HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 29802 LIHEAP WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM CITY SECRETARY ATTACHMENT A - BUDGET AND PERFORMANCE DOCUMENT P A CT NO. SUBRECIPIENT NAME: FORT WORTH, CITY OF, GRANT ADMIN. AMENDMENT NUMBER: 2 TO CONTRACT NUMBER: 813039 ALLOCATION YEAR: 813 ALLOCATION PERIOD: 04/01/2003 - 03/31/2004 CONTRACT PERIOD The period for performance of this contract, unless earlier terminated, is April 1, 2003 through March 31, 2004 (hereinafter the "Contract Period") . DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS $383,232.00 LIHEAP FUNDS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE $383,232.00 TOTAL ANTICIPATED LIHEAP FUNDS Additional funds may be obligated via Letter of Notification. Funds may only be obligated and expended during the current allocation year. Unexpended fund balances will be recaptured. BUDGET FOR AVAILABLE ALLOCATIONS* CATEGORIES AVAILABLE AMOUNT ADMINISTRATION** $37,323.00 MATERIALS/PROGRAM SUPPORT/LABOR $321,318.00 ROOF REPAIR*** $16,066.00 HEALTH AND SAFETY**** $24,591.00 TOTAL $383,232.00 DWELLING UNITS TO COMPLETE 123 FOOTNOTES: * Denotes that a request to adjust any budget categories must be received in writing before the adjustment can be made to the budget breakdown. The only categories that can be adjusted are the Administration and/or in the Health and Safety categories. There can be no more than 2 revisions made per allocation year. A written request must be received at least 90 days prior to the end of the allocation period. ** Denotes maximum for administration based on 10% of total allowable expenditures. *** The Roof Repair budget can not exceed 5% of the Materials / Program Support / Labor budget. Expenses incurred under Roof Repair will come out of your Materials / Program Support / Labor budget. **** Denotes the maximum for Health and Safety expenditures. PERFORMANCE Subrecipient's service area is amended to consist of the following Texas counties: Tarrant County Subrecipient shall provide weatherization program services to complete a minimum of 123 dwelling units during the allocation period. WAP costs per unit, excluding health and safety expenses, shall not exceed $2,614 without prior written approval from the Department. EFFECTIVE: 10/02/2003 FORT WORTH, CITY OF, GRANT ADMIN. BY: Jerome C.Walker on 02/04/2004 FORT WORTH, CITY OF, GRANT ADMIN. , Executive Director TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS BY: Edwina Carrington on 02/09/2004 Edwina P. Carrington, Executive Director This contract is not effective unless signed by the Executive Director of the Department or her authorized designee. APPROVED FOR T"4,ORT WORTH CITY MAKAGERT.8 OFFICE BY: AP VED._QS FV0 /AND LEGALITY: ATTESTED BY Contract Authorizatiox Date &&C Request Review Page 1 of 2 I a r- F i Houle �, Coun6f Agenda I M&C I Employee Directory I Morning Report � Ads, !I PRS I Sofution Zone f Oepartments � SiO Pr COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 3/2/2004 - Ordinance No. 15900 DATE: 3/2/2004 REFERENCE NO.: **C-19980 LOG NAME: 05WAPFUNE CODE: C TYPE: CONSENT PUBLIC HEARING: NO SUBJECT: Accept Additional Funds for the Weatherization Assistance Program Grant and Authorize f Contracts RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to accept additional funds for the Weatherization Assistance Program from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) in the amount of$112,000 for period of April 1, 2003, through March 31, 2004 as follows: a. $2,000, from the Department of Energy (DOE) program for training and technical assistance; ar b. $10,000, from the low-income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for administration; < c. $100,000, from LIHEAP for program support, materials and labor; and 2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Fund by $112,000, subject to receipt of the additional grant funds; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute contracts reflecting the changes in funding and make any changes or amendments to the contracts in accordance with TDHCA and/or City of Fort Worth policies regulations. DISCUSSION: The City of Fort Worth has operated a Weatherization Assistance Program funded by TDHCA on a gra basis since 1982. The program serves low-income residents in Tarrant County, primarily persons with disabilities and the elderly, by weatherizing their homes. In 2003, 90% of total clients serviced by the Weatherization Program were in the City of Fort Worth. Weatherization measures include attic insulation, weather-stripping, caulking, window and door repair, other minor repairs. A maximum of$2,614 in weatherization funds can be expended per home during program year 2003-2004. The Housing Department anticipates completing 131% of the homes under c existing contract, and 35% more homes with the additional funds. The proposed funding of$112,000 represents additional weatherization funding made available by TDI under the DOE grant program and LIHEAP grant program. The Housing Department has been operat under the original contracts in the amount of$350,874, approved by the City on July 8, 2003 (M&C C-1 This project is available in ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS. http://www.