HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55733�� S�CR�'A�Y ` #���.�;��'�i�i �9�. , .,���� .�� �� � _ �,�a��o��. ���� ����.�. ����� COlVTRACT FOR THE C�NSTRUCTYOl� OF LED Neighborhood Conversion Project Area 1 City Project No. 101917 Betsy Price Mayor David Cooke City Manager ��� ��.��� �' �'����������� � . - ��.�;� :���� �, � William Johnson Director, T��ansportation and Public Works Depat-tment Prepared for The City of Fort Worth 2021 {. r� _ 4121/2Q2� '����� ������ , � � ��C���'��� �`� t��R�"�y `��t � CONTRACTOR SERVICES AGR��MENT STREET LIGHTS REPAIlZJREPLACEMENT This CONTRACTOR S�RVICES AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made ax�d entered into by and between the C�TY OF FORT WORTH ("City"), a Texas home rule municipal corporation, acting by and thraUgh its dnly authorized Assistant City Manager, anc� Bean Electrical, inc. ("Contractor"}, an e�tity authorized to per%rm work in Texas, acting by and thr�ugh its duIy authorized President. This Agreement shall be effective as af the Effective Date established herein. AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS: The docu�nents comprising this Contractor Services Agreemenfi shall includ� the following: 1. Attachznent A— The City's RFP; 2. Attachment B— Contractor's Response to R�'P; 3. Attachment C— Price Schedule; 4. Attachrnent D— Verification of Sigr�ature Authority Form; N/A 5. Attachmenfi E— Standard General Conditions of the Constz'uction Contract; and 6. Attachment F— Standard Insurance Requirements. Exhibi#s A-�', which are attached hereto and incorporated herezn, are made a part of this Agreement for alI puz'poses. In the event of any conflict between the terms and condi#ions oi E�ibits A, B, D or E and the terms and conditions set forth in the body of this Agreez�rzent, the terms and conditions of this Ageernent shaIl control. T. SCOPE OF SERVICES. Contractor hereby agrees to pravide project :tnianagement, assessments and construction services far street light installation/repair and LED conversions (Area 1} for the City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Department as per Attachments A-C which more speci�caily describe the services to i�e provided hereundcr. �. TERM. This Agreement is efFective as of the date subscribed beIow by the City's designated Assistant Ciiy Manager ("Effective Date") anc� shalI expire 730 days from the date Notice to Proceed is provided by the City ("Expira#ion Date"} or completion of the Work. The Agreement may be re�zevved under the same terms and conditions %r up to three (3} one�year renevval pez'iods, at the City's sole discretion, each renewal period �eing subject to funding availability. City will provide Contxactor with notice of intent to renew at leas� 60 days before the Expiration Date of the Agreez�rzent or any renewal period. However, if funds ar� not appropriated, the City may cancel the Agreement 30 calendar days after providing written notification to the Contractor. 3. COMPENSATION. City shall pay Coz�tractor as per the fee scheduIe and in accordance with the provisions of ihis Agreement and Attachment C. Total payment made under ihis Agreement in the first ter�n shall be the amount up tu $$fl0,q36.50 ("Contract Amaunf"). The Canfract Ainount shall be in the amount up to $4UO,b3 $.25 in any subsequent renewal period however Contractor may submit a revised Attachnaent B to reflect reasonable increased labor or nnaterials costs, if any, within b0 days of each renewal date. Coniractor shall not perfort�a any additional services or biil for expenses incurred for C�Ly not specified by STR��i' I�1GNiS f:�l'AIFt-REPL0.CE Page 1 of 14 Contractor Services Agreement this Agreem�nt unless City requests and approves in writ�ng the additional costs for such services. City sha�l not be liable for any additional expense,s of Contractor not specified by this Agreetz� ent unless City first approves such expenses in writizag. 4. TERMINATION. Provisions for terminatio� axa found in Attachment E within Article 15. 5. D�SCLOSURE OF CONFLICTS AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATTON. 5.1 Disclosure of Conflicts. Contractor hereby warrants to City that Contrac�or has made full disclosure in writing of any existing or potential confltcts of interest related io Coniractor's services under this Agreement. Tn the event that any canflicts of interest arise after the Effective Daie of this Agreement, Coniractor hex'eby agrees immediately to rr�ake full disclosuz'e ta City in writing. 5.2 Canfidential Information. Contractor, for itseIf and its officers, agents and empIoyees, agrees ibat it shall treat all information provided to it by City {"Cify Information") as confde�atial and shall not disclose any such infortnaizon to a third party wifhout the prior written approval of City. 5.3 Unauthorized Access. Cantractor sha11 store and maintain City Inforitination in a sec�are manner and shall not a�law unauthorized users to access, modi�y, delete or ofherwise corrupt City Informatioz� in any way. Contractor shall notify City it�amediately if the security or integtity of any City Information has been compronaised or is believed to have been comprom�ised, in which event, Con#ractor shall, in good �aith, use alI co�nmercialiy reasonable efforts to cooperate with City in identi�ying what information has been accessed by unauthorized means and shall fully cooperate vvith City to protect such City Tnformatian fro�t�a �iurther unauthorized disclosure. 6. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. It is expressly understood a�zd agreed that Contractor shail op�rate as a� independent Contractor as to aIl rights and privileges and work performed u�der this Agreement, and not as an agent, repx'esentative or employee oi City. Subject ta and in accordance with the conditions and provisions of this Agreement, Contractor shall have the exclusive right to control the details of its operations and activities and shall be solely responsible for the acts and omissions o� its officers, agenis, servants, employees, cons�altants and subContractors. Contractor acknowledges tlaa� the doctrine of respondeat superior shall �not apply as between City, its of�cers, age�ts, servants and employees, and Contractor, its of�cers, agents, employees, servants, Cantixactors and subContractors. Contracto:r further agrees that nothing herein shall be cons�ued as the creation oi a partnership ar joint enterprise between City and Corztractor. It is fiu-ther undersfiood that Ciiy s�aall in no way be considered a Co-ex�player or a Join� employer of Contractor or any ofFicers, agents, servants, employees or subContractor of Confractor. Neither Contractor, nor any officers, agents, servants, e�nployees or subContractor of Cantractoz' shalI be entzt�ed to any employment benefits from Cify. Contractor shaIl be responsible and Iiable for any and alI payment and reporting of t�es on behalf of itseIf, and any of its officers, agents, servants, employees or subContracior. i. L�AB�LITY. CO�VTRACTOR SHALL BE LIABLE A1VD RESPONSIBLE FOR A1VY AND ALL PROPERTY LOSS, PROPERTY D�M�IGE AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY, IIVCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PER50NS, DF ANY I�IND DR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, TO THE EXTEIITT CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENT ACT(S) OR OMISSION(S), STREET LICHTS REPAIR-REPI.ACE Page 2 of 74 Contractor Services Agreement MALFEASAIVCE OR INTENTl'ONAL MISCONDUCT OF CONTRACTOR, ITS OFFICERS, AGEN7S, SERYANTS 4R EMP�OYEES. 8. INDEMNl`FICATI�N. Ter�ns of incletnnification are as p�ovided in Attr�chment E at section 6.z1. 9. ASS�GNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTING. 9. i Assi n� rnent. Contractor shall not assign a�ny of its duties, obligations or rights u�ader this Ag:reement without the prior written cansent of City. If City grants cons�nt to an assignment, the assignee shall execute a wriiten agreement with City and Contractor under which the assignee agrees to be bound by the dUties at�d obligations of Coniractor under this Agreement. Contractor and assignee shall be jointly liable for all obligations of Co�tiractar under this Agreemenfi prior to the effective date of the assignment. 9.2 �ubcontract. Tf City gra�nts consent to a subcontract, sub Co�atracior shall execute a written agreement with Cantractor referencing this Agreement undex' which sub Contractor shall a�-ree to be bound by the duties and obligations oi Contractor ut�der this Agreement as such duties a�ad obligations may apply. Contractor shall, upon request, provide City with a fully executed copy of any such subcontract. 10. IN5UI2fLNCE. Contractor sha11 provide City with certif cate(s) of insurance docufnenting policies oi the types and minimum coverage limits that are to be in eifect priox' to commencement of any work pursuant to this Agree�nent as provided %r in Attachnnent F. 11. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS �R.DINANCES RULES AND REGULATIDNS. Contrac�or agrees that in the performance of iis obligations hereunder, it shall coaaply with all applicable federaI, s#ate and Iocal laws, ordinances, rules and regulations and tha� any work it produces in connection with this Agreement wilI atso comply with all appticable federal, state and loca� lav►+s, ordinances, niles and regulations. If City natifies Contractor of any violation of such laws, ordinances, ruies or regiilatior�s, Contractar shall immediately desist from and correct the violation. Contractox' shall also abide by alI pravisions pertinent to this paragrap� as are recited in Attachm�nt E. 12. NON�DISCRiNIINATION COVENANT. ln addition to those Non-Discrimination provisions fou�ad in Attachment E, Contractor, for itseIf, its personal representatives, assigns, subConiractors and successors in interest, as part of the consideration herein, agrees that in the perfarnnance of Contractor's duties and obligations hereunder, it shall not discriminate in the treatment or employment of any individual or group of individuals an any basis prohibited by Iaw. IF ANY CLAIM AR�SES FROM AN ALLEGED V�OLATION OF THIS NON� DISCR1N11NATTON COVENANT BY CONTAACTOR, ITS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, AS�IGNS, SiTBCONTRACTORS OR SUCCESSORS IN 1NT�REST, CONTRACTOR AGREES TO ASSUME SUCH LTABILITY AND TO INDENINIFY .AND DEFEND CITY AND HOLD CITY HARMLESS FROM SUCH CLAYM. i3. NOTYCE�. Si'RE�7 l.fCzHTS REPAfR-REPLACE Page 3 of 14 Contractor Services Agreement Notices required pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement shal� be conclusively determined to have been delivered when (1) hand-delivered to the ot�er party, its agents, enaployees, servants or representaiives, (2) delivered by electronic means wiila electronic confirmatian of the transrnission, or (3} received by the other party by United 5tates Mail, registered, re�urn receipt requested, addressed as follaws: To CITY: City of �'ort Worth Attn: Project Manager's Name and Title 20Q Texas Street �ort Worth, TX 76i02-631� Facsimile: ($17) 392-8654 With copy to Fort Worth City Attorney's Office at sanne address To CONTRACTOR: Contractor business narne _ . � . � �� ._ i -- .�� ,. - Phone: � Facsimile: Email: � 14. �OLICITAT��N OF EMPLOYEES. - - - �-- Neither City nor Contractor shaIl, during the term oi this Agreement and additionally for a period oi one year aiter its termination, solicit %r employment or employ, whether as e�nployee or independent Contractor, any person who is or has been employed by the other daring the term of ihis Agreement, wi�houi the prior written consent of the person's employer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this pravision shall not apply to an employee of either party who independently z'espor�ds to a generaI solicitation oi advertise:ment of employment by either pa�ty. 1.5. GOV�RNIVIENTAL POWERS. It is understood and agreed that by execution of this Agreement, Cify does not waive or surrender any of its governmental powers or innmUnities. 16. N� WAIV�R. The failure of City or Contractoz' to insist upon the perfart�aance oi any term or pravision of this Agreement or to exercise any right granted herein shall not cons#itute a vvaiver of Ciiy's or Co�tractor's respective right to insist upon appropriate performance or to assert any such right on any future occasion. 1'i. GOVERNING LAW / VEN UE. This Agreem�ent shall be construed in accordance r�vith the lavvs of the Staie of Texas. If any actian, whethe;r real or asserted, at law �r in eyuity, is broughf pursuant to this Agreement, ve�ue for such action shall lie in state courts located in Tarrant Coun#y, Texas or the United States District Court for ihe Northern District of Texas, �o�rt Worth Division. 1$. SEVERAB�LITY. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, iIlegal or unenforceable, the validiiy, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired. STREET LIGH7S REPAIR-REI'LACE Page 4 of 14 Contractor 5ervices Agreement 19. FORCE MAJEURE. City aiid Contracfor shall exercise their best efforts to meet their respective duties and obligatians as set forih in this Agreement, but shall not be held liable for any delay or omission in perFormance due to force majeure or other causes beyond their reasonable controI, i�acluding, but not limited to, acts of the ptablic enemy, fires, strikes,lockouts, natuz'al disasters, wax's, riots, material ar labor restrictions by any governrnental authority and/or any other similax causes. 20. HEADINGS NOT CONTROLLING. Headings and titles used in this Agreernent are for reference purposcs oz�Iy, shall not be deemed a part of this Agreement, and are not intended to defne or limit the scope of any pravision of ihis Agreement. �.1. REVIEW OF COUNS�L. The parties acknovvledge that each party and its counseI have had an opportunity io review and revise this Agreement and that the normal ruies of construction to the effect that any ambiguities are ta be resolved against the draftir�g party shall not be employed in the interpretatiion of �this Agreement or its Aitac�itinents. 22. AMENDM�NTS/ MODIFICAT�ONS/ EXTENS�ONS. No amendment, modification, or e�tension of this Agreement shall be binding upon a party hereto unless set forth in a wx'itlen instrument, �which is ex�cuted by an authox'ized representative of each party. 23. ENTIRETY OF AGREEMENT. Tk�is Agreement, including its attachments, contiains the entire understanding and agreement between City and Contractor, their assigns and successors in interest, as to the matters contained herein. Any prior or contemporaneous Qral or written agreement is hereby declared null and void to the extent in con�Iict r�vith any provision of this Agteement. 24. C�UNTERPA.RTS. This Agreement may be executed iz� one or more counterparts and each counterpart shall, for ail purposes, be deemed a� original, but a11 such cou�ierparts shall together constitute one and the saxne instnu��ent. �5. WARRANTY. Contractor waxrants that its services will be o� a professionaI quality and conform to generally prevailing industty standards. City must give r,vritten notice o� any breach of this warranty within thirty (30} days from the date that the services are completed. In such event, ai Contractor's option, Contractor shall either {a) use cammercially z'easonable efforts to re-perfortrz the services in a manner thai conforms with the wat�'anty, or (b) refiind the fees paid by City to Contractor %r the nonconforming services. Contractor warrants that i# wiIl perform all services under this contract in a safe, efficient and lawful manner using industry accepted practices, and in full compliance with all applicable state and federal iaws gover�ing its activities and is undez' no restraint or order which would prohibit pez'formance of services under this contract. S7R�ET LIGHTS REPAIR-REPLACE Page 5 of 74 Contractor Services Agreement 2G, IMNIIGRATION NATIONALITY ACT. City actively supports the Tmmigration & Nationality Act (1NA) which includes provisions addressing employment eligibility, employment verification, ar�d nandiscriminaiion. Contractor shall verify the identity and employment eligibility of all employees who perfortn work under ihis Agreement. Contractor shall complete the Employnnent EligibiIity Verification Forn� (I-9), mainfiain photocopies of aIl supporting em�ployment eligibility ar�d ideniity documentation for all employees, and upon request, provide City with copies of alI I-9 forms and supporting eligibility docume�tation for each eitxzployee who pe:r�'arms work under this Agreemez�t. Contractor shall es�ablish appropriate procedu:res and controls so that no services will be performed by any eznployee who is not legally eligible to perform such services. Contractor shall provide City with a certifica�ian letter that it has complied with the verification requirements required by this Agreernent. Contractor shalI indenrznify City from any penalties or Iiabilities due ta vialations of this provision. Ciiy shalI have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement %r violations of this p rovision by Contractor. ��. PROHIBYTION ON CONTRACTING WITH COMPANIES THAT BOYCOTT ISRAEL Contractoz' acknowledg�s t�at in accordance with Chapter 2270 of the Texas Government Code, the City is prahibited froin entering into a contract with a campany %r goods or services unless the contract contains a vvritten verification from the coz�pany that it: (1) does not boycoit Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the co�atract. The tertns "boycott Israel" ancE "company" shall have the tt�eanings ascribed to those terx�as in Section 80$.001 of the Te�as Government Code. By signing this contract, Contrac�or certifies that Contractor's signature provides written vereficatian to the City that Contractor: (I) does not boycatt Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term o� the contract. 2S. OWNERSHIP OF WORK PRODUCT. City shall be the sole and exclusive owner o� all re�orts, work papers, px'ocedures, guides, and documentaiion, created, published, displayed, and/or produced in conjunction with the services provided under this Agreement {collecti�ely, "Work Product"). Further, City shall�be the sale and exclusive owner of all copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret and other proprietary rights in and to the Work Product. Ownership of the Work Producf shall ixiure to the benefit of City from t�e date of conception, creation or �xation of the Work Product in a fangible mediurn of e�pression (whichever occurs frst). Each copyrightable aspect of the Work Product sha11 be considered a"work-made-for-hire" withiz� the rnea�ing of the Copyright Act of 1976, as amended. If and to the extent such Work Froduct, or any part thereof, is not considex'ed a"work-made-for-hire" within the meaning of the Copyright Act of 1976, as amended, Contractar hereby �xpressly assigns to City all exclusive right, title and interest in and to the Work Product, and all capies thereof, and in and to tlae copyright, patent, trademark, �rade secret, and a11 other proprietary rights therein, that Cify may k�ave or obtain, r�vithout further consideration, free from any clainn, lien for balazxce due, or rights of retention thet'eto on the part of City. 29. LICENSES AND PE12�TS. Contractor certifies i1�at an the day work is to commei�ce under this contrac#, and during the duration of the contract, it shall have and maintain current valid and appropriate federai and staLe licenses and perrr�its necessary for the provision of services under this contract. STREET LiGHTS REPAIR-ftEPU10E Page 6 of 14 Contractor Services Agreemenfi Contractor also ceriifies that if zt uses any subcontractor in tlae perfoi�rnance oi this agreext�ent, that such subcontractar shall have and maintain current valid and appropriate federal and state licenses and pennits necessary for the provision of services under this contract. 3�. CHANGE IN COMPANY NAME OR OWNERSHTP Coniractor shall notify City's Project Manager, in writing, of a company name, ownership, or address change for the purpose of maintaining updated City records. The president of Co�tractor or authorized official nzust sign the ietter. A letter indicating changes in a company naime or ownership must be accompanied with supporting legal docunnentation such as an updated W�9, documents filed with the state indicating such change, copy of the board of director's resolUtion approving the action, or an executed merger or acquisition agreement. Failure to provide the speci�ed docuinenfation so may adversely impact future invoice payme�ts. 31. SIGNATURE AUTHORITY. The person szgning this Agreement hereby vvarrants that he/she has the legal authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the respective party, and that such binding authority has been granted by proper order, resolution, ordinance or other aut.�orization of the entity. This Agreement and any amendm�nt hereto, may be executed by any authorized representative �f Contractor whose name, title azzd signat►zre is affixed on the Vexification of Signature Authority Forin, which is attached hereto as Attachment D. Each parly is fully entitled to rely on these warranties and representations in entering into this Agz'eement or atly amendment hereta. {signature page follaws) STR�E.T LIGHTS REPAIR-REPLACE I'age 7 of 14 Contractor Services Agreement ACCORDINGLY, the pai�ties hereto llave duly exect�ted this Agi•eement and established tl�e Effective Date as being the date subscribed by tlfe City's desigi�ated Assistant City Manager. ACCEPTI�D AND AGREED: CITY UF k'ORT WORTH: - �' � By: Name� Dana rghd Title: Assi ant City anager Date: ��?c : �� ��. APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: �� i ` � �� - � By: � Narr�e: William Johnsar� TitIe: TPW Director / � � ATTEST: - � -.. , �� .. �� *,......,, . � . - ��� ��� � + � �: � � ; � -� �r':, me: Ma . . k��' ,��'itle: City Secre �'• ��``•, .. �.eF =., � _..,,��`��' _ , CONTRACT COMPLIANCE MANAGER: By signing I acknowledge that I am the pet•son �•esponsible for the monitoring and administration of this eontract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. � By: Name: Clint Hooves• Title: Enginee�•ing Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: �� �y. ..n ��„ 13:4sr�n Name: Douglas W Black Title: Sr. Assistant City Attorney - � � CONTRACT AUTHQRIZATION: M&C: '' De'!tE' ��'� l�:�. 1295 # ^r�*�..;��^_:��_ �.---� _ � �ean Electricat Name: . -[ �; -_ _ . I _ Title: i-�:��� �p���- Date: � � . e� � STR�Ei L1GHT5 REPAfR-}2�PLAC� Contractar 5ervlces Agreament � ��'�r� ge ts af -i4 ���`�� �� �E ' �R� s �. �Y4.�i�i P �ys �i� M&C Review �� il `�� � � �� �`-� d� d l: �,'� � $� I��� DATE: 4/6/2021 RE�ERENCE NO.: *�'M&C 21-0244 �OG NA[V1E: CO�E: G TYPE: C�NSENT PUBLIC HEARffV�: Page 1 of 3 Official site qf the Ciry of Fo�t Worth, iexas �L�� ������ :�_ 20LL�D RFP AREAS 7 & 4 AWARD NO SUBJECT: {CD 2, CD 4, CD 5, and CD 9) Authorize an Agreement wit� Bean Electrical, Inc., in an Amount L1p to $1,338,828.0� for an Initial Two-Year Terrn with Three One-Year Rer�ewals Each in an Amaunt Up to $669,414.00 for Project Managament and Assessrnents for Street Light lnstallation Ser�ices and LED Canversions (2018 Bond Program) .��Y�,���.�:�m.-_._.��.�-�.�..W��:���� �,u�-,.�,:_:-�:�,������:,--_n,.����,��. .,__--�._.,._�a.�.��_��--�� _.�ro R�COMflII�NDATIOfV: (t is recommended that the City Council authorize the execution of an agreement with Bean �lecfrical, Inc., in an amount not to �xceed $1,338,828.00 for an initial twa-year #erm for project management and assessments and task order construction servic�s for street light instalfation and LED conversions - areas one and four with three, one-year options fo renew each in an amou�t up to $669,414.00 annuaily. DfSCUSSION: As the City lighting system ages, the need for iighting system infrastructure impro�ement becomes more urgent. 7he City currently mai�fains o�er 67,Oa0 street ligi�fs for community con�enience, safety, and to assist emergency re�sponders. Appro�al of this Mayor and Counci[ Communicafion (M&C) will authorize the award of a contract to facifitate street lighting upgrades in selected neighborhoods. On August 29, 2017, the City auti�arized M&C P-12092 for the Street Light �nergy Savings Pilot Program in southeast Fort Worth bounded by Interstate Highway 30 (North), East Loop 820 {�ast), Interstate Highway 20 (South), and fnterstate Highway 3� (West}. Southeast Fort Worth was selected for th� pilot project after staff worked with the State Er�ergy Conservation Office and iden�ified locations of the higt�est �nergy cons�aming street ligf�ts irt the City. The pilot proj�cfi improWed the lighting conditions and converted over 3,A�00 street lights to LED fixtures. In a continuation of fihe work begun in the pilot prajact, staff issued a R�quest For Proposals (RFP} for fhe Project Management and Assessments for Street �.ight Instal[at�on Services and LED Conversions based on an ar�alysis completed in Fa112018 of neighborhood lighting systems. Ti�e analysis included an e�aluation af energy consumption, lighting condit�ons, and lighting uniformity. An RFP was ad�ertised in fhe Fort Worth Star-Telegram on Wednesday, February � 3, 2019, February 2Q, 2019, February 27, 2019, March 6, 2019, and March 27, 2019 seeking qualified contractors to perforrn this work. The eva�uatian factors included company qualifications and experience, references, c{uality of praposer`s equipment and materials, projecfi schedule, inc[uding team availability and cost. The proposals receiv�d were reWiewed by an eualuation committee consist�ng of stafF from the Transportation and Public Works Departmer�t and Ecvnorr�ic Development Department. The frst ivvo contracts covering ar�as 2 and 3, were awarded ta Bean Electrical, Inc. City Secretary No. 53451 and 53451 CA-1 and Citelum US, Enc. City Secretary No. 53376 (M&C 99-0286) as an outcome of proposal e�aluations by an e�aluation committee. Each of these �endors was going to be awarded the third and fourth contracts, for ar�as '[ and 4, as workloads permitted. In April, 2020, Citefum L1S, Inc. notifed the City t�at it was unable to perform its obligatio�s due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Cifelum US, Inc. assigned its contract to Bean �lectrical, Inc. with the City's consent. Bean Elecfrical's work in areas 2 and 3 is in progress. 7his M&C will award areas 'f and 4 to Bean Electrical, Inc. The purpose of fhe project management ancf assessments for street light Enstallation services and LED conversions project is to install new poles, arms, wires, and LED lights in residential neighbarhoods. http://apps. cfwnet.org/councii�acket/rnc_r�view. asp?ID=28794&councildate-9-/b12021 4/12/2021 M&C Revie�c�v Page 2 of 3 The project will also update the City asset management and geospa#ial recards with assessment and instailation documentation �For new street �ight assets. The praject management and assessments for street light instafEation services and LED conversions project divides the City into four distinct areas as folfows: ,�rea # of # of Lights �escription Lighfis in �51% f��A Loap 820, RR Tracks/Deen11H-35W, ,� Northside Dri�e, Jacksboro � p38 964 HighwaylCity Limit L'm e Loo� 820, Beach StreetlCity 2 Limit/lH-3Q, Henderson, Nar�hside 1,018 786 Drive City L.imit L.ine, Randol Mil! Road, 3 Trinity Bl�d, Precincfi Line Road, 931 188 Beach Sireet 4 IH--3Q, City Limit Line, E. Roseda[e 7p2 297 Street, Loop 820 �Total # of Ligh#s 3,689 2,235 The 2018 Bond Program a�thorizes the issuance of bonds for street lighting impro�aments for $1 q,OQO,�QQ.00. This project is included in the 2018 Bond Program. A�ailabl� resourc�s within fihe General Fund will be used to pro�ide interim fiinancing until debt is issues. Once debt associa#ed wi#h th� project is sold, bond proceeds wilf reimburse the General Fund in accordance with the statement expressing official intent to Reimburse thaf was adopted as part of th� ordinance can�assing fihe bonc! election {Ordinance No. 23209-05�20�8) and subsequent actions taken by the Mayar and Councif. Bean Electrical is in cornpliance witl� the City's BDE Ordinance by commiiting to 71% MBE participation on these pTojecfs. The City's MB� goal on these prajecfs is 71%. F[SCAL fNFORIV�ATIONIC�RYi�IC{�,TfON: The Director of Finance certifies that funds are available in fhe current capital budget, as pre�iously appropriated, in the 2018 Bond Program Fund for fihe Street LT Inst & LED Cn� project to support ti�e approval of the aho�e recommendation and execution af the agreement. Prior to any expenditure being inc�arred, tne Transportation and I�ublic Works Department has the responsibility #o validate the aWailability of funds. �O Fund Department Account Praject Program Activi�y Budget Reference # Amount IQ fD Year dChartfield 2) �ROIVi Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Referer�ce # Amount _� 1D� � ID Year ChartFiefd 2 Submitted for Cit�, fVianager's Office b}� �riginatinq Department Flead: Additiona! Information Contact: Dana Burghdaff {8018} William Johnson (7801) Tanya Brooks {7861) http://ap�s. cfwnet.org/council�acketlmc_review. asp?ID-2879�}&coun ci�date-4/b/2021 4/12/2021 M&C Review ATTACHMI�IV7S A. 1 •pd� A4.pdf Page 3 of 3 http://apps.cfwnet.oxg/cauncil�ack��/�nc review.a�p?ID=28794&councildate-4/6/2021 4/1.2/2021 �--� � � � Lt� � � �C��%'`� � � - . : Qo � : : .�.� : �, ,,,,,� : , �•,,; - . . � ��. � _�__ �_ ..;� �t � � � �ra�3n ;� * ,�, .. �i � - . I .�. o •:f .t—��'I���'* �■" � * � � � . �+�* � S-} 1,��y ♦- ■ y� . '1._�':��: i'T�**�4 '�.' 4 #� :I�-�... - ~z.h';� .�.._ . ;,, , tlI:f. #•�;.� 1�.�.;'I��I�..��.__'}1.. �..I . . . :4di".�#`: �:' '_l-""" rl.:� ..T '�:.:,,-- _ . f--..'.-:.:� r� �-�.- z;. � .,..�tr-- , � �_-:.-- ,� �+ z �� t� ,. .�:_ t:.,� , ; ' ; ���: ���w�� �#�:,�. * !''$;��, : . - �� , , � ��.. --�1��--= � . .. , �,�1''..� I � I i ;i ,, `�r# # �'{��, YIIJ'=� �;, . � . �►+� ;1����� . ��'- J7--�;;__.r����:;;; -- . . ' Ukinti.lAi _ � j' __ _J— _ .. 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Mar� �R. �()19 hv ]:30PM T.�ca� Tr�ne xxxxxx* NO LATE OTFERS �'IIALL BEACCEPTED RF.SPQN�ES SAAT,T, RE DELLY__l�',RFD TO: .�PnN�F;� �HAT�7. RT MAILFD T[D: CXTY OF FORT WORTH PURCHASING DIVT�IDN CITY OF FORT VirORTH PC�RCHASING DZVISTON LOWER LEVE�. . LOWER LEVEL 200 TEXAS STREET " 200 TEXAS STREET FORT WORTH,•TEXAS 76 1 02-63 1 4 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 7b102-6314 Pre-Propasal Confere�ce shall be held: - NAME �ND AIDDRESS OF COMPANY Tuesday, Marcl� 12, 2019, 10:00 �.M. (Local Time) , at �UBMITTII�G PROPOSAL: 5001 James Ave�zue, Fort Worth 76115, in iYze Trazning Confe�'ence Raom *�*���x��**�*����*:x��**�*�*�:�*�***��****�*x��*�* FOR ADDIT�ONAL INFORMATION REGARDING THIS RF�' �'L�A�E CONTACT: Contact S'erson: �heila Ba�er, Purcl�asing Supervisox sheila.bake,�ja�.FortWorthTe�as.�ov Ti�le: :��***��*��*�*��**�*��*:x**��*��*��*�*�****�*��,�� Phone:f ) R�TURN THIS COVER SH��T WITH RESP�NSE TO: FaY: O Sheija Baker, Purchasing Buyer Email: Purchasing Divisian 200 Te�as Street, Lower Level Signature: �'ort Wortl�, Tegas 75102-6314 Printed Name: S�aII contract be available for Cooperafive Agreement use? (See Section 27, page 7} Yes �To Acknowledgment ofAddenda: #1 #2 #3 #� #5 � Request far Propasals City of Fori Wo7rth (City} is requesting proposals foz non-exclusive contractor services agreernents ("Services Agree�neni") for �xaject management, assessmenis and street lighi installatian services, including LED conversions, far the Ciiy o� For� Workh Transportation and Public Works {TPW) Departmeni's Traf� c Management Division. The successful proposex(s} wzll ihase fzrms that provide the best value �o TPW for these servzces ., Each Se�rvices Agreement vvill be �or an initial on��year period �rith up to four opiionaI renewals. The successful proposers' proj�et work areas (as outlined beJow) wi11 be assigned to successful proposers by ihe Trafiic Management Division and task orders wi11 be issued i�y the Traffic Managemen.t Divisian %r work wiihin each work area. The City's overall first�year project budget is $4,Zaa,000.00. Renewals vviil be subject to subsequently approprzate� f�nds. I __ C_1�1 ,_: f ► � - ' � � ' � .-= _ 1.1 One (1) origina�, four (4) copies and one (1) USB flash drive of all O�fer documents shall be submitied in seaIed packages.�Proposer's zzaax�e aa�d address should be mari�ed on #he outside af the envelope. Facsimile iraz�sznittals ar offers communicated by telephone will not be accepted flr considared. �'roposal infarmatian that is not submitte� in sealed packages wiI1 noi be considered. IL , . � _ 1 • : • � � i. • r � . � � :iiZ��� City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division 200 Texas Siz'eet, Lower Level Fort Worth, Texas 76102 I ! -i -#- � ':�-'1--= Proposals must be received in the Gity oiFort Worth's Puxchasing Division no later than 1:30 p.m., March 28, 20I9. The submi�ting Proposer is responsibte for the means of deliveringthe proposals ta the Iocation Iisted in paragx'ap�a 1.2 on time. Delays due to any instrumentalityused to traa�smit fhe Proposals including delay accasioned by the i'j•oposer or the City of Fort Worth's intexnal maiIing system wi�l be the responsibility of the Proposer. Proposals must be cozxzp�eted and delivered in sufficieni tima to avaid d�squalification for lateness due to difficulties zn delivery. The ti�ne and date stamp clock in City of FQrt Worth (City) Piarcha,siu�g D�vision isfl�e official cIock for det�ranining whether submittals are submitied timely. Late Pro�osaI documents vvill not be accepted under an'y circumstances. 1 :#'G �_� ll_I_:l _ _�► 3.1 if a Proposer does not desire proprietary. infarmation i�� the Proposa� to be c�isclosed, ii is required ta identify all pz'oprietary information in the Proposal. This ideiat��cation vtrillbe done by indiv�dually �nar�Cing each page with the words "Proprietary Informatio�x" on which such proprieiax-y in�ormation is found. If the Proposer fails to identify p:rap:rietary RF�' No. 14-0080, Froject Management and Assessmentsfor5treet Lig�t lnstalla#ion Services a�d [.ED Cor�versions Page 2 of 12 in�ormation, it agrees that by submission of its Proposal that tl�ase sections sha11 be deemed nan-praprietary and made available upon public request. �.0 3.2 Proposers are advised that the City, to the extent permitted by faw, wiii profect the cozzfiden�iality of their Proposals. Proposer shall consider tl�e impIicatians of the Texas Public Z��£ormation Act, particularIy after the R�P process has ceased and the Contract has been awaxded. While there are provisians in the Texas Public Informa�ion Act to protect proprietary information, where the Praposef� can meet cerEain evidentiary standards, please be advised that a determiriation ox� whether those stat�daxds have been ��et wilZ not be decided by the City of Fort Wortk�, but by ih� Office of tk�e Attorney Gen�z-al oi the State of Texas. In the event a request �or public informatinn is made, the Czty will �aoiify t�ae Proposer, who :rnay f.hen reques# an opinion from #he Attorney General pursuant io 552.305, Texas Gove:r:n.tnez�t Cade. The Cify will not make a request of the Aftarney General. ill�' !\ � � '�► 4.1 A�.2 4.3 Infaranafion presented in th� Proposals wilI be used to evaluate the professional qua.lificaiions aithe Proposez�(s} and to determine the Proposa�(s) which will be selected to provide professional services to f.he City., 5.0 Responses shall be comp�eted in accordance with the requirements af this RFP. Statements rnade by a Praposer shali be without arn.biguity, anc� with adequate eIaboraiion, where necessary, for clear understanding. �roposals shall be limiied to a maximum of twen�y (20) 5-112" X 11" pages (one side only and including cover leiter} using a font size no smaller than 11 point and one inch margins. . : 1 ! ► __ : al � f 1 1 �U � ,y .. - 5. i Any e�planation, clarification, or interpretation desired hy a Proposer j•ega�•ding any part ofthis RF�'shall be requested from �heiIa Baker, Se�3ior Buyer, a# least 15 days prior to the published subrnFssion deadline; as referenced in Section 2.0 of this RFP. 5.2 If fhe City, iu its sole discretion, determines tha� a clarification is required, such clarification shall be iss�ed in writ�ng. Interpr�tations, con-ectia�zs or chaz�g;es to tha RFP made in any other manner o�her than writin�g are �ot binding upon the Ciiy, and �'z'oposers shalI not reIy upon such interpreiatzons, correctians or ehanges. Oral explanations or instructions give� Uefore the award of the Cont�act :are r�ot binding. 5.3 5.4 Requests %r explanaiians or clar�ficatians may be faxed to #he City of �'ort Worth at {817} 392-$440 or exx�.ailed to �;heila.balcer(c�fortworthiexas.gpv. Emails and �axes inust elearly identify the R�P Nuzaaber and Ti�1e. . Any z�terpreiations, corrections or changes to this RFF wi11 be made by addendum. Sole issuing autharity of addenda sha11 be vested in the City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division. �roposers shall ackntiv�Iedge receipt of all addenda witnin the responses. 6A �NTTNnRA'6�VAL nF PROP��ALS RFP No. I9-0080, Praject Managemertt ar�d Assessments for 5treet Light Installation 5ervices and LED Conversions Page 3 of l2 A representative of the company may withdraw a Proposal at an.y tim.e rin �or f�-the RF� submission deadline, upon presentation of acceptable ide�ttiizcation as a xep:resentative ofsuch company. I a ._�1 i_ � \ : � 7.1 It is understood tI-iat th� City reserves the right to accept or reject ariy and all Proposals ancl �o z-e-solicit �ar Proposals, as it shall deem io be in �he best i�terests o� the City of Fort Worth. Receipt ar�d cansideration of any Proposals shalI under no circumstances obligate the City of Fort Worth to accepi ar�y �'raposals. Tf an award of contract is made, it shall be made to the responsible Proposer whose �'ropasal is determined to be the best evaluated offer taking into consideraiion. the xeiative imporfance of the evaluation factors set forth in t�e RFP. 7.2 The Ciiy reserv�,s ihe right to award a single contract or multiple contracis by seciion listed in the Scope of Work. 7.3 Tentative Schedule of Evenfs RF'P Release Date February 13, 20I9 Pre-Proposal Coz�fe�ence Tuesday, March 12, 2019, 10:00 AM (CST) DeadIir�e �or Questions � March 15, 2019; 5:00 PM (LacaI Time) Proposals Due Dafe .-�Vlarch 28, 2019; 1:30 �'M {T,oca1 Time) �valuation af Froposals Ma�'ch 28, 2Q 19 through ApriI, 2019 No�rce to Proceed (Anticipa�ed) Tuz�e 2p19 �:1 ' �f� f ' _.► Proposer acicnowledges that by submitting the ProposaI, Proposer makes an offer that, ii accepted in whoIe or part by �h� City, ca nsiitutes a valid and binding contract as to any and a11 items accepted in writing by ihe City. The period of acceptance of proposals is one hundred axzd eigk�ty (184} calendar days from the date of apening, unless the Proposer notes a d'zffere�atperiod. ' I . 1/' f�I The City of Fort Worth is exempt from Federal Excise and State Sale Tax; fllerefore, tax must not be included in any contract �hat may be a�varded fro�n this RFP. I I i. _ ► J�:_1 _a ' '1�! Ail costs directly or indirectly related to preparation of a response io the RFP or any ora3 presentation requ2red �o supple�ne�t and/or clarify a Proposals which may be required by the City shall be the sole responsibz�iiy of and shall be borne by the participatingProposers. I ► _ _ � , 11�C�7►f�� The City reserves the right to nego�iate all elements that comprise the successfuZ Vendor's response to ensure that the best possibie co�sideration be a�orded to allconcerned. � �► s,� �, �,•!:_a__ 1► RFP No. 19-0080, Project Managemen# ancE Assessments for Street Light installation Services and LED Conversions Page 4 of 12 The contract documents shall i�zcltYde the RFP, the Response to the RFP, tk�e City's Access Network Agxeement {Aitachmen� B to this RFP) ;and such aiher �erms a�d conditions as the parties may agree. I � �_ ► i �:;_ 1/ _► 1 If a Proposal is accepted, the successfiil �fferors, hereinafter "Vend.ar," shall not issue asay z�evws releases os' ather statements pertaining to the award or servicing flf the agreeznetat tI1at state or imply t�Ze City of Fort Worth's endorsez�ent af the successful Proposer's ser�ices. � I �__ ,� t 1 � 11 11_1► __: Cl7►F�� After release of this solicitatian, 1'roposers' contact regarding this RF�' vs+ith members of the RFP evaluation, intervzew or se�ection paneIs, employees of the City or off cials of the City other thari the Purchasing Ma�ager, the Minarity and B�siness Entez'prise (MBE) Office, or as otherwise indicaied is prok�ibited and may result in disqualificatipn from this procurement process. No o�iicer, emplayee, agent or represen#ative of �he Pz-oposers si�all have any contaci or discussion, verbal or wriiten, with any members oi the City Co�ncil, members of the RFP evaluation, intezvzew, ar select�on panels, City staif or City's Vendors, or directly or indirectly through others, seek to inFluex�ce any City CounciI meznber, City staff, or City's Vendors rega�dzzzg aray mat�ers pertaining to ihis soIici�afion, except as herein provided. If a representative o� any Proposers violates the foregaing p�ohibiiioz� by contaciing any of the above listed paxties vaith whom contact is not atithorized, such contact may result in the Froposers being disquali�ed from the proct�rement process. Any os'al communications are cons:idered �ulofficial and non-binding with regard to ihzs RFP. i � ':�'f �►': � 15.1 An evaluation coznrnittee �will evaluate the responses to ihis Request for 1'roposals, may interview one ox more firms, and may recommend one or mare firms to the. SeIection of a�irm rnay be made without discussion vvi�h Proposers after offers are received. Proposals should, therefore, be submitted oz� the most favorable terms. 15.2 The City's evaluation �anel will review a11 respox�sive submittals and select the best evaivated oifexs �ox further interview. 15.3 The City anticipates selecting �'roposer(s) that will be recommended %r award of a co��tract to p�'ovide the requested professio�aal services to the City of Fort Worth. 15.4 The City reserves the right to rej ect any or a.Il proposa�s. I ' ! ' 1 � ► _ ! � 16.I Cost af 5ervice — 20 poi�nts available I6.2 References -10 points available 16.3 QuaIi�catians & Experience - 25 points; available 16.4 Quality o��'roposer's Equipment azzd Materia�s - 25 points available 16.5 Project Schedule, Including Tearn AvaiTability, - 2Q points available RF� No. ] 9-0080, Project Managernent and Assessments for 5treet Light Ir�stallation 5ervices and LED Con�ersiorts Page 5 of 12 i7.0 GENERA.L PRO�ISIDN� The Vendor m.ay �ot assign iis rights or d�ties under an award without tlie prior written consent of the City of �'ort Worth. 5uch consent s�ta11 not relieve the assigaor af liability ir� tlze event of defauli by its assignee. �: I ' �#: �: �u_.- �� The Vendor will not be allowed to ta�C� advantage o� any errars or omissions in this RFP. Where errors or omissions appear in this 1Z�P; tl�e Vendor s13all pramptly nofify the City of �'ort Worth Furchasing Division zn wriii�g o� such errar or omission it discovers. Any significant errors, omissior�s or zncox�sisiencies in this RF1' are to be reported no Iater that� 7(7) days before time for the RFP response is to be submitted. ' I _ � 1/ ► ; _ �_�►'_� 19. l. Ii this award restzIts in a contract, it sha11 remain in effect uniil contract e�ires, delivery and acceptance of products and/or per%rmance of se�rvices ordexed or terx�ai�zated by the City with a thirty (30) day written noiice prior to canceIla�io�x. In� tk�e eve�.t of t��xx�ination, the City of Fort Worth. resez`ves ilae right to avirard a contract to next lorn+est and best Vendor as it deems to be in the best interest of the City of Fort Worth. 19.2 Furthe�•, the City af Fort Wor�h may cancel this con�ract without expense to the CiCy in fhe event �hat iunds have noi been apprapriated for expendit�res under this cantract. T�e City of Fort Worth wil� z'etur� any delivered but unpaid goods in normal condition fo the Vendor. ! 1 ' 4 ►: � ► � 11 1 : ►l =-► - --n_ ! ► RigI�t to Ass�arance. Whenever the City has reason to question the Vendor's intent to perform, fhe City nr�ay demand that the Vendor{s} give written asst�rance of Vendar's intent to perform. In the evex�t a demand is made, and no assurance is given within ten (10} calendar days, the City may treai t�iis faiiure as an anticipatary repudiation of the coniract. 2L0 CHA�IGE ORDFRS No oraI siate�ent of any person shall modify ar otherwise change or affect the terms, conditions or specifcatzox�s stated in the resulting contract. All change orders to the contract wili be made in w�riting by f.�ie City oi Fort Worth's Financial Management Services Depariment and signed by botla parties. Change orders mt�s# be prior� approved by the For� Worth City Council when the a�ount exceeds $50,000.00. 22.0 VT',NCTF The agreement(s} wi71 be governed and canstt'ued according to the lav,rs of the State of Texas. The agreement(s) is (are) per�ormable in Tarrant County, Texas. Venue sha11 lie exclusively in Tarrant Couniy, Texas. ! i► 1 k_ 1- RFP No. 19-0080, Project Management and Assessments for Street Lig�t Instaliation Ser�ices and LED Conversions Page 6 of 12 No public official shail have intez�est i�. this contract, in accordanca with Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated, Loca1 Government Code Title 5, Subtitled C., Chapter �7T. � I \ l: : \ The Vendor shaIl carry insurance in the types and amounts for tlae duratioz� of t�ais agre��x�.e�at as listed in ihe Pro�essional Services Agreement, At�achment E ta t�is R�'�', and fiarnish certifcates of insurance along with copies of policy dec�araiion pages and policy endorsements as evidence thereof. ► ! �►_:s _ f►.__�: 1► _-►1 _�►1 _ ! � 25.1 All services sha11 be provided in accordance vrith applicable req�irenaetzts and ordznances of the City of �'ort Warth, laws of the State of Texas, and appIicable fedex'al Iaws. 25.2 The Contract{s) av,Tarded from this RFP shall be executad for a iwo�year ini�ial tertxz t�vith three (3) one-year optioris to renew at tlae Czty's sole discretion. � I II_�: : � :'� ':1 �► BUSIIV�SS D�V�RSf�Y �Ni�R�RIS� f���i OR�INAfiIC� ��C)VfS101il: The Gity oi Fo� Worth im�lemented �he Business Diversiiy Ente�prise (BDE) Ordinance to reflect the City's avaiIability and drsparity study f ndings. AIX pxopasers shaIl note that if is ihe policy o�the City to ensure i�e full and equitable participation ofMinoritp Business Enterprises (MBEs) in the proc�rement of sezvices $50,OQ0 or �nore. This Request for Propasal consisis of a MBE goal. The Mrnority Busine�� �nterpri�e (N�BE) diverse goal is 7%. TI�e infor�x�.atzon shall be subrnitted �c�vrth �e proposal anc� shalI include: = The coz�npany nama, address, point of contact, e�azl address, o��'ice a.nd fax telepi�one numbers of il�.e MBE subconiractors and s�ppIiers; � A detailed descripiion of the work to be performed ox supplied by each MBE; � Tl�e tier IeveI, i.e., 1$t, 2"a� 31a, �tc. (if ofher ihan IS� iier, ihe plan must cleaxly identify ihe firrzx� name and tier from whorr� the MBE firm Will be receiv�ng paym�nt} � The sula-contraci value or percentage of �c�vorlc for each MBE particzpaz�t; � Staie the MBE percentage level of cozxznnitnnenf achieved; and � Provide the sazx�.e identification inf.ormation for a11 non-MBE particzpants It is irn�portant to note ihat only MBE subcontractors and suppliers that perforxx� a co�nrr�exczally usefuI funciian may co�nt towards the �% MBE diverse goal. Ifi'the Yroposer is cer-tified as a D]3E, MBE; ,SBE or VVBE fir�m, it is not pen�aissible to couni ztsel� or its subsidiary-owned companies towards the established goal; the goal repr�s�nis subconiracting opportunities. r�P No. ig-oflsa, Project Management and Assessments for Street Light irtstallation Services and LEEJ Conversions �age 7 of 12 Proposers must obtain MBE Iisti�xgs �rom the City of Fort VVorth's M/WBE Of�ce at (817} 392�2674 or e�ail mwbeoffce((u�fartwortht�xas.�. This will ensure ihai Proposers are acknowIedging MBE f rms currently certi�ed by the No�eth Cen-tral Texas Regional Certifcaiian Agency (NCTRCA) and D/�'W Minority Supplier Developtnent Council (D/FW MSDC) or other cerfi£ying agencies t1�at ihe City may deezx� appz'opriate and accepted by the Ciiy of Fort Worth at the tiine proposais are submi�ted, in order for �he participation to be counted iowards the established diverse goal., Th�e �z'zx�s naust be located in the City's six 6 count geographic �arkeiplace tlaat includes th� couniies of Tarrant, Da�las, Denion, Johnson, Pazicer and �ise. Also note if a frxx� is DBE certifed thai refl�cts minority owxaership and meeis ihe cxiierza's stated, it may count io�t�vards the goa1. I£ an Offerar (regard�ess of certification status or if a non-D/M/W/MBE), however, forins a joint veniuxe with one or more MBEs, the MBE joint venture perceni�ge partfcipation will be counted towards the established goal. The ap�ro�riate Cityo uf Fort Woxkl� Joint Venture %rm rnust be subrr�itted for review arzd approvaI in order for it to be counted. The City of Fort Worth strongly encaurages joint ventures. Ii Offeror failed ta meet �Iie stated ML'E goaI, it� part ox �n whole, �en a detaiI�d expIanation must be submi�ted to explai� t�e Gooc� arid Honest Efforts your fiz�x� made ta secure MBE participation. Failure to submii the MBE participatzon information or the detailed e�pIanation of the proposer's Good and �Ianest Efforts to meet or exceed the stated MEE goal, rnay render ihe proposai non-responsive. The MBE commit�r►en� v�vi�l be part o� the f�n�l weighted selection criteria. I � 1 ' �;__►1 ' L' _ . : ► 27.1 Should other governmental eniities d�cide to participafe in this cantrac#, Proposers, shali indicate in their proposals whether �hey agree that all terms, conditions, specifcation, and pricing would appiy. ` 2'7.2 If the success�ul Proposer agrees ta exiend the resulting contract fo other governmental entities, tlae �ollov�ing vaill apply: GovernmentaI entitzes wzfhi� utilizing Contracts with the City of �'ort Worth will be eligihle, but not oblzgated, to purchase material/services undez'this contract(s) awarded as aresult oft�zs solicita�ion. All purchases by goverrunental entzties other thau the City of Fo� Worth rviii be billed directly to that governmental en�ity and paid by that goverzr�aental en�ity. The City of Fort Worth will not be responszble �or ano#her governmental entity's debts. Each governmental eniity wiIl oz-der its ow� material/services as needed 28.0 PAYMEI\TT RFP No. 19-0080, Project Management anc! Assessments for5treet Light fnstallation Services and LE� Conversions Page $ of 12 AIl payment terms shall be "Net 30 Days" unless otherwise specified in the proposal. 28.1 Service provider shall invozce na more frequently than monthly for services provided. 28.2 Z�.voices shaIl be submitted io the City department that ordered and received tha services provic�ed. 28.3 Success�ul proposers are encouraged to register for Automated Clearing House (ACH) direct deposit payments prior to providing goods andlor services uszng the fortns posted on �he City website at http://fortworthtexas.�ov/purchasin�/ 29.0 CE�tTYFYCI�'I'E OF IN_T_E�ESTED PA�tTIES FOItM 129� The successful Proposer is required to complete online and notarize the Certificate of Interested Parties Forzr� l 295 and the forrt� shalI be submitted #o the Purchasing contact listed in the solicitation before the purchase/contact shall be presented to the CiCy Council. Form to � connpletec�. at ht#�s://www.ethicsstate.tx.us/whatsnew/elf info_ fbrrn1295.htm. � � . ■ i � - � � _ ' � �� � ' �' � �� t \ 1 � � \ _ _ ■ ' i The Contrac�or s1�all nofify the City's Purchasing Manager, in writing, Qf a company name, ownership, oz- address cnange for the purpose of maintaining upc�atec� Ciiy recards. The president of the cqmpany or authorized afficial sha11 sign the iettez-. A Ietter indicating changes in a company name or ot�nership shall be accompanied with supporting legal docume�tatzo�n such as an �.ipdated W-9, documents filed with Lhe state indicati�g such change, copy a� the board of director's resaIution approving the action, or an executad naexge:r or acquisitian agreement. �'ailure to do so znay adversely impact fut�are invoice pay�trzents. 3A.a SC�PE OF SE12ViC.E� See At�achment C I -: 1 1'_LI:__.►1P �� _=� -�'► See Attachment I3 :---; _:f1L�IT11-Dl��7� R�'�' No. 19-0080, Project Management and Assessrnents for Street Light lnstallation Ser�ices and LED Conversions Page 9 of 12 1a. _ ! \ ' . J�_V�_� __►�Il__\_, 1'urstaant io Chapter l7b of the Local Governmen� Cade, any person or ag�ni of a person wk�o contracts or seeks io co�ntract far the sale or purchase of property, goods, or seavic�s wiil� a locaI governmental entity {i.e. T�e City of Fort Worth) must disclose in th� Ques�ionxzaire �'orm CIQ ("Questionnaire") ihe person's affiliation ar b�.tsiness relationship that might cause a conflzct o� interest wzih the Iacal governtnental er�tity. Bylaw, the Questioni�a.ire must be Filed wi#h the Fort Worth City Secrefary no later than seven days after the date the �erson begins cantract discussions or ne�otiations with the City, or submits a�� applzcation or response to a request for proposals or bids, ca�'espondence, or another wz'itit�g related to a potential agreement with ihe City. Updated Questionnaires must be iiied in conforznance wit�i Chapter 176. A copy of t1�e Questionnaire Form CIQ is enclosed with the submittaI documer�ts. The form is also available athttn:�,/www.eti�ics.sfate.tx.usLforn�slCIO.ndf. If you have at�y q�.estions about coinpliance, please consuli yaur own legaI counsel. CompIiance is the individua� responsib�liiy of eac,h person ar agent of a person who is subject to the ��ing requirement. An affense under Chapter l 76 is a Class C misdemeanor. RFP No. I9-0080, Project Management and Assessments for Street Light [nstallation Ser�ices and LEQ Con�ersions Page ]LO of 12 ATTACHIVIENT B C�NFLICT OF iNTEREST QU�STIONNAIRE . F�RM CIQ For vendor or o�he�r person doing bnsiness with locaI governmental entify � oFFrc�c usE orrLY This questionnaire is being filed in accordance wiih chapter 176 oftheLocal Dafe Received Governnnent Code by a person doing business with ihe governmenta� entity. By law this questionnaite must be filed vvith fhe records adminisfratar ofthe lacal government �iot ?ater ihan tIze 7th business day a�ter the date t11e �erson becomes aware of facts �11at require the statement to be iiled. See Section 17b.006, Local Gove�•runent Code. A person commits an affense if the person violates �eciian 176.006, Loca� Governrnent Code. An offense under this section is a Class C:nnis�e�meano�•. 1. Name af person doing business with local governmenta� enYily. 2. ❑ Check this box if yoa are filing an update to a previously �ledquestionnaire. (The law requires that you file an updated comp�eted questionnaire with the approgriate filing authority not later than September 1 of the year %r which an activzty described zn Seciion 176.006(a}, Local Goverrunent Code, is pending and not later than ihe 7th busix�.ess day aft�r tk�c date the orig;i�ally filed c�uestionnaire becomes incomplete oz� iraacctiitaie.) 3. Describe each aifiliation or �usiness relaiionship with an employee or con�-actor of thelocal governmental entity who makes recommendations to a local government officer oi the local governmental enfily'vvith respect to expenditure ofmoney. 4. Describe each affliation or business relationship wiih a person wi�o is a Iocalgovernment officer and who appoinfs or employs a local government officer of the local governmentalentiiy that is the sabje�t o� this quesfionnaire. RFP No. I9-OQSO, Project Managem�nt and Assessmenis for Street �ight Installa�ion Services and LEQ Conversions Page ll of i2 CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUEST�ONNAIR� FORM CXQ I<`or vendoj• or other person doin� busir�ess wi#h local governmental entity Pa�e 2 5. Name of loca� go�ver�ument officer wiih whom filer has affiIiation ar businessreIationship. (Complete this secYion only if the answer to A, B, or C is YE�.) This sectian, ifem S i�cluding subparts A, B, C& D, inust be completed for each officer vti+ith whomthe fler has affiIfation ar business relationship. Attach addiYiot�aI pages to this Form CIQ asnecessary. A. Is the local government offcer rzamed in ihis section receiving or lilcely to receive taxableincorne from the filer of t�ie questionnaire? � Yes � No B. Is �Iie fiier of the questionnaire receiviatg or likely to receive taxable incoaz�e from or at the direction of the locaT goverrvnent officer na�ned in fhis section AND the taxable iilcorne xs not from the iacal governmental entity? � Yes � No C_ Is the filer of this quesiionnaire affiliated with a corporation or other business entity that tl�� local government officer serves as an of�icer or directar, or holds a�a ownership of 10 percent ornxoxe? � Yes � No D. Describe each aff liation or business relations�iip. 6. Describe any other affiliation or busi�ess relationship that mighti cause a couflict ofinterest. 7. of person doing busine,ss with �Tle govern�nental enfity Date RFP No. 19-0086, Proj�ct Management and Assessments for Street Light Installation Services and LED Conversions Page 12 of l2 � � � �� i � ;' CI7Y OF. FORT WORTH PURCHASING DIVlSIOIV Af.�I]EN�UM i0 7H� R�QU�ST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) LEp Addendum Na. i Request for Praposal (RFP}: 19-0080 Prapasal duelProposaf Opening da#e: March 28, 20�9 �ate Issued: March 22, 2099 Addendum No. 1, dated March 22, 2099 is hereby amended fo incorporate in ful! text the following pravisions: Flerewith attached c�arification request recei�ed frorn the �roposers and City's resppnse, as Exhib�# A_ All oiher terms and conditions rernain ti�e same. ,��J ��, /'. �CYnthia Garcia, Assistant Director n�QooQ�Q���¢aonar�aruo�iv����un��apnonnn���n�nn�runnn�Qea�rrennno��R�lF1tla��v�IL�on��ra By fhe signafure affixec! be�ow, Addendt�m No. 1 is here�y incarporated into and made part of fhe above referenced RFP. COM�ANY NAME: SIGNATUR N07'�: Company name anti signa�ure must he the same as on the q�totation documents. Failure fo return this form with your sealed bid may constitute grounds for rejection of yaur offer. '19-Ofl80, RFP-L�D Addendum No. '!, Page 1 of 5 Exhil�it A Clarification Request Received from the Pror�osers and Cify's Respopse PROJ�CT MANAG�ME�iT AND ASSESSMENTS FOR STFtEET LIGHT INSTr4Li.A7fON SERV[C�S AND LED CdIVVERSIONS 1. Could TPW provide Spec 5heets availahfe for barrier free ramp type R-'!, U-1, M-1, M-2, M-3, P- �, P-2, G1, G2, G3? ? A1 — il�e barri�r free ramp line items witl be remove� firom the bid tabulation document. However, City Standards are available �ia the City of �'ori Wort1� website (http://fortworihtexas.no�/fipwlcontra�torsl) Standards and De#aii Drawings section. 2. The scape of work ca�fs for #2 str XHHN to be used on the project. 7he Excel file for unit prices calls for #6 Duplex HO insulated, #6 Triplex HO Ensulated, #'! 0 insulated. Could TPW specify what wire is ta be used? A2 — Wire types to be used are- 3441.'f4�02 Fur�ishllnstall NO S Du�Olex OH insulated Electrical Conductor, LF; 344'f_14U3 F'urnishllnstall NO 6 TriplexOH insulated Eiec#rical Conductor, LF; 3�E41.1410 Furnishl�nstaEl NO 10 Insulated �lectrica! Conductar, L�'. XHHW stranded copper is fo be used (see Appendix E, CFW Standard Detail 5treet Luminaire Riser Connection �tandard DetaiE 34 41 20-D623 rev. 'f 9-20-24'!8 Electrical Genel'al Nofes #2). 3. Can we inclucle a Table of Contents with our bid? If so, wEff it count against tne 20 page maximum? A3 --A table of crentents car� �re incfade� ar�c� �r��l cou��t agair�st tne Zo page maximum. 4. Can we incfude one 11 x'f7 page for fhe"project sch�dule so it is eas9er to read? ihis can be folded so that if fits within fhe other 8.5 x 1�1 pages. A4 —A 1'��'x1i" t�,�den �ch�dule �, nermissible for submissian and will couni as one page of the 20 page limit. 5. Pfease confirm th� Summary Page from AppencEix B— Tabula#ions should be i�cfuded in Section B. Can we incfude the 4 Area pages as a supplemenfal appendix? Please confrm these pages wili not counf towards aur 20 page maximum. A5-Tabufations are to be inciuded in Seetion B anG will courit towards fhe 20 page maximum. 6. ln Secfions C and F, shauld we onfy inclucle fhe appropriafe compfeted fabs from Attachment F, or can we include supplemental information on our qtaalifications and references within thos� sec#ions? — A� — SectioR C of the ftesponse �armat and �rgarrf�ation — Attachrrrent D should prov�le inf�rmat�vn abvut qualifications and experience, especially as i# re�ates tv sirtzilar projects of this nature. Team rnember resurr��s should be included i�t a separate a�pendix and limi#ed to four pages. Secti.on F of Response Format and Organizafion — Atiachmerrt D should contain 3 references firorn similar �rojecfis compteted within the last 3 years. Addi#ionai supplemsntal i�f4rma#ion can be sukrmiited if it daes ►�ot excesd ihe 20 page maximum proposal requirernent. 7. Can you confirm we shQuld subrriif, 1 original, 5 copies and 1 iJSB? A-7 - One (1) original, fiour (4} copies and one (�� USB flash dri�e of all Offer documPrits s�all be submitted in seafed packages. ProposePs name and ad�lress should be marked on �he outside of ihe enveiope. Facsimile trar�smit#als or offers c�mmur�icated by ielephane� will not be accepted or considered. Proposaf infortnation that is nQt s�bmitted fn seaisd packages will not be considered. $. For Subcontractors the RFP�19- 0080 Vend"or (�ualificatio�s and References-Attachment F asks for "Audi#ecE financial siatemen#s (fast three years)". Many suhconiractors are pr�vately ownec! and have a practice fo fimi# financial re�aorting. Are there other opfions to address subcontractor financia�s? Woufd it be Aossib�e just to us� the financiaf statements of fhe prirrte contracfor as an appendix fo cover all sUbs and work? A8- "RFp-19-008[l V�ndor Qualifications and Referertess- Attachmen# F', Subconirac#ors tab, wf�� be amended to e�clude #i�e audited flnaricial stat�rr�ents {la�i t�ree years j 19-0080, RFP-L�D Addendum No. 1, Page 2 of b 9. If appears t�e confrac#ors pre-qualification form (SECTiON 00 4� 13} needs to be notarixed. The current deadiine for pre-qualifications was yesterday. Is ii possible to extend t�e pr�-quafification due date to 03/21/2019 ar 7 days prior to the prapasai opening date? AS — SECTfON (#p 45 13, 8la�ER PREQUA�fFICATlON APPLICAifON is a standard City �Ur.�� The application should E7e �ubmi�ked by contractors who are not currenfiy pre-�qualified io instali roadway ar�d pedestrian lighting in the City of Fort Worti�. � Sec#ion UQ 45 12, PR�QUALI�ICATlON STATEMEfdT, shauld be submitted by con#raciors who are already prequalifred to ir�sta�l roadway and pedestrian lighting in #he City af Fort Wo�th. i'hese docume�ts must �ie submitted to the City as par# o#the bid praposal and should be received in Purcl�asing by 1: 3D pm on Thurs[fay, March 28, 2019. Contractors who have,�uestians about pre-qualifrcation reneuvals may subrnit qi�estion$ ta: Ms. Sheila Baker Purchasing Super�isUr � FMS PurchasingResnonsesCa7fortwort�►texas.gov (Jfftce' (897)392-?962 � 10. Page 2 of the solicitatian s#a#es "Each Services Agreement wilE be for an inEtial one-year period with up to foUr optional renewals.", howe�er, item 25.2 (p7} sta#es "The Confraci(s) awarded from this R�F' shall be executed for a two-year initial term with three (3) one-year options to renew af the Gify's sole discrefion". Can the City please clarify the ir�tended terrn of the Agreement? A'!{� — The term i�r the RFP for an initial pn�-year p�;riod with �p io fiour optionaf renewals is corie.ct and the ierms in the c�ntract, �tem 25.2 will be amended. 11. 4.3 stafies #hat proposals shall be iimited #o a rnax�mum of twenty {2D) 8-'!/2" X 11" pages (one side only and incfuding cover letfer} using a font size no smaffer than 1 � point and one inch margins, howe�er, Attachment D. Respa�se Format and Organization states "no smalfer than 0.5 incnes" for margins. Can the City pfease clarify the appropriata margin size? A71 --Apprnpriate rnin��um �argi� srzes are minimum 0.5 ir�ches. A proje�t schedu�e rrtay be submittsd on a sing�e folded 91 ax9 7" page that �nrilf counfi as vne page. 12. 92.0 Contract Incorporation in the RFP references an Access Network Agreerr�ent, howev�r, no such agreement can be found. Can the City please clarify if this will be provid�d? — A'�2-T�e Nefworic Access Agreernent will be provicfed aft�r the confract is executed. 9 3. Can ihe City clarify if the Appendices are excluded trom the 20 page limifation? A13 — Aitach�ent D supersed�s the s��ndard tangua�e in the RFP. '14. Would th� City ca�sider grar�ting a fwo (2) week ext�nsion to the cEue date to allow firms to appropriately address the City's responses fo both quesfions asked as part af the �are-f�id, as well as ihose formally subrnitfed by Marc� 1�? ? A1�4 < No, the current iime�ine is still set for Bid Opaning on March 2S, 2D19 'f5. Are we ta utilize the formula in the Bid Va�ue calumn of the iabulation spreadsheets that indudes a 5% markup? N4, pfease use �he updated tabuiatians Appendi�c B 'f6. Are Bid iabulation forms to be provided �n Excel spreadsheet format on the USE3 drive? A16- Yes, piease usE tl�e updat�d bid ����iatian format. 17. WEII the City pro�ide GIS data for the current street Iighf invenfory that is the subject of #he RFP to fihe selected vendor in a GIS fife formaf, such as a Shape file? A17 - Yes, the City wil� p�o�ide the selected vendor a current in�entory in a GIS file forrr►at s�cM as a shaNe ffe. '19-008D, RFP-LED Addend�m No. 1, Page 3 of 5 18. Is r�ight work allowed? /1'i 8-:Vo, n:ghf worEc is not allowe�. Vliork is allowed on weekdays frorn 9 am tp 4 pm. 19. I'lease clarify #he color tempera#ure of the preferred luminaires, as it is stated as 3000K in Attacnment C but the cuf sheet provided i�idicafes 4000K. A19 - The colar temperature of the pre�erred iuminaires is 3QOOK. The ordering nurnber fur tl�e pr�ferred turrnnaires listed on the cut s�ee#s is far 3{30QK. 20. VIliff the awardecE Contractor be required to provide photometrics on the prajecf if the specified fixiure is usec!? ; [Clt �.,fC ;.�.t -� - 21. V�lill the project �e awarded to one contracior fior all 4 areas or wiff they award each ar�a to inclividuaf contractors? r�.z' i F . ' ' ' ". '"' _�, ;. 22. Will po]e replacements be like-far-fike {e.g., existing woocE poles will be replaced with wood poles and exisfing metal poles wili be replaced witF� metal poles)? �"'%- ,'E� -- '- i..,Q_;�r_.:r,p 23. Wil! the Ci#y +rvant poles badged to identify and link the physical infrastructure with the database? A2�- � `"16 ri�ti .lIG ir� �^t t�+F y�•l"S Uannpr. 24. Will there be any requirement for community engagerr�ent beyond resident notifications? '- iVo, .. --- � � - ;ty < :� _ . . 25. WF�at is fhe rneaning or definitian of the following questions in the references and subcontractors tabs? Business Processes lmpfementec! and Version of Proposed Soiution implemented. A25- Exc:��ci�, r�porting 8usiness Processes Impiement�d and Versian of Proposed 5olution Implemented �atues on the Referencss �nd 5t�bcoriiractors fiabs of Attachmen# F-V�nr�or Qualifications and RefErenc�s. • 26. Can a confractor use a City of F'ort Worth Projecf for a reference? A26-Yes, a City �f Fort Worth project may be used far a r�:ference 27. Can Subcontractors A�difed fiinancial sfatements tEast tY�ree years) be an aitachment? A27 - Exclude reparting Audited financial statemen#s (last thre� years) on fhe subcantractor ir� Attaahrnent F of RFP � 9-OQSfl Subcontractors #ab. 28. Are there forms and/or instructions required ta Pre-Qualifcation as a Contractor with fne City of For# Worth? ,Q2S-Yes, the street Gghi pr�-quaiification instructions rnay be found a#: hi� :I/fortworthtexas. o�lt wicontraciors/. From the Standarefs and Detail sec#ion, click on the l�nk t�i says �iewldownlo,f�,,�l,thr�u,ph Buzzsaw. Dnce in Buzzsaw, go to Resourcesl�2- Construckion DocumentslCon#ractar Prequali�icatian ta see t�e Strest Light Pre-qualificatior� in�#ructions. 29. Can the summary sheet in Appendix B be changed #a directly accounf for summarizing all af the project iiem descripiions fabufated within the sheets forAreas 1, 2, 3 and 4? Yes, the bid i�bulation documsnt haa be�r� ;�pdated. 30. City af For� Worth 5tandard Construction Specification Documents — Article 5— Bonds and �nsurance — Page '�6 of 63 -- Sec#ion 5.02. PerFormance, F'ayment and Maintenance Bot�ds are described in generaf; howe�er, the RFP does not specifically outfine boncling requirements for #his job. Can you please explait� banding reqrairemenfs in more detail? A30- � he City oti Fort Wor��+ requir�=s �.�c�rf���ns��c�, paym��. �n� mainte�ance bond� in the �naunt of the coniract �alue. 19-0080, R�'P-LED Addendurn No. �, Page A� of 5 The City's iorms may be found in S�zzsa,+u at vievv/down[oad ihrou h�uzzsaw. Once �rr Buzzsatnr, go to Resourceslfl2-Construc#ion DocumentslSpecificationslDiv Oi,-Gene�i Concii�,ons and laok for forrns 0�6113, 006� 14, and Q06'! 75. Bands will � rPquired at thE time of con#� �ct ex�cutiar 31. Append�x 8— Maps anc! Bid T'abulafiions -- Unit F'rice Bid Fo�ms —"Miscellaneous Struct�re AcEjusfrnents including one operator and equi�rr�ent° Ques#ian: Please define "�quipment." �n Attacf�ment D- section, #here is a request for a list of equipment tha# tl�e ca�tractor proposes to us� This unit (per hour} pric� shall inClude a piece of equipmen# and tPte operator{s) reyuired to perform addifional services sueh as adjustments to existing light structures. 32. Appendix L7 — General Conditions --Ar�icle 5— Bonds ar�cE Ins�rance Question: Can you please pro�ide rnore detaif regarding bond requirements? Ar#icle �.02 speaks to the bortd require�nents for p�rformance, payment and mainteriance bonds. 5ee Question # 30 for insiructit�r�s to access the bo�d documents 33. Appendix B— Area Maps anc! Bid Tabulafions Q�aestion: For unit pricing based on square footage (5F), linear foofagE (L�') and squar� yards {SY), can you provicle minimum requiremenfis? -Page 2 crF ihe RFP speaks to th� successrui Nioposer follawing the latest version of the Ciry of Fo�t Worth Constn�cfion Specificatians. These are dvailable #'rom ot�r w�bsite http://forfworthfexas.gov/tpv�lcontraciors{ - Pl�ase use ,the updated bid iabulation that has been updated on f�e RFP. 34. ReqUest for Proposals — 5ection 26 — Minority Business �nferprise Pro�isions Quesfian: Can you please clarify fihe supplier cliversify requirements? Sp�cifica��y can the 7% diverse goal only [�e fulflied by an MBE or couid the r�quirei-nent be fulfilled by a DBE, SB�, or WBE firm as well? A34- Section 26 of the RFP states ihat only t�e iVlina�ity Business �nterprise [flA��) diverse goal �s 7�0. fr�r ac4difional ques�ions please confact Tasha L. Kilgore, CCA Contract Compliance Speciafist �conomie Development �epartmen#, O�ce of Business �i�ersity, 9'!50 South Freeway, Suite 144, For� Worth, TX 78104, Office: 8?7-392-2643 �'ax: 817-392-2681, tasha.kil ore forEworthtexas. ov 19-008Q, R�P-RED Addendum No. 1, Page 5 of 5 Tn��,rs or+ c.orrrr�v�r� �1i'�`I�;�v«r.x �- nrr�r�� ���°�i�rc��r�€��° . S�irr3��le: �po'e:u�k �l���I ,����:.Nf�� R- c��(�1ct1�AP}3��: �11��:r� �lA�'� * �l.r��s �-� ��cfivia:Ei.rt�E rr��tps • F3iJ T�IauI�Ei{����w I •� ir����vitiGi;�1 + �31d'CRL���I�tar�Gw ���t��rix�'s� }il'i'i�']�I3I� L'-Ll��D Tf�;C'��fNIC�L UATr� �IT�:I',T�`� • f ,�I� r�wi�j�r�tia[ �x�ttre � l,���D ��t�ri;�i f�ix�u:�e� + STEFE. P��CS-57fii1CTURA� � STL�� �'�t�UUCTS . 1�1I�C�[} J'QI.� �R�S�T� �'f���SIJRE TRF.A�F [? A!'�'I;N-t1L� �I?- fx�;l�flF.J�:�l., c:'Q1�':I�li`�C��1�4 [?F T1i.E� (=(���'�'T'l��lC'"!'1(}N �{)�V'1`T{.r�iC: �- R�'11rff7�F�i.U, �1:�, r�. �' �l Pi'T IV�}T}� Em�TA IV�.� I�il 1}T.'�'h.i�.� ■ �� 4:] 1(} C?�s�9 Stre�t E,+��M��rsaire-}�n�� and Fixi�rr� I?�l���s • ��} ��� �� f�6�� S�C�e� 1.��rr�inrM���-�oundal��or� ��eta��s ■ 3�1 A� ��.1�C2� Stre�t Lum€na�a`e-Car�necti4n D�talt * 34 �1 �Q p��4 5#r��# ��+rr�ir�air� ��nd�Rt an�f �rr���r��i 8r�x f��taiC� • �� 4� 2U UG�S StTeet Lu�rr�afre F'edestal �e#aifs ■ 3� #�1 3� �533 Str'e�i �Jatt�e I��:kail� ¢ ��4 �1 3� f�F��( 5igr� F'osl. f��4a�it • ��i 71 �31366�'i�r�tFl� Contru� 7'YPEcaI rns�al�at�or� * �� �'3 13 D���i G raffrr. �or��ro� iy�ir,al Sigr�s a+7r� �arricacR�s ■ �4 �i ?C� UEi'!1 Scl�o�l lqne 1=Jasher ai�fJ 51��� �7�tail :l �1�'��;lVE?�!� F'w'i'�;�{��I�Ti'f1�, �J'�'C�N�<-°:�'I�'��I�f � • 3�1 �31 'L_i F�i�A�UUV�1Y i�LUlVflf��i'�'ION f�55E�VIES���S � 3�1 �� ��.01. AIiTEfkllll. F��7�11��ri�AY 1,1JN1�fVAF#��S ■ �� 4� 2{}.U3 FtL�15�UE�11�iAL I'tU�1C1W{�Y LI�iVIIN�II��IL•'� �1.�'�'��Ti]i� �;-i'TiC�TC)�'T.I�L-T�:C'filViCll.l. DA'E'�� • ��t �71:E�[}-�71� ,�����r.��?► r�r-s����t'r��rc� r��.�-�����vrc:��� rr�►'�� r K�SQ[] �?.�] `JR�V �=��s�r���c r�,s1����1��r.�y ��.rr�}��a• �:�n��orrr�����-�����;�a�nvi���.�����r�� * -�rr� � �us�� ��c� u�� ����o �rc���.�� . -��s� ��������s ������uc ����} • -WIf�ES: * �G ALltll�ll�41fv1 f.�U�G�{ i71r�R�i�Af� * t#Ci L1L4J��111iVUfVk'I'R��'�L'•'?� OVCRf•IL1�lL� * �fb AI.L�IVr�IVl,rIV] T��PG.f_}� �{�I�f�IJ�T��# 6��7V �IJN��F#�RO�JNJ�} � -CC�V�f3Ul�S= y I#IGIE} i�iONfVIET}4l1�� SCHE�IiLE S�} (�f3�ELED EiV�-��'� • 1�tIG1U fV0[�MCT�4LLC! S�I�IC�ULC 80 �C�Li�WS-�'L111�1 CND} + RIGI�I iV�r�If�IIF�A�.�.�1 SCkiF.f.�ULF. ��] (C�7�1��.fi�� R� A�iAPT��� ■ CF�C7k�f+lE} E�L7X U�f1��f1�SlC}N: 1�"X24"JC��i", �t��# �Iltff�lf�= 1U f1,+�l1TEk�llt: f+0]_YN]ER CQf�iC'�ZETE �A�Fi�Fi� i�C�1{, �r��rrv�+���, �=���++ �a�.r �:►���.��i�].����1 �3�t� D��t����ry Street Li�ghts GIS Data & Deliverable� StreetIi hfis Ae�nition: Point represeniiug a light mounted to a pole that illuminates the roadway. Featurc Aataset name: TRAPFIC Feafure CIass name: SYreet Lights Feature Type: Point Feature Attributes: A#ri6ute (Data type) Domain I7efinition Sour�e OBJECTID (Object �7) Tntemal ESItI fetd Auto-Crenerated X(17ouble, Precision 38) �-Coordinate associated Attrib�te Assistant with fhe atfribute Y{Double, Precision 38) Y-Coardinate associated Attribute Assisfant with the attribute STIZEET ('I'ext, 50) ame of sireei in which Source Documents the fieature resides I1VfAGE (Te�cE, 50) Name of the image poF��ated by City coiiected Physical condition rating Saurce CpN']�TT'ION (Text, IO) ConditionStandard ofthe feafure Doceements/Field Verif cation Ide�tt�l2cs stil�elllea urp �V�kk�l?,�DWIRC ��'cxl, 14] Y4s�]c,Slriug ovci]�r:id �virc �s �tcscM�R Snurc� f)�x�Fnicuiy �7n Ilrc nssr� 1�1}i'�1,1��R�fYF�f_ ��E'�xi, ��r� SireetI�ghrFix��aao�t��s I}cYk�'e �5'i�{e�l Cfn2eIY ijae Sourcrfloc�mrnts hiilli �}�tf�t.�lrt^.lfltu�n9cri�l�y�iC , 'EJP��C3R1��SCR]P7�]f3� i�l-tx1. "�'.�1 '�Fscrl. i�lnwup�ro[ii acne �.�f Ili* ,���,Jar�r1 ,Irs+,ri��9ir}n '�uurce �Jircuin�ri3� 5i�PF{J]t�fi'l}I,i}�' ��fwct, IU) Sirrc[l_afiE�lCulor� I���1�,� :Is :+��,;ililC 4��,��» u!� 5+�uru• L�.,curtrc��l. r. e;u�,rs,n ,[��ruire 9.,�� I k�rxr_ �IrJ Yt9hiaSi�ing t�!cnid�:e� svl,e�lrr� rs �oiir�c f?nclFmcnis �,uctll��J�l c�� a�� LELF HEIGHT (Dou61e, Precision 38) � Ground to top o€pole Source Documents height ARM {Text, 1 D} YeslVoString Identifies wheEher the Source Dacwnents feature has an ann AItMI,E1VGTH (Dauble, Precision 38) Indicates length of the Source Documents feature arm { COZViME1VTS (Teact, 250) Open field ipr feature comments i�15'I'ALI_DA7-r;l.iail�l f?�cii� 1w�sic]� the �ouiurt' Siiurce Ch?�.u��ieitU tiw'�s iia:lnllccl OWrl�A {Text, SQ) GovernanceEntity �overnment entity that Source Documenfs owns the %atuze. MAIN'I'ELii�]EDBY (Text, 50} GovemanceEntity Govexnment entity EhaE Source Documents maintains the feature umerical physical Source CONDTTIONINDEX {Sliort) condition raiing of the Documents/Field feature (D-100) Survey INSTALLYEAR {Sho�f) Ycar the feature was Source Llpcuments instalfed HYPEIZL�lNK (Te�, 250} Location of the feature popuIated by fha City picture SHAPE (Geometry) Internal ES1tT field Auto-Generated XISTING'4VA'I"f't�C`rE XISTING IiULS l�l'i�'�'���1: � �'rsi, i � � Lfl_I3 �l'1'i'L l I sx;, 5�j LTERNATE � (�ong) RF 4TEDWUSER (Text, 255) REATED I7A.TE (Date) �ST EDITED USER (Text 25S) 1ST EDITED_DATE (l7ate) 3SET 1D (Text, 10) FECYCI,E (Text, 26) 5 fttPE (Creometry) Identifies Wattage of previous asset 3ulh Type Identi�es type of bulb for -- previpus asset N:rt��ge lac��l�i�c�� lvo�togc ef is;tilimt�. Iau117 iuRb_a�YR� .. IdEldlllx:� I�'��p ��i' I�r.�v��u�_ �ulh �� � Uniyua identi�cation assigned by the consultanY. (Temporary fieEd). Idamc of the person that cxeated tFEe £eature Date that a �eafure was loaded to the database Name ofthe person that fast made updates to the feature Date thac the feature was last updated A generaCed, unique ID assigned to ali features. 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URique IPfi6 rated LED ligl�t engines provided 0%� uplight and restrict hacklightta wiihin sidewal�c deptl3, providing opfimai applieatinn caverage and optimal pnle spacing. �,�I��i���I�111S: Roadways Off ramps Residenfial streeis Parking lots �x� � ��•r 167 6ma� �d'1 39.1 n�mi1.5') 355 G mm un•} � �.-..� .1 `-��"'�—'—'' -'`�_- �{ �� 1 Effe�tive Projected Area {EPA} The EPA far the ATB2 is O.18 sq. ft., Appra� Wt. = 2i 16s. [9.53 kgj Auaila6le in Tjipe lE, IIL EV, & V rnadway distributions. �LECTRICAi. Expecced LiFe: LEd iightengines ere raied >i00,U00 hours at25°C, E7�. �leetronic driver 6as�an expected life nf 1�fl,0�Q f�ours at a 25°C ambient. Lower �nergy: Saves �r� average of 4�-BO°/fl over camp�rahle Hf'S platfnrms. Rohust S�rge E'rateo#ion: Three di#farent-surge protection aptions prnvide a minimum of fEEE/AfUS� C62.4i Cate�ory C{i�kV�5kAj protection. MECNANICAl. �asyto Maintain: lncludes standard AELlineman friendEyfeatures such as tool-less entry, 3 stationterminal 6locicantl quick disconnects. Bnbble leuel located inside the eiectrical compartmentfior easylsveling at installafion. Flugged die-cast aluminut� hausing is poEyesterpowder-coated for durabiliry aod corrosian rasistance. Rigorousfi�e-staga pre treating and painting �rocess yields a finish that aci�ieves a scribe creepage rating of 8(per ASfiM oi6a4} after over tOD� �aurs expnsure EQ salt fog cham�ar (operated per ASiM B117i Qp�►o��l Enhanced Corrosion Resistant fin�sh {CRj increases the salt spray exposure to 50Q4 hours. Faur-ho�t mast arm mauntis adjustahie for arms from 1-]/�4" to 2" (1-518" tn 2-3/8" 0.�.} d�ameter and provides a 3G vihrakion rating per Rf�SI Gi36. Wildlife shisld is castinta d�e hausing �not a separate p�ece). ri��7�{��S [�EMR 3 Pin phntocaniro! receptacie is sfandard, with fhe Acuity designed AfVS15 Pin and 7 Pin reeeptacles optionally �vailebfe. Aremium safid state lacfting sale photocontrol - PC55 (]0 year ra#ed life}. Ex#reme ]ong fiFe sald state locking siyfe phatoca�trol- PCl.L �2� year rat�d �1f9]. Mufit leve! dimm'rng avaiiable to provide seheduled dimming as specifie� by tha custamer. Optinnal on6nard Rdjustable Outputmodule all�swsthe fightoutput end input wattage to he modified ta meet sitespesific raquirements, and can aiso allow a single FixEure to 6e flexibly applisd in many diFferent appiisations. WA�iRANTY & STRNDARpS �yearlimitedwarranty. Fullwarrantytermslnsatedath�tp:JJwww. aciiitybrands.com/l.ibrarieslTerms and CondsIABL LE1l_Cammerical_ �uidoor.sflb.ashx Fiated f❑r-40°G to 40°G ambient. GSA Certffied ta U,S, and Canadian standards Campfieswith ANSI: Ci38.2, C136.10, C136.14, C136.31, C136.35, Ci36.3i Mpte; SpeciflcaUans suhjeel lo change wilfEou[ noGce. AcWal peElonaaiEce may diNet as a rosultn(end�userenvGanmenl and appl€ealfan. American OO 2At4-2Ri5Acaity Brands Eighiing, fnc. 1 F/.23�15 �lflctri g Li9hifa ATB2-4pBl.ED1Q-MVQL7"-R2-�lC-MP-�f L�RFD �������i� Seri�� AT�� ���a��y ���n��,�g awnF���� i�vFor���-ria�u Ex�niple; AiB2 40L�DE7� M1laLT Fi2 ATB2 4�BLED'i 0 Series Ai'82 Autflbahn LED Roadway & Seauriry Per�arrnance Packages 9UBLE�E70 4DB Chips, 7UQmA Driver 9QBLEDE7fl 4�8 C�iips, 105UmA Driver 9fl8LEtl�73 408 Chips, �3��mA Driver 60BLE[1ET0 6fl8 Chips, 700mA Driver 6QBl.E�ikBr 60B Chips, 85UrrrA Driver BOs�.��1E10 6OB Chips, Y05�mA Driver SOBLE�E73 SQB Chips,1300mA �river BDBLEU�70 8pB Ghips, 7�OmA Qriver BUBL�aESr BOB Chips, 85pmA �river 80BLE�E10 808 Chips, i�S�mA [)river IVlvo�f R2 Voltage Qpfics iN�IOL"f Mu�ti-volt,'E2D-277�1 82 RaadvvayType i1 347 347U R3 liaadwayType lif 480 ASUV R4 Raadway Type IV R5 RoadwayType V ���F�l �1'��B`�� bt�i�l3aC�i � .�id���� CaiarTemperatera (GGTI (Biank) 9�p�K CGT, 7� GRf Min. [Standard} 51i .5Q�OlC CCi. 7U CRI Min. � . �c = 3oa�K � �Blsnic) Gray ($#andard} ' �c acx. SZ Bronze i��lH [lark 8ranze fil Graphite WH White Surge Pratestidn Blank AnuitySFUwithinductive i�P' M[IV l�aeh 1L' SP[1 tnr�th lndicator Lig t Terminal 81ack [B an t ierminel Block Standard) ire tn � osi ions �SC BL ExEernal Buhble Levei CR Enhanced Carrosion Resistanc Finish HS Flause-Sida Sl�iel� I""i�C' iVe�t� XL �lot CSA Gertified Can#rnls �I�i�ntc) 3 Pia NEMA Phatoca�tral �eceptacle {St�ndard} P5 5 Pin Photoeonfroi Rsceptacie ' Dr' e i.ud .d P7 7 Pin Phofnoontraf Receptacle � L ��immable Driver lnoludedj � Nft No Phatasontral Rece�tacfe AO' Field Adjusta6le Output DM 01l-10V �imrnable briver (Canirols hy nthets) M1.3•4 MuEti-�evel Dimming PC&5' Solid State Lightin� i'hatoconfrot �12�-277V) l�CLL 3olid State Lang Life Phatocontral SH Sharting Cap acica in (�lank] inqle�lnit{Sta_nderdl � JP Jab Pack �24/Paflet) Note; Speci�callanss�bject ro ehangewi�out nudce, Aeluel per(arnEancemaydiller as a resukaf ertd-usvrenvironmentand applioalion. lltntes 1. Not available in 347 ar �80V. 2. Not ayaita ble +n+ith plill nr ML optidns. 3. Noe availahEe with A0, �M, P5 or P7 options. 4. Dimming scttedule artd light Iev�I infnrmaVan required from the customer in nrderfa cor�figuCe ptoduct, Cvntact Infrastru�ture Techn�cal5uppnt# to proaead. ��AtYieY3Ca11 UVerranty Five-Year fimiled waeranty. Completa warraotyterms lucatad at: �l�Cti'IC r.�w.acukv6rands.camlCastnElJ�1TRB�51�1}1EG,flfii�a[ms anr! canziiinna.esnx Llg htillg' Actual perf'urmance niay dif(ar as a result of end•user eneiranmeni and ep�licaEinn, AEL Fleadquerters, 3825CoIum6us Road, Granvi�]a, UH 43623 AIlvaiues ara design otfypica� values, measi�ra�i underla6oraiory eandltiQns at 28 °G, uvww.amerieanefectriclfgh6ng.com SpecificaFions su6jactto ahange wiFhout nolice. 02014-2015AcuityBrandstlghUng,lnc. AiiliightsRaserved. 11�23/15 PleaseconlacFyaursnlesrepresentafivcforlhelatcrslprnduallntotrns(ian. il;', i i �I� j1=' :.i l! h� jl ; . E-� - I -��.����a�snnA���c�E �ac!�c��� •� �_ r: i � !li 1 L 1�' ; , . , � ' 1- s • ! � �I �� JU_= �+i 112E,ri I"l.4 FI_9d 11.9;i -� Ill;�ll I�EI RZ Ih4�4i� la4 f1,95 U_�0 �3�r� E7t i8777 IA3 U.4.} 0,$3 700 91 � l 160 123 0.98 0.96 1U�� �36 H3 1552U ll2 0.95 0.90 �� 730D 177 i8050 l02 Q.94 . 0,88 �r� �i ]�r7J5 ��� a�� a,�a iL'uU i�8 F74 iGv'� 109 U.9f� Q�a 13(!+J ---F7J� f7301 9a 0,94 O,B6 7UD 91 i2097 733 4.98 0.96 1U00 138 R5 18929 i2l 0,95 0.90 93�U 177 19564 11i O.B4 0:88 J�El 133 16�85 f�� U.9� 0.415 � �5� 1��3 �� IS9&G 11� 0,9� u.3R 1044 'r,�0 �371G 11A 0,°�5 fl,°..� ���a z�� ���e� �a� �,�� o,ea 70D 133 17]Z8 929 0.98 ! 0.96 85U 173 2piD5 ]16 �.95 U,9� 1 Q40 2�8 R3 232�0 i iZ 0.95 0:80 ��S 1300 260 27477 9�6 0_94 0.88 7u"a E:s3 �"u51(t 12A O,yy O,�G J340 173 �,� 1�i429 �!P [i.9� �.� 1Qu"� F�1J P27 R6 ]n� a.95 U, lfl i 3a� ?6n �e4�u � e� 0,�4 u, r� 700 133 i78$2 134 0.98 Q.96 85Q i73 21OQ0 921 0.95 D.90 70�0 208 R5 24673 1i9 0.35 O.SQ 18�0 2fi0 2$838 t11 0.94 0,88 7tic� 1fl'� P7�7D IJa an8 4_JE[ @5'J 2?4 I�� �G�i.u'I ] 18 0_'� I�-°0 ]I�O�i Z74 :.A�5999 1�3 0,95 0.'JU 70U 780 2Z127 923 0,98 0.98 850 224 R3 25955 i38 O.SS 0:90 8�$ 1Utl0 274 3049] 1ii _ 0.95 0.30 7t?ff T2��3 217�7� I?1 �,9� 4.�3 �� 7?A H4 �J�:� 113 fl,�5 rr.V!� 14L°iJ P79 ?;�5f) 1�8 Q.8!'r f1,�9 7UQ l&0 23789 132 0.96 0.96 850 224 R5 27851 124 0,35 U.90 9000 274 32391 1 i Q Q.95 0.90 Wote: Information shown a6ove ls based en nominai system data. lndividugifiziure pertnrmance rnayvary. SpuciNcauons sup)eetto cltange v,r¢nout nance. t��c �o°c z�°c 3o°c a�°c �o°c 1.D2 i.�] 1 U,99 Q.91 0.86 7'o calcufate the LLO fvr e temperaEure other4han 25"C, multiplythe [CU � 25°C �shqwn in the parfarmance gackage te6lej 6ythe l.Lp multiplier foeihe se[aciedtemperaiure. ,q���.j�gh �� P yFive-yearlimitedvvarranry.CampletewarraotyEermsiacatadal: �[eCtriC Actaal cer(1��r-'ds.eamlC��wnurRe:ourceeTi'em�s end �and:y�.a�oA arran � Llgh$�i7g° ormancamaydi(Furasnrus�iltofend-usnrenvirnnmentandapplication. AELHead uartsrs; 382� Columbus Road, GranviE[e, QH 93423 Afl val�es are design artypical v�lues, measurad undar fahnratury wndi4ons at25 °G. 4_ SpeeEiicatians subjectto chaoge witho�tnotico. www. a m e r�s a ne I ec E ri c I i ght i ng. e a m OO 20f4-2015AcuityBrandsLig6ting,inc. Af�RigBlsReserved. 11/23�t5 Aletrseconlaclyaursafesrrapresentalivetorthelslestproductinformation. Y1L ��f ° Lr ':�r��{�� TYPE ; RESI Conslstentvhtl� LEEO' gaaSs & Grten 6lapes"crleris N1GH�F�M�ry [aYligh!'pblfulionreducliun �Ra�NniY ���'�Ui��: ,��t����� Seri�sA�'�� ����r�'aj� L��hting �P'f1GAL � _ . _ .� �� .� ��` _ - . . f �� Same i.ight: Perf�rmance is comparable to 70-.2S4W HP5 roadway luminalres. White Light, Car►elaced colnrtemperature -4flQ�K, 70 CRI minima€n,3�06K, 70 CR] minimum ot aptional SOOOK, 7U{RI minimum. Elnique EP66raterl iEDlighi engtnes provided ORo uplightand restrict backliqi►t towithin sidewaik depth, providing optimal application caverage and optimal pofespadng. Availa6�e In Type Il, Ill, N, and Vroadwaydistributians, �LECiRICRL �.ppli�a�ion�: Roadways Off ramps Reside.ntiai streets Parlci�g IQts n __ � 4�� �� ���� ����� �. �,�•� EHectiVe ProJecFed Area jEPRj: 7he �PAfarlhe RTBU is Q.7G sq.it. Apprnx. Wr. = iq 16s. 5TAN�RRDS Expected life; LEd iight engines are nted >100,UA0 hours at 25°C, C70. Electroni�driverhas art expected life pF 30D,OQQ liours at a 23`C a�nbient. Lower Energy: 5aves an expected of90-5035 avercornparable HIU luminaires. Rab�st 5urge protection:Three diFferentsurge protectian aptions provide a mi�imum afAN51 C13fi,2 iUkV15kA p�atedian.20kU/10kA prntection €s also avalfa6le. MECHR�1fi1CAI. Indudes standatd AEL lineman-fofendly features such as tool-less entry, 3 statiun terminal block and qaicis dlsmnnects, Bubblelevel lotated Instde the elecrtical compartmenttar easily leveling at instalfation. Rugged die-cast aluminum hausing and daor are polyester nawder-coated fordurability and c�rroslon resisFance. Rignrourfve-stage pre-treaifng and painting process yields a finish that achieves a scribe creepage rating af 7[per ASTl41 pl&54) after over5000 haurs exposure ta salt fog �i�amber (operaced pei ASTM B177j. Mast arm maunt is adjusfable fararms €rom T-1/4"to 2"(1-518"to Z 318"O.D j dia�neter. Pravides a 3G vibrat�nn rating perAN51 Ci36.31 Wifdlf€eshleld !s castinfo the housing {notaseparate piece}. COI�tTR01.5 NEMR 3 pin photocantrol receptacle is standard, with theRcuity designedANS! standard 7 pin rece�ta c!e optlo na!!y available. Premlum solid sta#e locking style photocvntrol - PCSS (10 year rated Iliej �xtreme iong life solid state focking style photacont�ol - PCLL (2Q year rated liFe), �huiti-level dimrning avaiiable En providescheduEed dimming as sped�Ied by the cusFomer. Optfanal onboard AdJustabfa Ducput madule al�ows the iighi output and input wattage tu he modified mmeets€fe.spetlficrequfrei�ents, at�d alsa can alfaw a sing(e flxture to be #iexibly a�plied in many different appltcatians. pesignl.ightsCansartium�(D1C)qua]ifiedproduct.Notallaersionsofthis -- ._ _ praduci �nay ba p1C q�talified, Please check the �EC Qualified Products E.ist ATBO 2�1�3���i_�i v 11���- �� i�� 3� iur� at������w.ocs�nlinhb..��g��N(ro�onf�rmwhicliversionsarequaiffied. �� �€� ��:�'4��� Calortemperamres of <3DOOK must 6e specified fvrinternatlonal qark- 5ky Assnciation [ertification. Rated fpF-90°C to 44°CamhfenE CSA Certlfed to U,S, and Canadian standatds Coniplies witi� ANSl: C136.�, C735,10, {136.14, C33b31, C336.15, C13637 iJote: SpecilicaGanssu6jecl tu eheagewilhoutnotiee. AcluaE pedormanca muy dii(e�as e resul{of end•usetenviwnmunt end flppficaiion, +� Amedca�� OO 2�14-2U17AcUiiy Brands Lighting, Inc. ATSU O6/o7�17 � i� ��lyi ti p� ��t����� S�ries Ai�D �������, ���n�r��,� �xample: ATB030LE�E1� MVpLTR2 AT�U 20BLEI]E70 3vIY��.T R2 Series Per�armance Paokages y-� Vo[tage Op#ics �MT�fI AurulFuhn i�� 1081.E�E7D Hnr,d:�ny 1DBLEl]E'f� 3[iBLEI]E'15 20BL�C}�53 ;�VH���]�74 20_BLED�10 _ ZOBLED�'!3 20BL�DE'i5 30BL.�D�70 3UBL�D�85 30BLEDE'1U 3QBLEDE13 30BLED�15� 3K I MP CNL I P7 I RFD2109I 3 1UB Chips, 700mA Ariver lOB Chips,l�5�mA flri+rar 9DB �liips, 7500mA briver 2p�3 Chins; .�i7FmQ 17rivAr :+flfk Ct,��,a. ��nir��� �� �s�r�� 20B Ci�ips, 305flmA �river 2U8 Chips, i3�UmA Uriver 206 Chips,l�qpmA Elriver 3UB Chips, 7�UmA priv�r 3�B Chips, 650mA Driver 30B Gl�ips, i050mA nriver 3UB Chips, 13��mA Llriver 308 Chips, 750UmA Driver MY4�T MuFkI�VCMN.I�Q-277V 39i 347V 484 4BQV �#2 Tia�E[�n+nv T�+� I I R3 F�aadwayType III R4 FioadwayType IV ii5 Roadway Type V Cnlar7'em�erature iGCTi (Blank� 40flOK CCT, 7U CR� Min. ;t�{ 3�l1QIC I:CT. ]0 CRI Mir, 5K 5(1o01<CCT, 7fl Cf�l Min. Paint (Slank) �ray{Standardj BK Black B� Bronza UD� Dark 9ronxe G! Graphite �IfH Whita Surge Protection (Blank} Standard tUicV/�1cA SPI1 20 20kV/1Q](ASPD A9P' tuS�V I'asls IL' SPU wfth Indicator Light Terminal Slack {Blankj �"er�ninal Blnck {Standard] 72 �Nired to 1.1 & L2 Positioi�s �� �E. Externaf Bubble l.evel HS Hause-Side Shield HL Nema l.a6el XL 1Vot CSA Certified UM�i-H7( 8" Horizontal Arm for Rnand i'ole, Pairited ta �acch �ix#ure UMS-Xx 8" Horizontal Arm for 5quare Poie, Painted to rnateh Fixture Ui�13�GaLU 8" Horizanta! Arm for Roudd Pafe, 6aEvanized UlNS-GALV 8" Norizontal Arm �or Square Pflfe, Galwa�ized Contrals (Blan{cj P7� 1VR �Q3 AIU! ��a.s PGSS� PCLL SH 3 Pin NEMA Photosantral Asceptacle {5tandardl 7 pin �'Ja�4a�nrFtra! kcr�r�[�rIR iGi�mabfaUilvei liicludu�� Na Phniacontral Aeceptacle FieldAdjustable �utpat 6U-70V Dimmabfe [lriver tGnntrols hy others} h!luiti-Leuel Uimming Solid State Lighiint� P�atocontrol (120-277Vj Salid S#ate Long Life Photocontrol Sharting Gap f'aekagina (6lank} Single Unit�Standarc!} .!P dob Pack{�}�/Pallet} Nutes 1 Not availabEe in 347 or 489V. 2 fVot available with �M, AIIL or NR, 3 Natavailsble with DM or Ml.aptians. 4 Not avaiEable with AD, bM, P5 or p7 aptions., � �imming Schedule and fight Ieuel informatinn required from ti�e custnmer in ol'de1'to configure product. Contact Infrastructure Zechnical Suppartto proased. ftFD2�0993= 3000L CCT 70 CRI LED's Amarlcan Warranty Five-year limiled warran[y. Completewarraniy terms �ocaied at: Electric _ eeeTer •e ^�� ������n9s Aetua! performance may differas a resuft af and-user environroent and appllcat€oa. :4ELHeadquarters, 3825 Cplum6us Road, Grenville, OH 43�23 All values nra desigR urtypical valUes, measured unrEerlaharaiary conditions at 25 °C. www ame€iceneEectricliphEing.com Spocificatians sv6ject to change withoat notice. �20142017AeuityBrandsiighting,lnc. AflRightsReserved. ATBU 06/07j17 Pleaseaotrfactyaue'salesrepresen(ativelorfhelaTestproductinformafion. �������� Serte� AT�O �������, ���n�,�� ti�P'� R'�F � IF{ �M L� !N �. i� p�A C K A G E _. �.�„ l5QG � ZO'C � 2�°C � 34°C --�-- ---35°G � 40'C T.02 i.U3 1 D.98 0.97 0.95 7o calcplace 1he € CIl for a temperatare other9han 23"C, multiply tlie LLU � 25°C {s[�uvvn in the performance package ta61e) bythe LLa mulliplier#arthe selected Eemperature. A1t18N;Gar1 Warranty Five-year limited warran[y. Compleie warrentyferms located aC Efec�ric �n-:_:x�cc,rta�ls:�ss2ml�'�5�':" ---�--__y_..�.,,� - Ligh�ing° Actual padarmanea may differ as a result of end-ascr ertaironm¢nt end ap�lication. AELHead aartcrs,362,�iEalumhusFinad,Granvilie,QH93fl23 AIlvalue&aredesipnorlypicafvalaos,rrteasuredunderlaharaiveycnnditiansat25"C. n Specifcations subjectto chanpe withoat nofiee. wWw.am�ricaneleclri c�ighling.com �2�tA-2017Acuity8randsLigf�ling,lnc. AtiRightsFteservad. A780 O61d7li7 FfessecanfnctynursaFesreprasenfafiveforflretatestpraductinfamrafian. iVota:lnformationshnw�a6pveish@sedon406pKnominalsystemdata. fndividuafiixturep2�Formancemayvary.7oaalculate313�OKEumenva]ues,F�uEQplylha9d�tlKlumenshy.93. Specifications suhjeck to shange withuut nofice. � , i ; • ����i✓ 1 �� t! t� �/} �J���� �������4J ` • 1 �� ������ �41� l ��F�� � � � � G � �� � �� � �� �.� � �` �� � �� � � � �� �� � �� �� .� � �� � � � �� �� �,�� ��{�r� � � I53 � � w � � � ��� �}�nj. j#{ '� #" �� � �� �1 T'P � ��*� � ���� � ��� � ��.1 � � � � � � � � � �� ��� x� .-� '�,` -� --> ������ ����� � �� � .� � � � � .����� ����� � � � ����� GJ ,'�C '-. p. . �„ ry � �7k RY � 8 r� � � �� �� � =� �.� � � ���: � ����� c���w �� G � M � � � � T ,�� ��� �� ��, � �� �� ���� ��i �� � x����� �� i � � � Y� � � � ; � ;� a� � � � m��� p r+ S+! n1 r" � �'� �� � �g � �� � tl � � � $ � �r � ur q������������ � � �������"��-���p��� r 1�r�cjqtaQ QnST47 C7A RR�? � ��a'u5�,�ry���'����� � � _ � �� .� � � I � � � � � � � � ��� � . � � - � � � � � � � � ' f�T � � � �-� � � � ,�. � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � . 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Ovvner; fihap :z'soxl csz a"g��Y 1��'�u.� jusisdi�initfax �ta,� c�es n4-a, ca,�stcuciiou, anc�. xnssu#�ee n:� th� s�ro.c�at � - s�a .FL's+erfi.eat sappart: �ha� �� �.�ng, �elat��rely sx�c�er, ac�cl genera,�,y ���.�d � �ulfisi�cted. �a�y Pa�e T• A desc�.�i�,v� f�m� �n Rcatmp -�at au at�a,c%.ra��t is rzzat��d at �e �a o�� �vaf�rsf suppa� pest�'�33ag to o�� �.���e vr fr�c si.g�lano�tn�d �.t t� #a� �£a Q��a. -. �tn �ds�c�a �i� A �� �n¢u�4�d �ld� -t�a.�,�adway on a s3n�Tie su�p�xi nr �nui�i�l� �pcxrt�. .: �i..�_ .{� device coav�yf.n� �. �pe�c »x�ss�n b�+mea� ofu�Qxc�s az sy.��Is, �eatad �ax #h�purpa�e a£ �gui��, �;a�3��, rn �dlxtg tra�o. ax�far ' S�n�a�'�V'ite; �. steel �ah�4 a� st�anc� e�xd�d bet�srean L�14 pa1.� casamoz��y R�ec�. as �. �nr�zr�tal s�� ��►.a11 si�as snd ��c signal. � , ` - ' , ' , . �{�r�zi�t�a1 S�veori: �um,��saz�dasi�edSo ca�.ytho�au�5 indgeed ��aktaahedsiaus, It�ae�es, ����a si�n�s. ; • - �r Tza� �i�n��: .�. ��-ect�aa�y aJ?ei:aCQc� txafFiG eo�i#c9�- ds*11.G� b� whta�, fZnf�G � aCe�uia��d, '�ed, ar direcred ' tQ � S�J�y�O �'BC�fsLtfi. . t _ . Q�iLI'i�l •`�russ� .A sf��zoft�r�s� su�pazt, usva�€l�vart7.ea1 oz' �iozizo�.�1I, oompas�d ui�fram.evrorl� if�t is o�tin. s�k� tri�1„I�s. • - . Valuioat Tnrtus�ies l'nc., 7QQ�T1octl�fig�� St_ P.(i. �ac 35R.'V8,1f:V 1�%�8D6� , n. :.r;.;�,t :�•?.L° _ , °' • :-' T=--r :b^��'''• - 1 ' � "_ - '�.`JY: - _ ''.Sc i�.�. � :.yt{_t_'•� ye- : ?�+�-a`..1'� r.. ' t •c�e:,�fy'2� i ;.i._i i'zt�' - ��_.'i:+ �• :. J •°'•' • '',4`,- f ' �_"���� �'�• iS�e;••�'.,tr;= t• - •,�1 } 4i.•.5: aT`-Es�3'•i:1.•.__� ' a �r"r �y-,- ��.17�'L°:�=�=3--�•%��T� ' ' . � � • .� �.`� ys:. i : . � ���i.E �F ."���... s ' �i ,�}�. ��-'• t�,±:.�sF,�..�`da��_5��.�__�'tiii�i.:��in:'�.' ! x � � s� r_ti"..r• �;s.:����.ti:;s'H'�i�! .:���`�-.�i.�r-'.�1;.^:x�c •�"-�%� --'�'';`_`� • *�`� vF.� �:ss3:_��-� - �' � ' �'Af]€�l��x' �00�. �.�� �.�. � � ` - � � . 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Al o��,r � en� tap � �3@�e�[�'�S'�BC�ii7�PX"�A112S�. . .- " '�_ _ � •- - �,�. ' �'�a�'���+�i:e� . ' _ ' • • ' . '�fiTeatf�eri��ste�.l i� �.nt �. aom��akt+1� muia�.te��w.4a :�cea zna��al� .�l 4A �:b31ig i7�#t��f:i�TL�P7C4��i ]tliLS� zn.o�us�e �aiF�aJr�odia inspaci�on for a��iabnanual nrrr�ogia�. 3�'faitu%acfu.rers i� ���Y �v��--�z�k�k� stas�. - `StvTmontxnaysbxr.