for a distance for 260 17 feet to a point for corner, said corner being the beginning of a curve to the right having a~ central angle of 08° 29' 49", a radius of 400 00 feet, a tangent of 29 71 feet and a chord that bears N57°04'25"E for a chord distance of 59.27 feet (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE along said curve for an arc distance of 59 32 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE S31 ° 19'01 "E departing said curve for a distance of 48 62 feet to a point for corner, said corner being the beginning of a curve to left having a central angle of 22°08'28", a radius of 500 00 feet, a tangent of 97 83 feet and a chord that bears S34°38'41"W for a chord distance of 192.02 feet (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE along said curve for an arc distance of 193.22 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE S23°34'27"W departing said curve for a distance of 571 71 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and coritaimng 3 112 acres of land more or less (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed) From "C"Multi-Family to "E" Commercial BEING a portion of a certain tract, parcel, or lot of land located m the Charles Tydings Survey, Abstract No 1276 and the Guadalupe Cardenas Survey, Abstract No 214, and being more particularly described as follows, COMMENCING at a 5/8" iron rod found m the northeasterly right-of--way line of S.H. 114 (a 100 foot right-of--way), said iron rod being the southeast corner of a tract of land described by deed to Brisco Clark Company, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership, as recorded m Volume 4421, Page 435, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, said iron rod also being the most westerly southwest corner of a tract of land owned by Z-00--097 (Continued) Martin Justin Properties L.L C , as recorded in Volume 4261, Page 1309, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, ' THENCE N66°25'27"W, along the northeasterly right-of--way line of S.H. 114 (a 100 foot right-of--way) for a distance of 2,319 81 feet to a point for corner, said corner being the begimlmg of a curve to the left having a central angle of 04°29'48", a radius of 2,914 93 feet, a tangent of 114 4$ feet and a chord that bears N 68° 39' 13" W for a chord distance of 228 71 feet (call from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE along said curve and said right-of--way line for an arc distance of 228 77 feet to a point for corner m the city limit line of the City of Fort Worth (call from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE N00° 19'21 "E departing said curve and right-of--way line, along said city limit line, and along the easterly line of a tract of land conveyed to Russell R. Lowe "Trustee" as recorded in Volume 2766, Page 971 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas for a distance of 625 87 feet to a point for corner (call from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE N88°19'38"E contmumg along said city limit line and said easterly line for Russell R. Lowe tract for a distance of 173 83 feet to a point for corner (call from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE N00°1'7'55"E contmumg along said city limit line and said easterly line for Russell R. Lowe tract for a distance of 552.29 feet to a point for corner (call from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE N85°40'03"W contmumg along said city hmrt line and said easterly line for Russell R. Lowe tract for a distance of 474 08 feet to a point for corner (call from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE N00°18'33"E contmumg along said city hmrt line and departing said easterly line for Russell R. Lowe tract and along the easterly line of a tract of land convey to FERBRO Investments, LLC, as recorded m Clerk File No 97-0003605, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas for a distance of 753 41 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE N00°18'33"E contmumg along said city hmrt line and said easterly line of FERBRO Investments, LLC line for a distance of 222.40 feet-to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), ... "F''"z~'K'^ o.s'x.;~s... .~.. Z-00-097 (Continued) THENCE S50°32'42"E departing said city limit line and said easterly line of FERBRO Investments, LLC line for a distance of 1,094.99 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE S28°04'05"E for a distance of 288 78 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE SOS°20'47"E for a distance of 484 55 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE S41 °54'24"E for a distance of 113 79 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE S88°45' 13"E for a distance of 214.21 feet to a point for corner (call Calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE S15°06'31"E for a distance of 30 00 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE S74°53'29"W for a distance of 224.24 feet to a point for corner, said corner being the begenneng of a curve to the left having a central angle of 13°34' 10", a radius of 400 00 feet, a tangent of 47 59 feet and a chord that bears S68°06'25"W for a chord distance of 94 51 feet (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE along said curve for an arc distance of 94 73 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE N31 ° 19'01."W departing said curve for a distance of 797 09 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE N 39°18' 13"W for a distance of 958 56 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 10 923 acres of land more or less (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed) From "A"One-Family to "C"Multi-Family BEING a portion of a certain tract, parcel, or lot of land located m the Charles Tydings Survey, Abstract No 1276 and the Guadalupe Cardenas Survey, Abstract No 214, and being more particularly described as follows COMMENCING at a 5/8" iron rod found en the northeasterly right-of--way line of S.H. 114 (a 100 foot right-of--way), said iron rod being the ,_ .K Z-00-097 (Continued) southeast corner of a tract of land described by deed to Brisco Clark Company, Ltd. a Texas limited partnership, as recorded m Volume 4421, Page 435, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, said iron rod also being the most westerly southwest corner of a tract of land owned by Martin Justin Properties, L.L.C as recorded m Vol. 4261, Page 1309, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, said