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?refnum=C-19980 4/23/2004 V 11 &C Request Review Page 2 of 2 FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Finance Director certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will, be available in the current operating budget, as appropriat( the Grants Funds. TO Fund/Account/Centers FROM Fund/Account/Centers (2) GR76 488954 005200853000. $1_10 000.00 GR76 516010 005200853010 $10,000.00 GR76 539120 005200853020 $100,000.00 (2)-GR76_488954 005200852000 $2,000.00 (2) GR76 531180 005200852020 $2 Q00.00 Submitted for City Manager's Office b Reid Rector (6266) Originating Department Head: Jerome Walker (7537) Additional Information Contact: Joe Cordova (7554) ATTACHMENTS Housing Ord.pdf http://www.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc—review.asp?refnum--C-1 9980 4/23/2004 - Ordinance No, AN ORDINANCE INCREASING ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE GRANTS FUND |NTHE AMOUNT OF$112.UOO.O0SUBJECT TOTHE RECEIPT OF THE GRANT FROM THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND CDK8K8UN|7Y AFFAIRS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING THE VVEATHER|ZAT|ON ASSISTANCE P0]GRAM, MAKING THIS ORDINANCE CUMULATIVE OF PRIOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE O/Q'E 0E |TORDAINED BYTHE CITY COUNCIL DFTHE CITY DFFORT WORTH, TEXAS: SECTION i That in addition to those amounts allocated to the various City departments for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 in the Budged of the City Manager, there shall also be increased estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Fund in the amount of$112,000.00 subject to the receipt of the grant from the Texas Department Of Housing And Community Affairs for the purpose of funding the Weatherization Assistance Program. SECTION 2. That should any portion, section or part of a section of this ordinance be declared invalid, inoperative or void for any reason by a court of competent 'urisdindum, such dedmion, opinion or judgment shall in no way impair the remaining pordonm, sectiono, or parts of sections of this omdinanma, which said remaining provisions shall beand remain infull force and effect. SECO{]N3 That this ordinance shall be cumulative of Ordinance No. 15636 and all other ordinances and appropriations amending the same except in those instances where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with such other ordinances and mpprophations, in which instance said conflicting provisions of said prior ordinances and appropriations are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. APP OVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Assistant City Attorney ADOPTED AND EFFECTIVE: VI/13/U3 11:25 FAX 512475. 935 TDHCA CAEA �pSS LIHEAP WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ATTACHMENT A - BUDGET AND PERFOP14.kNCE DOCUMENT CONTRACTOR NAME: FORT WORTH, CITY OF, GRANT ADMIN. CONTRACT NUMBER: 813039 ALLOCATION YEAR: 813 ALLOCATION PERIOD : 04/01/200.3 - 03/31/2004 CONTRACT PERIOD The period -for -performance -of -this-.-contract., -.unless -earlier terminated, April 1, 2003 through March 31, 2004 (hereinafter the "Contract Period") . DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL, OBLIGATIONS $273, 232 . 00 LIFEAP FUNDS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE $273, 232 . 00 TOTAL ANTICIPATED LIHEAP FUNDS" Additional .funds may be obligated via Letter of Notification. Funds may only be obligated and expended during the current allocation year. Unexpended fund balances will be recaptured_ BUDGET FOR AVAILABLE ALLOCATIONS* CATEGORIES AVAILABLE AMOUNT ADMINISTRATION** $27, 323. 00 MATERIALS/PROGRAM SUPFORT/LABOR $221, 318 .00 ROOF REPAIR*** $11, 066 .00 HEALTH AND SAFETY**** $24, 591 .00 TOTAL $273, 232 . 00 DWELLING UNITS TO COMPLETE 85 FOOTNOTES: * Denotes that a request to adjust any budget categories must be received in writing before the adjustment can be made to the budget breakdown. The only categories that can be adjusted are the Administration and/or in the Stealth and Safety categories . There can be no more than. 2 revisions made per allocation year. A written request must be received at least 90 days prior to the end of the allocation period. ** Denotes maximum for administration based on 10% of total allowable expenditures. *** Roof Repair budget not to exceed 5� of Materials / Program Support / Labor budget . This amount is not included in the total. *** " Denotes the maximum for Health and Safety expenditures. �l writing and are contained herein. r ",CTION 30. SEVERABILITY If any portion of this contract is held .to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of it shall- remain valid and binding. EFFECTIVE: 09-01-2002 CITY OF FORT WORTH BY: Jerome Walker CITY OF FORT WORTH, Executive Director TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS BY: EdwinaCarrington Edwina P. Carrington, Executive Director This contract is not effective unless signed by the Executive Director of the Department or her authorized designee. APP FOR FORT WORTH CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE By_ j �� r V l ' Arm`ED DY IAP 0 A5 I-m.rr'- h Contract Authorization �- 0"