��aa„7pDZ�Tart�28S�5#„�.Q-�ax358,Valley,�8�8Q6h .. .. . .. . : ,. : , � • � . T h' s - � . 'I ���� � � . ' STR�C i"4�Il;c s � ���te��-� • I���a������. .�.nr� � �����i.��-� ; . 1�IL'l?3x� �:Y` �OU�. �eY �� T�a�e �e-�sa�, �1��l0_7 _ �'��� 3 0� G � . : �.t�. �4�a: ����ne- ta .�'�Ltvtont oau �upply �[ata a�out �e'baitavaor o�Y�thes� �m.�.fe�als ua va2'�oas en�+ixo�ntS, �`h��' .. � s�aplicat�ou xecam�rueaad��ioxrs sl�ot�d7a�fa�Eu�ve� �r tF�a l�est srsu��. The �nost �m�cn#a€�t nt`-^wbiah �s ta ' ava;[a ca�nti�.uous er,posuee to ran�stnxe. .'�ut�,t, �p deU�'Is, ur soi� n� �vee+#i���g steel s2�aees �vJ1i aausc �c�el�r�t�c�coz�znazon. '�Ta;eiaiio�. arb�d #fze i�asa ean &e �arrn�ful, A build�Yig a��aur�sloi�. dei�r�s cau adv�-sely a#�ectfha ia�z� o��h�,�ol� base. 5`�eai 9uPp�rfi reaorum�� painting aidseiy �'it� {#'ayin�} su��es. '�'b� bestiim.e� £p,�pa��� is �unc�iately �uaor tc� i,�si�liatian i�o �z�i�e tT�nage to " t�t� ��oteu�ki.�e aaaf�ng ' _ ' . 3.�� • V�i�raf�ia�z '� • , � � • A,i�s��.�, '�zai�a�s �v'�e en�u�I�to oa�se damage ca� oecasio�y-000�t insEx�a��s of �1� � iy�aes, Recsu�se fib.e� a� iufine�.eedl�y m�.� �n.i�atz�„ �tttx�.bl�s'vib�st�Qn.s �cxe un�r�d�ata6l�.'�e,rs is •�o siu,��aanne�ad to ina►�r� �he �uravantip� ot afl, xn.t���s o�-vE`hrai� '�lbxnf�ox�•is baiie+ved i� la$ �xe _ Eilcel3� #o nc�ur ur�8� si�ctures {ax �r,�panen#s sueii as. a�ns) ace i�.atatl.ed vs�t6.out at�ac�i�� �i atldiE�t+t�i aoc�ssari�ss, �u7aiCh �ha s#tuci�es nre desi�ussd#a s€i��xi The�rfor�, srrc�l �.ifnnhed accrsso�ies, o� d�vie�s st��.ri.�a,lsut f�i, dampan'v� c�ar�,ctc�is�cs, a�.tsu:[d.b�ins�s3fed. st th� ffzac: ca;t' ���ct�an. T}� fl�ex/use.�'s �ep�nxe p�'°�'smmust 3nalucl� ti�e 46sazvaizw�.far �.ye�eossivc �••;�ibmtics�. �ttd a cotttiEnua�sprd�a�t �Ur-Fha exarA.�uaiic�a� r��'an�a�fxuciu.�al �agw o� �,a�laos�nan� ���, f�G�.Q2` �f,f�'� �`t]a�Y�i�.$�3[073,�, � • , - � mc�axaG� h�rd�e �s �urnisltad hy ��.ars, #b.e correc� eaze �ad strengt#� �tnst �e �se�. i�� �$u�� nufs � used, �e �pitom Qf� J.awest�'eTir� z�s ��Eswtb9 a�a�e-ff�u I" �o�#f�.e cancreie sti���. i�e� sP�cas beiv�a�n ��£rI� �3as�}i�� ili[�. �d c�Gi'6�� C�nl (�8.t1.Y0 E7Cc�5ai.�B g'�'�5�3 P�l� �iloT ba�#s. Wh�,nsv�r gnc#�or bn�#sa�e�o�pol�s gri#�iiuzeatca�,vags�.p�orts, �acsz�ustb� �aken�amefl��h� u�ax%mum4" pro,j�atiott�eqvu�r��.vnt� of m.eA�"�'o S�pecifc��cs�(��atian 12,5.3 Ac�c�i�fcr;�l • R�qo.frexnen.�s} a�lar a�y oikc�r gdv�� ca�Tas, • �.7 3'r�us£c�x�.�� 1�3,as�s � . . Ite ��.c�Zg a. �a� to n l�usfazxn.erl��e, w�� i�za �ot� b�sa��ate has slntt�d �nles, ��acc� fha cozun.e4f� bofts a� i�e lacgast pvs�.bl��olt airolcc� (�..e. �h.e auter end� oft�e �lo#s�� � 3rS� �TN�CA3�S ��Its , - Tf�re�ds ahcxt�idi�a ix�b;r�cat�d izt ard� 40 ��e�em�ga�lin,� and tv ac3�ieije�o�� fensioui� �ccordanna vvlt�. Axu�� xecauYul.�d�.tias�. ���'�var� srt���iers use b��swa� estd.��ous comm�rc�sf �a�ces es �.'�bunanis. T�1ay iadxcsta #hat�r��u�fs•3i1�a "4ilU-4Q'' �ect�mmar�I��zsed in �,a �al�. (.A.�'� A��S-(30, ���� 3y�. ��;8�. �°U%S � ' .r ' - ' . _- •, . _ . .�r'�ring��t p�ss thro�3"i #Zie `s�u�� �zat�ci�an gu��a at the b?z��e to �ssuce f�aa�Y�e insuta{�oz� vn't�. u�otira . rlan�.ged duci�g ra�in� an��o'4'v��g. 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Cl��M7r�C: &oa-a��4-��oa tou�sids �rsA: ��i �n�-52�-��g�} �43& Sevenfh Avenua • I�m�rg��ies: (Mat[ioaf In USA}: �77 737 3447 . Piifsbur�h, �'A �15219��8�D �ntergenc[�s: {i�iadicai OUis�de cr€ U5A): 6�S�F-�32-9268 . iu]fg Gontacf: �-'�2 22! 2nU� {Sns �ieques�s: gGBw862-b23s} �t17��: IiflOY$jti't8�&QIS4��J8i9.com �'�`oduc� �dch�x��'ie�: �R�C35C�T� �'RESS�I�� 7'�.EATED �t1lC�t�p Prad��t �ls� - ' Ir�d�lstriat wQpd producfs; �pe�i�iaaily raifrAad tiev, utfEify �v�es, a�d marfne pifing�. Greoso4e �reat��I wnad Is inF�f�ti�d fo� exteriatYnutc{oor uav� and anEy those ap�ilcatlans appravod by-the Amer�Gatt V�iaod F'ro%etlan Aasociattan {AW�'A) Use Cake�ory �yste�'r� as saf fbrth in f�e �ost ctirren� edltlaE� c�f fih�'AWPA Baak of St�nd�ttls. • - — � � '� �ectlt�� � x H�ZAI��I ; *�"��� k k � �..�....___.._ _ . . �hysi��� �a3•m: P� ess��'a fteafed pof�s �nd nrossties - t�'e�ted at a retentlan tave! of 7-� Ibslt�3, �tif� � woo�l density af 4�-r5 EbsJfi�. Pressura freaYed �ilfr�g � f�a#ed at a rr�tentiun i�vs! of �E 2��29 Ibslft3, w[ih a waad cler�s[iY �af �5 Ibsl�t3. Aa�raf rater�ifo� tave! depends�t on woQ�i st�nk, tI7UI5�UY� i81t8IS, and ous�otr►e�•spoclfJcations, �otor: darEc, blx�vsr�r tv f�f2�cfc - �ctor� #�tr t�dor Sic�naE Ward: WA3��VIN�E � M�jor kfaa�Eh Ha�a�'cts. ita�rttut if tnhalec�, har�nfui on �ani�af �vit� fhe sKi�, res�iratarytraot fr'�'i#atlnn, $icln Err[taffon, e� rrrfegfia�, aEfergf� raaaiipns, ttasalisf�u� can�er, �ung ��nner, sicit� �anaor �'ltysf��� ��xarde: i�usklair mixtu�•es may ignite or �xplode. Frecau#ton�ry St�t�m�n#s: �lvoic# brea#hlrr� dusf. Avold contac# �tl#h c�yes, s[cin �nc! cfoi�lt��, Usa onlywifh • adeq�at� ventJlailor�. Wash th�ic��rghEy �f#e� I�ar�dling. i�rotaGtive clothtn� m�tst be cMange� w��n �#shaws signs oF can��minaflor�, Obser�re gvod hygi�ne �nd sa��fy pr�eflees when hat�d�ing fhi� prod€�o�, �� not use this praduat �nf{! t�e MSbS has �e�n road and undsrst��d. �'�r more fnform��on, pfeas� s�� c�hsumer )n�o�'matdon �h�sf for thls ��'odu�t, P�'i'�NTIAL t-I�AC�TI-� ��K��T� lnhalatton 5ho1� T�rm: Grac�sote �na� caus� Ir+�liatPon. �llfc�od dt�st r�tay aausa ir��tatian anti �Ifs�glo reaatla�s. l�on�'1"�m: Creasots t�fay causs r��us$a, rtomiiinc�, and h�adaaho. Wdoc� cE�at may ca�sa irrita#ior�, �Eler�i� �e�c#�ans, r��ebEeed. �a�sear var�lii��e lqbs n� t1�7�et�e, ahasi pain, t�[fflcu�ty Fara��hing, haadache, cfrowslness, �IE��i9d �]�lpII9, VfsUal dtsfuY�afi3�e3� IYl'e�Uil�l• hear�6eat, lur�g dam�ge, I1v�r cf�rn€�c e, Iddney c�atr�age, ar�cf i1�5'c1��S117�16 Ca�1G8C� • . v�C'1f1 Si�ort T��•rr�: Creaso#e may c�use lrrttatlan, slc�n dfs��Eara�[an, s�sln cffsorders, sensltivl#y � sur�[i�hE, c�anges in Esady f�mperrafure, r�att&ea, v�miEin�, h�ad�ahe, dli�toul�y breaihing, irrag�I�zr €�ear�b�a�, i�lufst� sktn color, artd a4nvulstons. Wood ctusk rr��y ��usa irritatiur�, ailergEa raactforts, slaf� ciEsoi^tl�;s, d�lcr�Ity �sreath3ng, Irreg�tiar � heart�e�fi, l�aacla�h�, vie�ra€ distur�ar�ces and Iddn�y dama��, . . �'age '! af 1Q . Iss�te pate t1AlA�}11�4 F�evision `1.1801} _ ���'��� C���a ����� - 'iilla�e:�°�a( N�r��: Gi��nSJT� �F��SCi�� �`R�ATED Ui10�71� - .. _ -- - -�bS IC1: �►Q�2�32�: _ z �.nng'i�rrn: Gr�4sota mayca�se dermatifEs, skin dlscolaratEan, s�Cir� dlsorders, sonsttluiiy to sunli��t, �hartt��s 1n bady #�tn�era#ur�, n�U�ea, vc�mft�ng, heac€ach�� d�i�ultY hrea#Mr�c�, irr��ular he�rtbeaE, bluish s[tlt] evfar, lun� �ancer, and �ktn cance�. Waad t�ust �'t7aycattse iri�Ef�fion� ��lsrgic reaot[ans, ant� sk(n dtaordors. . �ye � Shprk'�ertn: �r�osa�e �nay aause irrf#attpn and sa��s�tivity #� sunii��t. UVoc�d dus# may csu5e i�'�'Itatfoi� �nd eye datriage, ' L�sng 7'et•m: Greo�nt� may c:�usa irrfk�tlan and sensitfv[tY #a �unlight. Vifood dust may cs�se Rrr�fat�on �ncl sYa datn�ga. , Ir�qe�ftArt . . ' �hnr�T�rn�: C�easote rnay cra�t$e fr�lia#ioi�� nausea, t�omliln�, ch�ng�s fn b�dy#ern�arature, cfiffcufi,�f #�reathinc�, Irr��4ular heartbe�t, h�r�da�i7�, dtzzlnes5, bll113h SI4t�t �qi{]I': o�rdta�ascul�r Gail�pse, ai�d convul�ions. iNaad d�t�t may aaus� naus��, �o�niting, �ass of a�petrie, dFl�(aully I�t'eathing, irreg�l�r heart�aeat, ar�d t���wslrtess_ �.ang 't'ar�n ��reosatg may cause irrrta#iat�, nausaa, v�ml#lnc�, �taadache, gastrol�tesiinal ��fec#�, dlzzir�ess, �har�ges ln �i��y tam��ra#ura, vi�uaf di�tc�ri��no�s, difficulty btaaihi�g, irra�ufar haa�ikest, bluis� sk�n aafar, and c�rdlovas��slar caEl�pse, Na Info�matlort is �vailabla f4E� w�qd dust. � � �,��c���n � - �C�I�P���'�I��I ! Ii���Rt�ATC�N �� I����A���T� �` �'� rrths�at�nri iP advarse e�eets o�cur, remove tn un�ontaminatad ara�. C�ive �rtlfi�9af res}alratio� �F naE l��e�ti�inc�. C��t irt�ti'�ect�ate tr�edEoat afi�n#ton. S�Cin Wash skin yu�th �Qttp �nd v�+�te�� for at lcaast �t5 minUtes whi�� ��rr�ovi�g confamEnatar� clofhing and sha�s. QO �fOT rub unlfl slun is froe of sawdt�st and �resc�rvaY+re r�at�ri�i� C3ot tner3�esf aft��Fian, if k3eec��d. ii�or�u9hlY afe�n arid ' �fty c�ntaminatad cic��ing and shoes be�ore r��tse. �y�� �lush eyes wtth pJ�nty o�waterfor at �east'1� rr}Inute� I�CI N�T rub ayes. 7hen get irrttt�adf�te m�c#]cat at#.sr�fio�. [�r�e��i�n . . IP a large a�noant fs �waflowed� 9et mediaa� atfsntEon. � � � ����io� � -: �IR� �'���7X�3� �IIE,F�S���� � � � T S�e �ec�idn 9 #'or �famrnaf�ll�iy i'1'oper#ies ` __ -- �J�PA Rtttfl1gs: �-i�altYl� � �iYes� 'I Re��tt�ity� 0 H�xard 5ca#e: 4� Mln�rr�a� 'f w�light 2� Modera�e 3= Serlous �} ����$re P��e � o� �a � fssue f�ata O�I�Q�19� �2�vision '1,'�S�[i Corr+poris�# R�iafed �e�i�Eatory lnfvrm�#i�n . Th�s produot may be rogutatsd, have exposura ffmit� ar ath�r ir�formailo� �deni�tied aa fhe f�llQwin�; Vilo�d dusi, aIi sc��t ar�cf �arc� uvoods, UVaoc� cfusks�har�d woot�, ilVooti dusts �all oEE���' waad c{usts}, Wond dus�s {b1r'ah, mai�o�hany. teais, waEnut), Wc�od dust, vvestet•rt ra[f cedar, Creasnfes. � - � � � ��c�it�n •4 � F'���'�` �NQ ��A���2�� � �` � -- � ,__ ������ �a��.�h��'� Ma��rial �ia�ei�: -���t7��T;� 1�}���S�IFtC T�EA.'���i 11�O�p � - ._--Sp� I.C7:-���283�'� _ - " ... FEatr�m�bl� Frap�r�ie� - �us�fair rr+IxE�res t�a� E�r�ife or expla�le. DUring firs cond!#i�ns, V�pors and deaam�oslt�on �roducis rnay be - re2easeci, forr�in� fla�t►na�fe/expl4slva �nixiures �n air, Confaat wift� heat m�y �e[7erate tnxi� andlvt' flammabl$ gases. • . ��r���tltri�y'�a �ec�ra�ica! Im��c� E�ot availabl� � S�ns�ti�ri�y �a St�f�c Dischar�� . �io� ava�lla#�te �xtlt�gtiish9t7g 111f�di� . . �arbor� silaxl�e, reguiar dry ch�mical, r�g�lar fo�rrr, uvater spre�y , Ar��f�c�iv� �qu'r�am�n# and pr��au�tans� f��' ��r���g�#�rs " �uli#ire #i�httn� #u�'n-out goa�• (k��nk�r. gearj, ' l�ir�a �f�hfing �l(�asures Ava�d ir�k��fafior� 4f materiaf ar com�usiian �y-�roducts. Stay u�wfnci ar�c� K�ep out af �a�,sr areas, ilae dXtin�u�sh(r+9 ' agents apprs�pria#� for surt'o�nding #[Y`e, � � :M aY ���a`���� � " :/-��i������#il.� ��F.�`1�i�7� A+�+��1�1����t�3. 4k k d�` — � �la��i" R�E@�:�� Su�js�t �a Callf�mia Sais prfnkin9 tlVa#er ar�c#'i'oxiQ �r�farceme»fi �1�i af �9�6 {Pro�asiff�n 65}. C1��li�a���s��'#a� Sj��(� l R�����8 , �oileci debt•Is �r�d LEsed mat�rl�i fn ap�ro�t�i�te ca��airter for dispas�l. �uo to #he aq�cenfratio� of Creflsote end #he G�f�C�A {4� C�f: �a2.�) r�portable quaCtAty of '� pc�u��d, #he taiease af 6�nuncts of #his pi ocfuc� req€�ires Nafic,rsat R�s�onsa Genter no�fEo�tidtt. � � � ',�+�r*' @����.t� � � �,�k��L�� .f`ar �� u'�C��v�►�� � �e �r — H��t��lrtg Fr�����ur�s • . Llse rn�ihods to rr�intmize ��s#, A�/ole� fCec�tr�r�f or (�talon�ed �rthafat(otf �f sawtittgt Frorri tr�atod vdooct. Vllh�n saw[n� and rr�achl�tir�g #rsmted War�d, �ear a dust mask, Wh�t� p��rar sa�llny ar�d r�aci�ln�ng, waargaq�tes to pmfect a�sa Fram �lYing p�rticles,lAlhen�v�r poss�hle, t�ese a�eraiinrt� shoul�t �e p�rfor�nsd ouYdaaes ta �u+ofd indoar accumuigtions df airborna sa�rdust f�•om fi�'eated �vood. Avo[d �requenk �r pro[Qnged slsfn cant�ci yrifh creosate��raatecf wnoc�� when h���ng l�e tr�ated �v�od, we�� lollg�sleeved shf�a and ton��panls �nd �se gfovcas frnperut�us fr� i�te c#�ernicals {fi4r oxarnp3e, glow�� that a�$ vinyl�eaated). Use p�-otectiv� skin cream on expose� aicin before �nd durlr�r� wark s}�(�t. fio redu�e s�an set�sitivlfy a sun��ifoakfng lofinrs ��1��' '�5-�} can aiso be ap�al[��t ���ar ta a�pllcatlon a� a protoct�ve cra�m. Aftor wnrkin� �,►rith the woad, and befare eat�ng, drtnkinc� ar�d usa of ' tabaoct� praduot:�, wagh exp�rset� araas i�nrough�y. tf aily prPs�ruative br sa�wst aecum�tfata an ciofhes, i�c�ntfer b�fat�e �=e�s�. UITas�t work c[othas s�para#aiyfrvm a#f�er hause}iold ctathin9. S#ara�� �*r���d�r'�s Na s�e�Eal roq�airo3ne�ts� . Pag�3 r� �(� � 3ssue bate U�Iq47�4 R�vtslon 1.'I8C}U �a���� �3��� �l�ee� � -����xr�����m�: �R�OS��`� I���SSUR� TF��A'�`�o i1�I�i�3D _ ,_ .._ : �a� IL�: �o��a��7 � �" -' �ect��r� � � ��Pt�SU�� �`E��1('�Rt)�,� 1 P'�RS��,P►�.. ��t3i`�G�'��� �' �` �' �.a�,�...�..�.� rr__._...�---- • Cr�asote 1� r� cc�mpiex �r�Jxl�r� af r�arlahfa cnrnpas€tfon, anci whlle rto ndor t�tr�ehald �or e2`�asato h�s l�e�n sstablisi�ed, �rrqr)c r�one atthe Univarsttyvf Cai�f�rn(� has rnaa�uretf t�t$ ado� threshofds f�rr�r�a afihe r�nore vvlatit� �omponents in �reosote and �aterr�it�sd #�at th� invnlved o�dr th�•eshald �s tn ihe pa�t ��r �iEllon ra�ge� ar�d +�vaiE bQibw a�pllcg€�!e ex�asur� Ilmlts. Cin the bast� af t��e dat� the �ereeptt4r� of crsasoto odoi' tt� at��1 �f Itseif sE�autd nof b� ��Icen as �� indicafinn of exposure 1n excQss pf acaepfed expos�ar8 fi�'n lis, �xpas�tre�ta ►uabd dusf wou�d �tut �e expecf�� u�tder norrtTal us� car�ditians_ t# hsndlir�g �r use paite��ns �ssoctaEed �slEh er•easate tre�tac! waa� i��vaEve the us� ofi a power s�w. sander, dCl!( or any iaaf or activiEy resuiifng i� tt�e ger�e��fion of a#r�or�g p�rEiGr.���fe t�e #oi(awin� �vand dust expoaure li�lis shou(d be absarv�d �r�� �pprgprta�e ste�s taken �a r�ilnl�i�� a�c�asuYo, � - • ��sr�rpon�n� l�xposure t�i�ni�s • �Vq��► �usTY t�,at���raa�� ��c�f ��ai�a�ra� . p����l; 1 mg!!'n3'rWA (Inhalabie fracflan, relaEad #a1N4ac� dusts �afl otf�erwoad dustsJ) �Ilo�hf: �f mglm�'ii+ilA (relatad to Wood dusk, ali sot# and hard woacSs} Nlexfcn: �i mglm� `l1NA LMP�-Ppi` (r�)ate�f ta Waaci dus�s-harci woad) _ �!(�C}.D ��15�', �C3�'I`ltl((�OiIS �I�To� l�vai(a�ale) ACG1Fi; E3,G mghn� TWA �ln��aia�l� ir����on, raImied tn L�1ood d�s#, western red cer�ar} c�e�ma1 se�sltfzer;resplratotysensliizar (re1�#ed !a 1Naod dttst, western red c�clar) I�13b5H, ��s�hYt� TV�lA (ralat�d fo 1Ndod dusf, a11 sn�E and h�rd �o�ds} �pAL `�"AR i>I�'CH VC9l�'t'1�.�� {�5�96-93 2) t�sHA {USj: 0,2 r��lm� "�WFt (ber�ene salu�le fractian) AC[�tFE: Q,z m�Ima �wA (as t�a�z�n� sa��b�s A�roso�) . • i�ilflSH. 0,1 mglm3'�'wA (Cyciahexane-a�racts��e �ctiQn) ' i41(exlca: (i,flfl2 rngfm3 T�/�1 Lhr3P��Pf��'r a.#12 rng/rrt3'ilhFl� f.MP� P�'7 �as ['articulate polycycllc aram��ic FlytfYoa�rbillis) a.a�i 5 pprn �7G1. [��iP�-G�; �.03 mgtro� sT�?L [L.i41I'�-C�'] 1let�tila�i�r� Ensure adequa#e vent�tatian, Ena�rs corripli�nae +uith �Crpiica#�!� exposure I�mlts. p�R�O�AL Pt�QT��'I'l�� �QfJIP3�lf��T ��r�s 1 Fae� - ANS� �87.'f-��89 �pp�'aved s�efy ��asses w�th �side shiaEds. �'roi�a#��re ��o��ing. Wear tagf�t[y v�roven �Qn9-Sleev�d shPr�s and inng �Ants. Rvtn�v� and t�uncf�r cantaminated cl❑thtn� s�parateiy �irom other faundry before r�c�se_ �[�v� Rect�tnrr�endafiQt�s � . Inc�Ivlduals musl �r�ar gtoves itnp�svlaus to the+nroort �lre�trr��nt farrrEt�fa#for�s in all slfuatians whera derinaf eantac� wlih crevsate is expeck�d- ' Pr��e��irr� �a��rlat �'y��s , � ' �x�mpl�s af Impervrous mafarials fi❑r �rofectEvc� �;�oth)r�g {o.g. avera�lsi jaal[a�s, gIoves �and bb�►fs} requfreel during applfo�tiCrt� attti hand�ing �f oreaSoEe as'o pol�vinY� acsfate (PVA}. pofy�rinyi ct�iorid� (PVG3� f�eoprana �nd f��R - �B�r►��i�). ���p��ator�r Pro������r� , fffhe appEica�[e '��.Vs ancil+�r PEE.s are exceede�f, use �at�l�far ar c�rt�idge respir�iors, v�hfah are MSHAINI��N- ap�roved, wlkiy hlgh�affloiency partfG�Iafe F1ftsYs. F�agc� �€ of �4 EsRCEe Da�e fl9/0�€1'i�- Revlslan �.'I S[10 - ������ �a�� �h�e� � - - -- Nl��e�'ial �ame. CI��U��t?T� �'RESSUR� T��A'i`�C3 111(C3dfl--= -- -- -:. _- - ��iS 1�: ��2�8327- . ._ � � � �e��io�a 9 n �C�''�����, J�IV� �:����C�1[., �'����1��`��� * � :� �j Physlcal S;Eata; ��yst�al �orrrf: pHs �atE�n� �pini: F?etsomp�attlorl7'srnper�tuYe: �owsr �plosfve l.irnif: Vapor Prassure: Speciifc Gra�ity (s,uaferM�): l,og Ftnw: 1ltscd�lty: �olEd Press�.rre IrasEed pafas and aroBg�l$B - frea�ad at a Yd€anfion tcaval nf 7•9 Ibslf#3, u+ith a waar� dens�ty bf�46��5 fbslft3. F'ressure treaEecE piling � �t�atad af � Y�le►�t[on �eVe! of �12 20 lbslf#�, wTih a waoci densliy aF 45 Ibsl�t3. Aatu�f r4tentian lev�! rla�endent on �nnd.stack, moiskt�re [evels, ar�d austamer speot�EcaiEona. Nat avall�sbls �lcst avai[ahi6 . f�taP &vai#�6te Alat avall�b�e 1�10 t atitallabfa hiot avat[abf� t��f av�i��b]e �ia# av�Pl�ble � ����ar��r �i �1 � ST �niar: c�ar�c, brawn to �fack �doPC tal' adar �YEezing 1 A8eltlr�g Yaint: �lash I�n�tti� �vapnr�fion �ate: upp�i� Exprostvb l,imlt; Va#�or €�e�sify: 1Na#er �o2ubifl�y: . Au[�ignf#ion 7am�.. lfola#ility. �#at ayaifat�ie Nat �p�lfqebte Nai avalt�bie �Iol aua[labEs Naf avaiEai�le Nat aY�i�a6te �14f avatiabis Nat avallabla � f��,1�.G'�'�'4���� � � � Gi��m���� Sta�iliiy � ' Stab[e a� narmai tarn��i'�tures a€ad �tl`essure. Gondf��Qns fc3 �1Zt't�id �tvuEc� heat, iiames, sparfcs artd o#her saurces af I�t�lf]nn. Ava38 canta�t witl� [�corr�pati6ia mater�als, (Vf�teria�� �o Auoici {I��t�t�pat�laili�ie�� a�cidizing materiats, aoids ���arn�o�i�it�� �rar�uc#s . cark�on monax�de, a�rUo� dioxldc�, oxfc��s p� nlfrogen Pc�ssfbiR��y vf H�zardoras Reacflons . Wiil nat po]vr�eri�e. . � � � a�'�i�tai7 `�'� �K TC]X��U�C3�1���.. �1'��i��f�tl��1CiN �` �' � . �rr]���P�rt ! �s�rra�sive ��t�'ormr��f�n • RTI�C� frr�t�#i�n T#�e cotn�s�ne�#s af ff�is rnatariai h�ve �een revtss�red and f�T�Cs #u�lishes na �pplioable c3a#� �s of tF�e date an thls d�aurrtank. � • ' f'agn 6 nf �I�? - lsst�a �s�ie {}9JQ4l�t� R�vfslan 'I,78(l0 ���e�y._I����_ �h��� iliia��rlaI N��rie; �G�����'�'� p����UR� `t"i��AT��3 i�T�2t3C� -. . .... .. - ...5��-[D: ��228�27— — �,oaai �f�ee�s ' �1roc�1� i5�s'�, HAl��tNaa�s �vot Rv�l�abte} [rritant: fr�hafafEQn� skln, 4y� - W[1�i�] l�US7`, Sc��Thi1fOQA� �i�af Avail�€#�I�j . lrrliant. itthalati�n, sfdn, aya • , �DAL.'i'AFi GF2�OSQ'�',� (�0�'��a8�) irrlf�ntp Irri��latlan� skin, eye . ��u�e an�t ��ron�� Taxic�ty Corn�or�an� An�lys�s � �.���1�..C5� - 7'h� onrrl�c�r�ent� o� #f��s r3�a[er��! ��ye i3aes� r$viewad in v�rious sources and the foliawti1g s�lent�d endpofnfs a�'a publfsh�d: � �r���. r�� ���OSoi'� (ac���-�$�9) � - OrgT L[7�0 Rat 252�E Cnc�]!tg . �.T��a A�u�� To�rt�i#y' �select�c�} 'ih�: campanent� of�h(s tn�terfaf have bs�n revt�wad, �nd R`E'�CS p�bllsnes ihe faflat�vtng endpair�ts: ca�ic. �ra€� ���a�o�� (�oo���s-s� t3ra�: �26 tnc�lkg Ora1 �2a� Lq�Q .(�����e T�xi�iYy I..ev91 • �t�.Ai.'i"A�i CR�D�Oi� (80t11, �`a8-�) iNo�le�`a#ely �"vx�c: ingeslfan Ga��P�cogan��ity (Pro�uc�) �S�iA; !Va N7P: Yes lARC: Yes �5ee betow for adcllti�na! fn�'o�matia� �n compon�r�i �grclnogen staf�[s) �sa�pone�� Garcir�c���niei�ir . LV�t713 RU37, FIAF"'+i31NOtlI?S (ftio#.�vaPf�(�la� . ACG;H: A� -Canffrmed Hur'�an Cara[nogen it�fa#ed to �IUv4d dusE��hard w4qd} EV14�N: #�otanfla! occu�a#it�naE carcln�gen (�'$lafet� fo �Voad du$t ail saft antE it�rci wands) ?�7'F�: Knawn F�arn�►n Carcir�ogen (�eleet Gareino�er�, refat�d fo 1hlnad dust, all sof# anr� #�ard .voncf�) f;�t�G� 1Nonagr��1� 'lAOC [20�€�3; Mdnagraph 62 [9595] (Gt'ouF 4�ca�ci�ogenlG #a hurrransj, related #o lNoad dust, afi sa#�end hard wo�ds) WC1�L! i�T.��7', �OFTWCaf,?R� ji�at l�v�El�hfej qcc3ii-�: A� � Nat �iaSsEE(able �s �{-[Uttlan ��r�inn�en �related #o UUocsd d�sE, wesEeCri I'scE cedaT) �!(q�l�: pofentt�I occupaflonal ��rai�ogeh (relatec� td �l+laod dUat, �li saF� and hard v�roads} • N't�': Knnwn f-EUtnan �a�otrtny�n t�sEect Caiofnogen, rel�f�d to Wood dusf ati so�# and haYct ruoods} FA12G: Monogr��h f40G (2D12]; Mon¢gr�ap{� 6,2 ['i 985] (�rd�ap �[ (aerci�3ogenla ta hurn$ns}, relaiad #a Wand dust, alE soft and harc# W�ods) �()1-+.i.. TAi� C}��{?SCfi� (St7ii't-58��j , NiC15H: paisn#ia� nccupaEEonai caretno�en • fAi�G: Monograph $2 [�n�4a; 5uppfetnehi'7 C1987J� Morzogr�sh �5 �99t�5j {C�mup 2A �proh�bly - ' car�irlog�nlc ta humans)} _ ��`��� 'i"�li'�'It}t'If�Bt71 G The �omponenis af #I�Is :n�er�9T havc� �een revlewed, snd �t��CS pulalish�s data Por ana ar mQre ca�r�ponpnts. F�T�C� i�u'���nic i'�t� ea�m}�ahenf� of thls �n�teriai have been revleW�d� and �2T��S p�IblisF��� cfaka fal` a�s oP moi�a �nl'�'iponarr�s. f�7`�CS Re��'€�Ciu��Iv� ��e�x� �`he componett�s o#t��is �nate�'�al Mave been �avfe�,ued, �ttd R7`EC� pul�ifshss dat� fo� a�e ormora eprnpanentg. �age 6 of �q fsaue G�afa ODIci�F11� �evlsior7 'f.'18Q0 - , - ���+���/ ���� �k���� - - - - - Ma�erial f�am�: GR�QS�"1`� P'I����UR� TR��i.T��3 iNO�i�J SE�S Jl�: ����5��7 T�r��t �r�ans �R�'c�duc�E� resqir�forysys�esr�, skin, eyes, Irnmune sYsfam (sa�s9E�zer} < '�ar�et Urgans {Cc�m�ar�e�ts) . v��►�� �us�r, �r��nwnog� �n�t,�,�a�r$�te} . i�rt�une systc�r� {sensl#izerj �fApp C][��T, Sc�F7WOCIR� (Nt�t Availa�t�j Emmune systerr� {sensltEzerj M�di��t �a�d3tto�s laq�rarra��ti by ��c�o�t�re B��$d +on Frc�du�� and ��m�o��n� I�t�d�'r���io� res�ir�t�ot•y tlfsorders, sk(n disardars ancf allergtas Addl��ar�ai 1r��arm��i�ar,. ��r�t���#� TiI5 �]YbCILJ�f COI'ii��i1S �OH� �c�E� �eet�s�fe. Volume 36 oP #�te IRRC mano.g��ph sfates thaE t��Ya is i�rnlEed ov�C�en�e. that coal tar cierlved cE•eos�i�s are c�rc�napenic In h�7m�r�s �r�d su�ficient evid�n�e for t�� carcinngenEolky of c�•sos�te in ax}�erime�tal �nfr3'�ais. �imitatio�s irt iha hut�an sxposure stuc[ies rev�eW�d by il��iG �f��ludf�ig fh� prasgnae Qf ather chemfoals, s�nati �tudy popula�ic�n� and r�ot wel[ documanked exposure leveis) �cs�i�ib�.�ted ta iRRG's cor��l�slons re���'Q1n� hu�n�n ax�asure #o crensaf�.V�Iher� a��lieti �a #ha skin Qf rr�ics in ex�erl�n�r�ia1 studlss, creosoie produae�i ski�3 #u�t�nrs and fn vrra stt�dy �roduced �uhg tuma;t�. - M�st avaEfa�ai� 1nfoPrqa�[o� oir the �ffaGts af a�aE iarnreQaats in hurna�s coms� frarn aicEaracoup�tion�� siudl�s tn tha wflnd-pres�rvinc� anrf cnt�struotlon irrdusfrles. Tr��1ay, vviih the usa af engineerir�g �onfrvfs an€[ per�ona! �rotecttvs oqulPrnanf, �cc�pa�ianal �xposur$ �o ci•eosot� aorr�p�nents [s expeated tn ba b�1ow �ermissibfa sx�asur� li�nlfs (rrreasured a� CTF'Vsj, Waad dus# is pa�ticies of va�yir�g sEza prnd�aed �"rom pi'ocessft'r� a�` hand([n9 wnod. Cartae�' of �#�� nasa3 cav�#�4s �ttF Elnuses !s assaclated wlth Qxpast�rs to f�ardurnad dus�, EARC � �onn���led Ehat the!'� ware fao fejnt sfudies to a'vuEuate c$ncor rlsfcs a�t'�b�table to expost�re to sof#waad alor�e ar�d fo ar�y parii�ular spe��ea af �uc�ad. In via�v of t�e c�vdraE[ iaa(c Qf co�slsfenE ffndings, �ARG alsa �ancE�i�le�i that hatfc is no i[�diaa�lvn fhat oca�paiEr�nai ex�as�re ta wao� ctust i�as � causaf rol� �n c�ncers af the Fhr�iat, Iu��� #y�P and blood sys�erns, sEal�aah, c�lon or reciut�_ . . pf�Feren�wogds pradc�oe dl�ferant E�ealth effeets artd t#le�e fs evitience thatvaood f��o� dl�F�renE ire�s a�f�a sam� �pe�les �ar� pratluc� �arylt�� �ea[i� affecfs. Waa�s �ti�er �na� W�sfarn Red Gedar �1+VF�Gj seerr� un�lltely ia �e respans�iale #ar lar�a n�[mbers �f cas�s of re��Era�orY aller�i�s. C7ther carnmon vuood dusts p�'oduae asthrrta!{�ulmoriaty ef�sats t1�at �t�e �sss well d�scrlbed #h�n 1he respr�nses #o WftC. i'hes� othsr woacl spaales {e,g-F oa�c an�i pl�t�) are conslde►'ed sarnev�rhaf aller�er�ic. '. �� k . � � .� xF:���b� �2` � ���t,.��Gil��� [�.�C�l�Ni%�fi�C1N �c��ppn��x� Ae��Cys9s Y Aq�af�c'�axi�i�y �t��� -��r� �r��a�c��r� ��o+a� �����} - .�isht �s Hr {,Ca�A �ira�hydanio rerio: �.B � G.8 mgl�, I�f�tEa1; �� Wr 1.C5� OEy�orhyt�chus . � myklsa; �.67•mglG [s�ac;cl InuorEeiarra�a� 48 hlr�CSQ �agF�r�Ea magrr�;1,�� mgJi.� �38 i-�Y �CSf� i�apht}i� magn�: D.Q65.. O.Q82 ms1�. C�ta{1c) ' .. - ,, - -., . . _ . .., , P��� 7 of 'f 4 . tss�e Daie ��l0�19 � I�evls�nn '1.'I SOD _.. - �a���y �i��a ,����� �Iifa��r�al Nar��. �R��?S�`�'� PRFS�UR� �'I����'�C3'Iri1'�4��? k �t' T �'�t+'��On �J � 3✓���Ls+t�C'i� VV�I�iK.?���Jt�� ,t k �as �a: ����83�7 Qi���saI �lefiia�ds t�ispase 1n accordance uviih ��! a�plicable re�ulatir�r�s. 7raaf�d wood should n�3� b� burned in apsn ffr�s ar i� stav8�� fireplaaes ar r�sfdenfiai ba1[srs, �e��usa foxic chemlcals may �� �rncitrced as parf r�f the smd�e �nd �shos. T�'e�te$ tihraod from camrn�rcial ot Inttusi�i�l usa (�,g., eo�5stru�lo� siEes� tttay 4�e �urnacE onfy in oorl'�marclaE or It�dustrlaf ittalnexa#ors or b�flel's in aacordar��g �nrlth state and ��d�rai re�ufations, �'or mare infarm�Eipn �lo�ss sQe Ftoppa�� Cdnsur�'tc�!' fn�'arma�an Shee( fnr ihl� �raduct, Cor���n��f �i#�as#e �ut��aers ' . eaA�. �'A� c��Q�nr� {So���a-�} � RCF2A: waste numBa�� UDa� � � � �e��io� '�� �'T�'��SPt�RT I���R�11.�'Ti�l� *'�'� U� �[�'� �r+��rmati�n Na Classi(icafion assl�ned. ' �'p4� in-Forrnat�s�� � N� Classfffaatlnrl s�slgnet�. lGl�t7 ��afaDri'i��fi(�� ' - . N�i alasslfiGatian assigned= iAT,� 1n�arrt�a�P�n Nd classif�catian assighed. �M�;� [�n��r��fii�s�i i�o cl�ssifica#ion e�sign�d, __—� - � � � ��+C�iU�'i '�� � �.��U��l���� 1����i�+� * � :� U.-u. �'ede�•at ���u�ati�ns . 7i�is t�i�'�eri�l ca�farns orse or rnare o� the falfa�ling ch�mlaals �'equfred ta be fcfenElfied urtd�r SARR Secfio�a 3421304 ��0 ��i� 355A��endixA), SI�RA Sactlon 3�3 {�#fl CFR 372.6�), G�RC�,A (�� C�R 302.4)� 7'SGA '��4��, andlat' r�qulre an C]SH� prac�gs safnty pl�n. - �t�Al,'1'AR GI����C�'S'� (8��'��58-9j .�AF�A 3�I3� Q,�1 °lo de mfnlmis cnnaantration ��R�[.R: � il��rna1 [�c�: or�54 �Cg �x��f RQ ��1RA �'t'tIS�2 Haxarda�s cttfe�nrles {40 ��`R 370 Subpar#s � anr! C) A���e H�aith; l`�s Ch��onic �iealth: Yes �ire: i�o #��'�ssur�: h!o R�ac�i�r�; �I� . �.7.�. S��te l�e�c�iaf�or�s The foflowin� eom�onar�s apfaoa�� an ane a�• mare af the ��[awi�g st�E� hazardous subs'i�n�es iis�s: ...,,.0 rn hRA iU1TJ hl<I �f� Gompvnent vV�at�A nUS"('� NARI�WOO[J9 {�ralatad t�: Wo. and riarc� iuoods) j�reie�ed to: Wood dusts-hard an�i Yes Ye� Y�.� Yes res T#1e falfowlr�g a�atem�ni(s) ars provided �nder tha [;a��rornta �are �ar�nKu�c� W��er a�d'Foxfn �n€orcert�ent Ac� �f �f 98� (I�ropaslt{on 6�}; ' WAR�1Ii�iG� Y�71S pfaclllCt GOY�tSiIlS A C}1�YIftfO�ll I(l1pWYi �t] fi�le 3���8 Df C�flf�i'r�f� to csus� canc�r. al! RVaflabie . . . "�' Page 8 a� 70 . - - _ -_ issue.Date ��lR4T"f4 Rgvislan '�.'E8€�0 • . - _ � � �a�e�y C)��� �h��� �tli�f�rral K�rri�: GR����7� �'��wS[JR� T�2�ATLD W[3C►1� ---- -- _ -- -------- -SF��u--#i�.-Do�2s3��T �a►�at�i�r� �€���t���ons U1lH��� �lassl���x���nn �1ot a�ontro�isd Prod�acf und�r Canada's Wnri<p(aae Hazardaus Nfateriaf F�fort�aEion System. 1tU#�Ml� Ir�grec�lent �is�fnsure L.��� � The�•e ar� rrb componen�s Ifsted on tY�e irrg��dfant C�lscf�sure �.�st. �an��a [nu�nto�r Ih�arrn�fitrr� {Pr��uc�� 1'hls prat[uet is e�cett�pt• U,S. f�ver,�at�r {TS�A� �t�forrrta�cipn {�rot���j . This �roducf is exernpt. - - l�v�n���r 5���u� (Camp�r��n#�) Com�ane�if An�fysis � 1�nv�nta��+ . . --- , .._ . $Og��SE�s Yes �b�. $��98-93 2 Yt�s DSt, � � � ,��'C$�C�� '��i' �•a��"���..` �������k���J� �'' � � ��II�'�xi'�ai'�f Q� Cilai1�&S Updated; 8i�12o14 MSp� SUMNfAFtY c�� CF�RiyG�S S�CT'#UhE 1'� `C'4XtGQ�.�GiGA�. f�VFOf��UEATI�J� S�G"�ft�N �(� REOUI.ATof�Y ifVF[�RMATIqN R��I(Binl �8t� . , . 91A�120'I� • F��� 1 �.e�end 13C�fH -Am��ican �onferen�e af �ou�rtirr�enf�l Indusi�'�ai Hyg�enisks: A[3R- �urapear� Raa�E'1�'��tspor�, AU � A�tstrall�: �t3f3 ��loche►nicai Oxyge� i�em�nd; �- CoT�fus; �A � t;anacfa; CA� - Ghem��al A�straats �ervice; G�f2G�,A ��ort'�prenanslva �ttviral�r�entai R�spon�e, �arr►pensaflon, a�id �.iabilifyAct, C1� µ�hina; Cf'F2 N Contr'allec! Produ�#s Reguiaiians; f7�=G � l�et�fsc��� �`ars�ht�tt�s�etri�lnsahaff;170T »[3epartrnent cr€ TranspoE�atian; E�SL µ C3omestta Suhstances LEst; �EC Y�uropaan ��o�amlc C�mrr�u�lty; �1NGGs ��urnpeA�t l�vsn tary of �xlsiin� Commerciaf Gharn�ce! S�bstancesf �PA -���irvnmenfa3 Prni,ec�fpn ,�an�y; �i1- ��ro�ear� Unl�n; ���ahr�n�e�; IHi�� - i�rk�rnattonaf Agency fnr Researa�i an Caric�r� IA'��L � In�ert�a#ion�l REr T'ranspar� Assocfafion; 1�AD � Infern�tio�el G�vil Avia�ion O��ankzatlon; l�3L � tngrecl�gn� Disclosura l�.�st; IR��I - i rnrrr�dlately bat�gal'ous to L3fe arid f-Ieatth; INEq� - Jnta3�na�ionai �riaritima Dar�gerous �oods; ,�F �.lapan; Kow - O�tar�nllwater parti#�dn GaeFfieie�tt� [�f� •- ICoi'e�; ��� � �.awar �cplo�ive 1,{mif;1.O�.i � Li� af �.[stsr�{ � Ch�mAi7V��aE�'s Eteg��atory Da��basa; 1�11AK � Max�t�lurn C�n�enf�ziio� Valu� in th� W�tl��i�sce: M��.. � iVJaXlt7rtuirt ��asure E.Emlfs; N�PA - N�tic�na� ��� e Protectinn Ager�cy; �ElOSH - Netian�i �r�stiti�k$ f�r Occu�attonat �afety and F�cafth; N.3TSR � �lew J�rsey Tracie 5e�r�:t Re�lstry, �fTi' - N�tiona� Taxfcaiogy T'rogratn; NZ � f�ew Z�afancl; ��HA � Occupaflonal �afeiy and �[ealtf� Adrr►Inis(rafEon, f'�I - F'h�l9p��nes; #�CRA - Resource Cottservat€an and �ecovsry Act; R3� � �u�ap�� Rail Trartspart, Ri`E�C� � Re�[s��'y vf �ox[c �ffe�t9 of Chat'til��l �E�%siances�; SI�f�A � SUpe�'fuYrci AI7i�Yic�Y�'ltlF1l5 �i�4I i����1��1ot'IzatEan AG�� ST�f� x S�ort�errn �x}�asure l..imit; �'[1G -Trai�gporf�tior� ����n�eCOUs Goads; T'SGA � Tqxtc Subsfattce� Can{�roJ Act; 'iWA �'�irrk� Welghied Average; Ll��. - Upper, �xp�o��v� �-irnit; U� w lJnited St&tes � �: � , � . _ . l��ga 0 af �0 Issua IJate {iJld�-I�f�l F2evlslan �i.18t3q . - ������ �a�� �h��� � tl�a��riai �€�m�: C1��C�st��'� 7��t�5SC�,�� �`l��A't`�d tAlaa�3 s�3S i�: OA�2#�3z7 - �3th�r �rtforrnatio� - � ihe infc�t'tnaiion sa# forth t� fhfs 5afety i�at� Sheef does r�nt �t�rpar# fo be ali-i�tcluslve and shoul� 6e usad anly as a c�ulder U�/hJle fhe it�fo�'r��#�an ar�d �'eGarnrrt��tc��EiQ�I$ se� fa�� herein �t�o �eliev�:d �ca be a�cu►'��e, the �otnpar►Y r�akes rta uvarra�tyregaYcEing suc�► Info1'matlon ahr� ro�oinlr�otttlatfori� �ncE discl�t�i�rts al[ 1I�t�Iitt}r from relia�ce fhe�edt�. „f�T���" is � United Si�1es trademarlc o+,vnec� r�nd li�ansed under aufiior�iy oF #hs 13.s_ Gnvvrnm�n€, bY �nd thra�gh 11cce1rYs� Ir�c. Porfiot�� QCapyr'Ig�i 20�f A�, l�.S, �avernment 13,(1 rlghts t'asarved. _ Et�d af 5h�et 002�8327 � Pa�� '�U a�'�0 Issue i��Ea �91o�f1� R�vision �i,�ls00 � �������� ��a����������d�'�"�� ���� ������i �� �i��������� �1���� C��1T��3��� �N�4��M���t31� �' _ . - This wc�od �as�b��� �re�eEv�d b� press�re treatmen��-- w�fh a U. �. �nvtr��tnantal PrQ��ct�c�r� A.gartcy �.�F�A}- �'L�IS��i£,� r�i�l�l�i�'1i�1'4E?�� (��S�fCff,�4 pPt}C�Ll�# C[iil��ii'tiTt� a�ea�a�o. Creosate �r��suxsr��t�d wapr,l ���u�d�s �►ratecti�i� �g�tns� at�a�tc �y furr#��, f�sectsf an�i m�rfn� bv�'ers, �rav�at� rema�s 1�� th� press�ar�-treatar� +�a��1 for � to�g �ir�►�. �'r�1vn��d or repeated expo�ur� ia cr�- osote rr�aY �,r�ser�# a��air� ����itfs, Ti�t�refoi'e, �th� fio1� frawin� pre���tf�ans st��.uE� �� #ak�� br�fh wher� har�� cl11�� or�asc,�e-tr�ated +�ood ar�d �fefert�ning w��r� �Q usr� t�. . T!�#s ��ns�rm�r Infr�rr�a�on �l���t �� na� !'r�ean� f4 ��pl��a th� �iatertaf ���efy ���a �h��t {NISf�S} for �:r�� osofi� �re���C��tr��xtec! wond. '�h� MS�S mc�st be re�d a�d u�f�fersfdoc� �a�f�rc� handli�g cr�c�scate� �rc��s�tr�- �P���ed �tVor�� �.l�e �P�v ��'e��t�����'t� �s��' �P�o�ri���'i�'��#�c1 �il��t� �iiet7sQi8��i'C����3C:i WO�c3d �iJn'ifffaG����F�S t't7�.is�' C}itfyC be U��3d f�r �ass 4��plic�afic���s in�iuc��d !r� �f�� Ar�e�ican UU'aod �rafau�tiar� �tasa�faii�r� f��N1�A) �.��� a�#�gaiy�tartd�rd� a� ss# #r��'t�t ir� tt�e rr�o�� curr�nt�dit�nn i�f ��,e f�WPA �oa�t of Slanda�ds. �`or mo1's i�fc�rt�a�tora, Ga�t�c^� the fire�-t�r �n�l��' t�t� A�VPI�. Cre�sote �r��#e�3 w�r�s� i� �ar ex�terto�l�r��dop�' �is�.� onty, Gransote #r�a��d uvara�f si�ac�ld no� be u�ed wh�r� 3� �rvi{E b� ir� freq��r�t o���rolnn�et€ cant�ctv�rf� a{cln. bo n�t u�e cr�o��te-tr�a#�cf �vond f�r �arrowl�� or taro�dlr�g #acDtfies. [�a no� t��� ar�e��o#��tr��#�d �voc�� v�%vn �h� pressrva : f�ve ma�r becr��e a cantpa�tent af anima� f�ad� suci� a� s�ruc#u��s �isad fc�r stortng sl(ags fand for �aftl�. !7o nc�� use cN�osot�tr���ecl �road vs+her� �hs�a may be �i�ra�h �ontar�# +r�+1t�i c��m�sti� �nirnals o�• Iive�t�ck �ti�lch r��y �rtk� �bit�j �r fi�k -�h� w¢c�d, , I�a nr�t �rse Cr�osot�ytreated woad �or �u�tf�g l�oarc�s, ��untar#�rps, and cor�sFru�ifan tna�erlats �#o}' E���hiV�s. Ga�n�t us� �reasnt�-tre���d �oo� wf�ere it �'nay carn� in tff►'act ar indirsct �cot�#act �vitk� #3�1ial�c t��it�(tfr�� w��o�` �o� hurn�n ar�d dam�a����.anir�ls or [iu�st�ak, �xc��� �for u�os l�rro�vin� ln���t�n�a� cor�k�a� su�h as dt��lcs �nd brici���� ---- . _ . Aftt�o�tc��t c�enerapy r+at r�coitrman�t��, if �rnosa�e �rs�t� ed wootf Is �fl �e aaateri or�ealsc�, #h� wood rr,�as� b� o1�r�n a€��t dry k�efc�r� app(y�ng ih� co�tEn� m�teriai. i'f�� or,ly r��ommenc#�d c�aiing� �:r� � v�a#c��•"b��ec� pPgmented �rr�ul�[an ���t �taahc�l�ba��d shelfaa prad�ct�. �+�r��um�r f��n�tinr� ,Pr������r�n� fc��` �r��as�a��- 'i`x����ri'(�1'o�d ' �7is�a�e �f �r�flsnte #r�at�r� w��� by ordtn�ry �ra�� coi��ckian s�rviaes: Gt��osb�e��reatec� wond sha�rid-n�� �a �urner� 1r� �p�n fir�s c�r �n �tove�, flrepJ�c,�s, c�r rea�� da�tia� bc�fls�s. �reos�t� freatet� v�c��d m�zy ba b�rned a�1y tn aamrr��rai�i or i�te��st�ial ir�clr��raYors or �ailer,� #n accordana� wtth ���Fer�t� ��d ���e r�r�ul�it�ns. �vr��d fr�qu���t or proJon��� ir�Y��fafiti� oi s�w�f��i iram creo"sat��traatec� wooe�, Wi�c�r� savu�ng ar�d m��hi�in� {inofu�es, bt�t nca� t���tect �o dr�i�fnc� and adz cut�fn�) tk�� vwac�c€, vrrear ��iu�t rnask. WY�en�v�r �ossible th�se �1�ach��i�g �er�.#ions sf�ou��l b� ptlr�n�rr��r� ou�[fo�r$ ia �W(}FC� ��E[�UOP ��Gl,il'i�liF���ff3i1 O� �Ii�lOY�18 S�Y;/C�L�5$ fY'Ut77 ��� c�sc��o�a�tre�tad �rvod, �1U�re� �aw�rr�awi�g an�t r�ac�tr�ir�g,. urs�r �t�g�Ies �c� �r�a���t �yes #rom flyi�,� C��r'�ic�es. • AvoEd frequanf ��` �r'afon�ed sltin with creos�t� ir�at�el r�v�d. �hen h�ndiJng �he tr��te�' vrc���i� wear fong� s�a�ver} shirts and Ic�ng pa�fis and us� r��aves rated as Gh�mi��� resl�ta�t by ths manuiact�rrer. A�t�r warlc(nc,�- �u(�h �r�c�sate-��reated waadY ancf befar� aat�ng{ �rirrEctn� and uae oi �r�k��c�a p���l�rc��, vtash oxp����E �t'eas ��€a�o��hiy. I� o[ty p�ese�a#ive or ��wdu�� �coum�rlat�s on olo�h�s, ��und�r 1a�for� rause, �f�si� wr�rk o�oth�s s�para��fy • from othe"r hausr�hr�lc! clat�ing. � Thfs �onsumsr infarmai�on SMe�t is Gefn� dts#rlbuiect v�riit� �reosotv pressur�-fr��tec� woo� a,s pari af the u�raoc� tteatfng tn4lus�ry's �niuritary ccsnsu�ner awarenoss pr�gr�m, �uhE�Fr �PA �pprovad in ����. ��ce tha� ilm�� �t'A �tas �ornpleied � e�m�ar9h�nsi�� r�rer��sYPat�ort revls�v 4fi araa8ata, �rr�osot� re�lsi�'anis hav� vnJunf�tr3iy efimi��atod �!f no�-prassure treat ment ��es r�� ��Qpsota, �nd c�rtain Arnar)ca� W�aad ' P`Ptitectic�r� �lssoc�atfe� stttt��iards hav� d3��ngec� (Fo� ex�t'�� ple, fi�e elfrnlnaiio�i a€ credsais�tr�a�ad �r��d blank �tqoringJ- `{+� Tfifs r��t���e� Gnnsu��r Infdr��tlnn Shee� r�f(�ats �3�r�se .: deveJop�er� ie, K Cl,�-4pi Rtl� 0��'1 � i � ����i �i��� � �����-a�� ���r�"r����� �� t�� ��r���ru����r� ��r��r��� F��rr���r��. ��� ,�1����hrr���� � �t�r Sc�c�ary � Cox��tr���i�n �! �zo�cc� lV9a�g��r 1� ��1�:� �� f�����.�. �������� ������� STANDARD DETAILS o �4 �-120 D621 Street I�uminaire-P�le and Fixture Details � 34 4120 D622 Street Luminaire-Founclation 17etaiis � 34 4�. 20 D623 Stree� Luminaire-Connection Detai[ • 344120 D524 Sfreet Luminaire Conduit ancf Graund Box Details � 34 4�. 20 D625 Streef Luminaire Pedestal Details � 34 41 �0 D6�3 Street Name Details • 344130 DbXXSign Post Detail � 34 711� D66d Traffic Control Typical lnsta�Iation • 34 71 13 D651 Traffic Cantrof Typicaf Signs and Barr�cade5 0 34 4120 �57z Schooi Zpne Flasher and Sign Detail I lu � �o m� b � N �I �i � � � � �� - - ��� s- � �� � �x�� �� � r����i���� �F� 6�b$ � � �� '�t'sp� �<'lnf�j m �����ry��������� WJ�n�s cm��M��w�mr - 6 � av .3 d a�a =�, ��� �W _ m �e a� A =� ��, o � � � � �41i x � � � �� a� �� �� ..m � , g� a� ,�� z afl � o� �z O � N� � "_. 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Secfi�a� St�clr.�cles: 6 1. ltoadway i�Xuzninatian assernbli�s 7 2, Roadt�ay �ll�unination fo�ir�d�tiox�s 8 3. Re�zava.l of xoadway zllt�.�i�ation assemb�ies g �. Ite�oeation af z�aa�.�+ay i�i�ninat�o.a asse�nb�e� 10 1I �z 13 1� 1� �G 17 18 �3. Dgvzatio�s %-om ��xs G`ity c��'�`o�t V�ort1�. Sia�.darc� Spec�'icatian 1. Noi2e. C. R.elsted ��ea�:�Zc�i.on Soc�ions inah�de, b�t A�� �.oti necessa�ity limit�ci �o: I. Divisio�. Q-� Bic�ding.�tec�uireut.er�%, Can-�•aci T{Q��ms at�d Conc�i�ions of �e Contraa� 2. Di�isio�� � �- Ge�m•al Aegui�efner�is 3, S�cf�.nn 03 3U UO �--- Cas# �in P�ace Crx�crete 4. �ec�ion 33 OS I D---T�'f�L�ty `�ie�.ch Excavatzv�, �z�bedme�� and BackfzlL 5. �ect�o� 3� 05 �� -�Lr�ca�on a��-?xisting UtiIi�zes �. Secfso� 34 41 10 �- `�'x•a�c Si,g��� 19 �.2 ��tiC� A_�'b �'��I4�1� �'.KL?C.`�D�UI�� 20 2T 22 73 24 25 26 2`� 28 �9 3� 3� 32 33 3� 35 36 37 38 39 40 A. 1l�eas�rex�ex�� a.�kcl �ayznent 1. l�oadway Zllttx�xz�at�or� A�se�nbl�ss a. iYIeasuze�.�nt ' �} Measiurerz�e�:t �Fa�' t�is Itein �ha3� �ae pex eaa� �oad�ay I�1;r�zn, ai�a� Asseml�I�' xz�s�a3lec�. � - b. Paymenfi X) Tl�� �vor�e �ei�'ormed �.rf.d z�tat�Yials furnishe� �n aocc}xd�.ce �zYh �tis Zte�. shali be �axd �vx a� i�s -c�n�t price birl per eaoh "S�dvvy Z�lutn� .A.ss�bIy" i�s#al�ed �o�: �) Variot3s ty�es c. The p�-ice �bi.d shall it�tolt�rl�: �) �'uinis�.inglZ.oac�way�li�zx�irt�atinuAssex�b��r, ifrequued � 2) .�,.ssex�bl:tt�g �nd installir��; e:ach Ro a�way Il�.�xmixzatxazz A�sernbly 3} Poles 4] .Arms 5} .Aneho�.° bfl�ts C) �`i��res '� In�e�na1 elect��ical con�r�ucfinrs 8) Cax�s�ec�.ax� ttn�i m�o�.�nfi.r�g ha��dvyare 9) �asas 1 �� Y.amps c�� o� �oxr wortx.�z s�ratan�zzn cozss��vcrtor� sr�cr��cn.�rror� nocun�a�s iLevlsed l7ecember20,?,012 3h�124-2 ROt�iiJWAY ILL.IIMINA.'�'I�NASSBMQ�.IES page 2 0�12 1 2 3 � S 6 9 10 1� �2 �3 �4 �S 16 J.7 18 �9 20 21 22 23 24 zs 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 �4 �� 3S 37 38 39 40 �� �2 �#3 � 4� e�6 +�7 A�� �� 1I)1'r��at�g suf�mii�a�s Z�} Ex�lars.fo;�y �cava.tion (as �.seded} X3) Caarrlina�ion ancT noi.i�oa�io� f�) Assenab�� and trax�spo�-�a.-�an of all i.fems �5) Exca�vatinn�, hau�in.g, d�spasa� of excess maferial �.G)1'�:�-iect�on afthe exeaFa�.an 17} Cleaz� up � S} '�'est.�.g 2. C7z�a�e�rialZlh�zbina�o�Assemi�Iies • a. Measua'e7�az�t 1) Meast�remen� �ox i:h.is Xtez� sha.�l be �ex e�.ch Ort�a�n.e�:�a� .E1.ss��bXq xz�s��]led. �. pa�ment . i) T�s -�vo�1c perfozxx�.ed a�d �naferiais fiun�sl-�ed � accoz•ciance �vii� -i�i� Iiem s1�aLl I�e paid fo�• at th� i�ti.t �nice �ic� �er c�eh "C)�na�nrxe�ni�al Assm�ly" irlisiall�d fo�: a} ir���zaus types c. T�e �rice bzd �all ir�clt�de: �) Frx�nis�ing �rnstb.e�.ta� �I�uzn.ita�t�o�. A.sser�blyr zf reqtx�red ' 2) Ass��nbli�.g a�nc� irtstaTl-ir� eacJ'u 0���.m�taT. t��e�r�hly 3) 1°olos . 4) .As mm� Sj 1�ic�xaz� bal� 6} Fz�xes 7) Inte�nai �Iectrx�al cazzd�tc�ors 8j Cfl��x�ctio� and �no�t�ni�ig �a.edwarc3 9) BasBs 10) Lamps . 1 �) �'xep�.:��zg submii�a7s 12) E�.pl.o�atary� ex�avatian (as needed) 13� Cv4�drna�io�. a�d�oiifica�ie�� 14) Assembly a.�d �t�a�a�az•ta�ion o� a�7 items 15} Exca�t+ation, hau�i�g, c�is�osa.i o�e�aess rnate��at 16)1'rai;ectipn. oit.�ie c�xcavaiian �7} ��aat��up I S) `�'�st�zzg Lig��zng FixLuzes a. '4SThe�iapayiiem..�ax�ll��a�i.anAsserublyaxisis: � } �easu�exu.ent a) T�s Iie�n is oos�sxdez�d subsi.draty fo Iilu�ni�ation �,.ssex�.b�y �tzstallaEinn. 2} �'ay�.�nt aj �'he v�rorTc �rez�nr�sd a�d �a�exa��s fiarnishec� zn accorciance wi� �hzs Ziem aze sl�bsidia�.� ta th.e �unrt �rice bid �e�- each `�tdwy �l.um Assmhly" p� "(Jrt�amen�a� Ass�bly" bzc�, a��d x�o of��r com�erisatio�: will k�� a�J.o�uecl. T�. W�ze� a�a�y i�:ern faz` �ilunainaiion Asss�b�y does �ot e�isi:: 1) �aas�.�t��:m.�s�� a} 1l�eas�-c�ent fnr �s Iiexn shall be jpex eacJ� Lighii�g �z�G���e ��.s#aIled. cz�� o� roxrwor�rF� s��� cor�s•r�u�z�roxs�cr��r��rnrr�ocvn�x�s 7tevi8ed December 20, z4I2 34 a�i 2a �3 �i�fiDWt1.Y �[.LTINII[+7ATfO�N,ASSEMBT iES Yaga3 oiF12 X 2) �'ayineni � �} The �voric p�ifo�x�.�t� a�.d x�gter�als �uz�zis�Etf it� acoo��a.�ce vvx� t1�s 3 �te�►. �ha�11�a �aic� fax a� th� u�zit ��xoe hit� �er each "Lighting �:i�ture" 4 ynst�Iled fot�: 5 �X) Slarious �.y��s � 6 (2} �Tario��s pavve�• 7 3) T�ie piice bid sh�� iz�a�ude: s aj ��i�•�us�.ing �.zgT�ting �'i�a, if��equ�-ed 9 b) .Asse�u�6�n,g �.z�tzn:� �'.i�t�n'e �p c} Wzriaz� ooiw�c�ians 11 d} Dispasal o�' ar�y �n�used ax� x�ep�ace�. m.aterza�s �2 �) Cleati u�a 13 1� x5 16 �7 �8 �� 20 21 22 23 2�€ 25 26 27 ?8 �9 3U �z 32 33 34 �5 3G 37 3S 39 �a �-i �42 43 �� �S 4C �7 �8 � 5, 6, , �4.oadv��y XIluminatio�x Fo�ndat�ans a. M�a surezaaent 1) 11�Ieas�re�ezz� �'o� -ihia lfem s1�a�1 be per eaoh Raa�way xl�i���in�tion Fn�dation ix�stalled. �. �a�tea�� �) 'Z'��.e v�rozl� per�nrmed €�azc� nza�ez���,3s fuc�nisl�ed it� �ecord�n�e �t+ith #�azs �iern s�aXl T�e pa�i� �Faz' at tI�� uzxit ���i.ce bid �er eaGh "�d�vy ��I�un Foundat�'tox�" installeci fos': ts) �la:rious types c. '�'I�e ��ce �id shail i�.cXude: �.) Installing oach Ilaar�way X1.I�n�na�aii Faunda�oaz 2} Itsinfoz�ci�ig steel � 3) L��ploxato�ry e�zoava�i�n (as rl.eeded) 4) Gxnun�ingrods 5) �on�•din.a�inn ar�d �a�s�caison � E�ca�tioi�, haulin�, dispc��al of oxcess z�at�iial '�� �i•o�eet�nn o�i%e excavat�on 8} Clean �� 9) Test�g �an�aci E�ciosuA� a. ��asttram.eni � 2) Meas�i�arne�.t �'ox� tk�is Starn shaZ� 1�e ��r eae1� Cn�#�ot F.,�c�osux•e i�.s�alied. b. Pay�azen� 1) `�'�e �o:rJ� �ez�ox.tx�ec� and �ateri�s �r�is�ed in� a�cox�axzce witb. t,�is Xte�rxi sh.a� be �azd �or at -rha tuzit price b�d p��• eaah "Co�act FncIo�u��e" i�stal�ed �'or: a� Vaziaus �nauu��g methods c. 'i'h� �rziae �id shat� in�c�uc�e: 1j ��.�i�ishin.g an.d �staYling Canta.ct Enclasuz'e �) Mau1�.�g,materials 3) Cl��n-i�p R�rx�s�ing an.d 7x�stailit�g '�i7'Qod L�ght �'oxe • a. M� ��sure�zae�.t � !) N�easurs�ez�� �roz this I�e�aa. s�:a1�L �� �er eac�� �0' Waoc� X.z�h� Pole �ur�ishec� and insta[Tec�. b, Fa�x.���f CITY OI� �'O�� WC312TH STANDt�]LD CQNS�`RCJ�C'I'IQ� SP��T��C,4CIONAOGUIYF�NTS Revised Aeacrt�ber2�, 2Qd2 344120 -�f� �,ZOP.1�'t�VA,i� ITi,I,iJMI!`1�1#�ZC7L� ASSBMHLIRS �'xge d of Ix � 2 � � b � 8 9 Yo 11 �2 �3 1� I3 16 �.7 J. S �9 20 21. 22 23 2� 25 26 27 28. 29 3� 3� 32 33 3�- :� 5 36 37 38 39 4b �) The �ro1�z ����i'oi�aed and ma�ez.�Rls fi��isY�ed � accaxdance 't�zPh 13�i� Ite:m shaX� be �aid foY• afi �e u�ii �p�io� I�id p�r eac�z `�uz'�zslalXnstali 4Q' 't�4rooc� �ag�Z[ Po�e". C. T.�"Ad �7�7.G� I7�,(� S�'1� II1G�l1C��: �.� �XGa.VSf10YJ. 2) �`ux�ishi�� �ud i�sial�ing eaci�. A�0' �ood �.Xg�hi �'o�e 3) F►x��shing, P��oe�n,e�i: ar�d co�z�aciion o�1��cTc��i. A�) C�.e�.-t3� 7. k'urn�zng and �s#a1lis�g Wood Lzgk�t P�I� Atm _ a. N�easu.raz�.ent I) �easr�rezxAex�t �'ax t�.is �tam sha�! be �e�- e�ch 8' i�oacl Lzg�.t ]�o�� .t�a finnished a�ad xnst�.�ler�. �. 1'a3+m�nt �) '�I�e �oi� �e�fort�xec� arid m��eria�s ���ec� i� accordaY�ee wk� tlz�is IisXn. sha�I be pazd fcsr at t�e unit �tze� �ic� per eac� "F�zx��shl��sta11 &' �oad Lxght �'o1e Arm", • c. The �r��oe bid sb.a�l �nclude: 1} Fi�rnis�iing an�d ix��taT�fng eaeh 8' VSroac� �,igb.t k'ole �ttn 2} Cl.ea� up 8, Aluz�a;i�um EXec�txoai �o�du�tors FL, ME�SUxezxl.e�� 1) lVleasux�ezne�xt �art�is �fe�n sha.Il be par Iiz��ar f'ooC o:f Al�.ur�innm �lac�r.ica� Ca�.ducio� i�stalIec�. b. Payms�t 1) Ttxe vvo;r�t �e�fiarmer�- aud m�aterial� fin�ished in accordanoe v�i�. t�s ���a �nd �ze�usec� as pro�'ic�ed �c�e� "Meas�uz�merai" -�iII be �a.id fo�� at the unzi ��ice l�id �az' Iinoa�' foot p� "A��.iTl ��.EC CD72C�liG$Of'� 11�3{'A���C� �C�': a} Varions Sizes c. �'he �arica bid shaX� ��zc�uda: , Z} �tiu�asl�iIIg aad z��stalli�:g.A�€��mir�-um:E�eaiaica� Gor�duc�ox �) Testt�nng 9. Con,c��ota�r �t.eco�nec�iox�. `d. AY-lfiaa5'��xPi�Qi�.4 a I) ]V.�easurex�zant �or �s Xtc� s�ali �e pai eac�. cand�.oi�r reconr�ec�ecl, b. Pay�nan� 1} T�x� �ork pex�ox�ad a-nd ac�afef�.als fitz:rAzsJ�ed �z� accorc��ae wi.th this 7E�m shall �� paid �or ai the t��it pzice brd p�• eac� `�ecc�z��eci Con.r�uctax", c. The price bid shalY include: I) Reco��f�on of caz�d�i�tors usi�ig City' approrred m�ethfld 2} T�s#�g of covxa.ection 41 �Q, S�z'e� �ig�t� �ole Re�naval �nd ��v�g� ,�2 a. Meas�t�e�nen� �3 �.) �easurement �a�• tliis Iiein s�alx be �aer e�.ch Street Li�b.t z•�m�ved ax�.d ��. s�lvaged. 45 b. �'a.ymen� �.�, �) '�a� wo�'lz pe�%axx�ed axzd �naterials fii�'x�zshed i� �zccard�n.oe � i,�s 7t�� q.ry s�aaX1 �ae paicl faz at t�e unit �z'�ce bid per eac�. "Salvag� Si;ceet Light pole" �8 �er�%��x�aec�. 49 c, The pric� bic� sl�a�l �nc�ude; ci� a� .�a�r wa�T�' 5��� car�sTR�r�xzo�a sr�c�xc�.xrp� �ocu��axs Ravised]lecentber2U, 2012 344120�5 ROADFs�AY�L.r,�MINA7.'IQI3 ASSBIVIBLT� Pagc 5 of 12 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 �.2 J,3 I�E �5 16 �.7 18 I9 2p 21 ��a �� 24 25 2fi z�r 2$ �� 30 3X 32 3� 3�- 35 36 37 3S 39 ao �� �2 A�3 1) R���.p�va1 �nd sa�v�g� o� 5treet �,igi�i �'a�e 2} 11��.i��tav� e�sting s�xeet �igk�t cftcu�tt ztxaluc�ing netiv ground box ar�d z•acoz���a�az� o�c�•cuits (at'�req�rre� �bY ��S') 3) Re�a�al o�'e��siiz�g sixeei Iigh�po�e �o�rnda-�ax� 2' below g��ada, backfil� vvi�lz �zice s�•rounc�x�.g�ate�r.�a� �) Doixvery a� saiv��ed �n.atex�ais fo appx����ate Iocat�on 5} Clean up J 1.. S�: aet L�g��� �'oIe Re�oc�.��on a. Iv�eas��remeiit 7} N�eas�u•�ment �ni• tla�s ���m s�a.1l be pex eac�. �it'�et Lig�i 1'aie r�tnv�ve�. an.d saX�vaged. b. Payz�n.ez�t 1} The �vo�Xc �a�;i'ozx�ec� and �natez•i�s �urni��ied x�. accox�dttnce wii:h. �.s I#em si�l. be �aic� fa�• at ib�e un:it �:rzGe bzd �ei• eaa�i "Relocate S�ieet �,i�ii� Pa�e" ��ei£ai�ad. o. Tht� piice bit� s.�iall i1�clude: 7} Rex3aova�an.d�alvageo�S�eetLig�itPo�e 2) D�X�vexy o�salvaga�i x►�a�:eria�s to a�p�•op;e�ate Ionatzo� 3} ��p�ace�a���,� of po�.e to �xev�r Iocation �) Fw�st�in.g, �l�.oezzxaz�t t�za.d cotx�paeixon flf �acic��i matet•iai S) Clea�n-i�� x.� ����rc�s .�. �Q�eq�:��.�� s�����a� 1. l�eferan.ee standaa-ds cited in -�is �peci�'teaiian ��eFer fia �he cur.re:�t x e£e�enee si�nda�d pu�Iished at the �r�a� o�'t�e �atesi: re�visian �ate loggec� at fhe end of #�ais ��eei�icat�an, �.7n�ess a da-Ee is s��ci�aaXl� ezfed, �, �������z ������� eoa� (.�c) 3. Te�as �tafe La�,r� A,xt�cIe 1�-26C 1.4 A���N��'�'1�1.T�V� �t�'CIA�II�N�'� A. CooxcTi�n�aiza� 1. �ofaiy G`ity ai {817) 3$��7738 a nr�t�.i�r��.un oF 7 days befox�e beginning �a�Iz o�� -the Projec�. 2. N'oti:Cy Inspectot' p�at� tn �oa�ing roar��ay �I�u��izxa�.on assembly �at�cittC�inns, �. Coo��dinate �ti�'Tr�££ic �eX'vices ru��aeetor for�o�a t�'�es, tezn�l�.-Go cl.uu�nsions and a��chQr �ai�s, �d any c�ues�it�ns a�aout installitlg i:�ie fo�.t�af�oz�s a.�d concfu�it. 4. �`o� �oaa�in� o� Cii�+ u��lex�xo� �d st�eet luzn.i�iai�e aab�e a�r� co�duit ca�i (8 ��) 392.. 7738 or{8�7} 392-51�0. 5. Obfai� and pa� �ar aIl pez�x�s as r�qui��ed to �iVor� �n pazku�a� : �. ��•eins�alla�i.ozz M�e�ings �, :A,tte�c�p�e-cons�t���c�zon xneefiing. :�.s Su.�zc��'�`�.x.� .!,__ �hop D��.vrings �z� b� requii-ed fat• ea��i �lXuzx�n.ation Assernbl� a�d s�.al� F�talucle: �.. Ma�e�iaZ JJata C�"X P�r ii+oRT i��itT� �T'A�?ARD CQNSTi€UCTi0I7SP�CTFI�A7'IONAOCTfM83VTS �teYised I?eaan�l�er24, 24I2 3�n�� ao-6 xa.�wA�r �.Lr��xzflr� Ass��L� Puge 6 af �2 x 2 3 � 5 & 7 8 9 la • Ii �2 �.fi 13 14 15 � 6 �.'i 2. �'oXe �xne.ns�.ons and data . 3. Lt��nin�,i�e Arm t�irri:e�sions anc! dafa 4, Attacktment det�.ils 5. �'i�i�re� d. Besa de#ai�s 7. �►c�.or �olt dat�. 8. �Ya� thzr��x�ass . . �. ��nissi%le loada�.g aud al�owable si��ess B, �'xaduc� Data sub�ii€'�ls s�ali be i� accnrd�►�� ��ib. �ec�ia�z QX 3� 00, �. .A�1 sub�x�i.itals sh.a1Z be �p�aro-ve�lby�e Eugin�er ox� �►e Ci.ty �x'iox'to dali�reiy andlar �abriaaizo� �'ox specials. ,c�.CTrQI� �U�;M�'�.'TA�,�/ZNFOIZ�.T�ClNAL ��U�i.�TTAr � A, �'�'[rduct Data �l�.eei:� X. S�ii��a� p�•nc��2et da�'a s�.ee#s :�oz• a•oad�vay ill.�a�inat�a�i assera�.blic�s to City for ap�rxa�'a��ar�c�rio a�dez�ing�za�exaa�s, C]E.O��O�J'�` �C�3Ii�TTALS i7 ,A, ����iy i]ocurnexi.tafi,on . 1 S T. �z'ovida �nan.uEaci�t���er wfu:�aniy in�nxxx�atio:t� �o �e Giiy. X9 Z,8 .IV]f�7N�.'��TA1V'CE 14�T�+ �A,Z, �t7BMITTA�,� �NO� U�Da 20 �.3 E�U�.L�� �SSiJ�i.A1�T�� �NOT �TSEl7� 21 X.�O �?����'i���.Y, �TCl1ZAG.�C, .A�i� �ck��.�G 22 .�,.. ��a�-age and HA.zzdlin.g Rec�i�rements 23 1. �az'fs shaL1 �a �rn�er�y �totectec� so �.a��� �a���e or ciai���zozatifl� vccti�z-s dx�ring �. z� p.�bin�iged t�.elay from il�e i.�i�ne Qf shi��nent u�%�� ir�a.11atzon. 25 � 2. L�x�os�d anc�.a�• balts shall �e ��otectec� un�til �ole s��.#� �s x�zs�aIled. 2d 3. ��ev�nt�ias�c and s�ni_i� br'rtfile ite�ns ��azx� be�g exposed ta di�•eet,sux�tig�:t and 2� ���m.es in ie.t�apaxa.tura. � 28 4. '�a Co�.i�ractnr sha.ii sea�•e �ndmai�.iain a�oca�icsn �a s�ot•� �'ie.u7a�ieriak �a. �9 accordatzce �vifI�. �ecEion 01 5(� 40. _ 3 R B. I?eli.very aud Acceptance 3� L. Contactp� and �is�ectar sh��l �suallyi�syoct:toadway iIlttxn�a�io�i assexx�b�%es 32 after;reznova� �a ��tex�ine ii�e coxad��ion o�the hardvv�r�. 33 2. GDII.�II'aCfiOT SI]�.� �3Sd2(3C� �� S7IY<RE3�8 �i A�.�BTI� CI7I�1'{tg �C�$5�]D1'� �O C�L� S�T�C1i1BL� 3� StO�fl�B �l�.C�l�. 35 3. T7el��e��ec1 �a.a.���ia1 z�uu�� T�e itx t�a sa�ze candi��.o�. a,�ex z•emovaI, as agreed upo�z �� 36 Ca��'actox a� �uspec�or a�er 7emavai. c�r�r o��ou� �voi��r�z sr�n� car�sr�x�e�or� sp�c�zcg.�zaN�oa�Ts i2evised becember 20, 2pZ2 s4a�z ao-7 �oAutiv�.�r�z,�.u�,�mr�.x�orr�ss��$� 7� �nge 7 af 12 1 �...t�. T+��r,D �S�TEJ C�N��Q�S [N�'�' �T��D] 2 �. x2 �A�tRA�T� 3 �.. Manr�'acturer �ax�anty 4 1. M��u�actatex°s'c�vax��stxty s�11 be in accoz•darxcc vvithT7.�visio� �. s �.A�'�' 2 - PRt�3liICTS b 2>� .�.'ItwDb�'7CT� TO L� PU�C#��ASED �'.�OIV�'1� C�T� '7 A. Refe1 to I�i•awi�gs a:�d Coni�•a�� Aocua�ri;ents ia detea.min� ��uy I�ems ax� tcs be 8 pu�-c�as�d itc�� i�e �;iiy aizd lnsial�ed b� tiza Ca����ctox. B. Itenxs exz�ib�e �fo r pi��c��ase i't•ax� the City uzc.l�.d�' �o z� l2 13 �.. Roadvvay ���u�inatia� �o1es 2. Can#acibrs z.z ���m�L���, ���zv.���, �RO�I7CT'.�'�S?:i'.�5, .A1VD M�i.�RTA,L� A. N�anu�actuters X� 1. OnI�' i:hernan.ufacf�eis as Iistedix� �� C�iy's �ta�daird �'z'adi�cts Listtv€1� be �S consi.ds�ed as sk�o��. in �ectiau�. d1 GO Q0. I6 a. '�.e :ta�anufactux•er �n�t com�Iy wi�h this Speci�aaiion az�.d ��elatecl Seations. �� 2. Any �roduet �Iza� is r�o� lis�eci oti i:l�e �i�nc�ai�d �'xaduats �,ist Ys con.sidered a � 8 su�siitu�oz� and shaI�. b� subXnitked in accorda.nca �vit��. S�ctio� 0�. 2S Q0. x9 20 2l. 22 23 � 25 �� �7 28 29 so �1 32 �3 3� 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 $. Descxiptio� � 1, �tegulaiQ.ryRec�uieemeuts a. AiI �4'�'arlc xalaied ia the za�#��atiaz� o�'�'oac��ay i�Xt�xiiuzation �ssemblies ��a1� 1�� in cam�Iian�e t�vx� ihe Na�ia�nttl Eiecft.io Cade ([�Tk3�), 2. R.aa.dr�vay Il����ana.i:�az�.Asse��li�s - a. Poies, az�, �iglaf fi�iu�es and Zam�s s1ia1� conform ta Ciiy S Eanc�a�d Deiails, b. Qx.t�ax�enfa7 Ass��b�zes �) �a�x -�o U.raK�vi�tgs fr�r o���n�s�ia1 poIe s�ec��catYons. c. �,ig��i�.g �i��ures �.) Refer �o Dxa�t�t+ings I'ot• 1[ghfi�g f�ture speciiica�ons. d. For�idatia�s 1) Concre#e �au canf�mtu Seciion 03 .30 06. e. 'i747'aoc�.Lig�tPoles �) Wood �oles for �Xectzical �eYviae sh�11 T�e AN�� C�ass 5� ea�ed tiinber. �e} Fo�` n�l:her a�pl�oatzo�xs, �iass 2 tt'eater� tirr�bez• is allawed. . 2) .A.I� �'�ated �voad paXes s�a11 �ie fie� fi�om pitEi b.oles. > a) Tz•irc�x�ed sc�:s are allow�ble u�� ta a dep#�; o�2�xr�ches in pale.� up to 10 inc�es a�. diamet�i. 1�) Scars 7/5 0���� �o1e dia�nefsr at i�.e sca�' �oca�i.ox� �ra11 be a1J.owable fa�' wont� pol.e� �axgBz- il��r� IQ-iuc�es, 3) �aod pol�s s�al� �ot d�v�ate �i�am siraight xr�c�a��v ��a�a �. inc�x ir� �t� �eeti o�' len�ii�. a) O�I� a si�.g�a sr�veep sha116e �a��itfed. �z�� or �or�� wox�r� S'CA€�ID,AitI] CO�TSTx�(,1CTIOIQ SP�CTT'ICtl£YOI� 170CiJ1�fiT1'S 12ev�sed Decer�ba�'20, 2D12 344120�8 x�o�vr�.�r �r.�,�ra rxa�,�s��z�s ���� s af t� 2 � 5 6 7 $ 9 1� 11 4} s� }�} �I. �.-aig}�t 1m�: adj��ng-�Zs zrz�d�aitrt afthe pale at��ie �ui�:-�ri�%�e �nid�o�x�t o�tha poJ� at il�e to� ��iall �.a� �.t a.�y interm.ed'zaee �ass ��rai�gh ��e ��t�nal surfaoe o��� po�e, �) Only a szta.gle tvv�si o£ sj�iz'al ��aix� ^�ill b� pe��a��ted. B�tt ��vering due ta £sl�ing sk�a�X be pe�rxitztted if tlze dzstance �,r�m ilxe ouis:ic�c c:�o���x•e�ca is z�oi less�ar�. %a. i�c� �n.d ih� he�� is 7iot �z�oa'e fhart � �'aat. T�tuber s�a�� be �rea�eci �'o�� �x'ES�YV1�L012 73�. 3CGO�fI�1'�C� yi�1��1. A�A. ��- p��s�ir� ise�:�ten� m��ods. a) Tlae� poles sha�l. �ave t1�a an,i��x�nuxn� z�et x�f.$ni�an of �:rese€vat�ve -�i•s�tanezxi s�owz� iu �e fbl�owi�►g �Yabis: 72 �.3 1+� �5 16 1'7 18 19 2f? zz .22 23 2� 25 26 27 z� �9 3Q 31 �2 33 �� � �1'�i�n3rnunr� Re��uf�o�. �`X'eatme�t nnzad� ex� euk�sc fac�t) Craosote 9.� Yentachla;ra henal ti.�5 ,�CAICCA 0.� d} �'n1e MailctEa.gs `�} l��f� ma�lsi�gs s�.�.l�. �b� � acco��anae �+itl� �e �n1�o�ui�g �ah1e: �} '�'ha batiom �rand s1�al[ �e pl�zced squat'e�y on the iaee o� �aah pole �0 �eat �eam '�I�.e ��EtE. S} A tK'eatixie�n.t oe�ifcn4�a� �x+ill �a rec�ui�'ed �1�: eacla ��rxa.�� of t�eatetl iimber pales includzng: a) �ffineo�'i��ai�enYcam:pa�►y b} LocaEian o£-irea�t�nn:en�: �1a�� a} A��S1i.cab7e p:roduo� stanr�a:��d (.l1.V�PA. C4� d) C��argc n.umbe�• e) Date a�tre��.-tg�nt � G�z�tents of c�iarges (poles) g) Pres�:r[�ativa i.iea.trn.ent h} �rleasux�e� pz�ex�va�iva rol:enii�o� va�uE� £ Vi�c�od Lig�ht Pa��: Art�s 1) R.or�r -to City �tan.dard Data.ii D��a�t+�ngs fax• Ii�bfi �als ar:a� speo��caizozzs. g. Alumix�uz� Ll.ecfr;tcaX Cond�ators i} Re�e� to Axawiz�gs �icn• eo�.c�uefor s�zes �) Use sf�an�tec� �nst�l�.tec� cond�.zcto;rs �hat ate xatadfox 60D va�ts 3) App�oved £oz--tn+�i Xacatiioi�s �-} M�ked itr� acc�x c�auce �rx� U,L, NLC, and CSA xequirem�nts S�aadwa� ���vr�i�:�tic3r�. paYe £ounc�atzons a. �aunc���€orts sh�� be Class C(3000 PSI) cancr�te. C�Y C7� FQiZT Wi7RTi3 3TAt�1'DARD CONST'ZtiTCPdOPI SP%C?FICATiO1�TI30GL7�1�7'S 3i�vised 17ecemher2R, 20Y2 344�120 -9 �oADl�ih..Y JJ�.UMIi�%1'�'iOl�TASs�B�,l�'sS Ya�,a 9 of 12 � z) R���xta ���t�o� a3 3a oo. � b. Fouvd�tion shall bp 2�# ox� 30 ii�chas in d�nme�e� �an�ess sl�o�t+n ��&x�zse iu t�e 3 bi�a�vz��s. � 2.s ,�.Cc�s�oa�z�� ����� �s��� 5 2.�1 �(3�2.C� ��CJ�§.LxT� C�lY�'RO�, G .�.. T�sts arid7�.s�eat�cs�.s '� 1. No��y' the '�'�'a�"to �e:rvices D�.'�isinn �spe�to;r 24 hours in� advance (be�veer� 8:�16 g azx� �nc� 5:0� �m) oFa.11. concr�-to pa��ts at (817j 392 7738. 9 �.. 7r�s���cto�� �.tus� ba p�ertanf �vv�e�x c�x�cz'eto is �7aced on t�o �'i•o���t �z�e. 10 ' k.��` 3 � �XEG`Ufi���T 11 3.�. ���.I�TA.T�t.?� 12 14.. Ve:ri�catic3n of �anditioY�.s �3 1. Co�ia•aatoz' �ha�� vei�ify by e��oratory e�aava�zozz, x�needed, ��at egisti�g �4 �nderg�-oEir�d �iliiies �re not iti co�xflict wit� �ro�aseci �nuttda�o�s. Z5 a. A!i sxplorafozy �x.c$vation shalt corcfomz�o �e�an 33 OS 3U. � 6 2. Confractox s�ai� contaet the folio�ving enti#xes a� �east �8 hou�s in ad�a�tcs a�' � � e�ca�atio�: 18 a. �7ZG T�S� �9 b. Ciiy o�Fort �ox't� Wa�e�• De�artment . Z� e. City o�'Fc�z`i �Vaz•� '�'1�'W D��a�e�t 2�. 3. N� additiox�a�.�ayme�at�iil ba �.ade for z•eTocation o��� �`onnc�at�oz�s ac candui� � du� to Iacatia�. of e�isting u�i�Ztaes. ' � �, T�Le Engin�e�� �ay s1�i� an assem6ly's �oaaiiQn, I�]7.�C�SS��� �O �.'iIOZC� COSZ�xC� �� � Ll�[�]�.i�. 25 3.2 PRT�,PFIR.�TYO.�' 25 A_ �roteotioz� of Tn Plaoe �onditions 2? �, Cont�acta� shalt ba xes�onsi6le �os• fi11e follo�xng a� a�o additional cast tca �th.e G`ity: 28 a. �revan.t �nypxope�y datr�RgE to �roperty o-�rer's pa�es, �ances, shrubs, Z� �lai�boxes, ei:c, �.�' c�az��ged pxn�erGy tivzl� �e restored as dxxeated by 30 �z�gi�eer. 3 z b. Adjust a�acl re�aix• any �x�st�g Ia�:dsca�ing and �h.� s�ri.nl�ler systexns as dx��c�ed 32 by tk�ta �z��i�.ee� �io allo'� faa' fl7e ��acemc�f of al1 raad�ay i�lur�it�a�io� 33 �qui�ment. '�'his s��t �e c�o�e i� a rnan.xzex' ec�ual ta or be�er th�n t(�e at��as 3�. adjacex�tta �ae da�naged areas. 3S �. P:t•ovide access to aIf drive�va,ys �u�`in� co�si�uc�ion, �less authoz•��,ed �y �e 36 ins�ec#4�. 37 d. Proteat aIl �.�n.dezground �nd o�uerk�ea� ut�ti�ias and xe�ail atly damages. 3s 3.3 �I�'�',�l�C��.A�.T�fl�T 39 A. �gt�nt�ai�.o�s C1TY OF �'alti' 1rY0R�`�i S'i'Ai7DAi2D CUAT3�ftT1��.IO2� SPEC�IC.Pi2YO�+iDOC€i�NTS ltevise� T)ec8ml�er �Q> 2012 • 34�I2Q-10 RpAb�4V,4Y TLLT.Il1��i.4.TIdI�I ASSLM�3�I�5 Page 10 0�12 � 1. 2 3 �. 2. 5 �. � 4. 7 �7i�n�ensi.o�s s.hawzz on �ra�uvzz�gs �or �ocatio�.s of sixee� lighi �a�c�atians, cond.�it and o�i��t itez�ns Xx�ay be �az'iet� �o ;t�xeet Iaca1 cond;ifiloz�s; su_bj�at-ia appraval of ��,gineef•, Fa�.mdat�o�. piez�s s�all be drill�c� pXu�n�. '�`he �op ai'�ou�c�a�z��a s�xa�1 be ��au�ed le�rei. T.�.e �a� 3 inches o�t�� ez�o�ed �aier �r.ezgh�) abave �nis�ed g'ada sha�l �ave i-he sox�atcibe remavec�. 8 S. A�ichox bo�fis sha1l ��e�zd ahave the to� a£ Ehe �ou�dation ea�azete as shown an 9 .A��c�ior�altDetail. l0 ll �2, 13 14 i5 16 37 6, Azzoho� bo�ts, ground ��d, rei�cfo�-cizxg, ��d conduii shaii he i�t p�aae h�fox� �r�uri.�zg cox�c�ete in p;i��• �g�ndatians. 7. Pie�• �o�iir7at.i.ans s��1 hava 1 cont.i�.uo�ts conc��ta ynw�. 8. Faunc�atzons s�ai� 1�ava a a�azn�'e�•ed edg� (beve�etl) ai �e to�. 9. To�p o� fo�tn.da�io� sl�al� be 3 inches ahov�-t�a:e ��shed ��cie �z�less shovys� ttif�'erent on DAawi�gs, 10, �attzadaiians i� medi�ns s�ta� �6e �lt�oed in t�:e cent�• of t�►e �edian %u�ea� t�e 2 ctubs, 1g Ir. Fou�da�o�.s s�a�Z �zot�� �i�led vv'iCk��n 3 faot o�a �cx��.tar line orf'tre l��+d�'a�t. 19 1�. T�: xesxc�en�ial areas foun.c�atinbs sh�ll be �Iaced � filie s��ei �'xgi�t qf�ray (R,O.'S�.) �0 itz line wi� fl�.a pxo�seX'ty iiz�.n $�tween Ia�.s ar�d at tl�e brea�C a�i�e ra�laus �ouxL o�t�.e 21 s�teet cuz'�i �t stree� �ntersectio�s. - 22 �3. �aundaiior�s sk��1 �.o� }�e pZaced in sidewa�%s (a:e xaca�zo�: of �'u�.ure side�valI�s) ox �3 szde�all�rat�;�as. 24 �4, �o sfreet �g�.t pol�s s�all, be placed otz �auncla�ions ���dz �v 7 d�.ys Tallc��'i:�g �S pou��n� o�conc�eie. 26 2'1 �� 29 �a 3� �2 33 34 3S 3& �7 38 �9 �. �or�d�ay �llu.txzi�atio�x Assemblies �.. R.oadvv�.y IIl�nin��zo.� Assexqi�li� a. �CJise esCab3.ished a�.dusiry �znd �ty sa:�'ety pt�acizo�s whan inst�tli� poles loaated ��ear ave�aead o�� und�z�t'at�nd �.t�ili.ixes. Consu�f �,it�: the apprapx.���e tz�li.�y aompaa� �efare �egi�liliT�g u+or��, b. Pz�evez�t sca���ing c�r marriang of poi.es, �r►ast ai�, arsd �xtu�res, c. Stat�a, �ns�a1�, au.d a�.��n e�c�it ass�mblp as �.�v,��. on t�e plans. c�. Da �ot i�se sc�•�vs+win type foUz�c�{at�ans. e. �stiall. auohax` �olts a�d cna� a�:c�,or l�o.I�-t�vt`eads. £�ect struci�,rQs �i� fouudat�a� has aitaruecl iis dasign strextgth as req�ed in �ec�icm.03 �0 dD. g, Tight� anc�or �o�ts fc� �al�s �it�. s�xae bases. � �i. Do na� pX�.ce g�oui �et�vee� b�se �Ia�e ax�d foi�daty.o�. i. 'S'est instaLled xoatT�rra�+ �1.z�in�aizon assem.bly vs��tb. Cat�► ��spector �resez�i. qa 2. �"ond �.�ght �ole 4� a_ A.�l �zg7�tpnls iaasial�ations shQuld be coo�'dr'�atecf v�rt�h a1� a.p�xopr�afie uiiIi�y 42 co�npaz�ies �rinr ta Wox�Xc begin��ng. 43 b. J�xi�� Jzoles �vX` sett�g ��l.�s s�� 1�� a r�ini�xa��nt o� 1.5 c�iametar� of Lhe pole $,� buti:. � �� c. Po1es shalZ be set plramb, ugXess at�ai�vise ��eci��d on �e Dxavvzra�s. f:IiY Ol� 170RT WOXtT1� STANI3A1tD COT�TS�'1�fTCd'T�N Sk'�C7i�IGATION I,7oE,'C3MEt+1T5 1�evisedi7ecam�er2p, 20�� �44I 2D u I1 RQA�3'4VAY Ii.T.UMINAiI0N.4S3Eli�BLI�S Page 1i ofi i2 X 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 d, Unl�ss o�er�vzs� shawn i�� Dza�r.inga, paXes shou�d be set to -��.e x��ini�nu� depihs shown � t1a� �"ollavving �Eab].e: e. �Ac(cfii�� t��e �oXe aa•vund �ze po�o �orougl�Xy by tamp�rzg 6 z�ach �.ifts of bac���l mate�xal xrt��i1 a�eac�xix� �at��t a.t g ade. �} Once ��ade �s met, a��Iy a�ast 6-inc� Iift in a eo�e sh�.�ae arouz�� �e p�le �o al.iovv �a�� set-���ng. 2) l3ae�ill in �ccarc�at�ce �io Sactza:n 33 05 �Q. �', �epai�' �.d claa�rt�t�� su�xounc���g az�ea to a coz�rl�fao,� tha# is e�ual to or t�et�ex� i:�an ifs condi�on �iiar ta i�stal�$t�on. 10 3.4 R�PA11ZI1��TO�tA'x'ZOI�i �1�OT �l'��b] 11 3.5 �LE}�.A.�']:[)N.AI�� �iE�OVAL 12 13 1�- �5 X6 17 .IS 1R 20 21 22 23 2� 25 . 26 27 28 29 30 �1 32 33 3� A.. R.a�oaa�zv� I. �ascoxu�ecf and rem�vo ca�dL�cto�'s f�'o� aba�.do�.et� ci1�xl�t�. 2. Re�.ove abandor�ed ci�'cu�t o�� duats in a�o�nt � axze�aes �e�n�v �Zna1 gi.ae�e. 3. Rc:con-ae�� conduii, duc-E�, conduo�oxs to �be a�e�tsed. 4, �.eplace d�aged aondu�E, dcicts, a�.d o4�duaiors, 5. �10 �.oi use scxeut it� type �ati��at�a�zs. G. rns�ll exis�i�g st��uc�:cs an ��� �ot�c��fians. 7, Ao not �Iace gt�out i�e�ae� base plaf�e and �o�u.dafi�on. 8. �xtrnis� �nd ins�a7� zi�v�r in�ernal co�ducfozs, �usec� a��.d u��fia�gd cozuiec�ox�, and £'�f.ur�s. 9. '�`gst �ZsiaTled roadr�ay illurninatian asse�t�Iy vr�i.i� City inspecfar �rrosent 1�. A.caept owx�e�•ship af �sal�v�.g;ea�la xx�.at���a.�s and di�spase of �u acco�dar�n� �i#lz �ec�erat, �a.#a, and �ocal ��tIatiozls. 73. �e�ova� �. l���a�'e raadway ill�czrninatian assembly oom�anenis in. acca�idance wzt:�. es#ab�ish�d industt� nn.d utiliiy s��iy prae�.ces. 2. �e�av� ia-ar�sfox�.a�� bases :Fxon:� �x•�ns�or,��� base poles. 3. R�no�e Iami��a�rres a�d �nas� ax�ns �a.'abr,. t�e �oTe s�ha�.i. A�. �"fiockpile po�� shaf�s, rnasi ai�s, �.ncl asse�b�y ��t��wa� af' a�aca�iox� desx��ed b�+ ilie City. 5. Pnle sS��s, zn�ast az'z�s, an.d ass�.u�b��r hardwaY e wiXl remaa�x C�ty �rd�e�iy i�il�s� c���rwis� s�io-vvn ou fi1�.e �Ians or d��ectec�. - 6. ?aiscax�.eot aud ic;�nav� onnduatoxs �f-�-om abanda�erl ai�c�xi.f�, c���x o� ro�� w��rx si�n�n co�s�xuc•rrorr,sP�c��c.��r�or� �ac�jn�v�'s kevised .1Je,ccnibsr 20,2012 0 34 �i 2{i � i2 R�ATIiu'AY ILLUMII�lAT10N A5sIIv1AJ n�4 1�age X2 af I2 I 7. It��o�e a��da�tecl conciuit and ducts -% a�oint 6�ches b�Inx�.�nal g►�t��. ? 8. Das�:ay �sfing-�•ar�sfoz�.ez bases to prev��zt ��euse. • 3 9, Rexnove ab�cin�ecl co�oz��te �`ot�z�daiio�is fo a poittt 2 i�. bela� fi�al geac�e. 4 � D. .I�acls�i.11 -ib.e �xo1e wi�t�: zzza�ax'ia1 tka.� %s equal ir�. coa�posiY�on �nd c�ez�szty fo f�.e 5 slu�our�.c�g axea. 6 I 1. �Zep�ace sux�ao�z�g xn�atez�iaY wit1� s�xxila3• materiaZ -tc� an er�z�iva,Ient cancia�inn�. 7 12. Acce�� o�srnefs�x� a�u�salv�gaable z�zatea•[ats an�i dispose o�in a.ccordauce �rltl� - 8 fede�a[, sfiate, arnc� 1oaa1 xaguIations, y �.� l�l�Li� �ox] �IT� (��l'.AL][�'� CO�V�C?�'.� j�TR� US�DJ io 3.7 ����V[S'7CA1zTTT�'�QT�USEU� . �� �.a Av�rs�r� X�a� ���n� Z2 3.9 �r.�A1V�LN�G � 3 A.. Coz�tt'�ctoa.• shalt cf�an �tp nnd reznove aII loase ��afek'ia� �'esuli.�ng fi•om. eo�staacfian 14 opexatzoz�s. I5 3.�U ��Q����T A.�T�'S��. J'�� [:[�O'�' �TSI�'�] �� 3.�x Fz�o�e�C�e�o� ��rax' �r�] ��r �.x� �n�x�rr.�c.� CNo� ��a��� �.8 �.�3 �5,'X'�'.A,C��iT� �'OT CT��D� xs aa �� �r�m c�a� ���xo�r c�� or �a��r �va��x s�nrm�n co�tsT��rcz�a� srr�c�xc.�.�zoN boc�n�s �x�,��se� ������x�a, zo�z. 34 4120A1- � ,l�Ri�RIA�. T.�]] TtOAT7'4i�A.7C I.U1V1�`Ilf1R�S �age 1 a�2Z S�C�7O� 34 41 �0.0�. A�Z.'�'EItiAL LEU ROAD'�.A.� Z.�[)�.AZ�� P.A��' ]C � G�N;��A�C. Z.� �LT.�.�lV�A1�.Y A. �ectiox� Includas; �. Xtnadwa� il�ux�ina�iox� assernbli�s 2. Roa.d�ay iI�u�i�aa�sai� fo�datian� 3. Re�ava� of ro�dvsr�,y y1l�ninatio� asseznblies r�. �te�.oeatao�: ofxoad�ay i1lt�mfnat�o� assem:��ies I3. beviafi�ons it'ox�, thas City a�'�o� �'o�-it� Staz�dard Spaci�oa�nn 7. N�ane. C. �alated Sp�ci�'tcation Sect�o�s i�c(ur�e, 1�ut are �xai- z�ecessar�ly li�nited tn: �. D'zvzsion 0-- B�c�ding Req�r.����is, Co�zt�rac� Fozms a�.d Condi�ia�s o£t�o �o��°act 2. bivision 1--- Genexa� �.�qt�i�a�x���.ts 3, �action �3 3� fl0 -- Cast i�-�'Zac� Conereta 4. �sc�[� �3 0S X A�--� U�il:tiy Ti�ench E�cava�itan, �nbedment and Bao��t"�Il 5. �eotion 33 05 30 --Locai:�a�. o�E�is�ing U'iiD;€�i�s b. Seei�i.on 34 �I �€}--Tr�ffitc �i�za,�s �,2 PRiC� AND 1'A.�.YJEN�' P�l.CTG�b�CIRE� A. �ea��:rexn.�.�� and Pa�rment 1. Roadway �ltur�aina��n Assembli�s a. Mea�u�ei�e�.t 1) 7Measu:�e�xa.ent �aa• �s �fert� sh�IJ �be �aer �ach Road�va�+ Xl�u�inatia� 1�.ssa7nS�l,�r i�zstalied. �. �.'ayme�lt 1) T�a vvc�rl� perfoim�d and �aCet7'ta�s f-iu•nzsl�ed in accvzc�a�ce wx�. fh�s xteu� shal� �e ��xd fox �.� �e uni����.ce bid pex each "�t�tivy �Ium.Ass�nbly" i�stailed �or. a} �a�'io�.ts typ�s c. The ��ice bid s1�.a�� �ncXude; l.) Fir��isl�i�g; R.oad�ay Illuax�inatio�n..Asse�mbiy, i�x�qrzired 2} A.ssen��bXz�g and insfa�� each �toad��y 17Iu�za_r`_nr�.tian As��mbly 3� �'ales A-] A�ns � 5) A�te�.oz boxts b� T�'ixtut'es 7) In�;t�zal o��c�a�cal conducto��s S) Co�nectionandnaa�anti�i�ha�`d�v�€xe 9} Bases � 0) �amps ct�� o� �o�� woz��� sTArmAr� cor�srxucxzoNs��c�xc,�TtoNr�oc�t�a's Itavised J�rne 1S, 24�5 34 +�� 20.UI - 2 .AR7'B�A3, LL�i3 ItOAbWA'Y'LTI7+�[t�iA1IZL5 Page2. 0£�2 � 1} �'r�pax�z:�g su6�ra%i-�.ls 12) Ex�io��.toxy e�aavat�a� (as Aeaded) �3)'Cooxclziaaizr�x� azzd a�oii�"icatiazz �,A�) A.ssernhly and �€ra�s��r�at�a� o� a1X items �5) ��c��raixo��, ha��Iing, dispasa! of e�cess �ate�rial 16) I'�oiec�zon c�:�the e�c�.vatzax� X 7� C�ean-u� � $� '�'esii�g , 2. Or�a�ne�tai �Iltnnivation..�i.ssem67ies 3) Pn1�,s �.) �ms 5) Anchor borts 6j Faxtures '7) �te�.xt�.1 e�aot�icaloaa�ducto�s 8} Conxxeoi�oxa a�nc� buar�n��g 3��zd�vaxa 9) �ases 1Q} Lamps l. 7.) Pxep�i��t, subm.ittals 1�} �p1o�•a�ory e�aa�a�ior� (as needed} f3) Coozdxna�an a�.dnotz�caL-�an. � 4) Ass�ni�l� an�I ira�spvz-ha�o�. of a.� ifiems l� S) ��eava�ic�n, I�au�iz�, dispasal of c��cess xn:ate�,�a1 � 6) �'z�nteati.an of �e a�cavai�o� �7) �lea�� up . 18} Tesfiing Y,ig�fan� �i�.ilt'es a. �.en a�ay zfiem fa�.' Y(�ur��tian �1.sse�n.bl.y ex�sts: a� ��1'AQIXS "Lypes 'Z'�e ��7cn bicl shfl11 iucXl��e: 7.) Fuz�zis�g �f�axnenYs1111u��.i�x�t�a�i Asse�nbIy, a�rec��ziu�dd �) .A�ssembliug an.d �s�aXliz�.g eac�Z UX�a�nent�l.A.ss�x.�b�� a.. Iv�aasure�ne�a� �.) Mea�iuern.e�xf �or -i�is zl:axn. s�:a�I �e poz� �ach Or�nrf.��t�l AsseYnlaly insfa.itec�. b. Pay.t►�e�t 1) T�a vc+oilcpsrfoz�x�od �nd matetials �'urnisf�ad in acaard�ace vvz� f[�is X�em. sb�-11 be �aict froz' afi �la.e U�it p�ice bid pez• each "Ox'namar��l �smb�y" jztsfa�led �oz': 1) Meas�.te�xi.ez�i � a} Tluis Tte� is conszdared srxhsidiaay to �����i�i:ip:� .�l.ssemb�y ixzsiallatzon. 2) �aymen� a} Tlie waxk �ex!'i'nrmPd arnci mate��als f�z�.:ishecl in. acao�:da�c� wz��t �.is �ita�xi; ar� subsi.c�a�.yto �e i3zazt �rica hid �er each `�.c�Gvy �Ltum Assmbl�" o�r «Ofn�txan.taJ .A�s�nbip" l�id, �.nd �io o�.ox �a�per�safxa� �tx+'ill �Se a�l.awed, %, �he�. a p�y �ez� �o�• �lumruatian Assembl,�r daes n.ot exist: �.) Measur�n�sni: a) M�asLu'e,tx�.en� fax this I�:e�n. sh�ll b� �ex eaoh Z..z�tit�g Fixi:ure �ns�alXe�. 2) �'ay�ne�f a) �`hi e Frar1� �ez�ox.meri �.d �texxais fi�z�is�ed in aecor�a-�.cs� �rit� #iais �fem s�.a11. �he �ttid �flr at �� trnzt p�ice �zd �er eaa�� "�zglxCutg �ixtuxe" �stalled £o��: crr�r o� Fo�•r wnx��� STA1VpARD C�I�"ST.�i1�GSiC3TT S1P�CIFZCATIOhf TJOCUIV.fht�TS R�visedrana 15, 20k5 34 �£12U.01 � 3 AR7T3kIA.L. �.�'1] ROADWfiY� LiTMIIYATRr'S �pgc 3 of�2 {�� �a1ZouS �.�7P3 ��} Vii�'�Ai]S �3pW�1 3) The price hid sha(Z �nclude: �) �unis�in�I�ight�:�g�it��.tre, a�z�aqui��ci bj .�1.sseznUling Ligh�iug �ixi�.ue c) �Vi�iriul7�g conr�ectidns ci.} Dis�osal o£�ny uz�us�d ox• ��epla.ced nzater�ials e) Clea� ttp - 4. Raadvsray X��tXninatiov. �o�cT�.tions a. Measure�e�� • 1) IVleasurenuezzi �o�• �.is Xte� sha�l bo }�er e�eh Raad�t�.� X1It��.�i�natia�� Fo��ciatzon 9nstailec�. �. �'a�rnent �) �ze vvoX�� �ez•foi7ued �.ud �u.tatei�i�ils �xnisikec� � aecorda�ce �vi� �I�s Itezrz sha�� b� paid �az' �t ihe i�it �i�ce bid �ez each "Ri� S��u�n. �Q�ndat�on" ins�ed foa•. a) V�io�s ty�pes c, T�.s p�zc� bzd shaT� incluc�e: � ) rnstalli�g at�cb Road�vay ��umi�zatio� FoiuzcFaiiou 2} �Zein�orcing s#eei 3) $�p�aT&tory excavatio� (a51��edeLi� � �I-) C�xnuz�di�g zads S) Cao�dznafzou an.d �o#ficatic�� . 6) �xca�atiolt, k�auting, clis�o�al of e�c�ss ;mate�•xal 7� �'�roiectio:n, afthe e�cavat�ox� 8) C��a��up 9} Tes�ting 5. Co�ztaci Enclos�re a. 11!teas��em.ent � �) lylea�rrazneni f�a�'t�s �tean sha11 be �38z each Contacf Bnclosu,r�e �sta�led, b. Pay�neut ' Z J 'T'he waxlc �e�iaxx�ed �nd xnai:a�ials �ua�zshecl. in accardance wi�� ii�is r��sm s�.ail be pazd for• a�: tl�e u�t price �zd �er each "Can�act Bncl.osr.�'e" i�stallec� for: a) 'Varioi�s aa�rnu�ti�.g meti�ods - c. Tiie �,x��e� bid shal� fncl�ad�: 1) �ur�.ashkng and instaltir�g Co�,taot ��kclasure 2�} �11Xouz�.t�ng materz�s 3) �lean u� . 6, �u1xa3.�hxu� atid I�s�alIin� Vt�a�d �ighi �'ola a. 1�lV.Eeasurezneni �} Measure�n.e�t :Fo�'thzs rtsm s�all be �ez each 40' '�oad �.i�ght PoT.e �n�hed and inst��sd. b. Payment 7) '�'he x+ot'�� �erfcax;t�ed �.nd xnat�rials f�rt�.ish.ed iz� acco��ance wi� �i�s S-���n sha�� b� paidfo� a� th� ut��t �z`i.ce bzdp�x aac1�. "��ut�is]7l,[z�stall �Q' Woad Li�t k'o1e". c, '�`he �x�ce hi�. s�al1 uzclude: �) ��ca'vatial7t 2} FUl`i]XS�1111� aAtC�- i1t5�,ILizl.g ��.c�t �O' '4�ac�d �,ig�it Pole 3) F�'�is3zi�rg, p�acement and co�n�aaiion ��bacl�ilX C11�" OP FORT l'siblti`I-I Sx.Ai317Al2b C0�3'£ttL[CTZ�PT SP�C7I'ICA£IOI� DaCi3NiSbl�S Revised Tuna 15, 2013 . �4�ftzoax -4 �t�r�. �.� �.o.nnv,r�.��.�rr�rr��s �age � af�z . �) CI�an up 7, Fu�x�sluag ancl �i€zst�izzg Woa�I �xg�.� Pa�e A�xx� a. Measureir�eni- . �) �easuz'ei�ie�lt �a1't7xzs Z�e�n s11a11 �ie per each $' �h%ad. �,�ght �ale �t�z fitrnzsh.e�. and insia�ed. b. Pa�ent 1) The wa� pexfazmed �nd ra�,�r��is �n�s1�e�. ir� acooz•dax�ce �ii,� i�xs �t�zn. a�.aX� �e paic� i€�r ait�� uni.t price �id �e� eac� "�`u��is�/�sta�18' �ood Lxgl���o1e Ar.ta�.". o. '�#ie pzice bid siiall i�eind�: 1) Furnis�ing an.d inst�llzng eac� 8' Waod Z,xg]��� Pola A�r� �) Cleau�up S. .��umin�.�r� Electrical Ganductors �.. M�asut exb.e��: J,) Measurez�e�zt �az fl�xs Ztem: sha11 �s pex �inea�• �oc� of Af�minu�n Elect�ica� Cond�ctt�x ins�a.Ilad, �i. Paya�aent ,� } The worlc ��x�ox�n.sd aud xn�.tex� �euY�ished in accox-Glance -t�zt� �xs �tern azi.d meas��'ed as �Yavzd�d �de� "%Seasiue�.ent" vvill �h� paid �o�• at the unii price �id �aar �inear foo� o,� "AIuzn Eiec Coriclu�tor" �sia�ied �ar: a) 'C�a�iot�� Sizes c. 'r�.a pri.ca bid s1�.al� ix�cltrde: �) Fiu��ir,g a�.d �nsfalXi�g ,A.lu�i�u:txA ���ctrxaax Cond.uotaz• 2} Test.i�� 9. Co�c�uctot• Reconnectio� a. Measureinent �) �easut'e�e�t �o� this �tesn sh�11 be �re� eaoX� cvx�ductox:�'ecox��acted: b. 3'ayxz�e�t �) `�e vvaxlc per�'o�'zx��c� and ma�e��� furnished � aoca��az�c� t�ith -th�is �te�n s�.all ba paid �a�� at #fxe unzi ��:ice bzd p�r ea.eh `�.econneci Coz�r�u��x„ G. �� p:rice bxc� S�la�l 7#icxu�.e: �) Reoo�.eCtion o� co�tdttcfiors usiu�g City a���•ov�d �ethod 2) '�'�sfing o�co�.�z�c�.ax� 1fl. Si�eetLigh�PoleRemovala�cf �aXv�.ge �., :Maasurema�x# �) Nxeasut'e�nent �ax fhis Item shaII_be �er eac�, S�ieet Liglst remova�. and salv�.ged, b. �'ay.m.e.n� 1) The wox�C pexaFo�eci �ci�naterials finnisl�ed i.�� accorda�ce tui.�fi i:�zs �iatn s�a1l �� pa.zd fox at f�� �i1: �s�'i.ae bid per each "�al�vaga S�eet Light �'nle" �ex�foizn�d, a, '�i.e �r�oe bid s�.a�l i►�.clude: 1} Remaval anc� sal�+age of Sireet Light PoYe 2) M�ia�t�.in e�cisiKag s�eat l�g�� ci�cuit �ncltxdi�g �evv geottz�d bo� and �€eeonneo�ion o� circurts (if rrequireci 6y Cit3') 3} Rexn�va� a�` e�tstzx�g sl� ee� Iiglat �o1e fou:�daf.'ton 2' �re�o�t+ g�ac�e, bac� �lX �ui�h Ji�ca �t7�xouz�d��g rnai�rial 4) Delivezy of sa��+aged znaterials to a�prap��zate lac�-F.�o�� Sj Cleaa�.�up � 1.. Street r.i�� I'�1e Re�oca�ar� a, Measuxetn�ni c�r� or �o�.�r �ro�r�r sx�a� �orrs��ucxrorr s��cz�zc.a.�rxor� �o��r�r��s �Zcyised 7une 15, 20f 5 3$ �120,4� - 5 RR'i'kl:[�f.t1.L �.�D itOAI71�ifAX I�Ciiv.�l�TArRi?S _ pngo 5 af22 1) Me�s�arema�t �'or t�zs ,�tezr� shalX be ��r eac�. Stx�ee� �i�it Pale x-emoved and s�.ivaged. . b. Paymen� � 1) Ths vvork �e�.�`ni7nad �r1 matarials fiunished �z� accoxdar��e �r,F:tt� ih�s ��ers� s�a�l b� ��xd �ot• at ilze u�xt p�•ic� bzc� per eacll "Rel.ncaie ��teet �.ig�i �'a�e" �ex��'oz��d. c. TI�e price b�c� s�a�l. z�c��de: 7,) �te�.oval and sa�vage o��reetS.,zg�f �ol.e �) �3eliv�ry a.�salva�e�. �na%x'zals to appf�o�lxate Iaoation 3} ReplaGexn.ent v�pvle ta ��w �ocatio� �j T��axshing, �Zacenae;�t ancl co�7npaci�o�n. n� bacls� xxiaferia� 5) CIe�n-u� . 7..3 ,R�+ �.�+ �I�'C�S ��e �Ublicatickns Iisted �e1o� fbi�n �. ��i aftlz�s s�ecz�'zoatio� io �e e�ste�,t �efez•encecT. Pu��Zcsztians axe �'e�'ex�nae�i �vi� -F3�e text by t�eir basic desig�.aiion ax�J.y� '�lers�v;3s Iistod s�.a1L be su�exseded by updaisci ^versions as they �ecome avaz�a�1�. A. A.znexzc� �at�c�nal �t�.�datds �stitute (ANS�) 1. GI36.� 200�- (o�� Jatestj, .At�rx�,rica�a N'atio�.a� Stasxc�a��d �ar �oadw�.y an� �`ea LigTzfiing Bqui��a�a�t �.u�ai�a�a VoI#a�e Class��ica�ion 2. CX35.�� ��}�0 (or Xat�t), Ame��icanNationaJ �taz��axd:faa• �toadway andt���aLighting �qux�amex�t w X.ao�aing-'�'yp� PI�a��cau�'ol �avzees ai�€� Maf��xg Rece�ptaoxe Physica� and Elecf.t'z�al inte�rol�a�.ge�biXxty an� Test�g 3. C 13G, ] 5�20� 1{oz• �atost), ..f�rncnican Na-Ei.o�� �az�.daz'c� �'a�' �oadvv�.� az�c� A�.•ea I,ig�t��.� L-�qtlipz�x�z�t— Lu�ula�i•e �aslc� Tti.�ti�tcai�.o� �. C13 6.2��2{l04 {�.2D�9 oz Ia�C�stJ, �eYican Nationa� Standard fn� k�oad�ay aaz.cf At�a L-ig�iirig F.,gtxipme�t �- Xx�.ie;rt�..a:l �a1��ling ofL�inaii�es 5_ C13 6.25--20�9 (ox Iatesi), �erica� Na��na1 Sirar�dard for �oad�e.� a�d A�t'ea Z,zg�iii�g Equi��n�t—In�ess �'za�ec�z�z� (�Z.e��st�n�e to I]��s�, So�rd Objecfs a�d Mc�istu�'e) fc�� _ L-i�r�iaza�e �nciosu:res 6. C136.31�-�2Q10 (a�• l�ast), Arxt�riaan l�ai�a��a� �i�dard �`arRa�.d�vay Lig�.tzt�g L�qui��xzen� ---Lu�:ni�ai�:e 'iiibxafiac��. 7. C13637 20i 1[ar ��t��), �lmexican Na�ona�. Stai�c�a�•d fo� Kaad-vva.y at�d Area �ighiittg Ec�txi.�mant -�o�id Staie Lig�ai Sauxcss (lsed 'zu �oa.d�ay sazd Ai�� Ligtz�zn�' �3. .1�,�np.ex�aa� Sooi.� far Testizig ant3. �aferials �nte�na�io�al (A.�TN� 1. Zi � 17�D9�(or Iat�st}, b`tanc�arrd Praot�es �'ox �peraiiz�g Sa1i Sp��ay (.�*ng) AP�arafus 2. D� 654-�8 (�r Iatest), Stat�d�c1 Tes� �et�xoc� fo�• �v�Iua�ion ofPa�nted a� Caated Specim.ans Si�bjectec�to Cnx��oszveE�.�v��o:nnr�a�.te " 3. � DS23-OS (or Ia�es�), �andar�. Test �et�ad £ox SpeotYXar �loss 4. Cr�.S4••06 (ax latesf), �t�nc�a�'d 1'rac#zce �ox ��era#a�ag �7uoresce�f Lig�� A��aratus far W E��osuze a�'�Toxfinet��a M�.i.�erials � C. Cnuuci� o£the �uropeax� U"zxi.o��. {EC} . �. Ro7�S �7i�•ectzva 2QQ2/951EC, or� �e �esi�ictzon o�the �se o� oe�iaaz� haz�uciaus su�,sC�nces z�n elect�'ic�T a-��c� elec�ic�nic equip�eni D, Feciez�i T�ac�e C4z�azssxo�. (1�'C) 1. C��-aez� C���es, 16 Ci�R P�e�� 26da Gt�€des �o� �he Use af �z���t�o��nenta� 1Vra�.I�eting ��aiz�zs E. IL�u�natingL�girieering�ac;et�+'afNo�•thAtn.�xi�ca(3.�SN`� a�'SESj . 1. D��-03 (a3 latest�, b�sign Gt7acie for Road�r�y Ligt�.ting M�it�ie�.��ce 2. HB�10-1 �(or lafes�}, 7�S Lighting Han�t�oo1�, 10'� Ecli-tia�z c.�'�' o� �azt�r wonx� STi4'lV�A�t�J CC3NSTItT7C flo1�15P&C�SCA°I'�ON I3�E;TJIv�%1VTS Revised June �S,?QI5 34 +F� 24.01 � 6 ,A�TJaTtiAt, T.� �.O.ADVIA� �.iTMIN-t�5 �age 5 0�'l2 3. T111�S-SQ�99 (o�� xa�est), �E�"�T.A. Guzc�e �'o� P�.oto.me#x�c Me�stxr��.ent af Raa�wayL�g�f�ng Instailaiio�s � 4, �M 6I-06 {or iatest), zL�A Ap�xovec� G�t��e �or lden�i£yi��g Opeza�iz�g Faato��s �n�uenci�n:g M� easared'Vs. �'�ediated P�.fox,m;azace 1Fe�z� �nstaIIet� �3���doo� S�igt� �ntens�.t� D�sch�g� (�} L�mir�ai�es 5. L1VI-79-0$ (a�t �a�est}, ZLSI�A Ap��•ove� 1VXathad �arthe ��e�ie� and P�nfo7aaefiric Measurezn.aXzia of Sol�d-Sat� Lz�.t�i�ag Producls 6. L� 80�OS (nr I�iest�, ��I�T.A. A��xa�rec� �ef�od �o�• Measi�ciug L-r�ne� �ain�ex�auce o#' L�3Lxg�i�au�ces . 7. R�'-B-UO (ar �at�st}, .A.NSS 1����A A�nar�c� Natiana� St�dait� �'ractice �dx� kaadt�+ay I,iglr.ti�g $.. �Y-1 G-1Q (r�Y' iatest}, ANS�I�S �o��aenoiaiw'e and D��%tians �ox' �lluminat�tg T�zig�.eexiu�g 9. �`M 3-95 (ox ��.tesC), A DiscYlssian af.A.�pe:adix E�„C��ssi�aation o�L��ivarre X,igtx#,s�g Disi�ribuiion7'� �x•a�rz����NARP�$�83 1(i. TM I5-11 (nr Iatest), Lumi;�ai:rs Classx�caiio� 5ysie�n for Q�.�doo� �,uz��nait'ea � 1�, TM 2�--1 �(�ar laiesi], Pra��eta�ng Long Tazxn Lume� 11�1'aintena�ce of L�3D �.�g�t Sout�ees F, Institu�e o�`�lectr�cal and Elec-t[ a��s �r�gineel•s (JFEL) 1. 1L��E �62.41.2 2p02 (a� 1�tesij, � Re��mmended �'::ractzce on C1�aractet�tz�.�ox� Qf Sr�r�es in Low-'S�oli:age {I. QOfl 'S1 �d %ss} AC �ovs+e�r �r�uiCs 2. .AN��TiIB�� CF2.4S 20Q2 (o�:- �a�esi�, �E�B Recornxr�s�.d��. �`rac�ice on Su�ge �'est�ng fo,t� �"sc�ane.�t Cas�lected io �.o4v--'V"ol�ag� (J. �Qfl V�c� Less) AC �'a-vcrer Cirauits �``r. �aiio�alP�.ec�,ri.cz�Manu�aai�xexsAssocia�on(NEMA} 1. ANSIYNENS�/ANSLG C78.377-2008 (ar latast), A�raaeri.ca�. �ational S`�anctard For �.e C�-oinati.czi�y o;E Sa�:id St��e �zghtin� Prnduci�s H, �a�io�t�I �`i�e prat�ciio�t A.s�oo�a�i��, ��kPA) �. 70 � NaE-ianat El�cir.[oal Cac�e (I�BC) L Undox'x�x�te�'s Labo�a�o�ifls (ITL) � 1, 1449, �urge Prateot'rv� D�viaes 2. ��9g,�.umi�ai�•ss 3. 875 (i, L�.g�.� 7�mit�g b�ncle {L�;b} �q�.i�a.ent �oa- Use in Lighting �A°ad�cfs �: De�u�SEzons 1. Lz'g%4�g tea��ola�;y t�sed.hexeiz� �s �e�ned i�� I1�S RI'�16, See a'e�erenced dootuments fo� addz�ionai de�i��iions. i. P�cne�tio�: T�� teitin "d�ive�" xs �sec1 i�e�azn to lnoadly oove� both dxx�ers ar�d �ow�x supp�ies, where app�,icab��. ii. C�arz�cakian_ The ier� "LEA �zglzt sa�z•ce(s}" is used harein per � LM 8� � bxoadly covez x.E� �ac�age(s), �ad-�e(sj, an.d at��ay(s). �.�3 .A���TRAT� 1�Q����N�'� A, Coor�inat�c�z� � l.. �Toi�i£y City at (Sl�) 392.�7738 a�iva.�un o�7 days befare be�€-tuvu�g i�azlc n� t�e1'�ojeof. 2. Nol� f'y �s�aector p�ior to �ouz•i.z�g roac�way zl�urmina�ion assem��� �i�unc�atio�. 3, Ct�ordinat� �riih Tx'affic �e�vzces �spaotor �or �o1e ty}�es, -t�z�a�Iats diz�$�sions an�d ax�chnr boiis, and aazy qt�estzon.s a�oi�i insta�ng the �Fou�zda�zons and condu�t. �. �`or locaF�on o� Cz� undex�g��o�nd st�eei luinzna�'e cable azzd cond�i� ca1i. ($17) 392�7'138 a.t (az7) ��2-s�oo. ci�x or na�x woxmx sr�rmA� cor�sx��r�xzar� s��cz�zc�,�za�r�ocu��ra�� ltevised rune 15, 2055 s� ai zo.oz � � E1,�T�ktlAi. I �Tl ROAf71'SIA.'Y LT3IvtINAII2�S i'age 7 a�2z 5. Obiain and p�.� �'ax• �.I�. p�rtuits as req�ed to �oxk ir�. paxlcvs��.y. B. Preinstallat�on N�ee�ings 1. .�tfen� �re-construction naeetin�g- �.5 �XG��'�G S�Y'�T�lt�IPE�`U�.�AN�CE ,F4. Enar�gy Cor�sezvaiita� J.. �onn,ecied La�d a. Luz�aitxai�•es s�a�f lxa.ve x�a�z�n�m nanzina.! lirminaire inpu� wat�a�e as sp�eifi��1 foz• ea�h Iu�z�zz�a�•e type i�i A��endi� A. 2. Lz`ghting Cpn.�ols a. �ee sepaaate eon�xo� speaificatio�identifisd i� sectAoz� �.2 above, �fa�p�ica�la, b_ �ee sec�ioz� 2.��k3 bela'�r for r�rxve�• control interfa�e a.�� �er.�n�ance zet�uxrs�euts. c. �ea seaf�on 2.1 I� b�la�vv �'oz' p�totoco�trol �-ece��ac�e �'equirements. B. Flio#omeitzc R.equit�em�nis 1.. �u�x�i��au�es shall rneet i�.a ga�exa� oz�texia pxavit�ec� iz� the bod.y af tlzi.s speci�ca�ian aazd �e paz�cula,�• arite��ia �ox eaah. �Y�i� arre type de�ed in .A,�pez�d� A. �.G �QUIRED ����'�`.�� �'OREAC�I�,'[1��Arit� T�� ���`:EN:l+�� �T AP�'��YA� x� A. G�neral subzz�ittal co�tenf s�aY1 inc��de ],. �om}�IetedA��pezadi�� subiuiiia.l fozm 2_ Lutni�zta c��fs�eefs 3. Cuf��ee�s �a:� .�ED ligh� sou�ces 4. C�i�h�e�t� for LE� c�river(s) a. ��1i�itnable x.,BD c�z�at ia speci�e�, p�c�vzc�e dia�c-azzAs zZ��si�a�g light ouip�� and in���t �ovvet as a f��ction of coni��� signaL S. CL'�.�S�1�E'�'S �0I' Sl7J.'gB �3J.'[I�C�AOiA C�8'i)ICL3, 7"� &�J�lI1G&�i�8 5, xnstrzic�Qzxs �ar installa�i.an and ztxain�ez�a�zce 7. �uznri►ary oflu�xi�aira x•�cyoIed aontsn-E and x•�cyc�a�.�li�y pex t.�.e �'I'C C`xree�a. Guidas, ex�zess�r� �y�af�contage afl��.rvi��ire �veigi�t B. LM 791�u��ai� e plzotornei�io 1e�ai-�{s} sha11 be ��•�duced by �e #�s� la�oratary and 'znclt�.de 1. Nam:e o�test �aboxafoty a. The test labaratary na�st hold �a�%o�a� Va�.t�ntaay Y.ab��aia.�y ,A.cc�'ec3iiatian Px•agz'am CNV�,A�) accredita�ib� �o� the .L�� Z,M 79 �est �xacedu.re ar must �e quali�ed, v�zified, and �.•ecognx�ed t1�•oug� �e i7.S_ T3a�at�ent of 73ne�g,y's C1�..i�F�. �z'ogra�. �ox� �ore ��or�atzon, ��n ht�p://�.s.nisi.govlstanda�cislsco�as/ael�t.h�n ar . vvwvr.ssl.energy.go�/tasf �abs.h#n�. 2. Repox�number 3. T�ate 4. Com�rlei:e �u�inaire c�f�iag �uml�er a. Pxovxde explanatiox� �'ca�a�ognuzn�eriutes# ze�oX�P(�) daes not�aL-c�. c�t�fo��r�r�b�r o� �um�t�au�e submi-Efiec� 1) Clar��y �vhe�her disct�e�par�cy daes �ot a.fEecfi per�'or.rx�anca, e.g., zn �ae case af d��Fex'��� �uv�naire �nusing cplo�•. CPi'Y' �i� FQEtT W'O3tTI3 5�'.IaA?T]��tb COI3STR�ETC'TIbN S1�13C7i�TCATIf}i�TI70CUIvIB%11'S 12evaxacl7uns E5, 20I5 34 4120_OZ - 8 Al2T�. LLi)i20A#3tiYAsI LiiMI[*iA.IR�S Page 8 of22� 2) �tao�tratnal per�or�ttauce p�'sub��ited an� tested pzoc�u�#s c�iffer, sub�zit aiddii7ona� LM 79 ����aoa�(s) az�d c�ex�ivafion as zndicatad in Apper��ix C. S. D�scri�iia� �flu�z��aira, I�ED lzgk�t scn�.•ce(s), a�r� LED driv�r(�) . 6. Goniop�ato�ne4�y 7. Color�mei� C. �alcuIa�ions and stt��a�'t�zxg tesY dnfapet� A.ppen.d�ix. B indicating a lz��� maiYt�e�oe Ii.�e o�no� . �ess than. 50,QDfl ape�'�.�g haur� ' D. Co�n.��.te�-ge�teraiec� poi��$y po�z�t p�o�ozne�'xc a�zalys�s o:�main�tair�.ec�. phcs�ap;�c light X��'e� as per A�ien.dai� A. x. �aZct��atzo�s s�aa�� �ae �o� maini:�ined v�.1�es, a.e, �.,igh� i.oss �'ac�oi• {LLF) � 1. Q, where z,�.� � LLD � �T� � �A.'�, a�d - a. La�np LtunenDeprso��.tiaz� (��Aj �} 5�.��� �e Q.85 (L�Q) %r all lu�air�s. 2) Shall t�e �a perce�tage Qf �i�.ai a�iut cai.ax�ated zz�. seof�o�� �,6�C. b. T.uxxaz�xaax•e �z-t Degrecia.tion �.D]'�) � 0.�0, as �rex �S I�G�4 far an enalased ax�d gas�Ceied x�aad�va�+ Iuminai�ta �x�sialZed ix� an envu�anyneni v�if�. I�ss tl�an.150 }�g/�n3 airi�ar�.e �a�`t�cu�ate z�atEex an.d c�ea.nec�� eve�y �four years. c. L�r�ininav-� Ar�hi�n� Tsxn.�exa�tare �acto�• (�T�) = �.4� 2. Use af S�S HB�� 0 rn�eso�ic �nulf�p�iers a, ShaXI be tlisai�oyved �ezeia�, by as�urnirig a.n S/_ts xa�io a� 7..OQ �a�• ��X �uz��nazres, 3_ �a�ct�l�tio�I�zeasuxe�xezxt po�ts s�alt �6e pe�• T�3� �.'-8. �_ Su���1y n�ToXr�.i �I¢�'o�z X7e'��ces E�gin.eer3ng Cou�cii (JEDEC) a� ,���fln€ Electt�anzcs at�d xrafrn�aation Tec�ua�ogs+ Tn�ustri.es (�ET�`A) �olia.biliT�y tes�iz�� �ezfoz�tned �ox �.ED pacicages k'. �uc�atya�7•��.1a��i'�y�,stixag�eifol�ed.�bYL�I�d�•(vez(s) G. �l'z'x��e� ��rac�Ytct �raaxan€ty as p�r sectio� 1.7 bela� �.'1 �LC?S�+ O�FT SU�3MIT7.',�LS A, �'azxa�ty Docu�nent�f�an �. �rQ�ide t�ant�f�.cturer �airat�.:ty.i-�fa� �atiton �a 1�te Czt�+. �..8 �A�i�T'�`��T.�NC� 1�AT�It�A.T� ST�B�TTALS [NE3'�' �CT,��U] i.9 t�Cl"�L���.'.A,�S�.k�A.�'G"� A. Befo�e a��r�val anci p�rehase, sup���e�- s�a�i prov�ide at tke Owner's rec�ues� ��xnaina�e sa�tnp�e(sj xden�i.aai to �roduct cazifiguxati�n(s} submit-�ec� �or inspec#o�x ��,�e� S��.p��e�''s e�pense, O�n�r s�ZaU. z�c�uest 1� LM-79 -�est��zg o�'Xurm.inaire �am�1e(s) to vet�ify �e.t�atan�.uae is �i#�i ma�u-�a.ctazr er xepoz-�ec� to7erances and Phniau�etrie re�az=[s a�d .iss �-�les, pex IF..� LM�- 63, �he phato�n.etric fiie �si Ynatch ihe ���t�itaK�z�e T�eing st�bznii�ec�, B. A�er �st�lat�oz�, O�+�ex z�xay perfaim YC#S T.l'v1-50 �ol.c� zx�.easi�retne�t� to �+�ri� pe�r�a�.a�ce �•e��z•a�ae:a�'s ou�Sined i�.lai,ppe�dix.�,, giving co�sidezatxan �o �easute�etzt �t��ceX��aini:ies aufi�i�iB�i yn IE� ZIVI-b1, �.�0 U � � �.2.Tit, r5`�.'O�G�� �i.�TD �-X�'��.Ily'(Y A. �o�•age aa�.ct Hanc�ling �equi��eznexrts c�ir�' o� �o�t�r wazta� S`i'AiJBARD CaT�T3TilifCTiO�i S2'�C.LFiCATI4hi TJOCUIvx[?AITS IZevise�f Jund 15, 2QZS 34 4], 20.OA -9 AItT�RIAI. LLi7ROAll�YAY LT11��7]�i.{4litS� 1'age 9 af 22 i. X'az�s s�Zall be pto�e��ly piotec�d sa t�xat �x� dam�ge or �etea•,iQ�'�.�io�i ❑cc�trs dra��ing a �ra�.onged c7e�ay �ro�� �he ti�.e ��s��p:tn��t until insf�I��ion. 2. E�posed anchar boIts sl��Il b� p�Qtected u�.��I pale s�aa� Xs �ustal[ed. 3. �'reverat p1a�a and siaxizXaa� bxii�o �tems fcom bez�g e�pos�d to c�irec# siiz�l�ht and e�h�emes i� teznp�raiazre. �. Tl�e Coxz�t�actaz• s1�a�l secu.re and x�aain:�azn �. Xoca�on to store t�.e �t�zai�xxal i� accoxd��ce �tti Sec�ivn AI SO 00. $. �e�ivezyaza.d.A�cceptaz�co 1. Cnntactor a�zd �s�ec�at` shal� v�suatly �s�ecfi xoad�evay i�u�tinatic��t assamblies a�tat' z�en�ava� fo dai:aa��ne tlze aom�i�ion ���.e l�ardvtfaa��. �. �a���acfar• sha.11 �arotect a�I sa�vabZp �nateri�I duz�iz�g (��ans��r� t� City spec'�€�".zec� storage faoili�.y. �, De�;�vared �xafeA'��l SX�ust be 7n i1i� sam.e cO�C�AUO�. �e� re�noV&I, as agt'ead upon by C�i���cf:or and It�specY��• a�ter ��emovat. 1.�� ]�`.�IGI,D [�T�I �f3Ni)TT.�Cl�'� [NO'� �S�Aj x.�z w�.R-��rr�r A. Provide a��z���u�a te� year vuar���nty� coveri�g rniaixztazz�ed ir��eg�7ty and ,fa�.ciionalii.y of X. �,-�an�ynaare hausin�, wuing, arad cox�r.ectiq� 2. �,�D �i�ht so�oe{s) a. �egiigible l�g�t Qu�ut �'x�ozx�. �.ote ��:s� �� peroen� af �e �,LD pac�Cages consii.fuies lur:ninaix� failuxo. � 3_ LED dri�ve�{s) ]3. Warrtua.i�r �axiad sha1� bagin 96 d�ys a.�:ar date o� installation. P,AR� 2 � �RQ�3UC`�`� 2.� LII�i�.V�� �QT�Il2�NiE1�T� A. Gen�ral Reqttixeme�ts . X. Lumirz�es sh�11 be as s�ecz�ed �o� eac� type iu A�ap�ndi� 1�1.. 2. LuulY.uazxe shall �av� at� e��e1'ti�a� 1a�be,�pex.A�1N�x C�3&.X5 3. �.u�ninaite s�a7� I�ave an. �ax�e��a� ��bel per AI��� C�.3b.22 to in�lude da� o�znanu�'aci�, �. Lu�izxax�s sha11 b� i�t�d �nr a mi�im�rn. of II'�S pex :F1�SX C136,�5. 5. Nomi�al ��.�azaiz�au•e i�put w�i#Age s�.a��. acc��t for �a;tx�iu�a� ap�Iied vol�a.ge atac� a�y reductio� izt cIz'i.ve�- ef�ciencp due to scib-apiitnal c�t'zvex �vading. &. �u�xzXnaues shai� �tart and o�erate zn 2Q�C i�o -I-�SO°C a�x�.b�.ea�t, '7. BI�CY,k'�CF.l�X� tBst i€]I�� a3SaXkX�aIE� I11m1�la�eS �Je�OZ'e 5�;,��n�it�C fi'ori3 �iC�Ol.y 8. �ffeci.ivs �'�'a,�ecfied Araa ��A.) �rS �ei�ht oithe l�.u�z�az;t'e sha�. x�at ��ce�c� �e va�ues iuclicated in A,�pez�dix A. 9. Lumizzt�z�s �IX �e c�esigned f�' ease o�carngon�nt �:�place�ez�t az�c� er�d-of Iife dzsassex�biy, � rax�r c�� r�axr wo���r &�'A�31iT3D COI+i,��UCi'IDNSPECiFTC1�T.fQ�TDOCTJN]ENTS �taviscd .Tune Y5, 2D�5 34 �41 20.d1. -10 .A�T.�t7.di.L r.]'sI7 �dADWtI'Y.L.U1+/�II�iAI[t� Pnge XU aP22 10. Y,��ivai�'es s���� be rated fox t�.e ,AN�Z C i3 6.3 7. Vibra�io�z �eveX indicafec� azz A�penc�ix A. � 1. �.�A ��g�.t socxt'ce(s) a�d c1�'iver(s} sl�all �e Ra��� oa��l.ia.ut, 12, Tx•a�xsrnissivs a��ca1 comp����nts s�a�I be appi�ec� in aeco��i�n.c� ���x O��I r�e,sigp. g�ideXi�tes ta ezzsuze suitabaliiy fo7� tb,e �erma�/xr�echa�xical/cheixaica� envzi•onme�#. 13_ L�mviai��es sb.a€.11 �ava 4 ba�i� �'ox• �.a��i�g tn ��I/4" to 2-31$" Tanon a�tn �or le�veliazg and sactt�:Fn.� off�uni�zai�ta ia t��c�� ariu. 2�$o�i co�nectia�s s�all not �be pe�mi�ied. 14. Lrzt�naires sha�1 come ��axxdaxd w.`rtlx 7 pin ��ofiocont�o� du�zn.g x�c��it�cle �nee�g A�'�x C J.36.� 1. .��et�u;u'�azze�,fs, B, Dxx�+er l. RatBd �orm-�n#t��utn oi'50,00� ho�i�s. 2. �S�ax1 b�s speo��'tec� �wzth 0-1 �V dimmable c�7ve�• ta aacepf i�pnf �iom� 7 pin p�€�io��ll. ;tacepfa,��a. 3. �a�ie�. case �ez�xpez�a�tare slzall be suY��Te froi• o�aei�af�n� ir.� f�e Zu�ninat��e o�era�ing ��e atnbiont tsm�aratuzes incticaied zn sectio�. 2.�. A above. �1-_ �h�� accept the voita�e ar valta�e xanga inc�icated z� A��endix A at SOf60 Hz, �ci sT�all npaxa�e nax:r�a��y �or iv�sut'volfage fl�.lc€�ation,� c�f plus o�' m:salus 10 pe� e�r�t. S. Sha71 T�ve a m��nu:m 1'o�er �`ac#ar (PF} a� Q.9[1 at �1� zt��t�t power and ac�'o�s spec'�f'ied vo�tage xan,ga. , 6. Co�i�c�� sig�z�l izzterfac� a. I,ur�azz�aixe ty�es i.ndi�afed "R�q�ed" 1i1 �i.�}�1�11C�I'�.�. 5I7.c�.LI �.Go��3# �. COII$�O� Si��.7 �S speaif'tet� �ti��e��erai:e �or�-�co�s speci�icatinv.re���e�.c�d in sea�ian 1,2 above, e.g., :Fox dim�ing. b. �.��tn�ivai�e �ypes x�dicaied `�Tot�eq�u•��" in.A�p�r�.di� A.:�eec� nat acce�t a coni�ol. sig�a.i. G, EI�ct�•�ca1 rz�am�tt�ity 1. LU�niuszte s��.�] n�et th.e ".�3�sic" x•ec�uirezne�ts r� Ap��c� 1�, �a�ufac-€urex s��.a� indiGate on su�bmittal �� (Appendi� �) �vhe��ie1` �'�z�u�.�e o£�a eJ.eci�`zc�.1 i�niu�ty syste� ca�a �ossxbXy x�st�it in d�sconttec�: of po�er to �urt�inaiz•e, �3. �Xectro�nagnetie i�.te�sx'e�toe 1. �h�l� ha�+e a xnaxit-a.nn� Toi�.� Hai�onic Distortza�. ��D) o� 2Q°! a� £ulI :mput povv�r snd acro�s specifisd volfia�e :raz�ge. �, �hall co�n�ly �ifih �CC A�� C1�R pat��: � S�s.a�.-Gansuxnez• �iFJIEl�i� sf�c�arcTs. �. ���a#xical safety ies��.g �. Lum�naire s�al� �be �zsied fo� v�r�t Xocai�o.�s by a�r� OSHA NR'�. 2. �inninaues sk�a�� ha�e Iaaa�ty�alapxopx�].A�e gflVerl7.ti1� IYllaII[ ai�.d ceT�[�Q�D�k. F. Pain.ted o�' �Zn.isla.ed l�a.:izzax:ee components ���osect ta �he e�.vfxax�txxe�� I. ShaIX e�zceec� a rating o� six pez �TIVI 1� � 6S4 �er � ObO�s n�test�g �ax AS'� B��. 7, 2. The caatiz�p� shall exhibi# �o �oaiet th� 30% zedu�iiioz� a�gloss per A.�'� I?523, a�ex• 50� I�aux•s a� QW �es�i�ig a� A�T1V� G154 Cyc1e 6. �. The�m�. ��a�erzx��ni 3.. N�Techanical� des�i� a�protr.�xding extex;rx�� �u�ac�s {heat s:uak �'ins) �or sizal� faazi�tate hose- c�or�vu clean�xzg �c7 c�isaourag;e cieb�'is �ccurnt�la�ion. �r�r�r on �o��r v�ra��€ sT��rn�.rn caNs�rrcrrnrr sn�cr�rcAr�orr�ocvn1r���s �te�vised 7une f 5, 2015 34 4120,dJ. - x� ARI�?�i)AI. LED R�AI}W,t1,3£�.7JN,ET.i�I.ATii.ES Pagc X 1 0�22 2. Z ac�uids ar otI�e;r z�.ovzu� �ax-�s s)aalX �:at be permit�ed. H, � T.Ivl-1� livaits �ar Baais�igb.�, Uplzghi, azzc� G�are (BUG �t.aiix�gs} sh�ll be as speci�iec� �or eacl� Itrmi z,�ax:ra �ype ixa. A.��a�,dx� A. �. Calculatic�n of BUG�R�.ti��gs s�ia11 �e �'oz• �nztial (�+ozsx�case) value,�, i,e., Lxght Loss �ac�oz• (��� � i3O. � 2. �,�z�ziz�aires sha�l �ot �a tiltec� fo:r caJ.cltXat�ons. L Minimu� Co�or R��d���ing �ttdex (Cl�): 7Q. 3. Coxrela�d Go�ox� T�rb€pei�ature (CCT} J. , Xf z�o�inal CCT s�eoi�ecl in A�,pe�tdz'x .A� �s ��s�ad in Tab�e � below, measu;red CCT a�d Dti�v sh�.Il be as listed ia Table 1. � `�"ahfe �.. Aliawab�e CC7' and at�v {�dapf�d �Ft'am N��11IA �78.377] Manufacturer-f�ated R11Qu�a�feE.M�79ChromaticilyValues Nar�inal CCT �K) Meas�ared CC7' (Kj Measured �uv �70C3 258� to 2870 -0.�(35 to tl,tl{}5 30Da 2s7p io 322� �C3.aD6 to 0.006 �.�"i[l0 �Z.2Q to 371Q -O.C106 tE� f3.0f�� �.aao ���.o �o �zso �o.00� �� a.a�7 �'_ .�500 �zsa �� n���-� -a.�a� ta o.oa� �tlC}IJ 4i45 to 53�.3. -O,OQ�- i� O.ODf3 5700 5s10 �a 6i}20 -O.DC)4 fo a.(l(38 650[� 5020 to 7�4t} -a.t7o3 to t].nt3�J 2. ��nx�;inal C�T speci�ed i� Ap���di� A is �ot �is�ed an T�ble 1, �sasui.•ed C�'�' az�d Dtav shall be �,s pez t�� �tt�eiia for �'lexibl� CCT defi�.ed in TTEMA C'i83�7. S�. �`1�e fa�lavc�z�g shal� be it� aeco�•c�ance ��ith cnx�'espon.din� se�kXa�.s ai��I CI3b37 ' �. '�irir�g a�d graundi�g . a. AII 7nteirt�a� ea�►�nnen#s s�a�X be assembled �nd p�:e-wixec� usz�g r�od�.-�i�r �lecteAcal c��ectzons� 2. N.[aun.�i�.g �bvYsions a. Spec�c cc�r�figu�af�ans are iudicatec� i�x .Apl�end� A 3. T�z+z�.�naX �l.aoics fox znaaming AC lines A-. Pkotaconfiral reoe�taclo 5. �,atchinp; a�:�.Ifin�ing . �, Ingiress p�nt�ction 2.� PRODUCTM�NCT�{ACTU�RS .A" .�y m.a�iufact-�r��� Q�'i'e�7ng pr�tlucts that coinplst �srtt� �e ��c�ttzt`e� �xoduct pez�o��az�ce a�d apaz�atio� crit�ei•ia zx�ay b� considerec�. B, Nc�i� i�'a �ie€d �sfaiied hnuse side sl�.�Xd i.s available. CITY 02� F{)T2T Vs�0I2.Ti-T STANb�IiZT'3 CONSTRTTCTI��i S�'ECIPTCATION bdCTJi�I'FS Ltevfsecl3u+re �S, 2p15 34�12fl.�i � !2 Q.R'�&�T.Ai. LBI] ROA�iTi�,AX Lt7iul�If5,�l2ES Pa�e �� oT22 �a..� �i����'�i�`��� �.��r�'��'.�,� A.. �anufact�rrez� ar �ocal s��es a�a��'esenta�i�+e sha.� Xn-�vide Xttsta.�Tatio� a�.d ia'au�Xss�aotiug �uppa�rl via. �e�ep�.one az�d/oz eraail. END O�` S�C'�'�f3� �v�s�an. Z.og DAT� I+I.AM� �L7MN1Ak�.Y O�' C�A.Nt'r� 6/I�/2a15 I`. Grii;�n Revise to LEp type luzninaires rrr�r o� �onx w�� sr�a� c��rs��u�or� s���r�c�.mrorrnocun�r�rrrs Rr.vlsct1 �une 1S, 2.0�5 3�1 �+I 20.�I - I3 ATi7['RRIAT� %.�� kZO}IAW.AXLUIv111JAi[tHS Page 13 of22 �1PP�1�[�i�C A - P,�P!lCATIC711T��iASLD SYST�M SP�GIF�eA�'[t3N �.#JMINAt�t� `[1''p� "A„ _ART�RI�![, TYPI�AL SITE PARAfUI�'�'�FtS �flAD�NAY I�I�,il�� f.ane width � Number af lanes, to�al o� i�nth sides of inedian 5hauid�r wldth, clrivelane ta edge af �ave�en# N]edlan wictt� 1�5 pavemant class. CI R:i i� �2 Q R3 �.i R�F Pnstec� speeci l�mit ❑� 25 m�h �� 25 mph Slf]�4N,4LK [�R't'A; �idewalk wtcfth ��fge oPsidewalk �a edg� of roadway �a�em�nt L[GHT PU�.� i]ATA: Lumin�ire mour�ting ���ght Arm [ength, horizanta! - . i.uminafres �erpole - �a1e set-back fram edge af pav��ent . In-line pnle spacing (one pole cyclej Laypuf QC1ne side � 0�}�nsi�� � 5faggered P�R�ORi�/1,4�fC� CRIT�i�iAr APFLICA't10N , ROAb1NAY PH�7'C�I�CC Maiaitat�ed average C�c�rizantaf at pav�t��er�t i�.l.UMf�JA7u��. Avg:min uniform[ty ratio PH�ToptC Mainfalr�erl average lumir�ance i,C1Mi111ANC�: Avg:inin unifoY�i'E[�y ratia � Max�min un[�artnity ratia Slb�tltlALtCS PHoTUpIC . Mainta�ned average hal�izantal at pav�Ynent iL�.UMINA�IG£: ,4vg:min unifarn�[ty raCia (horizontalj Mal�taan�d ►►1[t�, rrerClcal i(lum. ai �.9 ft, in direcl�ons �,f travel !'�RF()RNIANG� C�lTER1A: L�D LlJMIiVi�IRE 11�IP�i"PUW�R: Max. n�rninal (urr�inaire input power � i �t�lMIN1�.i. CCT: T Rafi�cE correiated colortemperaiure CUT[]F� CI.ASS� IVlax. n�minaE hackil�ht upli�f�� glare r�ifr�gs Vt31.'�"AC3�: Nomi��a1 fumirtair� inp�t val�age �Jf��5H: �c�mfnaire housing finisF� color WEIGH7'; Ma3clrnum ]uminatre weight �PA: Maximum cff�e�lve proJ�cted area � MOUi�'1'INfl: IVIt�, method ❑ Post ta� � Sid�-at�m � Trunnioi�fyake Ter�an naminaf ptpe six� (i�PS) V�BR�i'�7qN; AiVSi test leval L�f Leve� 1(na�mal} Q Lave� 2 �.2 ft 6 5 ft �o f� 5 ft 4 ft 4Q ft _.... � � �--- 2 S ft 2t�0'ft i� M�dfan Q.9 �C 3:1 n/a ��� - U.� �'C n/a [?.1 FC 150W 3000 K �ULL CUTCIFF �.2C1�277 V Gray 30 Iia 0.9 ftx I� Swive! -�enon - 1-2/� fnches �4nd 2-�JS inches crr�' �r• �ort� wozcT� , STA1V��1Iti3 CONS'�'1tUC�ZON SPFiCI�ICATION J30C�.]MI;t�TS Re�+ised Jane d5, 2075 s� 4� zo.4� - �4 AR'P���[Ai� 7�T71t0�3WA'Y' �,T7MINAR21?� X'age 14 af22 ll�t#�I�R: Wiretess�ontro! C+135QI�A f�S��mA L+770�mA cnmpafible Appe�dix B � �stima�fng �.Ep Lumen Mainter�ance ►�5 7�lE! 2� aflours for �xtrapolation of expec�ed 1�t��n tr�airrtenance from �v�tta ble t�st tEat�. 7'he ex�eni af such extrapoEatian is firnite�t hy �}�e duration o�test�ng c[�mpEeted and the n�trrtber of samples usad in th� testin�. 7'he 7fVl�21 me�hc�da[ogy sha�1 be usec! by �he rnanu�-aciurer to determin� tam� �urnen de�rec�atit�n (LLD) at end c�f fumen rnai�te�tance i�% �er section �.6-C. The applicat�t m�y estim�te lurner� �aintenar��e in one offiwo ways: nption �.: Cnm on+�nt A�rfortnance ��i��X��jS Cb)'1')i�Il�[7CP. p81h, �he ap�IPcant mi�stsubmit calc�laticrns p�r 7M-z3. prerfi�ir�g ium�n rnaintenarrc� atth�: lumir�aire levef us�f�g In Sitta Temparature Meas�arerner�t i`estir�g {tsTMT) �nd LM-$0 clata. To be eiigi�iie �Forti�e Component �erfcrrrn�nc� vption, ALL of the ��rtdi�ions belaW must b� m��, ff I1NY ofthe car�di�ior�s is noi me�, th� companeni per`Farmance option may not be used and th� applicant must use C�}�tiar� 2� far ca�pliance. �. ihe LED light 5OE�Ccels) �t�v� heer� iesteci aceardir�g fic� f.M-8�. 2. 'fhe �ED cirive c�rrentspecifi�d �ythe lurr�inaira rnanufacturer is less �har� or equaf to �he driv� current specified in �e [.M-84 test report. �. The I.�q lighi s4�rc�{sj r�anufactur�r pr�s�rihes�inclica�es a tempsr��ure rneasurernent potnt (7's} on ths 11ght source{s�. 4, The TS is aceessible tc� atiaw terrtporary attac�tmen� of � fii�er�nocouple f�r measur�men-i of in sit� tem�er�t�r�. Accessvia a telnparary hafe in the housing, �:ightfy resealed dur)r�g testing wiCh pct�iy �r c�ther fi�xzbfe seafar�t ls alfovfrable, �. �or ��� hati:es�t �.ED light sa�.trce in the lurryir�aire, th� t�:mpera�ure measured atthe Ts c�uring iSi'Mi" is less that� ar equal to fhe tempet-ature spec�fied in �t�e l.iV!-8t3 tsst repari far �h� car�espanding drive c�arre�t or higher, wi�hin the manufaG��re�'s speciFl�d o�rerating cc�rrent range. a, �he iS7M'� labora�ory rnust #�e appraved by (]S�#A ss a Natiar�ally R�cagnized Testing L.a�► {iVRT�.}, fnust �e q�ta�lif�ed, varifed, ant! recognized thraugh DQ�'s CALfP�R prngram, ar ri�ust �e recagnized through lJk.'s �?a�a Acceptai�ce Pfagram. b. Th� lSTI1�T m ust be cand�cted wi�h t�e luminaire install�d in the apprapri�t� appiicatian as tie�ined �y At�SlJiJL �.598 (�ardvdit�d furrtinair�s), with i�ird �oufin� CITY pF kC�R'�' WOItTH S'1'Ai1Dl�TLL7 CONS�tUG�10N SP�CTt�iCATYO?�TI30Ci7�31�T� �evised I�,ne � S, 2G tS 3�a� zQ.nz - xs �r.�s�t�,t, �.�D xc3.�v�tn'� r.�n�rr�,��s Page TS aF22 apprapria�:ely slrr�u�at�d (and clocumented by phatogra�h) as determi�ed by �#rte rr�ar�uFactur�r. fJkation �: Lurr�i�aire R�rft�r.mance Unt�er this ca�npfiance path, th� �pplicant m€ast submit'iM 21 caiculations based on LM�79 pt�atametric tesi data fnr no iPss thar, three .samples ofthe entire �umina�re. �7uratian af ape�-atia� and inierval i��i:we�n phoi:ametric test$ shall confoCrn �to �h� 'FM-2� criterRa fnr E.�D ii�ht saurces, Fo�' example, testing solety at 0 and �qtJQ �io�l�'s of apetatlan waufd na� �� adeq�rat� forthc �urpos�s o� extrapoiation. B�tw�en �M-79 tests, t�� l�rminair� �k�st sarr�ples mus� be operat�ct fong-terrn in th� appt�opria�e appfication as def�ned by ANS!