iron rod also being situated m the city hmrt line of the Crty of Fort Worth, Texas, THENCE N00°09'59"E along said Imes common to said Brisco Clark Company, Ltd. tract, said Martin Justin Properties, L.L.C and said city limits line for a distance of 435 87 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE N66°25'32"W for a distance of 1,108 99 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE N66°25'32"W for a distance of 262 11 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE N31 ° 19'01 "W for a distance of 674 93 feet to a point for corner, said corner being the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 13°34'10", a radius of 400 00 feet, a tangent of 47 59 feet and a chord that bears N68°06'25"E for a chord distance of 94 51 feet (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE along said curve for an arc distance of 94 73 feet to a point for a corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE N74°53'29"E departing said curve for a distance of 224.24 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE S15°06'31"E for a distance of 30 00 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE S52°02'55"W for a distance of 238 81 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE S00°16'55"W for a distance of 103 10 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE S36°56'13"E for a distance of 408 14 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), Z-00-097 (Continued) THENCE S52°38'16"E for a distance of 280 06 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1 195 acres of land more or less (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed. From "A "One-Family to "E" Commercial BEING a portion of a certain tract, parcel, or lot of land located in the Charles Tydings Survey, Abstract No 1276 and the Gaudalupe Cardenas Survey, Abstract No 214, and being more particularly described as follows, COMMENCING at a 5/8" iron rod found in the northeasterly right-of--way line of S.H. 114 (a 100 foot right-of--way), said iron rod being the southeast corner of a tract of land described by deed to Brisco Clark Company, Ltd. a Texas hmrted partnership, as recorded m Volume 4421, Page 435, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, said iron rod also being the most westerly southwest corner of a tract of land owned by Martin Justin Properties, L.L C as recorded m Vol. 4261, Page 1309, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, said iron also being situated in the city limit line of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, THENCE N00°09'59"E, along said Imes common to said Brisco Clark Company, Ltd. tract, said Martin Justin Properties, L.L C and said city limits tine for a distance of 337 84 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point lying in the southerly 100 year flood plain line for Harriet Creek (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE N63°35'57"W, departing said city hmrt and along said southerly 100 year flood plain for a distance of 979 32 .feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE N52°38'16"W, continuing along said southerly 100 year flood plain for a distance of 174 84 feet to a point for corner (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE 66°25'32"E, departing said southerly 100 year flood plain for a distance of 1,108 99 feet to a point for corner, said corner lying in aforementioned Brisco Clark Company, Ltd. tract, said Martin Justin Properties and city hmrts line (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed), THENCE S00°09'59"W, along said common line for a distance of 98 03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1 519 acres of land more or less (call calculated from Briscoe Clark deed) Z-00-097 (Continued) From "E" Commercial to "A "One-Family (18500 & 18600 Block of Highway 114 & Matany Road) Z-00-099 Block 10A, Lot 1, Fort Worth Stockyards Co From "K/HC"Heavy Industrial/Historic and Cultural Landmark to "K/HSE"Heavy Industrial/Highly Significant Endangered [(130 E Exchange Avenue (122 & 128 E Exchange)] SECTION 2. That the zoning regulations and districts, as herein established, have been made m accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community They have been designed to lessen congestion m the streets, to secure safety from fire, panic, flood and other dangers, to provide adequate light and air; to prevent overcrowding of land, to avoid undue concentration of population, to facilitate the adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewerage, parks and other public requirements. They have been made after full and complete public hearing with reasonable consideration, among other things, of the character of the district and rts peculiar surtabilrty for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of a building and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Crty of Fort Worth affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of such ordinances, except in those instances where provisions of such ordinances are m direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 4 That all rights or remedies of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, are expressly saved as to any and all violations of Ordinance Nos. 3011, 13896 or any amendments thereto that have accrued at the time of the effective .date of this ordinance; and as to such accrued violations, and all pending litigation, both civil or criminal, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 5. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared void, ineffective or unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such voidness, ineffectiveness or unconstitutionality shall not affect. any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation herein of any such void, ineffective or unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 6. That any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2000 00) for each offense Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense SECTION 7. That the City Secretary of the City of Fort Worth, Texas is hereby directed to publish this ordinance for two (2) days in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, as authorized by V T C.A. Local Government Code Subsection 52 013 SECTION 8. That this ordinance shall take effect upon adoption and publication as required by law APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: ~~~-C~. D A-TSS t nt Crty Attorney Adopted. ~ ~~ ~-o a C~