HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 12543Ordinance No ~~/ AN ORDINANCE INCREASING THE ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE CAPITAL PROJECTS RESERVE FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $103,000 00 FROM AVAILABLE FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING NOISE MITIGATION AT FORT WORTH MEACHAM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; MAKING THIS ORDINANCE CUMULATIVE OF PRIOR ORDINANCES AND REPEALING ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS SECTION 1 That in addition to those amounts allocated to the various City departments for the Fiscal Year 1995-96 and in the Budget of the City Manager, there shall also be increased estimated receipts and appropriations in the Capital Projects Reserve Fund in the amount of $103,000 00 from available funds for the purpose of funding noise mitigation at Fort Worth Meacham International SECTION 2 Should any portion, section or part of a section of this ordinance be declared invalid, inoperative or void for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision, opinion or judgement shall in no way impair the remaining portions, sections, or parts of sections of this ordinance, which said remaining provisions shall be and remain in full force and effect SECTION 3 That this ordinance shall be cumulative of Ordinance No 12074 and all other ordinances and appropriations amending the same except in those instances where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with such oL-her ordinances and appropriations, in which instance said conflicting provisions of said prior ordinances and appropriations are hereby expressly repealed SECTION 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect and after the date of its passage, and it is so ordained APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Assistant City A#z'j~orney s-2~-y6 VV Date ~-~/ g~ Adopted Effective Ordinance No City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication DATE REFERENCE NUMBER LOG NAME PAGE 06/04/96 f+_> > dq~ 55FEDERAL 1 of 2 SUBJECT APPLICATION TO THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE AT FORT WORTH MEACHAM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND ADOPTION OF RELATED APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCES RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to 1 Apply for and accept, if awarded, a grant from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), in the amount of 53,333,333 00, for assistance to acquire land, purchase avigation easements and install soundproofing for noise compatibility, and 2 Adopt the attached appropriations ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropri- ations in the Grants Fund by 53,333,333 00, and 3 Adopt the attached appropriations ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appro- priations in the Capital Projects Reserve Fund by $103,000 00 from available funds, and 4 Transfer 5333,333 00 to the Grants Fund for the City's ten percent match from the Aviation Improvements Project Fund (5230,000 00) and from the Capital Projects Reserve Fund (5103,0001 DISCUSSION The Fort Worth City Council on December 5, 1995 approved M&C G-11324 authorizing the transfer of 5230,000 00 from the Capital Projects Reserve Fund to the Aviation Improvements Project Fund to pay for the initial phase of the Meacham Noise Mitigation Project This phase included the solicitation of citizen input and the appraisal of noise impacted property The information gained from this initial phase would be used to prepare the pre-application and the application for federal assistance The Aviation Improvements Project Fund would be used temporarily until a grant was executed and a Grants Fund account established Once this account was established, the funds and expenditures would be transferred to the Grants Fund and counted toward the 5333,333 00 matching fund requirement The Fort Worth City Council on December 19, 1995 approved M&C G-11353 authorizing the submittal of an FAA grant pre-application for acquisition of land, avigation easements, and soundproofing for noise compatibility associated with Meacham International Airport The noise mitigation action was also approved by the Fort Worth City Council in the same M&C G-1 1353 The action included a four phased program as outlined below ~:. Phase I (South) is proposed for fee simple acquisition of afl property to remain an asset of the Aviation`Enterprise Fund with proposed reuse as a park and recreational area Printed on Regded Paper City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication DATE REFERENCE NUMBER LOG NAME PAGE 06/04/96 -11492 55FEDERAL 2 of 2 SUBJECT APPLICATION TO THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE AT FORT WORTH MEACHAM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND ADOPTION OF RELATED APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCES Phase II (South Remainder) is proposed for soundproofing and/or avigation easements Phase III (East) is proposed for fee simple acquisition of all property and incorporation of the area into the airport boundary for aviation use Phase IV (West) is proposed for fee simple acquisition of all property and incorporation of the area into the airport boundary for aviation use The FAA notified the City of Fort Worth that funds are available in the amount of 53,000,000 00 for noise mitigation at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport To obtain these funds, the City of Fort Worth must submit a grant application and execute a grant when offered The funds available at this time are intended for phase I noise mitigation As a reminder, this is the first of several phases that is estimated to occur over a 3-5 year project period The FAA contribution of 53,000,000 00 represents 90% of the project cost with 5333,333 00 (10%) of the project cost to be provided by the City of Fort Worth for a total project cost of 53,333,333 00 Each subsequent FAA grant offer will be submitted for City Council acceptance and approval FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION The Fiscal Services Director certifies that upon approval and execution of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriations ordinances, sufficient funds will be available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, of the Grants Fund RG a Submitted for City Manager's FUND ACCOUNT CENTER AMOUNT CITY SECRETARY Office by: (to) (2)GR7G 488199 0552186 $3,333,333 00 (2)GR76 541100 0552186 $3,333,333 00 (3)GC10 472001 013010001000 $103,000 00 ppp~VED Ramon Guajardo 6140 (3)GC10 538070 013010001000 $103,000 00 QU NCi L Originating Department Head: (4)GR76 472010 0552186 $230,000 00 CI TY C (4)GR76 472010 0052186 $103,333.00 ~ ~~~ Andy Rivera 5403 (from) `~~~ (4)GC24 538070 055240438170 $230,000 00 ~ , ~ ~ ~~~~~1 For Additional Information (4)GC10 538070 013010001000 $103,333 00 [G~-lt~e~t/r~e~ of tie ~ y Contact: City of Fort Worth, Sexas Andy Rivera 5403 '~ Printed on Recydea Papef Adopted ~3rdma~7ce ~0. „~ Adapted ~r~~r~anee ~~c.