/�JL 1598 �hardwFr�d [umir�air�sj. '��e test labaratory �ust hc�id IUVLAP aecreditation far�th� LM�-79 test procedure or mus� be qualifled, veri��ed, and recognfxed tht'c�ugh tF�e U.S. i)eJ�artt-nent bf �nergy (AD�)'s �RI,�P�R pragram. '�he ext�nt of aflowable e�rapafation {eithar �.5 nr 6 iEmes th� �est duration) depencfs on tf�e ta�af number af i.�D fighi� sources (no less i:han 1� a�rd pre�eE-ably rnor� thar� 39) it�stafl�d in th� lurninaire sam�les, as per- TM-2�. '�'his complianc� �at�t pases a gr�ater testing burden to tuminaire rrtanu�ac�urers l�t�t i�cnrpar�tes iong-term tes�i�g o�ofF�et-cornponents in the system, sueh as dr[ve�s. Undar either carnplianc� patti, values �tsed for extrapofation shai! be summarized p�t' `�'M-2�, Ta��es �. and 2_ S�rbmitte�f values for �umen rnain�anance liFe�itne��t�d t�� assaciat�d per��ntage I�frrter� rnaint�r�ance shalt be "reported" ra�Ejer than "projecEed" as de�ned by TM-2�.. Sup�ortin� diag�ams are requested to faciiftate interpreta�ian by Own�r, . ��'�o��o�T wo��tr sx.�;zan� cor�sr��cxzor� s�e�cz�rc��rrorr �acu�r�Ts �,evis0d Tune Z5, 2��5 �44I20.171- �6 ���t. r.�n �aanw��r r,���s �a� zb o�zz �tP��i�bI3C C �Rt3RilCT FAMIi..YT�STlN� [.M-79 �I�VA f5TM7 it is recognized �hat due to �he ti�ne and cast rer�ulred for proc�uct testRng, it wauld noY be realistic�c� �xpec� rr�anufact�r�rs o�erin� a multitude a� un�que Iurnitt�ire con#igt�rations -�o �est euery �ossible canfiguration. �'h�refor�, ��� "p�`����t �am�fP�s" me�hod may be utifizad for f.1Vf-79 and iSiM�", whereby m��i u�ac�urers identify � se� of rep�-esentativ� proclucts for wt�ich ��st data can �e used to cierr�ar�strate �he a�curacy af inter�a�ated or �xtrapal��ed p�rfort�tar��� of praduc�: configcrra�ions laeking �est data, Pr�cecten�far�#�isappraach can he f�unt� in I.M-80. � !i� t�e partic�{ar I�minaire can�i��ra�ion su�en�tted has ncst beer� �esterf, t�a ��rfarrnan�e may 6� conservatively represer�ted by tes� cfata �or anoth�r lumir�air� canfigc�ra�ian ha€ving. • 71�e same intens€ty dlsiribut�on (�ypicalfy only appl�es ta LM�7'9) a The same aE- Eower r�orninai CC�' � The sam� +�r �lgher nominal c�rive currer�� 4 1he sarne or greater nurnber af [.�D ligh�source(s) +� The sarn� Qr �a►nter percenta�e dri�er laading and ei[iciency p The sarne ors�al(er size lvrr►ina3r� ho�rsing. A mar� accr�ra�e est�nnate c�f ��rfarmance can �e obtained by Einear inte�pola�ton bet+r���n tv�ro �r mor� tes�s difFering in i��'ms �-�th� six parame��rs tEsted �hove. Farexample, cons9cier a hypotheticai luminaire �ffe�-ed in a sir�gle size hc�usii�g, and hauing the fvllowing param�t�rs: a Three intensf#y distri�ut�ons: 1�5 �'ype ii, lII, ar !V � Thr�e CCis: �DO�, �D00, and GQQOK e �'hre� drive currents: 35(], 525, and 7Qfl mA � � �our L�C] quant�ti�s: 20, A-0, 6�, �r 8(] [.Ei7s. Table �.1 ilf ustrates a sei af t�sts whic� co�rt�f al�ow for acc�ira�� interpolat€on betwe�n �ested COn�tgUCdtf01�5, gfVE11 � Sikl�',I� IUt7Eftl�1C�' �'tOUSIIt� 51ZE aTYtI �'SSGt]tI�II� C�YlS��1'i� CIl"f�1�C �i�ICIeY�Gj�� t}��5� �� tes�s maY pravide re�resen�ative data far the xQ8 pass�ble produc� �anfigura�ions. No�� �hat narmal�zeci intensity �listrii�utfon r�7ust not b� �ffeceed by the oti�erthree parameters. Table C.1, Re�res�nta�ive tesl•ing ofa .�ingie lurninaire hn�sin� size 'I es�s l�tensi�y c�is�ributinn CCY �rlve currc�n� -� of l.��s CITY� OT� �Ozt7` WQii�'H $T�AT2l7 CC?�iS�'It'C7CTI�N' �P�CIi�ICA.�ON B�GCIME%iTS RevisedJune 15,2�15 . ��.�1 aa.v� -1� .ax�r.�xr�x, �� �onnvcr�.Y�,UMrr��s �a�� z7 oraz _ (t�s `�ype} � �x} (mA� 1, 2, 3 if, 111, iV �OC1D 700 SD �F, 5 !V 5�QC3, 6(Jf3� 70D 80 G, 7 IV �000 32a�, �25 �0 8, 9, �.{l f11 40(30 7QQ 20, /�[3, 60 Far ex�mpt�, the rn�n��acturer ca�alcf detali tnter�olation as shown in �"�bEe C.2, a�plying ihe fallawing mutt�p�ters to the �ase test #2 -�d mnrl�f a configura�ian wixli '��ae EII ir�tensiiy distr�butiic►n, 5000E< GGT, 5�5 rnA drive curren't, and �0 L�C�s; . Ratio of test #�4lurnerts to tesr #� lumens � + Ratio c�-F tesfi #� �urnens to test �3 lum�ns � Ratio nf iest #9 lumens ta t�s�#� lurnens. T�ble C.2. MuitipliersforTes�#2 to yield: Typ� �1�, 5(7o01C, 525mA, 40 ��Ds Test# �IlfOt]Slt]I EIIS�Cf�G�IOi� CCT Drive c�rrren� # of [.�t7s Multiplier �1�STy�ae) {�C� �rnA1 _ (lumensra-ri z ��i �ao� raa s� n/� 3 IV 4Q�[} 7t10 80 n/a �} 1V SQ00 7C1� �0 #4 / �#� 7 iV �E1QD 525 S{7 #7 / ##3 9 1V �C?00 70fl �0 �#9 J #3 Interpaia�ic�n k►etw�en m9nimal E.M 7� a�c� IS�'MTdaia is rri4re difFicuft i�' housing sizE in�reases with increasing vvattag�; it may nc�� be cf�ar �srhether the fovues�-wattage can�igura�ion wauld b� �xpeci:�t� �o •`run co❑te�' th�n �the highes�-wat�age can�Figura�ian. [n �hese circumstanCes, Yhe ad�quacy o� submitted data ls s�6jec� to ow�er approval. At this time, th� "s�tccesso�" m�thod cannat �e usecf; fum[n��r'es tested mus� �tilize #he LED li��t source(s) characterized kryt�esubmitt�d �M-S� repar�i:. clz� o� ro��- wa�2r� 3TANAA�i3 CqNS"I`ftCTC1'TOiI �YECIFICA�C�N130CU�iVT� ItevisedJuna I5,2U�5 39 a�a zo,ar - zs .4iiTEl4iA.i, LEf3 �OADWAYL�7MIN.�i�s �nge �8 t�22 AP'k'�NI��X D ELECTRYCAG (IVIlUfUllil�'Y ie5# Procedt�re � �{ec#ricaf ftr�munityTests 3., i ar�d �, as �lefit��d bytheirTestSpecifications, shall be perFortnecE an an entir� �Q�n►erect anr� cannected Euminaire, inciuding any cvn�rol madufes housed within the lu��inaire, I�U1:2XCIUdlflg anjl corit�'oI t7EaC{13��$ lilat�tl�pd �H��t'fi�l�y, suc� as a NEMA soc�cei conneGCed ph�ta-coniral, A SI�o��ii1� C��] S�1qUId E3e piaCp$ �1C�`OSS aiiy S�iCh eXt�Pi�l" CD11ii�Ct�Y. o The lt�minaire shalf I�e cartnected to a� �1C pos�ver s�urce wi�h a configuration appr��riate for not�ninal np�ra�ion. T'he AC pawer sourc� shafl have a rninirnutn av��fahfe s�prt-circu�t c�rrent of 2floA. T�e luminaire sfiall k�� tested at the n�minal i�tpu� uol�tage specif�ed in �t�pendix A, czrat the highest inpui vaftage in th� inpU� r�altag� rang� specl�ted i� Rpp�ndix A. d�lectrical [mmunity t�st u~raveforms shal! �e superimposed an tk�e input AC power Gne at a�oinf wit�tin 6 inches {15cm) n�eniry into �he lumin��re asi�� appropria�e hig�-voitage �robes and a series coupl�r/ctecoupler netwarEc (�pfVj ap�rnpriate fc�r each ��t�pling rnod�, as d�fr�ed by A�iSif IL�E� G52,45��0[J2, Tha ��si area far al! tesis shali be s�f t�� accorcEing t� ANSi/[��� G52.��- zoo2, as appropriat�. � Prior ta elect�€�aE intimunity tesiin� a set af di��nostf� rn�a5ur�rnents s�rall be perForrned, and tha r�st�Its record�d to note the pre-iest iunctic�t� of�iha iuminaire a�er it has re��h�d therrnal eq�iiibr�um. �"hase rrieasurements st�o�atd include at a minimum: aj �or al� f�rminaires, keal �awer, inp�rt RMS Gy��rent, Power Fac�or ar�cf �'Fib at fufl pa�v�r/figh� o �at�ut l�) �or turninaires specified as c[irrrmable, Reaf �ot+4rer, �n�tat ftMS C�trrerzt, Pawer Facfior and Ti-l�] at a mfnirr�utn of 4 addi�iot�a( dirrimed Ievefs, inc�udin� tf�e ra��� ml�►fmurn dimrs�ed i�ve1 �'fests shafl be applied in sequential or�€er (Test �., foflowed by'f'est 2, fnlia�nred �y'i�st 3}• 1f a�aifure r�ccurs ciurir�� ��st �, �hen Test � sha[� be re-applied to a secon�[ary luminaire nf idet�tic:al C�I}S��'1,EC�10�]. ��oltav�rir�g �he carr�pletion of 7"es�s 1, 2, and �, �he same set csf diagnastic measuretnents perfarmed �re �est should be repea�ec� for aU [ested lurnir��ires, and t�te �esults recorded t� rtote the post-t�st function a�the i�minaire(s). � A luani�aire mUstftanc�ian nar'mafly �nd sho�r,t na evid��ce offaifure iallowing the completian o� Tes� �. �- iest 2�- Test 3[�Fnr � single tested luminaire�, or the corr�pletion af'�est 1+Test 2 an a �rlrnary luminaire and 7esi 3 a� a second�ry lurrtin�ire, Abnorrna� �ehavior during lesting �s acce�table. Q A lurninaire �Fa�lure wi�( b� ���rned ta ha�e occurred i�any offihe folfowing conditi�ns �xists falEowtng the �otnplet3an of ��sfiing: aj A h�rd pa�nrerr�set is req�ired to re�urnio narmai aperatior� CIT'i� O��'P�T Wa1tTH SxAND,A�Et1� COIQSTAt�(T��iN �PL�G�iCA1IQN I7o�ilM73NTs Revised T��ne ,i5, 2025 34 4I 20.01 -19 ax�r�, �.8� z�o.r�w�� �,v�vrr�rAlizl3s Page �-g ofaz b) A naticeabl� redue�ian tn �Fuli Iig�Y putptaC ��,g, nrie �r more I.�f7s fail ��.produce ligh�, nr becarne - : . - --=-u��fable� is alaserved .. _ c) Any o-( tt�e pos��test di�gnastic rneasurernen�s exeeeds �y �-5f �he cQrrespanding pre-t�st dia�nos�ic meas�ren'lent. cE� The Ium�naire, or any cr�mp�r��nt €n the lumina�re (includir�g but �ai limited -�o an electrica! cot�nector, a c�river, a pmtee�ir�n component or moc�ul�) has ignited or sht��s evidence a� . rnelt�ng or otl�er h�at�i�duced dar�nage. �vid�nce o� cracl<ing, spiitting, ru�turir�g, or smake darnag� on any campan�n� is accep-��bte. 'T`est S�secific2��ions I�OT�: [��. istypica�ly"HC)T", L.2 istypical�y••IV�UTRA�." and P�� Pratective �arth. Tes� �,} Ring i�tav�: Th� lumi��aire shail be sub�ectec� to repetit€ve strll<es of a"C Law itfng 1Nav�" as d�firied En I��� C�2.4�..2-2002, Scena��io �, t,aGati�n Cafiegory C. `�t�� tes� s��rf�ces shaff be applied as specifi�d �yTable �.�.. Pr�or to t�s�i�g, �he ring wave g�nerator sh�ll b� calfbrat�d to simuitaneously me�t �QiH the specffeo� sf�ari circt�it c�rt�ent pealc and vps� circu�� vo�tag� peat< M�t�IMUM requirements. Nu�te tha� ��is �rtay r��uir� that �he genaratar�i�argi�g voit�ge be raiser! above the s�ecifi�d ievel io c�btain the sp�cified currer�t �eafc_ Calibratecl cu�rent prabes�transforrners �lesigrted fc�r measuring higl��freq�ency currei��s shalJ �e used �o r�►easur� t�sf wav�form c�arr�nrs, Y�st 4vavefoem currEntshap�s and pealcsfor ali strikes st�aEi be compareci tc� ensure uni�ormi�y throug�flut eaeh set (coupling mode -�- potar�ty/phas� angfe� c��f t�st sir�!<es, and t�e average pc�a1< curren� shafi be calcutaied a�td reco�`ded. i�any incEividual peafr curr�n� ir� a se� exceeds by +�.0%the �verage,. ihe test s�tup shal� b� chsGlced, and the test stril<es r�peat�d. 1`a�fe i�.�.; 0.5 �tS —�.aOHz Ring Wa�e 5pe�if��atio� I�ar�rneE�r 7'est L�a�elJConfiigura�ion S�or� Circuit �urr�nt Pealc [�.5 kA Open Circuit Voltage �eaf< 6 kV So�,irce E�'tpecEanr.e �.��2 Caup�ing Mac[es 1.� tQ FE, L2 to i��, L�. �o L� Pc��arity anc� Pttase Angle Positive at 9�" and {�egati�e at 27(3" �fest �r�lces 5 for aac� CoupAng kl�ade anc! Palarity[phas� Angle COtilkJ�t7 �tf OEi Time b�tvuee,� Stri�ces �. rninuts Total l�umber of Stri[<es W 5�rtkes x� coupJing modes x2 polarityjphas� a�gfe� = 40 �ota! strikes c,�e� o� .�ox�x vvo�z�x �T.AT�iAARta GQI�SI'RilCTI0AI�SPECIF�GA'�ON D�CTJMC3NTS Rovlscc� 7une I5, 2flJ S ��}�}� 2U.0.� �20 Ali`liRIE�.�. S��T7 ROAD�rVAiC�F7NlII3Ai�ES P�ye2U of22 T�s� 2} �Orr�bin��'ran Waue; 7he 2uinina�re shal[ i�e �u�jected tc� r�p�ti�ive-str€(<es af a"C �i�h -- Garr�binatio� ll�ave" 4r "C �.avv Cornf�€�atian Wave", as efefiin�d in f��'� G52.��..2��002, Sc�nario �, . .....,- , _. _.. ._ - . _ -. :- .. _ . . -... �.�catian Gategory c. Tl�� test s�ri�ces shall be applied as s�eclffec� by Ta�l� D.�. �"he "Low" t�st leu�i sh�ll pe �sed for turninaires with Hasic ��ectricaf Irnmu�ity requiremenfis, }tvhife �i�e "F�igh" test [�vel shall be used for iumfnaires +ati�I� ���vatecE Efectricai �mmun[tyr requiret�'�ents. Priorta iesting, the c�miair�atiQn u�-ave generatorshai[ �e calii�rated to sim�i#aneousfy meet SOTH the spec(fied short cfrcuit curret�i p�alc and apen circui� t�altage pea€c M1�Vllt�lJ�il! requirernents. �Eote th�t this rr�ay req�atre t#�at �he gen�ra�ar ch�rgin� val�age �e raised a�ave fh� speci�ieti �euel �o obi'atn t�te speci�i�c! Current pealc. GafiE�rafed curreni �arobes/�rans�ormsrs designe�i for m�asuring hi�i� fr�qu�ncy curre�ts sha11 be used ta rr���sure tes# wavefor��rt cuCret�fis. T�st wavefarrn curren� shapes and peaks fc�r a�l sirilt�s shali b� carrtpar�d ta ensure unifarmiiy t�roughoui: aach sefi �coupfing �'node �- po[ari�:y/p�tas� angle) of #�st strikes, and the averag� peak curre�t shall be calculaied anc[ recorcled. [f any individuat peai€ current in a se� �xc�ec�s by +109� tlie averag�, the tesk setup shal� be checiced, and the test strilc�s repeat�d. �ahl� a.7: �.2i5t�u5 —8/�� u� Cnmlainatiun 1Nave Sp�c�fica�ian parameter �'�s�: �.evelj Conf�gar��lon 1_2/50 µS £3��n Cir�ttlt Val�age P�aic l.aw: 6�CV High: �.�EtV 8/20 µS 5hort Cfrcui� current Pealc l.ow. 3 kA I�igh: �OkA 5o�arc� frr�petfance 2S2 C�aupi9ng Modes L1 to P�, L2 �a i�E, L1 to �.2 Potarity and Phase Angfe Positive at 9C7� and i�egative at 27�° . TestS�:rilces 5 iareach Caupfing Made �nd Po(arity/Ph�se Ar�g�e � cornbir�a�€an Tim� ��tlnre�n Strifces �. rninute '%fai Nurnber nf 5�rikes � 5 stri�ces x 4 cou�alii�g m�des x 2 polari�yf ph�se a�gies = 41l tata[ s�r[Ites �"es� 3) E�ectrical xast �'ransient {��T): The iurninai�e sha(f be sub,jec�ed �n "�iectrical �as�Transient �urs'�s", as de�ined 3�7 1��� C6�.��.2 -z0�J2. T�e tes� area sFtall be sE� up accardEr�� to I��� C62.�5-2002. The l�ursks shali be a�pliPd as speci�i�c� by Tabfe D_3. dirac� coupting 1s t�equired; the us� a�a cnt�p�ing elamp is not aflovued. ctr�' o�rc�t� �7o�t� s�,���.x:n c�s���rc�xous��scr����Tzot�Docr��t�s RevisacT ]une l5,?DI5 7'a��e �].�: E�ec�r�Ga� �as� Tr�nsier�t {��7} Specificaticsr� 3�} �I 20.D1 � 2i AIZ'F�A.X. LEA ROAI]�A.X �.LJ14�D�F,a.IIt�iS �a�� 21. aP22 C�T7i OF �03.2T'4irOItiT� ST,�ld�]�4i�� CQ1�S'z7ti3CT�ON �PEC�CATTOI�i �OCT3Iv�Ti1'S �avised�tute 1S, �QC5 3�F�7.zo.o� �aa AAT�t2rAT. i,�b .1tO�il7W,r3.Y ��T�TA� l�ege 22 of 22 .a���n��tx � PROf7CfGTSU�Mi'T"1':4�. FORIVf I.�minaire Typ�'- Ma � u��ciurer Model number i-to�sing Einish cofor Ter�nn nominal pip� siz� (inchas) Nnrnina! iurninaire weigh-� {fb) • �iominal iurninaire �PA �f#z) Namin�� input uottage {V} R�S! ulfaratic�n test leuel ���e[ i(Nnrmaif Leve! �{bridgeJauerpas5) I�amirtal �UG Ratings Makejmodel of tE� Eight source{s} Mak�/tnodel of1�i� �i��i�er(s) . Dimrrtabi�i�y plmmabie 1V�t d9rnrriat�Ie Cvr��roi si na! fnfer�ace � 11�an �fec'�ri�al,immunity system faiCur� � Poss�bfe disconnect No �assi6Je disconnec� � Therrnal rrianagerr�en� Maving par�s f�o movin� �arts Lumen main�enanc� t�s-�ing duratian �hr) E��ported fum�r� r�ain�er�ar�c� lffe �hrj z Warranty period ( r Pararr�eter iVa�ninal �alu� To�eranee (%} lnitial ph�toplc o��put (Inn} CVlairitaitt�d pf�o�dpic out}�ut (im} � Lam� �Urritii� depr.eciation !�€ttai input p�wer (W} Mai►itaine�i ir��u� powe� (lllf) lr�itia� �.E�3 drive current (�nAj Mai�tained I.��i drive curteh� {r�tA) Driv� Gurr�r�1: used ln situ i.�'�3 7'� �`�) - CCT (K} --- Addi�ional praduc't descriptic�n z See A�pend�x A, at��. a#�clt, su�po�t�ng documentatio�� as x•egui.t•ed. 2 Value shal.i be na 7.ess t,�au as speci�ed �n sectlon 1.6-C, a�d sha�I no� exceec� s'rx �es �lie testi.ug d��a�ion i�dieated in the ro� a�bo�e. Va1ue sI�a1! be co��sisteat�t wzthvalIIes su�hmitted in t[ta rnt�s }�elou+ for main#�.in� light oi�p�t, maiu�aine�. iuput povver, anc� mainfa�ned dz�iv� currex�. . cYT�r o� �o�x woz�'� S'�.AND�II�b CC)NSTRiTCIIDN SP�CIFZCATI�N T]OCii1VffiNTS ReViseti7une 15,2�15 39 �I �(�.0� -1 xt,ESJtaL�i+1T�, L�ll 1�OA]]�I AYT.UMiiV�A�?R� 1'sge 1 DfZ2 �LC�.�4N� 3� �x ��.Q3 ��IDEN�'� LL�7D �.�ADWAY LUMI�I�I.ZRES P,t�.RT 7[ � G�N�� A�.�. - l�iil� ; ' A. �ecii�a� �a�ude�s: 1. l�oadway illuminat�an assezr�blie�s 2. Rvad�ra� illutnina�it�n �'auzzdatia�� 3. ��a�a1 ofrnad�ay �T�t�.uaiazatinx� assezx�b�zes �. R.�Zaca�toz� o��•aar�w�y i1l�ation assern�iies B, pe�aat�o�xs �'a�tz t�Zis Czty o�roz�t �oi� �tanr�•d �pecifica�ozz � 2. N'o�ze. C. � Related �aca �.caiion �ectior�s �:�clude, bz�t a��e nai neccssaxiIy Iizt�zted. t�: �. Bi�vis�o� 0— $zcic�ing�eqi�•eme�ts, Cor��eactFa� anc� Cor�diiions a��e Co�i�'act �. .Di.vision � — C'irenerat �aqui�emear�is 3. �eciion �3 3 0 QO — Cast �ixk��lace Co�.c��ete � �. �eotio� 33 OS I D—�ftility'�'�•e�.ch E�cavatioz�, F�z�n.bednn.ent arldBaalci�l S. �ectzo�. 33 a5 30 ^Lacatzo�. o�Exzs�ing U�i�ies _ 6. �ect�an 34 4� �� � Tiafl�� ��g��Is x.2 PR�C� � �'.A3I � +,�' �.'RaC�D�t�� A. 1v.Ieasi�r���Yit and P�.ym�nt 1. �2.c�a��ava� �Ilumination..Assex�tb�Zes a. Measuxezne;�t � �} �easuxement iar i:his �iez� s�� �ae per eac� �2oadwra�+ �uax�€z�a�zox� 1�lssein�ly insi�Ier�. b. P�yment 1} Ti1.e vvor� paz�ol�ned �.nd �nateriaYs £�xx�is�ted in ac�rsrdance witiz �zs Ztexn sha2l b� �aid �ar at ��e �ni� �iir„� �ic� �iex e��� "�.dvvy ��n Assrnbly" ins�al�ed �Qt: a) 'Crat�.dus types c, �'h� ��ice hid sh�Il izxciucie: 1j F�.�i�lx�� Roadway Xlh�mina�ion. Assezaz�b�y, i��'eqirzred 2) Asseax�bJ��g r�r�d ins#alling �achRoadway 5���:r�x�a�onAsse�n�ly 3) �'aies 4} At7n.s 5} Az�cha�� bol#s 6} �'�utes 7) .�in�srn� e�ecfit•ica� oondu�tors 8} Co�ec�ian t�nd mo��t��.glaaz•dv�t�z� 3) �ases l.U) Lamps �rr� o� �a�� uTa�� S'X'Ai31�A'[tII COIV�STRi1C7'TON SY�sCIFICt#1TONI]OCL1NEIiTiT'S Itc�viscd rune I5 2015 3�-412AA3 -2 �IDBNTiAT. LEII 1tO,A7pI�.A,Y T.Uiv�II�iAIk2�3S Page 2 of 22 11) 1'�e���in.g submit�aTs. X2} ��.p[ora�ory e�ca�atian (as needed} - . - �1.3)_ Co�i�c��atia� �ncl �� '�xc��iaz� _ 14} Assemb�y and ixa��spoz�ia�iou c�� a�. it�s 15) Exc�.vaixo�, hau�i�zg, dzsposa� o��cess mat�riai �.6} �ro�c�ion a�the e�c�va#�ox� I`� G`Iean �tp � $) Testir�g 2, Ort3am.enfiallElum;itzat�ax�A.sse�n�I:ies a. St�Se�i•etz�e�t 1� Pxo�ection of'the e�cavaizox� �7) C1aa�x�tx� 18) Testing 3) Polvs 4� Arrr�� S) A�.cizax boYis �} �i�res 7} Ir�temal elect�oal co�duato�ts 8) Con�.ectiari an.d xnnun�i�g �ia��dware �) $asas � 0} Lat�ps � I) �'��ep��ng s��b��x�Y�-Is 12) Explp�atox�r e�cava-iio� (as nesded) 13} �oox•dination aud z�o '�'zaa�ixo�€ J.4) �ss��bly az�d t,ranspoz-t�.�ion afa�l itezns Z�} Excava�aa�x, laa�.�Iin�, dxsposa� o� excess i�at��ial �'he �►xice bid shal� iv.c;Iu.de: 1) T��nishing OxnRme�tai Ill��rmir�a�io� A.ssembly, ifr�quiz-�d 2) Asserr��X�g �ud. �sta1%n� ea�bt O�r�aar�en�al Asse.�bly �) Measuzameni �ar ih�s Zte�: s���1 be ��z• eacl� O�namental �.ss�Yx,tbly insl�llad. i�. Pay�ex�t 1} Tke �o�It ��.€�ox�aod anr� �naterials fiztnis'�ed itz acco��da�.ce �itib. this Iter� sha�� hB pa�.d �o�• at#T�o ztnit p��zce bid�er oach "�i�ainen[aI.l�.ss�.�bXy': �vsYal�ed fo�: a) Vazious types �. �ig�itingF�[ur�s a, '4Vh�n a pay iie� fc�� �lum�ation Assemb�y e�aisis: b. �.) IvI�ast�ement a.} This �tem �s cons�dez�ecT su�sidia�.y �a Illi�mir�ation Assert�bXy insta�lation. 2) Z"a�nent a} '�►.e wa1l� �el�'armed anc3. xna�c�,i�Is fizrnis�ed in accoX•d�ce with-this Itexn ate subsi�y tQ tI�� u�,i� px�ce b�d pai• each "R.dK+y J�um Assm�ly" ar "�rna�ne�tal Assm�bly" 1�zd, a;pd ;�a o�er com�erxsati.oxr. wzl� b$ �Xowec�. Wh�n a pay itaxn �o� �X�rzf.ina�on As�e�bly da�s not exitsi, �} �eas�eme�� a) N�east��•e�e�.� �a�r ihzs xte� s1�all be ��r �ach Lzghtit�g F�.u� 'v�st�lEed. z) �ayme�t �.) 'T�7le'4Yo1�[ �ei�a��leC� �C� m8#ez7t�s �ilz'nis��t�-�n �,CCox'C��.�,Ge �vi.i:�t �t7.� xfe73t� sh.��X be panr� �o�• at �he �zY ��r�ae b�d per each "�i�k�g �;i�tu�e°' instal�ed �o�: C�CY Ol� P��L� WOi�T� • Si�A"t�.fi�i7 Co1V3TxT7Cr1oN SP�C�3�Ic,4TLON �QCil��[�'� �evised Fane �S, 2015 3A-�12D.Q3 -3 R�SID�f'ilt�L T,ETI �OADW.A.X�.�1'�I`IA1R�iS Yage 3 o f 22 (Z) Va��ouS typ�s - (2} Varx4�� pav�ex .. --. -.-3) - -The p�ice �id shalI i�clude: : � a) �uz�€zs�ingLz�ht.ingFixt�ai�e, ifrec�tri�t•ed . - _. b) ,cl.sse�ablin�Liglil:i�ngFiz�t�r•e aj Wiring cannec�as�s d} %�zs��osa� o� a�.y ur�usad or �eplacerl �a�e�•iats e) �Ioan -�i� 4. Raac�vv�.y Ill�min.atAo�. �`ou�dafio�is " a. Measux��.e�t I) N.feasuremenf fo�• ihis �texix shaZ� be pez' each Roaciwa� Ill.�inii��a�ion �a�.nda�.io� it�sfalIeti. b. �'ayment �) T�te woxIc pez�ax�nad ai�d fnatet�i�Is fiu't�ishec� ztz accoi�an�e r�vi�h tl�is Tte�ln. s�all �be p�d �'o� at the unai �lice bid per �actz "�c�v� Tti Iz�xn �ow�.d�inya'd instalied :Eo�': a} Vaizo�Fs �es c. The �xxae #�id sl�a�. izzclude: l.) �sfa�Xi�ig aach l�.o�.d^�ay7lfus�7natian Founda�Zozz 2] ��1i7f01'G11�g Stee� 3) �xplora�Eor}+ excavatio� (as �aecfed) �) Cr�oundiz�g �ads S) Coorcliz�a�io�z az�d zxati�cetic�n ' 5} B�eavafion, ha.uling, dis�cssa� o�e,�cee�s xnateria� 7) 1'iotect�r��. o�fik�e e�cav�#xt�� • 8) CI�aa� �p 9} Tes�ing . 5. Ca�tact L�noIasure a. M�asu�re�a�xt Y} Measux�e�exa.t faz• t,�is xtez� s1�alt be pe:�• e�h Confac�EnoXosex�•e �:�s�aXled. b. Paym.e�t �) "�B �ro�I� pe��oi7ned ar�d mat�riais fiu��ished in �o�ordar�ce �vvi� �xs xtem s�al� �e ��d for at �e �t�it �price ��d p�- �ac� "Contact Lnclostuce" installed fo�: a) Va�rzous �ounking methods c. '�.� �rice �bid shall �cl�xde: �) �`�ux�ish�g and �nstr��ling Caz�tact Enclasu.re 2) Nlo�ting ma#eizals �) Claa�-u� 6, �`ur�ishi�ag a��c3. �€a�xa�Iing �nodLightPole a. Maasurezn�a�►� x} �easurexneu� �a� �xs Zfem shail be �ez eac1� A�0' �Nofld Li��t �o�e �e�xnishec� and ins�alled. - ' . �b. Payy�€ent 1} T�a �ork �e��or�tzxed a�.tc1 �aie�•ia�s fuxnis:�xed i� accordance yvi� fi�is �te�n sha71 %e �aid �ox at �e �it �xxce bzd �e�.� eaG� "k`uz�shl��sfaZ140' Wood I.zg�� �aX�". c, The �rice b�d s�all in.c�uc�e: I} Exca�atioan 2) �'u�'ni.sl�.izz� a��d installing eac1� �0' �oot� Lig�� �'�l.c� 3) Fu��z��Zit��, placc�n�t anc� coxn�acf�on afbaal4i'i11 CITY QF �Oii`:l' �IOR� STAbill.4R� CQTFSTRUCTION S�CIPICATtON'�OCTTMRNTS RevisedJune 15,20�5 �� �� ao.a� � a a�s��r��r�..�.� rcoaa�w�.�r�r�rrr��s p��;e ¢ of7.i �} Cleatt u� �. �utn�s#�ing �id Tx�st'a�ling �ood �.,ig�t �o���z�� a; NZeasiue�i��i�— --_ . . - - --- � - 1} i1+��asu�emeni fc�x �is Ztem s�atI b� pe�� eaeh 8' W �oc� �.igh.� Pole.Arrn fi�x�is�ecl ar�c� �stailed. �, paymeirt x) �`li ze �vorlc pe�t�o�•.t�aec� and rt�atea-�a�s �i�r�-isl�_ed in ac�ardance �vv��h this �te;�n ahaiI b� pai.cl f€�r a� th� Unii p�ine bid �ae�.' eaG� `��:u:x�.is�nst�18' Vt�aa�i �.ight Poze ll,�:nn.". a. TI�e ��•�cs bid shaYI iuxc�t�de: 1) Fiu�iis�rzr�g and �.zs#.�Il�g eac� 8' �S�Ta�d �.ight �ol.a Arm � 2) C�ean-u� &. A1-�r�iz�u� E�eetc•ica� Conduo#a�s a. Tvlaaeutem.�.�xt X) �Vlsasurex�ze�t #'o�• t�s ��ena s1�all bs pex l�z��ar �oot vf Aluzninum �Iecbrica� Co�d�icfox ��a�alled. , b. I'a��ez�t 1) "�s �ark pex�oz��c� anc� mateiia�s ��u7zislied itz accord�nce wit�z t3�is �tem and. rneasuzet�. as �rat�ided t�.ndar `�I�oasu�•ezne�at" �+ill �as paic� £ok a� ilie u,n�t p�ice �bic� p� linear fooi n�' "t�luzrz �.iec Condu.cto�" zusial�ed �az`; a) V�rious S�zas c, ��xo px�ice bid s�ali znclrxde: 1) F�ishi_ug a�d xns�allx��g AI�ni�um EJ.eci�'ica[ ConductoX 2) '� esfiing 9. Conducta�.° �econ�ectio� a. Mea�xezxxeait . �) l�Ieasu�ez��.an.ifo� this �te�n slxal� �ae �er e�cl� coudzic�arr�conn:ectac�. b. S'�ymeut �) '�a.e�orkpez�o�aed a�d7�aate�ials fit�,nis�.ed in accoida�ce �t+ii�. t�zs Z%m sk�all. �e �aid �'Qr at t�.s �� ��xca bici �er �ao� "�t�con�ect Co�duct�r" e. Tha ��ice bzc� s�a11 �iva�ut�e: �) T�econ�ze�tion o� co�ducfo�'s �sing �iiy appa�ove�l ma�.oci 2) Tesi�:n.� af cannac�ion � 0, ��x-eet Lighf I'oIe Re.r�ovaY a�d �al.�vage a.. 1.Vleastiz e�tnla�.t f) 11�easU�t'ement fo:r tlzis Xtein s1�a1� be �� e�cda �fa•eet Lig�f removed anc� sa�vaged. �. Pay��z�t �) The vs�oxlc ���`.fiai�ed axzd mate��a�s �uinish�d %� aceordance rwi� ihis �te�. s�aJ1 be ��dfo1` ai: t�.� YY�it przu� 1�zd �e�• ea.ch "Salva�e 5'�reet Lig�.t Po�e" perfa�.ed. a. The �ice bid �ha�1 incl.ude: �) �.c�.ava� �t3 s�va�e af Si�eetLi��t �ole 2) �aintain ex�st-i�.g st��eet 1ig�t c�reurt z�zcluding neYv gt'o��nd box aazc�. z�econ�.ec�iorz a�' circnifis (i�'requized b�+ City) 3� ii.exz�ova� a� ex7s�ing st�'ee4; Ir.gllt po�e �c�tx�tda�.azz �' belo�r gt-ade, bacl� �l t�tiih li�Ce sii��c�u$di��g ma#arial 4) Deiive�y of salvaged x�zatezials ta a�pzop��iate �.ao�tGan S] C�Ea_a �.�p X ;( , ��•eet LigXt� �'a�e R�Iac.�tion a. �vieasurement crr� a� �ox� w'oz�r�[ �r�m� �orrsx.�vc�ar� sp�c�rG�.�or� r�ac�rr�s 1�evlsedJune 1S,2D15 3a �� �o.a� - s 12ESIT.3k�]"I7AL �.ED R�ADI�AY'i,1rJJMI�A]RES P�ge S v�22 1} Meas����.t���f ;fox' ��s Ttem �ha11 �6a pe�� eac�t �treet Liglxt �'a�e x•e�r►.oved az�tl salvaged, h. Payzn.en� 1) Tb.e vva�1� pe:rfax�ed and m�teriais �'ut'.aished it� accaz�c�ce vvith #�xs Xtexm. slxa�ll�e �eid fbr �.tt�e uz�i�: p��zc� bic� ��x oaah "R�:Ipc�te S%eet LXg�f �ole" p�as�ed. c. Tke �rice bid �a�l in clude: �) �.��x�oval auc� saivage o��b.•ee�Lzg�at�oXa 2) pa�ivary a� salvagEd mat�ria.�s to appro�riata loca�ior� . 3) iZeplac:exz��nt o�pole to new iocatiot� 4) �'u�.zaishi�a.g, �lacatx��xx� atx� cpm�ractio�.x o�bacicfiT� nriatetzal 5} GI��v� 1.3 R��'��l�G`�� 7'he z3ub�K�atiox�.s �isted be�ow fo� a�art o£t1�fs s�p�ci�ca�ioz� to -�e exte�i r�ferenceci. PuT��ca-�io�s ��e i�f�xea�cet� �i�hin the tex� by tlie�t' basia deszg�at�qz� only. V�sioz�s Xxsted sha11 be supers�de� by u�dafed vaz�sza�ls as �hc�r beca�e avaiIab�e. A, �.m�ezican �a�ianal Sian�ards �nstitu� (.�.NSX) 1. C X 3 5.2���OQ. (or Iates�}, Tc�uipzriont Lurniu�:aiz•� "Voltage CIassx�ca�on 2. C�3G.�4-2a�0(�rlat�st},Azn��c�.Nat�n:ualSta»da�ri�'o.��a�dwa�+a.t�.dA,xe�.Liglitinl; B�ui�xx�ex�t � Locking-3'ype Phofncn��roI �avic�s and k�ating Rece�taole �'h�sical �t�d L�I�cf�ical �texc�az�geabi�iiy anc� �"asiir;g 3. C136.15 20 ��(o�• xatesi'), .Azr�ezzcsn Natio�� StancTa��� �'aY� �.2nac3.r�v�y a�d At�a S.xgl�.fang �uip�x�t �- Luminau•e ,�ield Ic�an�cation 4. G�36.22 20Q� (R2009 a�• l�.f:est}, A�noi7caz�.�V��io��1 �t��d�r'c� �o� �oad�vay and.A.iea Ligliiing Tc�ui�me�� — �t�iarnal Y,abel�g ofT���t�aixes 5. �I36.25-2�0� [or Iatest�, �n�-zcanNa�[ona.l Standarc� f4X• Rvadway az�d �xea�.z��irig �qui�mexzt-� lup��ss Pt�o-�ac�a�z (T�esisi-an.ce io Dust, �a�ici �1�j�cts aazd �oisfure} £az� L��mitiaiteL�x�olosr.u.�es • G. CJ.36.�1-2UI0 [ox• Xa�st), .A�axe�zaan N$t�o�al �tanc�a��d �'or Rnac�rovay�,ig;hi�g Eqt�pn�aaz�t --X.ti�in.aire �Til�xataon 7. C 7 3 6.�7 20I 1(o� Iatest], .� zz�e�i.caz� iNa#oz�al �tandat•d �orr Road�uvay and Area Li.ghfiijig �qi�i�xnent - So1id �1ale Lxght �ourc�s CTseci in Raad�s�va.y ant� .A.�ea Lig��ting J3, .Ar�.e�'xoa��. �ocYety foz T�stz�g anc� 11�['atez•ials Intarnatia�a� (A.�� 1, B I� 7--{]9 {Ax• J a�ast�, 5tay.clard Psactice �o�• C�pea�ati�g Sa�� S�xay (Fog) A��paxa�.xs 2. D 1 G54-08 (or laiesfi�, �ianda� T�si N�ethad �or E�valuatio�z o�'�'aat�ted nk• Cna�c€ SZ�ec�a�ens ��ia�ectedta Cofrosi�ve �?nv�zo�aments 3. D523--OS (ar latest}, St��c�ard �`es�:Me�hod fa�' �peculae C"r�oss 4. G� 5��(lS (or lai�st), �tau�ax•d Prac�loe �'or {3peratiz�g �'��xo3•escent Li�� A�pa�'at�.ts �'az UV 73x�ros�re of �To��motaYlio ll�a#�rxa�s C. �oza.ucil a�'-t�z� �iu�o��t� t%�.:io� (BC) 1. i�c�HS �zrective 2002f�51EC, on t1�e z`�s#'�cf�on ofthe uso o�' o�i-�ain hazardous substa.lzces in alectrs.�al a��ci ele�i�•on�a equip�e�� D. Fedara[ Trado Co�zss�an (x'TC� .1. Grreen Gr�it�es, �.6 CFIt1'at�26b, Grui�es �'oz� ik�a C.�se o�E�iviranin�tal Mar�:eiing ��aizns �. �iX-u.��at� Engine�x��g �ocxei.y oiNorth Aa�aexxoa (�B��A. az lE�} �. TlG-A��(3� {or la�e�i), Design Guzde �Qz Road�ay Ligh�tang M�intenance 2, HB�7.0--11(or �atest), X�� �i�ting Haudboal�, IQ��` E�xtion AmorzoarzN�tiana� StAuc��dfoz Raadt,va� anc�Area�,ightzng C1l'J'7� �F k�0J.2�' WQRTfi SxAN7),ARD CONSTItUC2'TON SPEG�CATTC1I�f pOGUMBNTS RAvisod Juc►e �5, 2�75 �4 n� za.o3 - 6 �sm78r[�7Eu.z.�s� 1zoAg"4vA3rLu3v�r�Ar� Pagc 6 oP22 3.- Y,l'YS�SQ-99 (oz lal:est), �F'sSI�,A. C��i�1e �or Phoi:onxe�tia .iiV�easute�nant a�Road�rap Lxghiir�g �r�.sta��a�ions � - -_ - = �1. T�M G��iIG_(or Ia��st), X���A,A��a'oved �'rc�.ide far �dg�t�fyi��g Opexaiing Faofozs - 7nflue�ezyag SV�oasur�d Vs. �'�edzc��d Per�"ox,t�a�zc� for Tnsfal�ed Outdon�• �S�gb. �ntensiiy ]]�i�alxa�•�e (Hti7) ��inai�ces 5. L� '19-OS {ox Xafest}, T���i. A.�i�xa�ed IVle�hod fa� �:b� Llect�icaX at�c� 1'hoto�a�irie 117easuxer�.a�.ts of Salid-Sa�e �,ig�itit�g P��aducts 6. �.M 80�fl8 (csr Iates�), zE��7'_A. A�a�rovad �etlxod for Nzeas�xing Lr�€�ez� ���.��nancQ a� L� Lzght Souraes 7. R�'�8-00 [o�• �ai�sf}, �1NSI / 1�a�5.1��-1. A�ner.ic� �Taiional S�audazd �'rac�€ee fox It�adar�.y L�igh�iz�g 8_ �tP�16-J. 0(a� I��est), .ANS�E� Nnmen.o.lat�r8 au� ]�e�'witi�ns �'ox XXXtlan�t�aii�g �ttgi�.�el�zlg 9. '�`M 3 95 (ox 1ate�st), A Disc�tssiaa� o:EA��ei�d�cT �"Clttssific�.�ion o�Lu��i�laiie Lig'��ing Das#�ibt�t�on," ��om AN��lIE�.h� RP�8�8� , J.�, '�-XS-11 [or laf�st}, �,�zm��air� CIassificafion 5`a+stenn�oz� C)c��doaX�.��.univa�x•es ��.. Tl� 2t�i� (o� ��test), ��'a�octin.g �,o�g Term L�ttzze� 11na3ntexla.�ae o�LED Lig�f Soun'ces T. �s�iiui� af Elecit�.�a.( ar�d T�Iectror►zas �ttg�tte�rs (�EE) 1. x$�E C62.� 1.2 2002 (aX' ZafgsG�, TFEE Reeom7nev.c�d Z'�tac�zce a� C�a:r�.cterizat�a�. o� �`Urgas 731 LDi�V-'SI�o��a�e �1 E700 '� a�►d ]ess) AC Po�va� Cixcuits � 2. �7�/�1�T C62.�s-zoa� (oz �at�5t), �� �.ecn�tne�.c�ed Piaoiice on �ui•ga Tast�n� �oz Lquipsn.�nt Con�ecied ta Lo�� Voltage (�.Q�O V an�i Less) AC �ovv�r Ci�au�ts G, I�atianaX E�ecit•zc�l I1�Sazzu�aaturers Assoeiafinn C�-) �.. ANS7lNEM�L�.NSL[� G78.377-2Q�8 (ar laiest), .Ameriaan Nafxo�al Sfa�da�d £or �e G�roznat�city of Solia� 5'�ate Lighfing �r�duats , �. I�ationa� ��xa P�oteation 1�.ssaciaiion (NFpA} 1_ 7Q --N'atio�aiEleot�'ica[ Co�e {.�C) I. Undo�.�vcr�c:�s Labozafo�'ies {Ll��) I _ I�449, �tuge �'rotec�i�va Dsv�ces . 2. 1.598, �urninaires 3, 8750, �.i�1at E�itting Diode �LEp} �qui�rr�az�� £or Use in �,aglxting Ps�oduots � pe��xfions �. T�ig�ting termino�ogy�sed herei�. zs de�ed in TLS ��J.6. �ee referanaed docut�.enis �b�C a�.di�on$I de�nitia�.s. �, F�c��i�o�i: 'I'k�e texxn "dt°�ver" �s used bex�ei� #a �broadly car�er bo#h d�t�vexs �n.c� �owe�r snp�ali�s, whexe a�plioabl�. �. C�arificaiia�.; Tla.e talrn "LE� light soure�(�)" i� used h�xeiz� ��z �� Z,NZ-80 to bro�.diy cove3 LE]� �ac�ge(s), x�xodule(s), a�d a�1aY(8)- �t.a �n�rs�.�.��vx: x���m��'� A. ca�rdi�at�on �, l�o�i�y �ity at (817} 392��'13 � a�nini�uum of 7 days 6afare 3aegi��in� �rVo�rI� ox� the Pz�ojec�. 2. �crti�y :�s�aotor px:ip;r #o �o��g xoac�way x��u�inatit�n� ttss��.ab�y �o�dat�ofks. 3. Coordix�ate wat�. Txnffc Sezv;ices �speci:ar fox pd�e t�pes, tez�ntp��to dirnensions and a�.chox bc��ts, a�nrl any quesf�nns a�crut inst�ing fi1�e fau�.datio�.s anc� co�dt�t. 4. Fax �acat�o� a�C�ty i�.ude�'gxot��.c� s�eet Ii�naina�� cable and cox�du�.t caX1 (&1'�) 392-7738 ar (817} 392-810fl. c�� o� �o�� urax.a��z �T.AIV RAiti3 CONSTRUC�ON Si'I3CIFIC.A.T;�OI� �OCUMENTS 12evIsedJe�r�b �5,2015 34 412fl.09 - 7 �SiE]Ei+€1'J.r�, z.ED ItOA]�WA'Y-LT31V��A]RF� Pag� 7 of22 5, Qbta�z �.nd pay far �Ii �ez;r�aits as z°equ��ed f�o i�1'oz� in paz�vc+ay. B� ���e��.stal�a.�ou �eeti�gs 1. , .1�fien;d p]'e-consit�tx�t�ion x�.eetiz�g. 1.5 �,,Z�HTIl�IG S�YST�;M �'��+'4�t1i�.ANCE ,A. E�ergy Co�sex'va�o�. �.. Cov�ecfed Load a. Lum.i�az��,s s�a�l lza'v� x�a�tn.� �ax �zo�i.rzall�lminaic� �put waiiage as specirad �oz each �. �u�i��a�•e �e in A��endix �1,. 2. Li�hting �on��oX$ �. Se� sep�.�ate aax��t'als s,�ecr�iaai�ot�%rTent�f�ied iv seci�.an 1.2 �bo�e, if$pplAoablG. b. �ee see�iaz� �.I��3 U��o�x+ f�x dx'�'Yex G4]1'�Yl� x7k�exface ai�d ��fFni��riC� IeC�Uiie���71�5. G. S�e sectio� 2.1 I� �e�low �ox p1�.ot'�coz,lix`o� ��aptacla requi�•�menis. B. P�aot��efx�o Tteq�t�.i�'�;�nents �. �,�inaires s�x�iZ r�a.eet �e ge��ral c��zter.za provided yn �lae bo�.� a�fil�.�s speci�cai�€a� aad �he . par�icr��ttr crit��ia f�r ea.c� �uxri.z;��.z�l'stype r�e�iner� inAppanc�i�€ A. �,.G ]C27EQ�� �USNIl�'TA� .�'�R EAG�B[ I,UMTNAI:R� T'�'� p��Il�iL� �T.c�.JPk�,NDTX A �. �e:ne�•a1 st�byniitat content sha�I xz�clt�de t. Co���ei�d .Ap�endix E �abmz�al fozx�n. �. Lluni�.aire ctitsklee�s 3. Cutsheets faz• L,E�i �igh� souxces A. CufsiZ��ts:fc►x�ED�river(s) a, x�dzz��nable LLI� �i�er is s�eci�ed, pzo�vzde diagran�s �Iltts�'atit�g �ip;l�t outpttt and input �a�wer as a�ur►ciion o� cont�ro� szgttal. 5. Ct��sheets fnr sw ge protection device, �f applic�bl� 6. �usi�ixc�ons foa� xnsta.[Ia�nn �d rnaintenax�ae %. S��zza:ry o�'i��cnizzaize x�cyclsd con-%nt az�d �•ecye�a�zlity per #1ze �TC Greezz G�;ides, ex��assed �by �aeraenfage a� la�.rr�i.r�aue wei�h� �-3. Livi-791uzz�znau�e ��o�oiu��ic xe�az-�(s) sha]� �he praduced i�y �o test Ia�io:t`atozy a�c� zzzcXut�e 1. Name o�'fest labo��a�ox� a. The test Iaborainry zn.us� hald Na'iio�� Voluniary La�o�atoYy'.11.ccrecli�ation P��ag�arn �i7LAI') �.ccrec�ifaiio�i fax f.�.a 3F� x M 79 �est �.raceciure ar inus� �e c�ua�i�ed, veri-�ed, and r�cogn.�ac� ti��`ough f,�ze U.�. T]e�ai�tneni o#`E��zgy's C�1Y.iPE�tpz•ogam_ Far z�ore Xn:fnr�ation, s�e b#��:11ts.�ist.gov/standa�`dslscop�slee�it.h�rt�. o�• . ro�v�v.�sl.ener�y.gov/tes� �aUs.ht�rt.l. 2, �epax•t ��rur�ber 3. U�.te �. C4kYl�7�Q�:� �UTllJII&1L'@ C�Y�.�O�' T�1dITll�P,�' �. �rovide e��SIa�ati4�u i�� caialog nu�nbe�: �+ test repoxt(s) �aes not ma�ch cafalo� nt�mbcr o� �uxni�.s�re sub�tied 1) G�axzt'y whethe€ dfsczepa�ey da�s �ot a�'isct ��r�'oi�ncs, e.g., �n t�� case o� dif�oriug I�.minau-e 1no�sang color. crr� a� �o�� woxrx STAAID,t11?}7 CDI1STRiJ'CT�7N SPECTFIGA'FI�T+7 YJDGi3114EI�I'�'S ltevised 3tEne 15, 2qI5 �� a� zo.n� - s R3?STZ3�TTAL �I} 2i.Q,AliWfi'Y' i�'E]MTL�Th�2?3S Page 8 a�22 2} Z�x�saz�.inaI �ei•for.m�noe ofsub�ii.�:e�. a�id �esf?ed �raduc�s di�ez, srxbinzt addaizonai S�.VI 79 re�oa�(s) �ad dexi�vation as inc�icated in �l��end�z� �. S. D�scri�stio� o�Zumi��.a-�e, LF� �g�it so�.�ce{s), Anc� LED d�iver(s) -- - : - � - .... .:., _.;_ , --. 6. G4ni.aplaoia�.eir�y � - - . 7. Cvlorimef�y G, Ca�euJaiians and �tp�o���ing �es� data pe�• A��endi� B i�.dicatzng a lu�zzezz �ten�race Xif'� of �o� Xess �hat� �Q,000 o�r�'a�F.i�ghaurs ' b. Co�nput�,genelateci �a�ai:-�y po�.t p�o�:crr�tei�'ic analysis ofmaiUta�r�ed pk�o�opic light 1eve.�s as ��r A�pe;ndi� A �.. �alcuia�io�s sk�a�Z be �or �naintained valt�a�, i.e. ,Lx��� I.flSS �HC�flI• (I.L�) < 1.[3, �vhexe LLF _ �,�� � r�� � ��.Tr, �a a. X.�azup �ur�xezz �7e�zecza�ion (L,�.I7) 1� Sha11 �,e (}.85 (I,7Q) �az- all Iuzz�inas.res, �) ��aa,�Z be tl�e pe�ce�taga a�i�iti�i atzE�ut ca�e����ted in sectia�. �.6�G. b. Lutx�.ttai� birt �e�zeciation (I.DD} = 0.9Q, ps per IE� DCr-A for �n enc�os8ci ar�� gaslc�ted ��oadvra� �t��i�naue i�s�al�ec� �k an e�vyxonz�a.c�t �i� less thayz �SQ ��/�3 �boi�.e pa�icuXa�e ��ifer az�d c�eanec� e�e�y fou�r ye�.rs. a> �uminaira 11-o�bze�:f: Tertxpaz�atura l�actor (I:ATF) = l. QD 2, �]'se a��S �LB-1 � meaopz� m.ul#,��liexs a. �haI� be disallowed �erain, by assuzr� a�z �I.E' raiia o�' 1.00 �or alI iuz�in;aaXes. �, Cala�af�c��I�naasure�e�� poi�ts s�all. �he par IL� 1ZP�8. E. S�tmma�y o�Joint EIect�o� De�ices En�nBering Coruzoil {J�D�G) ar ,�a�an F�ecix�onics a�r). Zn�n�ma�o� Teohr�r��ogp �dusiaies (�ITA) z�eli�.�6z��iy tesli�t�g per�orm�d for LL�D �aa�s.ges F, Suy�tuary a�raliabiliiytas�€ng per�fazxtted �oX �.LD c%�ivo�:(s) G. '4�xit�n pa•oduct vva2x•an�.y �s p�.r �ectiozz �.7 be�avv x.7 C�,�S�OT7'�' �US�`.C�`AL� A. �a�a�nty�c�cu�.entatian 1. Pro�ici� m�nufacti.rrer �v��r�niy itn�ax.ex�ati�can io �e Cify- 1..8 �l�iT.�l�TANC� 3.!'XA,.'�'��rA� SUBMIT'TA.L� �.YO'�' 1f1'�i;�] x,9 €�UAL�TYA���]:tANC� ,,�i.. �e�'are a�pxovaI and pura�ase, Sup�Tier sha�. �a•ovic�e �.t i�e �w�tsr's ��eques�t hYminaite ss�.��e(s) xdentical -�o �radv�ct cgn�gu�•atxo�.(s) sE��e�l �ax �zaspec�[a�a ati tlie �u�p��r's s�e�se. rJ�er �ha�I re�j ue,st }�� LM�79 �esting o�l�nin�.:t� sa�xple(s) t� �ari�y pei�or�zan.ce zs �vi�i�: tnanu�Eac{.uxer repo��ted ta�a��ances an�i �'hc�otxxe�lic �epoz#s and .zes �1es, �er IES LM� &3. The ��ato�et�ic �i�� m�st �na�c� t�e 1����inaira being submitted. $. .After �.sta�lati.as�, Dvvxxer znay �ai��zm l�� Y,M •SQ �i.e�d �.eas�uremaz�.ts to veii�y �ez�'az��ce rec�it'ezx�e�fs out�inet� in App�nc�i�c A., gz�vz�ag cansxr�eraizo� to �nzoasu�em.ezz� u�cez�ar��ies outl�s� in XB� LM 6�. , Z.�.� DEL�R.X, S'�QRAGE, �.�TA k�A.�TDF�'G A. ��os:age ax�d kla�idl�ng Rsqui��anents er�-� o��oxr woz��� srArno� coNs�.�ucr�or�sr�c�rc�.�rzo��ocun�r��s ItevisecE June I5, 2a15 _ 34 4120.03 -9 RESIDENTI�4C. L13ll 1tD.ABWA'Y' T.TJiuIWAiR�s5 " �'�e� qf22 1. Parts slxa�l be �i•o�er�y �roteeted so �hat �a daan�ge or t�eferioi�ation oacurs c�uring a pxa�or�ged d�iay �iazx� ti�e ��ne �f sh€�u�er�� u�izl �nstaila�ion, --- .. 2. E�posed a�zc�.a�� �oits sha1l ba �rotected uni�l �ole slia� zs inst�ec�. _. 3. Prevent� �las�ic azxd six�zilar brittie ife�ns fi ox�► bea�g e�ased to c�.u�ect suz�lig��.t and e�'e�.es in tom�e�rdiura. 4. �'�e Con.trac�ox s��a�� sea��re a�zd rnaintain a�ocat�on to stnre �b:e �a���a� �n accoa'da�ce �vit�z . � �sct�o�. QX SU 00. �. nelivea.y a.t�rl.A.ccep�anc� Z. Go�ztaator azad Zz�spec#,oz• sha�� vzsu�l��r iiispect �•oas�wa3� illum�aii,an asssr�bTies �fter refnova� to dei�.�aaiaa.� �e condiiio� of �z� k�ardware. 2. �on�an�or shaIi p��atect al� sa�'vab�e �ate�•ial d�uz'tngt�'ansport to Ci�ty speer�.ed stoxage �'aci�ity. 3. ��livored z3r�a�eriai �ntrst be in ihe sttnz� concIat�an a�ez remav�I, as a,}eed u�ort %� Contraator �:t�d �s�ectoz a�er zea�oval. �.�t� �n��,�o ���� �a�z�xo�rs �nro�ru��n� x.x� wAxYz�rrr� A. Prn�vi�Ie a mft3v`mur�. �en3+saz• w€�'�ani� covering ma�,�ta.�t��d integriiy a�d #'qz�c�io�aliiy of 1. Luzninairo housi�.g, ��vz��in�, �r�d ooz��xact�ons 2. Z.��3 �1��� S077Tce(�} a. �Tegl�g�b1�+ light out�trt �£t•a:tx� xn.p�e �Jiart 10 pea•c�n� af �e LL�D pack�ges oo�.stitutes lumanazre �ailure. 3. LI3�:3 drzvex{s) B. Wa�ranty pexzod s7:�all l�egit� 9D c�ays �er c1ati� o�zusiaXl��iaii. PART 2 � �()A�T�'�'S �.� �U�4'�ItYAIR� REQ��iV�:l�F�'� .A.. Ge�,sxal neqt�ti�•e�naer�is 1. Lutrun�iras sball be as s�ec'�#"-�ed £a� �ach �e in A��ar�dix,�. 2. Lu�inai��e s�a1T h�ave a�a ��tezna7 Iabel �el• .AN�x C�.36.15 3. .�,utz�i�zaat e s�tall ha�e an inte�nal Iabe� paz� �NSI C13 G.22 fo i�clude t�.te of naa����fac�e. �. Luzz��e �hall be z•�.ted �'or a tni�Yrnusn ofIi'65 pe� �1N�I C13 6.�5, 5. :�Toz�t�taa.� 1.��nivai��s rz��i�t �vat€age slza).1 acco�,a�t �or no��a� ap�lied �'�lfiage �nd an�r �•eductitox� in drivex affzci.erzcy �us �o s�b,api�nal dzive�` Ioa�.ing. 6. T.uYninaires s��.T1 stai�i an.d ape:t�ate i�i 20�C to -t-4U°C am�i�snt. - '7. EJ.eci�icsally �est fu� asse��aled lu�naires ��foz e shi.pm.e�.� �rar�z fi�acto�y 8. Ef:['ec�zve �zojected A.�•ea (L�pAj anci ,weXg�a.� n��e luminaiue s�a1� nd� ��zce�� �� va�ues izid'zcated in �lp�endix A. 9. Lum�Y�aix�es ,5��11 fie dasi�tze�. �ax ease �f cc�rnpd�ra.e�t x'eplae��n�nt anc� �n.d of Iife disa�sexnbly. crr�r o� �oz�x wo�r� 5TA2�[I}A� CONST1tUCEIOAi SpHCiFIGA.1'[OPI130CUIvit�l�T'S Ravised 7une 3.5, 2t715 �y}a� y�y�,[qq nni�'��/'{�3yA F4■J��[2�I�(�3T.03ir3-}-1�[0� 3•rau1VL51Yi�iJTJ��A\OfWY1'�l. ]lat�lAY}),��{AJAYJ.Sa] pflge LO o�22 �Cl, T�t�inazX•as s�al] 6� rated for tl�e ANSZ C136:3 �'tt'�6zat�oz� Z.e�'a1 inc�zcatetT z�z.A.,�pen�i� ,A. X l,. L�b IigT�t sonz•ce(s) ar�e� dz�ve�•ts} sha.11 be Ra�IS co���alia.t�� . -- - �2. Tiaxis�issxve o��icA1 cazrcpoz�ezzts slxa.11 he app�ied i�i ae�oxci�a.zxce wi�t OEM de�i�. g��dolrtnes to ensure surta����ty �ar ilie t#�e��a1l�ea�axaicaX{ahenazGa� �zzviron�n.ent 13. Luz�ix�air�s �aII �►ave �- I�a1fs �'o� .t�.au��iug to �••Z l�" tv 2-318" Tenon az�x� �ox� Xeveli�ag azzd � see�z�ng of �uzz�ilza.iz'e fo t�on ar�n. 2 Bolt co�ecti.ans s��� �tot be pez���ied. 1�� Lu�ix�a���e� shall be �UL 1�sted. �S. Lu���ai��es shall canae standar� v�rith 7�in �hc�taco�ol din�xx��za��'eoapfaaXa zr�ee�g.ANSI CX36,4� requ.zxex�e�is. . B. Dt'ivek 1. �i.ated �oz mi�i�ntiixn oi5D,000 ]�oizzs. 2. Sha�t be 0-10'� diax���.b18. 3. R.a-E�d case �empei�tu�•e sb�alt i�e s�ita�l� �� nperatio� in the Xtrz�ix�a�e opexa��g in tha aznbxe�t-tein-�peratt�x�s zr�diaatBcs in �ectio� 2.� A abdve. �. Sh�l accept tb.e'vnitage o�• volfage z���g� i.�tdi�ateci irx.�.�pa�dixA at SO/SO Hz, anc� sJ�all oporat� na�rmaCly �Cox in�n� voltage �t�civations nfplt�s o:r �izau� X 0�arcent. �. S��t�� �aaye a��x�-�ixia�uxa Pow�� �actax (PR) af 0.30 at full inpu.t power ar�d aaxas� speci .fi�d vo1-�ag� r�nge. � 6. Gon�roi sig�e� a�ie�'�ace a. �.�7�nina��e types ii�dieaiecl "Re��r���ci°' itz A��rezzdi� � s�a�� acc��i a ocm,tral �i��I �s spaci�'ieci v��. se��.r�#e eo�.t�•o1s speci�ca�aon ��fere�eed i�z sea�C�o�. �.� ab�ve, e.g,, �ox� �i�ni.n�. b, Lumr�zaire -Cy�es �'tzxdzca�ed "No�: Reqa�ired" ir� Ap�e�di� A�eed no� accapt a cr,�.���01 s�gna1. C. �I.ecf�'�ca1 irniutin�.ty �. Ln��X���re s�a11 me�t �te "Baszc" x�quixezn:en.ts i��. .�ip��ndi� D. Ma��aet�aze� shalf �dica#e o� s�bmittali�olva. {A��eu�i�. �} w�toiT�e;� �'aitin� o�-F�e elec�aara,� z��nity syste�n can posszbXy res[1�t �n disconrzect of �ovs�e� fa lurnina.ire. U. Elect�'o�z�.�g�eiic �ii%�a�'e�.ce ,�_ ��ati �.ve a max��nurn Toi�al Ha�7noza.zc Disiortion (T�JD) a�2Q% at �x11 i��ut power �nd aei•ass speci�iec� vQftage r�ge. 2. �a�1 com��y�ii� FCC 47 CFI�p�rt 15 �.nn ca���mer RFIf.E� standards. E. EXec�t�.aa1 safety t�sting I. L��ain�iz�e sk�a� 3�e listed fox rnref Ioca�ior�s �� an (?SH�. �tTL, �. �,�z�azuau�es s�a� �ave Iocalit��ap}�.to�zYate gov�`n_ixzg naaz� an� cezit��i.caiitnn. F. Pav�ted or �nished lurninaue caz�paz�e�ts e�poaec� to i�e ��vitontue�i 1. Shr�ll excsed az�iiaag ��s�r�erA�'l�I]�.6SR-a�i:�r 7Q0��'s o��es�i�.gpez•�.S'�'�tV.t��7.7. 2. Tha aflttt�g �ha�l e�ibii na �.eate�- t11a� 30% ieduct�io�� v�gloss �aez AS�'M U523, ak�er 5�6 �Zouzs o;�Q�7�Itesiiz�g �.tA.S'.�3.V,L G154 Cycle 6. G. Thexznal:ncj.a�agernent CiTY QP POItT W�1R'�H �T.t7NDA�b Ci`3N'ST1ti7CTit01� SP�CIFf�A'TIOlt' 1?OC�7ivti.t�`I'S �t.eyised Tune 75, 2015 344� 20.03 � �1 1tESID�IQ`PtAT. �33b R�5�W1�Y �.Ult�lli�lA�S Ypge Z 1 nf31. �,. MECI'[AriYCaI CIC�3I�C1. Q��)�'O�,l'L1�XX1� $���1T.Ifi.� 5111��C�5 ��i.�$� $lI1�L �lilS� �OI' SIA�LI �aCI�A�at� �1050-� d.a�v� c�e�i�ix�g and disoaivage da�ris accumnJ.a�ic��z. -.- --- -- ' -. 2. Lic�uxds az• other rnovin.g; pax�s s�.a1� �.ot be per�nitted. .. .._r_. .�-T. ��S �`TV� �S Iiznzts for 73�c�t�ig�.t, �U�lxg�t, a�.d G�are {B�U'G R.at�ngsj shall be as speGi�ed �ox each Iu�i.t�i�'� �.y�ae ui A��enda� A., �. Ca1c��Iati.o�. a£�3UC� Itatings shal� be �Foz• iniiiai (waxst-case} values, �.e., Lig�.t Loss Factoi• (Z,�.�) -� 1.0, 2. �.L�minai�•es sha11 nat he �ilied �r calc�.ilataQtza. T. �.YJi�nt��n Colo� Rezxdexing Ind� (�R�}: 74. �, Cor��elafetT Co1or'I'empex-a#�re {CC"I'} 1. x��o�n�iz�.al CeT speci£'ted �tx A.ppe�c�x�c A is listecl a� �able I befow, meas���°ed �CT and D�v skta�� be as �isi�c! in Tab�e �. Table 1. A[Eov�a�ala �CTar�d D€�v [adapi:�d from �fEMA C78,37�) lVlan�afac�ur�r Ra�eet Alfa�able i.M-79 Chrorrtaticity Vafu�s Nomina� ccT �K} Measured CCT {IC) Measc�red D�[� 27�p as8q �0 2sTa �a.�los tfl o.00s �o�a zs�o to szza �o.00s ta o.a�s 35�D 322� �0 �7�.D -D.00fi �r� Q.OD6 4000 �i10 ta 4260 u0.Q05 to 0.007 450D �-26€l to 9-7R6 --0.005 �:0 4.�07 ��00� 4745 to 5��.� -€}>f304 to a.008 570� 53AD to 6�20 �O.OQ�- fo �.q{IS G�fJ� 6D20 �0 7�4[J -0,�{�3 ta O,U09 2. Zf�o�x►i�al CC'r` s�ecz�ed .in Apperic�� �1 is nat �isteci in Table 1, �eas�tx�d CC�' a�td �3u� sk��� �Se as pe�.• �e c�iieria for F�e�ible C�T de��d izi. N.EN�A C7&,377. S�, Tk�s �al�ov�ri�g shall be i�t ac�o:rtia�tce�i.tii eozxespo�tdi�g sections r�fAN�Z C�36.37 i . Wiri:�g a�zc� grounding . �. A.�l i�terr�al com�onex�ts s�all �e a�sez�lbIsd a�d pz•� v�u�eal us�ngmodi�ar eiectrica� � - cn7�ec�zons. 2. ivrotr�t�ng pxovisions a. �pac�c co�gt�'atio�s a�t'c� izid'zaa�tad in App�nd� A 3. �`erminal �b1ooT�s .�oz� �carr�ng A.0 �iz�es . 4. .�a�oconttol receptacle S, Laic�i.itag au� �in�iu� 6. Sugt'ess p�o�eo�zo�� . 2�.� i'l�O.b�C'I` M�CTS�A.CTURTr�kS ,�. Ar�� a��x��£�cicuer ofFeriug ��•oducts that compl.y vri.�ia. t�ie ;rec�ui�ed �sbdaci pe�.�o��nanee a�.d o�eza��4�. Crxter�a. �ay i�s eflnside�ed. �. �Iote if a�e1d installed house side s,��eld �,s availab�e. Ci�'i' OF �'Q�1"k�►OTtTT� 3i'AI�ARi) CONS'i12iIC'I`iOII SP�IC�ICAT��N I]OCTJM�iNTS REv�sed iune 15, 20I5 �a ar �o.o� - �z �2ESID�1�IT1� LL�i7 TtQAi]'4�iA�t'LilivilNAIT�S �'a� I2 pf2Z �.3 �.4N�LT,��`A�'�'�f3'.��t���.'VIC�� �L. M�u�.rf'aat��.rea oir �aaa� sales xe�zeser��afi�v� s�xal� �ax'ovide it�stallatxoz� ax�d t�•ouble��Zoati�g sup�nrt via �e�e��one anci/�� exn ai�. . - ]+-�} U�` S�C�ON Revisio�x Lo� DA.'�E N� STTivTMAR_Y �F CHA�FG� . - 6/15f�(� 15 T? Grlf�i� Revlse tn JC.�� typ� Iut�i�r�3z'es C1TY OF �'OItT 1YOt�T,f� 37AI�fU.��iiIa CON3TRiJC1'I(31V Sl'13CTT�iCR.7IOTFTIOCEIi++�1QT3 �ievisad June 15, 2U15 34 �124.03 - X3 R�31D�3dT1AL L� k2D,tlDWlS.'X` I.U11+fINA�S �agc I3 0�22 �tC}Rq1hlAY I?ATAr SfBrWALI{ �7ATA; l,t�Hi PO�.� i�ATA; P� tC)TOC�IC il.I.l.�MtnIANG�: P3-1OT01�1 C LUliRllllANC�: p�-30T�PIC ILIAIM�NA1�iC�: 1 NAiJ7` P�1141��t: n�om�nr��. ccr: CiJT'OF� ��.,455: ifi7l.'�/-1G �: FII� I�H; W�I�HT: �Pl�: NJ€7Ui�1'i1NG: ApP�k�D�H A APPi.iCAifON���SSE�? SYS��1Vii SP�CiFI�ATiC�I�t LUMlNAIR� "FYF�� "A" � 1��5ID�NTlA1 TYPFGAL SIT� PARI#M�TE�tS �way Width �L�[rb to Gurb� f�S pavement c[ass. L7 R1. �7 R2 � R3 I� R�F Pasted speed lirnif C( � 25 mph ID' � 25 rr�ph SidewaEk wi��h �dge Qfside�+rallc to edge of roadway pavement Luminair� mounting hei��t Arm l�ngt�, horizonl-al � L�mfnaires �er poie Pale sei-bacit fro€�n e�ge af pav�mer�t ln�fine pofes�ac�ng�one �a1a �ycEej 36 fk fi ft � f% 2� ffi 6 ft � � 3 ft 200 ft 1� M�tf€�r� �,�yout J�fpne side ❑ Opposlte �i Staggerec! l��RFqRN1A11iCE CRI'i'�#�iA: A€�PLIGA'F1DN � ROlAfJWIIY Maintalned aver�ge horizani�l at �avemen� l�vg:tnin uniformfty ratio Main�ait��ci avet�age lumit�a��c� Avg:min �r�iformiiyratio lNax:�ntn unifo�mity ratia � SIb�WA�KS Maintained average harizan�a! at pavernent �vg:�nin �rniformity ratla ��arizanta#� Maintalned ttlin• vertica! fllum. at 4�9 f�, in di�=ct�ons of �Cav�i � PERF�iiM�►REC� CRIT'�R[A: LED LiJNJINRIRE 0.4 FC 5:1 t7f a �/a 0.2 �G �!/A .N/A Nfax, nominal [�rninaire €npuY po�uer 701�1 Ratad �arrelated co[ar ���perature �aQQ �� Max, naniina! baciclighC�upli�h��gfarera�ir�gs Ft1i.R GUTt7FX NnminaJ #uminaire in�utvoltage • 7.20, 'Z77V I.uminaire housing finlsh co1Qr �� �_ ��'aY Maximum furninaire t+vel�h� �� �� Maximurn efiFectiv� Proj�cted area Q.9 ftz Mtg. met�od la Past�top I'�SicEe-arr,� �f Trunnion/yake J 5w�uel-tenon 1-�.%4 Incl�es T��on nominal pfpe sixe {NPSj A��� �,..�/8 inctiQs �t�8ii;qT101i[: AN5( test level I7RIVER, � 1� Leve� � (normalj C[ l,evel2 (: d 35t#mR I� a3C1rnA l�f 7bbmA C�'iX O�' FORT '4[�ORTFf STr�TiDAItD CC1i�STRUCTION SP�C1F'�C.AT�oNpac��21s Rev€sc�t Jnna I5, 2015 39 41 �0.f�3 � �A .RESIDiiNT7RT. T1ED RDAD'��.XLTFMTN,tIIR�S Page 14 of2z - �1Uireiess=Cantro) - �ft111�R: - Capa�ility I✓� Yes #� Na Apper��lix 8 �stirrtattng t�U I,umen lVlain�e�ance I�S TM 21 afi�ws for extrapc�la�ion of exp�cfec[ lur�en maintenance frorn avaifabie test data, Th� Exeen� c�-Fsuch extrapolati�r� is l�mited k�y tft� d�ration of-�esting complated and �h� r�un"ibe�• a�sar�ples used in tt�e ��sti�g. �'ha TM��7, tn�•thodnlogy shaEl he used by the manufaeiur�rta determine tarr��a iumen ciepre�iation {�.�p) at enr� of furner� rr�ain�enance fife per s�ci:ion �..6-C. The a�piicant may es�itr�ate lurr�er� maintena�r�� in nrte of two ways: � tivn �: Carn onertt P�rfor�nance � Under ii��s ccsmpfiance path, the �ppllc�nt must subrnit calculations per TNl-21 predictin� Iumen matntenanc� a� �he luminaire leuef usi�tg In Situ 7emperaiur� illfeasure�er�� Testi�g (!S7'MT') and I,M-�U data. 7o be �ligibl� far�he C�mpor��ni C'er�nrmance op�Ican, �IL� of�the cdnditions belnvsr mus� b� met. tfi�NY of the cand�tians is nnt me�, th� �ompor��rr� �e�vrmance optic�n �n�y ncrt be �sec{ and th� appltca►�t m�st use op�:i�n 2 for earnpliance. �.. Tfte LED ]fgh� saurce(s) �t�ve {�e�n tesfied accordtngto LM�SU. ,2. T�e l,�[� drive c�trrsnt sp�cified by the Icatninaire Et�anufac�urer is [ess than or equal to t�re drive. currantspecifed in t�e I.M�SOtesk reparP. 3. The L�D lighfi source�s} manufaci€iret� �rescribesjindicates a temperature m�asurerne�t p4int (T$} on the fight source(s). 4-. The Ts is accessibl� �o al�ow ternparary attachmenf a� a thar��ocau�aie far m�asttt'eme�t� of #n sit� temperaiure. Access �i� � i�mpArat'y hc�le i� t�e hausing, ��ghtly reseale�i �uring testingwlth }�utty vr otfter flexi�i� seafant is �ilo�vabl�. 5. �orthe hattest [.ED l ighi sourc� in t�e lurnitralre, ti�e t�mperatur� r�easur�d at �he Ts durfng iS`f`M7 ls less than �r eq�al ta �he t�mpera�ure sp�cffied in t�e �M�80 t�st report fa►• �he c4rrQspnnc�irtg drive ��rrant or higher; wi�hin t3�e man�afac�urer's sp�ci�ed o�era�ir�g curren� range, a. Ti�e 15TNi7 I�horatory m€�st be approved i�y OSHA� as a N�tlon��ly Recagni2�d �esting l.ab (NRT�), m€�st be �uafifi�d, vet'ifIetf, and recognized throug� I�O�'s �AL�P�t� prograrn, c�r mus� 6e recagnfxed through Ul.'s �ata Ac�eptance pr�sgram. b. The ISTMT mus� �e conducted �vi�h ��� lumfr►�ire installec� 1n t�te ap�ropriate ap�lication �s defined �ay RNSIJUf. ��98 �h�rd►nrir�c[ �uminai�es), vsriih blyd ffl�ling ct��roz��o�rwax�e� ST11tdDfsltD C013STR.IICTiC}i+Y 3i'�{CIITC[1.'ITON 1lCTCLTivIU�NTS �evised,T�na I5,20I5 3q 4� 2U.03 -- i 5 �SIDTs'1�'TiiiL L8D I�OAD�A�Y Li3.Ni1�TA1RT�S �a� I5 �22 a�rprc�priately�itnufa�ed (and dacumented by photograph} as cle�ermir�ed-by �h� manufacturer. C7 �Inp Z: Lurr�inaire {�er�a�mance llnderthis cnmpiEanee path, ihe ap�licartt musk submit TM-23 calculations �ased an LM-79 �ho�ometrfc iest da�� �Far no iess than thr�e satn�les of thc� �ntire lurni�a�re, quration af aper•atfc�rt anc� Int�rval betwe�n photometric tests shalE c�nform Ca �he 7M�2� eri�eria for �Ea ii�h� sources. Fo� example, �esting solely ati} a�d 60Ci0 haurs af oparation wt�uld na� be adequate �orths p€arpos�s of ex�rapo]atian. ge�ween Lft+t,79 ��s�ts, th� Iu�ninaire test; s�rnpies must be operated bng-term i� the ap�ro�riate a�a�iication as c�efir�ed k�y ANSf/i11 �.59$ �hat•dv�rirec� lu�`ni�afres}. The �test {a�ora�ary rr�us� hnld lVVtA� accreditaiic�n �orthe LM-79 t�s� pracedure c�r must be quafified, ueriffed, anc! recs�gnized tF�rou�h the U.S. l�epartr�ent af �nergy 4i�[��j's CI�LtP��t pr`agrarr�, The �xten� of allow���� �3ctrapofatfoh (�iti�er 5.5 ar & t�t�es the test duratian) depe�ds r�n tr�e to tal nutn}��r of i.ED itght sources {no t�ss than �.d and pre�er�bly rnore �han �.9} Ens�ali�d in the fuminaire sarnptes, as p�r 't'M-2�,. ThEs compl�ance path poses a gre�ateriesting btt�'den �o luminaire m�nu�-actur�rs bta� IncorpQra�es �nng�term tes�ir�g c�f ather campanents in �he systetn, such as driuers. Ur�ciar either complianc� path, values used fo�' ex�rapolation sha(I b� summarized �er TM-��. Tables 3. and ?. Su�mltted �alues for lur►�et� �Tlainter�at�ce tffettr�e and the �as�cfa��d percerttage lum�n rr�aint�nanc� shali Ea� "repQr�ed" r�ther than "projec�ed" as d�tined b�TNl--2�.. Supparting dlegrams are reauestec� t� facilifa�e �n�erpretatio� by D�ner. C1TY OF FO�'�' W�itTli S�'�119DARD CONSTRTlC�Oi�I�SYECIFdCk1.TIQ3rCl�flCUM�ATTS �ieyis�d 7une I5, 2QIS s t �X �a.a3 - �� �s�z�ax�. �n �to�,n�A�r �,�rr�ra�s �age 76 p�aa �P��n���x � pRo�►ucr �a�r�.v r��r��v� i�VJ�7� /��11D fST�Sl�T !� Is recognized that due ta the �tlrne and cost requir�d �ar prnduc� �es��ng, it �voulcf not be r�a{Istic to expect rr�anufactur�rs t��ering a muE�t�tucle �f t�nique lurr►inair�e co�fig�ratia�s �o test every possible cc�nfigurat'ron. Ti�erefare, ti�� "pro�uct famifies" rr�e�had rr��y be ��ifizad �Fo� 1.M--7� and i5'CN]'�, �vhereby rnanufact�r�rs identify a set of representative prod�cts �Far vu?�ich �est data ran be used ta demons�ra�� the aceuwacy of in�er�aolated ar ex�r�[�ofated perfc�rmance ot prc�duct �onfigu�'atlons �acking tes�: data. Preceder�tfarthis ap�rc�a�h can be found irr I,Nt�84, if-�}�e par�icuiarlurr�inaire canf��ur�tion suksrr►i��d has not been t�s�:ed, t#�e perfQrmance m�y �� canservativeiy represented by tes� data #pr ar�ot�er lurninaire config�rr��i�n h��ing: � The same intensity cfistri�ution (tYpt�ally only appli�s ta LI�1�79j . � T[�� same or [ower namina! CCi a if�e same or high�r n4rr,inal drivE ��arr�nt � Th� same or �r�ater numb�r of LED E�ght saurce(s} +� Th� sarne or lower psrcent�age c€river loa�ling antl eff+ciency � ThesarneorsmaJ�ersizel�rninairehous�ng. � t�tar� ��c�rrate esi�mate of �r�rforrr�anc� can he ab�ain�d by [i�tiear interpo�atian be�ween two or mare tests dtffering in �erms of�he six paratr�e�ers IistPd a�ave. �or exatn�Ie, cor€sicler a hy�ath�tica� �u�ninair� aff�r�d in a single size hous�r�g, and �taving tl�e follov,�ing p�r�rrtet�rs_ o Three intensi�y distrf�u�ians: ��S Typ� it, [li, c�t' N � Thres �CTs: �opa, SoOo, and 6000lC � Three drive currents: 350, 5z5, ar�d 700 mA � Faur ��D quantities: 2f1, ACI, 60, or S� LE�7s. Table C.2 it[ustrates a set of tests �vhicli coufd allowfor accurate interpoiat€c�r� between �esk�d eonflgurations, given a singie luminaire housln� sixe anci �sser��ialiy constant driv�r efficiency; these �.a � -�esfs may provide repr�sen�ative data for the �.08 possihfe �rroduc� cc�nfi�ura�tions. No�e tha� normal(zed intens[�y cElstribution m�as� r�at be a�factsc� by i:i�� other three parame-�ers. �'ab[e C.�.. Representa�ive �esting af a Tests lntensity dis�ribution Is lumi�aire ho�sing size CGT � �riye current � # of [,�Ds cza� Qx �a��r wo�� ST'Al"I�t7.�tD CRNSTIt(7CT�0� SI�CIi'IC.F1."�`ION DO�U�N'T3 Revisec� 7ur�e �5, 20T5 3¢ ¢x ao.o� � x7 �Slll�7T�.4i. T,�Si 120AB�YA'Y LUMIidA]Xt'� �pge 17 of22 , 3 fl, ifi, fV 5 iV 7 [V 3.(? 1V �oaa �oo ���o, �aao - _ ___ --- �o� �[JCJCJ 32a, 525 400D 70D ga -- — - �� �o_ sa ror exampEe, th� manuFacturer cot�ld detai! inter�olatior� as shown i� Tab[� C.�, applying the follovv�r�g multipiier5 to the f�ase t�st#� to rnode! � canfi�uratian v+rith 7ype ff� in��nsiiy distr7bu�ian, Sfl��K CCT, 5Z5 mA driv� �urre�it, and 40 R�Ds: fl E�atio oFtest#4lurner�sta tesi#� Eumens g �aiio a�#�s�#7 iu�nens ta tesx#3 I�trnens n Ftatio of test #9 lumens to test #3lumsr�s, Table C.2. Multipfiers f�r Test ##2 ta yield: Type 11C, SqQQK, 52�mA, 4� I.�Ps Test # tntensity a�is�'�butinn CC�' �riue c�rre�t # o� L��s Muitiplier � 1�1 � �v q. f U � 1V 9 EV 4D�� 7�0 �.oa� �ao �000 �_�o� 4Q0� ��a 4007(l 7Q0 S(1 n/a 8o n/a �a �� / #a 8� �k7 / #� 40 �#9 / #3 fnter�ola�ian t�etv�reen tr�tairnal I.M-i9 and �STMi data is mare diffieuf� tf h�using size increases wiii� increasit7g waiiage; it tnay not be ciear whe�h�rthe laWest-wat-�ag� confii�ura�lian woufd b� �xpected io „rur� cAal�r" �h�n th� highest-wattage ca�figurati�n, !n these circumstarrc�s, the adeqUacy of su�miited dat� is subj�c� to Own�r a�prc�val. Rt this ti�e, �he "successar" �tte�i�od ���nc�t be ��sed; lurninairas tested mus� utttize�tt�e L�b iight sourc�(sj eharacterixed bythesubmitted tM-80 report. crr'�o��o�t�w'n��z STl��iDARb C��TS�tiiCl'IC7NSPFCi�iCAfLOIdd]QGUMSNT� ltevised 7uae I5, 2�15 �¢ �ai 2a.o� - �s �ssm��t�, r„�n �o�n�r,���.�r�s �a�e �a a�aa APPEIIT�IX C# �I.�CTR[Ca�. I M M�f NITY 7'esf Procedure � �lectrical fmrnuni�y Tesis �., 2. and �, as defin�d hy their "��si Specifica�ions, shall be performed on an ent€�e povvered and canr�ect�d iurriinaire, tnclutii�g any con#rof madufes hous�d wi�hin �he lurnlnalre, but exci�ding at�y �ontro! modufas mounted externally, such as a N�f�iA sacl<ei: connse#ed pho�cs-coniro[. A s�ort�ng ca� should be placed across �r�y such ext�rlor cortnector. p The li�minaire sh�ll he cflnnec�ed �o ar� AC pawer sau�-ce v�fth a cQn�iguratfon appro�r�ate for nominal opera��on. Th� AC pow�r source sttafl h�ve � minimum as�ailaksfe short circuit c�trretai of 2ClQA. The �urninaire shall�E�� ��sted at �he notninal ir�pu� voltage sp�cif#ed in AppendlxA, or a�the hEgh�st lnp�# vol-�age in the inp�t vaf�age range specif��d in Appendix A. � �lec�rfeal irni�unity tes� wav�fa�ms shall bc s�[perim�aased an ih� inpu� AC power fir�e a� a point w�t�in 6 inch�s {15cmj of entry int� t�t� iuminaire ustng apAropria�e h�gh-�o[tage probes and a ser�es cnupier/decoupler net�rvorlc �C�]�!} appropriate for e�eh coupiing mnde, as deftned by ANSfII��� C62.�#5-2QQ2. The �est ��'�� ��r �I� tesls sh�ll be sat up acco�'di�g �o A�35#Ji�'�� Cfi�.�-5-- 2002, as ap�ropriata. $ Priario eiecirical irrtmur�ity �esl-ing a sefi nf di�gnostic measurernents s��ll iae perfnrrr3ed, and t�e results rec�rded to notethe pr�tes� Function ofthe iurninair-e �fter �t has reeci�e�l ti�errr�a( equilibrium. These rn�asurernents st�ould frt�[ude at a minlmurn. �J �or alI luminalr�s, Reat Power, Input RM5 Currentr pcswar �actar and T'HD atfuil �awer/lighi aut�u� b) Fvr i�minai�^es specified as dimrnahl�r �teal �'awar, lnpu� RMS Cur�'en�, Pc�wer Fac�ar at�d "i�tl� a� a minirnum of4 �ddi-tianai d"rmenec# I���ls, inclu�in�th� rater� r,3inimum dimmecf ievel * T�sts s�►all be a�pl�ed i� seq�eniiaE nrder (Test �, �oll�vaed by Tesi 2, faE�aW�d by iesf 3), [f a fai�ure oCGUi'S CIliY'�17g T�Si 3, �IlEi� �T�S� � 5�1�{I E3� C@-ap�i�f��I �O � 52COE7CIdf�7 IUIYiiItcllC� Df fCIE�iIGa� C0115�CiIC$iiStl. a I"ai�owin�' the cample�io� af �'ests �., 2, ailtl 3, tYie Same Se'� Of F�ia�Y�oStIC f7teaSUi'�I�le�1Es pe�"�c]C[l'I�CI pre=�est shaulcE be repeatecE for a!l tested (ur�inaires, and the rest�tts recorded to no�e the posi: �est func�ion ofthe iuminair�(s�. � A l�arr�inaire trtust'�tanctiot� normaliy and show na evid�nce of faif�re foilo�rit�g �he GornpEation af Test 1-� 7'est 2 a-T�st �(fpr a sin�le test�d Iumtrtaire), or tha carnpletlor� a�Tes� �. �-'Fesi 2 on a prima�'y lur►�ir�aire and Tes1' ��t� a seco,�d�ry �u�ninatre. Abnnrmal 6�havior during testing is a�cepfiable. � A lurnir�afre f�ifure vd1li be d�ern�d to hav� acc�rr�d if any of t�te follawing cc�ndi�ions exfsts fattaWi�tg the catl�pl�tlot� ofifiesill1g aj A hard paw�r reset is req�ired to ret�rn ta nor�al aperation c�o� �c��z�c vroxx�t S�A1diJ1LT� CONS�tUCT��%i SPECIr[C.ATION T70G�fJ�vF1'N'1'S �SVlsed 7u�ie 15, 2015 34 �€120.03 � 19 �SID�iV�'7AL .LSl7 ILO.A��V.4'i� LFJMIA7AiR6S pmge I.9 o�2z b) A naiiceabfe ted�ctio� in fuli tight autpui (e.g. �ne �r mare ��Ds Faii �a produce llgh�. o�- beearne �nstable� is c�hserv�d c) AE�� of the pasC�test diagt�ostic r�easuCements exceeds by-�l the corre$pondfng pre-t�st dlagn�s#ic meas�aYement, d} The lurninaire, �r any componer�i in t�e fu�ntnair� �incfuding �u� nn� li�nit�d �� an el�ctrical cannector, a driver, a p�-otec�int-� component ot rr3nc[�.fi�) has ignitecl ars#�aws evidence t�f rrtefiing or other i�ea��induced dainag�. �vEder�ce af cracki�g, splitti�g, rupt�,rin�, or s�al<e damage on any cornponer�t 1s acc�ptabfe. 7`est Speci��cations N4T�: �1 is typtcalfy "No�",1.2 is �typlcaify •`N�i1`fRAl." and i'� T Pratec�ive Eat�h. Test 1) Rin�'ttirav�; Th� l�aminaire shali be sUiaject�c# �o repati�itre s�rittes af a"C Low Ring Wave" as d�ff�ied €I� i�EE C62,�1,2-�0�2, 5cenarfo �., Lacafi�on Cat�gory C- The tesi sirii<es shall b� appliaa as spec�fied by Taiafe D.1. Priar ta tiesti�g, th� ring wav� g�net'atar shalf be calibrated to sitnultan�o�sfy m�e� RQ�H tha sp��i�ied shvrt circuit curr�nt p��lc and ope� circuiivoliag� p��1< MINIIVIUM rec��irernen�,s. IVo�e �hatthis may require that�tl�e generatar chargir�� voltage b� raised abave �:h� specified E�vel to a�taPl� �he sp�ciff�d curr�nt pealc, Cai�brated current �roi�es�transFarmers desi�n�d for measur�ng hig�t-fr�quer�cy currents shafl be usEd ta rrteasure �es� wavafot-� currants. Te� waveforrn curr��t s�apes an� pea�ts far ali s�rikes shaEl be cvmpared �o er�s€�re uniformity t�raughaut each se1 {coupling mode -h polar�iylphase an�le) oftesi strilt�s, and the av�rage pealc eurr�nt shalf be ca�cufa�ed a�d recarded. Ef any individual peaft current in a se� exceeds !ay t�.0% the av�r�ge, the test setup shall be e�ec�ced, and �he fiest strilces r�pea�ed. c��Y a� �ozzT �waxr�-� STANI711�D CONSTdtiTCTI0�1 SP�CTPSG,A�'IO�i 170G�R++R?b3� T�evised June 15, 20�5 `t`a�t� �.�; Q..� u5 -- �.O��z Rin� Wave Specifii���ion 344I 2�.03 -20 R�S1U�T.CAL LET7 2t(}A.D WA� I�[71VIII�.t��� ��ge 20 of22 �'�st 2� �vmbination W�ue: �'i�e lut�inaire s�a�! �e subjected ta rep�ti�ive strlkes nf a"C High Cambinatidn Wave" or "C Low Combin�t9on Wave", as defirted in I��� G62.47..2-�(�c12, Sce��aria s, Loca�ion Cat��4ry C. �he test s�rikes shall be ap�iied as specified #�y Ta�le �.2. The "�aw" tesf 1�ve� shafl be used �ar- fuminaires wit� ��s6� �Iec�rical fnr�munfty req�ir�ments, whife th� "€�i,gh" t�st I�vel shali be �sed for'!urn€naires with E�eua��d �lectri�af linmunity requiremet�ts. Prior ta tesfing, the c�rnhinaiion ►�rave generatorshal! i�e cal(bt-ateol �v sirnultaneously rne�� Sb7H th� specifec� s�ar� circuit curren� pea!< and o�en circuit voltage peaf< M1f�IMUM r�quirer�ents, �Vote t#�at �his may requir� that the genera�or char�irtgvaliage be raised abo�e the s�ect�ied �evel �� obt�[n the sp�cffied c€�rren� p�ak. Calii�rai:ed curr�n� �ro�esJtrans�orme�s designecl fo�• m�asurin� hig#��fraqu�ncy cu�ren-�s s[�a[! be us�d to m�as�rre tesi vuave�arrn c�rr�nts. Test�,ti�ve�orm cur�enfishap�s and pea[cs for al� str�lces shali k�� compa�'ed ta ensu�-e u�iifarmity tf�roughaut eaci� sef {�aupiing muda �- �oiarityJph�sp angfe� o�test strikes, and the a�erage peaf< �urrent shall be calcufa�ed and recorriecf. JF any lndivicEual pea(c cui�i'�n� in a se� exce�ds �y -�•�.D9/ the av�rag�, the test set�p sl�afE be checl«d, and the tesi sCrikes repeated. Tal�le I3.2: �.2ISOu5 � SI�CI uS Com�O'tnatiQn 'ttk��ve S��cification I�aram�t�r` i`est ieve!/ Con�i�uratic►n .�..2/S�J �[5 open C�rcuit Vplt�ge Peal< Law: 6 kV t�igh� �E�IcV sj2[� u5 Sf�ort Circuit Current Pea�t iaw; 31cR ����: �d�� 5ourc� (mpedar�ce 2S� Coupling Mades ��. ta P�, �.2 to PE, L1 to E.2 • �alari�y and Phase Angie Posif(ve a� 50' and Negative at 27�" Tes�S�rikes 5 for each Ca�.ipling Mode an�I Polarity/f'hase Artgl� comtaination Time �e�vueen Str-ikas . �. rr�inute Total N urnher af S�r€[<es � 5 str�kes x 4 couplitrg modes x 2�alartty/�Shase angl�s = �ii total s�rikes 7es� �} �lectr[cal Fast Transien� {�FT): �'he lu�ninaire shatl ba subj�cted to "�9ectr+cal Fast TransiEnt 8ursts", as d�f€ned in IE�E C62.4�..2 ��(iQ2, T�� test area shall be sei u� accardingio l�E� C62,�I5-��[32. T�e burs�s shall be a�piied as specified by Table b,�. i�ir�c� cnupfing is required; the use nf a cnu}aling clamp is na� ali�wed. iabls D.�: �IectrPcal �as�'i'ran�fe�t (�FT� 5peeifica�ian Parameier Ope� �ircuit Valtage F�eatc Burs� Re�aeti�i�n �tate Burst �u�ation - Q�rst P�riod Tes� Leve(/ Confi�uration 3 ku 2.5 !<Fiz 15 rr�S �oo ms CIT'YOF kC}1t7` �VQ1i.TH. STAIdi]Aiti3 C�NSTitUC`�IOIx[ SPEC�Ct�TION DOCE7�NTS 1Zevised Jnr�a �5, ��IS 39 4120.03 � 2l. 1ZES��dP1TIhL L�IJ ItO.AD�Y.Ff.�Sf �.T)ivilNAtR�S Page 21 0�22 c�upiing Modes Poiarity ------ =-- Test �itiratfan � 7o�aE Test Dura�fon ��.�. t0 P�, L� tC3 €'E� R1. tO �.� Pasi�ive a�c! Negafiive � �. rr'►intatc for e�ch Coupling Mode and Polari�y combinat�on � � tr�lr�u�e x � �auplft�g mades x2 �oEari�ies = 3.� fl'IIYIU'��S C�'I'Y OF FQ14T '4YO�L�H ST13i+I7)AItD CC3�FS�Xt�TCi'TON �1'�C�XC}iTYON �OCI]MI�i�T:i'S Itcvisad7une 15z2UA5 34 A-12i3.03 - 22 zz�sz�r�.ax��, �n z�oabw�xz���s Page 22 0�22 t���knr�tx � ��.�pucr su�nn��r��►�. �a�� . �:�rr�inalre �rpe� M�nufacturer Ntodel num�er Hous[ngfinis}i calor Te�an nomina� pipe s�ze {fnches} Nam�rtal iur�inaire weight (Ibj N�rriinal lurn�riair� �E'A if��) �Vdr�inai tn�rut v€�(tage (V; ANSI vibratic�n tes� ievel No[�inal BIfC Ctatfngs , Nla[t�Jmadei of [.�l7 �lght source(sj Ma I<e%rnadei ra� LED driver�sj Dirr�mabil[iy Cnrt�rot signal Entetiace Upo3� �f�ctrica! immur�lty systern faifur� Th�rma[ mana��rnent i.urnen main�enance testing duration {hl Re�orr�d Iurn�n mainter�ance fi�e (h'r� z t�ararr�et�r lnittal pho�opic ouiput (�m� kVlain�at�ed �hotapic output (1 l.amp i�umen cl�precfatinn initiaE inpu� �aower�W) Main�aincd €npit�power (W) Ir�ittai I.�D drive c�rr�-�ni �t�iA} Maintained ��i7 drive current j ❑ri�� current ras�d In�sl#u �EQ TC (°C) CG i' {K} Additianai produe� ciesct-ipti�n Nc�rnina! valu� L�vef 2 (�ridgeJaveYpa. Not dimrnable No passible disconrtec� No i�noving parks �'olerar�c� {/) � See.tS,p�e�c�ix .�,, and at�ach su�pnF� dQcumentatian as z�equi�ed. � Va7ue ��.a11 be �o lcss -ii�n as speci�ed iu seetion. I.6-C, and s}z�ll ztot exceed six tim�s t� e te�tiug dura.iion #ndiC�tBd �tl i�e lovs� aboYe. Va�ae �Iaa�l be cax�sis���t'Vv�tk� V�►zes su���Jifted in. �a.zows belavv �ox• 7na�tait��d Ji$�i aufpu�, nna�niai�ed inputipa��r, az�d�naa;�ained drive ow.xent. �e�ei 1 �imrnab(s Possible c�iscn��neet Mov[ng parts G`�, `� o� �C�.i.�' UIt7ItTii STAl+ilJt�iiT) Ca�TS�'�71C'�TC3IJ SPEC'.�F3C�i.TIO�T D�CUMLT]TS ItevisecS 7une i5,�915 APP�I�D�� � P������l� - T��hr���a�� �a�t� �wkgllumber, � F1aEc: { Vm]a�E: flU��IVIEU�E Wifh a dasi�n IiEe af 2p�-years a€�d snperIor in•rusE� turrentand surge-�ro�enianfea€ures,fhe �LL �lite supporttlia ��ended iife and ln�t malntenanc� beneFits �ssosiate� with l.�p fi�res. �E�TEJRES RPPI.ICi�TfQNS � LEp I1ghtlog fl�ures �taf require duskto dawn controf � Nighinrushc�rren#iixtares � tlesic�r�ed�alastas(ongasyovrlEDilghtingsyskem,20+years � f.EDlnrush�ratedianv�ilhfriacassisiedrefay � �xirent�su��eprate�tionuf7280Jf90kAuiiEiEynr2i7.0,�l90kAt1E.lfsted � Oaubieilalcf�8�cbsureandlenswitl�arfdldanalUVinhi6ifnr 4 HigEitemp6asepfas�ictestedia1�30°C a Lon� Ei#e capac9tors ¢ Fullwavcre�ifiacE�ouversupply a qualzenerdiodesforlonglife A Solld 6rassra��tact6lades d DoubEestderi,lhruftoleplaied.062°Fli4cfrcuit6nartl . � Ganforma� coated printed circuftboard 0 5ealedpadcagingforex�endedstarage �P�C��i CA�(��iS R�G�lA7QftY [fSEINGS Q A�l51 C136.�0 Q RUHS Coinpiiant � tfl.listedfaiJS,andCanad#ansafetystandaCds a� Sur�e raied in ex�sss of AN5i Ci�h.1U ta �akVllUicA DPERAiING CHARACfERiSTl�S � �parati€�gtemperaiure:-40G#o70C � Va[iage 1Z0 to �1$OVAL, 60FIx - a Laaclraifng:YO�OvraltS,'leflQVA�allast � UI.LaadRati�sg.10�RVA o Rveragepawerconsump�ior�; �0.5wattsC� 12aV wa�ranty Ten-yearlimitedwarranry.Camplelawarraniykermslac.a1tedadt: • �F;,/;AEif�r�nrl�rnrntG��cFnma7RP4(i111CP��C1i1S ORi] 'CA�iUjEinns:asnx Hote: ArEuaf performants �t�y dl�fer�s a tesa[t o#end•trser envlranmsnt and appfirati�a�. Sps�ilicat�❑nssuhjectta dEangswir#�a�tnotice �.�����con�rors � ��.I�� ��'ia s"5��. f� Li,�"'�1�.` s� � 5J : y++�"' . � °' ;'r�! ���.. ' f ` :vad' r iJ �: � � M1'!17=s: -�'�"}`�'!:.'��'h+Yj,iii"<�''l�� �'„ry��. �;��� ;w;;='���•�:;�;.�:�:.. ,.,, ,sJ �._ .a���;: , . • �, ,.��:�:.:.�,;.rya;; `r���,:�a:n.;,, ,}:;. � .:°;-f'-.c;^ :r:,:�� _ �v :_';:��'''.'a• _ - � .. . . . v . _. . _ - , � �.�� �i.�I �"� - .�`.IGG�'�'o.i��C ,�,OC�.ix�C,1 T�r�e .P�c��o�a�.�.�o� } � ,� t�► - - F:.�t'�Y=` s+,�?�4���.:;;'>, •nr�w „j :� s:ur:'�,`: ;�:i,�Q:�721�; :�; Gree� Slue :�:;3�7V �``s";Y Grea� Green '�<'s;iEBUys•�; ;•: Yallacv ' Yellnw � ���s 1. �lOiav3aia6[ewI1hDL33d7rUlE48D,arp3lre�EiHw1Pon. 2, Nonsf3irda�dcusfam�q�arsarsnon-stockllems�Availa6lclnJf2and,150oniy.Cons�ltcuslamerservlre. Atu1l�IBraadsf OnelithanEal�fay Canyeis,GA 3�i012 Pf€ane:600.535.z465 tnv�uawl[ycanlmis-w�i dI�"��'�' �]20142017Aca![yBrands[igl�pag,lnc Allrigh�smsenred. �eu64113(i7 1 at2 CiiM��TS10�?S 5tandard tarx Profile STOCK�p �i!!Ofl��. N�l4���[�5 � • j• h [�EL9271.5 12Q-277VFai]-On[non-ltLj J5�! �I.11273.5BL i2�277UFai!-On��rnmllLjBlue .fSQ �]LL'��.7't.5GY 12f�277VFai�-d�ti{nai�-ltLjGray J5U Di.L9279.5BK �20-277UFaiE-O��nnn•UL)Bl�ck d50 ULL�27F'�.� 120-277�Fail�Off{nan•Ul,� J50 DL1��27Fi.5�L T2Q-273UFai1-Off{non•Ui)Bhre J54 [�I�C127'l.51.P 920•277UFail-On{�fon•U#��LowPrnflle .15€3 � DLL127F 1.5 CUI. 120 �77V �all- �if .�54 DLl.127 �.5 CUL �20-277V�ail• On J5p t�lt.�47� f,5 CiJL 347U Fall• 4ff J50 oi.13k71.5CI1L 347VCa1!-Qn J5U f7Gl.480F1.5CUL 480VFaiF-�f# ,i50 D3.11�80 7.5 CU1 9t34V Fail- On .150 AculyBrandsjOnelithoniaWayC�nyerS,�A3U0i2 PBone:SW.535.?A65 iviwv.�cui[ycanlrols,tam . a�b1! �26#42477Acuilyerands€ightingincAllrlghtsreserved. Rev09l131i7 2of2 �������� � �I��r�i�� ��p� T��h����l Da�ta� ����� ��a������ ���, �,�����a��'�'��� I��r����a�� The F4�I-5�q Shorting Cap features 3�-�rang laakfng-tYpe Piug oonl�aator, lt fs usod with ittminaries wi}h ��hotaconfr4! �'eceptacla �a corr�p(ets circui# when a photocontrat is nat required. �ea�ua�es m 17esignad to meet environmental profectfon rec{�r�remen�s in AR[S! C'f 3�.7 0. a Garnpfet� cfrcui� ta provide cffract connec�io� fo �umir�arie when �o pi�afioc�rttral is canttected. ���A��� Size: Cof4�•; Materiai: Eleafrica! R�'�inc�: E�vfronrnental; Regutatory Llsfiings; Warrar�ty: �" (�.F nrrt) High, �" �7.6 crn) I�iamet�r MiIkY White wi�h �fack lniprint� UV S�i��ilized Polyp�-opeiyne Ca� Bl�ck Polypro�elyne �ase Neo�arene Blend �asJce� 5olid �rass Contacts � � +�, 'i �0-�]-88 �/ - MeptsANS� C13E��#0 • ���►r�ironmenta� Requirements UVCSA LEsted ANS! C'f 36-'! C� Compliar�t Llt�nited 2�yeaY Man[lf�cfuter's Warraniy i. _ . . . -' - '- '- - - - E �1\IT�FiN7A'Tl�` l�raje�t: �.4ca�ia�: Prad�.[�t Typ�:- �pn#ac�/P�Ana: Mac[el #: Kasao � � .�� '��,��� �r�ergy Ganfrofs 5p�c�f�cat�ar� T�� balcing type, shnriing plug sh�l1 lnsta�l an a ANSI �'136-'10 NEMA styie 3�pin rece�#aele� ta connect laad pins to i�y�ass �ocal pl�atnceU con�ral. St�at-rint� piuc� sh�ff �7�vs a ratinc,� of �5A �t �[1�-488 VAG. 7"he s�at�tirtg pit�g shafl be cor�stt�ucteci w'rEh UV sta�ilized paly�ra�aelyne cap, b[a�k po�ypropeiyne i�ase ar�d neoprene faiended gaskef. Th� sh�rEing pfug shal! be aget�cy ceriffiec[ and tesi�ed accordlt3gly. 7he shor�ing �1u� shail meef a!1 environmer�ta! and electrlcal raqulre�rt�nts of ANS! C13E.-i 0, '�F�o shorling �alug s�ta[i ha�e a rrranufacturas If�'nited warranty of 2 years Ir�frtirr�crm. Tk�e shorting plug shafE b� fn�ker'm�tic rr�odeE K4�0(]. _ _ " ' " . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ � . . _ I II �nergy Con#r'als W W W.�17�E:Y�"ii ��I G_C�iii �l�I���D�� ��r��t L���t ��rr�����r�t ����n���i D�t� SiR �E7" i.IGHT COM PD N�N�"S-SP�CiFI GATf01�S �rxn� �us�s z�� �Ac ��.I�.n ro�oa} -�us� �c��.n��s soov,ncf�c (�oaS -w���s: #6 ALl3Mf NUM i]UPLEX OVERH�',4D #�& Al.UMiiVlJM TRIWLE7f OV�RHEAD �t6 AL1JMiNEJM TRIPLE� C4f�![?t1Gi�R 6�Oil (tlNf��iZ��tQLTIV�} _ -CONI�I�fTS: - RfG{D [�ONM �TALLtG SCH�'DiJLE 80 (B�I.I.�'D �ND��.Q`} R�Gf17 hlONM�7'ALLCISCHE�U€.� &0 (Et,BC3W5-PLA1N EfVb) RlGiD 1�0111METALLCI SC�I�C}U[.E 80 ��Ol.1f'�,fi�tC 8e ADAP`I'�R) GR�UN[] SO}C � DIM�f�510N: 3.8"X�4"X18", TI�R RATtN�. �.D MATERfRI.: aOf.YM�� co�rck�T� �fAP�R�b �ok FfARDWAC�E;1=3�8" 601.T � � _ . _ -- -�. , d �' : � I����sU��Q��y ������c�� �����c�� Tfi�Ot�lo� i"RM titnd-del�y �idge� fuses are rated 2�0 vof#s AC and are oFFered in �rr��er� ratings fram 4l90 to 3oA, '�'hey ha�e 92 seconds time-d�fay at 2�0% +'ating #o pravide supplementaE praieciion of sr,�af[ motars, small #raC�sfa�'r�eCs atl�t a#her . high ir�rush Ivads, plus rn�r�y otf�er 250 voit appfications. (f�ot for Sranch GiE'ct�it �'rofecEiort). ��a��rt����e�e�i�s: d Riurn�ratrs ratin�s Por a wide Varfety af applicatfons � 260VAC ra�ing in ��E slzes up to �OA d Tim�-rfefay far ctrcuifs �vffh h�gh fnrusf� c�e►renf a Can be used with lJftraSafeT"� fuse hofders A i�tr2° x�€31��a (�Qmm x ssmm) d+rnenaRans �iighl�gh�s: � Tirne-delay �a�alc�g i�l�atr�berrs {�m�s) �� iRMfif10 TRM'i5�1i1p TRA42l40 Tf�tild 7RM31td - TRM4li0 1RM112 Ti�r[6IiR 7AFA9-8lf0 r�a�fa T�s�-a�ra TNhii TRfMl2 7€�M�t �i8 iat�z�r4 3AM1-il4 Tlifu�2-'1f2 TRbr1'[-�lia FRH12•&fIU ,4��p�ic�iio��s; 6 Smai! tnofors 9 Srn�f! trar�sFarmers a ��gh#ing c[rc�aife a Cor�trol ci�cuifs �s rRr��sr�o TRM14 'ERAl3-7ftf� TRA16 " TRMf2 '�M3-i12 TRI4[C��i4 7RM15 7fi�l9 7RM7 TR�17A TRMd 1J2 TRhlB TRM25 TR�15 7R�u{9 7R�h3Q _- • •:^i - : • � "..- i ` �. ��,F-��..�f� �"-_ s . -�" "�_�is'ia4,''� �`-a`-'--;}yr` ��r�., � '���� ���taTa��i�IuniTier•i: • {"�- 3�; ��7 � �. ti ���. ,�' ' f�``�,a+ �� i �� F�.,. i��?� 1+'�'�"et`�� ���+x`= �S f- - - - � -. � � �i�e�'.����'� . • �`-:, : �'-:. :��'��1l�'�': ��:. ,��. _,;-;: .. : ,��:�.��.� �` ,. :,; s ' _ ��;'�:-;, ..... ._.:,- �� ��' �t �p�. ��� - �.�" �,�. �1 �: �-" 2� .rF i�� �q�a�?a.� ��s � � � li#r� f� -�� ���,�� [�` �_�I �i, � f -�--�r�� ��- 'itfi�;��, }' ��i�� � �.�,�� `�� ��-a �: "��- � :@� ti.i �I: v�• �`���., + � �•.�;�'� R •'�`��--�}��,^ #�a�i��s: Vdlts :25QIlRC tAt�yps : '!1'i Q to 3aA l.�. : `fQkA I_t�. Ap��`oV�ls: � i1�. ({stedto.standard 24s�'�4 �ile E39925 � CSA GerfifiecE f� Standst'rJ C22.2 i�la. 2�S.i� i�o�N�3t�� �� , � � A���� � ��6� � � �.s�+ ^_Sza-,� �r-� .YFr•;.�j v �� �� ���g ���� ��� G�O V�a�� in��.ine �use� �a�de�s �US� BLa�K5 � NO�R�€�5 �� - - . —_ ,--����,, .. -,�����•� _ _ - _ - - - RA7'.[ N GS:' ¢ ����s. soovac / pc a At���; �DA Maxi�»un� � ���i�: 2�U1cA CClass CC �usesj; �ookA Ch7ldget F�rses) � `��i`i7�����:L[E'� I�ci����: �S��C �_;M�=;";_3 �s n��i:� :�' ` � ?,'�iS n-�'�=�fl� � U: `�;� . � `';_''� i P�iersen's carn}��ete ltne o� stngle ���c[ c�u�! pa]e In��ine �use ha[ders accarnmodate �ithar �-1%2" x i3/32 `(70 x 38 rt�m7 midc�et ar Ciass CC �irses. The f�.is� ho1ders ar•e d�sl�ned fdr q�ifcic ins�allaflol�. 5cc�srin� n��l•s or screws are captive khus speedinc� �nstaffattan f�y reducing �E7e t�eed ta lo��i�e and �ssem�Ee Ia�se components it� tha fielci, Tl�ree i�Zterna! �-rir�gs per �ol� seal th� �use hafder praviciin� a water- resistat�t coft�partmenl' for t�e ��t�se. The ca��lve ��tings are colot•ed (blu� fflr sinsle ��oEe artc� reci far cE�.r�l pofe} For c�utck dekectivn. Op�ionaE co�ze shapecE fnsL�faior i�ooEs e�n be s�lppec! an to prov(c{e a waterElc�ht sea] (�fe�kawaY versions come witl� boois standerc!). Eiath single artd duai �oEe �ersians have art option�l i�r�a�<away featur-e whiciz safely discannects �iie ioad in case of a�soie knocfccEow��, �uses r@m�in safQlY ancapstrJated wfEi�En if�e waearri�hE fuse hofcler oYi the 'i��iill��i��.�#�'��e��;a_ �s'�',�"��_�„if,i �_�����r-c� �.�. h'Q:�F�=ltW'Nr�-a•i' :1 w�l�►wi �:,ik`�I-��'�-rai�W3 i=�C anc� ��1' itafderts �re� wlgl:: Cfass GG; ATOR, A7i�'iF2. Al'C�R ' APP[�l.GAT��7f�S: � S�reef li�litin� a parking foi li�htit�c� • Tr�ff#c sigiaalin� � Shor�s lighting a Boats �ncE f�a!'i17as � [-�umidfcorrasive " ��"kVIYa!"Ifi��ri�s �apPt�ov�rLs; � UL Lls�ed C[ass CC Guide !ZL'� Ft[e �52283 4 lJ�, f��Gog[r�izer� Compall�n� I�i��e� Gttide I�L.`f2, F11e�E5228� � n��-�;r�1' ., • � ��� u,•�a . . _ ��...��r�`;�`� ' v� �� � p. ��� 5��. ��� 3• 2U317 Afcrsen� All flgfiks reseNed. t•lersen reserves the N9ht lo change updai� 3 ar ca[rect, rdEhaut em[fce, any infarmatlan con�lned hs thls dalas0eet. �� �^ Fxp�Y1lse, a¢msource aFentrgy ' ���3, ��C, F'�)C, �C� rus� ��.o��c� ' &OQ V�tt In--€.irt� �us� Fdalci�Ys & H4�.I��RS � =T=Y....�'_„�..�.�L '�7Ys� - ».:�"-'�-_ � r-t = ..LF�Y,� ^�-..�.����:. i' .� '1M""_`.�."."' �� r"RsSSS�"- �.ti._-�lY..�ti �. i _ _ _ _ �, MERSEN IN�L�N� FUS� HOI..DER F�1Ml�.Y — , TY��CA� COMBIi�lATiON �HART _ �':::; �: � :� '.i.7s.'�j e 't:.�9:�' �5'4�-' CJ�fMi�tl�tG TOO�a� R���F?ENCE C�-fART, TH� FO�LOW�NG CR[I�l�f�fh�G TOO�S (�R �QUlV�LEh[T) AR� RECl7MMEND�D= , , - a. rer��e� �r-�.ut� � . .._._.._. ._'...Y2i�lR~�.�.`.TBM2IT8N1�6Lt£UlE;W%i15,R�lEO 3 Y2MR 79M2/[BMHGHEYtilE,lxlT113•A�IEE �� 4---- _.^_..�_ Y2i�fR.._.,�,_._..._... T�hE2/]BMS�ROWh1UI��H�T1�5•RI71��� i _ - _ . . � _ _ il . _ __ _ _._ _.. _. . . L _. __ . ._._ . a_ .r .... . 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Th�se optlonal cnne shaped 6oa�s are avalfable ta provide a o-vatert7ghl insPallarion T(�e insulatar boots are a'esi9ned ta farm a' w�fei'tightseal averconductars, 6ut du� to Vatyllrq Wire fnstllc�ttan slzes it Is sc�ggested thsf tape 4Y1'a,a be utlbied for � bes!'YesulYs F'5�1= Single canductarboot � ��5�l;J�!llJr`�Yr.ui�flsF!s,t?6 . wv w�r+w..`vri. �.. 4. F'�aN vArslans have a permanentlY rrrCunted dirmroy fuse far neufral a,npqcarrons. a polai-izett d�ial pc,le prvvid�s sim��[i'aneous cEfscannection � Ferf�an�nkty instal�ed rreutraf versio�s quickly 1dei�ei�f�ci f�Y whifie nuts ^ TU]Ep i�.�se clip far iir��rovad contact and Iow Iosses � �nvfronrn��i�aliy fri�rsdly-nn l�ad sa[der used ^ �ighlv visibte cai�alo� ��«rn6�er evan with insulatian kJ4Df5 FI1S��ll�Ci ° Wire c�auge slze i�lentified on ins�ilation f�ooCs foY ���ick, acc�rate �ri�nrnins � �frn� dela� �o�- mo�or startin� �ncf hr�r�sform�r inrus� 0 :t. i f�;� i'�„� � 5 ��_ L�::7 k EP.�+7�RS�hl.CcaNE ib� �; #=i15� $l.DG4f5 � i-�D�f��#�S ��E3, l�"'��, ��)�, ���� Gt)0 1/b1� f17�I..iYi6 �'�.lSe �la(���5 �....�s�, � - - �_;�::.��._ _....:,_ -�-��-„-.,,�._..._ - - ---� :.-�.-:,�•<„n. .,. .�,,5�,:�„�,R-�,�����, FEg A�D r-�c, NON-s1��AF<AWAY Al�D BREAKAWAY AS5EMBI.Y DRAWlf�GS � FERRAZ &Hhl�ii4lF1" � � 4.3" (I�Omm) ---� 8.0" (203�tm1 ASSEMBL�D ��i4C�TH W!i"H of�T'IoNAl. �5�7 �OOiS �� � FERRhz sHnyJNu� � A�,7" i7g C mm] , 5.8" ('f4-7rnm) ASS�M�L.�a L�t�ICTN --� J O" (2Z9tnrn) A55rMBL�[7 L�NGTH F��C AND F�Y, N4N-BRE.qK,�tWP,Y ,qND BREAKAW�Y A�SEMBI�Y �RAVI�lNGS ��c'Gi����� �J ����i�I��� Np �� � FERRhi SHRldh3U7 �--- 4_�" (1o�inn'j) ---f ' 8,p" (20�mm) A55�ME�L.�D L�hIG7H WtTH OPTIOI�fAL �'S�� �oUTS �_mm u o h . �1:'-'�;:.!.____�_.'"—__'. - - -_�_ri�F,� - - i���� �'f!!!Y�i►f��, 1 ��.'�� ,4�a j r� �� �('.NiER5��.COM ��� oi�oao-� MOBILIZATION ATID REMOBILIZAITON Page I of �F 2 3 PART1- GENERAL SECTION Ol 70 00 MOBILIZATION AND REMOBILIZATION 4 1.1 SUMMARY S A. Section Tncludes: 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 i3 14 15 Ib 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 � 3 Mobilization and Demobilization a. Mobilization 1) Transportation of Contractor's personnei, equipment, and operating supplies to the Site 2} Establishment of necessary general facilities for the Cantractor's operafion at the Site 3) Premiums paid for performance and payment bonds 4) `�'ransportafiai� af Contractar's personnel, equipment, and operating supplies to another locatior� vvith�n the designated Site �) Relocation of necessary general facilities for the Contractor's operation from 1 Iocation to another location on the Site. b. Demobilization 1) Transportation of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operatiug suppIies away from ihe Site including disassembIy 2) Site Clean-up 3) Removal of all buildings andlor other faciiities assembled at the Site for this Contract c. Mobilization and Demob�lizat�on do not include activities for specific iiems o� work that are for which payznent is pro�+ided elsewhere in the contract. Remobilization a. Remobilization for Suspension of Wark specifically required in the Contract Documents or as required by City includes: 1) Demobilization a} Transportation of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operating supplies from the Site including disassembly or temporarily securing equipment, supplies, and other facili�ies as designated by the Contract Documents necessary to suspend the Work. b) Siie Cleaxz-up as desig-nated in the Contract Dacurr�en.ts 2) Rerrzobilization a} Transpartation of Contractor's personnel, equiprnent, and operating supplies to the Site necessary to res�.tne the Work. b) Estab�ishment of necessary generaI facilities for the Contractar's operation at the Site necessary to resume the Wark. 3) No Payments will be made for: a} Mobilizafion and Demobilization from one location to another on �he Site in the normal progress of performing ihe Work. b) Stand-by or idle time c) Lost pro�its Mobilizations ar�d Denc�obilization foz' Miscellaneous Projecis a. Mobilization and Dernobilizatian CITY OF FOTtT WOTtTH Shareview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTI01+15C'�CTFTCATION DOCLTMENTS CPNs l0I S20 & 103051 Revised Novamber 22, 2016 oi 7ooa-z MOBILIZATION AND REMOBILIZAT'ION Page 2 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1) Mobilization shall consist of the activities and cost on a Work Order basis necessary for: a) Transportation of Contractor's persorinel, equipment, and operating supplies to the Site for the issued Work Order. b) Establishment of necessary gen�ral facilities for the Contractor's operation at the Site for t�ae issued Wark Order 2) Demobilization shall consist of the aciivities and cost necessary for: a} Transportatiox� of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operating supplies from the Site including disassembly for each issued Work Order b) Site Clean-up for each issued Wor.k Order c) Rernoval of all buiIdings or other facilities assernbied at the Site for each Wark Oder b. Mabilization and Demobilization do nat incIude activities far specific items oi work for which payment is provided eIsewhere in the contract. 4. Emergency Mobi�izations and Demobilization for MisceIlaneous Projects a. A Mobilization for Miscellaneous Projects when directed by the City and i�e mobilization occurs within 24 hours of the issuance of the Wor� Order. B. Deviafions from this City of Fort Worth Standard Speciiication 1. None. 21 C. Related Specification Sections inc�ude, but are not necessarily limiied ta: 22 1. Division 0— Bidding Requiremenfs, Contract Forms azad Conditions of the Contract 23 2. Division 1— General Req�irements 24 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 A. Measuxement and Payment 1. Mobilization and Demobilization a. Measure 1} This ltem is considered subsidiary to the various Items bic�. b. Payment 1} The work performed a��d materials furnished in accordance with this Ttem are subsidiary to t�e various Items bid and no other cornpensation wiil be allowed. 2. Remobilization far suspension of Work as specifically required in the Contract Docuirzenis a, Measurement 1) Measurement %r this Item shall be per each remobilization performed. b. Payment I} The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Iiem and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price per each "Specif�ed Remobilization" in accordance with Contract Documents. c. The price shall include: 1) D�zz�obiIization a.s described in Section 1.1.A.2.a.1} 2) Remobilization as described in Section I.1.A.2.a.2} d. No payments will be made for standby, idie tiaae, or lost profits associated this iiem. CITY OF FORT WOKTFT Shoreview Drive G�[vert Improvements S'I'AIVDARD COI�STRUCTT01+] SPECTFICATION DOCUIvIEI�fT$ CPNs 101820 & 103051 Itevised 1+#ovember 22, 2016 o� �ooa-3 MO131LIZATION AND REMOBTLIZA'FION Page 3 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 rs lb �7 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3. Remobiliza#ian for suspension of Work as required by City a. Measurement and Payment 1) This shall be subrnitted as a Contract C1aim in accordance with Article 10 of Section 00 72 00. 2) No payments will be made for s#andby, idle time, or lost profits associated with this item. 4. Mobilizations and �emobilizations for Miscellaneous Projects a. Measurement 1} Measurement for this Item shall be for each Mobilizaiion and Demobilization required by the Contract Documents b. Payment 1) The Work perfoz-�ned and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measuremeni" will be paid far af the unit price per each "Work Order Mobilization" in accordance with Contract Documents. Demobilization shall be considet'ed subsidiary to mobilization and shall not be paid for separately. c. The price shall include: 1) Mobilization as described in Section 1.I.A.3.a.1) 2) Demobilization as descr�bed in Section 1.1.A3.a2) d. No payments will be made for standby, idle time, or lost profits associated #his Item. 5_ Emergency Mobilizatio�s and Demobilizations for Miscellaneous Projects a. Measurement 1) Measuremeni for this Item shaIl be for each Mobilization and Demobilization required by the Contract Doct�ments b. Payment 1) The Work performed and materials furaaisl�ed in accordance with tlus Itenr� and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price per each "Work Order Emergency Mobilization" in accordance with Contract Documents. Demobilization sha11 be considered subsidiary to mobilization and shall not be paid for sepaxately. c. The price shall include 1} Mobilization as described in Section 1.1.A.4.a) 2} Demobilization as described in Section 1.1.A.3.a.2) d. No payments will be made for standby, idle time, or lost proiits associated this Item. 37 1.3 REFERENCES [N�T USED] 38 1.4 ADNIINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 39 �.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT iTSED] 40 1.6 INFORMAT�ONAL SUSMITTALS [N�T USED] 41 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 42 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 43 1.9 QUALITY ASS[TRANCE [NOT USED] 44 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT W012TH 5horeview Drive �ulvert Improvements STAI+1DA12]] CONSTRUC'I'ION SPECIFICATTON DOCUMENTS CPNs 101820 & 103051 Revised November 22, 2D 16 017D00-4 MOBILIZATIOIY AN77 REMOBILIZATION Page 4 of 4 1 1.11 FIELD [SYTE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 2 1.12 WARRANTY jNOT U�ED] 3 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] �4 PART 3 - EXECUTiON [NOT USED] 5 END QF SECTION C Aavision Log DATE NAME SUMMAIZY OF CHANGE 11/22/16 Michael Owen �•Z price and Payment 1'rocedures - Revised specification, including blue tex� to make specifcation flexible for eiiher suhsidiary or paid bid item for Mobilizafian. CITY OF FORT WpRTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvemants S'T'ANBARB CONS'I'kZUCTiON SPECICICA7TOTI DOCLIMEN'I'S CPNs 101$20 & 103051 Revised November 22, 2016 oi�iz3-t CONSTRUCTIDN STAKING AND SURVEY Page 1 of & 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL SECTION Ol 71 �3 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Sectian Includes: 6 1. Requirements fQr construction staking and construction survey 7 B. Deviatians from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 8 1. None. 9 10 11 12 L2 I3 14 15 16 17 18 19 za 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 C. ReIated Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limiied ta: I. Division 0-- Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Const�ruction Staking a. Measurement 1) Measurement for #his Item shall be by lump sum. b. Payment 1) The work perfortned and the materials furnished in accordance with th�s Item shall be paid for at �he lutnp sum price bid for "Construction Staking". 2) Payment for "Construction Staking" shall be made in partial payments prorat�d by wark completed compared io total wor� incl�zded in the lump sum item. c. The price bid shall include, but not be limited io the follor�ving: 1) Veri�caiian of controI data provided by City. 2} Placement, maintenance and replacement of required stakes and markings in the field. 3) Preparation and submittal of cox�struction staicing documenta�ion in ihe for�n of "cut sheets" using the City's standard template. 2. Constructian �urvey a. Measurement 1) This Item is cox�sidered. subsidiary ta the various Iiems bid. b. Payment I) The work perfarined and the materials furnished in accardance with this Iiem are subsidiary to the various Items bid and no oiher compensation will be allowed. 3. As-Built Survey a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by lump sum. b. Paymenf 1) The work per%rrr�ed axzd the materials furnished in accordance with this Item sha1l be paid for at ihe Iump sum price bid for "As-Built Survey". C1TY OF FOTLT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDARD COI�TST'RUCTIOI�I SPECIFICATIpN DOCT]MENTS CPNs 101$20 & 103051 Revised Februxry 14, 2018 017123-2 GONSTRiICTTON STAKING AND SU1tVEY Page 2 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 2) Payment for "Construction Staking" shaIl be �nade in partial payments prorated by work cotnpleted compared to total work included in the lump siun item. c. The price hid shall inciude, but not be limited to ihe fotlowing: 1) Fie1d m�asurements and survey shots to idex�ti�y location of completed facilities. 2) Documentation and submitta� of as-burlt survey data onto contractor redline plans and digital survey files. 10 1.3 REFERENCES 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 36 3I 32 A. De��itions l. Construction Survev - The survey measurements made prior to or while construction is in progr�ss io control elevation, horizontal position, dimensions and conf'igura#ion af structurEs/improvements included in the Project Drawings. 2. As-built S�arvev —The zneasurements made after the construction of the improvement features are complete to provide position coordinates for the features of a project. 3. Construciion Stakin — The placement of staices and markings to provide offsets anc� elevations to c�at and fill in ordez' to Iocate on the ground the designed siruciures/improvements included in the Project Drawings. Constructioa� staking shall incl�ade staking easemenis a�dlor right of way if indicated on the plans. 4. Survey "Fie]d Checks" — Measurements made after constructioa� staking is completed and before construction work begins to ensure that str€�ctures marked on the gound are accurately located per Projec# Drawings. B. Technical References 1. Ciiy of Fart Worth — Construction Staking Standaxds (available on City's Buzz,saw website) --- O 1 71 23.16.01_ Attachrnent A_Survey Staking Standards 2. City oiFort Worth - Standard Survey Data Collecfor Library (fxl) files (available on City's Buzzsaw website). 3. Texas Department of Transportation {TxDOT) Survey Manual, laiest revision 4. Texas Society of Frofessional I.,aaad Surveyors (TSPS), Manual of Practice for Land Surveying in the State of Texas, Category 5 33 34 1.4 ADMIN�STRATNE REQUIREMENTS 35 A. Th� Contractor's selection of a surveyor must comply with Texas Government 36 Cade 2254 (qualifications based selection} for this project. 37 1.S SLFBMITTAL� 38 A. Submitfals, if required, shall be in accordance with Section 01 33 D0. 39 S. All submittals shall be received and reviewed by the City prior to delivery of work. 40 ].6 ACTION SUBMiTTALSIIN�'ORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 41 A. Field Quality Control Submiitats CI3'Y OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Tmprovemenfs STANDA12El COATSTRUGTION SPECI�'ICATION ]]OCLTMENTS CPNs 101$20 &] 03051 Revised February 14, 2Q18 017123-3 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND Si11ZVEY Page 3 of $ 1 1. Doc�unentation ver�fying accuracy of iield engineering wark, incIuding coordinate 2 conversior�s if plans do not indicate grid or ground coordinates. 3 2. Submit "Cut-Sheets" conforming to the standard tempIate provideci by tk�e City 4 (refer ta 01 71 23.16.Q1 — Attachment A-- Survey Staking Standards). S 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMiTTALS 6 B. As-built Redline Drawing SubmittaI 7 8 9 1Q zx 12 13 14 15 I 2. Submit As-Built S�zrvey Redline Dra.wings documenting the locations/elevations of constr�acted improvements signed and sealed by Registered Professional Land Surveyor (RPLS) responsible for the work (refer ta O1 71 23.16.01 — Aitachment A — Survey Staking Standards) . Contractor slaall submit the proposed as-built and completed redline drawing submittal one {I} week prior to scheduling the project final inspection far City review and camment. Revisions, i�necessary, shall be made to the as-built redline drawings and resubmitted to ti7e City priar to scheduling the construciian final inspection. 16 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT U�ED] 17 1.9 QUALITY ASSTTRANCE 18 A. Construction Staking 19 I. Construction staking will be performed by #he Con�ractor. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4l 42 43 2. Coordinatian a. Contact City's Project Representative at Ieast one week in advance notifying the City of when Construction Stal�ng is scheduled. b. It is the Contractar's responsibility to coordinate staking such that construction acti�ities are not delayed or negatively impacted. 3. General a. Contractor is responsible foz' preserving and maintaining stakes. If City surveyors are required to re-stake for any reason, ihe Contractor will be responsible for costs to perfarm staking. If in the opinion of the City, a sufficient number of stakes ar markings have been lost, destroyed disturbed ar omitted that the contracted Work cannot take place ihen the Contractor will be required to stake or re-stake the deficient areas. B. Construction Survey I. Construction Survey will be performed by the Contractor. 2. Coordinatio� a. Contractor to verify that horizontal and vertical contral data established in the design survey and required for construction survey is auailable and in pIace. 3. General a. Construction survey will be performed in order to consiruct the work shown an the Construction Drawix�gs and specified in the Contract Documents. b. For construction metlaods other than open cut, the Coz�tractar shall perform construction survey and verify contral data including, but not Iimited to, the following: 1) Verification that estabiished benchmarks and control are accurate. CITI' OF PORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Cuivert Improvements STANI�ARfl CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION I�OCiJMENT3 CPNs 101820 & 103051 Revised February 14, 201$ OI7123-4 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AN17 SURVEY Page 4 of 8 1 2) Use of Benchmarks to furnish and maintain all reference lines and grades 2 for ti�naaeling. 3 3) Use of line and grades to establish Yhe Iocation of the pipe. 4 4) Submit to the City copies of iield notesused to establish all li�es and 5 grades, if requested, and allow the City to check guidance sysiem setup prior 6 to beginning each tunneling drive. 7 5) Provide access for ilae City, if requested, io verify the guidance system and 8 the line and grade o�the carrier pipe. 9 6) The Coniractor remains fully responsible for tl�e accuracy of the work ar�d 10 cQrrection of it, as required. I 1 7) Manitor Iine and grade continuously during construction. 12 S) Record deviation with respect to design iine and grade once at each pipe 13 joint and submit daily records to the City. 14 9) If the installation does nof ineet the specif ed tolerances (as outlined in 15 Sections 33 05 23 and/or 33 OS 24), immediately notify the City and correct 16 the installation in accordance with the Contract Dociunents. 17 18 i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4a 41 42 43 44 45 A6 47 48 C. As-Built Survey 1. Required As-Buil# �urvey will be performed by the Contractor. 2. Caordination a. Confractor is io coordinate with City to confinaa which features require as- built surveying. b. If is the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate t11e as-built survey and required measureznents for items that are to be buried such that construction activiiies axe not delayed or negatively inapacted. c. For sewer mains and water mairis 12" and under in diameier, it is acceptable to physically measure depth and xaaark the Iocation during the progress of construction and take as-built survey after the facility has been buried. The Contractor is responsible for the quality control needed to ensure accuracy. 3. General a. The Contractor shall provide as-built survey including the elevat�on and location (and pravide written documentation to ihe City} of construction features duriQg t�e progress of the construction including the following: 1} Water Lines a) Top of pipe elevations and coordinates �ar waterlines af the following locatio�ns: (1) Mini�num every 2SO linear feet, including (2) Horizonial and vertical points of inflection, c�rvature, etc. (3) Fire line tee {4) Plugs, stub-outs, dead-end Iines {5) Casing pipe (each end) and ali buried �t�ings 2) Sanitary Sewer a) Top of pipe eIevations and coordinates fax farce mains and siphon sanitary sewer lines (non-gravity facilities) at the following locations: (I) Minimum every 250 linear feet and any buried fittings (2) Horizontal and vertical points of inflection, curvature, etc. 3} Stormwater — Not Applicable CITY OF FORT WORTH 5hore�iew Drive G�lvert 3mprovements STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOT! SPECIFICATTON AOGUMENTS CFl�is 701820 & I03051 Revised February 14, 2018 � DI7123-5 CONSTRUCTION STAI{IlVG AND SURVEY Page 5 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 z� 25 26 27 b. 7'he Contractor shail provide as-built survey including the elevation and locat�on (and provide written documentation to the City} of construction features after ihe constr�ction is completed includrng the folIowing: 1} Manhales a) Rim and flowline elevations and coordinaies for each manhole 2) Water Lines a) Cathpdic protection test stations b) Sampling stat�ons c) Meter boxes/vaults (AIl sizes) d) Fire hydrants e) Valves (gate, butterfly, etc.) fl Air Release valves (Manho�e rim and vent pipe) g) Blow ofivalves (Manhoie rim and valve lid) h) Fressure pIane valves i) Underground Vaults (l) Rim and flowline elevations and coordinates for eac� Underground VauIt. 3} Sanitary Sevver a} Cleanouts (i) Rim and flowline eIevations and coordinates far each b) ManhoIes and Junction Siruciures (1) Rim and flowline elevatians and coordinates for each marihole and junction structure. 4) Stormwater — Not Applicable 1.1U DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 1.11 FIELD [S�TE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 1.IZ WARRANTY 28 PART � - PRODUCTS 29 3Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �0 41 42 43 44 A. A constructian survey will pz'oduce, but will not be limited to: 1_ Recovery ofrelevant control poin#s, points of cu�-vature and points of interseci�an. 2. Establish temporary horizontal and veriical co�atrol elevations (benchmarks) sufficiently permanent and located in a manner to be used throughout construction. 3. The locatian af planned facilities, ease�aents and improvements. a. Establis�iing final line and grade stakes for piers, floors, grade beams, parking az'eas, utilities, streets, highways, tunnels, and ofher construction. b. A recard of revisions or corrections noted in an orderly znanner for reference. c. A drawing, when required by the client, indicating the horizontal and vertical Iocation of facilities, easetnents and improvements, as built. 4. Cut sheets sha11 be provided ta the City inspec�or and Survey Superintendent for all construction staking prajects. These cut sheets sha11 be on the standard city ternp�ate which can be obtained from the Survey Superir�te�dent (S 17-392-7925). 5. Digital survey files in the following forxnats shall be acceptable: a. AutoCAD (.dwg) b. ESRI Shapefile (.shp) CITY OF PORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOIY DOCLJIv1E1�ITS CPNs 101820 & 103051 Revised February 14, 2018 01 71 23 - 6 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 6 of 8 1 c. CSV �le (.csv), formatted with X and Y coardinates in separate columns (us� 2 standard ternpla�es, if available} 3 6. Survey fles sha1l include vertical and horizontal data tied to a�ginal project 4 control and benchmarks, and shall include feature descriptions 5 PART 3 - EXECUTION 6 3.1 INSTALLERS 7 A. Tolerances: 8 1. The stalced �ocatian of any improvement or facility should be as accurate as 9 practical aa�d necessary. The degee of precision required is dependent on many 10 factors aIl af which must remain judgmental. The tolerances lis#ed hereafter are 11 based on generaIities and, under certain circumstances, shall yield to specific 12 reqvirements. The surveyar shall assess any sifuation by review of �he overall plans 13 and through consultation with responsible garties as to the need for speci�ic 14 tolerances. 15 a. Earthwork: Grades for earthwork or rough cut should not exceed 0.1 ft. vertical 16 tolerance. Horizonial aiignment %r earEhwork and rough cut sk�ould nof exceed 17 1.0 ft. tolerance. 18 b. HorizontaI aligzx�aent on a siructure shalI be wathin .a. lft tolerance. 19 c. Paving or conez'ete for streets, curbs, gut�ers, parking areas, drives, alleys and 2a walkways sha�l be located within the confines ofthe site boundaries and, 21 occasionally, alflng a boundary ar any other restr�ctive line. Away from any 22 restrictive Iine, these facilities should be staked with an accuracy producing no 23 more than O.OSft. tolerance fram their specified locations. 24 d. Underground and overhead utilities, such as sewers, gas, water, telephone and 25 electric Iines, sha�l be located horizontally within their prescribed areas or 26 easements. Within assigned areas, tlaese uiilities shouId be staked with an 27 accuracy producing no more than 0.1 ft toleranc� fro� a specif�ed �ocation. 28 e. The accuracy requixed for the vertical locaiion of utilities varies widely. Many 29 underground utilities require only a�iniz�num caver and a tolerance of 0.1 ft. 30 sk�ould be maintained. Underground and overhead utiIities on planned prof Ie, 31 but �aot depending on gravity fiow for performance, should not exceed 0.1 ft. 32 tolerance. 33 B. Surve�+ing instruments sha11 be kept in ciose adjustment according to man�f'acturer's 34 specif cations or in compliance to standards. The City reserves fhe right io reyuest a 35 calibration report at any time and recommends regular maintenance schedule be 36 performed by a certi�ed technician every 6 months. 37 1. Fiefd measurements af angles and distances shall be done in such fashion as to 38 satisfy the closures and tolerances expressed in Part 3.1.A. 39 2. Vertical locations shall be established from a pre-established benchtr�ark and 40 checked by closing to a different bench rnark on the same datutn. 41 3. Construction survey field woz'� shalI correspond Yo the client's plans. Irregularities 9�2 or conflicis found shail be reported promptly to the Cify. �43 4. Revisions, conrections and other pertinent data shall be logged for future reference. 44 CITY OF FQRT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Impravements STANDARD COIVSTRUCTION SPECIFICATTON DOCUMENTS CFNs 101820 & 103051 Revised February Z4, 2018 Ol 71 23 7 CONST1LiJCTION STAI{ING AND SURVEY Page 7 of $ 1 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 2 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 3 3.4 APPLICATION 4 3.5 REPAIR / RE�TORA.TION 5 A. Tf the Contractor's wark damages or destroys one or mare of the con#rol 6 monurnents/points set by the City, the monuments shaI1 be adequately referenced far 7 expedient restoration. 8 1. Notify City if any control data needs to be restored or replaced due to damage 9 caused d�ring construction operations. 10 a. Contractor shall perform replacements and/or restorations. 11 b. The City may �require at any time a survey "Field Check" of any monument 12 or benchmarks t�at are set be ver�fied by the City surveyors before furYher 13 assaciated work can move forward. 14 3.6 RE-INSTALLAT�ON [�TOT USED] 15 3.'� FIELD [ox] SITE QUAL�TY C4NTROL 16 A. Tt is the Contractor's responsibility to �naintain all stakes and controi data placed by the 17 City in accordance with th�s Specification. This includes easements and right af way, if I8 noted on the plans. 19 B. Do not change or relocate stakes or control data without approval from the City. 20 3.$ SYSTEM STARTUP 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 A. Survey Checks I. The City reserves the right to perform a Survey Check a� any time deemed necessary. 2. Checks by City personnel or 3`d pariy contracied su�rveyar at'e not intended to relieve the contractor a�his/her respansibility for accuracy. 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.10 CLEAlVING [N�T USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [N4T USED] 3.12 PR�TECTION ��T�T USED] : 3.1.3 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USEDj END OF SECTION Aevision Log CITY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Lnprovements STAIVDATt3� CONST1tUCTION SPECIFICATIOAT DOCUMEN'I'S CPNs 10 ] 820 & i 03051 Revised Rebruary 14, 2018 01 71 23 - 8 CONSTRUCTION STAK711Cr AND SUI2VEX Page 8 of 8 DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGB 8/31/2012 D.7ohnson Added instruction and modified measurement & payment under 1.2; added 8/31/2017 M. Owen definitions and references under 1.3; modified 1.6; added 1.7 closeout submittal requirements; modified 1.9 Quality Assurance; added PART 2— PRODUCTS ; Added 3.1 InstalIers; added 3S Repair/Restoration; and added 3.$ System Startup. Removed "blue texY'; revised measurement and payment sec�ions for Consiruction Staking and As-B�ilt Survey; added reference to selecrion complra�ice with TGC 2/]4/2018 M Owen 2254; revised action and Cioseout submiftal requirements; added acceptable depth measurement criteria; revised list of items requiring as-built survey "during" and "after" construction; and revised acceptabie digifal survey fiie Format CITY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culved Improvements STANDARp CONSTRUCTIpN SPEGIFIGATIQN DO�UMENTS CPNs 101820 & 103p51 Revised February 14, 2018 I ` � Sectio� 01 71 ��.0� 6 A�t��h��r�� A �urv�y St�kin� S�and�rds Fe6ruary 2017 0:�5pecs-Stds Governance Process\Temporary 5pec Files�Capital Delivery\Cap Delivery Div 01\01 71 23.lfi.01 Attachment A Survey Staking 5tandards.docx Page 1 of Z2 These procedures are intended to provide a standard rnethod for constructian staking services associated with the City of Fort Worth projects. These are not ta be considered all inclus�ve, bui only as a general guideline. Far projects on iXDOT righ#-of-t+vay or through joint TXDOT participation, adherence to the iXDOT Survey Manual shall be followed and if a distrepancy arises, the TXD�T manual shall prevail. (http://onlinemanuals.txdot.�ov/txdotmanuals/ess/ess.pdfj If you ha�e a unique circumstance, plea5e consult with the project manager, inspectvr, or sur�ey department at 817-39Z-7925. Table of Contents I. City of Fort Worth Contact Information If. Construction Calors EII. Standard Staking Supplies IV. Survey �c�uipment, Control, and Datum Standards V. Water Staking VL Sanitary Sewer Staking V[I. Storm Staking VIII. Curb and Gutter Staking IX. Cut Sheets X. As-built Survey O:\5pecs-Stds Governance Process�Temporary 5pec Files�Capital Delivery�Cap Delivery Di� 01�0171 Z3.16.01_Attachment A_5urvey 5taking Standards.docx � Page 2 af 22 � � Surr�e pe ar�men� �ontac� lnformation Physical and mailing address: $851 Camp Bowie West Boulevard Suite 3�0 Fort Worth, Texas 76116 Office: (8�.7) 392-7925 Survey Superintendent, direct fine: �817) 392-8971 �onsi:ruction Colars The following co�ors shall be used for staking or identi�fying feat€�res in th� field. �his incl�des flagging, �aint of laths/stakes, paint o� hubs, and any ider�tificati�n sueh as pin flags if necessary. PROPOS�D EXCAVATION ALE. ELECl"RICANQ COf�DUITS POTABLE WAT�R GAS OR O]L TELEPWONE/FIBER OPTIC 5fJRVEYCONTROI. P�I�ETS, BENCHMAR�CS, PROf'ERTY CORNERS, RIGHT-OF-WAYS, AND ALL PAViNG INCLUDING CURB, SIDEWALK, BUILDENG CORNERS . SANITARY SEWER IR�tIGAT10N AND iiECLAIMED WATER IIIlI Standard Staking Supplies Calar WHITE _„i,'i;i I Y E L �U'a'ti+ (il'�Ai��E �IEVIC Ifem llAinirr�um size Lat�/Stake 35" tall Wooden Hub �2"x2" min. square preferred) 6" tafl Pin Flags (2.5" x3.5" preferredj 21" long Guard Stakes I�ot requir�d PK ar Mag nails 1" lang iron Rods �1/2" or greater diameter) 18" long 5ur�ey Marking Paint Water-based Flagging 1" wide Marking Whiskers (feathers) 6" long Tacks (for marfcing hubs) 3/4" long 0:�5pecs-Stds Governance Process�Temporary Spec Fiies�Capital Delivery\Cap belivery Div 41�0171 23.16.OJ._Attachment A�5urvey Staking Standards.docx Page 3 of 22 Il/. Sur�e1� �quipment, Con�rol, and Datum Siandards A. City Benchmarks A!I city benchmarks can be found here: http:J fortworthtexas.�ov/itsolutions GIS Look for `Zoning Maps'. Under `Layers' , expand 'Basemap �ayers', and check on `Benchmarks'. B. Con�entional or Robotic Total Station Equipment I. A rninimum of a 10 arc-second instrument is requ�red. II. A copy of the latest calibratian report may be req�ested by the City at any time. It is reeommended that an instrument be calibrated by certified technician at least 1 occurrence every 6 mon�hs. C. l�etwork/V.R.S. and static GpS Equipment I. It is critical that the surveyor verify the correct horizontal and �ertical datum prior commencing work. A site talibratian may be required and shall cansist of at least 4 contro] points spaced e�enly apart and in varying quadrants. Additional field checks of the horizontal and �ertical atct�racies shall be completed and the City may ask for a copy of the calibration report at any time. II. Network GP5 such as ihe Western Data 5ystems or Smart�let systems may be used for staking of property/R.O.W, forced-main water lines, and rough-grade only. No GPS stakins for concrete, sanitary sewer, starm drain�final �rade. or anythin that needs vertical gradin� with a tolerance o# 0.25' or less is allnwed. D. Control Poinis Set I. All control points set shall be accompanied �y a lath witi� the appropriate Northing, Easting, and Elevatian (if applicable) of the point set. Contro[ points can be set rebar, `X' �n concrete, or any other appropriate item with a sta�ale base and af a semi-permanent nature. A rebar cap is optional, but preferred if the cap is marked `control point' or similar wording. II. aatasheets are required for all control points set. Datasheet should include: A. Horizontal and Verticaf Datum used, ExampEe: N.A.D.83, North Central Zone 4202, NAVD SS Efe�ations B. Grid or ground distance. — lf graund, �rovide scale factor used and base point coordinate, Example: C.S.F.=0.999325, Base point=North: 0, East=O C. Geaid mocEel used, Example: GEOIDI2A 0:�5pecs-5tds Governance Process\Temparary Spec Files�Capitai Qeli�ery\Cap Deli�ery Div 01�0171 23.15.01�Attachment A 5urvey Staking 5tandards.docx Page 4 of 22 E. Preferred Gr'sd Datum Although many plan sets can be in surface caardinates, the City's preferred grid datum is listed below. Carefiul consideration must be taken to verify what datt�m each project is in prior to beginning work. It is essentia� the 5urveyor 6e familiar w�th caord�nate transformations and how a grid/surface/assumed coordinat� system affect a project. Proiected Coordinate System: IVAD_19�3_S#atePlane Texas_North_Central_FIPS 42Q2_Feet Projection: Lambert_Conformal�Conic False_�asting: 1968500.ODOOOOQO False_Northing: 6561666.66666667 Central Meridian: -98.50fl00Q00 Standard Parallel 1: 32.13333333 Standard Paralle� 2: 33.96666667 Latitude_Of_Origin: 31.66fi66667 Linear Unit: Foot US Geographit Coordinate System: GCS_North_Ar�erican, 1983 Qatum: D North Am�rican 1983 Prime Meridian: Greenwich Angular Unit: Degree i�ate: Regardless of what datum eacF� particular project is in, deliverables to #he City rrtust be converted/translat�d intn this preferred grid datum. �. copy of the deli�erable should be in the project datum (whatever it may be} and 1 copy s�tauld be in the NAD83, TX North Central 42Q2 zone. See Pre erred File N�min Convention below F. Preferred Deli�era�le Format txt .cs� .dwg .job G. Preferred Data Format P, N, �,Z, D,N Point Nurnber, Northing, Easting, Elevatian, Description, Notes (if applicable) H. Preferred File Naming Convention This is the preferred format: City Project Numf�er_Description_Datum.csv Exam le for a ro'ect that has surface coardinates which must be translated: Fi[e 1: C�.234 As-built of Water on Main Street_Grid �lAD83 TXSP 4202.cs� O:�Spets-5tds Gauernance Protess�Temparary Spec Files�Capital Deiivery�Cap Delivery Div 01�0171 23.16A1_Attachment A_Survey Siaking 5tandards.docx Page 5 of 22 File 2: C1234 As-built of Water on Main Street_Project Specific Datum.csv C�xample �onfirol Sitakes O:\Specs-Stds Governance Process\Temparary 5pec Files\Capital Delivery\Cap Qefivery Div 01�0171 Attachment A_Survey 5taking Standards.docx Page 6 of 22 � � � � � � � � � � w m � � z � z � � r''� C r� � ■■ � � � � � � � �_-- � � � � w '� �1 �j EL.= 10�.C70' � �-- .� J L� F-� �� =�" � �. �' C� W J --- � � Y � � � _ �!- � � � �� � � � } � � � - � C7 d � � � � __ J C� t.� � � � m � � O CJ � � �CP �1 �=�a�a.a� ._��_ �_ Cf? w �- � � � � C� O C7 �=�aao.oa a W � ~ � W � � � � � � _ � � � � - _ � � w � _ � � � ~ W � ��L �ry w � � � � V. 11Va�cer S�akin� S�andards O:�Specs-Stds Governance Process�Temporary Spec Files�Capital belivery�Cap Delivery Div D1�0�. 71 23.].6.01�Attathment A_5ur�ey Staking Standards.dotx Page 7 af 22 A. Centerline Staking — Straight Line Tangen#s I. Offset lathfstakes every 200' on e�en stat�ans I{. Painted blue lath/stake only, no hub is required I[I. Grade is to top of pipe (T/P} for 12" diarrteter pipes or smaller IV. Grade to filow line [F/L) for 16" and larger diameter pipes V. Grade shoufd he 3.�0' below the proposed top nf cur€� line for 10" and smaller diameter pipes VI. Grade shou[d be 4.00' below the proposed top of curf� line for 12" and larger diameter pipes VII. Cut Sheets are required on all staking and a copy can be recei�ed from the survey superintender�t aptional: Actual stakes sha11 eonsist af a 60D nai! or hub set with a whisker B. Cenierline 5#aking - Curves I. if art length is greatar than 100', POC (Poirmt af Cur�ature) offset stakes should be set at a 25' interval 61. 5ame grading guidelines as above [I!. Staking a� radius points of greater than 10D' may be omittecf C. Water Meter Boxes L 7.0' perpendicular offset is preferred to the center of the box fl. Center of the meter should be �.0' behind the proposed face of curb III. Meter should be staked a minimum of 4S' away from the edge of a driveway IV. Grade is to tap of box and should f�e +Q.06' higher than the p�oposed top of curb unless shown atherwise on tf�e plans D. Fire Hydran#s I. Center of Hydrant should be 3.0' behind propased face of curb I1. Sur�ey offset stake should be 7.a' from the cer�ter and perpendic�lar �a the cur� line or water main I11. Grade of hydrants shoufd be +0.30 higher than the adjacent top of curb E. Water Valves & Vaults I. Offsets should be perpendict�lar to the proposec� water main II. RIM grades should only be pro�ided if on plans �xam te Vilater Sfal�es O:\Specs-Sids Go�ernance Process\7emporary Spec Files�Capita] Delivery�Cap DeGvery Div 01�0171 �3.16.01 Attachment A_S"urvey Siaking Standards.docx Page 8 of 22 .--. C�' � � � � � � �� ,.°�� � ��� � w �_l._ � i�"l � � � CJ � � �� � � � u, L� e � �• � � J � 6 �� � � � � � W � � t� -� t7 � � � � ca C � W J � � � d � �� w� � z� F� 2 4 t3 w ���� ���W � J � l�i�+`�� � ��'�� �' o js � w/L � c� � � c3 w � � �d �� c� � � � � io�� a..� �oi.is' m �- � � 0 v � � � � � � � � Q � � �W ���y VJ h1 ``�� �� � �� �� � � �� � � 7.�7..��T� � e-a,s� � � � 7- �,� 5TA=7+7Z.&1 F C-.�81 O �� �� �� u� (� z z U � � � � � E �F-- � c� w+ �� a� W � O p Cl. n � a w � Z O � O � � �? 1414 �iUaQ c� � 4 � m a � � �,' n � d � m � x VI. San��ar Sewer Sfiakin a �a �� �d US J J � � O J S.J �� z� � �� m� �g _ � i C9 � i �� ��.�� V �� W �� Y � J��� �m�w g p W J d��m 4 4 � � � � w m�� zma z O:�Specs-Stds Governance Process\7emporary Spec Fiies\Capital �elivery�Cap Delivery Div p1�D171 23.16.01 Attachment A_5urvey Staking Standards.docx Page 9 of 22 A. Centerline Staking— Straig�t Line Tangents I. In�erts shall f�e field verified and compared against the plans before staking II. Painted green lath/stake WfTH hub and tack or marker dot, no flagging req�ired ]IL 1 offset stake between manholes if manholes are 400' or less apar-t IV. Offset stafces shauld be located at even distances anc! perpendicular to ti�e centerline V. Grades wi]I be per plan and the date of the plans used should 6e noted VI. If multiple lines are at or�e manhole, each line sha�l ha�e a cut/fifl and direction noted VI1. Stakes at every grade 6reak Vlli. Cut st�eets are required on all staking Opfional: ActUa! stakes shall consist of a 6aD nail or hu6 set tnrith a whisker B. Centerline Staking — Curves 1. If arc length is greater #han 10d', POC (Point of Curvature) offset stakes should be set at a 25' interval II. Staking of radius paints af greater than lOQ' may be omitteri C. Sani#ary Sewer Manholes I. 2 affset stakes per manhole for the purpose of providing alignment to the cantractor I!. Flowline grade sho�ld be on the lath/stake for each f.lowline and direction noted II1. RIM grade should only he on the stake when provided in the plans O:�Specs-StcEs Governance Process\iemporary Spec Fifes�Capital Deli�ery\Cap Delivery di� 01\0171 23.16.01_Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.dacx Page 10 of 22 Example Sanitar� Sewer Stakes � �— � � � � � 4 � � � w a l�7 � �� � ��� _ �LL�� JA a#� 5J � � ��� � � %� �S � S� � STA=3+71� �m C-�� �� G--A � � �� � � ��� � �_ � �� �� �rQ4 12' ��5 � SS �`SfA 3+7i� � sn C-3� � z C�-3a'' a� a� .--. w �— � ��.. � � � r�y z � ��� (Y] � �' �/s �. ss -��,�-- 0 -� �, �� � w �� No � o � � z �.�i � � � �� w� �� i:+ � z� c� � C=' �^ w l�i � � � � p � F �g � � S~7 w Q J � � v+ � L9 � C3� � � [+F � � �„ x r F � C� � � r � � � � ur � o ua � � IJ, � �R L'Li �$ = STA=C /'"7/ I`'- �- �' LL � t`�� � � � C�-� �r" � � �20 Z Q � 12' O�S � SS � STA-4+Ilb � C-6� �ur G-6'�- � q-6� �i�s ,� �s Y2 � d� �`"OC Y � � � w 2 ��� _�" Wt�.7 � ~��' �� �H �` ' O K �+- F ii`s.. � �-s- �� `�a �� w �y .a. � � a� ��- m� �o x ac c�s � C-0� ���� � �� ���-�,� � �� s ��� �` �� � ,� �� � � � � �� / l � ����� � �� � � � ��� ����g ����i F ��� �^���g � �, =��na ����� mm`��� W �#� � � a � �� � � E P� M"� �� � u�.�ti I�i.l { � � J Fh� F u�, �i� � tc cz� an � � t.l � � � � �� � 3C} lC UF � � w�� F F�� n a�'�5 � a a � �� � �� E� Q� � �� �� �a �-F i� �� � a� �� � � � � S���taa� r w��w� ���� F��� �.�� �a�� m�� =m� 0:�5pecs-5tds Governance Process�i'emporary 5pec Files\CapitaE �eli�ery�Cap Delivery Di� 01�0171 23.16.01_Atiachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 11 of 22 l�II. S�orm Sewer t� Inle� 5�a�ting A. CenterlineStaking—StraightLine7angents L �. offset stake every 20fl' on e�en stations II. Grades are to flowline of pipe unless otherwise shown on plans II1. Staices at every grade break fV. Cut sheets are rec�uired on all staking Dptional: Actual stakes shaA consist of a 60D nail or hub set with p whisker B. Center�ine Staking — Curves I. If arc length is greater than �00', POC �Point of Curvaturej offset stakes should be set at a 25' interval 11. S�aking of radius points of greater than 1.40' may i�e omitted C. Storm Drain Inlets I. Staking distances should be measured from end of wing II. Standard 10' Inlet = 16.00' total length lII. Recessec! 1�' Inlet = 20A0' total length fV. Standard double 10' inlet = 26.67' total 3engtf� V. Recessed double 10' inlet � 30.67' total length D. Storm Drain Manholes I. 2 offset stakes per manhole for the purpose of providing alignment to the cot�tractor iL F�ow�ine grade should be on the lath/stake for each flowfine and direction noted Ifl. RIM grade should only be on the stake when provided in the plans � O:�Specs-Stds Gavernance Process��emporary Spec Files�Capital Deli�ery\Cap DeliWery Qiv O1�OJ. 71 23.16.01 Attachment A Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 1z of 22 ��ample S�orm Inle� S�akes FR�NT {sioE ��cir�c �} �r��� (90E RiC7NG R.fi1W.� �r� � 1 HIA ELE4A71#i � HUS VATH ThCK � � � n c� m � � � r m � � � �`� �� ��r�'� E;��'____�'�l` �_ E�1: �_L� I��I L(LL� C�� _Plt�lH�� F�:INI�C, L,�ll-I ��EMnFl�s s�i� � n�� aF na� �r�� � ���n� sTw�Eo � -� � ���er srnnor� } (IF N{}"f�p 4M Al#NSJ � iOEFVTIh7E5 GRADE ��� T4 TOP OF IXJ}i8 '�l � O � iaEr�nFl�s cean� 0 ra �wur�� � � ��4�� ��E FAaMG R.QYE.� �r�r � j�r � � HU8 EiEVF.714N oF 1 �— FF��f�T (�i�� F�,�ir�� �� � � � � � � � � � ��IaQJliF1E8 SSHfCH �eNn a� m� �rr�c erar�� sea�c�� � + � ��� � + Q �L c, � � � II msTaNCES FOR I1�1„�j� �..,__��.__� �--JJ..,�� �raNak�a io' a ta' RE�CE55Ed 1�' -� 2J' s�.�Hoaep nnue� ia' Q 7s.e�Y j� — — — _ _ -- — — FECE55ED D Jl1BLE f ii^s '.r4=67' _ _ J r. .^ — — — — — ! �— I L � I I g,a,C]{ pF INLET �,� i ..,::._ . - , . • •- . �I ' y"' ',1i. r ;ya:- F� -� � •` I � � �r. _ ; ti �I _ . - Q �I "��'��"r��� `' ¢I QI .:d� �� � ana< a� cu� � FLiHM.IN� �� T ES7S�£ 4F PAYEi�[ENT ED� OF PA'+'E}iFF�iT e�ac� �� cu�� — — F1.04hINE --- — �€OGE 9F PA4El�EEMT O:�Specs-Stds Govemance Process\Temporary Spec Files\Capital Deiivery�Cap Deli�ery Div 03.\0171 z3.16.OS Attachment A_Survey Staking 5tandards.dacx Page 13 of 22 1/lII. Curb and Gu��er Stakin� A. Centerline 5taking--5traight LineTangenis V. 1 offset stake every SO' an e�en stations VL Grades are ta top of curb unless otherwise shown on plans Vli. Stakes at e�ery grade break VIII. Cut sheets are required on all staking Optianal: Actua! stakes shall consist of a 60D nail or hub set with a whisker B. Cen#erline Staking -- Cur�es fll. If arc length is greater than 100', POC (Paint af Gurvature) offset stakes shouid be set at a 25' inter�al IV. Staking of radius points of greater than 100' may be omitted O:\Specs-Stds 6overnance Process�Temporary Spec Files\Capital Delivery�Cap Delivery Div 01�0171 23.16.01_Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 14 of 22 �xarn le Curb 83 Cutier Stakes FR �J N T (SIDE FRCING �] FR�N T (si�� F,�cir�c �) l.l � l�� (SIDE FACING ft.O,W.) P41NT� �� �i H�� ����}4��1� � i �� �� � �. I�k"tJiIFlE4 4FFSEi 1S i"SJ � 9ACf{ 6F CItRB CFt FfC . �i FACE GF CUPS I�EN7iF1SS SThR7 PONT 4]F O.lRVrhTURE ����T iaerrnFl�s (SD£ FACING �,} PaiNT AF FR ONT ��ll r e�r (SEDE FACING �,j � u 6C � �PT i � o T/tr '� . � 4 � � � � a?fk -�e -F� \ � � ���C '� r I I I I u � ' � � III I � IiII ievanr�es cfltioe is � I I I I � Tf% 7\7P 4F GUFH h3a GRAL� OH } lIhWUS P{9MTS J�C-� '� I � � � � I � � ''F�! �� rIF�' � � ��f�i,f"�`�JL�� �'���.��I•.�� � � � � � it�, _�_�E� c,r �i����c F�i�,r��� _�a�ia �--1�..�-.�. � � + f i r �.--� ����'�$� � �}� �� �+ �t � �� � � r f '�,�, • f� �f f� 1 f�• f � � r �� �� �� �� �} �� �.....� �' � f � f'� fi' f / --.-�--- TiJP C>F �URB .'~�� ,,��.-', �/ ��� �� � �' � �.--�.,, ;.r. r `� � / ��..' �w- ., i4� I ��� � r __..fi� ` 3`-x- - Y � +- k �. _«_{�. ��Y�,� BA�I� QF CI1�'i� �� •. � � _ ` �,,.r��` •_ �� � �� � � ��- ��- �{Y �_ ����,+� FACE QF CUR� � ----�-� �.�-� ���� Q� FLC7i+s�l N E EpG� €7F RRVEMElt1T Exarn le �urb �c Cu��er Staices at Intersec�io� O:�Specs-Stds Governance Process\Temporary 5pec Files�Capital De[fvery\Cap �elivery Div 01�017! 23.16.01 Attachment A 5urvey 5takir�g Standards.docx Page J 5 of 22 � c-� ��� � � m � � z ���� ��� I11�' 4/5 m srR 2+54 F F-1�0�._.� � � � L.. --_. � � � v f�J �d � =V F ���, � .�.. _ �� �f � � 0 d � [�'---- W � u d [�i �-- � � � � � � a [�' � — - U ¢ � a � � � �--- � � a � [� � — - a � b x d � w � F �F � ��� � ~�� oaa� � ��w H� 4� � W Q ,a� ����; � Q �� � � �W � a x � � � � q Z t�9 M ���IR�I _ -_., `F,. � —�� i�� �,i ���a � � 0��4 d%` rn �F �� p��� ..}Q� ot�r��5z 1 w �} � i ���a _ f G��� � �_ 1 I� o� ��vys�o �f4 ,v& � o u� g� � �, � ��� �Wm a ��o� a� � �_ � LL��aS `� a 9t�11a �4 SI�VA � I 3]NY1510 7CHY1 ,fl5 � Q �I I � a ���F�� � \ ���d C� � � 3- ` O�OF ��� ��U2 �� �� �P��� � � o4a� r � o rrn `��.d a�' \ ��� � ��5 W � z a�� qz� rs �a� S � � � � � � � ay �� �'�' dF �N pG � o�i��i � d:�5pecs-Stds Governance Process\Temporary 5pec Files\Capital Delivery�Cap Delivery Div �].�01. 71 23.16.01_Attachment A_5urvey Staking Standards.docx Page 16 of 22 IX. Cu� Sheets A. Date of field work B. Staking Method (GPS, total station) C. Project Name D. City Praject Number (Exarr�ple: C01234) �. Location (Address, cross streets, GPS caordinate) F. Survey campany name G. Crew thief name F�. A blan[c tempiate ean be obtained from the s�r�ey su�erintendent (see item ! af�ove� 5tandard Ci�1� Cut Sheet Da#e: ❑ TOTAL 5ta�ing Method: ❑ GPS S�ATION LOCATION: City Project Plumber: Project Name: ❑ OiHER CONSUL.TANTICON7RACiOR SURVEY CR�W IWITIALS e� � rQen�c eR� -rn F� nwi i�€F []R TOP O� CURB UI�!]�5S OTHERWISE NOT�D. ..Y_ —• !^OFFSET PROP. STAKED PT # STATION _LTI}RT �ESCRIPTION GRADE ELEV. - CUT + F1LL O:�Specs-Stds Governance Process�Temporary Spec Files\Capital Delivery�Cap Delivery Div 01�0171 23.16.01 Attachment A_5urvey Sta[cing Standards.docx Page 17 of 22 X. As-buil� Surr►e�► A. Definition and Purpose The purpose of an as-built survey is to �erify the asset was installed in the proper location and gTade. Furthermore, the informatiot� gathered will be used to supplement the City's GIS data and must be in the proper forrnat when submitted. See settion !V. As-built sur�ey should inc[ude the following (additionaf items may be requested): Manholes Tap of pipe elevations every 25D feet Horizontal and vertical points of inflection, curvature, etc. (All Fittingsj Cathodic protettlon i'est stations 5ampling stations Meter 6oxes/vaults (All sizesj Fire Gnes Fire hydrants Gate valves (rim and t'op of nUtJ Plugs, stu.b-outs, dead-end lines Air Release valves (Manhole rim and vent pipeJ Blow off valves (Manhale rim and valve IidJ Pressure plane valves Cleaning wyes C1ean outs Casing pipe (each endJ rnverts of pipes Turbo Meters O;�Specs-Stds Governance Process�Temporary 5pec Files\Ca�ital Delivery�Cap Delivery Div 01�0171 23.16.01_Attachment A_Sur�ey Staking Standards.docx Page 18 of 22 B. Example Deliverable A hand written red line by the field surveyar is acceptahle in most cases. This should be a copy of the plans with the point number noted by each asset. If the asset is missing, then the sur�eyor shaufd write "NOT FOUND" to notify the City. 0:�5pecs-Stds Ga�ernance Process\Temporary 5pec Files\Capitai beEivery�Cap Delivery Di� 01�0171 23.16..01 Attachment A_Survey 5taking 5tandards.docx Page 19 of 22 � I r� �� � w t � �F a 5g � LF E '� �'9 � i+ ��� �� y¢a a'S�yg,�g�cya'�� � g �[ 1 r � t �'� jII je � idp� 3z�y�3kB3� � E� �� � i� � f n� 2 �� �� I �� N k'k [a�sRAm�:� AC �. F 4s � � e %g 4 L��:� 1�i'-F il � 3 � � � s _�txs �� �` I f � ��r � � � �� � �. — � �€,:��� 'I�,� ��,Gp-�.�. � Yb � � I rl, -il�.li = I I' is �� '� � � r 6 � 1��f-��.r' `. I F' il�� � r � ��Y$ �-:��. .�. y ! f ti ��ri���.; � ,•::�_.a,�a� � �� � �'� ��?i�� � H�}i 5.i,�! � �' a�� �.E��;-� � � �. ��� _i . - � .� � � F ._ . . :: _ _; _ . "' '"_—_. � . ~ _ OS•6b1S 3Nl7 H,?dblY � ' -- iT��k�v�� �?kii.K�.�pp : ----�- �v ��_. ' ' :W - ' �---- •r.,� o �.L;:s, - -� = � ._ xa f _ ( � flz . 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NORTHING 6996257.189 69462fi0.S93 6946307399 G9462205&2 6946195.23 694619R.528 69467 3b.0i2 69464Uz.267 6946UO3.QSG 6945984.677 6945986.473 6945895.077 6945896.591 6945934.i8fi 6445936.727 694i835.678 694§817.488 6945759.77G 699576$.563 6995743.318 6945723.�19 6995682.21 6995621.902 6945643.407 G945S71.059 G94SS39.498 5945519:834 G945417.879 6945456.557 6945387355 6945370.68$ 6945383.53 6945321.228 G945319365 6945242.289 6945Z33.620. 6945Z06.483 6445142.D15 6445113.4rl5 6445049:D2 6945D41.02A 6445038.878 6445006.397 6344944.782 6944R43.432 6444860.+Eifi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 E4 25 IS 17 1$ 19 20 21 zz 23 29 25 26 27 zs 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 EA5TING ELEV. 2296079.7.65 Z296962.i41 2296038.306 2296fl11.025 2296fl15.1i6 2296022.721 2295992.115 Z295919.133 2295933.418 2295880.52 2295859.892 2Z4586�.962 2295$62.188 2295841.925 2295$3D.441 2295799.707 2295827.U11 2295758.643 2295778.424 2295788.392 2295754394 2295744.22 2295669.471 2295736.D3 2295655.7.95 2295667.$D3 22956�9.49 2295580.27 2295b43.145 2295597.]O1 22956�&.793 22956�0.559 2295551.105 2295539.728 2235574.715 2295544.626 2245529.305 2295557.666 22455a0,335 2295527.345 2295552.675 2295552.197 2295518.135 z295520.635 2295SSfi.479 2295534.397 DESCRtPTION 726.09 SSMFE RiM 725.Sfi8 GV RIM 726.85 GV RIM 723.358 55Mii RIM 722.i23 GV RIM 722.325 FH 719.948 WM RIM 733.331 WM RINE 713.652 CO RIM 711.662 SSMFi REM 710.U46 WFVE R3M 707.72 tNM RiM �as.xos wM RiM 709.467 WM RIM 710.08A CO RIM 707.77d 5S[NH RINE 7D8.392 SSMH RIfN 711.2i8 SSMH RIFtiA 710.086 GV R1M 71U.fi31 GV RIM 712.849 GV RIM 716:686 WM.RIM 723.76 WM Rllv] 719.737 CO R!M 727.514 SSINii RIM 729.123 WM RIM 732.689 WM RIM 740.52i WNf RIM 736.951 CO RIM 7A0.756 GV RIM 74U.976 GV RIM 740.4D8 FH 745,341NM R!M 745.777 CO RIM 748.454 WM RIM 749.59 SSh+iH RIM 75I.058 WM kIM 750:853 WM RIM 751.871 WM hf:�S 752.257 SSMwi wIM ,�,�,} k�-r' ik 751.79 WM RlSvl � �F 751.88 WM RIM ''t; ly ' � �,y�Y�k 752.615 WM filM 'S iti�s _�i {� 752.841 WM RIM ` �,��.i � 752.156 WM REM ��' i52.986 SSMN EiIM � � � I r ` r' ���fi ��%f'f` +'� �:t� _ , �G-1 LG lu �l�' �.._ �1�i(:��1�7`� ES 1 /�-� � .-�_�. ���� 7X, t�. 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O:�Specs-5tds Governante Pracess\Temparary Spec Fi]es�Capital Delivery�Cap Delivery Div 01\0171 23.16.01_Attachment A Survey Staking Standards.cEocx Page Z5 of 25 '�o� ! � � M �� � _ � � � I Bi� -�` � z � . -� -- — - � � � o � � _ 4� I p E � � `� x j o iz � S � t - i �' �' C �I� , � � e �� a � � I � � _ a� " � E � ?� � Ti I = � � �I $ � ^�' � � ��I����� � �i��= � � — 3 . � '� � � I � � � -- " � � � � s 2 � .� � � ����� i�:� ?� � � -' � � .� � � �� � £g� o �LL d � � � �i � - 1 � -� � � � I, : � � s� v .n s � I Q +� ? I � � � t`� 'ti __� —�__�. � � � P I� [ '= a a � � w� .• " �S _ � �� k y �v �� . , �_ � 5 p � I .. �'�.I�I �I � �; � 1 i � { � � � � � � � ` � ' y ' � i� I� c r � I � � � � Y e - -- ' � S � ,? o �� � � � ; � 3 i � q '� � - � � y Sl R _ E � � � a z � - E � ' € �r '� � : a �� �-� � � i '� '�L ��� � I � � f� � � � � � .� �i � .� � . G :S u �i c � d:\Specs-Stds Gavemance Process\Temparary vpe: ��J�s�r:�pital �eliuerk�e�p I3�livery �r+� OLjQ171 23.16.01 Attachment A_:=::: �ey 5taking �t�Grd: r:�s, +��c:� Page 15 of 2fi ai74z3-i CLEAt�iING Page 1 of 4 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 71 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SECTION Ol i4 23 CLEANING A. Section Includes: I. Intermediate and final cleaning for Work not i�cluding special cIeaning of closed systems specified elsewhere B. Devia#ions froan this City of Fori Worth Standax'd Specification l. None. C. ReIated Specification Sections include, but are nat necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Section 32 92 13 — Hydro-Mulching, Seeding and Sadding Z.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 15 A. Measurement and Payment 16 1. Work associaied with this Iiem is considered subsidiary to the vax'ious Items bid. X'7 No separate payment will be aIIowed for this Item. 1& 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 19 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REf� l� i R V+.,bIF NT5 20 A. Scheduling 21 1. Schedule cleaning operat�c�,n5 so r�:;�i ��zst a��� ��f�ei Lt:F�,lamtr�ar�#s 4f;s+.��rE��j i�v 22 cleaning process will not fall 4�n n�w��� ��L!!??eri surface�, 23 2. Schedule final cleaning upon caYnp�etiu�a c�f Work and iix�znediately pr�t}r Rn tina1 24 inspection. 25 1.� SUBMITTAL� [NOT USED] 26 l.b ACTION SiTBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUSMITTALS [NOT U�EllJ 27 1.i CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS jNOT USED] 28 1.$ MAINTENANCE MATERYAL SiTBMITTALS [NOT USED] f�3!� 30 3i 32 33 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] �..10 STORAGE, AND HANDLYNG A. Storage and Handling Requirements 1. Store cleaning products and cleaning wastes in containers speci�cally designed #'oz� those materials. CITY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDARI3 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFTCATION AOCUMENTS GPNs 10 i 82D & 103051 Revised Je�ly l, 2011 01 74 23 - 2 CLEANING Fage 2 of 4 1 111 FIELD �SITE] CONDITYONS [NOT USED] 2 L12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 3 PART2- PRODUCTS 4 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [ox] OWNER-SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED] 5 2.2 MATERIALS 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 I6 17 18 19 �{� 2I r''� 23 ��� �� �b �f �� � �� �2 R �I 3"? A. Cieaning Agents i. Compatible with surface being cleaned 2. New and uncontaminated 3. Far man�factured surfaces a. Material recorrzmended by manufacturer 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL �NOT USED] pART 3 - EXECUTION 3,1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 3.2 EXAMINAT�4N [NOT USED] 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 3.4 APPLICATION [NOT USED] 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [N�T USED] 3.G RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3. i �'i]E,1.D ��!� � SITE QUALITY CONTROL �NOT USED] �_g �ygx��yr �Tq�tl'UJP fNOT USED] 3,y ��ELf��'�G (NO'; �;S,�.n� �.1�1 �LEAI�I�f� �. i�ciieral 1, i'r?��nfi a.ccusnu�l�sian �f-�*}•a�tps that cr�ate l�a��ar�ous cors�ix���ns, 2_ C.�}»+3s:�! c:E�a:fti7g an� c�i��s��:! �perati�ns tu r�yrriply wit�i laws and �afe+y �rd�r� �a#� �;o�verft�±�g aui}���r��ies, 3. L?t� �7ot dis�c� ;:: �i� v�i�tile tv::s:Ps s�cY� as mineraf spiriis, ��:? �r ]�aint ti��<<nFr in S�U;!7k i}i 5,.13iiSYj+ �tBFT�� lrf s�wPrS, �i, iTi�base ut-�i�=�,t-adabl� r���hsis 4t h�l �iy�3i'01re[� SU�1CI WdSLG ijiet ncal S]I�_ �. �?�is}�o�e ut-r:u��i�eg�adabl� �elJriS :.�[ 3Xl d;oprove�l �;�ji�! �.�as#e �i��pusa9 s�te or i�n �n �I�tiYnWt� ]71'�'�![11]' �T'rC��'VC� �]V C]TV �nri re�ulatory agencnes. CiTY s"7F F� )R�i b:';�u _rra S'fANDA.RI}Ci��T�STf.a.r(-1'EC3^: ryF�:IFICAlI01� I;�f]f:9J�3:'.hSrS ftev�secl ,1�.,v I, ?f11 � $h�re��sew I]eivn iru:veri lii;�rovements CE•ivc�nli�3±;& 1+13[?S1 017423-3 CL�ANIlVG Page 3 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll i2 l3 14 15 16 I7 1S 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 3a 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 b. Handle materials in a controlled mar�ner with as few handlings as possible. 7. Thoroughly ctea�, sweep, r�+ash and polisl� all Work and equipment assaciated with this project. 8. Resnove all signs oftemporary construction and act�vities incidental to construction of required permanent Wark. 9. If project is not cleaned to the satisfaction of the Ciiy, the City reserves the right to have the cleaning coiaapleted at the expense of the Contractor. 10. Do not burn on-site. B. Intermediate CIeaning during Construction 1. Keep Wark areas clean so as not to hinder health, safety or convenience of persannel in existing faciiity operatioa�s. 2. At m�imum weekly intervals, dispose of waste materials, debris and rubbis�. 3. Confine constz'uction debris daily in strategically located cantainer(s): a. Cover to prevent blawing by wind b. Store debris away from construction or operational activities c. Haul from site at a minimum of once per week 4. Vacuum cIean interior areas when ready to receive finish painting. a. Continue vacuun � cleaning on an as-needed basis, until Fina1 Accepfance. 5. Prior to storm events, thoroughly clean site of aII loose or unsecu�'ed items, which may become airborne or tr�asported by flowing water during the storm. C. Interior Final CIeaning 1. Remove grease, rnastic, adlaesives, dust, dirt, stains, fingerprints, labeis and other foreign materials from si�t-exposed surfaces. 2. Wipe all ligh�ng fixture reflectors, lenses, lamps and trims clean. 3. Wash and shine glazing and mirrors. 4. Polish glossy surfaces ta a clear shine. 5. Ventilating systems a. Clean permanent �lters and replace disposabie filtexs if units were operated during construction. b. C1ean ducts, blowers and coils if units were operated without filters during canstructiQn. 6. Replace a11 burned ou# lamps. 7. Broom clean process area floors. 8. Mop affice and control roam floors. D. Exterior {Site or Right of Way) �'inal Cleaning 1. Rez�riove trasI� and debris containers from site. a. Re-seed areas disturbed by locatian of trash and debris containers in accordance with Sectian 32 92 13. 39 2. Svaeep roadway to rerno've alI rocks, pieces of asphalt, conerete or any oai�P: t��j�.�:t 4Q that may hinder or disrupt the flow of trafizc along the roadway. 41 3. Clean any interior areas including, but not limited to, vaults, manlaoles, strucii�l'i-s. 42 junction baxes and inlets. CITY OP FORT WOR'I'H Shoreview Unxti �'�i Iwt rt l.m�rnvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOGi.JMEI`]T5 ti��s �nl 12n ��03i� 1 Revised July 1, 2011 O17k23-4 CT.EA111NG Page 4 of 4 1 4. If no longer required for maintena�ace of erosion facilities, and upon appraval by 2 City, reanove erosion control from site. 3 5. Clea�a signs, lights, signals, etc. 4 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED� 5 3.1� PROTECTION [NOT USED] 6 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 7 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] S 9 10 END OF SECTION CIT'Y OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICA'ITON DOCUMEIdTS CPNs 107820 & 103051 Revised 7uly 1, 2011 p1 77 i9- 1 CLOSEOUT REQTlIREIvIENTS Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 I.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 1i 12 1.2 SECTI�N 01 77 i9 CT�OSEOUT REQUIREMENTS A. Section Includes: 1. The procedure for closing aut a contract B. Deviations frorn fhis City of Fart Worth �tandard Specifcation 1. None. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Fo�ns and Condiiions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements PRYCE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 13 A. Measurement and Payment I4 1. Woxk associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the variaus Iiems bid. IS No separate payment will be allowed for ihis Item. 16 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] l7 1..4 A➢MINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENT5 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 2S 1.5 26 A. Guarantees, Bonds and Affidavits I. No application for final payment wili be accepted until all guaxantees, bonds, certificates, Iicenses and afFidavits required for Wark or equipnaent as speciixed are satisfactorily filed with tha City. B. Release of Liens or Clauaas 1. No application for �nal payment will be accepted un�il saiisfactory evidence of release of liens has been submitted to the City. SUBMITTALS A. Submit aIl required documentation to City's Project Representative. CITX OF FOKT WOLZTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements STAN]�ARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATIOTf DOCUMENTS CPNs 101820 & ID3051 Revised 3uly l, 2011 ' Oi 77 19 -2 CLOSEOUT REQUII2EMENTS Page 2 of 3 1 1.G INFORMATIONAL SUBMTTTALS [NOT USED] 2 1.7 CL�SEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 PART � - PRODUCTS [NOT U�ED] 4 PART 3 - EXECUTION 5 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 6 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 7 8 3.3 PREPARAT�ON [NOT USED] 3.4 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURE 9 A. Prior to requesting �inal Inspection, submit: �p l. Pz'oject Record Documents in accordance with Section 01 78 39 11 2. Operation and Mainienance Data, if required, in accordance with Sectian Q1 78 23 12 I3 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 2� 2. 22 23 24 3. 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 B. Prioz' to requesiing Final Inspection, perform final cleaning in accordatice with Sec#ion O1 74 23. After final clea�ing, provide notice ta the City Froject Representative that the Work is completed. a. The City will nnake an initial Final Inspection with the Contractor pxesent. b. Upon completion oithis inspectioi�, the City will notifiy the Contractor, in writing within I O business days, of any particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is defective or incomplate. Upon receiving written notice from the City, i�nmecliately undertake the Work required to remedy deficiencies and complate the Work to the saiisfaction of the City. Upon completion of Work associated with the items listed in the City's written notice, inform the City, that the required Work has been compleied. Upon receipt of this notrtce, the City, in the presence of the Contractar, will make a subsequent Final Inspection oithe projeci. Provide all special accessories required to place each item of equiprne�at in full operation. These special accessory iterns include, but are not limited ta: a. Specified spare parts b. Adequate oil and grease as required for the first lubrication oithe equipment c. Initial fill up of a11 claemicai tanks and fuel ta.nks d. Light bulbs e. �'uses f. Vault keys g. Handwheels h. Other expendable items as required foz' initial start-up and operation of all equipmen# C. Final inspectioal 1. 4 39 D. Naiice of Praject Comp�etion CITY O�' FORT WORTH STANDAR]] CONSTRUCTION SPEC1FiCAT[ON DOCi3MENT5 Revised July l, 2011 Shoreview Arive Culvert Improvements CPNs 10182� & 10305I 017719-3 CLOSEOUT REQiJIREMBNTS Page 3 of 3 1 2 3 � 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 3.5 1. Once Yhe Ciiy Project Representative finds the Work subsequent to Final Inspection to be satisfactory, the City will issue a Notice of Project Completion (Green Sheet). E. Supporting Documentation l. Coordinate witk� the City Project Representative to complete the following additional forzns: a. Final Payment Requesi b. Statement of Contract Tirne c. Affidavit of Payn �ent and Release of Liens d. Cox�sent of Surety to Final Payi�aet�t e. Pipe Report {if required) £ Cantractor's Evaluation of City g. Performance Evaluation of Contractor F. LetteX of Finai Acceptance 1. Upon review and acceptance of Notice of Project Completion and Supporting Documentatio�, in accordance with General Conditions, City will issue Letter of Final Acceptaaace and release the Final Payn �ent Request for payment. REPAIR 1 RESTORATYON [NOT USED] I8 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] I9 3.7 FIELD [oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 20 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP �NOT USED] 21 3.9 ADJUSTYNG [NOT USED] 22 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 23 311 CLOSEOUT ACTYVITIES [NOT USED] 24 25 26 27 28 29 3.1� PR4TECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] END OF SECTION CITY OF FOKT WOR'fT� STANDARA CONSi1tUCTlO?d SPECTPICATION DOCUMENTS Revised .Tuly 1, 2011 Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs101820 & 103051 01 78 23 - 1 OPERAITON AND MAINTENANCE DATA Page 1 of 5 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY SECTION 01 78 �3 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 5 A. Section Includes: 6 l. Product data and related infarmation appropriate far City's nr�aintenance and � operation of products furriished under Contract g 2. Such products nnay include, but are not limited to: g a. Traffic Controllers 10 b. Irrigation Con#rollers (to be op�rated by the City) 1� c. Butterfly Valves 12 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specificaiion 13 1. None. 14 C. Related Specification Sections include, but ax'e not necessarily limiied to: 15 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Coz�ditions of the Coniract 16 2. Division 1— Genez'al Requirements 17 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDi1RES 18 i9 20 21 1.3 A. Measurement and Payment 1. Work associateci with this Item is cor�sidered subsidiary to the various Items bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. REFERENCES [NOT USED] 22 1.4 ADMINISTRATNE REQUIREMENTS 23 A. Schedule 24 1. Sub�nit manuals in final �orm to the City within 30 calendar days of product 25 shipment to the project site. 26 1.5 SUSMiTTALS 27 A. Submittals sha11 be in accordance with Section 01 33 00 . All subznittals shall be 2g approved by the City priar to delivery. 29 1.6 INFORMATiONAL SUBMYTTALS 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 A. Submittal Form � J. Prepare data in form of an instructional manual for use by City personnel. 2. Forixzat a. Size: 8%a inches x 11 inches b. Paper 1} 40 pound minitnum, white, for typed pages 2} Holes reinforced with plastic, cloth or metaI c. Text: Manufacturer's printed data, or neatly typervritten C1TX QF FORT WORTI� Shoreview Drive Culvert Impravements 5T'ANDARI] COTI5TRC6CTION SPECIFICATION DOCCJMEIVTS GPNs 101820 & 103051 Revised December 20, 2012 oi7s2a-z OPBKATION AND NiAIhITENANCE DATA Page 2 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i0 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2'1 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 �7 48 3 4. d. Drawings 1} 1'rovide reinforced puncheci binder tab, bind in with text 2) Reduce larger drawings and fold to size af te�t pages. e. Pravide fly-ieaf for each separate product, or each piece of opera�ing equipment. 1) Frovzde typed descrip�ian af product, ar�d major conaponent parts of equipxnent. 2) Provide indexed tabs. f. Cover 1) Identify each 'volume wiYh typed or printed iitle "OPERA`I'ING AND MAINTENANCE 1NSTRUCTIONS". 2} List: a) TitleofProjeci b) Id�ntity of separate structure as applicab�e c) Id�ntity of general subject matter covered in the nr�anual Binders a. Commercial quality 3-ring binders with durable and cIeanable plastic covers b. When multiple birzders are used, correlate Yhe data into related cansistent groupings. If a�aiTable, provide an electronic form of the O&M Manual. B. Manual Content 2. 3 4. 1. Neatly typewritten table of contents for each volume, arranged in systema�c order a. Contractor, name of respansible principal, address and telephone nuxnber b. A list of eac� product required io be included, indexed to content of ihe volume c. List, with each product: 1) The na�e, address and telephone number of the subcontractor or installer 2) A list of each product required to be included, ir3dexed to content af the voluzne 3) Identify area oFresponszbility of each 4) Loca1 source of supply for parts and replacemeni d. Identify each product by product name and o�her identifying symbols as set forth in Contraci Documents. Product Da#a a. Include only those sheets which are pertinent to the specific product. b. Annotate each sheet to: 1) Clearly identify specific product or part installed 2) Ciearly identify data applicahle to installation 3) Delete references to inapplicable inforrr�ation Drawings a. Supplement product data with drawings as necessary to clearly iilustrate: 1) Relations oicomponeni parts af equipment and systems 2) Contrai and flow diagrarras b. Coordinate drawings with i�formation in Project Record Documents to assure correct ilius�ration of completed instaI�ation. c. Do not use Project Record Drawings as maintenance drawings. Written te�, as required to supplement praduct data far the particular installation: a. Organize in consistent %rmat under separate headings for different procedures. b. Provide logrcal sequence of insiructions of each procedure. CTTY OF FORT WO1tTH STANDARD COAISTRUCTION SPECIFICATIQN DOCL111aENT5 Revised December 2D, 2012 S�oreview Drive Cu1veR Improvements CPNs 10I82D & 103051 01 78 23 - 3 QPEItATI01*1 A1VD 1VfA1NTENANCE DATA Page 3 of 5 1 5. Capy of each warranty, bond and service cantract issued 2 a. Provic�e information sheei far City personne� giving: 3 1) Proper procedures in event of failure 4 2) Instances which mi�i affect validity of warranties or bonds 5 C. Manual for Materials and Finishes 6 1. Submit 5 copies of complete manual in �nal form. � 2. Content, for arcY�itectural pz'oducts, applied materials and fir�ishes: g a. Manufacturer's data, giving full information on products g 1) Catalog number, size, conrkposition �p 2) Color and te�ure desigx�ations a 1 3) Information required for reordering special manufactured products 12 b. Instructions for care and maintenance 13 1} Manufacturer's recommendation for types of cleaning agents and methods 14 2} Cautions against clea�ing agents and methods which are deirimental to 15 product 16 3) Recommended schedule for cleaning and znaintenance 17 3. Contenf, for maisture protection and weather exposure products: ig a. Manufacturer's data, giving full znformation on products y9 1) Applicable standards 2Q 2} Chemical compasition �� 3} Details of installation 22 b. Instructions for inspectian, nnaintenance and repair 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �}0 A1 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 D. Manual for Equipment and Sys#ems Submit 5 capies oicomplete manual in final form. 2. Content, for each unit of equipment and system, as appropriate: a. Desc�'iption of unit and component parts 1) �'unction, normal operating characteristics and Iimiting conditions 2} Performance curves, engineering data and tests 3) Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceabie parts b. Operating proced�res 1) Start-up, break-in, routine and normal aperating instructions 2) Regulation, control, stapping, shut-down and emergency instructions 3) Summer and winter operaiing ins�r�ciions 4) Special operating instrucYions c. Maintenance procedures 1 } Routine op�rations 2} Guide to °trouble shooting" 3) Disassembly, repair at�d reassembly 4) Alignment, adjusting and checking d. Servicing and lubrication schedule 1) List of l�bricants required e. Manufacturer`s printed operating and mainfenance i�nstructions f. Description of sequence of operation by control manufacturer 1) Predicted life of parts subject to wear 2} Items recommended fo be stocked as spare parts g. As insialled control diagranas by contrals manufacturer h. Each contractor's coordination drawings 1) As installed color coded piping diagrams C1TY OF PORT WORTH STAhFDARD CONSTRUCTTON SPECIFTCATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Shoreview Arive Culvert Improvemenfs CPNs 101820 & 103051 O17823-4 OPERATION AND MAl1�iTENANCE DATA Page 4 of 5 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 T9 20 21 22 23 2�4 25 26 27 28 29 3 4. i. Charts of valve tag nUmbers, with location and function of each valve j. List af ariginal nnanufacturer's spare pa�rks, manufacturer's current prices, and recammended quantities to be maintained in storage k. Other data as required �der pertineni Sections of Specificatia��s Content, for each electric and electronic system, as appropriate: a. Description of system and component parts 1) Function, normal operating c�aracteristics, and limiting conditions 2) Perfarmance curves, engineering data and tests 3) Complete nom�nclature and commercial number of replaceable parts b. Circuit directories of panelboards 1) Elecfrical service 2) Controls 3} Communications c. As installed coIor coded wiring diagrams d. Operating procedures 1) Routine and normal operating instructions 2) Seque�cesrequired 3) Specia� operating instructions e. Maintenance procedures 1) Routine operaiions 2) Guide to "trouble shooting" 3) Disassembly, repair and reassembly A) Adjustment aaad c�ec�ing f. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions g. List of original manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices, and recammended quantities to be maintaix�ed in storage h. Other data as required under pertinent Sections of Specifications Prepare and include additional data whe�� the neeci far such data becames apparent during instruction of City's persanneI. � 30 1.'� CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS �NOT i1SED] 32 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 33 A. Provide operation and maintenance data by personnel with the following criteria: 34 1. Trained and experienced in maintenance and operation of described products 35 2. Skilled as technical writer to �he extent required to comznunicate essential data 36 3. SkilIed as dra�sman competent io prepare required drawings CITY OF FORT WORT�T Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements 3TANDARD COTiSTRUC7TON SPSCIfTCAT'ION DOCl1MENT8 CP1�Is ]01820 &]03051 Revised December 20, 2012 01 78 23 - 5 OPERATION AND IvIAINTENANCE DATA Page 5 of 5 1 1.10 DELiVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 2 1.�1 FIELD [S�TE] CONDYTIONS [NOT USED] 3 �.1� WARRANTY [NOT USED] 4 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 5 PART 3- EXECUTI�N [NOT USEDj � 7 8 END OF SECTiON DATE I NAME 8/31/2012 � D. Johnson Revision Log SUMMARY OF CHANGE 3.S.A.1 —tifle of section removed CITI' OF FORT WORTH Shoreview �rive L�alveR Improvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOIV SPECIFICATION DOCUM�NTS CPNs ] 01820 & 103051 Revised 17ecember 2�, 2Q12 O17839-1 PR07ECT I2ECOItD DOCUMENTS Page 1 of 4 1 2 �j 4 SECTION Ol i$ 39 PROJECT RECORD D4CUMENTS PART1- GENERAL Ll SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Work associated with the documenting the project and recarding changes to project 7 documents, including: g a. Record Drawings 9 b. Water Meter Service Reports T� c. Sanitary Sewer Service Reports 11 d. Large Water Meter Reports 12 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 13 1. None. 14 C. Related Speci�cation Sectzons include, but are not necessarily liznited to: 15 1. Divisior� 0— Bidding Requirements, Contraci Forms and Condi#ions of the Coniract 16 2. Division 1— General Requirements 17 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 18 A. Measurement and Payment �9 1. Worlt associated vvith this Itezn is considered subsicliary to the variotzs Items bid. 2Q No separate payxinent will be allowed for ihis Item. 2] 1.3 RETERENCES [NOT USED] 22 23 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQULREMENTS [NOT USED] 1.� SUBMITTALS 24 A. Frior to submitting a request for Fina1 Inspection, deliver Project Recard Docurzxents to 25 City's Project Representative. 26 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUSMITTALS [NOT USED] 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 �.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERiAL SUBMITTALS [N�T USED) 1.9 QUALYTY ASSURANCE A. Accuracy of Recards 1. Thoroughly coordinate changes within the Record Documents, making adequate and proper entries on each page of Specifications and each sheet of Drawings and oth�r pocuments where sucla entry is required to show the change properly. 2. Accuracy of records shall be such that fi�ture search for items shown in the Co�atract Documents may rely reasonably on information obtained from ihe approved Project Record Docuznents. CITY OF PORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCI_TMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 Shoreview Drive Culvert Tmprovements CPTfs 101820 & 103D51 at �s 39 - 2 FROlECT RECORD DOCUMEI�iTS Page 2 of 4 � 3. To facilitate accuracy of records, anake entries within 24 hours after receipt of 2 i nformation Yl�at the change has occurred. 3 4. Provide factual inforimation regarding a11 aspects of the Work, bot� concealed and 4 visible, to enable future modifcation of t�ae Work to proceed wilhout lengthy and 5 expensive site measuremeni, investigation and examination. 6 110 STORAGE AND HANDLING 7 S 9 10 11 12 I3 I4 l5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 A. Storage and Handling Requirements 1. Maintain the job set of Record Docunnents completely protected from deterioration and from loss and damage until cornpletion of the Work and transfer of a11 rEcorded data to tY�e fi�aal Project Record Documents. 2. In the event of loss of recorded data, use m�eans necessary to again secure the data to the City's approval. a. In such case, provide replacements to the standards originajly required by the Contract Documents. 1.�� FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] �..12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART2- PRO➢UCTS 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [oR] OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] �.2 RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Job set 1. Promptly following receipi of the Naiice to Proceed, sec�re from the City, ai no charge to #he Contractor, 1 complete set of all Dacuments comprising the Contract. 23 B. Final Record Docuynents 24 1. At a time neari ng the cornplerion oi the Work and prior to Finai Inspection, provide 25 the City 3 corr�plete set af all Final Record Drawings in the Contract. 26 �.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 2.4 SOURCE QUAL�TY CONTROL [N4T USED] PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLERS [N4T USED] 3.� EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 3,3 pREPARATION [NOT USED] 3.4 MAINTENANCE DOCUMENTS A. Maintenance of Job Set 1. Immediately upon receipt of the j oh set, identify each af ihe Documenis with the title, "RECORD DOCUMENTS - JOB SET". CITY OF FdKT' WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPBCIFICATION DOC[JMENT$ Revised 7uly 1, 2011 Shoreview Drive Culvert Impravements GPNs 101820 & IQ3051 D1 78 39 - 3 PROJECT RL•COAD DOCC�MENTS Page 3 of 4 1 2. Preservation 2 a. Considering the Contract completion time, the probable number of occasio�ns 3 upon which the job set must be taken out for new entries and for exainination, 4 and the condiiions under whzch these activiiies will be performed, devise a 5 suitable method for protecting the job sei. 6 b. Do not use the job set for an�+ purpose except entry of new data and for review 7 by the City, untiI start of iransfer of data to final Project Record Docurnents. 8 c. Maintain the job set at the site of work. 9 3. Coordination with Construction Survey 10 a. At a minimum, in accordance with the intervals set forth in Section 01 71 23, 11 clearly mark any de�+iations from Contract Docurnents associated with 12 installation of the infrastructwre. 13 4. Making entries on Drawings 14 a. Record any deviations from Cantract Docuixaents. 15 b. Use an erasable colored pencil (not ink or indelible pencil), clearly descz'ibe the 16 change by graphic line and note as required. 1� c. Date all entries. � g d. Call attention to the entry by a"cloud" drawn around the area ar areas affected. 19 e. In the event of overIapping changes, use different colors for the overlapping 2Q changes. 21 5. Conversion of schemaiic layouts 22 a. In some cases on the Drawings, arrangerr�ents of conduits, circuits, piping, 23 ducts, and similar items, are shown schematically and are not intended to 24 portray precise physical layout. 25 1} Final physical arrangement is determined by the Contractor, subject ta the 26 City's approvai. Z� 2} However, design of fuiure modiiicatians of the facility may require Zg accuraYe inforrnatio� as to the final physical layout of items which are �9 shown only schen �atically on the Drawings. 30 b. Show an the job set of Record Drawings, by dimensron accurate to vvithin 1 31 inch, the centerline of each run oi items. 32 1) �inaI physicai arrangement is determined by ihe Contractor, subject to the 33 City's approval. 34 2) Show, by symbol or note, the vertical location of the Item ("under slab", °in 35 ceiling plenttm", "exposed", and the like). 36 3) Make all identification sufficiently descriptive that it may be reIated 37 reliably to the Speciixcations. 3g c. The City may waive the requirements %r conversion of schematic layouts 39 where, ir� the City's judgrnent, conversion serves no useful purpose. Hor�ever, 40 do not xely upon waivers being issued e�cept as speci�cally issued in r�riting 41 by the City. 42 B. Final Projeci Record Docume��ts 43 I. Transfer o� data to Drawings 44 a. Carefully transfer change data shown on the job set of Record Dravvings to the 45 corresponding iinal documents, coordinating the changes as required. 46 b. C�early indicate at each affected detail and othez' Drawing a full descripfion of q.� changes made during construction, and ihe actual location of items. CITX OF FdRT WORTI-1 Shoreview Drive Culvert improvements STANDARD CbNSTRi3C'I'[ON SPECTFICATION DOCUMENTS CI'Ns 301820 &]03051 Revised 7uly 1, 2011 Oi 78 39 - 4 PRO.TECT RECORD DOCLiNIB�I'I'S Page 4 of 4 1 2 3 �4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I9 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 c. Call atte�ation #o each entry by drawing a"ctoud" around the area or areas affecied. d. Mal�e changes neatly, consistently and witk� the proper media to assure longevity and cleax reproduction. 2. Trans%r of data to other pocua�ents a. If the Doc�ments, other than Drawings, �ave been kept clean d�ring progress of the Wark, and if entries thereon have been arderly to the approval of the City, ihe jab set of those Documents, other than Drawings, will be accepted as final Record Documents. b. If any such Document is not so approved by ihe City, secure a new copy of that Dociunent from the City at the City's usual charge for reproduction and handling, and carefully transfer the change data to the new copy to the approval of the City. 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-lNSTALLATYON IN�T USED] 3.7 FIELD �ox] SITE QUALITY CONTR�L jNOT USED] 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED� 3.9 ADJUSTING [N4T USEDI 310 CLEANING [NOT iTSED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVIT�ES [NOT USED] 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENT5 [NOT USE➢] END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANAARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF[CATTON DOCUMENTS Kevised 7uly 1, 2all Shoreview Drive Culvert Lnprovements CPNs i01820 & ]03051 3i2316-1 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION Page 1 of S 2 SECTYON 31 �3 16 UNCLASSI�'IED EXCAVATION 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 b 7 8 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 2Q 2l 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 �#2 A. Sectian Includes: 1. Excavate areas as shown on the Drar�ings ar as directed. Removal of materials encountered to the lines, grades, and typical sections shown on the Drawings and removal from site. Excavations may include construction of a. Roadvvays b. Drainage Channels c. Site Exca�ation d. Excavation for Structures e. Or any other operatioz� invoIving the excavation of on-site materials B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. Modiiied Se�tion 1.2 C. Reiated Specification Seciions include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Kequirements, Contract Farms and Canditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Sectior� 3 J 23 23 — Borrow 4. Section 31 24 00 -- Embankments 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payrnent 1. Exca�ation by Plan Quantity a. Measurement 1) Measuremer�t for this Item shall be by the cubic yard in its final pasition using the average end area rraethod. Limits of ineasuz'ement are shown on the Drawings. 2) When measured by the cubic yard in its fina] position, this is a plans quar��ify measurement Iiem. The yuas�iity to be paid is the quantity shown in the proposal, unless modi�ed by Article 11.04 of the Ger�eral Conditions. Additional measuremealts or calculatiions will be made if adjustments af quantiiies are reqUired. b. Payment 1) The work perfarmed and maierials furnished in accordance wiih this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per cubic yard of "Unclassiiied Roadwa /Ratn Excauation" and "Unclassified Channel Excauation". No additional compensatioal will be allowed for rock or shrinkage/sweil faciors, as these are the Contractor's responsibility. c. The price bid shall include: l ) Exca�ation 2) Excavatior� Safety CITY OF FORT WORTH STt,INDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFIGATTON DOCUMENTS Re�ised laauary 28, 2013 Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements CPI+Is 101820 & 103051 31231G-2 UNCLAS5IFI�D EXCAVATION Page 2 of 5 1 3) 2 �) 3 $) 4 6) S 7} 6 S} 7 9) DPy1T1� Dust Control Aewor�ing or replacing the over excavated material in rock cuts Hauling Disposal of excess material not used elsewhere onsiie Scarification Clean-up 8 . 9 r ,r,,,. R.,,.o. ,-, o� IO �1 ' I2 ,,. ,.�.+.,;� „�: ,� ..,..,,a;�;,. 13 �r�u ..�«u. ��..... 14 15 16 ' 17 18 --- - ��.. �..r,,,,i.,+„a k<. +i,o �� ...�.. 19 � Za � „ ai « >, az • 23 - • 24 �t � +- �.,� � 25 �CTC�Vll AlILA��� 26 �i�� 27 n� rti,.�r �,.,,�1 2$ 29 �'�1i1� 30 31 32 c„ ��--�a=�--�t� 33 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 34 A. Definitions 35 1. Unclassified Excavation — Without regard to materials, all excavations shall be 36 considered unclassified and shall include all materials excavated. Any reference ta 37 Rock or ather materials an the Drawings or in the speci�catians is solely for tlae 3g City and the Contractor's information and is not to he taken as a classification of 39 the excavation. 4a 1.4 '� ADMINSTRATNE REQUYREMENTS 41 A. The Contractor will provide the Ciiy vS+ith a Disposa� Letter in accordance to Division 42 01. CITY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive CulverE lmpravements STt1NDARD CON5T12UCTIOIV SPECIPiCATIOIJ T70CUMENTS CPNs 1p182D & 103Q51 Revised Jatauary 2$, 2013 ' 312316-3 U1�fCLASSiFIED EXCAVATION Page 3 of 5 1 1.5 SUBMYTTALS [NOT USED] 2 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTAL�/INFORMATI4NAL SUBMiTTALS [NOT USED] 3 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 4 �.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL �UBM�TTALS [NOT USED] 5 1.9 QUALITY ASSiTRANCE 6 A. Exca�ation Safety 7 1. The Contractor sha11 be solely responsible for making aIl excavaiions in a safe 8 iaaanner. 9 10 li 12 13 14 IS Ib 17 18 l9 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2. All excavation and related sheeting and bracing shall comply witi� the requirements of OSHA excavation safety standards 29 CFR part 1926 and state requirements. ]..ld DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Storage 1. W�thin Existing Rights-of Way (ROW} a. Sosl may be stored within existing ROW, easements ar temporary construction easements, unless specifically disallowed in the Contract Documents. b. Do not block drainage ways, i»lets or driveways. c. Provide eras�on control in accordance with 5ectioz131 25 00. d. When the Work is pex£ormed in active traffic axeas, store miaYerials only in areas barricaded as provided in the traffic control plans. e. In nornpaved areas, da not store rnaterial on the root zone of any trees ar in landscaped areas. 2. Designated Storage Areas a. If the Contract Documents do not allow the storage of spoils within the ROW, easement or temporary construction easement, then secure and nnaintain an adequate storage location. b. Provide an affidavit that rights have been secured ta store ihe materials on private property. c. Provide erosion control in accordaa�ce with Section 31 25 00. d. Do not block drainage ways. �.1.1 FIELD CON➢ITIONS A. Existing Condiiions 32 1. Any data which has been or may be provided on subsurface conditions is �aat 33 intended as a representation ar warranty af accuracy or continuity be�ween soils. It 34 is expressly understaod that neither the City n�ar the Bngineer wilI be responsible 3$ for interpretations ar conclusions drawn thexe from by the Contractor. 36 2. Data is made available for the convenience of the Contractor. CITY OF FORT WOKTH Shoreview Drive Culve�t Improvemetafs STANDATtD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS CPNs 101820 & 103051 �Revised 7anuary 28, 2013 312316-4 LJNCLA53IFIBD �XCAVATION Page 4 of 5 i 7 3 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED� PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED� �,1 OWNER FURNISHED [NOT iFSED] 4 �.2 PRODUCT TYPES AND MATERiALS 5 6 7 8 9 10 A. Materials 1. Unacceptable Fill Material a. In-situ soils ciassiiied as ML, MH, PT, OL or OH in accordance with AS"I'M D24$7 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 1 � 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 12 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 3.4 CONSTRUCTION A. Accept ownership of unsuitable or excess material and dispose of m aterial off-site accordance with local, state, and federal regulations at locations. B. Exca�ations shall be performed in khe dry, aaad kept free from water, snow aald ice during consiruction wiih eh exception of water that is applied for dust control. C. Separate Unacceptable Fill Matez'ial from other materials, remove fram the Site and properly dispose according �o disposal plan. D. Maintain c�'ainage in the excavated area to avoid damage to the roadway sections and proposed or existing structures. E. Correct any damage to the subgrade caused by w�ather, a� no additional cost to t�e City. F. Shape slopes to avoid loosensng material below or outside the proposed gades. Remove and dispose of slides as direcfed. G. Rock Cuts 1. Excavate to fnish gades. 2. In the event of over excavation due to contractar error below the lines and grades established in the Dravvings, use approved embaulcnaent �naterial compacted in accordance with Section 31 24 00 to replace tlie over excavated at no additional cost to City. H. �arth Cuts l. Excavate to iinish subgrade CITY OF FOR'I' WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO]V SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised January 28, 2013 5horeview Drive Culvert Tmprovements CPNs 101$20 & 103051 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 3�z3r6-s iJ1�CLA53IPIED E?{CAVATION Page 5 of 5 2. In the event of aver excavatian due to contractor error below t�e lines and grades established in the Drawings, use approved embankment material compacted in accordance with Section 31 2� 00 to replace the over excavated at no additional cost to City. 3. Manipulat� and compact subgrade in accordance with Section 31 24 00. 3.5 REPALR [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATI4N [NOT USED] 3.'� FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 9 A. Subgrade Tolerances 1p 1. Excavate to within 0.1 foot in all cl.irections. 11 2. In areas of over excavation, Contractor pxovides fill material approved by the City f� at no expense to the City. 13 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 14 3.9 AD.�USTING [NOT USED] 1S 3.10 CLEANING jNOT USED] 16 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITYES [NOT USED] 17 3.12 PROTECTXON [NOT USED] 18 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USEDJ I9 3.I4 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 24 21 DA� I N� END OF SECTION Revision Log SUNIMARY OF CHANGE 12/2Q/2012 D. Johnson 1.2 - Measurement and Paymant Section modifed; Blue Text added For clarification �128/13 D. 7ohnson 1.2 —Modified Bid Ttem names in payment secfion to dif�'erentiate between PaymenY Methods on hid list. CITY OF FORT WOItTF3 STANDARD GONST[iiTC'1'ION SPECIFIGATi01+I DOCUMENTS Revised January 28, 2013 5horeview Drive Culvert Improvements � CPNs 101820 & 103051 312400-1 EMBA1VKIvIB1+iTS Page 1 of 9 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 l.l. SUMMARY 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 �} 15 16 17 1$ 14 SECTION 3� 24 00 EMBANKMENT� A. Section IncIudes: l. Transporting and placement of Acceptable Fill Material within the boundaries of the 5ite for construciion of: a. Roadways b. Embankme�ts c. Drainage Channels d. Site Grading e. Any other operation involving the placement of on-site materials B. Deviations from this City of �'ort Wortla Standard Specification 1. 1 2 2 Emibankments b Surve ed uanti C. Related Specifcation Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Con�ract Forms and Conditions of the Contz'act 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Section 31 23 16 — Unciassified Excavation 4. Section 31 23 23 — Borrow 2a 1.2 PR�CE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 24 30 3l 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A0 41 42 A. Measurement and Payment 1. Erxabaukments by Plan Quantity a. Measurement 1} Measurement for this Item shall be by the cubic yard in its f�nal position using the average end area method. LimiYs of ineasurement are sl�own on the Drawings. 2) When measured by the cubic yard in its final pos�tion, this is a plans quantity measuremeni Item. The quanfiity to be paid is the quantiiy shown in the propasal, uniess rriodified by Article 11A4 of the General Conditions. Additiona� measurements or calculations will be made if adjustments of quantities are required. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materiats furnisl�ed in accordance with tlais Item and nneasured as provided �rider "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per cubic yard of "Embank�neni by PIan". No additional co�pensation will be allowed for rock or shrinkage/swell factars, as these are the Contractor's responsibility. c. The price bid shall incIude: 1) Transporting or hauling material 2) Placing, coanpacting, and finishing �mbankme�t 3} Construciion Water 4) Dust Control CI'1'Y OF FORT WORTH STANAARD CONSTRL)CT10N 3PECIFICATIOI�I DOCLT1VjENTS Revised January 28, 2013 Shoreview Drive Culvert Impro�ements CP1�Is ]Ol$20 & 103451 31 2A 0� - 2 EMBANKMENTS Page 2 of 9 x 5} Clean-up 2 6) Proof Rolling 3 7) Disposal of excess materials 4 8) Reworking or replacement of undercui maYerial 5 . (� .���aF.,���„� � 7 $ ' 9 10 ' 71 12 13 ' 14 15 ' 16 ��� 17 « „ 18 « �, 19 ' 20 � - 21 22 > > 23 24 n� r� ,,,f r,..,+,.,,� 25 `�- �Ga^� �Y 26 ��� T��,��n�::::� 27 �. T,• .,� ,.�„�.,,,...,...w���.�.'� 28 �� 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4l 42 43 44 45 46 47 1.3 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards 1. Reference standasds cited in this specification re%r to the current reference standard published at the time of ihe latest revision date Iogged at the end of this specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 2. AS'TM Standards a. ASTM D4318-I0, `I'est Procedure for Determining Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils b. ASTM D4993-08, Standard Test Method for Shrinkage Factors of Soils by t�e Wax Method c. ASTM D698-4'7e1, Standard Test Methods for Labaratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort . d. ASTM DI557-09, Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characterisiics of Soil Using Modified Effort e. ASTM D7382-08, Standard Test far Deternaination of Maximum Dry Unit Weight a:nd Water Content Range for Effective Campaction of Granular Soils Using a Vibrating Haminer f ASTM D1556-07, Standard TesY far Density and LTnit Weight of Sail In-Flace by the Sand Cone Method CITY OF FORT WORTki STANDARA COl�#S'T'RUCT[QN SPECIFICATION DOCUMEN�TS Revised January 28, 2013 Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs 101820 & 103051 312400-3 EMBAIVI{MENTS Page 3 of 9 1 1.4 ADMYNSTRATNE REQUIREMENTS 2 A. Sequencing 3 I. Sequence wQrk such that calls of prflctors a�'e complete i�a accordance with ASTM 4 D69$ prior to con�mencement of construction activities. 5 1.5 SUBMITTALS 6 A. Submit�als shall be in accordance with Section O1 33 00. 7 B. All submittals shall be approved by the City prior to constz'uction 8 1.6 ACTION SUBMiTTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 9 A. Shap Drawings 10 1. Stockpiled material 11 a. Provide a description of the storage of the excavated material only if tbe a2 Cantract Doc�ments do not allow storage af materials in the right-of-way or tlae � 3 easement 14 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USEDj 15 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMYTTALS [NOT USED] 16 1.9 QUALITY ASSiTRANCE [NOT USED] 17 1.10 DELNERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 A. Storage 1. Within Existing RigUts-of-Way (ROW} a. Soil may be stored within existing ROW, easexnents or temporary const�'uction easements, unless specifically disallowed in the Contract Documents. b. Do nat block draanage ways, inlets or driveways. c. Provide erosion cantrol in accordance with Section 31 25 00. d. When the Work is performed in active traffic areas, store materials only in areas barricaded as provided in the traffic control plaa�s. e. Tn non-paued areas, da not store material on the root zone of any trees or in lar;dscaped areas. 2. Designated Siarage Areas a. If the Cox�tract Documents do not allow the storage within the ROW, easement or temporary construction easement, then secuz'e and maintain an adequate storage location. b. Frovide an affidavit that rights have been secured to store the materials on private property. c. Provide erosion control in accordance with Section 31 25 00. d. Do not hlock drainage ways. 3b 1.I1 �IELD CONDYTIONS 37 A. Exisiing Conditions 38 1. Any data which has been or rnay be provided on subsurface condiiions is nat 39 intended as a representatio� or warranty af accuracy or co�tinuity between soils. I# 40 is expressly understood tha.t neither tk�e City nor the Engineer will be responsible 41 for interpretations or concjusions drawn there fror� by the Contractor. CITY OF FORT WOI2TH 5horeview Drive Culvert Impravements STANDARD CONSTKUCTiO3�1 SPECIFICATTON DOCiJMENTS CP1�Is 301820 & 103051 Re�vised 7anuary 2$, 2013 3I2400-4 ENfBANI�MEAITS Page 4 of 9 1 2 3 2. Data is made auailable far the convenience of the Contractor. 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART2- PRODUCTS 4 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [NOT USED] 5 2.� PRODUCT TYPES AND MATERLALS 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS lb 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 2.3 A. Materials 1. Acceptable F�II Material a. In-situ or imported soils classified as C�,, CH, SC or GC ir� accardance with ASTM D2487 b. Free from dele�eriaus �naterials, boulders aver 6 inck�es in size aaad organics c. Caia be placed free from voids d. Must ha�e 20 percent passing the number 2d0 sieve 2. Blended Fili Material a. In�situ soils classified as GW, GP, GM, SW, SP, or SM in accordance with ASTM D2487 b. Blended with in-situ or imported acceptable backfill materiai to meet the requirements of an Acceptable Backfiil Material c. Free from deleteriaus materials, bo�alders over 6 inches in size and organics d. Must have 2Q percent passing the number 200 sieve 3. Unacceptable Fill Material a. In-situ soils classified as ML, MH, FT, �L or OH ir� accordance vvith ASTM D2487 4. Select Fill a. CIassified as SC or CL in accordance with ASTM D2487 b. Liquid limit less than 35 c. Plasticity index between 8 and 20 ASSEMBLY 4R FABRICATION TOLERANCES [NOT USED] 28 2.4 ACCESSORTES [NOT USEDj 24 2.5 SOURCE QUALITY C4NTROL [NOT USED] 30 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3l 3.1 �NSTALLERS [NOT USED] 32 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 33 3.3 PREPARATION 34 A. Protection of In-Place Conditions 35 1. Pavement 36 a. Conduct activities zn such a way that does not damage existing pa�ement that is 3� designated ta remain. CITY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDARD CONSTKCTCTION SPECIFICATION DOCiTNIBNTS CPNs ] 01820 & I03051 Revised January 28, 2013 312400-5 EMBANI�MENTS Page 5 of 9 I b. Repair or replace any pavement damaged due to the negligence of the 2 contractor outside the limits designated far pavemenY removal at no additional 3 cost 4 2. Trees 5 a. Wl�en operating outside of existing ROW, stake permanent and temporary � construction easements. 7 b. Restrict all consiruction activities to the designated easements and ROW. g c. Flag and protect all trees designated to remain in accordance wiih Section 31 10 10 00. d. Conduct embanl�cnents in a manner such that there is no damage to the tree 11 canopy. 12 e. Prune Qr Criin tree limhs as specifically allowed by the Drawings or as 13 specifcally allowed by the City. 14 l) Prunzx�g ar trimnning may only be accomplished with equip�nent IS specifically designed for tree pruning or trimxning. 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 2� 3. Above ground Structures a. Protect all above ground structures adjacent to t1�e construction. 4. Traffic a. Maiz�tain existing trafiic, except as znodified by the traffic control plan, and in accardance with Section 34 71 13. b. Do not block access to dri�+eways or alleys for extended periods of time umless: 1) Al#ernative access has been provided 2) Proper notification has been provided to the property owner ar resident 3) It is speci�cally allowed in ihe trafiic control plan 25 3.4 INSTALLATYON 26 A. Embanktnen#s General Z� 1. Placing and Compacting Emba��kzpent Material Zg a. Perform �ill operatian in an oxderly and systematic manner using equipment in 29 proper sequence to meet the compactian requirements 30 b. Scasify and loosen the unpaved surface areas, except rock, to a depth of at least 3� 6 inclnes, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings 32 c. Place fiIl on sur�'aces free from tr�es, stumps, roots, vegetation, ar other 33 deleterious materiais 34 d. Bench slopes before placing material. 35 e. Begin filling in the lowest section or tlie tae of the wark area 36 f. When fill is placed directly ar upon older �11, remove debris az�d any loose 37 material and proof roll existing surface. 38 g. After spreading ihe loose lifts to the required thicicness and adjusting its 39 moisture conteni as necessazy, simultaneously recompact scarifed material 4p with t�e placed embanlanent material. 4x h. Roil with suff'icient number passes to achieve the minimum required 4� compaction. 43 i. Provide water sprinkled as necessary to achieve required moisture levels for 44 specifed compaction 45 I� Do not add additional lifts until the entire previous lift is properly compacted. 46 2. Surface Water Control 47 a. Grade surface horizontally but provide with sufficient longitudinal and 48 transverse slope to allaw for runoff of surface water from every point. GITY OF FORT WORTI-I Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements S'I'ANIiARD CQNSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOC[JMENTS CPl�ls 101820 & 103051 Revised 7anuary 28, 2013 312400-6 EMBANKMENTS Page 6 of 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 b. c. d. e. �: Conduct fills sa tY�at no obstruct�on to drainage firom any other sections of fill is created. Install temporary dewatering surnps in low areas during filling where excess amounts of runoff collect. Compact unifo�nly throughout. Keep surfaces of iill reasonably smootY� and free from humps and hollows that would prevent proper uniform compaction. Do not place fill during or shortly after rain events which prevent proper wark placement af the �naterial and compactian Prior io resuming compaction operations, remove muddy rnaterial ofFthe surface to e�ose firm and compacted rnaterials 11 B. Embankments for Roads �Z 1. Only Acceptable Fill Material will be allowed for raadways 13 2. Embankments for roadbeds shali be constructed in layers approximate�y paralleI to 14 the finished grade of the street 15 3. Consiz'uct genera.11y to conform to the cross sec�ian ofthe subgrade section as 16 shown in the Drawings. � � 4. Establish grade and shape to the typical sections shown on the Drawings X g 5. Maintain f nished seciions of embankment #o the grade and compaction lg requirements until the project is accepted. 2p C. Earth Embai�nents 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 Earth embax�kment is mainly composed ofmaterial other thar� rock. Construct embankrr�ents in successive layers, e�+enly distribuiing matez'ials in lengths suited for sp�inkling and rolling. Rock or Concrete a. Obtafn approvai fronri the City prior to incorporating rock and broken concrete produced by the construction pro�ect in the lower layers of the embanlazient. b. No Rock ox Concrete will be permitted in embankments in any location where future utilities are anticipated. c. When the size of approved rock or broken concrete exceeds the layer thickness place the rock and concrete outside the limifs of the proposed structure or pa�ement. Cut and remove all exposed reinforcing steel from the broken concrete. Move the material dumped in piles or windrows by bladi�tg or by similar methads and incorparate it into unifarm �ayers. Featheredge or m�ix abutting �ayers of dissimilar material for at least lOQ feet to ensure tl�ere are no abrupt changes in the material. Break dovvn ciods or lumps of material and mix e�banl�nent un�il a uniform tnaterial is attained. 2. 33 3• 34 35 �� 36 37 5. 38 39 D. Rock Embankments 4p 1. Rock embanl�ment is mainly composed of rock. 41 2. Rock Embai�crnents far roadways are only allo�ved when speci�cally designated an 42 the Drawings. 43 3. Construct rock embax�kinents in successive layers for ihe full width of the roadway 44 cross-section witY� a depth of 18-inches ar Iess. ClTY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvemenfs STAIZDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCLTNT�'I'8 CPNs 101 &20 & 103051 Revised ]anuary 2$, 20i3 312400-7 EMBANKMENTS Page 7 of 9 1 �• 2 3 4 5. 5 (, 6. 7 7. 8 9 g• 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2fl 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2R 30 31 32 33 The layer depth for large rock sizes shall not exceed a depth of S 8-inc�es in any case. Fi11 voids created by the large stone matrix with smaller stones during the placemenf and filling operatians. Ensure the depth of the embankmeni layer is gx'eater than the rr�a�imum dimension of any rock. Do not place rock greater than 18-inches in iis maximu�n dimensian. Constic'uct the final layer with graded material so thai the densiTy and uniformity is in accordance compaction requirernenis. The upper or final layer of rock embankn�ents sha�l contain na material larger than 4 inches in their maximum dimension. E. Densiiy 1. Compact each layer until the maxim� dry density as deiermined by ASTM D698 is achieved. a. Not Under Roadway or Structure: 1) areas to be compacied in the open, noi beneath any s#ructure, pavement, flatwork, or is a minimum of lfoot outside of the edge of any structure, edge of pavement, or back of curb. aj Compact each layer to a minim�m of 90 percent 5tandard Proctor Density. b. Embani�rnents under future paving: 1) Compact each layer to a minimuzn of 95 percent staxzdard proctar dens�ty with a moisture content not to exceed +4 percent or -2 percent of Qptimum moisture or as indicated on the Drawings c. Emba�nkments under structures: 1) Compacted each layer as indica#ed on ihe Drawings F. Maintenance af Moisture and Reworking 1. Maintain the densiiy and mo�sture content once all requirements are met. For soils with a PI greater than 15, rnaintain the moistuz'e content no lower than 4 percentage points below optimum. Rework the rnaterial to obtain the speciiied compaction when the maierial loses the required stability, density, moisture, or iinish. AIter the connpaction methods and procedures on subsec�ueni work to obtain specified densiiy as directed by ihe City. 2. 3. 4. 34 3.5 REPAIR [NOT USED] 35 3.b RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 36 3.7 �'IELD QUAILITY CONTROL 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 A. Field Tests and Inspections 1. Practors a. The City will perform Practors in accordarice with ASTM D698. b. Test resuits will generally be available to within 4 calendar days and distributed fo: 1) Contractor 2} Ci#y Project Ma�aager 3) City Inspector CTTY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CO3�TSTRUCT101�I SPECIFTCATI�N DOCUMENTS Revised January 28, 2013 Shoreview Drive Culvert Impravements CPNs 101820 & 103U51 31240U-8 EMBANKMElVTS Page S of 9 1 4) Engineer 2 c. Notify the City if the characteristic of the soil changes. 3 d. City will perform ne�v proctors for varying soils: 4 1) When indicated in the geotechnical investigation in the Appendix 5 2} If notiiied by the Contractor b 3} At ihe convenience of the City � e. Embax�cments where different soil types ara preseni axxd are blended, the g proctors shall be based on the mixture of those soils. 9 2. 1'roof Rolling 10 a. E�bankments under Future Pavement � 1 1} City Project Representative must be on-site during proof rolling operations. 12 2) Use equipment that will apply suffcient load to identi�y soft spats that rut 13 ��' P�P- 14 a) Acceptable equipment includes fully laaded single-axle water #ruck 15 with a 1500 gallor� capacity. 16 3) Make at leasi 2 passes with the proof roller (down and back = 1 pass). 17 4} Offset each trip by at most 1 tiz'e width. lg 5} If an unstable or non-uniform area is found, correct the area. 19 6) Correct 20 a) Soft spots that rut or pump greater than 3/4 inch. 21 b} Areas that are unstable or non-uniform 22 7j If a non-uniform area is found then correct the area. 23 b. Embanlanents Not Uz�der Future Paving 24 1} No Proof Rolling is requiz'ed. 25 3. Density Testing of Embankments 26 a. Density Test shall be in conformance with ASTM D2922. 27 b. For Embankments under future pavement: Zg 1) The City will perform density testing twice per working day when 29 compaction operations are being conducied. 30 2} The testing lab shall take a minimum of 3 density tests, but the number af 3� test shall be appropriate for the area being compac�ed. 32 3) Testing shall be represeniative of the current lift being compacted. 33 4) Special attention should be placed on edge conditions. 34 c. Far Embankments not under future pa�ement or structures: 35 1) The City wi11 perform density tesiing once working day when compaction 36 operatians are being conducted. 37 2} The testing lab shail take a mini�num of 3 density tests. 38 3} Testing shall be representative of the current lift being compacted. 39 d. Make the area where tl�e embankment is heing placed available for testing_ 40 e. The City will cieiermine ihe location of the test. 41 f. The City testing lab will provide resuits to Contractor and the City's Inspector 4� upan completian of the testing. 43 g. A formal report will be posted to the City's Buzzsaw site wiihin �8 hours. 44 h. Test reports shaIl include: �}S 1) Location of test by station n�mber 46 2) Time and date of test 47 3) Deptla af testing 48 4) Field moisture 49 5) Dry density C1TY bF FORT WO1tTH Shoreview Drive Culr+ert Impravements STANDARD CONSTRiTCTION SPECIFICA�TON DOCUMENTS , CPNs 101820 &] 03051 Revised 7anuary 2S, 2013 312400-9 EMBANKMEI+iTS Page 9 of 9 1 2 3 � 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DATE NAME 12/20/2012 D.3ohnson 1/28/13 D. rohnson 1 �4 6) Proctar idenfi�'ier 7) Percent Proctoz' Density Li. Non-Conforming Work 1. All nan-conforming wark sha11 be removed and replaced. 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED� 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USE➢] 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT i1SED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT i7SED] END OF SECTION Revision �.og SiJMMARY O�' CHANGE 1.2 — Added possihle measurement and payment procedures and Blue te�t for instructions on how the methods should be applied 2.2.2.a added GW and SW material classifications 1.2 — Modified Bid Item names in payxnent seciion to differentiate beiween Payment Methods on bid Iist. GITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT'ION DdCilMENTS Kevised January 28, 2fl13 5horeview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs 1Q1820 & i03051 323213-1 CAST-II�€-PLACE CONCRBTE RETAINING WALLS Page 1 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 SECTION 3� 32 13 CAST-TN-PLACE CONCRETE RETAINING WALLS PART1- GENERAL L1 SUMMARY A. Section Inciudes 1. Canstr�ction of cast-in-place concrete retaining wall adjacent to concrete sidewalk (3 foot maxiinum 1leight) af the size and shape deiailed on the Drawings aiad at the location shown on the Drawings. 2. Construction of TxDOT standard cast-in-place, spread foot concrete retaining wa11 of the size and s�ape deiailed on the Drawings and at the location shown on t�e Drawings. 3. Construction of cast-in- lace concreie retainin wall as shovan in the Shoreview Drive Culvert Im rovements Pro'ect. 4. Construction of re ur osed wall as shown in the Shoreview Drive Culvert Im rovement Pro'ect. B. Deviatians from this City of Fort V1Tortb Standard Specification 1. Madified Section 1.1 2. Modified Section l .2 3. Modiiied Section 13 4. Modiiied Section 1.5 5. Modified Section 2.2 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily Iimited to: 1. Division 0- Sidding Rec�uirements, Contract Fortns, and Conditions of the Contraet 2. Division 1- General Requirements 3. Section 03 30 00 - Cast-in-Place Cor�crete 4. Section 31 23 16 — Unclassified Excavatian 5. Section 31 23 23 - Borrow 6. Seciion 31 24 00 - Embai�xkents '1. Section 32 13 20 - Concrete Sidewalks, Driveways and Barrier Free Ramps 8. Section 33 46 00 - Subdrainage l.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Paytnent 1. Concrete Retaining Wall Adjacent to Sidewalk a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the square faot of the front su�'face of the wall (face) from the top of the adjacent sidewalk to ihe top of the wa11. h. Payment 1) The work pe�rformed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" wilI be paid for at the unit price bid per square faot of Cancrete Retaining Wall Adjaceni to Sidewalk constructed. C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTI�UCTIOIV SFECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised 7une 5, 2018 Shoreview Drive Culvert Impravements CPNs 10i820 & 103�Si 323213-2 CAST-IN-PLACE C031CRETE RETAINiNG WALLS Page 2 oi 6 1 c. The price bid shail include: z 1} Excavation/Embank�nent in back of Retaining Wails (to top of wall) 3 2) Furr�ishsng and placing footings 4 3) Leveling pads and copings g 4) Furnishing, placing, ar�d compacting backfill(except in embai�tient areas) 6 5) Furnishing and placing concrete, reinforcing siee3, waterproofing material, � filter material and drain pipe, joint material, water stop, and filter fabric g when requirec� q 6) Fabricating, curing, and iinsshing wall including special coatsngs when 1p specified lI i2 13 14 35 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4Q 41 42 43 4A 45 46 47 48 49 SO 2. Concrete Sidewalk Adjacent to Itetaining Wall a. Measurement 1} Measurement for this Itern sha11 be by the square foot of completed and accepted Concrete Sidewalk Adjacent to Retaining WaII in its final positian. Measurement sha11 be taken from face of wa11 to edge af concrete sidewalk. b. Payme�t 1} The work performed and materials furnis�ed in accardance with this Item and measuxed as provided Under "Measurexzaent" will be paid for at the unit price bid per square fooi of CancreYe Sidewalk Adjacent to Retaining Wa11 installed. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Excavating and preparing the subgrade 2} Furnislaing and placing all materials 3. Retai�ain Walls Showx� in the Shoreview Drive Culvert Im rovements Pro'ect a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be b the s uare foot of the front surface of the wall. Unless otherwise shawn on the Drawin s measure area from to of footin to the to af the wall includin an co in re uired not includin railin . b. P_ ay_.ment 1) The work erfornned and rnaterials furnished in accardance with this Item and measured as rovided under "Measureznent" will be aid for at the unit rice bid er s uare foot af "Maintenance Ram Retainin Wall" °`U�stream Retainin Wall", and "Downstream Retainin� Wall"• c. The rice bid shall include: l) Excavation ir� back of Re�ainin� Walls from bottom of footin� to to� of wall and the an led backslo e of excavation.. All excavation necess to canstruct ihe backside of the wall ad�acent to Shoreview Drive is included in the pav item. 2} Exca�ation for #he undercu�lover excavation 3) Flexbase nnaterial far the undercut/over excavation 4) Furnishin� and�lacing footin�s, includin� excavation 5) Levelin ads and co in s 6) Furnishin lacin and com acii�a backfill � 7} Furnishin and lacin concrete reinforcin steeI wate roof n material filter material and drain i e'oint material water s#o and filter fabric wi�e� re uired 8) Fabricatin curin and finishin wall includin s ecial coatin s when s e� cified CTTY OF FORT WOKTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SP�CIFICATION DOCUNiENTS Revised 7une S, 2D18 Shoreview Drive Gulvert Improvements CPNs i0i820 & 103051 32 32 13 - 3 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCKETE RETAININ� WALLS Page 3 of 5 � 9) Flacin draina e`leave out' in the wall. 2 4. Re u osed Wa�I Shown in the Shoxeview Drive Culvert Im rovements Pro'ect 3 a. Measurement q 1) Measurement for this Item sha�l be b a linear foot basis of com lete wall g znstalied. 6 b. Pay_ment � 1) The work erfonmed and materials furnished in accordance with t�is Item g and measured as rovided under "Measurement" will be aid for at the unit q rice bid er s uare foat of "Re u osed Rock Wall". �p c. Tne rice bid shail incSude: � 1 1) Salva�in suf�'icient ma#erial from the existin� rock wall. 12 2} Cleanin,g and Ureparin� the existing rock material for re�urpasin . 13 3) Formin and lacin the existin rock material and mortar on the ro osed �q retainin wall. 15 4) All mortar and oiher sealzn and z'elevant anaterial com ounds necessa to 16 rovide a secure rock wall on the xetainin wall. �� 5} Placin�the rock wall to the dimensions shown in the plans. 1 g 6) Placin the roc� wall to mimic aestheticall the existin rock wall 19 1.3 REFERENCES 2p A. Definitions �x l. Pernaanent Wall - Retaining wall witla a desigta service life of 75 years. All wa1ls 22 are presumed to be permanenf walls unless otherwise specified in the Drawings. 23 B. Reference s#andards cited in this specification refer to the current reference standard 24 published at the iime of ihe latest xevision date logged at the end of this specification, 25 unless a date is specifically cited. 26 27 28 29 �a 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40 �1 42 43 44 45 1. AS`TM International (ASTM): a. D4491, Standard Test Methods for Water Fenmeability of Geotextiles by Permittivity b. D4S33, Standard Test Method for Trapezoid Tearing Strength of Geotextiles c. D4632, Standard Test Method for Grab Breaking Load and �longation of Geotextiles d. D4751, Sfandaxd Test Method for Determining Appareni Opening Size of a Geotextile 2. Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT}, Standard Specificatians for Construction and Maintenance of Highways and Bridges: a. 110, Exca�ation b. 132, Ernbankix�ent c. 400, Exca�ation and Backfill for Structures d. 420, Concrete Structures . e. 421, Hydraulic Cement Concrete f. 423, Retaining Walls g. 440, Reinfarcing Steel h. 445, Galvanizing i. 458, Waterproofing Mernbranes fior Struciures j. SS6, Pipe Underdrains 46 3. T�OT Staiadard — Spread Faoting Walls 47 a. RW 1(�.) A—�.ow Footing Pressure, Design A Retaini�ag Walls 48 b. RW 1(L) B— Low Footing Pressure, Design B Retaini ng WalIs CITY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culverf lmprovements STANDARD GONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATi ION DOCiIMENTS CPNs 1U1820 & 103051 Kevised June 5, 201 S 32 32 13 - � CAS`F-1N-PLACE CONCKETE RETAl7+i1NG WALLS Page 4 of 6 Z 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c. RW 1(L) C— Low Footing Pressure, Design C Retaining Walls d. RW 1(H} A— High Footing Pressure, Design A Retaining Walls e. RW 1(H) B— High �'ooting Pressure, Design B Retaining Walls £ RW 1(I� C— High Footing Pressure, Design C Retaining Walls g. RW 2— Retaining Wall Miscellaneous Details 4. Texas Departrnent of T�'ansportation (TXDOT), Manual of Testing Procedures: a. Tex-616-J, Const�'uc#ion Fabrics 1.4 ADMINISTRATNE REQi7IREMENTS [NOT USEDj 9 1.5 SUBMITTALS 10 A. See Section 03 30 00. 1� B. Submittals as re uired for tlie re u osed wall-see Plans. 12 1.6 ACTION SUSMITTALS [NOT USED] 13 i.'� CLOSE4UT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 14 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUSMITTALS [NOT USED] 15 1.9 QUALITY ASSiTRANCE 16 A. See Section 03 30 00. 17 IS 14 aa 21 L1d DELNERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. See Sec�on 03 30 00. ]..11 SITE CONDITIONS A. Ambient Conditians: 5ee Section 03 30 00. �.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED� 22 PART � - PRODUCTS 23 2.1 DWNER-FURNiSHED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 2�1 2.2 MATERIALS 25 A. Concrete and Reinforcing Steel 2f, 1. Concrete Retaining Wall with Sidewalk 27 a. Sectian 03 30 00. 2g 2. T�OT Standard — Spread Footing Walls 29 a. 420, Concrete Structures 30 b. 421, Hydraulic Cement Concrete 3 i c. 440, Reinforcing Steel 32 d. 445, Galvanizing 33 e. 458, Waterprooiing Membz'anes for Structures 34 B. Backfill 35 1. Concrete Retaining Wall with Sidewal� 3� a. Section 31 23 23 3� 2. TxDOT Standard — Spread Footing Walls 3g a. 132, Embankanents 39 3. As shown in the Plans. C1TY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Arive C�lvett Improvements STANAAR� COTfSTRUCTIO]V SP�CIFICATION DOCiTMBNTS CPNs 10i820 & 103051 Revised 7une 5, 2018 323213-5 CAST-IIQ-FLACE COhICRETE RETAD�f]NG WALLS Page 5 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 �.3 29 �.4 C. Underdrains 1. Concrete Retai�ing Wall with Sidewalk a. Sec#ion 33 46 00 2. T�OT Standard — Spread Footing Walls a. 556, Pipe Underdrains 3. As shown in the Plans. D. Filter �'abric 1. General a. Provide standard weight fabric for z'etaining walls and soil separation. b. Provide f l�er fabric rated as UV-resistant when used as part of the exposed facing for a temporary wall. c. The fabric consists exclusively of manmade thermoplastic fibers, is a non- woven geoiextile fabric, and for�ns a mat of uniforrri quality. d. Fabric fibers are continuous and random throughout ihe fabric. e. The fabric is mildew resistant and rot-praof, and it is satisfactory for use in a wet soil and aggregate environment. 2. Filter fabric shall be er described in the Plans. 3. Physical Requirements: The fabric must conform to the requireix�ents listed in Table 1 when tested in accordance with tk�e tes� methods specified. E. Re�uz'pased Wall_Material 1. On-site re ur osed xack frorn the existin rock wall. Rock shall be selected and sha ed to rneet the dimensional re uirernents of the re ur osed wall as shown in the pla�as. Contractor to provide mortaa' p�'out and all masonry needs. ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED� 30 PART 3 � EXECUTION 31 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 32 3.2 EXAMINAT�ON [NOT USED] 33 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTI2UCTIQN SPBCIFICATION DOGLTMENTS ltevised June S, 2018 Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs 101820 & 103051 Table 1 I�lter Fa�ric Requirements 323213-6 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE RETAINING WALLS Page 6 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3.4 INSTALLATION A. Construct retaining walls in accordance with the Drawings and to the pertinent requirements af the following Sections: 1. Concrete Retaining Wall with Sidewalk a. Section 03 30 00 b. Section 31 23 16 c. Sectio� 31 23 23 d. Section 31 24 00 e. Section 33 4fi 00 2. TxDOT Standard — Spread Footing Walls a. 11 Q, Excavatio�€ b. 132, Embanlcinent c. 400, Excavation and Backiill for Strucfures d. 423, Retaining Wa1Is e. �i20, Corzcrete Structures f. A58, Water proofing Membranes for Structures g. 556, Pipe Underdrains 3.5 REPAIR A. See Section 03 30 00. 3.6 RE-INSTALLATYON jNOT USED] 3.i FYELD QUALITY CONTR�L A. See Section 03 30 00. 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.1Q CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEDUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 31� PROTECTTON [NOT USED] 313 MAINTENANCE [NOT USEDj 3.14 ATTACHMENTS jNOT USED] END OF SECTION CITY OP FORT WORTH STATiDARD COI+ISTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS ltevised June 5, 201 S Shoreview Drive Cu[vert Improvaments CPNs 101820 & 103051 33 D3 10 - 1 BYPA53 PLIMPING OF �XISTIMG SEWER SYSTEMS Page i of 6 SECT�ON 33 Q3 l.0 BYPASS PUMPING OF EXISTING SEWER SYSTEMS PART1-GENERAL i.l STJNIlVIARY A. Section Includes: 1. Bypass putnping ofthe existing sewer system, required on 18-inch and larger sewer lines unIess otherwise specif ed in the Contract Documents. 2. Im leznentation o eration and maintenarzce of a s ste�n to mana e the tein or force main s stem. B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Speci�ication 1. Section 1.1 2. Section 1.3 3. Section 1.4 4. �ection 1.b C. Related Speci�cation Sections incIude, but are �aat necessarily limited io: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requ�rements, Con�tract Farms, and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Measurernent a. Measurenzent for this �tem will be by lump sum. 2. Pay�nent a. The work perfarmed and materials furnished in accardance with this Iie� wiIl be paid for at the lump sum price bid for "Managemeni and Implementation Plan for Farce Main". 3. The price bid shall include: a. Mobilization b. Development of bypass, containment and disposal plans c. Submission of bypass, containment and disposal plans for City approval d. Coordination with sewer field operations and pz'es�utdown meeting as required in �he drawings e. Transportation and storage f Protection of Lake Worth g. Setup h. Canfined space an#ry i. Plugging j. Teznporary piping and conz�ections to x�naintain fully operationa� system throughout construction C17�Y OF k'�RT WOR`IT� Shoreview Drive CuEvert Improvements STANDARD CONS'�`RUCTION SPECIPICATTON DOCiJMENTS November 3, 2020 CPtJs 101820 & 1�3051 000000-2 MANAGEMENT ATID IMPLEM�I�TATION PLAN FOR FORCE MAIlV Page 2 of 6 k. Bypass purnping thraughout construction 1. Notice to resicients/agencies m. Removals n. Clean up o. Surface restoratian 1.3 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards 1. Reference star�dards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference siandard published at the time of the latest revision date logged a� the end of this Speciiication, unless a date is specifically cited. 2. Occupational Safety a�d Health Organization {OSHA). 3. Texas Commission on Enviornmental uality_(TCE 4. Ci of Fort Worth Enviornmental De artment 1.4 ADMINTSTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination 1. Develo b ass containment and dis osal lans and submit to Ci for revie�v. 2. Schedule meeting with City to review sewer shutdown prior to replacing or rehabilita�ing any facilities. 3. City reserves the right to delay schedule due to weather cQnditions, or other unexpected emergency within the sewer system. 4. Review bypass pumping arrangement or Iayout in the field with City prior to beginn�ng operaiions. Facilitate preliminazy bypass purnping run with Ciiy siaff present io affirm the operation is satisfactory to the City. 5. After culvert improvements are com�lete with ihe new force znain coordir�ate the reestablishment of sewer flow with Cit staff. 6. Provide onsite confinuous monitoring during all bypass pumping operations using one of the following methods: a. Personnel on site b. Portable SCADA equipment 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. SubmittaIs shall be in accordance witY� 5ection 01 33 00. B. A11 submittals shall be approved by the City priar to delivery. 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. For 3" HDPE low�resstu'e force main, submit a detailed pIan and description outlinin� all rovisions and recautioaas that will be taken with re ard to t�e handlin of sewer flows. Submit the plazz to the Cii}.i for approval a minimuix� of 7 da�priar to corxamenci� work. Include the following details: l. Schedule for instaIIation and maintenance of the b ass um in s stem 2. Sta��areas for �um�s CITY OF FORT WbR7H Shoreview Drive Cuivert Improvements STANDARA CONSTRUCTIpN SPECIRICATION 170CUMENTS Revised Aiovemher 3, 2020 CPNs 101820 & 103051 000000-3 MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR FORC� MAIN Page 3 of 6 3. Pum sizes ca aci number of each size and ower re uirements 4. Calculations for static lift frictio�a losses, and'veloci 5. Pum curves shawin o eratin ran e and s stexn head curves 6. Sewer lu in methods 7. Size len � material �aint e and method for installation af suction and disck�ar�e pipin� 8. Method of noise co�trol for each um and/or enerator if re uired 9. Standb awer enerator size a��d location 10. Suctson and dischar e i in lan 11. Emer�enc�action�lan identifvin.g� the xneasures taken in the event of a p� failure or sewer s iII 12. Staffin Ian for res ondin to alarm conditions identi in multi le cantacts h name and�hone nu�nbers�of�ice, mobile) 13. A contin enc lan to im lement in the event the re lacement or rehabilitation has unex ected dela s or roblezns ].7 CLOSEOUT SiTBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERTAL SUBM�TTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSUR.ANCE A. Contractor shall be responsible for ens�re the proper operation of the tetnparary farce marn sysiem a.nd ensuring Lake Worth is protected from the sewage at all tinrzes. 1.10 DELNERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING �NOT USED] 1.11 F�ELD ��ITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED� 112 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [oxj OWNER SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 2.� EQUIPMENT B. Pumping 1. Provide equipment that will convey 100 percent of wet weather peak flaw conditions. 2. Provide fully automatic self-priming pumps. Foot-valves or vacuuzn pumps are not permitted for priming the system. 3. Pumps must be constructed to allow dry running for periods of tirr�e to account for the cycI�cal nature of sewer �Iow. 4. Provide 1 stand-by pump for each size to be maintained on site. Place backup pumps on line, isolated from t�►e primary system by valve. CTTY OF �'ORT WORTT-� Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDARD COI�iSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT'ION AOCUMENTS Revised November 3, 2020 CPT€s i01$20 & 1�3051 a000ao-4 MANAGEMEld'T AND IMPLEMENTATIOT! PLAN FOR Fd12CE MAIN Page 4 of b 5. I� multiple puxnps are required to meet the flaw requirenr�ents, provide the necessary fitings and connectio�s to incorporate multiple discharges. 6. Noise levels oFthe pumping system must follow tl�e requiremenis of the City noise ordinance for gas wells. C. Piping 1. Install pipes with joints which preven� tY�e incident of flow spillage. D. Plugs ar Stop Logs 1. PIugs a. Select a plug that is made for the size and potential pressuxe head that will be experienced. b. Provide an additional anchor, support or bracing to secure plug when back pressure is preseni. c. Use accurately calibrated aiz' pressure ga�ges for monitoring the inflation pressure. d. Place infla�ion gauge at location outside of confined space area. Keep the inflaiian gauge and valve a sa% distance from the plugs. e. Never over i�aflate the plug beyond its pzessure rating. 2. Stop Logs a. Use stop log devices designed for the manhole ar sewer vault structure in use. b. If applicable, obtain stop logs from City tI�at may be used on specific structures. 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT IISED] 2.4 SOURCE QiTALITY CONTROL [NOT U�ED] PART 3 - EXECUTYON 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 3.� EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 3.3 PREPARATION A. Loca#e the bypass pipelines in area to �ninimize disturbance to existing utilities and obtain approval of Yhose locations from the Cii�+. B. Make preparations to cornp�y with OSHA requirements when working in the presence of sewer gases, oxygen-deficient atmospheres and confined spaces. C. Do not beg�n bypass preparation and operatiQn ur��l City approval of the submit�als requested per ihis Specification. 3.4 INSTALLATION A. Install and operate pumping and piping equiprnent in accordance to the suhmittals provided per Yhis Specification. B. Sewer flow stoppage CITY OF FORT WORTtT Shoreview Drive Culvert Impravemenfs STANDARD CONSTKUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Novembar 3, 2020 CP�fs 161820 & 1D3051 00 00 oa - 5 IvfANAGEIVIENT AND iMPLE1vIE1�?`fATION PLAN POR FQRCE MA1N Page 5 of 6 1. Plugging a. Use confined space procedures and equipment during installation when necessary. b. Thoroughly clean the pipe before insertio�a af the plug. c. Insert the p�ug seal surface comp�etely sQ it is fuily supported by th� pipe. d. Position the plug where there ara not sharp edges or protrusions ti�at may ciamage the plug. e. Use pressure gauges for measuring inflation pressures. f. Minimize upstream pressure head before deflaiing and removing. C. Sewer #Iow control and monitoring 1. Take sufficient precautions to ensure sewer flow operations do not cause flooding or damage to public or private property. The Cantractor is responsible for any damage resulting from bypass p�mping opexations. 2. Begin coniinual monitoring of the sewer systein as soon as the sewer is plugged or biocked. Be prepared to immediately start bypass pumping if needed due to surcharge conditions. 3. Sewer discharge may be into another sewer manhole or appropriate vehicIe or container only. Do not discharge sewer into an open en�ironment such as an open channel or earthen halding facility. 4. Do not construct bypass facilities where vehicular traffe may tra�el over the piping. a. Pxovide details in the suction and discharge piping plan t�at accommodate both the bypass facilities and trafiic wi�hou# disrupting either service. 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.'� FIELD [ox] �ITE QUAL�TY CONTROL A. Field [ox] Si�e Tests and Tnspections 1. Perform leal�age and pressure tests of the bypass pumping pipe and equipxnent before actual operation begins. Have City staff oa� site during iests. 3.8 SYSTEM �TARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 AD.�USTING [NOT USED] 3.i0 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTNITIES A. Once plugging or blocking is no longer necessary, remave in such a way that permits the sewer flow to slowly reiurn fo normal — preventing surge, surcharging and zx�ajor downstream disturbance. 312 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED� CTTY OF FORT WORTI-i 5hareview 1]rive Culvert Improvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOI�I DOGLIMENTS Revised November 3, 2p2D CPNs 101820 & 10305I oaooao-6 MANAGEM�NT AND 1MPLEMEI+ITATION PLAN POR FOItCE MAI1V Page 6 of 6 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] END OF SECTION Revision L,og I2/20/2012 � D. Johnso� 1.6-Clari�ied submittals reQuirecf for 18" and Iarger lines CITY OF PORT WOK'CH 5horeview Drive Culvert Lnprovements STAND.4RD CON5IRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOClJMENTS Revised November 3, 2020 CPI�s 101$20 & i03051 33 0� 30 - 1 TEMPORARY WATER SERV3CES Page 1 of 4 1 2 3 �ART1- GENERAL � 1..1 SUMMARY CSECTION 33 U4 30 TEMPORARY WATER SERVICES 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Tempora.ry Water Service or b�pass needed to maintain service during water maixz '7 replacemet�t projeci 8 B. Deviations from this City ofFort Worth Standard Speci�cation 9 1. I.1.A.� l0 2. 1.�.A.3 11 3. �.�.A & B & C 12 4. 3.4A & D 13 C. Products Installed But Not Furnished Under This Section 14 1. Fire Hydrant Meters 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 D. Related Specification Sections include, but are noY necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions af the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requiremer��s 3. Speci�cation 32 12 16 — Asphalt Paving 4. Specification 33 OS 10 — Utility Trench Excavatioia, Embedment and Backfill 5. Specification 33 04 40 — Cleaning and Acceptance Testing oi Water Mains 6. Specification 33 12 10 — Water Services 1-incla ta 2-inch 23 1.� PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A. Measurement and Payment 1. Measureinent a. Measurement for Temporary Water Services will be measured by: 1) Lump sum or 2) Per linear foot of Temporary Water Main for Miscellaneous Projects only 2. Payment a. Th� work perfornned and ma�erials furnished in accordance with this Item aa�d rneasured under "Measurement" will be paid ,far at the unit price bid for "Temporary Water Service" of the type speci�ied. 3. The price bid shall incl�zde: a. Temporary water service line or b ass line b. Connections c. Fiitings d. Valves e. Corporation stops f. Temporary asphalt for crossings CITY OF PO1tT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert I�nprovements CP1Vs STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCiTMENTS 101820 & 103051 Revised July i, 2Q11 330430-2 TEMPORARY WATER SBRVICES Page 2 of 4 1 g. Traffic Contral 2 h. Disinfection 3 i. Removal of temporary services or bvpass line 4 1.3 REFERENCES S A. Reference Standards b 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference 7 standard publisl�ed at the time of the latest revision date logged at il�e end of this g Specification, unless a date is specificalIy cited. 9 2. NSF International 1p a. 6I, Drinking Water Systenri Components — Hea1tY� Effects 1 X 3. ASTM International (ASTM}: �2 a. D3035, Standard Specification for Po�yethylene (PE) Plastsc Pipe (DR-PR) �3 Based on Controlled Outside Diameter 14 1.4 ADMINISTRATNE REQUIREMENTS 15 A. Sc�eduling I6 1. Pravide advance noiice for service ix�terruption and meet requirements of Divisio�a 17 1- 18 1.5 SUBNIITTALS [NOT U�ED] 19 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALSIINF4RMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3fl 31 32 33 34 35 3G 1.� CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] ],S MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUSMITTALS [NOT USED] 1..9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 110 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED� 1.11 I+�ELD [SITE] CONDIT�ON� [NOT USED] L12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART�- PRODUCTS 21 OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCTS A. Fire Hydrant Meters 2.2 EQUIPMENT, PRODUCT TYPE, AND MATERIALS A. Description 1. Regulatory Requirements a. All Temporary Water Service camponents or b ass lines in contact with potable vvater shall conform to the requirements oiNSF 61. B. Materials 1. Service Couplings, �'ittings, and Corporation Stops a. Conform to Section 33 12 10. CITi' DF FORT WORTI-I STA7�17ARD GONSTrLUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMSNTS Revised 7uly 1, 2011 Shoreview Drive Culvert Itnprovements CPNs 101820 & 10305I 330430-3 TEMPORARY WAT�R SERVICES Page 3 of � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 i3 l4 15 16 17 1 S �.3 PART 3 - EXECUTI4N 19 �.4 SOi3RCE QUAL�TY CONTROL [NOT USED] 20 2I 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 2. Service lines and B ass Lines a. Polyethylene tubing b. Conform to ASTM D3035 and SDR 11 3. Tennporary Water Servic� Main a. Galvanized steel pipe b. Confo�n to Schedule 4Q. 4. Driveway Approach a. Asphalt 1) Type B Asphalt in accordance with Section 32 12 16 C. Design Criteria 1. Service lines a. 3/a-inch minimum pipe size b. Minimu�rzi flow rate af 5 GFM ai a dynamic pressure of 35 psi 2. Temporary Water Service Main a. 2-inch xnsnimum pipe size 3. Tem ora B ass Main a. 4-inch minimum i e size ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 22 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 23 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 2� 3.4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 38 39 4Q INSTALLATION A. General 1. Install Temparary Water Services and b ass Gnes in accordance with provisions hez'ein and in accardance with City Standard Details. 2. Perfonn disinfection test of temporary water service mai�n, ��water services� and b a�� ss lines in accordance wit�i Section 33 04 4Q. B. Temporary Water Service Installation 1. Conneci to e�sting water supply a. Fire hydrant 1) Connect to �re hydrant with hydrant meter and 2-inch gate vaIve. b. If a�re hydrant is not available, tap existing water main. 1) Connec� to water main vvith 2-inch service tap and a corporation stop in accordance with Section 33 12 10. 2) Record water usage with a hydrant meter. 3) Do noY tap existing water main, unless a�aproved by the City. 2. Waier service a. Connect 3/a-inch water service to 2-inch ie�mporary waier service rnain. C1TY OF P'ORT WORTI-� STANDARD CONSTRUC'I'IpN SPECIRICATIdN DOCUMENTS Revised 7uly 1, 2611 Shoa•eview Drive C�Ivert Improvements CPNs 101820 & TD3U51 330430-4 TEMPORARY WA`CER S�RVICES Page 4 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I4 1S 16 3.S b. Remove e�sting meters, tag with address and provide to City Inspector. c. Conneci 3/a-inch temporary water service to existing private service. d, Cover domestic meter box with protective guard or barricade. C. Intersection and Driveway Approach Crassing for Temporary Water Service 1. Crossing for Temparary Water Service Main a. Cover temporary service line with sufficient asphalt ta protect service linc and to provide a driveable crossing. b. If required to bury temporary service line due to high volume trafiic, or other reasons required by the City, excavate, embed and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. D. Tem ora Water B ass Line Ynstallation 1. Connect to ezistin water su 1 a. Fire h draut 1) Connect to fire b drants with 4-inch ate valves as shown in the Drawin�s. REPAIR / RESTORATYON [NOT USED] 17 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 18 3.7 FIELD [ox] SITE QUALITY CONTROL �9 A. Field Tests and Inspections 2fl 1. Check '� •^~ �� :':�� the water bypass line installation for leaks wiih fiill 21 flow in accordance with 22 Section 33 04 40. 23 3.8 �YSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 24 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT i�SED] 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 311 CLOSEOUT ACTNITIES [NOT USED� 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USEDJ END OF �ECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD GQNSTRUCTJON SP�CIFICATI03� DOCUMENTS Revised 7uly 1, 2011 Shoreview Drive �lvert Improvements CPNs I01820 & ]03051 33 41 10 - 1 REINFORCED CONCRETE STORM DRATN PIPEJCULVBRTS Page 1 of 14 1 2 SECTION 33 41 10 REINFORCED CONCRETE STORM DRAIN PIPE/CULVERTS 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 I2 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3�4 A. Section Includes: i. F�rnishing and installing reinforced concz'ete storm drain pipe and culverts, including: a. Pipe or box fiitings b. Connection of drain lines to curb iniets c. A11 joints d. AIl connectio�s to new or existing pipe or headwalls, manholes, etc., #o the lines and grades shown on the Drawings 2. Trans ortin and insiallin reinforced concxete box cuIverts rovided b the Ci includin�: a. Loadin trans ortin unloadin and storin boxes b. Installation of the boxes c. Minor re airs to boxes d. All cannections to new headwalls and retainin wa11s at the rades shown on the Drawin�s B. Deviations fi'om this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification � . Modified Sectio�a 1.1 2. Modified Section 1.2 3. Modiiied Sectiot� 1.5 4. Mod�fied Seciion 1.10 5. Modified Section 2.4 6. Modified Seciion 3.5 C. Related Specifcation Sections include, but are nat necessarily linr�ited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Fonms and Conditions of the Cantract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Section 33 01 31 — Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection 4. Section 03 30 QO — Cast-in-Place Concrete S. Section 33 OS 10 — U#ijity Trench Excavation, Embedment and Backfill 6. Section 33 OS 23 —Hand Tunneling 7. Section 03 34 l 3- Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) 35 L2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE� 36 A. Measureinent and Payment 3� 1. Reinforced Concre�e Starm Drain Pipe 3S a. Measur�ment CTTY OF PQRT WORTI-1 Shoreview Drive Culvert [mprovements STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOTI DOCUMENTS CPNs 101820 & 103051 Ttevised July 1, 2011 33�1 10-2 REINFpRCEll CONCRET'E STOItM DIZAIN PIPEICYJLVERTS Page 2 of 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I4 15 16 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 �8 44 b. c. 1) Measured along the longitudinal centerline ofthe pipe from the initial beginning point as shown on Drawings to the end of construction as shown on Drawings, excluding inside diaaneters of any n�aanholes encountered Payment 1} The work perfor�ned and materials fi�rnished in accardance wiih this Itenz and measured as provided under "Measurennent" will be paid for at the unit price bid pez' linear foot of "RCP" installed for: a} Various sizes h} Various classes 'The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing the specifed diameter pipe and appurtenant fittings 2) Mobilizatiotl 3) Pavement re�noval 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materia� 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of embedment 8) Fur�ishing, placement and compaction of backfill 9} Gasl�ets 10) Clean-up 11) Cleaning 12} Jointing 13} Connec�ions to all drainage structures 2. Reinfoxced Concxete Storm Drain CuIverts a. Measurement 1) Measured along tl�e longiiudi�al centerline of the pipe from the initial beginning point as shown on Drawings to the end of consiz'uction as shown on Drawings, excluding inside diameters of any inanholes encountered b. Paymer�t 1) The work perFormed and materials fumished in accordance with this I#em and ineasured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price hid per linear foot of "Box Culvert" installed for: a} Various sizes c. The price bid sha�l inciude: 1} �`urnishi�g and installing the specified diameter pipe and appurtenant �ttings 2) Mobilization 3) Pavexner�t removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) DisposaI oi excess materia� 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of embedme�xt 8) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 9} Gaskets 10) Clean-up I 1) Cleanir�g 12} Jainiing 13} Conraections to all drainage structures CI"FY OF FORT WORTH STANDARA CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July i, 2011 Shoreview Drir+e Culvert Impcovements CPNs 1D1820 & 1�3051 3341 10-3 REINFORCED CONCl2ET� STORM T]1t.AIN PIPrJCULVER'I'S Page 3 of 14 1 3. Stora e Box Culverts -Box Culvejrks Provided b the Ci 2 a. Measurement 3 l.) Measured along the Iongitudinal centerline of ihe box frorx� face of box. 4 b. Pa�ment 5 1} The vvork erformed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 6 and measured as rovided under "Measurement" wi11 be ard for at the unit � price bid �er linear foot of box culvert trans�orted and installed for: a� g "Trans�ort and Instali City Provided 10'x10' RCBs " 9 c. The�rice bid sha11 include: 1p 1} E ui ment and vehicles needed to load and trans ort the boxes � 1 2) Loadin and securir� of tha box se ments to trans ort the baxes froxn tl�e I2 Ci of Fort Worth stora e ard to the ro�ect site. 13 3) Coordination with loca� and state a encies ta trans ort the boxes lq 4j Are and ost loadin unloadin haulin ins eciion of the boxes i 5 5) Coordination with Cit staff re ardin box culvert selection 16 6) Haulin the boxes to the ro'ect site includin all ermits re istrations 1� insurance ilot caa' etc. lg 7) Unloadin and sta in box se mer�ts for installation a g S) Installin #he s ecified size box culvert zp 9) Mana ement of round water and backwater from Lake Worth 21 10) Testin and PosY TV of the boxes 22 11) RCB Minor Re�airs-See Section 3,5 23 l2) Mobilization ofe ui ment 24 I3} Excavation far the box culverts 25 1�) Dis osal of excess nnaterial 26 15) Furnishing, blacemeni and com_ action of embedment nnaterial 27 16) k`urnishin lacement and com actian of backfill material 2g 17) Gaskets 29 18) Cieanin� 30 19} Jointin �1 2p} Connections to alI draina e structures and headwalls 32 1.3 RETERENCES 33 A. Reference Standards 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to ihe current reference stazidard published at the time of the latest revisian date logged at the end of this Specification, unless a date is speciiically cited. 2. American Association of State Highway and Transpo�rtation Officials (AASHTO): a. T111, Inorganic Maiter or Ash in Bituminaus Materials. 3. ASTM Intarnational (ASTM): a. AJ 85, Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcemen#, Plain, for Concrete. b. A497, Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcernent, Deformed, far Concrete. c. C76, Sta�dard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe. d. C361, Standard Specification for Aeu�forced Concz'ete Low-Head Pressure Pipe. CITY OF F'ORT WOKTH STANpARD CONSTRUCTTON SPBCIFICATION DQCUMEN'I'S Revised July 1, 2Q11 5hareview Drive Culveft Improvements GPNs 10182U & ] 03051 33 41 10 - 4 REi�IF'OTiCEA CONCRETS STORM DRAITI PIPE/ClJi.V�RTS Page 4 of l �F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 �a 11 12 13 I4 15 16 17 18 19 24 21 za 23 29 25 e. C443, Standard Specification for Joints for Concrete Pipe and Manholes, Using Rubber Gaskets. f. C497, Standard Test Methods for Concrete Pipe, Manhole Sections, or Ti�e. g. C506, Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert, Stortn Drain, and Sewer Pipe. h. C507, Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Storin Drain, and Sewer Pipe. i. C990, Stanciard Specification for 3oints far Concrete Pipe, Manhales, and Precast Box Sections Using Preformed Flexible Joini Seaiants. j. C1.433, Standard Specificatian for Precast Rainforced Concrete Monolithic Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers. k. D4, Staxzdard Tesi Method for Biiurnen ConYent. 1. D6, Siandard Test Method for Loss on Heating of Oil and Asphaliic Compounds. m. D36, Standard Test Meihod for Softening Point of Bitumen (Ring-and-Ball Apparatus). n. D71, Standard Test Method for Relative DensiTy of Solid Pitch and Asphalt (Displacement Method). a D92, Staiadard Test Method for Flasi� and Fiz'e Points by Cleveland Open Cup Tester. p. D113, Standard `I'est Method for Ductility of Bituminous Materials. q. D217, Standard Test Methods for Cone Penetration of Lubricating Crrease. 4. T�DOT Test Procedures (Tex): a. Tex-704-I, Making, Curing, and Testing Compression Test Specimens for Precast Concrete 26 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 27 1.5 SUSMITTALS Zg A. Submittals shall be in accordance with Section 01 33 00. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 B. AlI submitials shall be approved hy ihe City prior to delivery. C. Coordinatian efforts with the City staff and a transportation/hauling sclaedule/plan. 1.6 ACT�ON SUBMITTALS/INFORMATION SUSMITTALS A. Certificates 1. Furnish mar�ufacturer's certi�cate of compiiance that their product meets the physical testing requirements of this Speciiication for the materials referenced incjuding, but not limited to: a. Reinforced concrete pipe b. Concrete box c�al�ert c. 3ointing materials CITY O�' FORT WORTH STANDAAD CONST1tUCTION SPECiFICATION DOCUMENTS RevisedJuly 1,2011 Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs 10i820 & 103051 334110-5 I2EIMFORCED CONCRETE STORM DKAIl�? PIP��CULVERTS Page 5 of 14 1 2 1.7 CLOSE4UT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] �,g MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 L9 QUAL�TY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 4 5 6 7 8 9 i0 ]1 12 13 1�4 15 L10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Storage and Handling Requirements J. Secure anci mainta�n a location to store the material in accordance r�+ith Section 01 66 00. 2. Keep pipe clean and fully drained duz'ing s�flrage. 3. Transpork, hancile and store pipe and fittings as recammended by manu�acturer. 4. Repair ox replace any ciamaged pipe before installatian per the manufacturer's recomnnendation. S. Contz'actor shall be res onsible for all dama es caused to the box culvert durin trans ort an�d ins�aliation. 6. Re air an dama e as needed be�ore instailation as rEferenced in the RCB Ins ection Re ort dated l 1114/2019. 16 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 17 18 1.1� WARRANTY [NOT i1SED] PART � - PRODUCTS 19 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [oR] OWNER-SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED] 20 �.� EQUIPMENT, PRODUCT TYPES AND MATERTALS 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �a A. Fabrication 1 7 Precast Reinforced Concrete Pipe a. Provide pxecast storm sewer pipe that conforms to ASTM C76, ASTM CS06 or ASTM C507 for circular, arch ar elliptical pipe res�ectively. b. Utilize a machine made process or cast by a process that will provide uniform placemenf of a mixture of cement, aggregate and water proportional to provide a hoanogeneous conerete meeting tI�e specified strength requireinenfs. c. Mix concrete in a central batch pIant or oiher approved batching facility where the quaiity and uni%rmity of the concrete is assured. d. Da not use transit mixed cancrete to manufacture precast conerete pipe. Cancrefie Box Culvert a. Casi-in-Place 1) Conform tQ Section 43 30 00. b. Precas# 1) Furnish machsne made precast boxes in accordance with ASTM C1433. 2} Utilize a machine rnade process or cast by a process that will provicie uniforna placement of a mixture of cement, aggregate, and water proportional to provide a 1lamogeneous concreYe meeting the specified strength requirements. 3) Cancrete water to cemen# ratio not to exceed 0.53 by weight C1TY OF FOiZT WORTH STA]�fDAKD COIVSTRC3CTfON SFEC�ICATiON DOGUMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 Shoreview Drive CulverE Improvements CPNs 101820 & 103051 33 41 10 - 6 REINPORCBD CONCRETE STOT2M ARAIN PIPE/CULVE.RTS Page 6 of i�4 4 l0 11 i2 13 14 l5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 �44 �5 46 �F) Utilize minimum 470 pouzids of cement per cubic yard of concrete unless mix desi�s with lovver cenaent content demonstrate that the quality and performance of the sections meet ihe requirements af this Specification. 5) Mix concrete in a central batch plant or other app�'oved batching facility vc�here the quality and uniformity of the cancrete is assured. 6) Do not use traa�sit mixed concrete to manufacture precasi concrete box culvert. 7} Utilize welded wire fabric steel reinforcement conf'orming io ASTM AI85 or ASTM A49'1. 3. Jointing Materials a. Use any of the materials described in this Section for tl�e making of j oints. 1} �'urnish a manufacturer's certificate of coznpliance for all jointing xnaterials. 2) Cold Applied Preformed Plastic Gaskets/Flexible Joint Seaiants a) Provide flexib�e joint sealants that meet #he requirements of ASTM C990. b} Utilize 1 continuous gasket confornaing to the joint sl�ape for each joint. c) 1'lastic gasket si�all be produced from ble�nds of refined hydrocarban resins and piasticizing compQunds reinforced with inert minerai filler and shall coniain no solvents, irritating fumes or obnoxious odors. d) Use flexible joint sealants thai do not depend on o�dizing, evaporating or chemical action for its adhesive or cohesive strength. e) Supply in extruded rope form of suitable cross sectian and size as to fill the josnt space when the pipes are joined. f} Provide a size ofthe pre-fornaed flexible joint sealant in accordance with the rnanufacturer's recommendations and large enough io praper�y seal the joint and obtain the squeeze aut as described under canstn�ction methods. g) The gasket3oini sealer shall be protected by a suitable removable 2- piece wrapper, and the 2-piece wrapper sha11 be so designed thai %a inay be remaved longitudinally without dist�rbing the other'/2 to facilitate application as noted below. h} The chemical composition oiihe gasket joint sealing compound as shipped shall �r�eet th� requirements of Table 1 when tested in accoxdance with the test methods shown. Bitumen Table 1. Sealin Cpm ound Che�nical Com osition i Test Method Percent b W� ASTM D4 Bituinen Content 50-70 Ash-Inert Mineral Matter AASHTO T111 Volatile Matter at 325 degrees F ASTM D6 Loss on Heating of Qil and Asphaliic Com ounds i) Gasket joint sealing cornpound when immersed for 30 days at ambient room temperature separately in S percent solution of caustic potas�a, a mi�ure of 5 percent hydrochlaric acid, a 5 percent solution of sulfuric acid and a saturated hydrogen sulfide (HzS) soIution shall show no visible deterioration. j) The physical properties of the gasket joinY sealing compound as shipped shall meet t�e requirements in Table 2 when tested in accordance with the test methods shor�+n. CITY OF F012T WORTH STAIdDARD COI�ISTRUCTION SPEC�ICATIO�T DOCUivIE1�1TS Revised 7uly 1, 2011 30-50 2.0 Max 5horeview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs 101826 & 103053 334110-7 TLEINFOKCED CONCRETE STOf�Vi 17RAIN PTPEICiTf-VERTS Page 7 of 14 1 Table ti. Sealing Compound Physicai Properties Pro e Test Metnod ical Anai sis S eci%c Gra�i at 77 de ees F ASTM D71 1.20 to 1.35 Ductili at 77 de ees F ASTM Dl 13 5.0 centimeters minimurn �nftenin� Point at 77 degrees F ASTM D36 320 cie ees F minimu�n Penetration 32 de •ees F 30i 77 de�ees F {I. i 15 de •ees �' 1. �'lash Point C.O.C. Fire Poiut C.O.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 60-seconds 5-seconds ASTM D217 15-seconds ASTM D92 75 minimum 50 to 120 I50 m� 600 degrees F 625 de�'ees F 3) Rubber Gaskets a) Pravide gaskets that conform ta ASTM C36I or ASTM C443. b) Mee# the requirements af A�TM C443 for design of the }oialts and permissible variations in dimensjons. B. Design Criteria I. Reinfarced Concrete Pipe a. Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings, fu�'nish Class III concrete pipe witl� shell thickness, circumferential reinforcement and strengdi conforming to the requirements of ASTM C76, ASTM C506 or ASTM C507 for circular, arch or elliptical pipe respectively, excepi as modified below: 1) Manufact�are pipes larger than b0-snch diameter by using 2 lines af circular reinforcement. 2) For Class III p�pes la�rger than 60-inch diameter, rrianufacturer may, at its option, furnish pipe manufactured with either Wall "B" or Wa11 "C" minimum thicknesses and the applicable minimum steel area as listed for circular cages in Table II of ASTM C76, provided test strength requirements for Class III pipe are satisfactorily met. b. Jacking, Boring, or Tunneling 1) Design pipe for jacking, boring ar tunraeling canfarrr�ing ta the requirements of Section 33 OS 23. 2) 17Vhen rec�uested, provide design noies and drawings signed and sealed by a Texas licensed professionai engineer. 24 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NUT YFSED] 25 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL 26 27 28 24 30 31 32 33 34 3S A. Tests and Inspections 1. Reinforced Concrete Pipe a. Acceptance flf pipe will be determined by the results of the following tests: 1) Material tests reguired in ASTM C7b, ASTM C506 or ASTM C507. 2} Absarption tests in accordance with ASTM C497. 3) 3-edge bearing tests in accordance with ASTM C497. a) Testing Rate (1) If tested for 0.01-inch crack o�ly: (a) Test 0.8 percent of pipe sections for each size included in order (2) If tested for 0.01-inch crack and ultimate load: CTTY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONST1tUCTiON SPECIFCCATIO7� DOCUMEIVTS Revised Jc[ly 1, 2011 Shoreview Drive Cuivert Improvements � CPTCs 101820 & 143051 33ai ia-a REIl�iFORCED CONCRET� STORM DRAIN PII'BICULVEKTS Qage 8 of 1�4 1 (a) Test 0.2 percent of pipe sections for each s�ze included in order 2 b) Pipes that have been tested only to the formation af a 0.01 inch crack 3 and that meet the Q.01 inch tes� load requirements sl�all be accepted for 4 5 c} 6 7 8 9 10 d) 11 ]2 T3 14 15 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 use. Failed Aipe {1) Test 2 consecutive jo�nts in the same mix series if a specimen fails to meet test requirements. (2) Entire pipe series r�+ill be rejected if 1 ofthe consecutive joints fails to meet test requixements. Pipes larger than 1 inch in diameter may be accepied on the basis of material tests and inspection af completed product as an alten�ate to 3- edge bearing test, at the option of the manufacturer. (1} Acceptance of pipe will be determined by the results of the material tests as required in ASTM C76, ASTM C506 or ASTM C507. (a} Perform crushing tests on cores taken fram barrel Qf completed and cured pipe. (b) Perforn� absorption tests on samples from pipe wall. {c) I�lspect finished pipe including amount and placement of reinforcement. (2) Ma�lufacturer will furnish facilities and personnel for takir�g care samples fram pipe barrel and for determsning compressive strength of samples. {3) Manufaciurer will plug and seal core holes if samples meet strength requirements. (a) Plug and seal sections in a manner that the pipe section will meet a11 test requirements of ASTM C7b, ASTM C506 or ASTM CSd7. (b) Pipe sections plugged and seaIed as described above will be accepted for use. 4) Inspect the finished pipe ta determine its confortnance with the required desigi�. 2. Cast-in-Place Concrete Box Culvert a. Provide test specimens that meet the requirements of Division 03. 34 3. Precast Box Culvert 35 a. Make fest specimens in test cylinders at the same time and in the same manner 36 as the box sections they represent. 3� b. Make a minimum af 4 test cylinders for each day's production run and each 3S mix design. 39 c. Cure test cylinders in the same manner and for the sarrze times as the boxes they 4Q 4l 42 43 �44 �5 46 47 48 49 represent. d. Test the specimens in accordance with Tex-704-I. 4. Box Culverts Provided h ik�e Ci a. No tests are re uired for t�e bo� culverts that are trans arted to the site. A re- and ost- trans ort visual ins ect�on of the box culverts will be re uired as outlined in the lans. b. Contractor shall visit the stora e ard site riar to trans ort of the box culverts to determine which box culverts will be hauled/used at the ro'ect site. There are some boxes with defects at �he stora e ax'd that will noi be used for this ro' ect. Other selected boxes ma need minar re airs which is described in Section 3.6. C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATIOl+i DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 � Shoceview Drive Cubert Improvements CPNs j01820 & 1D3051 33 41 10 - 9 REI�1F'O12CED CONCIZETE STORM DRAI1`I PIPEICi3LVERTS Page 9 of 14 2 B. Sizes and Permissible Variations 3 1. Rein%rced Concrete Pipe q a. Er�sure that variations in dia�neter, size, shape, vaall thickness, reinforcemer�t, 5 placement of reinforcement,laying length and the permissible under run of 6 length are in accordance with the applicable ASTM Specification for eaeh type � of pipe as referred to previously. g b. Wl�ere rubber gasket pipe joints are to be used, the design of joinis and g permissible variations in dimensions shall be in accordance wiih ASTM C4�3, 10 Sectians 7 and 8. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 as 29 30 3l 2. Cast-in-Place or Precast Box Culvert a. Ensure that precast sections of either type meet the folla�ving requirenr�ents: 1) The inside vertical a��d horizontal dimensions do r�ot vary from Drawing requirements by more ihan Il2 snch or 1 percent, whichever is greater. 2) The horizontal or vertical plane at each end of tl�e box section does not vary from perpendicular by more than 1/2 inch or 1 percent, whichever is greater, measured on the insic�e faces of the sec#�on. 3) The sides af a section at each end do not vary from being perpendicular to the top and battom by more than 1/2 inch or 1 percent, whichever is greater, when measured diagonally between opposite interior carners. b. Ensure that wall and slab thicknesses are not less than shown on the Drawings except for occasional deficiencies not greater than 11A- inch or 5 percent, whichever is greater. 1} Tf proper jointing is not affected, thicknesses in excess of Drawing requirennents are acceptable. c. Deviations from the above tolerances will be acceptable if the sections can be iitted at the plant or job site ar�d the joint opening at any point does not exceed i �r��n. 1} Use match marks for proper installation on sections that have been accepted in this manner. C. Worlaxzanship and Finish 32 1. Reinforced Concrete Pipe 33 a. Ensuz'e that pipe is substaniially free from fractures, large or deep cracks and �q surface roug,k�ness. 35 b. Bnsure that ends of pipe are nornnal to tlae walls and centerline of the pipe 36 within the litnits of variatians allowed as stated previously. 37 38 39 40 �1 42 43 44 4S 46 47 48 2. Cast-in-Place or Precast Box Culvert a. Fine cracks on the surface of the member that do not extend ta the plane of the nearest reinforcement are acceptable unless ihe cracks are numerous and extensive. b. Repair cracks ihat extend inta the plane of ihe reinforcing sieel in an approved manner. c. Excessive damage, honeycomb or cracking r�ill b� subject to structural review. d. The City may accept boxes with repairs that are sound, properly finished and cured in confarmance with pertinent Speci�cations. e. When fine cxacks on the surface indicate poor curing practices, discontinue furtlaer production of precast sections until corrections are made and proper cUring is provided. C1TY OF FORT WORTFI ST.4�TDARA COTfSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised .Tuly 1, 2011 Shoreview Drive Culvert Tmpro�ements CPNs 101820 & 103051 3341 iQ-10 REINFORC�D CONCKETE STOTZM DRAiNI PIPEICYJLVERTS Page 10 of ]4 1 D. Curing 2 1. Cure pipe/box in accordance with the applicahle ASTM Specification for each type 3 of pipe as referred ta above. q E. Marking S l. Reinforced Concrete Pipe b a. Clearly mark the following infarmation on each section of pipe: � 1) Class afpipe g 2) ASTM designatian 9 3) Date of manufacture 10 4) Identification af plant I 1 5) Name or trademark of the manufacturer 12 6) Pipe to be used for jacking and boring 13 b. For pipe with elliptical �'einforcement, in addition to above, clearly mark 1 end 14 of each section during the process of manufacture or immediately after with the 15 following: �g 1) The location of the top or bottom af the pipe as it should be installed, � � un�ess the external shape of the pipe is such that the carr�ct posi� on of t�ae top 1g and bottorn is obvious ig 2) Mark the pipe sectiQn by inde�ting or painting with waterproaf paint. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3�k 35 36 37 38 39 2. Cast-in-Place or Precast Box Culvert a. Mark precast boxes with the follor�+ing: 1} Name ar trademark of the praducer 2) Date of manufacture 3) Box size 4) Minimum and maximum f1I heights b. �'or boxes without lifting holes, mark l end of each bax sectian on the inside and outside walls to indicate the top or boftom as it will be installed. c. Indenf markings into the bax seciion or pai�ai them on each box wiih waterproof paini. F. Pipe/Box Rejection 1. Individual sections of pipe/l�ox may be rejected if any of the Speciiication requirements are not met or if any of the following exist: a. Fractures or cracks passing through the sheli, wiih the exception of a single end crack that does not exceed the depth Qf the j oint b. Defects that indicate imperfeci proportioning, mixing and molding c. Surface defects indicaiii�g honeycombed or open texture d. Damaged ends which would prevent making a satisfactory joint e. Any continuous crack ha�ing a surface widtla of O.Q1 inch or more and extending for a length of 12 inch or more qp 2. Mark rejected pipelbox vvith painted "REJEC`I'ED". 41 3. Remove rejected pipe/box immediately from�ob site and replace with pipe/box 42 meeting the requiremenfs of this Specification. CI"I'Y OF FORT WORT7 i Shoreview Dri�e Culvert Improvements STANDARD CONSTILUCTIOI+I SPECIFICA"FION DOCUMEiZTS CPNs 101820 & 103051 lievised July 1, 2011 33 41 10 - 11 REINFORCED CONCRETB STQRM DRAiN PIPEICULVERTS Page i 1 of 14 PART 3 - EXECUTION 2 3.1 INSTALLEI�S [NOT USED] 3 3.2 EXAMINATI4N [NOT USED] 4 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USEll] 5 � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'1 18 �9 20 21 22 23 2� 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 3.a INSTALLATION A. General 1. Conform to the requirements of �ection 33 O5 10 far excavation and embedanent for open-cut type installation. 2. Conform to the requirements of Section 33 OS 23 when jacicing, boring or tunneling methods are speci�ed on Drawings. 3. Establish and maintain lines a�id grades. S. Pipe/Box Laying — Trench Installation 1. Ensure tY�at pipe/box a�d fittings are laid and jointed in firm trench bot�om condiiions. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Start laying pipe/box on the bedding at the outlet or downstream end with the spigoi or tongue end af the pipe joint pointuag downstream, and proceed toward the inlet or upstream end wiiIa the abutting sections properly xnatched, true to the established lines and �z'ades. Provide appropriate facilities for hoisting and lawering the sections af pipelbox accarding to manufacturer's recommendation. Lift and lower sectians af pipe/6ox into trench without dannaging pipe or disturbing ihe prepared bedding or sides of �'ench. Carefully clean pipelbox ends before pipe is placed in trench. Protect pipe/box open end to pre'vent enirance of earth ar bedding �naterial as each length af pipelbox is jaid. Fit, match and iay pipe/box io form a smooth, uniform conduit. Whex� elliptical pipe wit�i circular reinforcing or circular pipe with elliptical rei�orcing is used, iay the pipe in irench so that #he nnarkings for top or bottom are not nrzore than 5 degrees from the verticai plane through the longitudinal �is of the pipe Rernove and re-lay, without extra compensation, pipe/box that is not in alignment or that shows excessive settlemeni after laying. G Multiple Barrel Box Culvert Placement 1. Fill the ans�ular space between m�ltiple boxes with crushed rock or CLSM according to 03 34 13. a. Water jet�ing will not be allowed between parallel baxes. 2. Start �Iae laying of boxes on the bedding at the outlet ez�d and proceed toward ihe inlet er�d with the abuiiing sections properiy matched. 3. Fit, matc� and lay boxes to %rm a smooth, uniform conduit txue to the established lines and grades. 41 D. Jointing CITY OF FORT WOItTH STANDARD COTfSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DbCLAVIENT5 Revised 7uiy 1, 20i i Shoreview Drive Culveft Impravements GPNs 101820 & 103051 33 41 30 - i2 REINFORCED CONCTLETE STORNI DRAIN PIPEICULVERTS Page 12 of 14 1 1. Cold Applied Preformed Plastic Gaskets/Fle�ible Joint Sealants 2 a. Brush�apply a suitable primer, recommended by the manufaciurer ofthe gasket 3 joint sealer, to tangue and groove joint surfaces and end suriaces. 4 1) Ensure that surface to be primed is clean and dry when primer is applied. 5 2) Ensure that primer is not applied over mud, sand, dirt o r sharp cement 6 protrusions. � 3} Allow primer to dry and harden. g b. Attac� plastic gasket sealer arou�nd tapered tongue or tapered groove near the q pipe joint hub or shoulder, before laying pipe in trench. 10 c. Remave paper wrapper from 1 ssde only of the 2-piece wrapper on gasket and 11 press it ii�snly to the cleaxi, dry pipe joint surface. 12 1} Do not remove the outside wrapp�r untii ixnmediately before pushing pipe �� into its final position. a4 d. Align t�e tongue correctly with the f3are of tY�e goave. 15 e. Remove outside wrapper on the gasket and puil or push pipe home r�vith 16 sufficient force {back hoe shovel, chain hoist, ratchet hflist or winch) to cause 17 evidence of gasket material squeeze-out on inside or outside around complete �g pipe joint circumference. � 9 1) Remo�e any jaint material that pushed out into the interior of pipe. 20 2} Ensure that pipe is pulled hame in a straight line with a11 parts of pi�e on 21 Iine and grade at all tirr�es. 2� f. Proceed with backfilling of pipe laid with plastsc gasket joinis as soon as jaint 23 has been inspected ar►d approved by the Engineer or Inspector. �q 1) Take special precautions in placing and compacting backfill to a�oid 25 damage to joints. 26 g. When the atmospheric ternperature is below 60 degrees F, stare pre-formed 2� flexible joint sealants in an area warmed to above 70° degrees F or artificially 28 warmed to this temperature in a maxuler satisfactory to the Engineer. 29 1} Apply gaskets fo pipe joints i�rzimediately prior ta placing pipe in trench, 30 followed by connection to previously laid pipe. 31 2. Rubber Gaskets 32 a. Make the joint assembly according to the recommendations of ihe gasket 33 manufaciurer. 34 b. When using rubber gaskets, make joints watertight. 35 c. Backfill after the joint has been inspected and approved. 36 37 38 39 4Q 41 42 43 44 45 �6 47 48 E. Backiill 1. Conform to the requirements af Section 33 OS 10 for backfi�ling pipelbox trenches. F. Pipe fittings I. 2. Poured Concrete Pipe Collars a. Provide collars for locaiions shown on Drawings. b. Collar cost is considered subsidiazy to bid price for furnishing and installing reinforced concrete pipe. No exiz'a payment will be made far installatio�n of conerete pipe collars shown on the Drawings. Shop and Field-Fabricated Wyes, Tees, Crosses and Bends a. Furnish and install shop or field-fabricated wyes, tees, crosses or bends as ir�dicated on Dravaings or required by the Engineer. b. Shop-fabricate fittings far maximum pipe size less than 24-inches in diameter for the larger pipe. CiTY O�' FORT WORTH STANDAKD GONSTRUGTION SPECIFICIITION DOGUMENTS Re�ised 7uly 1, 2011 Shoreview Drive Culvert Hnprovements CPTfs 101820 & 103053 33 41 10 - 13 REIl�IC'ORC�D CONCKET� ST012M DRA1N P1PElCULVERTS Page 13 of 14 1 c. Field-iabricate fiYtings with 24-inch or greater diameter �or the larger pipe. 2 d. �'ield-fabricate �ttings for box cuiverts. 3 e. Take care in fabrication that concrete walls of pipe are broken back only 4 enoug� to provide the xequired finished opening. 5 f. 7oin xeinforcing mes�a or bars by bending, twisting or spot welding io provide a 6 rigid connection. � g. Concrete or rnortar {as specifieci in this segnent} shall be wiped over the g reinforcing wires connecting the 2 pipe joints, connpacted by light blows, shaped g to the contour of the pipe barrels, lightly brus�ied for finish and cured uncier wet �q burlap. X� 3. Poured Concrete Pipe Plugs 12 a. Plug pipe ends with a fabricated unit as shown on Drawings, when eonduit lines 13 terminate at locations with no conneciian to drainage structures. 14 b. Concreta pipe plug cost is considered subsidiary to bid price far furnishing and 15 installing reinfiorced concrete pipe. Na extra payment will be made for 1� installation of concreie pipe plugs shown on the Drawings. 17 3.5 REPAIR 1 RESTORAT�ON 1 S A. General lg 1. Contractor shall erform re airs as described in the RCB Ins ection Re ort dated 2p 11/14/20 3 9. A descri�tion of the re�airs is described belaw: Z1 a. For surface cracks er TxDOT Item 780 e o and seal the cracks where x2 apvlicable. �3 b. k'or minor s alls alon box ed es er TxDOT Item 429 atch s alled areas. 24 Where boxes wiil be connected to anoiIaer box the routed or asketed 25 connection will address an ed e s all concerns. 26 c. In order to address the ex osed steel er TxDOT Itenr� 440 and 429 clean the 2� steel rior to installation b removin the rusted ia er. 28 f►.�] 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 3.6 RE�INSTALLATIQN [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD [ox] SITE QUALITY CONTROL A. Field Tes�s and [nspections l. Video Inspection a. Perform post-construction TV inspection of all ir�stalled z'einforced concxete pipes/boxes conforming to the requirements of Section 33 O1 31. 2. Ensure that pipes/boxes are installed correctly and are free of significant debris. a. At the City's discretioxa, replace any pipe/box that is determined to ha�e jointing probleins, craci�ing or significant debris. GITY OF FORT 1�ORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIQTi 3PECIFTCATION DOCUMENTS Revised 7uly 1, 2011 5hareview Drive Culvert Impravements CPNs 101820 & 1 D3051 33 41 lU - 14 RT'sTNFORCE� CONCRETE STOKM DIZAIT! PII'EIGULVERTS Page 14 of 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 DATE NAME 12 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.�0 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.1.1 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 312 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE �NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USEDj END OF SECTI4N Revision Log SUMMARY OF GHANG� C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMEAITS Revised 7uly 1, 2011 Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs101820 & 103051 �e��io� 313� 00 A�u��am Aqua�am Speci�cations Inflated ControIlable Dimensions MudlWater Depth* Specifications af Inner and Outer Tubes Capacity*� Dry per linear fi Weight per linear ft 1' �{ ��' �� �•a lanar rt`uhfnx� i�vl�r� I.� ml�. Yp��or�yl�,�� <lqlor 5lcevt: I �41}�� JUU[I qs�kn� Lstrtnt �sC1�Cxl I'l} (�},.3Tt1 l�l� ��� �17�� _�— 1.�� H x 3' W 1�•�� Inner Tubing: 1 ply, 12 mil, Polyethylene Outer Sleeve: i ply, 300 lb/in� burst strength PP (0.45m tali) (36 cm) �� � k+�* � ��r+ I infle��'11Fbfx�g. ; PG}�, I? ni�l, �islwe�li�:aix � �Illltk wlktti'+*" I��I�,. ltu� Il�+ui'493J1iiSl1'qih�ili�F � �U_(� � i�n ltj�a�� � f ��c:i�i� � _ .— — Z��� H x�� � 2��� Inner �bing: 1 pty, 12 mil, Polyethylene Outer SIeeve: 1 ply, 3001b/in' burst stren�th PP {p.76m ta11) (61 cm) � _ i� �� 1[ �� �� ��Is� IIIlltl' y�ll�f11�,7 � j1i}', i�f[iII. P�ti.V4lli�ldlh� �}uLrr �il��Ytl: l it1.y, �(�.7 Ilt�'In� Ii�tl��LeLLvflgGla f'P {�i1_;}�i, �ail} I ('77 c:m� — �, H x 9, � 3g�� Innerr'Cubing: 1 ply, 12 mil, Polyethylene Outer Sleeve: 1 p3y, 340 Ib/inz btu•st steength PP (1.2m ta11} (97 cm) I ��k����'�. +��i5 iuii��a1111,1�i�;;l��y,l�fi�l�,r'�ulya�J�}Ici�c � uu�rF �n,��.tc. ����vj o:� 3i;n R,riu� 4��r. �����rR�n F+Y I � � � �1Z1 #I,I �1 } � � � � t1i�l i _ 6'H�13'W {l.Sm tall} �� �� ���� � �i.�i111�����} � lU'Hx21'W {3m tall} 1�� �� X ��� �r ��,���7.l�il� 16'Hx33'W {4.$m tall} 54" I�ner Tl�bing: 1 ply, 12 mil, T'olyethylene Outer Sleeve: 2 plys of 300 lblira2 burst strength PP (137 cm) ��'+ luuc� l'e�lFl���: I��It�, f� i�:�l, ]'x►l}tidlhyli�ne {}u�fir �Icc�e; �a ��}ru oi �qi� 11s�n' ht��rntrtfr.�7�rh Yi' � I b�F� �rrl� - gg» Inner Tu6ing: 2 plys, 8 ini1, Polyethylene Shro�d: 1 i'P woven shroud arouud both uuier tubes (223 cm} puter Sleeve: 4 plys of 300 Iblinz hurst st�•ength PP � ��Qs} Iniwr lubltl�: � }�lys, N i2silt �ULi'O�FiV��ll� 5luroud; I f'�� �,u,.,vcii �nr4ru�1 �r�3ti�tird rnrli in��rr.n,�c (�.r1�} *,ll:.i I�U[f'�' S]Krr�- 3 �,s}�. nf '+11i1 IIiFIL` IMIPirI �i7Cfk�lll �#� �'? �,Al:�x 0,7� lh�n.F r�5 IllrrN��.� {�„��} �{��LF 25 galn,F 0.95 lbs�t,� 95 i���sn.F 0.43 �g�LF ,��� �4�r.�F� � . �kh�l�.�' ��� 114NA�.� � '���F��ri�� 88 gal�.F 1,851bs2F 3331iterslLF Q,$Q.l{�,p ��{��;11��t#' �,� ��}�++LF � +#S+� G��a��� 1.1 �C,P�.j 210 gal�.� 4.3 I�stiF 79s ��c��s�z.F 19 kg�.F ���) �11a�J l �l.� �X7�+�� I'� � I 1 CkkY�iclJ � I �.tf 1��:� 450 gal�� 8.5 1bs�.F 1,703 litersllF 39 kg2.F 7C��} �sl,� 1� Ibs�..F �y�k�� ��40kY�,� J.� 1{�f�-} 1,000 gal�,� 25 lbs2,� 3,785 i�ters2F 11.3 kg�.� 1 .�fJf] �iULF �� j�15='Lf- fr,�]� IlEriafl�F � �,4} ��•� E 1��» ln�er'I�bing: 3 plys, 5 mil, Polyethylene 3,000 gaULF $1 Ib5/[,F Shrovd: 2 PP woven sl�rouds bettiveen inside tubes 11,356 literslLF 23 kg�.F {320 cm) Dater Sleeve: 7-plys of 3001b/in' burst stxength PP *This number is based on the fitiction of a rncky bottoin. Slick mud, polypond Einers, and.other slick surfaces may require the use of a tailer primary AquaAam andlor a support dam installed behind the prinnaryAquaDam. ** Capacity is based ov insta[iation on flaf gound. Slopes will reduce internal valume of AquaDam. Aqua Dam Inc "Wafer Coniralling Water" www:at�iadam.net 1.R00.682.9283 +1.7d7.764.1999 matthew@aquadam.net Revised 2/2018 H�l�II �T V'VO��CS ��� �t �o�l�s: AquaDams� are lightweight, easy to handle, and can be used in virtually any l.ocation. On-site requirements are just a portable pump, and the usual�y abundant local water supply. This means AquaDams� are ideal for water contral projects such as stream or lake bed construction diversions, coffer damnr�ing, o�r envixonmental pallution canfinement and silt control. They aiso provide fast, effective relief for fougherr applications such as mud slides, hazardous w�aste control, and �looding. They are also idea� for pxeventing the overtopping of levees, the number one cause of levee failure. Design & Concept: AquaDams are environxnentally safe and specifically engineered to provide rapid deploymenfi. They are a stable barrier of water to contain, divert, and cantrol the flo�v oF water. The AquaDam� concept combines multiple inner tubes within an outer tube ta provide an ef�ective portable dam to control �he flow oiwater. The unique, patented design consists of four basic co�npon.en�s: 1. Multiple impermeable i.nner tubes vvhich are filled wiih water to pravide the mass needed %r stability 2. A strong, woven outer tube which contains �he inner tubes and provides the structural integrity oitlae sysfern 3. Water for mass weight 4. Collar for joining two or mare AquaDanr�s� together A11 materials used in frhe construction of the AquaDasns� are flexible to allow them to conform to uneven terrain. This provides an effective seal betvaeen the ground and �he AquaDams�. Two or m.are AquaDams� may be j oined to %rra an AquaDam� of any workable Iength. A coupling collar, manufactuxed from the same high-strength woven material as the outer tube, aligns the AquaDams�. The unique corr�bination of properties of AquaDam� make them ideal for a wide v'ariety of applications. A few of the more common uses include: 1. Watex diversions during pipeline installation in and around rivers ar standing wa�er 2. V1�ater confiainment during repairs on bridges, sewage systems and power plants 3. Easy, rapidiy deployed flood control 4. Erosion control through diversion or containment of flowing water 5. Temporary reservoirs for water storage 6. Temporary containment of spilled materials 7. Silt cantainment and sedirnent collection The standard AquaDam� system is filled from one end only via two inner tubes. The closed end is fitted with a collar that allows two AquaDatns� to be linked together. Utilizi�g the linking collars allows the AquaDam to be customized to meet the irzdividual needs of the job site. The open-ended sys�em can be filled fraxn either open end. This system is appropriate when placing one AquaDam� entirely across a riverbed or canal, wh.ere both ends can extend up the opposite bank. ��ODU�� SP����BCA f ��N 12I��Ll�A��RL����S � � _ �� � �� � F'��'.�CI�L� f�ACK�4Glfi1G �'������ ������������1� '� 2 rr�el �a��r oin��� - -, Strucfure �iaaram Film Pro�erty Cauge �ensile Strength �longation Year Strength MD T I� 'Nl D � MQ T� 12 mif PE Unit Typical Value mil MPa �+9 Pr� % ��a glmil ��rnl! 92 11 � � 1070 ���Q 2ii5 �t0 � Test [V�ethod ASTIVI D$82 AS7#�+4 f)�8� ASTM ;�882 Asl-M C1��3� AS�M b1922 ASTM D� s2� (1} Typicaf �a[ues represent average la6oratory values and are 9ntended as guides onfy, nof as specifications. (2j Properties designated E�ave been determined in accordance with the curreni issuss of the specified test methods. ��TA� �L�?�11�LoE Fal�6FS1��a11o1� SBLUYI�AI� ra+�nr�e+.la �eld roe� .corn � � t ti •rt.i ��. ��! �� f ��- c�r 4 r� � � � � � � � � � � � W O a � � �d � a� � � � � °� o � •�, -a � o � � � o .,� � � � � a� �. .�., �, � ? o � � a, o �, � � ��� � ,� o 0 o � '� �+ U �.�.� U Q., O � O .� i--� �� � Ca rn ,�"y+ �O � �-, +' .� � � U �,� � � U � O � �` � � � o .S-`., � \ �� � � � � � � � � � � � . � � O �C U � �'i � �� O � O .0 � U N � .� � � i��i � � �lr 'Y Q� N d a--' r/� � �� � � O � sy .-. +, � � O O '� � "� N G` � "� .� � � � x, � � O � O � � �-, �., ;� � � � .� � �`a � � o •� � � � N bACd.� � �� b � � � � � � � a � ��� � � ���� � � � z °' � o � U��� \ 0 0 � � � � l-. � � «-� � � �� o ��� r�wQ M�e �,,,� a�.a aW,�� �^,�� �,� � v� %-:.'-;.. .OM�W,o�� M M N � (�y � � t i r�] �t � � � � M � � � �' � ��AQM�����'x �E����Af�oQ�o C/] � E-'� dr�' � � .. � r� p �. Q� � ¢' H � i/i ..`�..� � ~ N � W � Q � � � � � � � Q � aaoo������� z ��������� W W�d Wf�QE-+ ��zz�t7 C7 � � ������� �� a�H°a�� � � � a .� a�i O � .� � 0 � a �] � � S�-r "� 4� �� a � � � H � � � � � a � a� �' Q N� � � � � � � � L� � z� �� �� w � �� ��c� s��� ��������� �������� Ai�uaD�r�3s� are envit•oni�n�ntally s��e, st��le w�tcr �arriers �s�d trs cai�t�in, �iver�, �r�d co��tr�l t��c. Fic���� c�P water. 7'f�e design coilsists Qf tw� pn�yethylei�e I i��e�°s �ontained �y � singl� ��oven �e�-�ecl� o�t�r t��se. W 17e�� tll� t��ro i����er tub�s are fii9ed rvith water, ti�e res�iltiitg p�•�ss�ii�e and �nass cr�ale a stable, noi3-�•alling v�all ot water. A sEttigfe tu�ae fill�c� with w�ter �vi1l ��c�t ��•c�v�cle a stab�e �u�il ur ,,.�� �� _�. ., -...s.<< dam. i1s th� �r�tei• t�uilds ��� on or�e side oi'ti�e tulae tl�� pres��re �,,,�----. �������� �n tlte v�fall c�f d�� tuUe begi«s to incr�ase. � — -� lls a�°esuit a�the bciildi��� pr�ssf��•c�, �lae �v�ce�• is ����lieci fro��z oi��� side c�f tl�e t�be to tf�e o�fier side� where tlje �t°ess��re ►en�aik�s 1��. As iite wate�• cat�tinues tio ii-�c�ve �`i'c�m c��;e sicEe tc� Che atlte�•, ti�e ttl�]� ��p117S tt) CO�1. '�'wa water-�I�eCI �lli��5 {3� CO�L1111115 �?�aC�4� SICI�W�j'-sic�e wili asstitn� their naturaf sk7a�es. If �3ressu�•e is �p�lied tc� u��e side, tl�e «r�te�• is dis�laced ii� the fii•st tube a��d c�uses i� ta rali. As tl�� fir�t tube ��afls, it p��sl�es oi� il�� s�ec�rrd tuiae �novirtg tl�e water iroi�� c���e side to th� othe�� a�ad dae two t�ibes �•�Il to�etheE-. T�e A�uaDam{J is �hl� to ��f�:i� a stable �vsill by cc�i�taini�zg tv�n wate►' Cfl�lll�111S 1il � SIC1�I� OLI��I' tube> 1"!te cantait�ed cuater calt«���Zs ar� ���ahle to assuii7� tlzeir nat�t•al po�ition ar�ci �`c����� a vertical zarall i�� the n�idctie a4 the� �ress a�,ai��st cach ath���. Th� pressure i�t�ic3� ihe tub�s �ppli�s a substat�ti�i f�arce tc� �at1� sic�es ol'tt�i� v�rtic�i w�il. !"'��_�-�--��_:��� _ t_..,.��-_--- -=�� � �;.�,__�...__ 1�RE��� P� �. �� � r. �, �� _ .i �41 i, � } Dt�NL���� �'`g� � ��" _ "��-� ' ; � �__ , - ih��s�itfr• y � , � F�IIIt , +���-��� u�',"I �i'41� i�l};I'I fl E:I; ,���.,s��' '''*#h . !S'� '�ri :f�'� �� ,k � r � 4S' �� T' f► ` . i`- As water pr�ssu�'� i1G'�,1l1S �C► I�ii1IC� OI� t?llt- 5iC�� O�iI]� /�CjLE�D�{ITEtl3�. ��� ;; � --:-� �,.� -- �- - !y J " the ir�iier tut�e t�att�rally t�'ies t� rtiLL Hr����vGr. �il� �l'iCLit]Il g.- i.. ��. '��� I �zd ��etwe�n tile i�}ner ai�ei ot�tet'tt�bes ;�� �_ _�. :-- � ��I b�:CW��iI �Il� V�l'EiC�i WAI 5 � � � _ -,�,� ❑ppc�ses cl» rnllin� t���r�ency an� the struc�u�•e ��err�ains �x�c�. , + � • �-. :*�wIC'!'i��5 1'3i I t"I�I I�h As wal�r �ressG�re builds o►� 0�1� sid� �1'the Ac�ual�atr�C�, t1�e �r�ss�re displttces tlae w�tex in ti�e i►�ner ���1��>s. �(n4vever. �iecause ^� �� ,, � �' �� �:.`, ��' C4 �': t�ie i��ner �ul�es are uYti�E�I� tr� mov�, the �c�ua�ain� assumes a � y �ositian af equi�ibrium �i�d bc:l�aves as a sc�lid d�i��. �' f In c�rdeE• to �nave oi� tip a 1�illec� Ayi�aDa�����, it�e m�ai�vcim reco�n�����1ded warki�lg ciepth would ha�ue t� i�e exeeeded. `I'vc� Et�ucll water pt•ess�.Ere a�ainst tltc sid4 m�.y ea�se tlie etztire AquaDa�n� to slicf� ar ti�a sideways. cl�pendi��� o�� tl�e i�atu�•e c�f tl�e st���fac� a�id fr�icfiio��. f�cta�' it is j�l�ceci an. it �•u�Eld f�e technically i�n�assible far ���� �uhe t� rall camplerely uver �r�at��er ir� a ti�led �lc�u�Uam, ,�,:� � � rr�. ,.F_ ..,� - _ . 1�` �� jY �^ .. e... -�- . ___`:... �' I'1��:�;�U�t� �i�[`I'}� �.1���� _ �__.. � --� l� I�; I�,�;;1 ��� l., I�1 � 1�i o�•tiet• foi° a�i Aq�a�atn� �� �n�ve �s a. result t�i'tlle �ress��re e.xe��c� ot3 an� siJe, it mt4st slide across th� surfaee ai� wl�icli it rests. fn c�rd�r ta ti�, tl�e wate�• pressu�'e �7�t�1St �I�t th4 Iti'�t i�111L:F• t��Ue �ip �nd �vc��• tl7e secc�nd. '�"I�e 1'oliowing ca�c��lations sl�aw the Ac���aDan�s� resistai�ce t� �i��ping: Ass�m�tiai�s: Ta facilitate the caiculatic�Ezs, we �vili ass��rtjc: tl�at tl�e ii��ie�• iuh�s ar� generally �•ictan���l��' 4Vileil �Il��ii. A5 t�1C rvorst c��e s�en�t°ip. �ue will ass���t�e Eli�t �he vaat�r ]evel c�j� one side I�as reaGlied the ta}� of tl�e AquaDams�. P = pressuce 1� � wate� dcptl� D = widtlti af A�u�Da�t�� I = le���th of Aqt�al7air�� p = mass ci�nsity afi'wa�er g — �ravi�tic�n�f accelerati�n �' = speci�c x�vei�l�t v�w�te�• F`� fa�'ce ex�i�ted n�� tC�e face at the Ac���aDamf� dtle to pressu�•� {I') A= arc;a af tl�e side fac� oF the �1t�uciDamc�� W= weigl�t c�f �vat�r in the ii�n�E' tuk�e V= vol�trn� oft�7e iiine�• t�ib� P = pgl� = yk� �m�� ����� �—� �' _ � A �;��,�e t� = '� �f 1)7E',�C>1'{'�' E'.�e!'14'cf ar� �1��,� sirle �yr�rlrt� .1t�f�«� +{ �a,� 1s r,w� ?f,�e•�+ f��`"�f ��I� s� � �� � � � � � � � �� •� �° � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � �7 �� � � t� �' � � � � � a� �� � �' � � � � C� `-" t.? � S� � � � .� � � � � � � � �,l � � '�, '. � � {� � r� � 4� � � � �,3 � � � � � � � r � �t � � � .w � Y -=� � � � � r� � � � � .� � � � �. 't � +� 'v� i br .� �� � � � � a,.+ � •�� � �� � � � � � � � � ;�-. � � � '� � � � CIS � � � � J � � � $7 c!� ._,—, � � �� • � � '� � � � `,� � � �� �#�� I ;-1 �.� r� � "� +..� I w � �� �� 4� �� � ��"3 � � � �`,� t� � � �� �� � � ��� �`] � � �� � � � �a � � 4� ,� �� � � .� �' � � � � � � � � � � '� rG,�, r � � � � C� ,,,� � � � � C� r-�� �i' � � � � � � � �+� � ,�s �i �"'� � � �lS � � � � G � � ?� � � �. it7 -� � CeS �-' .,_. �� � � � ��� � �� {I1 .� � � � � �� �' � .� � •;� � � ,� C� '� '"'� �ii � . �.. • C/j � � � _� �. � [+.-. .,�� � � � � �� � � � � � �' i �, � � � � � � � � � � � `� � ' � � � �L"3 ..C� � ' d3 , �t . � � '� •� � �� � � � �-� � � � +� ,.�- VA � � �,�..�' c �_ .�.. . t.» � �. � � � � €� � � � � ��'], r�``'' �' ...� � � � �� l�! � � �J3 � � �� � � �� � �' � `� � � � � � � � � � � � '� � � t� � ;� � � � � � � � � � � � � � -� e.���.�., � ,,�' � •� � � � � fi`�! � � � •� � � �. • � V'i � � � � � � � �.� �'� � �� � � � � �� � � � � �°" '� , � � f3' � ".. � � � � � � � � � � � � .� � �� � � � � �. � tra . ;1 F � t�j � o..� � ,� - �,.: � ',iCJ t � '� � � r� t�� � � #:� #:� � � � � 5� �. � � � � � � � � � CC� � �� � 1 �e? .�,.�., � � � #� � � � P� � �� �� � � .�'i Ha j�� �'t _ �-.' �' L" '�,' � � '� � ` � � � � � � � � � � �.� � � � °" � � `_' � � �3 �7 �+ � ,... � r,) � � �'� .� � +��- � � ,� � � � � �" `a" . Ci ST ��I � ::7y6 � � � C.1 � hj ;G � c� � � � � � � T� � �, � �', � ,.� �„ •'�J r�.. �V � � � � � _� �-� � �: I � � �- � � I � � �� � � �.^., r= � '� � � � � � � � � r � � 't .�3 :�� � , � I � � .� }� I� i ;.� � •� � � I � � F� � `G � � �� I�r! �� __- - � i__ � _..___ � � } f � J = - �� �, � fr�{ F� `� �'' I ��" I f I r�1 � �"' � i T � �i � 't � � Che seccs��d �netl�ad f�r mo��ii�� the Ac�u�Dflm� is ta slide the e��ti�•e cf��r�. '�l�e resist�tnre ta slidit�g is }�rt�videel �y t��� friccio�� F�e�we�n the �rc�ur�d atui tf7e slru�t��re. Al�hou�li an3' tYp� afbarri�r cc��ric! slid� alc���� fhe ��•au��d if`�he pushi��� force ivere great e��a���ii, �ve wi�1 presa��t �l�e c�iculatinns fcri' SI1�1il,�f tI1� f1i�ll�Daill�� ll] L?PdCf• to quantif� its tendency to slide. .-�---,-,___._r£__.__.�, ��...�._._ -_ , �� ��--- �� � ������� �� �� �� � �� � .r�T1s �'�--.._ "a`.��_rr-��.,..���— ..^.-- _.__-.�........ •�� f— ...___ __' � � � � � � .R �J � � [�i addition ta d�e variables al�•eady d��ned we ad.�l: µ�e�eftieie���t oi friction b�tw�en AquaBarrr� a��d its ����pnr�in� �u�•fac:e f f�iciion force ,����c�rtnal torc�: (eqc�i�aler�t to ��v���llc) As�um�tians: VJc; are assucning tl�at tl�e s��ppc�rtir�� surfac� is ��nc�c�tl� �nd flat. A��y ds:viation fro�n � s���onth s�.�rt�ce wilf �dd grea�er appositi�it tn siiding, ��au�. we �ssume tl�at t1�e inn�r ��rl�es ar� �,�ne�•ally r��ian�ular to �`acilitat� tlle ealcutatio��s: f=}t.fV-�tW �' .��,�-��.�� �'�� OI' � ��=2�j��,��l�l��� -� ���`r� - t� �'t �� = .� � Der•i�=ing a lcrrn faf• �1�� ��Uc��IC1G'77/ d�.�YlC�I�i7,V1PIL�S. I•��j� c�rrrcrrt Aqucrl�cm��� �1esi�;�,s, tl�c� ec��f�cic•f�� a};�i"ictic�r7 (��� tlzra� r��rll �llvti,r s�Ic�;rrg rrr�� rr,s,fbllv�+r.s. �i�E�l.�"i"E:1� i�l�l[�I��"t' � in �����Eti�.;� � �� �� � �r 11ti�1-� r� I�C I} � 'Wil)�fll �iri iri4•I��w� , �� ��� �' -i ��} � � i r}� �� 1��'k!I-_IV 1'1'f11�1�:1: � I 1'I.i. - ,•�(��l'�11?.�1;�1 I���.l� �I�� l ,�� ,��� ,�c� � - -- �� � � �cr .� � 7� � 1 ��; _ , I 4) � �� �'� ��', — � � T'1re coe f�cie��t c��;�i�ictinM tl7rrt i+�rll �llv�rj slicfrr�� if'r1�ca recnn�rrl��iac�ecl ir�r�xu�rz�rt� ►��u�er• cle�t�F7s �r�•G nh.ser���ecl: ��a��r,-rrr� ���i��.,��a r�_�:� ���_� ���������:r�r.�F.:r� ����-���� i��:c��i��+��1r��«r-.r_� � � H�1G! t f WID'1 � l MAXIMG�1 l�i:i' I��G 1�4';1 (1= ft I.��-�f l�:l.� :11r � . ti�� ��clzesr {i�� u3ches) (i�� inches) �'tif=�) � � � -- ,,� }� . I i � �:} 1� f� � I S � .1 � � 3 f� !� f� I � #� _ � _ . I �, � �� � 1 ��t � .;�> '� .1 I _ ' 7? 1 �o . — — ;:� � , I P - � 7_ ' .I E s , �� �J _ � � — � Co�f�'ici�nts af t1����+s,�� r.a���i;;c Ji��,�n , I{s •-=�? �����r�re tl-��t tljc surfiac� m�y b� quite sfippery. �'c�r ex�mpie, the �Cl���l�t�� C3��Y1Cti+Jit i��lu'�tl] 11k�} E,ic4��� {SI� �;rti;�����1 �:� ���lctl �tc�•] i� . [ � - .2Q, ���in �ve h�ve asst��ned Cl�at the surf�ce untl�rthe Aqua���m��� }w�ill hc cc+mP�a.�':�tt��. f� t-uu��1ti :�ititk ti��akl �,.3��.� r���.ii �e:�r�"� OUt]Q53�lQ1'1 �C► SItC�lFI�A �Ii�13 I�tfIiC�lt�C� Ili CI1� C�ICUI�i1tr1�� .+a,����w. � 4�4• ��rirtc°i+�}t, �.�,k�� t�, c���:�:r �Irc :��ku:�t)���ar�i;� :Gr� �i�ri;}]�, ���� ���P�t�ve. '!'��e stal�fe ��on�t'olling w�il �S-���.al�:�' ��3t:li,k-t,�� ks� sl�� sEii•l;t��� be�t���t�� ia. c�'�:MIi�1�: .� li�hl ,c;�3, I�t� .�1��tiF�llt������: r�����,iiG� stalic�naryever► i�'��+�itet`letrl* r'c��'I1111t IYi���IIk1U111 I"L�:{rIY;i11�.�}tl��l+k��tc�-cc�nl��iii�ncik� �ie�r�lr. �1{�4�,sl;s ���4��� prqv�d� c� ligiltwei�ht, ret�st�ia�� aitci ��rs,lc��ict�!!y� siM�c M���lE�escl �+}' ��iii��{ar'�r�� �x'.�;4'a- r{,r�sr��l_ 31 39 OD ENVIROFLEX� Page 1 of 6 z 3 4 5 6 � s 9 �o SECTION 3139 06 ENVIROFLEX� PART1- GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. Work shall consist of furnishing all maierial, Iabor, services and related items to compiete the installatian of Enviroflex� tapered, vertically i:nterlocking articulating concrete hlock revetment system. B. WarI� includes installing t�e materials in confor►nity with fhe Iine,s, grades, design, and dimensions shown in the construciion drawings. 11 1.2 RELATED SECTYONS 1z A. Section 31 10 00 - Site Clearing 13 B. Section 31 20 00 - Earth �noving 14 C. Sectzon 32 91 13 - Soil Preparation z5 D. Section 03 30 00 - Cast in pIace concrete �6 a� 1.3 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 18 ly A. ASTM C 33: Std. Spec. for Cancrete Aggregates 2o B. ASTM C 42: Test Method for Obtaining and Testing drilled Cores azxd Sawed Beams 2� of Concrete 22 C. ACI 201: American Concrete Instituie- Report on Durability 23 D. ACI 211.3R-02: Guide for Selecting Proportions for No-Slump Concrete Z4 E. ASTM C140: Standard Test Methods for �amp�ing and Tesiing Concrete Masonry z$ Units and Related Uni�s 26 F. ASTM D422: Standard Test Met�aod for Partscle-Size Analysis oF Soils 27 G. ASTM D69$: Standard Test Methods for �.aboratozy Compaction Chaz'acteristics of 2$ Sai1 Using Standard �ffort 29 H. ASTM D2487: Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes 3o I. ASTM D4355: Standard Test Mefihod far Deterioration of Geotexiiles by Exposure to 31 Light, Moisture and Heat in a Xenon Arc Type Apparatu� 32 J. ASTM D4A91: Standard Test Methods for Water Pertneability of Geo�extiles by 33 Permitiivity 3a K. ASTM D4533: Standard `I'est Method for Trapezoid Tearing Stren�gth of Geotextiles 3s L. ASTM D4632: Standaxd Tesi Method for Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of 36 Geotextiles 37 M. ASTM D4751: Standard Test Methods for Determining Apparent Opening Size of a 38 Geotextile 39 N. ASTM D4833: Standard Test Method for Index Puncture Resistance of 4� Geomembranes and Related Products 41 O. ASTM D62A I: Standard Test Method for Index Puncture Resistance of 42 Geomembranes aa�d Relate.d 1'roducts 43 P. ASTM D6684: Standard Specificatian for Materials and Manufacture of Art�culating 44 Concrete Block {ACB)Revetment Systems 45 Q. ASTM D6884: Standard Practice for Installatian of Articulating Concrete Block 46 Revetment Systen�s CITX OF FORT WORT�I Shoreview Drive Culvert improvements STANAARD CONSTRUCi'ION SPECtFICATIOl�f DOCUMENTS CPNs ]01820 & 103051 Revised December 20, 20i2 35 31 19 ENVIROFL�X�? Page 2 of 6 47 48 49 sa 51 s2 53 54 55 56 s� 58 59 bo 6� 62 63 64 6s 6G 67 68 64 70 71 �z 73 "74 75 �6 7� 78 �9 SO si sz 83 84 85 s6 s7 88 84 90 9i 1.4 L� �.6 L7 R. ASTM D7276: Standard Guide for Analysis and Interpretation of Test Data for Articulatir�g Concrete BIock (ACB) Re�etment Systems in Open Channel F�ow S. ASTM D7277: Standard Test Method for Performance Testing Qf Articulating Concrete Block (ACB) Revetment Systems for Hydraulic Stability in Open Char�ael Flow T. FHWA-RD-89-199: Hydraulic Stability of Articulated Concrete Block Revetinent Systems During Over-Topping Flow SUBMITTALSICERTIFICATION �C C. D. Product Data: Submit manufacturez''s product data, including i�astallation instruciions. Testing: A report oftesfing for the Enviroflex� in substantial confom�ance with FHWA RD-89-199, at the same time as the Envirofiex� and Geatextile Data submittal. The report shall clearly stata if the critical shear stress associated with the stability tY�res�old of t�ie Envirof�ex� system was derived from laboratory testing that included a sub- bIock draanage Iayer as a coxr►ponent of the iested system. Samples: Submit manufacturer's sample of tapered, o�erlapping articulating concrete block revetment system (if required). Warranty: Submi� manufacturer's standard warranty. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. B. C. Instailer Qualifcations: An experienced ix�statler who has successfully completed instaIlations of revetment systems on projects of similar or larger scope and magzaitude. Single Source Responsibility: Obtain one calor, type and variety of interlocking and overlapping articulating concrete block revetment sysiem from a single lot manufa.ctured by a single source. Materials shall be a�ailable and be consistent in quatity, appearance and physical properties without delaying progress of work. Prior to commencing the wor� of tlus sectian, verify tI�e accuracy of layaut and gz'ading. Verify that a11 sub-grades and base and/ or drainage coarse aggregate conditions are as specified. Notify the Engineer of any discrepancies and coordinate the correction of those discrepancies with other trades as necessary. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials to site in manufacturer's original paJietized configuration with labels clearly identifying product siyle number, calor, name and ma;nufacturer. B. Check all materials upon deli�ery to assure that ihe proper type, grade, calor, and certifcation hav� been received. C. Store materials in clean, dry area in accordance witk� manufaciurer's instructions. D. Protect all materials from damage due to jobsiYe condziions and in accordance with rmanufacturer's recammendations. Damaged xnaterials shall not be incozporated into the work. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Revier�v installation procedures and coordi�ate Enviroflex� installation with other work aroUnd installation area. CTTY OF FOKT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTCOAI SPECIF[CA'I'IpN DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Shoreview Deive Culvert Improvements CPl�is ]01820 & 103d51 35 31 19 ENVIROFLEX� Page 3 of 6 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 ioo l0i � 02 103 104 B. All adjacer�t hardscape, paving, and cut-off walls, required by construction documents shall be completed along with the installation of the Enviroflex�paving mats. C. Gradients for Enviroflex�' interlocksng articulating concrete block revetznent system can vary from flat to I.5:1 max slopes. For steeper conditions, consult with a quaIified civil and soils engineer. D. Pratect partially completed installaiian against damage from run-on or other construction traffic when work is in pragress. E. Areas subjeci to vehicular driving on the articuIated concreie block shall be evaluated by the geotechnical engineer for subgrade and road base recommendaiions. PART Z - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURER ios A. Corporate Headquarters: Soil Retention Froducts, Inc., 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive, l06 Suite 100, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Phone: 760-966-6090 and 800-346-7995, fax: 7b0- �o� 966-6099, website: www.soilretentian.com, e-mail: sales e soilretention.com. �os 109 iio li� 112 i13 114 2.2 INTERLOCKiNG AND OVERLAPPING ARTICULATING CONCRETE BLOCK REVETMENT SYSTEM A. Tapered, Overlapping Articulating Concrete Block Revet�ment System shall be manufactured vvith fiber reinforced cancrete and not be capable of having one block protrude against direction of flow relative ta another block. 4" ENVIROFLEX 6" ENVIROFLEX Pro er Unit Value Value S ecific Wei ht ]bs./cu. ft. 130 — 15Q 130 - 150 Compressive Strengih psi 3500 (individual) 3500 (individual) 4000 (avera e o� 3 4000 (avera e of 3) Water Absorption lbs.lcu. ft. 11.7 max (individual) 11.7 max (individual) 9.1 avera e of 3 9.1 (avera e of 3 Nominal Dimensions Inclaes (1 x w x h) 21.5 x 21.5 x 4 21.5 x 21.5 x 6 Net Coverage per sq. ft. 3 21 3.21 B1oc� Total Block Wei ht lbs. 122 174 LTnii Block Wei ht lbs./s . ft. 38 54.2 O en Area nominal Percent 21.5 21.5 Fiber Reinforcerrient lbs./cu.yd 2.5 2.5 Cast in Biock Allowable Unit Inches / block 0 0 Froteusion Minimum Vertical I�ches / block .5 .5 Interlock t15 116 B. Base Aggregate (if required for subgrade ixnprovement or bearing capacity) — Crushed � 1� pernneable base, crushed miscellaneous base (CMB}, crushed aggregate base (CAB), C1TY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Diive C�lvert Improvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOIV DOCUMENT3 CPNs 101820 & 103051 Revised December 20, 2012 35 31 19 ENVI 120FLEX� Page 4 of 6 i18 119 120 a2i C. izz 123 D. raa �2s 126 �2� 12$ 129 130 131 132 133 cruslaed rock or similar structural material normally used as a base course for pavement systems aiad meeting the gadation and or permeability requirernents slaown on the drawings Filter Fabric — Appropriate filter fabric by Tencate or equal specified and approved by the engineer Drainage Layer {if required) — Approx�mately 4" minimum thick layer of angular crushed stone or as specifed by the engineer. Bi�ial Geosynthetic (if required) — Placed between drainage Iayer and articulated concrete block sn areas with turhulent flotx� (major grade breaks, bz'idge piers, pipe o�#lets, etc.). Infill (if required) -`I'op soii with seed ar gravel as speci�ed by the landscape architect OY eriglrieBl'. Cut Off Wa11(if required) - As required by the engineer and specifications and ir�cluded on the drawings. E. F. G. PART 3 - EXECUTION 134 3.1 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 I46 147 ]AS 149 iso 151 I52 153 154 155 156 157 iss 359 �60 �6i 162 163 SUBGRADE PREPARATION Stable and compacted subgrade soil shall be prepared to the lines, grades and cross sections shown on the contract c�rawings. Tern�ination trenches and traxasitions between slopes, embai�kanent crests, benches, ber�aas and taes shall be compacted, shaped and unifarmly graded to facili#ate the developmeni of intimaie contact between the Envirofle��' systena and the underlying grade. Termination between the Enviraflex� concrete block revetment system and a concrete sIab, wall or similar siructure, sk�ail be secured in a manner which prevents sasl migratian. The subgrade soil conditions sha11 meet or e�ceed the required material properties described elsewhere in the document prior to placement of tlae system. Soils not meeting the requirements shall be removed and replaced with acceptable material. Unsatisfactory soils, soils having excessive in-place moisture content and sails containing clods, roots, sod, brusk�, or other orgaraic materials shall be removed, backfilled with approved nnaterial and compacted. It is recamnaended that the subgrade be firn� and unyielding and uniformly compacted ta a minimum of 90 percent of Standard Proctor densiiy (ASTM D 698) [85 percent of Madified �'roctor density (ASTM D1557)] or as directed hy the engineer of z'ecord. Should the subgrade surface for any reason become rough corrugaied uneven textured or traffic marked prior to Enviroflex� installatian, such unsatisfactory portion shall be scarified, rewarked, re- compacted or replaced as direcied by the Engineer. Excavation of the subgrade abo�e the water line shall not be more than 2 inches (54 mm) below tY�e grade i�adicated on the contract drawings. Where such areas are below the allowable grades, t�ey sha11 be brought to gade by placing and compacting approved znaterial in layers nat exceeding 6 inches (150 mm} thick. Where suc� areas axe above the allowable grades, they shall be brought to grade by removing material or reworking existin� ma#erial and compacting. The subgrade shall be raked, screeded, or roIled by hand or machine ta achieve a smooth compacted surface that is free of loose material. Care shall be exercised sa as not to excauate belaw the grades shown on the cantract drawings, unless directed by t1�e Engineer to remove unsaiisfaciory materials. Any excessive excavation shall be flled with approved backiill material and compacted. A. : C. CITI' OF FORT �TJORTH STANDARD CO]VSTRUCTION SPECSFICATIO�I DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Shoreview Drive Culve�t Impravements CPNs 1Q182U & ]03051 35 31 19 ENViIL�FLE:{� Page 5 of 6 164 D. The areas to receive tiie �nviroflex� systern sha11 be graded ta establish a smooth 16s surface and ensure that intimate contact is achieved between the subgrade surface and 166 the geotextile, and between the geotextile or drainage layer and ti�e bot�om s�arface of t67 the Enviroflex block. 168 169 i7a l�i i7a 173 174 175 176 17� i�s 179 180 �si 182 183 184 PLACEMENT OF GEOTEXTILE 3.3. A. Immediateiy prior to placing the geotextile and Enviroflex� system, the prepared subgrade shall be inspected. The geote�ile shall be placed directly on the prepared area, in i�timate contact with the subgrade and free of folds ar wrinkles. The geotextile shall be placed in such a manner that placement of the averlying materials will not excessively stretch or tear the geotextile. After geotextile placez�nent, the r�vork area shall not be dist��rbed so as to res�alt in a loss of in#imate contact between the concrete biock, the geatextile, and the subgrade. The geote�ile shall not be left exposed longer than the manufacturer's recommendaiion to minimize potential damage due to ultraviolet radiation. B. Tlae geotextiie sha11 be placed sa that ups#ream strips overlap downstream strips and so that upslope strips overlap dawn slope strips. 4verlaps shall be in the direction of flaw wherever possible. The longitudinal and transvarse joints shall be overlapped at least 2 feei. The geoiextile shall extend beyond ihe top, toe and side termination points of the revetment. If necessary to expedite construction and to maintain the recommended overlaps anclaoring pins, "U" — siaples or weights s�aall be used. PLACEMENT OF DRAINAGE LAYER 3.3 iss A. Drainage layer of granular rock shall be spread by rubber tracked equipment and / or �s6 screeding. A uniform level surface shall be achieved before placing the block. The 187 de�th of the drainge layer shou�d be �" minimum. 188 i89 190 191 192 193 3.4 PLACEMENT OF BIAXIAL GEOSYNTHETIC A. Biaa�ial geosynthetic is placed wifh 1-ft overlap in tl�e direc�on af flow wi#h aperture size equal to or less than the drainage rock gradation size. 3.5 PLACEMENT OF TAPERED VERTICALLY INTERLOCKING ENVIROFLEX� ARTICULATED CONCRETE BLOCK SYSTEM 194 �9s A. The Enviroflex� Concrete Block 5ystesn shall be placed on the geotextile / drainage 196 layer in sucY� a manner as to produce a surface that achieves intimate contact with the 197 geotextile. 198 199 200 2o i 202 2D3 204 2os 206 207 zos 209 B. Placement of the Enviroflax� system whether done with a grappling cievice mu�tiple units at a time or individual units placed by hand shall be performed to ensure that the individual blocks haue intimate contac� and are vertically ir�terlocked. In areas of curvature or grade change, alignment of an individual block with adjacent blocks sha11 be oriented such that intimate contact between the block, gravel, geotextile, and subgrade is mai��tained and black to bIock interconnection is achieved. Same biock cutting and/or reinforced poured concre�e of izxegular transition sections rnay be required. G Care shall be taken during block installation so as to avaid damage to the geotextile or subgrade durin�g the instailation process. Preferably, where the geotextile is laid on the C1TY OF FORT WORTH STAN�ARTJ CONSTRUCTION SFECIFICATION DOClJMEN'1'S Revised DecemUer 20, 2012 Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs 101820 & 103051 35 31 19 EN VIROFLE�� Page 6 of b z�o zu ziz 213 214 zis 2t5 3.6 ground prior to the Enviroflex� installaiion, the Enviroflex� placement shall begin at the downstream sectian and proceed upstrearr�. On sloped sections wI�ere practicai, placement shall begin at the ioe of the slope and proceed up-slope. Vertical overlap sha�l be maintained and no p�'otrusions allowed against the direction of flow. Where required by the specifications, joining of structures and adjacent blocks can be accomplished after the blocks have been set in place. TERMINATION TRENCHES 217 A. Terminaiian of blocks shall be against concrete structures, cut-off wa11s, or ir� 218 excavaied trenches which shall be properly backfilled with approved material flush 219 vvith the top of the finished surface of the blocks. The integrity of the trench backfill z20 shall be maintained to ensure a fis�ished surface that is flush with the #op sur�ace of ihe �1 articulating blocks. 2za 3,7 �INISHING 223 224 z2s 226 227 22s 229 3.8 A. Th� open area of the articulaiing concrete block system is typically either backf lled with suitable soil for revegetation, wiih 3/ inc11 diameter crushed stone, or 1eft bare. Backflling with soil ar granular fill within the cells oFthe system shall be conr�pleted as soon as practicable after the revetment I�as been installed. When topsoil is used as a fill material above #he narmal waterline, averiill by 1 to 2 inches to accaunt for bac�fll znaterial consolidaYion. FIELD QUALITY CONTR4L 23o A. The Owner shall engage inspection and testing services, including independent 231 laboratories, to provide quality assurance and testing services during construction. 232 This does not relieve the Contractor frorn securing the necessary canstruction conirol 233 testing during construction when required by the contract documents. 234 B. Qualified anti. experienced technicians and engineers shall perform testing and 23s inspections services. 236 237 238 239 240 241 C. As a minimum, quality assurance testing shouid include subgrade preparation, geotextile placeme�t and Enviroflex� system installation, and overall finished condition including termination trenches shail be inspected. PART 4- MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 242 A. Payrment wilI be on a per square yard basis. CITY OF FORT WOR'I'H 5horeview Drive Culveit Improvements 5TAIVDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATiQTI DOCUMENTS � CPNs 101820 &.103051 Kevised December 20, 2D12 APPENDXX GC-4.02 GC-6.06.D Subsurface and Fhysical Condi�ions Nationwide Permit {NWP} Geotech Report Minority and Women Owned Business Ente�arise Co�npliance GC-6.07 Wage Rates GC-13.03C Tests and Inspections �xisting RCSs Inspection Letfer CIT`X QF FOR�' WOK'fH Shareview Drive Culvert ImprovemenCs STANAARD CONSTRiJCTTON SPECIFICATION I]OCUMENTS CPNs 101$20 & 103051 Revised Juky 1, 2011 334950-1 MANAGEMENT AND IIVIPLEINB71'TATIbN PLAN FOR FORC� MAIN Page I of 6 SECTION 33 49 �0 9999.0023 Management and Implementation Plan %r Force Main PART1-GENERAL 1.1 �UMMARY A. 5ection Includes: 1. B�ass pumping af the existing sewer system, rec{uired on l 8-inch and larger sewer lines uziless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. 2. Tmplementation, o�eraiion, and maintenance of a system to manage the temporary force main system. B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification L This specification has been modi�ed. C. Related Speci�cation Sections include, b�zt are not necessarily limited io: 1. Division Q-- Bidding Requirements, Contraci Fonns, and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 1.2 PRiCE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE� A. Measurement and Payrnent 1. Measurement a. Measurennent for this Item will be by lump sum. 2. Payment a. The work pexformed and materials furnished in accordance wit� this Item will be paid for at the lump sum price bid for "Manage�nent and Tmplemientation PIan far Force Main". 3. The price bid shall include: a. Mobilization b. Development of bypass, containment and disposal plans c. Submission of bypass, containment arid disposal plans for City approval d. Coordination with sewer iteld operations and preshutdawn meeting as required in the dx'awings e. Transporkation and storage £ Protection of Lake Worth g. Setup h. Confined space entry i. Plugging j. Temporary piping and connections ta rr�aintain fuIly aperational system thro�aghouf construction k. Bypass puzriping throughout construction 1. Notice to residents/ager�cies xn. Rerr�avals CTTY OF PORT WORTH Shoreview Brive G�Ivert Improvements STAII�ARD CONS"I`RUCTTON SPECIFICATION DOCTJMENTS 1Vovember 3, 2020 CPNs 101820 & 103051 000000-2 MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN POR I'ORCB MAIN Page 2 of 6 n. Clean up o. 5urface restoration 1.3 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards 1. Reference standards cited in this Speciiication refer to the current reference standard published at the ti�e of �he latest revision date logged at the end of this Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 2. Occupational Safety and Health OXganization (OSHA). 3. Texas Commission on Enviorntnental Quality (TCEQ) 4. City of Fort Worth Enviornmental Department 1.4 ADMINISTRATNE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination 1. Develop bypass, containment and disposal plans and submit to City for review 2. Sclieduie meeting with City to review sewer sh�ztdown prior to replacing or rehabiliiat�ng any facilities. 3. Ciiy reserves the right to delay schedule due to weatl�er conditions, or other unexpected emergency within the sewer system. 4. Review bypass pumping ar�'angement or layout in the field with City prioz' to beginzxing aperations. Facilitate preliminaxy bypass pumping run wiila City staFf present to affirm the operation is satisfactory to the Ci�ty. 5. After culvert in�provements are complete with the new force main, coordinaie the xeestablishment of sewer flow with City staff. 6. Provide onsite continuous monitoring during aIl bypass pumping operations using one of the follawing methods: a. Personnel o� site b. Partable SCADA equipment 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals shall be in accordance with Section 01 33 00. B. All submittals shall be approved by the City prior to delivery. 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALSIINT� ORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. For 3" HDPE low pressure force main, submit a detaiied plan and description outlining all provisions and precautions thai will be taken wikh regard to the handling of sewer flows. Submit Y.he plan to the City for approval a minimum of 7 days prior to commencing work. Include the following details: 1. Schedule for installa#ion and maintenance of the bypass pumping system 2. Staging areas for pumps 3. Pump sizes, capacity, numbez' of each size, and power requirernenis �. CaIculations for static �i£t, frictian lasses, and velocity 5, pump curves showing operating range and system head curves Shoreview Drive Culvert Lnprovements CITX OF PORT WORTI� CPNs 101820 & i03051 STANDARI] CONSTRUCTIO�T SPECIFICAT[ON llOCL1MENTS Revised November 3, 2020 000000-3 MANAGEM�NT AND 11VIPLEMENTAT'ION PLAN FOkt F012CE MAIN Page 3 of 6 6. Sewer plugging meihods 7. Size, iength, rnaterial, joint type, and methad iar installation of suction and discharge piping 8. Methad of noise coniz'ol for each pump and/or generator, if required 9. Standby power generator size and locatian 10. Suction and discharge piping plan 11. Emergency action plan identifying the measures taken in the event of a pump failure or sewer spili 12. Staffing plan for responding to alarm conditions identifying muliiple contacts by name and phone numbers (office, inobile) l 3. A contingency plan to implement in the e�ent the replacement or re�►abiistation has unexpected delays or problems 1.'� CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS �NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY A�SURANCE A. Contractor shall be responsible for e�sure the proper operation of the temporary force rnain system and ensuring Lake Worth is protected frorxa the sewage at all times. �.10 DELNERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT U5EDj Lll FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS jNOT USED] 1.1.2 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART�-PRODUCTS 2.1 �WNER FURNISHED [ox] OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 2.2 EQUIPMENT B. Pumping 1. Frovide equipment that will convey 100 percent of wet weather peak flow conditions. � 2. Pravide fujly automatic self-primiing puia�ps. Foot-valves or vacuum pumps are not pernr�itted for priming the system. 3. �'umps must be constructed to allow d�ry running for periods of time to account for the cyclical nature of sewer flow. 4. Provide 1 stand-by pump for each size to be mainiained on site. Qlace backup pumps on line, isolated from the primary system by valve. CiTY OF FORT WORT�I Shoreview Drive �lveri Improvements STANDARF) CONS'i'RUCTTOI�I SPECIFICATTON DOCUMENTS Revised November 3, 2020 CPNs 101820 & 103051 a00000-4 MANAGEMENT AND 1MPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR FOIZCE MAIN Pa$e 4 of 6 5. Tf multiple pumps are required to meet the flow requirements, provide the necessary fiiti��gs and connections to incorparate nnultiple discharges. 6. Noise levels o�the pumping system must �ollow iY�e requirements of the City noise ordinance far gas wells. C. Piping 1. InstalI pipes with �oints which prevent the incident of flow spillage. D. Plugs or Stop Logs Plugs a. Select a plug that is made far the size and potential pressure laead that will be experienced. b. Provide an additianal anchar, support or bracing to secure plug when back pressure is present. c. Use accurately calibrated air pressure gauges for monitoring the inflation pressure. d. Place inflation gauge at location outside of confined space area. Keep the inflation gauge and valve a safe disiaalce from the plugs. e. Never over inflate the plug heyoa�d its pressure rating. 2. 5top Logs a. Use stop log devices designed for the manliole or sewer vault structure in use. b. Tf applicable, abtain stop logs from City that may be used on specific structures. 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL �NOT USED] PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED� 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 3.3 PREPARATION A. Locate the bypass pipelines in area to minimize disturbance ta existing utilities and obtain approval o�those locations from the City. B. Make preparations to comply with OSHA z'equirements when vvorking in the presence of sewer gases, oxygen-deiicient atmospheres and conf'ined spaces. C. �Do noi begin bypass preparation aa�d operation until City app�'oval oithe submittals requested per this Specification. 3.4 INSTALLATION A. Install and operate pumping and piping equipznent in accardance to the submittals provided per this Speci�cation. C1TY OF FORT WOKT'H Shorevievv Drive G4�ivert Improvements 3TATIDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Navember 3, 2026 CPNs 101820 & 103051 000000-S MA1�iAGEMEI`]T ATID IMI'LEMENTATION PLAN POR FORCB MAIN Page 5 of 6 B. Sewer flow stoppage 1. Plugging a. Use confined space procedures and equipmeni during installation when necessary. b. Thoroughly clean the �ipe before insertian of the plug. c. Insert the plug seal surface completely so ii is fully supported by the pipe. d. Positian the plug where there are not sharp edges ox protnasions that may daxnage the plug. e. Use pressure gauges for measuring inflation pressures. f. Minimize upstream pressure head before deflating and removing. C. Sewer flow control and mEonitori�ag 1. Take sufficient precautions to ensure sewer flow operations do not cause flooding or damage ta p�blic ar private properly. The Confractor is responsible for any damage resulting from bypass pumping operations. 2. Begin cont�nual monitoring ofthe sewer system as soon as the sewer is plugged or blocked. Be prepared ta immediately start bypass pumping if needed due to surcharge conditians. 3. Sewer discharge may be into another sewer manhole flr appropriate vehicle or can#ainer only. Do not discharge sewer into an open environment such as an open channel or earthen holding faciiity. 4. Do not construct bypass facilitres where vehicular traffic may travel over the piping. a. Provide details in the suction and discharge piping plan thai accommodate both the bypass facilities and traffic wit�out disrupting either service. 3.5 REPAIR 1 RESTORATION �N4T USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [N4T USED] 3.7 FIELD [on] SITE QUALITY CONTROL A. Fie1d [oxj 5ite Tesis and Ii�spections 1. Perform leakage and pressure tests of the bypass p�.unping pipe and equipment before actual operation begins. Have City staff on site during tests. 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP �NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 310 CLEANING �NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES A. Once plugging ar blocking is no Ionger necessary, remove in such a way that permits the sewer flow io slowly return to normal — preventing surge, surc�arging and majar d.ownstreaxn dzsturbance. Shoreview Ditive Culvert Lnpro�ements CITI' OF FO1tT WORTH CPNs 101820 & 303051 S"F'ANpARD CONSTI2UCTION SPECIFICATION �DCUMENTS Revised Novemher 3, 2020 000000-6 MANAGEMEAlT AND iMI'LEMENTATION PLA,N FOR FORCE MAIN Page 6 of 6 3.1� PROTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.1� ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE Nt1ME 11/2020 � SUMMARY OF CHANGE Modifieci for Shoreview Drive Culverts project Shoeeview Biti�e C�lvert Improvements CITY OF FORT WORTH CPNs 501820 & 103051 STANDARD COl�iS"IRUCTION SPECIFTCATION DOClIMENT5 Revised November 3, 2020 GC-��o�� S�u�bsu�°f�ce and PIl�y����i C��di����s rT'I��S PAG]E ][1�E�'T �I�7C��'���I�AIL�L� ]��Lt��� CITY OF FORT WORTH 5horevEew Drive Culvert Irapravements STANDARD COI�STRUCTiON SPECIFICATIO�1 DOCUMENTS CPNs 101820 & 103051 ltevised Jaly 1, 20t 1 I��������� �ka�� February 21, 2020 Michael Wellbaum, PE 900 Manroe 5treet Suite 200 Fort Worth, TX i6'[ 02 RE: Shoreview Culvert fmpmvemenfs Nationuvide �'ermit 94 — L.inear Transportation �roject AHemo Fort bVarfh, ?"arrant County, Texas Dear Mr. We{fbaum: Kimley-Norn and Associates fnc. (Kimley-Horn) understands #haf the p�oposed cul�ert replacement project is necessary due �o fhe currently undersized culverts. The crossing is located on Shoreview Drive approximately 200-ft west of its terminus at Bomber Drive in Fort Wort�, Tarrant County, Texas. The projeci is located in the Li�e Oak Creek-Lake Worth (Hydrologic Unit Cade 12Q301020104) watershed. AppencEix A pro�ides project details refatiue to the proposed cul�ert replacemen�s and protect�on. Both field observatEons and review of the USGS Topographic map indicate that the culve�s cross an intermittent stream immediately above its confluence with Lake Worth. ln an attempt fo protect the proposed culvert replacement, fihe stream above and the lak� below the crossing w911 be arrnared with riprap treatm�nts to the stream and lake bed. Thaugh most of the area of protection is in the plunge pool downstream of the cuE�erts, the totai area will not exceed o.1-ac, and is antic3pated to be closer to �.04-ac in total. This work is the minimum necessary to construct and protect the cul�ert struciure. Additiona{[y, water and sanifary sewer relocations will accur within the area necessary for cul�ert replacement. There is also an accesslmaintenance road on the south sid� of Shore�iew proposec�. 7he focus of this merno is to address the proposed culver� replacement and protection acti�ities at one single and complete stream crossing relati�e to U.S. Army Corps of �ng9neers (USACE ar Corps) permitting. Kimley-Horn cond�cted a site visff to the proposed project area {site or study area) on January 29, 2020. The purpose of our site visit was ko conduct a preliminary U.S. Army Carps of Engineers {USACE, or Corps) jurisdictional assessrnent, initiate Kim�ey-Horn's Section 404 review of the proposed project and make abservations necessary to develop an analysis of Clean Water Act 5ection 404 permitting rec�uirements. Kimley-Harn recommends utilizing an existing 2017 Nationwide Permit (NWP) to au�horize the acti�ity. 1t shou{d be noted that existing permits issued under the NWP program expire on March 18, 2022. Furthermore, acti�ities that have commenced, or are under contract to commence, in reliance on a Nationwide Permit wi11 remain authorized provic�ed fhe activity is com�leted within 12 months of the date of khe Nationwide Permit's exp�rat�on, modification, ar re�ocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend, or re�oke the authoriza�ion in accordance with 33 CFR 330.4 (�) and 33 CFR 330.5(c) or (d). Continued confirmatiQn that an acfi�iiy complies with tf�e specifications and conditions, and any changes to th� Nationwide Permit, is the permitfee's responsibility. t34�5 �NQe: I��. Tu�o i��lleri� C]�i�iee T�ve�. S�ife 7��, �allas, T�C 751#D � ��I � 1������ �I�',I �� Page 2 ��p�'o�Cii: This memo serrres ta briefly descrEb� 8ection 404 permitting relative to fhe proposed project, to briefly describe and document pre-cons�ruction condifions, and to recommend an approach for Section 404 permitting. Several permittir�g options may be available for the proposed work. Nationwide f'ermits only authorize "s�ngle and compfete projects." For linear projects, the Corps defines a"single and complete project" as all crossings of a single water of the U.S. at a specific location. For linear projects crossing a single water bady several times at separate and dis�ant iocations, each crossing is considered a single and complei� projec�. This memo addresses one si�gle and complete cross�ng o# one {ikely jurisdicti�nal feature, w�tk� its associated impacts in th� immedEate �icinity of the project. ���9pIC��: The USGS Topograph�c rnap was reviewed online and indicated that the exisking crossing is on an maopped blue-line tributary to Lake Worth. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) online map indicates that portions of th� project area may be in the mapped 100-year ffood plain. We alsa re�iewed a soils map from the United States Qepartr�ent of Agriculture {L]SDA) which can be useful in identifying soils typically associated with wetlands. The mapped soii in fhe project area is Maloferre, Aledo, and Brackett soils, 3 to 20 percent slopes which is not on the Tarrant County list for hydric sails, suggesting wetlands wouid nat be likely. The US�WS Web page lists two bird species as endangered for Tarrant Co�anty; Least 7ern {Stema anfillarum), and Whooping Crane (Grus americana} for non-wind enargy projects. '����PS B'� �il� �.�.: The Corps regulates the discharge of dredged and fjll material into waters of the U.S., which can include open water, streams, and wetlanc�s. Generalfy, wetiands are identified by the presence af all three wetland indicators: hydrology, hydrie soils, and hydrophytic �egetation. In other words, �here musf be saturated soil conditions during the growing season, the presence of soils fhat form under saturaked conditions, and vegetation that has adapted to grow under saturated soil conditions. General�y, jurisdictional streams are [dentifi�d by a clear, natural line impressed on the bar�k. This line is referred to as an ordinary high water mark (OHWM). The Co�ps generally asserts jurisciicfion to the normal poof elevation for lakes and ponds, if those features are considerec{ jurisdicfianal. The Corps' authority to regufate these acti�ities comes from Section 404 ofi the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Since none of the water bodies within the project are classified as navigable by the Corps, under the Rivers and Harbors Act, a Section 'i 0 permit should not be needed. On June 5, 2007 (updated December 2D08), the U.S. En�ironmental Protection Agency (�PA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers joinkly issued guidance interpreting the Supreme Court's June 2:Qb6 split decision in the consolidated cases of Rapanos v. U.S. and Carabell v. U.S. (known as the Rapanos decision). The Caurt's split decision in Rapanos has caused uncertainty among EPAICorps field personne{ and the general public regarding the scope of federal jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act. AddEtionally, the guidance is �ague wi�h respect to ephemeral waters and the uncertainty among ���T,�C'�5?.�0 �7� T7Q i;:(�+`.i 134�� If�J�a� �td: T - - ' - �i����>�� ������ Page 3 EPAICorps field personnel and the generaf public regarding the scope of federal jurisdiction under the Clean Wafer Act remains. Following the Rapanos Decision, the Corps issued a Regional Guidance Letter (RGL-08-�2) on Ju�e 26, 2008 documenting the procedures fior Preliminary and A�proved Jurisdictional Qeterminations. 7his guidance was clarified and superseded in October 2016 by RGL 16-01. An Approved Jurisdictional Determination {AJD) is a dacument that precisely identifies the limits of waters of #he i1.S. on a study area. A Pre[iminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD) is an unofficial doc�ment that ind9cates thaf there are waters of the U.S. present. Appro�ed JDs can be appealed while I'JDs cannat. Regior�al Guidance Letter-16-01 indicat�s that the recipient af a PJD can request and abtain an AJD if thaf later becomes necessary. A No Permit Required letter is a Corps issued document that indicates that a specific pro�ect will not invol�e activ9ties subject to the requirements of Section 40A or Section 10; therefore, that project would not reauire a Departmant of Army permit. Under the Rapanos Guidance, there is a test for jurisdiction which is commonly referred to as a significant nexus e�aluation. A significant nexus 9s established if the aquatic feature provEdes more than an insubstant�al ar speculati�e efFect on the chemical, physical, andlor biological integrity of a traditional navigable water (TNW). As an example, a significant nexus could be estabiished between a stream and TNW, if the stream could deli�er poll�atants to the TNW. lt �s Km{ey-Horn's experience with the Fort Worth C7istrict Corps that the Rapanos �ecision had litfle impact o�er What this District woufd assert �urisdiction. In other wards, if an aquatic feature was considered jurisdic�ional prior to the Rapanos Decis�on, it would be �urisdictional fallowing the Rapanos Decision. The Corps issued an "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jurisdictional Determination Form lnstructional Guidebook," also Ecnown as the Rapanos Guidance, on May 30, 2007 contain�ng instructions to aid field s�aff in completing t�e A.IQ Fo�m. �he Ra�anos Guidance discusses linear aquatic features as follows: � �phemeral streams flow only as a respons� to rain and are not inflwenced hy gr�undwater. Under the Rapanos G�idance these aquatic features may be cfassified as non-relafi�ely permanent wat�rs (non-RPW). These aquat�c features are described as non-navigable tributaries that are not relati�ely permanent. These aquatic features require a fact-specific analysis ta determine whether they have a significant nexus wikh a TNW. The Corps, with EPA oversight, makes the cfeterminativn based on information submiited to �hem by the permi� applicant. If a significant nexus is d�termin�d, the agencies will assertjurisdiction. . �ntermittent streams may be infiluenced by groundwater and flow for a longer period of time than ephemeral strear�s, but do not have continuous flow throughout the year. Under the Rapanos Guidance �hese may be classified as relati��ly permanent waters (RPW). These aquatic features can be described as nan-navigable tributaries of TNW that are r�lati�ely permanent wt�ere the tributaries fypicalfy have continuaus flow at least seasonally (�.g-, typically three months). � Perennial streams ha�e continuous flow fior most of a typical year. Under the Rapanos Guidance, these may be classified as TNWs or RPWs. Relatively permanent waters can be described as non-na�igab[e tributaries of traditional na�igabl� waters that are rela�i�eiy permanen� where the fributarEes typically flow year-round. T 13�5� �Noel R�, T1�Ld: v �D�111�i�T?C *5�$0 kFrT�3oy•hl0-n.cdril — - - �.�����y���l���� In addition to str�ams, otner features such as swales or ditches are described as follows: Page 4 . Swales or erosional features (e.g., gullies; smaEl washes characterized by low volume; infrequent, or shart duration flow features)., and � Ditches (including roadside d�tches) exca�ated wholly in and draining anly uplands a�d that do not carry a relati�efy permanent flow of water. 7he Rapanos Guidance states that the agencies generally will not assert jurisdiction over swales and ditches. �$ud� �er�a ���cr�ip�ion The proposed Shoreview Drive culvert replacement project is located close to the eastern end of Shoreview Dri�e in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. The approximate center coordinates of the study area are Latitude: 32.777 and Longitude: -97.�454 (1983 North American Datum (NAD) Coordinates). Ground level photographs were taken during the site v�sit and are attached to this memo in Appendix B. Photo numbers are refenced using the last two digits of the naming convention under each photo. Photo 43 is [ooking south and upstream of the existing culve�s. Photo 4� is looking east acrass the stream. Photo 45 is looking ai the �apstream side ofi the existing cul�erts. Photos 46 and 47 are west and east �iews from the top of the existing roadway. Photo 48 is looking downstream toward the lake from the top of the road. P�ofo 49 is looking upstream from tf�e lake toward th� existing cul�erts. HY9���OGY The exis�ing culvert crossing was observed as a mapped blue-line tri�utary to Lake Worth. The stream had f[owing water in it ai the time ofi the site visit. Based on visuaf cl�aracterization the stream would have an intermittent flow regime. The stream had well defined Ordinary High Watermark of approximately 2�- feet. The area surrounding the exiting cul�ert js wei{ drained and wetland hydrology was not observed in the vicinity of the project. Et does appear, based on on-line �EMA mapping, tha� the downstrearrz channel is within a mapped 100-yearfloodplain. �@S 1����"a: It is our analysis that the obserr�ec� stream and lake within the sfudy area, are I�kely waters of the U.S. because they appear to have an OWHM and a downstream connection to a TNW. Therefore, fhese features would likely pass a significant nexus evaluation. lmp�c�s: It is our understanding that the impacts to the {ikely jurisdictional stream and [ake are the minimum necessary fo prokect or construct the proposed cul�erts and impacfs to special aqua�ic sites, including wetlands, are nof proposed. Impacts include; grading, cul�ert installation, ukility relocations, and rip rap armoring. A revi�w of the concept plan in Appendix D indicates that ap�roximately Q04-ac of rip rap treatments and could be considered a loss to waters of the U.S. Some of that freatment is replacement of existing treatments. 7hese im�acts are well below the Corps' Regional Conditians that could require notification to them under the praposed permitting scenario below. This permit strategy should also authorize temporary impacts necessary to access the project area and construct the project. ��tr���y�>���rr� Page 5 �A� ���'1'lll� ��]$IOiI: R�AilO[�WI�� P�Rflfll� 1� — L�N��OoR �Rp,P�SI�OR�',4�ION ��O.��GT� Na�ionwide P�rmit (NWP} 1�4 authorizes activities required forthe constructian, expansion, modification, o�' improvement of linear transportation projects in waters of the U.S., provided the activity does not result in the loss afi greater than 0.5-acres or 300-linear fieet of waters of the fJ.S at each single and complete project. The foflowing c{iscussion serves to address the analysis of Kimley-Horn on the use ofi NWP 1�4 uncfer a non-notification seenario. Nakionwide Permits only authorize "single and complete projects." For linear projects, the Corps defines a "single and complete project" as al{ crossings of a singfe water of the U.S. at a specific locatian. For linear projects crossing a single waterbady several times at separa�e and distant locations, each crossing is cons�dered a single and complete pro�ect. Based on our review of the proposed project and understanding that the proposed work 9s the minirnum necessary to construct or protect the project, it is our analysis thaf NWP 'f4 Linear Transportation Pro�ects authorizes the proposed work as o�e separaie, single, anc{ complete project. Nationwide Permit 14 auihorizes Linear Transportation Activities in waters of the U.S. provided the fallowing: Project acti�ities do not cause the foss of greater than 0.5-acres of non-tic{al waters of the U.S., Each crossing is a single and complete project, Corps notifcatian is required if: r� Project activities result in the loss of waters of the U.S. exceeding 0.10-acre or 300-linear fieet (Regional Conditivns), and � Project activities result in d�scharge in a special aquatic site, incfuding wetlands. it showld be noted that the NWP General Conditions (attached wEth NWP 1� in Appendix C), as well as NWI' Regionaf Conditions for the State ofi Texas {also attached in Apper�dix C) and State Water Quality Certifications under Section 401 (atfached in Appendix D) must be followed to comply with the NWP pragram. It should be noted that permits issued under fhe NWP pragram expire on March '{S, 2022. 7he folfowing are details on selected conditions. The a�tached permif should b� reviewed by fhe Owner and by any contractor conducting work on the proposed project to understand afl of the General Conditions_ General Condition 10 requir�s that khe acti�ity comply with FEMA appro�ed state or local filoodp{ain management requirements. ihe F�MA Flood Hazarc� Map indicates that there may be 10Q-yr flaod plain located within the intermittent stream. It is the permittee's responsibility to comply with applicable FEMA- appro�ed stat� or {ocal fioodplain management requirements. General Condition 'f2 requires that apprapriate soil erosion and sedime�f cantro[s must be us�d and maintainec! in effective operating condition during construction, and all exposed soil and ot�er fi11s, as weEl as any work below the Ordinary High Water Mark, must 6e permanently stabilized at the earlies� practicable date. Permittees are encouraged �o perfarm work within wat�rs of the U.S. during periods of low flow or no-flow. A 5korm Water Poflution Pre�ention Plan (SWPPP) is required to be in place during kim�ey-h�rn,com ;���;k�7; �tl, . i�;�4l��r Suite 7�]�a, ��N�s, f X 7�x7�Q �- ������ ��� ����� Page 6 construction for projecis disturbing one-acre or more. For projects disturbing more than five-acres, it is necessary ta fiile a IVotice of Intent (NOI} far compliance with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quali�y (TCEQ) - Texas Pol[ution Discharge Efimination System (TI'DES) General Permit for Consfruction Acti�ity. A list of Best Management Practices is Encluded in Appendix D. 1� is the permittee's res�onsibifity to implement a SWPPP, if necessary. General Condition 18 states tha# no activity is authorized under any NWP which is like{y to jeoparc{ize the continued existence of a ihreatened or endangered species or a species proposed for such desEgnation, as identified under the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA}, or which will destroy or adversely modify the critical habitat of such species. The permittee has the optiort of requesting a review of fhe proposed project from the USFWS. �he Soufhwest Region of the USFWS (htfps:l/ecos.fws.govlipacl, February 21, 2020) lists the fiolfowing species for non-wind energy de��lopment projects in Tarrant County: Least Tern (Sterna antillarum}, �ndangered, and Whooping Crane (Grus americana), Endangered. There is no d�signated critical f�abitat for this listed species in Tarrant County. PotentiaEfy suifable habitat to sustain a population of these species was not observed wifhin the sfudy area. This proposed project is not expected to have any effect on these species. General Condition 19 states that the pe�mittee is responsible for �nsuring their action complies wifh the Migratary Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. Kimley-Horn's general and limited site observations did not indicate the IiKely presence of nestmg migratory birds. If cons�ructian acti�ities are nof performed dur�ng typical breeding seasons (generally considered to be between April to August, depending on the speeies) it is un�ikely fiha� an incidenfal take would occur. The perrr�ittee has the op�ion for contacting the apprvpriate local office of fhe USFWS to determine applicable measures to reduce impacts to migratory b�rds or eagles, including whether "incidental taKe" permits are necessary and a�ailable under khe Migratory Bird Treaty Act or Bald and Golden Eagle F'rotection Acf. Genera{ Condition 20 states #hat in cases where the disirict engineer de�ermines that the activity may affect properties listed, or eligible far listing, in the National Register of Historic Places, the activity is not authar"ized, until the requirements of Section 106 ofi the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) have been satisf�ed. If historic properties are observed durir�g construction, work in the immediate area of the disco�ery should cease, and the contractor should notify the appropriate Corps Confact: Mr. Jam�s Barrera (817-886-'f838). The Texas Historic Commission's Atlas map http:llaklas.tF�c.state.tx_uslwas nat accessible at the time of the writing of this mema The permiitee has the option of requesting a re�iew of the proposed project for known his�oric properiies prEor to const�uctio� from the State Historic Preservatian Officer. General Condit9an 2� requires compliance with State 1Nater Quality Certification. The TC�Q has certified that "the acti�ities authorized by Nationwide Parmit 14 should not result in ��olation af estabfished Texas Surface Water Quality 5tandards as required by 5ection 401 of the Fed�raf Clean Water Act and pursuant to Title 30, Texas Administrati�e Cade, Chapter 279," as long as Best Management Practices are followed (Appendix D). k�rrsley'Fi�o'1`i.� ,<�l�b'��s��. .P;Bulte7�'0, ��l3��,'iX �5?�JC�_ �17? r7� ��4�f.} � ��� �� ���' ��� � �� Page 7 In some cases, coordination with the General Land Office (GLO) and Texas I'arks and 1Nildlife pepartment (TPIND) for a sand, gravel, and marl permif may be necessary. It is our analysis that this project will not affect a Sfate-owned ri�erbed, because the str�am is not a min�mum of 3Q-feet wide and would like{y not be considered navigable. iherefore, coordination with TPW� and G1.0 shoulcf nat 6e necessary. The permittee has the optian af req�esting a re�iew of the proposed projecf for known Staie- owned riverbed prior to construction from the GLO and 7PWD. R�corr�mend�tion: Based on our review of the proposed project it is our analysis that Na#ionwide Permit '[4 Linear �ransportation Projects authorizes the Empro�ements to the ephemeraf and intermittent stream. This anafysis is based on the understanding that the permanent roadway crossing w�l{ result in minimal impacts (0.10-acres or less) to waters of t�e U.S., necessary to eonstruct or protect the project at the single and complete crossing lacation. Referenc� Appendix A. lt is our analysis that this project does not trigger notification under NWP General Conditian 32. Although not required by NWP 14, projects discharging into tributa�ies and not causing the loss of greater than 0.10-acre, the permiftee has the option to request verification from the Cor�s to reeeive written concurrence with fhe Kimley-Horn analysis tha# NWP 14 autharizes the project, without pre-constructian no�ification to the Corps. Kimley-Horn r�commends the following approach regarding Section �104 permiiting: 1. Proceed with the proposed work under NWP '�4 authorizatfon, without notification to tf�� Corps; 2. Place a nate on �he construc�ion contract documents clear[y stating that it is the contractor`s responsibility to cornply with all terms and conditions of the NWP by reference to this memo as well as any other local, state, or federal regulations noted or nof; and 3. Ohtain the appropriate storm water permit fram TG�Q, if applicabfe. Existing permits issued under the Nationwide Permit program wi11 expire on March 1 S, 2022. !f the proposed project has commenced, it is our recomt�nendation tha# the proposed project continues, pro�ided that the proposed acfivity is com�ieted within '�2 months of fhe date of the Natior�wide Permit's expiration. Confinued conf�rmation that an acti�iiy complies w�th the specifica#ions and canditions, and any changes ta fhe Nationwide Permit, is the permittee's respor�sibility. �ISC��li1`i�P: Kimley-Horn has prepared this docurrZent based on limited fie[d observations and our interpratation, as wetland scienfists, of the Corps' regulations at 33 CFR 328 Definitivn of Waters of the United States as wel! as �oint Corps and �PA guidance regarding the Rapanos Decisian issu�d on June 5, 2007 (revised in Decerr�ber 2008). While Kimley-Horn believes our [nterpretation to be accurate, fina[ authorify to interpret the regulatians lies with the Corps and EPA. Corps and EPA Headquarters occasionally iss.ue g�aidance #hat changes the interpretation of published regulations. Guidance issued after the date ofi this repori has the potential to inval9date our conc[�asion andlor recomrnendations and may cause a need to reevaluate our recommendation. Because Kimley-Horn has no regulatary authority, the Ciier�t understands that proceeding based solely upon this document does not protect tha Cl�ent from potential sanction or fines �_��'� _ti�,.���$�!�'.�FRqe Tow�'r, Suit� 700, 1��Ilas, �`iC 7��4Q �+7� ?'"�0 �I?;7�i � �I � �'�' �'>� � � �` ��I Page 8 from the Corps. The Client acknowledges that they have the opportun�ty to s�abmit a proposed jurisdictivnal determination to the Corps for concurrence prior to proceeding with any work. If the Client elects not to do so, fhen the Client proceeds at their soEe risk. If you ha�e questions regarding this report or its findings, please do not hes�tate to contact us. Sincerely, � � , 1 Larry Cfendenen, CF, PWS K:1DAL_En�ironmeniallProjec115ho�e�iew- Schoonove�LShoreview Dr. - NYVP 14 hhemo.docx _ _ _ — ��: � �r��.;:'�'I'��y}r;[�F'�I�I ;,�;'r..;d:1—Ili���:��'..}'�ti�eT._t_'�_Y4.�L. V•* r��'� • . —_ �f � Ap���dox� ������ �i�� s���� � '{ , .� x:�_____ � � ,�� � �� ' . , - ;, �� -,-�� � � ._ �� " � ' _ }�' S � ` �' � ' , � � ~ � � N g `,� � � - " � i � I� M{� � � � _ 2 � � , I J'�- ��. r���� �Y � - � � �' -� ��T , ' �i- � - � ���.''- - + . , � � !�r , .ti� • O Q �i�a �� � � � � � � � -+ , � � - �:' [V/1 � �.f. .� � ti '� �. z 4 rl - R ' � . � �i �'� .. ��+�"��.�. • � � �� � � - - ��{. '�.� . � �� � I . J '�.' r �� J . � � • {~ '- . _ . Q � I }Y' .�. k . : -_ _ .+-- r�' I � - �_.� L � \ - �� " y} �� :. � � .-�- _ .� � . m,: � �� �x� i .' : � �� , � - ��� .� ��— � � ; �� ,r' } � ,�� • . ��-.�� � .u, . ,� � � �WIJF = ���..���4' -- ,. 'r � I�I. 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'� � i#,L .T�• '� }� ;Y � � i .J � � i "f ry.��' f + '#� I F �� +T. -'��#�4 _ . ��.x� — P'12J0044 , ;��i �:-r, 's � ..i . . �.�., � ! ��41V�� � f ������ m � '�� #.}L� * " � '�_{rti� . �-Y'. * P1290049 � �� i i ��; � ��fionw�i�e P�r�ni� �� Lan�ua�� r�it� ��gi�nal ����r�l C�ndi�io�s NATIONWIDE PERNIIT 14 Linear Transportation �rajects EfFective Date: March 19, 2017 (NWP Final Notice, 82 FR 4} 14. Linear Transt�ortation Projects. Aciiviiies requixed for crossings of waters af t�e Uniied States associaied with the construction, expansian, modification, ar impxovemeni of linear transportation projects (e.g., roads, highways, railways, izails, airport runvuays, and taxiways} in waters of �he United States. For linear transportation projects in non�tidal waters, the discha�rge cannot cause the loss of greater than 1/2-acre of wate�s af the United States. �ar linear iransportatian projects in tidal waters, the discharge cannoi cause t11e loss of greater ihan 1/3-acre of waters of the United States. Any stream channel modification, including bank stabilization, is limited to ihe minimurn necessary to construct or protect the linear iransportation project; such modif cations must be in the immediate vicinity of the proj ect. This NWP also authorizes temporary structures, fills, and wox�, inciuding ihe use of tennporary mats, necessary io construct the linear transportation project. Appxopriate measures must be taken to maintain normal downstrearr� flows and minimize flooding to the maximu�n extent practicable, when tempoxary structures, work, and discharges, including cofferdams, are necessary for construction ac�ivities, access fills, or dewafiering o�' construction sites. Temparary fiXls must cansist of materials, and be placed in a manner, ihat will not be eroded by expected higls flows. Temporary fills must be removed in tl�eir entirety and the affected areas returned to pre- construction elevations. The areas affected by temporary fills must be revegetated, as appropriate. This N WP cannot be used to anthoz�ze non-linear fea�ures commonly associated with iransportation projects, such a� vehicle mainienar�ce or storage buildings, parking lots, trarn stations, or aircxaft hangars. Noti�cation: Th� per�nrttee xxaust submit a pre-construction notification to the d'zstrict engineer prior to commencing the activity if: �1) the loss af waters of t�e United Sfates exceeds 1/10-acre, or (2) there is a discharge in a s�ecial aquatic site, including wetlands. (See general condition 32.j {Authorities: Sections 10 and 404) Not� 1: For linear transportation projects crassing a single waterbady more ihan one time at separate and distant locations, ox multiple waterbodies ai separate and distant locations, each crossing is considered a single and complete project for pur�oses of N WP autharization. Linear transportation projects musi compiy witli 33 CFR 330.6{d). Note 2: Some dischaxges for the construc�ion o£ farm roads ar farest roads, or temporary roads for movit�g zx�ining equipment, may qualify for ari exemptzon under seciion 404(� ofthe Clean Wafer Act {see 33 CFR 323,4). Note 3: For NWP 1� activities that requixe pre-consiruction noti�cation, t11e PCN must include any otk�er NWP{s), regional general permit(s), or inc�iv�idual permit{s) used or intended to be used to authorize any part of the �roposed project ar any reIated activity, incIuding otiher separate and distant crossings that require Department of the Army authorfzation but do not require pre-construciion notification {see paragraph (b) of general condition 32j. The district engineer will evaluate the PCN in accordance with Section D, "Districi Engineer's Decision." Tk�e clistrict engineer may require mitigation to ensure that the authorized activity results in no more than minimal individual and cumulatave advers� envi�onmental effects (see general condition 23). Nationwide Pernufi General Conditions Note: To qualify for NWP authorization, the prospeciive permittee must comply with the following genera.l conditions, as applicable, rn addition to any regional or case-speci�c conditions imposed f�y the division engineer or district engineer. Praspective permittees should contact the appropriate Corps district office �o determine if regional conditions have been znr�posed on an NWP. Prospective perrniitees shaulc� also contact the appropriate Cozps district office to deteximine the status of Clean Water Act Section 401 water qualify certif cation andlor Coastal Zone Manageznent Act consistency for an NWP. Every person who rnay wish to obtain permit authorizaiion un.der ane or inore NWPs, or who zs currently relying on an existing or prior permit authorization under one ax znore NWPs, has been and is oz� �notice that alI of the provisions of 33 CFR 33D.1 through 330.6 apply to every NWP authorizatian. Note especzally 33 CFR 330.5 reIating to the modif caiion, suspension, or revocation of any NWP auihorization. 1. Navi a�. (a) No activity may cause zxzoxe than a minimal adverse effect on navigation. (b) Any safety lzghts and signals prescribed iay ihe U.S. Coast Guard, ihrough regulations or of.herwise, must be installed and mazntained at tl�e permittee's expense on authorized facilities in na�igable vvaters of the United States. {c} The permrttee understands and agirees that, ii future operations by the United Staies require the rernoval, relocaiion, or other alteration, of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Arxrky or his au�horized representative, said sti-ucture or wox� sh�.11 cause unreasonable obstruction to ihe free navigation of the navigable waters, the permittee will be required, upon due notice from the Corps of Engineers, to rerz�ove, relocate, or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, wzthout expense ta the United States. No claim sha11 be naade against the United State� an account of any such renc�aval or alteration. 2. Aquatic Life Movements. No activity may substantially disrupt the necessary life cycle movements of t�ose species of aqua�ic iife indigenous to the waterbody, incIuciing �hose species that normally migrat� through the area, unless th� activity's primary putpose is to irx�pound water. All p��nanent and temporary crossings of waterbodies shall be suitably culverted, bridged, or otherwise designed and constz-ucted to �aintain 1ow flows to sustain the movement of those aquatic species. If a bottomless culvert cannot be used, then the crossing should be designed and constructed ta minitnize adverse ei%cts to aquatic life zx�ovements. 3. Spawnin� Axeas. Activities in spawning areas during spawning seasoz�s m�st be avoided to the rnaxiz�n.um exfient practicable. Activities that result in the physical destruction (e.g., t,�rough excavation, fill, ar dowz�stream smoih�xing by substax�tial turbidiiy) of an importan� spawning area are not authorized. 4. Migratory Bird Breedi�g Areas. Activities in waters of t1�e Uniied States that serve as breeding areas for zxaigratory birds must be avoided ta the m�imuin exient practicable. S. Shellfish Beds. No activity may occur in areas of concentrated shellfish populations, uzxless t}�e activity is directly related to a shellfish harvesting activity authorized by NWPs 4 and 48, or is a s�tellfzsh seeding or habitat restoration ac�ivity au�horized by NWP 27. b. Suitable Material. No activity may use unsuitable material {e.g., trash, debris, car bodies, asphalt, etc.). Material used for construction or discharged must be fr�e fram toxic pollutants in toxic amounts {see section 307 of the Clean Water Act). 7. Water �u I Intakes. No activity may occux in the proximity of a public vvater supply inta�e, except where tlae activity is for the repair or irnprovemeni of pubIic vvater supply intal�e structures or ad�acent ba.nk stabilization. S. Adverse Effects Frorn Im oundments. �f the activity creates an impaundment of water, adverse �ffects to the aquatic system due to accelerating the passage of �vater, and/or restricting its flow tx�ust be minimized to the maxirnum extent practicable. 9. Mana ement of Water Flows. To the m�imum exteni practicable, the pxe-construction course, condition, capacity, and location of open waters must be maintazned far each activity, inclu.ding s�rearn channelizatian, storm water management activities, and temporary and permanent road crossings, except as provided below. The activity must be constructed to withstand expected hig� flows. The activity inust not restz-ict or impede the passage ofi nortnal or high flows, ut�less the primary purpose of the activity is to impound water or manage high flows. The activity may alt�r t}�e pre-constructiar� course, conditi.on, capacity, and locai�on o� open waiers if it benefrts the aquatic environment {e.g., stream r�storation or relocation activities). 10. Fills Within 100-Year Flood lains. The activity inust comply �ith applicable FEMA- ap�roved state or local floodplain. znanagement requirennents. 11. E u�ent. Heavy equipment vvorking in wetlands or �nudflats must be placed on mais, or vther measures rx�ust be taken to min�ixnize soil distiurbance. 12. Soil Exosion and Sediment Controis. Approprzate soii erosion and sedimeni controls mus� be ��ed and rnaintained in effective operating condition during construc�ion, and aIl exposed sail and otller fills, as w�ll as any waxk below the ardinary high water maz�� or high tide line, xnust be per�anently stabilized at the earliest practicable daie. Permittees are encouraged ta perform work vcrithin waters of the United States during periods of low-flow ar no-flow, or during Iow tides. 13. Re�noval nf Tempoxary Fills. Te�nporazy fills must be removed in tl�eir entirety and the affected areas returned to pre-cons�uction elevatians. The affected areas must be revegetated, as appropriate. 14. Proper Mainienaz�ce. Any authorized structure or �11 shall be pxoperly mainta.ined, including maintenance to ensure publzc safety and complia�nce with applicable NWP general conditions, as well as any activity-specific conditians added lay t�e c%istrict engineer to an NWP authorization. 15. Sin.�le and Comnlete Project. The activity znust be a single and complete project. The sa�me NWP cannot be used more than once for the same sing�e and complete project. 16. Wild and Scenic Rivers. (a} No NWP activity may occur in a component of the Natzonal Wild and Scenic River System, oz in a river offcially designated by Congress a� a"study river" for possible inclusion in. the syst�m �rahile the river is in an officzal study status, uzaless the appropriate Federal agency with direct �x�anagernent responsibility for such rivex, has deiermined zn �rvriting that the proposed activity will not adverrsely a�fect the Wild and Scenic River designaiian or study status. � (b) If a proposed NWP activity will occur in a corriponent of the Natianal WiId and Scenic Rivex System, or in a river offieially designated by Congress as a"study river" for possible inclusion in the sysierr� while the river is in an official study status, the perrnittee must submit a pre�constzuction notification (see general condition 32). The district engineer will coordinate ihe �'CN with the Federal agency with direct noanagement responsibility for that river. The permittee sha11 not begin the NWP activity until natifred by the disirict engineer tliat the Federal agency with direct managez�aent responsibiliiy for that river has detertnined in writing that ihe praposed NWP activity will not adversely affect the Wild and Scenic River designation or siudy status. {c) Infarination. on Wild and Scenic Rivers may be obtained from the appropriate Federal Iand management agency responsible for tl�e designated Wild and Scenic River or siudy river (e.g., National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). Tnfonnation on these rivers is also available at: http:l/�uc�ww.xivers.gov/. 1'�_ Tribal Ri ts. No NWP activity may cause more than rtzznimal adverse effects on tribal rights {including treaty rights), protected tribal resources, or tribal lands. 18. Endan ered S ecies. (a) No activity is authox-ized under any NW� which is likely to directly or indirectly jeopardize the continued existence of a threatened or endangered species or a species proposed for such desigz�ation, as identified under the Federal Endangered Species Act {ESA}, or which will. directly or indirectly destroy or adversely znodify the critical �aabitat of such species. No activity is authorized under any NWP which "may affect" a listed species or critical habitat, unless ESA section 7 consultation addressing t1�e effects af the proposed activity has been completed. Direct effects axe the im�nediate effects an listed species and critical habitat caused by the NWP activity. Indireci effects are tk�ose effects an listed species and critical �iabitat that are caused by the NWP activify and are later in tin.ae, but still are reasonably certain to occux. (b) Federal agencies should follow their own procedures for camplying with the requirements of the ESA. If pre-construction notification is required for the proposed activity, the Federal pern�ittee must provide tl�e disirict engineer with the appropriaie documentation to demonstrate compliance with those requirements. The disfirict engineer will verify that the appropriate documentation has been submitted. If the approp�iate documentation has not been submit�ed, additional ESA section 7 cansultation may be necessary for the acti�rity and the respective federal agency would be responsible for fiilf lling its obligation under section 7 of the ESA. {c) Nan-federal permittees must subznit a pre-construction notif cation io the district engineer if any listed species or designated critical habitat might be affected or is in the vicinity of tk�e activity, or if the activity is located in designated critical habitat, and sha11 not begin work on the activity until notified by ihe d.istrici engineer that fhe requirements o�the ESA have been. satisfed and that t�e activity is authoz-ized. Far activities tYzat might affect Fedez'ally-listed endang�red or threatened species or d�signated critical habitat, ihe pre-canstruction notification must include ihe name{s) af the endangered or threatened species that miglit �ae affected by the proposed activity or that utilize the de�ignated critical habitat that might be affected by ihe proposed activzty. The districi engineer will determine whether the propased activity "may affect" oz will have "nQ effeci" to listed s�ecies and designated critical habitat and vvill noti�y the non- Federal applicant of the Corps' determination ovit.hin 45 days of receipt o� a compleie pre- canstn�ction notification. In cases whexe the non-Federal appIicant has identified listed species or critical habitat that might be a£fected or is in the vicznity of the activity, and has so notified the Corps, the applicant shall nat begin work until ihe Corps has provided notificat�on �hat the proposed activity will have "no effect" on listed species or critical habitat, or until ESA section 7 consultation �as been completed. If the non-Federal applzcant has not heard back from the Corps within 45 days, the applicant must still wait for notification from the Corps. (d) As a result of formal or infozmal consultation with the FWS or NMFS the district engineer rnay add speczes-specific permit conditions ta the NWPs. (e} Authorization of an activrty by an N WP daes not authorize the "ta�Ce" of a threatened ar endangered species as defined under the ESA. In ihe absence af separare authorizaiion {e.g., an ESA Section 10 Permit, a Biological Opinion wfth "incidental take" provisions, etc.) from ihe FWS or the NMFS, ihe Endangexed Species Act prohibits any person subject to the jurisdictian of the United �tates to take a listed �pecies, where "take" means to harass, harm, pursue, nunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, captlure, or collect, or to atteinpt to engage in any such conduct. The word "harm" in the definifion of "take" means az�. act which actuaIly kills or injures wildlife. Such an act may include significani habztat rnodification or degradation where it actually kills or injures wildlife by signzficantly impairing essential behavioral patierns, incluc�ing breeding, feeding or sheltering. {� If the non-federal permittee has a valid ESA sectian 10(a)(1}(B) incidental take pe�-mit with an approved Habitat Conservation P�a�n for a project or a group ofprajects that includes the proposed NWP activity, the non-federal applicant should pravide a copy of that ESA section 10(a)(1){B) permit with the PCN xequired by paragraph (c} of this general condition. The district engineer wi11 coordinate with the agency that issued the ESA section 10(a)(1)(B) permit to detez-x�aine whether the proposed NWP activity and f,he associateci. incidentai ialce were co�sidered in the i�ternal ESA sec�ion 7 consultation conducted for the ESA section 10(a){1){B) permit. If ihat coordination re�ults in concurrence from the agency that t1�e proposed NWP actzvity and the associated incidental take were considered in �e intemal ESA section 7 consultaiion for �he ESA section 10(a)(1}(B) pertzxit, the district engineer does not need to conduct a separate ESA section 7 eonsultation for the proposed NWP activity. The district engineer wil� notify the non-federal applicant wit.hin 45 days of receipi of a complete pxe-constnzction notification whether the ESA section 10(a}(1)(B) permit covers the praposed NWP activity or whether additional ESA seciion 7 consuliation is required. (g) InfoYxxzation on the location of ihreatened and endangered speczes and their critical habitat can be obtained directly from the offices of the FWS and NMFS or tlleir woxld wide web pages at http://www.fws.gov/ ar htip://www.fws.gov/ipac and http://www.nrnfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/esa! respectively. 19. Mi�ratory Birds and Batd and Golden Ea l�es. The permittee is responsible for ensuring their action complies with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Ba1d and Galden Eagle Protection Act. The permittee is responsib�e for contacting app�•opriate Iocal office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife �ervice to determin� applicable �neasures to reduce i�npacts to migratory birds or eagles, z�cluding whether "incidental take" permits are necessary and available under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act or Bald and Golden Eagle Pxotectian Act for a particular activity. 20. Historic Pro erties. (a) In cases where ihe district engineer determines that the activity may have the potential to cause effecis to properties listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Registex o�Historic Places, t�e activzty is not auihorized, until the requirements of Section 106 of the National Histo�c Preservation Act {NHPA) have been saiisfied. (b} Federal permittees should follow their awn p�ocec�ures for complyi�g with th� xequzremei�ts of section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Aci. If pre-construction notification is required for �he proposed NWP activiiy, the Federal permittee musi provide the district engineer vc�ith ihe appropriate documentation to demonstrate compliance witn those req�airements. The disirict engineer will verify that the appropr�ate documentation has been submitted. If the appropriate docLunentation is not submitted, then addiiional consultation under section 106 may be necessary_ T3�e respective federal agency is responsible %r ful��ling its obligation to camply with section l Ob. (c) Non-federal permiitees must submit a pre-construction notification to the district engineer if the N WP activity might IZave ihe patential io cause effects ta any histaric pz'aperties listed on, determined to be eligible for listing on, ox potentially �ligible for Iisting on the National Register of Histoz-ic Places, including pz'eviously unidentified praperties. For such activities, tlse pre-construction noti�cation must state rxThich histaric properties might have t�e potential to be affected by the proposed NWP activity or include a vicinity map indicating the Iocation of the historic properties or the potential for tlse presence oihisioric prope�rties. Assistance regarding informatian on the location of, or potential for, the presence of historic properties can be soughi from the State Histoxic Preservation Of�cer, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, or designated tribal repxeseniative, as appropriate, and the National Register of Historic P�aces {see 33 CFR 330.4(g)}. When. reviewing pre-ennstructzon notifications, district engineers �crvill comply with the cuz7rent procedures for addressing the requirernents of secfiian 106 of the National Historzc Preservation Act. The districti engineex shall make a reasonable and good faith ef�ort to carxy out appropriate identification effarts, which rr�ay incIude background zesearch, consultation, oral hisiory intezviews, sample �'ield investigation, and �eld survey. Based on the information submit�ed in the PCN and these identification efforts, the districi enginee� shaIl deter�mine whether ihe proposed NwP activiiy has ihe potential to cause effects on the hi�ioric properties. Section 106 consultation is not xequired when the district engineer detertnines t�at the activity does not have the potential to cause effects on h.istoric properties (see 36 CPR 800.3(a)). Section 106 consultation is required �vhen the districi engineer determines tha� the activity has the poientiai to cause effects on historic properties. The district engineer rnrill conduct consultation with cansutting parties identified under 36 CFR 800.2(c} when he or she makes a�ny of the follo�ving e:f�ect determinations for the purposes of section 106 of ihe NHPA: no historic properties affected, no advexse effect, or adverse effect. Where the non-Federal applicant has identified histaric properties on which the activity might have the potential to cause effects and so notified the Corps, the non-Federal applicani shall not begin the activity until no�if ed by il�e disirict engineer either that the activity has no potential to cause eifects to historic properties ar that NHPA section l Ob consultation has been coznpleted. (d} For non�federal permitie�s, the district engineer wil� notify the prospective per�mittee witl�in 45 days of receipt of a comp�ete pre-construction notFfication whether NHPA section l Ob consultation is required. Zf NHPA section 106 consultaiion is requixed, the district engineer will notify the non-Federal applicant that he or she cannot begin the activity until section l Ob consultaiion is completed. If the non-Federal applicant has not heard back from the Corps within 45 days, ihe applicant must stilI wait for notification from the Corps. (e) Prospective �ernraittees should be awaxe that seciian 110k of the NHPA (54 U.S.C. 306113) prevents the Corps from granting a perrnit or otnex assistance to an applicant who, with intent fa a�oid tIze requireznents of section 106 of the NHPA, has intentionally signif cantly adv�rsely affected a historic property to which the pe�7xiit wo�ald relate, or having legaI power to prevent it, allovved such significant adverse effect to occur, unless tk�e Corps, after consultation with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP}, deternunes that circumstances j�stify granting such assistance despiie tlie adverse effect created or pernnitted by the applicant. If circumstances jusiify granting the assistance, the Cozps is required to noti�y the ACHP and px'ovide documentation s�eci�ying the circumsian.ces, the degree of darxaage to the integrity o£ any hisioric properties affecteci, and proposed rniiigation: This dacumentatiion must include any views obtained from the applicant, SHPOITHPO, appropriate Indian tr�bes if the undertaking occurs on or affects hisioric properties on tt7ibal lands or af�ects properties of interest to those iribes, and oiXaer parties �'iown to have a legitimate interest in the impacts to tk�e permitted activity on historic properties. 21. Discaver of Previousl Unlaiown Rerzaains and Artifacts. I�you discover any previously unknown k�istoric, cultural or archeological remains and artifacts �vhile accomplishing the activity authorized by this pern�ii, you must izz�mediately notify the district engineer of what you have found, and to the maximum e�tent practicable, avoid construction aciivities thai may affeci the remair�s and artifacts nntil the requixed coordination has been completed. The district engineer vvill initiafe the Federal, Tribal, and state coordination required to deiermine if the items ox remains warrant a recavery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 22. Designated Critical Resource Waters. Critical resource waiers include, NOAA-managed marine sanctuaries and marine rnonuments, and National Estuarine Research Reserves. TI�e district engineex may designate, aftex notice and opport�ity for public comrnent, addiiional waters officially desigxaied. lay a siate a� having particular environmental or ecologicat significance, such as outstanc�.ing national resource waiers or state natural heritage sites. The district engineer may also designaie additional critical resource waters after notice and opporiunity for public cornnlen.t. (a) D'zscharges of dredged or �ll material into waters of the United States are not autho7rized by NWPs 7, 12, 14, 16, 17, 21, 29, 31, 35, 39, A-0, 42, 43, 44, 49, Sa, 51, and 52 for any activity witl�in, ox directly affecting, cz-�itical resource waters, including wetlands adjacent to such waters. (b} ForNWPs 3, 8, lq, 13, 15, 1$, 19, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, and S�-, notification is xequired in accordance with generat condition 32, for any activity praposed in the designated critical resaurce waters including wetlands adjacent to thase waters. The dist7rict engineer may authorize activities under these NWPs only after it is deterix�i�ed that the impacts to the critical resource water� wi11 be no more than rninimal. 23. Miti�ation. The district engineer will cansider the following factors when determining apprapriate azad practicable initigatian necessary to ensure that the individual and curnulative adverse environmental effects ar� no more tk�an minimal: (a) The activity must be designed az�d constructed to avoid and minimize adverse effects, both temporary and permanent, to waters of the United States to t�e zx��imuin extent practicable at �he projeci site {i.e., on site). (b) Mitzgation in all its fornas (avoiding, minirnizing, rectifying, reducing, ar compensaiing for resource Iosses} wi11 be required to the extent necessaty to ensure that the individual and cumulative adverse enviranmental effects are na mare than minimal. {c) Compensato7-y mitigation at a minimum one-for-one ratio wiilI be required for all wetland �asses that exceed ll10-acre and xequire pre-canstruction notification, unless the district engineer determines in writing that either some other #'onn of rnitigation would be more environm�ntally appropriate or the adverse environmental effects of the proposed activiiy are no mare than minimal, and provides an activity-speci#ic waiver of this xequirement. For wetland losses of U10-acre or Iess that require pre-construction notificaiion, the district engizzeer may de�ermine on a case-by-case basis that compensatory mitigafiion is required to ensure that ihe activity results in only minimal adverse environmental effects. (d) For losses of �treams or other open waters that require pre-construction notification, the district engineer may require coz�pensatory mitigation to ensure that the activiiy resuIts in no more than minimal adverse environm�ntal effects. Compensatory mitigation for Iosses of s�reams skould be provided, iipraciicable, througli stream rehabilitation, enhancement, or preservation, since streams are diffzcult-ta-replace resources (see 33 CFR 332.3(e)(3)). (e} Compensatory mitiigation plans for NWP activities in or near streams or other open waters will normally incI�de a requirement for the restoration or enhancerz�ent, maintenance, and legal protection {e.g., conservatio� easements) af riparian areas next to open waters. In some cases, the restoration or maintenance/protection of ripaxian areas may be the only compensatory miiigation required. Restared xiparian areas should consist of native species. The width oi the required riparian area will address documented water quality or aquatic habitat loss concerns. Normally, the riparian area will be 25 to 50 feet wide on each side of the strearn, but the district engineer may xequire s�ightly wider riparian areas to address docunnented water quality or habitat loss concerns. If it is nat possible to restore or rnaintain/protect a riparian az�ea on both sides of a stream, ox if the waterbody is a lalce or coastal waters, then restaring or maintaining/pzotecting a riparian axea along a single bank or shore�ine rnay be suificient. Where both wetlands and open waters exist an the project site, the dist�ict engineer wi11 deiermine the appropr�ate compensatory mitigation (e.g., riparian areas and/or vvetlands compensation) based on what is best for tihe aquatic env7ironment on a watershed basis. In cases where ripaz-ian areas are determined to be the most appropriate fortx� of minimizaiion ar compez�satary mitigation, the d'zst�ict engineer may waive or z-educe the requirement to pro�ide wetland compensatory mitigation for wetland �osses. (f} Cornpensatozy mitigation prajects provided to offset �osses of aquatic reso�rces must comply with the applicable provisions of 33 CFR part 332. {1) The prospective pe�xnittee is responsible for proposing an appropriate compensatory mitigatian option if compensaiory mitigation is necessary to ensure th:at the activity results in no more than minimal adverse environmental effects. For ihe N WPs, the preferred mechanism for providing cornpensatory mitigation is �itiga�ion bank credits ar in-lieu fee program credits (see 33 CFR 332,3(b)(2) and (3}). However, iian appropriate number and type of m�itigatian bank or in- lieu credits a�re nat available at the time the PCN is submitted to the district engineer, the district engineer may approve the use of permittee-respo�sihle mitigatian. (2) The amount of compensatory rnitigaiion required by fhe disiit-ict engineer must be suf�cient to ensure ihat the authorized activity results in no more than minimal individual and c�inulative adverse environmental effects (see 33 CFR 330.1{e){3)). (See also 33 CFR 332.3(�). (3) Since the likelihood of success is greater and the impacts to poteniially valuable uplands are reduced, aquatic resouxce restoration should be the first compensatory miiigation option considered for permittee-responsible rrzitzgation. {4) If permittee'-responsible mitigation is the proposed option, the praspeciive pez'tnittee is responsible for subrtaitting a mitigation plan. A conceptual or detailed rnaitigatian plan rnay be used by the district engineer to make the decision on the NWP verification request, but a fnal mitigation plan tha� addresses the applicable requirements af 33 CFR 332.4(c)(2) through {14) must be approved by the distric� engineex before the perrnittee begins work in waters of the United States, unl�ss the disirici engineer determines ihat prior approval of ihe final mitigation plan is not practicable or not necessary to ensure fiimely completion of the required compensatary mitigation (see 33 CFR 332.3(k){3)}. (5) If mi�igation bank or in-Iieu fee program credits are fhe proposed option, the mitigation p�an onl� needs to address the baseline canditions at the impact site and the nurnber o£ crediis to be provided. {6) Compe�satary mitigation requ�rements (e.g., xesource type and amoun� io be pravided as compensafory mitigation, site protection, ecological perfbnnazace s�andards, monitoring requirements} may be addressed through conditions added to the NWP authorization, insiead of components of a corr�pensatory mitigation plan (see 33 CFR 332.4(c)(1)(ii)). {g) Compensatozy mitigation �uill not be used to increa�e the a.creage losses allowed by the acreage linazts of the NWPs. For example, if an NWP has an acreage limit of 112-acxe, it cannot be used to authorize any NWP activity resulting in the loss of greater than 1/2-acre oi waters of the United States, even if compensatory mitigation is provided that replaces or resiores some of the lost waters. Hovvever, compensatory mitigation can and shou�d be used, as necessary, io ensure tha# an NWP activity already meeting the established acreage Iimits alsa satisfies ihe no more than minimal impaci requirement fox the NWPs. (h) Permitiees may propose the use of mitigation banks, in-�lieu fee programs, or permittee- responsible mitigation. When developing a corn�ensatory zx�itigation proposal, the per�nittee �nust consider appropriate and practicable o�tions consistent with the framework at 33 CFR 3323{b). For activiiies resulting in the Ioss of marine or estuarine xesourc�s, permii�ee-responsible mitigation may be environmentally pxeferable if �ere a.re no mitigation banks or in-lieu fee programs in the area that have maz�ne or estuarine credits available for sale or transfer to tlie permittee. For permittee-responsible rnitigation, the special conditions of ihe NWP verification must clearly indicate the party �r parties responsible %r the implementa.tion and pex�orma�ce ofthe corrzpensatory mitigation project, and, if xequired, iis long-term management. (i) Where certain funciions and services of vvaters of �e United States are permanentIy adversely affected by a regulated activity, suck� as discharges of dredged or fill material inta waters of thhe United States that will canvert a forested or scrub-shrub wetiand to a herhaceous weiland in a pertnanently maintained utility line right-of way, miiigation may be required to reduce the adverse enviroiux�.ental effects of the ac�ivity to the no more than minim�al level. 24. Safet af Im oundme�t Structures. To ensure that a11 impoundment structures are safely designed, the disirict engineer may requixe non-Federal applicants to demonstrate that ihe stz-uctures comply wifili established state dam safety critezxa or have been designed by quali�ed persons. The disi�-ict engineer may also require documentation that the design has been independently reviewed by similarly qualified persons, and appropriate znodif cations made to ens�re safety. '. 25_ Water Quali . Where States and au�horized Tr�bes, or EPA where applicable, have nat previously certified compliance o�an NVdP vvith CWA section 401, individua1401 Water Quality Ceztification rnt�st be obtained ar waived (see 33 CFR 330.4(c)). The dis�rict engineer or Staie or Tribe may require additional water qualiiy management measures to ensurc that the authorized activity does not result in more than nninimal degradatia�a of water qua�ity. 26. Coastal Zane Mana ement. In coastal staies where an N WP has not previously received a state coastal zone manage�tnent consistency concurrence, an individual state coastal zone managernent consi�tency concurrence must be obtained, or a presumption of concurrence rnust occur {see 33 CFR 330.4(d}). The district engineer or a State may require additional measures to ensure that the autharized activity zs consisient with state coastal zone management requirements. 27. Re�;ional and Case-By�Case Conditions. The activiiy must comply with any regional conditians that may have been added by the Division Engineer (see 33 CFR 330.4{e)} and with any case specifzc conditions added by the Corps ar by the state, Indian Tribe, ox U.S. EPA in iis section 401 Water Quality Certifica�ion, or by the state in its Coastal Zone Management Act cansistency determinatian_ 28. Use of Multi le Nationwide Permits. The use of more than one NWP for a single and complete project is prohibited, except when the acreage �oss of waters of the United States authorized by the NWPs does not exceed the acreage Iimit of the NWP with the highest specified acreage liinit. For exampie, if a road crossing over tidal waters is constructed under NWP 14, with associated bank stabilization authorized by NWP 13, the maxizx�um acreage loss of waters of the United States for the total project cannot exceed 1/3-acre. 29. Transfer of Nationwide Permit Verificatior�s. If the permittee �ells the property associated with a natianwide permit verification, the pertnittee may transfer the nationwide pennit verification to the new ownex by submitting a Ietter to the appropriate Corps disirict office to validate Y.he traa�sfer. A copy af the nationwide permit vez�fication must be attached to the letter, and �.e letter must coniain the following statement and signature: "When �he structures or work authorized hy this nationwide pernlit are sti11 in existence at the time the property is transfex-ired, the terms and conditions af this nationwide permiti, including any special conditions, will continue to be binding on the new owner(s} of the property. To validate the transfer of �his natiionwide permit and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditzons, hav� �he transferee sign and date belaw." (Transferee) (Da�e) 30. Com Iiance Ceriifcation. Each permittee who receives an NWP verification letter from the Corps must provide a signed certification documenting completioz� of ihe authorized activity and implementation of any required cozxipensatory mitigation. The succes� of any required permittee-responsible mitigation, including the achievement of ecological performance stan�.ards, will be addressed separately by the district er�gineer. The Corps will provide the perrr�itiee the certi�fication document wifh the NV41P verificatian letter. The certificat�on doc�nent will include: (a) A siatemen.t that the authorized activity was done in accordance with the NWP authorization, includrng any general, regional, or activity-specific conditions; {b) A statement that the implementation of any required compensatory mitigation was completed in accordance with the perxxzit conditions. If credits from a rnitigation bank or in-lieu fee pro�raan are used to satisfy the compen�atory mr►iiigation requirernenis, the certification �nust include the docu�onentation required by 33 CFR 332.3(1){3) to confirm f.hat the permitte� secured the appropriate number and xesource ty�e of credits; and (c) T�i� signature of ihe permittee certifying the corripletion of the activity and rnitigation. The completed certification document musi be submitted io the district engineer within 30 days of complefion af the authorized activity ar the implementation of any required conapensatory mitigation, whichevex occurs later. 31. Activiti�s Affecting Stx-uciures or Works Built bv the United States. If an NWP activity also requires permisszon from tlie Corps pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 408 because it will aIter or teinporariiy or permanently occupy or use a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE} federalIy authorized Civil Warks projeci (a "USACE praject"), the prospeciive permittee rnust subrnit a pre- construction noiification. See paragraph (b)(10) of general conc�ition 32. An activity that requires section 408 perrzlission is noi authorized by NWP until the approp�zate Corps office issues the section 408 �ermission to alter, occ�py, or use ihe USACE project, and the district engineer issues a writien NWP verification. 32. Pre-Construction Notificatian. {a) Ti„� rnfn�. Whexe required by Yhe terins of the NWP, Y,he prospective permittee mnust notify the district engineer by suhmitting a pre-construction noti�cation {PCN) as early as passible. The dzstrict engineer must deiermine ii ih� PCN is corxzplete within 30 calendar days of the date of receipt and, if the PCN is determined to be incomplete, notify the prospective permittee within. that 30 day period to request the additional informatian necessary to malce the PCN complete. The request rr�ust specify the information needed to make the PCN complete. As a general rule, district engineers will xequest additional infarmatian necessary to rnake the PCN camplete only once. However, ii the prospective permittee does not provide aIl oi the requesied information, then the district engineex will notify the prospective permittee that the PCN is still incomplete and the PCN review proces� will not cammence until al1 of the requested information has been. received by the district engineer. Th� prospective permittee shaIl not begin the aciivity until either: (1) He or she is notzfed in writing by the dist�rict engineer �hat the activity may proceed under the N WP with any sp�cial conditions imposed by the disirict or divis�on engineer; or {2,) 45 calendar day� have passed fram the dist�ict ez�gineer's receipt of the coznplete PCN and the prospective pearnnittee has not received w�-itten notice from the district or divisian engineex. However, if the permittee was required ta notify f.he Corps pursuant to general condition 18 that listed species or critical habitai might be af%eted or are in ihe vicinity o�the activity, or to notifj+ the Corps pursuant ta general candition 2� that t1�e activify might have the potentzal �o cause effects to hisioric properties, the permittee cannot begin the activiiy until receiving written notification froxn tl�e Corps tl�at there is "no effect" on listed species or "no paiential to cause effects" on historic properties, or that. any consultation required under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (see 33 CFR 330.4(f)) and/or sec�ion 106 of the National Historic Preservat�on Act {see 33 CFR 33a.4(g}) has been com�leted. Also, wark cannot begin undex NWPs 21, 49, or SO until the permittee has received written approval from the Corps. If the proposed activity requires a wriiten waiver to exceed specified limi�s of an NWP, the pernaittee may not begin the act�vity until the district engineer issues the waiver. If Yhe distz-ict or division engineer notifies the pernlittee in writing that an individual pernr�it is required within 45 caIendar days of receipt of a complete PCN, tbe pertnittee cann.ot begin the activity �antil an individUal permit has been obtained. Subsequently, the permittee's right to proceed under the NWP may be modiiied, suspended, or revoked only in accordance with the procedure set forth in 33 CFR 330.5(d}(2). (b) Contents oiPre-Cons�ructio� Natificaiion: The PCN must be in writing and include the followzng information: (1) Name, addxess and telephone nuzx�ber� of the �rospective permittee; (2) Location af the propased ac�ivity; (3) Identi�y the specific NWP ox NWP(s} the prospective perniittee wants to use to authorize the proposed activity; (4} A descript7ion of the proposed activity; t�e activity's puxpose; direct and ind'zxect adverse enviranmentai effects the activiry would cause, including the anticipated amount of Ioss of wetlands, ofller special aquatic sites, and other waters expected to result from ihe NWP activity, in acres, iznear feet, or other appxopriate unit of ineasure; a descripiion of any proposed mitigation ineasures intended to reduce the adverse environmental effects caused by the proposed activity; and any other NWP(s}, regional general permit(s), or ir�dividual pern�it(s) used or intended to be used to authorize any part of the proposed pro�ect or any related activity, including other separate and distant crossings for linear projects tha� require Departmer�t of f.he Arnay authorization but do not require pre-construction noiification. The descrip�ion of the proposed activity and any proposed mifigation measures should be sufficiently detai�ed to allovv the district engine�r to deterrnine that the adverse environrnenial effects of the activity wi11 be no mare than minirxzal and ta determine the need for compensaiory mitigation or oiher mitigation measures. For single and conr�pleie Iinear projecis, fhe PCN must include the quantity of anticipated Iosses ofwetlands, other special aquatic sites, and othex wafers for each single and compleie crossin.g of thase wetlands, other special aquatic sites, and other waters. Sketches should be provided when necessary to show that the activity cor�aplies with the ter�ns of the NWl'. {Sketches usually clarify the activity and when pravided results in a quicker decision. Sketches should contain suff cient detail to provide an illustrative description of ihe proposed activity {e.g., a conceptual plan), but do not ne�d io be detailed engineering plans}; (5) The PCN must include a delineation of wetlands, otl�.er special aquatic sites, and other watexs, such as lakes and ponds, and perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral steeams, on the project site. Wetland delineations mu�t be prepared in accordance with the current method required by' the Cozps. The p�rmittee may ask the Carps ta delineate the special aquatic s�tes and o�her waters on the proj ect site, but ihere may be a delay if the Corps does the delineaiion, especially if the proj ect site is large or contains xnany wetlands, ot�er special aquatic sites, and other waters. Further�nare, the 45 day period witi not start until the delineation has been submitted to or completed by the Corps, as appropriaie; .(6) If the proposed activity rx�i11 result in the loss of greater than 1/1 �-acre of wetlands and a PCN is rec�uired, the praspective permittee must submit a staiement describing how the mitigation requirement will be satisfied, or explaining why the adverse environmental effects are no more than miz�imal and why compensatory mitigation should not be required. As an alternative, the praspective permittee may submit a conceptual or detailed mitigatian plan. {7) For non-Federal perznittees, if any Iisted species or designated critical habitai might be affected or is in the vxcinity of ihe activity, or if tl�e activity is located in designated czxtical habiiat, the PCN must include ihe nazxie(s} of those endangered or threatened species that might be affected by tne proposed activity ar utilize the designated critical habitat that m�ght be affected by the proposed activity. For NWP activities that requixe pre-constr�ction noiification, Federal pe�nittees must provide documentation demonstrating compliance wi�h the Endangered Species Act; (S) For non�Federal permittees, if the NWP activity rnight have the potential io cause effects to a historic property lisied oz�, determined to be eligible for listing on, ar potentially eligible %r Iisting on, the National Register of Historic Plac�s, the PCN nnust state which �istoric property zxaight haee the potential to be affected by the proposed activity or include a vicinity map indicating the location of the historic property. For NWP activities that require pre-construction notification, Fed�ral permittees must provide documentation demonstrating compliance wiih section 10b of the National Hisioric Preservation Act; (9) For an activity that will occur in a component of the Nafional Wild and Scenic River System, or in a river of�cially designated by Congress as a"study river" for possible inclusion zn the system while the river is in an afficial study status, the PCN must identify the Wild and Scenic River or the "study �zver" {see general condition 16); and (10) For an activity that requires pezmission from the Corps pursuant to 33 U.S.C. �a8 because it will alter or te�x�.porarily or pern�anenily occupy or use a U.S. Az7my Corps of Engineers �ed�rally autl�orized civil works project, ttie pre-consf�ctio� notification m�st include a statementi confir�ning that tlie projecf proponent has submitted a written requesi fox section 408 permission fro�n the Corps office having jurisdiction over that USACE project. (c) For�n of Pre-Construction Nofificaiion: The standard individual pezx�nit application form {Form ENG 4345) rnay be used, but the completed application form must clearly indicate that it is an NWP PCN and must include aX1 oftke applicable infortnation required in paragraphs (b)(1) �hrough (10) of this general condiiion. A letiez' containing the required information may also be used. Applicants may provide electronic files of PCNs and supparting �nater�als if the district engineer has established tools and proceduz'es for electronic submittals. (d) A enc Coordination: (1) T�e district engineer wiTl consider any comments from Fedezal and state agencies concerning the proposed activity's compliance with the terms and conditions of ihe NWPs and the need far mitigation to reduce the activity's adverse environmental effecf� so that they are no znore than rninimal. {2) Agency coordination is required for: {z} a11 NWP activities that requ�re pre-constructzon notificatian and resuli in the loss of greater than 1/2-acxe of waters of ihe United �tates; {ii) NWP 21, 29, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 50, 51, and 52 activities that require pre-construction notification and will result in the loss of greater ihan 3001inear feet of stream bed; (iii) NWP 13 activities in excess of S00 linear feei, fills greater than one cubic yard per running foot, or invalve discharges of dredged or filI material into special aquatic sites; and (iv) NWP 54 activities in excess of SOO linear feet, or t�at exiend into tl�e rvaterbody more than 30 feet frona the mean low water line in tidal waiexs or the ordinary high water mark in the Great La.kes. (3} When agency coordination is required, the district engineer will immedrately provide (e.g., via e-mail, facsimile transzxaission, overnight mail, or ather expeditious manner} a copy of the complete PCN to the appropriate Federal or siate offices (FWS, siate natural resource or water quality agency, EPA, and, if apprapriate, the NMFS). With the exception of NWP 37, ihese agencies vtTiil have 10 calendar days frozn tlze date the material is transmitted io notify the districfi engineer via telephane, facsiznile transrnission, or e�rnail that they intend to provide substantive, site-specific comments. The comrnents must explain vvhy ihe agency believes the adver�e environmental effects will be more than mi�imal. �� so contactec� by an agency, the districi engineer wiIl waft an additional 15 calendar days before malcing a decision on the pre-constructian notification. T�e district engineer will fu11y consider agency co�unenis recei�+ed wrthin the specified t�nne frame concerning the proposed activity's compliance with the tern�.s and conditions of the NWPs, iz�cluding the need for �nitigation ta ensure the nei adv�rse environmental effects of the proposed aciivity axe no more than minizx�al. The district engineer will provide no xesponse to the resource agency, except as provided below. The dist�zct engineer r�vi11 indicate in the administrative record associaied with each pre-construction notification that the resource agencies' concerns were considered. For NWP 37, ihe emergency watershed protection and rehabilitation activity rnay proceed immediately in cases where ihere is an unaccepta�le hazard to Iife or a signi�cant loss of property or economic hardship will occur. The distz�ct engineer vvill consider any camments recezved to decide vahether the NWP 37 authorizatian shouId be modified, suspended, ar xevoked in accordance with the procedures at 33 CFR 330.5. (4) In cases o�where the prospec�zve permittee is not a Federal agency, the dzstricfi engineer will provide a response to NMFS witl�in 30 calendar days o�recerpt of any Essential Fish Habitat conservation recozxamendations, as requixed by section 305(b}(4)(B) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Canservation and Managemeni Act. (5) Applicanis axe encouraged to provzde the Corps with either electronic files or multiple copies of pre-construction notifications to expedite agency coordination. D. District En�ineer's Decision 1. In reviewing the PCN for the proposed activity, the district engineer will deterimine wheiher the activity authorized by the NWP will resuli in more than mi_nirnal individual or cuz�utative adverse environmental �ffects ar m.ay be contrary to the public inierest. If a project proponent xequests authorization by a specific NWP, the district engineer should issue the N W P verificatian for t�at aciivity if it meets tb�e terms and condiiions of that NWP, unless he or she detertnines, after considering rnitigation, ihat the propased activity vvill result in more than rninimal individual and cuzx�uIative adverse effects on the aquatic environment and o�her aspects oithe public interest and exercises discretionary authority ta require an individual permit for the proposed ac#ivity. For a linear project, this determination will include an evaluation of the individua� crosszngs of waiers of the United States to detezxnine whether they individually satisfy the terms and conditions of the NWP(s), as well as the cumulative effects caused by all of the crossings authorized by NWP. If an applicant requests a waiver of the 3001inear foot limit on im.pacts to stF'eams or o� an otherwise applicable limit, as provided for in NWPs 13, 21, 29, 36, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 50, S 1, 52, or 54, the districi engineer will only grant the waiver upon a written determination that the NWP activity wi11 resuli in only minimal individual and cuinulative adverse environxx�ental effects. For ihose N WPs that have a waivable 300 linear foot limit for losses af intermittent and ephemeral stream bed and a 1/2-acre limit {i.e., NWPs 21, 29, 39, 40, 42, �3, 44, 50, 51, and 52), the loss of intern�ait�ent and ephemeral stream bed, plus any other losses of jurisdictianal waters and wetlands, cannot exceed 1/2-acre. 2_ When making zx�ini�nal adverse envixonmentaI effects determinations the d'zsXrict engineer will consider the direct and indirect effects cau�ed by the NWP activity. He or she will also consider the cumulative adverse environmental effects caused by activities authorized by NWP and whether those cumulative adverse eneironmental effects are no more than minimal. The district engineer wiTl al�o consider site speci�c faciors, such as the environmenta� setting in the vicinity of the NWP activity, ihe type of resource that will be affected by the NWP activity, the fianctions provided by tlie aquatic resouxces that will be affected by the NWP activity, the degree or magni.tude to which the aquatic resaurces perfo� those functions, the exteni that aquati7ic resource functions wi11 be last as a r�sult of the NWP activity (e.g., partial or complete loss), tY�e duration of the adverse effects (tempoxary or permanent}, tk�e importance of the aquatic resa�rce functions to the region (e.g., watershed or ecoxegion), and mitigation required by the district engineer. If an approp�iate functional ar condition assessment metl�od is available and practicabl� to �se, ihat assessment method may be used by the district engineer to assist in the minimal adverse environmental effects dete�ninatian. The district engineer may add case-�pecific special conditions to the NWP authorization to address site-specific enviroza�mental concerns. 3. If the praposed activz�y requires a PCN and will result in a loss of greater than l/l0�acre of wetlands, the prospective permittee should submit a mitigation proposal wiih the PCN. Applicanis may also propose compensatory rnitigation for NWP activities with smaller impacts, or for im�acts to other types of waters (e.g., streams). The distric� engineer vvill consider any propased compensatory mitigation or other mxtigation measures the applicant has included in the proposal in determining whether the net adverse environmenial effects of the proposed activity are no rnore than minimal. The com.pensatory mitigation propasal may be eithex conceptual or detailed. If �he district en.gineer determines that the activity co�nplies with �he terms and conditions of the N W.P and that the adverse environmental effects are no more than miniznai, aiter considering mitigation, the distx�ict engineer will notify the permiitee and include any activity-specific condriions in. the NWP verification ihe districi engineer deems necessaty. Conditions iar compensatory mitigation requirements must coinply with the appropriate provisions at 33 CFR 332.3(k}. The district engineer rr�usi approve tl�e f na1 rxzztigatian plan before tk�e permi�tee commences work in �rvaters af the United State�, unless the disirict engineer determines that prior approvai of the final xnitigatian plan is not practicable or not necessary to ensure timely completion of the required compensatoz�y znitigation. If tl�e prospective permittee elects to subrnit a compensatory mitigation plan with th� PCN, the district engineer will expeditiausly review tlze proposed compensatory mitigation plan. The district engineer must review the proposed compensatory nnitigation plan vvithin 45 calendar days of receiving a complete PCN and determine whether the proposed mitigation vcrould ensure the NWP activity xesults in �o more tkzan minimal adverse environmental effects. �� the net adverse environmental effects of the NWP activity (after consideration of the mitiga�ion proposal) are deterrnined by the district engineex to be no more than �ainimal, the district engineer will provide a tiznely writ�en response to the applicant. The response will state that the NWP activity can proceed under the tez-ms and conditions of the NWP, rncluding any acfiivity�specific conditions added to the NWP auihorization by the district engineex. 4. If �he disixict engineer deterxnines that the adverse environmental effects of the proposed activ�ity are more fhan miniznal, fi11en th� district engineer wilI notify the applicant either: (a) tliat the activity does not qualify for authorization under the NWP and insiruct the applicant on ihe procedures to seek authoz�zation �xnder an indivadual permit; (b} that the activity is auihorized under the N WP subject io the applicant's submission of a mitigation plan that would reduce the adverse environmental effects so that they az'e no more �han mzniznal; or {c) ihat the activity is authorized und.er the NWP �vitl� spec�fic modifications or conditions. Where the district engineer determines thai mitigation is required to ensure no more tl�an zxxinimal adverse envixon�ental �ffects, t�e activity vcrill be authorized within the 45-day PCN period {umless addiiianal ti�ne i� required io comply with general cond�itxons 18, 20, andlor 3�, or to evaIuate PCNs far act�vities authorized by NWPs 21, 49, and SO), with activity-specific conditions #hat state the mitigatian requirements. The autharizaiion will include the necessary cancepival or detailed mitigation plan or a requirement that the applicant submit a mitigation plan that would reduce fihe adverse environmental effects so that they are no more than mzniznal. Wh�n compensatory mitigation is required, no work in waters of the United States may occur unt�l the district engineex has approved a specific xnitigation plan or has deterrnined that prior approval of a f nal mitigation pian is not practicable or not necessary ta ensure t�naely completion of �e required campensatory mitigation. E. Further Infarmation 1. District Engineers have autharity to deternaine if an activity complies with the terms az�d conditions of an NWP. 2. NWPs do not obviate the need ta abtain other federal, state, or local pezxnits, approvals, ar authorizations required by law. 3. NWPs do not grant any prope�ty rights or exclusive privileges. 4. NW�s do not authorize any injury to the property or rights oiathers. S. NWPs do not authorize interference with any existing or pro�osed Fedez'al project (see general condition 31). F. Def n.itians Best rnana ement ractices BMPs : Policies, praciices, proceduz�es, or structu�es implemented to miiigaie the adverse environmenial effects on surface water quality resulting frorn development. BMPs are categorized as stn�ctural or non-sYxuctural. Compensatory miti ag tion: The restoration (re-establis�nent or rehabilitation), esta�lishmen� {creation}, en�.at�cement, andlor in certain circumstances prese�rvation of aquatic resources for the purposes of offsetting unavaidable adverse irnpacts which remain after all appxopria�e and practicable avoidance and minimizatian has been achieved. G�rentiv servzceable: Useable as is ar with some maintenance, but not so degraded as ta essentially require reconstruction. Direct effects: Effects that are caused by the activity and occur at the sanr�e time and place. Dischar�e: The term "discharge" �neans any discharge of dredged or fill materia� into waters of the United States. Ecological reference: A modeI used to plan and design an aquatic habitat and riparian area restoration, enhancement, or establishmeni activity under NWP 27. An ecolagical reference may be based on the structure, fi�nctians, and dynamics of an aquatic habitat type or a 7riparian area type ihat currenily exists in the region where the proposed NWP 27 activity is located. AlternativeXy, an ecological xeference may be based on a conceptual model for the aquatic habitat type or riparian area type to be restored, enhanced, or established as a result of the pxoposed NWP 27 activity. An ecolo�ical reference takes into accaunt the range of var�ation of the aquatic habitat type or riparian area �y�e in the region. Enhancerxzent: The manip�ation of the physical, chemical, ar biological characteristics oi an aquatic resource to heighten, intensify, ar improve a�pecific aquatic resource fi�netion{s). Enhancement results in the gain of selected aquatic resource fiuiction(s}, but may also lead to a declzne in ather aquatic resource function(s), Enhancement does not result in a gain in aquatic r�source area. Et�k�emeral streatn: An ephemeral stream has flowing water only during, and for a short duration after, precipitation events in a typical year. Ephemeral strea�n beds are located above the water table year-round. Crroundwater is not a source of water far the sl�eam. Rur�aff from rainfall is the primary source of water %r stream flow. Establishment �reaiion�: The manipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics pxesent to develop an aquatic resource thai did not previausly exist at an upland site. Establishment resuits in a gain in aqua�ic resource area. Hi,� Tide Line: The line of intersectzan of the land with the water's surface at the m�irnum hezght reached by a rising tide. The high tide line may be detezmined, in the absence oi actual data, by a line of oil or scum along sk�ore obj�cis, a more or less continuous deposit of �'ine she11 or debris on the foreshore ar bei-m, other physical markings or ckzaracfieristics, vegetation lines, tidal gages, or other suital�le means that delineate ihe general height reached by a rising tide. The line encompasses spring J�igh tides and other high tides that occ�zr with perrodic frequency but does no� rncl�de storm surges in w�ich there is a departure from the norn�al or predicted reach of the t�de due �o the piling up af water against a coast by strong winds such as those accampanying a hurricane o� other intense storm. Historic Prope�: Any prehistoric or historic dis�rict, site (incluct.ing archaeological site), buiIding, structure, or other object included in, or eligible fox inclusion in, the National Register of Historic Places maintained by tk�e Secretary of the Interior. This term includes artifacts, records, and remains ihat are related to and located within such px•operties. Th� term includes properties of traditional religious and cultural importance to an Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization and that meet the National Register criteria {36 CFR part 60). Inde�endent utility: A test to detertnine what constitutes a single and complete non�linear project in the Coips Regulatory Pragram. A praject is considered to have independent utility if it would be constructed absent the construction of other projects in the project area. Portions of a multi-phase project thai depend vpon other phases af the project do not have independent utility. Phases of a proj ect that �would be canstructed even if the other phases were not built can be considered as separate single a�d complete proj ects �c�vith independent utility. Indirect effecis: Effects f.hat are caused by the activity and are later in tiine ar farther removed in distance, but are sti�l reasonably foreseeable. zntermiitent stream.: An intermitteni siream has flovcring water during certain iimes of the year, when groundwater pro�vides water far siream flow. During dry periods, intermittent sireams may not have flowing water. Runoff from rainfall is a supplemental source of water �or stream flow. Loss of waters of the Uni�ed Siates: Watexs of the United States that are permanently adversely affecied by filling, flooding, excavation, or drainage because of the regulated activity. Permanent adverse effects include perrnanent discharges of dredged or fill mat�rial that change an aquatic area to dry Iand, increase ihe bottam elevation of a waterbody, or change the use af a waterbody. The acreage of loss of waters of the United States is a threshold measurezaaent of the impact to jurisdiciional waters for determining whether a pro�ect rnay quali�y for an NWP; it is not a nei threshold that is calculated after consic�ering compensatoxy mitigation f,hat may be used to ofFset losses of aquatic funetions and services. The loss of stream bed includes the acres or Iinear feet of stream bed that are fi�led or excavated as a result of the regulated activity. Waters of the United States tempararily �'i11ed, flooded, excavaiec%, or drained, but restored ta pre-constructian contours and elevations after consin.zction, are not included in the measurement of loss of waters of ihe Unrted �tates. �rnpacts resulting frarr� activities that do not require Department of the Army autharization, such as activiiies eligible for exemptions under section 404( fl of the Clean Water Act, are �ot considered when calculaiing the Ioss of waters of the United States. Navi�able waters: Waters subjec� ta section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. These rxraiers az�e defined at 33 CFR part 329. Non-tidal wetland: A non-tidal wetland is a wetland that is not subject to the ebb and flot�v of tidal waters. Non-tidal wetlands cantiguous to tidal wat�rs are located landward of �he high tide line {i.e., spring high iide line}. Open water: For purposes of the NWPs, an open water is any area t.�at in a year with nonnal patterns of precipitation has water flowing or standing above ground �a ihe extent that an ardinary high water mark can be deterinir�ed. Aquat�c vegetation within tk�e area of flowing or standing �vater is either non-emergent, sparse, or absent. Vegetated shallows are considered to be open waters. Examples of "open waters" include rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds. Ordinar_y Hi�� Water Mark: An ordinary high water mark is a line on the shore established by t11e flucfuations of water and zndicated by physical characteristics, or by other appropriate means that consider the c�aracteristics of the suz�rounding areas. Perennial stream: A perennial stream has flowing watex yea.r-raund during a typical yea�-. The water table is located above �he stream bed for znost of the year. Groundwater is the primary source of water for stream flow. Runoff from rainfall is a supplemental source of water f�r stream flow. Practicable: Available and capable of being done after taking i�to cansideration cosi, existing techno�ogy, and Iogisiics in light of overall project purposes. Pre-consiruction notification: A request subrx�it�ed by the project proponent to the Corps fox confirmation that a particular activity is authorized by nationwide permit. The request may be a permit applicatian, letter, or similar document that includes informaiion about the proposed work and its aniicipaied environmental effecis. Pre-construc�ion notification may be required by the terms and conditions of a nationwide permit, or by regional cond�tians. A pre-construction notification naay be voluntarily subrniited in cases where pre-constructian notificatzon is not xequired and the project praponent wants cazaftrmatian that the activity is authorized by nationwide permit. Pxeservation: The removal of a threat to, or preventing the decline of, aquatic resources by an action in or near tY�ose aquatic resources. This term includes activities coinmonly associated vvith the prafection and mair�tenance of aquatic resources through th� implezx�entatian oi appropriate legal azad physical mechaniszxas. Preservation does not result in a gain of aquatic resource area ar functions. . Protected tribal resources: Those natural xesou.rces and properties of traditional ar custornary religious or cultural impo�ttance, eith�r on or off Ii�dian lands, retained by, or reserved by or for, Indian tribes throug}� t�eaties, staiutes, judicial decisions, or executive orders, including iribal �.ist resources. Re-establishment: The nrzaniputation of Yhe physical, chemical, ar biological characteristics of a site with the goal of returning natural/historic funetions to a forxner aquatic resource. Re- establishment results iti rebuilding a former aquatic resource and results in a gain in aquatic resource area and fivactions. Rehabilitation: The manipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of a site with tb.e goal of repairing natural/historic functions to a degraded aquatic resource. Rehabiliiation results iza a. gain in aquatic resouzce f�nction, but does not result in a gain in aquatic resource area. Restoration: The ma�ipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of a site with the goal o�returning natural/histoxic fi.inctions to a former or degraded aquatic xesource. Fox the puxpose of tracking net gains in aquatic resource area, restoration is divided into tvvo caiegories: re-establishment and rehabilitation. Riffle and ool com lex: Rif£�e arid pool complexes are special aquatic sites under the 40�E(b){1) Gurdelines. Riffle and pool comple�es sometimes characterize steep gradient seci�ons of strea�ns. Such stream sections are recognizable by t�eir hydraulic characteristics. The rapid movement of watez' over a course st�bstrate in riffles results in a rough flow, a turbulent surface, and laigh dissolved oxygen Ievels in the water. Pools are deeper areas associated wit}� riffles. A slower strealn velocity, a stre�niug flow, a smooth surface, and a finer substrate characterize pools. Ripaz�ian areas: Riparian areas are la.nds next to streazns, lakes, and estuarine-marine shorelines. Riparian areas are transitional between terrestrial and aquatic ecasystems, through which sux-face and subsurface hydz�ology connects river�ne, Iacustrine, estuarine, ax►d marine watiers with their adjace�it wetlands, non-wetland watexs, ar uplands. Ripariaz� areas provide a varieiy af ecological functions and services and help improve or rnaintain local wate7• quality. {See general condition 23.) Shellf sh seedin�: Th� placeinent o� shellfish seed and/or sui�a.ble substrate to increase shellfish production. She11f sh seed consists of immatu�re individual shellfish or individual shellfish aitached to shells ar shell fragments {i.e., spat on shell). Suitable substrate may consist af shellfish shells, shell fragments, or other appropriate materials placed inio waters for shellfish habitat. Sin�le and corx�plete linear project: A linear project is a project constructed for the purpose of gettin� peaple, goods, or services from a point of origin to a terminal point, wk�ich often involves m�tiple crossings of one or more waterbodies at separate and clistant locations. The term "single and com�plete project" is defined as that portian of ihe total Iinear project proposed or accomplished by one ownerldeveloper or partnership or other association of owners/developers that includes all crossings of a single water of the United Staies {i.e., a single waterbody) at a specific location. For linear projects crossing a single or rr�ultiple waterbodies several ti�xaes at se�parate and distant locations, each crossing is considered a single and complete project for puzposes of NWP autharization. However, individual channels in a braided stream or river, or individual axms of a laxge, irregularly shaped wetland or lake, etc., are z�ot separate waterbodies, and crossings of such features canzaot be considered sepaxately. Sin�Ie and cornplete non-linear nroject: For non�linear }arojecis, the te�n "single and complete project" is defined at 33 CFR 330.2(i) as the tota� project proposed or accomplished by one owner/developer or partnershzp or other association o� owners/developers. A single and com�alete non-lineax proj ect must have independent utility (see de�nitian oi "independent utility"). Single and complete nan-linear projects may not be "pzecemealed" to avoid the limits ir� an NWP authorization. Stormwater rnana�ment: Stormwater managernent is the mechanrstn far controlling stoz-mwater runo�f for the puzposes of reducing dawrzstream erasion, watex quality degradation, and flooding and mitzgating the adverse effects of char�ges in land use on the aquatic environment. Siormwater management facilities: Stormvvater rnanagement facilities are ihose facilities, including but nat limited to, stormwater reten.tion and deteniion ponds and best management practices, which retain �crvater for a periad of time to control rur�off andlor improve the quality (i.e., by reducing ihe concentration of nutrienis, sedimenfs, hazardous substances and ot�er pollutants} of stormwater runoff. Strearn bed: T�e ,substrate of the strearn channel between the ordinazy high water marks. The subsirate may be bedrock or inorganic particles that range in size %-om clay to boulders. Wetlands contiguous to the stream bed, but outsade of the ordinary high water marks, are not considered part of the stream bed. Stream channelization: The manipulation of a streazn's course, condition, capacity, or location that causes mare than minunal i�terruption of norrnal stream processes. A channelzzed streazn remains a wa�er of the United States. Structure: An object that is arranged in a de�nite pattern of organizatzon. Examples of structures include, without lirnitation, any pier, boat dock, boat ramp, wharf, dolphin, weir, boom, bxeakwater, bulkhead, reve�nent, riprap, jetty, az-tzficial island, artificial xeef, perman�nt rnooring structure, power teansmission line, permanently moored floating vessel, piling, aid to navigation, ar any other rnanmade obstacle or obstruciion. Tida1 wetland: A tidal wetland is a jurisdicfional wetland that is inundaied ]�y tidal waters. Tida1 waters rise and fall in a predictable and measurable rhythrn or cycle due to ihe gravitational pulls of the moon and sun. Tidal r�vaters e�d where the rise and fall of the waier surface can no longer be practically measured in a predictable rhythm due to masking by other waters, wind, or other effects. Tidal wetlands are located channelward of t�1e high tide line. TribaI lands: Any lands title to which is either: 1} held in trusi by the Uniied States for the benefit oiany Indian iribe or individual; ar 2) held by any Indian �ribe or i�dividual subject tio restriciions by the United States against alienation. Tribal rights: Those r�ghts iegally accruing to a t�ribe or tribes by virtue of inherent sovereign authority, unextinguished aborigznaJ title, treaty, statute, juciicial decisions, e�ecutive order or agreement, and that give rise to legally enforceable remedies. Vegetated shallows: Vegetated shallows are special aquatic sites under the 404(b)(1} Guid�Iines. They az'e areas that are perrnanently inundated and under normal circurnsiances k�ave rooted��aquatic vegetation, such as seagras�es in rzxarine and esluarine sysiexns and a variety of vascular rooted plants in freshvvater systems_ Waierbadv: For purposes of t1�e NWPs, a waterbody is a jurisdictional waier o� the United States. If a wetland is ac�jacent to a. waterbody determined to be a water o f the United Staies, that vvaterbody and any adjacent wetlands are considered together as a single aquatic unit (see 33 CFR 328.4{c)(2)). Exarr�ples of "waterbodies" include str�eams, rivers, lakes, ponds, and vvetlands. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION This nationvvide �ermit is effective March 19, 2017, and expires on March 18, 2022. Infarmation about the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regulatory program, including nationwide permits, may also be found at h'.� ::.`www.�wf usace.arnv.mil/Missiony�Re latory.a�p� and hn�. ri n�a.usace.arr,� .�nil/MissionslCivilWorks/Re lato Pro amandPermits.a� x 20�� n+�e��a�►�i�� ����i� {�v��� ����o��� ca��irio�s �OR Tb� SiA'�� �� ��CXi45 ihe fo[lowing r�giona� cond��ions apply wiihin '�he en4ire S�afie of �exas: �_ For all discharges proposed for authorizat�on under Nationwide Permifis (NWP) 3, 6, i, T 2, 14, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 39, 40, 41, 42, A3, �4, 49, 51, and 52, into the following habitat fypes or spec�fic areas, the applicant shall notify the appropriat� District Engir�eer in accordance with the NWP General Candition 32, Pre-Consfrucfion Notification (PCN). The Corps of Engineers (Corps) wifl coordinafe with the resaurce agencies as specified in NWP General Condifion 32(d) (PCN). The habitat types or areas are: a. Pitcher Plant Bogs: Weflands typically characferized by an organic surface soil layer and include vegetation such as pifcher plan�s {Sarracenia spp_) andlor sundews (Drosera spp.). b. Bafd Cypress-Tupelo Swamps: Wetlands dominated by bald cypress {Taxodiurn d�sfichum) artdlor water t�pelo {Nyssa aquatic). 2. For all activities proposed far authorizafion under any Nationwide Permit (NWP) at sites approved as compensatory mitigation sites {either p�rmittee-responsible, mitigation bank andlor in-lieu fee) under Section 404 of the Clean Vllater Act andlor Secfion 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, tne applicant shall notify the appropriate District Engineer in accordance with the NWP General Condi�ior� 32 - Pre- Construction Notification prior to commencing the activity. 3. For all activifiies proposed for authorization under NWP 16, the applicanfi shall not�fy th� apprapriate District Engineer in accordance with t}�e NWP Generaf Cond�tion 32 (Pre-Canstruction Notification) and must obtain an individual water quality certificat�on (WQC) from the TCEQ. Worlc cannot begin under NWP 16 until the applicant has received wrift�n approval from the Corps ar�d WQC. NOTE: For all activit��s proposing ta use equipment that has operated or been stored in a water body on �he Texas fist of zebra musse[ (Dreissena polymorpha} infected water bodies, equipmenf sho�ld be decontam�nafed prior to reloca�ion in accordance with Texas Administrative Code, Tifle 31, Part 2, Chapter 57, Su�chapter A. The �ollow�ng decontamination Best Management Practices (BMPs), as a minimum, are indicated: a. Clean: Cfean �oth the inside and outside of equipment and gear, by removing al[ planfs, animals, and mud and thoroughly washing the �quipment using a high pressure spray nozzle. b. Drain: Drain ail wafer from receptacles before lea�ing the area, including livewells, bilges, ballast, and engine cooling water an boats. c, Dry: AIlow time for your equipment #o dry completeiy befare relocating i� other waters. Equipment shou[d be dried prior to relocation. High terrmp�rature pressure washing (grea�er than or eq�aa( to 140F) ar profess�onal clear�ing may be substituted far drying time. 2017 Nafionwide Permit Regianal Conditions For The SYate Of Texas Page 1 of S The foliowing regional condifEon only applies wi�hin the Rlbuquerque, �orf lNorth, and Galveston 9istricis: 4. For all act[vities proposed for authorization under Na�ionwide Permit (NWP) 12 that �nvolve a d�scharge af fi[I materia[ associafed with mechanized land clearing af wetlan�s dominated by nafive woody shrubs, the applicant shalf notify fhe appropriate District Engineer in accordance with fhe NWP Ge�eral Condition 32 — Pre-Construction Notification prior fo commencing the activity. For the purpose of this regional condition, a shrub dominated wetland is characterized by woady vegetation less than 3.0 inches in diameter at breast height bu� greater than 3.2 f�et in height, which co�ers 20% or mor� of the a�ea. Woody vines are not �ncluded. ihe following regionai conditions apply wiihin the Albuquerque 9istricf. 5. Natianwide Permit (NWP) 23 — Approved Cafegorical Excfusions. A pre-construction notification (PCN) to the District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 32 - PCN is required for all proposed ac�ivities under NWP 23. 6. Nationwide Permit (NWP) 27 — Aquatic Habitat Restoration, Esfablishment, and Enhancement Acti�ities. For all proposed activities under NWP 27 that requir� pre- construction nofificatian, a monitoring pfan commensurafe with the scale of the proposed restoration project and the potentia! for risk to the aquat�c environment must be submitted to the Corps. {See "NWP 27 Guidefines" at http:Ilwww.spa.�asace.army.miVMissionslRegulatoryProgramandPermitslNWP.aspx). 7. Channelization. Nationwide Perrn�t (NWP) Generaf Condition 9 for Management of Water Flows is amend�d to add the fiollowing: Projects that woufd result fn permanent channelization to pre�iousfy un-channeGzed streams require pre-canstruction notif�cation to the Albuquerque District Engineer in accordance with NWP Gene�al Condition 32 — Pre-Construction Natification. 8. Dredge and Fill Acti�ities in In�ermittenfi and Perenniaf Streams, and Special Aquatic Sites: For all activities subject to regulation under fhe Clean Wat�r Act Section 404 in intermittent and perennial streams, and special aquatic sites (including wetlands, riffle and pool complexes, and sanctuaries anc! refug�s), pre�construct�on notificatEon (PGN) to the Albuquerque District Engineer is rec{uir�d in accordance with Nationwide Permit General Cond�tion 32 - PCN. 9. Springs. Far all discharg�s af dredged or fill maferial within 10Q feet of #he point of groundwat�r discharge of nat�ral springs located in an aquatic resource, a pre- construction noti#ication (PCN) is required to the Albuquerque District Engineer in accordance with Nationwide Permit General Condition 32 - PCN. A natural spring is defined as any location where ground water emanates from a point �n the ground and has a defined surface water connection to anather waters of tY�� United S#ates. For purposes of this regional condifiion, springs do nat include seeps ar ather groundv�+atar discharges which lack a defined surface water connection. 2017 Nationwide Permit Regianal Conditions For The 5tate Of Texas Page 2 of 6 10. Suitable Fi[L Use of broker� concrete as fi[I or bank stabilization materiai is prohibited unless the applicant demonstrat�s thaf its use is the only practicable material {w�th respect to cost, existing �echnology, and logis�ics). Any applicanf who wishes to use broken concrete as bank stabilization rnust pro�ide no�ification to the Albuquerque District Engineer in accordance with Nationwide Permit General Condition 32 - Pre- Construction No�ification alang wifh justification for such use. Use of broken cancrete with rebar or used tires �loose or formed into bales) is prohibited in al[ waters of the United States. ihe foflowing regiortal condiiions apply only within the �ort Worth �istric�, ��, For a[l discharges proposed for authorizafiion under all Nationw�de Permits {NVIIP} [nta the area of Caddo Lake within Texas that is designated as a"Wetland of Internationa� Importance" under the Ramsar Con�ention, the applicant shail notify the Fort Worth District Engine�r in accorcEance wifh the NWP General Condition 32 — Pre- Construction Notifcation (PCN). The Fort Wor�h District w�l! coordina#e wifh fhe resource agencies as specified in NWP General Condition 32�d) - PCN. 12. Compensatory mitigation is generally required fior �osses of waters of the United Stafies tha# �xceed 1110 acre andlor far all losses to streams fhat exceed 30fl lin�ar feet. Loss is defined in Sect�on F of t�e Nationwide Permits (NWP}. Mitigation threst�olds are cumulati�e irrespect�ve of aquatic resource type at each single and complete crossing. Compensatory mitigation requirements wifl be determined in accordance with the appropriate disfirict standard operating procedures and processes. The a�plicant shall nofify the Fort Warkh Districf Engineer in accordance with the NWP General Canditio� 32 - Pre-Cor�structian Notificafion prior to comr�encing the activi�y, 13. For all activities proposed for authoriza�ion under Nationwide Permits {NWP) 12, 14 andlor 33 fhat in�olve a temporary discharge of fi[I material into 112 acre or more of emergenf wetland OR 9110 acre of scrub-shrublforested wetland, the applicant shall notify the Fort V11arth District Engineer in accordance with the NWP General Condition 32 - Pre-Construction Notifica#ioi� prior to comm�ncir�g the acfivity. 14. For all discharges proposed for authorization under Nationwide Permifs {NWP} �1 and 52, fihe Fort Worth District will pro�ide the pre-construction notifiica�ian {PCN) to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as specified in NWP General Cor�dition 32(d){2} - PCN for its review and comments. ihe �ollowing regional condifiions apply only wi�hin the Galveston �istric�. 15. No Nationwide Permits (NWP), except NWP 3, shall be used to authorize discharges into the hab�tat types ar specific areas IEsted in paragraphs a through c, below. Th� applicant shall natify t�e Galveston D�strict Engineer in accordance wEth the NWP General Cvndition 32 - Pre-Construction Notification prior to commencing the activity under NWP 3. 20'[7 NatEonwide Permit Regional Conditions �or The Siate Of Texas Page 3 of 6 a. Mangrove Marshes. For the purpose of this regional condition, Mangro�e marshes are those waters of the United States that are domir�ated by mangroves (Avrcennia spp., Laguncuaria spp., Conocarpus spp., and Rhizophora spp.). b. Coastal Dune Swales. For th� purpose of this regEonal condition, coastal dune swales are wetlands andlor other wa��rs af the United States IQcated wi�hin the bacl�shore and dune areas in the coasta! zone of Texas. They are formed as depressions wifhin and among multiple beach ridge barriers, dune complexes, or dur�e areas adjacent to beaches fronting tidal waters of the United States. c. Co[umbia Bottomlands. For the purpose of this regional condition, Columbia bottomlands are defined as waters of the United States �hat are domir�ated by bottomland hardwoods in the Lower Brazos and San Bernard River basins id�ntif�ed in the 1997 Memorandum of Agreement between th� U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, NafuraC Resource Conservation Service, and Texas Parks ancf Wildiife Department for bottomEand hardwoods in Brazoria County. (For fur�her information, see hrt�:ilwww.swq.usace.army.millBusiness-liJEth- UslRequlatorylPerm�tslNationwide-General-Perrr�fts!) 16. A Compensatory M�tigation Plan is required for all special aquatic site lasses, as defined in Section F of the Nationwide Permits (NWP), thaf exceed � 110 acre andlor for all losses to sfreams that exceed 200 linear feet. Compensatory mitigat�on requiremenfs will be determined in accordance wi�h the appropriate district star�dard operating prdcedures and processes. The app[icant shal! notify the Galveston District Engine�r in accordance with the NWP General Condition 32 - Pre-Constructiort Notificatian prior to commencing the activity. 17. For aE� seisrnic testing activities praposed far authorization u�der Nationwide Permit (NWP) 6, the applicant shall notify the GaEveston Distric� Engineer in accordanc� with the NWP General Candition 32 - Pre-Construction No�ificatior� (PCN). The PCN must state the time period for which the temporary fiill is praposed, and must include a restoration plan for the special aquat�c sites. For seismic festEng under NWP 6 within the Cowardir� Marine Sysfem, Subtidal Subsystem; as defined by the U.S. F�sh and Wildlife Service, Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United Stafes, December 19791Reprinted 1992, the Corps will coordinate wifh the resource agencies in accordanc� w�th NWP General Condition 32{d) � PCN. 18. For a�l activities proposed under Nationwide Permits (NWP) 10 ancE 1 � located in vegetated shallows and coral reefs; as defined by 40 CFR 230.43 and 230.�� � respectively, the applicanfi shall notify the GaE�esfon District Engineer in accordanee with the NWP General Condition 32 - Pre-Construction Notification. Examples include, but are not limited to: seagrass becfs, oyster r�efs, and coral reefs. 19. Nationwide Permit 12 shall nofi be used to autnorize discharges within �Q� feet of vegetated shallows and coral reefs; as defned hy 40 CFR 230.43 and 230.44 respectively. Examples include, but are not [imited to: seagrass beds, oys#er reefs, and coral reefs. 2017 Nationwide Permit Regional Conditions For The State Of Texas Page 4 of 6 20. For all activities proposed for aufhorization under Nationwide Permit �2 that involve underground placement below a r�an-na��gable river bed andlor perennial stream bed there shall a minimum co�er of 48 inc�es {1,219 milfimeters) of soil below the river andlor perennial stream thalweg. 21. For all discharges and work proposed belaw the high tide line under Nationwide Permits (NWP} 14 and 18, the applicant shall notify fhe Galveston District Engine�r in accordance with the NWP Ger��raf Condifion 32 - Pre-Constr�ction Notification (PCN). The Gaf�eston Disfrict will coordinate with the resource agencies in accordance with NWP Generai Condition 32(d) - PCN. 22. For all activities praposed for authorizat�on under Nationwide Permit �NWP) 33 the applicant shall notifiy the Gafveston Districf Engineer in accordance with the NWP General Condition 32 — Pre-Consfrucfion Notification (PCN}. The PCN must include a restoration plan showing haw a�l temporary filfs and structures wifl be removed and the area restor�d to pre-projecf conditions. Activities causing th� temporary loss, as defined in 5ectian F of the NWPs, of more than D.5 acres of tid�l waters andlor 200 linear feet of stream w�l! be coordinated with the agencies �n accordance with NWP General Condition 32{d} - PCN. 23. No Nationwide Permits {NWP), except NWPs 3, 9�, 20, 22, 37, shall be used to authorize discharges, structures, andlor filf wit�in the standard setback and high hazard zones of the Sabine-Neches Waterway as defined in the S�andard Operating Pracedure - Permit Setbacks along the Sabine-Neches Waterway. The applicanfi shall notify the Galveston District Engineer in accordance with NWP G�neral Conclitian 32 - Pre- Cons#ruction Notification for all discharge, structures an�lor wor�C in medium hazard zones and all NWP 3 applicatians within the standard se�back and high hazard zones of the Sabine-Neches Waterway. 24. No Nationwide Permits {NWP), except 2D, 22, and 37, sha[I be used fo aufihorize discharges, s�ruc�ures, andlor fii�l within the standard setbacEc exemptions of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway as defined in the Standard Opera#ing Procedure- Department of fihe Army Permit Evaluation Setbacks along fhe Guff Intracoastal Wafierway. The applicant shall natify the Gaiveston District Engineer in accordance with NWP General Conditio� 32 (Pre-Construcfion Notification) for all discharges, structures and/ar work within the standaed setback, s�oreward of the standard setback, a�dlor standard setback exemption zon�s. 2�. The use of Nationwide Permifs in the San Jacinto River Waste Pits Area of Concern are re�aked. (Far further information, see http.�►'www.swa.usace.ar__mv.�Y��+lB�siness-With-Us. Requlatc_ry1P�rmits;Nationuvide- General-Permitsl) ^ ^ 26. The �se of Nationwide Permi#s 51 and 52 are revake� w�thin the Galvesto� District baundaries. 2017 Nationwicle Permit Regional Conditions For The 5tate Of iexas Page 5 of 6 27. Nationwide Permit {NWP) 53 pre-consiruction nofifications will be coordinated with resource agencies as specified in NWP General Condit�on 32(d) — Pre-construction Notification. 28. For all activities proposed under Nafionw�de Permits (NWP} 21, 29, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, and 50 that resuit in greater than 300 feef of loss in intermittent andlor ephemeral streams, as d�fined in Section F of tYte NWPs, require e�al�ation under an ]ndi�idual Permit. [he foflowing regional condifiions apply only rn�ithin �he Yu[sa �isirict. 29. Upland DisposaL- Except where authorized by Nationwide Permit 16, material disposed of in uplands shall be �laced in a location and manner thafi prevenfs d�scharge of the materia� andlor return water into waters or wetiands unless other-wise authorized by the Tuisa District Engineer. 30. Major Rivers: The prospect�ve permittee shall notify the Tulsa DistrEct Engineer for afl Nationwic[e Permit 14 verifications which cross major rivers within Tulsa District. For the purposes of this condition, major rivers include the following: Canadian Ri�er, Prairie Dog Town Fork of the Red River, and Red River. 2Q17 Nationwide Permit Regional Conditions For The State Of Texas Page G of B App��d�� � ���e IIV���r Q�ality C���tio� �N➢P Docu�en�#ian . ,�, .�. 0,;: � ti(� 4,���1� ` � �� �_r_ry � �I'EXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Descriptioz� of BMPs (Tier I Projecis) EROSION CONTROL SMPs Temporary VeQetation Description: Vegetation can be used as a temporary or permanent stabilization technique far areas distvrbed by construction. Vegetahon effectively reduces erosion in swales, stoc�piles, 6erms, mild to medi�m s�opes, and along xoadways. Qther techniques such. as matting, mulches, and gradin.g may be required to assise in the establishment af vegetation. Materials: o The type of tem�orary vegetatian nsed on a site is a function of tlie season and Yhe availability of watet for ixrigation. • Temporary vegetation shauld be selected appropriately far the area. � Counry agricultural extensioz� agents are a good source far suggestions for temporary vegetation. • AlI seed should he high quality, U.S. Dept. of Agricultute cerrified seed. �nstallation: � Grading must be completed prior to seeding. � Slopes shauld be minimized. � Erosion contral structures should be installed. � Seedbeds should be well pulvezized, loose, and unifortn. • Fertilizers should be applied at appropriate rates. � Seeding rates should be applied as recommended by the county agricultural extension agent. • The seed s�ould be applied uniformly. � Steep slopes should cavered with appropriate soil stabilization matting. Biankets and Mattixa� Apri11.2, 2004 -�- Description: Blankets and matting material can be used as an aid to cantrol erosion on critical sites durzng tihe establishment period ofprotective vegetation. The most common uses are in channels, interceptar swales, diversion dikes, short, sreep slopes, and on tidal or stream banks. Materials: New types of blankets and matt�ng materials are cantinuously being developed. The Texas Department of Transportatian (TxDOT) has defined tk►e critical performance factors far these rypes of products and has established minimum performance standards wk�ich must be met for any product seek�ng to be approved £or use within any ofTxDOT's construction or mazntenance act-ivities. The products that have been approved by TxDOT are also appropriate for general �onstruction site stabilization. TxDOT maintains a web site at http:/�wwrv.dot.state.tx.us/insdtidot/oz�chart/cmd/erosion/contents.httm which is updated as new products are evaluated. Installatzon: •�nstall in accordance with the man�facturer's recomrnendat�ans. • Proper anchoring af the m.aterial. � Prepare a friable seed bed relatively Eree from clods and rocks and any foreign zx�aterial. + Fertilize and seed in accoz-dance with seeding ox other type of planting plan. � Erosion stops should extend heyond the channel liner to full design cross-section of the channel. • A uniform trench perpe�ndicular to line offlow may be dug w'ttih a spade or a mechanical trencher. ��rosion stops should be deep enough to penetrate solid material or below level of ruling in sandy soils. • Erosion stop mars should be wide enough to allow turnover at bottom of trench for stapling, whiie maintaining tl�e top edge fIush with channel surface. Mulch Description: Mulching is the pracess of applying a material to the exposed soil surface to protect ft from erosi.ve forces and to coxkserve soil moisture uz�til plants can becom e established. When seeding critical sites, sztes with adverse soil conditions or seeding on other than optimum seeding dates, mulch material should be applied iznmediately after seeding. Seeding during optimum seeding dates and with favorable soils and site conditions wiIl not need to be mulched. Materials: • Mulch may be small grain stiraw which should be applied uniformly. � On slopes 15 percent or grea�er, a bindix�g chemical must be applied to the surface. � Wood-�iber or paper-fiber mulck� may be applied by hydroseeding. Ap�'il 12, 2004 -2- � Mulch netrings may be used. � Wood chips may be used where appro�riate. InsYallation: Mulch ancharing should �e accomplished imtx�ediately aiter mulch placement. This rnay be done by one of the following me�hods: peg and twine, rnulch netting, znulch anchoring tool, ar Ifquid mulch binders. Sod Description: Sod is appropriate for disturbed areas which require iimnediate vegetative covers, or where sodding is preferred to other means o£grass establishment. Locatians particularly suited to stabilizaeion with sod are waterways carrying interrnittent fiow, areas around drop inlets or in grassed swales, and residential or cornmercial daw�ns where quick use or aestf�etics are factars. Sod zs composed of �iving plants and those plants must receive adequate care in order to provide vegetative stabilization on a distutbed area. Materials: • Sod should be machine cut at a uniform soil thickrzess. • 1'ieces of sod should be cut to the supplier's standard wi.dth and length. � Tom or uneven pads are not acceptahle. • Sections of sod should be strong enough to suppart their own weight and retain their size and shape when suspended from a firm grasp. � Sod should be harvested, deliverec�, and installed within a period of 36 hours. �nstauaYion: � Areas to be sodded should be braught to final grade. � The surface should be cleared of all trasl� and debris. + Fereilize according to soil tests, � Fertilizer should be worked into t��e soi1. • Sod should not be cut ar laid in excessively wet or dry wearher. � Sod should not be laid on soil surf'aces tlaat are frozen. � During �eriads of high temperatUre, the sail sliould be lightly irrigated. � The firsr row of sod should he laid in a straight line with subsequent rows placed parallel to and but�ing tightly against each other. Ap�il 12, 2004 �3- � Lateral joints should 6e staggered to prozxiote more uniform growth and strength. • Wherever erosion may be a problem, sod should be laid with staggered joints and secured. � Sod s�ould be installed witl� the lengt�i perpendicular to the slope {on the contour). � Sad shauld be rolIed ox tamped. � Sod should be irrigated to a sufficient depth. • Watering should be performed as often as necessary to maintain soil moisture. • The first niowing should not be attempted until the sod is firmly rooted. � Not more than one thzz-d of the grass leaf should be removed at any one cutting. Erasion Contx�ol Compost Description: Erosion control compost (ECC) can be used as an aid to control erosion on crftical sites during rhe estab�ishment period of protective vegetation. The most common uses are on steep slopes, swales, diversion dikes, and on tidal or stream banks. Materials; New rypes of erosion controI compost are cantinuously being develaped. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has established minimutn performance standards which must l�e met for any products seeldng to be approved for use within any of TxDOT's construction or maintenance activities. Material �sed within any TxDOT construction or maintex�ance activities inust meet material specifications in accorc3ance with current TxDOT specifications. TxDOT maintains a website at http://www.dot.state.tx.us/des/landscape/compost/specificarions.htzn that provides information on compost specification datia. This website also con�ains zz�formation on areas wh.ere the Texas Commission on EnvironmentaI Qua�iry (TCEQ) restricts the use of certain compost products. ECC used for projects not related to TxDOT shouId also be of qualiry materials by meeti.t�g performance standards and compost specification data. To ensure the qualiry of compost used as ac� ECC, produc�s should meet a11 applicable state and federal reguiations, including but not Iimited to tihe UnitedStat�s Enviromnental Pratection Agency (USEPA) Code of Federal Regulations {CFR), Title 4d, Part 503 Standaxds for Class A biosolids and Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (naw named TCEQ} Hea�th and Safery Regulations as defined in the Texas Administration Code {TAC), Chapter 332, and all oeher relevant requirements for compost products ouelined in TAC, Chapter 33Z. Tesung requirements required by the TCEQ are defined in TAC Chaptier 332, in.cluc�ing Sections §332.7 ]. Sampling and Analysis Requiremenrs for Final Products and §332.72 �inal I'roduct Grades. Campost specification dara approved byTxDOT are apprapriate to use for ensuring the use ofquality compost materials or fox guidance. Testing standards are dependent upon the intended use for the campast and ensures product safery, and producC performance regarding the product's specific use. T�ie appropriate compost sampling and testing protocols included in the United States Composting Cauncil (USCC) Test Methads for the Examination of Composting and Composr (T1v�CC) should be conducted on campost products used for ECC to ensure that the producYs used will not impact public health, safery, and the envixo�ment and to pramote production and April 12, 2004 -4- marketzng of quality composts that meet analytical standards. TMECC is a labotatory manual rhat provides proeocols far the composting industry and test methods for cornpost analysis. TMECC provides protocols to sample, monitor, and analyze materials during all sTages of the composting process. Numerous parameters that inight be of concern in. compost can be tested by follawing protocols or test meth.ods listed in TMECC. T1V[ECC information can be found at http://�ww.tmecc.org/ttnecc/index.html. The USCC Seal of Testing Assurance (STA) prograrn contains informatioz� regarding compost STA certification. STA pxogram inforrnation can be found at hetp://tmecc.org/sta/STA_program�description.html. InstalCatian: o Install in. accordance winc �urrent TxDOT specifi.cation. • Use on s�opes 3:1 or flatter. � Apply a 2 inch unifortn layer unless otherwise shown o� the plans or as directed. • When rolling is speaiFied, vse a light corrugated druin roller. Mulch Filter Berms and Socks Description: Mulch filter berms and socks are used to intercept and detain sectiment laden run-off from unpxotected areas. When properly used, mulch filter berms and socks can be highly effective at controlliz�g sedi�nent from disturbed areas. They cause rvnoff ta pond which allows h.eavier soIids to settle. Mulch {il ter berms and socks are used dUring the period of construction near the perimeter of a disturbed area to intercept sediment while allo�ving water to percolate through. The herm or sock should remain in. place until the area is permanently stabilized. Mulch �ilter bern�s skiould not be used w�en there is a concentration of water in a channel or drainage way. If coricentrated flows occurs after installation, corrective act-�on. must be taken. Mulch filter socks may lie installed in construction areas and temporarily moved during the day to allow construction activiry provic�ed it is replaced and properly anchored at the end of the day. Mulch filter bern�s and soc�s may be seeded to allow far quick vegetative growth and reduction in run-of#�velociry. Materials: New types of mulch filter berms and socks are continuously bei.ng developed. The Texas Deparement of Transportation (TxDOT) has established minimum performance standards which must be met for any products seelang to be approved for use within any of TxDOT's const�uction. or maintenance activities. Mulch £ilter berms and socks used within any TxDOT conseruction or maintenance activities must meet material specifications in. accordance with currene TxDOT speci.fications. TxDOT zxiaintains a welasite at http://www.dot.state.tx.us/des/landscape/compost/specifications.htm thatprovides infortnationon compost specificati.on data. This website also contains inforination an areas vvhere the Texas Commission on Environmental Qualiry (TCEQ) restricts the use of certain compost products. Mulch filter berms and socks used far projects not related to TxD.OT sk�ould also be of quality materials by meeting performaz�ce standards and compost specif'rcaeion. data. To ensure the qualiry of cotn�ost used for mulc� filter berms and socks, products should meet all applica�Ie state and federal regulations, including but not linnited to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA} Code of �ederal Regulatiox�s (CFR), Title 40, Part 503 Stan.dards for Class A biasolids and Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Health and Safety Regulations as defined in the Texas Administration Code (TAC), Chapter 332, and aIl other relevant requirements foz- compost products autlined in TAC, Chapter 332. Testzng Apri112, 2004 -5- requirements required by the TCEQ are de�ined in TAC C�apter 332, including SecYions §332.71 Sampling and Analysis Requi.rements for Final �'roducts and §332.72 FinalProduct Grades. Com�ostspecificationdaea approved by TxDOT are appropriate to use for ens uring the use of quality compost maCerials or for guidance. Testing standards are dependent upon the intended use for the campost and ensures product safety, and product performance regarding the product's specific use. The appropriate compost sampling anci testing protocols included in the United States Compasring Council (USCC) Test Methods for the Examination af Composring and Compost (TMECC) should be conducted on cozx�post products used fox mulch filter berms and socks to ensure that the products used will not impact public k�ealth, safety, and the environment and to promote production and marketir�g of qualzty camposts that meet anal}rtical standards. TMECC is a laboratorymanual that provides protacols for the coinposting uic3ustryand test naethods for campost analysis. TMECC provides protocols to sample, tx�onitor, and analyze materials d�ring all stages of the composting process. Numerous parameters ehat might be of concern in compose can 6e tested by following protocoIs or test methods Iisted in TMECC. TMECC inform.ation can be £ound at http://www•tmecc.org/rinecc/index.html. The USCC Seal of Testing Assurance (STA) program contains information xegarding compost STA certification. STA program informatio�n can be found at http:�/tmecc.org/sta/STA_program_description,html. InstaIlation: • Install in accordance with current TxDOT specificatiion. � Mulch filter berms should be constructed at 1-I/Z �eet high and 3 foot wide at locations shown on. plans. � Routinely inspect and maintain filter berm in a functional condition at aIl times. Correct deficiencies immediately. Tnsrall addi�ional filter bermmaterial as directed. Remove sediment after it has reached 1/3 of the height of the berm. Dispez-se filter berm or leave zn place as directed. • Mulch filter socks shauld be in 8 inch,l2 inch or 1 S inch or as directed. Sock materials should be designed to allow for proper percolation through. Carnnost Filter Berms and Sacl�s Description: Compost £ilter berms and socks are used to intercept and detain sediment laden run-off fram unprotected areas. When properly used, compost filter berms and socks can he highly effective at controlling sedimenr from disturbed areas. They cause runoffto pond which allows heavier solids tQ settle. Compost fiIter berms and socks are used during rhe periad of construction near the perimeter of a disturbed area to rntiercept sediment w�ile allowing water to percolaee through. The berm or soc�C should remain in place until the area is permanently stabilized. Compost filter berms should not be used when there is a concentraCian of water in a channel or drainage way. If concentrated flows occur after installatian , corrective action mUst be taken. Compost filter socks may be installed in construction areas and temporaliry moved durzng the day to allow canstruction activiry provided it is replaced a�� d praperly anchored at the end of the day. Campost filter berms and socks may be seeded ro allow for quick vegetative grawth and reducrion in run-off velociry. MaYerials: New types of compost filter berms and socks are co�ntinuously being developed. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDQT) has estaUlished minimum performance standards r�vhich must be met for any Apri112, 2004 -�- products seeking to be approved for use �withzn any of TxDOT's construction or rnaintez�ance activities. Compost filter berms and socks used within any TxDOT coristruction or inaintenarice acrivztzes must meet material specifications in accordance with TxDOT specification 1059. TxDOT maintains a website at http://www.dot.state.tx.us�des/landscape/compost/specifications.htm that�rovides information ancompost specification data. This website also contains information on areas where the Texas Commission on Environmental Qualiry {TCEQ} restricts the use of certain compost praducts. Composr filter berms and socks used for projects not related to TxDOT shoald also be af quality materials by meeting performance standards and compost specification data. To ensure the qualiry of compost used as compost filter berms an.d socks, products should meet aIl applicxble state and federal regulati.ons, including but not limited to the United States Environ�nental ProtectionAgency (US�PA) Code of FederaI Regulations {CFR), Title 40, Part 503 Standards for Class A Uiosolids and Texas Natural Resource Co�iservatian Commission (now named TCEQ) Health and Safety Regulations as defined in the Texas Administration Code (TAC), Chapter 332, and alI other relevant requirements for compost proc�ucts outlined in TAC, Chapter 332. Testing requirenaents required by the TCEQ are defrned in TAC Chaprer 332, zncluding Secdons §332.71 Sampling and Analysis Requirements fox Final Products and §332.72 Final Product Gxades. Compost specification data approved by TxDOT are appropriate to use for ensuring the use of qualiry compost materials or for guidance. Testing standards are dependent upoz� the intended use for the compost and ensuxes product safety, and product performance regarding the product's specific use. The appropriate compast sampling and testiing protocols included in the United States Co�nposting Council (USCC) T�st Methods fox the Examination of Composting and Compost (TMECC) should be conducted on compost products usedfor compostfilter berms and socks to ensure that the products used will not impact public health, safery, and the environment and to promote production and inarkering of c�uality composrs that zxxeet analytical standards. TMECC is a laboratorymanual that provides protocols for the composting industry and test methods for compost analysis. TM�CC provides protocols to sampie, monitar, and analyze materials during aIl stages of the camposting p�ocess. Numerous parameters t�iat might be of concern zz� compost can be tested by following protocals or test methods listed in TMECC. TMECC information can be found at http:/IWWWtmecc.org/tmeccJindex.html. The USCC Seal of Testing Assurance {STA) program contains inforinatzon regarding compost STA certi�ication. 5TA program information can 1�e found at http:l/tinecc.org/staJSTA_prngrazxi_description.html. T.nstallation: � Tnstall in accordance wiCh TxDOT Special Specificatio� 1059. � Compost filter bentns sliall be constructed at 1-I/2 feet high at�d 3 foot wide at locati.ons shown on plans. o Routinely znspect and maintain filter berm in a functi.onal condition at alI times. CorrecC deficiencies immediately, Install additional filter berm m.aterial as directed. Rennove sediment after it has reached 1/3 of t�e height of tihe berm. Disperse filter berm or leave in place as directed. o Compost fi�ter sacks shall be in 8 inch, I2 ilzch or 18 i��ch ar as directed. Sock materials shall be designed allowing for proper pez-colation through. SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS April 12, 2004 -�- Sand Ba� Berm Desceiptioz�: The purpose o� a sandbag berm is to detain sediment carried in runaff from disturbed areas. This objective is accomplished by zntercepting runoff and causing zt to pool behind the sand bag berm. Seditnent carried in the runoffis deposited on the vpstream side of the sand bag bettn due to the rediiced flow velocity. Excess runoff valumes are allowed to flow over the top of ehe sand bag berm. Sand bag berms are used only during construction activities in streambeds when tk�e contributzng drainage area is between 5 and l.0 acres and the slope is less than 15%, i.e., utilityconstruction in ckiannels, Cemporary channel crossing for construction equipment, etc. Plasric facing should be installed on rhe upst�-eam side and the berm should be anchored to the streambed by driliing into the rock and driving in "T" posts or rebar (#5 or #6) spaced appropri.ately. Materials: • The sand bag material sk�ould be polypropylene, palyethylene, polyamide or cotton burlap woven fabr�c, minimum unit weight 4 oz/yd Z, mullen burst strength exceeding 300 psi and ultraviolet stabiliry exceeding 70 percent. • The bag length should be 24 to 30 inches, width shouId be 16 to 18 inches and thickness should l�e b to 8 inches. � Sandbags should be filled with coarse grade sand and free from deleterious material. All sand should pass thxough a No. 10 sieve. The filled bag should have an appzoximate weight of 40 pounds. � Outlet pipe should be schedule 40 or stra�ger polyvinyl c�loride (PVC) having a nominal internal diameter of 4 inches. Installation: • The berm shouid be a minimum height of 18 inches, measured fronn. the top of the existing ground at the upslope toe to the top of the berm. • The berm should be sized as shown in the plans but should have a minimum width of 48 inches �neasured at the bottom of ehe benn and 16 inches measured at the top of the berm. � Runoff �vater shauld fIo�v ovez- the tops of the sandhags or through 4-inch diameter PVC pipes exnbedded below the top layer of bags. • When a sandbag is filled with matexial, the open end of the sandbag should be stapled or tied wit� nylon or poly caxd. � Sandbags should be stacl�ed in at least three rows ab�tting each other, and in staggered arrangement. � The base of tk�e berm should have at least 3 sazidbags. These can be reduced to 2 and I bag in the second and third rows respectively. • Por each. additional 6 inches of height, an additional sanclbag m�st be added to each row width. � A bypass pump-around system, or similar alternative, should be used on conjunction with the berzn for Apri112, 2004 -g� effective dewatering of the work area. Silt Fence Description. A silt fence is a barrier consisting of geotextile fa6ric suppoxted by metal posis Yo pxevent soil and sediment loss froix► a site. When properly used, silt fences can be highiy efFective at controlling sediment frotn. disturbed areas. They cause runoff to pond w�zich allows heavier solids to settle. If not properly installed, silt ifences are noc likely to be effective. The purpose of a silt fence is to intercept and detain warer- barne sedirnent from unpratected areas of a Iimited extent. Silt fence is used d�ring the period of canstruction near the pez-imeter of a distiurbed area to intercept sediment wk►ile allowing water to percolate thxough. This £ence should remain in place until the disturhed area is permanently stabilized. Silt fence should not be used where there is a concentration of water in a channel or drainage way. If concentrated flow occurs after instaIIation, corrective action must be taken such as placing a rock berin in the areas of concentrated flow. Siltfencing within the site maybe tempararily moved during the day Co allow construction activity provided it is replaced and properly anchored to the ground at the end of the day. Silt fences on t� e perimeter of the site or around drainage ways sh.ould not be zxxoved at any time. Materials; • Silt fence material should be polypropylene, polyethylene or polyamide woven or nonwoven fabric. The fabric width shouId be 36 inches, with a miniz�um unit weight of 4.5 oz/yd, mullen bt�rst strength exceeding 190 �b/in 2, ultravi.olet sral�ility exceedirig 70%, and minimum appaxent apening size of U.S. Sieve No. 30. • Fence posts should be made of hot rol�ed steel, at least q� feet long with Tee ar Y-bar crass section, surface painted or galvanized, minimum �ominal weight 1.25 lb/ft 2, and Brindell haxdness exceeding 140. • Waven wire backing to supgort the fabric should be galvanized Z" x 4" �cuelded wire, 12 gauge rninitxrum. InstalIation: � Stee1 posts, which support the siltfence, should�e installed on a slight angle toward the anticipated runo££ source. I'ost mtist be embedded a minimum of 1 foot deep and spaced not inore fhan 8 feet on center. Where water concentrates, the maxiinum spacing should be 6 feet. � Lay out fencing down-slope of disturbed area, following the contour as closely as possible. The fence should be sited so that the maximum drainage area is �/4 acre/10d feet of fence. � The toe o�the silt fence should be trenched ix�with a spade or mechanical trencher, so that the down-slope face of the trench is flati and perpendicular to the line of flow. Where fence cannot be trenched in (e.g., pavement or xock outcrop) , weight fabric flap with 3 inches of pea gravel on uphill side to prevent flow from seeping under fence. • T�e trench must be a minizxxumof 6 inches deep and 6 inches wide to allow for the silt fence fabric to be laid in ehe ground and backfilled with compacted material. � Silt fence should be securely fastened to each steel support post or to woven wire, which is in turn attached ro the steel fence post. There should be a 3-foot overla�, securely fastened where ends of fabric meet. Trian�ular Filter Di�e April 12, 2004 -�- Descripfiiont The purpose of a triangular sediinent filter d'tke is to intercept and detain water-borne sediment from unprotected areas of limited extent. The triangular sediment filter dike is used where there is no concentration of water in a channei or other draznage way above the barrier and the contributing drainage area is less than one acre. If the uphill slope above the dzke exceeds 10%, the length of the slope above the dike should be less than 50 feer. If concentrated f[ow occurs after installation, corrective action should be taken such as placing rock berm in the areas of concentrated flow. This measure is effective on paved areas where installation of silt fence is not possible ar where vehicle access must be maintained. The advanrage of tk�ese controls is the ease with which fhey can be moved Co allow vehicle traffic and then reinstalled to maintain sedi�nent Materials. � Silt fence material sk�ould be poIypropylene, polyethylene ar polyazx�ide woven or nonwoven fabric. The £abricwidth should be 36 inc�ies, with a minitnum u��it weight of�.5 oz/yd, mullet� burst strez�gth exceeding 190 Ib/i�n 2, ultravioler stabiliry exceeding 70°/o, and minimum apparent opening size of U.S. Sieve No. 30. � The dike structure should be 6 gauge 6" x b" wire inesh folded inta triangular form being eighteen (18) inches on each side. Installarion: = The frarne of the triangular sediment f�lter dilce shouid be constructed of b" x 6", 6 gauge welded wi�e mesh, 18 in.ches per side, and wra�ped with geotextile fabri.c the same composirion as that used far silt Eences. ��ilter material should lap over ends six (6) i�ches to cover dike to dike j unction; each junction should be secured by shoat rings. � Positiion di.ke parallel to the contours, with the end ofeach section closely abutrii�g the adjacent sections. � There are se�veral options for fastening the i�lter dike to rhe ground. The fabric sktrt may be toed-in with 6 inches of compacted mxterial, ar 12 inches of the fabric skirt should extend uphill and be secured with a minimum of 3 inches of open graded rock, or with staples or nails. If these two options are not feasible the dike structure may be trenched in 4 inches. • Triangular sedi�nent f�lter dikes should be installed across exposed slopes during construct�on wzth ends of tite dike tied in to existit�g grades to pxevent failure and should intercept no more th.an one acre of runoff. � When moved ro allow vehicular access, the dikes should be reinstalled as soon as possible, but always at the end of the workday. Rock Bernt Descrriptian: The purpase of a rock herm is eo serve as a check dam in axeas of cancentrated f�ow, to intercept sediment-laden runofF, detain the sedimex�t and release the water in sheet f�ow. The rock berm. s�ould be used when the contri6uting drainage area is less tIian 5 acres. Rock berms are used 'zn areas where tk�e volume of runoffis too great for a silt fence to contain. They are less effective for sediment removal rhan silt fences, partic�larly for f�ne particles, but are able to withstand higher flows than a silt fence. As such., rock herms are oftexz tEsed in areas of channel flows {ditches, gullies, etc.). Rock bertx�s are most efFeceive at redUcing bed load in channels and should not be substituted for othex erosion and sediment control measures Aprill2, 2004 -��- further up the watershed. Materialst � The berm structure should be secured with a woven wire sheathing having m�imum opening af 1 inch and a minunum wire diameter af 2� gauge galvanized and should be secured with shoat rings. � Clean, apengtaded 3- to 5-inch diameter rock should be used, except ii� areas where higk� velocities or large volu�nes of flow are expected, where 5- to $-inch diameter roc�Cs may be used. Instailation: 6 Lay out the woven wire sheathing perpendicular to the flow line. The sheath ing shauld be 20 gauge woven wire mesh with 1 inch openings. m Berrrn should have a top width of 2 feet minimu�n with side slopes being 2:1 {H:V) or #Iatter. o Place the rock along the sheathing to a height not less rhan 18". • Wrap the wire sheath.zng around the rock and secure with tie wire so that the ends of t�e sheathing overlap at least 2 inches, and rhe berm retains i�s shape when walked upon. � Berni should be b�ilt along the contour at zero percent grade or as near as posszble. � The ends of the berm should be tied into exis�ing �pslope grade and the 6erm should be buried in a rrench approximately 3 to 4 inches deep to prevent failure of the contral. Hav� Bale Dike Description. The pvrpose of a hay or straw bale dike is to intercept and detain small amou�ts of sediment- laden runoff from relatively small unprotected areas. Straw bales are to be used when it is not feasible to install other, more effective measures or when the constr�ction phase is expected �o last less than 3 months. Straw bales should not be used on areas where rock or other hard surfaces prevent the full and uniforrn anchoring of the barrier. Materials: Straw: The 6est quality straw mulch comes fram wheat, oats or barley and shauld be free of weed and grass seed which may not be desired vegetation for ehe area eo he pratected. Straw mulch is Iight and therefore must be properly anchored to the ground. Hay: This is very sirnilar eo straw with the exception that it is made ofgrasses andweeds and not grain stems. This form of mulch is very inexpensive and is widely available but does introduce weed and grass seed ro the area. Like straw, hay is Light and must be anchared. • Straw bales should weigh a minimum of 50 pounds and should be at least 30 inches Iong. April 12, 2004 -� 1- • Bales should be composed entirely of vegetable matter and be £ree oE seeds. �$inding should be either wire or nylon string, j ute ar cotton binding is unacceptable. Bales shouId be used for not more than two mont�s befare being replaced. Installation: • Bales shauld be embedded a minimum of 9� inches and securely anchored using 2" x 2" waod stakes or 31$" diameter rebar driven through the bales into the ground a minimum of 6 inches. � Bales are to be placed directly adjacent to one another Ieaving no gap between them. � All bales should be placed on the contour. = The first stal�e in each bale shoulc� be angled toward the previously laid bale to force the �ales together. Erosion Cantrol Coin�ost DescripYion: Erosion control con2post (ECC) can be used as an aid to conerol erosion on critical sates during the establishmenr period of protective vegetation. The most com�non uses are on steep slopes, s�vales, diversion dikes, and on tidal or stream banks. Materials: New types of erosion control compost are continuously being develo�ed. The Texas Department of Transportati.on (TxDOT) has established minimurn performance standaxds which must be met for any pmducts seelang to be approved fox use within any of TxDOT's construction. or maintenance acrivities. Material used witlun any TxDOT construction or maintenance activities must meet material specifications in accordance with currer�t TxDOT specifications. TxDOT maintains a website at http://www•dot.state.tY.us/des/landscape�compostlspecifications.htm that provides information oncompost specification data. This website also contains information on areas where the Texas Commission an En.vironmental Quality (TCEQ) restricts the �se of certain compost products. ECC used far projects not related to TxDOT slzould also be of quality znaterials by rneeting performance standards and com.post sp eci{�ca�ion data. To ensure the quality of composr used as an ECC, products should ineet alI appIicable state and federal regulations, inclnding �ut not iimited to the United States Environmental ProCection Agency (USEPA) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 40, Part 503 Standards £or Class A biosolids and Texas Natural Resource Canservation Commission (now named TCEQ) Health and Safety Regulations as de�ined in the Te�as Administration Code (TAC), Chapter 332, and all other relevant requirements for compost products outlined in TAC, Chapter 332. Testing requirements required by the TCEQ are defined:in TAC Chapter 332, including Sections §332.7I Sampling and Analysis Requirements for Final Products and §332.72 Final Prod�ct Crrades. Compost specification data approved by TxDOT are appropriate Co use for ens�ring the use af quality compost materials or for guidance. Testing standards are dependent upon the intended use for the com�ost and ensures product safety, and product performance regarding the producr's specific use. The appropriate compnst sampling and tesring protocols included in the United States Composting Council �USCC) Test Methods for the Examination of Connpostin� arid Cntnpost (TIvi�CC) should be conducted on coxnpost products used for ECC to ensure that the products used will norc impact public heal�h, s afety, and tl-ee environm.ent and to promote praduction and Aprtll2, 2004 -12- marketing of quality composts that meet analytical star�dards. TMECC is a laboratory manual treat provides �rotocols for the composting industry and test methads for compost analysis. TMECC provides protocols �o sample, �nonitor, and analyze materials during aIl stages of the composting process. Numerous parameters that might be of concern in compost can be tested by folIowing protocols or test methods listed in TMECC. TMECC inforination can be found at http://www.tmecc.orgltmecc/index.htrnl. The USCC Sea1. of Testing Assurance (STA) prograin contains inforination. regarding compost STA certi.fication. STA program inform.ation can be found at http://�ecc.org/sta/STA_program descriptian.html. Installation: • Install in accordan.ce witl� current TxDOT specification. � Use on slopes 3: � or flatter. � Apply a 2 inch uniform layer vnless otherwise shown an the plans or as directied. a When rolling is specified, use a light corrugated druin roller, Mulch Filter Berms and Socks Desc�iption: Mulch filter herms and socks are used to interce�t and detain sediment Iaden run-off from unprotected areas. When properly used, mulch filter berms and socks can be highly effective at controlling sedinnent fram distur�ed areas. They cause runoff to pond wliich allows heavier solids to settle. Mulch filter berms and socks are used during the period o£canstruceion near the perimeter of a distvrbed area to intercept sedimen� while allowing water to percolate ehrough. The berm or sock shouId remain in place until the area is permanently stabilized. Mulch filter berms should not be used when there is a concentraYion o£water in a channel or drainage way. If concentrated flaws occurs after instiailation, carrective action musti be taken. Mulch filter socks may be installed in construction areas and temporarily moved during the day to allow construction activity pmvided it is replacec� and properly anchored at the end of the day. Mulch filter berms and socks may be seeded to allow for quick vegetarive growrh an.d reduction in run-offvelociry. Materials: New rypes of mulch filter berm.s and socks are contin�ously being developed. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has established rninfmum. performance standards which must �e rnet for any products seeking to be approved for use within any of TxDO�s construction or rnaintenance activities. Mulch filter berms and socks used within any TxDOT constructzon dr maintenance activities must meet znat�rial specifications in accordance with current TxDOT specifications. TxDOT maintains a website ar �iYYp;/I��T�'•dot.sCaCe.tx.us/des/Landscape%omposti/specifications.htm thatpravides information on coznpost specification dara. This website also co�tains information on areas where the Texas Commission on Environmenral Qualiry (TCEQ) restricts the use af certain compost producrs. Mulch filter berms and socks iised for projects nor related to TxDOT shouid also be of quality matexzals by ineeting performance stiandards and compost speci�ication dara. To ensure the qualiry of compost used for xnulch filter berms and socks, proc�ucts should meet all applicable state and federal regulations, including but �not limited to the United States Environmental Protecrion Agency {US�PA) Code of Pederal Regulations {CFR), Title 40, I'art 503 Standards for Class A biosalids and Texas Natural Resource Conservaaon Commissior� Health and Safery Regulations as defir�ed in the Texas Administration Code (TAC), Chapter 332, and alI oth.er relevant requirements for campost products outlined in TAC, Chapter 332. Testing Aprill2, 2004 -13- requirements required by the TCEQ are defined in TAC Chapter 332, including Sections §332.71 Samplzng and Analysis Requirements for Final Products and §332.7 � Final Product Gz-ades. Com�ost specification data approved byTxDOT areappropriate to use for ensuring the use of quality compost materials or for guidance. Testing standards are dependent upon the intended vse for the compost anc� ensures product safery, and product pez-Farmance regarding the product's specific vse. Th.e appropriaCe compost sampling and testing protocols included in the United States Composting Council {USCC) Test Merhocis £or the �xamination of Composting and Compost {TM�CC) should be conducted on compost products used for r�nulch iilter bernas and socks to ensure that the products used will nor impact puhlic health, safety, and the environment and to promote production and marketing of qualiry composts rhat meet analytical standards. TMECC is a l aboratorymanual that provides protacols for tihe compostir2g industry and test rnethods for compost analysis. TMECC pravides protocols to sample, znonitor, and analyze �aterials during al� stages of the composting process. Numerous parameters that might be o�' concerrz in compost can be tested by follawing protocols or test methods Iisted in TMECC. TMECC information can he found at http:�/www.t7necc.org/bneccJindex.html. The USCC Sea1 of Testing Assurance (STA) program contains infaz-mation regarding compost STA certification. STA progrant infor�nation can be found at http://t�necc.org�sra/STA�rogram_description.html. Znsta�aCion: •�nstall in accordance with current TxDOT specification. � M�Ich filter berms should be constructied at 1-1/2 feet high and 3 foot wide at locations shown on plans. � Routinely inspect and maintain filter berm in a fun.ctional condition at all times. Correct deficiencies immediately. Install additional filter berm material as directed. Rerreove sediment after it has reached 1/3 of the height of the berm, Disperse filter berm or leave in place as directed. • Mulch filter socks shauld be fn 8 inch,l2 inch or 18 inch or as directed. Sock material.s should be desigzied to allow for proper percolation through. Cornposi �'ilter Berms and Socks Descrzption: Compost filter berms and socks are used to intercept and detain sediment Iaden r�n�off from unpxotected areas. When properly used, compost f�ltex berms at�d socks can be highly effective at controlling sediment from distur�ed areas. They cause xunaff to pond which allows heavi.er solids to settle. Com}�ost filter berms and socks are used during the period ofconstruction near tk�e perimeCer of a disturbed area to intercepC sedim.ent while allowing water to percolate through. Tk� e berm ar snck should remain in �lace until the area is pernnanently sfabilized. Compost filter berms should not be used when there is a concentration of water in a channel or drainage way. If concentrated flows occur after installation , corrective action mvst be taken. Campost filter socks may be installed in construction areas and temporality moved during the day to allow construction activityprovided it is replaced and properly anchored at the end of the day. Compost filter berms and socks may be seeded to allow for quick vegetative growth and reduction in run-oflFvelocity. Materials: Aprid 12, 2004 -14- New types of compost filrer bexms and socks are continuously being developed. The Texas Department of Transportation {TxDOT) has estab�ished minimum performatice standards which must be inEt for any products seeking to be approved for use within any of TxD�T's const�uction or maintenance activities. Compost filter bern2s and socks used wirhin any TxDOT construction or mainrenance activities must meet maCerial specifications in accordance with TxDOT specification 1059. TxDOT maintains a website at http://www•dot.s�ate.t�c.us�des/landscape%ompost/specifications.htm th.at provides it�foxmation oncompost specification data. This website aJ.so cantains information on areas where the Texas Comm.zssion on Enviranmental Quality (TCEQ) resrricts the use of certain compost products. Compost filter 6erms and socks used for projects not related to TxDOT should also be of quality maCeria�s by meeting performance standards and compost speci�catian data. To ensure the quality of cornpost used as compost filter �erms and socks, products should meet all ap�licable state and federal regulations, including butnot limited to theUnited States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 40, Pare 503 Standards for Class A biosolids and Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (now named TCEQ) Health and Safety Regulations as deFined in the Texas Administration Code (TAC), Chapter 332, and all otb.er relevant requirements for campost products outli�ed in TAC, Chapter 332. Testing requi.xements required �y the TCEQ are defi.ned in TAC Chapter 332, including Secrions §332.715am�ling and Analysis Require�nents for Final T'roducts and §332.72 �inal Prod�ct Grades. Compose specification data approved by TxDOT are apprapriate to use for ensuring Che use of qualiry compost materials or £oz- guidance. Testing standards are dependent upon the intended use for the compost and ensures product safety, and product perfornnance regarding the product's specific use. The appropriate compost sampling and testing protocols included in the United States Compnsting Council {USCC) Test Methads far the Examination of Composting and Com�ost {TMECC) shou�dbe conducted on compost products used for connpost filter herms and socks to ensure that the praducts used will not impact public health, safery, and the environmenr and to promotie production and Ynarketing of quaiitq cotx�posts that meet analytical standards. TMECC is a laboratorymanual that provides protincoIs for the composting industry and tesC meth.ods for camposC analysis. TMECC provides protocols to sample, monitor, and anaIyze materials during aII stages of the composting process. Numerous parameters that might l�e of concern in compost can be tested by following protncols or test methods listed in TMECC. TMECC infoxmation can be found at k�ttp://www.tmecc.orgltmecc/index.html. The USCC Seal of Testing Assurance (STA} program cantains information regarding coznpost STA certification. STA progz-am informatiion can he found at http: /1� ecc. org/sra/STA_program_description.k►tml. Installation: • Install in accorda�ce with TxDOT Special Specification 1059. � Coinpost filrer berrns shall be constructed at 1- I/2 feet high and 3 foot wide at locations shown on plans. • Routinely inspect and maintain filter berm in a functional conditian at all times. Correct defl�ciencies immediately. Install additional filter berin material as directed. Remove sediment after it has reached 1/3 of the height of the bernn. Disperse filter bertn ar leave in place as directed. • Campost filter socks shall be in 8 inch, 12 inch or IS inch ar as directed. Sock materials shall be designed allowing for proper percolation through. 14pri112, 2004 -15- nOST-CONSTRUCTION TSS CONTROLS Retention/Irri�ation Svsterns Description: Retention�irrigat�on systems refer to the capt�ire of runoffin a hol�ing pond, then use of the captured water for irrigati.on of a�propriate landscape areas. Retention�irrigation systems are characterized by the capture and disposal of runaff witihout direct release of captured flow to receiving streams. Retention systems exhibit excellent pollutanc removal but can require regular, properr maintenance. Collection of roof runofffar subsequent use (rainwater harvesting) also qualifies as a retentionJirrigauon practice, but should be operated and sized to provide adequate volutne. This technology, which em.phasizes beneficial use of starmwater tunoff, is particular�y appropriate for arid regions because ofincreasing demands on water supplies for agiicultural irrigation and urban water supply. Design Consideratians: Retention/irrigatiori practices acl�ieve 100% removal e£�ciency of tiatal suspended solids contained withiz� the volume ofwater captured. Design elements of retention/irrigation systems include runoff storage faciliry coz�figuration and sizing, pump and wet well system components, basin lining, basin detention ti�ne, and physical and operational compo�ien.ts af the irrigation system. Retention/izziga�ion systems are apprapriate for large dz-ainage areas with low ta moderate slopes. The retention capacity should be sufficienr cons�dering the average rainfall event for the area. Maintenance Requirements: Maintenance requirements for retention/irrigation systems include rautine inspecrions, sediment removal, mowing, debris and litter removal, erosion control, and nuisance control. Extended Detention Basin Descriprion: Extended detention faciIities are basins that temporarily store a portion of stormwater runoff following a storm event Extended deten.tian basins are normally used to remove paxticulate pollutants and to reduce maximum xunoff rates associated �vith development to tiheir pre-deveIopment levels. The water quality bene£�ts are the removal of sediment and buoyant materials. Furthermore, nUtrients, heavy metaIs, toxic materials, and o�gen-demanding materials associated with the par�icles also are removed. The control of the maximum runoff rates serves Yo protect drainage channels below the device from erosion and to reduce downstream flooding. Although detention facili�ies designed for flood control have different design req�irements than those used for water qualiry enhanceznent, it is possible to achieve these twa objectives in a single facility. Design Considerations: Extended detention basins can remove approximately 75% of the totat suspended solids contained within the volume o�runoff capturecl in t�e hasin. Design elennents of extended detention basins include basin sizing, basin configuration, basin side slopes, basin lining, inlet/o�tlet stiructures, and erosion controls. Extended detention basins are appropriate for large drainage areas with Iow to moderate slopes. The retenlion capacity should be sufficient considering t�ie average rainfall event for the area. Maintenance Requirements: Maintena�ce reqairements for extended detenuon basins include routine inspections, mowing, debris and litter re�moval, erosion control, str�ctural repairs, nuisance control, and sedizinent removal. Ve�etative Fzlter Strips Description: Filter strips, also knowc� as vegetated buffer strips, are vegetated sections of land simiIar Co grassy svvaIes, except they are essent�ally flat with low slopes, and are designed onIy to accept xunoff as April 12, 2004 -lb- overland sheet flow. TYiey may appear i.n� any vegetated form from grassland to forest, and are designed to intercept upstream flow, lower f�ow velociry, and spread water out as sheet flow. The dense vegetative caver facilitates conventional pollutant removal through detention, filtration by vegetation, and infiltration. Filter strips cannot treat high velociry flows, and do not pravide enough storage or infiltration to effectively reduce peak discharges to predevelopment levels for design stiarms. This Iack of quantiry control favors use in rural or Iow-densiry developmer�t; however, they can provide water quality benefits even whexe the iinpervious cover is as high as 50%. The prirnary highway application for vegetative filter scrips is along rural roadways where runoff that would otherwise discharge directly to a receiving water, passes through the filter srrip before entering a conveyance system. Properly designed roadway nnedians and sl�oulders make effecrive buffer strips. These devices also can be used on other types of developmet�t wl�ere land is available and b.ydraulic conditions are appropriate. F1at slopes and low to fair permeability of natural subsoil are required for effecti.ve perfarmance of filter strips. Althougl� ari inexpensive control measure, they are nnost useful in contributing watershed areas where peak runoff velacities are Iow, as they are unable to treat tk�e high flow velocities rypically associated with high iinpervious cover. The mast important criteria for selecrion and use of this BMP are soils, space, and slope. Design Consideratians: Vegetative filter strips can remove ap�roximately 85% of tl�e toeal suspended solids contained within the val�me of runoff captured. Design elements of vegetative filter s trips include uniiForm, sha�low overland flow across the entire filter strip area, hydraulic loading rate, inlet structures, slope, and vegetative cover. The area should be free of gulIies or ri1ls which can concentrate flow. Vegetative filter strips are appropriate for small drainage axeas with moderate slopes. Maintenance Requiremex�ts: Maintenance rec�uirements for vegeCative filter strips include pest rnanagennent, seasanal mowing and lawn care, routine inspections, debris and Iieter removal, sediment removal, and grass reseeding and mulching. Canstructed Wetlands Description: Constructed wetlands pravide physical, chemical, and biological water qualiry treatment of stormwater runoff: Physical treatment occurs as a result of decreasing flow velocities in the wetland, and is present in the form of evaporation, sedimenCation, adsorption, and/or filtration. Chemical processes include chelation, precipitation, and cherr►xcal adsorption. Biological processes incIude decomposition, plant uptake and reznioval aF nutrients, plus biological transformatian and degradation. Hydrology is one of the most ir�fluen�ial factors in pollutant removal due to its ef�'ects on sedimentation, aeration, biological tz-ansformation, and adsorption onco boc�om sediments. The wetland should be designed such that a minimum amount of maintenance is required. The natural surroundings, including such things as the potential energy of a stiream ox flooding river, should be utilized as much as possible. The wetland shouId approximate a natural situa�ian anc� unnatural attributes, such as rectangular shape or rigid channel, should be avoided. Site cansiderations shouldinclude the r�vater table depth, soil/su�strate, and space requiremenYs. Becaase the wetland must have a source of flow, it is desirable rhat the water table is ae or neax the surface. If runaff is the only source of inf�ow for the wetlanc�, the water level often fluctuates and establishment of vegetation may be difficult. The soil or substrate of a� artificial wetland shoU�d be loose loam to clay. A perez�nial base�low must be present to sustain the ar�ificial wetland. The presence of organic material is ofeen hel�ful zn increasing pollutant removal and retention. A greater amount of space is required for a wetland system than is requi�ecl for a detention facility treating the same arnount of area. April 12, 2004 -l7� Design Considerations; Constructedwetlands can remove over 90% of the total suspended sal.ids contained within the volume of runoff captured in the wetland. Desrgn elexnents of constructed wetlands include wet�and sizing, wedand configuration, sediment forebay, vegetation, outflow structure, depth of inundati.on during storm events, depth o£ irzlicropooIs, and aeration. Constructed wetlands are appropriate for large drainage areas with low to mnderate slopes. Maintenance Requirements: Maintenance requireFnents for constructed wetlands include mowing, routine inspecrions, debris and litter removal, erosion control, nuisance control, structuraI repairs, sediment removal, harvesang, and maintenance of water levels. Wet Basins Descriptian: Wet basins are runof£control facilities rhat maintain a permanent wet pool and a standing crop of emergent littoral vegetation. Tk�ese facilities may vary in appearance frorn narural ponds to enlarged, bermed (manmade} sections of drainage systems and may functiion as onlzne or offline facilities, although offline configuration is preferable. Offline designs can prevent scour and otiher damage to the wet pond and mininnize costly outflow structure elements needed to accortunodate extreme runoff evez-�ts. During starm events, runoff 'rnflovvs displace part or aII of the existing basin volume and are retained and treated in the facility untii the next storm event. The pollutant removal mechanisms are settling of solids, wetland plant uptake, and microbial degradation. When the wet basin is adequately sized, pollutant removal perfoxmance can 6e excellent, especially for the dissolved fractian. Wet basins also help provide erosion protection for the receiving channel by lizxiit�ng peak flows during larger starin events. Wer basins are often perceived as a positive aesthetic element in a community and offer significant oppartuniry for creative pond configurarion and landscape design. Participation of an experzenced wetland designer is suggested. A significant potential dra�vback for wet ponds in arid climates is that the contributing watershed for these faciliCies is often incapable ofproviding an adequate water supply Yo maintain the pertnanent pool, especially dnring the summer months. Makeup water (i.e., wel� water or municipal drinlci.� waeer) is sometimes used to supplement the rainfall/runoff process, especially for wet basin facilities treating watersk�eds that generate insUfiFicient runoff. Design Consideratioz�s; Wet basins can remove over 90% of the total suspended solids contained vvithin the volume of runoff captured in rrhe basin. Design ele�nents of wet basins include basin sizing, L�asin con�.guration, hasin side slopes, sediment forebay, inflaw and outflow structures, vegetation, depth of permanent pool, aeratitin, and erosio� control. Wet basins are approprzate far large drainage areas with law to moderate slopes. MaizxtenanceRequirements: Maintenancerequirement�sfoxwetbasinsindvdemowving,xoutineinspections, debtis and litter removal, erosion contra[, nuisance control, seructural repairs, sedime�it removal, and harvesting. April 12, 2004 � 1 g- G�Oi�CHNICAl� �Ad�IR11�ER11VG SiU�Y CULVI�Ri I��C�LAC�IV��F�i Sf�O��VI�W p�1V� �ORi WOR�b, TEXAS Presented To: Kimley�Warn and Associates, lnc. Jar�uary 2020 PFtOJ�Ci IVO. '[03-19�332 7G3� P'ebbir i?riv� ��� �'����'�'�'������ ����fl FQFtWarth,T€�siG11$ wFv9�:crnjengr.cottt� - - __....._._._.._. — � January 9, 202U Rep��t No, 103- � 9�3�� Kimley-Narn and /�ss�ci�t�s, Inc. �a9 ��erry �treet, Unit 19, �ui�� 93€7[7 �='�r� 1lll�rth, T�xas 7�9 �i� Atfn: Mr. NichQla� �apka, �.I.T. ��f�TE�HF�ICi�L �NG1i���F�f�1� �iI�D1f' �1J�ll�#�7 ���L.�,��IV��h1`� �HpI��V��'4�t QRi1A� �r��;T ►���TH, Y��� D�ar Mr. Sopko: �ubmitt�d here ar� th� r�s�alts �f a g�ot�chni��l �n�ir,��ring study f�r the r�ferenc�d prnj�c#. 'T�is study was �erFQrm�d ir� general accordanc� with �MJ I�rp�osal � 8,i112 d�t�d D��em��r 7, 2018. Tl�e ge�t�chnic�l ��raric�s w�re ��athoriz�d vi� Individu�l Project �rd�r (IPC)) Nd, 0�14'1835� date� Nvv�mber 7, 2�1 �� Engirie�rit�g a�n�ly5�s ��d recomr�'��r�d�tions �re contain�ci ih th� t�xt s��fio�t of th� ��port. Results of our �eld and laboratcary s�rvices ar� incfud�d in the app�n�fix of t{�� repo�c. Wc; we�uld appre�iat� fh� o�a}�ortunity tt� b� ct�nsid�red �ar prav�rlir�g tl�� rnaterials engine�ring ��d gec�f��hi�ii�al abs�ruatior� ser►ti��s during tfi�� �ansfru�tiorr ph�s� c�f this praj�ct. W� appr�ci�te �h� oppartuni#y tc� b� of s�rvice fa Kiml�ynHc�m and A�soci�t��, Inc. Pf�as� conta�t us if you have ��y que�tion� or if w� may b� af �`urther servic� �t tP�is ti�ne. � _ _ .. . ... . i { I Tex�s �lo. 1 �78� � � �� ' �(i J�m P. Sappirtgt�n, !V, �'.� F're d�nt T�x � No. 9744� copies su�mitte�: (2) Mr. �ichol�s �o�ka; FCir�(eyr�arn ard Assocl�t�s, Inc. (email & m�il� __ - -- --- ---- — _ . . _ =-- _ 1'h�n�e {817) �84l94�1� Fa� (817} �8�-9�93 _ M�tro (�17} �89-`�`1�2 iAf�L� OF CBRli�R7S 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5A 6.0 �.a s.a INTRODUCTION --------------�_---------------------_----------- FIELD EXPLORAT[ON AND LABOE�ATORY TESTING SUBSURFACE C�Nb1TIONS -------------------------------- BOXCULVERT--------------------------------------------------- PAVEM EN TS------------------------------------------------------ EARTHWOR K----------------------------------------------------- CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS------------------------ REPORT CLOSUR� -------------------------------------------- po�P�F�lDIX A Plan af Borings------------------------ Unified 5oil Classification System Key to Classification and Symbols Logs of Borings ----------------------- Soluble Sulfate Test Results------- Lime Series Test Results-----------� A�����IX � Pavement Thickness Design Paqe -1 _2 - �# -5 '! 0 'E 5 19 �s Plate -------- A.1 �------- A.2 �------- A.3 A.A� �- A.5 �----__- A.6 �------- A.7 Plate B.1 — B.2 1.0 IR�TR��UC f10N 1.'[ Ger�eral The project, as currently plannec� will consist of replacir�g the existing cul�ert beneath Shore�iew Drive approximately 250 feet west of Bombe�' Road in Fort Worth, Texas. A new heac�wall ar�d pavement replacerr�ent are afso plann�d. Plate A.1, Plan of �orings, depict fhe project rricinity and lacaf�ons af the exploration borings. 1.2 �urpose and Scope The purpose of this geofechn�ca[ engineering sfudy has been fo determine the general subsurface conditions, e�aluate the engineering characterisfics of the subsurface materials encountered, c�evelop recommendaf�ons for the type or types of foundations suitabie for the project, pro�ide pavement design guidelines, and ear�hwork recommendations. To accomplish its intended purposes, the study has been conducted in the iol[owing phases: {1) drilling sample borings to defermine the general subsurFace condifions and to obtain samples fior t�sting; (2) perfarming lahoratory tests on appropriate sarr�ples to determine pertinent engineering properties of the subsurFace materiais; and {3) performing engineering analyses, using fhe field and laboratary data io develop geotechnica! recommendations for the proposed construction. The prelirninary design is currently in progress and fhe locations ancflor ele�ations of the cu[vert and roadway cou[d chang�. Once the final design is r�ear completian (80-percent to 90-percent stage), it is recommenc�ed that CMJ E�gineering, Inc. be retained to review those portions of the construction documents pertaining to the geot�chn'ical recommendations, as a means to determine thaf our recommendafions ha�e been interpreted as intended. 1.3 Repor� �ormat The text af #he report is contained in Sections '[ through 8. Ali plates and large tables are contained in Appendix A. The alpha-numeric plate and table numbers identify the appendix in which they appear. Small tabies af less than one page in iength may appear in the body of the texf and are numbered according to the section in which they occur. Fteport No. 103-13-332 CMJ ENGIIIEERING, INC. Units used in the repart are based on the English system and may include tons per square foot {ts�, kips (1 Kip = 1,000 pounds), kips per square foo� (ks�}, �Oounds p�r square foot (ps�, pounds per cubic foot (pcfj, and pounds p�r square inch (psi). 2.Q �'I�L� EX��BRAiI�� AN� L,A�ORAT'��Y ��STIIVG 2.1 �ield Exploration Subsurface materiais at the project site were explored by two {2) sample borings dril[ed ta depths of 40 �0 45 feet using continuous flight augers at #he approximate locations shown on the Plan af Borings, Plate A.1. The boring logs are ir�cluded on P[ates A.4 and A.5 ar�d Keys to c[assifications and symbols used on the fogs are provided on Plafes A.2 and A.3. Undisfiurbed samples o# cohesi�e soils were obfiained with nominal 3-inch diameter thin-wailed {Shelby) tube samplers at the Eacations shown on the [ogs of borings. The Shelby tube sampler consists af a fhin-walled steel tube with a sharp cutting edge connected to a head equip��d with a ball �a[�e threaded for rod connection. The tube is pushed into the sail by th� hydraulic pulldown of the drilling rig. The soi! specimens were extruded fram the fiube in the field, [ogged, tested for consistency with a hand penetrometer, sealed, and packaged to limii loss of moisture. The consis#ency of cohesi�e saif samples was e�al�atec� in the field using a calibrated hand penetrometer. In this test a 0.25�inch diameter piston is pushed into �he relatively undisturbed sample at a consfant rata to a depth of 0.25 inch. The r�sults of these tests, in fisf, are tabulated at respecti�e sam�le depths on the log. When the capacity of the penetrometer is exceeded, the �alue is fabulated as 4.5+. Disturbecl samples of th� noncohesi�e granular or stiff fo hard cohesive materials were obtained �afilizing a naminal 2-inch O.D. split-barrel (split-spoon) sampfer in conjunction with fhe Standard Penetrafion Test (ASTM D 9�56). This test emplays a 140-pound hammer #hat drops a free fall �ertical distance of 30 inches, dri�ing the split-spoon sampler into the material. TF�e nurnb�r of blows required for 18 inches af �en�tration is recarded and the �alue for the last 12 inches, ar the penetrafion abtain�d from 100 bfows, is reported as the Standard Penetra#ion Value (N) at the appropriate depth on the [ogs ofi borings. Report No. 103-99-332 CMJ EHc��vE�anv�, I�rC. E To erraluate the relatirre density and consistency of the harder formations, a modified version of the Texas Cone Penetration test was per�ormed at selected locations. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Test Methad Tex-132-E specifes dri�ing a 3-inch diameter cone with a 170- pound hammer fr�e[y falling 24 inches. This resulfs in 340 foot-pounds of energy for each b[ow. Tl�is method was madified by utilizing a 940-�ound hammer freely faEling 30 inches. ThEs resuits fn 35D foat-pounds of energy for each hammer blow. ln relati�ely soft materials, the penetrameter cone is driven 1 foot and the number of blows required for each 6-inch penetration is fabulated at respective tes� dep��s, as blows per 6 inches on the log. fn hard materials (rock or rock-like), �he penetrometer cone is driuen with the resulting penetrations, in inches, recorded fior fhe first and seconci 50 blows, a total of 900 blows. The penetratian for the tota[ 10� blows is recorcied at the respecti�e testing depths on the boring logs. 2.� �aboratory �'esting Laboratory sail tests were performed on selected re�resentative samples reco�ered from the borings. In additian to the classifcation tests (liquid [imits, pfasfic lim�ts, and percent passing the No. 200 sie�e), rnoisture content, unconfined cornpressi�e stre�gth, and unit weight tests w�re p�rformed. Results of the [aboratory classification tests, moisture con�ent, unconfined compressi�e strength, and unit weight tests conducied for this project are incl�ded on the boring logs. Solui�le sulfafe tesfs w�re conducted on s�lected soil samp[es recovered from the borings. The sulfate testing was conducted fo h�lp identify sulfafe-induced hearring potential of the sails. Sulfate- induced heaving can cause detrimental �olumetric changes to a lime modified subgrade. The results af the suffate tests are presented on Plate A.6. One Eades and Grim Lime Series test was performed on a selected sampl� to identify the appropriate concentration of lime to add ta soils for stabilization purposes. The results of the [ime series test are presented on Plate A.7. The abo�e laboratory tests were perfarmed in general accordance with applicabfe ASTM procedures, ar gen�rally accepted practice. Report No. 703-79-332 CMJ ENGINEERyNG, TNC. 3 3A SUBStJ�FAC� CONDITIBNS 3.1 Soil Condit�ons Specific types and depths of subsurFace stratigraphy encountered at the boring locations are shawn on the boring logs in Appendix A. The generaiized subsurface sfratigraphy encountered in the borings are discussec! below. Nate that c�epths on fhe borings refer to the depth from the existing grade or ground surface presenf at the time of the in�estigation, and the boundaries between the �arrous soil types are approximate. Boring B-1 was drilled on the exisfmg par�ement. The exisfing pavement section consists of 23/4 inches of asphalt pa�ement unde�lain by '[2 �nches of base material. Soils encountered consist of brown anci light brown silty clays contair�ing calcareous deposits and limestone fragments. The si[ty clays encountered in Boring B-2 contain rnetal fragments and are noted as fiU to a d�pth of 1 foot. Tar� weathered �irrzestone containing �ractured limestone seams is next present at depths of "i to 5 feet. The tan weathered limestone is soft to moderately hard (rock basis), with Texas Cone Penetrafion (THD) test �alues of 2%2 to '[0 inches per 100 b[ows. Brown and light brawn silty clay confaining clayey sand and gra�el is nexfi present beneath the tan weathered limestane i� Boring B- 2 at a depth of 12 feet, extending to a depth o� 95 feet. Th� various dayey soils encountered in the borings had tested Liquid Limits (LL} ranging from 26 to 43 with Plasticity lndices (PI) rangir�g from '[3 to 30 and are classified as CL by the USCS. The �arious silty clay soils are genera[ly stiff to hard (soif basis} in consistency with pocket penefrometer readings of 1.5 to over 4.5 tsf. A testec� unit weight �afue was 106 pcf and a tested unconfined campressi�e strer�gth was 3,490 psfi. Tan sand and gra�e� is ne� present in Boring �-1 af a depth of 12 feet extending through boring terminatior� at a depth af 45 feet. A 3-inch sandstone layer was encountered at a depth of 2� feet. The tan sand and gra�el is dense with a Standard Penetration {N) �alue of 36 blows far 1 foat of penetration. Tan and gray sar�d is ne�ct present in Borir�g B-2 at a depth of 15 feet e�anding through boring termination at a clepff� af 40 f�et. A 12-inch sandstone �ayer was encountered at a depth of 20 feet and sandsfane seams and layers wer� present belaw a d�pth of 26 feet. The tan and gray sand is Repoft No. '[03-19-332 CMJ EIVGI]VEERING, IHc. 4 �ery dense with Standard Penetration {N) test �alues of 21 �lows for 1 foot of penetration to 4 inches of penetration in 50 blows. The Ai��rberg L�mifs tests indicate the silty c[ays encour�tered at this site are ger�erally slightly acf�ve to acti�e with respect ta maEsture induced �olume changes. Acfive clays can experience volume changes (expansion or contraction} with flucfuat9ans in their moisture content. 3.� Ground Water Obserrrations The barings were drilled using continuo�s flight augers in order to observe ground-water seepage during drilling. Grouncl-water seepage was encountered during drilling ir� Boring B-1 at a depth of 23 feet be[aw existing grade. A ground-water le�el of 33 feef was measured at drilling compEetion in Boring B-� . Boring B-2 was dry during dril[ing and at completion. While it is not passibfe to accurately predict the magnitude of subsurface water fluctuafion ihat might occur based upon these short-term observations, it shouid be �ecognized thafi grour�d-water cond�tions wi{I �ary with fiuctuations in rainfalL Seepage near the observed [evels should be anticipated througF�out the year. Fluctuations of the ground-water lewel can occur due �o seasonal �ariations in the amount of rainfall; site topography and runaff; hydrauGc conducti�ity of soil strata; anci other factors not e�ident at the time the borings were performed. The possib�lity of ground-water fe�el fluctuations should be considered when develop�ng the dasign and construction plans for the project. Ground-water may occur in more granularlsandy zones. Due to the �ariable subsurface cor�ditians long-terrn absenrations would be necessary to more accurately evaluat� the gro�rnd-waier le�el. Such observations would require installation of piezameters or observation wells which are sealed to pre�ent the in#luence of surface wafier. 4.0 �OX CULV�Ri 4.� �ox Culvert Foundation 4.'[.1 General Culverf Considerafions Two indepe�dent ciesign criteria must be satisfied in the selection of the type of foundation to support the proposed cul�ert structure. First, the ultirnate bearing ca�acity, reduced by a sufficient factor of safaty, rnust not be exceeded by the bearing pressure transferred fo the foundation soils. Second, Report No. 103-79-332 CMJ �NGINEERiNG, INc. � due ta conso[idation or expansion of the underlying soils during fhe operating life af the structure, total and difFerential verEical mo��ments must be within tolerable limits. Based an the boring Eogs and field observations, a pariion of the exca�atEon will be fhrough sands and gra�els. lf ground-water is encounfered care should be faken to dewater these areas and cause as minimal disturbance as possible on sancly soils. If not dewatered, granular soils can act like a "quicEc" candition, in which soil strength reduces to very small magnitudes when vibratory canstruction equiprnent tra�erses this soil. Ifi disturbance occurs due to the so�t soil andlor graund-water conditions, the box cul�ert should be foundecE upon a minimum 1-foot crushed stane pad with a geotextile "separator" fabric belaw the stone pad. Otherwise, wifih minimal disturbance, tf�e box cul�ert may rest atop soils. 4.1.2 Desiqn Criferia Foundations for t�e box cul�ert are antici�aated to be situateci at a dept� of approximatefy 17'/ feet below pres�nt exis�ing grades. These faundations may be a mat-iype founded within the dense to very dense sands and gra�els. Proper idenfification of the bearing material by qualifed geotechr�ical persannel during canstruction is paramount. Mat type #oundations should be a minimum of 2 feef in least dimension, but must be widened as requirec[, base� an allowable bearing capacify gi�en below. The maf rr�ay be designed for a net allowab[e bearing capacity of 2,500 psf. This bearing value assumes that the exca�ation base is dry and little to no disturbance of the soils �s allowed. T�e allowab{e foundation pressure gi�en abo�e is for the rnaximum pressure induced by the foundation loads, and not the a�erage pressure under tf�e foundation base. Soils existing in a soft to loase state should be �valuated on a case-by-case basis. Close insp�ctEon of soils strength should be conducted by a geatechnical engineer to aliow designation and remo�al af soft soils not meeting th� bearing capaci�y stated above. It should be noted thaf box cul�ert foundatian is typically subjected to non-uniform pressure across the foundation, and possibly negati�e pressure (separation af foundat�on from soil) under a partio� of the foundation, due �to the arrerturning moment induced by the lateral earth pressures. The allowable foundation pressures gi�en abo�e are for the maximum pressure induced by the faundation [oads, and not the a�erag� pressure under t�e f�undation base. Report No. 403-79-332 CMj ENGINEERIIVG, INC. � The harizontal base o� the mat foundation wil[ develop resistance ta sliding by means of friction. Gi�en fhe nature of the foundation materials, an ultimate friction facfor of 0.45 may be used to calcu[aie sliding r�sistance of the footings iaearing on medium dense sand and gra�el. Foundations designed in accordance with these recammendations will ha�e a minimum factar of safety af 3 with respect to a bearing capaci�y failure, and should experience a total sei�lement of 1 inch or less ancE a differential seftEement of '/Z ir�ch or less, af�er constructian, provic[ing all fi[I has been praper�y placed and compacted as described in the Earthworlc section. In addition, where proposed pa�eme�t e�encEs beyond the edge of the proposed culvert (approaches), the potential exists for difFerential mo�ement at this interFace, The cul�ert exca�afinn backfifl below anc� t�ree feet beyond the approaches should consist af either flowable fill or proper[y compacted flexibla base in order to reduce back#il! sett�ement and the potential for differential mo�ementldistress. 4.1.3 Foundation Construcfion Mat type construction should be Enonifored by a�epresentati�e o� the geotechnical engineer to observe, among other things, the following items: • Identificatian of bearing material • Adequate penetration of the foundation exca�atian into the bearing fayer • The base and sides af the exca�ation are clean of loose cuttings • WFten seepage is encountered, whether it is sufficient arr�ount to require the use of exca�atior� dewatering methods Precautions should be taken during fhe pfacement of reinfo�'cing steel and concrete to pre�ent loose, exca�ated soil from falling inta the �xca�ation. Concrete should be placed as soon as practical after cornple�ion of the exca�ating, cleaning, r�inforcing steel placement and observation. Exca�afion fior a shalbw foundation should be filled with cancrete before the end of the workday, or sooner if required, to pre�ent de�eriora�ian of the beari�g material. Prolonged exposure or i�undation of the bearing s�rface with water wi[I result in changes in strength and compressibility characteristics. Ef delays occur, the excavafion should be deepened as necessary and clear�ed, in order to pro�ide a fresh bearing surface. If more than 24 hours of exposure of the bearing surface is anticipated in the exea�afions, a"rnud slab" should be used to protect the bearir�g surfaces. If a mud slab is used, t�e foundation exca�ations should initially be o�er-exca�ated t�y a�proximately 4 inches and a fea� Report Na 103-19-332 CMJ ENcrNEEarNG, Itvc. 7 concrefe mud slab of approximate[y 4 inches in thickness should be placed in the battom af the exca�ations immediately following expos�are of the bearing surfac� by excauation. The mud slab will protect the bearing surface, rnaintain more unifor�n moisture in �he subgrade, facilita#e dewatering of excavations if required, and pro�icie a working surFace for the placemenf of formwork and reinforcing sfieel. The cancrete should be placed in a manner that wil! prevent the concrete from striking the reinforcing steel or the sides of the excava�ion in a manner that wauld cause segregatior� of the concrete. �.� �ateral �arth Pressures 4,2.1 General The belaw grade walls, cul�ert walls, or wingwa�ls rrEust be designed for lateral pressures including, but not necessarily limited fo, ear�h, water, surcharge, swelling, and �ibration. In addition, fhe laferai pressures wil[ be influenced by whether the backfll is drained or undrained, and abo�e or below the grounci-wat�r table. 4.2.2 E uivalent Fluid Pressures Lateral earth pressures on the �arious wal(s will depend on a �ariety of factors, incfuding the type of soils behinc! the wall, the condition of the soils, and the drainage condifions behi�d fhe wa�l. Recommended lateral earth pressur�s expressec� as equivalen# fluid pressures, per foot ofi wall height, are presented in Tabfe 4.2.2-1 for a wal� witf� a le�el backfill behinc� the top af the wall. The equi�alent flu�d pressure for an undrained condition shauld be used if a drainage system is not present to remo�e water trapped in the backfill and b�hind the wali. Pressures are provided for at- rest anc� active earth pressure conditions. In order fo allow far an acti�e condition ihe fop of fhe wall(s) must deflect or� the order of 0.� percent. For the select filf or free draining granular backfill these �a[ues assume that a."fuli" wedge of the mafierial is present behind fhe wali. The wedge is defned where the wafl backfilf limits exfend ouiward at least 2 feet from the base of the wall a�d then upward on a 1 H:2V slope. For narrower backfill w�dths of granular ar sel�ct fill soils, the �qui�a[enf fiuid pressures for the on-site soils should be used. ReporE No. 103-99-332 CM� ENGINEERIAIG, INC. E3 �A�L� 4.2.�-7 — �quiv�alent Fluid Pressures At-Rest �quivalent Active EquivalenF Backfi�l Material Fluid Pressure (pcf� Fluid Pressure {pcf} Qrained Undrained Drained Undrained Excavatet[ on-site soils or c[ay 100 1'[0 90 100 fill material Select f�lE 1 flawable fiill 1 on-site soils meet�ng material 7� 100 55 90 s ecificaiions Free draining granular hackfill �5 g0 35 80 material 4.2.3 Additronal Lateral Pressures T�e location and magnitude of permanent surcharge loads (if present) should be determined, and the additional pressure generated by these loads such as the weight of canstruction equipment and �ehicular loads �hat are used at tf�e time the structures are beir�g built must also be cansidered in the design. The effect of this or any ather surcharge loading may be accounted for by adding an additional ur�iform loaci to the full depth of the side walls �qui�a[ent ta ane-half of the expected �er�ica[ surcharge i�fens�ty for select backfill materials, or ec�ual to the full �erticaf surcharg� intensify for clay backfill. The equi�alent fluid pressures, gi�en here, do nat include a safety factor. Analysis af surcharge loads {if any) should be performed on a case-by�case basis. This is not included in the scope ofi this study. These services can be pro�ided as additional services upan request. 4.3 IAlalf �ackfill l�aterial Requiremertts On-Site Clav Backfill: For walf bacEcfil! areas with site-excavated materials or sirr�ilar imported materials, al[ a�ersized fragmenfs [arger than four inches in maximum dimension should be remo�ed from tf�e backfifl maferials prior to placement. Th� backfill should be free of all organic and deleterious materials, and shou�d be placed in maximum 8-inch compacted lifts at a minimum of 95 percent of Star�dard Procfor density (ASTM D 698) within a moisture range of plus to minus 3 percenfage points of optimum moisture. Compaction within fiue feet of the walls should be accomplished using hand compaction equipment, and should be between 90 and 95 percent of th� Sfandard Proctor density. Select �ili Backfill: AI� wall select backfilf should consist of clayey sand andlor sandy c[ay materia[ with a Pfasticity [ndex of 16 or fess, with a Liquid Limit noi exceeding 35. The select fiil should be placed in maximurn 8-inch lifts and compacted to between 95 and 100 percent of Standard Practor Report No. 9 a3-19-332 ' CMJ ENGINE�z[IVG, IrIC. 9 density (ASTM D 698} within a moisture range of plus to rrzinus 3 percentage points of the optimum mo�sture. Compaction within five feet of tE�e walls should �e accomplished using hand compaction equipment and should be cornpacfed between 90 and 95 perceni of the Standarc� Proctor density. Flowable Backfili: Item 401, Texas Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Canstruction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges, 2014 Edition. Free Draininq Granular Backfill: All fre� draining granular wall backfi![ material should be a crushed stone, sandlgra�el mixture, or sandlcrushed stone mixture. The material should ha�e [ess than 3 percent passing the No. 2a0 sie�e and less than 30 percent passing the No. 40 sie�e. The minus No. 40 sieve material should be non-plastic. Granular wall backfill should not be water jeitec� during instal[ation. �..4 �rainage Requirements In order to achie�e the "drained" condition for low-permeability walls {concrete, masonry, etc.), a �ertical drainage blanket ar geocomposite drainage member must be insfialied adjacent to the wall on the backfll side. The drainage must be conn�cted �o an outlet dra�n at the base of the wall. Drainage could be pro�ided using a col�ectar pipe or weep holes near the base of the wall. Drains shou[c� be properly filtered to minimize the potential for erosion through these drains, andlor the plugging of drain lines. Design or specific recommendatians for drainage members is beyond the scope far this stucty. These s�rvices can be pro�ided as an acEditiona! service upon request. a.0 �AV�MI�Al�S 5.1 Pa�ement Subgrade Considerations 5.1.1 General Pa�ement performar�ce depends upor� se�eral factors including: the characteristics of the supporting soil; tt�e rr�agnitude and frequency of whee[ load applications; the quality of construction materials; the contractor's placament and workmanship abil�ties; and the desired period of design life. The suceess of the pa�ement subgrade is subgrac�e soil sfrength and control of wa�er. Adequate subgrade performance can be achie�ed by modifying or stabilizing tE�e existing sails used to construct fhe pa�ement subgrade. Report No. 103-19-332 CMJ ETIGINEERING, INC. 10 Pa�ement sections are susceptible to edge distress as edge support deteriorates o�er time. Therefore, care musf ba faken to provide and maintain proper edge support. ln conjunction with a stabilized subgrade underlying the pa�ement, it is recornmended that the stabilized subgrade extend a minirnum of 12 ir�ches beyond the riding su�fiace an each side of the proposed pa�ement. Mair�tenance should be pro�ided when edge support deteriorates. 5.1.2 Subarade Preparafion Anticipated subgracle materiaEs generally consist of silty clays af [ow to moderate plasticity. The maderately plastic clays are s�bject ta loss in suppart �alu� with fhe rnoisture increases which occ�r beneafh pavement sections. They react with hydrated lime, which serves to improve and maintain their support value. Treatment of these sails with hydrated lime vvill irrEpro�e ff�eir subgrade characteristics to support area pa��ng. In fieu of a lime stabilized subgrade, a fiexible E�ase meeting TxDOT Item 247, Type A, Grades 1 or 2 may be utilized on an equal basis ar�d plac�cE atop a properly compacted subgrade. The option of using a flexible base in lieu of lime stab�lizing the subgrade presents a relatively quick, straigY�t forward solution to preparing the subgrade prior to pa�ament placement. �.2 Potential VerEical �VYoverr�ents Estimates of expansi�e movement potenfial ha�e been estimated using TxDOT Test Method Tex 124-E. Potential �ertical mo�ements o� the order of 1'/ inches are esfirnafed. Mo�ements in excess of the estimatecf value can occur if poor drainage, excessive water coflection, lea[cing pipelines, etc. occur. Any such excessive water conditions should be rectified as soon as possible. In order �o minimize rainwater infiltratian through the pa�ement surFace, and fhereby minimizing future upward mo�emenf of fhe pavement slabs, all cracks and joints in the pa�err�ent should be sealed on a roufine basis after construction. �.3 Sulfate�fnduced beaving Solubfe sulfate fes#ing was conducted to check �or sulfate-induced heaving patential. Sulfate- induced heaving is caused when hydrated lime is added to a soil wifh high sulfate concentration. The lime reacts with the sulfates to cause potentialfy large �olumetric changes in fihe soil. Report Na 703-19-332 CMJ ENGTNEERING, INC. 11 Soluble sulfate levels in soils on the order of �,000 par�s�per-million (ppm) or �ess are usually af low concern and warrant oniy observafion af the sut�grade during the stabilization process. The soluble sulfate le�eis of the t�sted samples were less than 100 ppm. Sinc� the samples t�sted were below 7,000 ppm, a single freatment process is recommended af this time. The single treatment is described in Section 5.4. In addition, it is recomrnended that during the curing period of the lime treatment, fhe subgrade be supplied with ample moisture to al[ow proper hydration, and it sho�ld be checked for any Wolumefric c�anges that may indicate a sulfate-induced h�a�ing condition. 5.4 Pa�ement Subgrade Preparation 5.4.'[ Lime Stabilization Lime stabilizafion is recor�mended for ail s�bgrade areas with plastic clays. Prior to lime addition, the subgrade should be proofrolled with heavy pneumatic eq�ipment weighing approximately 25 tons. Any saft or pumping areas should be undercut to a firm subgracle and properly backfill�d as described Section 6.0. The subgrade, stabilized or unstabilized pa�err�ent subgrade should be scarified to a minimum depth af 8 inehes and uniformly compacted to a minimum of 95 perceni af Standard Proctor density (ASTM � 698}, between minus 2 to plus 4 percentage poinfs of t�e optirnum mo�sture content determinad by that test, in accordance with the City of Fort Wor�h Pa�err�ent Design Manual, January 2015. lt should then be protected and maintained in a moisf condition until the pa�ement is placed. The presence af limestone fragments in the surficial soifs can complicate mixing of the soil ar�d lime. It is recomm�nded a minimum of 6 percent �ydrated [ime be used to stabilize �he clay subgrade soifs. The estimated amount of hydrated lime required to stabilize the subgrade should be on the order of 36 pounds per square yard �ased on a sail dry unit we�ghf of 900 pcf for an 8-inch depth. The hydrated lime should be thoroughly mix�d and blended with the upp�r 8 inches of the clay subgrad� (TxDOT Item 260). The hydratec{ lime s�ould meet the requirements af Item 260 (Type A) in the Texas Department of Trans�aartation (TxD�T} 5tanciard Speci#ications for Construction of Highways, Streets and Bridges, 2014 Edition. 5.4.2 Sub r�de Pre arafion Cansiderations It is recommended that subgrade stabi�ization extend to afi least one foofi beyond pavement edges to aid in reducing pa�ement mo�ements and cracking along the curb line c�ue fio seasonal moisture RepoR No. 103-19-332 CMJ ENGiNEERING, IIVC. 12 �ariations af�er construction. Each construcfion area should be shaped to alfow drainage of surface water during earthwork operations, and surFace wafer should be purr�ped immediately from each construction area after each rain and a firrr� subgrad� condition maintained. Wate� should not be allowed to pond in order to pre�ent percolation and subgracEe softening, and subgrade treatments should be adc�ed to the subgrade after removal of all surface �egefiation and debris. Sand should be specifical[y prohibited beneath paver�ent areas, sinc� these mare porous sails can allow wafer inflow, resulting in heave and strength foss of subgrade soils (lime stab�lized soil will be allowed for fine gradi�g). After frne grading each area in preparation fior paving, the subgrade surface should be �ightly moistened, as needed, and recompacted to obtain a tEght non-yielding subgrade. 5urface drainage is critical to the perforrr�ance of this pa�emenf. Water should be allowed to exit the pa�ement surface quEekly. All pauement construction should be performed in accordance with the procedures provided ir� Section 5.6. 5.5 �avement Sections Pa�ement analyses were performed using methods outlined in the AASHTO Guide for Desi n of Pa�emenf Structures, 1993 Editian, published by the American Assaciation of State Highway and Transportation Officials. The design ec{uations were sofved using AASHTO Pavement Anaiysis Software. In the AASHTO method, traffic loads are expressed in Equivalent 18-kip Single Axle Loads (�SAL) over the design iife af t�e pa�ernenf structure. Based on �he resuits of �he fiefd and laboratory in�estigation, soil plasticity proper�ies, and requir�ments of the City of Fort Worth Pa�ement Design Manual, dated January 2015, the follawing design parameters were used in our fhickn�ss desigrt calculations for fhe proposed raadway. SubgradeSoils .................................................. Designl.ife ........................................................ Initial Serviceability ............................................ Terminal S�rviceability .................... Reliability ......................................... Overall Deviafion ............................. Load Transfer Coefficient ................ Drainage CaefFicient ........................ Design CBR (raw subgrade}............ Design CBR (IiEne treated} ............... Loss of Support ............................... Concrete Madulus of Elasticiiy ........ Concrefe Modulus o# Rupture.......... ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ... Silty Clay ...25 years ...4.� (rigid) 4.2 (flexible) ...2.25 ... 90% ...0.39 {rigid} 0.45 (flexib[e} ...3.0 ... 9 .0 ...3 ...15 ...0 ...4,aoa,400 psi ...6�0 psi Report No. 703-18-332 CMJ ENGIN�Eiu�tG,iNc. 13 The following rigid and flexible pa�ement sections are pro�ided for a Callectorclassification per Table 3.1 of the ref�renced City of Fark Wor�h Pa�emer�i DesEgn ManuaL Detailed pa�ement design calculatians and assumptions are presenfed on Plafi�s B.'E and B.2. The fol[owing pavement sections are suitable for the previaus[y mentioned ass�mpfions. Any deviation from these assumptions should be brought to our aftention immediate[y in order to assess their impact an our recommendations. �a�ement Section Street Grovvfh Design ihickness �a�Q�,�a� Classification �actor �SA� in. 8 Portland Cement Concrete g Lime Stabilized Subgrade or Flexible Base 2 HMAC Type D Col[ector 1.5% 3,006,302 8.5 HMAC Type B $ Lime Stabilized 5ubgrade or �lexible Base 5.6 Pa�ement R+laferial Requirements Material and process specifications are required to be in accordance with the City of Fort Warfh Pavement Design Manual, January 2015. These specifications generafly include the following references to TxDOT Standard S ecifications for Construction of Hi hwa s Streets and grid es, 2014 Edition. Reinforced Portland Cement Concrefe: R�inforced Portland cement concrete pauement should consist of Port[and cement concrete harring a 28-clay cor�tpressi�e strengti� of at I�ast 3,600 psi. The mix should be designed in accardance with the ACI Code 318 using 3 to 6 percent air entrainment. The pa�ement should be adequatefy reinforced with temperature stee� and a�l construction jaints or expansionlcontractian joints should be prorridad wit1� load transfer dowels. The spacing of the joints will depend primarily on the type of steel used and also thickness of the pavement. Na. 3 steel rebar spaced at 18 inches on center in both the fongitudinal and transve�se direction is required for 8-inch thick pavements, in accordance with the City of Fort Worth Pa�ement Design Manual. Report No. 103-79-332 �1VIr ENGIN��RING, INC. 14 Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Su�fiace Course: Item 340, Type D, Texas Department of Transportafron Standard Specifications for Constructron and Maintenance of Highways, Sireets, and Bridges, 2014 Ed�tion. Hot Mix As haltic Concrete Base Course: ltem 340, Type A or B, Texas Department of Trar�sportation Standard Specifications for Consfruction and Maintenance of Highways, Sfreats, and Bridges, 2014 Edition. Lime Stabilized Subc�rade: Lime treatment for 4ase course {road mix) - Item 260, Texas Department of Transportafion Standard Specifications f�r Constructian and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges, 2014 Edifion. Flexibfe Base: Crushed Sfione Flexible Base —[terr� 247, Type A, Grades 1 or 2, Texas Depar�ment of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction o� Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges, 2014 Editiqn. �,7 General Pa�ement Cons�ruction and Consideratians The design of the pa�ement drainage and grading should consider the potential for differential ground mo�ement due to future soi! swelling of up to 'I'/ inches. In order �o mir�im9ze rainwater infiitration through the paWement surFace, and thereby minimizing future upward mo�ement �f the pavement siabs, all cracks and joints in the pa�ement should be sealed on a routine basis after construction. fi.0 �AFtTR11NO�K 6.9 Site Preparation The subgrade should be firm and able to support the construction equipment without displacement. Soft or yielding subgrade shou[d be corrected and made stabl� before construction proceeds. The subgrade sE�ould be proof rolled to detect soft spots, which if exist, should be reworked fo pro�ide a firm and otherwise suEtable subgrade. Proof rol[ing shoufd be performed �sing a heavy pneumatic � tired rofler, [oaded dump truck, or similar piece of equipment. The proof rolling operatior�s should be observed by the project geotechnica! engineer or hislher representati�e. Report No. 703-19-332 CMJ E�vc�N��rurrc, INc. 15 6.2 �lacement and Compaction Fi[I, material should be p�aced in loose lifts not exceeding 8 inches in uncompacted thickness. The uncompacted lift thickness shou�d be reduced to 4 inches for structure backfi[I zones requiring hand- operated power campactors or small seff-propelled compacfors. Th� fiill material should be uniform with respect to material type and moisture content. Clods and chunks of material should be braken down and the fiill rnaterial mix�d by d�sking, blading, or plowing, as necessary, so that a material of uniform moisture and density is obtained for each lift. Water required for sprinkling to �ring the fill material to the proper moisture contenf should be applied e�enly through each layer. The on-site soils are suifable for use in site grading. Imported fill material should be clean soil wEth a Lic�uid Limit less than 40 and na rock greater than 4 inehes in maximum dimension. T�e fi[I materials should be free of �egetation and debris. The fill material should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry densify determined by the Standarc� Proctor test, ASTM D 698. In conjunction with the cornpactir�g operation, the fi[I material should be broughf to the proper moisture content. The moisture content for general ear�E� filf should range from 2 pe�centage points below optimum to 5 percentage points abave optimum (-2 to +5). These ranges of moisture cantents are given as maximum recommended ranges. For some soils and under some conditions, the contractor rr�ay ha�e to maintain a more narrow range of moisture conten� {within the recommended range) in order to consistently achie�e fhe recommended density. Field density tesfs should be taken as eac� lift af fiil �-naterial is placed. As a guide, one field density tes# per lift for each S,OOa square feet of compacted area is recommended. For small areas or critical areas the firequency of testing rnay need to be increased to ona test per 2,500 square feet. A mir�imum of 2 tests per lift should be required. The earfhwork operations shauld be observed and tested on a continuing bas�s by an experienced geotechnician working in conjunction with the project geoteehnical engineer. Each Ifft should be compacted, tested, and approved befara anofher lifi is adcEed. The purpose of the fiield densify tasts is to provfde some indication that uniform and adaquate compaction is being obtained. Th� actual quality of the fill, as compacted, should be the r�sponsibilify of the contractor and satisfactory resufts from tha fests sY�ould not be considered as a guarantee of fhe qualify of the contractor's filling operations. Repork No. 103-99-332 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. �s Perrnanent slopes at the site shou[d be as flat as practical to reduce creep and accurrence of shaliow slides. The following slope ang[es are recommended as maximums. Th� presented angles refer to the total height of a slope. SEte improverr�ent should be maintained away from the top of the slope to reduce tf�e possibility of damage due to creep or shallow s[ides. �A��� 6.4�1 �AXIN➢UfV,� P�Ri1�AN�IVi S�O�'� Af�GL�S beight (ft.) �lorizontal to Vertical 0-3 1:1 3 — 6 2:1 6 — 9 3:1 � 9 4:1 �.3 Trench �ac�Cfill Trench backfiil for pipelines or o�E�er util�ties should be properly p[aced and compactecl. O�erly dense or dry backfill can swell and create a mound afong the compieted trench line. Loose or wet hacEcfill can seftle and form a depress�on along th� completed trench line. Distress to o�erlying structures, pa�ements, efc. is like�y if heaving or settlement occurs. On-site soil fill rnaterial is recommended far trench backfill. Care should be taken noi to use fre� draining granufar material, to pre�ent the backfilled trench from becoming a#rench drain and piping surface or subsurface wa�er beneath strucfi�res, pipelines, or pa��ments. Ifi a higher class bedc�ing material is required for the pipelines, a lean cancret� bedding will limit water intrusion into the trench and will not require compaction after placemenf. The soiE backfill should be placed in approximately �4- to 6-inch Ioose lifts. The density and moisture confent should be as recommended for fi[I in Section 6.2, Placement and Compaction, of t�is reporf. A minimum of one field density tesf should be taken per lif� for each 150 linear feet of trench, wifh a minimum of 2 tests per I�ft. 6.4 Cxcavation The possibility exists that water may �low in mare granular zones, particularly after periods of significant rainfall. Should deep exca�afions be required in the �icinity af sandy materials or icnown g�o�nd-water seepage areas, due care will be required to appropriately dewater the area wel[ below exca�ation depths to prevent undue ca�ing. Proper shoring of granular soils will help r�duce ca�ing effects. Report No. 103-19-332 CMJ �NGINEEIUNG, INC. 17 The side slopes of exca�ations through fhe o�erburden soils should be made in sucFt a manner to pro�ide for their stability during construction. Existing structures, pipelines or other facilities, which are construc�ed prior fio or during the currentiy proposed constr�action and which require exca�ation, should be protecfed from loss of end bearing or fatera! support. Temporary construction slopes andlor permanent embankment slopes shauld be protected firom surface runoff water. Site grading shoufd be designed ta allow drainage at planned areas where erosian protection is pro�ided, instead of allowing surface water to flow dawn unprotected slopes. Trench safety recommendatians are beyor�d the scope of this repo�t. 7he contractar must comply with al� applicable safety regulations concerning trench safeiy and exca�atians incfuding, but not limited to, �SHA regulations. 6.5 Accepfar�ce of lmported FiE� Any soil imported from ofF site sources should be tested for compliance with the recorr�mencfations for the particular application and appro�ed by the project geofechnical engineer prior to the materiafs being used. The owrter shoufd a[so require the contractor fa obtain a written, natarized certifcaf�on from fhe far�dow�er of each proposed off-site soif borrow source stafing that to th� best of the landowner's �Cnowledge and belie�there has ne�er been contamination of the borrow saurce site with hazardous or toxic materials. The certification shouid be furnished to the own�r prior to proceec�ing to furnish soils to the site. Soil materials derived fram t�e exca�ation o# undarground petroleum storage tanks shauld not be used as fill on this project. 6.6 Saif Corrosion �otential Specific testing for soil corrosion potential was nat included in the scope of this study. Howe�er, based upon past ex�erience an other projects in the �icinity, the sails afi this site may be corrosi�e. Standard cansfruction practices for protecfing meta� pipe and similar facilities in contact with these soils should be used. 6.� �rosion and Sediment Control A[I disturt�ed areas should be protected from erosio� and sedimentation during constr�ction, and all permanent slopes and other areas subject to erosian or sedimentation should be pravided with Report No. 703-19-332 CMJ ENcitvfiEit[Nc, IE�iC. 'E $ perrr�anent erosion and sedimenf cantro� faci[ities. All applicable ordinances and codes regarding erosion and sediment contral should be followed. �.0 C�IVSTRUCTION O�S�RVAilOfVS In any geo�echnical investigatio�, th� design recommendations are bas�d on a IEmited amaunt of information about the subsurface conditions. In the ana�ysis, the geotechnical engineer must assume the subsurFace conditions are similar to fhe canditions encountered in the borings. Howe�er, quite often during construction anomalies in the subsurface concfitions are r�vealed. Therefore, it is rec�mmended thafi CMJ Engineering, Inc. be retained to observe earthwork and foundafion instaliation and perForm mat�riafs e�aluation durmg the construction phase of fhe praject. This enables the geotechr�ical engineer to stay abreast of the project and io be readily a�aifable to e�aluate unanticipated conditions, to canduct additionaf tests if required and, when necessary, to recomrr�end alternati�e solufiions ta unanticipated conditions. Unti[ these construction phase services are performed by the project geotechnical engineer, the recor-nmendations contained in this report on such items as final founclation bearing efe�ations, proper soii moisfure condition, and other such subsurface related recommenda#ions should be caRsidered as pr�liminary. It is proposed that construction phase observatior� and rnaterials testing commence by t�e project geotect�nical enginear at the autset of the project. Experience has shown that the most suitab[e ma�had for procuring these services is for the owner or the owner's design engineers to contract direcfly with the project geotechnicai engineer. This results in a clear, direct line of communicatian be�rrv�en the owner and the owner's design engineers and the geotechnical er�gineer. 8.0 R���RT C�OSU�t� The barings for this study was selected by CMJ Engineering, ]nc. T�e location and el��ation of the borings should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the rriefhods usad in their determ�nation. The boring logs shown in this report contains information related to the ty�es of soil encounterec! af specific locations ancl times and shaw lines deiineating the interface befween these materials. The Eogs also contain our fefd representatirre's interpretation ofi conditions that are bei�e�ed to exist in t�ose depth intervals between the actual samples taken. Therefore, the boring [ogs contain both factual and Enterpretive infarmat�an. Laboratory soi! classifrcation tests were also performed on samples fram selected depths in the borings. The results of fihese tests, along wEth Report No. 103-19-332 CMJ ENGINEEAING, INC. 19 visuaf-manual proc�dures were usecE to generally dassify eacF� strat�m. Therefore, it should be understood thaf the c[assificafion data on the logs of borings represent �isual estimates of classifications for fhose portions afi each sfratum an rrvhich the full range of laboratory soil classificatian tests were not p�rFormecl. It is not implied thaf the lags are representati�e of subsurface conditions at other Eocations and tirrEes. With regard ta ground-water cor�ditions, this report presents data on ground-wafer Ee�els as they were observed during the co�rse of the field work. In particular, water leve] readings ha�e been made in the borings at the times and under conditrons stated in the fext o# the r�par� ar�d on fhe baring logs. It should be noted that fluctuations in the level of the ground-water table can occur with passage of time due to variations in rainfall, temperature and other factors. Also, this repor� c�oes not include quantitati�e information on rates of flow of ground water into exca�ations, on pumping capacities Recessary to de�rvater the excavations, or on methods of dewatering exca�ations. fJnanticipated soil conditions at a construction site are commonly encountered and cannot be fu�fy �redicted by mere soil sampl�s, test borings or test pits. Such unexpected conditions frequ�ntly require that adciitional expenditures be rrtade by the owner to attain a properly designed ar�d constructed project. Therefore, prouisian fior same contirtgency fund is recommended to aecommodate such potential e�ctra cost. The anafyses, conclusiorts and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as fhey exisfed at the time of our feld in�estigation and #urtf�er an the assumption that the exploratory bor�ngs is representafi�e of the subsurface conditi�ns throughout the site, that is, the s�bs�rface conclitions e�erywhere are nof significantEy different from those disclosed by the borings at the �ime they were camplefed. If, during construction, differen� subsurface canditions from those encountered in our borings are observed, or a�pear to be present in exca�ations, we rnust be advised promp#fy sa that we can re�iew these conclitions and recansider o�r recommendations where necessary. if there is a substantial lapse Qf time between submission of this repor� and the start of the.work at the site, if conditions have changed due either to nafiural causes or to construction operatians at or adjacer�t to fih� site, or if structure locations, siructuraf loads or finish grades are changed, we urge that we be pramptly inforrned and retained to re�iew our report to determine the applicability of the conclusions and recommendations, considering the changed conditions andlor time fapse. Reporf No. �[03-79-332 C11�r �NGINEERING, INC. 20 Further, it is urged that CMJ Er�gineering, Inc. be retained to review those portions of the plans and sp�cifications fior this particular project that per�ain to earthwork and foundations as a means to deterrnine wheth�r the plans and specEficatio�s are consistent with the recommendations contained in this report. In addifion, w� are a�ailable to observe construction, par�icufarly the com�action of structural fiEl, or backfill and fhe construction of foundations as recommended in the repori, and such o�her field observations as might be necessary. The scope af our ser�ices did not include any en�ironmentai assessmenf or investigation for the presence or absence ofi wetlands or hazardous ar toxic materials in fhe soil, surface water, ground water or air, on or befow or around fihe sEte. This report has b��n prepared fo� use in de�e[opir�g an o�erall design car�cept. Paragrapt�s, statemenfs, tesf results, boring fogs, diagrams, etc. should not be taken oui of confext, nor utilized without a knowfedge and awareness of their intent within the o�erail concept of this report. The reproducfion of this report, or any part thereof, supplied fo persons other than the ow�er, should indicate that this study was made for design piarposes only a�d that �erification of the subsurface conditions for purposes of determining diffculty of exca�ation, trafficability, etc. are responsibilities of t�e contracfor. This repar� has been prepared for the exclusi�e use o�F Kimley�Horn and Associates, lnc. for specific application to design of this project. The only warranfy made by us in cor�nection with the services pro�ided is that we have used that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar conditians by reputable members of our profession practicing in the sama or sirnilar iocality. No other warranty, exprassed ar implied, is made or intended. * � * * Report No. 103-99-332 CMJ ENGINEBRING, INC. 29 ��� �� - -- � 'I �~- �f ,�� J , ' - T �_ � _ ��" . �; �'x�,`�� �f '• - - — _ . � , i , a k — — - -- - --_-� L� _ • , � �e-��� .� w � r. •.� ,� � �� . ,� � �+ - ��- �.•�w�_.�_Y,,���_���r����� ,�r �,-- _ . , �� ��;�L,,,_.�._� _� � _= � _ — ._�-�, -- �,.�� � '�����;I �,`'�� �`rj���, � �'" . . � � �x ��'�� � � i .;:�5,��..' - ,,� _ � �� �s :i' a• . - � - .. � ; . . �r# _�+� ,- � • - - � � � � � .' .. � ,�. � - ' i- ' ���!-, ...�r - F I r f" �%`��,� ' ` . � � � � ;: -F'.�, �1 1� 4a.I � % ��� � ��+��. I µ+� _,� �.' � t1 . �i � _ti i , 5'I � � �� . ti { } ' ��� .I. � ,ti _ �� �� ` +�� '�:i ' I •� 'f.. ' , •: •f��fr�+ �` r — . ; - .-r ;��� ..� �[� -+! � ti ' � r � . �i+��� _ � • F. /�� f�,�'Y� �.r� . ' , �' y� �� . � Y } +'# . � � .i'r:' �� +1 � # r ��*�+ . �� '�' - �, �r , � � — � � �' ����. . s .�1Y _ r � a+_ � . G y' - '; ..�* . . ��.,�.� r - �� r � ; r° �'- � ;� � -- _ � "�i •, .r�� ' r.� _ � z �a W W z C9 Z w i�c � � � C� � � a m N > .� � 3 a� .� �� 00 -� x �� � �� L _ 0 �� - � U L � O '� �-- � �� � � � � � � U F � � �� - �.�; ' � -"�� . x=� : u -. �� Plate �{ A.� N � � � � 0 O Z U O Q � U Major Divisions Sym: Typical Names Laboratory Classification Criteria � �, Weil-graded gravels, gra�e{- m p� (o3q1� ro �� GW sand mixtures, littfe or no N C� -- greater than 4: CC ----�---__ between 1 and 3 ,an � o fines �o �io D�a x D6o c `o� � `� d U � o c o � � � � �� .� ��, Poorly graded gravels, gravef � � E H �� U� GP sand mixtures, little ar no � c�n �� Not meeting afl gradation requ9rements for GW � � n �' � fines o � � � � ` O �N `� �7 � o �n � U � � :� Liquid and Plastic limits N o� � o Silty graveEs, gra�el-sand-silt N �:� „„• Liquid and plastic limits GM belaw A fine or P.f. c� ���� mixFures Z� ;� reater than 4 plotiing in F�atched zone z � � �~' � � � � ; � 9 between 4 and 7 are � � m.�� a� a � N borderline cases �� � �, � p N N ; V Liquid and Plast�c limits re uirin use of duaf d-- � � C l a y e y g r a v e l s,. gravel-sand- � q 9 w� o � Q G C � : m a bove " A" line wi t h P. I. -� � � � a clay mixtures •ro � : .c_ symbols c� Q �� :� greafer than 7 � `� o � : o d�i •� °' � We{I-graded sands, gravelly µ" � =� 060 �p3a�z � c� �a N� SW � C=---- greater than fi: C� ------- beiween 1 and 3 o� N ��o sands, littf� or no fines L N ° p,a ❑ x p C 10 60 U � !A fA C � O � 6 � � O C � ' : ,� _ N n� �, Poorly graded sands; c� � �; �; ° ��N v v SP gravelly sands, fitEle or no �� � � : Not meeting all gradation re�uirements for SW � N � � fines �n w � � �; � -6 r` .N p o p. � c � cn c�i � � a, � �� a� Li uid and Plastic limits �' � '� � Slty sands, sand-silt � �' c° � q o � Z � o SM � n y�� c.i below "A" line or P.E. less Li quid and plastic limits � �� �� m i x t u r e s m� 3 �n m r- �� ��,� `�, o� o o #han A plotting between 4 a�d 7 � �" � � m �, o ° -� � �n are borderline cases � �-� � ��' � Liquid and Piastic limits requiring use of dual o � Q SC Clayey sands, sand-day � a �? above "A" line with P.I. symbols � R mixtures ��� greater fhan 7 ? oo U Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock f�o�r, silty or u�i M� ciayey fina sar�ds, or clayey �, � silts with slight piasticity a � so � ° N lnarganic clays of low to •��—, a � medium p[asficify, gravelly � �•� G� clays, sandy days, silty � N '" � clays, and lean clays Q � � CH Z � a- � � OL Organic silts and organic silty 4 �, �-- clays of low plasticity � �o °� � � � y 30 �� o Inorganic silts, rriicaceous or :N �� �' 'n MN diatomaceous fine sandy or � � OH a d MH a' `� m silty soils, elas#jc silis '@� c °5 �, � 2 � � � � � CL o a� CN Inorganic clays of high @ � �' plasiicify, fat clays � � '� � 7 � Uj � 4 {VIL a d OL � 6 �rganic clays of inedium to o v p� 0 i0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 900 � high }�lasticify, organic silts v Liquid Limit V o� `� .o pt Peat and otF�er highly organic Plasticity Chart a' �n , soils iQ u�i�r�a sor� c��►ssi�ac�,�ror� sysr�n� ����� �.z SOIL BR R�CK TYP�S �m � � GRAVEL LEAN CLAY LIMESTONE @ e • � � o — � � BAND � � 0 SANDY — SHALE � � �� • '— . SILT SILTY . SANDSTONE HIGHLY CLAYE.Y CONGLOMERA7E Shelby A�g�r Split Rock Cone Na PLASTIC CLAY Tube Spoon Core Pen Recovery ��R�AS ��CSCRI�IPlG COPlSISY�NCY, C�N�IT'fBPI, A1�D STRIJC�UR� OF SOI�. Fine Grained Soils trnor� �nan so% Passing No. 200 Sieve) Descriptive ft�:m Penetrometer Reading, (tsf, Sof� 0.0 to 1.0 Ffrm 1.0 to 1.5 Siiff 1.5 to 3.0 Very Stiff 3.0 to 4.5 Hard 4.5+ COarSB GI"aln�d SOE�S (More ihan 50% Retained on No. 20D 5ieve) Penetration Resistance Descriptive item Reiative �ensity (blowslfoat) 0 to 4 Very Loose � ta 20% �4 to 10 Laose 20 to 40% 10 to 30 Medium Dense 4D to 70% 30 to 50 Dense 74 to 90% Over 50 Very Dense 90 to '! 00°/a Soil Structure Calcareous Confains appreciable deposits of calciurr� carbonate; generaliy nodular Slickensided Having inclined planes of weakness that are slick and glossy in appearance Laminafed Composed of thin layers of varying coEor or texture Fissured Containir�g cracks, somefimes flled with fine sand ar sili InterE�edded Composed of alternate layers of different soil types, usually in approximately equal proportions YE�fi�S ��SCFtI�IPlC P�1Y5lCAL PRO�E�RTI�S OF RAGK Hardness and Degree of Cementation Very 5oft or Plastic Can be remolcfed in hand; corresponds in consistency up to �ery stiff in soils Soft Can be scratched witF� fngernail Moderately Hard . Can b�: scratched easily with kr�ife; cannot be scratched w�th fingernai! Nard �ifficulf to scratch with knife Very Hard Cannat be scratched with knife Paoriy Cemented or Friable Eas�ly crumbled CemenfecE Bound togefher by chemicalfy precipitated mater+al; Quartz, calcite, dolomite, siderite, and iran oxide are cornmon cementing materials. Degree of Wea�thering Unweathered Rock in its natural state before being exposed to atrnosph�ric agents Slightfy Weathered Nated predominantly by color change with no disiniegrated zones Weathered Complefe color change with zon�s of slightly decomposed rock Extremely W�athered Compiete color change wit� consisfency, texture, and general a�pearance appr�oaching soil ��Y i� C�ASSl�1CA�I�N Ai�D SYIP����S P�AT� A.3 Project No. Boring �Eo. Project CM� �HG���eEa�Nc�c. Culve�t Replacement - Shoreview Drive 703-19-33� ��1 Fort wo�h, TX Location UVater Observations 5ee Plafie A.1 Seepage at 23' during drilling; water at 33' and borehale ca�e-in at 35' Completion Completion at completion Depth 4�.0� Date 1 �-�-19 SurFace �le�aiion Type B-53 wl CFA N Q � � O N p � Q 8] N C IJ" � E �..� o ' - .00 � � � �fir�afium De�crip�ion o � � � � U � � � � � � c � � o p v o �� ��� w�N ��i a� 'o - -— x u+ G] V o Q- c (J ❑ � � � a '� '= m "= in m .N c : N r� E � W C! am�? cu� o'E soE m�o 0o cQ coo � � ma.� Qu� JJ a� d5 �U �.� �Va � ASPHALT, 2.75 inches thick � BASE MATERIA� 92 inches thick 4.5+ 13 SILTY CLAY light brown and brown, wl calcareous 4.5+ 71 37 93 24 8 de�osits and limastone fragments, hard 4.5+ 8 106 3490 4.5+ 43 13 30 14 5 WEATHEREEI L.IM�S70H�ian, wl fractured [imestone seams, soft 10D!'[ 0" 9 � SAND AI�D GRAVEI�tan, der�se � � 36 5 1 �� � � � m .� � � 22 4 2 � � � ..P � � - 3" thick sandstone seam af 2�4' 2 �; v � � � � � 3 � � � � � ..o 3 � - cave-in at 35' st compfetion � � ..D � � �; � � � 4 � � � � �� ❑ � c� � � � � U � � � a � 4 � � --------..._._—_...�---------- M � a � � rn v Nl O � Z � � m W o LOG OF BORING NO. ��'� ����� �•� J Pro'ect No. Borin No. Pro�ecf C�J ENGINEERINGINC. 1 g 1 Cul�ert Replacement - Shore�iew Drive 1Q3-99-332 ��� For� Worth, TX Location Water Observatio�s See Plate A.1 Dry during drilling; dry aF completion Complelion Completion �epth �0.0� Date 12-2-99 Surface Elevation Type B-�3 wl CFA N o . L.L p � O � � n � N c LL �- � � � 'O � 0 7j LL � y � � �' l9 o � � Sfra�um D�scr�ipfiion o � � o � � °� - �� � �' N a � �� _� � _ U�_ � � � �� � Q� U ❑ 3�LL �y '�.� m= NaXi -Nc rN U�7 u] d o aru? m� o-E � E ma o o �Q c o 0 � � mn.i— acn JJ d:.a a5 �U »�Ua 51LTY CLAY, brown and light brown, wl limestone 1.5 26 13 13 4 fragments, caEcareous deposits and mefal fragmenis, sliff (FELL) WEATHERED �IIVI�STON�tan, wl fractured limestone seams, moderately harcl 10014.5" 5 10012.5" 1 SIl.7Y CLAY 6rown and light brown, wl clayey sand and gravel, �ery sfiff 24 84 13 � SAND, tan, �ery dense 5014" 14 2 - 12" ihicEc sandstone layer at 20' 51 2 SAND, gray, wlsandstone seams and layers, very d�nse 52 3 58 3 0 51 �......::.. ry '"'"'. ' m4 ---------------._..�__...._---- � 0 c� � � U a c� r+i �7 w � 0 � Z K O ro � o LOG OF BORING NO. �-'� ����� �•� J 5������ �ULF�1T� ���i I��SULTS Project: Cul�ert Replacement — 5hore�iew Dri�e Fart Warth, Texas Project No.: 1 p3-19-332 �oring Depth �afe�,��� Soluble Rlo. (ft.) Su[fafies �PPm) B— 1 14.75" — 2 Sifiy Clay �100 B — 2 � —1 Silty Clay <100 Note: Test Method 7xbOT Tex '�45-E. CNIJ ENGINEERING, INC. ���T� �+•� LIM� ���I�S TEST' ���U�i� Project: Cuf�ert Replacement — Shore�iew Drive Fort Worth, Texas Pro�ecf No.: 103-19-332 Boring No.: B�� Depth: 1' to 2' Maferial: Sifty Clay Percenfi Lime pH 0 8.42 2 12.�3 4 12.32 6 12.36 $ 12.38 10 12.40 Cl�/IJ ENG�NEERING, INC. ���� �•� �'i n �AS Pavement 7hftkness i�esign According Lo '1993 �ASHiO �uide �or �esi�n of �avemen�s S�ruc�ures American Concrete Pa�ement Associatinn Rigid D�sign Inpu�s Aroject Name: Shoreview Dri�e �toute: � Location: Fort Wo�th, Texas OwnedAgency: �esign Engineer: Rigid Pavement DesignlEvaluation Concrete Thickness Totai Rigict ESALs Reliabili4y Overal[ Standard Deviation Flexurai 5trength Modulus nf Elast�cif.y �,118.2 psi 22i psi/in 5.�0 feef fl.Q Load iransfer Coefficient Modufus of Subgrade Reaction �rainage Coefficient initia! Serviceability Terrnir�ai Serviceabi#ity 3.DD 283 psiJin. 1.00 4.50 2.25 Modulus af 5ubqrade Reaction #k �aluel Deterroination Resilient Modulus of fhe Subgrade Unadjustec! Modulus of Subgrade Reaction Depth to Rigid Foundation • Loss of 5upport Value (Q,4,2,3) Modulvs ofSubgrade Reac#ian 283 psi/in. 7.82 inches 3,006,3Q2 9D.OQ percent 0.39 620 psi 4,Q00,000 psi P�AT� �.'! Wednesday, January S, 2020 i0:58:4DAM Engineer: lilli r� ��4� Paverr�ent Thickness Design According to 1993 AA�HT� Guide �ar Design of �aavemen�.s �tructures American Concrete Pavemenk Association �lexible �esign Inputs Project Name: Shorevi�w Drive Fioute: �ocation: Fort VVorth, 7exas OwnerlAgency: Design Engineer: Flexible Paveirtent AesigNEva[uafion Structurai N�mber S.Qp Suhgrade Resiliant kltlodu[us 4,118.20 psi Total flexible �S�ILs 3,�06,302 Iniiia[ Se�viceahilitv . `�•20 Re�iability 90.�0 percent Terminai Serviceability 2.25 Overall Standard Deviation D.45 Layer Pavemenfi �esign/Eva[uatfon Layer MateriaF Asphaft Cement Concrete Asphalt Cement Concrete Crushed Stone Base Layer Coeffcient D.44 0.41 0_D8 Qrainage Coe#�cient 1.OD '� .DO 1.�D Layer Thickness 2.D0 8.50 s. o0 ES Layer SN 3,48 0.64 i�� 1��� �.� Wednesc#ay, January 8, 2020 11:08:21AM Engineer: GC-6o�60� l�[Iln�r�iy �n�l Wor�e� ���e� ��sin�ss �E��e�p��s� Co�rn�lIl��ce '�'l[��S �PA�� ]�EF7[` �l�'I'El�f TIOl�AIL�LY ��Ai1T][� CiTY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDAit]7 CONSTItUCT10N SPECIFICATIDN DOCUM�VTS CPNs 10 ]$20 &] 0305I Revised July 1, 201 ] ,�7TACHM�AIT 1C Page 1 of 4 �"� ��' �O Il�T � C�ty o� For� V'Vorth fl�inori�y �usiness �n�erpri�e ��� Gaod ��i�h E�owt �oem OFFEROR COMPANY NAME: Check applicable bloc[c to describe Offeror MNVIDBF NC1iV-MIWIDBE PRQJECT NAME: BID DATE Cif.y's MBE Projecf Goal: OfferoPs M8E Project Commitrnent: PROJ�C7 NUMBER % % !f the Offeror did not !??pp? nr exceed ihe MBE suhaontracfinq goa! fpr #his proiect; t:se �'Jifaw=� m�►s Gplrl�lefe It�?i4 form. _ lf the Offeror's method of compliance with the ��� goa! is based upon demonstration of a "good �aith effort", the Offeror will have fhe burden of correcfly and accurately preparing and submitting the dacumentation r�quir�ed by the Ci�y. Corr�pliance wifiE� each item, 1 thru 11 be[ow, shall satisfy the Good �aith �ffort requirement absent �roof of iraud, intentional andlor knowing misrepresenta�ior� of the facts or inten�ional discrimina�ion hy the Offeror. Failt�re 4�0 L"-Q!?]��E'#�3 ��ifS $4';'.'Z'1� r[7 ItS �I��iPB�jf L:r:�ti SLI�T��F'��il� �nr-�timantatinn� „;?d r8roi�arl f}� thg Pur�chasing b������ri IlO �.it@f ��dfl i�:�� �U_7ri, O!'4 t��a cgrr�nrl Crl�li �,'Y�sEn�.■s� �ay �fter 4�id ��ening. £'�rr_I�tCivP__ of bid opPni��g �::*�. t�;:fi r��:.�i# in t�� b�d ��ing c�::c�riPrPr� �on-res(oa�siv� io #�i[� ��ecifi��#jqnS. 1.) Please list each and every subcontracting andlor supplier oppQrtunity fap the campletion of this project, regardless of wF�ethee it is to be pro�ided by a ii�BE or non-MB�. (DO NOT LfST NAIVfES O� FIRMS On all projects, the Offeror� must fist each subcontracting and or supplier opportunity regar�dless of tier. (Use additianal sheets, if necessary) List of Subcontracting Opportunities List of Supplierr Opporturtities Re�. 2NO/15 A7iACHtiIO�CNT 9C Page 2 of 4 2.) Obtain a current (not more than two (2) months old from the bid apen date) list of I�li�� subcont�actors andlor suppliers from the City's IVIIWBE Office. Yes Date of Lisiing 1 1 No 3.) Did you solicit bids frorr� iilliBE firms, within the subcontracting andlor supplier areas previously listed, at least fen calendar days priar to bid opening by maii, exclusive of tf�e tfay the bids are opereed? YeS (If yes, attach MB� mail listing to include name af firm and address and a dated copy of letter mailed.j No 4.} Did you soliciE bids from MBE fi�ms, wiEhin the subcontrac�ing andlor supplier areas previousfy fisted, at feast ten calendar days priar to bid opening by telephon�, exdusive of the day the bids are apened? YBS ([f yes, attach list to inc[ude name of MBE firm, ep rson contacted, phone number and date and time of contact.) Fl0 5.J Did you so[icit bids from MBE €irms, within fihe subcontracting andlor supplier areas previously listed, at least ten calendar days prior to bid opening by facsimile (faxj, exctusi�e af the day the bids are open�d? YBS (If yes, attach list fo include name af MBE flrm, fax numher and date and time of conkact. ln addition, if the fax is returned as undeiiverable, then that "undeliverable confirmation" received must be printed directly from the facsimile for proper documentation. Failure fo submit eonfirmaEion andlor "undeliverahle confirmation" docume�tation may render the GF� non-respansive.) No B.) Did you solicit bids f�om BIIB� firms, wifhin the subcantracting andlor� su�plier areas p�eviously listied, at [east ten calenda� days prior to hid apening by email, excfusive of the day tF�e bids are apened? Y@S {If yes, aitacf� email confirmation to include name of MBS firm, dafe and fime. In addition, if an emaif is returned as undeli�erable, then f.haE "undeliverable message" receipt must be printed directly from the email system for proper documenfation. Failure to submit confirmation and/or "undeliverahle m�ssage" documentation may render the GFE non- responsive.j NO P10iE: Tha fo�r me#hods e�+entifed �n^Ve arti �G�p�?t�i7l� �FC� ��^l�r�*.�^g d�'rds, and e�ch ue!mc*.p� ur�e�h�� I11USt b� t3oolie;l �U fi!`� ��nVirahl� �e�ntra�t, Tk�(.' l�ffel'Qt fi�USt C�4G�a'171�l1f 4ha� �ifhar 2t ��wS: �C7 �ificmY±e,�� WeP@ �ii��� L:,�,:^� '.�,."4 �t fiF�e f�ur me#hods {�r �:;Y� �� �oa�t rt7�4$ SIiCCESSfU[i i:0Y1ts3C hN�S 1ti�3�B !:S''.:;� �YIQ [df t�l@ �OU� li.�±�?��s i� ard�er t:� be ��V!!:�� f'Et�1An�iVF� 4n iti:g [�(,'�+,{ ��itl� �#fnrt �o�rti�Yramprt#� NOT�: '�he Oifiera� rrt�;�l eor.t��t the �entire N?�� list ��erifi� to �r�Ei w��hrnntrarYl�ig M;;� �e'��niiAr opportunity 4p w� r� c^::;�ii�nce wi#h �uestians 3�hrau�h �, i.) Did you provide plans and specifications to potentiaf Fi�B�s? Yes No 8.) Did you provide the infarmation regarding the lacation of plans and specificatio�s in order to assist �he MBEs? Yes , MO Rev. 2I10/15 ATTACHf�iENT 1C Page 3 af 4 9.} C]id you p�epare a quoFation for the MB�s ta bid on goodslserriices specific to #heir skifl set? YeS {If yes, attach afl copies of quotations.} illo 10.) Was the contact informatian an any of tf�e listings not rralid? YBS (If yes, atfach the infonnation that was not �aEid in order for tf�e MlWBE Office to address the corrections needed.) No 11.)SubrrEit dacumertEafion if �BE quotes were rejected. 7he documentation subrnitted shauld be in the forms of art a#fidavit, include a detailed explanation af why the MSE was rejected and any supporting documentation th� Offeror wishes to be considered by the City. In the e�ent of a bona fide dispute cvncerning quotes, the Offeror wilf provide for confidential in-camera access to an inspection of any relevant doc�mentation by City personnel. Please use additional sheets, if necessa , and attach. Co�n an Name Tele hone Contact Person Seo e of Work Reason fow Re"ection _ ADDITIONAL iNFORMATION: Please provide additianal information you #eel wili further explain yaur goad and honest efforts to obtain MBE participatior� an this project. ihe �fferor fur�her� agr�ees to prQ�+ide, di�ectly to the Cif�jr upon request, complete and accurate information regar�ding acfival wor� pe�formed on th�s contract, fhe payment thereof and any pr�oposed changes �o fihe original arrangements submit�ed with this bid. �he �fferor a�so agrees to allow an audit andlor examination of any books, recor�ds and files hetd by their com�any 4ha� will suhs#antiate fihe actual work per�for�med on this contr�act, by an author�ized officer or em�loyee of fihe City. �ony intentional andlor �tnoraving misr�epresenta�ion o� facts will be gr�ounds for fermina�ing the confirac� or debar�ment from Gity v+�+or�k for a period of nvt less than thr�ee �3} years and �or initiiafiing acfion unde� �ederal, S�a�e or� �oca� lavvs concer�ning false statements. p,ny failure 4o comply with fhis or�dinance shall create a mafierial breach of contract and may r�esult in a deter�minafiion of an irr�esponsibte Of�erow and debarment from �ar�ticipating in Ci�y worF� fo� a period o� time not less �han o�e (1 j year. Re�. 219 419 5 ATTACHM�fll7 1 C Page 4 of � The undersigned ce�ifies that #he informa�ion pr�ovided and fihe [P���(s) listed waslwere contacted �n good �aith. If is under�stood thafi any IVI��(sj [isted in Afitachmen# 'i C will be confiacted and the reasons for nof using fihem will be �eri�ried by �he Cifiy's IIaI11��E �ffice. Authorized Sigr�ature 7itle printed Signature Contact Name and Title (if differentj Company Plame Phone Plumber Fax Number Address CitylStafelZip �rnail Address Dat� Rev. 2174f95 Joint Venture Page i of 3 �� ][�'I' '�!� �T lf� Name of Ciiy project: CITY OF FORT WORTH 1ViBE Joini Venture EIigibi�itv Foxm All questions must 8e answered,• use "N/�1 "if not applicabl� A joint venture form must be completed on each RFPBidlPurchasing Number: 1. Joint venture inforxnation: Joint Venture Name: .Coint Venture Address: (If applicable) Telephone: Facsiznile: E-mail address: Cellular: Identify the firms that co�naprise the joint ven�Ure: Please atfach extra sheets i{additional space is required to provide deiailed explanations of work ta be performed hy each iirm compr�sing the joint ventur� _ MBE firrn Non-MBE firm name• name• Business Address: Business Address: City, State, Zip: City, State, Zip: Telephone Facsvnile E-mai[ Telephone Facsimile Cellular Ce[lular Certiiication Stat�s: E-mail address Name of Certifying Agency: � 2. Sco e of work erformed b the Joint Venture: Describe the sco e of work of ihe MS�: Describe the sco e of work of the non-MB�: Re�. 211DI15 Jaint V�nfure Page 2 of 3 3. What is the percen�age af MBE participation o�a this joint venture that you wish Yo be counted taward meeting the project goal? 4. A�tach a �opy of the joint venture agreemenf. 5. List components of ownershi� of joint venture: (Do not complete if this informatzon is descri6ed in joznt venture agreement) Profit and loss sharing: Capital contributions, ancluding equipment: Other applicable ownershig interests: 6. Identify by name, race, sex and frm ihose inciividuals (with titles) who are responsible for the day-to-day management and decision making of the joint venture: Financial decisions (to include Account Payable and Receivable): Management decisions: a. Estimating _ ---------------------------------------_____ _ b. Marketing and Sales -_-------------------------------------------_--------- c. H3ring and Firing of management personnel ------------------------------------------ ---_�-__----- d. Purchasing of major equipment and/or supplies Super�ision of field operations The City`s Minorify and Worr�en Business Enterprise Office will review your joint �enture submission and will ha�e final appro�a! o� the MBE percentage applied toward fhe goal for the project iisted on this fiarm. NOTE: F'rom and after the date of project award, if any of fhe pariicipants, the indi�idually defined sco�es of work or the do�lar amounts/percentages change from the originally appro�ed information, then fhe participants must inform the City's MIWBE Office immediately for a�provaL Any unjustified change or deletion shall be a material breach of contract and may result in debarm�nt in accord with the procedures outlined �n the City's BDE Ordinance. Rev. 2I1D115 Joint Venture Pa e3of� AF�'IDAVIT The undersiga�ed affrms that the iaregoing statements are true and carrect and incIude aIl material information necessary to identify and explain ihe terrns and operation of the joint venture. F�rthermore, �he undersig��ed shall agree to pravide to the joint venture the stated scope of work, decision-rriaking responsibilities and payments herein. The City also reserves the right to req�aest any additional ix�formation deemed necessary to de#ermine if the joint venture is eligible. F'ailure to cooperate and/or provide requested information within the time specified is grounds for t��xnination of the eligibiIzty process. The undersigned agree ta permit audits, interviews with owners and examination of the books, records and files of the joint venture by any authorized representatives of the City of Fort Warth. Failure to cornply with this provision shall result in the termination of any contract, which may be awaxded under the pravisions of this joint venture's eligibility and may initiate aciion uzader Federal, State and/or Local Iaws/ordinances concerning false statements or willful misrepresentation of facts. - - - ---------- ------- --- ----------------_---- ----------------- --------------- ------------------------------- Name ofMBE firm Nazne ofnon-MBE ffrm Printed Name of Owner Printed Name of Owner Signature of Owner Signature of Owner Printed IVame of pwner Pxinted Name of Owner Signature of Qwner Signature of Owner Title Tit[e Date Date Nota rization State of County of On this day of , 20 , before me appeared and io me personally known and who, being duly sworn, did execute the foregoing affidavit and did s#ate #hat they wez'e praperly authorized to execute this aff�davit and did so as their free act and deed. Notary Public Print Name Notary Public Signature Commission Expires _ (sealJ Rev. 2l14115 F� l� T�GG3 l�'� H �I$j, O� �Oi'� '�btiil IV�linor�i�y �usines� �n�erpri�e Specificafiiens Pr�me Confir��cfor V�Iaiver �vr�m ATTACHMENT 1B Page 1 of 1 OFFEROR COMPAIVY iVAM�: Check applicable block to describe prime L::� ':�BE �IUN-MlWIDBF PROJECT NAM�: Blp pATE City's MB� Prpject Goal: Offeror's iY1BE ProjecE Commitment: pROJECT NUMBER % % If both answers ta this farrn are YES, do not complete ATTACHM�Ni 1C (Good Faith EfFort Form}. All questions on this €arm must be completed and a detailed explanation provided, if applicable. lf the answer to either question is NO, then you musf complete ATTACHMENT '! C. This form is only applicable if �il� answers are yes. Fa'st;�re to co�npl+�t� t�is form i� its entireiy a::� �� r�Y9€Y�:� by �he Nurci�asinn ��+�is�or� no lateF tFr��� 2:Oa p_m,. or�_xh� �e�and [;itv h�usiness da� a�er bid o:ne�inc�, e�tilu�:;�� bf Ch$ bEd o�ening d�ate, v�ri�l r��.:!# i:M t�e bi� be:::s� cht^����e�e� non��. s�crrsiv� t� I�id �; �r,jfe�;ati���s. — Wiil you perform this entire contract without subcontractors? YES If yes, please provide a detailed explanation that proves based on the size and scope of this �0 project, this is your normal business practice and provide an operational profile of your business. lAlilf you perform this entire cantract without suppliers? YE5 If yes, please pro�ide a detailed expianatian that proves based on the size and scope of this project, this is your narmaf business practice and provide an in�entory profiile o� your business. WO The Offeror further agrees to provide, directly to the City upon request, compl�te and accurate information regarding actual work per�ormec! by all subcontractors, including MBE(s} on this contract, the payment thereof and any proposed changes to the original MB�(s) arrangements subrnitfed with fhis bid. The Offeror also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination of any bovks, records anc! fles held by their company tha# will substantiate the actual work performed by the MBFs an this contract, by an autharized afFicer or employee of tl�e City. Any intenfional andlor knowing misrepresentation of facts w[II be grounds for terminating the cvntract or debarment from City work for a period of nat [ess than three {3) years and for initiating action under Federal, 5#ate or Local laws eoncerning false statements. Any fa�lure to compfy with tf�is ordinance creates a material breach af cor�tract and may result in a detecmina#ion of an irres}�onsible Offeror and barred from participating in City work for a period of time not less than one (1) year. Authorized Signature Title Company 1Vame Address Ci#ylStatelZip Printeci Signature Contact Name (if different) Phone Number Fax Number Email Address �afe Rev. 2110I95 ��������� City of �o�fi'�o�rh I�ino�i�y �u�ines� En�erpri�e Specificafii�n� S��CI�� IfV�'ii��CTIOR�S F�I� �����ORS APF'LICATIOP� O� P0�lCY lf the total dollar �alue of the contract is $SO,QDO or more, then a�fiBE subcontrac�Eng goal is ap licable. POLICY STAT���NT' lf is ihe poficy of the City of Fort Worth #o ensure the full and equitable participafion by Minority Business En#erprises (MBE) in the procurement of ali goods and services. All requirements and regufafions stated in the City's current Business Diversity Enterprise Ordinance applies to fhis bid. f�B� �ROJ�C i GO�,�,S The City's i+�B� goa� on this pro�ect is % of fhe base bid �alue of the confract. Note: If both MBE and SBE suhcontracting goals are established for this project, then an Offeror rr�ust submit botf� a F�ifBE Utilization Form and a SBE Utilization Form to be deemecl responsive. COIV���IAPlCI� �'O �IC? SP�CIF1Cr4TIONS On City contracts $50,000 or more where a MBE subcontracting goal is applied, Offerors are requi�ed ta comply with the infent of the City's Business Diversity Enterprise Ordinance by one of the fallowing: 1. �lleet or exceed the abo�e stated IWBE goal Ehrough flitBE subcontracting participation, or 2. IV�eet or exceed the abo�ve stated MBE goal t�rough MB� Joint Venture participa#ion, or; 3. Good �aith EfforE documenfation, or; 4. Prime Waiver documentaf'ron, su��iT��� o� R�Qu���� �ocuM�n�r,�rror� The a�plicable documents must be recei�ed by the Purchasing Di�ision, within the following #imes allocated, in order for the entire bid to be considered resnonsive to the snecifications. �ft.c- i�,i���� :�,!�:�il _leliv�r it'�� :�1�� Clq�:urre��la�lu�'E i�� �iat�cii� �rF tnP 3��r��sri�ke +:ins�oloy� o# 1h�: �urchasing ti�iulsi:�n anJ uC�k�ln k� rlaE{r�ln�t rec:al�',r, �ue;h s�r�,�lp� sF�t�U b� a�+iva�rc�u 'lia+ I�?� Citw ,: �s�^rJ N-�c dr���_u�i�i'Ff,�rso,r i�� lh� lirn� all�r.al�rl A fax+��i ;is�d�ur crrfai�ed ��py w�11 nr�T be a�cept�c� 1. 5uhcontractor Utilization Form, if goal is recei�ed no later ihan 2:D0 p.m., on the second City business day met or exceeded: after the bEc! openin dafe, exc�usi�e of ihe bid opening date. 2. Good Faith �ffvrk and Subcontractor recei�ed no later than 2:00 p.m., on the second City business day Utilization Form, if participation is less than after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. stated goal: 3. Good Faith Effor� and Subcontractor recei�ed no later fhan 2:00 p.m., on t�e second City business day iJtiiization Form, if no MBE partici ation: after the bid apening date, excfusi�a of fhe bid openin date. 4. Prime Cantrac#or Waiver F'arm, i� you will received no lafer than 2:00 p.m., on fhe second Cify business c�ay erform all subcontractin Isupplier work: after fhe bid openin date, exclusi�e of the bid opening date. 5. Joint Venture �orm, if goaf is met ar received no iater than 2:00 p.m., on the seco�d City business day exceeded: after the bid opening dat�, exclusf�e of the bid o enin dafe. FAILUR� T� �n�!n��� t�;rlT!-? T�"iE G�TY'S ��,.tCIFy��CC �,11VFRCIT}i �I4�T�RPR�SE QiZ�I�ANG�. U�1I�L 1?F�IJL'� I�i TWE B�D ��!NC ��!�tlS�d�R�a P��!�-��Spnw���� ry'� +vp��e�ir,qTl�Jhf�_ �Al�u!?� rn c�BM1T i i�F !?Gr�� �!!?Fn nnRF nnC�� i�►+�'NTATl��E �Vill�l. RESl1LY U:� 7F�G ��� I��lhlG �n�c�n���r� � t,..., 4, . . �1bt�-�tESP��c���_ ,q cFrrn�� F�:LU?� 9�"�IL� �E�EJ�� IM TF#� �iFFF!RQR �3EIAlG aiSQUA�.I'FIE1� �DR +4 PERIOI] �F �1��'fkA�R, �[�a�� 1��41L�.u:?�S Y�l A FiV'E YEfiR ��!?!�?� W!�L P,FC��T �N A�ISQVA�����`ATi�N PERIOD O!� � Fi!?�� Y��4�5, Any questions, please contact the MIIE4lB� Office at (8'!7) 212-2674. Rev. 2/10/l5 ATTACHMENT�A Page 1 of 4 FORT �ORTH Cit� of �'ort �►orf;h l�inori�y �u�ine�s �n�erprise IVI�E Subcon�r�ac�or�l�uppliers Ufilixa�ion Form O���ROR COMPANY NAME: Check applicable hlock to describe Offeror M1INIDBE NON-NfIW1DBE P120JECT NANEE: BID DATE City`s MBE Project Goal: Offeror's MBE Project Commiiment: PROJECT NUMB�R % % ldentifiy ali �ubconfrac�orslsuppliers �ou r�+ill u�e �n f:h�s projecf Failur� to complete this form, Gn u±s ��a►�F�fy :.�Eth requ�st�d dc��:.��,pntat�nn, 4!?d r�ceived �y th� Fu�cha�ing DlVlslOn 110 ��tPr than �;iJ� p,�. ��� ti78 S�COnd �-;t1f �'1UVinP$� C�Jdjf aita� �ifri ���nin�� �Yf�IF�CI7fP �� hlr� �Fn,anin� *y�ata� WI�[ ra�iilt i!t �rie L±� teing c�k�si�+e!'pd r�nn-reGp�+�!s�ya to b��14p��ifications. ��ia M�nd�r�igned ��Lrn� ��arees tn �a �ter 117�� a f,�r;�?�! aareerrten# '�VIt�3 �iE ���� �f,'t'1��� �15iPr1 pn t�IIS lltf�l'ZBtIQl1 'scheduC�, cor�d�iac�ned u�?�+!� �xeCr�tipn �f �a C�niracl v�ifh ll,p ����y c7f ��I�t W�!#!�, The F�tt���ior�af �I�dlo� kllOWlll� misre�re��►�tati�n Of ��GtS i5 QrOUn�S '�^� G�-'�?SCriaratinri O� CiiS.�,Uaiifir�afiinr} 8�7Ci ti^�F�I f�Si71� �!� ti"�� �3� �?in� considered na�-re�por�sive to bid s��cifi�;atic�ns, M�Es listed ioward meeting the project goa[ must be located in the six (6j county marketplace at the time of bid or the busir�ess has a Sigr�ificant Business Presence in tf�e Mar�ketplace. Marketplace is the geographic area of Tarrant, �allas. �enton, Johnsan. Parker, and Wise counfies, Prime C:L?ntrartrJr� Cf�ll�=t !��!�t'I�jj �1'f ii�� �BvP� 4f ��� s�bContr�CxDl"��SU�7�?il�T�, Tler: mR��s 4i�a �o+ltf �� subcontr��#ing L�e!�:^r �h� pr�a�� con#r�V±Yrf�.�r�suit�r�! i.e. � cirac� �}a f mc?e�k �fA�'7 f�� pr�me c���iractar �o � SUf]COJ�1�C��f�r 1:3 C�n�irlevra� ��t �1£'r. � �T�j�FTk�.^.# �}� c3 ;:!.�hr;,nntraGfOt �O f�S Sl.����i�f �� COflSidp��d �nd �IE�', �hE �tima cantractar is r�sponsible #o �ro►r�de �r�c�f of p�aym�::i �,f �rk tie�ed �u�Yv�:±��ctar, Id�n��fied �s � Ni�E �nd � �auntisng 1��5� ��J!!�!'S EO:;'?r{�S P7t�ptin� �Y1E C�Ilt1��Ct �Qmmittad �ti^.�j, AL� lUi��s MUS7� B� C�R�I�I�D �Fc�OR� COf+lTR�4CT �►16iiAR�. C�rtification rneans those firms, Eacat�d wifhin the Marketplace, that ha�e been defermined to be a bondafide minority business enterprise by the Nor�h Central Texas Regianal Cer�ification Agency (NCTRCA} or ather certifying agencies that the City may deem appropriate and accepted by the City ofi Fort Worth. fT �'!$LI�I�l� c�rrrFr�g ar� w�il��e�. #h� CJ1f�F�Ji' IlY':!I �a �nren cr���ht as !^�+� as #�n AJfRF Ii�#e� €rwns a:��i ���(`dtE� �:I +P.'l,-C� ��PSK� �LII�]f IfCa:���d a�� ��reratior�al fruc±c to be u�ed or� ihe �ontrac#, ��te ��� rr��} L�LCFI #���wk$ fr�� another M�E ��rm, ��c4udin� �n8� awn��_Or3t�?I"?�Pd, a:�d r�cei:,p f4a�l �8� crP��t TF�� A+1�� tr�ay �� Eaac;; C�CL¢��45 �E'�!7] Y10�'!-�4+1��5, I'F�iwM��l�inr� p�Wf1Gf-4raratgrj, �}k�� VYli� OR�� f�'.'".LIY{.-' L�I�'i!� f�r ��4� ��'�S u�??� CQn'117115514775 4��Ctl�.'d �� ti�3� �'1RF �S �l�t�l.^,a� I!1 C�kE I�a�e a�re�tnent,_ --- — Rev. 2I90115 �f}RT WORiH ATTACHM�NT iA � Page 2 of �F Offerors are required to identify ALL subcontractors/suppliers, regarciless of status; i.e., V�4ir�or�ly an� r��n•MBE£�. MBE frins are to be IistecE first, use additional sheets if �ecessary. Please note that only certified MBEs will be counted to meet an MBE goal. NCTRCA N SUBCONTRACTORISUPPLIER ° Company Name T— ° �etaii Retail Address i Subcontracting Supplies Dollar Amount TelephonelFax ` g B � Work Purchased Email E E Contact Person � � � � � � � � � � � � � :ra►xa`«I`H7 FOR� ATTACHM�NTIA Page 3 of 4 Offerors are required to identify ALL subcontracforslsuppliers, regardless of stafus; i.e., �linoniy a�+d non-qk+1#��� MBE firms are to be fisted first, use additional sheets if necessary. Please note thaf only ceriified MBEs will be counied to meet an MBE goal. NCTRCA � SUBCOIVTRACT�RISUPPLIER ° Company IVame T " Detail �etail Address i 5ubcon�racting Supplies Daltar Amount 7elephonelFax ` B � � Work Purchased Email � E Contact Person � � � � � � � � � � � � � Rev. 2110115 FoR� � ATf/1CHMEIVT 1A Page 4 of 4 7otal Dollar Amoun� of i�B� SubcontractorslSupp(iers � Totaf Dollar Amount of Plon�l��l� SubcorttractorslSuppliers $ �O�AL DOLLA� A11�0UIVT O� ALL SU�CONlTR�ACTORSISUI��Lf�RS � T�e �fferor v�ill n�'J� 9'n�{t� :��Iriitir��S, r�,ipla�innS, O: SI,ktJ�?'it�l�innS tin ��115 C�!'#ifi�t� �icf Y4'�:tlOLi� �!?�` �rl�t L�prnv�4 �fi �nA �IAinnritV ;an� W�m�3ii L!?Sli1�SS E31�Ern1'IS�+ ()}�lC� �!?�'�UQh �h�? �!ll�miit�j O: � i��Qi�LSt fb!' l�l�piOV'?� Of C�IT�►it^le/�dditig►� f�i177. .�+'.r1]+ t�!?�Usti[fied �:�?n�.1B +?C �PV�tin� v!?�If f�e 3 ii:wt:.':ic11 b!'Sa�h �f L��+rart �!?� ITI�s+ �ewU!# 1� �ph?rra��nt Il�l ;;r�nr� 1NI��7 ��lE �''OG�rir�rac OUtalil�C� �!� �:h�� Qi�111�31�G�. 'E�ha Q�fEf�� :iii�tM ���hmi� � {�EIaI�E(i �?Xrianafiinn �f h;�w th� �-��ue�ted cha^gel���+�±::�:�� c�r �+e�P+��r u��ill �ffect th� rnmmittat� hn�-?� �u��, I# �e LP+�+� �Cp��l7atinr� pS FTo# sl�bmi#���, i! avi[I �:�ec# ifir� fin�l cVt?�pliarlCe de1�Y111111rt�tinn, _ .. By affixing a signature to this forrn, the Offeror furtner agrees to pro�ide, directly to the City upon reques#, comp[ete and accurate information regarding actua[ work performed by all subcontractors, including MBE(s) and any special arrangements with MBEs. The Offeror also agrees to allow an audit andlor examinafion af any booEts, recorc�s and files held by their campany. 7he OfFeror agrees to allow the trar�smission of interviews rrvit� owners, principals, officers, employees and applicabl� subcontracfarslsuppliers participafing on tt�e cantract that w�ll substantiate the actual work perFormed by the MBE{s) on this contract, by an authorized officer or employee af fhe Ciiy. Any intentiona[ ar�dlar knowing misrepresentation of facts will be grounds for terminating the contract or debarment from City wark for a period of not less than three (3} years and for initiating action under Federal, State or Local laws co�cernfng false statements. Any failure ta comply witi� this ordinance creates a material breach of the contract and may result in a determination af an �rresponsible Offerar and d�barment from participating in City work for a period of fime not less than one (1) year. Autf�orized Signature PrEnted SPgnature Title Company Name Address CitylStatelZip Contact NamelTitle (if differenf) Telephone andlor Fax �-mail Address pate Re�. 21�0115 ��-�00'� �V��e �ates '�'��S ]PA��E g..��"�' Ii�T'][7E1�'I'IO�TAL�L�� �lL�l�i� CITY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Arive Culvert Improvements STAi�T�AR17 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DQCUMENTS GPNs 101820 & 103U51 Revised July 1, 2011 20i3 PREVAEL1l�G WAGE RATES (Heavy and Highway Construction Projects] CLASSI�ICATION DESCRIP�ION Asphalt Distributar Operator Asphalt Paving Machine Operator Asphalt Raker Broom or Sweeper Operator Concrete Finisher, Paving and Structures Cancrete Pavement Finishing Machine Operator Concrete Saw Operator Crane Operator, Hydraul9c 80 tons or less Crane Operator, Lattice Boom 807ons or Less Crane DperaYor, Lattice Boom Over 80 Tons Crawler Tractor Operator Electrician Excavator Operator, 50,OQ0 pounds ar less Exca�ator Operator, Over 50,040 pounds Flagger Form Builder/Setter, Structures Form Setter, Pavirog & Curb Foundation Drill Operatar, Crawler Mounied Foundation Drill Operaior, Truck Mounted Front End Loader Operator, 3 CY or Less Frant End Loader Operatar, �ver 3 CY Laborer, Common Laborer, Utility Loader/Backhoe Operator Mechanic Milling Machine Operator Motor Grader Operator, Fine Grade Motor Grader Operator, Rough Qff Road Hauler Pavement Marking Machine Operator Pipelayer Reclaimer/Pulverizer Operator Reinforcing Steel Warker Roller Operator, Asphalt Ro[ler Operator, Other Scraper Operator 5ervicer Small Slipfarm Machine Operator Spreader 6ox a�erator 7ruck Driver Lowboy-Float Truck 1]river Transit-Mix Truck Driver, Single Axle Truck Driver, Single or Tandem Axle Dump �'ruck Truc�C Dri�er, Tandem Axle Tractor with Semi Trailer Welder Work Zone Barricade Ser�icer Wage Rate $ $ $ $ $ � � $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ � $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ � $ $ $ $ 15.32 13.99 12.69 i 1.74 14.12 16.05 14.48 is.sz ].7.27 20.52 14.07 19.80 17.19 16.99 10.06 13.84 � �.16 17.99 21.D7 13.69 14.72 10.72 1.Z32 15.18 i�.ss 14.32 17.19 16.02 12.25 13.63 13.24 11.01 16.18 13.08 11.51 12.96 14.5$ 15.96 1�4.73 Z6.2A 14. J.4 12.31 12.62 12.86 14.84 11.68 The Davis-Bacon Act prevailing wage rates shown for Nea�y and Highway construction projects were determined by the UniYed 5tates Department of �abor and current as of September 2013. The titles and descriptions for the cfassifications listed are detailed in the AGC of Texas' Standard Job Classifications and Qescriptians for Mighway, Heavy, Utilities, anc! Industrial Construction in Texas. Page 1 af 1 �C��3o��C Tests ��d ][ns�e�t�ons 'T'I�[IS PAG� LEF'][' �11`T'I'lEl�7T�[�l�A]C,]�Y ��L.�l�IK CITY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Dri�e Culvert Improvements S'fAND.4ItD CpNSTRUCTION SPECI�ICATIOTi DpCUMENTS CPNs 101820 & 703051 Kevised July 1, 2011 ������• ��� ���� D Novernber 14, 2019 Michae] Wellbaum, PE 900 Monroe 5treet Suite 200 �ort wort�,, TX 76142 RE: Visusl Strucfural Inspection of �xisting RCBs As part of th� Shoreview Drive pro}ect, the cify has tasked Kimley-Horn & Associates with providing a review of 252 L.F of 10' x 10' RCBs that have been stored at 322� Yuma St. Fort Worth, TX 76919 since 2009. It is our understanding that the city wants fa e�afuate the feasibility of using the box c�al�erts in the �-�ferenced project. Below is a summary of the resuffs of the ansite review that was performed on November 13, 2019. INSPECTEON WFORMA710N � Inspection Date: November 13, 2019 � Where: City o# Fort Worth Storage F'acility (322� Yuma St. Fort Worth, TX 76119) a Weather: Mostly clear with a Temperature of 35� F � Inspecior: Leslie P. Bruce, PE o Other Present: Misty Christian, PE and Michael Wellbaum, PE pR�CAST BOX CUl�VERT INFORMATI�N The precast boxes wh�re inspecfied onsite. During the inspection, �t was noted that all boxes have idenfifying sfamps. It is noted thaf there are fwo iypes vf boxes in the stackpile. There are stancfard boxes for placement in 2' and 9' of fil! and jack bore i�oxes. There are also 2 end cannection boxes for each type for connectian to wingwalls, SETs, etc. Inforrnation regarding t�e boxes is shown belaw: 1. Manufacturer: Rir�ker Materials D/FW 2. Manufacture Date: 5/26/2009 to �11012009 3. Quantity: 12 sections of — 10' x'! 0' x 6', CI 433 2'-9' {total 72 linear feet} 36 section of — 10' x 10' x 5`, CI 433 E-80 {fotal 180 linear feet) �ir:s�� r�i�� � ��������� ���� INSPECTION IJEFICIENCIES Page 2 The box cul�erts have been sitting in the stockpile for what is anticipated to be from a point in time beginnfng at manufacturing. They have b�ert exposed to weather conditions since approximately midyear 2009. The defieiertcies found are as follows: 9. Fire Darr3age (RE: Photo 7) — �ne jack bore box section has fire damage on bottom face. The fire damag� has caused a surface spall, but i# has not exp�sed any reinforcing sf�el. Spalfing is a depression in the concrete that is a result of fhe surface separating from the r�mainder of the concrete. In this case, the heat from the f�re expanded the surFace concrete and caused it to fracture. The result is a shallow spalled area. This area is small and mosf importantly the re[nfarcement is nnt exposed. Exposed reinforcement begins #o rust and through rusting ex�ands and thus increases the area of spall due to the expansion of fhe concrete encased r�inforcement (this is not an issue a# this focation}. 2. Wairline cracks, sorne with effEorescence (RE: Phota 11) — Most of the box sections have H� c�acks in corners and on connection faces. Some of ihese cracks have light �iflorescence. These cracks are short in Iength and isolated. Cracks are linear fractures in concrete that rnay extend partially or compEeiely through a member. The two types of cracks are structura� or non-structural. In fhis case fhe, the cracks are non-structaral and on the surface of the box sectians. They most likely are the result of shrinkage or temperature and ha�e existed s�nca manufacturing. Efflvrescence is the presence of leached out calcium carbonaie from the cement. [t is a white surface deposit that occurs when moisiure is absorbed in a crack. 7his is a common deficiency fo�nd with cracking of all magnitudes. In this case it is rt�inor and cantained to cul�ert ends where the HL cracks are in the surface of the concrete. It poses no structural concern at this time. 3. Minor spalls (RE: P�otos 3, 5& 9) — Many of the box secfiions have minor spalls along edges, but nane identified have any exposed steel. 4. Rustmg of reinforcement in end connections (RE: Photo 6) — The four end connections with exposed rein#orcement ha�e minor rusting in this exposed steef. As m�ntioned in deficiency 'i, exposed reinfarcement w�[I accelerate rusting of the steel. Rusting not on[y decreas�s the streRgth of the steel 6y corroding if, but it also swells the steel and thus spalls off surface concrete to expose more sfeel. The exposed ends are man�factured for connecting cast in place headwallsler�d treatments that woufd ha�e otherwise encapsulated the exposed steel soon after manufactur�ng. The condition of the steel in thes� culverts was good ancf should not be of any rnajor concern when placed in use. SandbE.asting or other methods of cleaning the steel surFace shoulcE be �aerFormed to remo�e existing surface corrosion prior to placing these end sections in the fiefd. A�fidfeS9 1, 11€t�re9s �. Gily, �tatC� �e�r � K�� �������r� SUMMARY Page 3 The precast box sections thaf �ave been exposed to the env�ronment were found to be in good condition wifh minor deficiencies. 7he deficiencies noted are typ�cal of precast box culverts in place. The deficiencies noted can be repaired with minirr�al e€Fart during place€nent �f they are to be consic�ered for instaflaiion. I appreciate the opportunity to visually inspect tne 6ox cul�erts and provide the abo�e findings for your consideration. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (940} 937-3423 or leslie.bruce@kimley-horn.com. Sincerely, .�,�,� !, ���.�-.� Leslie P. Sruce, P� 12/31/2019 � �� �� �� ��n p'. ••.;fr #r�� «• 1 .q�,� b+� � � � ,'� ' �, � ....�....,...,..a ���:�s�_i�`�: ��u�E ,,, �,.. ..... � �-3s� ... ,,, �A :w '� °� �t��� ��Q ����� �n Stflx�.n r �� �-r Attachment: I'hoto Log m , Ikl���k�r���p ���� �, �i S #I r� r� �i R �� � ��.i� I �_� ����' ��� � , [�-�]--���� � - � � � �� � BOX CULVERTS + Fy � �* ti . STAM P � 1 � li�_ a 11�i , [�l1 ��� r1' - � {��� j 1�"#lli i ## - � NOTE: 10` X 10' X 6' bOX � E 11 VERTS �11i� �;01VNE�;TaONS NOTE: TYPICAL. _ FO�t V4�ort� Box �I.�Elbert� t��4r�� ���e: Nov. '�3, �0'F9 l�imle,� i��r�� � .��sa6i���es �'� �2�J UO NOT L7ISGLOSE - IiVFORMATION CONFI�ENTIAL UNDER THE T�XAS HOMELAND SECURITY AC7 hNQ �3 G'8c: 3ECTIUI�e �FG9, oAFE7Y SENSITNE ih:FUkMATION r ��_. BOX CULVERTS � . - . � �. NOTE: MINOR SPALL, TYPICAL . �� � , ��: � � � � .J,�l�#� � - l�fl�fiF: �. � N07C: 10' x 10' x 6' -.lACK �OR� � _� il�`xi#�'x�' j� ���:�� �_�� �t. ��.�t �� �-�-��t I kOX CULVERTS �TAM P �ort 11Vor#11 Bo�c �ulver#s -�tored p�#.e: hJov. 13, ���I 9 lf.►es���� I�'orn� � .4s���i'afe� (��.��J DO NOT �ISCLOSE - 11VFOrcMATl013 �..ONFIDENTIA� UI�fDER THE TEXAS HOMELANp SECURI7Y ACT AND 23 USC SECTIOI� 409, SAFEN SENSI7IVE INFORMATION ��r.�.l�li � - �ll� ��#�' ' - �1FIfiT �fIK�N� ' �y F , �� . � , � L W ■� r- . r T ,i ;�� NOTE: TYPICAL NOTE: TYPIC�L F 30X CULVERTS illIINOR SPALL ��� �L�'�'+JERTS Ei�l� �.�iVNECTION For� Wo�'t� Bo�c �t��uert� -�tarod D�te: ��v. 9�, ��19 �i�/e�*-�,6ar,� & �I����y�t�� (,�r��`�J �O NOT pISCLOSE - INFUREuSAT17N COI�FIDENTIAL I�NbER THE TEXAS HOMELAN� S�CURITY ACT AN� 23 USC SECTIUN �7�09, SA�El-Y SFN91'TIVE INFORMATION �' � �� . � BOX CULVERT FIRE DAMAGE �IOTE: FIR� HAS CAUS�b S['ALL W BdTTOM SLAB SURFACE. NO EXP05ED STEEL. �� Fort Watt#i u; �� �f �--�-. B�� ��.���J�LRTS � ' P�7(�S � ..�.�... r : �' � �O�c �11�u�ii5 t StDr�d ❑�t�+: ��V. '��, ��"i� i+�ir�le�+,f�or� � ,dp���c,i��e� (� 9��� DO NOT DISCLOSE - INFORA�iATION CONFI��NTIAL UNdER THE TEXAS HOMELANQ SECUR[N ACT AND 23 USC SELTION �f:8, SAf F'� SFNSITiVE [NFpkMAT10N __ ��— ��"�_�_ : �"=�:` � � F ` '�_ L�5 1�� ���� . �� �� , � NOTE: MINOR SURF'ACE CRACKS AND SUR�ACE SPAL�.S �nX CULVERTS '��PS OF BOXES �-- , - =�-- �'� _ -� �r -.��. - --, - -__ ,.: t� - _ _ . . � .. . J -ti . �� � �C�X � UL�J� RTS T�i�� �F BOXES - �� - � - -�Y . � - . _ _ _ _ _ �� , i � � . . .� I �. n � i Fott Wor�h 8ax ���verts -�tored Da�e; h�ov. 13, �0'19 Xt%r�x,le,� l��r►� � � ���ci�l�es �f� �.��j DO NOT bISGI.Usk - INFpRMATIbN i3ONFi�ENTIAt JNDER THE TEXAS HOMELF,IdQ SEGURITY ACT AND 23 USC SECTIOM �^ti. ;;qFFT� ;aENSITIV� iNFORMA710N � {�� Y ��� 5 T�� t�y �;' Y y� . BOX CULVERTS FACE NO7E: HAIRLfN� CF2ACKS WITH EF�LDRESCENCE, TYPICAl. �{} � YAY1JIf� �5:�r; %°_,1�1�'U�Y°�C .� �fiOP�[I I.��L�.'. I�YQ�. �3r ��d7� fCi�x,f�y f,r'o�� � A��o�iage� �� �.��J f70 �€OT RISCLOS� - INFORMA710N COHFiDE1VTlA� UNDEft THE TEXAS HOMELAND SECLFRITY ACT AND 23 11SC SECiION 409, SAFEN SEiVSITIVE IiVFORiuIATlON µ . _� �